1956 Student A nnual 1955-56

- - Dedication

Miss ALMA ARBUCKLE, graduate of Glenville State Normal School with the closs of 1909, attended West Virginia University. Michigan State Normal School, Ypsilanti, and Columbia University. Miss Ar­ buckle taught in public schools in West Virginia until 1921 when she was hired as a librarian at Gienville State (ollege. She served as librarian from 1912 to 1955.

We, the Kanawhachen Stoff of 1955-1956, wish to dedicate this annual to Alma Janet Arbuckle and H. Y. Clark for their services and influences among the student body of Glenville State College.

Mr. H. Y. CLARK, a native of Randolph County, attended Beverly Normal School and West Viginio Wesleyan Academy . He was re­ worded on A . B. degree at Wesleyan College in 1916, and tought in various high schools from 1917 to 1926. Later Mr. Clark studied at Columbia University from which he was graduated with master of arts degree. He ottended Peabody College and West Virginia University. Professor Clark was employed by Glenville State College from 1927 to 1955 as professor in education .

2 President

To Students and Graduates of Glenville State College:

You may have heard the expression, "There is nothing new under the sun ," but it isn't true. This yearbook is concrete evidence that there is . For the third successive year, a group of Glenville State students have contributed the leadership and effort that makes this publication possible. The same spirit is making many other things pos­ sible on the G .S.c. campus. A new Dining Hall and Student Center will be under construction before this yearbook is published; each semester sends new graduates into the public schools of West Virginia, as well as into other states, to provide expert instruc­ tion for our boys and girls; each semester sees a few graduates enroll in the country' s outstanding univer­ Dr. HARRY B. HEFLIN sities to continue a graduate program in their field of major interest; each semester adds a few more graduates to industry, the professions, or in other positions of leadership. Regardless of the achieve­ ments or occupations, all are indicative of the goals set for themselves by students at Glenville State and the aggressive and successful progress toward their goals. It is a real pleasure and an inspiration to be as­ sociated with so many who do so much . With best wishes for the continued success of all Glenville State students. Sincerely, HARRY B. HEFLIN President


Administration Staff

LL OYD M A RLI N JON ES CLAREN CE BUMGA RDNER ERM A ED W ARDS Business Manager, A .B., Glen­ Cashier-Bookkeeper, A . e., Assistant Registrar, Glenv ille ville Sta te College. Marietta College. State College.

MARY RAL SON BAR KER Secretory to President, Veterans Coordinator, A. B., Glenville State College.

JEAN EA KLE Secretory to the Deans, A . B., Glenville Stote College.

M ARY AGNES FE ST FRIED A KUBE MARTIN LUTHER RIGGS School Nurse, Lakeside Nurses Dietician, Home Economics, Dining Holl Supervisor . School. B.S., M.S .. The Stout Institute, Menomomie, Wisconsin .

.- ,

JOHN R. WAGNER ASA HOWARD ANDERSON MAX WARD Physics. Mathematics, A. B., Biology, 6.5" Salem College, Chairman, Div . of Science and Gettysburg College. M.S., M.S., W . Va . Univ., Graduate Mathematics; Botany. General Cornell Univ . work, W . Vo . Univ. Biology, Bacteriology.

GENEVIEVE BUTCHER Business Education, B.S .• Miami Univ., Ohio; M .A ., Univ. of Michigan.

LILLIAN RIGGS CHADDOCK Home Economics, B.S., W . Va . Univ. , M .S., W . Va . Univ., Graduate work, W . Vo . Univ. and Cornell Univ .

BYRON Y. TURNER STANLEY R. HALL CHARLES C. MARTIN Chemistry, A. B., Glenville Sociology, Economics, A .B., History. A. B., Univ. of North siole College. M. A" W . Va . Marshall College, M.A .. Mar­ Carolina, M .A ., Un iv. of North Univ" Ed . D., Columbia Univ. shall College. graduate work, Carolina, Ph . D., Univ, of Univ. of Virginia. North Corolina.

HAROlD S. ORENDORFF HENRY J. FASTHOFF Chairman, Dtv_ of FIne and Music, B.A ., Culver-Stocklor Applied Arts, Music, B. A ., College, M M Ed , Floroda Central Washington College of Slate University. Graduate Education, M.A. , Teachers Col­ work, Iowa UnIversity and lege, Columblo Univ Florida Stote University

ELMA JEAN WOOFTER Home Economics. 85., W . Vo . Univ .• M,S Unl\( of Tennessee .

JEWELL MATIHEWS Education, A. B.. Hulingdon College, Alabama; M.A., Scar­ fitt College, Tennessee.


B A M.A George Peabody English and Journalism, A. B., MUSIC M . M New England College. Graduate work to­ Glenville Stote College, M.A. Conservotoryof Music ward Ph 0 at UnIversity of West Virginia University, Ottowa Graduate work, Ohio Stote UniversIty, Indlona University


WINONA HALL Glenville, Elementary Educa­ t tion EDWARD TEKIELI THOMAS F. REED FOlrview, Physical Education Glenville, Music. Sigma Tau and BUSiness, Kappa Sigma Gamma-vice-president, ser­ Kappa. Student Council- pres ­ geant-at-arms, MENC . choir ident, Alpha Delta Ep,don, band, orchestra, " Death Tokes G-Club, Football, Ba,ketball, A Holiday, " "The little Foxes," Boseball and Who', Who In "The lottery," " Finnian' s American Colleges and Uni­ Rainbow," " Half An Hour," verSities " Brigadoon."

LOlA ZARBAUGH Glenville. Elementary Educa­ tion

LEO S. ARCHER PAUL LEE STOUT Frametown Elementary Educa ­ Physical Education and Social tion . Director of Firestone Studies. baseball Lodge. FTA ~ - H Club

II Seniors

RITA JUNE PICKE NS Weston, Speech and English, Kappa Chi Kappa, Alpha PSI Omega Honorary Dramatic Fraternity, Mercury Stoff, Verono Mopel Hall Governing Boord President, Majorette, Choir, Ohnlmgohow Players, Stage monoger-"Arsenic and Old lace." " Sr.godoon," " Fin ion ' s Rainbow," " The Glass Menagerie," Dining Holl Committee, Who' s Who in American Colleges and Universities

MICHAEL POPP RAYMOND OXIER FOlrview, Physical Education Richwood . Biology and Social and Social Studies, Kappa Studies. Holy Roller Court­ Sigma Kappa, G-Club, foot­ secretory, West VirgInIa Col­ ball, baseball. legiate Academy of Science­ secretory, Glee Club

FRANCES IRENE CUTliP Exchange, Elementary Educa­ tion, Xi Beta Tau, FTA.

