Octohl'l', 'III FELT: GAJ.L ~fIDGE-HOSTS :1-51

BIBLlOGRAPHY 1. IH!l3.-The Orange and Other Citrus Fruits.-W. C. Stubbs and H. A. Morgan, ::;pl'eialBulletin, La. Exp. StJ\tion, Baton Rouge, La. 2. IH!l4.-Report of the Entomologist, 1893-94.-H. A. Morgan, Bul. 28, La. Exp. Htation, Baton Rouge, La. a. l!103.-The Coccidre of the World.-Mrs. Maria E. Fernald, Press of Car- jll'nter & .Moor<,house,Amherst, Mass. 4. 1!103-1!108.-Acc<,ssions catalogue, La. State Crop Pest Commission, Baton HOll~W, La. 5. 1\J08.-A Brirf Summary of the More Important Injurious of Louisi-· a.na.-\Vilmon ~ewell & Arthur H. Rosenfeld. Journ. Ec. Ent., Vol. I, No.2, p_ li)O-15.~. 0. l!llO.-InHccts Notably Injurious in Louisiana during 1908 and 1909.-Arthur

H. HOHl'nfield,Journ. Ec. Ent., Vol. III, No.2, p. 212-217. Downloaded from i. l!}lO.·-Coceidre of Audubon Park, New Orleans, La.-T. C. Barber, Journ. Ee. Ent., \"01. III, ~o. 5, p. 420-425.

HOSTS AND GALLS OF AMERICAN GALL MIDGES http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/

By E. P. FELT, Albany, N. Y.

The following list summarizes our knowledge concerning the food habits of the American gall midges or Itonidm (including certain St. Vincent and other South American forms studied by the writer) and, in connection with the description of species, has proved of great help in determining many representatives of our rich and varied fauna. by guest on June 7, 2016 This list should also prove of service in indicating the marc profitable lines for future life history and ecological studies in this group. It will be noted that our knowledge of the midges occurring upon certain plants is much more extensive than that in relation to others. A por- tion of this discrepancy is evidently due to marked preferences on the part of the insects, while in not a few cases it may be attributed to a lack of study. This is particularly true of the root-inhabiting forms. Potentially, there should be at least one, and frequently several species living at the expense of most of our native plants, while European forms may be introduced from time to time and become well established upon their natural hosts in this country. This list gives the correct generic reference for the reared species so far as possible. The old generic name of Cecidomyia, with its varied interpretations by earlier writers, is used in this list as a designa- tion for a biological group and applied to species we are unable to refer to any of the more closely defined, modern genera.

ABlES BALSAMEA (balEam) Subglobular basal swelIings of leaves, length 3 mm .. ;Cecidomyiabalsamicola Lintn. 452 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

ABIES (spruce) .seeds destroyed, the c.one n.ot deformed Dasyneura canadensis Felt.

ACA.LYPHA.VIRGINICA.(3-spotted mercury) Subglobular, r€ddj.sh bud gall, diameter 4 mm Cecidomyia sp.

ACER (maple) Rolled leaf margin, edge.s yellow, center crimson Cecidomyia sp.

ACER NEGUNDO(be x elder) Terminal bud galls, diameter 1 to 2 em Cecidomyia negundinis Gill. Vanable, subglobose leaf gall, diamete r about 2 mID Contarinia negundijolia Felt. Downloaded from ACER RUBRUM'(red maple) Under decaying bark , Miastor americana Felt. Lestodiplosis sp. Ocellate, yellow, red margined gall, diameter 5-6 mm Cecidomyia ocellaris O. S. Distorted, rolled leaves bearing white cocoons Dasyneura sp. Lestodiplosis sp. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Irregular leaf folds Rhabdophaga rileyana Felt. Pouch vein galls, reddish, length 6 mm Dasyneura communis n. sp.

ACER SACCHJ\RINUM(white or silver maple) Free larVal on irregularly curled leaves Cecidomyia aceris Shim.


Florets infested Clinorhyncha mille/olii Wachtl. by guest on June 7, 2016

ACTINOMERISALTERNIFOLIA Globose bud galls Cecidomyia verbesinw Beutm.

AGRIMONIA(Agrimony) Reared from florets Contarinia agrimoniw Felt.

AGROPYRON(quack) Under leaf sheath Phytophaga destructor Say.

AGROSTISALBA(red top) Ovipositing on Dasyneura graminis Felt.

ALNUS (alder) Subconical bud gall, diameter 6 to 12 mm Dasyneura seTTulatw O. S.

ALOPECURUSPRATENSIS(fox-tail grass) Reared from seeds Itonida setariw Felt.

AMBROSIA(ragweed) Reared from stems of giant rag'Yeed N eolasioptera ambrosiw Felt. October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 453

AMELANCHIEU(shadbush) Truncate leaf gall, greenish, tapering, red-lipped, length 5 mm. H ormomyia canadensis Felt. Oval, woolly, vein !'(all, yellowish or white, length 1 to 1.5 em. ltonida canadensis n. ap. Flattened, white pouch gall on leaf margin, denticulate, length 3 to 4 mm. Cecidomyia ap. Leaf fold conta~ni,ng white larval Cecidomyia ap.

Al\!PHICARPAMONOICA(hog peanut) Oval stem gall, length, 1.5 em. diameter, 1 em Lasioptera ap.

AMSINCKIALYCOPSOJDES Downloaded from Undescribed, presumably bud gall 8chizomyia macrofila Felt.

ANEMONECANADENSIS Slightly enlarged, loose bud gall Dasyneura anemone Felt.

ANTENNARIA(everlasting) http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Corm-shaped bud gall, leaflets recurved, length, 8 to 12 mm. Asphondylia antennarire Whlr. Elongate, oval bud gall, leaflets scarcely recurved, length 3 to 5 mm. Rhopalomyia antennarire WhIr. White, wooly masses, snow-wh~te fibers, 5 mm. long, radiating from hard, thin shelled cells presumably on Antennaria Rhopalomyia pilosa Felt.


l:ar\'ll) In flower heads Cecidomyia ap. by guest on June 7, 2016

ApOCYN1:M(spreading dogbane) . Reared from slightly enlarged flower buds " .. Itonida apocyni Felt. Reared from unopened flower buds Lestodiplosis apocynifiorre Felt.

ARCTIUM (burdock) Yellowish larVal III burs Cecidomyia Bp.

ARISTOLOCHIA(Dutchman's pipe) Ovate leaf galls .. _ _ _ Cecidomyia hageni Aldr.

ARTEMISIA(wormwood) Bud galls, presumably _ Asphondylia artemisire Felt. Flower galls or fusiform bud galls, length 4 mm Rhopalomyia betheliana Ckll. Deformed flower heads, length 10 mm., diameter 5 to 6 mm. Rhopalomyia coloradella CklI. Globular, woolly galls, diameter about 1 cm Rhopalomyia alticola Ckll.

ARTEMISIATUIDENTATA(sage bush) Subglobular, brown, spongy apical gaU, diameter 1.8 cm Cecidomyia sp. Probably stem gall Diarthronornyia artemisire Felt. Oval, bud-like, flower gall the size of a pea Rhopalomyia tridentatre Rubs. 454 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOG Y [Vol. 4

ARTEMISIAGNAPHALODES Irregular, lobulate, polythalamous, white, pubescent gall, diameter 1 em. Rhopalomyia gnaphalodis n. sp.

ASCLEPIAS(milkweed) Elongate, fusiform stem gall on A. incarnata Neolasioplem asclepire Felt. Rusty brown, irregularly swollen young leaves on A. incarnala ..... Cecid011lyia sp. Oval, mid r:b, tumid fold, length 7 mm. dia. 4 mm. onA.incarnata .. Cecid011lyia sp. Reared from rolled leaf, A. syriaca Lestodiplosis asclepire Felt.

