I t-



AND SOUTH , 1939

















HIS Report contains less substance than its predecessors, but we hope that it may justify the Bird Club's wish to continue publication of an Annual Report as long as circumstances permit. 1939 opened with cold weather during which most of the midland reservoirs and lakes were frozen over for about a week. Bitterns appeared near in Worcestershire and at Packington in Warwickshire. Spring was also cold and unsettled and most of the summer migrant birds arrived fully a week later than usual. Night- jars, Grasshopper Warblers and Nightingales were scarce in many of their favourite haunts. An unusual number of Terns appeared over Upper Bittell reservoir on May 20th, when Common, Arctic and Little Terns were identified. There seem to be very few records of so many species of the Sea Terns seen inland on migration together; (vide : " Sea Terns " by G. Marples.).

Bellfields and Bittell reservoirs provided the usual variety of ducks and waders, but no very exceptional visitors appeared during the year;—a Red-throated Diver at Bittell in November and two Knots at Bellfields in December, were perhaps the most noteworthy.

It is hoped that many notes on the effect of the severe weather on Bird life will be included in the 1940 report. Correspondents are invited to arrange them as suggested in " British Birds " for March, 1939. Notes should be sent to Mr. A. J. Harthan, Badgers Hill, Sheriffs Lench, Evesham, not later than the end of February 1941.




The following notes concern Lapwings on a Worcestershire farm of 150 acres, 90 arable, 60 pasture, during the years 1933-1939. During this time the land has been much improved by good management and Government Fertility schemes. All the fields in the table below are arable excepting No. 5 which is very poor pasture. Field No. 1 2 3 4 5 Total Acreage 33 27 14 18 10 Nests 1933 3 1 0 3 3 10 1934 0 1 2 2 0 5 1935 0 0 0 2 1 3 1936 1 0 2 1 0 4 1937 1 2 0 I 0 4 1938 2 0 2 3 0 7 1939 0 0 0 0 0 None Totals 7 4 6 12 4 33

Most of the arable received 20 cwt of Lime and the pasture 8 cwt Basic Slag, 1937-1938. It is noteworthy that no Lapwings nested on the farm in 1939 although three pairs were present in early March, but these soon moved onto poor land that had not been limed. One pair occupied some freshly ploughed, derelict pasture that had not been cultivated within living memory ; here, a trial patch of cabbage was destroyed by soil pests,—showing that the available food supply may be one of the chief factors which control the choice of suitable nesting ground by Lapwings. Incidentally, the first three clutches laid on this field were destroyed by tractor cultivation, but they hatched three chicks at the fourth attempt on July 11th,—roughly a month after Lapwings and fledged young usually leave the nesting area. ARRIVAL ON FARM. Earliest record: February 8th, 1938. Normally a flock of 15-30 birds arrive during the first week in March when 3-5 pairs take up territory and the rest leave after a few days. Later other birds arrive and contest the area held by those already in residence.

4 NESTING. Earliest record of first clutch: March 7th, 1938. Latest record of repeat clutch : July 18th, 1935 and June 13th, 1939. Normal date of laying : March (4 records), April (19 records), May (8 records. Probably some were repeat clutches). Nests in field 4 are never more than 50 yards apart. FLOCKING. (Adults and fledged young.) Earliest record : May 27th, 1934. Average date, third week in June : i.e. June 11th, 1933, 10 birds, June 18th, 28 birds, June 29th, 47 birds, others from the neighbourhood are included in these figures. By the end of June most Lapwings have left the farm for river meadows where the adults moult during July.

