Entry Id Name Last Organisation Sector 1 Yuri Dimitruk A.S. Watson (per 1-11-18) Retailer 2 John Fonteijn Ahold Delhaize Retailer 3 martin mouthaan Albert Heijn, Etos en Gall&Gall Retailer 4 Benjamin Vanagt ALDI Retailer 5 Guy Nobel AS Watson Benelux Retailer 6 Richard Gratton ASDA Stores Ltd. Retailer 7 Andrew Rees Asda Stores Ltd. Retailer 8 Gijs Wauters-Verbeke Delhaize Retailer 9 Alfredo de Azeredo Delhaize Belgium Retailer 10 Mario Vervinckt Delhaize Le Lion Retailer 11 Jonathan Beckett Diageo Retailer 12 Nicki Houghton John Lewis Retailer 13 JJ Gerestein Jumbo Retailer 14 Nico Meijer Drees Jumbo Retailer 15 Ruediger Blank Kaufland Retailer 16 Rogier Veltenaar Lidl GmbH Retailer 17 Nienke Braam Lidl Netherlands GmbH Retailer 18 Frank Fuksa Lidl Stiftung Retailer 19 Marie Lynch Marks and Spencer Retailer 20 Phil Clarke Primark Retailer 21 Amanda Fleming Sainsburys Retailer 22 Mike Beach Sainsburys Retailer 23 Mikko Koskinen S-Group Retailer 24 Hannah Newton Retailer 25 Victoria Lewthwaite Tesco Retailer 26 Jamie Badham Tesco Retailer 27 Matt Lilley Checkpoint Research Grant Provider 28 Fran Zanier Checkpoint Systems Research Grant Provider 29 Dominique Reumers Checkpoint Systems Research Grant Provider 30 Jantien Sloots Checkpoint Systems Research Grant Provider 31 Pjotr van Wuyckhuyse Checkpoint Systems Benelux Research Grant Provider 32 Evgenia OStrovskaya Genetec Research Grant Provider 33 Yavor Gueorguiev Genetec Research Grant Provider 34 Lynne Colgan NCR Research Grant Provider 35 Simon Parry RGIS Research Grant Provider 36 Sarah Williams Danone Early Life Nutrition Manufacturer 37 Pascal Van Wallendael DIAGEO Manufacturer 38 WILL BURDALL Diageo Manufacturer 39 Gregory Radiere L'Oreal Operations Western Manufacturer 40 Odilia van Wassenaer Procter & Gamble Manufacturer 41 Gyongyi Hidasi Procter & Gamble Manufacturer 42 Mathias Rysman Procter & Gamble DCE BE Manufacturer 43 Javier Blanco AECOC Academic 44 Aris SYNTETOS Cardiff University Academic 45 Lorella Garofalo Crime&tech - Università Cattolica of Milan Academic 46 Marco Dugato Crime&tech - Università Cattolica of Milan Academic 47 Tomas Martoch CZ-SK ECR Initiative Academic 48 Johan Ideler Delhaize Academic 49 Christoph Glock TU Darmstadt Academic 50 Adrian Beck University of Leicester Academic 51 Sally-Ann Krzyzaniak University of Portsmouth Academic 52 Regina Maina University of Portsmouth Academic 53 Lisa Jack University of Portsmouth Academic