1350 West ( Lands Secondary Plan, William Baker District) – Zoning By- law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Applications – Preliminary Report

Date: May 31, 2021 To: Community Council From: Acting Director, Community Planning, North York District Ward: Ward 6 -

Planning Application Numbers: 21 119571 NNY 06 OZ and 21 119572 NNY 06 SB

Current Uses on Site: Woodlot and open space with walking and cycling trails.

SUMMARY This report provides information and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the application located at 1350 Sheppard Avenue West (Downsview Secondary Plan, William Baker District).

These applications propose the development of the existing open space lands by creating a planning framework through a district plan to support a new neighbourhood within the William Baker District of the Downsview Area Secondary Plan.

The lands would be developed over phases with new development blocks and roads that would include a broad range and mix of uses, including new parks and open spaces, built forms, densities, housing and unit types and tenures, including affordable and senior's options. The development would be supported by existing transit as well as existing and planned community services and facilities.

In addition to the district plan for the entire site, the first phase of development initiated by these Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision applications, proposes the creation of 13 subdivision blocks with 1,400 new residential units. This first phase of development located at the south end of the site along the Sheppard Avenue West and frontages includes a mix of tall, mid-rise and low-rise residential and mixed use blocks ranging in height from 4 to 20 storeys.

Phase 1 incorporates the existing woodlot natural feature, provides for additional green space buffering around the woodlot feature as well as for a new park and pedestrian pedestrian/cycling bridge to provide a link to to the south. The proposal also contemplates mixed use and commercial developments that will create a

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neighbourhood focus and gateway to the community at the Keele Street and Sheppard Avenue West intersection.

The application also includes the creation of a new east-west street to serve the proposed Phase 1 development blocks, and which would run between Keele Street and Sheppard Avenue West.

Staff are currently reviewing the application. It has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. Staff will proceed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the application with the Ward Councillor.


The City Planning Division recommends that:

1. Staff schedule a community consultation meeting for the application located at 1350 Sheppard Avenue West (Downsview Lands Secondary Plan, William Baker District) together with the Ward Councillor.

2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the application site, and to additional residents, institutions and owners to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, with any additional mailing costs to be borne by the applicant.


The City Planning Division confirms that there are no financial implications resulting from the recommendations included in this report in the current budget year or in future years.


The Downsview Area Secondary Plan (DASP) was initially approved in 1999 and amended in 2001. At its meeting of April 28 and 29, 2008, City Council directed City Planning staff to undertake a review and update of the DASP. In February 2010, a Final Report from the Director of Community Planning, North York District recommended adoption of amendments to the Official Plan, including an updated Secondary Plan and approval of a Transportation Master Plan and Servicing and Stormwater Master Plan.

On April 26, 2010, Parc Downsview Park Inc. (PDPI) filed an Official Plan Amendment application for an updated DASP, which largely reflected a previously tabled staff- recommended Secondary Plan.

On January 25, 2011, PDPI appealed the Official Plan Amendment application to the Municipal Board based on the City’s failure to adopt the Official Plan Amendment within the timelines specified by the Planning Act.

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At its meeting of April 21, 2011, North York Community Council recommended adoption of the Secondary Plan with amendments. At its meeting of May 17, 18 and 19, 2011 City Council referred the recommended Plan back to North York Community Council for further consideration following more public consultation.

At its meeting on June 14, 2011, City Council considered a June 3, 2011 Direction Report from the City Solicitor recommending a settlement for a revised DASP and directed the City Solicitor and other appropriate staff to attend the former Ontario Municipal Board in support of the updated Secondary Plan. This report can be found at:

At its pre-hearing conference on June 29, 2011, the former Ontario Municipal Board issued an Oral Decision approving the updated DASP Plan and related amendments to the City's Official Plan. A written Decision from the former Ontario Municipal Board was issued on August 17, 2011. This decision can be found at:

The Downsview Area Secondary Plan can be found at the following link: Downsview.pdf

In 2014, a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) study was initiated for the major roads within the Downsview Area Secondary Plan (DASP) area which is known as the Downsview Major Roads Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA study area included a 1.2 km long westerly extension of Transit Road across Sheppard Avenue West to Keele Street; a 2.3 km long northerly extension of Transit Road, which provides a connection to Chesswood Drive / Sheppard Avenue West; and completion of the planning for Perimeter Road to run south from the future east-west section of Transit Road, connecting with Keele Street via Downsview Park Boulevard, which was built as part of the Stanley Greene Neighbourhood.

