GameTime: Your Own Radio Station

If you’d like to create a great revenue-generating atmosphere during home sporting events – while also turning your weight room into an exciting, fun and controlled motivational experience for your student athletes and staff – Neptune GameTime might just be the answer.

What is Neptune GameTime ? Simply put, it creates your very own “radio station” in both your sports venues and your weight room…a radio station that includes the exact family-friendly music and messaging you want to hear. Neptune GameTime brings your home sporting events to life while also creating significant revenue opportunities . And when used in your weight room, Neptune GameTime provides additional coaching / teaching opportunities with athletes.

Neptune GameTime also provides customized DJ content and branding . Your student athletes, staff and football fans aren’t just listening to some generic radio station or satellite music service – they’re listening to your radio station !

The goal of Neptune GameTime is simple: to provide a professional, customizable and motivational radio station for use during home sporting events as well as in your weight room.

How is Neptune GameTime customizable? Here are some examples:

• Branding . The “radio station” used in your sports venues and in your weight room literally becomes branded as your station! Included are DJ messages and “stingers” that provide location-specific branding while also creating a “radio station” feel.

• DJ’s / Talent . You’ll have professional DJ’s in both your sporting events as well as in your weight room. Although the DJ banter will be scripted and previously-recorded, our system allows your station to sound “live” with timely, regularly updated information.

• Music . We make our music library available to your personnel to “pick & choose” the music you’ll play. We have all of the top hits of the last 40 years in an easy-to-use database – you simply tell us what music you want…or don’t want. Best of all, 100% of our music is upbeat and family- friendly – we simply don’t play inappropriate songs…ever !

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Who uses GameTime? (as of 8/5/13)

Ada (OK) High School* Marshall High School* Midland High School* Beckville High School* Midland Lee High School* Brook Hill School (Bullard)* Monterrey High School Brownsboro High School* Bullard High School* Canton High School* Pittsburg High School* Carthage High School Prairiland High School* Coronado High School Prince of Peace (Dallas)* Corsicana High School* San Angelo High School* Daingerfield High School* San Angelo Creekview* East Baptist* Southwest High School* Estacado High School Spring Hill High School* Giddings High School* Sulphur Springs High School Gilmer High School* Gladewater High School* Temple High School Grace Community (Tyler) * Hallsville High School* Van High School* Henderson High School* White Oak High School* Jacksonville High School* Whitehouse High School* Wylie High School Longview High School*

*new for 2013-2014 school year

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GameTime: The Strategy

To ensure the success of Neptune GameTime in your athletic department, CMC will use a carefully crafted implementation strategy – including the following:

1. DJ Messages – 100% of the DJ messages are game-specific with the GameTime feature – which makes your sporting events sound like a live radio station! In your weight room, We use a mixture of “generic” and “location-specific” DJ messages. We can even include custom-recorded messages from your coaching staff!

2. Music – CMC has an enormous music database and we’ll work closely with your school to create “playlists” that have the right tempo / feel. Obviously, up-tempo music works best in both weight room and football stadium settings. NOTE: While our music database includes top hits of the last 40 years, it also includes current releases. Best of all, 100% of our music is upbeat and family-friendly – again, we simply don’t ever play inappropriate songs.

3. Sports Venues – You can create a custom broadcast that will air prior to all sporting events – including varsity, junior varsity and junior high. Included will be DJ messages promoting your concession stands, spirit wear, booster club membership, upcoming games, etc. And most importantly, you can sell commercials to advertisers who want to reach the big crowds in attendance at your sporting events. We’ll even help you create the sponsorship proposals!

4. Weight Room – CMC works closely with your personnel to create a playlist structure that works best in your weight room. This allows us to program music, DJ messages and content around the typical student- athlete experience.

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GameTime: What’s Included

By implementing Neptune GameTime , your athletic department can receive the following:

• Content Development . Including selection of music, creation of DJ messages and branding stingers for both sports venues as well as your weight room.

• Neptune Operating System . Includes Neptune computer to connect to your public address system – shipped to your location with easy-to- understand instructions for installation. The Neptune computer is a netbook, thereby requiring very little space.

• FREE! Technical Support . CMC will maintain, monitor and support your Neptune system via Internet connection at no charge. (your school must provide full-time, high-speed wired Internet connection in the weight room; wired or wireless Internet OK at stadiums.)

• Revenue Development / Commercial Inventory . CMC will work with your personnel to develop sponsorship packages that can be easily presented to businesses who want to “advertise” on your Neptune system. Included will be development of packages, training (phone), copy writing for client commercials if necessary, proof-of-performance reports and more. NOTE : Your school retains 70% of available commercial inventory; CMC retains 30% of the commercial inventory to sell to national and regional advertisers, with following guidelines:

- You reserve right-of-approval for all advertisers secured by CMC. Inappropriate advertisers will never be approached by CMC, but you’ll have final approval on all such advertising regardless of who the client is.

- Advertisers secured by CMC will not conflict with your regular sponsors. EXAMPLE: if your campus is a “Coke” campus, no other beverage companies would be approached.

- REVENUE SHARING : Your school will receive a 10% “revenue share” for all advertising sold by CMC on your station, paid in the quarter immediately following placement. NOTE: You keep 100% of the revenue generated from your ad sales .

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GameTime: Investment

Because we believe Neptune GameTime can help your athletic department create a motivational and controlled entertainment experience for your student athletes, enhance training efforts and generate significant revenue opportunities, we believe this is a great investment for your school.

100% of the sports venue content will be specific to your school and each game. Approximately 50% of the weight room DJ content will be specific to your athletic department; remainder of weight room content has a generic “motivational sports” theme.

Following is detailed per location pricing information:

Equipment / Content Development; due Initial Payment $750 upon placement of order.

DJ content for weight room updated on a Annual / Level 1 monthly basis with no local commercial Weight Room Only! $1,200 placement support for revenue opportunities.

Annual / Level 2 DJ content for stadium and weight room Sports Venues updated on a weekly basis with full + $1,800 commercial placement support for revenue Weight Room! opportunities.

Annual / Level 3 DJ content for stadium and weight room Sports Venues updated anytime (24 hours minimum notice) + $2,400 with full commercial placement support for Weight Room! revenue opportunities.

- One-year agreement, renews annually in one-year increments . - 100% equipment warranty under normal conditions for life of agreement. If equipment fails a new system will be delivered within 3 business days. - Commercial copy-writing / production for sponsors who need a commercial will include $50 per commercial fee .

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