JOHN LAZEAR RALPH HOLDER Sistersvi lie. Physicol Ed ucotion Spelter, Physical Education and Biology. Koppa Sigma and Social Studies, Kappa Kappa, Student Council, Pio­ SIgma Kappa-vice-president neer, IRC, Athletic Committee, G-Club, football basketball Dining Hall Committee, Su­ baseball . preme Court

12 Seniors

MARTHA ANN MARSH Walkersville, Home Economics and Business Alpha Delta Epsilon, Home Economics Club, Dining Holl Committee

RALEIGH ROYSTER GEORGE EDSEL FORD Troy English and Business Scarbro, Biology and Social Alpha Della Epsilon. Studies, Kappa Sigma Kappa -president, Student Council, Veterans Club. Activities Com­ mittee, Kanawhochen -Busi­ ness Manager, Golf

BARBARA JO SHOMO Gassaway Home Economics and Social Studies, Ho me Economics Club

DANNY JARRELL HALL BERNARD JOLLEY Mollory, Physicol Education Burn sville, Bus in ess and Physi­ and Biology, Koppa Sigma cal Education, Football , G­ Koppa. G-Club-vlce-presi­ Club, Alpha Della Epsilon denl, Alpha Della EpSIlon Business fraternity. Football, Basketball, and Bose ­ boll

13 Seniors

KAY MULLINS Cloy, Music, ME NC, Bond, Chorus, Orchestra, "Finian's Rainbow," "Brigadoon," Kanawha Hall House Govern­ ing Boord .

DANIEL DOBBINS FRANCES EILEEN FISHER Clairton, Penn ., Physico I Edu­ Glenville, Home Economics cation and Biology, Holy and English , Home Economics Roller Court, Veteran's Club, Club, Choir, 4-H Club, Wesley President of Sophomore Class, Foundation . Head of Parking Committee, Suprememe Court, life Guard , Li ' l Abner-'S3, Resident Dormitory Counselor.

WANDA ABLES Glenville. Business Education and Business Principles.

GAIL BOGGS DOLORES LYNCH Wallback, Biology and Social Glenville, Physical Education Studies, Kappa Sigma Kappa, and Social Studies, W .A.A Treasurer, Sergeant-ot-Arms; Junior Class President, Student Council , G-Club Minstrel, Bond,

14 Seniors

JOHN SHORT Cowen . Physical Education and Social Studies. Veterans Club, Holy Roller Court.

PATRICIA JUNE HYLBERT CHARLOTTE FElTNER HYER Reedy. Business and Home Glenville, Elementary Educa­ Economics, Kappa Chi Kappa, tion, Kappa Chi Kappa, Oh­ Alpha Delta Epsilon, Home nimgohow Players, WAA, Economics Club, Kanawha International Relations Club, Holl House Governing Boord Bond, Pep Bond . -Secretory-Treasurer.

CLARA MAE HULL Roanoke, Home Economics and Business , Home Economics Club-vice-president, secre­ tory, Alpha Delta Epsilon­ secretory, president, 4-H Club -reporter.

ROBERT NUZUM ANNA JEAN REESE Sutton, Physical Education and Weston, Elementary Education, Social Studies. Holy Roller Xi Beta Tau-president, WAA. Court, Veterans Club. Future Teachers of America, Verono Mapel House Govern­ ing Boord.

15 Seniors

HERBERT G. HAYHURST Biology and Physlcol Science

VIRGINIA HARRIS SIAITH JACKQUELINE RASTLE Greenbank, Elementary Educo· Ireland, Home Economics, tion, Kappa Chi Kappa-vlce­ Home Economics Club, PresI­ president, treasurer, 4·H Club, dent; WAA. 4· H Club. Verono WAA, Activities Committee, Mopel House Governing Board . Freshmen Closs -vice-presi­ dent, Homecoming Queen Attendant, Verono Mopel House Governing Boord, " Finion' s Rainbow."

RONDAL BEESON Lynn. Business. Alpha Delta Epsilon .

MARY LOUISE GillESPIE SUE WAGGONER Clendenin, Home EconomiCs Reedy, Non-academic Art, and English, Home Economics Transfer from Aldenon- Broad ­ Club. Wesley Foundation, SCA, dus College: Traveling Choir, WAA Vocal Ensemble. Closs Ploy. Koppa Delta Chi , Freshmen closs vice-president, Attendant to Homecoming Queen, Chopel Choir.

16 Seniors

SUSAN ARNOLD ANNA RADABAUGH Glenville, Business and Social Weston, Elementary Education, Studies, Kappa Chi Kappa Xi Beto Tau -vice-president, Sorority -President; Alpha Future Teachers of Americo­ Delta Epsilon Business Frater­ President, Vice-president, SCA, nity -secretary, reporter; Wesley Foundation, Freshman Homecoming Queen; Who's Princess. Who in American Colleges and Universities.

JOSEPH ARBOGAST Hershey, Po .. Music. Sigma Tau Gamma-President, MENC -President, Men's Quartet, Men ' s Glee Club, College Donce Bond, Choir, Orchestra, Band. "Messiah" soloist, Who' s Who Committee.

EVERETI COOPER Weston, Biology and Physical Science.

BETHL YN RAE HUDKINS SHIRLEY JAMES Gassaway, Home Economics Frametown, Eng lis hand and English, Home Economics Speech, Alpha Xi Delta Soror· Club, 4-H Club, Wesley Foun· ity . Alpha Psi Omega-Presi­ dation, SCA. dent, Ohnimgohow Players­ vice-president, Kanawha Hall Governing Board, MERCURY Co·Editor, KANAWHACHEN Associate Editor, Editor, "Glass Menagerie" -Assistant Direc­ tor , "Arsenic and Old lace," "Suppressed Desires," "Twelve Pound look, " Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities, Debate Squod, Supreme 17 Court. Seniors

BERNADINE GREGORY Flatwoods, Elementary Educa ­ JEAN INGHAM tion, Koppo Chi Koppo, SCA, Parkersburg, Elementary Edu­ WAA, ChoIr, MERCURY Stofl, cotion, Xi Be to Tou, MERCURY FTA. HARRY FOlEY Stofl WAA, Ohnlmgohow Smithville, liberal Arts , Non­ Ployers teaching.

