
Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2002) 91:680Ð697 DOI 10.1007/s00531-001-0238-7


Nicole A. Stroncik á Hans-Ulrich Schmincke – a review

Received: 21 May 2001 / Accepted: 12 July 2001 / Published online: 23 January 2002 © Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract Palagonite is the first stable product of volca- Introduction nic glass alteration. It is a heterogeneous material, usual- ly with highly variable optical and structural properties, During the last three decades the alteration of volcanic ranging from a clear, transparent, isotropic, smooth glass, including the formation of secondary products, has and commonly concentrically banded material, common- become a topic of major interest for several reasons: ly called “gel-palagonite”, to a translucent, anisotropic, ● slightly to strongly birefringent material of fibrous, lath- alteration processes in general, and the alteration of like or granular structure, commonly called “fibro- volcanic glass in particular, have a significant impact palagonite”. The color of palagonite ranges from shades on the chemistry of natural waters (Maynard 1976; Stumm and Morgan 1996); of yellow to shades of brown. Palagonite forms rinds of ● variable thickness on every glass surface exposed bentonite deposits formed by alteration of glassy for some time to aquatic fluids. It is formed by either in- pyroclastics have become of economic importance (Grim and Güven 1978); and congruent dissolution or by congruent dissolution of ● glass with contemporaneous precipitation of insoluble glass-alteration processes have been used as a natural material at the glassÐfluid interface. The process of analog for modeling the long-term behavior of nucle- palagonitization is accompanied by extensive mobiliza- ar waste glasses (Lutze et al. 1985). tion of all elements involved in the alteration process, re- Volcanic glasses are not only a component of the upper sulting in the depletion or enrichment of certain ele- oceanic crust, they also form large bodies ments. The extent and direction of element mobility and in marine and meteoric environments. Also, because of the palagonitization process itself (including the rate of their thermodynamic instability, volcanic glasses are palagonitization) depend on a number of different, com- more reactive than associated primary mineral assem- plex interacting properties: e.g. (1) temperature, (2) the blages. The initial element flux during alteration of structure of the primary material, (3) the reactive surface glass-bearing volcanic deposits is thus the consequence area of the primary material, (4) the structure of the pre- of the interaction of glass with aqueous solutions. cipitating secondary phases, (5) the growth rates of the At more advanced stages of alteration, element secondary phases, (6) time, and (7) fluid properties such fluxes are also influenced by the formation of secondary as fluid flow rates, pH, Eh, ionic strength, and oxygen phases (e.g. palagonite, clay minerals, zeolites, or car- fugacity. The fluid properties themselves are affected by bonates). It is generally accepted that palagonite is the different hydrogeological properties such as porosity, first stable product of aquatic mafic glass alteration permeability, and pressure gradients. (Peacock 1926; Hay and Iijima 1968; Staudigel and Hart 1983; Furnes 1984; Thorseth et al. 1991). The Keywords Palagonite á Glass alteration á Element fluxes á composition, structure and evolution of palagonite have, Reaction mechanism á Kinetics á Palagonitization rates therefore, a major influence on element fluxes, forma- tion of authigenic mineral assemblages and the altera- N.A. Stroncik (✉) tion process itself. Institut für Geowissenschaften, In this context, the physical properties, texture, min- Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40, 24098 Kiel, Germany eralogical and chemical composition, evolution (includ- e-mail: [email protected] ing chemical and structural changes) and the growth H.-U. Schmincke rate of palagonite, and the kinetic constraints involved GEOMAR Ð Research Center for Marine Geoscience, in the overall alteration process, will be discussed in Wischhofstr. 1Ð3, 24148 Kiel, Germany detail. 681 Early work From macro- to micro-cosmos Ð physical properties, texture, and nanoscale structure Palagonite and the process of palagonitization have been subjects of intense studies since the “discovery” of Macroscopically palagonite is an earthy or clay-like sub- palagonite by von Waltershausen in 1845. Von Walters- stance building discrete colored rinds on every mafic hausen (1845) used the term “palagonite” to describe a volcanic glass surface exposed to aquatic fluids (e.g. transparent, yellow to brown, resin-like substance he pillow rims, hyaloclastite particles, fractures, vesicle found in altered basaltic glasses of hyaloclastite deposits walls), often leaving islands of fresh glass embedded in in the area of Palagonia, Iblean Mountains, Sicily. He de- palagonite rinds of variable thickness (Fig. 1b). The fined palagonite as a new, single mineral phase with a color of palagonite is highly variable, ranging from specific weight of 2.64 g cmÐ3 formed by submarine shades of yellow to shades of orange or brown, and is alteration of volcanic glass at ambient temperature. probably temperature-dependent. The much more com- Bunsen (1847), working on Icelandic , no- mon, lighter-colored palagonite is formed at lower, am- ticed the chemical similarity of palagonite and associated bient temperatures, whereas the rare, dark-brown to basaltic glass, except for the addition of large amounts of redÐbrown palagonite is formed at elevated temperatures in the vicinity of fumarolic activity or in tropical cli- H2O and the loss of Ca and Na. He interpreted palagoni- te as having been formed by submarine hydration after mates (Furnes 1975; Jakobsson 1978). Palagonite, be- magma emplacement of a special, alkali-rich mag- cause of its distinct color, can be recognized easily in ma. The first microscopic investigation of palagonite outcrops, hand specimens, and thin section. Palagonitiz- (Fischer 1869) revealed that palagonite is a mixture of ed outcrops of, e.g., hyaloclastites, pillows, or pillow- different phases. Subsequently palagonite was postulated breccias usually have a yellow or yellowÐbrown color, in as representing a hyaline, amorphous material (Rosen- contrast with the dark-gray to black appearance of fresh busch 1872) directly formed during extrusion and (Fig. 1a). The macroscopic appearance of volcanic cooling of magma under high-temperature conditions glass-bearing deposits usually depends on the intensity (Rosenbusch 1872; Anger 1875). Penck (1879), on the of alteration, which includes palagonitization and the basis of his detailed review on palagonite, concluded that formation of other secondary phases (cement) such as palagonite does not actually exist as a distinct mineral clays, zeolites, and carbonates. The most striking macro- phase. He interpreted the material hitherto described as scopic feature of palagonitized rocks is this change in palagonite as a mixture of glass and matrix produced by color. The formation of other secondary phases in pore basaltic eruptions. Penck (1879) was proved wrong by spaces (cementation) not only results in increasing mas- the first comprehensive microscopic and chemical study siveness of the rock body but also in increasing bulk of altered glasses from Iceland (Peacock 1926). rock density. For example, the formation of secondary Peacock (1926) distinguished two main palagonite phases during alteration of to palago- varieties Ð gel-palagonite and fibro-palagonite Ð a dis- nite tuff caused a porosity-decrease in the Koko Crater tinction still accepted today. He also recognized zeolites deposits, Oahu, Hawaii from 36% to 9% and a density- Ð3 Ð3 as crystalline constituents of palagonite and, like other increase from 1.67 g cm to 2.05 g cm (Hay and Iijima early and later workers, e.g. Bunsen (1847) and Correns 1968). The density of palagonite itself, however, is (1930), noted that the alteration of sideromelane to significantly lower than that of fresh sideromelane, rang- Ð3 palagonite results in a significant loss of some elements. ing from 1.90 to 2.10 g cm (Hay and Iijima 1968; Peacock (1926) postulated that palagonite formation is Staudigel and Hart 1983), whereas fresh sideromelane Ð3 accompanied by oxidation of Fe, uptake of H O, and loss has a density of approximately 2.75 g cm . The density 2 of palagonite characteristically increases with age, be- of CaO and Na2O, whereas Correns (1930) argued that palagonitization is accompanied by loss of SiO and cause of its transformation into fully crystalline material. 