A portion of the future Transit Road extension would include an alignment on the north easterly portion of the William Baker District lands.

ISSUE BACKGROUND Application Description The William Baker District is located in the northwest corner of the Downsview Area Secondary Plan, bounded by Keele Street to the west and Sheppard Avenue West to the south and east, and the Keele-Dufferin Employment area to the north. The total area covered by the William Baker District is approximately 25 hectares. (See Attachment #3, Downsview Area Secondary Plan Map).

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The proposal does not include lands fronting onto Keele Street on which is located a commercial plaza (3585 Keele Street) and the Downsview Long-Term Care Centre (3595 Keele Street).

The lands were previously utilized for officer's housing as part of the former Canadian Forces Base Downsview. At present the site is open space and contains a woodlot, with pedestrian and cycling trails that utilize the former roadway and connect with a pedestrian bridge over Sheppard Avenue West to Downsview Park to the south.

This application proposes a William Baker District Plan and related amendments to the applicable zoning by-law provisions for the property at 1350 Sheppard Avenue West (Downsview Secondary Plan, William Baker District) to permit 1,400 residential units within mixed use and apartment neighbourhoods including a variety of building types ranging in height from 4 to 20 storeys. These applications represent a proposed Phase 1 of the total site development. (See Attachment #1: Proposed Development Context; Attachment #6: Land Use Plan; Attachment #7: Building Heights Map).

The Draft Plan of Subdivision application proposes to create 13 subdivision blocks and a new east-west street with a 22 metre wide right of way, as part of Phase 1 to service the proposed development. Proposed park blocks would provide for open space and buffering to the central woodlot natural feature, as well as a pedestrian and cycling access via an overpass of Sheppard Avenue West to Downsview Park to the south.

The proposed Phase 1 Subdivision Block areas and unit count are as follows:

Proposed Area (Hectares) Block Number Number of Units

1 (Mixed Use) 550 1.44

2 (Mixed Use) 100 0.45

3 (Apartment Neighbourhood) 700 2.14

4 (Apartment Neighbourhood) 25 0.26

5 (Apartment Neighbourhood) 25 0.47

6/7 (Parkland) 1.48

8 (Natural Heritage - Woodlot) 0.83

9 (Buffer) 0.057

10/11 (Road Widening) 0.12

12/13 (0.3 m Reserve) 0.0012

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Proposed Area (Hectares) Block Number Number of Units

Total 1,400

Detailed project information is found on the City's Application Information Centre at: centre/

Provincial Policy Statement and Provincial Plans Land use planning in the province of Ontario is a policy led system. Any decision of Council related to this application is required to be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) (the "PPS"), and to conform with applicable Provincial Plans which, in the case of the City of Toronto, include: A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020). The PPS and all Provincial Plans may be found on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website.

Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020)

A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020) (the "Growth Plan (2020)") came into effect on August 28, 2020. This new plan replaces the previous Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019. The Growth Plan (2020) continues to provide a strategic framework for managing growth and environmental protection in the Greater Golden Horseshoe region, of which the City forms an integral part. The Growth Plan (2020) establishes policies that require implementation through a Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR), which is a requirement pursuant to Section 26 of the Planning Act.

Policies not expressly linked to a MCR can be applied as part of the review process for development applications, in advance of the next MCR. These policies include:

 Directing municipalities to make more efficient use of land, resources and infrastructure to reduce sprawl, contribute to environmental sustainability and provide for a more compact built form and a vibrant public realm;  Directing municipalities to engage in an integrated approach to infrastructure planning and investment optimization as part of the land use planning process;  Achieving complete communities with access to a diverse range of housing options, protected employment zones, public service facilities, recreation and green space, and better connected transit to where people live and work;  Retaining viable lands designated as employment areas and ensuring redevelopment of lands outside of employment areas retain space for jobs to be accommodated on site;

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 Minimizing the negative impacts of climate change by undertaking stormwater management planning that assesses the impacts of extreme weather events and incorporates green infrastructure; and  Recognizing the importance of watershed planning for the protection of the quality and quantity of water and hydrologic features and areas.

