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:::::::::::;:: s#P'. Newsletterof theAyn Rond@Institute VolumeZ, NumberI l, November2001

ARI Ad Cousing Note from Dr. Peikoff Stir on Compus I was the only signer of ARI's articles on terrorism in the WashingtonPost and The New York On October 25, the San FranciscoChronicle re- Times, but I had a lot of help, which I want to acknowledge.John Allison was my primary ported: inspiration and unfailing morale-booster; he suggestedthe ads in the first place, and then, with another donor, financed them. Stevefolivette did hours ofhistorical research,Richard The campus paper at the University of Ralston contributed specializedknowledge of the Mideast, made important California at Berkeley was stolen from structural irnprovements in the articles and himself (at midnight) wrote the first draft of the news racks yesterdayin protest ofan ad section on Bush's flawed policies. At the end, both Yaron and my wife, Amy-in marathon calling for the United Statesto combat line-editing sessionswith me-went through my final drafts methodically, one paragraph at terrorism by overthrowing the govern- a time, identifying possible sourcesofunclarity, eliminating needlesswords, offering better alternatives.Some oftheir editing I would have done myself, but only after I could look at the ment of lran. [The thieves] left an un- signed flyer accusing the Daily Califor- piece with fresh eyes,days later-and we couldn't wait days. To all these individuals, and niar ofpublishing "racist hate speech" especiallyto John, Yaron, and Amy, thank you for helping me from the start and carrying in an ad by Leonard Peikoff, founder of through to the end. the Institute. LEONARDPEIKOFF For its part, the Daily Californian featured October26,20Ol the story on its front page.After excerpting from Dr. Peikoffs article,and quoting Dr. Yaron Brook, the story noted that in reaction to the thefts, "other fliers appearedin the newspaperboxes. . . . ln fhe Medio Introducing They reprinted the First Amendment, with the phrase 'freedom of speech,or of the press' high- Peikoff on Fox News Agoin lighted. . . . Other fliers printed a quote attribut- Students to Ayn ed to Thomas fefferson, saying 'Our liberty de- pends on the freedom ofthe press,and that can- Rqnd's Novels not be limited without being lost."' In an ARI pressrelease, Dr. Brook said, "The Last month ARI's Fountainheadand essay thefts betray a contempt for - contests began accepting submissions. To the principle that makes free speech possible. publicize the contests,we have mailed flyers, which list the essayquestions and contestrules, to about Continued on poge 2 265,000 educators. Our mailing targeted high school teachers, librarians, and guidance a counselorsthroughout the United States.Thanks lncreqse tn to a $20,000grant earmarkedto help promote the contests,we were able to expand the mailing to Visitors fo ARI's include 7,000educators in CanadaandatAmerican schools abroad, whom we could not afford to his first appearance on The O'Reilly Following contact last year. The grant has also enabledus to Factor,Dr. Peikoffwas invited back to be a guest Web Site place numerous advertisements in teachers' on the show. On Oct. 12 he was interviewed by magazinesand other periodicals. During September,the Institute's Web site-and Kasich, who was filling in for Bill O'Reilly. John Each year the essay contests introduce the America at War section in particular- ARI continues to receive letters and e-mails in thousands of high school studentsto Ayn Rand's attracted a record number of visitors: nearly Dr. Peikoffs appearanceon the show, reaction to novels. contest (now in its 17th 100,000*double the number from August. The as well as his two newspapereditorials. articles by Dr. Leonard Peikoff, which appeared Continued on poge 2 as ads in andthe Washington Attention from Unexpected Posf, were downloaded more than 35,000 tirnes (so far). All told, the site received4.2 million page Gluqrfers E-mqil Updofes requesls. Dr. Peikoffs televisionappearances have attracted The Web site is being updated continually the attention not only of the American public, but ARI occasionallysends donors late-breakingnews with op-eds and essayson the war, Most recently, also ofcommentators in unexpected quarters. A and other specialannouncements by e-mail. Most we added an electronic version of the special recent column in The New Republic-a llberal recently, for example, we sent donors an e-mail issueof Impact (which was mailed to all donors), magazine long scornful of Ayn Rand and of notice assoon aswe heard that Dr. Leonard Peikoff the article "Reiigion vs. America" by Dr. Peikoff -reported approvingly on Dr. was scheduledto appear on national television. If and the transcript of "Arnerica vs. Death- Peikoffs appearance on The O'Reilly Factor. you are not already on our list and wish to be Worship: The Moral Meaning of the Coming Perhapsjust asunexpected was the publication of included in such