2 Primary structural and textural volcanic features are Al2O3. The extensive uptake of H2O is one of the most distinct changes occurring during the transformation of usually well preserved in outcrops of palagonitized ba- sideromelane to palagonite. It has been one of the major saltic rocks (Fig. 1a) despite the intense changes; a phe- reasons why most workers, until the pioneering work of nomenon which can be observed down to the microscop- Moore (1966) and Hay and Iijima (1968), believed that ic scale (Fig. 1c) (Hay and Iijima 1968; Jercinovic et al. palagonite was basically hydrated glass. 1990; Stroncik and Schmincke 2001), as is apparent in Until now, the term “palagonite” has been used for thin section (Fig. 1c). Features such as primary glass any hydrous reaction product of mafic glass alteration. In shard morphology, particle size, particle size distribu- general the different theories about the mechanism of tion, vesicularity, and porosity can still be detected even palagonite formation and evolution, and its chemical, in substantially altered rocks. Nonetheless, the structural mineralogical and structural nature, remain highly con- differences between fresh glass and palagonite are strik- troversial. Previous reviews include those of Honnorez ing (Fig. 1c). Basaltic glass (sideromelane) in thin sec- (1972), Fisher and Schmincke (1984), and Singer and tion is usually homogeneous, clear, transparent, and iso- Banin (1990). tropic with a smooth surface structure. Palagonite, on the other hand, is quite heterogeneous in its optical and structural properties. Gel-palagonite, which forms next 682 Fig. 1aÐh Macroscopic and microscopic images of palago- nite and fresh glass. a Outcrop of fresh and palagonitized mafic glass (source R. Werner). b Hand specimen of submarine palagonitized glass. c Thin sec- tion micrograph of gel-palago- nite. d Thin section micrograph of fibro-palagonite. e HR-TEM micrograph of gel-palagonite. f HR-TEM micrograph of fi- bro-palagonite (Zhou and Fyfe 1992). g AFM image of gel- palagonite. h AFM-image of evolved-palagonite 683 Fig. 2 Usage of the term “pal- agonite” (after Stroncik and Schmincke 2001)

to the unaltered glass surface, is clear, transparent, iso- mation of smectites. These spheroids have been inter- tropic, smooth, and commonly concentrically banded preted as microcrystallite precursors of smectites (Zhou (Fig. 1c). Layers enriched with opaque minerals (Staudigel et al. 1992). A combination of AFM, XRD, and EM and Hart 1983; Schmincke and Sunkel 1987), such as Fe studies on gel- and fibro-palagonites (Fig. 1g, h) from or Ti oxides, and layers of palagonite with different de- Iceland and the Cocos Ridge has shown that the isotropic grees of aging (Stroncik and Schmincke 2001) often en- “gel-palagonite” (Fig. 1g) is crystallite-free, whereas the hance this concentric banding. The more intensely- anisotropic “fibro-palagonite” (Fig. 1h) contains crystal- colored fibro-palagonite develops during later stages of lites growing mainly perpendicularly to the glass surface palagonitization on the outer surface of the gel-palagoni- in the “gel-palagonite” (Stroncik and Schmincke 2001). te (Fig. 1d) (Peacock 1926; Zhou and Fyfe 1989). It is “Fibro-palagonite” thus seems to be a mixture of crystal- translucent, anisotropic, slightly to strongly birefringent, lites and “gel-palagonite”. Palagonite usually has a and of fibrous, lath-like or granular structure. According sponge-like structure (Fig. 1g, h) with large amounts of to Stroncik and Schmincke (2001), fibro-palagonite is a heterogeneously distributed pores. mixture of gel-palagonite and crystallizing smectite, de- veloping during the aging of gel-palagonite. Stroncik and Schmincke (2001) suggest the use of the term “pal- Mineralogy agonite” for the amorphous, gel-like phase only, and avoidance of the terms gel- and fibro-palagonite (Fig. 2). Since its definition as a new mineral species (Von Gel- and fibro-palagonite are not, however, different va- Waltershausen 1845), most workers have accepted that rieties of the “species” palagonite – instead they repres- palagonite is a heterogeneous substance composed of ent different evolutionary stages, ranging from purely different clays, zeolites, and oxides, or mixtures of these amorphous (palagonite) to fully crystalline (smectite). (Peacock and Fuller 1928; Eggleton and Keller 1982; The interface between fresh sideromelane and palagonite Furnes 1984; Jercinovic et al. 1990; Zhou et al. 1992). is often occupied by a ~100-µm thick zone covered with X-ray diffraction studies on separated palagonite from microchannels entering the fresh glass from the palago- Koko Craters, Oahu, Hawaii revealed weak reflections niteÐglass interface (Fig. 1d) (Melson and Thompson of montmorillonite and mixed-layer mica-montmorillo- 1973; Staudigel and Hart 1983). Morgenstein and Riley nite (Hay and Iijima 1968). Singer (1974) concluded, on (1975) called this zone the “immobile product layer”. the basis of X-ray and electron diffraction studies of High resolution transmission electron microscopy separated palagonite, that palagonite contained “a di- (HRTEM) and atomic-force microscopy (AFM) have octahedral micaceous clay mineral with well organized been used to study the structure of palagonite in detail. crystallinity along the a- and b-axes”, and random inter- Eggleton and Keller (1982) noted, on the basis of stratification of expanding and non-expanding 14-Å HRTEM studies, the occurrence of spherical structures layers. On the basis of scanning electron microscopy and (200Ð600 Å) even in gel-palagonite (Fig. 1e). Apparent- X-ray diffraction studies of palagonites from Santa ly, “exfoliation of 10 Å (2:1) clay layers” from these Maria, Azores, and Gran Canaria, kaolinite, illite and spheroids results in the development of small, di- mixed-layer illite-montmorillonite, zeolites, hematite, octahedral smectite crystals (30Ð60 Å) “which ultimately ilmenite, gibbsite, gypsum, and apatite have been added form a tangled network of sub-micron-sized bent flakes” as possible constituents of palagonite (Furnes and El (Fig. 1f). By use of a combination of HRTEM and X-ray Anbaawy 1980; Furnes 1984). Eggleton and Keller diffraction studies, spherical particles have been detected (1982) noticed the similarity of average palagonite to in palagonite from DSDP Site 335 (Zhou et al. 1992). smectite when recalculated on a water-free basis, to a They become progressively replaced by small, randomly cation charge of +22. By combining the results from de- oriented linear-structures, seemingly leading to the for- tailed HRTEM and XRD studies of palagonite with the 684 results from electron microprobe analysis of palagonite, Zhou and Fyfe (1992) argued that palagonite from DSDP Site 335 consists of an intimate mixture of the clay min- erals stevensite and nontronite and their precursors. Stroncik and Schmincke (2001), working on palagonites from the Columbia River Plateau, USA, Mt Iblei, Sicily, Iceland, and the Cocos Plate, obtained similar results. They postulated that a mixture of nontronite and saponi- te crystallizes from the thermodynamically unstable, amorphous palagonite during its evolution. In summary, most workers today agree (Eggleton and Keller 1982; Staudigel and Hart 1983; Jercinovic et al. 1990; Daux et al. 1994; Stroncik and Schmincke 2001) that palagonite is actually composed of a variety of smectites and very minor amounts, if any, of zeolites and oxides. At more advanced stages of alteration, palagonitiza- Fig. 3 Comparison of the results from mass balance calculations based on volume-constancy, Ti constancy, and Fe constancy tion of sideromelane is accompanied by the formation of other secondary phases, such as different types of clays, zeolites, hydroxides, and oxides, and calcite, aragonite, that Fetot and Ti have remained immobile. Staudigel and opal, and gypsum. Hart (1983), in a more general study of submarine glass alteration, also based their mass balance calculations on Fetot- and Ti-immobility, as did Crovisier et al. (1992). Element mobilities, mass balancing, These