12192421 Your LifeSteps November 15, 2001 Health R isk ''Hearth Promotion Program Building a Healthy Lifea One Step at a Time Appraisal Profile Wellness Score

Previous Score 02/03/1999

Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Top 3 100 areas for you to Your Wellness Score comes from the information you gave on your HRA . Improving your health and updating your routine preventive services will improve your score in the future . think about, to improve your What you're doing well: health right now! • You do not use tobacco. • You drink little or no alcohol . • Your blood pressure is under 140/90 . • You use a safety belt all the time . Weight • You travel close to speed limit. • Your physical activity level is good . • You eat a high fiber diet . • You eat a low fat/low cholesterol diet . Physical Activity* • You have good overall physical health . • You have a regular rectal exam . • You have a regular prostate exam . Stress* • Your cholesterol level is below 200. • You have a positive outlook on life . • You have a low stress level . • You have your routine preventive services .

Keep up the good What you can do better: work! • Stay within your healthy weight range . • Learn your HDL cholesterol level .

Exhibit A Current Previous Heart Health HEALTH MEASURES TARGET

Cigarette Smoking Ex-smoker

Blood Pressure Less than 140/90

Cholesterol Less than 200

Weight 117-154 lbs

Exercise At least 3x/week

Needs Improvement High Wellness

1' Conditions Now Goal are based on people of your age, sex and risk . Heart problems Blood pressure Normal Less than 140/90 Do not have diabetes Maintain healthy lifestyle Weight 185 lbs 117-154 lbs Cholesterol Normal Less than 200 HDL Unknown At least 35 Exercise Exercise frequently Exercise frequently Cigarette smoker Ex-smoker Ex-smoker Stroke Blood pressure Normal Less than 140/90 Cigarette smoker Ex-smoker Ex-smoker Diabetes Do not have diabetes Maintain healthy lifestyle Lung cancer Cigarette smoker Ex-smoker Ex-smoker Pneumonia/Influenza Cigarette smoker Ex-smoker Ex-smoker Colon cancer Colon cancer screen 1-2 years ago Have a regular exam Diabetes mellitus Diabetes Do not have diabetes Maintain healthy lifestyle

Emphysema/Bronchitis Cigarette smoker Ex-smoker Ex-smoker

Weight/Nutrition ...... Where 185 pounds Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of heart disease, you are stroke, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease and diabetes . Too much weight stresses your heart, muscles and joints. • As you grow older you may require fewer calories per day. However, you continue to need nutrients . • Talk to your doctor for guidance . • Combine better nutrition with increased physical activity . Eat a variety of in moderation and move more . Your 117-154 pounds • Eat regularly and keep healthy snacks available . Choose fresh fruit for dessert or a snack . • Substitute fish, poultry or dried beans for meat entrees as often goal as possible. • A high fiber, low fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of cancer . Your goal is the healthy weight range for men and women set by national guidelines.

Physical Activity......

Where 4+ times/week Stay physically active! It is the best thing you can do for your mind you are and body. • Physical activity improves mental alertness, helps you sleep better and improves your digestion . • Walking and other activities help lower your blood pressure, heart rate and the demand on your heart . • Regular stretching reduces pain and increases flexibility and the range of motion of your joints. Your 30 minutes, most days • Strength training two times a week improves balance and per week preserves bone density. goal • Movement that adds up to 30 minutes a day includes activities such as house, garden and yard work . • To reduce stress on the joints and ease arthritis pain, choose water activities, cycling, and walking .


Low Stress Where Celebrate the well-being, satisfaction and control in your life that you you are have by better handling your stress. Stress is your body's response to the demands of daily living . Any event can be stressful, whether it is positive or negative . How you handle stress determines its effect . To continue staying on track: _ • Look for a new sense of meaning and growth as you face life A balanced life changes. Your • Take time to relax each day in a way that works for you . goal • Talk with someone you trust about your feelings. • Eat well and eat regularly . • Aim to be physically active in some way every day . To learn coping.skills specific to your needs, call the Careline at 800- 235-2302 . :


king :

Ex-smoker Where you are Congratulations! You are one of the over 200 million Americans who choose a healthy, tobacco-free lifestyle . • As a non-tobacco-user, you have lowered chances of lung cancer, heart disease and stroke . • Avoid secondhand smoke which is known to cause cancer . Choose non-smoking public areas . • Support loved ones or friends if they try to quit smoking . Ex-smoker Your goal

> Where Normal ations! Your blood pressure is within the recommended you are range. Highu blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and vision problems, and it often has no symptoms. • Continue to check and monitor your blood pressure at least every two years . • Learn and practice ways to manage anger and stress . • Remember that weight, physical activity, alcohol use and Less than 140/90 smoking are lifestyle factors that could lead to high blood Your pressure. goal


: Normal Where Cholesterol HDL: Unsure Maintaining your cholesterol level reduces the risk of developing heart disease . you are The higher your HDL cholesterol level (the good cholesterol), the better . • Frequent exercise may raise levels of HDL. • Regular exercise, not smoking, a healthy weight and eating low-fat foods contribute to good cholesterol management . Cholesterol less than Your 200 goal HDL greater than 35

Alcohol ......

Where Fairly small amounts of alcohol can increase the likelihood related falls and other accidents . Most adults can drink moderate you are amounts of alcohol--up to one drink per day--and avoid alcohol-related problems. You should not drink at all : • If you plan to drive. • If you take certain medications, including over-the-counter medicines . • If you have medical conditions that can be worsened by drinking . Your • If you are a recovering alcoholic . if you ever think alcohol is becoming a problem for someone close to goal you or for you, get he(p ., To learn coping skills specific to your needs, call the Careline at 800- 235-2302 .


Safety Belt


Where Congratulations for deciding to wear your safety belt . you are • Don't drink if you plan to drive and don't drive after drinking . • Never place the shoulder belt under your arm . In a collision you may break a rib, causing a puncture of the lung or heart. • Wearing your safety belt sends a positive message to children and other passengers to buckle up as well . 100% safety belt use Your goal

LS 240

Managing Your Health ...... You reported no diseases or health problems . If you have any health concerns that are not addressed in your health risk appraisal, please discuss them with your physician . You alone are responsible for your health! • Schedule an annual physical exam and regular check-ups . They could save your life! Early detection of a disease or illness increases your chance of a positive outcome . • Inform all doctors (including your dentist) about your medications and nutritional supplements to make sure they are being used appropriately . • Keep a record of any changes in your life and health, such as physical activity, eating habits, sleep, health symptoms and emotional well-being . • Lead a healthy life . Eat well, be physically active, limit alcohol intake, avoid tobacco and keep a positive outlook . Be the best you can be!