NESTING MORTALITY. Most broods lose half their chicks during the first week after hatching. They are taken to the nearest grass field as soon as they can run. The last hatched chicks are often insufficiently brooded and may die from cold or fatigue when scrambling across ditches and through hedges. This danger is sometimes lessened by dividing the brood between the two parents. Late broods have a definite advantage over the early hatched ones and the destruction of first nests by cultivation may not be so harmful as is supposed. Treacherous Spring weather seems to be more dangerous. Mortality on this farm is probably very high though definite proof of this is difficult to obtain; perhaps one chick fledged by each pair in a favourable season would be a fair estimate. Many die in cold, wet weather, and gambolling lambs frequently tread on chicks if their parents do not entice them away by trailing their wings before the lambs' inquisitive noses. Little Owls abound, but, so far, no Lapwing remains have been found in their nests. A Sparrow Hawk takes chicks automatically when they happen to be within his favourite hunting area, but not otherwise to any marked extent, e.g. on this farm a tall hedge, well stocked with Finches and Blackbirds, is patrolled regularly by Sparrow Hawks and young Lapwings near it get taken whereas those in other fields are not molested. I have never seen these Hawks search for Lapwing chicks deliberately; they pick them up casually, when seen, and fly off quite unperturbed by the violent, swooping attack of parent birds. Crows, by their twisting and turning antics, show every appearance of being forcibly driven off and Lapwings can distinguish them from Rooks at a considerable distance.

5 Lapwings sit very close towards the end of incubation, which is shared by both sexes. Chicks begin tapping inside their eggs 48 hours before hatching. The hen has two distinct call notes to attract them, a loud peevish whistle which they answer by imitation and a quiet "T-chup" note which receives no reply. "Ringing" has shown that when several broods are ranging the same field, the adults often brood chicks indiscriminately, but this may only be while they are very young. Nestlings ringed on this farm have been recovered in Spain and Portugal the following winter.

