CASCABEL Journal of the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION (VICTORIA) INCORPORATED ABN 22 850 898 908 ISSUE 107 Published Quarterly in MAY 2011 Victoria Australia HONOURING Australian and New Zealand Defence Force head dress sit atop two Steyr assault rifles as a Flags from multiple nations fly at memorial to the ANZAC heroes, at the Turkish International Service. the Dili ANZAC Day dawn service in East Timor, 2010. THE FALLEN Article Pages Assn Contacts, Conditions & Copyright 3 The President Writes & Membership Report 4 From The Colonel Commandant 5 Message from Lt Col Jason Cooke 5 Editor’s Indulgence 7 ANZACS on Anzac Day 2010 8 The Slouch Hat & Emu Plumes 10 Customs and Traditions 11 The forgotten heroes of war 15 Obituary Col L J Newell AM CStJ QPM ED 17 Letter of appreciation 18 Gallipoli Sniper 19 Update on AAAM, North Fort and RAAHC 22 Operation Christchurch concludes 24 A Quartermaster’s Prayer 25 Shot at future 26 Corporal Benjamin Roberts-Smith, VC, MG 27 Artillery reorganisation 30 90th birthday for RAAF 32 RAAF Off’s at “work”. 34 Army 110th birthday 35 Vale Cpl Richard Atkinson 37 Vale Spr Jamie Robert Larcombe 38 Hall of VC’s 39 Gunner Luncheon - Quiz 2011 40 ADF Paralympic Team 41 Gunners final mission 42 Parade Card/Changing your address? See cut-out proforma 43 Current Postal Addresses All mail for the Association, except matters concerning Cascabel, should be addressed to: The Secretary RAA Association (Vic) Inc. 8 Alfada Street Caulfield South Vic. 3167 All mail for the Editor of Cascabel, including articles and letters submitted for publication, should be sent direct to: Alan Halbish 115 Kearney Drive Aspendale Gardens Vic 3195 (H) 9587 1676
[email protected] 2 RAA Association (VIC) Inc CONTENTS AND SUBMISSIONS Committee The contents of CASCABEL Journal are President: MAJ Neil Hamer RFD determined by the editor.