Life Balance Positive thinking helps your physical and mental well-being . • Set priorities and decide what does or does not need to be done . • Find a way to reward yourself daily . • Look to continuously improve the quality of your relationships with your family and with others. • It's never too late to explore new interests . Join a group, go on a tour or take a class. • Think about creating positive expectations while facing life changes . Your current lifestyle choices impact your health and life satisfaction . To learn coping skills specific to your needs, call the Careline at 800-235-2302 .

You can reach your health goals!

Look on the back page and see what to do next .

Your Next Steps

Suggested routine preventive services for 71 year old males . V Tetanus booster shot r Influenza vaccine -/Blood pressure J Pneumococcal vaccine r Rectal examination Prostate-specific antigen test (PSA) J Colorectal cancer screening (v = Good job, you're up-to-date!) Other suggested recommendations : Dental -exam, Eye exam for glaucoma .

2. Call (800) 711-5934 for recorded Audio Health Library message---Request topic number : 1831 Diet and Nutrition 1830 Living a Balanced Lifestyle 2050 Maintaining a Healthy Attitude

3. Contact www.lifesteps.com with your email address to receive information online .

Congratulations for continuing to 4. check your good health! Your answers to LifeSteps HRA indicate that you may benefit from additional LifeSteps information and resources by calling your Personal Health Advisor at 1-800-711-5934 .

Health Promotion Program Building a Healthy Life One Step at a Time 237

10781579 Your Lifesteps November 15, 2001 Health Risk I / P',Y Health Promotion Program Building a Healthy Life One Step at a Time Appraisal Profile


Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Top 3 100 Your Wellness Score comes from the information you gave on your HR.. Improving your areas for you o health and updating your routine preventive services will improve your score in the future . think about, to improve your What you're doing well: health right now . • You drink little or no alcohol . • You have a regular breast exam. • You have a regular Pap test . • You have a regular mammogram . • Your blood pressure is under 140/90. Cigarette • You travel close to speed limit. Smoking • You eat a low fat/low cholesterol diet. • You have good overall physical health. • You have a regular rectal exam . Cholesterol • You have a positive outlook on life .

Safety Belt U e What you can do better: • Quit cigarette smoking • Do a breast self-exam monthly . • Stay within your healthy weight range. • Always buckle your safety belt . • Increase your physical activity level. • Eat high fiber foods daily . • Learn your cholesterol level and decrease it to 199 or less . • Learn your HL cholesterol level. • Talk to your health professional about routine preventive services: tetanus booster shot.


Cigarette Smoking Non-smoker

Blood Pressure Less than 140/90

Cholesterol Less than 200

Weight 117-154 lb.

Exercise At least 3x/week Needs Improvement High Wellness

Your Health Analysis Now are basedConditionson people of your age, sex and risk . Goal Heart problems Blood pressure Normal Less than 140/90 Diabetes Do not have diabetes Maintain healthy lifestyle Weight 170 lb. 117-154 lb. Cholesterol High Less than 200 HL Unknown At least 35 Exercise Exercise occasionally Exercise frequently Cigarette smoker Current smoker Stop smoking Lung cancer Cigarette smoker Current smoker Stop smoking Stroke Blood pressure Normal Less than 140/90 Cigarette smoker Current smoker Stop smoking Diabetes Do not have diabetes Maintain healthy lifestyle Emphysema/Bronchitis Cigarette smoker Current smoker Stop smoking Colon cancer Colon cancer screen 1-2 year. ago Have a regular exam Diabetes mellitus Diabetes Do not have diabetes Maintain healthy lifestyle Pancreatic cancer Cigarette smoker Current smoker Stop smoking Alcohol I drink(.) per week None to 1 drink day

Smoking ...... Where Smoking is the largest single, preventable cause of cancer, heart and respiratory diseases in the US. you are • The harmful effects of smoking on your health build up over time. • Quitting brings almost immediate improvement, including increased oxygen and circulation . • Consult your doctor about ways to quit smoking . • Remember that your secondhand smoke can impact the health Non-user of tobacco of those around you . Your • Think of your savings when you stop using cigarettes . goal


Where Cholesterol: High HL : Unsure Lower your total cholesterol level to greatly reduce the risk of you are developing heart disease . • Monitor your cholesterol . • The higher your HL cholesterol level (the good cholesterol), the better. • Frequent exercise may raise levels of HL . • Cholesterol levels may increase during menopause . Cholesterol less than • Eat less total fat and saturated fat . Your 200' . • Monitor your intake of high-fat meats, poultry and dairy foods while increasing vegetables, fruits and grains . goal HL greater than 35 s • Regular exercise, not smoking and a healthy weight may help in managing cholesterol . • Cholesterol-lowering medications are important if prescribed by your doctor.

Safety Belt ...... <80% Where ou are Using safety belts (in cars with air bags) is the single most effective y thing you can do to reduce your risk while driving. • Buckle up at ALL times . Most accidents occur close to home and at low speeds. • Never place the shoulder belt under your arm . In a collision you may break a rib, causing a puncture of the lung or heart . • Don't drink if you plan to drive and don't drive after drinking . 100%o safety belt use • Most states ticket a driver who is unbuckled. • Wearing your safety belt sends a positive message to children and other passengers . to buckle up as well .


:Physical Activity ......

1 or 2 times/week ere

you are Stay physically active! It is the best thing you can do for your mind and body. • Being active for 30 minutes on most days is important for good health. • Vary your activities to prevent injury and boredom . Rotate between intense and light exercise days . • As you grow older your muscles and joints may become sore and 30 minutes, most stiff more easily . Warm-up and cool down for five minutes to days per week increase circulation and reduce injury . • Strength training two times a week can improve balance, preserve bone density and improve endurance . • Regular stretching increases flexibility. • Remember that physical activity includes structured fitness and recreational activities as well as "lifestyle" activities such as house, garden and yard work. • Keep a record of your daily activity to stay on track .

Weight/Nutrition ......

Where 170 pounds Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease and diabetes . Too you are much weight stresses your heart, muscles and joints. • As you grow older you may require fewer calories per day. However, you continue to need nutrients . • Talk to your doctor for guidance . • Combine better nutrition with increased physical activity . Eat a variety of foods in moderation and move more . Your 117-154 pounds • Eat regularly and keep healthy snacks available. Choose fresh fruit for dessert or a snack . • Substitute fish, poultry or dried beans for meat entrees as often goal as possible . • High-calcium foods help build strong bones . • A high fiber, low fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of cancer. Your goal is the healthy weight range for men and women set by national guidelines .


