299 — 9 November 2017 Editor: Bo Reipurth ([email protected]) List of Contents

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299 — 9 November 2017 Editor: Bo Reipurth (Reipurth@Ifa.Hawaii.Edu) List of Contents THE STAR FORMATION NEWSLETTER An electronic publication dedicated to early stellar/planetary evolution and molecular clouds No. 299 — 9 November 2017 Editor: Bo Reipurth ([email protected]) List of Contents The Star Formation Newsletter Interview ...................................... 3 Abstracts of Newly Accepted Papers ........... 6 Editor: Bo Reipurth [email protected] Dissertation Abstracts ........................ 40 Technical Assistant: Hsi-Wei Yen New Jobs ..................................... 42 [email protected] Meetings ..................................... 43 Summary of Upcoming Meetings ............. 45 Editorial Board Joao Alves Alan Boss Jerome Bouvier Lee Hartmann Thomas Henning Cover Picture Paul Ho Jes Jorgensen NGC 7380 is an open cluster located in Cepheus Charles J. Lada at a distance of approximately 2.2 kpc and with an Thijs Kouwenhoven age of about 5 Myr. The image is a mosaic from Michael R. Meyer WISE data, and blue and cyan represent infrared Ralph Pudritz light at 3.4 and 4.6 microns, which is primarily light Luis Felipe Rodr´ıguez from stars. Green and red represent light at 12 Ewine van Dishoeck and 22 microns, which is primarily emission from Hans Zinnecker warm dust. NGC 7380 was discovered by Caroline Herschel in 1787. The Star Formation Newsletter is a vehicle for Image courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA. fast distribution of information of interest for as- tronomers working on star and planet formation and molecular clouds. You can submit material for the following sections: Abstracts of recently accepted papers (only for papers sent to refereed journals), Abstracts of recently accepted major re- views (not standard conference contributions), Dis- Submitting your abstracts sertation Abstracts (presenting abstracts of new Latex macros for submitting abstracts Ph.D dissertations), Meetings (announcing meet- and dissertation abstracts (by e-mail to ings broadly of interest to the star and planet for- [email protected]) are appended to mation and early solar system community), New each Call for Abstracts. You can also Jobs (advertising jobs specifically aimed towards submit via the Newsletter web inter- persons within the areas of the Newsletter), and face at http://www2.ifa.hawaii.edu/star- Short Announcements (where you can inform or re- formation/index.cfm quest information from the community). Addition- ally, the Newsletter brings short overview articles on objects of special interest, physical processes or theoretical results, the early solar system, as well as occasional interviews. Newsletter Archive www.ifa.hawaii.edu/users/reipurth/newsletter.htm extinction to derive the H2 column densities. To do so, I produced transparent grids with very small cells that I Rafael Bachiller placed on the photographic image of the dark cloud and, in conversation with Bo Reipurth with the help of a microscope, I counted the stars in every cell covering the full cloud as well as some reference fields free of extinction. It was a very boring task, and I had to spend many full days doing it. Fortunately, automatic machines were later developed to do this kind of work, and thanks to computers the extinction across the entire sky is now mapped to a great depth. Anyway, it is funny that I was initiated in astronomy looking through a microscope! Later on, I was led to spend long periods at the Bordeaux Observatory observing the 1-0 line of CO at 115 GHz. These never were routine observations since knowing the telescope hardware and software, and interacting with it, was imperative to keep the experiment running. One of the results from my thesis was that we observed Question: What was the focus of your PhD and who was differences in the CO/H2 ratio between Perseus and Tau- your adviser? rus, which we interpreted as caused by differences in the photodissociation levels. The stars in the Per OB2 as- Answer: Radioastronomy was essentially nonexistent in sociation are an important source of ultraviolet radiation Spain when I graduated in Physics at the Madrid Com- increasing the molecular photodissociation in the Perseus plutense University in 1979. However, in Yebes, the Na- clouds. We published these results in 1986. Indeed know- tional Astronomical Observatory (OAN) had installed a ing CO/H was, and still is, of paramount importance to 13.7-m radiotelescope, a twin of the UMass telescope in 2 estimate the masses of molecular clouds in the Milky Way Amherst, and IRAM was deciding to build the 30-m an- and in other galaxies from CO observations. tenna at Pico Veleta, near Granada. In this context I was sent to France to learn the techniques of radioastron- Q: How did you become so interested in Perseus for such omy. Grenoble was the ideal