ASTER Flower or Bud Gall.~ Downloaded from Aborted flower head of Asler patens Asphondylia monacha O. S. Dwarfed or stunted flower heads of Asler paniculalus .. Rhopalomyia asterijlorre Felt. Axillary bud galls of Asler laterijlorus, diameter, 10 mm .. Rhopalomyhllaleriflori Felt. Blister Leaf Galls

Gall, yellowish white, nearly circular, 2 to 3 mm. in diameter; on Asler macrophyllus. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Lasioptera clarkei Felt. Gall, yellowish brown, narrowly oval, length, 4 mm.; diameter, 2 mm. Asleromyia dUlllosre Felt. Call, brownish, yellow ringed, circular, diameter, 3 mm Asleromyia waldorfi Felt. Call, yellowish, shining, oval, diameter, 6 to 7 rom Asteromyia nitida Felt. Gall, pinkish, large, oval blotches on Aster divaricatus, diameter 10 to 12 mm. Asteromyia dirloricala Felt:

Gall, yel~owish or brownish, irregularly oval, diameter 3 mm. by guest on June 7, 2016 Asteromyia marginata Felt. Gall, yellowish or brownish, irregularly oval, diameter 6 mm.; on Asler paniculala. Asleromyia paniculala Felt. Gall, blackish, oval, diameter 4 mm As/eromyia reducta n. sp. Gall, greenish yellow or papery white, diameter 1.75 em.; on Aster lrevis Aster011lyia l'lJviana Felt. Gall, sooty yellow beneath, dirty white above, length, 2 em.; dian;eter, 1.2 em. Asteromyia flavom~culata Felt. Gall, yellowish white, dark margined, diameter, 3.0 mm Astero11lyia asteniolia Beutm. Gall, oval, green swellings, length 2 mm., diameter, 1.5 mm. A stero11lyia vesiculosa Felt. Stem or Branch Galls GaU, a smaIl pustulate swelling on aster stems, diameter 3 mm. Asteromyia pustulata Felt. Fusiform stem or branch gall, length, 1 em.; dit\meter 0.4 em. N eolasioptera ramitscula Beutm. Greenish brown, fusiform, irregular stem swelI,ing at or near the base of the leaf, length, 1 em; diameter, 0.6 em., on Aster infirmus Neolasioptera albitarsis Felt. Oval twig gall on Aster novre-anglire " Rhopalomyia astericaulis Felt. Ovate, sessile, brownish galls densely white haired, length, 7 mm., on Aster crassulus. Rhopalomyia crassulina CkIl. October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 455

ATRIPLEX CANESCENS Irre!l;ular stem gall, length, 12 mm.; diameter, 4.5 to 6 mm. Asphondylia atriplicis Ckll. Irregularly subglobular with sparse, long hairs, diameter, 8 to 9 mm. Asphondylia neomexicana CklL Irrep;ular twig gall, length, 1.5 mm:; diameter, 5 mm Lasioptera willistoni CklL A circular, pustular leaf gall, diameter, 2.5 mm Cecidomyia atriplicicola Ckll.

AUDIBERTIASTACHYOIDES Irregular, subspheric gall Rhopalomyia. audibertire Felt.

AVENA (oat)

Reared from cage with aphid-infested seedlings, probably zoophagous Downloaded from CoquilleUomyia. texana Felt. Reared from oats, possible fungivorous Mycodiplosis spinosa n. sp. Rl'!\.red from cage sown with oats Prionellus monilis Felt.


Flower gall Rhopalomyia californica Felt. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Lobulate bud gall Rhopalomyia sp. Stem gall Rhopalomyia baccharis Felt.

BENZOIN (spice bush) Young leaves with margins rolled Cecidomyia sp. Irrej!;ular subcortical gall, length, 2 to 0.5 em Lasioptera linderlE Beutm.

BETULA (birch) by guest on June 7, 2016 lTndl'r decaying bark Miastor americana Felt. . Lestodiplosis sp. Rl'arcd from seeds OligotTophus betuilE Winn.

BIGELOWIA(rayless goldenrod) A small, bud-like gall on B. graveolens Cecidomyia brassicoides Town. Cone-like, probably bud gall on B. graveolens Dasyneura stTobiloidcs Town. Oval seed gall Rhopalomyia bigeiovioides Felt. Hollow stem gall Rhopalomyia bigelovire Ckll.

BOEHM}}RIA(false nettle) Fusiform stem gall, length, 12 mm.; diameter, 6 mm .... Cecidomyia brehmerireBeutm.

BUMELIA (false buckthorn) Probably bud galls on B. lanuginosa Asphondylia bumelire Felt.

Buxus (box) Oval, yellowish or brownish blister-leaf gall M onarthropalpus buxi Lab.

CARPINUS (hornbeam, iIonwood) Reddish leaf fold along lateral veins : Cecidomyia pudibunda O. S. 456 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

CARYA () Under decaying bark Miastor americana Felt. Under dying, sappy bark Cecidomyia sp.

Leaf Galls Blister galls.-Irregular, dull greenish or black-margined and with a small nipple, diameter, 3 mm Cecidomyia sp. Cylindric galls.-Greenish or black, 4 to 5 mm. long, 1 rom. in diameter. Caryo1llyia tubicola O. S. Conical galls.-Base subglobular with a long, slender apical proces.!!, greenish to reddish brown, 3 to 4 mm. long. Occurs in groups on midrib of bitternut hickory " Caryomyia caryrecola O.S. Conical, nearly symmetrical, thin-walled, small, green or red tinted, length, 2 mm Caryomyia sanguinolenta O. S. Downloaded from Narrowly conical, light green midrib or vein gall, length, 5 rom., diameter, 1 mm , Caryomyia sp.

Globose galls.-Smooth or nearly so. Nearly smooth, thin-walled yellowish green or brown, sparsely haired, usually with

a slight nipple, diameter, 2 mm .. , Caryo1llyia caryre O. S. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ From same gall, probably inquiline Cecidomyia carym O. S. Slightly pubescent, thick-waned, depressed, yellowish green or brown, diameter, 2 to 2.5 mm , , .. Caryomyia consobrina Felt.1 Thin-waned, probably similar to the above Caryomyia arcuaria Felt. Thin-wl1lled without the nipple of Caryomyia caryre, with a yellowish pubescence, diameter, 2 to 4 mm Caryomyia similis Felt. Thin-waned, globose, slightly depressed, with [l, slight nipple, diameter, 3 to 4 mm " Cecidomyia sp.

Thick-walled, yellowish green or brown, diameter, 4 to 5 mm. by guest on June 7, 2016 Carymnyia antennata Felt. Thick-walled, irregulftrly ovate, granulate, a slight nipple, diameter, 2 to 3 mm. Cecido71lyia sp. Thin-walled with a false chamber at the apex, diameter, 2 to 3 mm. Caryon/yia inaniN Felt. Globose gaZls.-Hairy. Thick-walled, brown or reddish brown, hairs rather short, curly, thick, diameter, 6 to 7 mm , Caryomyia persicoides Beutm. Sinlilar to the "above and other Caryomyia gans, probably inquil,ine Clinodiplosis carym Felt.' Thin-waned, rust red, hairs rather long, straight, diameter, 2 to 4 mm. Caryo1llyia Iwlo/richa O. S. Gall, similar to the above, the midge probably inquiline Mycodiplosis Iwlotricha Felt. 'Ihin-walled, long haired, melon-shaped, diameter, 2 to 3 mm. Caryomyia thompsoni Felt. Thin-walled, long, thick, brown hair, globose, diameter, 3 to 4 mm.; nipple dis" tinct, long on some" Caryomyia Ep.

1ScM.omyia coryctco!a Felt was supposed to have been reared Irom this gall. The one or two specimens obtained were probably accidental. •This species was apparently reared from the gall of Caryomia inanis and that of C. persicoi~. probably inquiline. October, '11] FELT: GAI.L MIDGE HOSTS 457

Midrib gall.-A rounded, irregular, pale yellowish, hard swelling, 12 mm. long. Caryomyia cynipsea' O. S. Forming no galL-An irregular, yellowish brown margined elevation; diameter, 3: mm. Larva attached by a viscid secretion Caryomyia glutinosa. O. So.

Swellings in Husks Im'gular swclling in the husks produced by pale reddish larvre. Caryomyia mtcicola' O. S..

CASSIA (wild sensitive plant) Irn'gular stcm gall, Icngth, 3 COl; diameter, 5 or 6 0101 Lasioplera cassia; Felt ..

CASSAVA(Manihot) Downloaded from I,caf galls Itonida manihol Felt..

CASTANEA(chestnut) l'ndl'1' dccaying bark and wood Jfiastor americana Felt .. Winner/zia pectinala, n. sp ..

Itonida pugionis n. sp.. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Petiolc or tcrminal bud gall Rhopalomyia caslanea; Felt ..

CASTANEAPUMILA(Chinquapin) Irregular swelling of bur Cecidomyia chinquapin Beutm ..

CATALPA H.earcd f1'om dwarred shoots and pods Itonida calalpa; Comet ..

CATTLEYAGIGAS by guest on June 7, 2016 H.eared frol1l roots Clinodiplosis caltleya; Felt.