ROTTON PARK RESERVOIR. A paper, by Mr. VV. E. Groves, on the birds seen at this reservoir between December, 1935, and April, 1936, appeared in our 1936 Report. The number of species has now been increased from 32 to 53, and amongst them are the following: Yellow Wagtail, Lesser Whitethroat, Fieldfare, Teal, Wigeon, Goldeneye, Snipe, Dunlin, Common and Purple Sandpiper, Common, Herring and Lesser Black- backed Gull. This reservoir is only one and a half miles from the centre of Birmingham. MIGRANTS, 1939. (a) Summer Migrants : Arrival. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. Mar. 13. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) Mar. 20. Bittell (C.K.J.) CHIFFCH AFF. Mar. 31 Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) Apr. 5. Average of 9 records. WILLOW-WREN. Apr. 1. Belifields (H.G.A.) Apr. 8. Average of 4 records. WHEATEAR. Apr. 1. Highgate Common (H.G.A.) Apr. 6. (F.F.) SAND MARTIN. Apr. 1. Bellfields (C.K.J.) Apr. 8. Average of 4 records. SWALLOW. Apr. 6. Bittell (H.G.A.) Apr. 15. Average of 6 records. TREE PIPIT. Apr. 10. Dowles (J.S. E.) Apr. 18. Average of 7 records. YELLOW WAGTAIL. Apr. 10. Bellfields (H.G.A.) Apr. 21. Average of 5 records. BLACKCAP. Apr. 11. Bournville (H.G.A.) Apr. 22. Average of 5 records. REDSTART. Apr. 14. Randan (F.F.) Apr. 18. Average of 3 records. CUCKOO, Apr. 14. Hagley (G.M.K.) Apr. 21. Average of 8 records. LESSER WHITETHROAT. Apr. 16. Randan (F.F.) Apr. 25. Average of 5 records. HOUSE MARTIN. Apr. 16. Hagley (G.M.K.) Apr. 25. Average of 4 records. NIGHTINGALE. Apr. 17. Randan (F.F.) Apr. 23. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) WHITETHROAT. Apr. 18. Inkberrow (G.C.K.W.) Apr. 19. Average of 5 records. SEDGE WARBLER. Apr. 18. Evesham (A.J.H.) May 5. Average of 5 records. WOOD WARBLER. Apr. 20. Randan (F.F.) Apr. 27. (H.G.A.) COMMON SANDPIPER. Apr. 20. Bittell (J.D.W.) Apr. 30. Wootton Wawen (C.A.N.) REED WARBLER. Apr. 29. Warwick (C.A.N.) May 8. Droitwich (H.G.A.) WHINCHAT. May 2. Coventry (H.G.A.) May 8. Eckington (A.J.H.) GRASSHOPPER WARBLER. May 4. Randan (F.F.) May 6. Bittell (C.K.J.) 7 CORNCRAKE. May 7. Kinver (G.M.K.) May 8. Eckington (A.J.H.) TURTLE DOVE. May 8. Randan (F.F.) May 18. Average of 5 records. SWIFT. May 8. Sheriffs Lench (A.J. H.) May 18. Average of 5 records SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. May 20. Dowles (J.S.E.) and 5 records of same date. NIGHTJAR. May 22. Dowles (J.S.E.) MARSH WARBLER. May 29. Evesham (A.J.H.) QUAIL. June 4. Pedmore (G.M.K.) (b) Winter Migrants: Departure BRAMBLING. Mar. 12. Hagley (G.M.K.) Feb. 27. Bromsgrove (F.F.) SISKIN. Apr. 2. Hagley (G.M.K.) Mar. 16 Henley in Arden (C. A.N.) REDWING. Apr. 1. Gailey (H.G.A.) Apr. 8. Randan (F.F.) GOLDEN EYE. Apr. 10. Bellfields (H.G.A.) GOOSANDER. Apr. 10. Gailey (H.G.A.) WIGEON. Apr. 12. Bittell (H.G.A.) Apr. 1. Curdworlh (M. H. A.) FIELDFARE. May 6. Randan (F.F.) Apr. 2. Sheriffs Lench (A.J. II.) (c) Summer Migrants : Departure. WOOD WARBLER. July 22. Hewell (H.G.A.) SWIFT. Aug. 15. Edgbaston (C.W.K.W.) Aug. 13. Dowles (J.S.E.) GARDEN WARBLER. Aug. 19. Randan (F.F.) NIGHTINGALE. Aug. 11. Randan (F.F.) CUCKOO. Aug. 23. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) REDSTART. Aug. 27. Dowles (J.S.E.) BLACKCAP. Sept. 2. Randan (F.F.) WHITETHROAT. Sept. 5. Bittell (H.G.A.) 8 CORNCRAKE. Sept. 5. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) SPOTTED FLYCATCHER. Sept. 5. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) LESSER WHITETHROAT. Sept. 14. Bittell (H.G.A.) Sept. 7. Randan (F.F.) COMMON SANDPIPER. Sept. 17. Bellfields (A.J.H.) WHINCHAT. Sept. 18. Bittell (H.G.AO YELLOW WAGTAIL. Sept. 20. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) Sept. 18. Bittell (H.G.A.) TURTLE DOVE. Sept. 23. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) Aug. 28. Bittell (H.G.A.) SANDMARTIN. Oct. 1. Bellfields (A.J.H.) Sept. 28. Edgbaston (H.G.A.) WILLOW-WREN. Oct. 2. Randan (F.F.) Sept. 16. Hampton (M.H. A.) CHIFFCH AFF. Oct. 8. Randan (F.F.) Oct. 6. Bittell (H.G.A.) HOUSE MARTIN. Oct. 12. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) Sept. 29. Bournville (H.G.A.) LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL. Oct. 14. Cannock (J.H.S.) Sept. 10. Sheriffs Lench (A.J. H.) WHEATEAR. Oct. 14. (G.M.K.) Sept. 24. Curdworth (M.H.A.) SWALLOW. Oct. 15. Hagley (G.M.K.) Oct. 12. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) (d) Winter Migrants : Arrival. REDWING. Sept. 14. Edgbaston (W.E.G.) Oct. 4. Selly Oak (H.G.A.) Oct. 9. Randan (F.F.) Oct. 16. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) WIGEON. Sept. 16. Beilfields (A.J.H.) Sept. 18. Bittell (H.G.A.) POCHARD. Sept. 28. Nr. Wolverhampton (J.H.S.) Oct. 25. (G.M.K. JACK SNIPE. Oct. 6. Bittell (H.G.A.) BRAMBLING. Oct. 21. Rednal (H.G.A.) Oct. 23. Randan (F.F.) GOLDENEYE. Oct. 28. Bellfields (H.G.A.) FIELDFARE. Nov. 3. Sheriffs Lench (A.J.H.) Dec. 9. Randan (F.F.) SISKIN. Nov. 9. Stourbridge (G.M.K.) Dec. 12. Randan (F.F.) 9 CLASSIFIED NOTES.