Where Low Stress Celebrate the well-being, satisfaction and control in your life that you have by better handling your stress. you are Stress is your body's response to the demands of daily living . Any event can be stressful, whether it is positive or negative . How you handle stress determines its effect . To continue to stay on track: • Stay aware of your stress and what triggers it . • Take time daily to relax in a way that works for you . Your A balanced life • Talk with someone you trust about your feelings . • Eat well and eat regularly . Good nutrition is important . goal • Aim to be physically active in some way every day . To learn coping skills specific to your needs, call the Caroline at 800-235-2302.


1 drink's) per week

Where Drink responsibly if you ever drink alcohol occasionally a social activities. Most adults may be able to drink moderate amounts you are of alcohol--up to one drink per day for women--and avoid alcohol- related problems . You should not drink at all: • If you plan to drive . • If you take certain medications, including over-the-counter None to 1 drink a day medicines . our • If you have medical conditions that can be worsened by drinking . goa l • If you are a recovering alcoholic . If you ever think alcohol is becoming a problem for someone close to you or for you, get help `' To learn coping skills specific to your needs, call the Caroline at 800- 235-2302 .


Blood Pressure

Normal Where Congratulations! Your blood pressure is within the recommended range. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, you are stroke, kidney failure and vision problems, and it often has no symptoms. • Continue to check and monitor your blood pressure at least every two years . • Learn and practice ways to manage anger and stress . • Remember that weight, physical activity, alcohol use and smoking Less than 140/90 1;; 41 ; Your are lifestyle factors that could lead to high blood pressure. goal

LS 240

Managing Your Health ...... You reported more than one health problem. You say you have arthritis and back pain. • Schedule regular check-ups. • Inform all doctors (including your dentist) about your medications and nutritional supplements to make sure they are being used appropriately . • Keep a record of any changes in your life and health, such as physical activity, eating habits, sleep, health symptoms and emotional well-being . • Lead a healthy life. Eat well, be physically active, limit alcohol intake, avoid tobacco and keep a positive outlook. • If you have any health concerns that are not addressed in your health risk appraisal, please discuss them with your physician . You alone are responsible for your health! • For more information, contact your Personal Health Advisor at 800-711-5934 . You reported more than five personal illness days in the past year . For better understanding and assistance with managing a medical condition, please contact your Blue Cross/Blue Shield affiliate about their coordinated care management program at 800-768-6787 .

Life Balance Balancing your life leads to less illness, better life satisfaction and improved family relationships. • Watch out for thinking everything has to be done perfectly . • Set priorities and decide what does or does not need to be done . • Positive thinking is good for your physical and mental well-being . • Find ways to continuously improve the quality of your relationships with family and with others. • Set aside time for relaxation . Your current lifestyle choices impact your health and future life satisfaction . To learn coping skills specific to your needs, call the Caroline at 800-235-2302 .

You can reach your health goals! Look on the back page and see what to do next.

Your Next Steps

Suggested routine preventive services for 60 year old females . Tetanus booster shot v'Colorectal cancer screening v'Blood pressure r Pap smear test r Cholesterol test Breast exam by MD or nurse r Rectal examination v"Mammogram '1 = Good job, you're up-to-date!) Other suggested recommendations : Dental exam, Eye exam for glaucoma .

Call (800) 711-5934"for recorded Audio Health Library message---Request topic number 1844 Stopping Smoking 1832 Reducing Cholesterol 2262 Stay Active/Fit in Seniors

Contact www.lifesteps.com with your email address to receive information online .

Your answers to the LifeSteps Questionnaire show that you could benefit from the following: Call your LifeSteps Health Coach at 1-800-685- 5262 for free and confidential assistance in improving your specific risk factors .


'Health Promotion Program Building a Healthy We One Step at a Time 3 237 - play it safe

Shake the Habit You don’t need sodium to spice your foods By Beth Thayer, registered dietitian for Heart Smart®, part of the Henry Ford Heart and Vascular Institute, Detroit, Mich.

ossing salt over your shoulder one who has kidney disease, the excess T instead of into your mouth may do sodium isn’t excreted. This can lead to more than spare you some bad luck. water retention and edema, the swelling It may help prevent health problems, of soft tissues in the body. especially if you have heart disease, The effect of salt on the body can be kidney disease and/or high blood pressure. illustrated by sprinkling salt on a potato: “Salt” is the common name for sodium Liquid is pulled to the outer surface. chloride, which is 40% sodium and 60% When we eat sodium, fluid is pulled into chloride. The sodium content in salt is our blood vessels. This extra fluid can what causes us problems. raise the pressure in our arteries, which Sodium is an important mineral. It leads to high blood pressure. helps maintain proper fluid balance, regu- Most health professionals recommend late blood pressure, transmit nerve a maximum of 2,400 mg of sodium per impulses and relax muscles. However, the day for healthy individuals. That’s the body needs only about 500 milligrams equivalent of one teaspoon of salt. (mg) of sodium each day: The average You can reduce your sodium intake by American consumes about 4,000 to removing the salt shaker from the table. 6,000 mg each day. Cook and prepare foods without adding Our kidneys regulate the sodium level salt. Substitute pepper, garlic, vinegar, in our bodies. However, if the kidneys lemon juice, herbs and spices to help aren’t working properly, as with some- flavor your meals.

What is LifeSteps? The LifeSteps Program is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the health and well-being of all employees — active and retired, UAW-represented, IUE-represented and salaried — and their family members. Through health information and support services, LifeSteps provides individuals with the tools to become more knowledgeable about the decisions that affect their health. Neither the LifeSteps Program nor the information provided is intended to replace appropriate medical care and consultation with your personal physician. Rather, it is intended to help you improve your health through activities that prevent disease, with your personal physician’s support.

