
Date : D-Day Experience ......

Last Name : Name : Division

______101st Explain in a few words and/or thanks to a diagram how an airborne division is organized. You can get some help from the board "How does it work ?" located at the entrance of the museum : .D...i..v..i.s..i.o..n.. .>.. .R...é.g...i.m...e..n..t..s. ..>. .B...a..t..a..i.l.l.o..n..s.. .>.. .C..o..m....p..a..g..n..i..e..s. ..>. .p..e..l.o..t.o..n..s.. ./.. .s..q..u..a..d...s...... In order to recognize which division each of our comrades belong to, we all wear an insignia on our shoulder. Circle the 101st insignia among the ones below :

1 2 3 4

Explain in a few words why in your opinion, the 101st airborne's insignia symbolized this division pretty well : The insignia of the is a bald eagle...... It is representative of this unity as it symbolises the ...... s..t..r..e..n...g..h...t.. .a..n...d... .c..o..u...r..a..g...e.. .o..f.. .t..h..e... .s..o..l..d..i..e..r..s...... I.t..s.. .w....i.n...g..s.. .a...l.l..u..d...e.. .t..o.. .t..h...e.. .p..a...r..a...t.r..o...o..p...e..r..s.. .d..r..o...p..p...i.n...g.. .f..r..o..m.... .t..h..e... .s..k..y...... S...e..v...e..r..a..l.. .v..e...r..s..i.o..n...s.. .o...f. .t..h...i.s.. .i.n...s..i..g..n...i.a... .w...e..r..e... .m...a...d...e...... This bird is also the national flag of the ......

Did you know ? The eagle's name on our insignia is Old Abe. It was first the symbol of the Wisconsin's army during the american Civil War. Get ready ! Being a requires particular training. Ours took place at Camp Toccoa Fort Bragg and Fort Benning. During this training, we have learnt how to use the gear that we carry. Gather your gear using the displays and complete the picture below :

- Jump boots - Parachute - Gas detector armband/brassard - Grenade - Life-vest - Knife - Helmet - Pocket magazine


gas detector grenade armband/brassard

pocket magazine




jump boots Is your gear complete ? Now that you have all (of) your gear, you need to leran how to use it. Let's get our training started ! Explain in your own words the use of the following objects : - The cricket ...T..h..e.. .c..r..i.c..k..e..t. ..i.s.. .a.. .m....e..a..n..s.. .o..f. ..c.o..m....m...u..n..i..c..a..t.i.o..n.. ..w...i.t..h..o..u..t. ..h..a..v..i.n...g.. .t.o.. ..s.p...e.a..k.. ..a..n..d...... h..e..l.p..e..d.. ..p..a..r..a..t.r..o..o..p..e..r..s. ..i.d..e..n..t..i.f..y.. .t.h...e.m....s.e..l.v..e..s.. .i.n... .t.h...e. ..d..a..r..k..n..e..s..s.. ..O..n...e. ..c..l.i.c..k.. .a..s..k..s...... for identification and two clicks to respond "a friend.”

- The gas detector armband/brassard .A... .g..a...s. ..d..e..t.e..c..t.o..r.. .i.s.. .a... .d..e..v..i.c..e.. .t..h..a..t. ..d..e..t.e..c..t.s.. .t..h..e.. .p..r..e..s.e..n..c..e.. .o..f.. .g..a..s..e..s. ..w...h..i.c..h...... c..o..u..l.d... .b..e.. .h..a..r..m....f.u..l. ..t.o.. .t..h..e.. .s..o..l.d..i.e..r.. .i..f. ..n..o..t. .n...o.t..i.c..e..d......

- The K-ration ....I...t. ..i.s.. .t.h...e. ..s.o..l.d...i.e..r..'s.. .m....e.a..l. ..d..u..r..i..n..g.. .t..h..e.. .w...a..r.. .c..o..n..s..i.s..t.i..n..g.. .o..f.. .a..n.. ..i.n..d...i.v..i.d...u..a..l.l.y...... packaged daily ration. The K-ration provided three separately boxed ...... meal units: breakfast, dinner (lunch) and supper (dinner).

Did you know ? The whole equipment of a paratrooper before jumping could weigh up to 175 lbs (parachute included) Meeting with the top rank/high-graded

It's June 5th, 1944, a man of the highest importance comes to visit us : the General Eisenhower. D-Day is closer than ever...