BURKE EAKLE ERNEST PAGE, JR. Glenville. Physical Science and KATHLEEN QUINN HARRIS Harrisville, Elementary Educa ­ Biology, Alpho Delto Epsilon Harrisville, Elementary Educe ­ tion . WheelIng, Home Economics, Home Econom ics (I ub, WAA. Assembly Committee, Verono Mapel House Governing Boord , NANCY BARLOW 4-H Club Dunmore, Elementary Educo­ tion, Koppo Chi Koppo ­ DELORES BLACK Chaplain, Future Teachers of Baldwin, Music, Non-academiC, America -Porlia mentarion, MENC-Secretory, Vice-Presi­ SCA, Konowho Holl House dent, Homecoming Princess, Governing Board. WAA, Student Director of MARY LOU WEST G,S.c. Bond, Bond, Orchestro, Orton . Soc ial Stud ies and English Pep Band, Choir, Finion's ROlnbow, Brigodoon

18 Off-Campus Seniors

BERNARD McKOWN BILL M . ATKINSON Arnold,burg, Moth and Phy,i­ Reedy. Physical Science and col Science. Kappa Sigma Mathematics. Kappa, and Veterans Club. ROSE MARIE ROGERS Pinch , Elementary Education, Kappa Chi Kappa, Bond, Choir, Wesley Foundation­ secretary and treasurer, FlA, and SCA .

EUGENE KNISELY WILLIAM SNIDER Troy, Social Studies and Physi­ Broha rd . Bi 01 09i col Sci ence cal Education . and Business Education .

MAMIE SEATON CHEATHAM Elizabeth, Elementary Educa­ tion . DOROTHY COX BLANCHE WALDECK Elizabeth, Elementary Educa­ Reedy , Non-Academic Art. tion .

19 Junior Class

FIRST ROW, Alpha Coberly, Shirley Chancey, Constance Morley, FOURTH ROW, Denver Yoak, Pot Snyder, Patsy Green, Mary lee Joyce Bourne, David Posey, and Glendo Block. SECOND ROW, Foster, Wyene Turner, Jacqueline Cae, Kathleen Barr, David Umstead, Phyllis G iv en , Doris Short, Alice McCullough. Beulah Beckner, and Donald Peregoy. FIFTH ROW, Berman litton, Roy Corson, Richard Doralene Bell , Mavis White, Lois Jean Sears, and Corl Cox. THIRD Stewart, Edsel Chancey, Curtis Fleshman , Fred Batton, and William ROW: Juanita Radcliff, Martha White, Sue Davidson, Dorcas White, Gaston. SIXTH ROW, Norman Stone and Jock Kauffman. Yvonne Hort, Alan Reich , Pete Kostyk, William Reit , and Corl Peters .

Class Officers

President - - -- - ______Dave Posey Vice-President -- ______Joyce Bourne Sec'y-Treas. -- - ______Connie Marley


20 Sophomore Class

FRONT ROW, left to right Jim Millard. Don Whipkey Barbara Burke. Barbaro Royce Mary Helen Plunkett, and AI Kokosky FOURTH ROW, Keith Pritt, Rex Reeder Mido Bodey. and Virginia Horner SECOND Steve Cooper Wililom Dee!, Kermit Taylor, Janice Arnold. Barbara ROW: Janet Scott. Nancy Hall Morita Reed . Iris Mack, Judy Ken ­ Blackhurst Dorothy Maties, Corolyn Miller. Lorene Ellyson, Fred nedy Betty Jo lewis, Shirley lambert, Rosemary Hammond Rose Fleshman, Roy Spencer, and John Kennedy. FIFTH ROW, Ed Busch , Gwinn. Mary Boggess THIRD ROW: Joe Rumbach , Denn is Bull , ConOle Paul Hughes, Homer Smith, Glenvil Brown, Nolon Skinner, Jim Hanno' Soms. Shirley Brown, Bonnie Gorrell, Nancy Crolg. Wilma Boll , man

Class Officers

Pres ident ______Rex Reeder Vice-President ______Keith Pritt Sec 'y-Treas . ______Barbara Burke


21 Freshman Girls

FIRST ROW, Barbaro Clark, Willadene Campbell, Eunice Smith , Faye Garretson, Janice Swisher. Sue Mick. Arlene Hinterer, Willodene Patricio Christian, Deloris Hutton, Georgie Puffenbarger, Nancy Moyers, Patsy Bee, Shirley Satterfield, and Barbaro Zinn o FIFTH ROW, Gillespie, Charlotte Beeghley, Janet Kinney, Sue Pyles, Sharon Shu­ Eleathe Andersen, Mary Kuhl , Leona Hampton, Anno May Cantwell, maker, and loretto Justice. SECOND ROW: Louise landers, Jurlene Thelda Strader, Neva Norman, Eleanor Conley. Miriam Butcher, Gherke, Sue Click, Barbaro Huggins, Sherry Miner, Mary Underwood. Patsy Garret, and Reta Jo Vannoy. SIXTH ROW, Peggy Cooper, Vir­ Martha Douglos, Roberta Starcher, Carolyn Sturm , Jane Lou Rogers , ginia Davis, Anno Lou Hall, Lee Kessinger , Potty Helmick, Jerry and Fern Mick. THIRD ROW, Mildred Nichols, Goldie Westfall, Joyce Harbour, Frances Sanford, Beverly Clark, Mary Jane Cleavanger, Brannon , loretta Bumgardner, Jane Shires, Kay Watkins, Judy Vought, and Joyce Hannaman. SEVENTH ROW, Mary Alice McHenry, Kath­ Nancy Henley, Carolyn Gibson, Sue (riu, Margaret Retzer, and leen Trimble, Ann Kelly, Greta Shock, and Oro Minney. Carolyn Ronson . FOURTH ROW: Clara Moe Watson, Patricia White, Class Officers

FIRST ROW, Leatha Anderson, James White, and Lorry Stanley SECOND ROW, Jock Campbell and Hermon Book­ ions.

