2014 Game and Fish Department–Cody Region BighornBighorn BasinBasin Angler News

Cody Region welcomes new fish supervisor - Tara Teaschner

The Wyoming Game and Fish and all waters on agencies and organizations to Department welcomes new the west slope of the Bighorn manage fisheries in the area.” fisheries supervisor Craig Ama- Mountains that drain into the Amadio earned a bachelor’s dio to the Cody Region. Bighorn River, the Greybull degree in fish and wildlife man- River and associated drainages, Amadio replaces fisheries su- agement and a master’s degree the Shoshone River and associ- pervisor Steve Yekel who re- in zoology and physiology from ated drainages, and the Clarks tired after 37 years with the the University of Wyoming. His Fork River and associated department. Amadio moved to graduate work focused on distri- Inside this issue: drainages. Cody from Green River where bution and habitat use of sauger he served as a fisheries biolo- Amadio said that he values the in the Wind River drainage. New Fish Supervisor in Cody 1 gist for eleven years with the uniqueness and diversity of Amadio is an outdoor enthusiast Game and Fish. Previously, he fisheries the Cody Region of- It’s been a long cold winter 2 who enjoys hunting, fishing, worked as a fisheries techni- fers. “There is a nice mix of camping and skiing. “Growing Hogan Reservoir 2 cian for three seasons in Lan- major sport fish waters, high up in Wyoming, I spent a lot of der. mountain systems and native Fish need water 3 time outdoors,” Amadio said. “I fisheries,” he said. “I am look- As Cody Region fisheries su- developed a passion for wildlife Walleye in Buffalo Bill 4 ing forward to working with the pervisor, Amadio oversees the through outdoor experiences I public, diverse angler groups Brook trout—king of the hill 5 management of waters in the shared with my family growing and collaborating with other Cody Region which include the up in Lander.” Update on Porcupine Creek 6 “The diversity in wildlife re- Eagle Creek cutthroat restoration 6 sources and outdoor recrea- Sunshine Reservoirs 7 tional opportunities in the Cody area were a big draw for me,” he Watercraft inspections at borders 8 said. “I am eager to take on the Illegal Introductions 9 responsibilities and challenges of managing fisheries in the Walleye Management 9 area and am looking forward to Contact us 10 working with the two out- standing fisheries biologists stationed in the region.”

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Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 1 Wyoming Game and Fish Department—Cody Region

Yep, it’s been a long cold winter - Sam Hochhalter

If you think this winter has been Basin. Dead fish have been and summer as it is highly “Even carp, a fish a bit too long, you’re not alone. reported in Renner Reservoir, unlikely that all the fish perished. The cold temperatures and Horseshoe Pond, and South In fact, for reservoirs such as known for it’s high above average snowfall has Worland Pond, to name a few, Renner, the loss of some fish will made it a tough winter for the over the latter half of the win- free up food resources for those tolerance for low fish living in our lowland reser- ter. Site investigations at sev- individuals that survived. With voirs and ponds. Prolonged eral of these waterbodies more food available, we expect to oxygen levels in periods of cold temperatures found that even carp, a fish see better growth in the bass led to these waterbodies being known for it’s high tolerance of that survived during this upcom- water perished covered with ice for an extended low oxygen levels in water per- ing summer. period of time. Without oxygen ished during this past winter.

during this past exchange with the overlying air, Although winter kills can ap- the water in these ice-covered pear to be extensive (several winter.” ponds and lakes can become hundred dead fish along shore- depleted of oxygen which can lines), don’t let this deter you lead to fish kills. And such was from fishing them this spring the case throughout the Bighorn

Hogan Reservoir - Jason Burckhardt

Hogan Reservoir is a 35 acre 15 inches. The largest fish tipped the scales at 6.16 reservoir situated on BLM land sampled was a cutthroat that pounds. 20 miles northwest of Cody off measured 24.1 inches and of county road 7RP. Hogan “The trout Reservoir is often overlooked by 30 anglers headed to neighboring 25 population in Luce Reservoir that is managed 20 under the “trophy” manage- 15 Hogan Reservoir ment concept, catch –and- release only. Hogan Reservoir 10 has responded is managed under the put-and- 5