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UAW-GM Center for Human Resources 200 Walker Detroit, MI 48207 ISSUE 3&4 2001 FOR THE PEOPLE OF UAW-GM SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE


The ABC’s of Asthma KNOW OXYGEN, KNOW LIFE; IN THIS ISSUE: NO OXYGEN, NO LIFE It’s easy to take air for granted. We Identify Your Seasonal Allergens, pg. 2 can’t see it, smell it or touch it. But Hepatitis C: Risks, Prevention and Treatment, pg. 4 when we can’t breathe it, nothing else is more important. A Health Screening Testimonial, pg. 11

Shake the Salt Habit, pg. 16 Continued on page 7

Cover art by John Dunivant What’s Making You Sneeze? Discover the seasonal allergy culprits native to where you live agweed is rampant, your nose is running, Ohio could be completely different from what R your eyes are watering and your head makes someone sneeze in Arizona. aches — you may be suffering from seasonal Listed below are the most common seasonal allergies. Depending on where you live, you allergens in each particular region, although could be sneezing more than your fair share. many of these allergens are found throughout The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma the United States. and Immunology (AAAAI) estimates that 35 mil- Want some tips on how you can manage lion Americans suffer from seasonal allergic your allergies? Just call the UAW-GM LifeSteps rhinitis, commonly referred to as hay fever. Personal Health Advisor® at 1-800-711-5934 These allergies are a reaction to substances and speak with a registered nurse.

taking care such as mold, spores and pollen. The causes of hay fever vary both in regions Up North Outdoor mold is an and seasons; what makes someone wheeze in allergen frequently found in soil, vegetation and rotting wood. Mold Across the U.S. begins to appear after a Ragweed, which blooms from mid-August to the spring thaw and reaches first frost, is the main fall allergen nationwide. It is its peak in late summer often found along riverbanks, by roadsides, on or early fall. vacant lots and in other areas where people have cleared natural vegetation. FPO HI-RES ILLUS TO BE SCANNED AND PLACED. Out West Back East Russian thistle, Chinese The pollen of elm and outdoor mold flowering native often trigger allergies grasses and weeds for people on the West blooming from early Coast. Additionally, spring to fall is the mold growth in the primary cause of West doubles toward allergies for people the end of summer and in the East. into the fall, especially in cold, dark, damp places and after rainfall.

Down South Sagebrush, tumbleweed, fall elm and Russian thistle are common Southern allergens. Unfortunately for Southerners, the pollinating season starts earlier in the spring the further south you are. So the allergy season in the South

can begin as early as January and last through October. Another Southern John Dunivant 2 allergy setback: Outdoor mold lasts year-round. We Want to Hear From You! healthy viewpoint feelin’good is designed to provide you with the latest health information and resources available through the UAW-GM LifeSteps Health Promotion Program. Your real-life examples and Home Control success stories can inspire others to Tips to handle asthma and allergy triggers in your home get the most out of the program. By Dr. Ralph Hanson, Medical Director, GM Powertrain Have an interesting UAW-GM LifeSteps story to share? Send your letters to: ore than 17 million Americans suffer from asthma, and approxi- M mately 50 million have allergies. Asthma and allergies are We Hear You related, because allergens, the substances that commonly induce feelin’good P.O. Box 2063 allergies, can trigger an asthma attack. Warren, MI 48090-9847 If you’re sniffling and sneezing long after allergy season, the source E-mail: [email protected] of your allergies may be in your own home. Controlling your home environment is an important part of asthma and allergy care. Here are Please include your name, address and daytime phone number. Letters chosen for publication some common allergens and ways to help reduce them in your home: may be edited for length and clarity. SMOKE Tobacco smoke should not be allowed in the home of someone with asthma or allergies. If family members or friends want to smoke, ask Editorial Board them to go outside. Better yet, suggest they quit altogether. Also, don’t Ron Blythe, Maureen Dyar, use wood stoves and fireplaces, as the smoke can trigger asthma and Marilyn Edington, Charlie Estey, Kay Hyde, Terry Karjalainen, allergic reactions. Fred Martus, Tim McDonald, PETS Robert Minton, Shirley Musich, Charne Schmidt Most pets can cause allergic reactions, especially cats and dogs. They should be taken out of the home. If removing the pet is unacceptable, Publishing Staff keep the animal out of the bedroom and bathe your pet twice a week. Publication Manager Have a nonallergic family member brush the pet outdoors, and clean Jennifer Badnarik out the animal’s cage or litter box frequently. Asst. Publication Manager COCKROACHES Julie Preston Cockroach allergens arise from dead roaches and roach droppings Publication Coordinator that collect in house dust. They are hard to remove. If you have these Wendy Brender pests in your home, it’s probably best to call an exterminator, and Editorial Staff make certain to maintain a particularly clean house. Editorial Supervisor INDOOR MOLD Jim McFarlin Humidity can cause mold under sinks and in shower stalls, Editor refrigerators, basements and houseplants. Use a dehumidifier and a Naomi Oglesby mildew-control spray. During the summer, use an air conditioner. Copy Desk Supervisor DUST MITES Thea Gochicoa Mites are tiny, microscopic spiders usually found in house dust. Their Copy Editor waste products — the particles you can see floating in a shaft of Nora Ruttinger sunlight — can trigger an allergic reaction. Encase your Design Director mattress and pillows in airtight covers. Wash bedding Laura Rogers weekly. Don’t sleep on upholstered furniture and Senior Art Director clean up surface dust as much as possible. Stacey Savage Production/Circulation Manager Ralph Hanson, D.O., M.P.H. Kathy Cosgro Medical Director, GM Powertrain 3 Are You at Risk? Second and third of a three-part series on hepatitis C

f you’ve had major surgery confirmed with another test, I before 1992 or used blood anti-HCV recombinant immu- products to treat clotting noblot assay (RIBA). problems before 1987, you If you receive a confirmed should be tested for hepatitis C, positive anti-HCV result, don’t a form of liver disease that is panic. Just because the virus is the most common blood-borne present in your blood does not Remember to check with your illness in the United States. mean you have liver damage. health care carrier or HMO Others who may be at risk Your doctor will decide what regarding coverage for include anyone who has ever further tests need to be done to prescription drugs or tests lifesmarts injected illegal drugs or worked see if your liver has been harmed. associated with hepatitis C. in occupations involving ex- posure to needles, and those who have received blood from a donor who tested positive Know Your Options: for the disease. Children born from infected mothers also Prevention and Treatment should be tested. hink about your family and friends. You probably know someone Unfortunately, most people T who is infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) but doesn’t don’t know they’re at risk and realize it. aren’t tested because they don’t Most people infected with HCV don’t have any symptoms for have any symptoms. Early in its years. But the virus can lead to liver cancer and cirrhosis — course, hepatitis C usually has irreversible scarring and damage to the liver — and ultimately to 2no indications. When signs do liver failure. occur, they resemble many There is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C. But there are effective other medical conditions: ways to hinder transmission of the disease, such as avoiding the fatigue, loss of appetite, injection of illegal drugs, snorting cocaine and having unprotected abdominal pain, headache, sex, especially with multiple partners. If you are considering body fever and nausea. piercing or tattooing, make sure the equipment is properly sanitized There are several blood tests and the person performing the procedure follows proper cleaning that can determine if you are methods, including washing hands and wearing latex gloves. infected with HCV, the hepatitis Drugs are licensed for the treatment of persons with long-term C virus. One test, called anti- hepatitis C. About two to three out of every 10 patients who are HCV enzyme immunoassay treated get rid of the virus. (EIA), is usually done first. If Not all hepatitis C patients require treatment. Your doctor will the virus is present, the anti- decide if you need treatment based on the progression of the disease.