22 Freshman Boys

FRONT ROW, left to right, Steve Scott, Jack Campbell, William Edwin Beer. FOURTH ROW, Gary Skeen. Ben Greene, Roderick Old­ Thorne, James Taylor, Charles Toepfer, Larry Stanley, Gary Fields, ham , Gifford Harper, Randy Cline. Allen livingston, Pot Lawson, one. Billy Grass, and Da ve Herbold. SECOND ROW, Harry Cook, Charles Dale Morris. FIFTH ROW, Frank Mclaughlin. Jon Hays. Albert Peters, Dean, Harold Costo Jr. , Kenneth Leasburg. Charles Morris, Carrol Jock lowther, Ronnie Peters, Trent Busch, Orton Jones. Kenny Wright, Stoats, Oscar Anderson. Burl Higginbotham, and Edward Perrine. and Bob Eakins. SIXTH ROW, George Gray, Frank Mitchell. Delano THIRD ROW, Dan Vento, Carl Holbert. William Lowe, Hillard Billups. Hayhurst. Tom Schell, Scott Gibson. Harold Greothouse, Clayton Gary Sumpter, James White, Jerrold Murphy, Harry Coates, and Vorner, Corl Peters. and Guy Kirkpatrick.


Class Officers

James White ______President Lorry Stanley ______Vice-President Aleatha Anderson ______Secretory Hermon Bookjons ______Treasurer Jock Co mpbell ______Sergeant-ot-Arms


23 Student Council

FIRST ROW, left to right, Yvonne Hart, Edsel Ford, Edward Tekieli, William Deel , and Patsy Greene. SECOND ROW, Rex Reeder, David Posey, James White, and Robert Weaver.


President ______Edward Tekieli Vice-President ______Edsel Ford Secretary ______Patsy Greene Treasurer ______Yvonne Hart Sergeant-at-arms ______William Deel

24 Holy Roller Court

FRONT ROW, Don Hamon, Raymond Oxier, Robert Buck, Don Whipkey, Ray Rardin , and Albert Koko.ky. SECOND ROW , Paul Hughe., Jim Small, Lorry Stonley, Keith Pritt, Joe Rumbach, Rod Oldhom, ond Pete Kostyk , THIRD ROW, Robert Turner, Dan Dobbins, and John Kennedy.


Faculty Advisor ____ Prof. Wendell Hardway Judge ______Don Homan Sheriff ______Roy Rardin Clerk ______Lowell Morriston Secretory ______Raymond Oxier Custodian ______William Reit Kappa Sigma Kappa

fiRST ROW, left to right, Wendell Hardway, Carl Cox, Dave Posey, Richard Stewart, Steve Cooper, and Michael ferrell. THIRD ROW, Edsel ford, Gail Boggs, William Deel, and John lazear. SECOND Dennis Bull , William Lowe, Edward Tekieli, George Cook, Orton ROW: Bill Jones, Ronnie Rokisky , Alan Reich , Donald Schoonmaker, Jones, Trent Busch , Edsel Chancey, and Jack Campbell.


Edsel Ford ______President Ralph Holder ______Vice-President William Deel ______Secretary Gail Boggs ______Treasurer Carl Cox ______Sergeant-at-Arms Marvin Stemple ____ Corresponding Secretary

26 Kappa Chi Kappa

FIR ST RO W, left to rIght ShIrley Chancey Judy Kennedy, Barbara lewis. Virginia Parsons, Dorolene Bell , Nancy Ba rlow, and Mary Burke, Sally Zeigler Patty Hall, Beulah Beckner, and Erma Edwards Suck. THIRD ROW, Reta Jo Vonnoy, Carolyn Jackson , Kathleen Ken­ SECOND ROW, Rita Pickens, Martha White, Morita Reed , Betty Jo nedy. Eleanor Conley, and Ada Cox .

Model Pledge

ADA COX 27 Sigma Tau Gamma

FIRST ROW, left to right, Junior Boyles, Robert Gainer, Curtis Fleshman, and Joseph Arbogast. SECOND ROW, Jack Frame, Ronald Schuman , Kermit Taylor, Bermon Litton, and James Wilson.


28 Xi Beta Tau

FIRST ROW, left to right: Patsy Greene, Yvonne Hart, Anna Roda­ Carolyn Miller. THIRD ROW: Anna Lou Hall, Virginia Davis, Lenita baugh, Jean Reese , Betty Frymier, Doris Short, and Rosemary Ham­ Wright, Patricia Christian, Joyce Bourne, Judy Vaught, Jean Ingham, mond . SECOND ROW, Glendo Black, Alpha Lee Coberly, Mary Helen Elda Utterback, and Winona Hall. FOURTH ROW, Constance Sams , Plunkett, lorene Ellyson , Shirley Lambert, Frances Sanford, and Bonnie Gorrell, Shirley Brown, Frances Cutlip, and Constance Morley .



29 Alpha Delta Epsilon


FRONT ROW: Mrs . Genevieve Butcher, Patty Hall, John Matheny, Martha FRONT ROW, Wanna Cutright, Dor­ Anne Marsh, Clora Mae Hull, Ronald othy Maties, Juanita Radcliff, Betty Rokisky, Mary Suck , and Potty Royster . Cogar, Josephine Brannon, Rose Ellen SECOND ROW, Randal Beeson , Pa­ Thompson, and Carina Hitt. SECOND tricio Hylbert, Bernard Jolley, Jeer! ROW, Albert Kokoski and Ray Carson . Stump, William Matheny, and Susan Arnold.

LEFT TO RIGHT, Wanda Ables, Phyllis Given, Paul Hughes, Neva Norman, Betty Frymier, and Evelyn Given .

Miss Neva Norman of Shock, a grodu· ate of Normantown High School , is this year' s recipient of the scholarship annually awarded by the Alpha Delta Epsilon .

30 Future Teachers of America

FIRST ROW, left to roght Patsy Greene, Nancy Barlow, Eldo Utterback, beth Parsons, Kay Watkins. and Martha White. THIRD ROW: Barbaro W;lma Boll , Anno Rodabaugh and Evelyn G;ven SECOND ROW, PhyllIS Taylor, Denver Yook, John James, Barbara Blackhurst, Barbaro Burke , Given, Nino McCartney, Mary Boggess , Fern M ic k. Judy Vought, El izo - Leo Archer Margaret Rotzer, and Sue Criss .


President ______Anna Radabough Vice-President ______Wilma Ball Secretary ______Jean Loyd Treasurer ______Evelyn Given Reporter ______Patsy Greene

31 Veterans Club

FIRST ROW, left to right, Robert Miller, John Lazear, Pete Ko,tyk, and Robert Weaver. SECOND ROW, John Short, John Allman, Robert Hannaman, Leonard Hanford, and Robert Turner.

