1312 Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:1312–1317 Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.84.11.1312 on 1 November 2000. Downloaded from PERSPECTIVE

Fibrillin and the eye

Jane L Ashworth, Cay M Kielty, David McLeod

The glycoprotein fibrillin is the principal component of the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domains (Fig 1). ciliary zonule and has an important role in the strength and Most of these EGF-like domains are capable of binding elasticity of ocular connective tissues. polymers calcium which maintains the fibrillin molecule in an form the structural scaVold of extensible microfibrils1–3 extended, rod-like conformation19 20 and stabilises it which are present in ocular elastic tissues and are arranged against degradation by proteases.21 Interspersed with the in parallel bundles to form the zonular fibres.4 These EGF-like domains are subunits containing eight fibrillin-rich microfibrils are morphologically identical to cysteine residues (Fig 1). One of the most striking those which provide strength and long range elastic recoil diVerences between fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 is in the to the connective tissues of blood vessels, lung, , amino acid composition of the amino terminal region and .56 In these tissues, fibrillin-rich microfibrils which may serve as a molecular hinge22 and may also medi- form a scaVold for the deposition and alignment of the ate fibrillin dimer formation during microfibril precursor tropoelastin during elastic fibre assembly.23 24 The extreme carboxy terminal region of the assembly.78However, the microfibrils of the ciliary zonule fibrillin molecule is cleaved oV before assembly into as well as those of kidney glomerulus, skeletal muscle, microfibrils.25–27 heart, and periodontal ligament do not contain significant Isolated fibrillin-rich microfibrils have a diameter of amounts of elastin.9 10–12 nm and a characteristic “beads on a string” appear- Disorders which disrupt fibrillin-rich microfibril struc- ance when imaged by rotary shadowing or scanning trans- ture or function, such as Marfan’s syndrome and ectopia mission electron microscopy (STEM)228 (Fig 4). The lentis, result in a spectrum of ocular complications. This average untensioned interbead distance is 56 nm but this review summarises current knowledge of fibrillin and increases when the microfibrils are subject to tension.31 fibrillin-rich microfibrils and their role in the eye, and dis- The arrangement of fibrillin molecules within microfibrils cusses the pathological processes which may be involved in ocular ageing and disease. Fibrillin-1

Fibrillin-rich microfibrils in ocular tissues Proline rich region In addition to the zonules, fibrillin has been immunolocal- "hinge" ised to the connective tissues of the anterior segment http://bjo.bmj.com/ including the conjunctival, iris and ciliary body stroma, the ciliary processes, the corneal stroma and corneal epithelial , and the endothelium of Schlemm’s Amino N Carboxy C canal.10 In the posterior segment, fibrillin has been terminus terminus localised to scleral stroma, lamina cribrosa, Bruch’s mem- 10 brane, and choroid ; beaded microfibrils are also present Fibrillin-2 11–13 in vitreous. The precise role of fibrillin-rich microfibrils on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. in all these ocular tissues is not defined, but they may regu- late development and confer strength and elasticity to con- Glycine rich region nective tissues. Fibrillin present in the equatorial region of "hinge" the lens capsule allows anchorage of the zonular fibres.14

Composition and ultrastructure of fibrillin-rich microfibrils Fibrillin exists as two isoforms, fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 (Fig 1); the for human fibrillin-1 (FBN-1) has been Eight cysteine-containing domain localised to 15q15–21 and the gene for 15 human fibrillin-2 (FBN-2) to chromosome 5q23–31. Hybrid domain (features of both Fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 have distinct but overlapping EGF-like domains and eight cysteine domains) spatiotemporal tissue distributions, and it is unclear if they form separate populations of microfibrils or if they can EGF-like domain coexist in the same microfibril.16–18 It has been suggested that fibrillin-1 may provide force bearing structural support to tissues, whereas fibrillin-2 may play an Calcium binding EGF-like domain important part in the initiation of elastogenesis.18 The microfibrils of the ciliary zonules (Figs 2 and 3) are almost Potential N-glycosylation site exclusively composed of fibrillin-1.49 Both fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 have a molecular structure Figure 1 Schematic diagram of multidomain structure of fibrillin-1 and of multiple protein subunits,1 the majority of which are fibrillin-2.