The Growth Plan (2020), builds upon the policy foundation provided by the PPS and provides more specific land use planning policies to address issues facing the GGH region. The policies of the Growth Plan (2020) take precedence over the policies of the PPS to the extent of any conflict, except where the relevant legislation provides otherwise. In accordance with Section 3 of the Planning Act all decisions of Council in respect of the exercise of any authority that affects a planning matter shall conform with the Growth Plan (2020). Comments, submissions or advice affecting a planning matter that are provided by Council shall also conform with the Growth Plan (2020).

Planning for Major Transit Station Areas The Growth Plan (2020) contains policies pertaining to population and employment densities that should be planned for in major transit station areas (MTSAs) along priority transit corridors or subway lines. MTSAs are generally defined as the area within an approximately 500 to 800 metre radius of a transit station, representing about a 10- minute walk. The Growth Plan (2020) requires that, at the time of the next municipal comprehensive review (MCR), the City update its Official Plan to delineate MTSA boundaries and demonstrate how the MTSAs plan for the prescribed densities. The subject lands are located within 800 metres just west of the Downsview Park subway station and GO Transit train station.

Toronto Official Plan Policies and Planning Studies The City of Toronto Official Plan is a comprehensive policy document that guides development in the City, providing direction for managing the size, location, and built form compatibility of different land uses and the provision of municipal services and facilities. Authority for the Official Plan derives from The Planning Act of Ontario. The PPS recognizes the Official Plan as the most important document for its implementation. Toronto Official Plan policies related to building complete communities, including heritage preservation and environmental stewardship may be applicable to any application.

The current application is located on lands shown as Apartment Neighbourhoods, Mixed Use Areas, Natural Areas and Parks on Map 16, Land Use Plan of the Official Plan (see Attachment 8:Official Plan Map).

Toronto Official Plan policies may be found here: government/planning-development/official-plan-guidelines/official-plan/Downsview Area Secondary Plan

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The application is located within the Downsview Area Secondary Plan, and outlines specific goals towards development of the lands with transit oriented, residential neighbourhoods that also recognizes the importance of existing natural features and open space.

The Downsview Area Secondary Plan (DASP) provides for the development of the National Urban Park and a balanced mix of land uses and development levels that will support the transformation of the area into a new residential and employment community well served by public transit and appropriate for the surrounding context. It provides a comprehensive planning framework to direct the building of new neighbourhoods with complete communities that include streets and open spaces that have good connections to the surrounding streets and open spaces, are supported by infrastructure and community services, provide for uses and building scales that are compatible with surrounding development and include a full range of housing in terms of scale, tenure and affordability.

The Downsview Area Secondary Plan is structured into seven Districts based on intended use and character. The Secondary Plan requires the preparation of District Plans prior to development proceeding within Districts to set out development principles and guidelines at a higher level of detail. The William Baker District Plan requirements include block structure and context plans showing how public roads and parks and open space areas will be integrated with surrounding lands, and details on building location and massing, and development phasing.

There are three land use designations in the William Baker District. Mixed Use Areas are located at the Keele Street and Sheppard Avenue West intersection, and along the Keele Street corridor. Apartment Neighbourhoods are located easterly along the Sheppard West Corridor and at the north of the site. At the centre, lands are designated Natural Areas and Parks.

The Downsview Area Secondary Plan provides direction to the desired road, cycling and pedestrian network envisioned for the William Baker lands, and specifically to a pedestrian and cycling overpass of Sheppard Avenue West to connect with Downsview Park to the south (Map 7-4, 7-5 and 7-6).

Zoning By-laws Under the former City of North York Zoning By-law No. 7625, the site is Zoned A - Airport Hazard Area Zone. Permitted uses include an airport and associated uses. The proposed residential and mixed use are not permitted and the Zoning By-law does not allow for the proposed height and densities. A small portion to the north end of the site is also Zoned M1 - Industrial Zone 1, which would also not permit residential uses.

The site is not subject to City of Toronto Zoning By-law No. 569-2013.

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The City's Zoning By-law 569-2013 may be found here: government/planning-development/zoning-by-law-preliminary-zoning-reviews/zoning- by-law-569-2013-2/

Design Guidelines In addition to the policies of the Official Plan and Downsview Area Secondary Plan, the City's design guidelines will be used in the evaluation of this application. These include the following City-wide guidelines include, but are not limited to:

 Tall Building Design Guidelines;  Mid-Rise Building Performance Standards and Addendum;  Townhouse and Low-Rise Apartment Guidelines;  Retail Design Manual;  Complete Streets Guidelines;  Public Art Program Guidelines;  Growing Up: Planning for Children in New Vertical Communities;  Pet Friendly Design Guidelines for High Density Communities; and  Bird-Friendly Guidelines.