assumptions of element immobility might not be and major element chemistry strictly valid, however, and, as indicated by the forma- tion of other Ti-, Al-, and Fe-bearing secondary phases, The chemical composition of alteration products basical- these elements do not remain entirely immobile during ly reflects the prevailing element mobility of the wa- palagonitization (Figs. 4aÐc) (Hay and Iijima 1968; terÐrock system during the alteration process (Bonatti Furnes 1984; Jakobsson and Moore 1986; Jercinovic et 1965; Staudigel and Hart 1983; Viereck et al. 1985; al. 1990; Stroncik and Schmincke 2001). Lasaga et al. 1994; Stumm and Morgan 1996). The quan- Because of petrographic constraints, palagonitization tification of this element mobility and its direction must might be an isovolumetric process and thus element mo- be accomplished by mass-balance calculations, because bilities have been calculated on a weight per unit volume consistent kinetic models for glass alteration processes basis from the chemical analysis and specific gravities of are not available. These mass-balance calculations can- sideromelane and palagonite (Hay and Iijima 1968; not be based on mere comparison of analytical data, be- Furnes 1984; Jacobsson and Moore 1986; Jercinovic et cause of the physical changes, e.g. volume or density al. 1990; Stroncik and Schmincke 2001). Hay and Iijima shifts, accompanying alteration processes. They must, (1968) saw the excellent preservation of the primary tex- therefore, be based on assumptions such as the immobili- ture of hyaloclastite samples from Koko Crater, Hawaii, ty of elements or the volume constancy of the alteration as evidence of the isovolumetry of the palagonitization process. The extent and direction of element mobility process. The same conclusion has been reached for pal- can be variable depending on the approach used. On use agonitized hyaloclastites from Gran Canaria and Iceland of the mass-balance algorithm developed by Gresens (Furnes and El Anbaawy 1980; Jakobsson and Moore (1967), which implements a volume factor to account for 1986). Jercinovic et al. (1990) argued, on the basis of volumetric changes occurring during alteration, it be- studies by Crovisier et al. (1987), that non-isovolumetric comes obvious that results from calculations based on alteration should result in the formation of open frac- isovolumetry can be remarkably different from those tures. The absence of open fractures in palagonitized hy- based on immobility of a particular element (Fig. 3). aloclastites has, therefore, usually been taken as proof of Because elements such as Ti, Al, and Fetot are usually isovolumetric alteration (Fig. 5). quite insoluble in natural waters, it has been assumed Irrespective of the numerical approach used for that they remain unchanged during rock alteration. Thus, mass-balance calculations, the extent of element mobili- mass gains or losses of other elements have been calcu- ty can be variable, as reflected in the often heterogene- lated in relation to the glass/palagonite Ti, Al or Fetot ra- ous chemical composition of palagonites derived from a tios, using bulk analytical and microprobe data (Hoppe single sample (Table 1). This indicates that the wa- 1941; Brey and Schmincke 1980; Crovisier et al. 1992). terÐrock system undergoes chemical evolution with pro- Hoppe (1941) based his mass-balance calculations for gressive alteration. Because consistent overall alteration experimentally altered glass on the assumption of Fetot- rates are not available, chemical analysis of alteration immobility. Eggleton and Keller (1982) performed simi- products and subsequent mass-balance calculations only lar calculations on meteorically palagonitized limburgite supply a snapshot of an evolutionary stage which cannot glasses from Limburg, Kaiserstuhl, Germany, assuming be related to a definite time factor. Thus, modeling of 685

Fig. 4aÐd Thin section micrographs and electron microprobe ele- duced, which leaves out the element exchange caused ment mappings, in counts per second, of palagonitized mafic by further evolution of secondary phases; glass. a Thin section micrograph (2,048×2,048 µm). b Electron microprobe element mapping of Ti (2,048×2,048 µm). c Electron 2. it can be defined as decrease in the water/rock ratio microprobe element mapping of Al (2,048×2,048 µm). d Electron during alteration; and microprobe element mapping of Fe (2,048×2,048 µm). (after 3. it can be defined on the basis of the behavior of a par- Stroncik and Schmincke 2001) ticular element, e.g. percentage Ti accumulation de- fined by the ratio [Tipalagonite Ð Tiglass]/Tiglass has been chemical evolution during palagonitization must be ac- used as a maturity index denoting reaction progress complished on the basis of a measure of alteration ad- (Staudigel and Hart 1983). vancement – denoted the “reaction progress”. There are, Staudigel and Hart (1983) studied the relationship be- however, several definitions of “reaction progress”, for tween this index and the results obtained by mass-bal- example: ance calculations based on palagonite in relation to the 1. it can be defined as mass of dissolved primary materi- parent glass, using electron microprobe data normalized al compared with the mass of alteration phases pro- to 100% on a volatile-free basis. They concluded that Si 686 Iceland , where n is the number of measuring points and x analytical value, express palagonite samples (Stroncik and the chemical heterogeneity of different Schmincke 2001) Average composition of palagonites and the corresponding parent glasses (be- Average Table 1 volcanic re- tween 100 and 200 single EMP measurements per sample) from different are calculated according to the algorithm gions and alteration environments. Variances Region Cocos Plate SiO2TiO2Al2O3FeO 48.65MnOMgO 16.59 3.84 17.80CaONa2O 9.13 5.05 5.08K2O 0.18P2O5 5.01 18.12Total 9.86 0.01 3.86 1.75 0.70Region 2.22 0.21 0.52 0.58 0.61 100.00 1.60Sample 50.29 Iceland 2.76 0.76 50.30 0.44 0.00Material 25.76 15.47 194Ht 0.01 3.42 0.02SiO2 Glass 10.04 0.05 5.23TiO2 5.90 0.01 0.21 13.62Al2O3 20.08 0.03 “Palagonite” 4.90FeO 4.39 48.41MnO 0.02 9.85 Variance 3.03MgO 1.08 100.00 14.92 1.55 0.16 32.96CaO 1.95 2.39 Glass 0.67 0.65 2.02 62.37 3.97Na2O 49.43 11.47 6.72 2.53K2O 1.28 0.22 “Palagonite” 25.09 0.18P2O5 0.00 8.00 12.85 15.52 0.13 12.85 VarianceTotal 3.08 Mt. Iblei / Sicily 0.14 2.11 2.71 0.03 8.99 24.08 5.82 0.42 2.01 Glass 0.15 3.83 6.09 0.17 0.03 2196Pala 15.28 0.28 0.07 5.83 0.13 100.00 0.21 0.01 1.46 6.04 “Palagonite” 53.72 100.00 0.02 10.73 0.02 63.79 0.22 0.00 3.05 0.83 Variance 44.02 55.19 14.91 0.90 0.76 1.82 0.42 0.57 2.17 2.64 48.40 0.36 0.72 Glass 10.41 2.20 9.92 0.00 3.38 22.82 1.22 0.00 0.15 0.00 15.60 0.14 14.17 “Palagonite” 4.95 0.00 6.61 8.16 0.04 10.03 3.91 12.52 0.02 2.64 0.10 13.35 Variance 2.61 0.49 10.05 1.95 1.60 21.25 100.00 0.23 0.15 0.08 5.35 2.78 100.00 0.22 0.01 0.74 8.34 53.33 86.20 2196Pald 6.90 11.74 0.29 65.53 45.66 14.65 0.00 0.03 3.05 2.64 1.49 0.52 0.18 1.78 1.92 11.61 6.15 0.36 9.83 0.54 0.39 0.07 0.21 5.22 3.48 17.86 0.00 0.05 1.53 0.17 7.37 0.34 9.42 0.00 7.10 0.65 0.04 0.31 0.06 100.00 3.00 4.97 4.41 0.00 0.21 89.12 0.21 1.07 52.96 0.44 0.00 0.00 14.77 51.57 0.34 0.00 1396VcS 0.18 1.23 16.13 10.53 1.74 3.99 0.00 0.35 10.46 0.01 1.27 8.83 0.18 0.13 9.11 100.00 6.93 11.75 0.03 3.04 85.95 2.60 2.98 4.99 0.23 0.27 0.36 0.01 0.36 28.12 0.00 0.28 1.77 0.29 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.00 SampleMaterial 396CO Glass “Palagonite” Variance Glass “Palagonite” Variance Glass 4296CO “Palagonite” Variance Glass “Palagonite” Variance 5196CO 12791H 687

Fig. 6 Mobility behavior of major oxides from a variety of sub- marine palagonites as a function of % Ti accumulation. Increasing Ti accumulation reflects increasing reaction progress (after Staudigel and Hart 1983)