Which object belonging to General Eisenhower is featured in this room ? ...... T..h..e.. .l.e..a..t..h..e..r.. .j.a..c..k..e..t. ..t.h..a..t.. .h..e.. .w...o..r..n.. ..f.r..o..m... ..M...a..r..c..h.. .t..o.. .D...e..c.e..m....b.e..r.. ..1.9..4..4...... How can you find out the rank of the owner of this object ? ...T..h..a..n...k..s. ..t.o.. .t..h..e.. .4.. ..s.t..a..r..s.. .n..o..t..i.c..e.a..b..l.e.. ..o.n... .t.h...e. ..s..h..o..u..l.d..e..r..s.. .o..f. ..t.h..e.. ..j.a..c..k..e..t...... i.n...d..i.c..a..t..i.n..g.. ..t.h..e.. .r..a..n...k.. .o..f.. .g..e..n..e..r..a..l...... In your opinion, why is General Eisenhower visiting us on this day ? ...H...e.. .i.s.. .v..i..s.i..t.i.n...g.. .u..s.. .t..o.. .s..h..o..w... .h..i..s. ..s.u..p...p..o..r..t. .t..o.. .t.h...e...... t.r..o..o..p..s.. .a..n..d... .w...i.s..h.. ..u..s. ..".g..o..o..d.. .l..u..c.k..."... .H...e.. .k..n...o.w....s...... D...-..D...a..y.. .i.s.. .c..o..m...i..n..g.. .a...n..d.. .t..h..a..t.. .m...o..s..t. ..o.f.. .u...s. ..w...i.l.l. ...t.h..e..i..r. ..l.i.v..e..s.. .t.o.. ..l.i.b..e..r..a..t.e.. .F...r..a..n..c..e...... Why is D-Day planned on June, 6th 1944 ? Which conditions are required for the D-Day landings by the sky and sea to be a success ? ...F...r..o.m.... .t..h..e.. .n..i.g...h..t. ..o.f.. .5..t..h.. .t..o.. .6..t..h.. .J...u..n..e.. .1.9...4..4.. .t..h..e...... w...e..a..t.h..e..r.. .f..o..r..e.c..a..s..t. ..i.s.. .b..e..n..e..f.i..c.i..a..l. .t.o.. ..D...-.D...a..y... ..A.. ..f.u..l.l ...m...o..o..n.. .w....o.u...l.d.. .h...e.l.p.. ..t.h..e.. ..p..a..r..a..t.r..o..o..p..e..r..s. ..f.i..n..d.. .t..h..e..i.r...... w...a..y.. .a..n..d... .g..u...i.d..e.. .t..h..e.. .a..i.r..c..r..a..f..t.s.. .t.o.. ..t.h..e..i.r.. ..t.a..r..g..e..t.s...... w...h..e..n.. .b..o..m....b..a..r..d..i.n..g... .t.h...e. ..e.n...e.m....y...... This is the desk of the general Eisenhower. Complete the map with your own key (colors/patterns) in order to identify the Axis Powers and Allied Forces to get a better overview of the situation in 1944, just before D-Day.

At the end of 1941, Germany allied with Italy and Japan control most of Europe (inluding North of Africa). After the Japan's attack on the american naval base at Pearl Harbor, near Hawaii, the United states form the Allied Powers together with England, Canada, the URSS and a dozen of occupied countries to fight against the Axis Powers. In brief, the Allied are the countries who fought against the Axis Powers during World War ll. France is part of the Allied. To be continued...

Which countries gave the conflict a worlwide dimension by getting involved ? Please explain who they took side with ?

..T..h..e.. ..c.o..n...f.l.i.c..t.. .t..a..k..e..s. ..a.. .w...o..r..l.d..w....i.d..e.. .s..c..a..l.e.. .w...i..t.h.. ..t.h..e.. ..f.o..l.l.o..w...i..n..g.. .e..v..e..n..t..s.:...... -.. .t..h..e.. .G...e..r..m...a..n...'s.. .i..n..v..a..s..i.o..n.. ..o.f.. .t..h..e.. .S...o.v..i..e..t. .U...n..i..o..n.. .i..n.. .J...u..n..e.. .1..9..4..1.,. ..a..n..d...... -.. .t..h..e.. .J...a..p..a..n..'.s. ..a..t.t..a..c..k.. .o..n.. ..t.h..e.. .a...m...e..r..i.c..a..n.. ..n..a..v..a..l. ..b..a..s.e.. ..P..e..a..r..l. .H....a..r..b..o..r.. .i.n...... H...a..w....a..i.i. ..o..n.. .7..t..h.. .D...e..c..e..m...b..e..r.. .1..9..4..1...... =..>. ..t.h..e.. .U...R...S..S.. ..w...i.l.l. ..t.a..k..e.. ..s.i..d..e..s.. .w...i.t..h.. .t..h..e.. .A...l.l.i.e..d... .f.o..r..c..e..s...... => Jap.a..n... .w...i.l.l.. .t.a..k...e. ..s.i..d..e..s.. .w...i.t..h.. .t..h..e.. .A...x..i.s.. .P...o..w...e..r..s...... Team work : the Pathfinders... Let's meet the Pathfinders. This group of has a specific mission during D-Day....

