JT Walsh 1943-1998
JT Walsh 1943-1998 JT Walsh REFLECTIONS OF A FRIEND Marc J. Seifer MetaScience Productions Box 32, Kingston, RI 02881 © March 4, 1998 James Patrick Walsh was born in San Francisco on September 22, 1943. At the age of 5, his family moved to a military base in Munich in post-WWII Europe for the first seven years and then moved to Stuttgart until Jim was in his late teens. His father, a civilian comptroller for the military, was a strict disciplinarian, who shipped Jim and a year later, his brother Chris, to a Jesuit boarding school in Ireland, the land of their forefathers, when they were old enough, and that is where they stayed for six years. Likening the experience to that of prison life, Jim and his brother looked forward to their return home during the holidays. At that time, they became the center of 1 attention, bringing back to their sisters Mary and Patricia and their parents, adventurous and sometimes hilarious stories of life in this austere environment. In 1952, due in part to the urging of a friend of the family, Jim’s father took the boys to Dachau, where they looked over the ovens and toured the concentration camp. This event stayed with Jim always, and had a telling effect on his view of humanity and his personality. Later, he would say that he drew on those experiences when he played some of the darker characters he was cast as. At the age of 19, he attended the University of Tübingen. However, when his father died of a brain tumor in 1962, his mother took the family back to Rhode Island where Mrs.
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