mailings, pleasesend a message War," a talk by Dr. . Visit: with your full name and e-mail addressto Tyler www.aynrand.org. I Continuedon poge 2 Powell at: [email protected] ARI Ad Cousing Stir on Compus, conlinuedfrom poge I ARI Chrisfmqs They are supporting the aims ofthe terrorists who Cord have sought to annihilate the principles on which America was founded." The 2001 ARI Christmas card salutesthe American The story reached the national media. The values that made -and the World Wall Street online edition reported the Journal Trade Center towers-possible. It featuresa painting story, under the title "Stealing Free Speech,"with titled The Stand, by Mr. Dale Flick, who has a link to the full text ofDr. Peikoffs article. generously granted us permission to use his work, In his letter to ARI Mr. Flick described his Compus Tqlk ot Berkeley painting, which was completed eight years ago: "When 'The the Though anti-America protestors tried to subvert I painted Stand' I wanted to convey perfectly ofthe city the right to free speech at Berkeley, they were natural life-giving assertiveness elements I unsuccessful.Dr. Peikoffs article in the campus emerging from a surrounding fog. Those The promise of green newspapercoincided with an ARI campus talk by had consciously included: penetrating Dr. Gary Hull, which went ahead as planned. branches: The patches of colored roofs gray. Titled "Twin Towers Destroyedby the Ivory Tow- the The title itselforiginally referred to a stand after er," the talk showed that terrorism's ideology of oftrees. . . . These are now transposed.Today, of the hatred for reason,for happinesson earth and for that darkest of days, accidental elements painting foreground: The towers, wealth is the very being taught in our have moved to the sumrnits universities. Before it began, campus police still not the focus. but with their hidden warned those protestors who came that no out- foreshadowing that day. The tree, the spontaneous perhaps bursts would be tolerated. After the talk, which life force, reaching beyond the frame, now yet to was without incident, members of the Berkeley into the future. The snow, concealing, ready Objectivist campus club distributed flyers featur- revealsomesin, orwound. And the title,'The Stand,' ing Dr. Peikoff s article. I now evoking the image of a rampart. . , . I under- stand that the coming war will be decided on the battlefield ofideas and that your organization is leading that battle. I would like to offer you, and any who choose to join in the fight, a flag to carry into battle." AN is honored to accept his offer. A resident of JerseyCity, New fersey-in what ln the Medio, continued from poge I was once in the shadow of the World Trade Center- mouth also is a factor. We knowthat manystudents Mr. Flick is an architect by training, a professional ARI "Terrorists an op-ed, titled vs. America," in hear about the books from others who do enter architectural model-maker and an artist. the Jordan Times of Amman, Jordan. The article, the contests.So the number ofstudents who learn written by Dr. Michael Berliner, identifies the about the books as a result of the contests is virtues for which Islamic terrorists hate America. probably higher than the number of entries." The lordan Times reprinted the article with only To encourage the teaching of Miss Rand's one omission. The following sentence was cut: books, ARI offers educators free classroom "The terrorists must destroy anything that materials such as lesson plans and guides to the interferes with the dictatesofAllah or the desires novels. The deadline for entering the Anthem of Mother Earth." To read this op-ed, as well as contest is March 18,2002;The Fountainhead, April more than a hundred others, visit ARI's Web site: 15,2002. To download a copy ofthis year's flyer, www.aynrand.org/medialink. or to learn more about the contests, visit: www,aynrand.org/contests/. I Wqrtime Intellectuql Activism "TheStond" We continue to hear about dozens of ARI supporters whose letters to the editor have been Andrew Lewis Pleasesee the insert for details on obtaining the published. At the last count, Glenn Woiceshyn Christmas card. The card features this quotation hashad 20 lettersin major newspapersaround the Rodio Show: from Ayn Rand: "The charming aspectof Christmas world. (Mr. Woiceshyn has written op-eds for is the fact that it expfessesgood will in a cheerful, ARI. ) We've receivedword that on October 13, Updofe happy, benevolent, non-sacrificial way." I both Chip foyce and Michael Gold had letters in The New York Times. I The Andrew Lewis Radio Show is on air at a new time: 1:00p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Pacific) on Sundays. Shop Online, Since becoming a project of ARI, the show has added a new radio station to its list of affiliates. Benefir ARI KCAA 1050 AM, in Yorba Linda, Calif., is scheduledto start carrying the show in December. The following merchants will provide ARI with a Introducing Students to Ayn Rond's The station