The City's Design Guidelines may be found here: government/planning-development/official-plan-guidelines/design-guidelines/

Site Plan Control The application is subject to Site Plan Control. A Site Plan Control application has not been submitted.

It is anticipated that should the proposal be approved, individual Site Plan Control applications for the development blocks would be submitted.

COMMENTS Reasons for the Application The Downsview Area Secondary Plan designates the William Baker lands as Apartment Neighbourhoods, Mixed Use Areas, Parks and Natural Areas. The William Baker District plan envisions a compact development with transit supportive densities, and encompasses development principles and policy guidelines that will provide a contextual framework for coordinating new development, streets and parkland on the lands and guide the development of appropriate Zoning By-law provisions that are in conformity with the Official Plan. As part of the zoning by-law amendment and plan of subdivision for Phase 1, the applicant is required to prepare a district plan. The Secondary Plan requires the preparation of District Plans prior to development proceeding within Districts in order to set out development principles and guidelines at a higher level of detail.

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The proposed development also requires amendments to the former City of North York Zoning By-law No.7625 to permit the proposed development and particularly, to bring the lands into City of Toronto Zoning Bylaw No.569-2013. The Zoning By-law standards will be devised to regulate the proposed use by block, density and height. Additionally, appropriate development standards regarding gross floor area, setbacks, indoor and outdoor amenity space, parking and other matters would be established through a site specific Zoning By-law exception, should the proposal be recommended for approval.

A Draft Plan of Subdivision application is required to create the street and block pattern that implements the new mixed use and residential development, and to create the parks and open space blocks.

ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED The application has been circulated to City divisions and public agencies for comment. As currently proposed, the development is not in conformity with the requirements of the Downsview Area Secondary Plan, particularly with regards to the required parkland and open space provisions of the Plan. Some of the lands designated Natural Areas and Parks are being proposed as Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods. Staff are reviewing the application and will determine the form of an Official Plan Amendment that is required to permit the proposal.

At this stage in the review, the following preliminary issues have been identified:

Provincial Policies and Plans Consistency/Conformity Given the recognition in Provincial Policy of the importance of official plans and long term planning, consistency with the PPS and conformity with the Growth Plan (2020) will be informed by conformity with the City's Official Plan. Planning staff will evaluate the application to determine its consistency with the PPS (2020) and conformity with the Growth Plan (2020).

Official Plan Conformity Staff will evaluate this planning application to determine its conformity with the Official Plan polices including the application's conformity with the Healthy Neighbourhoods policies in Chapter 2, the Built Form, Archaeological Resources, and Parks and Open Space policies in Chapter 3 and the Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods and Parks and Open Spaces policies in Chapter 4.

The Official Plan contains policies and objectives that guide future growth and development in the City. The Official Plan contains a number of city-building priorities such as directing growth to areas well served by transit and creating viable and complete communities. The Official Plan also contains policies that require development to be considered as part of a broader approach to community building to ensure that all residents have access to housing, parks and community services.

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As currently proposed, it does not appear that the development is in conformity with the land use policies of the Official Plan and Downsview Area Secondary Plan. Some of the lands designated Natural Areas and Parks are being identified as Mixed Use Areas and Apartment Neighbourhoods. Staff are reviewing the application and will determine the appropriateness of the proposed changes.

District Plan Staff will review the proposal to determine an appropriate framework for the development of the lands, and will be examining issues such as:

 Conformity with the Official Plan and Downsview Area Secondary Plan;  Conformity with the Downsview Area Transportation Master Plan;  Conformity of the proposed streets with the Downsview Area Major Roads Class Environmental Assessment;  Street and Block pattern, location of public and private streets to provide address and access for buildings and open spaces, and the appropriateness of the size and configuration of the proposed blocks to support the Built Form and Public Realm objectives of the Downsview Area Secondary Plan;  The public realm framework, including parks, and other public and private open spaces;  Natural heritage area protection;  Appropriateness of the location, size, configuration and programming of the proposed parks;  The proposed pedestrian and cycling network and connectivity with the existing and planned pedestrian and cycling network;  Assessment of the built form and Urban Design Guidelines, with respect to public realm, building heights, and massing;  Conformity with the Infrastructure Master Plan and related site servicing, grading, and stormwater management and appropriateness of proposed servicing infrastructure improvements;  The provision of affordable housing and community services and facilities; and  Phasing of the District Plan.

