Inside USF : 1992 : 03

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Inside USF : 1992 : 03 ( HO:l\iJ : JJl} rroJuJ ij 3 I ~3 1 UA o~SSO~d Office of Media Relations and Publications ADM 264 narch 6-19, 1992 A publication for the faculty and staff of the University of South Florida Victim's Advocate program gets under way Inside Jeanette Marcus has been USF's Marcus, a native of Havana, was to form an advisory committee velopment, Student Health Services, interim victim's advocate coordina­ Cuba, has been the paralegal/agency to design an advocacy program for Employee Assistance Program, the tor for less than a month, but she clerk for USF in the Office of the USF. The committee includes Hillsborough· Couf)ty Crisis Center A lecture by archaeolo­ already has put together an impres- General Counsel for four years. She members of the USF community as and support groups such as those gist George Bass will : sive program to ease the pain of holds a B.A. in administration of well as such outside community organized by Students Organized 4 focqs on the treasures victims of crimes or crises. criminal justice from Florida Inter­ members as Judy Curts, the senior Against Rape (SOAJ3.) VJat meet on retrieved from a shipwreck "The victim's advocate provides national University. crisis counselor and ·victim's advo­ ··the USF Tampa campus. dating to the time of Egypt's immediate supporttomembersofthe She chairs USF's Status of cate at Hillsborough County Marcus :5ays she will also inter­ King Tutankhamen. The USF community. It's one person who Women Committee, a standing Center; Toni Welch, a nurse exam­ vene at USF on behalf of a victim. excavation provides unique knows the resources and will be there committee that advises the President iner in the State Attorney's office; For example, she might get a student information on ancient life and to be a friend," Marcus says. on women's issues, and is a member and Gwen Wright of the Tampa assigned to a new dorm room if culture. Marcus has been meeting regu­ of the Campus Rape Intervention Women's Health Center. necessary, or explain to professors larly with an 18-member advi-,.------------------, Theirplancalls for a full­ that the victim can't attend classes. sory committee, hashing out time victim's advocate at "One of my goals is to keep USF's Women's the details of the program. The following is a list of phone USF, two part-time assistants students from feeling that they don't Awareness Week They've developed written numbers to call if you are the victim of and a team of volunteers. have any support here and that they 5 begins March 9, protocols on how to handle a crime and need assistance or support. Anyone working with the have to abandon their educational offering a full schedule of various offenses, ranging from Police Emergency (24 hours) -- program will undergo a plans. They'vealrcady been trauma­ exciting events. This year's assault and rape to harassment, 911 or ext. 2628 screening and criminal back­ tized," she says. keynote speaker is media critic and assembled a list of infor­ 24-hour USF Victim's Advocate ground check. Marcus emphasizes that the Jean Kilbourne, whose lecture mation and resources to assist According to Marcus, program is not just for victims of line-- ext. ~131 USF's program will be dif­ sexual battery. However, she and is titled "The Naked Truth: victims. Marcus is on call 24 located in ADM 250 Advertising's Image of hours a day and says she has ferent from programs at other several members of SOAR, who will Women." already handled several calls Hillsborough County Crisis universities because it will be serve as the program's first volun­ from people asking for help. Lines (24 hours) a 24-hour service, and because teers, are participating in a rape USF President Francis T. Crisis Line------ 238-8821 it will be designed for both counseling course at Hillsborough Borkowski named Marcus as Sexual Abuse Line---238-7273 students and staff. County Crisis Center. Certification Disney movies have interim victim's advocate co-1-------------------...J The advocate will provide is required for an advocate to accom­ been roundly criti­ ordinator as part of the assistance such as transporta­ pany a sexual battery victim into the 7 cized recently for university's action plan in response and Prevention Team. Those two tion and advice, and make referrals nurse examiner's office where fo­ their portrayal of women as to criticism about the handling of a groups began working together late for medical help, emergency shelter rensic evidence is collected. Fur­ nothing more than shapely rape case on campus. The position last year to discuss common inter­ and counseling. All contact with the thermore, handling sexual battery bimbos waiting for a handsome reports to Associate Vice President ests, and their discussions often cen­ program is completely confidential. victims requires more delicacy than prince. But USF professor for Administrative Affairs Paula tered on the need for a victim's advo­ ''I'm going to encourage police victims of most other crimes. Elizabeth Bell examined all of Knaus, although that may change cate program at USF. reports, but if the victim doesn't want " It's so important when a victim the female characters in such following a !