grow concept under the state- fishofPercent 0 positively to the wide limit of six fish. Each year 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 1,700 sub-catchable (4-5 inch) Length (inches) chemical removal cutthroat trout are stocked into of suckers and Hogan Reservoir where they The length frequency of cutthroat trout sampled in Hogan Reservoir grow to a “catchable” size in 2013. chubs.” (greater than 8 inches) in less than a year. In 2005 the reservoir was drawn down to it’s minimum pool to improve the outlet struc- ture. We used that opportunity to chemically treat the reservoir with the chemical rotenone to remove the abundant sucker and chub population that was affecting stocked trout growth and survival. The trout popula- tion has responded positively to the chemical removal of suck- ers and chubs. When sampled in 2013, stocked cutthroat av- Cutthroat stocked into Hogan Reservoir have shown incredible eraged over 13 inches with a growth with the largest sampled just over 24 inches and six good number of cutthroat over pounds.

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 2 2014

Fish need water - Sam Hochhalter

I have had the pleasure of work- We cooperate with partners such incubating trout eggs improving ing with some truly great and as Friends of Bighorn Lake and hatch success. These flushing interesting people over the the Bureau of Reclamation on flows have only been possible years. As my career in fisheries water management issues within during years with an average or management has advanced, the the Bighorn River watershed with above average snowpack. wisdom shared by long-time the goal of balancing consump- veterans of fish management tive uses of water with maintain- has proven to be invaluable time ing quality reservoir and river and again. fisheries. While working for Fish, Trout abundance in regional Wildlife and Parks in Dillon I tailwaters: asked a soon-to-retire coworker The tailwater fisheries of the what he had learned after 25+ Shoshone and Bighorn rivers are years as a fisheries professional. among the most popular fisher- After a brief pause, he said “fish ies in the Cody region. Trout need water.” abundance in these two rivers is While Tim was not exactly directly linked to overwinter known as a man of many words, (Oct—Mar) flows. As a rule of I expected that after 25 years he thumb, more water in the river would have a little more to say throughout the winter leads to than simply “fish need water.” increased survival and thus When water is abundant the shallow shorelines of Bighorn Lake get inun- It wasn’t until a few days later more trout the following sum- dated and provide great habitat for forage fish. that the hidden message within mer. Tim’s words of wisdom hit me. Recruitment of sauger in the And now seven years later I am Bighorn River: convinced there is no better 3- word summary of fisheries man- Unlike some fish such as trout, agement in the Rocky Mountains sauger do not successfully repro- and here are four examples from duce every year. In fact, it is not the Cody Region to help explain uncommon for some sauger why. populations to go 4-5 years with- out successfully reproducing. In Forage fish abundance in Big- general, sauger in the Bighorn horn Lake: River successfully reproduce Whether it’s walleye and small- during years when spring runoff mouth bass in the Montana end is relatively high and prolonged or sauger and channel catfish on (e.g., 2011) and do not repro- the Wyoming end, the fisheries duce when spring runoff is low of Bighorn Lake rely heavily on and water temperatures are Emerald shiners are an important forage fish in Big Horn Lake. forage fish production. The relatively high (e.g., 2012 and abundance of forage fish such 2013). as emerald shiners is closely tied Natural recruitment of trout in to the amount of shallow shore- the Bighorn River: line that is submerged in the Wyoming end of the reservoir The wedding of the waters sec- during summer months. In gen- tion of the Bighorn River is cur- eral, smaller snowpacks and rently at an all time high in terms drier springs and summers result of trout abundance. This is the in less water in Bighorn Lake. result of relatively high levels of Less water means less sub- natural recruitment of rainbow merged shoreline vegetation trout which is largely attributed (i.e., less habitat for forage to planned flushing flows below fishes) which in turn can lead to Boysen Dam. Flushing flows lower abundance of forage fish. remove fine sediment from Flushing flows in the Bighorn River are essential to remove fine sedi- ment from trout spawning gravels.

