B2 L1 The Heart of a Champion p. 3 Thinking Ahead: Inspiring Moments from the Olympics

For this list, we’re looking at the most uplifting Olympic moments that had the world watching with awe and admiration.

#10 Nadia Comaneci: The Perfect Ten The 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics Born in Romania, Nadia Comaneci rose to fame as not only one of the best gymnasts in Olympic history. She also became one of the most recognizable athletes of the last 5 decades, making her Olympic debut in 1976 at the Montreal Summer Olympics at the astonishingly young age of 14. She became the first gymnast to ever receive a perfect score of ten. She even earned seven perfect 10s in total at the games. Securing her spot in history with a total of nine gold medals, Comaneci vaulted gymnastics onto the map as a competitive sport. She will forever be the youngest athlete to ever compete and hit these records since the age requirements have since been revised.

rise to fame vi. 一舉成名 secure vt. 獲得;栓牢;保衛 recognizable adj. 被認可的;可辨認的 vt. 以手撐物躍過 astonishing adj. 驚人的 competitive adj. 競爭的

#9 Derek Redmond’s Perseverance The 1992 Summer Olympics Gold-medalist and record-breaking British athlete Derek Redmond has had many career highlights. However, at the 400-meter semi-final, in 1992 in Barcelona, Redmond’s luck seemed to have run out. Tearing his hamstring, Redmond knew that he would not win the race. However, the world watched in astonishment as he continued to limp towards the finish line. With his father running over to assist him, he finally reached the end. And although he was disqualified, his Olympic spirit garnered him a standing ovation and worldwide praise for his fighting spirit.

hamstring n. 腿筋 disqualify vt. 使不合格 garner vt. 獲得 ovation n. [C] 鼓掌


#8 Kerri Strug and the Magnificent Seven The 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics The 1996 US women’s gymnastics team, known to the world as the Magnificent Seven, won the first ever gold medal for the women’s team competition at the Atlanta Games. Although things were looking fantastic at first for the Magnificent Seven, competing in their home country, their performance on the vault against Russia seemed lackluster, with Kerri Strug injuring her ankle. Unfortunately, Strug needed to give them one last shot at the vault, even with her injury. The world was watching closely and did not expect miracles. However, Strug landed magnificently, winning the US the gold medal, before collapsing to the in pain.

magnificent adj. 極好的;宏偉的 shot n. [C] 動作;機會 lackluster adj. 無生氣的;無光澤的 collapse vi. 倒塌;垮掉

#7 Fourth Time’s the Charm for Dan Jansen The 1994 Lillehammer Winter Olympics Top speed-skater Dan Jansen seemed to have a curse following him during his decade-long career at the Winter Olympics. The American athlete, at his first shot in Sarajevo in 1984, left with no medals. In Calgary, four years later, Jansen competed, and finished medal-less, even after learning of his sister’s passing from leukemia that same afternoon. Although a favorite to win, Jansen lost for a third time at the Albertville Games. Deciding to give it one last shot, he finally took home his first and only gold medal a decade later at the Lillehammer Games in 1994, in the 1000-meter event.

leukemia n. [U] 白血病

Think and Reflect Class: ______Number: ______Name: ______1. Which story touches you the most? Why?



2. What failure/difficulty have you been met with? How did you feel? How did you deal with it?


