Dragon Quest Rivals Set 2

Roar of Unleashed Forces

Normal cards

神速の剣圧 Godspeed Sword Blast

Egg On

Move a unit one square below アイアンクック Robo-robin

On summon: until the beginning of your next turn, the damage the ally leader takes is reduced by 1

Skill Boost: damage taken is further reduced by 1

孤高の剣技 Supreme Swordplay

During this turn, the ally leader gains ATK +3 and reduces damage taken by 3 らせん打ち Hypnowhip

Deal 2 damage to an enemy unit, then deal 2 damage to a random enemy unit adjacent to the first one

ウィッチレディ Witch

Every time an enemy unit is defeated by one of your special skill cards, ally leader's tension +1 まものの呼び笛 Monster Summoning Flute

Egg On

Summon a random cost 1 unit to your field

Skill Boost: unit's cost +1

はりせんもぐら Quiller

On death: ally leader's tension +1 めいそう Meditation

The ally leader recovers 5 HP

パワーナックル Knuckledusters

If the ally leader attacks the opponent leader, ally leader's tension +1 and decrease the Durability of this weapon by 1 いやしの風 Healing Wind

Egg On

A random ally that took damage recovers 1 HP

This effect is applied 2 times

ランドゲーロ Frogman

On summon: if summoned to the front row, the ATK of this unit becomes 1; if summoned to the back row, the HP of this unit becomes 1 福音の杖 Staff of Salvation

Tension Link: a random ally that took damage recovers 2 HP, then the Durability of this weapon is decreased by 1

宝の小箱 Small Treasure Chest

Egg On

Add 2 random special skill cards exclusive to the Merchant class to your hand はがねのそろばん Steel Abacus

Skill Boost: ATK +1

マッスルウータン Pink Pongo

Tension Link: ally units in the front row gain ATK +2 あばれうしどり Bullfinch

Divination: 1. This unit gains ATK +1 and Piercing 2. This unit gains Haste

つむじかぜ Whirlwind

Deal a total of 3 damage distributed to random enemies

Skill Boost: damage dealt +1 インスピレーション Inspiration

Egg On

Draw 1 card

ぐんたいアリ Army Ant

On death: summon an Iron Ant with 0/1 to this square

アイアンアント Iron Ant

On attack: during this turn, unit gains ATK +1 邪神の呪い Curse of the Evil God

Deal 3 damage to the opponent leader

If the opponent has 6 or more cards in hand, deal 5 damage instead

増幅する闇 Expanding Darkness

A unit gains +4/+4

Skill Boost: the cost of this card is reduced by 1 ビーンファイター Beanie Meanie

On death: opponent leader's tension -1

モコッキー Needler

At the end of your turn, this unit recovers 1 HP くみひもこぞう Braid Boy

Skill Boost: ATK +1

サボテンボール Cactiball

Tension Link: deal 1 damage to both leaders はえおとこ Flyguy

On death: opponent leader's tension +1

むつでエビ Kriller Killer

On summon: if the opponent has 3 or less cards in hand, this unit gains HP +1 and Forbearance ボル&ブル Jum & Boe

Attacks twice

ふくぶくろ Lucky Bag

On summon: both players draw 2 cards アルミラージ Spiked Hare


キラーピッケル Maniacal Mole

On summon: during this turn, increase the ATK of a unit by the current tension level of the ally leader ガーゴイル Gargoyle

Sharpshooting, Egg On


ビッグシールド Immense Defence

Egg On

Until the beginning of your next turn, the damage the ally leader takes is reduced by 2 くびかりぞく Headhunter

Every time an enemy unit is defeated by an attack performed by the ally leader, ally leader's tension +1

オクトセントリー Octavian Sentry


Every time an enemy unit is defeated by an attack performed by the ally leader, the ally leader recovers 3 HP スノーモン Snowy Sanguini