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 3 Wyoming Game and Fish Department—Cody Region

Who’s eating whom in Buffalo Bill Reservoir? – Jason Burckhardt

If you read our newsletter last year, you learned that we are conducting a study on Buffalo “Our goal is to Bill Reservoir to determine if the wild rainbow and cutthroat fish- determine if ery is sustainable in light of the predators in the reservoir. Buf- the wild falo Bill Reservoir is a unique rainbow- Wyoming fishery in that it is a large reservoir that is not cutthroat stocked with fish raised in a hatchery. The trout fishery is fishery is sustained by rainbow and cut- throat that spawn primarily in sustainable in the North Fork Shoshone River drainage. Upon hatching the light of the trout that are spawned in the North Fork tributaries migrate to Frequency of occurrence of prey items in the stomachs of lake trout and walleye. predators in Buffalo Bill Reservoir where they can grow and mature, feeding Our sampling indicated that Now with the introduction of an- the reservoir.” on the tiny crustaceans known through the mid-2000s lake other predator that has an affinity as zooplankton. Within Buffalo trout abundance in the reservoir for warmer water, the fate of trout in Bill Reservoir these trout grow substantially increased (possible Buffalo Bill Reservoir is at stake. quite rapidly. associated with the enlargement of Buffalo Bill Reservoir in What we’ve learned thus far is that fish, are a major prey source for 1994). both predators. Fish were found in Walleye were discovered in the the stomachs of over half of the reservoir in 2008. Walleye often walleye sampled and fish identified prey heavily on trout in western as trout (salmonids) were found in reservoirs, with the potential to almost 30 percent of the fish sam- nearly eliminate trout popula- pled. Fish were found in the stom- tions. Prior to the illegally intro- achs of just over 30 percent of the duction of walleye, trout could lake trout sampled and about five probably have sought refuge percent of the lake trout sampled from lake trout predation higher had trout in their stomachs. in the water column during the summer time, where the water is We’ve also learned that water tem- a little too warm for lake trout. peratures are warmer than optimal for lake trout growth and colder than optimal for walleye growth, but that walleye have spawned success- fully since their introduction. We’ve also learned that, the trout grow quickly and may be able to escape predation by growing large enough to avoid these predators. As this study continues, researchers will be using stable isotopes (molecules with different weights) to determine predator diets over the long term. When paired with the diet analysis, this information will allow us to have an accurate picture of what the predators are eating.

Colorado State University researcher Clark Johnson cradles a large lake trout as biologists “pump it’s stomach” to determine what the fish has been eating.

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 4 2014

Brook Trout: King of the Hill - Sam Hochhalter

When it comes to mid to up- stream provides exceptional per elevation waterbodies in fishing for 6—12” brook trout. the Cody Region, few other It is road accessible in places

fish can match the brook trout but like most popular fisher- in terms of miles of streams ies, you will be rewarded if you and number of lakes occu- get off the beaten path. Brook trout are pied. From countless thread- found in some of Upper Clarks Fork River like tributary streams, many of the most pictur- esque streams which are so small no one has The upper Clark’s Fork River and lakes the Cody bothered to name them, to from the Painter store to the Region has to lakes that remain ice-free for state line is a great medium offer. only a handful of weeks each sized river loaded with brook year, brook trout are there. trout. The river fishes best in And not only are they there, late summer. more often than not, they are Willett Creek and Lake thriving. For this reason it’s fair to say that brook trout are Similar to many small streams king’s of the hill. and lakes on the west side of the , Willett An example of a In the Absaroka, Beartooth, typical brook trout Creek has an incredible abun- and Bighorn Mountains of the from a small dance of brook trout. The stream in the Cody Region brook trout are stream is road accessible and Bighorn Moun- found in more than 2,000 tains. offers fast-paced fishing for miles of streams and more 5—10” brook trout. than 200 lakes and ponds. If it’s brook trout you are after Paintrock Lakes the Cody Region has no short- age! A little more remote but still very accessible by vehicle, the Brook trout facts: Because brook trout popula- Paintrock Lakes offer wonder- tions do so well in mountain ful family fishing and camping Native to eastern North America and widely introduced throughout streams and lakes in our re- opportunities. These lakes are the west during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. gion, they often require little on the boarder of the Cloud They are a member of genus Salvelinus and are technically a char, management action. For this Peak Wilderness and have not a trout. reason it may seem like they several trailheads nearby that get neglected by fish biolo- lead to other great brook trout The state record brook trout was caught in 1976 in the Green River gists. But like many things, fisheries. Lakes. It was 24.5 inches long and weighed in at 9 lbs 11 oz. perception does not necessar- ily align with reality. Brook trout fisheries have always been, and will continue to be important fisheries in the Cody Region. As fish biolo- gists with the state of Wyo- ming, it is our responsibility to ensure that brook trout fisher- ies are available to present and future anglers. Below is a list of a few of our favorite brook trout fishing spots. Enjoy! Sunlight Creek Located up Sunlight Basin this Brook trout heaven—two Game and Fish employees monitoring a brook trout population in a willow lined stream in the Absaroka Mountains west of Cody.

