Hosts and Galls of American Gall Midges

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Hosts and Galls of American Gall Midges Octohl'l', 'III FELT: GAJ.L ~fIDGE-HOSTS :1-51 BIBLlOGRAPHY 1. IH!l3.-The Orange and Other Citrus Fruits.-W. C. Stubbs and H. A. Morgan, ::;pl'eialBulletin, La. Exp. StJ\tion, Baton Rouge, La. 2. IH!l4.-Report of the Entomologist, 1893-94.-H. A. Morgan, Bul. 28, La. Exp. Htation, Baton Rouge, La. a. l!103.-The Coccidre of the World.-Mrs. Maria E. Fernald, Press of Car- jll'nter & .Moor<,house,Amherst, Mass. 4. 1!103-1!108.-Acc<,ssions catalogue, La. State Crop Pest Commission, Baton HOll~W, La. 5. 1\J08.-A Brirf Summary of the More Important Injurious Insects of Louisi-·\Vilmon ~ewell & Arthur H. Rosenfeld. Journ. Ec. Ent., Vol. I, No.2, p_ li)O-15.~. 0. l!llO.-InHccts Notably Injurious in Louisiana during 1908 and 1909.-Arthur H. HOHl'nfield,Journ. Ec. Ent., Vol. III, No.2, p. 212-217. Downloaded from i. l!}lO.·-Coceidre of Audubon Park, New Orleans, La.-T. C. Barber, Journ. Ee. Ent., \"01. III, ~o. 5, p. 420-425. HOSTS AND GALLS OF AMERICAN GALL MIDGES By E. P. FELT, Albany, N. Y. The following list summarizes our knowledge concerning the food habits of the American gall midges or Itonidm (including certain St. Vincent and other South American forms studied by the writer) and, in connection with the description of species, has proved of great help in determining many representatives of our rich and varied fauna. by guest on June 7, 2016 This list should also prove of service in indicating the marc profitable lines for future life history and ecological studies in this group. It will be noted that our knowledge of the midges occurring upon certain plants is much more extensive than that in relation to others. A por- tion of this discrepancy is evidently due to marked preferences on the part of the insects, while in not a few cases it may be attributed to a lack of study. This is particularly true of the root-inhabiting forms. Potentially, there should be at least one, and frequently several species living at the expense of most of our native plants, while European forms may be introduced from time to time and become well established upon their natural hosts in this country. This list gives the correct generic reference for the reared species so far as possible. The old generic name of Cecidomyia, with its varied interpretations by earlier writers, is used in this list as a designa- tion for a biological group and applied to species we are unable to refer to any of the more closely defined, modern genera. ABlES BALSAMEA (balEam) Subglobular basal swelIings of leaves, length 3 mm .. ;Cecidomyiabalsamicola Lintn. 452 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4 ABIES (spruce) .seeds destroyed, the n.ot deformed Dasyneura canadensis Felt. ACA.LYPHA.VIRGINICA.(3-spotted mercury) Subglobular, r€ bud gall, diameter 4 mm Cecidomyia sp. ACER (maple) Rolled leaf margin, edge.s yellow, center crimson Cecidomyia sp. ACER NEGUNDO(be x elder) Terminal bud galls, diameter 1 to 2 em Cecidomyia negundinis Gill. Vanable, subglobose leaf gall, diamete r about 2 mID Contarinia negundijolia Felt. Downloaded from ACER RUBRUM'(red maple) Under decaying bark , Miastor americana Felt. Lestodiplosis sp. Ocellate, yellow, red margined gall, diameter 5-6 mm Cecidomyia ocellaris O. S. Distorted, rolled leaves bearing white cocoons Dasyneura sp. Lestodiplosis sp. Irregular leaf folds Rhabdophaga rileyana Felt. Pouch vein galls, reddish, length 6 mm Dasyneura communis n. sp. ACER SACCHJ\RINUM(white or silver maple) Free larVal on irregularly curled leaves Cecidomyia aceris Shim. ACHILLEAMILLEFOLlUM(Yarrow) Florets infested Clinorhyncha mille/olii Wachtl. by guest on June 7, 2016 ACTINOMERISALTERNIFOLIA Globose bud galls Cecidomyia verbesinw Beutm. AGRIMONIA(Agrimony) Reared from florets Contarinia agrimoniw Felt. AGROPYRON(quack) Under leaf sheath Phytophaga destructor Say. AGROSTISALBA(red top) Ovipositing on Dasyneura graminis Felt. ALNUS (alder) Subconical bud gall, diameter 6 to 12 mm Dasyneura seTTulatw O. S. ALOPECURUSPRATENSIS(fox-tail grass) Reared from seeds Itonida setariw Felt. AMBROSIA(ragweed) Reared from stems of giant rag'Yeed N eolasioptera ambrosiw Felt. October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 453 AMELANCHIEU(shadbush) Truncate leaf gall, greenish, tapering, red-lipped, length 5 mm. H ormomyia canadensis Felt. Oval, woolly, vein !'