Abernathy Weekly Review TX 7 10 7 :'
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Best of Abernathy Monies given Lop~~_Jose; Lions romp Uke cream rising to the top Abernathy school board plans Lopes given setbacks on the Abernathy's finest are named to give financial help to prom diamond. New Deal on two game at chamber banquet. page 1 and band trip. page 3 win streak. pages 6 & 8 Abernathy Weekly Review TX 7 10 7 :' VOLUME 70, NUMBER 15 FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1991, ABERNATHY, TEXAS SERVING HALE & LUBBOCK COUNTIES 'Flossy Bossy' Citizen of Year; Bartons named year's Farm Family By Judy Lure until we see what we can do" Ye~r award int roduced this Nea rly 200 Abernathy resi- said Toler. ' yea r's win ner, Ruth Naron or dents honored their heroes "''m a project person," he ' ' Bos~y Flossy" as , he is known Saturday mght at the annual said. There are several projects to so me. Chamber of Commerce banquet. Toler would like to sec come to Naron gr;,du ;lt L·d with honors Along with ann oun ci ng the pass. from AI-IS in th e !'>50's. She Citizen of the Year and the Toler is beginning his thi rd att ended and graduated from Farm Family of the Year, ser- term as president of the Aber- Wayland Coll ege in Plainview. vi cemen and women with family nathy Chamber of Commerce. He While: at Wayland she was a members in Abernathy were se rved two consecutive years in member of the int ernational honored and Abernathy High the position in the late 1960's. choir, the Cosmopolit an Club School students who have brou- Outgoing president is Dr. John and active in several service ght home state titles this school Hill. He presided at the banquet organizations on ca mpus. year were recognized. and introduced guests. She began her teac hing career Veteran Abernathy teacher The Color Guard from Reese in Abernathy in September 1961. Ruth Naron was named Citizen Air Force Base presented and She currentl y teaches fine art s of the Year. Tim Barton and his and he;dt h at · Abernathy Ele- family were nam ed Farm Family retired th e United States !l ag men tary Sc hool. of the Year. during th e banquet. The nati onal In 1%5 Naron ea rn ed her Red, white and blue fill ed th e anthem was lead by Scott Pet- masters degree from Texas Tech community center, carrying out ti ct, who also sang the benedic- Uni vers it y. the "All American Abernathy" lion. Bettie Hardin provided She is th e wife of Ray Naron, theme. Flags, balloons and dinner music. deputy sheriff in Halc County ribbons carrying the names of Dr. John Hale served as and former chief of poli ce in Abern athy military brought a master of ceremonies and intro- Abernathy. She has onc so n, Jon festive mood to the banquet. duced the evening's guest speak - Mark Fulton and on e grandchild. Abernathy mayo r Pete Thomp- er, Kenneth Wyatt. The Tim _Barton f~ily was nam?d Fa~ Family of the Year at the Abernathy Chamber of Commerce son recognized the girls and Wyatt is an artist and sc ulptor banquet Saturday night. The fam•ly consL~ Is of (hack row, left to right) Justin, Tim, (front row) Chris, boys state basketball teams, th e and a form er Methodist mini ster. Farm Family of the Ycar Brady and Debbie. girls state cross country team "Congratulations from one The Tim Barton famil y was and the state-winning farm winning state tea m to another," introduce d as Farm Fam.il y of skills team. said Wyatt who li ves in Tulia. the Year by b st yea r's winner, He read a proclamation de- The Tulia High School girls Donald and Dean Huffaker. d aring April to be Antelope basketball team won state thi s Tim and Debbie Barton \Javc Month and presented each year in the 3A division. three so ns Justin , Brady and student with a token of ap- Through humor, Wyatt warned Chris. preciation. the audience not to be "dessert Barton wa s raised on a farm Thompson called upon- Lon caters" in the community. He northwest of Abernathy. He Dale Cannon and Alyson Aid- said many people only want graduat ed from AHS in 1969. He ridge, seniors at AHS, to intro- dessert or the easy jobs rather majored in animal husbandry at duce the teams. than the full meal and the jobs Texas Tech. New Chamber of Commerce that require real work. While in high school he officer~ were inducted before He also told about the "baske t participated in 4-H and Future the audience by Judge Marvin of life" and lik ened lire to go ing Farm ers of America. He received Toler. Officers taking over