Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 41,2 2000359{370 359

Historical notes on lo op theory

Hala Orlik Pflugfelder

Abstract. This pap er deals with the origins and early history of lo op theory, summarizing

the p erio d from the 1920s through the 1960s.

Keywords: quasigroup theory, lo op theory, history

Classi cation : Primary 01A60; Secondary 20N05

This pap er is an attempt to map, to t together not only in a geographical and

achronological sense but also conceptually, the various areas where lo op theory

originated and through which it moved during the early part of its 70 years of

history. 70 years is not very much compared to, say,over 300 years of di erential

calculus. But it is precisely b ecause lo op theory is a relatively young sub ject

that it is often misinterpreted. Therefore, it is extremely imp ortant for us to

acknowledge its distinctive origins.

To give an example, when someb o dy asks, \What is a lo op?", the simplest way

to explain is to say, \it is a without asso ciativity". This is true, but it is

not the whole truth. It is essential to emphasize that lo op theory is not just a

generalization of but a discipline of its own, originating from and

still moving within four basic research areas | , geometry, top ology, and


Lo oking back on the rst 50 years of lo op history, one can see that every decade

initiated a new and imp ortant phase in its development. These distinct p erio ds

can b e summarized as follows:

I. 1920s the rst glimmerings of non-asso ciativity

II. 1930s the de ning p erio d 

III. 1940s-60s building the basic algebraic frame and

new approaches to pro jective geometry United States

IV. 1950s-60s the return of lo ops to Western Europ e England,

France, Germany, Holland, and Italy

V. 1960s the ascendance of lo ops in the Soviet Union

Each of the p erio ds I I-V is represented in our literature bya classic b o ok of

that era, which to this day remains a main reference source in its resp ective area:

II. Geometry of Webs,by Blaschke and Bol, 1938 German

This pap er is in nal form and no version of it will b e submitted for publication elsewhere.

360 H.O. P ugfelder

III. A Survey of Binary Systems,by Bruck, 1958 English

IV. Projective Planes,by Pickert, 1955 German

V. Foundations of the Theory of Quasigroups and Loops,by Belousov, 1967


One aim of this pap er is to shed light on the original motivations for the rst

publications on quasigroups by Moufang and Bol. The events of those years are

to o far in the past for many p eople to know rst-hand or to have heard ab out

from witnesses. But they are also to o recent to b e found in math-history b o oks

or even on any of the new math-historical web-sites.

Let us b egin with p erio d I, or rather with the prehistory of non-asso ciativity.

I. 1920s | the rst glimmerings of non-asso ciativity

In the history of science we know many cases where at certain times certain

revolutionary ideas were, so to sp eak, \in the air" until they manifested themselves

in di erent places, sometimes indep endently and in di erent forms.

During the last two centuries, two such prominent cases have o ccurred in

and physics. Hyp erb olic geometry was discovered almost simul-

taneously by Lobatschevski and Bolyai in the 1820s, and would subsequently

combine with Riemannian geometry announced in 1866 to form the eld of

Non-Euclidean Geometry. Similarly, around the turn of the century,anentirely

new conception of Space-Time emerged out of the Lorentz transformation of 1895,

which replaced earlier Galilean notions, and Einstein's Sp ecial Relativity of 1905.

Wenow know that these two ideas, Non-Euclidean Geometry and Curved Space-

Time, are not utterly unrelated and b oth help ed to prepare the ground for the

notion of non-asso ciativity.

The oldest non-asso ciative op eration used by mankind was plain subtraction

of natural numb ers. But the rst example of an abstract non-asso ciative system

was Cayley numb ers, constructed by Arthur Cayley in 1845. Later they were

generalized by Dickson to what we know as Caley-Dickson . They b ecame

the sub ject of vigorous study in the 1920s b ecause of their prominent role in the

structure theory of alternative rings.

Another class of non-asso ciative structures was systems with one binary op er-

ation. One of the earliest publications dealing with binary systems that explicitly

mentioned non-asso ciativitywas the pap er On a Generalization of the Associative

Law 1929 byAnton K. Suschkewitsch, who was a Russian professor of mathe-

matics in Voronezh.