Built Form, and Planned Context and Phasing Plan The suitability of the proposed site organization and building types will be evaluated based on the planning framework for the area including Provincial policies and plans, the City's Official Plan policies and Design Guidelines including the Tall Buildings, Mid- Rise and addendum, Townhouse and Low-rise Apartment, and the Growing Up guidelines, amongst others.

Staff will be assessing whether the development proposal is contextually appropriate and if it fits with the existing and planned context as well as assessing appropriate transition in scale and impact on the Natural Area features and proposed park and open space areas.

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The following will also be reviewed by staff:

 Transition between the William Baker District and adjoining communities, and gateway features;  Appropriateness of the proposed phasing plan for the William Baker District;  Proposed location and massing of new buildings so as to adequately limit shadow impacts, wind hazards and that buildings frame the edges of streets while providing an appropriate public realm with good building proportions, maintaining sunlight and comfortable conditions for pedestrians; and  Appropriateness of the proposed unit count, heights and density.

Ravine Protection The subject lands are within a Toronto Regional Conservation Authority (TRCA) Regulated Area. TRCA approval will be required prior to any development taking place.

The subject site is also within the City of Toronto Ravine and Natural Feature Protection (RNFP) By-law area. RNFP staff have concerns with the proposal in its current form as they consider the proposal not consistent with the Secondary Plan. RNFP does not support the rezoning and district plan identifying blocks 2, 4, 5, 14, and 15 from parkland to development blocks.

TRCA and RNFP comments have been forwarded to the applicant. Staff continue to evaluate the proposal. Natural Heritage Protection A portion of the subject lands are in a Natural Heritage Area as identified on Map 9 of the Official Plan. The environmental features on site will require protection. RNFP recommends a minimum 10 metre setback for all development and disturbance from the staked Natural Heritage Feature to allow for the protection of existing trees in the woodlot, and creation of a naturalised buffer with native trees and shrubs. A Natural Heritage Impact Statement Study has been submitted and is being reviewed by staff. RNFP has requested that the applicant provide a stewardship plan for all woodlot and buffer blocks of the subject site that includes proposed stewardship objectives, strategies, planting, and a cost estimate for implementation of the stewardship activities for review and approval.

Any improvements to the natural heritage system in the area, both on and off site, will be required as part of both the City’s and the TRCA’s permit processes. Parks and Open Space The City of Toronto Parkland Strategy is a 20-year strategic city-wide plan that guides long-term planning for new parks, park expansions and improvements, and improved access to existing parks. The Strategy includes a new methodology to measure and assess parkland provision, using the baseline of residential population against the area of parkland available across the city. According to the Strategy's methodology, the

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development site is currently in an area with no population in 2016. Given the future expected growth both on the development site itself and surrounding sites, a parkland deficit will be generated if no new parks are created. This anticipated parkland deficit must be addressed through the creation of new parkland to serve the future population.

The Downsview Area Secondary Plan (DASP). Section 4.3.3(a) outlines that parkland within the William Baker District will be adjacent to the natural heritage feature, to create a unique recreation space that is in a natural setting with transitions between the edge of the woodlot, the naturalized buffer area, and active recreation areas. Appendix 1 of the Secondary Plan, Local Parkland, further stipulates that an estimated 3 hectares (30,000 m2) of parkland shall be provided within the William Baker District.

City Parks Staff note that the Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by the applicant demonstrates that two parkland blocks have been proposed within Phase 1 of the William Baker District:

 Block 6 – A 5,900 m2 park, with frontage on Street A to the north and Sheppard Avenue West to the south; and  Block 7 – An 8,880 m2 park, which surrounds the Natural Heritage Woodlot in the centre of the site, which has been identified as Block 8 (0.83 hectare) in the proposed development.

As submitted, staff do not consider the proposed parkland dedication in keeping with the Conceptual Parks and Natural Heritage Features plan (Map 7-8) of the DASP. Staff have requested that the Draft Plan of Subdivision be revised to include Blocks 2, 4, 5 and 14 as parkland, that the applicant provide an area breakdown of all blocks in the William Baker District within the development site statistics, and that Phase 1 of the development include all Blocks south of Street 'B.' Tree Preservation The application is subject to the provisions of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 813 Articles II (Street Trees By-law) and III (Private Tree By-law). The applicant has submitted an Arborist Report, Tree Preservation Plan and Landscape Plan which is currently under review by city staff.

