w BRACE,BRIDGE Town of Bracebridge Gou ncil Gorrespondence

To: Gouncil Members Chief Adm¡nistrative Officer, J. Sisson

Gopy: Chief Librarian, G. Rodney Assistant D¡rector of Development Services, D. Rahkola Director of Economic Development, C. Kelley Director of Public Works, W. Schmid Director of Recreation, G. O'Regan Fire Chief M. Medtey Director of Finance/Treasurer, C. MacLellan


From: Lori McDonald, Dírector of Corporate Services/Clerk

Date: December 18,2013


Item # | Descr¡pt¡on SECTION "A'- STAFF INFORMATION MEMOS: Memorandum from Sisson, Admin¡strative A1 J. Chief Off¡cer, dated December 18, ZO13 regarding Bracebr¡dge Arts Council - Up-date Meet¡ng with Town of Bracebr¡dge. Memorandum from Trish Conley-Kn¡ght, Manager of Programs, dated December 19,2013, regarding Fest¡val of Lights Summary. *8" SECTION - GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence from Mayor B¡ll Vrebosch, Munic¡pal¡ty B1 of East Ferris, to , Premier, dated October 16, 2013, regarding the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Fund. Correspondence from Superintendent R.A. (R¡ck) Ph¡lbin, Bureau Commander, Mun¡cipal 82 Policing Bureau, dated December 11,2013, regarding 2014 Policing Cost Est¡mate - Ontar¡o Prov¡ncial Police. Correspondence B3 from Terry Horner, CAO/Clerk, Township of Mulmur, dated December 1.1 20'13, regarding Prior Years' Assessing of Properties, Correspondence ft'om AMO B4 dated December 12,2013, regarding Transit lnvestment Strategy Advisory Panel Report Released and Munic¡pal Elections Bill lntroduced, Correspondence from B5 the Minisky of Tourism, Culture and Sport regarding the 2014-1S OntaÍio Sport and Recreation Communities Fund. zñlXlìr MEMORANDUM \9 Ch ief Ad m i n istratíve Officer BRACEBRIDGE 1k ¡ te¿rt oI Múskoka

TO: Mayor G. Sm¡th and Members of Town Council

FROM: J. S¡sson, Chief AdministÌative Officer

DATE: December 18,2013

SUBJECT: Bracebridge Arts council - Up-date Meeting w¡th Town of Bracebridge

The Bracebridge Arts Council (BAC) is a not-for-profit community organization, whose goal is to nurture, stimulate and enhance the enjoyment and understanding of the arts while encouraging the pursuit of excellence in performance, craftmanship and design. The BAC oversees operation añd management of the Rene M. Caisse Memor¡al Theatre wh¡ch opened in 2OO7 as a f¡rst class, state-of{he-art pãrforming arts facility located with¡n the Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School and the Biacebridgã Sports and Recreation Complex.

As. members of Counc¡l may recall, the Town's Letter of Understanding the Bracebridge Arts Council (BAC) regarding the BAC's loans w¡th the Town contained a provision that the part¡es worild meet prior to December 31, 2013 to review the loans outstand¡ng and to discuss a potential repayment schedule. ln accordance with the LOU, staff met with Deputy Mayor Maloney, Council's representat¡ve on the BAC Board, and lan L¡vesey, President of the Board on December 10, 2013.

Mr. Livesey re¡nforced the importance of the strong partnership between the Town and the BAC for the on-going operation of the Rene M. Caisse Memorial Theatre. Mr. Livesey noted that the BAC is focusing on hosting a wide var¡ety of events at the theatre. Over the past year, the theatre has hosted concerts, plays, educational seminars, tra¡ning events, communÌty funct¡ons, simulcast plays and numerous other functions.

Although the theatre is not yet booked to capacity, the BAC is pleased with the progress made over the past year and believes that further activity will be seen in the theatre over the coming yea(s). The BAC is commjtted to working with the Town and to ensure that payments cont¡nue to be made toward the outstanding loan balance as funds become available. The BAC will also ensure that the on-going support of the Town ¡s appropriately recogn¡zed whenever possible.