www.bjophthalmol.com Fibrillin and the eye 1313 Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.84.11.1312 on 1 November 2000. Downloaded from A B Lens equator

Zonular fibre

Ciliary process 100 µm 100 µm

Figure 2 Environmental scanning electron microscopy of normal hydrated human zonules. (A) Zonular fibres arising from ciliary processes. (B) Branching of a zonular fibre. is unknown. Recent evidence suggests that fibrillin face. The relative proportions of most of these molecules may form dimers before assembly into varies between tissues, and they may thus contribute to the microfibrils,23 24 and an association between the overlap- tissue specific structural and functional characteristics of ping carboxy and amino termini of adjacent fibrillin fibrillin-rich microfibrils. Microfibril associated molecules allows linear growth of the microfibril, stabilised glycoprotein-1 (MAGP-1), also designated microfibril by intramolecular crosslinks.32 33 However, several other associated protein-2 (gene symbol MFAP-2),35 has been models of microfibril assembly are possible, including a shown by immunoelectron microscopic techniques to be parallel, unstaggered arrangement of fibrillin molecules associated with the bead regions of zonular and vitreous within the microfibrils.34 Compaction of fibrillin molecules microfibrils.36 Microfibril associated protein-1 (MFAP-1) within microfibrils may allow microfibril extensibility, so has been immunolocalised to microfibrils of chick aorta, that molecules can “unravel” in the interbead region. bovine nuchal ligament, and human ocular zonules.37 Emi- An increasing number of other proteins have been iden- lin (elastin microfibril interface located protein) is a glyco- tified in association with fibrillin containing microfibrils in protein which is abundant at the elastin-microfibril addition to fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2. In most instances, it is interface and has been immunolocalised in the eye to the unclear whether the protein is an integral structural zonules, to elastin-free microfibrils of the cornea and to component of the microfibril or is just adherent to its sur- Descemet’s membrane.38 Microfibril associated molecules http://bjo.bmj.com/ on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Figure 3 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of human zonular microfibrils, and eVects of matrix metalloproteinase treatment. Normal human zonular specimens from a 54 year old were incubated for 3 hours at 37°C in the presence of 10 mM calcium chloride and hyaluronidase to remove adherent vitreous, with and without MMP-13, before fixation and TEM with uranyl acetate and lead citrate stain. (A) and (B) are untreated zonules which consist of dense and regular, parallel striated microfibrils. (C) and (D) are MMP-13 treated zonules. The zonular microfibrils are fragmented and irregularly and loosely arranged. Magnification: (A) and (C) ×20 000; (B) and (D) ×68 000.