On death: summon an Ice Block to a random empty square on the opponent's field

疾風迅雷 Whipcrackle

Deal 2 damage to an enemy unit

Skill Boost: damage dealt +1 ウインドマージ Gustbluster

Every time you play a special skill card, deal 1 damage to a random enemy

Skill Boost: the cost of this card is reduced by 1

ふくめんバニー Rottontail

If this unit targets the opponent leader for an attack, add a Martial Art card to your hand ベスキング Besking

Tension Link: summon a She- with 2/1 to your field

無念無想 Calm Mind

During this turn, reduce the cost of all special skill cards in your hand by 1 妖精の祝福 Blessing of the Fairies

All ally units in a row of your choice gain +1/+1, then those units recover 2 HP

ニフラム Poof

Banish all enemy units with ATK 2 or lower ほうおう Phoenix

All other ally units gain HP +1

Skill Boost: HP gain effect +1

アロードッグ Barksman

On summon: if you have 6 or more cards in hand excluding this one, deal 2 damage to an enemy 変化の巻物 Metamorphosis Scroll

Transform all ally and enemy units in a row of your choice into random units with cost -1 that of the original units that were transformed

もみじこぞう Leafy Larrikin

On summon: summon a Leafy Larrikin with 2/2 to your field

Skill Boost: number of Leafy Larrikin summoned +1 シャイニング Spitnik

On summon: you can choose the effect you want to activate with the next Divination card you play

魔術師のタロット The Magician

Divination: 1. the cost of the card on top of your deck is reduced by 3

2. add the card on top of your deck to your hand, then add a copy of that card to your hand わかめ王子 King Kelp

On summon: choose a unit and check the card on top of your deck

If the cost of the card is an odd number, deal 3 damage to the targeted unit; if it's an even number, the targeted unit gains +2/+2

つかいま Wimp

On death: increase the MAX MP value of the ally leader by 1 魔力の泉 Spring of Magical Power

Egg On

Both players draw cards equal to their current tension level

魔王の号令 Orders from the Demon Lord

Both players summon a random unit from their hands to their fields ニードルマン Needleman

On attack: the opponent draws 1 card

ベビーパンサー Great Sabrecub

Egg On モコフル Fluffy Fur

On summon: seal the effect of an ally unit

ナイトウォーカー Night Sneaker

At the end of your turn, if the opponent has 3 or less cards in hand, this unit gains ATK +1 and Stealth スウィートバッグ Bag o' Sweets

Tension Link: ally units in the front row gain a random effect between Piercing, Sharpshooting and Attacks twice

うみぼうず Shipwrecker


Skill Boost: ATK +1 くもの大王 Cumulus Rex

On summon: during next turn, the opponent cannot use their Tension Skill

ゆうれいせんちょう Cross Bones

On death: reset the current tension level of the ally leader, then summon a number of Sea Dogs with 2/2 equal to the levels of tension that were consumed by this effect Super Rares

はじゃのつるぎ Cautery Sword

On summon: deal 1 damage to all enemy units in a row of your choice

ボーンファイター Zombie Gladiator

On summon: the cost of weapon cards in your deck and hand is reduced by 1 ダークランサー Dark Lancer

All other ally units with Piercing gain ATK +1

Skill Boost: ATK gain effect +1

フローズンリンク Frozen Link

Transform an enemy unit adjacent to an Ice Block into another Ice Block なげきの亡霊 Tortured Soul

Tension Link: add a random cost 2 or lower special skill card exclusive to the Mage class to your hand

メラガイアー Kafrizzle

Deal 8 damage to an enemy

Skill Boost: the cost of this card is reduced by 1 とうこん討ち Clap Trap

Egg On

Deal 2 damage to a unit

デュラハンナイト Headless Horseman

On summon: return an enemy unit with ATK lower than this card's ATK to the opponent's hand

Skill Boost: ATK +1 一喝 Roaring Tirade

Return all units to their respective owners' hands

Skill Boost: the cost of this card is reduced by 1

ともしびこぞう Wickerman

On death: deal 2 damage to a random enemy

Skill Boost: damage dealt +1 カロン Hell Raiser

Tension Link: add a random ally unit that was defeated during this match to your hand