Mr' Livesey noted that the BAC Board of Directors is always look¡ng for members who are energet¡c, motivated and have a keen ¡nterest in promoting Arts Education and in support¡ng our community theatre. The BAC needs members who have special skills or interests in fundraising, business managemenl, community & public relations, legal and accounting skills. lf members of the community are interested in finding out how they can be an important part of the community, they are inv¡ted to cóntact the BAC by ema¡l at at¡nfo@renemca¡ssetheatre.ca or by calling (705) 645-8400 Ext. 22.

Mr. Livesey's hard work as Chair of the Board and the ded¡cation of the other Board members (Diane Adamson-Brdar, JoAnne Bruce and Sheila Mclver) is greatly appreciated, Staff will continue to support the activit¡es of the BAC and w¡ll cont¡nue to support their efforts ¡n the repayment of the BAC's outstanding loan with the Town.

Please contact me at (705) 645-5264 Ext. 229 should you have any questions. ;fiRm',"^ f iohñ Srssonrchbf Adm¡nistràiive Off¡cer"

-1- 1ffirì\ MEMORANDUM w Recreation Department BRACEBRIDCE

TO: Mayor G. Smith and Members of Town Gouncil

FROM: T. Conley-Knight, Manager of Programs

D. Wiber, Youth Programmer

DATE: December 18,2013

SUBJECT: Festival of Lights Summary

On Friday, Dec 6'n, downtown Bracebridge was lit up for the holiday season at the 20th Annual Festival of Lights event. Ïhis event brought together the young and young^at-heart to enjoy festive music, children's activities and of course, Santa Claus. The Festival of Lighis is a true community event that brings community organizations, local businesses and many individuals together to create some holiday magic.

On behalf of the Bracebridge Festivâl of Lights Committee we wish to take this opportunity to thank the following businesses, organizations and volunteers for their contribut¡ons to this year's event:


- Cather¡ne Harris - Committee Member - Bracebridge Phantoms Jr. A Hockey Team

- Kelly Norton - Committee Member Dave Stevenson and the Rotary Club of Bracebridge

- Samantha Ennest * Committee l\,4ember - Bracebridge Muskoka Lakes Secondary School - Hosp¡tality Class - Tracy Larkman - BIA - Bracebridge Fire Department

- Tom Young - Curtis Hillman

- Katherìne Andrews - Mark Harris

- Santa's Village - Sue Campbell

- Muskoka Family Focus Caleb Norris - 1st Bracebridge Girl Guides - Anna Thomson - Hayleigh Ronson - 1st Bracebridge Rangers - Sue Cunningham - K¡m French

- Loretta Lynn Photography - l\iloose FM

- Caleb Norr¡s - Staff - Town of Bracebr¡dge Donations:

- Bracebrìdge Chamber of Commerce - JSW

- Santa's Village - All Star Septic /ffiIl\ MEMORANDUM \s Recreation Department BRACEBRIDGE

- Bracebridge Fire Department - lvloose FM

- Jam Sandwich - Oltver's Coffee

- Rotary Club of Bracebridge , Bracebridge public Library

- Applause Toy Store , Bracebridge Recreation Department

Staff were very pleased with the 2013 event and look forward to planning for 2014. Please contact Trish at 705-645-3037 Ext. 223 or Diane at Ëxt. 231 if you have any questions or comments regarding the 2013 Festival of Lights.

Vffi*,tÑ T. Conley-Knight, l\4anager of Programs \n -"',i,*,"e ¿"uô{.¿ D. Wiber, Recreation Programmer - Youth MUNICIPALITE EAST FERRIS .MUNICIPALITY

390 FIwy. 94 TEL.: 105-1 52-27 40 COIìBEIL, FAX:705-152-2452 POÌl 1K0 @ email : [email protected]

October 16, 2013

Kathleen Wynne, Premier Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 141

Dear Premier Wynne:

Re: The Small. Rural and Northern Municipal lnfrastructure Fund

I am writing to advise you of my great d¡sappointment and concern with the recent announcement regarding the distribution of the 9100 m¡llion small, Rural and Northern Municipal lnfrastructure Fund. we received the announcement late Friday october 4th 2013.