Urban Forestry staff have indicated concern with the proposed development and the conversion of blocks 2, 4, 5, 14, and 15 from parkland to development blocks. The applicant has also been requested to clarify discrepancies between the tree protection plan and the landscape plan. Archaeological Assessment The City of Toronto's Archaeological Management Plan identifies lands that have archaeological resource potential. Whether a property has archaeological resource potential can be queried at the searchable database TO maps. The subject site has been identified as an area of archaeological resource potential. An archaeological resource assessment identifies and evaluates the presence of archaeological sites and resources.

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A Stage 1 background study of the subject property was conducted to provide information about the property’s geography, history, previous archaeological fieldwork and current land condition in order to evaluate and document in detail the property’s archaeological potential and to recommend appropriate strategies for Stage 2 survey.

A Stage 2 property assessment was conducted to document all archaeological resources on the property, to determine whether the property contains archaeological resources requiring further assessment. A Stage 3 was required. Indigenous Engagement was also initiated as part of a Stage 3 assessment of the subject property and is under review. Housing Clarification of the Housing Issues Report submitted by the applicant has been requested to provide additional information regarding the affordable housing policy requirements of 3.5.5 of the Secondary Plan, and Official Plan Policy which requires that the first priority community benefit will be the provision of 20 per cent of the additional residential units as affordable housing. To satisfy the intent of Policy for large residential developments to achieve a mix of housing affordability, one of the following are to be secured as a community benefit:

 20% of the land to be conveyed for affordable housing;  10% of the residential dwelling units to be secured as affordable housing units; or  5% of the residential units conveyed to the City.

With respect to unit mix, the applicant has been encouraged to consider the proposed unit mix in the Housing Issues Report, which includes 40% of units delivered as 2- bedroom units and 10% of units delivered as 3-bedroom units which would support the unit mix objectives of the Growing Up Guidelines, the Official Plan housing policies, and the Growth Plan's growth management and housing policies to accommodate within new development a broad range of households, including families with children. Community Services and Facilities Community Services and Facilities (CS&F) are an essential part of vibrant, strong and complete communities. CS&F are the lands, buildings and structures used for the provision of programs and services provided or subsidized by the City or other public agencies, boards and commissions. They include recreation, libraries, childcare, schools, public health, human services, cultural services and employment services, etc. The timely provision of community services and facilities is as important to the livability of the City's neighbourhoods as "hard" services like sewer, water, roads and transit. The City's Official Plan establishes and recognizes that the provision of and investment in community services and facilities supports healthy, safe, liveable, and accessible communities. Providing for a full range of community services and facilities in areas experiencing major or incremental growth, is a responsibility shared by the City, public agencies and the development community.

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Community services and facilities (CSF) contribute to the social, economic and cultural development of the city and are vital in supporting liveable communities. CS&F are publically accessible, non-profit facilities and places where City Divisions, agencies and boards, and school boards deliver programs and services. This includes child care centres, libraries, recreation facilities, schools and community space for human services. CS&F support a strong network of programs and services that are essential to building community capacity as well as the fostering of complete communities.

The Provincial Policy Statement 2020 (PPS) uses the term public service facilities and identifies that such facilities will be coordinated and integrated with land use planning so that they are financially viable and available to meet current and projected needs. The PPS supports the optimization and adaptive re-use of existing facilities.

The Growth Plan (2020) reinforces the PPS and further identifies that public service facilities form part of the achievement of complete communities and improve social equity and overall quality of life. The Growth Plan calls for facilities to be co-located where possible with preference given to locations in or near strategic growth areas easily accessible by active transportation and transit.

The City's Official Plan Policy identifies that community and neighbourhood amenities will be enhanced where needed by improving and expanding facilities, creating new facilities and adapting existing services to changes in the needs of the neighbourhood. Section 3.2.2 of the Official Plan calls for adequate and equitable access to community services and local institutions, and sets out a policy framework that, among other things, encourages the inclusion of community service facilities as part of private development

A Community Services and Facilities Study ("The Study") was submitted in support of the proposed application for the area bounded by West to the north, Highway 401 to the south, and to the east, and Jane Street to the west. The Study provides a demographic profile of the Heights Neighbourhood of the City, an inventory of community services and facilities available in the surrounding area and an overview of nearby development activity. The evaluation of capacity is based on the entire William Baker District Plan which proposes approximately 3,985 new residential units over all phases of development.