loclastites decreased with increasing reaction progress, whereas amounts of Ca and K remain constant and Na is lost continually. They also argued that the incipient stage of alteration, corresponding to the lowest reaction pro- gress, is accompanied by a volume loss of approximately 15Ð20%, whereas the increase in reaction progress is ac- companied by a volume increase of approximately 45%. Daux et al. (1994) calculated the reaction progress as the mass of dissolved glass per kilogram of solution, on the basis of the knowledge that fluidÐrock interaction is ac- companied by Sr exchange (Staudigel and Hart 1983; Crovisier et al. 1992), resulting in significant changes in the Sr-isotopic composition of both altering fluid and Fig. 5aÐc Volume relationships between palagonite and glass. rock, by use of the equation: a Unaltered glass shard with vesicles, fractures, and scattered pla- gioclase and crystals. b Sketched results of palagonitiza- tion with volume loss. Dotted lines represent the initial glass sur- face. c Sketched results of constant volume palagonitization (after Jercinovic et al. 1990) where MG and MW are the masses of glass and water in- volved in the reaction, IW, IG, and ISP are the isotopic Sr and Al are lost in proportion to Ti accumulation, whereas ratios of initial water, of pristine glass, and of secondary the relationship between Ti accumulation and the products respectively and SrW and SrG are the Sr con- amounts of other cations is not quite that strong (Fig. 6). tents of initial water and glass. By relating ξ to results Crovisier et al. (1992) defined the reaction progress obtained from mass-balance calculations based on Fe T.R.Z. (Taux de Réaction jusqu’à la formation de Zéol- immobility, Daux et al. (1994) concluded that losses of ites) for each element of the system as the mass ratio Si, Mg, and Ca decrease with increasing reaction pro- between dissolved primary material and the precipitating gress, whereas losses of Ti and Al are only minor and material expressed as the ratio R=(SiO2/MgO)glass/ losses of Na are consistent, irrespective of reaction pro- (SiO2/MgO)alteration products. From relationships between gress. By plotting the results of their mass balance calcu- T.R.Z. and mass-balance calculations based on Fetot im- lations against the T.R.Z. proposed by Crovisier et al. mobility they deduced that the amount of Si, Ti, Al, and (1992), they concluded that the amount of element loss, Mg lost during bulk meteoric alteration of Icelandic hya- on a bulk rock basis, generally decreases with increasing 688 processes usually alter the composition of a waterÐrock system. For example, the chemical behavior of Mg and Ca are affected by two opposing reactions Ð both ele- ments are released into solution during glass pal- agonitization whereas Mg is restored from solution during further evolution of palagonite (Stroncik and Schmincke 2001) and additional subsequent precipita- tion of smectites, and Ca is restored from solution be- cause of calcite or zeolite precipitation.

Trace elements

Fig. 7 Dependence of the variation of total element amount (%) Studies focussing on the trace-element composition of on T.R.Z., the index of reaction progress proposed by Crovisier et palagonite and the trace element flux accompanying pal- al. (1992). The losses of elements undergone by the rock during agonite formation are rare and the results published are alteration decrease with increasing reaction progress (after Daux et al. 1994) often contradictory (Pearce and R. 1973; Thompson 1973; Staudigel and Hart 1983; Furnes 1984; Jercinovic et al. 1990; Daux et al. 1994). For example, Pearce and Cann (1973) and Thompson (1973) postulated that the elements B, Li, Rb, Cs, Pb, Cu, and LREE are usually enriched during submarine alteration of basalt glass, whereas changes in the amounts of V, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, HREE, and Hf are less consistent, being either enriched or depleted. Furnes (1978) argued, on the basis of studies of palagonitized subglacial hyaloclastites from Iceland, that Sr, Ba, Zr, Nb, and LREE undergo de- pletion during glass palagonitization, Y is enriched, and trends for V and Ni vary. From his studies of alkali oli- vine basaltic glass from Santa Maria, Azores, however, Furnes (1980) concluded that Zr, Nb, La, Ce, and Nd had been enriched relative to the parent sideromelane. He in- terpreted this enrichment as indicating progressive clay mineral and zeolite formation. Staudigel and Hart (1983) Fig. 8 Mass gains and losses of major oxides as function of pal- calculated that Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Hf, Sc, Co, and REE are agonite aging. The signatures a and b after the sample name indi- cate the stage of aging of the sample, sample a being less aged lost during palagonitization, whereas Rb and Cs are 87 86 than sample b (after Stroncik and Schmincke, 2001) gained. As reflected in the Sr/ Sr ratios of palagonite, which are intermediate between those of seawater and parental glass, Sr has been exchanged during the course reaction progress (Fig. 7). Stroncik and Schmincke of alteration. During their study of “fresh water” pala- (2001) used the increase in the crystallinity of palagoni- gonites from Tuya Butte, British Columbia, Canada, te, expressed as increasing Mg-content as a maturity in- Jercinovic et al. (1990) calculated that Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, dex, and related this maturity index to the results of and REE are easily enriched during alteration, whereas mass-balance calculations obtained based solely on pal- Co, Ni and Cr parallel the behavior of Al, becoming agonite and based on a bulk-rock scale. They argued that either enriched or depleted. They concluded that the col- the formation of the purely amorphous “gel-palagonite” loidal nature of palagonite, in conjunction with the ef- is related to Si, Al, Mg, Ca, Na and K loss, H2O gain, fects of low fluid flow rates, enables enhanced adsorp- and immobile Ti and Fe behavior (Fig. 8), whereas the tion of trace alkali and alkaline earth metals and REE. maturity increase of palagonite is related to increases in Daux et al. (1994) studied, in detail, the mobility of Si, Al, Mg and K, to continuing but decreasing losses of REE (La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb, and Y) and Th of Ca and Na, and to losses of H2O, Ti, and Fe (Fig. 8). On meteorically palagonitized hyaloclastites from Iceland. a bulk rock scale, element loss as a result of loss of all According to their mass-balance calculations, the mobili- major oxides decreases with increasing maturity. ty behavior of these elements can be highly variable, The transition of volcanic glass to palagonite ac- with either enrichment or depletion. The mobility of counts for only part of the element fluxes occurring in a these elements is independent of the progress of the reac- waterÐrock-system. Calculated element fluxes based tion, as shown by the relationship between the results solely on glass palagonitization can be extrapolated to a obtained by mass-balance calculations and the progress bulk-rock scale only if palagonite appears as the only al- of the reaction. Thus these elements do not seem to par- teration product, whereas several partly counterbalancing ticipate in the structure of the precipitating alteration 689 phases but are absorbed on their surfaces (Daux et al. agonite formation. This process, in their opinion, can be 1994). Consequently, the mobility of REE and Th is con- viewed either as a process of hydrogen-ion metasomat- trolled by the absorption capacity of the secondary phas- ism of glass or as a process of replacement of metal es precipitating during glass alteration. The absorption oxides in glass by water molecules. capacity of clay minerals, e.g., is a function of particle It is generally accepted today that some type of disso- size, crystallinity, and the absolute amount of secondary lution (either incongruent or congruent)Ðprecipitation phases (Byrne and Kim 1990). Daux et al. (1994) sup- mechanism is responsible for the alteration of siderome- ported these conclusions by comparing the REE- and lane to palagonite (Berger et al. 1987; Crovisier et al. Th-content of slightly crystallized palagonite and authi- 1987; Jercinovic et al. 1990; Daux et al. 1994; Thorseth genic phases with those of highly crystalline palagonite et al. 1995). This is indicated by the physical characteris- and authigenic phases Ð the more crystallized material tics of alteration products, reaction rates, and element having the higher REE and Th content. mobilities. Besides this general agreement on a dissolu- tionÐprecipitation process being responsible for the for- mation of palagonite from glass, the mechanisms con- The process of palagonitization trolling these processes, especially the precipitation of palagonite, are still not fully understood. Some general statements