Municipalities individually and collect¡vely through AMo and RoMA,/oGRA have provided honest and quantitative input to your government over the past year regarding the best method to distr¡bute these monies. We have all put a great deal of effort into this process but obviously the consultations were a complete waste of everyone's time and energy. we are back to the hat in hand/lottery system for the distribution of funds. This is a total disregard for the input of the municipalities of this province.

ln addition, municipaÍities are being given less than one month to choose a project and develop an Expression of lnterest. Municipalities are currenfly working on their municipal asset management plans and preparing for their 201 4 budget deliberations. Many asset management plans will not be completed before the end of this year yet we are all being asked to submit an Expression of lnterest by November 1"r 2013 which promotes poor priority planning and provides little time for proper decision making.

The þroposed process is once again geared to larger urban municipalities which have the capacity to quickly respond to the Expression of lnterest call and application submission rather than to the very small, Rural and Northern municipalities which it is supposed to help. we have been told that this program was truly going to be for small, rural and northern communities but the definition of 'small and rural' has been confirmed to include municipalities with a population of up to 100,000. we wonder how a city of 100,ooo can be considered to be a small and rural community. This also means that gs per cent of our municipalities will qualify. Our Municipality was shut out of the first round of Mlll funding last year and had to move forward and complete the selected road project this year, at our cost, wh¡ch resulted in a tax increase for our ratepayers (3.4% this year).

We appreciate the funding that we have received over the years and more recenfly in 20Og through a Building Canada Fund Program and the NOHFC for the renovation of the East Ferr¡s Community Centre/Arena which extended its life and allows us to continue to serve our residents and those of the surrounding communities. However, the Municipality of East Ferris has not rece¡ved any substantial funding for our roads for over 5 years and we are in a difficult position. We were completely shut out of both the Stimulus Fund Program and the last Building Canada Fund (BCF) program for roads projects. We have seen the list of approved projects from that round of fund¡ng and are aware that while municipalities were told to subm¡t no more than three stimulus fund applications and one BCF application many received far in excess of that number. One municipality received hundreds of approvals for m¡ll¡ons of dollars. The total number of approved projects for the northern regiòn was small in compar¡son to the number of approvals and the total value of approved projects for southern Ontario.

The Municipality of East Ferris has always managed its fìnances in a very responsible manner. However, we have been told the following on many occasions over the past few years:

l. Your reserves are too high, use them for infrastructure projects; 2. You have never borrowed, borrow for infrastructure projects; and 3. Your residents have a high income level, raise taxes for infrastructure projects.

Premier Wynne, we have been doi4g all that has been asked of us by the Province and more yet we cont¡nue to be shut out of infrastructure funding. The Municipality has:

1 . Reduced our reserves by approximately 41 % over the past fìve years by using the monies for various infrastructure projects; 2. Changed from the pay as you go system of budgeting and borrowed last year for the first time ever ($1.2 million) for roads projects which we had to complete; and 3. Raised our taxes at a level comparable to or greater than the cost of living for each of the past fìve years.

We have also developed a long term economic development strategy, a facilities master plan, a reserve funds policy and we are nearing the completion of our long term capital asset management plan.

We are tryìng our best to be creative and innovative in our approach to our planning in an attempt to become financially healthier and move towards greater sustainability in the future. Now we can say that we, together with AMO and most of the other municipalit¡es, are not even being listened to. we, like many other municipalit¡es, are also being faced with continuing decreases in our funding through the ontario Municipal Partnershlp Fund (oMpF); and, significant increases in our policing (OPP) costs. We are also facìng the high costs associated with our share of the future redevelopment of the cassellholme East Nipissing District Home for the Aged (960 million dollar project).

We have been and continue to ask for a source of sustainable infrastructure funding for all municipalities. We fully understand that many municipalities, including East Ferris, will have significant infrastructure projects whether they be roads, bridges, water or sewer and that there needs to be monies set aside for these larger projects as well.

AMO has recommended a fair and equitable method to distribute the $100 million Small, Rural and Northern Municipal lnfrastructure Fund and it or some similar formula should be considered.

Prem¡er Wynne, we are ¡n a very difficult situation as are most small rural communities in this Province.

We are respectfully requesting the following:

1 that this announcement be rescinded and that either the method advanced by AMo to distribute funds through the program or something comparable to it be implemented ¡nstead; and 2. to meet with you at your earliest convenience to d¡scuss options and opportunities for the future.

Thank you for your consideration of our requests.


