© The Ocean Cleanup

mt 16,000 14,000 Research on plastic recycling various recycling processes, we believe this 12,000 10,000 The Ocean Cleanup develops advanced will enable us to increase the perceived value 8,000 6,000 technologies to rid the world’s oceans and use of recovered ocean plastic waste. 4,000 2,000 of plastic. The organisation aims to make 0 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 its clean-up efforts largely self-sustaining Several business models are currently being by ‘valorising’ the collected waste materials. explored (e.g. licensing or own products). Expected annual mass of plastic salvaged from the Great Pacific Ocean plastic waste differs from the plastics To improve understanding of the perceived (137kt total, that are currently recycled. Research on value of recycled materials, we will be avg 7kt/yr over 22 years) recycling of ocean plastic and its possible conducting comprehensive market research uses is essential to the design of processes and brand development activities. that can transform recovered ocean Los Angeles debris into valuable, durable products. We aim to produce high-quality recycled materials that fetch premium prices. This At present, recycled materials have a low can enable virtuous cycles in which recycled Hawaii perceived value. In the plastics industry, the materials make perfect ‘business sense’ and price of recycled materials is typically only are rewarded in terms of (corporate) sustain- 50–80% of the price of ‘virgin’ materials. In ability and consumer preferences. We are consumer products, too, recycled materials developing a mechanical recycling process often have a low perceived value. To counter for certain types of ocean plastic (e.g. rigid this, we aim to strengthen the brand identity plastic, fishnets, and ropes) and a thermal of The Ocean Cleanup, building on the eth- recycling process for others. Our recycling 0 kg/km2 200 ical and emotional value of its mission and the operations will begin in early 2019 with 2030 without cleanup (above) specialty material it produces. Combined the arrival of the first batch of recovered 2030 with cleanup (below) with expertise in the technical potential of ocean plastic. Julius Baer Foundation We will certify to industry stakeholders and generate at least enough profit to fund our For more than fifty years, the Julius consumers that our material is collected ocean operations. We seek to produce Baer Foundation has dedicated from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (and high-quality durable consumer goods for itself to making meaningful and impactful contributions to society. eventually other garbage patches), ensuring environmentally aware consumers and The grant foundation of the the transparency of our entire supply chain. those who want to support our mission. Julius Baer Group was founded in We have begun developing our own system 1965 by Walter J. Bär to support to certify the origin of materials as well as a Facts & figures all forms of art and culture, various sciences, and carefully selected comprehensive Quality Management System • Oceans are the world’s largest source charitable causes within Switzer- of the material itself and its further process- of protein. land. The Foundation’s reach has ing. To ensure the usability of our materials, • Without action, there will be more plastic extended along with the growth we have launched a material development in the ocean than fish by 2050.1 of the Group, and today it collab- project to improve the properties of mechan- • 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean orates with partner organisations worldwide in the core areas of ically recycled granulates. every year. Vocational Training, Recycling • Trash accumulates in five ocean garbage PLUS and Wealth Inequality. Circular and self-funded patches, the largest of which is the North Finally, we want to ensure that our recycled Pacific or Great Pacific Garbage Patch, How you can contribute Clients and employees of materials do not end up as ocean waste located between Hawaii and California. Julius Baer can support the again. We aim to develop a lifecycle tracking • Over 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic float in Foundation. system for our materials and products, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, equalling striving for a fully circular system over the 250 pieces of debris for every person in Your donation will be used long term. the world. specifically for the core area of your wish. IBAN: • 6,300 million metric tons of plastic waste CH 94 0851 5072 8789 4200 9 Still, there are several challenges to mechani- have been generated to date: 9% was cal recycling of ocean plastic, related to recycled, 12% was incinerated, and 79% has additives, potentially accumulated toxins, and accumulated in landfills and the natural the degradation of materials in ocean water. environment.2 Thus, we have begun researching solvent- • Discarded fishing nets, or ‘ghost nets’, can based recycling to acquire near-virgin quality float around the deep ocean for decades. material from ocean plastic waste. Solvent- • More than 100,000 mammals and 1 million based recycling technology is not yet avail- seabirds die each year because of marine able at industrial scale, but opportunities plastics; harms of have been may open up as we strive for durable high- reported for 663 marine wildlife species. quality products. Over half of these reports document entanglement in and ingestion of marine The development of products in The Ocean debris. Over 80% of the impacts were Cleanup valorisation programme goes associated with plastic debris. together with our branding activities. We • The Ocean Cleanup was founded in 2013 want our goods to provide a springboard by then 18-year-old Boyan Slat. for reaching more people, raising awareness of ocean and funding our For more information about efforts to solve the problem through product The Ocean Cleanup, please visit: sales. The goal is for the products to

Contact “For society to progress, we should not only move Julius Baer Foundation Bahnhofstrasse 36, P. O. Box forward but also clean up after ourselves.’’ 8010 Zurich, Switzerland Boyan Slat, CEO and Founder Tel.: +41(0)58 888 4422 [email protected] 1 The Ellen Mc Arthur Foundation 2 Science Advances