I = Warwickshire. II = Worcestershire. Ill = South Staffordshire.

Carrion Crow. I. W.E.G. saw 8 flying around the spire of St. Augustine's Church, Edgbaston, ,11.10. Lesser Redpoll. II. Noted several times during May and June at Randan but no nest found (F.F.) Crossbill. III. 20 at Enville 4.3 (C.K.J., H.G.A.), none there 1.4 (H.G.A.). Cirl Bunting:. II- A.J.H. found a pair near Castlemorton 26.5. Water Pipit. II. Single birds at Upper Bittell 26.1 (H.G.A.), 17.9 (C.K.J.) and 6.10 (H.G.A.). III. One at Bellfields 1.4 (C.W.K.W., C.K.J., H.G.A.). Besides the greyer plumage, distinguishing this species from the Meadow Pipit, H.G.A. noted the white outer tail feathers on each occasion and the dark legs of the birds observed at Bittell in January and at Bellfields in April. Grey Wagtail. II. Nested at Bittell (C.K.J.). Nesting records are uncommon in this district. Lesser Whitethroat. II. F.F. found at least 18 possible pairs in about 1000 acres between Woodcote and Bromsgrove during the nesting season and he did not think any of them were wandering birds. Redstart. II. Many more than usual were noted at Randan (F.F.) and in the Avon valley (A.J.H.) Cuekoo. [H.A.K.A. reports hearing a Cuckoo calling from Cocks Croft spinney, , on March 11th. A letter in the "Birmingham Post" from March 22nd reported that a cuckoo had been heard on March 12th and 17th at Trysull, near Wolverhampton. This correspondent heard it cuckoo four times on the latter date and saw it fly out of a hedge not five yards from where she was standing. She also says I do know something of the Sparrow Hawk and am sure it was not that bird which I saw." The earliest accepted record in "The Handbook of British Birds" is " March 10th, 1884. Devon." These early Cuckoos are exceedingly troublesome to Editors of Bird Reports who must examine the evidence with the utmost