Originat singed

Mayor Bill Vrebosch, Municipality of East Ferris

Cc. Hon. , Minister of Rural Affairs Hon. Linda Jeffrey, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Hon. , Minister of lnfrastructure and Minister of Transportation AMO and all Municipalities OGRA Jay Aspin, MP Nipissing Temiskaming Vic Fedeli, MPP Nipissing All residents of the Municipality of East Ferris Municipal Poìicing llnr.cau llur'c¡ru dcù^ polícicrs Ontario Police sctvìccs tìcs ntìlltichâl¡lés Provincial provinciale Police de l'Ontario

777 Memoriâl^ve 777, avc Mento,ial Orillia ON l,3V ?Vì Orilliâ (ON) l-3V 7V3

l el: (705) 329-6200 lìaxr (705)330-4191

File numbet/Référence 460 ).o

December' 1 1, 2013

Dear lìiuancial Oflicer.:


Please lì d attached thc 2014 estimâled Opp policing costs for your municipality.

lhe estinlated salariçs ale basecl on the lerlns of the 201 l - 2014. Compeusation Fr.amervor.lr Agreelnent between the Ministly of Govern rent Seivices ancl the ortaiio proviucial police Association The Agleement slales that follorving â two-yeal acloss the boar.d salar.y freeze, e¡di'g Decerrrber 31,2013; the gene'al salary inc'ease in 201i will be deter.mired by fte sarary of the Itighest paid police service ilt ontalio. In May of fhìs yeal', we communicated to our. rnu¡icipalities that we pt'ojcctecl the 2014 salary increase to be 8.j5 pelcelt. The final rates for.2014 l.enai' unsettled; howeve. tlle cu'r'eni Projection co'tinues 1o be at the samc level r.eported in May. A geueral salary rafe irc'ease of 8.550á lias beeu ilicluded in this cost estinate.

ì'he Ministry of Government Selvices sets oPl benefit rates cach year.. 'l-he cur.r.ent 5enefit r.ates have been itlcluded in the estimated costs ând will be applied to tlle final year end r.ecopciliation (26.6%c' for uuilol tl office¡ s and 25,5%o fol civilian stafq. lne incr.easecl cost of terrnìnatio¡ a¡d severaÍìce pa)'lìletlts resulting t'otl teoently highel alû'ition lates has resulted iu a¡ i¡cr.ease in the uniforln officer rales in compar.ison to lasl year's rate.

ìlhe costing formula applied to rnunicipal policing cosfs has been sui:jected to the regular.ly scheduled atrnual t'eview The 2013 Cost-lìecovery lìormula has been integlatecl l:rto the 20tq estinated policing costs. A copy ofthe 2014 OPP Cosl Schet:lule fot' Munic4tat Poticlirg has been atlached for your refeLence. Fol.additional infor.mation r.egarding the Cost_Reõovery For.nìula please refer to the docurnent Under'stancling Onlario Provincial PolicelOPI'1 Murticipal Poticing Cosls available to the public at htþ:/Avq,w.opl¡.ca/ecms/inclex.Bbp?i!Þ595.

credit A for Provincial Services Usage (PSU) has been includecl in the 2014 tolal estimated polici'g costs, reducing monthly billiugs for the year'. The PSIJ cledit compensates rrunicipalities for. fhe deploynent ofofficels to other aleas in response to investigatioris or otheL occul.r.e¡cÅ dee¡red to be plovilrcial lesponsibilities. Municipalifies ale being credlted 8% PSU based the historìcâl actual average PSU rate expetieuced try non-contlact municipalities. A final adjustme¡t for. actual pSU expelience will be l.eflected in the year-end reconciliation.

Please :rote, tlì41 interest will be chalged on oveldue accoutrts and it is applied r.etr.oa.ctively to ou lstatìd ¡rìg baiat¡ccs. Pago 2 2014 l'oliciDg Cost lìstimâtc - Orltaljo Plovi¡roj¡l Police (Ol'P)

11 you have auy questions legatding this estimate, please cont¿ìct Calhetine McCaulcy, Mauaget Munìcipal l)olìcing Financial Services Unit, at (705) 329-6913.

