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[email protected] OffToA In an effort to ensure the accuracy of your listings and announce ments in eAA News, contact the editors bye-mail: caanews@ Send us your opportunity announcements, calls 5 for papers, grants, awards, and honors, or other listings by the Good Start. issue deadline. Materials for "Solo Exhibitions by eAA Members" may be mailed to the CAA office. Photos cannot be returned. AmericanAirlines Is Proud To Be The Official In order to accomodate as many free listings as possible, we Airline Of The College ArtAssociation. cannot always confirm reciept of a listing,. provide proofs or extra AmericanAirlines· copies, or guarantee that your announcement will be printed in Americanfot" subsequent issues. Late submissions will be held for the next curious document from him~I liked the and I found that it wasn't just professors issue. We also reserve the right to edit according to style and space requirements. For paid advertising, contact the advertising Phyllis P. grade, it was an A+++------but it wasn't who belonged. This must have been the manager at advertising@collegearlorg. the kind of grade any Wellesley fall of 1941. That's why I'm one of the Our aim is,to provide worthwhile resources for and to professor gave you. There were jocular oldest members." celebrate the achievements of CANs 16,000 members. Your Bober comments all the way through in the Juggling commitments to raising a questions and/ or comments about the newsletter or website margins, too.