10 care and severe impartiality, so that their reports may be as accurate and trustworthy as possible. We think that the salient facts of these examples should be stated and placed in square brackets to indicate that the records are not absolutely proved. Exceptionally early Cuckoos should not only be seen and heard but also be described in detail and every circumstance noted with the greatest care.] Short Eared Owl. II. G.M.K. saw one being mobbed by Rooks on the , 14.10. Seen at Sheriffs Lench, 25.2 (A.J.H.) and at Bittell 25.3 (E.St.G.B.) Peregrine. II. One at Eckington 28.10 (A.J.H.) and near Inkberrow 18.4 (C.W.K.W.). Kestrel. III. A pair reared a family in the clock tower of an Iron Foundry at West Bromwich. They are believed to have nested in the same place in 1938, but this was only discovered after the birds had flown (W.E.K.). Common Buzzard. III. One spent the early summer at Enville where it was identified by a keeper who knows this species in (G.M.K.) Bittern. I. One at Packington 7.1 (C.A.N.). II. Seen at Blackdown 2.1 and 15.2 (G.M.K.). See British Birds, Vol. xxxii, P. 371. Bewick's Swan. II. The six which arrived on Lower Bittell reservoir 28.12.38, were last seen there 25.2.39 (C.K.J. and others). Mute Swan. III. W.F.I, saw fifty or more at Bellfields in July. White Fronted Goose. II. G.H. saw 5 flying over Bittell, 13.1, and A.J.H. one at Eckington 15.1. III. Bellfields: one. 24.12 (W.F.I.). About 40 stayed a week in the neighbourhood (J.H.S.). Pintail. I. Single drakes were seen at Wootton Wawen, 4.2, 26.3, 22.10, and at Edstone 1.4 (C.A.N.). II. A pair at Upper Bittell, 18.3 (C.K.J.) and three 18.9 (H.G.A.) III. Bellfields : one 8.1 (G.M.K.), two 1.1 (W.F.I.) and 28.10 (H.G.A.). Shoveller. I. A pair at Edstone, where they are rarely seen, 1.4 (C.A.N.). II. About nine of each sex at Westwood, Droitwich, 11.2 (H.G.A.). 11 Tufted Duck. I. About 150 at Rotton Park, 2.1 (W.E.G.). A pair at Water Orton gravel pools, 15.6 (M.H.A.). II. One duckling was seen near Hagley, 21.7, and later, a brood of three on another pool in the same district (G.M.K.). This is the second Worcestershire nesting record. E.St.G.B. counted 25 on Cofton and 29 on Bittell reservoir, 30.12, and reports that these are largest numbers he has ever seen in this district. Scaup. I. A duck at Edgbaston Park, 30.2 (W.E.G.). III. A duck at Gailey, 19.2 (H.G.A.), a pair at Bellfields, 12 3 (W.F.I.). Golden-eye. I. A few at Rotton Park during January (W.E.G.). III. Bellfields: 10 in February and 12 in December were the largest numbers noted during the year (H.G.A., W.F.I.). A pair arrived at New Invention, near Wolverhampton, 19.10 (J.H.S.). Goosander. I. A pair at Wotten Wawen, 4.2 (C.A.N.). II. A drake and two ducks at Upper Bittell, 12.1 (J.D.W.). III. 9 brown heads at Patshull, 8.1 (G.M.K.). Bellfields: Largest number noted were thirty, 24.12, and twenty six, 5.2 (C.K.J., W.F.I., H.G.A., J.H.S.). Smew. I. 5 brown heads at Packington, 10.1 (H.G.A. and J.D.W.) III. Bellfields: three, 19.2 (H.G.A, and C.K.J.), five, including two adult drakes, 23.12 (J.H.S.), ten, 24.12 (W.F.I.). Cormorant. I. K.P. saw one flying over Hagley Road, Edgbaston in January. II. 4 at Upper Bittell, 19.5, one 3.10 (C.K.J.). One frequented a small lake at Crown East Court, near Worcester in February. III. 4 at Gailey during first week in April (W.F.I., H.G.A.). Great Crested Grebe. I. A pair with two young, Edgbaston Park, 3 8 (W.E.G.). III. Bellfields: W.F.I, noted 3 in February, 15 in August, 38 in December. Black-necked Grebe. II. J.D.W. saw one on the Worcestershire corner of Bartley reservoir, 7.1. Red-throated Diver. II. One arrived on Upper Bittell 5.11 and was seen there again by various observers between November 11 and December 2. Ringed Plover. I. One at Curdworth, 7.6 (M.H.A.). II. Four seen at Bittell during May (C.K.J.). III. Bellfields: one, 2.4 (W.F.I.), 15 flying over, 17.9 (A.J.H.). Ruff. II. One at Upper Bittell, 29.7 (C.K.J.). III. A pair at Bellfields, 12.9 (C.K.J, and H.G.A.). Knot. III. Two at Bellfields, 17.12. J.H.S. writes "At 4 p.m. whilst leaning on the bank of the reservoir two birds got up further along the shore and alighted almost in front of us. At first we thought they were snipe (the reservior was full of snipe that day), but the moment they approached it was clear they were not snipe. They were bigger and plumper, with shorter bills. The bill was dark and the legs were dark and not very long. The birds were a pearly-silver grey above and silvery grey below. The wings were long and pointed, and when in flight there was a prominent white bar on the wings." Green Sandpiper. I. H.G.A. saw one flying north over Selly Oak, 27.4. II. Single birds at Bittell in July, August, September and October (H.G.A., C.K.J., E.St.G.B.). Seen near Bromsgrove in same place as in 1938, 13.1 and 23.11 (F.F.). III. Bellfields : single birds, 20.7 (H.G.A.) and 7.8 (G.M.K.). Greenshank. II. Bittell: two, 31.5, one, 15.8 (C.K J ), two, 19.8 (E.St.G.B.) and 29.8 (C.K.J.). III. Bellfields : one, 25.8 (H.G.A.). Whimbrel. III. Bellfields : one, 2.4 (W.F.I.). Woodcock. I. W.E.G. saw one in Edgbaston Park, 30.3. III. Nests regularly at Kinver, Envllle and Himley (G.M.K.). Black Tern. II. Bittell: one was seen on September 11 and 12 by C.K.J, and H.G.A III. Bellfields: one, 28.8 (W.F.I.), two, 16.9 (H.G.A.), two at Gailey, 2.6 (M.H.A.). Arctic Tern. II. At least two with Common Terns at Upper Bittell, 20.5 (H.G.A.). Common Tern. II. Bittell: single birds, 22.4 and 10.8 (C.K.J.). C.K.J, and J.S. saw a number of Terns flying high above Upper Bittell in the morning of May 20th,—C.K.J, described the air as being " full of Terns." H.G.A. wacthed them for over an hour in the late afternoon when 12—13 in all were present, and noted 13 that two Little Terns had joined them. From time to time some came close enough for the colour of their bills to be properly seen. At least two Arctic and two Common Terns were identified. Little Tepn. II. Besides the two mentioned above, C. K.J. saw one over Upper Bittell on May 7. Common Gull II. A.J.H. first heard then saw 70, plus three immature birds descending from a vast height out of a clear sky above Sheriffs Lench, 30.3. They stayed on a pasture field until 4 p.m., 1.4 and then flew away north. A.W.B. counted a flock composed of identical numbers in Cheshire, 6.4. Herring Gull. I. One at Curdworth, 2.4 (C.A.N.). II. A.J.H. saw 4 flying north, 7.6, and single birds going south, 20.7 and 17.8. Bittell: E.St.G.B. noted 7 (5 juveniles) followed by 4 (3 juveniles) flying N. W., 18.11. Single birds, 26.1 (H.G.A.), II.4 (C.K.J.) and 15 flying S.W.. 15.10 (H.G.A.). III. Bellfields : on November 12 G.M.K. noted three at 3-15 p.m., half an hour later there were about 20 Herring, 50 Common and 150 Black-headed Gulls, and at 4-15 p.m. 30, 70 and 300 respectively and more gulls were still arriving, though not so fast. This reservoir is a regular roosting place for gulls, chiefly Black-headed. Kittiwake. II. Bittell: an adult, 4.3 (C.K.J.), a juvenile, 16.3, an adult, 25.11 (C.K.J, and H.G.A.) Corncrake. III. Scarce, only 4 at Whittington Sewage farm (G.M.K.). Coot. II. E.St.G.B. saw 150—200 on Lower Bittell reservoir, 14.1. Quail. II. G.M.K. heard one in a wheatfield at Pedmore, June 4—8 and again on July 30.