While the Study identifies the potential demand for 172 child care spaces and indicates potential accommodation issues at the Toronto Catholic District School Board, it does not explicitly identify how the proposed development application may contribute to the provision of community services and facilities to support the proposed growth. As such, the following comments identify CS&F contributions that may be considered in review of this application.

Although discussion with the applicant is on-going, on a preliminary basis CS&F staff recommend the following consideration as well as additional information on the following:

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 Provision of a non-profit child care facility in the base of the proposed development as per the City's Child Care Development Guideline;  Confirm the breadth and scope of the proposed Downsview Community Recreation Centre as it relates to Council's decision -;  Consider securing a minimum of 464.5 square metres (5,000 square feet) of at grade community agency space under the City's Community Space Tenancy Policy; and/or  Consider securing financial contributions towards the relocation of the Downsview Library. Schools On behalf of the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) staff, the Toronto Lands Corporation (TLC) has determined that there will be insufficient capacity at the local schools to accommodate students anticipated from this development.

TLC is working with Lands Company, Northcrest, and their consultant team as part of their work on the wider ‘id8 Downsview’ lands, 210.4 hectares (520 acres) which includes the airport lands to the east and south of the William Baker Neighbourhood, beyond Downsview Park.

TLC are advising the development team on requirements for new school space, which will consider not only the proposed id8 Downsview project, but also existing school space and the surrounding community, and development proposals such as the William Baker District redevelopment. As this work is still in its early stages, timing for provision of new school space in the Downsview area has not yet been determined. Section 37 Community Benefits The Official Plan provides for the use of Section 37 of the Planning Act to pass by-laws for increases in height and/or density not otherwise permitted by the Zoning By-law in return for the provision by the applicant of community benefits in the form of capital facilities. It is standard to secure community benefits in a Section 37 Agreement which is then registered on title.

As per the Downsview Area Secondary Plan, height and density incentives will be used to secure community services and facilities, public art, as well as the affordable housing requirements of the Plan. Should the proposal proceed to approval, these agreements will be registered on title through a Section 37 agreement.

Infrastructure/Servicing Capacity

The applicant submitted a Functional Servicing Report, Stormwater Management Report, Hydro Geotechnical Assessment and a Geotechnical Study with the development application. The Functional Servicing Report is intended to evaluate the effects of the development on the City's municipal servicing infrastructure and watercourses and to identify the need for any new infrastructure and upgrades to existing infrastructure necessary to provide for adequate servicing for the proposed

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development. Staff are reviewing the application to determine if there is sufficient infrastructure capacity to accommodate the proposed development, in addition to the potential cumulative impact of all proposed applications in the area of this application. Transportation Impacts Staff are reviewing the Transportation Study submitted by the applicant, the purpose of which is to evaluate the effects of the development on the transportation system, and to suggest any transportation improvements that are necessary to accommodate the travel demands and impacts generated by the development.

Transportation Master Plan A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) was approved as part of the development of the Downsview Area Secondary Plan. The TMP recommended a transportation network that supports the land use and development envisioned in the Secondary Plan. The TMP also recommended an internal pedestrian and bicycle network to be integrated with other existing and planned modes of transportation in the surrounding area. The TMP also set out recommended phasing and future environmental assessment work that is required to proceed with introducing this infrastructure.

The Downsview Area Secondary Plan Review - Transportation Master Plan Report can be accessed via the following link:

Toronto Green Standard

Council has adopted the four-tier Toronto Green Standard (TGS). The TGS is a set of performance measures for green development. Applications for Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plans of Subdivision and Site Plan Control are required to meet and demonstrate compliance with Tier 1 of the Toronto Green Standard.

Tiers 2, 3 and 4 are voluntary, higher levels of performance with financial incentives intended to advance the City's objectives for resilience and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. Tier 1 performance measures are secured on site plan drawings and through a Site Plan Agreement or Registered Plan of Subdivision. New applications received on or after May 1, 2018 must comply with TGS Version 3.0.

Staff encourage applicants to pursue a Tier 2, 3 or 4 of the TGS and be eligible for a post-construction DC refund. Staff are reviewing the TGS checklist submitted by the applicant for compliance with the Tier 1 performance measures.

Applicant's Community Pre-Consultation The applicant undertook a significant pre-application consultation process as follows:

 Phase 1 consultation, January to August 2019;  Phase 2 consultation, November 2019 to January 2020; and  Phase 3 consultation, October 2020 to January 2021.