Yours tluly, /(øo Supelintendent l{.4. (lìick) Philbrr lJuleau Comurancler' Mulici¡ral Po1icing 1ìru eau

/nrcl O.P.P, COSTING SUMIVIARY DISTRICT OF MUSKOKA Est¡mated Policing Costs for the period (llrac€bridge, ll!ntsvllle & Soullìern Georcian Bây Detachmefls) January 0'1, 2014 to December 31,2014

Salaries and Benefits

Uniform Members Positions

lnspectot. . 0.72 102,671 StaffSergeant-DetachmentCommander...... 0.65 83,414 Slafl Sergeanl 0.72 86,184 Sergeant. . 5.45 580,862 Constables 62.73 5,940,479 Toial Uniform Salar¡es 6,7S3,610 Ovedime 441,602 Contractual PayoLrt (Vacailon & Statutory Holidays ) . . .. 258,157 Shifi Premiull']s 46,024

Benefrts (26.6% of Salaries; 2% of Ovefime) ...... 1,815,932 Total Uniform Salaries & Benef¡ts 9,355,326

Civilian Members Posit¡ons Delachn'ent Adrrinistr al ve Cletl( 4.81 289,409 Detachment Clerk. Iypisl . . . Caretaket. CommunicationOperators .... 362,846 Prisoner Guards Salaries & Benefite . 95,419 Office Automation Support Salaries & Benefits. . . . . 27 ,333 Telephone Suppoft SalarÌes & Benefits. B,221

Operaiional Suppoú Salaries & Benefits...... 271 ,081 S{rb-tofâl Clvilan 1,054,309 Benefits (25.5% of Deiachment Staff Salaries; 19.1% Part-time) 73,799 Total Cìvilian Salar¡es & Benefits 1,128,108

Total Salaries & Benefits ,t.,r :.l.j'.i::lt...t:ltl0;4i*;43¿.

Other Direct Operatinq Expenses

Communication Centre...... 17,847 Operalional Support. 63,449

RHO N¡Jnicipal Support . . 140,951 Vehicle Usage 566,'192 Telephone 79,540 Detachment Supplies & Equipírent. 37,240 Accorìrmodation . 41,31ô Uniform & Equipment...... 82,491 Clean'ng Conlract . 21 ,290 Mobile Radio Equipmeni Repairs & l\ilaintenance...... 55,579 OfficeAutomalion - Unifofm...... 98,5'11

Oíice Automation - Civilian. . . . 8,113 Total Other Direct Operating Expenses 1,212,518

2014 Tofal Eslimated Gross Policing Cost. 1'1,695,952 Provincial Services Usage. . . . (935,676) TOTAL ESTIMATED POLICING COST gj * FTE = Full Time Equivalent. Your municipality's portion ofthetotal detachment cost is equ¡valent to the FTE shown which ¡s based on your municìpality's proportion of the deiachment's workload. Uniform salaries are estimated 2014 salary rates The cìvjlian salaries (excludÌng Support Staff) are estimated 2014 salaty rates. The formula rates applied for Supporl Staff salarÌes and benefits are based on fiscal 2012-13 costs. 2014 OPP Cost Schedule for Municipal Policing lnoluding 20L3 Municipal Cost-Recovery lìonlulaO

Unifom Staff Salary Rates € Írspeclor fi143,041 (Baseel on [stirnafcd 2014 Salary Ratcs) StaffSelgeant $ì129,124 (DetachmentCommander) SiaffSelgeant $120,077(ProgramManager) Sergcarf $106,483 Constable fi94,702 Part-tilre Constal¡Ie $72,500

Overlirne l{ate O 6.6% of unifo¡m staff salaries (} Shift Premium $675 pel unifonn rnomber' (sergeant aud bclow)

Conttzctual Payouts Rate @ 3,8% of full-time unifomred staffsalalies (Vacatio:r ald Stafutory Holitlays)

Civjliau Staff Salary Rates E CoultOlficel 562"152 (Bascd on [stirnated 20I4 Salary Rafcs) Detaolment Adrninistrative Cle < $60,181 Caletakcr $50,977

Benefit lìates €) 26.6 % unifolled staff (parFtirne 20.6%) 25.5 % civilian staff (part{ime 19.1%) 2 o/o ovcrl inre paymcnts

