RECORD NOTES Museums and Looking at Other Paint- Ings? What's Wrong with Looking?" a HISTORY of JAZZ: the NEW YORK Now That Is Clearly in the Right SCENE

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RECORD NOTES Museums and Looking at Other Paint- Ings? What's Wrong with Looking? "If you owned the Mona Lisa would you stop going to art galleries and RECORD NOTES museums and looking at other paint- ings? What's wrong with looking?" A HISTORY OF JAZZ: THE NEW YORK Now that is clearly in the right SCENE. Fletcher Henderson, Duke direction, although purists might Ellington, Dizzy GiMespie. and others. [Folkways RBF'RF-3. S5.95.) find the analogy questionable. In I he first place, Dr. Brothers has not As an aural companion to a forth- seen the writer of the letter, who coming Doubleday book with the lor all we know might look like same title, co-author Samuel Char- Carry Nation. Ever, if she looks like ters has judiciously selec led lourteen Mona Lisa, she might not be any recordings that illustrate the diversi- more forthcoming with her favors fied extent of ja// activity in New than that lady with her smile. May- York lrom 1911 to the beginnings of be her husband is wall-eyed. Maybe modern ja// in (he mid-1910's. Later $30.00 ENCYCLOPEDIA FREE... he reads Playboy for the fiction. In examples of New York ja// record- if you join the Contemporary Affairs Society now. One of the most important reference other words, there is a preposterous ing are plentiful, but most of Mr. books published in years, the Worldmark Ency- fallacy in the whole business of pub- Charters' treasures have been un- clopedia of the Nations includes whatever you lic advice without private knowl- available except on collectors' auc- may want to know about the political, histori- cal, economic, geographic, and cultural status edge: a reduction, remote and by- tion lists. The contents are fascinat- of 119 nations; plus a full account of the United rote, of complex and contradictory ing historically, and nearly all of Nations and its specialized agencies... 1500 pages of text, 145 maps, 32 pages in color, over factors into simple problems sus- them retain musical substance. 600 tables and charts. (Published by Harper & ceptible of simple solutions. Among the scarcer items are the Brothers; edited by Benjamin A. Cohen) nervous 191-1 James Reese Europe This authoritative, comprehensive volume is yours FREE if you join the Contemporary 'T'HKRE is THIS to be said, I sup- band with its complement of man- Affairs Society and agree to purchase six books -*- pose, for public solvers like Dr. dolins, and Mamie Smith's 1920 at substantial savings during the next 15 months. Brothers: they provide group therapy. With every fourth book you purchase, you will Crazy Blues, which first proved to receive a bonus book free. Instead of nursing your trouble record companies that there was an To start your subscription, indicate on the alone you share it with others; and eager Negro audience for performers coupon below which titles you wish sent with in sharing it find that it is not your free Encyclopedia. whose harsh short stories were simi- Our current selection is #64 Appeasement by A. L. unique. There are other thumb lar to its own. A particularly stimu- Rowse (W. W. Norton, pub. price $3.00) and Why England Slept by John F. Kennedy (Wilfred Funk, suckers. There are other stutterers. lating rarity is a meeting between pub. price $3.50)—a dual selection. C.A.S. Mem- ber's price for both $5.00. There are other husbands who fall pianist James P. Johnson and his pu- You may, however, prefer to choose a substitute. asleep at nine and other wives who pil Eats Waller (on organ). Pub. Your wish they wouldn't. And Dr. Broth- There are many insights into the Price Price ers knows precisely what to do about evolution of ja// here, as in the D #54 Science in the Cause $5.00 $4.00 of Man Gerard Piel them. sweeping impact of Louis Armstrong | D # 79 Doctors, Patients and $7.50 $6.00 1 Health Insurance But does she? Dr. Brothers is, to on the previously stiff Fletcher Hen- Herman M. and Anne R. Somers be sure, a college graduate (Cornell) derson band, the tentative shaping • #61 Majesty and Mischief $4.50 $4.00 (A Mixed Tribute to F.D.R.) and a Ph.D. (Columbia), and was of a distinctive vocabulary by the Win. S. White an assistant in psychology at Colum- 1928 Duke Ellington, and the con- D #77 The Black Muslims $4.95 $3.95 in America C. Eric Lincoln bia and instructor at Hunter. Her tinuous growth of Coleman Haw- D #24 Slums and Suburbs $3.95 $3.50 total recall has been amply attested kins, who is heard here in a 1944 James B. Conant to in the quiz shows, her normality performance that marked the first CONTEMPORARY AFFAIRS SOCIETY by marriage (to a doctor) and recording of Thelonious Monk. The Sponsors: Walter Lippmann, Dorothy Fosdick, Marquis Childs; Board of Judges: Richard Rovere, John Sherman