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W -*r F .rf.*,ir/f';, sc t w v .;W '¿ rV GREATEST. YET! ^ SEE THIRD RASE! COUNTY ONE UNE BUSINESS DIRECTORY N ew Jersey * JOÜRHIL DEYOTED TO THE LOCAL INTERESTS OP THE SHORE CODITIES AID THE DEYELOPMEHT OF THE RESOURCES OF BAST AND SOUTH JERSEY. m m ESTABLISHED 1850. Toms River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, November 10, 1892. VOLUME 43-NUMBER 6 A Dream Fulfilled. New Jersey Courier. destiny tha American government and to Atlantic coast I might tell what dreadful annihilate American institutions, and if people th e Chinese are. There have been fe’w physical experiences BUSINESS CARDS. God w ill help mo I will show you before I Tliamaa Roberts Olilo«. Ciwpertlm ftlt’M Exchange, But on tin la«t nIKht oí mr stay In San 01 and *•> T ^nwsements.. get th rou gh the mode in w hich each and Francisco, before thousand» ol people in ” “rch ‘í1688 »M* « « »icb OVER TUB POST OFFICE. every one m ay do som ething to arrest that their great op erA house I said "Would 1 and death of the late John C. Bundy, A L B E R T c . m a b t i n . Practical Tinnar Advit. inserted under this heading at the rate of For the Week Commencing Hov. 7. Toms River, Ocean County, N. J. appalling calam ity. A n d I shall plow up TT«nyou Hlike W me totell you V..Just A 8n.what ’ I ™°.n:dthink) I editor Of T» h e e Reliuio-uhilosrmhlralM iglo-phite opbical Jou^.Tmir. Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron six cents per line first insertion; each subse A t t o r n e y a n d the w h ole field. plainly and— j ».honestly?"----- » nal. ' TheyA very said, striking “ Yes! onois given in the War®,Tin Roofing and Bpouting. Also PH ILAD KILPHIA T h e first e v il th at threatens the Anni memorial number of the journal which quent insertion, three cents pet' line. S o l ic it o r i n C h a n c e r y . Dealer in 8tovee, Heaters, Ranges, NEW JtflSET COURIER PUBLISHING CO., Proprietors. yes, y es l” I said, "D o you think you can hilation of our American institutions is stand it all?” They said, “Yes, yes, yes!” he has been'connected with for many years. House Furnishing Goods, Furniture, ^luiwTSil T »IHEBT «-fin i HVIWB. Ä MN1NELY situated lot in the town of Toms OFFICE OVER THE BANK, (One copy 1 year-.......... .. |2 00 the fa c t th a t political bribery, which once “Then,” I said, “ my opinion is*that the A t the tim e o f M r. B undy’s approach to ■L River, on One residence street, near railway TERMS.— -June copy tt months........ Cutlery, Lamps, ¿»uterus, Glaeeware, Fanny Cavenpon in en sorn n u was considered a crim e, has by many come curse o f San Francisco is not your Chinese the other side o f life ’s v e il his eldest sister, depots, post-ofllee, otmruliea and Bchool. sue l'uet (One copy a months....... .......... front by loo feet iu depto. Hieb grò >nd and dry, Tom s R iver, N. J. Queeusvrare, Wooden aud Iron Pumps, to be considered a tolerable virtue. There quarter, but your millionaire libertines!” Mrs. Frances Bundy Phillips, was in Col fjHESTM JT STREET THEATRE. Subscriptions payable in advance. orado, whither she had gone seeking health Audress, OCEAN NEWS BUREAU, etc, AU orders for new work, o r re is a legitim a te use o f m oney in elections, LIBERTINES IN HIGH PLACES. Toms River, N. 3. pairing, hr repairs aud bricks for A T r ip to Ch in ato w n in the printing of political tracts, and in And two of them sat right before me— aud strength. Thou gh aw are o f her broth T HOLMES BIRDSALL, er’s protracted illness, she did not know the hiring of public halls, and in the ob Felix and Drusilia. And so it is in all the stoves, heaters, ranges, etc., prom ptly IJROAD STIEBT THEATRE. how----- very. j ------serious.... that illness was,naa, but uuon — in Bass River Township, Burlington County, AT THE TABERNACLE. taining of campaign oratory, but is there cities. 