In his pap er, Suschkewitsch observes that, in the pro of of the Lagrange theorem

for groups, one do es not make any use of the asso ciative law. So he rightly

conjectures that it could b e p ossible to have non-asso ciative binary systems which

satisfy the Lagrange prop erty. He constructs twotyp es of such so-called \general

groups", satisfying his Postulate A or Postulate B. In Suschkewitsch's approach,

one can detect some early attempts in the direction of mo dern lo op theory as a

generalization of group-theoretical notions. His \general groups" seem to b e the

Historical notes on loop theory 361


predecessors of mo dern quasigroups as isotop es of groups.

Unfortunately, Suschkevitsch's ideas did not takerootin his own country at

the time. In the 1930s, a ruthless p erio d of p olitical repression b egan in the Soviet

Union and authorities did not consider Suschkewitsch to b e p olitically trustwor-

thy. He had descended from minor Russian nobility. What was even worse, he had

studied mathematics in b efore the revolution and published his 1929 pap er

in an American journal. During his later teaching career in Khar'kov, Suschke-

witschwas not p ermitted to sup ervise any dissertations | a circumstance that

precluded any further development or dissemination of his ideas. It would not b e

until the late 1930s, with Murdo ch in America, and in the 1960s, with Belousov

in Russia, that Suschkevitsch's work would once again attract attention.

I I. 1930s | the de ning p erio d

For the next stage, we must lo ok to Germany in the 1930s, where interest

was arising simultaneously from algebra, geometry, and top ology. Geometry was

traditionally strong in Germany from the age of Gauss, whereas the algebra of the

XIX century was predominantly British. The state of German algebra, however,

b egan to change considerably from the time of Hilb ert and his axiomatic approach

to algebra and geometry.

By the 1920s, along with Go ettingen University, the relatively young Univer-

sity of Hamburg was b ecoming a new center of research, a circumstance that

contributed imp ortantly to the emergence of quasigroups. This researchmoved

along several paths, which so on b ecame interwoven.

On the algebraic scene, brilliant algebraists happ ened to b e in Hamburg at the

time, such as Erich Hecke, a student of Hilb ert; ; and Artin's students,

Max Zorn and Hans Zassenhaus. Algebraic interest in non-asso ciativity rst came

not from binary systems, as was the case with Suschkevitsch, but from alternative

algebras. Many hop ed that they could b e useful in the mathematics of quantum

mechanics. That hop e was never realized, but in the pro cess the signi cance of

non-asso ciativity b egan to emerge. It was around this time that Artin proved a

theorem that Moufang would later use in her famous pap er on quasigroups.

Artin's theorem: In an alternative algebra, if any three elements

multiply asso ciatively, they generate a subalgebra.

Simultaneously, along the geometric path, researchwas following Hilb ert's prin-

ciple that geometric axioms of planes corresp ond to algebraic prop erties of their

co ordinatizing systems.

Very exciting developments were also under way in di erential geometry. There

is no question that the most prominent gure at the Hamburg Mathematical Sem-

inar at the time was Wilhelm Blaschke. His magnetic p ersonality and innovative


It was broughttomy attention after the original presentation of this pap er that binary

systems with left and right division, whichwenow call quasigroups, were mentioned by Ernst

Schro eder in his b o ok Lehrbuch der Arithmethik und Algebra 1873, and in his Vorlesungen

ueber die Algebra der Logik 1890.

362 H.O. P ugfelder

work in di erential geometry attracted to him and to his ideas manyyoung and

talented mathematicians. The new branch of mathematics that he was creating

was Web Geometry. Blaschke's b o ok on the sub ject, Web Geometry, co-authored

with Bol, came out only in 1938, but was preceded by many separate publica-

tions on this topic by himself and by his followers, including the 66 pap ers of

the series \Webs and Groups". Bol alone contributed 14 pap ers to this series.