motherhood (of a little girl). She final "Groovin' High" by Dizzy Gilles- Cooper, Roscoe Drummond, Ernest K. Lindley, Louis M. Lyons, A. H. Raskin, and Jerome B. Wiesner; Chairman has, however, no practice, and by pie and Charlie Parker in the follow- of the Society's Planning Board: Robert G. Spivack. her own admission, no time for ing year proclaimed an explosive USE THIS COUPON TO JOIN TODAY. parties, movies, the theater, or any Please enroll me as a member of the Con- expansion of the jazz language— temporary Affairs Society and send me at activity that would impinge on the which was related, however, to even once, FREE, the Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. I wish to start ray member- hours needed to read her myriad the strenuous pre-jazz gropings of ship with the selection I have indicated. I agree to purchase at least five additional letters, consult her 1,500 books and James Reese Europe in its insistent books from you during the coming 15 months. I understand that with every fourth the latest reports in psychology, and rhythmic thrust and the evident con- book I purchase, I receive a bonus book free. prepare for her six programs a week. viction of the players that there CONTEMPORARY AFFAIRS SOCIETY NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING Her working days are spent in the were limitless new adventures ahead. WASHINGTON 4, D. C. 8-R studio building. I have indicated below the books I want. Whether this is the soil in which rpHE JAZZ VERSION OF "HOW TO SUCCEED wisdom flowers is open to question. *• IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRY- Knowledge of man comes from in- ING." Gary McFarland Orchestra. (Verve V8443, $4.98; stereo, $5.98.) timacy with man, and a prolonged NAME_ one at that. And yet here it springs One of the more unrewarding trends ADDRESS- full-blown from the blonde young in jazz recordings during the past four woman in the cathode tube. years has involved ja// interpreta- CITY. ZONE. .STATE. • Check Enclosed (save postage & handling) • Bill Me Later (postage & handling extra) February 15, 1962 PRODUCED 2004 BY UNZ.ORG45 ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED tions of Broadway scores. Covetous scope of the early jazz bands' com- recording directors, mindful of the munal functions. In an era of aggres- Important startling sales of Shelly Manne's My sive electric guitars, it is a delight to historical perspectives Fair Lady album, have tried to al- hear the crystalline, unamplified in Oxford's paperbound chemize anything on the boards, no playing of Emanuel Sayles, but the matter how flimsy. Nearly all the core of the album is the liquid ease results have done no credit to the and mellow resourcefulness of Mr. musicians involved and have simply Cottrell. The clarinetist, incidental- Books emphasized the generally base condi- ly, is also president of New Orleans tion of American musical comedy. Local 496, and thereby exemplifies A vivid and witty exception is this yet another fading tradition—a un- extensive reworking of Frank Loes- ion official who is still a master ARNOLD J. ser's rather ordinary songs by Gary craftsman. TOYNBEE'S McFarland, a young arranger whose A Study of History growing status in jazz is indicated by TTERE'S JAKI. Jaki Byard with Roy Haynes his originals in the past year for the -*• •*• and Ron Carter. (Prestige/New Jazz The first three volumes of Toyn- 8256, $4.98.) bee's monumental work have \fodern Jazz Quartet, Johnny Hod- just been published in Galaxy ges, and Gerry Mulligan. McFar- Despite the relentless quantity of Books. Mr. Toynbee has written a new preface to introduce these land's achievement is due partly new jazz releases, there are still paperback editions, but they are to the quality of musicians he unique performers who somehow es- otherwise identical to the hard- has assembled and also to his having cape documentation. Jaki Byard, cover volumes, rewritten this music with specific so- nearly forty, has long had a nucleus I: Introduction; The Geneses of Civilizations, Part One. loists in mind. He has taken full ad- of admirers among musicians as a (GB 74) $2.45 vantage, for example, of the sardonic pianist and composer, but this is his II: The Geneses of Civilizations, bent of trombonist Bob Brookmeyer, first album as a leader. Byard, cur- Part Two. (GB 75) $2.35 the pungent ebullience of trumpeter rently hidden in the foundry of III: The Growths of Civiliza- Clark Terry, and the fierce lyricism the Maynard Ferguson band, re- tions. (GB 76) $2.75 of altoist Phil Woods. The band as veals on his own a vigorous two- a whole, moreover, stimulated by handed orchestral piano technique The Jefferson Image in contrast with the single-line pre- in the American Mind Mie freshness of McFarland's imag- ination, swings with a zest and spon- occupation of most modern pianists.
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