Suppolt Salalies and Belefits Cost 0 ConmunicationOperalors $5,164 (cost pel unifoln rnember) Prisoner Guards $1,358 Offioe Aulomation SupporL . 389 Telephone Support $t tl Operational Suppol't $3,858

Other Dilect Opelating Expenses (ODOE) O Communication Cenlre $254 (cost pel uliforni n.renber', unless Operational Suppolt $903 olhulwisc stalcd) RIìQ Municipal Support $2,006 Vehicle Usage $8,058 Telephone $1,132 Detachrnent Supplies & Eqùipment $530 Accor.nmodation $588 Uuifolns & Equipmcnt $1,174 Cleaning Contract $303 Mobile Radio Mainteûânce $791

Offic;e Autolnation - Unilonr, $ i ,4 02 - Civilian 91,687 (per civilian member.)

o The Munìcì1tøl Cost-Recoyety Fomxule t.otes ü.e Íeviewed and. updaled annuøIly e Estfunaled annual rates o Caftent rüfes Ontaf iO Government of ontario Gouvernement de t'ontario



Details of the cost allocation methodology are set out in Regulation 420197 pursuant to the Polrce Seryices /cf. The estimated number of officers and civilian rnembers providing field seruices are used to prepare the 2014 est¡mates. The number of offrcers and civilians in each detachment is based on approved funding. A revised cost-recovery formula was approved in 2013 to update various cost components to reflect more upto-date OPP costs. These formula costs have been incorporaled ìn the 2014 Estimates, lndividual municipal estimates f ot 2014 are determined by apportioning the detachtîent cost attributable to municipal policing provided to each municipality based on its propoftion of lhe detachment workload. The estimated salaries are based on the terms of the 201 I - 2014 Conrpensat¡on Framework Agreement between the Min¡stry of Government Services and the Ontario Provincial Police Association. The Agreement states that following a two-year across the board salary freeze, ending December 3'l , 201 3; the general salary increase in 2014 will be determined by the salary of the highest paid poìice service in Ontario, ln [/lay of this year, we communicated to our municipalìties that we projected the 2014 salary increase to be 8.55%. The final rates for 20'14 remain unsettled; however the current projection continues to be at the same level repoÉed in May. A general salary rate increase of 8.55% has been ìncluded in this cost estimate. Gurrent benefit rates have been included in the annual estimate and w¡ll be applied to the final year end reconciliation, (26.6o/" for uniform officers and 25.5% for civilian staff). The estimate includes: o direct costs (e.9., salaries, wages and benefits of uniform and civilian members); o equìpment costs (e.9,, vehicles, uniforms, supplies, radio equipment, computers); o additional support personnel (e.9., communication operators, prisoner guards); and o administrative suppoft costs of the Regional and General Headquaders required to provide municìpaì services (e.9., Contract Policing, Recruiting, Quality Assurance). Tlre estimate excludes: o cost of provincial responsibilities such as traffic patrol on King's Highways, waterways policing, policing in provincial parks, unincorporated areas, First Nations Territories, and municipalities providing their own policing services; and o mandated special services such as major criminal investigations and investigaiive support SCTVìCES. The estimated Provincial Services Usage rate is 8% to compensate municipalities for the deployment of officers from fhe detachment area to other areas in the province to Íespond to emergencìes/disasters/major investigations or other occurrences deemed provincial responsibiìitìes. The actual Provincial Services Usage credit will be applied in the reconciliation to actuaì costs in 2014, with no minimum applicat¡on. CORPOR.ATION OFTHE toaq5hip of mu R 758070 Znd Line East Mulmur ON LgV OGB TELEPHONE: 705-466-3341 . F.4X: 705-466-2922 December 13,2013

MPAC Board of Directors 1340 Pickering Parkway, Suite 101, Pickering, Ontario. L1V 0C4

Dear Chair and Board Member:


Mulmur Township Council, at their meeting on Wednesday, December 1 1, 2013, passed the attached motion outlining their concerns regarding the timing and loss of assessmenUtax monies for the Township, Upper Tier and School Boards.

This motion has been fonruarded to other municipalities and school boards for their information, as this impacts us allfinancially.

We appreciate your serious consideration of this motion at your next meeting and look fonruard to your response on this crucial issue.