gettyone HCV EIA results should be If you’ve been diagnosed with hepatitis C but show no symptoms, you still need to be monitored carefully. Check with your doctor to determine how often you need to schedule office visits. SOURCE: U.S. Centers for More information on hepatitis C is available through the UAW-GM Disease Control and Prevention, LifeSteps AudioHealth Library®. Just call 1-800-711-5934, press “2” www.cdc.gov/hepatitis to choose the AudioHealth Library, 3press “1” to indicate you are or 1-888-4-HEPCDC. ready to choose your topic, and enter the code “1952” for hepatitis. 4 health buzz facts & figures Presented by the University of Michigan

The UAW-GM LifeSteps Health Promotion Drowsy Drivers Program and the University of Michigan Health Management Research Center Pull off the road and get some ZZZs! provide research-based tools, such as the Health Risk Appraisal, to assess lifestyle patterns and health risks of all current and f you close your eyes for was at the time of a crash. retired employees and adult dependents. I one second while driving at Drivers who have the highest risk Our goal is to raise awareness and 60 miles per hour, you’ve of falling asleep at the wheel are motivation to improve your total well-being and quality of life. traveled 88 feet. young men ages 18 to 25, parents Now think about what can of newborns, night-shift Driving Statistics happen if you fall asleep behind workers, truck drivers or 22% of all LifeSteps the wheel. Pretty scary, isn’t it? others who drive long participants say they drive Most drivers have experienced distances, and those who more than 15,000 miles drowsiness while driving. But suffer from sleep problems per year. few realize the danger of driving such as sleep apnea or insomnia. Hours of sleep for current when you’re just too sleepy to be Before you hit the road, make employees who drive on the road. sure you’ve had enough rest. more than 15,000 miles/year: Sleepy drivers cause more than Repeated yawning, droopy eyelids, 11% nodding and disconnected thoughts 100,000 crashes a year in the 6 hrs or less 1% United States. But these numbers are all signs you should get some 7 hours 41% tell only a portion of the story — sleep. While driving, if you are 8 hours 47% accidents caused by drowsy weaving in and out of your lane and 9+ hours drivers are underreported. With- have no memory of the last few Hours of sleep for retired out definite criteria and objec- miles, pull off the road! Losing employees who drive more tive tests, there is simply no way some driving time is a small price to than 15,000 miles/year: to determine how sleepy a driver pay for staying safe on the road. 4% 6 hrs or less SOURCE: National Highway 29% 7 hours 27% Traffic Safety Administration, 8 hours www.nhtsa.dot.gov. 40% 9+ hours Top 10 A longer commute increases Tips to combat daytime sleepiness the likelihood of speeding: 10. Develop a relaxing sleep ritual. Active Employees 9. Unplug the telephone in your bedroom. 44% of people who drive more 8. Close the bedroom door and hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on it. than 15,000 miles a year speed. 7. Know the side effects of your medications. 36% of people who drive less 6. Avoid taking alcohol and caffeine several hours before bedtime. than 15,000 miles a year speed. 5. Don’t look at the clock before bedtime — worrying about time just keeps you awake longer. Retired Employees 4. Maintain or improve your overall health. 26% of people who drive more 3. Lower your thermostat before going to bed. 2. Block or mask outside sounds. than 15,000 miles a year speed. 1. Go to sleep at the same time every day. Most people 16% of people who drive less need an average of eight hours of sleep a night. than 15,000 miles a year speed.

(Note: The University of Michigan is responsible for protecting the

Colorforms Inc. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, www.dot.gov. confidentiality and privacy of all UAW-GM LifeSteps data.) 5 A Timely Cholesterol Test Doctor recognizes the value of in-plant testing

idge Collett’s 54th birthday keep blood vessels clear. again for the year. M was a wake-up call. About a month later, she went to Collett was impressed, she Her father had died at that her doctor, Robert Steele, M.D., says, for two reasons. First, her age of a heart attack. So Collett, of for an annual physical. When he doctor wasn’t charging her for a Kokomo, Ind., greeted her birth- asked her to take a cholesterol duplicate test. Second, like most day with a renewed commitment test, she mentioned she had just people, she’s not too fond of to her health. had one at the plant. Instead of getting pricked by needles. She began taking LifeSteps duplicating the test, he said she Steele was equally impressed classes to help her quit smoking. could simply bring in her results to by the LifeSteps program. She also had a cholesterol screen- be placed in her file. “Sometimes screening tests need ing done at her plant. Steele says he accepted her chol- to be interpreted by a physician “The screening was convenient, esterol screening results because so the results can be seen in testimonial and the people who run the pro- LifeSteps utilizes state-of-the-art context,” he says. “But health gram are friendly,” she says. screening equipment and qualified education programs such as Her results were encouraging — staff. Also, since her numbers were LifeSteps are extremely valuable 195 total cholesterol and 90 HDL, in a normal range, there was no in helping people strive to attain the “good” cholesterol that helps need to check her cholesterol better health.”

An Easier Way Order and receive your prescriptions at home!

ake advantage of the Mail is a question, a registered pharmacist T Service Pharmacy program if will contact your doctor. you have a traditional (basic The program is intended only for or enhanced) or PPO plan. The ongoing prescriptions. It takes program offers you the convenience seven to 10 business days to receive of ordering from home and can save your medications, so make sure you money. In most cases, you can you have a supply of medicine on order up to 90 days of prescription hand while waiting for your order. drugs at once. That means three It’s simple to get started. Just call months of medications for just one 1-877-START MAIL (1-877-782- prescription information handy. copay. Plus, shipping is free. 7862) to speak with a member After your first prescription is Virtually all the same generic and services representative. Or log on filled, you can order refills quickly brand-name drugs you purchase at to www.merckmedco.com, click on and easily by calling the above toll- a walk-in pharmacy are offered “Prescription Refill/Renewal” and free number or visiting the Merck- through the Mail Service Pharmacy follow the easy, on-screen instruc- Medco Web site. program. What’s more, the program tions. When you sign up online or Many HMOs also offer similar screens all your prescriptions for via telephone, make sure you mail-order options. Check your potential drug interactions. If there have your member number and health plan for details.