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 5 Wyoming Game and Fish Department—Cody Region

Update on restoring cutthroat to Porcupine Creek - Sam Hochhalter

The Porcupine Creek Yellowstone As fisheries biologists, it is our cutthroat trout project has been responsibility to manage fish and under discussion for several fisheries for present and future years now. generations. So while the Porcu- pine Creek project might be un- For those of you not familiar with desirable at the present time, we the project, it would involve are obligated to find suitable chemical removal of brook trout alternatives to ensure they are from the ~20 miles of stream around for future generations. located above Porcupine Falls. So if not Porcupine Creek then Once brook trout are removed, where? And that’s the very ques- cutthroat trout would be stocked tion we will be bringing to the until a self-sustaining population public in the coming years. was established. Having a list of candidate In 2013, we spent a lot of time streams where Yellowstone cut- talking with anglers and other throat trout restoration is accept- members of the public about the able will be a necessary step in project and we received a lot of ensuring their persistence in the feedback. While we heard both Bighorn Basin—especially when positive and negative comments we continue to lose remnant regarding the project the level of native populations to hybridiza- opposition was such that we have tion with rainbows and competi- decided that it is best to put the tion with brook trout (e.g., Cran- project on hold. dall Creek and Bear Creek). The historic (blue) and current (red) distribution of Yellowstone cut- throat trout on the west slope of the Bighorn Mountains.

Options for restoring Yellowstone cutthroat trout populations - Jason Burckhardt

Yellowstone cutthroat trout, the being considered for restora- that could support a substan- “To ensure native only species of trout native to tion is the Eagle Creek head- tial population of Yellowstone this part of Wyoming, have disap- waters. This stream network is cutthroats and has a large Yellowstone peared from much of their his- currently occupied by a stunted waterfall barrier that could toric habitat. In last year’s news- brook trout population. It has prevent the invasion of non- cutthroat trout letter we told you about how one enough interconnected habitat natives downstream. of our last “conservation popula- are here for tions” of Yellowstone cutthroats in the North Fork Shoshone River future drainage (Grinnell Creek) was lost by invading rainbow trout and generations we brook trout. Such is the case across the range of Yellowstone will have to find cutthroats. To ensure the long- term persistence of these native areas we can fish we need to find locations where we can protect these na- remove existing tive fish from the invasion of non- natives . Nearly all habitat in the non-native trout Cody Region that has habitat capable of supporting trout populations.” populations has a trout popula- tion. This means that we have to look at removing existing non- native trout populations to estab- lish or restore native cutthroat populations. One location that is The Eagle Creek headwaters represents a location we could remove the existing brook trout population and establish a robust Yellowstone cutthroat population.