Yours truly, <---r- tilsn [üÐ\]l¡Ll ê Terry Horner, A.M.C.T CAO/Clerk.

c. - Sylvia Jones, M.P.P - County of Dufferin - School Boards - A.M.O. - Municipalities Gorporation of the Township of MULMUR

Moved by: Hawkins Date: December 11,2073

Seconded by: Mills

THAT WHEREAS the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is able to, and routinely adjusts assessed values for tax purposes for the current year and for up to two prior years on properties where development has occurred and a building permit has been obtained, and where severances have been granted;

AND WHEREAS the Township has discovered several instances where development has occurred where no building permit has been obtained and has provided proof of the existence of the development (including photographs) and requested that MPAC retroactively assess those properties in the same manner and for the same time periods;

AND WHEREAS requests for re-assessment sent in by the Township as much as 20 months ago have not been dealt with, and MPAC has advised that requests made in the summer of 2013 are 'too late' to allow a re- assessment for 201 3 ;

AND THAT the Township has been advised that the re-assessments will only apply to the2014 taxation year (if indeed they are re-assessed in 2014), and may not be applied to the two previous years, resulting in a loss of tax revenue to not only the Township but also the County of Dufferin and the School Boards for at least one taxation year (despite the fact they have been identified as existing/occupied in a previous year) and for as much as three years in situations where the building(s) have existed for that length oftime but have never been assessed;

AND WHEREAS this appears to reward those who choose not to obtain building permits, not only because the payment oftaxes is deferred (ifnot avoided entirely) but also because interest charges on the previous years' taxes are not applied and because deveìopments are not being assessed in the same mannet' and for the same time periods as buildings for which building permits have been obtained;

AND WHEREAS the onus should not be on the municipality to prove when such buildings were constructed but rather, on the landowner in such situations;

NO\ry THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THATthe Township advise MPAC that it is entirely inappropriate and unacceptable to not immediately and retroactively assess a building that has been erected without a building permit for the current year and up to two prior years (depending on when it was built and occupied), when such is the norm for buildings built with building permits;

AND TIIAT MPAC be requested to automatically and immediately re-assess all properties once the improvements have been discovered and apply the resulting increase to the current year and for the two previous taxation years:

AND THAT the onus be placed on the landowner to prove that the building has not existed for that entire time period;

AND THAI' this resolution be forwarded to the County of Dufferin and area School Boards (who also lose out when lands are not assessed as they should be), to the other municipalities in Dufferin County, to MPP Sylvia Jones, and to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO).


December 12,2013

Two Matters of S¡gnificance for All Municipal Governments

This Breaking News deals with: a)'Golden panel' Report on Transit Funding and, b) pr¡vate Member's Bill on Mun¡cipal Election Amêndments

A) Transit lnvestment Strategy Advisory panel Report Released

The final report of the Transit lnvestment Strategy Advisory Panel chaired by Anne Golden has beerr released. Hon. Glen Murray, M¡n¡ster of Transpórtation anã lnfrastructure, sâid the government is rev¡ewing the report and will propose jts investment plan ¡n the spring.

The Panel recommends new dedicated revenue for Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) transit projects from a combination of sources including added Gas Tax, Corporate lncome Tax and Harmon¡zed Sales Tax revenues. They would raise between nearly 93 billion to $3.3 b¡llion depending án tt" option chosen. Chaìr Anne Golden said the cost of congest¡on ¡n the GTHA is $6 billion p"r y"ai, Wh¡ie drivers pay would between $130 and 9260 in increased gasorine taxes, the cost of not imprementing the Metrolinx plan could add 9700 annually for the avèrage driver.

Members should note that the various tax increases are recommended to apply province-wide. However, the Panel recommends that revenues raised outside the GTHA should ue aväilabte for prioriiies elsewhere in provided Ontario, but it no direction on what and how this would Ue imptementeà.-tt UiO recommend that for the GTHA these revenues would need to be separately managed from other government funds.

The report raises several questions that AMO bel¡eves must be satisfactorily addressed ¡n advance of the government's plan. These are:

' What effect will province-wide tax increases have on regional/local economies outside the GTHA, especially where those economies are contracting or stàgnant? ' Howwill these proposed measures ¡mpact the competit¡veness of international and interprov¡ncial border regions? ' How will revenue ra¡sed from outside of the GTHA be allocated to non-GTHA municípal governments? who and what would be eligibre? How would transparency be achieved? ' Would the economic ¡mpact of ¡nfrastructure investments ¡n the reg¡ons iàentified outweigh the impact of increased costs to businesses and residents?