6 SPECIAL PULL-OUT SECTION LearnASTHMA more about The following four pages detail important information you should know about asthma. We encourage you to pull out this section and keep it handy! It’s a reference that is sure to be a valuable learning tool. the abc’s of asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease in which air is blocked from flowing in and out of the lungs, usually by muscle con- striction, muscle swelling and excess mucus. The cause of asthma is un- known. Factors in the envir- onment, called triggers, can FPO

cover story set off asthma attacks. Com- HI-RES ILLUS mon triggers include tobacco TO BE SCANNED AND PLACED. smoke, air pollution, pollen, allergens from animals and in- not improve, seek emergency SOURCES: sects, abrupt weather changes, medical help right away. National mold and viral infections. If you have asthma, you are Institutes of A person suffering from an not alone. An estimated 17.3 Health, asthma attack feels a sensation million Americans suffer from www.nih.gov; similar to drowning. As air- the disease — 5 million under Just and the U.S. ways to the lungs narrow and the age of 18. Centers for tighten, the asthmatic finds There is good news, how- remember Disease Control breathing increasingly dif- ever. People afflicted with to: and Prevention, ficult. Wheezing and coughing asthma can lead normal lives. are common symptoms. www.cdc.gov. A variety of medications are Learn about the If someone suffers an attack, • available to help control condition and administer asthma medication asthma symptoms. Identifying identify triggers immediately. If symptoms do and avoiding triggers also re- likely to provoke duces the likelihood of having an attack an asthma attack. Avoid such triggers uarterly So take heart. Even though • uestion or situations Q the condition is a lifelong disease, it can be controlled • Take medications Do you have a success story on how through proper management. regularly as you handle the challenges of asthma? prescribed Tell us! Send your letters to Quarterly Question, feelin’good, P.O. Box 2063, Warren, MI 48090-9847, or e-mail us at [email protected]. Please include your name, address and daytime phone number. Letters chosen for publication may be edited for length and clarity. John Dunivant 7 the abc’ s of asthma

Ten Myths About Asthma and Allergies Learn the facts and you’ll breathe easier

MYTH #4: Asthma can be cured. You long for a four-legged friend, even if your FACT: There is no cure for asthma. But with proper nose runs and your eyes tear up around dogs. diagnosis and treatment, people with asthma can Besides, your neighbor said certain breeds don’t lead normal, active lives with little disturbance to affect people with asthma and allergies. their quality of life.

Your neighbor is wrong. MYTH #5: The use of inhalers is dangerous. A nonallergic dog breed is just one of many FACT: Inhaled medications, including cortico- myths surrounding asthma and allergies. steroids, taken as prescribed, are the safest and most effective treatments for asthma. Here are the top 10 myths about asthma and allergies, according to the American Academy MYTH #6: Alternative medications are as effec- of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: tive as prescribed treatments. FACT: Alternative medications generally should not replace traditional, scientifically proven medications. Safety and effectiveness of these drugs remain largely unproven. FPO HI-RES ILLUS MYTH #7: Moving to a warmer climate, such TO BE SCANNED as to the southwestern states, will cure asthma AND PLACED. and allergies. FACT: Moving to warmer temperatures may relieve

Wille & Assoc. allergies temporarily. However, allergies to native plants in the new area soon may develop. There is no MYTH #1: Some dog breeds, such as safe place to move from allergies and asthma. Chihuahuas, are better for people with asthma and allergies. MYTH #8: Chiropractors can treat asthma FACT: The protein found in a dog’s saliva, dander and effectively. urine is what triggers allergies — not pet hair. So no FACT: Asthma results from overreactivity of the breed is safe. immune system. That’s why allergy and immunology specialists are the best professionals to treat MYTH #2: Continuous exposure to pets asthma and allergies. decreases sensitivity to allergies. FACT: This is false. Continued exposure can, in fact, MYTH #9: Allergies are a harmless problem. increase health risks. FACT: Allergies are a serious condition and MYTH #3: Children outgrow asthma. should be properly treated. If left untreated, they can lead to chronic respiratory problems and FACT: Some children have asthma symptoms that clear other serious disorders. up during adolescence, while other children’s worsen, but the tendency toward extrasensitive airways remains. MYTH #10: Smoking doesn’t trigger allergies There is no way to predict whether a child will have or asthma. asthma as an adult. FACT: Smoking seriously affects allergies and asthma. Other triggers include pollens, mold, SOURCE: American Academy of Allergy, animal dander, dust mites, cockroaches, latex, Asthma and Immunology, www stinging insects and certain foods. 8 .aaaai.org. the abc’ s of asthma health coach Two Types of Asthma Treatment

There are so many different treat- ments for asthma, it can sometimes be confusing. But don’t get mixed up! Treatment is usually broken up into two main groups: • Medications taken on a daily basis to help prevent and control ongoing symptoms. Corticosteroids, for instance, work to fight inflammation that may be obstructing an airway. • “Rescue” medications, such as broncho- dilators, that help to relieve symptoms. These medications combat coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and breathing problems by opening airways to make breathing easier. talk terminology Learn key words so you can understand your doctor Gain a better understanding of asthma and allergies and’s theiradvice treatment by familiarizing yourself with related terms:

Allergen — Any substance that Corticosteroids — An effective asthma medication triggers an allergic reaction. that can be inhaled or swallowed. It’s not related to Allergist — A doctor who the steroids misused by some athletes. specializes in treating allergies. Hay fever — The more common term for allergies. Anaphylaxis — Hypersensitivity to certain sub- Immunotherapy — Allergy shots or vaccinations. A stances that results in a severe allergic reaction — process in which allergenic material is administered usually involving swelling throughout the body. in increasing concentrations over a period of time in Without immediate treatment, it may be fatal. order to decrease allergic symptoms when someone is exposed to an allergen. Bronchial tubes — The major air passageways of the lungs and the tubes branching from them. Otitis media — The medical term for ear infections, which can be caused by allergic reactions. Bronchodilators — Drugs that open air passages by relaxing the tightened muscles surrounding the Reflux disease — A common asthma trigger in bronchial tubes. They come in inhalant, tablet, which stomach acid flows back up the esophagus. capsule, liquid or injectable forms. Sinusitis — Inflammation of the nasal sinuses, the Conjunctivitis — Inflammation of the eye. It can be hollow cavities within the cheek bones found around a symptom of an allergic reaction. the eyes and behind the nose. 9 SPECIAL PULL-OUT SECTION the abc’ s of asthma