www.bjophthalmol.com 1314 Ashworth, Kielty, McLeod Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.84.11.1312 on 1 November 2000. Downloaded from structural and functional changes in connective tissues and zonules30 47 (see below). Marfan’s syndrome and familial ectopia lentis are associated with a spectrum of other ocular abnormalities including axial myopia, presenile cataract, increased preva- lence of open angle glaucoma,48 strabismus,49 corneal flat- tening and hypoplasia of the ciliary muscle and iris, result- ing in miosis,50 51 and elongation of the ciliary processes45 52 and pars plana (DMcL, personal observation). Ectopia lentis is seen in association with a variety of other conditions which must be diVerentiated from “simple” ectopia lentis or Marfan’s syndrome and which aVect cysteine metabolism or development of the eye, or cause mechanical zonular disruption. One such condition is the Weill-Marchesani syndrome, a congenital connective tissue disorder characterised by short stature, brachydac- tyly, microspherophakia, glaucoma, and ectopia lentis which may be inherited in an autosomal recessive or domi- nant manner; the autosomal dominant form has been Figure 4 Scanning transmission electron microscopy of an isolated linked to the gene for fibrillin-1 on chromosome 15q21.1 human zonular microfibril. Bar = 100 nm. Zonular microfibrils were biochemically isolated using an established method29 30 by incubation with and immunohistochemical staining of sections from collagenase and hyaluronidase in the presence of protease inhibitors, an aVected family shows a decrease in fibrillin staining followed by size fractionation. The excluded volume (Vo) contained compared with normal controls.53 Another is the pseu- fibrillin-rich microfibrils. doexfoliation syndrome which is also occasionally associ- may mediate cell adhesion to microfibrils and may stabilise ated with lens dislocation; the pseudoexfoliative material has been shown to have strong immunoreactivity for the interactions of microfibrils with other structural 54–56 elements of the . fibrillin, suggesting that this condition may also result from an abnormality of fibrillin-rich microfibrils. It can be speculated that abnormalities of zonular proteolytic degra- Ocular conditions associated with abnormalities in dation may result in zonular weakness and release of fibrillin-rich microfibrils microfibril constituents seen as pseudoexfoliative material Microfibril abnormalities occurring as a result of muta- in the anterior chamber. tions in the gene for fibrillin-1 are manifest as a spectrum of disease phenotypes ranging from severe, lethal neonatal Proteolytic degradation of fibrillin-rich microfibrils Marfan’s syndrome to “simple” ectopia lentis. There is no in ocular ageing and disease clear correlation between genotype and phenotype, with The extent of physiological zonular degradation during the exception of a clustering of fibrillin-1 mutations associ- development and ageing is unknown although the zonular ated with severe neonatal Marfan’s syndrome.39 Approxi- insertion onto the lens capsule has been observed to shift mately 60% of patients with Marfan’s syndrome have ecto- progressively anteriorly with age,57 suggesting that the age- 40

pia lentis. Familial ectopia lentis also occurs in patients in ing zonules undergo remodelling. Other factors may http://bjo.bmj.com/ whom the clinical criteria for Marfan’s syndrome are not contribute to this shift, however, such as the changing cur- fulfilled, although some of these patients have systemic vature of the lens and contraction of the anterior capsule.58 features such as or tall stature.41–43 Proteolytic damage to zonular microfibrils potentially con- The structural consequences of microfibrillar abnor- tributes to these observed ageing changes as well as to the malities have been demonstrated by examination of ocular pathogenesis of zonular dysfunction in patients with Mar- tissues from patients with ectopia lentis and Marfan’s syn- fan’s syndrome and ectopia lentis. drome. Ectopia lentis zonular fibres have been shown to be The zonules have been known for many years to be sus- reduced in number,44 thin, stretched, and irregular in ceptible to degradation by serine proteases59 as demon- on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. diameter,14 45 and inelastic and easily broken when strated by the use of chymotrypsin for zonulysis during compared with normal controls.45 46 The insertion of zonu- intracapsular cataract surgery. The serine proteases are a lar fibres onto the lens capsule has also been noted to be large group of enzymes which are secreted by inflamma- abnormal in patients with Marfan’s syndrome and ectopia tory cells and whose activity is regulated by inhibitors such lentis, with reduction in the amount of fibrillin present as as á1 antitrypsin in the plasma and tissue thrombospondin. demonstrated by immunostaining.14 Ultrastructural abnor- The zonules are normally exposed to low levels of serine malities of fibrillin-rich microfibrils of ciliary zonules have proteases in the aqueous and, potentially, to proteases also been demonstrated in ectopia lentis and Marfan’s syn- released by inflammatory cells.60 61 Both fibrillin-1 mol- drome; the microfibrils are loosely arranged and disorgan- ecules and fibrillin-rich microfibrils are susceptible to deg- ised within the zonular fibres, with fragmentation and a radation by serine proteinases such as neutrophil elastase, variable interbead periodicity.46 There are several possible chymotrypsin, and trypsin.21 62 Calcium binding stabilises mechanisms by which the observed zonular abnormalities fibrillin against such proteolytic degradation.21 Mutations in Marfan’s syndrome and ectopia lentis may result from in fibrillin-1 that aVect calcium binding may therefore mutations in fibrillin. Structurally weak zonules may result increase fibrillin-1 susceptibility to proteolytic degradation from a reduction in the amount of fibrillin-1 synthesised by reducing calcium binding aYnity and inducing confor- and secreted during fetal development or from incorpora- mational changes which expose cryptic protease cleavage tion of mutant fibrillin-1 into microfibrils. However, these sites. mechanisms do not explain the intrafamilial phenotypic Matrix metalloproteinases are another important class variability between patients with the same fibrillin-1 muta- of proteases which are widely expressed in ocular tissues tion or the progressive nature of some of the clinical mani- and which may be involved in ocular development, festations. Recently, it has been suggested that proteolytic physiological remodelling, and wound healing. They are degradation of microfibrils may contribute to the observed secreted by a wide range of cell types including mesenchy-