Among the earliest were pap ers by Thomsen and Reidemeister, whose names we

now know from corresp onding web-con gurations. The title of the series, \Webs

and Groups", subtitled \Top ological Questions of Di erential Geometry", was

also signi cant for having neatly combined the three main areas from whichloop

theory emerged: geometry, algebra, and top ology. The top ological asp ect entered

from such questions as linearization: whether there exists a unique top ological

transformation that maps a web of curves into a linear web. Bol, among others,

made signi cant contributions to this area of research.

From the p oint of view of lo op theory, all these developments culminated in

the app earance of two pap ers that de ned the two most imp ortant classes of

lo ops as we know them now, Moufang lo ops and Bol lo ops: Zur Struktur von

Alternativkoerpern by Ruth Moufang 1935, and Gewebe und Gruppen by Gerrit

Bol 1937. Together, these pap ers marked the formal b eginning of lo op theory.

Let us rst lo ok at Moufang's pap er, which was motivated by a publication

by Max Zorn on alternative rings in which Zorn used Artin's theorem. Moufang

starts with an alternative eld and endeavors to prove Artin's theorem using the

multiplicative system only. She de nes a structure, which she calls a Quasigroup

Q , satisfying the following p ostulates:

1, 2 closure, existence of an identity element and unique inverses

0 0 0 0

3 aa b=aa b and ba a = ba a

4 [aca]b = a[cab]


She also de nes a system Q , b elieving it to b e di erent from Q . Q satis es

an additional identity:

5 abca=a[bca]

Bol so on showed that 4 implies 5, and Bruck later proved that they b oth

are equivalenttotwo other identities:

6 [abc]b = a[bcb]

One can see that system Q is what is now known as a Moufang lo op, which

can b e de ned byany one of the Moufang identities 4 through 6.

Moufang proves that Q is diasso ciative | the sub quasigroup generated byany

two elements is asso ciative | and satis es a theorem that echo es Artin's theorem

and is now known as Moufang's theorem. She also gives a geometric interpretation

to Artin's theorem for pro jective planes, showing that a pro jective plane satis es

the Complete Quadrilateral theorem if and only if it can b e co ordinatized byan

alternative eld. Todaywe call such a plane a Moufang plane.

Historical notes on loop theory 363

Moufang 1905-1977, along with So a Kovalevskaya and Emmy No ether, was

one of the rst three women to make their names in mathematics. It is dicult

to resist a note of a feminist nature in expressing pride that our eld was founded

by another woman.

Moufang, a geometer, had studied at the UniversityofFrankfurt, and later in

Ko enigsb erg, where she was strongly in uenced by Reidemeister. Before her pap er

on quasigroups, she published 14 pap ers on topics of geometry. Up on earning

her Ph.D. at Ko enigsb erg, Moufang returned to Frankfurt with the intention of

pursuing an academic career. She was so on informed by the Ministry of Education

of the Third Reich, however, that as a woman, she was not p ermitted to teach

at a predominantly male university. She would only be allowed to do research

work. So, Moufang was employed from 1937 as an industrial mathematician at

the Krupp Corp oration. She returned to Frankfurt University after the war, and

b ecame the rst female professor of mathematics in Germany.

Moufang never published again, but fortunately lived long enough to witness

many of the fruits of her early work, seeing her name attached to such things

as Moufang lo ops and Moufang planes. Today, of course, there are many more

new branches of that Moufang tree | Moufang symmetries, Moufang p olygons,

Moufang buildings | not only in algebra and geometry, but in other elds as

well, including mathematical physics.

The next most imp ortant pap er on the sub ject of quasigroups app eared two

years after Moufang's: Gewebe und Gruppen by Gerrit Bol 1937. Bol's approach

is from a web-geometrical p oint of view. He constructs three new con gurations

U , U , U and asks whether the closure of these three gures implies asso ciativity.

1 2 3

He answers that question in the negative, and shows that the three U gures

together imply only the law a[bcb] = [abc]b, which is precisely one of the

Moufang identities. To demonstrate this fact, Bol gives an example constructed

by Zassenhaus. This example of order 81 was, in fact, the rst example of a

non-asso ciative commutative Moufang lo op.