Find their insignia in the display dedicated to them and draw it below :

Thinking about their name "Pathfinders", can you guess what their mission is ? ..T..h..e.. ..p..a...t..h..f..i.n...d...e..r..s..' ..r..o..l.e... .i..s. ..t..o.. .s..e..t.. ..u..p... .a...n..d... .o..p...e..r..a...t.e. d.. rop zones prior to the paratroopers' arrival. T..h...e..y.. ..m....a..r..k...e..d.. ..t..h..i..s.. .a..r...e..a.. ..u..s..i..n..g... .s..p...e..c..i.a...l. .r...a..d...i.o...... s..e..t..s.. .a..n...d... .s..i..g..n...a..l. ..l.a..n...t..e..r..n..s.. ..t..o.. .s..h...e..p..h...e..r..d... .A...l.l..i.e..d...... a..i..r..c..r..a...f..t. ..i.n...t.o... .t..h..e.. ..t..a..r..g...e..t. ..a..r...e..a..s...... (.R...E...B...E...C...C...A...... t..r..a..n...s..p..o..n...d...e..r.. .a...n..d... .E...U...R....E..K...A... ..r..e..c..e..p...t.o..r...).. .T...h..e..y...... a..r...r..i.v...e..d.. ..1.h...0...0.. ..p..r...i.o..r.. ..t..o.. .t..h...e.. .a...i.r..b...o..r..n..e... .t..r..o..o..p...s...... and the Who are the mysterious Filthy Thirteen ? Find the display about the Iroquois. On his right, there is a board with all the explanation needed to understand this nickname.

The Filthy Thirteen also had a specific mission. What is it? .T..h..e..i.r.. ..m...i.s..s..i.o..n.. ..i.s.. .t.o.. ..d..e..m...o..l.i..s.h.. ..e..n..e..m...y.. .l.i..n..e..s.. ..T..h..e..y.. .w...e..r..e.. .o..r..d..e..r..e..d.. ..t.o.. .s..e..c..u..r..e.. . .o..r.. .d...e.s..t.r..o..y.. ..t.h..e.. .b..r..i..d..g..e..s.... .T..h..e..i..r. ..D...-..D...a..y.. .m...i..s.s..i.o..n... .w...a..s.. .t..o.. .c..a..p..t.u...r..e. ..t.h..e.. ..b..r..i.d..g..e..s .a..t.. .B...r..é..v..a..n..d..s.... .T..h...e.y.. ..a..l.s..o. ..p..a..r..t.i..c..i.p..a..t..e.d... .i.n... .t.h...e. ..c..a..p..t.u..r..e.. ..o.f.. .C...a..r..e..n..t..a..n...... Who is their leader ? ...T..h..e.. .g..r.o..u..p.. .w...a.s.. .c.o..m...m...a..n..d..e.d.. .b..y.. .t.h..e.. .s.e..r.g..e..a..n..t. .J..a..k..e. .M...c..N..i.e..c.e.

Why do they have this haircut ? Circle the right answer.

It was trendy in 1944 It was a way to honor It was the haircut their leader of their ancestor

Overlord is a well-organized military operation where everybody has a specific task: paratroopers will land from the sky to weaken the Germans troups, and then the infantry will assault the beaches.

The success of this mission depends on each and everyone one of us. Nearly time to board soldier !

It's time to go to the briefing room. In a few short moments, we will board our plane heading for Normandy !

But before that, let's meet Rupert in the corridor before the briefing room. What is it ? Tick the right answer.

Rupert is a dog guarding the plane Rupert is a type of plane used in the 40's Rupert is a dummy dropped to deceive the enemy

Did you know ? A psychological war consists of deceiving the enemy by spreading false information and building false events to create confusion in foe intelligence. Your training is over !

