BARNEY PAUL POPKIN 840 East Copper Street, Tucson, Arizona 85719-2921 USA Phone/Fax (520) 207-3390, mobile (415) 515-2024, [email protected]

I-ama-guerilla in Manila - Week 11, 31 March 2012!

Isaiah 49:13: Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. Did Isaiah prophesize an Israeli government¶VFRPSDVVLRQIRUXQGHUZHLJKWand malnourished fashion models? Israel now banned them from public display, according to newspapers. With internal extremists and ultraorthodox, rapidly growing non-Jewish minority, declining Jewish immigration, growing inflation, high oil and housing prices, hostel neighbors, Iranian threats and nuclear power, Syrian revolution, Egyptian winter, Barak Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton, US re-arming of Egyptian military, etc. there might be bigger issues on the -HZLVK6WDWH¶Vagenda, whot.

An Israeli walks past an advertising displayed on a main street in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Monday, March 19, 2012, left. Related, right.

I-ama in Manila Ȃ Week 11 Page 1 In recognition of the Pope visiting Mexico S A N D R E W E T R J A Z E B U L U N D S K O R B M E P I E I S A M O H T O H E E B A H E R E H S A A H J A I H G N F M A T J U D A S A P S M E S P S B A I V I A L A S P O R L T J O H N T D P I D H U S O N O E D S M I N E M L C I D U A A A M A T T H E W D I G A D J J U S A E D T I F U E K E B M N M O N J H O T H A L I L A T F A N E O J E P E T E R S P P D E J A M E S E T E I A C N I C N M G N O E S D A I A O A R O S I E R H H R T U P B C S H L E V I D B A S L L E L N E S T H O L Y N O M I S Y G O A R E U B E N O H A E L L I V N I P 12 APOSTLES by Bonn Erasmo0DQLOD%XOOHWLQ¶V)813AGE, March 24, 2012, Saturday; 12 TRIBES OFISRAEL; )/25,'$¶6/$5*(67 Do you know the names of the 12 Apostles of Jesus? Their names are inside the box above for you to circle.

Is big government siphoning off the American Spirit? This was a debate on Bloomberg TV, which ended in an audience vote based RQDSDQHORIH[SHUWV7KHYRWHZDV<(612DQG81'(&,'(',ZRXOGYRWH<(62QHRIWKHSDQHOPHPEHUVVDLG³ Sonoita, Arizona: LSW, standing; Buster Brown, not

I-ama in Manila Ȃ Week 11 Page 2 Recipe for Pan-fried Salmon with Mustard Sauce. (Makes two salmon fillets, for two) Adapted from Cooking Light Ingredients - 2 tsp wholegrain mustard - 1 tsp honey - 1/4 tsp dried dill (or 1/2 tsp chopped fresh dill) - salt & pepper - 2 pieces of salmon fillet - butter or olive oil Directions 1. Pull out the bones from the salmon fillet using your fingers or a tweezer. 2. Season the skin side of the fish with salt (rub) & black pepper. 3. Combine mustard, honey and dill in a bowl. Spread the marinade over the top of the salmon. 4. Melt a knob of butter and spread it evenly on the pan (or use olive oil). Pan-fry the salmon fillet, skin side down first, for about 4 minutes each side over medium fire. 5. Serve the salmon skin side down. Scoop the marinade sauce left on the pan and spread over the top of the salmon fillet.

William Shakespeare captured my sensibility for very long flights in Sonnet 2:

When forty winters shall beseige thy brow, And dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field, Thy youth's proud livery, so gazed on now, Will be a tatter'd weed, of small worth held: Then being ask'd where all thy beauty lies, Where all the treasure of thy lusty days, To say, within thine own deep-sunken eyes, Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise. How much more praise deserved thy beauty's use, If thou couldst answer 'This fair child of mine Shall sum my count and make my old excuse,' Proving his beauty by succession thine! This were to be new made when thou art old, And see thy blood warm when thou feel'st it cold.

First night home. Now, early Tuesday morning, first night home. Had my normal first-night-home sleep adjustment: slept form 3 to 7 p.m. on Monday; 11 p.m. (on Monday) through 3 p.m. (on Tuesday). Responded to CV requests for projects in Lebanon, Mongolia and 3DNLVWDQ)LOHGSHUVRQDOELOOVIURP3KLOLSSLQHV¶WULS± 150 PhP for Asia Mall/ Pasig-Manila haircut, 850 PhP for Mandaue-Cebu tooth filling; and 500 PhP for Compostela- Consolacion-Cebu teeth cleaning. I-ama in Manila Ȃ Week 11 Page 3

Arizona Oriental dancers!

Who knew? I was in this senior-citizen-with-hypertension-University-of-Arizona-College-of-Nursing-study. My UoA nurse comes to my home. She sees the Egyptian hookah in my office. She invites me to see her at an open-floor belly dance at the Hookah Lounge, Luxor Café on Campbell Avenue just north of Prince Road in Tucson very near my desert villa. And voila! A charming Thursday evening WKHUHLQ3OXVZLIH\QHLJKERUDQG,UDQLQWRD7DL&KL0DVWHURIPLQHWKHUHZKRP,KDYHQ¶WVHHQLQ\HDUVZKRW&KHFNRut Kamrah at or on Facebook, if you dare! Ain't America grand! (Is it Stunk and White to have five sentences in a URZHQGZLWK³´" See Kamrah at Open Stage at the Luxor

1LFHµQ(DV\'RHV,W Let's take it nice and easy, It's gonna be so easy, For us to fall in love

Hey baby what's your hurry, Relax and don't you worry, We're gonna fall in love

We're on the road to romance - that's safe to say, But let's make all the stops along the way

The problem now of course is, To simply hold your horses To rush would be a crime, 'Cause nice and easy does it every time


I-ama in Manila Ȃ Week 11 Page 4