C~;ANOTHUS Loose trrminal bud !l;all, Icngth, 2 Col.; diameter, 1.5 em. Asphondylia ceano/hi Felt ..

CELASTRUS(climbing bittersweet) Irrcgular, cortical gall on root, length, 2.5 cm.; diameter, 1em. Cecidomyia celaslri Steb .. Subcortical stcm gall probably identical.

CELTIS (hackberry) Galls on tender twig!!, resembling seed cap!!ule of Rumex, length, 4.5 mm. Cecidomyia sp. (semer.rumicis Patt.)' Conical or subglobular, arisi.ng from a circular, truncate baee, diameter, 3.4 mm.;. on tender twigs Cecidomyia sp. (oviformis Patt.) Hollow, elongato twig swellings, length, 1.25 to 2.5 em. " Cecidomyia sp. (deserla Patt.) A hard, obconic gall on upper side of leaf Phylophaga celtiphyllia Felt .. Subronical, clustered on the under side of the lraves, lrngth, 3 to 5 mm. __ ~.~~ Cecidomyia unguicula Beutm ..

I The reference of this Inrva to CaryomyiB is provisional onb'. 458 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOl\IOLOGY [Vol. 4

Rosette-shaped gall, resembling the seed capsule of Hibiscus, diameter, 2 to 3 mm. on under side of leal Cecidomyia sp. (capsularis Patt.) Yellowish, disk-shaped gall with acute ar:ical cene on leaf ... Cecidomyia 'li/uus Walsh. Leaf ~aIlIesembling that of Pachypsylla celtidis-pubescens, diameter, 3.5 to 4 mm. Cecidomyia sp. (pubescens Patt.) Stout, cenical, arising from a circular baEe, yellowish, diameter, 2.8 mm. Cecidcmyia sp. (spiniformis Pait.)

CEPHAI,ANTHUS(button bush) Twi~ gall Rhabdophaga cephalan/hi Felt.

CHRYSOPSIS(golden astn) Woolly, polythalamous bud gall, diameter, 1.5 em ... Rhopalomyia chrysopsidis Loew. Downloaded from ClCUTA (water hemlock) \Vhite !nrva, probably on leaves Cecidomyia sp.

CIRSlUM (Canada thistle) II-cared from flower heads ])asYlleura gibsoni n. SJl. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ CITHAREXYLUM Reared from f1O\~ers Asphondylia paUersoni Felt.

CLEMATIS(virgin's bower) Ovate, reddish brown, axillary gall, diameter, 4 mm .. ]V' eolasiop/era clematidis Felt. Iregular, subglobular bud gall, diameter, 1 em Dasyneura clema/idis Felt.. Irregular, subglobular bud gall, diameter, 1 em COIl/llrinia clema/idis Felt. Enlarged, reddened flower buds Prodiplosis floricola Felt.

Dnopened, apparently normal flowers Les/odiplosis clema/iflorre Felt. by guest on June 7, 2016

CLERODENDRONAC1:LEATL'M(wild coffee) :Flower bud gall Asphondylia aUeltlla/a/a Felt.

COFFEA (Libcrean coffee tree) Reared from fruits H yperdiplosis coffere Felt.

COLLINSONIA(horse balm) Subglobular, pubescent leaf gall, length, 4 to 7 mm. Cecidomyia collinsonire Beutm. Narrow midrib or vein swelling , Cecidomyia collinsonifolia Beutm.

CONVOLVULUSSEPIUM (hedge bindweed) Fusiform stem gall, monothalamous, length, 1.5 em ..... Lasiop/era convolvuli Felt.

CORNUS (dogwood) Irregular, subcortical gall, length, 1 to 2 em.; qn C. s/olonifera Neolasioptera cornicola Beutm. Clavate twig gall, length, 1 to 2 em.; on C. florida .... Lasioptera clavula Beutm. Yellowish, purple margined, blister leaf gall, diameter, 2 to 3 mm.; on C. stolonifera. Lasiop/era corni Felt. Tubular, curved, green gall, length, 8 mm.; on leaf of C. amomum. Cecidomyia sp. (tuba Steb.) October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 459

CORYLUS(hazel nut) Hairy Ipaffold Lasiopteryx eoryli Felt. Rearpd from same gall Myeodiplosis eorylifolia Felt. I"twile ('atkins deformed basally, swollen Ceeidomyin sp. (squanwlieoln Steh.

CRATA<:GUS(white thorn) l{eddish brown or green, blister leaf mine, diameter, 8 mm. Lasioptera exeavata Felt. Heared from the same gall Rhizomyia hirta n. sp. CylindriC', ~c'cn, fimbriate, unicC'lIular leaf gall, length, 4 to 5 mm.; height, 1.5 mm. Rhizomyia absobrina Felt. Heared from same gall Lestodiplosis eratcegifolia Felt. I-ltout, C'up-shaped, fimbriate, unicellular leaf gall Winnertzia hudsoniei Felt.

Coekscomb leaf gall, green and red, length, 1 em Hormomyia eratcegifolia Felt. Downloaded from Filamentous, subglobular vein gall, length, 1 I'm Ceeidomyia bedegunr Walsh. Oval, fleshy vein gall, length, 5 to 8 mm Ceeidomyia sp. (vence Steb.) :\farginallraf roll Lestodiplosis florida Felt.

CROTALARIA(rattle box)

Fusiform strm swelling Ceeidomyia sp. (erotalarice Steb.) http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/

CUCUMERIS(melon) RearC'd from curled tips Contarinia setigera Lintn.

CUCURBITA(squash) Rem'ed from rough squash Myeodiplosis eucurbitce n. sp. Reared from rough squash ltonirfa eucurbitce n. sp.

DANTHONIA(wild oat grass) by guest on June 7, 2016 Probably a stem gall Lasioptera danthonice Felt.

DESMODIUM(tick trefoil) Bud gall, probably loose Ceeidomyia meibomiifolim Beutm. Elongate, fusiform, clustered bud gall, length, 8 to 22 mm. Ceeidomyia meibomice Beutm. Irregular stem gall, length, 1.8 em Lasioptera desmodii Felt. Polythalamous stem gall, length, 2 em Neolasioptera hamata Felt.

DIERVILLA (bush honeysuckle) Green bud gall or enlarged fruit, length, 4 to 5 mm ... Asphondylia diervillce Felt. Reared from apparently normal stem, diameter, 3 to 4 mm. Lasioptera caulieola Felt. DISCOREA (Yam) Irrrgular, warty stem gall Ceeidomyia sp.

ELYMUS AMERICANUS (wild rye) Probably from stem gall ; Rhabdophaga elymi Felt. Strm gall Phytophaga destructor Say.

EPHEDRA TRIFURCA Irregular, subcortical, resinous gall Lasioptera ephedrieola Ckll. Fusiform twig gall, length, 12 mm Lasioptera ephedrce Ckll. 460 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

ERAGROSTISMINOR Probably a stem gall N eolasioptera agroslis n. sp.

ERIGERON CANADENSIS(horseweed) Reared from minute bud galls usually and also from a scarcely discolored, incon- spicuous, blister mine Asteromyia modesta Felt. Fusiform stem gall Neolasioptera erigeronlis Felt.

ERIOGONUM Elongate bud swelling Cecidomyia sp.

EUPATORIUM Green conical leaf galls, length, 4 mm.; diameter, 1.5 mm.


EUPATORIUMPERFOLIATUM(thoroughwort, boneset) Reared from apparently normal florets Clinorhyncha eupalorifloroo Felt. Reared from florets Contarinia perfoliala Felt. Oval stem gall, length, 1 to 1.5 em Neolasioptera perfoliala Felt.

Reared from apparently the same gall Brachyneura eupalorii Felt. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/

EUPATORIUMPURPUREUM(.Joe-pyeweed, trumpetweed) Oval, blossom bud gall, length, 1 em Dasyneura purpurea Felt.

EUPATORIUMURTICJEFOLIU::\I(white snake root) Globose, flower, bud galls, length, 6 mm Leslodiplosis eupalorii Felt. Subglobular stem ,gall, length, 1.5 em N eolasioptera eupalorii Felt. Similar gall Asphondylia eupalorii n. sp. by guest on June 7, 2016 EUPHORBIA (spurge) Subcylindric fruit gall, length, 5 mm.; diameter, 1 mm Cecido'lllyia sp.

EUROTIA Irregular bud galls Cecidomyia sp.

FAGUS (beech) Under decaying bark Miaslor americana Felt.