(all, yellowish or white, length 1 to 1.5 em. ltonida canadensis n. ap. Flattened, white pouch gall on leaf margin, denticulate, length 3 to 4 mm. Cecidomyia ap. Leaf fold conta~ni,ng white larval Cecidomyia ap. Al\!PHICARPAMONOICA(hog peanut) Oval stem gall, length, 1.5 em. diameter, 1 em Lasioptera ap. AMSINCKIALYCOPSOJDES Downloaded from Undescribed, presumably bud gall 8chizomyia macrofila Felt. ANEMONECANADENSIS Slightly enlarged, loose bud gall Dasyneura anemone Felt. ANTENNARIA(everlasting) Corm-shaped bud gall, leaflets recurved, length, 8 to 12 mm. Asphondylia antennarire Whlr. Elongate, oval bud gall, leaflets scarcely recurved, length 3 to 5 mm. Rhopalomyia antennarire WhIr. White, wooly masses, snow-wh~te fibers, 5 mm. long, radiating from hard, thin shelled cells presumably on Antennaria Rhopalomyia pilosa Felt. ANTHEMIS(Mayweed) l:ar\'ll) In flower heads Cecidomyia ap. by guest on June 7, 2016 ApOCYN1:M(spreading dogbane) . Reared from slightly enlarged flower buds " .. Itonida apocyni Felt. Reared from unopened flower buds Lestodiplosis apocynifiorre Felt. ARCTIUM (burdock) Yellowish larVal III burs Cecidomyia Bp. ARISTOLOCHIA(Dutchman's pipe) Ovate leaf galls .. _ _ _ Cecidomyia hageni Aldr. ARTEMISIA(wormwood) Bud galls, presumably _ Asphondylia artemisire Felt. Flower galls or fusiform bud galls, length 4 mm Rhopalomyia betheliana Ckll. Deformed flower heads, length 10 mm., diameter 5 to 6 mm. Rhopalomyia coloradella CklI. Globular, woolly galls, diameter about 1 cm Rhopalomyia alticola Ckll. ARTEMISIATUIDENTATA(sage bush) Subglobular, brown, spongy apical gaU, diameter 1.8 cm Cecidomyia sp. Probably stem gall Diarthronornyia artemisire Felt. Oval, bud-like, flower gall the size of a pea Rhopalomyia tridentatre Rubs. 454 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOG Y [Vol. 4 ARTEMISIAGNAPHALODES Irregular, lobulate, polythalamous, white, pubescent gall, diameter 1 em. Rhopalomyia gnaphalodis n. sp. ASCLEPIAS(milkweed) Elongate, fusiform stem gall on A. incarnata Neolasioplem asclepire Felt. Rusty brown, irregularly swollen young leaves on A. incarnala ..... Cecid011lyia sp. Oval, mid r:b, tumid fold, length 7 mm. dia. 4 mm. onA.incarnata .. Cecid011lyia sp. Reared from rolled leaf, A. syriaca Lestodiplosis asclepire Felt. ASTER Flower or Bud Gall.~ Downloaded from Aborted flower head of Asler patens Asphondylia monacha O. S. Dwarfed or stunted flower heads of Asler paniculalus .. Rhopalomyia asterijlorre Felt. Axillary bud galls of Asler laterijlorus, diameter, 10 mm .. Rhopalomyhllaleriflori Felt. Blister Leaf Galls Gall, yellowish white, nearly circular, 2 to 3 mm. in diameter; on Asler macrophyllus. Lasioptera clarkei Felt. Gall, yellowish brown, narrowly oval, length, 4 mm.; diameter, 2 mm. Asleromyia dUlllosre Felt. Call, brownish, yellow ringed, circular, diameter, 3 mm Asleromyia waldorfi Felt. Call, yellowish, shining, oval, diameter, 6 to 7 rom Asteromyia nitida Felt. Gall, pinkish, large, oval blotches on Aster divaricatus, diameter 10 to 12 mm. Asteromyia dirloricala Felt: Gall, yel~owish or brownish, irregularly oval, diameter 3 mm. by guest on June 7, 2016 Asteromyia marginata Felt. Gall, yellowish or brownish, irregularly oval, diameter 6 mm.; on Asler paniculala. Asleromyia paniculala Felt. Gall, blackish, oval, diameter 4 mm As/eromyia reducta n. sp. Gall, greenish yellow or papery white, diameter 1.75 em.; on Aster lrevis Aster011lyia l'lJviana Felt. Gall, sooty yellow beneath, dirty white above, length, 2 em.; dian;eter, 1.2 em. Asteromyia flavom~culata Felt. Gall, yellowish white, dark margined, diameter, 3.0 mm Astero11lyia asteniolia Beutm. Gall, oval, green swellings, length 2 mm., diameter, 1.5 mm. A stero11lyia vesiculosa Felt. Stem or Branch Galls GaU, a smaIl pustulate swelling on aster stems, diameter 3 mm. Asteromyia pustulata Felt. Fusiform stem or branch gall, length, 1 em.; dit\meter 0.4 em. N eolasioptera ramitscula Beutm. Greenish brown, fusiform, irregular stem swelI,ing at or near the base of the leaf, length, 1 em; diameter, 0.6 em., on Aster infirmus Neolasioptera albitarsis Felt. Oval twig gall on Aster novre-anglire " Rhopalomyia astericaulis Felt. Ovate, sessile, brownish galls densely white haired, length, 7 mm., on Aster crassulus. Rhopalomyia crassulina CkIl. October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 455 ATRIPLEX CANESCENS Irre!l;ular stem gall, length, 12 mm.; diameter, 4.5 to 6 mm. Asphondylia atriplicis Ckll. Irregularly subglobular with sparse, long hairs, diameter, 8 to 9 mm. Asphondylia neomexicana CklL Irrep;ular twig gall, length, 1.5 mm:; diameter, 5 mm Lasioptera willistoni CklL A circular, pustular leaf gall, diameter, 2.5 mm Cecidomyia atriplicicola Ckll. AUDIBERTIASTACHYOIDES Irregular, subspheric gall Rhopalomyia. audibertire Felt. AVENA (oat) Reared from cage with aphid-infested seedlings, probably zoophagous Downloaded from CoquilleUomyia. texana Felt. Reared from oats, possible fungivorous Mycodiplosis spinosa n. sp. Rl'!\.red from cage sown with oats Prionellus monilis Felt. BACCHARISPILULARIS Flower gall Rhopalomyia californica Felt. Lobulate bud gall Rhopalomyia sp. Stem gall Rhopalomyia
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