How to Use Choice to Pick an Inhaler Clicks any asthma medications Where to find asthma and allergy information on the Web M asthma? come in metered-dose in- Have questions about your allergies or can help you find the halers, or MDIs. The small, The following Web sites portable inhalers contain a information you need. gas-propelled device that dis- penses measured doses of the topics of interest and provides links medicine. Always follow the to other suggested sites. The allergy directions for the specific and asthma section is compre- inhaler you’re using. Here’s hensive. There’s even a segment on how to use a gas-propelled MDI safely and properly: www.lifesteps.com pets with allergies! Once you log on, click on the health information link in the menu Remove the cap www.allernet.com • on the left, then type in “asthma” and shake Sponsored by the National Pollen the inhaler. or “allergies” under Quick Search Network, this site provides If necessary, in the menu on the right. You’ll attach the pollen counts nationwide, as well find numerous links to the latest spacer to the as a detailed Q & A section, a inhaler. information on both conditions. glossary of allergy and asthma • Exhale slowly terms and magnified pictures of and steadily. www.allergies.about.com airborne allergens. • Place the inhaler in your mouth About.com sponsors a Web site that or one to two inches from it. If you’re using compiles information on specific a spacer, place the spacer mouthpiece in your mouth. • Press the canister once to release a dose of the medicine while Tips for Taking Control of Asthma you inhale very slowly and as deeply as possible. If you have asthma: • Hold your breath for about • Request a written care plan • Make sure your personal 10 seconds. from your doctor. asthma emergency action • Breathe out • Identify and avoid things that plan is on file at work and/or slowly and are likely to trigger asthma at your school. steadily. attacks. • When using inhalers, follow the • Keep the cap • Control the panic that can instructions on your on when the accompany an attack. Stay prescription; studies show inhaler is not in calm and get help. inhalers are used improperly use, and rinse by eight out of 10 patients. only the mouthpiece and cap in • Determine whether you can warm water as needed. handle a situation yourself or need to go to an emergency SOURCE: American Lung room. Association of Michigan, Colorforms Inc. SOURCE: National Heart, 1-800-543-LUNG. Lung, and Blood Institute, www.nhlbi.nih.gov/index.htm To discuss your symptoms with a registered nurse, call the UAW-GM . LifeSteps Personal Health Advisor® at 1-800-711-5934. 10 testimonial

Pressure Under Control A health screening uncovers one man’s veryone suffers from occasional less. At the doctor’s office, Morgan’s levels E headaches and fatigue. Lonnie Mor- were 159/104, considered dangerously high. gan of Arlington, Texas, thought his Since then, Morgan has been taking his throbbing head and sleepiness were blood pressure medication faithfully. His nothing unusual, even though his symp- levels dropped to 110/80, well within the toms were recurrent. optimal range. Now he gets his blood The reason for his headaches and slug- pressure checked regularly, just to be sure. gishness was his allergic reaction to year- round blooming plants — or so he thought. “If it hadn’t been for that nurse encouraging During a UAW meeting in Dearborn, me to go to the doctor, I would Mich., Morgan attended a LifeSteps health probably still be suffering,” he says. screening. A LifeSteps screening technician checked his blood pressure and was “I feel great, better than I have in years,” alarmed because it was so high. He was Morgan says. He encourages anyone who instructed to see a doctor immediately. can attend a health screening to do so. The diagnosis surprised Morgan, es- “The people are always extremely nice. pecially since he’d been treated for high The program is there for your use, and it’s blood pressure before and had been on an the best thing you can do.” exercise plan to control his weight. He even had been allowed to stop taking Are you concerned about hypertension? previous blood pressure medications Call the UAW-GM LifeSteps Personal because of his health improvements. Health Advisor® at 1-800-711-5934 and Normal blood pressure levels are 130/85 or speak with a registered nurse. Colorforms Inc.

If you have high blood pressure and are overweight, — can lower losing weight — even just a few pounds your blood pressure. Weight loss can also increase the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.


The UAW and General Motors support the LifeSteps Program and have gone to great lengths to help ensure that your privacy is fully protected. Should you choose to participate in the UAW-GM LifeSteps Program, any individual information you share is kept in strict confidence by the approved UAW-GM LifeSteps vendors. Your individual information is NOT shared with the UAW or General Motors.

11 keep moving

A Little Friendly Competition health bit Corporate Cup puts emphasis on healthy lifestyle Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998

During each of the past three years, all enrollees received a

notice informing them Jon Muresan Jon of coverage for breast Team members Ray Jeffery, Brenda Loveday and reconstruction and James Jeffery represented GM in the 17th Annual other related services Midwest Regional Corporate Cup Relays. following mastectomy. The provisions of the law otivation is key in any Corporate Cup team captain continue to apply and M endeavor. This is especially Brenda Loveday. the required coverage true when it comes to exercise. So Participants competed in track is included under the why not make staying in shape a and field–style events that were a Health Care Programs. Please contact your team effort? challenge for walkers, runners, health care carrier or That’s exactly what the GM long and high jumpers and shot- HMO with questions. Corporate Cup team — a group putters of all abilities. Events of GM employees, including included a 10k run, 5k walk, team UAW members, together with shot put, team jump (each person GM retirees, summer interns high jumps and long jumps) and and co-op students — decided to mixed team running relays that do. They participated in the ranged from 200 to 3,200 meters. 17th Annual Midwest Regional “The event is about feeling Corporate Cup Relays held June good, not guts and glory,” says LifeSteps donated team shirts to 16 in Canton, Mich. Donations Ray Jeffery, a UAW-GM employee the 73 GM athletes and was also on were collected for Special at the Milford Proving Grounds hand to conduct body-fat analyses. Olympics Michigan. and a team member since 1993. If you would like to be placed “The competition is about “It’s a jump-start to a healthy on a team mailing list or want having fun, staying healthy and lifestyle and the ideal thing for more information on how to meeting and teaming up with me.” Jeffery has even motivated join, e-mail Brenda Loveday at other GM employees from his father, James, a GM retiree, to [email protected] or check Southeast Michigan,” says GM participate. out www.eteamz.com/gmcorpcup.

12 nutrition Your Kids Are What You Eat Good eating habits influence better nutrition for your children

By Beth Thayer, registered dietitian for Heart Smart®, part of the Henry Ford Heart and Vascular Institute, Detroit, Mich.

f your children are filling up too often on I soda pop and french fries, take a look at your own diet before chastising them. Children are strongly influenced by what parents and other family members eat. If parents eat fruits and vegetables, their children are more likely to eat and enjoy fruits and vegetables, too. fries to begin substituting milk and fruits, but it Because diet plays such a strong role in health, it’s can happen if you keep a few things in mind. important to teach children how to eat healthy. A Remember that their likes and dislikes poor diet can increase their chances of developing change rapidly. Foods they refuse today may be obesity and diabetes, as well as high cholesterol and favorites tomorrow. Therefore, introduce new high blood pressure. This can lead to the early onset foods consistently and start the “one bite” policy: of heart disease. Autopsies have shown that Allow them to take one bite and then decide if children can begin to develop fatty plaque in their they would like more. Try introducing the food at arteries at a very young age. the start of the meal when the child is hungriest, The good news is parents can teach their children and serve it with familiar foods. Sometimes it healthy eating habits. It may take a while to get a takes up to 10 tries before a child decides a food is child who usually fills up on soda pop and french tasty, so don’t give up.