FICUS (wild fig) Reared from a decaying branch Holoneurus ocddentalis Felt. Lasiopleryx schwarzi Felt. H yperdiplosis americana Felt. FRAGARIA(strawberry) Reniform pet-iole gall, length, 8 to 21 mm Cecidomyia sp. (reniformis Steb.)

FRAXINUS (ash) Subglobular leaf galls, diameter, 5mm Lasioplera fraxinifolia Felt. Slime gall as above Cecidomyia pellex O. S. Apparently from the same gall Colpodia lemeritalis Felt. Large, tumid, midrib gall, length 5 to 15 mm Con/arinia canadensis Felt. Same gall as above Dasyneura IUlIlidosooFelt. October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 461

Base of leaf petioles Phytophaga fraxini Felt. Badly roBed leaves Leslodiplosis fraxinifolia Felt. Badly roBed leaves Rhizomyia fraxinifolia Felt. Tightly rolled leaves Dasyneura fraxinifolia Felt. Drformed terminal leafy head Dasyneura apicatus Felt.

FUNGI Fungus on rotting plum Hyperdiplosis fungicola n. sp. Unknown fungus Arlhrocnodax macrofila Felt. h:eidiospores of Uroeymes Toxomyia rubida Felt. Teleutospores of Puecinia Toxomyia fungicola Felt. Young mushrooms Mycophilafungicola Felt. Reared from {Ecidiwn impalienlis Mycodiplosis impalienlis Felt.

Larvro on {Ecidium importalum affecting Peltandra M ycodiplosis sp. Downloaded from I'ungous affected wood Lasiopleryx flavolibialis Felt. Fun!!;ous affected heartwood of pine M onardia lignivora Felt.

GALIUM (bedstraw) Aborted flower buds, diameter, 3 rom Dasyneura galii Felt. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ GALEOPSIS (hemp nettle) Irregular stem gall, length, 0.5 to 2 em Lasioptera galeopsidis Felt.

GARRYA FREMONTII Huboval, black, irregular bud gall Asphondylia sp.

GENISTA (woad-waxen) Folded apicalleaflets (?) Dasyneura genistamtorquens Kieff. by guest on June 7, 2016 GERANIUM (cranesbill) Colorless larvro on blister enlargement, apparently fungivorous ... Cecidornyia sp.

GERADIA FLAVA (downy false fox-glove) I_arvro in seed pods Cecidomyia sp.

GLEDITSIA (honey locust) Orange larvm in folded leaflets Dasyneura gleditschia! O. S. Twig gall undescribed N eolasioplera sp.

GOSSYPIUM (cotton) lleared from flower buds Contarinia gossypii Felt.

GRAMINE£ (grass) Reared from grass Neolasioptera squamosa n. sp.

GUTIERREZIA SAROTHR£ Oval flower bud gall, length, 7 mm Rhopalornyia gutierrezia! CkB.

HAMAMELIS (witch-hazel) Greenish blister leaf gall Asleromyia nigrina n. sp. Purplillh, blister leaf galls, diameter, 5 mm Cecidomyia sp. Fleshy vein folds, length, 2 em Cecidomyia sp. Purplish, corrugated folds between veins , Cecidomyia sp. 462 JOL'RNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTO;\IOLOGY [Vol. -l

HELENIUM (sneeze weed) Apical rosette gall, length, 2 to 3 em Aspholldylia autumnalis Bpuhn.

HELIANTHUS(sunflower) Sunflower seeds apparently normal. Lasioptera murtfeldtiana Felt. Twig gall, undescribed Asphondylia conspicua n. S. Globular or spherical stem galls, diameter, 1 to 4 em Asphondylia globulus O. S. Stem gall, undescribed Neolasioptera trimera n. sp. Stem gall on H. divaricata Cecidomyia thurstoni Brodie. Fusiform stem gall, length, 3 mm Lasioptera weldi Fplt. Subglobular leaf gall Cecidomyia bulla Wal~h.

HELIAXTHUSSTRUMOSUS Flower heads apparently unmodified Asph01ulylia helianthiflorre Felt. Downloaded from Reared from undetected gall Neolasioptera helian/hi I'"plt. Axillary bud gall, length, 10 to 25 mm Cecidomyia helianthiBrodip.

HIBISCUS MOSCHEUTOS(swamp rose mallow) Variably swollen stems Neolasiop/era hibisci Ii'plt. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/

HORDEUM (barley) Under leaf sheaths Phy/ophaga destructor Say.

HUMULUS (hop) Swollen stems, diameter, 1 em.; length, 4 to 50 em Lasiop/era humulicaulis Fplt.

HYDRANGEAARBORESCENS(wild Hydrangea) Bud gall, length, 1 em :Asphondylia hydrangeU' Fplt. by guest on June 7, 2016 HYPERICUM(St. Johnswort) Axillary bud galls, length, 5 mm.; on H. mutilwn Dasyneura toweri Felt. Subglobose stem gall, length, 1 em La

IMPATIENS (balsam, jewelweed) Globose, flower bud gall, length, 1 em Cecidomyia impatientis n. ::-;. Tumid midrib fold, length, 5 mm Lasioptera impatientifolia Felt. Subglobular stem gall Lasioptera fulva Beuhn.

IpOMOEA(morning glory) Flower buds Schizomyia ipomrere Felt. Flower buds Camptoneuromyia meridionalis Felt.

JUGLAKS CINEREA (butternut, white walnut) Folded, appressed, crinkled leaves Cecidomyia ~p.

JUNIPERUS CALIFORNICA(Juniper) Reared from fruit Walshomyia }uniperi1Ut Felt.

JUSSIAiJA Reared from fruits Asphondylia vincenti Felt. October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 463

LACTUCA(wild lettuce) Irrejl;ular stern gnll, diameter, 1.75 cm Laoioptera lactuca: Felt.

LAPORTEA(wood ncttIe) Irregular, oval stE'm gall Cecidomyia sp. Irf('!l;ular, probably bud gall, length, 1.2 cm Cecidomyia sp.

LARREA (crcosotc bush) Gall undescribed Asphondylia auripila Felt.

LATHYRUSMARITIMUS(beaeh pea) H.ollcd leaflets, Icngth, 1 to 2 em Dasyneura maritima Felt.

LEPIDIUM (pepper grass) Downloaded from RwoIlen, discolorcd seed capsules Dasyneura lepidii Felt.

LESPEDEZAVIOLACEA Stem gnll, length, 5mm.; diameter, 3 mm Cecidomyia sp.

LILIUM SUPERBUM(lily) http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ I,arvill on leavcs , M ycodiplosis carolina n. sP.

LIRIODENDlWN(tulip tree) I)urplish, blister gall on leaf Thecodiplosis liriodelLdri O. S. Midrib, polythalamous leaf gaIl, length, 1.5 em Cecidomyia tulipijcrQ! O. S. Globular, midrib or vein gall, monothalamous, length, 5 mm Cecidomyia sp.

LUPINUS (Lupine) Reared from undescribed gall Lasioptera lupini Felt. Reared from leaflets Dasyneura trijolii Loew. by guest on June 7, 2016

LYCOPERSICUMESCULENTUM(tomato) 'Reared from flowers Contarinia lycopersici Felt.

LycoPUS (bugle weed) Subp;lobular stem gall, length, 8 to 10 mm Lasioptera lyco]Ji Felt. Fusiform stem gall, length, 1.5 to 2 em Lasioptera rnitcheUre Felt.

LYSIMACHIA(loose strife) Loose, apical bud gall Dasyneura lysimachia: Bcutm. Gall undetected, possibly from vegetable matter Lestrernia solida(Jinis Felt.

MAIANTHEMUM(false Iily-of-the-vaIley) Blister gall, brown, diameter, 6 mm Cecido1llyia sp.

MANIHOT (Cassava) Leaf galls Itonida 1Ilanihot Felt.

MANGIFERA (mango) Reared from subcortical gall Asynapta mangiferre Felt.

MEDICAGO (alfalfa) Seed pods of alfalfa Asphondylia sp. 464 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

MENTHA (mint) Axillary or terminal bud gall, length, 4 mm Dasyneura aromalicre Felt. Terminal bud gall, length, 3 mm.; on M. genlilis Cecidomyia sp. Loose, bud gall, length, 3 mm.; on M. piperila Dasyneura piperilre Felt. Pustulate gall in axil of leaf, diameter, 3.5 mm.; on M. canadensis. Giardomyia menlhre Felt. Polythalamous stem gall, length, 6 to 12 mm Neolasioplera menlhre Fplt.