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 6 2014

Sunshine Reservoirs - Jason Burckhardt

Upper and Lower Sunshine stone cutthroat in Upper Sun- year classes from stockings that Reservoirs, just southwest of shine each year. Those num- occurred in 2012 and 2013. Meeteetse, in the Greybull River bers are reduced in years with The most prevalent gamefish drainage are the only two large low water levels. Lake trout captured were splake that reservoirs in the Cody Region were stocked into Lower Sun- ranged from 14.7 inches to that are stocked with trout and shine once, in 1992, and large 22.4 inches and weighed 0.92 offer anglers the opportunity to lake trout have been harvested to 3.76 pounds. harvest a limit of six fish. These from this water in the past. “Upper and Lower two reservoirs are very popular While both reservoirs were Upper Sunshine Reservoir with the angling public particu- struggling with low water condi- The Upper Sunshine Reservoir Sunshine larly during the ice-covered tions in 2013, we sampled both fishery is fairing better than season. At full pool Upper and reservoirs in 2013 to determine Lower Sunshine Reservoir. Reservoirs are the Lower Sunshine reservoirs are the status of the fisheries. However, our gill net catch rate approximately 1,200 and 900 was down by more than 50%. only two large surface acres respectively. Lower Sunshine Reservoir Suckers were also the most These off-channel reservoirs abundant fish captured in Up- reservoirs in the receive water from the Wood The most notable occurrence per Sunshine Reservoir, how- and Greybull rivers, and the from our netting was that suck- ever the trout catch rate is Cody Region that availability of this water has ers were by far the most com- three times that of Lower Sun- limited these fisheries histori- mon species in Lower Sunshine shine Reservoir. Our netting are stocked with cally. In the early 2000s Upper Reservoir. Suckers represented indicated that the 4 to 5 inch Sunshine was drained com- 83% of all fish caught in our gill trout stocked in the spring were trout and provide pletely and Lower Sunshine was nets. The abundance of these averaging 10 inches long by drained to it’s “dead pool.” No suckers likely affects the sur- July and those stocked in 2012 anglers an fish were stocked in either res- vival and growth of trout and 2011 were averaging 16 ervoir in 2001 and 2002 . stocked in this reservoir. Catch inches and 17 inches respec- opportunity to Stocking resumed in 2003, but rates in our gill nets were simi- tively. The largest cutthroat the reservoirs were not close to lar to the netting we conducted caught was 18.5 inches long harvest a limit of capacity until the late 2000s. in 2009. At that time Yellow- and weighed just over two Since 2007 we have had rela- stone cutthroat trout were the pounds. six fish.” tively good water levels in these most abundant gamefish, fol- reservoirs. However, due to low lowed by splake. Few Yellow- It is likely that the drawdown of snowpack in the winter of 2011 stone cutthroat were caught in both reservoirs has led to the -2012 both reservoirs were our nets in 2013. Those that reduction in the productivity of drawn down to between 1/4 were captured represented two each fishery. and 1/3 of their full-pool areas in 2013.

Because the Greybull River drainage holds one of our most important populations of native Yellowstone cutthroat trout, we stock of these reservoirs with Yellowstone cutthroats to pre- vent the fish we stock from affecting the population in the river (should they escape). Splake (a brook trout/lake trout hybrid that has limited repro- ductive potential) are also stocked in Lower Sunshine to provide additional angling op- portunities and to capitalize on the abundant sucker population we have in Lower Sunshine Reservoir.

We currently annually stock 30,000 Yellowstone cutthroat and 10,000 splake in Lower Sunshine and 80,000 Yellow- When water conditions are favorable, Sunshine Reservoirs can produce Yellowstone cutthroat of sizable proportions.

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 7 Wyoming Game and Fish Department—Cody Region

Watercraft inspections at borders - Greg Mayton, AIS Regional Supervisor

Spring is a great time to clean for resident boaters to always operated at Buffalo Bill Reser- up the yard and get ready for remember to Drain Clean and voir, Big Horn Lake and Big If you transport the busy summer season. It is Dry their watercraft prior to Horn River Wedding of the Wa- also a great time to renew your boating each and every time, ters on a rotating basis; the a boat into boat registration and buy your even when an inspection sta- Frannie POE AIS check station 2014 Aquatic Invasive Species tion is not present at the water. will be operated seven days a Wyoming from (AIS) decal. Just a reminder, a week and the North Cody check three-year AIS decal for Wyo- The mandatory inspection re- station will be moved to Wapiti March 1 through ming registered watercraft is quirement is in effect from WY. If you require an inspection, now available. Decals can be March 1 through November please contact the Cody Re- November 30, purchased at any Game and 30 each year. At all other gional Game and Fish Office at Fish office, online, and at most times, an inspection is required 307-527-7125 or Cody AIS you are required license selling vendors across if a watercraft has been on an Crew Lead, Greg Mayton, at infested water. This includes the state. 307-254-3554. to get your boat out-of-state boaters entering In 2013, the Department’s AIS Wyoming and any Wyoming Plankton tow sampling for larval Program inspected over 41,000 boaters who have left the state mussels (veligers) at Buffalo Bill inspected for watercraft throughout the state. and are returning. Boaters can Reservoir, Big Horn Lake, Bear- Of those, 1515 were high risk find information on inspection tooth Lake, Beck Lake, Deaver AIS before you inspections meaning the water- locations including Game and Reservoir, Harrington Reservoir, craft was last used on a water Fish offices and private loca- Island Lake, Meadowlark Lake, launch in infested with zebra/quagga tions at: http://wgfd.wyo.gov/ Upper Sunshine Reservoir, mussels or had water on board AIS. Those wishing to become Wardell Reservoir, East and Wyoming. that needed to be drained. A an AIS inspector must complete West Newton Lakes were con- total of 578 watercraft required a free six-hour training course. ducted by Game and Fish in July decontamination to remove Private certified inspectors may and September 2013. All sam- water or suspect AIS. During the conduct watercraft inspections ples from these waters were season, 14 watercraft were on their own watercraft and negative indicating no presence found to have mussels on them. equipment, as well as provide of mussels. Currently, there are One of those boats was inter- these services to others. populations of other invasive cepted at the Frannie Port of species in Wyoming (Asian Entry AIS check station. Dre- The Wyoming Game and Fish clam, New Zealand mudsnail, issenid mussels were found Department will staff check and curly pondweed) and we do and the boat was fully decon- stations at key entrances into not want these species to taminated. Inspections at indi- the state as frequently as possi- spread even farther. Do your vidual waters were not as ble April 26 through September part in stopping the spread of prevalent in 2013 due to the 15 and encourage all boaters to these species by always re- emphasis on inspecting water- plan ahead to have their water- membering to Drain Clean and craft entering the state. That craft inspected at one of these Dry watercraft and all equip- makes it particularly important locations. In the Cody Region, ment. You can report an aquatic watercraft check stations will be invasive species sighting at [email protected].

