Received: 18 April 2018 | Accepted: 5 July 2018 DOI: 10.1111/ejh.13139 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Combination of 177Lu- lilotomab with rituximab significantly improves the therapeutic outcome in preclinical models of non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma Ada H. V. Repetto-Llamazares1 | Marion M. Malenge1,2,3 | Adam O’Shea1 | Bergthóra Eiríksdóttir4 | Trond Stokke2 | Roy H. Larsen5 | Jostein Dahle1 1Nordic Nanovector ASA, Oslo, Norway Abstract 2Department of Radiation Biology, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Objectives: To investigate the therapeutic potential of the next- generation anti- CD37 ra- Hospital, Oslo, Norway dioimmunoconjugate 177Lu- lilotomab satetraxetan (177Lu- lilotomab) in combination with 3Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of the anti- CD20 antibody rituximab for treatment of mice with non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 4ArcticLAS Ltd. CRO, Reykjavík, Iceland (NHL) xenografts. 5Sciencons AS, Oslo, Norway Methods: Nude mice with subcutaneous (s.c.) Burkitt’s lymphoma Daudi xenografts and SCID mice intravenously (i.v.) injected with Mantle cell lymphoma Rec- 1 cells were Correspondence 177 Ada H. V. Repetto-Llamazares, Nordic treated with either Lu- lilotomab or rituximab alone or with the combination of both Nanovector ASA, Kjelsåsveien 168B, 0884 treatments. Tumour volume, body weight, blood counts and clinical status were moni- Oslo, Norway. Email:
[email protected] tored. CD20 expression was measured using flow cytometry with fluorescence- labelled rituximab. Funding information 177 Norges Forskningsråd, Grant/Award Results: The combination of Lu- lilotomab and rituximab was synergistic for treat- Number: Industrial PhD program, project ment of nude mice with s.c. Daudi xenografts while it was additive for treatment of number 260203; Nordic Nanovector ASA SCID mice with i.v.