Handlist no 35


Gen. 2162 (4 boxes) (Master negative microfilm at Mic.Dup. 668-670) E.2003.36 (1 copy of notebook)

Gen 2162/1 [on Mic. Dup. 668.]

1. Lists of contents, compiled at various times, on which this handlist is based. c.28pp.

2. MS of book, The Form of the Personal. c.209pp.

3. MS of book (book 2), The Field of the Personal, including Gifford Lectures, 2nd series - ‘Persons in Relation’, Mother and Child. c.209pp.

4. Greek Contemplatives and Roman Pragmatists. [Lecture.] MS. 17pp. n.d.

5. The Threefold Root of Western Civilisation. [Lecture.] MS. 16pp. n.d.

6. The Threefold Root of Western Civilisation II: Greeks and Hebrews. MS. 13pp. n.d.

7. The Threefold Root of Western Civilisation III: the Religious Culture of the Hebrews. MS. 13pp. n.d.

8. The Philosophical Pattern of our Time. Zurich, 15 August 1946. Typescript. 23pp.

9. Reason and its Modes. MS. 19pp. n.d.

10. Philosophies and Philosophical Methods. Typescript. 15pp. n.d.

11. MS of above. 25pp. n.d.

12. The Philosopher’s Business. [Town and Gown Lecture, .] Typescript. 10pp. n.d.

13. In my opinion: Beyond Nationality. 5 pp. n.d., but delivered during World War II.

14. Book II, Chapter 1 - The Failure of Modern Philosophy. MS. 34pp. n.d.

15. Method in Philosophy. MS. 25pp. 15 May 1958.

16. Cogito ergo non sum. [Address]. Typescript. 24pp. n.d.

17. A Philosopher looks at Human Relations. [Conference address at the University of Edinburgh, Sunday, 26 August 1945.] Typescript. 16pp.

18. Persons and Functions. Talk IV: Community and Society. 6pp. n.d.

19. The Form of the Personal, I: The field of the personal. [Lectures.] MS. 11pp. n.d. The logical form of the personal. MS. 9pp. n.d. What is history about? MS. 11pp. n.d.

20. The Changing World, 19: Changes in Philosophy. Typescript. 13pp. n.d.

21. Philosophy and Contemporary Society. [Lecture at the Sorbonne.] Typescript. 16pp. n.d.

22. BBC Transcript of ‘Seen From Scotland: Common Sense in Scottish Philosophy’. Transmitted on the Scottish Home Service on 29 January 1945, 9.15 - 9.30pm. Typescript. 6pp.

23. Subject and Agent (Cogito ergo sum). Typescript. 18pp. n.d.

24. The Philosophical Pattern of our Time. [pp.85-94 of an unidentified periodical, illustrated with portraits of philosophers]. 9pp. n.d.

Gen. 2162/2 [Items 1-23 are on Mic. Dip. 668; 24-55 are on Mic. Dup. 669.]

1. Social Philosophy. [Not found in box 30 April 2012]

2. Government by the People. Reprinted from the October number of the Journal of Philosophical Studies , Vol.XI no.8, pp. 532-543.

3. Five exercise books: 1. The Ideology of Modern Democracy. c.28pp. 2. Industrial Democracy and Culture, I-II. c.28pp. 3. Socialism for the Individual I. c.14pp. 4. Socialism for the Individual II. c.14pp. 5. Socialism for the Individual III. c.14pp.

4. ‘Towards World Unity XV’. Offprint (pp. 309-327) from The Student Seeks an Answer (Colby College Press, 1960).

5. The Conception of Society, VII. [Aristotelian Society meeting, 74 Grosvenor Street, London, Monday 16 March 1931 at 8 pm.] Offprint (pp. 127-142). (2 copies).

6. Copy of The Friend: the Quaker Weekly Journal, May 1943, containing an article (p. 345) by MacMurray entitled ‘Liberties in a Planned State’, part three of a series entitled ‘Planning and Liberty’.

7. Today and Tomorrow: a philosophy of freedom. [BBC Talks Pamphlet no 57.] London and Midland regional programmes, Mondays, April 28-July 14 1930, at 8 pm. Printed. 28 pp.

8. Conditions of Marriage Today. [Herbert Gray Lecture, 1965.] Typescript. 18pp.

9. Is a Democratic Culture Possible? Typescript. 9pp. n.d.

10. The Philosophy of Government. [Address delivered to the Edinburgh and East of Scotland Regional Group, Institute of Public Administration, in Edinburgh, 12 December 1947.] MS 14pp.

