Lyrics & Readings ~ Sept. 13, 2020
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CHORUS (2x) LYRICS & READINGS ~ SEPT. 13, 2020 TAG *Tune in to 103.1FM to listen on your radio* Praise forever to the King of kings. KING OF KINGS CORPORATE CONFESSION Words and Music by Brook Ligertwood, Jason Ingram, Scott Ligertwood Heavenly Father, ©2018 Hillsong Music Publishing (admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing). Fellow Ships Music, So Essential Tunes (admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC).. All rights You are our great King. We confess that we are very weak reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #67200. and fallible. We are easily distracted, constantly diverted from your ways, and quick to follow our own sinful hearts instead. VERSE 1 Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you did not guard your own In the darkness, we were waiting interests, but chose to leave the comfort and richness of Without hope, without light. heaven for us. Change our selfish hearts, so that following ‘Til from heaven you came running, you is our greatest joy. Amen. There was mercy in your eyes. To fulfill the law and prophets To a virgin came the Word. From a throne of endless glory, CHRIST BE ALL Words and music by Kevin King. To a cradle in the dirt. © 2019 by Kevin King. CHORUS VERSE 1 Praise the Father, praise the Son, Oh, to be empty and lowly, Praise the Spirit, three in one. Meek and unnoticed, and unknown; God of glory, majesty. And to God, a vessel holy, Praise forever to the King of kings. Filled with Christ, and Christ alone. VERSE 2 VERSE 2 To reveal the kingdom coming How great is God! His grandeur endless, And to reconcile the lost, How frail I come before His throne; To redeem the whole creation, I am lost in love relentless, You did not despise the cross. That Christ be all, and I His own. For even in your suffering, You saw to the other side. CHORUS Knowing this was our salvation, May Christ be all and I be nothing. Jesus, for our sake, you died. His glory shines in vessels weak; May Christ be all and I be nothing. CHORUS This is my hope: Not I, but Christ in me. This is my hope: Not I, but Christ in me. VERSE 3 And the moment that you rose, VERSE 3 All of heaven held its breath, I am poor, and I have nothing, ‘til that stone was moved for good, All my deeds cannot avail, For the Lamb had conquered death. But Christ endured the Father’s crushing, And the dead rose from their tombs, He bowed His head, as mercy bled, peace to prevail. And the angels stood in awe, For the souls of all who’d come CHORUS To the Father are restored. BRIDGE 1 VERSE 4 Bring me low, my heart lower still, And the church of Christ was born, That Your grace my pride relieves. Then the Spirit lit the flame. May these words resound loud until Now this gospel truth of old Every tribe and tongue believes. Shall not kneel, shall not faint. By his blood and in his name, BRIDGE 2 In his freedom, I am free, Bring me low, my heart lower still, For the love of Jesus Christ That Your grace my pride relieves. Who has resurrected me. May these words resound loud until Every tribe and tongue can sing. (Christ Be All, cont’d) VERSE 4 CHORUS When we’ve been there ten thousand years, May Christ be all and I be nothing. Bright shining as the sun, His glory shines in vessels weak; We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise May Christ be all and I be nothing. Than when we’d first begun. This is my hope: Not I, but Christ in me. This is my hope: Not I, but Christ in me. VERSE 4 COME, YE SINNERS On golden shores of sure salvation, Words & Music by Tyler Miller, Jonathan Smith, Eddie Hoagland, and Jason Ingram I will run to meet my King; © 2014 Sony/ATV Cross Keys Publishing / HBC Worship Music, Sony/ATV Publishing Freed from shame and all accusation, / Not Just Another Song Publishing, Open Hands Music (admin. by Sony/ATV). All He’ll give Himself, nothing I’ll bring. rights reserved. Used by permission. CCLI License #67200. He’ll give Himself, nothing I’ll bring. VERSE 1 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore. Jesus, ready, stands to save you SCRIPTURE OF AFFIRMATION With compassion, love, and power. Surely he has borne our griefs VERSE 2 and carried our sorrows; Come, ye thirsty, to the fountain. Yet we esteemed him stricken, Come and find His goodness here. smitten by God, and afflicted. True belief and true repentance, But he was pierced for our transgressions; Every grace that brings you near. he was crushed for our iniquities; Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, CHORUS and with his wounds we are healed. I will arise and go to Jesus. All we like sheep have gone astray; He will embrace me as His own. we have turned—every one—to his own way; And in the arms of my Savior, And the Lord has laid on him There is life forevermore. the iniquity of us all. VERSE 3 Isaiah 53:4-6 Come, ye weary, heavy laden. Lost and ruined by the fall. And if you wait until you’re better, You will never come at all. AMAZING GRACE Words & Music by John Newton, v4. By John P. Rees. CCLI License #67200. CHORUS VERSE 1 VERSE 4 Amazing grace! How sweet the sound View Him prostrate in the garden That saved a wretch like me! On the ground, your Maker lies. I once was lost but now am found; On the bloody tree behold Him Was blind, but now I see. Sinner, will this not suffice. VERSE 2 CHORUS (2x) ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved. TAG How precious did that grace appear You are life forevermore. The hour I first believed. VERSE 3 Thro’ many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come. ‘Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. .