The Veterans Club, a recently formed organization, is one of the college' s newest organizations, Composed chiefly of veterans who have served since the end of World War II , the club was formed for the benefit of returning servicemen as a campus coordinating unit be­ tween them, the Veteran's Administration, and the College, This group sponsors several social events during the school year. This year' s commander is John Lazear,

32 International Relations Club

FIRST ROW, lell to right, Everett Mason, Ruby Elder, Sue Click, and Eleanor Conley. SECOND ROW, Patsy Garritt, Barbara Burke , Miriam Butcher, and Prof. Bessie B. Bell.


Ruby Elder ______President Everett Mason ______Vice-President Norman Stone ______Secretary

33 Alpha Psi Omega


LEFT TO RIGHT, Rita Pickens, William Deel, Shirley James, and Robert Gainer.

New Members

FRONT ROW, Iris Mock and Doralene Bell. SECOND ROW, Roy Corson, Mary Helen Plunkett, and James White.

34 Ohnimgohow Players

FIRST ROW, left to right, Iris Mock. Martha White. Rita Pickens . Christian . THIRD ROW: Edward Perrine, Sh irley Chancey, Sh irley Robert Gainer, Shirley James, Mary Helen Plunkett, and Dorolene Satterfield, Shirley Lightner, Patty Snyder, Juanita Rad cliffe, Patsy Bell. SECOND ROW, Charlotte Beeghley. Sue Click. Kathleen Ken ­ Bee, and Ray Carson. FOURTH ROW, Trent Busch, Orton Jones, W il­ nedy. Carolyn Jackson , loretta Justice, lorene Ellyson , and Patricio liam Deel , and James White.

Officers Robert Gainer ______President Shirley James ______Vice-President Doralene Bell ______Secretary Mary Helen Plunkett ______Treasurer Iris Mack ______Pledge Mistress Prof. William S. E. Coleman ______Sponsor

35 Varsity ~~G" Club

FIRST ROW, left to right, Pete Kostyk, Robert Turner, Danny Hall, and ward Tekieli. THIRD ROW, Donald Whipkey, lowell Morriston, Jim leonard Hanford. SECOND ROW, Robert Reynolds, Alan Reich, Morton, Robert Weaver, and Keith Pritt. William Re it, Thomas Hyer, Robert Miller, Michael Popp, and Ed·

A local honorary organization, the "G" Club is made up of let­ termen in football, basketball, and baseball. Robert Turner, a junior, is their president this year.

36 WAA

FIRST ROW, left to right, Iris Mock, Judy Kennedy , Constance Sams, Given, Constance Morley, Barbara Blackhurst, Sally Zeigler, Joyce Martha White, Wyene Turner, Shirley Brown , Patricia White, Virginia Bourne, Patsy Greene, Mary Lee Foster, Kathleen Quinn Harris, and Davis, and Patty Snyder . SECOND ROW : Potricio Christian , Sharon Potty Bonnett. LAST ROW, Barbaro Taylor, Ado Cox, Mida Bailey, Shumaker, Loretto Justice, Martho Douglas. Jane Shires, Nancy Gil­ Dorcus White, Juanita Radcliffe, Mary Burke, Nancy Hall, Corolee lespie, Jacqueline Cae, and Shirley Chancey. THIRD ROW, Phyllis Singleton, Sue Click, and Mary Underwood.

37 Home Economics Club

FRONT ROW: Jacqueline Coe, Mary Louise Gillespie, Marilyn Rastle , Hull, Jackie Rastle , Barbara Shomo, and Doris Lewis . THIRD ROW: . Kathleen Quinn Harris, Patty Royster, and Sally Zeigler. SECOND Charlene Cole, Mida Bailey, Martha Anne Marsh, Virginia Horner, ROW: Arlene Hinter, Jerlene Gherke, Patricia Hylbert, Clora Moe Mary Helen Plunkett, and Bonny Gorrell.


President ______Mary Louise Gillespie First Vice-President ______Kathleen Harris Second Vice-President ______Marilyn Rastl e Secretary ______Patty Royster Treasurer ______Janice Arnold Song Leader ______Jackie Coe Reporter ______Sally Ziegler

38 4-H Club

FRONT ROW : Cloro Moe Hull, Marilyn Ro slle, Jo cqeli ne Cae, Barbara Blackhurst, and Barbaro Toylor. SECOND ROW: Charlene Cole, Bonny Gorrell. Sh irley Brown, Connie Sams, and Ado Cox .


Jackie Coe ______President Barbara Blackhurst ______Vice-President Ada Cox ______Secreta ry Barbara Taylor ______Treasurer Miss Fidler ______Sponsor

39 seA

FRONT ROW, John James, Palsy Green, Nancy Barlow, Phyllis Given, THIRD ROW: Constance Morley, Patricia Christi on , Anna Rodabaugh, Evelyn Given, and James White. SECOND ROW, Denver Yoak, Vir­ Carolyn Ranson, Loretto Bumgarner, Joyce Bourne, and Mary louise ginia Parsons, Fern Mick, Sue Criss, Margaret Rotzer, and Jane Shires. Gillespie.


John James- ______President Evelyn Given ______Vice-President Phyll is Given ______Secretary

40 Wesley Foundation

FRONT ROW: Phyllis Given, William Deel, Beverly Clark, Roy Corson , THIRD ROW: Denver Yook , Carolyn Romon , loretto Bumgorner, and Alice McCullough. SECOND ROW, Patricio Christian, Fern Mick, Yvonne Hart, Evelyn Given, and Mary louise Gillespie. Sue Criss, Margaret Rotzer, Jane Shires, and Constance Morley. Wesley Foundation Building


FRONT ROW, Jack Kaufman , Joe Arbogast, Curtis Fleshman, and Delores Block, Fred Batton, Raymond Ayre'l., Gene Elmore, and Mary Alice McCullough. SECOND ROW, Alpha Coberly, Glenda Black, Jane Cleavenger. FOURTH ROW, Mr. Orendorff, Dave Arbogast, Jerry Haubaur, Beverly Clark, Lyla Jean Sharp, Ruby Elder, Kay Mul­ Norman Stone, Tom Howard, and Junior Boyles. lins, and Mary Dyer. THIRD ROW, Doris Short, Mary Sue Davidson,


Presi dent ______Joe Arbogast Vice-President ______Curtis Fleshman Secretary ______Jack Kaufman Treasurer ______Alice McCullough Adviser ______Harold Orendorff

42 . j Orchestra

FRONT ROW: Norman Stone, Doris Short, Glendo Block, Curtis gasl, and Tom Reed . THIRD ROW, Tom Howard, Raymond Ayres, Fleshman, Lyla Jean Sharp, Jock Kaufman, Ruby Elder, and Sherry Alice McCullough, Beverly Clark, Fred Batton, Junior Boyles, Gene Miner. SECOND ROW: Dove Arbogast, Mary Sue Davidson, Jerry Elmore, Mary Jane Cleavenger, and Mary Dyer . Harbour, Alpha Coberly, Kay Mullins, Delores Block, Joseph Arbo -

This group of musicians was organized under the direction of mu­ sic instructor, Miss Bertha Olsen . Its purpose is to foster the cultural growth of music on the campus. The orchestra annually presents a spring concert, and each year p lays for graduation.