Although palagonite has been interpreted as an alteration Temperature dependence of the palagonitization process product of basaltic glass (sideromelane) since its “dis- covery” by von Waltershausen in 1845, theories about Temperature has a major influence Ð especially on the the onset of palagonite formation were contradictory until rate of palagonitization and on alteration processes in the 1970s and those concerning the reaction mechanism general (Hoppe 1941; Furnes 1975; Jakobsson 1978; and its controls remain controversial. For example, Jakobsson and Moore 1986; Crovisier et al. 1987; Berger Rosenbusch (1872), Anger (1875), Correns (1930), et al. 1994; Stumm and Morgan 1996). Temperature not Bonatti (1965), and Pierce (1970) concluded that palago- only dramatically enhances the rate of dissolution of the nite is formed directly during extrusion and cooling of primary material and the rate of precipitation of second- magma under high-temperature conditions, whereas von ary phases, but might also change the mechanism of the Waltershausen (1845), Bunsen (1851), Peacock (1926), alteration process in general, as shown by experimen- Moore (1966), Hay and Iijima (1968), and later authors tal studies (Berger et al. 1987; Crovisier et al. 1987; postulated that palagonite is formed mostly during ambi- Gislason et al. 1993) and by studies of natural environ- ent-temperature sea- or meteoric water alteration of side- ments (Jakobsson 1978; Jakobsson and Moore 1986). romelane, starting any time after magma emplacement. For example, Berger et al. (1987) postulated, on the basis Basically, palagonite is formed after magma emplace- of experimental studies, that at temperatures between ment, mostly during low-temperature alteration. This is 200 and 300 ¡C, the alteration of basaltic glass is con- indicated by: trolled by diffusion of dissolved species through an al- tered layer and not, as at low temperatures, by surface 1. the discovery (Moore 1966) that palagonite rinds on chemical reactions (Dibble and Tiller 1981; Lasaga the glassy rim of submarine pillows have grown sys- 1984; Steefel and Van Cappellen 1990). Jakobsson and tematically in thickness with time; Moore (1986) showed that at temperatures above 2. palagonite rinds do occur on subaerially emplaced 120 ¡C, for example, glass alteration results directly in flows (Eggleton and Keller 1982); and the formation of crystalline clay minerals by passing for- 3. the chemical composition of palagonite changes sys- mation of palagonite. tematically with time, indicating an evolving system (Hay and Iijima 1968; Staudigel and Hart 1983; Zhou and Fyfe 1989; Daux et al. 1994; Stroncik and The mechanism of palagonitization Ð influence Schmincke 2001). of fluid properties Because of the very high H2O content (~10Ð40% w/w) of palagonite, workers proposed, before routine micro- In view of the controlling mechanisms of alteration pro- probe analysis and the work of Hay and Iijima (1968), cesses it must be emphasized that waterÐrock systems in that palagonite was simply formed by hydration of basal- general are characterized by complex feedback mecha- tic glass accompanied by oxidation of Fe and, possibly, nisms between the primary components of the parental minor losses of elements as oxides such as SiO2, Al2O3, rocks and the properties of the surrounding fluids CaO, and Na2O (Peacock 1926; Correns 1930). Moore (Gieskes and Lawrence 1981; Berner 1983; Gislason and (1966) envisaged the process of palagonitization as a hy- Eugster 1987; Gislason et al. 1993; Steefel and Lasaga dration and element-exchange process controlled by dif- 1994; Stumm and Morgan 1996). Incipiently, the prima- fusion. Hay and Iijima (1968) interpreted the rather dis- ry phase assemblage changes with time, in response to tinct contact between palagonite and fresh glass as indi- the influx of reactive fluids, as a result of either congru- cating a microsolutionÐprecipitation mechanism of pal- ent or incongruent dissolution and precipitation of sec- 690 ondary phases which have reached their solubility limit. 1. “Precipitate–layer hypotheses” (Correns 1938; Wollast These changes, in return, exert control on fluid composi- 1967; Hay and Jones 1972; Crovisier et al. 1992), ac- tion, as a result of waterÐrock reactions which occur as cording to which the primary phase is protected by a the fluid moves along the flow-path. These reactions precipitate layer. Alteration is thus controlled by dif- might even partly or completely buffer the composition fusion through this precipitate layer. of the solution. Considering, for example, fluid pH, sev- 2. “Surface-reaction hypotheses” (Berner 1978; Dibble eral workers have noticed a change in the pH during the and Tiller 1981; Steefel and Van Cappellen 1990; course of alteration. The increasing amounts of zeolites Stumm 1992; Steefel and Lasaga 1994), according to formed after the initial stages of alteration to palagonite, which the alteration rate is controlled by reactions oc- for example, suggest removal of Al from the glass, Al curring at the primary phaseÐfluid interface. solubility and zeolite formation being favored at pH>9 3. “Leached-layer hypotheses” (Doremus 1983; Lasaga (Hay and Iijima 1968; Dibble and Tiller 1981). Furnes 1984; Berger et al. 1987; Eick et al. 1996), in which (1984) noted a change from depletion to enrichment of diffusion through a cation-depleted layer controls the trace elements during palagonitization, explaining this in release of other cations deeper in the primary materi- terms of a change of solution pH from acidic to neutral al. At more advanced stages, a steady state is devel- or basic. oped between dissolution and development of the Experimental studies on the interaction of basalt and leached layer. seawater have demonstrated the influence of the wa- 4. “Hydrated-layer hypotheses” (Peacock and Fuller ter/rock ratio on solution pH (Seyfried and Bischoff 1928; Moore 1966; Hodder et al. 1993), according to 1979; Seyfried and Mottl 1982). High water/rock ratios which a hydrated layer develops before dissolution of resulted in the precipitation of Mg(OH)2 and acidic pH, the primary phase. Alteration is thus controlled by whereas when water/rock ratios are low dissolution of diffusion of fluids into the primary phase. the glass more effectively buffers the pH, resulting in the precipitation of montmorillonite and basic pH. In princi- One of the first three theories is usually proposed as the ple, dissolution of silicates results in an increase in solu- mechanism controlling the process of glass dissolution tion pH because of consumption of H+ ions during the during palagonite formation. Referring to, for example, dissolution process. Although solution pH usually has a Thorseth et al. (1991, 1992), palagonitization proceeds major effect on glass alteration processes, according to according to the “leached-layer-hypotheses” as a combi- Gislason and Eugster (1987) dissolution rates are pH- nation of incongruent dissolution of the network-modify- independent between pH 7 and 9.5. As a consequence ing elements at a fluid pH<3 with later congruent net- the incipient stages of seawater alteration, at least, are work dissolution at a fluid pH>9, yielding a chemically pH-independent, because the pH of average seawater is zoned palagonite with changing porosity. The chemical ~8. Basically, fluid pH not only has a major influence on heterogeneity of palagonite is a result of changes in the dissolution processes, incongruent dissolution usually solubility of the single elements constituting the glass in being favored at low fluid-pH and congruent dissolution response to the changing fluid pH. at higher fluid-pH (Bunker et al. 1983; Scholze 1988), According to other workers, palagonite forms as a re- but also on the stable phase assemblage precipitating sult of congruent dissolution of the glass with contempo- during the alteration process (Helgeson et al. 1984; raneous re-precipitation of insoluble materials at the Crovisier et al. 1992; Gislason et al. 1993; Stumm and glassÐfluid interface (Crovisier et al. 1987; Jercinovic et Morgan 1996). al. 1990; Daux et al. 1994; Stroncik and Schmincke Thus, when considering the entire process of glass 2001). This conclusion is based on: palagonitization one must not only be aware of the two- 1. an Si- and Al-rich residue layer that could not be de- stage process of glass palagonitization, glass dissolution tected in the samples studied; and and palagonite precipitation