It's time to test your knowledge about everything you have learned from your training. Find the hidden word using the definitions below : D A K O T A C R I C K E T N O R M A N D Y P A R A C H U T E B A Z O O K A E I S E N H O W E R P A T H F I N D E R P I G E O N 1. The aircraft you are about to board has this nickname. 2. Paratroopers use it to communicate without speaking. 3. This is the area where D-Day Landings took place. 4. It can be dorsal or reserve. You had better have your own before boarding. 5. This is a synonym of rocket-launcher. 6. You can see his jacket in the first room, he was the general of the US army and then President of the United States of America. 7. They were the very first soldiers to jump. 8. This animal was used to send coded messages during the war.

The hidden word is the name given to the area where the paratroopers are supposed to land

Is the door of the briefing room open, yet ? Then let's go ! The Colonel Wolverton will explain our mission... D-Day : Parachuting in Normandy

After receiving the orders from Colonel Wolverton, we boarded the plane "Stoy Hora". The flight was pretty chaotic, but here we are, in Normandy !

Sum up in your own words the Colonel Wolverton's speech :

A few lines from the Colonel:

If the weather forecast is confirmed, in 5 minutes you will be in the air... This is not an exercise... Tonight, we will be dropping over Normandy... because we're fighting for something bigger than all that... the liberty.

Our objective is Carentan.

... this village is a crossroads from multiple lines of communication. It is extremely strategic as it is between two US landing beaches: Omaha and Utah.

We will be flown in by Colonel Krebs of the 440th Troop Carrier Group.

To accomplish this mission, you will need courage, sharp instincts, a little luck but most importantly: you'll need your gear. Your helmet, your life vest, your weapon, your munitions (grenade, Gammon, anti-tank mine, knives), one cricket, a medical kit with one dose of morphine. To be continued...

It is out of question to speak so use this code: one “click” asks and two “clicks” confirms a friendly. This cricket could save your life, do not lose it.

If you should lose your cricket, memorise the passwords. If you say “flash”, you say “thunder” and then the response is “welcome”. I guaranty you no Germans will be able to correctly pronounce these words so, if you hear “Funder” or “Velcom” ! Kill him.

Dog tags, so we know where to send our condolences to.

Captain Morgan will distribute two anti-motion sickness pills. The flight may be bumpy, we don't want you to lose your lunch on the plane.

The weather report is not great. But since we're not going on vacation this will not postpone the mission. Soldiers, the operation is confirmed. The Supreme Commander General Eisenhower has ordered us to go and ask me to give you this message.

Tomorrow will be the 6th of June, 1944. I can guarantee you this would be a date remembered throughout History.

Failure is not an option. There is no-one coming after us. The fate of the world is in our hands, here and now.

Men, I'm not a religious man and I do not know your feelings on the matter, but I would ask you all to pray with me now, for the success of the mission ahead.

To be continued...

Prayer from the Lt.Col. Wolverton

God almighty,

In a few short hours you will be in battle with the enemy.

We do not join battle afraid,

We do not ask for favors or indulgence but ask that, if you will, you use us as your instrument for the right and an aid in returning peace to the world.

We do not know or seek what are fate will be.

We ask only this, that if die we must, let us die as men would die, without complaining, without pleading and safe in the feeling that we did our best for what we believed was right.

Dear Lord, protect our loved ones and be near us in the fire ahead and with us now as we pray to you.

I'll meet you all next year, Kansas City, the Muehlebach hotel.

It's time to embark, the engines are warmed up, the taxi awaits you...

Good-luck. And I'll see you all on “Drop Zone D”.

Move out!

Finally on dry land !

There you are, in Normandy. After removing your harness, you need to find your fellow paratroopers using your cricket. If you listened carefully to Colonel Wolverton, you will know the passwords to recognize your friends. Can you write them down ? ...... F...l.a..s. h, ...... T...h...u..n..d...e.r.. .. a n d W .....e..l.c..o..m...e......

We were really lucky because despite the crash of our plane we are safe and sound. Sadly, this wasn't the case for everybody. Find the story of General Pratt and his glider in the middle of the room and answer the questions below :

How did the gliders cross the Channel ? ....T..h...e.. .g...l.i.d...e..r..s.. ..w...e..r...e.. .t..o..w....e..d.. ..b..e..h...i.n...d.. ..C...-..4..7... .a...i.r..c..r...a..f..t.s.. ..a..s.. ..t.h...e..y.. ..a..r..e...... e..n..g...i.n...e..l.e..s..s...... What could carry the gliders ? ..G...l.i..d..e..r...s. ..w....e..r..e.. .u...s..e..d... .t..o.. .c..a...r..r..y.. ..t..r..o..o..p...s..,...... v..e..h...i.c..l.e..s..,. ..m....i.l.i..t..a..r..y../..m....e..d..i..c..a..l../.f..o..o..d...... s..u..p...p..l.i..e..s.. . ..e..t.c......