Are You SAD? Learn the signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder hen winter draws for and carbohydrates. also called phototherapy. The W closer and the days get While the cause of SAD is patient is directed to sit in shorter, do you feel sad, unknown, melatonin — a front of a device made of white sluggish and lonely? If so, you sleep-related hormone in the fluorescent lights for a pre- might have more than a typical brain — has been linked to the scribed period of time each day. case of the winter blues. condition. The hormone, If bright-light therapy does Seasonal Affective Disorder, which may cause symptoms of not work, an antidepressant or SAD, is a form of depression depression, is produced at drug may be used. Discuss your related to seasonal variations of higher levels in the dark. Thus, symptoms thoroughly with light. Symptoms begin during when the days are shorter and your doctor. Also, remember to

the fall and winter months — darker, the production of check with your health care Douglas Shimmin when daylight hours are melatonin increases. carrier or HMO for coverage taking care shorter — and lift in the spring, If you experience mild on the treatment of SAD. when daylight hours lengthen. symptoms of SAD, arranging Signs of SAD, other than your home to receive more feeling depressed during winter sunlight may be helpful. SOURCE: National Mental Health months, include weight gain, Serious cases of SAD may Association, www.nmha.org. excessive sleeping and a craving require bright-light therapy, 13 Let It Snow! Walking in winter can work wonders

ven if colder temperatures and E falling snowflakes don’t thrill you, winter can be the perfect time to walk off weight. Sure, trudging through snow may not be your ideal

physical activity, but let’s look on the positive bit health side for a moment. Research shows daylight increases levels of The serotonin, a hormone that helps calm cravings. keep moving So walking outside might ease your yearning for Scoop high-calorie snacks. on Snow Shoveling Winter also offers a refreshing change of pace. Snow shoveling can be a good physical The invigorating cold air can clear your mind activity, but extra precautions should and help to reduce stress. Low amounts of stress be taken if you decide to ditch the can cut back levels of cortisol, a hormone that snow blower. The National Safety may increase appetite and promote fat storage. Council offers the following tips Moreover, plodding through snow or walking to help you get a handle on into the wind helps you burn more calories safe shoveling: because they require more energy. But winter weather calls for some special Take it slow! Shoveling can preparation. Be sure to follow these tips: • raise your heart rate and blood pressure Wear a scarf or mask loosely over your dramatically. Pace yourself and be sure to stretch and warm up first. nose and mouth to prevent the sting of icy cold air when you inhale. • Shovel only fresh snow. It’s easier to This is especially important if you shovel than the wet, packed-down variety. have asthma or heart problems. • Push the snow as you shovel instead of lifting it out of the way. Choose shoes with soles • To support your back, push with your legs designed for traction. bent while holding your stomach in. Place one foot in front of the other and bend your knees. Keep your back straight. Dress warmly. Wear a turtleneck sweater, Allow at least 10 minutes to • cap, scarf, face protection, mittens, warm up. When it ’s cold, your wool socks and waterproof boots. heart and muscles need more time to get ready. • Stop if you experience any of the following warning signs: chest pain, pain Don’t shrug your shoulders at the in the neck or jaw, palpitations, major thought of winter. Use this time to boost your muscle or joint pain, nausea or vomiting, chances of starting the new year a size smaller trouble breathing or excessive fatigue. or maintaining your current optimum weight! SOURCE: National Safety Council, Colorforms Inc. 14 www.nsc.org. health buzz

A Recipe for Saving Money Generic drugs are just as good as their brand name counterparts! here are many ways to they can cost up to 60% more. Unless your doctor instructs you T prepare spaghetti, but all That’s because manufacturers bear to take a certain brand name recipes must include two the costs for research, development medication, most pharmacies can primary ingredients — pasta and sales, advertising and marketing of fill your prescriptions with generic tomatoes. In the same fashion, the drug. In turn, they pass these equivalents. If your prescription is costs on to you. not available in a generic form, ask generic drugs must be composed Take, for example, diltiazem your doctor or pharmacist whether of the same active ingredients as

SR, the generic name of a leading there’s a similar generic drug that gettyone their brand name counterparts. heart medication. This drug is may be right for you. In fact, the Food and Drug equivalent in active ingredients, Administration (FDA) tests all dosage form and strength to its new generic medications and only brand name counterpart, but costs feelin’good would like to hear approves them if they are equal in nearly $50 less! your questions or concerns safety and effectiveness to their The same is true for diclofenac, about using generic drugs. brand name equivalents. the generic name of a common We will answer them in an The difference between generics pain medication. It too costs upcoming issue. Send your and brand name drugs is in the roughly $50 less than its brand letters to Generic Drug feelin’good,P.O.Box color and shape — never in the name equivalent! Questions, 2063, Warren, MI 48090-9847. active ingredients. There’s no reason to be con- Or e-mail us at Brand names work the same cerned about using generic drugs. . [email protected] way as generics, but you may have In fact, more and more GM to dig deeper into your wallet — enrollees are using them every day.

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You Are you among the more than 75% of women who have fibroid tumors? health check hree out of four women have them, but many excruciating cramps, swelling, frequent urina- T don’t know it. They’re called fibroids, or tion, leg and pelvic pain, anemia, infertility, con- noncancerous tumors in the uterus. Untreated, stipation and repeated miscarriages. fibroids grow rapidly and have become the No. 1 If you experience these symptoms, don’t hesitate reason for hysterectomies — removal of the entire to contact your doctor. There are several treatment uterus — in the United States. options, including myomectomies (a surgery that Fibroids vary in size from as small as a pea to as removes fibroids but allows women to still have large as a basketball and may appear anywhere in children), embolization (a nonsurgical process that the uterus — and in any number. blocks blood flow to the fibroid, thus shrinking It’s a medical mystery why fibroids occur. Since the tumor) and hysterectomies. most fibroids don’t cause any symptoms, they’re For more information on fibroids, call the UAW-GM often unexpectedly discovered during a routine LifeSteps Personal Health Advisor® at 1-800-711-5934 gynecologic exam. When symptoms do arise, to speak with a registered nurse or visit the National they may include heavy menstrual bleeding, Institutes of Health’s Web site at www.nichd.nih.gov. 15