MENTZELIA Reared from flower buds Asphondylia menlzelire Ckll.

MIMULUS (monkey flower) Stem gall undescribed Neolasioplera mimuli Felt. Downloaded from

MONARDA FISTULOSA (wild bergamot) Variable stem gall, length, 10 to 22 rom Cecidomyia monardi Brodie.

MUHLENBERGIA Fusiform stem enlargement Asleromyia agroslis O. S. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/

MYRICA CERIFA (wax myrtle) Bud galls Cecidomyia myricre Beutm.

MYRICA ASPLENIFOLIA (sweet fern) Fleshy, vein folds, length, 2 to 4 mm Janeliella asplenifolia Felt.

NEMOPANTHUS (mountain holly) ()val bud gall, length, 5 mm Asphondylia ilicoides Felt. by guest on June 7, 2016

NYSSA (black or sour gum) Marginal leaf fold, length, 2.5 to 3.5 rom Cecidomyia nyssrecola Beutm. Twig gall, length, 4 to 5 em. j diameter, 8 mm Cecidomyia sp.

OECIDIUM LarVal on O. impalienlis Mycodiplosis impalienlis Felt. LarVal on O. imporlalum Mycodiplosis sp.

OPUNTIA (Cactus) Swollen fruit Asphondylia belheli Ckll. Very large, swollen fruit Asphondylia arizonensis Felt. Gall undescribed Asphondylia opunlire Felt. Decayed spots at base of spines Itonida opunlire Felt.

OSTRYA (hop hornbeam) Terminal folded leaves Cecidomyia sp.

OXYBAPHUS Stem gall, length, 1.5 to 2 em Lasioptera allionire n. sp.

PACHISTIMA MYRSONITIS Terminal leaves folded, dark red Cecidomyia sp. Oct ohpr, '11] FELT: GALL l\IIDGE HOSTS 46fJ

PAEONIA (peony) l)c('ayin!J: rootH Joanissin pennsylvnnica n. sp.

P ANICUM (panic grass) O"ipoHitinl!: in stPIll Lasioplera pnnici Felt.

PAPAVER (poppy) Htpm I!:all, undps('ribed Clinodiplosis cal~licola Coq.

PIC}]A (spruce) Rparpd from sc('d Dnsyneura canadensis Felt.

PINUS (pine)

Api('al, bud-lik(' sw('lIing, diameter, 1 em.; on P. scopulont11l. Downloaded from Dicrodiplosis gilleUei n. sp. (;Iobos(' swc!linl!:at base of needles; on P. inops Cecidomyia brachynleroides O. S. HpHinous ('oroons on needles Cecid011lyia inopis O. S. AbortNl needle clusters, base subglobosej on P. rigidn .. Cecidomyia pinirigidre Pack. Similar l1(~cdlcson P. edldis Cecido11lyiasp.

BaHc of necdles of P. mdia/a Thecodiplosis pinirndia/re Snow & MiIIs. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Rear('d from extruded rcsinous masses on P. rigida l/onida resinicola O. S. Rmred from cxtrudcd rCHinousma.~seson P. radia/n l/onida resinicoloides Wlms. Rmrcd from bark of P. inops Winnerlzia pinicorlicis Felt. Rparpd from Seolytid galleries in pine Monardia pinicorlicis Felt. Cecidomyia hopkinsi n. sp. RParpd from fungous affected heartwood, P. rigida M o1!nrdia lignivora Felt.


SlIb('onie stplll gall Brugma1lniella 11lexicanan. sp. by guest on June 7, 2016

PLANTAGO (plantain) (~all ulHlptpdpd (1) Les/odiplosis sp.

PI,ATANUS (plane t.ree) Hpllrpd from rolled leave~ Les/odiplosis pla/anifolin Felt.

POA PRATENSI/? (June grass) Call unrc('Qgnized Colpodia prnlensis Felt.

POLYGONATmr (Solomon's seal) Hlistpr I!:all,diameter, 4 mm Cecido11lyiasp.

POPULUS (poplar) lrn'l!:lIlar, monothalamous, bli~ter leaf !!;all Cecido11lyiasp. (irregularis Steb.) Sub!l;lobular l('af !l;alls Rhizom.yia absobrina Felt. Variable, sub!J:lobular leaf /!;all Dicrodiplosis populi Felt. Appar('ntly th(' same gall Leslodiplosis globosltS Felt. Sub!l;loblllar lpaf gall, diameter, 3 to 4 mm Mycodiplosis populi folia Felt. Irr('gular, tumid gall at base of leaf, similar to that of Lasioplera vi/is .. Cecid01nyia sp . .l\Iarginalleaf roll, length, lcm Leslodi]Jlosis populi folia Felt. BrO\\11, marjQnal leaf roll, ]Pn~h, 2.15 em., several larv:c Cecidom.yia sp. 4 466 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

Longitudinal fold galls dwarfing leaf Cecidomyia sp. Oval, white cocoons on twigs Rhabdophaga populi Felt. Irregular, subeonieal twig or petiole gall, length, 1 em Cecidomyia sp. Decaying wood Kronomyia populi n. sp.

POPULUS CA.'\'DICANS(Balm of Gilead) Roundly conic leaf gall, diameter, 3 mm Cecidolllyia sp.

PORTULACAOLERACEA Stem !!;all Lasioplera pm'lulaccu' Fplt.

POTENTILLA(cinquefoil) Intprnodal stem gall Cecidolllyia sp. (polelllillwcaulis Stcb.) Downloaded from

PROSOPIS (mesquite) Aborted fruit Asphondylia prosopsidis Ckll. }'usiform bud gall Cecidomyia sp.

PRUNUS (CHERRY) http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Swollen deformed fruit, P. virginiana Conlarinia virginianilJ! Fplt. Swollen deformed fruit, P. virginiana Parallelodiplosis acernea I,'plt. Swollen deformed fruit, P. virginiana llonida canadensis n. sp. Swollen deformed fruit, P. virginian a Arlhrocnodax apiphila Fplt.' Swollen deformed fruit, P. virginiana LeslodiplOi>'i.~sp.l Apparently from same gall Rhizomyiaabsobrina Felt. Probably from same gall Cecidomyia crrasiphila n. sp. Swollen deformed fruit on wild cherry, P. ? melanocarpa .. Dasyneura pergandei n. sp.

Elliptical, polythalamous gall on raceme axis, length, 27 mm., P. virginiana. by guest on June 7, 2016 Cecidolllyia sp. (racellli Stpb.) Irregular, thickened, folded leaf; on P. virginiana .... Jfyeodiplosis cerasljolia Felt. Terminal shoot and bud gall, diameter, 1.5 em.; on P. serotina. Cecidolllyia serolinlJ! O. S. Variable, oval or fusiform twig galls; on P. serotina Cecidomyia sp. Leslodiplosis cerasi Felt..

PSEDRA (Virginia creeper) Tumid rib gall, length, 1 em Cecidomyia sp. Irregular root gall, 2 to 3mm Cecidomyia sp.

PYRUS (pear) Defomled young fruit Contarinia IJyrivora Hiley.


Fruit Reared fromlarvre found between the seed coats of an acorn .. Dasyneura glandis Felt.

Flower Galls Reared from undescribed galls on blossoms of oak Lasioptera querciftorlJ!Felt.