and their different control- 2. palagonitization rates that are higher than water-diffu- ling mechanisms, but also keep in mind these complex sion rates in glass, as shown by glass dissolution ex- feedback mechanisms. Numerous experimental studies periments (Burn and Roberts 1970; Doremus 1983; have been performed on the glass-dissolution process Nogami and Tomozawa 1984; Tomozawa 1985; (White 1983; Crovisier et al. 1987; Bourcier et al. 1989; Zhang et al. 1991; Yanagisawa et al. 1997) in con- Anbeek 1990; Rowe and Brantley 1993; Berger et al. junction with palagonite rind thickness measurements 1994; Eick et al. 1996; Yanagisawa et al. 1997; Techner and sample ages. et al. 1998) but experimental studies on the process of palagonite precipitation and its controlling mechanism, In detail, Crovisier et al. (1987, 1992) proposed that pal- including the evaluation of the thermodynamic proper- agonitization proceeds through congruent dissolution of ties of its formation, are rare. Most statements about the the glass, and is controlled by surface reactions, with re- formation of palagonite and its evolution are based on precipitation of dissolved species which have reached analytical studies of naturally palagonitized glasses. The their solubility limits in thermodynamic equilibrium with different experiments on glass and on mineral dissolu- the corresponding fluid. Hence, palagonite precipitation tion can be summarized in four general theories concern- and thus palagonite chemistry is controlled by fluid com- ing the reaction kinetics of the dissolution process: position Ð the chemical evolution of palagonite is thus a 691 mirror of the constant re-equilibration of this material to of meteoric and submarine palagonites (submarine pala- the changing fluid properties. Crovisier et al. (1992) also gonites being enriched in K) noticed in a variety of emphasized the influence of the water/rock ratio on the studies are taken as evidence for the compositional con- formation and composition of alteration products. From trol of the fluid on the palagonitization process, and are their studies on the alteration of subglacial volcanic explained in terms of the higher concentration of K in glasses on Iceland, they stated that high water/rock ratios seawater than in average meteoric water (Staudigel and result in an almost complete loss of Na2O, MgO, K2O, Hart 1983; Zhou and Fyfe 1989; Jercinovic et al. 1990; and CaO, >50% loss of SiO2, and 20 to 30% loss of Thorseth et al. 1991). In reality, however, things seem Al2O3 and TiO2, without palagonite formation. At low more complicated: water/rock ratios SiO , MgO, Al O , and TiO are 2 2 3 2 1. K is initially adsorbed by surface layers in both envi- trapped in secondary products whereas >50% of the K O 2 ronments (Staudigel and Hart 1983; Fisher and and CaO and almost all of the Na O are lost to solution. 2 Schmincke 1984), and Zhou and Fyfe (1989) also interpreted the results of their 2. Stroncik and Schmincke (2001) have shown that sea- analytical studies on altered basaltic glasses from DSDP water palagonite is not necessarily enriched in K dur- site-335 as indicative of a congruent dissolutionÐprecipi- ing the incipient stages of alteration. tation mechanism of palagonite formation. They argued that palagonitization is a two-step process. The first step Stroncik and Schmincke (2001) performed a systematic, consisted in glass dissolution and precipitation of gel- comprehensive study on palagonites from different alter- palagonite with a protocrystalline smectite structure, ac- ation environments, different volcanic settings, and dif- companied by loss of >60% SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, CaO, ferent alteration stages in conjunction with continuous and Na2O, gain of K2O, and passive Ti- and Fe-enrich- flow-through experiments, using natural basaltic glasses ment; the second step consisted in the in-situ-replace- from Hawaii. On the basis of several observations: ment of gel-palagonite by fibro-palagonite as a result 1. precipitation of a thermodynamically unstable amor- of changes in the physicochemical conditions of the al- phous gel-phase; teration environment, and was accompanied by minor 2. variations in the crystallinity of palagonite detected mobilizations of Ti and Fe, continuing losses of CaO and by XRD and AFM analysis; Na O, and gains of SiO , Al O , MgO, and K O. 2 2 2 3 2 3. microscale intra- and intergrain chemical fluctuations Jercinovic et al. (1990), on the basis of their analytical of palagonites derived from one homogeneous parent; data from palagonites from north-central British Colum- 4. gradual changes in element content and optical behav- bia, Canada, explained the replacement of glass by amor- ior observed within one palagonite rind; and phous, gel-like palagonite in terms of the precipitation of 5. the general decrease of element loss with increasing insoluble materials as critical nuclei of smectite structure reaction progress determined by mass-balance calcu- under conditions of supersaturation in the near-glass en- lations of palagonite samples with different degrees of vironment. They interpreted Al-, Ca-, Fe-, and Mg-zona- crystallinity tion observed in their rock samples as a manifestation of changing fluid composition and pH with time under and detailed petrographic and analytical data they con- closed-system conditions, thus emphasizing the control cluded that glass palagonitization proceeds through a of fluid properties on the process of palagonitization and congruent microsolution and contemporaneous precipita- palagonite evolution. Daux et al. (1994) also proposed a tion process. Subsequent observations led to their pro- congruent dissolution precipitation mechanism for the posal that precipitation of the insoluble material at the formation of palagonite from glass. They concluded that glassÐfluid interface, and evolution of this material, fol- the nature, composition, and evolution of secondary lows the Ostwald step rule (or law of stages). phases formed during glass alteration are governed by In principle, the Ostwald step rule (or law of stages) the progress of the reaction (mass of dissolved primary states that development of a thermodynamically unstable phase per kilogram of solution) of the system Ð which phase is favored and that this phase undergoes a se- actually determines fluid composition Ð which is, in turn, quence of irreversible reactions over time to form pro- controlled by the permeability of the rock body. gressively more stable phases. The step rule operates, es- It should be mentioned that in most studies of pal- pecially at low temperatures and high supersaturation, in agonitization it is emphasized that fluid properties, espe- a large variety of mineralogical systems Ð for example, cially fluid composition, have a major effect on palago- carbonates, silica polymorphs, iron oxides, clays, and nite formation, composition, and compositional evolu- zeolites (Morse and Casey 1988; Steefel and Van tion. Single chemical characteristics of palagonites, e.g. Cappellen 1990; Nordeng and Sibley 1994). Explana- the contrasting major element signatures of palagonites tions of this rule are based either on irreversible thermo- (Table 1) derived from meteoric and submarine altera- dynamics or on chemical kinetics. Dibble and Tiller tion, zonation, and microscale chemical fluctuations are (1981) postulated that the formation of metastable phas- essentially interpreted as clear evidence of this control es can reduce the total free energy of the system faster (Hay and Iijima 1968; Furnes 1975; Fisher and than the precipitation of a stable phase assemblage. Stee- Schmincke 1984; Jercinovic et al. 1989; Thorseth et al. fel and Van Cappellen (1990) concluded that the forma- 1991). For example, differences between the K content tion of a more soluble, less stable phase is kinetically fa- 692 vored, because the more soluble phase has a lower min- eralÐsolution interfacial energy than the more stable, less soluble phase. Thus Stroncik and Schmincke (2001) em- phasize kinetic controls exerted by high supersaturation developed at the glassÐfluid interface through the con- gruent dissolution of the thermodynamically unstable, easily soluble volcanic glass as being responsible for the formation and composition of palagonite and that later the aging of this metastable phase mainly determines the fluid evolution.