11. East-West Relations and the World’s Peace. Opening address to the Peace Aims Conference, St Hilda’s College, Oxford, April 18-21, 1947. Typescript, dated 17 April 1947. 8pp.

12. War to Peace. Paper given at an Oxford Conference, July 25 1943. Pp. 146-150 of an unidentified periodical, with handwritten heading, ‘Industrial Welfare and Personel (sic) Management’.

13. The Pacifist Case. Review of Christian Pacifism Re-Examined, by C.J. Cadoux, and The Case Against Pacifism, by John Lewis, in the New Statesman and Nation, December 7 1940, p.572.

14. Carrying on in Britain. [Dunning Trust Lecture given at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 1949.] Typescript. 9pp.

15. Men and Circumstances. BBC transcript of broadcast, 21 October 1947, 10.30 - 10.45 pm. Edinburgh studio. Typescript. 7pp.

16. The Philosophical Theory of the Modern Democratic State, I: the Theory of the Rousseau Tradition. Typescript. 24pp.

17. Reconstruction and World Revolution. MS. 12pp. Undated but during World War II.

18. Towards World Unity. 25pp. n.d.

19. Leisure in the Machine Age. 17pp. Typescript, plus 1p of MS. n.d.

20. Fundamentals of Economic Reconstruction. MS. 22pp. n.d.

21. Defence of Freedom. 7pp. Typescript, plus 6pp. of MS. n.d.

22. Freedom and Authority in the Modern World II: Personality, Freedom and Authority. BBC transcript of a broadcast on Tuesday October 9 1934, 7.30-8pm. Typescript. 10pp.

23. Green folder containing lectures/papers on education, 1940-65. Typescript. 245pp. Contains list of titles and dates. Collected for publication. With a letter from Edinburgh University Press, dated 7 July 1967, to Mr D.I. Campbell, Department of Educational Studies, rejecting these papers for publication.

24. Issue of The Seeker, April 1961, with article, ‘The Basis of Religious Life Today’. 20pp.

25. 4 issues of the Quaker Monthly, (vol. 43, nos 5-8, May-August 1964) containing articles from BBC talks broadcast during Lent 1964. 64pp.

26. Book review from the Political Quarterly, July/March [sic] 1944 (pp.85-86), of Charles Singer’s The Christian Failure. 2pp.

27. ‘The Christian Apologetic in the Modern World’. Contribution to the Conference on the Preparation of the Ministry, York, April 2-6 1929. Printed. 20pp.

28. Books that have Changed the World VI: the New Testament. Typescript. marked in pencil, “BBC 28/5/43”. 7pp.

29. ‘The Personal and the Social’. Fifth paper given on June 5 1934, 8 - 9.45, and 6 June, morning, at the conference entitled, ‘The Church, the State and the World Order’, 4-6 June 1934. Typescript, dated 22 May 1934. 5pp.

30. Reflections on H.G. Wood’s Reflections on Communism and Christianity. Typescript. 20pp (incomplete). n.d.

31. Christian Materialism. On Matthew V, v.5: “Blessed are the meek ...” MS. 14pp. n.d.

32. Talk on II Corinthians 5, v.18, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Sunday evening, 3 September 1950. Typescript. 9pp.

33. Church and State, I and IV. Typescript. 21pp. n.d.

34. Church and State II: the Church and the Roman Empire; III, Church and State in the Middle Ages. Printed. From an unidentified periodical. n.d. 6pp.

35. ‘Faith which worketh by Love’. Sermon, St. Giles’ Cathedral, 24 November, 1963. Typescript. 6pp. 3 copies.

36. Search for a Faith. Talk I: the Start of a Journey. Typescript. 5pp. n.d.

37. The Nature of Christian Concern for the Social Order. MS. 16pp. n.d.

38. To Save from Fear. Four Lent talks. BBC transcripts of broadcasts, 12 - 20 February 1964. (1. Fear and Faith; 2. Faith and Love; [3 missing]; 4. The World Today.) Typescript. 17pp.

39. Religion in Soviet Russia. Lecture, dated 7 June 1943. 9pp of typescript, followed by 3 pp of MSS. The Religious Function in a Planned Society (apparently a continuation of the above). MS. 16pp.