Zebra mussel

Quagga mussel

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 8 2014

Managing against illegal introductions - Jason Burckhardt

Illegal stocking is a serious vio-  Illegal introductions can There are numerous illegal lation that has the potential to raise management costs introductions that have oc- HELP STOP ILLEGAL FISH STOCKING severely damage fisheries that by requiring more or lar- curred over time in the Cody the Game and Fish and anglers ger fish or even chemical Region. One of the most CALL: 1-877-WGFD-TIP have worked hard to establish. recent and notable introduc- rehabilitation to maintain or restore the fishery. tions was the illegal intro- There are several reasons intro- The result is less fishing duction of walleye into Buf- ducing fish is illegal: opportunity at higher cost falo Bill Reservoir. “Any fish  Introduced fish can wreak for anglers. havoc on an ecosystem, Beginning this year walleye introduction permanently altering In 2010, the Wyoming legisla- in Buffalo Bill Reservoir are them. ture acknowledged that seri- classified as a nongame fish, (stocking) that  Introduced fish may com- ous problems can occur due meaning anglers will be able pete with native or already to illegal introductions and to kill and dispose of walleye does not have the established species. made the offense a high mis- they catch, but do not intend to eat. Also, all walleye  Introduced fish may hybrid- demeanor with fines up to consent of the $10,000 which could also caught in Buffalo Bill Reser- ize (interbreed) with estab- voir must be killed. Reclassi- lished species. result in the lifetime revoca- tion of hunting and fishing fying illegally introduced Wyoming Game  Introduced fish may carry privileges. Additionally, perpe- game fish as nongame and or spread new diseases or trators could be charged with adopting “must kill” regula- and Fish parasites. restoration costs. tions are tools the Game and  Introduced fish may alter Fish are using to suppress Department is existing habitats illegally introduced fishes. illegal.”

Waters managed for walleye in the Cody Region - Jason Burckhardt

Much of the press regarding aren’t bigger fish in Harring- actively manage for walleye, has eye sampled. The largest wall- walleye in the Cody Region has ton—we received several re- been providing the best walleye eye sampled was 21.8 inches revolved around the potential ports of an angler catching an fishery. We annually stock ap- long and weighed 4.28 pounds. detriment they pose to the wild 11 lb. walleye this past winter. proximately 8,000 fingerling Deaver Reservoir has a history trout fishery in Buffalo Bill Res- walleye in Deaver Reservoir of producing some very large ervoir. There are however, Wardell Reservoir each spring. Sampling in 2013 walleye including a 31.4 inch three waters in the Cody Region found the highest number of Wardell Reservoir is a 107 11.4 pound fish sampled in where we manage for quality walleye greater than ten inches surface acre impoundment 2007. walleye angling opportunities. long since 2009. There were adjacent to Harrington Reser- These waters are stocked annu- also several quality sized voir. Like neighboring Harring- ally with walleye and one even (greater than 15 inch long) wall- ton Reservoir, Wardell Reser- has a restrictive harvest regula- voir has experienced decline tion in an attempt to increase in the sport fishery from the the quality of walleye available late 1990s through 2009. to anglers. Wardell Reservoir has a long