Further, Bol explains the algebraic meaning of each of the U gures and shows

that U and U corresp ond to laws that we now call the right Bol and the left

1 2

Bol identities, resp ectively: abcb =abcb and bcba = bcba. It was

Zassenhaus, again, who so on constructed the rst example of a right Bol lo op.

Bol also proves the following prop erties implied by the U gures:


U the rightinverse prop erty: dcc = d



U the left inverse prop erty: a ab=b


0 0 0

U the anti-automorphic inverse law: ab = b a


Bol shows that U and U together imply U , and when all three are closed,

1 2 3

one obtains Moufang's quasigroup Q . Bol also demonstrates that Moufang's

Quasigroup Q satis es the exible law: bcb=bcb.

Thus Bol practically split the Moufang identity in two, showing that, in our

language, a lo op is Moufang if and only if it is b oth right and left Bol. The irony

was that Bol was not originally aware of Moufang's work when he wrote his pap er.

364 H.O. P ugfelder

In a fo otnote, he acknowledged that her pap er had only come to his attention after

he had practically completed his article. Here wehaveyet another example of a

simultaneous development of similar ideas from di erent p ersp ectives.

Neither Moufang nor Bol ever returned to the sub ject of quasigroups, although

Bol would publish proli cally in his later life on questions of di erential geometry.

When weinvited Bol to a conference on Moufang and Bol lo ops on the o ccasion

of his seventieth birthday in Ob erwolfach in 1976, he came and patiently listened

to the lecture of D.A. Robinson, who was the rst mathematician to undertake

serious study of Bol lo ops in the 1960s. Later Bol con ded to us, however, that

the sub ject b earing his own name was of little interest to him any longer, and that

it was instead archeology that had captured his imagination since retirement.

After Moufang and Bol, development of the eld came to a halt in Germany

due to the p olitical situation and the onset of war. Gerrit Bol 1906-1989, b eing

Dutch, had to join the Dutch military in 1940 and was so on taken prisoner of

war by the Germans. His mentor Blaschkewas able to rescue him, however, and

he continued his work in Germany. From 1945 onward, he served as professor at


I I I. 1940s-60s | building the basic algebraic frame and new

approaches to pro jective geometry

After the demise of quasigroups in Germany, it was the United States that

b ecame the new center of research on the sub ject. Why the United States? There

were mainly two reasons.

One imp ortant factor was that many prominent mathematicians had to leave

Germany when Hitler came to power, either b eing Jews themselves or having

Jewish sp ouses. Among them were many who had already b een exp osed to the

sub ject of quasigroups, such as Emil Artin, Reinhold Baer, , and

Max Zorn. Many of them came to the United States and continued their work in

this eld, notably Reinhold Baer.

The other imp ortant reason was that a strong interest in non-asso ciative

structures already existed in the United States, particularly at the University

of Chicago. Leonard Dickson, whose name we know from Cayley-Dickson alge-

bra, was teaching at Chicago, along with his former student Abraham Adrian

Alb ert. In this way, Chicago b ecame a new center of quasigroup research in the

1940s, just as Hamburg had b ecome in the previous decade.

In addition to alternative algebra research, there were already several American

publications on quasigroups:

1937 Theory of Quasi-Groups,by Hausmann and Ore;

1939 Quasi-Groups Which Satisfy Certain Generalized Associative Laws,

by Murdo ch;

1940 Quasi-Groups,by Garrison.

All three authors already used the term \quasigroup" in a broader sense, the

waywe use it now, and not just as Moufang's Q system. The rst two authors still

Historical notes on loop theory 365

assumed the existence of an identity element, whereas Murdo ch already considered

the case of a one-sided identity.

It was at this p oint that the terminology of quasigroup theory underwent a

historic change. It b ecame apparent that it was necessary to distinguish b etween

two classes of quasigroups: those with and those without an identity element.

A new name was needed to designate the system with identity. This o ccurred

around 1942, among p eople of Alb ert's circle in Chicago, who coined the word

\lo op" after the Chicago Lo op. For Chicago lo cals, the term \Lo op" designated

the main business area and the elevated train that literally made a lo op around

this part of the city.