40. Religion in the Modern World. Typescript and MS. 25pp. and 19pp. n.d.

41. Religious Realism. Speech given at Wageningen, Saturday, May 30 1959. Typescript. 7pp.

42. The Contemporary Task of Religion. 3 lectures. MS. n.d. I: The nature of religion. 18pp. II: The function of religion in general. 18pp. III: The function of religion today. 17pp.

43. The Conflict of Religion and Science. MS. 19pp. n.d.

44. Religion in Transformation [This Changing World, 25.] Pp.45-52 of an unidentified periodical. Printed.

45. Proglomena to a Christian Ethic. Typescript. 18pp. n.d.

46. Reason in Religion. MS. 17pp. n.d.

47. The Spiritual, Moral and Social Conditions of the New Order for which we hope. [Address.] MS. 12pp. n.d. but during World War II.

48. The Religious Function in a Planned Society. MS. 16pp. n.d.

49. What is Religion about? Text of 4 talks in a broadcast series from The Listener, 6 - 27 December 1956. Printed. c.7pp.

50. Search for a Faith. BBC transcripts of 7 broadcast talks, 5 April - 17 May 1945. Typescript. 34pp. 1) The start of a journey. 2) The classics and the Bible. 3) The challenge of science. 4) Communism and Christianity. 5) Nationalism: a counter religion. 6) Religion and personal relationships. 7) Retrospect and prospect.

51. `Ye are my friends’. Sermon given at King’s College ? Printed pamphlet. 4pp. n.d.

52. The Basis of Religious Life Today. Typescript. 18pp. n.d.

53. Here I Stand. Typescript. 10pp. n.d.

54. Notes, by Harriet and Eugene Forsey, of lectures on ‘Religion in the Modern World’, Belleville, Ontario, June 1936. Typescript. 25pp.

55. Sermon preached in King’s College Chapel, Aberdeen, January 28 1945. 11pp.

Gen. 2162/3 [Items 1-32 are on Mic. Dup. 669; 31-34 are on Mic. Dup. 670.]

1. Creative Morality. Broadcast talk, delivered in Sweden, 9 August 1939. Typescript. 6pp.

2. Action, I: the Nature of Ethical Enquiry. Typescript. 13pp. n.d.

3. The Contemporary Function of Moral Philosophy. [Inaugural lecture, 1944?] MS. 18pp.

4. Educating Emotion. Typescript followed by apparent revision of text in MS. 6pp.

5. The Philosophy of Jesus. Delivered at the Edinburgh Theological Club, May 9 1972, and to Westminster Friends Meeting, May 17 1972. Typescript. 18pp.

6. Reflections on the Notion of an Educated Man. University of Bristol, November 17 1965. Typescript. 23pp.

7. Two talks on religious experience: 1) What Religion is About. Text of BBC Schools Broadcasting programme, January 31 1967. MS. 14pp.

8. Conditions of Marriage Today. Herbert Gray Lecture, 1965, for the Marriage Guidance Council. Typescript. 18pp.

9. Science Out of Bounds. Lecture I of the Forwood Lectures, 1960, at the University of Liverpool. MS. 16pp.

10. Science and Objectivity. Article (pp.7-16), from an unidentified periodical. Printed.

11. Science in Religious Education. Reprinted from the School Science Review, no. 116, October 1950. Printed. 5pp.

12. Blue folder labelled “American Lectures”, containing loose MS pages on miscellaneous topics, for example, Celebration of Communion, The Present Social Revolution, Mother and Child, Time and the Scientists. Index at end. c90pp. n.d.

13. The Relation of the Sensible and the Intelligible, illustrated by Plato’s rejection of the geocentric hypothesis. Incomplete? MS c25pp. n.d.

14. Ethical and Social Philosophy. Lecture notes? 18pp. n.d.

15. History of Ethics. Lecture notes? Typescript and MS. c18pp. n.d.

16. Romantic Philosophy. Lecture notes on Lessing, Herder, Hobbes, Rousseau, etc. MS. 11pp. n.d.

17. The Problem of Evil. [The Upton Lectures, 1944.] 97pp. (pp.26-32 missing.) Typescript. n.d. 1. The locus of the problem. 2. Analysis of action: the self as subject. 3. Analysis of action: the self as agent. 4. Freedom and determination. 5. The firmal nature of evil.