history of walleye stocking, Harrington Reservoir and since 2004, approxi- Harrington Reservoir is a 184 mately 1,100 walleye have surface acre off channel im- been stocked annually. Sam- poundment on BLM land near pling in 2013 found a slight the town of Otto. This reservoir increase in the abundance of was constructed in the early walleye with fish up to 21.8 1990s to supplement late- inches sampled. season irrigation. It has been managed for walleye since Deaver Reservoir 2003 with between 14,000 and Deaver Reservoir is an 80 44,000 fingerling walleye acre impoundment on US stocked annually in Harrington Bureau of Reclamation land Reservoir since that time. Sam- near the town of Deaver. This pling in 2013 found while wall- water has been managed for eye abundance was low, fish up walleye since the early 1990s This 31.4 inch 11.4 pound walleye was captured in Deaver Reservoir in 2007. to 17.6 inches were captured. and of the three waters we But that’s not to say there

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 9 Wyoming Game and Fish Department—Cody Region

An estimated Improving fish passage on the Nowood River - Lewis Stahl, Fish Passage Coordinator 55,415 fish The Harmony Ditch irrigation Bighorn Rivers. This sediment upstream passage of this im- including diversion is located on the negatively affects water quality, pressive and complicated com- Nowood River about 4 miles fish habitat quality and quan- munity of fish species. Of important sport east of Manderson. tity, smothers eggs, and re- course, none of this would be Although the canal looks rela- duces invertebrate populations possible without the interest fish such as tively small, a WGFD entrain- (fish food). A two phase im- and cooperation of the land- ment study completed during provement project at the Har- owners and our funding part- sauger and the 2007 irrigation season esti- mony Ditch has been developed ners, including the Wyoming mated that 55,415 fish were to remove these undesirable Wildlife Natural Resource Trust channel catfish entrained into the canal and effects. Phase 1 includes a and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife lost from the river system. This new water control headgate Service Fish Passage Program. were entrained included 16 fish species. Up- system with two cone shaped stream passage over the cur- screens that will prevent fish in the Harmony rent instream diversion was from getting into the irrigation noted to be seasonally difficult, canal, while still allowing water Diversion canal and even impossible for many to flow through the screens and fish species. Like many Wyo- into the irrigation canal as and lost from ming diversions, this instream usual. Phase 1 is scheduled for structure requires annual main- completion before irrigation the Nowood tenance and late season irriga- season starts in 2014. Phase 2 tion often requires the addition is scheduled for fall 2014 and River during the of materials to dam the water includes a new dam that will no and provide irrigation water longer require annual instream 2007 water rights. Instream disturbances maintenance or addition of and added materials result in material in the fall. A fish lad- year. additional sediment moving der will be added to this new downstream in the Nowood and diversion structure to ensure

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 10 Conserving Wildlife — Serving People We’re on the web! Wyoming Game and Fish Department Cody Regional Office HTTP://WGFD.WYO.GOV 2820 HWY 120 Cody, WY 82414 Phone: 307-527-7125

Bits and Pieces

The Cody Kids Fishing Day will be held June 7, 2014 At Beck Lake. The Wyoming Free Fishing Day (no license required) is also June 7. If you are interested in helping with the Shoshone River Cleanup in March 2015, let us know or contact a local Trout Unlimited member. We can always use the help.

Newsletter Contributors Contributors to this years newsletter include the Cody Fisheries Management Crew, Aquatic Invasive Species Regional Supervisor Greg Mayton and Regional Information and Education Specialist Tara Teaschner. Thanks to all.

Fisheries Management in the Cody Region

The Cody fisheries team includes [email protected] Check out our website at wgfd.wyo.gov and our Cody regional web regional fisheries supervisor Craig page under the “News” tab and go to “Game and Fish Regional [email protected] Amadio, fisheries biologists Jason News”. Burckhardt and Sam Hochhalter. [email protected] This and past newsletters for the Big Horn Basin and across the We manage your fisheries resources 307-527-7125 state are available at: http://wgfd.wyo.gov/web2011/fishing- for you and we encourage you to call 1000439.aspx or stop by if you have questions or concerns.

Fisheries Biologist Sam Hochhalter Fisheries Supervisor Craig Amadio Fisheries Biologist Jason Burckhardt

Bighorn Basin Angler News Volume 16 Page 11