'Alexander, H. G., 144, Oaktree Lane, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Asterley, Miss M. H., 124, Albert Road, Stechford, Birmingham. Baguley, A. A., " Shanklin," Kendal End Road, Barnt Green, Worcs. Baker, Martin, 28, St. Paul's Square, Birmingham. Bannister, C. W., Fiddington, Ashchurch, Tewkesbury. Banton, F. C , 12, Tenbury Road, King's Heath, Birmingham. 'Barlow, F. R., 26, Linden Road, Bournville, Birmingham. Beale, E. P., 62, Wellington Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Butler, Mrs. E., 132, Redditch Road, King's Heath, Birmingham. 'Cadbury, Mrs. J., 170, Oaktree Lane, Bournville, Birmingham. Cadbury, J. C., Beaconwood, Rednal, Worcs. Cadbury, Mrs. J. C., ,, ,, ,, Carr, P., Ormond Lodge, Newbold-on-Stour, Stratford-on-Avon. 'Carter, Miss B. A., Fir Tree Cottage, Chipperfield, Kings Langley, Herts. Conrady, Miss M. E., S. George's Court, Bournville, Birmingham. Cooke, D. S., The Gables, Barnt Green, Worcs. Dawson, G., 4, Westfield Hall, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Edkins, W. J., Langley Gorse, Walmley, Nr. Birmingham. Fox, J. P., 9, S. Augustine's Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Fincher, F., Randan Wood Poultry Farm, Woodcote, Bromsgrove. Francis, W. L., High Street, Repton, Derby. Froggatt, F. W., 64, Grafton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Gibbins, Miss M., Upwood, Barnt Green, Worcs. Grove, Miss N., 14, Hart Road, Erdington, Birmingham. 'Groves, W. E.. 4, Lyttelton Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Hamel, Capt. A. de, Wigginton Lodge, Tamworth, Staffs. Hancock, Malcolm, Packwood Hall, Hockley Heath, Warwicks. Harries, N. G., 31a, Colmore Row, Birmingham. 'Harthan, A. J., Sheriffs Lench, Evesham. Heaton, G. Howard, 26, St. Bernards Road, Olton. Hibbert, Mrs. G. K., 38, Weoley Park Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Hussey,J. K., Merecroft, Meadow Hill Road, King's Norton, Birmingham. Ireland, W. F. Jr., Wraysbury, Hanbury Crescent, Wolverhampton. 'James, Miss C. K., Blake's Wood, Barnt Green, Worcs. Jeavons, P. M., 48, Reddings Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Kay, Miss M. L., Maple Bank, Church Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. 'Kenrick, W. E., 78, Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. 'Kenrick, H., The Grove, llarbome Park Road, Birmingham. 'King, G. M., Winds Point, Hagley, Nr. Stourbridge. Lambourne, G. C., 18, Wheatsheaf Road, Edgbaston, 16. Lane, Mrs. A. B., Blackdown, Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos. Lane, J. D., Woodloes, Warwick.

