The flash season 1 episode 23

Continue Welcome back to Up To Speed, home of Flashest Recaps Alive. Here we will summarize the last episode of Flash, dispense with some Flash Facts and talk about what works, what doesn't and where the series might be headed, how we try to keep up with the adventures of the , , more commonly known as Flash.This week, we head off in the finale of the first season, titled Fast Enough. This episode has it all: wedding, hell deaths, time travel, thaw-caviar in a guyliner, horror burgers, gaggle dads, but only one mom, dim sum, dim fortune, and yes, the end of the world - all in under 45 minutes. We have a lot of land to cover, so let's have this show on the road. FLASHBACK: What happened this week's episode begins with Barry's usual voiceover, just this time, he's serious about this voiceover. The stakes are high. The gang gathered at STAR Labs: Sisko Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Ronnie Raymond, Dr. Martin Stein, Joe West. (Business ™'t in the first bit, but don't worry, it appears later.) Barry's here, too, and the boy has a serious face! In addition, Eobard Thawne//Reverse Flash is here, locked in a meta-human prison of its own design. Barry is on his way to visit him. Wells asks if Barry brought him a Big Belly Burger because apparently there are no cows in the future, which makes me wonder if Eobard Thawne is out of the universe of flesh. Bronto burgers are bangang, bro. Tlain then opens the floor for questions, and Barry unloads it, asking why he killed his mom. Towne answers honestly: Because I hate you. He then monologues his plan: Thawne traveled back in time to kill Barry's baby, but Barry's future also traveled back in time, fought non-Wells Eobard Thawne, and saved himself from the thawne attack. So, Tlain decided to kill Barry's mom to emotionally cripple Barry so much that he would never be . Except after their fight, Thawne got stranded in the past and then had to create a flash through a particle accelerator so he could use his speed to get home. Which explains why Thawne/Wells has taken such interest in Barry all along. So, Towne offers to let Barry save his mom in exchange for helping Town get back to his future. Barry is angry that he wants to kill Town, but we all know he's going to fold like a card table to save his mom. I mean, last week he made deals with the villains to help him get across town. You hang out with his --- and, therefore, his poor, perfect --- in front of Barry, and you're making a deal. Back in the main room of STAR Labs, Professor Stein explains time travel to people watching houses that are not huge nerds who are the main ones of this for most of his life. Parallel universes, paradoxes of time, Hypertime; Stein explains the whole shebang. So if Barry saves him his will he create a reality where he didn't grow up with Joe and Iris? Will he ever meet Sisko, Caitlin or Ronnie? Idk! Let's find out, I think! Joe tells Barry that he has to do it and then storm, Barry races after him and they have a heart to heart in the hallway. Joe, being the best, is willing to sacrifice his relationship with Barry in order for Barry to have a happy, normal childhood and no, you tear up a little thinking about his decent boyfriend Joe West there. Meanwhile, in Theron Heights prison, Barry talks to his father, who is terrible. Just a banal cheeseball with a mouth full of inspirational speeches and disturbing white veneers. Henry West tries to dissuade Barry from time travel by giving him a speech while plaintive piano music plays in the background. At STAR Labs, Ronnie and Caitlyn get a bit of a moment for themselves and Ronnie puts it on the fat one, telling Caitlyn that he's not the whole person without Caitlyn (as well as Professor Stein) and then he re-invites her. On thinking Roofs, Iris finds Barry there, and then it's their turn to have a heart to heart. Barry sets it out: if he travels back and rescues his mom, he and Iris are not kind of related and maybe he doesn't wait too long to tell her that he loves her and they can get married and have one million children. Iris, who just last week told her boyfriend Eddie he didn't need to listen to a newspaper from the future shown to him by a legitimate super-villain, is now listening to a newspaper from the future shown to her boyfriend by a legitimate supervillain, telling Barry that if he goes back in time, maybe they can get married and have a million children. On the other hand, Barry says that Joe is a really good father. It's a real puzzle. She tells Barry to follow his heart. They're crying. A-bloo-bloo-bloo.Cut