The role of microorganisms in the process of palagonitization

Other experimental studies emphasize the influence of microorganisms with a strong affinity for the surface of glasses on the process of glass alteration (Thorseth et al. 1992, 1995a, 1995b; Staudigel et al. 1995, 1998; Furnes et al. 1996). Basically, bacteria and microorganisms cre- ate a local microenvironment as a result of the fluids of their metabolic products. These fluids have either acidic or basic pH, depending on the type of bacteria. An acidic pH basically results in incongruent glass dissolution, whereas a basic pH results in congruent glass dissolu- tion, leaving large pits on the glass surface (Fig. 9). Overall, microbial activity enhances the rate of dissolu- tion of volcanic glass. Microbial alteration also results in the formation of authigenic phases and is accompanied by redistribution of elements (Thorseth et al. 1992; Stau- digel et al. 1995, 1998; Furnes et al. 1996; Drewello and Weissmann 1997). The chemical composition of biotic alteration products, and their structures, can be highly variable, indicating that different types of bacteria might accumulate different elements. Thorseth et al. (1995), for example, detected the formation of a leached layer en- riched in Si and occasionally Cl, and depleted in Ti, Fe, Al, Ca, K, and Na in some experiments, whereas in others biotic alteration resulted in the accumulation of all elements except Mg and Ti. No experiment on the biotic alteration of glass has yet resulted in the formation of palagonite. The authigenic phases developed during ex- periments are mainly composed of aragonite and sili- ceous materials (Staudigel et al. 1998). Element mobility during biotic alteration also seems to differ significantly from that during abiotic alteration. For example, abiotic seawater alteration is usually accompanied by Ca deple- tion and Mg enrichment, whereas biotic seawater altera- Fig. 9aÐc Images of altered glasses showing textures developed tion seems to be accompanied by Ca enrichment and Mg by microbial activity. a Light microscopy image of fungal growth depletion (Staudigel et al. 1998). on the surface of an optical glass (BK7), starting from the lens The occurrence of microorganisms in natural altera- edge. b Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of biotically altered tion systems has also been documented (Thorseth et al. potashÐlimeÐsilicate glass: A uncorroded bulk glass; B hydrated silicate layer; D biomat of fungi. c SEM of pit corrosion and re- 1992, 1995a, 1995b; Furnes et al. 1996; Fisk et al. 1998; deposition of leached metals on an optical lens (LLF2) (Drewello Torsvik et al. 1998): and Weissmann 1997) 1. micropits and microchannels have been interpreted as indicative of microbial activity (Fig. 9); and 2. epifluorescence microscopy of natural samples stained with DAPI (4,6-diaminophenylindole, a fluo- 693 rescent dye that specifically stains DNA) have re- vealed the presence of DNA. Relative rates of abiotic versus biotic alteration are, how- ever, still lacking.

Rate of palagonitization

A better understanding of the relationship between rock age and thickness of palagonite crust would be very use- ful for assessing the mechanisms and rates of long-term glass corrosion. Estimation of palagonitization rates and of alteration rates in general, including dissolution of pri- mary material and precipitation of secondary phases, is, however, an exceedingly difficult task. These rates de- pend on several different, complex interacting factors, e.g.: Fig. 10 Relationship between the thickness of palagonitic layers 1. temperature, and time. Circles represent the measurements made by Hekinian and Hoffert (1975) on palagonites from the Rift Valley (Mid- 2. the structure of the primary material, Atlantic Ridge). The solid line corresponds to the relationship 3. the reactive surface area of the primary material, thickness=k×t. Triangles represent the measurements made by 4. the structures of the precipitating secondary phases, Moore (1966) on palagonites from and Mauna Loa 5. the growth rates of the secondary phases, volcanoes (Hawaii). The dashed lines represent the palagonitiza- 6. time, and tion rates proposed by Moore (1966) (after Crovisier et al. 1987) 7. different fluid properties, e.g. pH, Eh, ionic strength and oxygen fugacity. The fluid properties are, in turn, affected by other prop- erties, e.g. porosity and permeability. Palagonitization rates are usually calculated accord- ing to Fick’s laws, assuming diffusion as the controlling mechanism of glass palagonitization. Moore (1966) fol- lowing Friedman and Smith (1960), postulated that the rate of palagonitization at low temperatures is propor- tional to the square root of time. He suggested the fol- lowing algorithm for the calculation of the thickness of palagonite rinds: , where S is the thickness of the produced palagonite layer, C is a constant, and T is the duration of the process. The constant C ranges from 480 to 2,000 µm/103 years. C depends on glass composi- tion and whether alteration proceeds in sea or fresh wa- ter; much lower values of C result from meteoric altera- tion. Palagonitization rates for sea and fresh water altera- tion are no different (Furnes 1975). The constant C is evaluated by measuring the thickness of naturally formed palagonite rinds in conjunction with the duration of the alteration process, estimated by dating of the Fig. 11 Relationship between measured temperature in drill hole sample (Fig. 10) (Moore 1966; Hekinian and Hoffert (Surtsey , Iceland), palagonite rind thickness (top) and palagonitization rate (bottom) assuming a 12-year age for the hy- 1975; Jakobsson 1978; Moore et al. 1985; Abrajano et drothermal system (after Jakobsson and Moore 1986) al. 1990). Hekinian and Hoffert (1975) calculated a pal- agonitization rate of 3 µm/103 years for basaltic rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Rift Valley near 36¡50′ N. More recently, Jakobsson and Moore (1986) calculat- agonitization increases linearly with temperature, dou- ed palagonitization rates as a function of temperature bling for every 12-degree increase in temperature and based on the same mathematical approach as described attaining 2.8 µm/year at 100 ¡C (Jakobsson and Moore above (Fig. 11). They showed that palagonitization 1986). Numerous authors have argued, on the basis of around a hydrothermal anomaly caused by near surface experimental data, however, that the palagonitization of intrusions proceeded much faster than in much cooler volcanic glass is not a diffusion-controlled process but areas (<50 ¡C) and calculated that the rate of pal- is controlled by reactions at the glass surface and thus 694