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Key issues and concerns identified through the pre-application consultation include:

 Woodlot protection, new parks and connections to Downsview Park;  Providing for a complete community that includes a mix of housing types and tenure;  Opportunities for retail and commercial uses;  Providing community services and recreational facilities; and  Creating a sustainable, pedestrian oriented community.

Staff will further assess these matters through the application review process.

Other Matters Review of the proposal may determine that an Official Plan Amendment is also required. Additional issues may also be identified through the review of the application, agency comments and the community consultation process.


Ben DiRaimo, Senior Planner, Community Planning Tel. No. (416) 395-7119 E-mail: [email protected]


John Andreevski, Director (Acting) Community Planning, North York District

ATTACHMENTS City of Toronto Drawings Attachment 1: Proposed Development Context Attachment 2: Location of William Baker District Map Attachment 3: Downsview Area Secondary Plan Map Attachment 4: Downsview Area Secondary Plan Land Use Map Attachment 5: District Phasing Plan Attachment 6: Land Use Plan Attachment 7: Building Heights Plan Attachment 8: Official Plan Map Attachment 9: Draft Plan of Subdivision Attachment 10: Application Data Sheet

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Attachment 1: Proposed Development Context

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Attachment 2: Location of William Baker District Map

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Attachment 3: Downsview Area Secondary Plan Map

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Attachment 4: Downsview Area Secondary Plan Land Use Map

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Attachment 5: District Phasing Plan

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Attachment 6: Land Use Plan

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Attachment 7: Building Heights Plan

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Attachment 8: Official Plan Map

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Attachment 9: Draft Plan of Subdivision

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Attachment 10: Application Data Sheet

Municipal Address: 1350 SHEPPARD Date Received: February 24, 2021 AVE W Application Number: 21 119571 NNY 06 OZ Application Type: Rezoning Project Description: District Plan submission for the entire William Baker District within the Downsview Area Secondary Plan. Zoning By Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to create 13 blocks in Phase 1 of the William Baker District. Phased development with a broad range of mix uses, built forms, densities, housing and unit types and tenures (including affordable and seniors options), supported by transit and existing and planned community services. The proposed District Plan has development blocks at south for a mix of high/mid/low- rise residential and mixed use at Keele Street and Sheppard Avenue West, to create a District gateway. Building heights to range from 4 to 20 storeys. Residential blocks in the north, developed through subsequent phases, provide for 4 to 20 storeys, with taller elements at Downsview Park subway/GO station hub. Enhanced with parkland around edges as per the Secondary Plan. Park at south end with pedestrian/cycling bridge link to Downsview Park.

Applicant Agent Architect Owner The Planning n/a n/a Parc Downsview Partnership c/o Bruce Parc Inc. c/o James Hall, 1255 , Cox, 1 University Suite 500, Toronto Avenue, Suite 1700, ON M5R 2A9 Toronto ON M5J 2P1

EXISTING PLANNING CONTROLS Official Plan Designation: Mixed Use Areas Site Specific Provision: N Heritage Designation: Zoning: Airport Hazard N Site Plan Control Area: Height Limit (m): None Y PROJECT INFORMATION Site Area (sq. 81,780 Frontage (m): 240 Depth (m): 333 m): Building Data Existing Retained Proposed Total Staff Report for Action - Preliminary Report - 1350 Sheppard Ave W. Downsview Lands Secondary Plan, William Baker District Page 27 of 28

Ground Floor Area (sq. m): 20,000 20,000 Residential GFA (sq. m): 142,000 142,000 Non-Residential GFA (sq. 5,000 5,000 m): Total GFA (sq. m): 147,000 147,000 Height - Storeys: 20 20 Height - Metres: Lot Coverage Ratio 24.46 Floor Space Index: 1.8 (%): Floor Area Breakdown Above Grade (sq. m) Below Grade (sq. m) Residential GFA: 142,000 Retail GFA: 5,000 Office GFA: Industrial GFA: Institutional/Other GFA: Residential Units Existing Retained Proposed Total by Tenure Rental: 70 70 Freehold: Condominium: 1,330 1,330 Other: Total Units: 1,400 1,400 Total Residential Units by Size Rooms Studio 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3+ Bedroom Retained: Proposed: Total Units: Parking and Loading Parking 820 Bicycle Parking Spaces: Loading Docks: Spaces:

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