I Predaceous or scavenger. October, '11] FELT: GALL ~fIDGE HOSTS 467

Leaf Galls Ll'af l'dp;e galls. Gull a folded leaf edge between serrations ltonida foliom Rss!' & Hkr. Similar p;all, possibly identical Cecidomyia erubeseens O. S. "Pin !!;alk A Harrow, dark purplish, fusiform, thin-wallcd swelling on the under side of the mid or lateral veins may contain two or more orange larvre, II'H!!;th,8 mm ~Cinetieornia podagrm Felt. Ciall very similar to, if not identical with the above Cinetieornia maJalis O. S. Elongate, pocket-like swellings alon!!;midrib of round-leaved scrub oak. Clinodiplosis florida Felt. An rlongate fold !!;allclose to the midrib on the under surface, length, 12 mm.; diameter, 1 mm.; on Quercus lineloria Ceeidomyia oruea Walsh. A lar!!;emidrib fold with a conspicuous white pubeseencc. Downloaded from Ceeidomyia niveipila O. S. Globose 01' subglobose, thickened, usually reddish, galls. J{rddish, ovnl, irrcgular, wrinkled leuJ gall, diameter, 3 to 4 mm. Cinclieornia pilulm Walsh. A siniilar !!;all, apparently Southern, possibly made by the same species. Cinclieornia symmetrica O. S. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Gall similar to though much smaller than that of Cinetieornia pilulm. Dasyneum florida Felt. Hrarl'd from oak, presumably from a gall resembling that made by Cynips. Thecodiplosis quercifolia Felt A sublwIllispheric, brown, slightly nippled, monothalamous gall on the undcr side of the It'af, diametcr, 1.7.5 mm Cinclicornia globosa Felt. Globular /1::111, dinmeter, 4 mm. on undcr side of running oak leaf. Youngomyia quercina n. sp. by guest on June 7, 2016 Flattened, pustulate 01' blister /l:alls. A flat, relativrly inconspicuous, probably blister gall .. Cinctieornia quercifolia Felt. A slight rirru!ar, blister-like swelling on the lateral veins, length, 3 mm., diametcr, 1 mm Cinclieornia americana Felt. A broadly, ycllow margined, circular, blister gall, diameter, 3 mm. Cincticornia serrata Felt. A vuriable brown, irrrgularly oval, pustulate swelling, 5 to 6 mm. in diameter. Cineticornia pustulala Felt. An irregularly oval, pustulate swellin!!;,.5to 6 mm. in diameter, showing cqually on both surfaces but with 110 nipple Cineticornia simpla Felt. Reared from a similar gall. ' Cinetieornia sobrina Felt. Probably rrarrd from oak Iraves Dierodiplosis quercinn. Felt.

Twig (Jall.~ Rrar!'d from twigs of white oak, Quercus alba Lasioptera querciperda Felt.

Siems Lnd!'r drcaying bark ' Leptosyna querci n. sp. J'[ia.~tor americana Felt. Ilonida cineta n. sp.

RHODom~NDRoNNUDIFLORUM(purple azalea) FUb'iform, brownish bud !!;all,length, 7 mill Asphondylia azalem Felt. 468 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

RHUS (sumac) Subglobular flower bud gall, diameter, 3 mm Asphondylia inlegrifolire Felt. Stunted heads or curled leaves Arlhrocnodax rhoina Felt. Subcortical stem gall Cecidolllyia sp. Globose root galls Dasyneura rhois Coq.

RIBES (currant, gooseberry) Arrested buds (gooseberry) Rhopalol11yia grossularire Felt. Gall undescribed, on R. menziesii Phylophaga califarnica Felt. Red, prematurely ripe fruit (?) Dasyneura grossularire Fitch. Irregular, dark brown blister gall, diameter, 3 mm.; on R. longifolulll. Cecidomyia sp. RIVINA (rouge-plant) Reared from bud gall Schizomyia rivinre Felt. Downloaded from

ROBINIA (common locust) Folded young leaflets Dasyneura pseudacacire Fitch. Rolled leaf margins...... Obolodiplosis orbiculala Felt.

ROSA (rose) http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Curled or folded terminal leaves Dasyneura ? rosaru1ll Hardy. Rose buds Dasyneura rhodophaga Coq. Rose buds Clinodiplosis rosivora Coq. Apical, loose bud or rosette gall, length, 2 to 2.5 cm Rhabdophaga rosacea Felt.

RUBUS (blackberry) Reared from blossoms Dasyneura rubijlorre Felt. Warty, pruinose leaf gall 1 to 3 em. long Lasioplera farinosa Bcutm. Marginal leaf roll, length, 4 to 6 em Call1ploneuromyia rubifolia Felt. by guest on June 7, 2016 Subglobular, filamentous vein gall on R. nigrobaccus .. Cecidomyia sp. (muscosa Steb.) Irregular, subcortical stem gall, length, 2 cm Lasioplera noclulosa Beutm.

RUDBECKIA (<;one flower) Irregular, subglobular apical gall, diameter, 4 em Asphondylia conspicua O. S. Deformed, enlarged florets, the affected florets leafy Cecidomyia rudbeckim Bcutm. Nodular stem gall Ceciclomyiasp. Undetected gall, possibly from the unmodified stem Lasioplera ruclbeckirE Felt.

RUMEX (dock) Reared from deformed, reddish seeds Contarinia rumicis Loew. Reared from same gall Leslodiplosis rumicis Fl'lt.

SALIX (Willow)

Fruit Galls Enlarged seeds, rcddish brown Cccidomyia, sp.

Leaf Galls Fusiform pod or curled lelwes, length, 10 mm Dasyneura salicifolia Felt. Closely rolled terminal leaves Rhabdophaga plicala Felt. Yellowish, red spotted, flattened gall, diameter, 2 to 3 mm. Oligo/rophus salicifolius Felt. October, ' 11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 469'

Subconie, trulleatc, grppnish yellow, lipped gall, diameter, 2 mm. H ormomyia verruca Walsh .. Apparently reared from same gall Clinorhyncha filicis Felt.

B1td Galls Spon!l;y or clustered rosette gall Phytophaga walshii Felt. Small, rosette gall, len!!;th, 2 em Rhabdophaga racemi Felt. Oval, small, rosette gall resembling a small R. brassicoides gall. Rhabdophaga norrnaniana Felt. Lar!l;c, loose, rosette gaIl, length, 1 to 2 em Rhabdophaga rhodoides Walsh. Larl!;e, open, rosette or cabbal!;e gall, diameter, 1to 2 em. Rhabdophaga brassicoides Walsh. Reared from above gall Dasyneura orbitalis Walsh. Rel1rcd from above gaIl Lestodiplosis septernmaculata Walsh. Downloaded from Rmred from above gall Rhopalornyia frater Ckll. Pine cone l!;aIl,length, 2 to 2.5 em Rhabdophaga strobiloides Walsh. Hmred from above gall Dasyneura annulipes Walsh. Heared from above gall Dasyneura atricornis Walsh. Heared from above gall Cecidornyia alrocularis Walsh. Heared from above gall Dasyneura albovillala Walsh. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ HearN] from above gall Leslodiplosis decernrnaculata Walsh. Pine cone gull resembling a slender R. strobiloides gall .. Rhabdophaga persirnilis Felt. Ovah', tprminal bud gall, diameter, 1 em Rhabdophaga gnaphaloides WaLsh. Small bud gall Dasyneura californica Felt. Small bud gall Rhabdophaga genWUJJFelt. RplU'ed from apparently normal bud Rhabdophaga latebrosa Felt. 8mall, conic, apical bud gall Dasyneura grmmre Felt. Twig Galls

Reared from willow twigs, gall undescribed Asphondylia salictaria Felt. by guest on June 7, 2016 I,arvlC in subcortical cells, no swelling Dasyneura corticis Felt. Slender twi!l;s, slightly enlarged Sackenomyia pac/cardi Felt. Slender twigs, slightly enlarged Sackenomyia porterre Ckll. Slpnder twigs, slightly enlarged Phylophaga caulicola Felt. Slender twigs, slightly enlarged Rhabdophaga caulicola Felt. Twi!l:s probably hardly enlarged Phylo]Jhaga perocculta Ckll. Slpnder twigs, slightly enlarged Phylophaga americana Felt. Twigs uniformly enlarged, gall 5 to 7 em. long Rhabdophaga podagrre Felt. Gull similar to above, cells in wood Rhabdophaga cornuta Walsh. Twigs irregularly enlarged, galls 1 to 3 em. long Rhabdophaga salicis Schr. Twigs irregularly enlarged, gall, 1 to 3 em. long, buds dwarfed. Rhabdophaga triticoides Walsh. Apical, fusiform, beaked gall, length, 2 em Phytophaga rigidlJJO. S. Reared from similar gall Rhabdophaga sodalilalis Felt. Nodular gall at base of twig, length, 8 mm Rhabdophaga nodulosa Walsh. Inconspicuous knot or twig enlargements Phytophaga latipennis Felt. Subglobular, lateral gall with dead area on one side, diameter, 9 mm. Rhabdophaga globosa Felt. Irregular, ovoid or subglobular galls, diameter, 1 to 2 em. Rhabdophaga batatas Walsh. Same gall as above Rhabdophaga rarnuscula Felt. Same gall dried Asynapta saliciperda Felt .. Subglobose galls, the surface scarred, diameter, 4 mm Phytophaga turnidosre Felt •• 470 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

SAMBUCUS(elder) Bud gall, diameter, 1.5 em Asphondylia sambuci Felt. Swollen, unopened florets Youngomyia umbel/icola O. S. Rolled leaves Arthrocnodax sambucifolia Felt. Irre~lar, subcortical gall, length, 2 to 4 em '.' Ncolasioplera s01nbuci Felt.