the to the grocery store. He warn ed th e Star Farmer Award and was responsibilities are Happy Toler, the audience to watch what they a FFA officer in high school. He president; Steve Campbell, vice put in their bas ket because won several lamb championships president; Linda Sparkman, eventuall y everyone must "pay in th e local and area shows. He secretary-treasurer; and Jim out". has se rved as lamb supcrinten Odom, Gayc Russe ll, and Rucdell Citizen ofthe Year dcnt for th e Abernathy Project Hill, directors. Clayton Enger, last year's Show. "We don't know who we arc recipient of the Citizen of the He and Debbie have been married 19 years. Shc is fr om the County Line community. She Newspaper awarded second place; has her own monogramming business, D.B.'s Monogramming. publisher on board of directors She attends South Plains Col lege, working towards a nursing The Abernathy Weekly Review Judges were members of the career. Ruth Naron (center) was chosen Citi:r.cn of the Year by the Abernathy. Chamber of Commerce members. received a second place award Gulf Coast Press Association. With her arc (left) outgoing chamber president Dr. John Hill and (right) incoming chamber president for front page layout at the She was a twirler for the Contributing door prizes for Happy Toler. Panhandle Press Association Abernathy High Sc hool band and convention in Amarillo last · the convention were Abernathy Dne of th e lirst Antelope mas weekend. businesses Frontier Seed, Hig cots. The newspaper's modular ginbotham-Bartlett, Alante Floral The family has been active in Council okays cable television sale, design was noted in the judge's and Joe Thompson il'(lplement. Abernathy 4- 1-1 Clu b, junior comments as being a plus mark. The meeting was the 81st baseball league and junior The competition was between annual convention for the basketball. public auction of property May 7 weekly newspapers in the Pan association. Judy Luce of the Tim rece ntly became a partner handle and parts of New Mexico Abernathy Weekly Review serves in Farmers Tuco Gin and is on By Scott Lucc from th e Abernathy EMS. offered to th e Abernathy Wcekly and Oklahoma. on the board of directors. the board of di rectors. Abernathy's City Council look The coun ci l has recently Review on Wednesday's preced received wnccrns and com in g their regular mee tings for '•' only one vote Monday merely as a formality for cable television plaints ahout high hills. publicat ion. franchise rul es. The cit y has recen tly se nt one The council hoped for an Jimmy Evans, a Mission Cable bill out in excess of $900. At increased level of cnmmunication representative, attended the the m ee tin ~ th e coun cil dis with the public. meeting to answer any questions cussed the line it em charges of "It would he ni ce to have the council had about the sale an actual hill pr e~ entcd anony thcir input," Co uncilman Shane of Mission Cable. mously. Cu nningham said with total Evans said that previously The coun cil took no illjmcdiat c agreement from the re st of the Mission Cable was Mission Cable action but instruct ed citly mana council. LP (limited partnership) .- The ger Frank Russell to accompany The publica tion would be at corporation "wanted to do some Abernathy EMS director Mark no charge and th e agenda would things" and the limited partners Beck to !he Lubbock Count y not be closed until 72 hours did not agree. Hospital D1st rict proper offi cials before a mee ting begins. Emer "It's the same owners minus a for further explanati on. gency it ems could still he added few," Evans said . The council is seek ing infor up to th ree ihHJrs before the There will be no difference in mation from th e previous ai rport mee ting in li eu of special ca ll ed charges or service. Franchise manager about kasing his livi ng mee tings. rules require the company to facilities at th e airport. Thc tax report showed this request an ordinance from the Some aircraft have been year's collections still trailing city authorizing the change. vandalized while other owners lasl )'caLS- ~- Councilman Tommy Overstreet have removed their airplanes Through Mar. 31, 92.3~ per made the motion to adopt an fr om the property. ce nt of the taxes levied had ordinance authorizing the chan The council is exammmg been colle cted. For th e same ge. Councilman Bill Elliott opti ons about acquiring residents tim e period last year, 92.85 had seconded the motion. It passed, at the airport for security.