It was a brilliantchoice in several senses. First, the word \lo op" rhymes with

\group". Second, it expresses a sense of closure. And third, it is short and simple,

so that it could b e easily adopted in other languages. Today, it is used in many

languages, with slightvariations: for example, DIE LOOP in German  rst used

by Pickert and LUPA in Russian. The French are, of course, an original and

non-conforming p eople, so in French it is LA BOUCLE.

The rst publications intro ducing the term \lo op" were the twovery imp or-

tant pap ers that Alb ert wrote in 1943: Quasigroups. I and Quasigroups. II.In

addition to intro duction of the new term \lo op", a highly signi cant asp ect of the

Quasigroups. I pap er was the intro duction of the concept of isotopy for quasi-

groups. Alb ert's pap ers were so on followed bytwovery imp ortant publications

by Richard Hub ert Bruck: Some Results in the Theory of Quasigroups 1944 and

Contributions to the Theory of Loops 1946. Without a doubt, in this Ameri-

can p erio d of lo op theory, stretching from the 1940s through the 1960s, the most

imp ortant role has to b e ascrib ed to Alb ert and Bruck and their scho ols.

For the younger generation of to day, the concept of \scho ols" may seem out-

mo ded. In this new age of easy cyb er-communications, one can reach practically

anybody anywhere by e-mail and internet to ask questions and, if lucky, get an-

swers or information. But it was di erent in the early days of the eld, when im-

p ortantscho ols inspired and promoted the development of new ideas. A \scho ol"

was not just a scho ol of thought, but often also asso ciated with the strong p er-

sonality of its leader and a certain geographic proximity. In those days much

dep ended up on oral communication, which might take place through discussions

around a table, during long hikes, and so forth. There were p ersonalities like

Blaschke's, scho ols like Alb ert's in Chicago, or Reinhold Baer's after his return to

Frankfurt after the war. One of the most successful and proli c scho ols centered

around Bruck in Madison, Wisconsin.

The volume of research done during this p erio d by Alb ert and Bruck and their

followers is so enormous that it is not p ossible to account for all their contributions

in a short pap er or to mention names without running the risk of omitting some

imp ortant ones. Among the chief topics of researchwere the following:

Isotopy theory | prop erties of isotopic quasigroups and lo ops, isotopic invariants,

autotopisms, pseudo-automorphisms, isotopy-isomorphy prop erty;

366 H.O. P ugfelder

Lo ops with di erent inverse prop erties | left, right, weak, cross, automorphic,

and anti-automorphic inverse prop erties;

Basic concepts of sub quasigroups, cosets, \characteristic" prop erty  and nilp o-

tency with resp ect to  ;

Homomorphy theory;

Groups of p ermutations on lo ops | multiplication groups, inner mappings and

the notion of A-lo ops, semi-automorphisms;

Moufang lo ops;

Commutative Moufang lo ops;

Bol lo ops and their sub-variety of Bruck lo ops;

Di erent classes of quasigroups | totally symmetric, distributive, ab elian, and

through them, di erent geometric and combinatorial systems.

Bruck's b o ok A Survey of Binary Systems app eared in 1958 and remains even

to day the most referred-to text on lo ops.

One can see that during this p erio d, from the 1940s through the 1960s, the

basic algebraic frame of lo op theory was erected. Lo op theory had gained a rm

ground that would allowittomove in new directions and ourish in other places.

We will return later to the geometric achievements of this time, but let us rst

follow the algebraic branch in p ost-war Western Europ e.

IV. 1950s-60s | the return of lo ops to Western Europ e

One of the many new directions in which lo op theory b egan to movewas toward

the universal algebra approach. Universal algebra had b een one of those \new

ideas in the air" during the 1930s. Stemming from Emmy No ether in Go ettingen,

it quickly spread throughout the United States and Europ e: B.H. Neumann in

Cambridge, G. Birkho at Harvard, and A.I. Mal'cev in the Soviet Union.