SCIRPUS (bulrush) Gall undescribed Cecidomyia sp.

SCROPHULARIA(figwort) Reared from distorted flower bud Lestodiplosis scrophulariw Felt.

SECALE (rye) Reared from heads Itonida tritici Kirby. Downloaded from

SENECIO (ragweed) Stem gall undescribed Lasioptcra arizonensis n. sp. Flower heads Cecidomyia sp.

SCUTELLARIA (skullcap)

Oval, greenish stem gall, length, 8 mm Cecidomyia sp. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/

SETARIAGLAUCA(fox tail) Reared from seeds Contarinia sorghicola Coq.

SICCA (Otaheiti gooseberry) rnripe fruit Asphondylia sicca! Felt.

SISYMBRIUM(hedge mustard)

Irregular bud gall, diameter, 8 mm Dasyneura '! sisymbrii Schr. by guest on June 7, 2016

SMILAXHERBACEA(carrion flower) Blister gall, diameter, 4 mID Cecidomyia sp.

SMILAXROTUNDlFOLIA(green brier) Reared from oval, blister-like leaf spots Camptoneuromyia rubifolia Felt. Young leaves rolled longitudinally Dasyncura srnilacifolia n. sp.

S~HLIC~NA(false spikenard) Deformed berries Asphondylia smilicina! Felt. Root gall Dasyneura sp.

SOLANUMCAROLINENSE(horse nettle) Irregular, spiny stem gall, length, 3.75 to 5 em Neolasioptera solani Felt.


Flower Galls Greenish or reddish, subglobular, bud-like gall, d~ameter, 2 mm.; on S. canadensis. Rhopalomyia racemicola O. S. Green, densely pubesee~t, cylindric gall, length, 6 mm.; on S. canadensis. Rhopalomyia anthophila O. S. Reared from undescribed flower gall Rhopalomyia cruziana Felt. October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 471

Reared from apparently unaffected florets Asphondylia monacha O. S. Gall undescribed, apparently .unaffected florets Asphondylia iohnsoni Felt.

Bud Galls Apical bud galls. Loose, convolute mass of developing leaves, diAmeter, 6,.5 mm. Asleromyia convolula Felt. Loose apical pod of narrow, adherent leaves on S. canadensis. Dasyneura jolliculi Felt. Gall composed of two or more leaves with edges adherent, length, 2.5 to 5 em.; on S. graminijolia DasyncuTa j/avicornis Felt. Gall closely adherent, pyriform, apical, lengtli, 1 mm. CamploncllTomyia jlavescens Felt.

Probably a loose, apical bud gall on S. gTaminiJolia. Downloaded from DasyneuTa carbonarin Felt. Hubglobosr, whit!' or brownish apical galls on stems or subterranean root stocks, diameter, 2.5 em.; on S. juncea Rhopalomyia hirlipes O. S. Apical, cylindric, bud !l;allon subterranean root stock, length, 6 mm.; diameter, 2.5 mm Rhopalomyia bulbllia Felt.

Apical rosette galls. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ On Solidago canadensis. Deformed head about 11 em. in diameter, 3 em. high; composed of numerous smaller heads Rhopalomyia carolina Felt. Gall (!;lobular, head 4 to 5 em. in diameter Rhopalomyia solidaginis Loew. Large, rosette gall similar to the above Rhopalomyia albipennis Felt. Rrared from similar gall Leslodiplosis carolinw Felt. Rrared from similar gall Leslodiplosis solidaginis Felt. Largr, trrminal, rosette gall Oligolro]Jhu8 inquilimls Felt. On Solidago canadcllo'is and S. serolina. by guest on June 7, 2016 Gall largr, diamrtcr, 2.5 em.; composed of numerous small cells. Rhopalomyia capilala Felt. Rrared from same gall UB above Rhopalomyia inquisilor Felt. On Solidago graminiJolia. Gall, ~E'en, rE'sembling that of fEdaspis polila, diameter,! to 1.5 em. Asphondylia monacha O. S. Prrsumably rl:'ared from the same gall Camploneuromyia j/avescens Felt. Gall, vrry similar to the above, the maker possibly inquiline. . Rhopalomyia laneeolala Felt On Solidago sempcrvirens. Gall, similar to that described above Asphondylia monaeha O. S.

Leaj Galls Galls attached to one, or at most two leaves and producing a marked deformity. On Solidago graminijolia.-Gall greenish, red marked, ribbed, fusiform, sessile, Il:'ngth, 6 mm Rhopalomyia jusijormis Felt. Gall, green, red marked, fusiform, stemmed, length, 13 to 14 mm. Rhopalomyia pedicellala Felt. On Solidago puberula or S. juncea.-Gall greenish, irregular, oval, length, 1 em.; composed of clusters of root leaves Dasyneura radifolii Felt. On Solidago rugosa.-Gall green, red marked, fusiform, length, 1.6 mm. Rhopalomyia clarkei Felt. 472 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

On Solidago canadensis and S. serolina.-Oval gall between adherent leaves, diameter, 2 mm Asphondylia monacha O. S. Reared from similar gall Camploneuromyia adhesa Felt. Possibly reared from similar gall Lasioplera argenlisqum/l.a? Felt. Possibly reared from similar gall " TroUeria solidaginis Felt. Blister-like galls occurring in the leaf tissues and not producing a marked deformity. Gall oval, black, 4 to 5 mm. long; on S. graminifolia .. Asleromyia carbonifera Felt. Grayish brown, black margined, irregular gall, diameter, 3 mm.; on S. squarrosa. Asleromyia squarrosa? Felt. Marginal, golden gray, circular gall, diameter, 3.5 mm.; on S. canadew,is. Asleromyia flaVOlIlllllalaFelt. A variable pink or rosy, circular gall, diameter, 1 em.; on S. rugosa. Asleromyia rosea Felt. Presumably reared from oval, blister gall on S. canadensis. Downloaded from Asleromyia socialis Felt. Reared from blister gall on Solidago and also from aster, gall on latter with diameter 3 to 4 mm Asleromyia albomaclllaia Felt.. Variegated, oval gall, diameter, 3 to 6·mm. j the older galls mostly black, the younger yellowish olive with a darker central nipple; on S. rugosa. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Asteromyia rubra Felt. Apparently reared from similar gall Lestodiplosis rugosa Felt. Marginal, semi-oval, yellowish gall, length, 1 rm.; on S. canadensis. Asleromyia flavolunata Frlt. Elongate, yellowish brown, blistered' area, length, 3 em.; on S. canadensis. Leslodiplosis i1iangularis Felt. Slem Galls On Solidago graminifolia.-Gall greenish, red marked, ribbed, fusiform, srssilr,

length 6 mm Rhopalomyia fusiformis Frlt. by guest on June 7, 2016 Gall green, red marked, fusiform, stemmed, length, 13 to 14 mm. Rhopalomyia pedicellata Felt. Gall green, subglobular, near tip, diameter, 1.5 em Rhopalomyia lobala Frlt. Gall a uniform enlargement of the stem, length, 10 em., diameter, 7 mm. Lasioptera cylindrigallw Felt. On Solidago, various species.-Irregular, subglobose or fusiform enlargement, length, 2.5 em Lasioplera tumific.a Beutm. Gall globose or subglobose, smooth, brownish, apical on either aerial or subterranean stems, diameter, 2.5 em.; on S. jUllcea Rhopalomyia hirlipes O. S. Solitary or clustered, ovoid, fleshy gall on root stork Rhopalomyia Ihompsoni Frlt.

SORGHUM Heared from seeds Conlarinia sorghicola Coq.

SPIR1EASALlCIFOLIA(meadow sweet) Slightly enlarged, reddened flowers Itonida spira?aflora?Felt. Reared from unopened flowers Prodiplosis floricola Felt. Deformed, deep red or purplish and greenish leaf buds, length, 1em., diameter, 4 mm. ? Asphondylia sp. Terminal, globular bud gall, diameter, 4 mm Hormomyia clarkei Felt. Terminal brown bud gall, diameter, 3 mm Jtonida spirceina n. sp. Terminal, clustered bud gall, diameter, 3 mm.; length, 7 mm. Parallelodiplosis clarkei n. sp. Oet-l,ber, '11] FELT: GALL :.'IlIDGE HOSTS 473:

Terminal buu gall, the leaflets fringed, diameter, 3 to 4 mm Ceeidomyia sp. Terminal "cabbage" or "lettuce" bud gall Contarinia spirmina n. sp. Thiehn('t!, greenish midrib fold, length, 1 to 1.5 em Rhabdophaga salicifolia Felt. Apparently rcared from same gall .Lestodiplosis spirmafolia Felt. Marginal I('uf rolls, length, 3 mm Parallelodiplosis spirm Felt. Y('llowish brown, spotted, blister I!;alls,diameter, 3 mm Lasioptera spiraeafolia Felt.