Did you know ? In the night from 5th to 6th of June 1944, about 1900 planes and gliders were mobilized of which 832 C-47's, identical to the one you boarded. Treating the wounded soldiers

Most of the time during the fightings the casualties are more important during the first hours. To counter this and therefore decrease the number of deaths, a field hospital is established for the first time in history, where surgeons are jumping alongside us. Learn more about this novelty looking at the medical equipment display and diorama of the medical aid center to answer those questions :

How many surgeons were sent to the front with the 326th Airborne Medical Company ? ...... 4.. ..s..u..r..g...e..o..n...s...... According to the movie displayed, how many soldiers were killed or wounded during the 10 first days of fighting ? ...... 3..8...3..6...... Where was the field hospital established ? A..t.. ..t.h...e.. .c..a...s..t.l..e.. .o..f.. ..C...o..l.o..m....b...i.è. r..e..s.. ..i.n... .H....i..e..s..v..i.l..l.e...... Do you think this novelty was a success ? Develop your answer. .L...'.h..ô..p...i.t..a..l.. .d...e.. .c..a...m....p..a...g..n...e.. .a... .p...e..r..m....i..s.. .d...e.. .d...i.s..p...e..n...s.e...r.. .l.e...s. ..s..o..i..n..s.. ..d..e...... p.r..e..m....i.è...r..e..s.. .u...r..g...e..n..c..e..s.. ..e..t. ..a..u...s..s..i. ..d...e..s.. .i..n..t..e..r..v...e..n..t..i.o..n...s.. ..c..h..i..r..u..r...g..i..c..a..l.e..s...... D..e..s.. ..v..i..e..s.. .o..n...t.. .a...i.n...s..i. ..p..u... .ê..t..r..e.. ..p..r...é..s..e..r..v..é..e..s.. ..e..t. ..c..e..r..t..a..i..n..s.. ..s..o..l.d...a..t..s.. .o...n..t...... r..e..p..r...i.s.. ..l.e.. .c..o...m....b..a..t......

Did you know? The Geneva Convention is made of agreements between different countries to ascertain rules to protect the people involved in the conflict : soldiers on battle field, war prisoners, (POW) or civilians. It also states to not harm people or attack buildings which display the red cross in order to protect medical staff and wounded people. Remembering Go to the final display and choose two objects that you find interesting and explain your choice.

I chose ...... because ...... I chose ...... because ...... The tragic destiny of Colonel Wolverton

Before finishing your visit, read the last board entitled "I will never be at the Muehlebach Hotel". What happened to Colonel Wolverton ? ...... F...l.a..s..h...... T....h..u...n..d..e..r...... W...... e..l.c..o..m...e...... A....j..o...u....t..e...r... .u...n.... .s...o...u....s...-..t..i..t...r..e...... In the last display of the museum you can observe the off-duty uniform of Colonel Wolverton and the Purple Heart he received. This medal is awarded to every man wounded or killed in action. We owe our liberty to every single one of them.

Leaving the building, on your left you will be able to visit the Airborne Wall Memorial.

This memorial is dedicated to all the soldiers from the airborne divisions who fought during WWII. Each slab is nominative in order to honor and remember the sacrifice of these men.

Spare a thought for them as you walk by this wall before you go to the Dead Man's Corner Museum. Well done soldier !

This is the end of your visit. Thank you for being such a great listener. I hope that you have learned a lot about the paratroopers and their mission during D-Day. Our job is obviously not over yet, once Normandy is liberated the 101st airborne division carry on fighting : we are heading to the ! Our mission will end when Europe will be entirely free.

By then, many of our fellow comrades will fall on the battlefield and today we honor them in different way. You're doing your part by visiting this museum and taking interest in their story, and I am doing mine by passing this story onto you.


Now you can go and visit the Dead Man's Corner Museum. In this second museum you will get the point of view of a german soldier.

Enjoy your visit ! D-Day Experience

2 Village de l'Amont 50500 Saint-Côme-du-Mont

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