Lloyd, G. B.. 32, Meadow Hill Road, King's Norton, Birmingham. Mathews, Mrs. Lewis, 39, Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Mashiter, Major E., Lupton House, Bromsgrove School, Worcs. Morshead. P. E. A., 2, The College, Malvern. 'Norris, C. A., Grassholme, Stratlord-on Avon. Palfrey, H. E., Everscote, Pedmore, Stourbridge. Palmer, Miss M., The Elms, Widney Lane, Solihull. Pearce, Miss C. E., 56, Fountain Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Price, Mrs. M. P., The Glebe, Twyning, Tewkesbury, Glos. Procter. W. I., 76, Woodlands Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Pumphrey, Miss M. E., 8, Snakes Lane, , Worcs.

15 Ratcliffe, Dr. T. R., " Elmdon," Wake Green Road, Moseley, Birmingham. Reid, W. L., 172, Hamstead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Rushton. Miss G, The Four Gables, Welford-on-Avon, Warwicks. Salter, R. G., 52, Willow Road, Bournville, Birmingham. *Sanderson, W. W., 32, Kensington Road, Selly Hill, Birmingham. Score, T. J., 125, Coimore Row, Birmingham. Seggie, A., 5, Randle Street, Coventry, Sheldon, Dr. J. H., Airedale, Regis Road. Tettenhall, Wolverhampton. Silvers, C. Owen, Keepers Cottage, Orton Hills, Wolverhampton. Smith, Dr. Langdale, 21, Victoria Road, Stechford, Birmingham. Stephens, J. S., 270, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Wain, H. T., Dunelm, Bretby Lane, Burton-on-Trent. Wainwright, C. J., 172. Hamstead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. * Wallis, C. W. K., 69, Fountain Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Wallis, G., Warwick, J. S., "Goodrich," Grange Road, Dorridge, Warwicks. Whittle, E., 37, Victoria Road, Acocks Green. Birmingham. * Wilkinson, G. H., "The Hurst," Hartopp Road, Sutton Coldfield. Williams, Mrs. A. F., Thurston End Ilall, Hawkedon, Bury St. Edmunds. Wilson, H. Lloyd, Clent Cottage, Clent, Nr. Bromsgrove. *Wood, D. 1., Leighton Park School, Reading. Wright, Miss P. M. 13, Carless Avenue, Harborne, Birmingham.


Not Members or Associates.

H. A. K. Auster. Barnt Green. G. Hudson. Kings Norton, E. St. G. Betts. Birmingham. J. S. Elliott. Dowles, Bewdley.

Members or Associates.

H. G. Alexander. W. E. Kenrick Miss M. H. Asterley. C. A. Norris. F. Fincher. Dr. J. H. Sheldon. W. E. Groves. J. Stephens. A. 1. Harthan. J. D. Wood. W. F. Ireland. C. W. K. Wallis. Miss C. K. James. G. Wallis. G. M. King.

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