18. The Cultivation of the Personal. An expansion of the first of the Payne Lectures. Typescript. 25pp. n.d.

19. The Place of Ethical Studies in Philosophy. A short, one term, series of lectures. MS. c72pp. n.d.

20. Notes on Political Theory: Bosanquet; Political Theory of the State and Giercke; Political Theories of the Middle Ages. Dated 6 December 1922. MS (On University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, notepaper.) 10pp.

21. The Theory of the State. Lecture notes and bibliography. MS. c115pp. n.d.

22. German Philosophy since Hegel. Rough notes, Balliol College, Oxford, May 1926. 85pp.

23. Folder of (unfinished) tables of parallel developments in politics, social and economic life, philosophy, literature, drama, philosophy and theology, between 1800-1900. MS. c25pp. n.d.

24. Schopenhauer - the world as will and representation. Lectures, Oxford, 1926. Typescript. 63pp.

25. Lecture notes and lecture on G.F. Herbart (1776-1841). Oxford, 1926? MS. c43pp.

26. Life and Writings of . MS, unfinished. 81pp. n.d.

27. The Function of Experiment in Knowledge (IX). For a meeting of the Aristotelian Society at 21 Gower Street, London, on 7 March at 8 pm. Printed. pp.193-212.

28. Another copy of above.

29. The Unity of Modern Problems. Inaugural lecture on appointment to the Grote Chair of Philosophy of Mind and Logic at the University of London, University College, November 19 1928. Printed, from The Journal of Philosophical Studies, vol. 4, no. 14, April 1929, pp.162-179.

30. Hegel and Marx. 2 notebooks and some loose pages. MS. n.d. c.43pp.

31. Theory of knowledge: What is Epistemology? Space and Time. 2 notebooks. MS. n.d. c.28pp.

32. German Philosophy. I: the Reaction to Kant; Kant - Hegel. II: Herbart - Hegel. Two exercise books. c60pp. n.d.

33. Logic and Psychology. Notebook. MS. c24pp. n.d.

34. Sermon preached in St Mary’s Chapel, University of St Andrews. c .34pp.

Gen 2162/4 [on Mic. Dup. 670.]

1. First ordinary Moral Philosophy class. 44 Lectures. Typescript. 59pp. n.d.

2. The Historical Approaches to Modern Idealism. [The Jowett Lectures, Balliol College, Oxford, summer term, 1923.] Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume. Notebook. MS. c100pp.

3. Ethics. Lecture notes in red folder. MS. 51pp. n.d.

4. Notebook containing notes and extracts from books regarding the background of Greek philosophy. MS. c.50pp. n.d.

5. Aesthetics. Notebooks containing very condensed notes. MS. c.40pp. n.d.

6. Ethics. Lecture Notes? In hard black binder. MS. c.60pp. n.d.

7. History of Philosophy. Notebook containing scheme of lectures(?) at Moor Park College, Michaelmas Term 1962. MS. c.36pp.

8. Modern Civilisation and the Moral Ideal. Notebooks of Lectures. MS. c.30pp. n.d.

9. Leibnitz and Spinoza. MS. in dark green hard-backed notebook. Written at Balliol College. n.d. c.53pp.

10. Moral Philosophy ordinary class. Lecture outlines in soft-backed green notebook, perhaps the notes for Gen. 2162/4/1? Edinburgh, 1947-48. MS. c.21pp.

11. The Agent. Lecture notes covering Descartes, Aristotelian Ethics, Stoicism, Existentialism, German Philosophy, Marx and Kierkegaard. Hard-backed notebook. MS. c50pp. n.d.

12. History of Greek philosophy. Notes for class lectures. Hard-backed notebook, University of Manchester, 1919-1920. MS. c.150pp. Also, inserted in pages, ‘Life of Socrates’, c8pp.

13. Lectures and addresses, dated Edinburgh 1950. Hard-backed notebook. Include: a) The Abuse of Language in Logic. 6pp. b) Religious Appreciation. [Theological Club, Edinburgh, February 14 1950.] 22pp. c) Language as Communication. 12pp. d) Notes on The Concept of Mind by Gilbert Ryle (on category mistakes). 2pp.

Overall in MS 2162/104 : c. 3806pp

E2003.36 (CLX-A-505)

Notebook (copy) containing a journal covering 1909 (parts of year) to 1913 (parts of year).