AMO looks forward to discussion of these questions. Other recommendations of interest to mun¡c¡palities include: ¡ncreasing municipal debt to finance local transit improvements in the GTHA; better align¡ng GTHA_land use and transportation planning and intensification; Metrolinx govern"n"é; ãnnr"l policy forum of elected officials in the GTHA. "nJaÃ

Members are encouraged to review the report at: htto://transitÞanel.ca/news/reÞort-makina-the-move-to- fund{rans¡t?o=1 .

AMo contact: craig Reid, senior Advisor, E-ma¡r cre¡[email protected], 416-971-98s6 ext. 334. B) Municipal Elections Bill lntroduced

Yesterday, Jim McDonell, MPP introduced Bill 152, the Funct¡oning Municipal Counc¡ls Act,20l3. The Bill advances the date when terms of off¡ce would commence by two weeks (from December 1 to the second Monday in November). Th¡s shortens the "lame duck" period to reflect the lame duck period prior to 2010. The B¡ll would also amend penalties respecting campaign financing. Candidates would be provided 60 days to comply with expense filing deadlines or payment requirements prior to the ìmposìtion of penalties ¡nclud¡ng forfeiting office and ineligibility to hold off¡ce unt¡l after the next election, AMO made previous public submissions and the above matters are consistent with those submiss¡ons. The Bill, if passed, would also shorten the timeframe of vote recounts. A full copy of Bill 152 ¡s available hglq

AMO Contact: Matthew Wilson, Senior Advisor, E-ma¡l mw¡[email protected], 416-971-9856 ext. 323.

PLEASE NOTE AMO Breaking News will be broadcast to the member munic¡palitys council, adm¡nistrator and clerk. Rec¡pients of the AMO broadcasts are free to redistribute the AMO broadcasts to other municipal staff as required. We have decided to not add other staff to these broadcast lists in order to ensure accuracy and efficiency in the management of ouÍ var¡ous broadcast lists.

DISCLAIMER These are final versions of AMO documents. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies lhat may have been transmitted with the electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record. The Ministry of Tour¡sm, Culture and Sport is pleased to announce the launch of the 201&15 Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund. The OSRCF is a grant program that supports a vision of getting and keeping Ontarians active in community sport, recreation and physical activity. The fund:

. increases oppodunities for participation in sport and recreation by developing new programs or increasing access to existing programs to encourage individuals to become more active and keep those who are, engaged throughout their lives . suppods implementation of physical literacy as a foundation for lifelong phys¡cal activity among individuals enabling them to make healthier activity choices e strengthens the community sport and recreation sector by providing training in areas such as coaching, youth developmeni, and volunteer development to provide enhanced service and quality programming

Eli gibility Guidelines; Who Can Apply?

lncorporated not-for-profit organizations that offer high-qualìty sport, recreation and physical activity programs and have operated and been incorporated for at least one year in Ontario (this includes First Nations, Local Services Boards and m unicipalities).

U niversities/colleges are eligible to apply in the provincial stream for applied research projects that address emerging trends and priorities in the sport and recreation sector. Applied research projects must address needs identified by sport and recreation practitioners and assìst in addressing barr¡ers that hinder participation in sport and recreation. For 2014-15, osRCF will give priority considerat¡on to applied research projects focusing on physical literacy.

M inistry-recognized PSOs and MSOs are eligible to apply for provincial projects and must submit documentation or a web link demonstrating organizational alignment with levels 1-3 and 7 of the Canadian Sport For Life (CS4L) framework in program design, development and delivery.

Application Deadline:

Local/Reqional Proiects . Thursday, February 20,2014 at 5:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Provincial Proiects 1. Letterof lntent (LOl) is due by Thursday, January 16,2014 at 5:00 pm, EST. 2. By invitation only, successful LOI applicants will be contacted by Ministry staff and requested to submit a full application, due Thursday, February 20,2014 at 5:00 pm, EST.

Late applications will not be accepted.

For further information visit <>