43 College Chorus

FRONT ROW, Dr . Orendorff, Barbara Clark, Doris Short, Patricia Boyles, Frances Sanford, Jan ice Swisher, Ruby Elder, Jerry Lee Hor· Garrett, Kay Mull ins , Lyla Jean Sharp, Alpha Coberly, Mary Sue bour, Patty Snyder, Morita Reed . THIRD ROW, Joe Arbogast, Norman Davidson, Potsy Green, Delores Black, Glendo Black, and Willadene Stone, Gene Elmore, George Gray, Jack Kaufman , Dean Smith , Tom Campbell . SECOND ROW, Beverly Clark, Alice McCullough, Hilda Howard, Tom Reed, Raymond Ayers, Curtis Fleshman, Fred Botten , Spaur, Mary Jane Cleavenger, Carolyn Miller, Ed Perrine, Junior Dove Arbogast.

One of the campus's many musical groups, the chorus is some­ what of a traveling unit of the music department. Their purpose is to encourage the development of music in the vocal form among stu­ dents. Annually they make many public appearances both at home and in neighboring communities.

44 Glenville State College Band

FIRST ROW, Gene Elmore, Harry Coate, Ruby Elder, Jack Kaufman, Dyer. FOURTH ROW, Joe Arbaga,t, Alpha Coberly, Kay Mullin" Carolyn M iller, Dove Arboga,t, Bill Deel. SECOND ROW, Glendo Jerry Lee Harbour, Mary Alice McHenry, Delores Block, Potty Hel ­ Black , Hilda Spaur, Al ice McCullough, Curtis Fleshman , Mary Jane mick, lyla Jean Sharp. FIFTH ROW, Barbaro Clark. SIXT H ROW, Cleavenger, Linda Skinner, Roy Corson . THIRD ROW: Tom Howard, Edwin Beer, Norman Stone, Henry Fosthoff. Fred Botten, Junior Boyles, Beverly CLark, Mary Sue Davidson, Mary

Drum Major and Majorettes

FRONT ROW , Glenda Block, Roy Corson , and Mary Alice McHenry. SECON D ROW, Be verly Clark, Ann a l ou Hall, and Patty Helmick .

45 Kanawha Hall Governing Board

SEATED , Mrs . Freda Southall, Elda Utterback, Doralene Bell. STANDING, Sue Criss, Betty Jo lewi" Ada Cox, Patty Snyder, Shirley James.

Housemother Openhouse

MRS. FREDA SOUTHAll Mary Helen Plunkett and Mrs. Harry B. Heflin .

46 Verona Mapel Governing Board

SEATED: Bonnie Gorrell, Rita Pickens, Barbaro Taylor. STANDING: lee Kessinger, Jean Reese. Barbara Blackhurst, Kitty Barr.

Housemother View of Dorm


47 o '"o -"< ~ o o

48 Mercury Staff

FRONT ROW, Yvonne Hart and Snirley James . SECOND ROW, Gwenn, Miss Virginia West, Sue Click, Joyce Jackson, Shirley lightner, Connie Soms , Shirley Brown, Bonnie Gorrell, Barbaro Johnson . and and Robert Gainer. Snirley Satterfield. STANDING, Jonn Cutlip, Reta Jo Vannoy, Rose

Happy Birthday


Co-Ed itors _____ Yvonne Hart and Shirley James Business Managers ______Robert Gainer, James White, and Ray Carson Sports Ed itor ______John Cutlip Photographer ______Jack Cawthon Circulation Managers ______Shirley Brown and Bonnie Gorrell Alumni Editor ______Connie Sams Adviser ______Virginia West Reporters _ _ Rose Gwinn, Joyce Jackson, Mary Lee Kessinger, Shirley Lightner, Iris Mack, Robert Miller, and Jerrold Murphy.


49 Mercury Staff

FRONT ROW, Yvonne Hart and Shirley James . SECOND ROW, John Rose Gwinn, Miss West, Sue Click, Joyce Jackson, and Shirley Light­ Cutlip. Connie 50ms, Shirley Brown , Bonnie Gorrell, Barbaro Johnson , ner. Shirley Satterfield, and Robert Gainer, THIRD ROW, Reta Jo Vannoy,

Adviser Happy Birthday



50 The Kanawhachen Staff

SEATED , Potty Snyder Mary Helen Plunkelt. Sh,Mey Jome,. Dorolene Bell. STANDING, John Cutlip, Ed,el Ford.

Subscription Staff Editors


51 Homecoming

Dr. Harry B. Heflin, Queen Susan Arnold, Pioneer John lazear, and Cathy Orendorff.

Queen's Court

lois Fisher, Elda Utterback, Queen Suson Arnold, Barbaro Royce, and Patricio White.

52 Homecoming Off-Campus Seniors

SHIRLEY BRUBAKER GROVES KAY MULLINS HELEN EXLINE CATHARINE SIMONTON Bartow, Elementary Education . Cloy, Non-Academic Music. Bickmore, Elementary Educa­ Belmont, Elementary Educa­ tion . tion . Snap Shots

54 Pioneer John Lazear U'I Abner, Daisy Mae, and Honest Abe.

John Kennedy. Keith Ellyson , and Carolyn Miller

56 Who's Who

Thomas Reed and Sh irley lamberl. NOT PICTUR ED, Joe lone.

Veterans Talent Show

FRONT ROW: Patsy Green, Shirley James, Rita Pickens, and Delores Block. SECOND ROW: Dove Posey, Robert Weaver, and Edward Tekieli .

57 White Rose Queen and Attendants

TOP TO BOnOM, Barbara Royce, Elda Utterback, and Frances Sanford. Mardi Gras Queen

BARBARA BURKE Glass Menagerie

FRONT ROW, Rita Pickens and Rebecca Coger. SECOND ROW, James White and Robert Gainer.

Actor Director


60 ~

~ " ~ ~~\\ '(. \ .....