1 never swear, but when I see a J * A t t o r n e y a t L a w , attended to. Please give me a call. any hom unculus w ho supposes th at this Majeska m Hmshv V u i man go un whipped of justice, laugh! ng over pr ed away sh8 ^ ^ , » £ •— v----- pJ s a pr s^ & j r a s M a s t e r an d E x a m i n e r in C h a n c e r y vast amount of money now being raised by gu lar physical experiences. A l l the even- ■'•••— AdilresB,*-*••-----. .OCEAN . .N . EW . » BUREAU, BLUE FRONT STORE his shame and calling his damnable deeds an d N o t a r y P u b l ic , ^TALN U T STREET THEATRE A SERMON ADDRESSED TO VOT the political parties is going In a legitimate gallantry and peccadillo, I am tempted to ing she felt a rem arkable Badness and de Toms hiver, N. J. Main Street, Toms River pression of spirits, so much so th at because Reed and Collins—Hoes and Rosa ERS JUST BEFORE ELEOTION. direction? The vast majority of it will go hurl redhot anathema and to conclude that o f f ic e o n m a i n s t r e e t , o p p o s it e of it she refused to join a party of her to buy votes. if, according to some people’s theology, THE OCEAN HOUSE. TOM8 RIVER, N. A, p A H K THEATME. Hundreds and thousands of men will there is no hell, there ou gh t to be! friends at the hotel, who asked her to share E x e c u t o r ’s The Examples of Nineveh, Babylon, Tyre, have set before them so much money for in some social pastime going on among W ilson Babkbtt Th ere is enough out and ou t licentious o f v a l u a b l e W . G. CDNHÆI1 Sidon and Many More Warn Us—This a Republican vote, and so much money for ness in American cities today to bring them. She w ent to bed a t the usual hour, I W. CARMICHAEL, I^HAND OPERA HOUfiB. and dreamed that Mr. Bundy had passed D IA L I» IN ALL KINDS OP Nation Is Also Becoming Corrupt and a Dem ocratic vote, and the superior finan down upon them the wrath of that God cial inducement will decide the action. who,, on th e 34th of A u gu st, 79, buried away and th a t she was present at his fu * C o u n s e l o r a t L a w a n d James O’Neill in FAM Tm aua Licentious—"Reform Is Necessary." R eal Estate ! T UMBER, COAL AND WOOD, HARD You want to know which party will carry Herculaneum and Pompeii so deep in neral, many of the particulars of which her dream foretold correctly—for instance, M a s t e r i n C h a n c e r y , ^ R C H STREET THEATRE. B r o o k l y n , N gv. C.—H uv. Dc. Taiiuage vi\ Arcy after tomorrow ? ashes that the eighteen hundred and thir- U\ her dream. w w i d.'cntViw.KV' wate, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, today selected for his sermon a subject su f I w ill te ll you. T h e party th at 3peuds the i-v-a *ub.-,tyutiuc years have not been able f>7i M a129 SfitHkT, '' The Meteors Specialty Co of the musical selections rendered by Miss L i t m n l i day o f u e b ib er A . 1«. 1M|»S, tiie ficiently appropriate for these times, when most money. This moment, while 1 to complete the exhumation. There ¡ire Subscriber, Albert C. Martin, Executor of the McDonald at the services at St. Charles’— Glass, etc., Doors, Sash, Blinds and m r A T IO N A L T R E A T ! :e throughout the United States great polit speak, the peddlers carrying gold from in some of the American cities today whole last will and testament of Uriah llavens,deceased, Tom e R iver, N. J. viz., “Lead, Kindly Light.” will sell at public vendue at the hotel of Joseph r « . 1. r :___».___________________. _____ ica l questions are being discussed and the W a ll street, gold from T h ird afreet, gol<l blocks of houses which the authorities Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Lime, Ce T uk Voodob ob a Lu c k y Charm When she rose n ext m orning she glanced Parker, in the village of Forked River, iu the nation is about to g o to the ballot box and from State street and gold from the Brew know to be infamous, and yet by purchase Township of Lacey, In the County of ucean and at the clock in her room for the time and decide who shall rule in the neighborhood, era’ association, are in ali thè political they are silenced by hush money, so that tate of New Jersey on ENRY L.