Unit Test Virtualization with VMVM Jonathan Bell Gail Kaiser Columbia University Columbia University 500 West 120th St, MC 0401 500 West 120th St, MC 0401 New York, NY USA New York, NY USA
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT To cope with long running test suites, testers might turn Testing large software packages can become very time in- to Test Suite Minimization or Test Suite Prioritization [43]. tensive. To address this problem, researchers have inves- Test Suite Minimization techniques such as [14, 15, 22, 23, tigated techniques such as Test Suite Minimization. Test 27, 28, 38, 41] reduce the total number of tests to execute Suite Minimization reduces the number of tests in a suite by identifying duplicate tests. However, identifying which by removing tests that appear redundant, but risks a reduc- tests are duplicates is hard, and Test Suite Minimization tion in fault-finding ability since it can be difficult to identify approaches typically rely on coverage measures to identify which tests are truly redundant. We take a completely dif- overlap, which may not be completely accurate. Addition- ferent approach to solving the same problem of long running ally, Test Suite Minimization is an NP-complete problem test suites by instead reducing the time needed to execute [23], and therefore existing algorithms rely on heuristics. each test, an approach that we call Unit Test Virtualiza- Test Suite Prioritization techniques such as [18,19,36,37,40] tion. We describe the empirical analysis that we performed re-order test cases, for example so that given the set of to ground our approach and provide an implementation of changes to the application since the last test execution, the Unit Test Virtualization targeting Java applications.