to: Barry is in the basement of a particle accelerator, trying not to back away too desperately when he tells RevFlash that he wants to help him travel back in time. RevFlash explains that he is going to run the reactor and Barry is going to run very fast to the hydrogen atom and punch a hole in time and space, in Speed Force and back to save his mom. Easy peasy. Upstairs in the lab, Stein explains more scientific things. Cisco is bummed because Barry takes unnecessary risks and also then they won't have buds, but then Barry tells him he needs it to build a time machine, and Cisco like, I love this plan. When do we start? He heads to his workshop, but Ronnie notices a snag in their time machine design, so Cisco heads to one person he knows can fix it for him: Thawne/Wells. They have a conversation about the science of things, and Cisco gets all the crazy wells for lying to him as well as for killing him in an alternate episode timeline. Wells stunned because Cisco shouldn't remember things from another scales, but I think something like Your dad science to rip your heart out of the wand with you. Wells postulates that this recollection is a hidden meta-human ability from Cisco's involvement in the accelerator explosion. Cisco is everything, No! You are wrong! I will never rule the universe with you! and storm away. Upstairs, Stein bored Eddie to death about the technical stuff of a nerd and Eddie is busy wallowing in his self-pity because of Eobard's verbal smackdown when he had Eddie tied up in the Thawne Cave. Eddie mentions this to Stein, who all, yes, snap out of it. Make your destiny, bro. Also, it's kinda weird as you're an ancestor of Reverse Flash, right? And Eddie's like, Kmmmmm. That's when the computer beeps and Stein tells Barry that if he doesn't do the time-traveling thing just right, he can create a black hole and, yes, it will destroy everything. Thawne/Wells all, Oh, stop being such kids and get back to work to make my time machine. RevFlash tells them that Barry must complete his time travel in 1 minute and 52 seconds (because of course it is 52 seconds) if he wants to have a time hole to stabilize. No problem, is there? Right? In the Space treadmill room, Joe and Barry and the business™ can have another heart to heart. Barry with a second thought on the whole blow hole through reality and help your nemesis run back into his period of time thing, and frankly, so Joe Barry everyone, I thought you were 100% on this? And Joe lets you on the little secret we parents don't want you to know: We all pretend all this time, just hoping we don't mess up our kids too badly. It's a really sweet conversation as usual. ILU, Jesse L. Martin.At Central City Picture News office --- which is the title for a newspaper that has gone through numerous levels of writers and producers, no one has said: It's a dumb name for a newspaper; Let's change it. And Eddie --- Iris some lacklustre amounts like a peace proposal. They have a little heart to heart about how much Eddie loves Iris, future newspapers will be damned, and he tells her a story about how they met from his point of view. He's talking about coincidence and fate, and hmm, isn't that all interesting? What does all this mean? Then Ronnie and Caitlyn get married while Crowded House's Don't Dream That It's All Over, playing in the background, which is a real weird choice for a wedding, right? Especially since both actors who participated in the wedding were not even born when the song was released? Anyway, Professor Stein marries them and Cisco is the bearer of the ring. Half Firestorm and (spoilers!) Killer Frost is getting married, kids! A lot of romance. I love you so much. Then he returned to business as Barry prepares to work very fast and travel back in time. Barry does all his farewells and it really affects. When he calls Joe Daddy, and hugging, I may have cried quiet tears. Barry heads to the accelerator and Wells/Thawne tells him to work in the creepy creepy because he's a freak. And we're leaving. Barry works, and all of a sudden, he's in Speed Force, and we get all sorts of little Easter egg-y glimpses of the last season and seasons to come: Joe bringing Barry home after the murder of his mom, Caitlin Snow as The Killer Frost, Flash Museum, Barry in an Iron Heights prison jumpsuit, talking to... Henry (?) On the phone? This scene from is the first sight where the robot's feet fall through the roof of what appears to be a dam, and finally the night his mom died. Then they shoot a hydrogen atom at it and... He's gone. He watches RevFlas/RegFlash fight with the kitchen door, but before