coversa sizeableportion of Southern royalty for each purchase placed with them that Novels, continuedfrom poge I California-from southeastLos Angeles,to Palm originates on our site (www.aynrand.org): Amazon; Springs in the west, to parts of San Diego county. Ayn Rand Book Store; BlackstoneAudio; and Oliver year) and the Anthem contest (in its 10th year) It has an estimated (potential) audience of 3.2 Computing (publisher of The ObjectivismResearch together have attracted more than 85,000 million listeners. CD-ROM). The royalties generated from such submissions. Recentguests on the show haveincluded: Dr. purchases will benefit ARI's projects. In addition, "The impact of the contestsis much wider," Leonard Peikoff, Dr. Yaron Brook and Mr. Peter customers who use iGive.com may register ARI as said Marilee Dahl, who managesthe project. 'We Schwartz,To listen to archived programs on the the charity that they wish to supt'ort with their know that everyyear there are studentswho read Internet, visit: www.alshow.com. To receive e- purchases.iGive.corn links to the online catalogues the novels,because teachers assigned the books in mail updateson upcoming show topics, sendyour of more than 270 merchants, For more information, class,but who do not enter the contests.Word of request to: [email protected] visit: www.aynrand.org/support/ I Q&A wifh Cqrl Borney

A founding contributor City, Ogden, Provo, Bountiful, and Logan; and That's not to say we sacrifice intellectual rigor. and an active supporter two campusesin Colorado-in Denver and Fort We maintain structure and discipline-and the of ARI, Mr. Carl Barney Collins. The Utah campusesare known asStevens- customer's not always right; and sometimes you joined the Institute's Henager College;the onesin Colorado are known haye to tell them they're wrong. On the other board of directors in asCollegeAmerica. We teach in three main areas: hand, we bear in mind that they're paying a high 1999. Among other business,medical subjects,and computer science. tuition, and our job is to provide the highest business activities, Mr. In Utah, we offer bachelor degreesin business possible value in exchangefor that tuition. Barney o$)ns and management,accounting, and computer science. For instancewe have student advisors/concierges. manages severalprivate We also offer a wide range of associatedegrees. The purpose of the conciergesis to do everything collegesinColoradoand Our curriculum is designed to give the highest they possibly can to help students through the --i@'IUtah.lmpact sPoketo him about his businesscareer value to students, whom we consider customers. , rough spots that they encounter while they're andthe influencethat Ayn Rand's ideashavehadon There are about 2,000students today. Within five j going through their courseof study. Sincewe're a his life. The concluding part of this interview will years,we plan to have 7,000,and 20-25 campuses.j profit-making organization, we don't get paid appear next month. Our goal is to be number one in a particular I unless the student stays in school. If they drop state-in terms of size and quality-and then to IMPACT: When and where did you first encounter I out, we lose the tuition. So it's to our benefit to expand to neighboring states. I Ayn Rand's ideas? help students remain in school, complete their Carl Barney: I was born and went to school in IMPACT: How do you plan to do that? courses and succeed. At a typical college, England, but left when I was 18 to travel the CB: The strategic plan is to concentrate the location instructors sometimes don't even take roll. We world. IfI couldhave articulatedwhat I was looking of colleges, so there can be lots of interaction takeroll everyday. Ifa student isn't there,someone for at that time, it was a comprehensive view, a betweenthe campuses.To integrate them-ifyou will call them and say, "We missed you today. philosophy of life. Over a span of about eight like-rather than disperse them all across the What's the problem?" We'll give them make-up months, I traveled through Europe and Asia, and country, which many private colleges do. There material, and encouragethem to come back. ended up in Australia, which was my goal. It was are perhaps a dozen private-college chains, and IMPACT: What attractedyou to this line of work? fascinating,and I had lots ofgreat adventures,but they just dot themselves all over the country CB: There were two important personal values, I didn't find a philosophy. It was many yearslater without anythought to an integratedorganization. First, I enjoy management. I like working with before I actually found the philosophy I was bright, ambitious people, and getting something looking for. In the early'80s, about twenty years There are tremendous advantagesto integrating. important done.The other high value is education. later, when I was living in the United StatesI met It's a high personal value, and objectively, it's an a woman in a business context who said some enormous value. Thesetwo