CWO Tim Rousseau CD – 4 Wing Construction Engineering

CWO Tim Rousseau was born in Windsor, , probably before many of you reading this bio. He joined the CF in 1983 as a Military Engineer (Structures Technician). Following basic training and almost nine months of trades training in beautiful Chilliwack BC, CWO Rousseau went on to enjoy a variety of postings throughout , including; CFB Borden 1985, CFB North Bay 1985-1990, CFB London 1990- 92, Royal Canadian Dragoons 1992-1994, Petawawa, 2 Combat Engineer Regiment in the newly created Area Construction Troop,1994-96, Petawawa, 81 Airfield Engineer Flight ,Trenton, 1996-2001, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, 2001-03, 17 Wing Winnipeg, 2003-06 and most recently 4 Wing Cold Lake. All this has allowed him the privilege of serving alongside some of the best Soldier, Sailors, Airmen, Airwomen and Civil Servants in the CF and DND. Along with a number of postings, CWO Rousseau has deployed on a number of major construction projects, international and domestic operations. 1987 Commonwealth of Nations Conference (Vancouver), 1991 CFS Alert Power Plant Construction Project, 1994-95 Croatia (UNPROFOR), 1995-96 Bosnia (IFOR), 1997 Readiness Challenge International Engineer Competition (Tyndall, AFB, Florida) in the best ever Canadian finish, 1998 Ice Storm (Quebec), 1998-99 Macedonia (KFOR), 2000 Op Memoria, Repatriation of the Unknown Soldier, 2001 Israel/Syria (UNDOF), 2006 SWA (ISAF) as the Squadron Sergeant Major of newly created and first deployed Mission Support Squadron, 2008 Camp Mirage SWA (ISAF), and 2009-10 Afghanistan (ISAF) with the Construction Management Organization (CMO). CWO Rousseau and his very patient and understanding wife Rosalind are currently stationed in Cold Lake, Alberta where up until recently he was serving in the role as the 4 Wing Construction Engineering CWO. He enjoys most sports and physical training, specifically hacking around the golf course, playing hockey, running and cross fitness. CWO Rousseau and Rosalind (who will have serve almost 30 years in the CF) have already purchased their retirement home in Amherstburg, Ontario where they plan on working, volunteering, golfing and mostly travelling.
