School District

CONNECTIONS February 25, 2016

Calendar of Events/ September 30, 2015 Classes Not In Session Days* It has been an exciting time for me in my work with the Board of Education. Over the last number of months the Board has been involved in the development of the Strategic Plan for the District. This plan sets the direction for our District for the next three years and beyond. Throughout the process the Board engaged in deep and meaningful discussions about the needs of students, parents, staff and the community. The final document encompasses a vision for our District deeply rooted in the core values of:  Engagement March 14 - 24 - Spring Break*  Equity Mach 25 - Good Friday*  Innovation/Positive Change  Integrity March 28 - Easter Monday*  Openness and Transparency March 29 - Classes reconvene  Partnerships after Spring Break and Easter  Respect  Social Responsibility and Justice

These values have been integral in the development of five key goals for the District: Braefoot Elementary 1. Create a Long Term Plan to Enhance Learner Success 2. Address the Unique Needs and Build on the Strengths of Aboriginal Featured below is Mr. Mann, Principal Learners of Braefoot Elementary with Grade 5 3. Provide Greater Support for Vulnerable Students with Diverse Needs student Will. Will is participating in a 4. Actively Engage With Our Communities floor hockey class at Braefoot with his 5. Strengthen District Governance Practices “Principal” powered walker. Over the coming months I will be working with various staff groups and

stakeholders to develop the operational plans to make these goals a reality. It certainly is an exciting time for all of us in SD61!

A Special Education Audit was conducted during the week of January 25 – 29, 2016 by the Ministry of Education. A sample of 400 files were reviewed to determine if students met Ministry requirements for funding. All 400 files were approved! I would like to commend and congratulate everyone who worked incredibly hard to make this audit such a success. Thank you to everyone involved for your dedication and teamwork.

I would like to thank the staff of Reynolds for a fantastic school visit. Thank you to Patricia Daniells for the great Pow Toon she created about me. I would also like to express my gratitude to Duane Dunston for allowing me to be “undercover superintendent” while teaching his English 12 class. It was a pleasure to simply be the guest teacher sharing my passion for James Joyce.

The past few months have been a busy time in SD61. I would like to wish each and every one of you a relaxing and restful Spring Break. Thank you for everything you do, every day, for our students and for each other.

Nature Based Program at Strawberry Vale Elementary On December 16th, after caroling in the hallways at Strawberry Vale Elementary School, our Superintendent had the opportunity of tagging along with Grade 1 teachers Marjorie Ireton-Roach and Colleen Neves as they took their students on their daily morning nature walk. The teachers take the students on a walk every morning before they enter the classroom. This provides the students with exercise, fresh air, amazing nature experiences and an opportunity to connect with their peers. On this day in particular, the students had fun experimenting with ice.

Esquimalt High School

The High School Outdoors Club had amazing weather on their recent camping trip to French Beach Provincial Park. On their trip they had many firsts for the campers: first s’mores, first camping experience, first Jiffy Pop, and first fire started with Cheetos. This picture was taken at Sandcut Beach where students had a short hike down to the beach, visited the waterfall and then settled down away from the wind and made hot chocolate. The trip was a great success and the students can’t wait for more trips like this to occur. Special thanks to Esquimalt High Teacher, Ms. Angela Coutts, for taking the students on this memorable trip!

Students L to R, Zac, Claudia, Sammy, Alysha, Max, Matteo

Congratulations to Mr. Adrian French!

In December, ’s National History Society shared with the School District that Mr. French was a recipient of a Canada History Award for Teachers for his project, “A Picture’s Worth.” This is a remarkable achievement and the third time in the recent past that Mr. French has won awards. He won a Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2013 and a Governor General’s Award for Excellence in Teaching Canadian History in 2010. Congratulations Mr. French and thank you for being an outstanding educator!

September 30, 2015

Marigold Elementary

Division 1 at Marigold partnered with volunteers from Silver Threads and Athletic Leadership students from Spectrum Community School to pursue a project to develop an effective model for physical activity. The program known as the IPAL Program (Intergenerational Physical Activity Leadership) was defined by the Marigold students as awesome. The Athletic Leadership students went to Marigold every lunch recess and helped the Division 1 students lead the school in activities (chuck the chicken, hopscotch, square ball and skipping). The entire Marigold student body benefited from the program. As well, the volunteers from Silver Threads often helped the students with skipping, basketball, hopscotch and modeling of good sportsmanship. Division 1 formed five groups to work with Spectrum students to develop and learn five different routines for chair aerobics. Other classes were then taught the routines after which they walked to Saanich Silver Threads to lead in a 40-minute class of chair aerobics. Marigold students participated in an IPAL Health Fair. They were taught by Silver Threads and their Spectrum friends how to play Pickleball, how to check their heart rate and the importance of life-long attention to exercise and good nutrition. Everyone loved IPAL. They loved the leadership component of helping the school as well as helping their friends at Silver Threads. Special thanks to Saanich Silver Threads, Mena Westhaver of Saanich Municipality and Mr. Grew, the Athletic Leadership teacher at Spectrum.

Spectrum student, Silver Threads volunteer, Marigold student