values came together startling things, such as "This is your private More Profiles Online in a private college. I aggressivelypursue profit, property. We have a contract, and I'll honor that You con reod odditionol interviewswith but by pursuing important values to me-the contract. I don't want anything from you which membersof ARI'sboord of direclorsonline ol profit itself is a consequence.I love to make money, isn't earned or deserved."Wow, this is different! the Sponsor'sOnly secfionof our Web site. I love to pursue profit. However, what's more I thought. Surprised to hear her saysuch flaughs] Visit:www.oynrond.org/sponsors important to me is the value of doing something things, I told her that I was intrigued. She said, I really care about-i.e., management and 'You need to read ." education-and then I make as much money at There areeconomies ofscale, for instance,Because IMPACT: What was the immediate impact? How that as possible. The approach is first to find the campusesare near eachother, my staffdoesn't did it shape the course ofyour life? something you really love to do, something that have to get on an airplane and fly in for staff CB: Well, in the early'80s I was looking for a fascinates you, excites you, and then make as meetings-they simply drive. We don't have to career-what to do with the second half of my much money at it as possible. duplicate a lot of functions. We train the staff at a life-and I had read Atlas Shrugged,and had taken central location. Similarly, we have all of the same Occasionally I hear people lament that that they some ofDr. Leonard Peikoffs courses.I setmyself financial-aid programs as any of the major don't make a lot of money in their profession.But the task of finding something which I really loved universities (unfortunately, but it's the way you to me, that's the wrong view. They should do what to do and which I was willing to spend the rest of do businesstoday in colleges).We have a strong, they love to do, and then secondarily, make as my life doing. I read Miss Rand's article 'The central financial aid department, but we don't much profit as they possibly can. You must love Objectivist ," in The Virtue of Selfishness, then need to duplicate that into the other locations. the doing. You must love what you do every day. and I found what I was looking for in terms of a The campusesare organized in a hub and satellite method, i.e., a means of identifying values in formation. If there's a problem at a satellite The conclusion of this interview will appear next many areasoflife, and ofhow to arrange them in campus, you can just send someone from the ffionth, a a hierarchy. main campus to take care of the problem, which, By following the process,explicit and implicit, in of course, is much more economical. "The Obiectivist Ethics," I identified a career Fund-RqisingMoilings IMPACT: You said that you consider students purpose, which was to own and manage private "customers"-that's rare in academia. How Due to current events and unanticipated colleges. Having gone through that rational does your approach differ from other colleges? expenses,the number of ARI fund-raising processthoroughly, looked at my values,written CB: Higher education is extremely arrogant in the mailings increasedsomewhat this year. The them down, integrated them, I found that I gained way they treat their students. They expect the mailings feature reports on our work and an understanding,a certainty.Not onlyconcerning student to travel perhaps thousands of miles to progressthat we want contributors to know what I was doing, but why I was doing it. It gave come to their location and they teach many about regardless of whether they can (or me a great deal of clarity and motivation. In a questionable courses. My model is to take the want) to make a contribution in response. If sense,the purpose almost had a life of its own: I campus to the student. Our orientation is to do you prefer to receiveonly one such mailing was strongly motivated. everything we can to give the students-the from us per year, please write and let us After I did that, I immediately went out and did a customers-the highest value possible.When we know. search for a private college to acquire. I found design a curriculum, we ask, "What courseswill one, acquired it, spent severalyears improving it give students the greatest knowledge and skills and enlarging it, growing it, and now I have seven related to a career?"We do teach general education, campuses. but evenin the generaleducation, we try to orient IMPACT: Tell me about the colleges. those general education courses so as to give CB: I have five campuses in Utah: in Salt Lake students the highest value related to a career. values after we are gone. taped lecture courses, joined the Michigan club, and started seriously applying Ayn Rand's ideas to Sfoff Profile: Of course, that would not be very meaningful for my life. Kothy Cross-Gift & Esfote me if I did not like mywork asan end in itself-and