>:udy of administrative ~!arcus arranged for speakers, to fde a report, I can still provide of a rape 11pproaches you for help Disney classics as "Snow organir••if'fl ~ I. l JSF. met with the State Attorney\ >ffice. guidance and referrals so he or she that you knt- ;..• what qucst;ons not to White" and "Sleeping Beauty" "We know Jeanette has a strong .md researched advocacy progr· uns at can l~et medical and psychological ask. The worst thin<> ...... can do is and concluded that, as a whole, interest in this ::rea, and we're fortu­ ' !IJ~r •!'liverisities and organi7:•tions. care. I can make the appointment make her think that you don't believe the female characters fare much nate in being able to capitalize on her "I was doing this part-time in and talk to the counselor so that the her," Marcus explains. better and are more well­ experience," says Borkowski. addition to my full-time jo!J any­ vi~tim doesn't have to explain again Later, Marcus will enroll in a rounded than their male "We're very pleased that she's will­ way," she says. "Now I'm just doing why they're there," Marcus says. 40-hour crisis course at the center. counterparts. ing to take this on and help put a it full time." Victims may be referred to the program in place." Marcus' first step in her new job Counseling Center for Human De- by Janet Zink Advertising critic is Women's ;....,.;- ~·,- n: -.. · · ny ~;··.-: :-._.·:-· ·-;:~. , ~r:~..· Je. ~ Awareness Week keynote speaker t:;··~;~~"'_,~ ::;,~:<~~-: :·. Internati onally known media lege since 1984. and was chosen as USF will study The president will also solici critic Jean Kilbourne is slated as the Woman of the Year by the Boston ideas from other members of th keynote speaker for USFs 20th an­ Ow~WOMEN'S AWARENESS-~ WEEK chapter of the National Organization administrative USF community, both internall nual Women·s Awareness Week. fo r Women. organization and externally. March 9-13. 1992. She completed a study of sex USF President Francis T. Kilbourne. lecturer, writer and role stereotypes in television com­ Borkowski detailed a planned ad­ Borkowski braves award-winning filmmaker. will dis­ mercials through a grant from the ministrative study in a Feb. 25 c uss "The Naked Truth: 2{) Educational Foundation of America. the tigers memo to the State Board of Re­ YEAR S Of CE LEBRAT ING WOMEN She has also done extensive research Adverti sing's Image of Women·· gents and Chancellor ofEducation. USF President Francis T on alcoholism. nicotine. and alcohol with a siide presentation March II at other forms of violence. eating dis­ The study is a recent addition Borkowski spoke Feb. 26 to th and cigarette advertising. 8 p.m. in the College of Business orders. and the channeli ng of women to Borkowski's ' Action Plan,' Suncoast Tiger Bay Club, a grou Kilbourne's appearance is be­ Administration auditorium (BSN and men into traditional roles and which he announced in response with a reputation for grilling it 1100). occupations. ing sponsored by USF's Un iversity to criticism about the handling of a guests with tough questions. A report by the Un ited Nations Kilbourne is known for her hu­ Lecture Series. rape case on campus. By all reports, Borkowsk Commission on the Status ofWomen mor and ability to encourage coop­ Other planned lecture topics Acting on recommendations emerged from the encounter with recently named the advertising in­ erative dialogue between men and include women ·s obsession with from the USF Planning Commis­ out a scratch, and even brought th dustry. a $130 billion-a-year busi­ women. instead of conflict. physical perfection. the status of sion and a special meeting last fall house down with his response to ness, as the worst offender in per­ She is a frequent guest on the women on a global level, integrating of the president's staff, Borkowski query regarding stories in The St petuating the image of women as sex "Oprah Winfrey Show·· and ''The sex and race into college curriculum, is examining how best to organize Petersburg Times about hi symbols and inferior human beings. Today Show." She has served as campus rape. sexual harassment and all senior administrative functions administration's handling of a ra Kilbourne is concerned about consultant to CNN, ABC and CBS more.
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