T AXODIUM(bald cypress) A ('oni('al, globular or ('Iongate deformation of the leaf Itonida taxodii n. sp. Fusiform twig gall, length, 1.25 em Theeodiplosis ananassi Riley.

TECQ;\'IA(tmmpet creeper) }{('ar('t! from eurledleaves !lonida teeomim Felt. Downloaded from THALICTRUM(m('adow rue) Enlar!!;et! sect! pods, length, 8 mm Asphondylia thalietri n. sp. From same gall, probably zoophagous Trotteria sp.

TILIA (basswoot!) Irregular swelling on twig and petiole Ceeidomyia citrina O. S. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Hubglobulnr, brownish leaf galls, diameter, 3 mm Ceeidomyia verrucieola O. S. Appar('ntIy rrared from above gall Porrieondyla dilatata Felt. Irr('gular, distorted galls at base of leaf or along midvein, subglobular. Colpodia peetinata Felt.

TRIDENS FLAVUS (tall r('d top) }{par('d from seeds Contarinifl sorghieola Coq.

'lRIFOLIUI\I (clover) by guest on June 7, 2016 Folded I('aflets variably discolored with reddish and yellowish; on T. repens. Dasyneura trifolii Loew. Y('llowish larVal in flower heads; on T. pratense Dasyneura leguminieola Lintn.

TRIPSACUM(sesame grass) LarVal between leaf blades Lasioptera tripsaci Felt.

TRITICUM (wheat) Reared from wheat heads Jtonida tritici Kirby. Associated with the above Cecidomyia inimica Fitch. Associated with the above Lestodiplosis graminis Fitch. Under the leaf sheath Phytophaga destructor Say. Probably the same Ceeidomyia culmicola Morr.

ULMUS (elm) Decaying bark Oligarces ulmi n, sp. Aborted buds , .Dasyneura ulmea -Felt. Adherent, immature, terminal leaves or leaf buds Phytophaga ulmi Beutm.

UNKNOWNPLANTS Irregular, subglobular bud gall, diameter, 6 mill Asphondylia florida Felt. Reared from bud gall .. , , Asphondylia baroni Felt. 474 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [Vol. 4

Irregular, subglobular to elongate, fusiform stem gall, length, 0.7 to 1.5 em. Lasioptera pallUJtris Felt. Undescribed stem gall, .. ", ... """'.,.,."' ... , ,Lasioptera spinula! Felt. Undescribed stem gall, .... , ,.,. , ... '" , .... " .. , Neola~'ioplera hir8ula F~1t.

URTICA (nettle) lTrn-shaped, subsessile, pale green midrib or vein gall, diameter, 3 mm. Cecidomyia urnicola O. S. Hoary, pubescent, yellowish white gall on under surface of leaf, diameter, 2 mm. Cecidomyia sp. VACCINlUM(cranberry) A pieal bud gallon blueberry, , ' ' , , , DasYllellTa cyallococci Felt. Oval, valved, midrib gall, length, 3 mm. Downloaded from Dasyneura gaylussacii (vaccinii O. S. not Smith). Leaf fold or bud gall on cranberry , Dasyneura vaccinii Smith.

VEGETABLEMATTER (dead or decaying) Reared probably from decaying vegetable matter, Prionellu8 dilalala Felt. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/ Reared from manurE!' Cordylomyia coprophila Felt. Reared from decaying, fungous infected stump Lasiopt.eryx jlovotibialis 'Felt.

VERBENA (vervain) Reared from marginal leaf rolls Cecidomyia verbena! Beutm. Reared from rolled leaves Lestodiplosis verbenifolia Felt. Irregular, oval stem gall, length, 3 to 5 mm Cecidomyia sp.

VERNONIA (ironweed) by guest on June 7, 2016 Deformed florets or oval, petiole or midrib gall, length, 6 mm. Lasioplera vernonire Beutm. Blossoms .. , . , Youngomyia vernollire n. sp. Probably bud gall Asphondylia vernonia! Felt.

VIBURNUM (arrow-wood) Globose bud gall, length, 4 mm Schizomyia viburni Felt. Minute, blister gall on under side of leaf, diameter, 2 mm. Cystiphora vibllTnifolia n. sp. Purplish swellings on lateral veins, length, 5 mm Sackenomyia viburnifolia Felt. Irregular, subcortical gall, length, 2 to 6 em.; on V. denlatum Neolasioplera viburnicola Beutm. Marginal leaf roll, length, 10 mm.; on V. cassinoides Cecidomyia sp. Circular, blister gall, diameter, 1.5 to 2 mm.; on V. cassinoides Cecidomyia sp. Pustulate, blister-gall with pinkish aureola, diameter, 3 mm.; on V. acerifolium. Cecidomyia sp. Oval, greenish, blister galls, diameter, 2 mm., larvre deep red; on V. dentalum. Cecidomyia sp. VIOLA (violet) Deformed fruit, irregular, "plum-like," length, 1 em Dasyneura semenivora Beutm. :Rolled, discolored leaves: ,' Phytophaga violicola Coq. October, '11] FELT: GALL MIDGE HOSTS 47.'>

VI'rIS (grape) Enlarged blossom buds COlltarinia johnsoni Sling. Clusterrd, fusiform, woolly, pubescent bud galls, each 1 to 1.5 em. long. Schizomyia corylDides Walsh & Riley. Hard, nut-like, polythalamous bud !!:all, diameter, 1.5 em. Schizomyia pommn 'Walsh & Riley. Possibly reared from same gall Rhabdophaga hirticornis Felt. Oval, prtiole or tendril gall, len!!:th,2.5 em 8chizomyia petiolicola Felt. Urarrd from similar gall Neolasioptera· vitinea Felt. H.rared from similar gall Asteromyia petiolicola Felt. H.rared from similar !!:all Lasioptera riparia Felt. Irrl'glllar, tumid, grel'nish or reddish leaf or tendril !!:all,diameter, 0.5 to 1.5 <;m. Lasioptera vitis O. S.

Ul'arrd from similar gall Dasyneura vitis Felt. Downloaded from Hl'arl'd from similar gall Rhizomyia vitis Felt. Hrarl'd from similar gall. Brachyneura vitis Felt. Rean'd from similar gall .J anetiella brevicauda Felt. Elongatr, conical, reddish or greenish gall, length, 6 to 9 mm .. Cecidomyia viticola O. S. Rearrd from Phylloxera j!;all " Lestodiplosis grassator Fyles. http://jee.oxfordjournals.org/

YUCCA (Spanish bayonet) Hrared from pods Dasyneura yucca; Felt. Hl'ared from stl'm, probably inquiline Lestodiplosis yuccre Felt.

ZIZIA (Golden Alexanders) Fusiform stem gall, length, 3 em Lasioptera zizire Felt


Rl'ared from Eriophyrs gall on ash Endaphis americana Felt. by guest on June 7, 2016 Hl'arl'd from bee hive infested with mites Arthrocnodax apiphila Felt. Rl'arl'd from Aphis gossypii Aphidoletes marina Felt. Rl'ared from the above Aphidoletes cucumeris Lintn. Rl'arcd from tulip leaves presumably infested by aphids Aphidoletes borealis Felt. Reared frolll Siphonophora liriodendri Aphidoletes meridionalis Felt. Reared probably from aphids on Tanicetum Aphidoletes basilis Felt. Reared from Phylloxera galls Lestodiplosis (Jrassator Fyles. Hl'arNI from Hemichiollaspis minor Lestodiplosis 1Jeruviana Felt. Reared from Aspidiotll.~ !Iva; Dentifibula cocci Felt. Rea.red from Saissetia nigra Diadiplosis cocci Felt. Reared from Lecanium on beech leaves Coccidomyia pennsylvanica Felt. Rcared from Orthezia and Dactylopius Cecidomyia coccidarum Ckll. Lobodiplosis coccidarum Felt. Mycodiplosis coccidivora n. sp. Dicrodiplosis coccidarum n. sp. Reared from Tetranychus on lemon Mycodiplosis acarivora Felt. Reared from Eriophyes on cotton Arthrocnodax abdominalis Felt. eeeid larvre preying on eggs of Cicada scptendecim Cecidomyia sp.