www.bjophthalmol.com Fibrillin and the eye 1315 Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjo.84.11.1312 on 1 November 2000. Downloaded from mal cells such as fibroblasts and inflammatory cells such as may therefore be important in physiological and pathologi- and neutrophils. Several matrix metallopro- cal turnover of fibrillin microfibrils in the ocular extracellu- teinases are implicated in the turnover of elastic connective lar matrix and the ciliary zonule. The aortae of patients tissues owing to their elastinolytic activity,63 but the contri- with Marfan’s syndrome demonstrate strong immunoreac- bution of matrix metalloproteinases to turnover and tivity for elastolytic matrix metalloproteinases adjacent to degradation of fibrillin-rich microfibrils in zonules and areas of cystic medial necrosis,83 suggesting that matrix other connective tissues has only recently been reported. metalloproteinases may have a role in the pathogenesis of Matrix metalloproteinases are implicated in matrix remod- aortic aneurysms in Marfan’s syndrome. In addition, a elling associated with normal mammalian development mutation identified in a family with familial ectopia lentis and growth, and are also thought to participate in the has been shown to alter the proteolytic degradation accelerated breakdown of extracellular matrix in diseases patterns of fibrillin-1 molecules by several matrix metallo- such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, tissue ulceration, and proteinases, probably by exposure of a cryptic cleavage tumour invasion and metastasis. The proteolytic capacity site.30 This mutation (E2447K)41 43 occurs within a calcium of matrix metalloproteinases is normally tightly controlled binding EGF-like domain of fibrillin-1 and is predicted to by regulation of the rate of mRNA , by activa- reduce fibrillin-1 calcium binding and alter molecular con- tion of the pro-enzyme and also by naturally occurring formation. The proteolytic susceptibility of zonular micro- inhibitors such as tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases fibrils containing mutant allele products would therefore

(TIMPs) and the plasma protein inhibitor á2 be expected to be increased, resulting in progressive zonu- macroglobulin.63 An imbalance in ocular matrix metallo- lar damage and eventual ectopia lentis. However, other proteinase activity may underlie dysregulation of angiogen- ectopia lentis causing mutations in fibrillin-1 do not alter esis, abnormalities of matrix turnover, tumour invasion, degradation patterns (JLA, unpublished data) so other and abnormalities of wound healing in the eye. mechanisms, such as proteolytic degradation of reduced Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors are amounts of microfibrils or increased overall activity of present in normal aqueous,61 64 where they may play a part matrix metalloproteinases, must also lead to functional in remodelling of the tissues bordering the anterior cham- insuYciency of zonules. The presence of matrix metallo- ber. It can be speculated that aqueous matrix metallopro- proteinases in normal aqueous suggests that they may teinase activity will be increased in intraocular inflamma- cause progressive zonular degradation throughout life, and tion owing to release from inflammatory cells. Regulation are a potential cause of weakened zonules with age as seen of matrix metalloproteinase mediated extracellular matrix during cataract surgery. turnover in the trabecular meshwork is thought to be important for maintenance of normal aqueous humour Future research directions and therapeutic outflow, and an imbalance in matrix metalloproteinase implications activity may be implicated in the pathogenesis of open Future research will determine whether matrix metallopro- angle and neovascular glaucomas.65 66 teinase levels are upregulated in the aqueous of patients The widespread distribution of matrix metalloprotein- with Marfan’s syndrome and ectopia lentis and whether ases in the eye and their potential involvement in many there are individual variations in matrix metalloproteinase abnormal ocular conditions suggest that zonular microfi- activity which might explain the intrafamilial variability in brils may be exposed to matrix metalloproteinases under the phenotypic manifestations of fibrillin-1 mutations. It physiological and pathological conditions. Matrix metallo- can be predicted from the position of matrix metalloprotei-