In England, the extension of its concepts to quasigroups and lo ops b ecame the

life work of Trevor Evans from the late 1940s onward. By de ning quasigroups

as algebras with three op erations, including the left and the right division, Evans

was able to consider quasigroups as varieties of -algebras, = f; n;=g, and

apply to them many of the notions and to ols of universal algebra.

Another area of research in England at the time was di erent classes of quasi-

groups, for example, the work done by I.M.H. Etherington on entropic quasi-

groups, which satisfy this identity: abcd=acbd. Etherington showed that

totally symmetric entropic quasigroups are naturally connected to the geometry

of plane cubic curves. The sub ject of cubic hyp ersurfaces was later fully develop ed

byYuri Manin in the Soviet Union.

Interestingly, the classes of entropic and left-distributive quasigroups were also

studied by some Japanese mathematicians, including Takasaki in Harbin, as early

as the late 1930s and early 1940s, although there is not much do cumentation of

it in western literature.

Still another area of research in England at the time was that of Latin squares.

The sub ject of Latin squares is, of course, much older than lo op theory. Mutually

Historical notes on loop theory 367

orthogonal Latin Squares were already studied by Euler in the XVI I I century from

a combinatorial p oint of view. However, as lo op theory develop ed, there app eared

connections b etween the combinatorial and several quasigroup-theoretical asp ects

of Latin squares. For example, combinatorial structures such as blo c designs

or Steiner triple systems can be asso ciated with algebraic varieties of Steiner

quasigroups and totally symmetric lo ops.

To give another example, Fisher and Yates, in England during the 1930s,

showed that every 6 x 6 Latin square b elongs to a set of six so-called \adju-

gates", which we now knowas \conjugate" or \inverse" quasigroup op erations,

or \parastrophes". The concept of parastrophes in general was intro duced by

A. Sade in France in the 1950s. Subsequently, in the early 1960s, Rafael Artzy

intro duced isostrophes as pro ducts of parastrophes and isotop es.

Anthony Donald Keedwell, from the 1960s onward, studied many other con-

nections between Latin squares, lo ops, and geometry | for example, between

orthogonal Latin squares and neo elds, which are structures with lo ops as their

additive systems.

But let us return to the geometric branchasitdevelop ed in the 1940s in the

United States and later in Europ e.

Bruck himself had a geometric background as a studentofRichard Brauer, and

published several pap ers on geometry. In fact, his mathematical genealogical tree

go es back to Gauss, via Weierstrass, Frob enius, Schur, and Brauer.

But the main gures in this branchof geometry in the United States in the

1940s were Reinhold Baer and Marshall Hall. Both were working on the idea of

pro jective planes as planes over some algebraic systems. They complemented each

other's work by using di erent approaches. Their most imp ortant and innovating

pap ers, resp ectively,were Homogeneity of Projective Planes 1942 and Projective

Planes 1943.

Marshall Hall worked on the corresp ondence between pro jective planes and

algebraic systems such as double lo ops and ternary rings and elds. Reinhold

Baer, on the other hand, used Felix Klein's group-theoretical approach to consider

groups of collineations of pro jective planes. This approach proved to be very

useful for nite cases. In nite cases, collineation groups also lead to questions of

combinatorics | blo ck designs and Steiner triple systems.

Both pap ers would stimulate extensive research in the future. In the United

States, there were several p eople working in this area, among them R.H. Bruck,

E. Kleinfeld, D.R. Hughes, T.G. Ostrom, and P. Dembowski. But much more

work in this direction was later done in Europ e, where the eld was dominated

by German and Italian geometers, among the latter Beniamino Segre and Adri-

ano Barlotti. Baer's return to teaching at the University of Frankfurt in 1956

contributed to the ourishing of geometry in Germany.

Around this time, another approach, von Staudt's p oint of view, led to the

well-known Lenz-Barlotti system for classi cation of pro jective planes and their

algebraic structures using groups of p ersp ectivities.

In order to describ e sharply 2-transitive p ermutation groups, Helmut Karzel

368 H.O. P ugfelder

intro duced, in 1968, the concept of a neardomain as a generalization of Zassen-

haus's near eld. The non-asso ciative additive system of a neardomain was later

proved to b e a Bruck lo op.