..... 'I :. LEFT TO RIGHT : Judy Brogg. Patricio Christian, lorry Miller, James White, Albert Sommerville, Ray Corson, Richard lockhart, Shirley Lightner, and Carolyn Jackson. :=, v

62 Paint Your Wagon

63 Campus Cover Girl

MARY FRANCIS BURK, Sophomore from Sand Fork, W Yo., Glenville State College', entry in the Campu, Cover Girl Contest sponsored annually by the Pittsburg Press. Bell, Book and Candle

65 -0 c o j E .3

66 Football Squad

,;. v .. . '~ " . , ""'ro.,

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,'-"-.... ., ~ ,.,:..JIa.... ~ ~ . .. ,1 ~... . . - -" •• ,j' ;... •• ~.. ~ , CjIIQAi; ~ _ 4I~ . ~ .... • I ...... ·.. · ~ .&,.1t • . .... !+T_ :...Lt'. r ", ..." ..

FIRST ROW , Coach Murin, Ralph Holder, Roy Cross, Keith Pritt, Albert Kokoski , James Wharton, Estep. George Johnson , Ronnie Peters, Donald Homon. FOURTH ROW: Manoger Don Brannon , Don Whipkey, leonard Hanford, Roderick Oldham, and Coach Byrd, SECOND ROW, Bernard Delbert (Bud) Smith, Donny Hall, lawrence Reed , Randy Cline, Allan livingston, Donny Vento, Heflin, Michael Popp, Kermit Mi ck, Bernard Jolley, Steve Capper, Eddie Armstrong, Jarrell W il· Kenneth leasburg, Bill Gross, Curtis Anderson, lowell Weekley, Bob Eakins, Gerald (David) Iiams, Jock Campbell, Dove Posey, Steve McMill ion, Edward Tekieli, THIRD ROW, lorry Stanley, Cline, Manager Pete Costa. Carl Peters, Jim Millard, Jim Small, Paul Barnhart, Bucky Holbert, leroy Utt, Paul Hughes, John Montrose Award Winner

JACK TENNANT quarter-back

68 Montrose Award

Jack Tennant, former football and basketball star at Glenville State College is the fourth recipient of the covet Frank Montrose Award. Tennant, from Fairview was a Physical Education and Business stu­ dent. The award is to a student with high scholastic ability as well as great athletic achievement. Tennant, a quarter-back on the football teams of ' 51, ' 52, ' 53, and ' 54, was one of the outstanding performers on the powerfu I Pi oneer Ii ne-u p . In basketball , Tennant gained honor by being second only to Bob Hardman in total career points. Jack earned a berth on the AII- WVIC First Team in 53-54 season . In 54-55 season he was named to the second team . During his four years at Glenville, Tennant was secretary of the Kappa Sigma Kappa Fraternity, was a member of the varsity " G " Club, served on the Student Council, and was a member of the Alpha Delta Epsilon Business Fraternity. In the fall of 1954, Jack was one of 6 seniors named to " Who' s Who In American Colleges and Universities. Former winners of this award are Cecil Johnson, Bill Hanlin, and Paul Lanham.

69 All-Conference

Honorable Mention


iO -

71 Football Resume

Although the Glenville Pioneers won only one game in eight starts, they were never beaten to such a degree that they stopped fighting, this fact being proven by the low scores. Lock of weight and experienced men also hampered the G-men's effort as most of the team was comprised of mostly sophomores and freshmen . Two members of 1955 Glenville football team received mention on the AII-W.V.I.c. honorary football team . End Ed Tekieli and Fullback Rolph Holder were both awarded honorable mention. Glen­ ville will be without these two seniors next year, along with Bernard Jolley and Mike Popp.

Tekieli, who landed a berth on the AII- W .V. I.C. first team lost year, has been a leading man on the Pioneer team for four years. This season, he was a defensive stand­ out, playing much of his defensive boll in the opponent's backfield. He led on the re­ ceiving end of passes .

Glenville lost the opening game of their 1955 gridiron season to Potomac State by a heartbreaking 7-6 score. In the opening minutes of the game, Potomac State returned a blocked kick for twelve yards and mode a T. D. The conversion was good and looked as though the fans were to witness a rout. With two minutes gone in the second quarter Rolph Holder snagged a pass on his own 10 yd . line and raced 90 yds. for the T.D. The extra point attempt was no good and Potomac State led at the half 7 to 6. In the second half Glenville pushed the much heavier Catamounts allover the field, but could not score as they drove within the five yard line repeatedly.

The second game found Glenville losing to the always powerful Shepherd Roms by a score of 24-6. The game was played on the Pioneers' home field but this fact seemed to give them no advantage. Glenville' s only score come in the second quarter when Holder

72 shoveled a pass from 10 yards out into the waiting arms of " Doc" Stanley who was standing in the end zone. In their third game and the third loss, the Pioneers played better boll, holding Fairmont's ground attock down to a mere 50 yards. The first half gave the impression that it was to be on evenly matched contest, with neither team being able to score. But the second half gave Fairmont their first score on nineteen ploys. The game ended on a note of defeat for the Pioneers with a score of 20-6. Holder mode Glenvi lle' s only touchdown.

The 13-0 defeat suffered by the Pioneers in the Homecoming game by no means tells the full story. Before a large crowd, the game went from one end of the field to the other with just two outstanding ploys being executed, both of which were by Concord, and both resulting in touchdowns. This game could easily have gone the other way with a few breaks.

Traveling to Elkins for the next game on the list, the Pioneers completely over-ron the down-trodden Davis and Elkins eleven . Both teams were on even basis concerning win-loss records, neither having won a bottle this season . However, Glenville come out on top for their only win of the season with a score of 25-6. " Doc" Stanley went over the line for two touchdowns, with Rolph Holder and Leonard Hanford wrapping up one each. Fresh from their 26-6 win over D&E, and perhaps a little over confident, the Pioneers were upset by a fired up Wesleyan eleven 20-6. " Doc" Stanley scored Glen­ ville' s only touchdown on a 47 yard run .

The final two games were both losses as the locals were defeated by Solem 27-13 and West Liberty 21-13.