he can prepare to swoop and save his mom, the future of RegFlash waves him back, so he waits and watches it all happen again: the fight, the future of his salvation past him, RevFlash stabbing his mom and running after the future of RegFlash.He heads afterwards and comforts his mom as she lies there bleeding. He takes off his mask, and she finds out he's her son. He must tell her that he is fine, that her husband is fine; that they love her. And then she dies. It's quite heartbreaking to break. So heart-breaking that I'll give up the usual goofy screencap with text on it. It was then that Jay Garrick's Hermes-style helmet pops up the Time Sphincter and Eobard is all welp, time to go. He jumps into the sphere, buckles up, checks his mirrors and prepares to fire her when Barry Super-Punches his way out of the singularity, smashing time sphere as well as Eobard's face. Eobard is furious. He rails at Barry for blowing a chance to have everything he ever wanted, but Barry is like, jokes on you, I'm already doing. and ooooooh sick burn. They have a super-speed bump in the accelerator while a new black hole opens behind them. Caitlyn and Ronnie struggle to disable the power (which they do literally at the last second. Also, Ronnie continues his streak of getting blown around ineffectively when he tries to do something), and Barry gets pretty decently beaten by Eobard.He starts his arm a'vibratin' but before he can punch him in Barry's chest, we hear a shot and... Snap! Eddie shot himself! He's just the grandfather of Paradox-ed Eobard! When his great-grandfather died, Eobard could not exist, so he began to disintegrate. Eddie has figured out his fate! He must die! Spoilers: It's all our destiny. Iris rushes to his side, but he dies, saying some touching things to Iris, and another black hole opens, and they have to evacuate, leaving Eddie's body behind as things get sucked into a black hole. It's almost as if it's a setting for a future storyline. the point was to jump into Eddie's body, you know? They're all looking at the black hole in the sky. Absolute pandemonium. We see a bunch of side players looking at the abyss: Captain Cold, Henry Allen, Captain Singh, the lady who will play Hawkgirl in Legends of Tomorrow. It's like when this jerk Peck turned off the containment unit in Ghostbusters, with only 1000% fewer slimers; So, as usual, Ghostbusters wins this round. Barry looks at him and says, ok, I'm just going to run around on it like I did with The , because what the hell is the guy going to do? So the last thing we see is Barry Allen running from wreckage to a piece of debris when he encounters a literal black hole in an attempt to run her to death. See, Barry Allen, you're a crazy fool. FLASH FACTS: Random observationSI this wrap on the first season. Overall, it was really enjoyable. There were some pretty heavy knocks along the way, but the season's highs far outweighed the lows, and judging by the stupidity dropped on us in the finals, there's a lot more good things coming our way. Before the finale, I watched the again, and it's weird because while it's a similar show in tone, it's amazing to see how confident they got as the season wore on. The first few episodes particularly tried to cash in on familiarity with the police procedural structure, with Barry, Joe, and Eddie tackling meta-human crimes while producers injected superhero stuff on the edges. And here we are, with alternate realities, time travel/paradoxes, a rather muscular and strange supporting cast, and the promise of even more blunt, fun things to come. It's amazing what kind of freedom you get when you have #1 shows online, right? There's something troubling about seeing Tom Kavanagh without glasses. His eyebrows seem darker than they should be, and his guyliner is very obvious. My wife compared it to a dark-haired, less swole Carrot Top, and now I can't help but see it. I'm still calling him: we're going to get some -like thingy in the second season. Barry will come out of the black hole to find a completely different world. FLASH FORWARD: The future of HappeningsWhile season premiere Flash has wound up close, there's even more superhero goodness coming to the CW. Flash will be back this coming fall with its new season, and recent television advances have provided us with a glimpse of the CW's mid-season replacement for and Flash, an ensemble piece of Legends of Tomorrow that looks like all kinds of fun. Anyway, thanks for sticking around for the season. You are the best. See you next time? Until then, keep Flashin'. 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