Plonning Monoger I do, very much so. The combination of intensive Q. What are some of your interests outside of interaction with our donors and the considerable work? technical aspects ofgift and estate planning make A. I enjoy classical music very much. I attend the To introducedonors to for an interesting, challenging career which is its opera regularly, and from time to time I still play ARI'sstaff-to helpyou own reward. From a certain perspective, one could my flute. I also enjoy fitness activities. I started put a to a name- face say that my work is about "death and ." But I hiking a year or so ago, and recently hiked across Imp act will occa si o nally prefer to focus on life and wealth, and on maximizing the Grand Canyon and back with a group of eb rief pr ofiles of out featur the enjoyment and productive capacity ofboth for Obiectivists who are avid hikers. I staff. This month we our donors and for ARI. present Kathy Ctoss, ARI's Gift 6 Estate Q. You first started working for ARI in 1988; what PlanningManager. did you do prior to that? Announcements A. In 1974I earneda B.A. inAmerican Studiesfrom q. wnalqoesyourworK the University of Texas at Austin, and later, in the Visiting ARI as ARI's gift and estateplanning manager involve? late'70s and early'80s, I did graduate work in A. Primarily, I assist donors who want to benefit musicology and flute performance. Before joining Although we welcome visits to our offices from the Institute in their estateplans through bequests, visit ARI, I worked in publishing and performing arts donors, we require that those who wish to charitable trusts, and other planned giving vehicles. management. make an appointment well in advance.Doing so With such arrangements, donors can not only will help ensure that there is a member of staff support ARI, but reduce their liability and Q. What was your first job at ARI? who can show you around. obtain other financial benefits. My role is three- A. I started part time from my home in Ann Arbor, fold: I help educate donors about their estate and Mich., coordinating the campus club project and Employment Opporiunity qt gift planning options; then I help them identiff the speakersbureau. At that time I was an active their objectives and implement plans to achieve member of the University of Michigan campus ARI with Darryl Wright and them; and finally, I help ensure that their wishes Objectivist club, along ARI is seeking a Director of Development. to California and joined are carried out after their deaths. In addition, I am others. In 1989 I moved Significant experiencein marketing/fund raising My responsibilities responsible for the stewardship and administration the Institute staff full time. and a thorough knowledge of Objectivism are writing and editing ARI's ofplanned gifts in place and for the marketing of expanded to include required. For a complete job description and projects. There our planned giving programs. newsletter as well as other smaller information on how to apply, pleasevisit our Web were only four or five of us on staffback then, and What do you enjoy about your work? site: www.aynrand.org/employment.shtml. Q. we all wore several different hats. In 1995 I joined A. Since no one knows when Objectivism will take the fund-raising department. Since 1997, my focus hold in the culture, ARI must be prepared to carry has been exclusively on planned giving. Copirolism Self-DefenseKif on its mission for years to come. Ayn Rand wrote Now Online that "those who fight for the future, live in it Q. When didyou first encounterAyn Rand's books? today." I and the donors I work with have the A. My parents and older siblings became interested Of particular interest to entrepreneurs, opportunity to do just that, since the purpose of in Ayn Rand's ideaswhen I was still in grade school. executives and managers: The Capitalist Self- planned giving is to secure future funding for the I read Atlas Shrugged* age 14, and the rest of her DefenseKit-a set of books, tapesand pamphlets Institute. We will not live to seethe greater part of fiction during my teenage years. I had a positive to assist businessmen in their own rnor- the valuecreated bytheworkwe aredoing now, but sense-of-liferesponse to her books, but I was not al defense-is now available. For de- we have the satisfaction ofknowing that our work particularlyintellectual at the time. I don't consider tails about the kit, and more on ARI's up- todaywill make a huge difference in the future, and that I really became an Objectivist until later, in my coming Defense Project, visit that our legacywill reflect and support our lifelong 30s, when I studied the non-fiction writings, took http://business.aynrand.org. I

Publisher:The Ayn RondInstitute, 4640 AdmiroltyWoy, Suite406, Morinodel Rey,CA 90292 310-306-9232I fox: 3l0-306-4925 e-moil:[email protected] I Web: http//www.oynrond.org r Edilor:Elon Journo I Designer:Dovid Loyne I All rightsreserved @2001.

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