ザオリク Kazing

Resurrect a random ally unit among those with the highest cost to a square of your choice しあわせの杖 Staff of Joy

Transform an ally unit into a random unit with cost +2 that of the original unit

シーメーダ See Urchin

Egg On

Every time you use a special skill card on this unit, the ally leader recovers 1 HP たたかいのドラム War Drum

All ally units gain ATK +1

Skill Boost: ATK gain effect +1

キラーグース Deadly Dodo

Egg On

On summon: the opponent has a 50% chance of drawing 1 card レッサーデーモン Lesser Demon

Tension Link: check the card on top of both players' decks, then deal 1 damage to the leader who had the card with the highest cost and return the checked cards to a random place in the respective owners' decks

Skill Boost: damage dealt +1

愚者のタロット The Fool

Divination: 1. the ATK of all enemy units becomes 1

2. the HP of all enemy units becomes 1 ジャミ Kon the Knight

On summon: if the opponent has 6 or more cards in hand, all enemy units in a column of your choice become unable to act until the end of next turn

ゴンズ Slon the Rook

Egg On, Forbearance

On summon: if the opponent has 6 or more cards in hand, this unit gains +2/+2 ドン・ モグーラ Don Mole

Tension Link: summon a Soul Mole with 1/1 and Haste to your field, but it dies at the end of the turn

モグラの子分 Soul Mole


This unit dies at the end of the turn

Skill Boost: ATK +1

ドラムゴート Bongo Drongo

The ally leader can activate their tension card up to 2 times per turn メーダロード Raving Lunatick

Every time the opponent plays a special skill card, before the effect of that card is activated, the ally leader recovers 3 HP

バル&ベル Boh & Mum

At the beginning of your turn, if Jum & Boe are present on your field, combine that unit with this one to create Mumboh-jumboe

バベルボブル Mumboh-jumboe

Haste, Attacks twice デンデン竜 Jargon

Forbearance, Egg On

キングミミック Mimic King

On death: add a random Legend Rare to the opponent's hand メガトンケイル Jerkules

Skill Boost: the cost of this card is reduced by 2

Legend Rares

デュラン Dhuran


During your turn, the ally leader gains ATK +2

If the ally leader has 15 or less HP left, the ally leader gains ATK +4 instead ベロニカ Veronica

On summon: add a random special skill card exclusive to the Mage class to your hand

Skill Boost: cards added by this effect +1

モリー Morrie

Every time you play a special skill card, ally leader's tension +1

Skill Boost: this unit gains +2/+2 セーニャ Serena

On summon: resurrect a random ally unit that was defeated during this match

Skill Boost: allies resurrected by this effect +1

トロデ Trode

Every time you use a special skill card on this unit, apply the effect of that card to all other ally units as well ロウ Rab

Tension Link: activate the following effects according to the current tension level of the ally leader

1. draw 1 card 2. deal 2 damage to a random enemy 3. summon a cost 3 unit to your field

ゲマ Ladja


Every time the opponent adds a card from their deck, deal 2 damage to the opponent leader and the cost of that card is increased by 1 シルビア Sylvando

On summon: both leaders' tension +3

ビアンカ Bianca

Skill Link: deal 3 damage to the opponent leader フローラ Nera

Skill Link: add a copy of Gift from Rodrigo to your hand

ルドマンからの贈り物 Gift from Rodrigo

Choose a unit: it gains HP +2 and [doesn't take damage from special skill cards], then draw 1 card

デボラ Deborah

Skill Link: transform all cards in your hand into different cards that are one rarity tier higher ネルゲル Nergal

Attacks twice

At the end of your turn, if this unit is placed in the middle of the back row, summon a random Nergal's Subordinate to your field

ネルゲルの配下 Nergal's Subordinate



Translation & name-checking: Hiru

All copyrighted material belongs to their respective owners (Square , Studio Bird, ArtePiazza)