place for this since IRAM was a long time? starting its activities there and Alain Omont had formed A: Beyond the CO/H2 studies, my thesis gave me the pos- a small group at the University focussed on mm-wave as- sibility to know in great detail the Perseus clouds, a won- tronomy: the CERMO, from which the Grenoble Obser- derful star-forming region that, in Michel Gu´elin’s words, vatory was later created. When I arrived in Grenoble, became ’my empire’. So after my Th`ese d’Etat,´ I spent a I worked under the supervision of Alain in a small but very long time studying different aspects of these clouds very lively group both at the scientific and human lev- trying to reveal their most interesting features. I carried els, with Claudine Kahane, Stephane Guilloteau, Robert out detailed studies of the fascinating HH 7-11 objects in Lucas and, somewhat later, Thierry Forveille and Gilles NGC1333, the gas heated by Omicron Persei, the dense Duvert. gas around the IC348 cluster, etc. I also identified some Q: Some of your earliest work, together with Jos´eCer- objects and regions which, with time, became very popu- nicharo, dealt with the relation between carbon monoxide lar in the star formation community, such as Barnard 1, emission and visual extinction. L1448, L1455, etc. A: Since my goal was to participate one day in the scien- I also traveled around the world studying these regions tific exploitation of IRAM, Alain Omont decided to send with different radiotelescopes: the 20-m telescope in On- me to Paris to collaborate with Michel Gu´elin and his stu- sala, the 100-m in Effelsberg, and then – in the US – the dent Jos´eCernicharo. They were studying the CO/H2 13.7-m telescope at Amherst, the 140-ft in Green Bank ratio in the Taurus clouds estimating H2 from star counts and the Texas 5-m dish. It was a very instructive period, and CO by using the mm-wave 2.5-m radiotelescope POM and I gained a lot of experience with radiotelescopes. (Petite Op´eration Millim´etrique) in Bordeaux. This was a Q: When did you return to Spain? kind of demonstrator of the mm-wave technologies which were needed for IRAM. A: I came back to Spain in 1986, just in time to par- ticipate in some of the first observations with the IRAM My project consisted in studying the CO/H2 ratio in the 30-m radiotelescope at Pico Veleta, which was officially PerOB2 molecular cloud complex. I needed to count stars inaugurated in September 1987. I joined the Observatorio on the Palomar Sky Survey plates to estimate the visual Astron´omico Nacional in Madrid in a permanent position, 3 but I travelled very often to Granada, and to the Plateau evolution, progresses steadily. Nevertheless, in my opin- de Bure to participate in the commissionning of the 3 x ion, the field has not progressed to such a high degree as 15-m antennae interferometer of IRAM. Indeed I pointed in the previous 10 years. the telescopes towards my favourite objects in Perseus as Q: From the 1990s on, you studied the unusual chemical soon as I could. Some of the first observations at Pico abundances found in YSO outflows, first focussing on sil- Veleta were on IC348, which were published in 1987, and icon monoxide. with the Plateau de Bure interferomenter we first observed L1448 in SiO, published in 1992. A: The next natural step was to study the chemistry of bipolar outflows. From the beginning we reported, in sev- As a result of all these observations, around 1990 I had eral papers, how special and distinctive SiO was. The SiO been able to identify some of the young stellar objects lines were only seen in shocks creating a spectacular obser- which are, even today, among the youngest known proto- vational effect. For instance, as we published in 1991, in stars (such as L1448-mm, IRAS03282, L1448-IRS3, etc). the L1448 molecular bullets we found the SiO abundance These objects were grouped under the designation ’Class to be enhanced by more than 4 orders of magnitude with 0’ by Andr´eet al. in 1993. respect to the gas in the ambient cloud. These and many Q: Back in 1990, you and your collaborators discovered a more observations that we carried out implied that consid- series of high-velocity bullets in the L1448 flow in Perseus. erable amounts of gas-phase SiO were formed in the first evolutionary stages of bipolar outflows. SiO soon became A: In the mean time, bipolar outflows had become a very a standard indicator of the extreme youth of an outflow, popular topic in star formation research. I searched for and one of the favourite topics of chemistry modelers. outflows associated with the young protostars of Perseus Q: You also discovered a methanol enhancement. Are and discovered that the bipolar outflows from Class 0 pro- these chemical peculiarities well understood now? tostars were really extraordinary: very fast, very energetic, A: Methanol had been considered until then just as one and highly collimated.
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