DOCUMENT RESUME Asia in American Textbooks: Al Evaluation
DOCUMENT RESUME *I:- #. ED .324 439 s, 009 064 = . TITLE -7- Asia in American Textbooks: Al Evaluation. INSTITUTION ASIA Society, New Jork, N.Y. SPONS AGENCY Foid.Foundation, New Tork,'N.Y. RUB DATE Mai .76 NOTE 342p. i- / . .4.. EDRS PRICE . MF-$0.83 HC-$18.07'Pius PoStage.. DESCRIPTORS '4,Asi is-"tory; *Asian. Studies; Educational Needs; . ,Eiem ntary Secondary EducationvEvaluation Methods; . .fluman'sm; Illustrations; Language Styles; National . 1 Surve s; Sex Discrimination; *Social Studies; ' 'Textb ok Bias; Textbook Content;'*Textpook' Evaluation; TextboOks N ABSTRACT This' report evaluates the treatment of Lisa in American elementary and secondary school textbooks. The study was undertaken by the Asia Society. Guided by a detailed questionnaire, 103,schola'rs,.-teachers, and others with Asian expertise reviewed "306 bOoks commonly used in J3he 50 states during 1914-75. This book summarizes the process of evaluation,. the .findings of the individual readers, and the Asia Society's barn conclusidns and recoinendations for action as a result of theit findings, Materials were examined for their accuracy, authenticity, underlying' assumptions and approaches, humanistic and human interest, style and .tone, sexist, 'format and illustr4tiong, bias, and recognition of innate dignity of Asian .c.ulture. Overall ratings and qualifications of adthors and- consultants are presentpd. Appendices include a listing of the books reviewed, the questionnaire used in the study,.a -list pf the readers, and the' names of the Asia Society's staff.(Author/RM) .. ****************************************************4%****************** -At Documents acquired by ERIC include. Manyinformfal unpublished, * materials not available-rtom'other soUrceq. ERIC makes everyeffort * * to obtain the best copy available.
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