73 Basketball Squad


FRONT ROW: "Buck" Tustin, Bob Weaver, Dorsey Scott, Bob Gandee. AI Reich, Tom McPherson, and Coach Byrd SECOND ROW: George Gray, Jon Hays. Bob Reynolds, Rudy Poole. and Bob Turner • .. ourna

-, '-'

FRONT ROW , Tom McPherson, Dorsey Scali, AI Reich, Rolph Holder, Bob Weaver, and Jon Hoy •. SECOND ROW, Coach Byrd. Rudy Poole. Bob Turner, Bob Reynolds, and larry Stonley. w. V. I. A. C. All T ournarnent T earn

-..} 0>

lEFT TO RIGHT : Bob Foster- Tech, Tommy Ackerman-West liberty, Dick Cantley-Tech, Kenny Hammond- Te ch, Rudy Poole-Glenville, and Bob Turner-Glenville. Pioneers' Basketball Season Record

Glenvill e ______92 Morris Harvey ______1 07 Glenville ______98 W. Va . Tech ______96 Glenvi lie ______79 West Liberty ______90 Glenvi lie ______1 15 Salem ______89 Glenvi lie ______88 Fairmont ______94 Glenville ______109 Alumni ______61 Glenvi lie ______90 W. Va . State ______78 Glenville ______78 Beckley ______66 Glenville ______80 Concord ______91 Glenville ______99 Beckley ______8 3 Glenvi lie ______84 W. Va. Tech ______96 Glenvi lie ______82 D. & E. ______85 Glenvi lie ______80 Wesleyan overtime ______78 Glenvi lie ______73 Fairmont ______68 Glenville ______-71 Marris Harvey ______82 Glenvi lie ______80 A-B ______82 Glenville ______90 Wesleyan avertime ______81 Glenvi lie ______77 Salem ______89 Glenville ______79 A-B ______84 Glenville ______97 Concord ______85 Glenvi lie ______80 D. & E. ______66 Glenville ______93 West Liberty ______84 Glenvi lie ______81 W. Va . State ______91 Conference Tournament Glenville ______11 3 Shepherd ______81 Glenvi lie ______89 A-B ______71 Glenville ______84 Morris Harvey ______71 Glenvi lie ______72 W . Va. Tech ______83 N.A.I.A. District 28 Playoff Glenvi lie ______84 W. Va. Te ch ______75 Glenville ______65 A- B overti me ______71

Following is a complete statistical release on the Glenvnille Pioneers for all the games they played this year, including the tournament games .

Name Pos . Ga. G.A. G.M. % F.A. F.M. % Rbs . T.P . AVG. Rudy Poole F 28 548 284 51 231 191 82 391 759 27. 1 Bob Reynolds F 28 385 161 42 207 129 62 127 451 16. 1 Bob Turner C 28 265 117 44 114 60 52 402 294 10 .5 Bob Weaver G 28 279 107 38 84 58 69 82 272 9.7 AI Reich G 17 160 60 37 70 55 78 58 175 10.2 Ralph Holder F 28 186 68 36 70 36 51 37 172 6. 1 Jon Hays C 27 69 17 24 51 29 56 73 63 2.3 Tom McPherson F 22 51 20 39 44 20 45 24 60 2.7 Dorsey Scott G 25 65 12 18 52 40 76 8 64 2.5 Buck Tustin G 16 55 20 36 5 2 40 8 42 2.6 "Doc" Stanley G 16 39 11 28 25 17 68 12 39 2.4 George Gray F 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Jim Millard G 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Ronnie Peters G 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 Totals: 28 1897 857 45 933 637 68 1222 2381 85.0

ii Basketball Resume

The Glenville State Pioneers, after loosing their opener to the Morris Harvey Golden Eagles, came through with a seasons record of 12 wins and 11 losses.

The Pioneers, under the guidance of their new coach, former All-American leland Byrd, had eight returning lettermen from last year' s squad.

Sophomore Rudy Poole, after a successful freshman year, came back to prove him­ self to be the team' s outstandi ng scoring figure by breaking all previous records with the exception of the career record of Bob Hardman. In the W.V.I.A.C. Tournament at Buckhannon, Rudy, with the aid of his teammates, broke eight individual tournament records.

" Bounding" Bob Turner with his rebound skill plus his high team spirit aided the team greatly; this fact is proven by his 402 rebounds last season.

AI Reich, Bob Weaver, and Bob Reynolds rounded out the Pioneer first five, each in his own way contributing to the effort of the team.

Ralph Holder, Jon Hays, Dorsey Scott, George Gray, " Buck " Tustin, Bob Gandee, Tom McPherson, larry "Doc" Stanley, Jim Millard and Ronnie Peters provided neces­ sary and important reserve strength .

Perhaps the most outstanding game Glenville played was a onesided 115-89 rout of the Salem Tigers.

After going to the finals in the W .V.I.A.C. Tourney Glenville was finally beaten by Tech; however, this gave them a runners-up trophy and the privilege of playing in the N .A .I.A. District 28 playoff. This tourney found the Pioneers winning their first game but losing the final to A .B. in an overtime by a 71-65 score.

78 Baseball Squad

Ed Tekieli, Paul Stout, Richard Ord, Tom Vance, Bob Poole, Randall THIRD ROW, George Cook, Donny Hall, Denzil Barker, Rolph Holder, Allen . SECOND ROW: Manager Don Brannon , Trent Busch , Bill Jones, Pete Kostyk , Joe Bradley, Ronnie Peters. lowell Morriston, Steve McMillion, Kenny Wright, Steve Cooper.


;9 Baseball Schedule

Wesleyan ______April 5 Salem______10 D. and E. ______17 FairmonL______21 A and B______24 Morris Harvey______26 Concord ______.. 28 Salem ______May 1 A and B______3 Fa irmon L ______5 D. and E.______8 Concord______12 Tech______19 Wesleyan______26

80 Golf Team

STANDING: Edsel Ford , Dominick Nocida, Coach Higgins, and -Richard lockhart FRONT: Bob Hannaman. Everett Frome, and Dove Posey

Golf Scores-I 956 Season

Glenville 5)12 W. Va. Wesleyan 9)12 Glenville 1 Fairmont 14 Glenville 9)12 W. Va. Tech 5)12 Glenville 4)12 Davis-Elkins 10)12 Glenville 3 W. Va. Wesleyan 12 Glenville 7 W. Va . Tech 8 Glenville 3 )12 Fairmont 11 )12

~I Miss Glenville State College


82 Snapshots Activities Snapshots Snapshots


8; Snapshots

HG Snapshots

87 Snapshots Snapshots











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of of


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95 Snapshots Snapshots

9, Autographs

98 Autographs

99 Autographs

As Pioneers, we have invaded many frontiers, but that of Glenville State College suits us best. This is where we plan to stay; this is our school; this is our Alma Mater. We shall all be delighted to spend four years of our lives "on the campus 'mong the maples."