In the meantime, there had app eared the extremely in uential b o ok, one of

our classics, Projective Planes by Guenter Pickert 1955. In addition to address-

ing questions of pro jective planes over algebraic structures, Pickert intro duces

the topic of top ological planes over ternary elds, thus reviving the geometric-

top ological spirit of the 1930s.

Another source of top ological stimuli was Hans Freudenthal in Holland, who

published on o ctaves, their geometry, and top ological pro jective planes in the

1950s and 1960s. If one adds to this the input of Russia's Scornjakov and Mal'cev's

ideas on top ological pro jective planes and analytic lo ops at this time, one can

understand why the sub ject of top ological lo ops would b ecome such a fertile

ground in the future.

V. 1950s-60s | the ascendance of lo ops in the Soviet Union

Interestingly, the topic of non-asso ciative structures in the Soviet Union in

the 1950s and 1960s seems to have rep eated the same cycle that it underwent

in Germany in the 1930s: geometry | top ology | di erential geometry | and

only later quasigroups. Nevertheless, this cycle played itself out on a much higher

plane, since the basic knowledge already existed by the 1950s.

The reader will nd several other articles in this volume addressing sub jects of

di erential geometry, top ological lo ops, and of smo oth quasigroups and lo ops as

they emerged during this p erio d. For that reason, we will take a lo ok only at the

achievements that were made in the Soviet Union along the algebraic branchby

the scho ol of Belousov.

Valentin Danilovitsch Belousov, although Moldavian, did his p ost-graduate

work at Moscow University under A.G. Kurosh. Originally, Kurosh himself did

not think highly of the sub ject, but Belousov was able to p ersist and later to

build an extremely successful scho ol in Kishenev, in to day's Moldova. For the

Soviet Union and the former Soviet blo c countries, Belousov's role in the success

of quasigroup and lo op theory, and his 1967 b o ok Foundations of the Theory of

Quasigroups and Loops, can rightly be compared with the role that Bruck and

his Binary Systems had played in the United States a decade or two earlier.

Unfortunately, Belousov's excellent b o ok is not as widely known as Bruck's in the

West, since it is written in the Russian language and has never b een translated.

While Bruck's emphasis was on lo ops, in Belousov's work, the weight shifted

toward quasigroups in general. As in previous p erio ds, new asp ects and new

approaches emerged in the work of this scho ol. Among them were the following:

New approaches to quasigroups | derivative op erations, sp ecial and F-quasi-


New prop erties of known quasigroups | distributive b eing isotopic to commu-

tative Moufang lo ops, left-distributive that are isotopic to groups, medial as F-

Historical notes on loop theory 369

quasigroups, isotop es of totally symmetric quasigroups;

n-ary quasigroups and corresp onding algebraic k-webs;

Functional equations to express general laws of quasigroups binary as well as


Algebraic webs and their use in questions of isotopy and parastrophyof quasi-

groups and lo ops | for example, a new algebraic interpretation of Bol's U con-



B -lo ops, which satisfy the U condition and are isostrophic to left and right Bol

3 3

lo ops;

Generalized Moufang and Bol lo ops.

Belousov's work greatly contributed to the spread of lo op theory across Cen-

tral Europ e, particularly in such countries as Hungary, Romania, and the former

Czechoslovakia. At the same time, early publications in these countries show the

Western in uence of Blaschke, Pickert, and Bruck, as one can see, for example, in

pap ers by J. Acz el and F. Rado. The present Czechscho ol of Tomas Kepka, al-

though acknowledging their historic ties with the Moldovascho ol, have also b een

following many Western traditions, and are presently involved in several joint

research pro jects with American lo op theorists.

And so, in an historic sense, Prague seems an excellent choice for this rst

international conference on lo ops. Just as the ideas of many of the scho ols men-

tioned ab ove have found a common ground here in the Czech Republic, let us

hop e that we to o can follow their example, continue in this spirit of co op eration,

and lo ok forward to new and even more exciting p erio ds of lo op history in the

new millennium.


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Received Septemb er 29, 1999