proteinases are present in the cornea (where they are pro- nase cleavage sites identified within the fibrillin-1 http://bjo.bmj.com/ duced by the corneal epithelium, stromal keratocytes, and molecule84 that microfibril degradation would result in fibroblasts67 68) and are thought to be important in corneal stable amino and carboxy terminal fibrillin-1 fragments. ulceration and wound healing.69 70 Matrix metalloprotein- These fragments may aVect cellular behaviour and could ases and TIMPs may be involved in postoperative potentially be involved in positive feedback leading to conjunctival wound healing.71 Matrix metalloproteinase-2 upregulation of matrix metalloproteinases. Although stable (also called gelatinase A) is upregulated in the sclera in an intermolecular crosslinks may prevent release of fibrillin experimental model of myopia, and may be involved in fragments from damaged microfibrils,32 their presence in scleral remodelling associated with axial elongation of the blood or in aqueous could potentially be used as a marker on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. eye.72 Matrix metalloproteinases and TIMPs are present in of progressive microfibril damage in Marfan’s syndrome. vitreous73 74 and are potentially involved in vitreous Altered extensibility of zonular fibrillin-rich microfibrils liquefaction which occurs in ageing and pathological as a result of proteolytic damage potentially contributes to states.75 Matrix metalloproteinase activity may have a role presbyopia. Variations in aqueous matrix metalloprotein- in retinal neovascularisation in proliferative diabetic ase levels may develop with age or between individuals and retinopathy76 77 and the development of proliferative may correlate with zonular instability, thus explaining why vitreoretinopathy after surgery for retinal detachment.78 variations in zonular strength occur between otherwise Matrix metalloproteinases and TIMPs are expressed by normal patients. Further work on the pseudoexfoliation retinal pigment epithelial cells,74 79 which may be the source syndrome will determine if altered turnover of fibrillin-rich of the increased TIMP levels found at the macula in age microfibrils is implicated in the pathogenesis of this disor- related macular degeneration.80 A mutation in TIMP-3 is der, with important implications for therapeutic interven- associated with Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy, an autosomal tion. dominant condition in which lipid-rich deposits accumu- Potential therapeutic strategies for prevention of ectopia late in Bruch’s membrane.81 The choroidal neovascularisa- lentis and other ocular manifestations of proteolytic tion and subretinal haemorrhages seen in this condition damage include the use of synthetic matrix metalloprotei- are consistent with a imbalance in the regulation of angio- nase inhibitors. The eye would provide an ideal oppor- genesis by TIMPs.82 tunity to localise the application of matrix metalloprotein- Recent work has demonstrated that members of the ase inhibitors in order to prevent or to slow the progression matrix metalloproteinase family of enzymes can degrade of ectopia lentis in susceptible patients. Alternatively, recombinant fibrillin-1 molecules and disrupt fibrillin-rich genetic manipulation of TIMP or matrix metalloproteinase microfibrils,30 as well as disrupting the ultrastructure of levels may underlie a range of therapeutic strategies in the intact zonular bundles (Fig 3). Matrix metalloproteinases future.

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