Fig. 12a, b Variability of palagonite rind thickness within one 2001), Cretaceous (Staudigel et al. 1981), and Car- sample. a Thin section micrograph of submarine palagonitized boniferous age (Schmincke and Sunkel 1987); glass (1.95×2.44 cm). b Palagonite area as function of fresh glass area. Each dot represents one single glass shard of the thin section 2. samples derived from the same alteration environ- sample (after Stroncik and Schmincke 2001) ment can have palagonite rind of different thickness; 3. the thickness of palagonite rinds, even in a single thin-section sample, can be highly variable (Figs. 12a, palagonitization rates could not be calculated on the ba- b) (Jercinovic et al. 1990; Stroncik and Schmincke sis of Fick’s laws (Tomozawa 1985; Wakabayashi and 2001). Tomozawa 1989; Crovisier et al. 1992; Yanagisawa et al. 1997). Calculations of palagonitization rates based Thus, as many formulas expressing palagonite rind on thickness measurements of palagonite rinds are, growth can be generated as there are geochemical envi- moreover, based on assumptions that might not be real- ronments or experimental setups (Malow et al. 1984). ized in nature, e.g.: 1. palagonitization starts directly after glass formation Conclusions and continues until the date of sampling; 2. the alteration system does not change during the en- 1. Palagonite is a well-defined product of mafic glass al- tire course of alteration; teration in terms of its appearance and its optical and 3. the rate of palagonitization does not change during physical properties. the duration of alteration; and 2. The structure of palagonite has been studied by many 4. palagonitization depends mainly on time. workers. In summary, they detected 200 to 600 Å spherical structures and interpreted them as micro- Although palagonite rind thicknesses are easily mea- crystallite precursors of smectite. Nonetheless, the sured, the relationship between age and thickness seems atomic structure of palagonite and, especially, its to be purely empirical (Crovisier et al. 1987; Jercinovic structural evolution cannot be regarded as fully evalu- et al. 1990; Daux et al. 1994; Stroncik and Schmincke ated, but both are important to glass-alteration rates 2001), as indicated by: and to the evolution of the whole waterÐrock system. 1. although entirely palagonitized hyaloclastite deposits 3. Most workers today agree that palagonite is com- of Pleistocene age do exist (Schmincke et al. 1997; posed of a variety of smectite. Stroncik and Schmincke 2001), fresh sideromelane 4. The chemical composition of palagonite can be het- cores have been found in strongly cemented palagoni- erogeneous, generally reflecting the prevailing ele- te deposits of Oligocene (Stroncik and Schmincke ment mobility of the waterÐrock system during altera- 695 tion. The properties of the altering fluid (mainly fluid Berger G, Schott J, Loubet M (1987) Fundamental processes con- composition and pH) have been regarded as most im- trolling the first stage alteration of a basalt glass by seawater: an experimental study between 200¡ and 320 ¡C. Earth Planet portant in determining the chemistry of palagonite. Sci Lett 84:431Ð445 5. Most workers agree that a microsolutionÐprecipitation Berner RA (1978) Rate control of mineral dissolution under earth process is responsible for glass palagonitization. The surface conditions. Am J Sci 278:1235Ð1252 controlling mechanisms of this process are still uncer- Berner RA (1983) Kinetics of weathering and diagenesis. In: Lasage AC, Kirkpatrick RJ (eds) Kinetics of geochemical pro- tain. Most workers emphasize fluid properties as pos- cesses. Mineral Society of America, Washington, DC, pp 111Ð sible determining factors, but it should be kept in 134 mind that any waterÐrock system is usually character- Bonatti E (1965) Palagonite, hyaloclastite and alteration of volca- ized by complex feedback mechanisms between the nic glass in the ocean. Bull Volcanol 28:257Ð269 primary phases and, later, the secondary phases of the Bourcier WL, Knauss KG, Merzbacher CI (1989) A kinetic model for the dissolution of borosilicate glass. In: Miles DL (ed) 6th rock and the properties of the surrounding fluids. Int Symp WaterÐRock Interaction WRI-6. A.A Balkema, Thus, one should rather think of a set of different con- Rotterdam, pp 107Ð110 trolling mechanisms operating at different times. Brey G, Schmincke H-U (1980) Origin and diagenesis of the 6. The rate of palagonitization can be highly variable Roque Nublo Breccia, Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) Ð petrol- ogy of Roque Nublo volcanics, II. Bull Volcanol 43:15Ð33 even within one sample, indicating that this rate Bunker BC, Arnold GW, Beauchamp EK, Day DE (1983) Mecha- does not depend solely on time. The character of nism for alkali leaching in mixed NaÐK silicate glasses. ageÐthickness relationships seems to be empirical. J Non-Cryst Solids 58:295Ð322 7. The term “palagonite” is commonly used both as a Bunsen R (1847) Beitrag zur Kenntnis des isländischen Tuff- gebirges. Ann Chem Pharm 61:265Ð279 general term for any hydrous alteration product of Burn I, Roberts JP (1970) Influence of hydroxyl content on the volcanic glass and also for the crystalline material diffusion of water in silica glasses. Phys Chem Glasses 11: evolving from the palagonite itself. Kinetic and ther- 106Ð114 modynamic modeling, however, and mass-balance Byrne RH, Kim K-H (1990) Rare earth element scavenging in sea calculations, necessitate exact differentiation of all water. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 54:2645Ð2656 Correns CW (1930) Über einen Basalt vom Boden des atlantis- the secondary products developing during alteration chen Ozeans und seine Zersetzungsrinde. Chem Erde 5:76Ð in a waterÐrock system. Consequently, the term pal- 86 agonite should be used for the amorphous alteration Correns CW (1938) Neue Untersuchungen ueber die Verwitterung product only (Stroncik and Schmincke 2001). des Kalifeldspates. Chem Erde 12:1Ð22 Crovisier JL, Honnorez J, Eberhart JP (1987) Dissolution of basal- 8. Most studies on palagonitization have focused on ex- tic glass in sea water; mechanism and rate. 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Such studies are rare. chim Cosmochim Acta 45:79Ð92 Doremus RH (1983) Diffusion-controlled reaction of water with Acknowledgements This study was supported by the graduate glass. J Non-Cryst Solids 55:143Ð147 school “Dynamik globaler Kreisläufe im System Erde” of the Drewello R, Weissmann R (1997) Microbially influenced corro- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at the Christian-Albrecht- sion of glass. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 47:337Ð346 University, Kiel, Germany, and by a grant from the Deutsche Eggleton RA, Keller J (1982) The palagonitization of limburgite Forschungsgemeinschaft to H.-U. S (Schm 250/67Ð1). We thank glass Ð a TEM study. Neues Jahrb Miner 7:321Ð336 R. 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