Yoriko Kawaguchi Shuichi Kato Minister of the Environment, Member of the House of Councilors, Japan Yoriko Kawaguchi has served as Minister of the Environment 1981 Ph.D., Environmental Planning, Graduate School of Earth since January 2001, succeeding her appointment as Minister of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University. Associate State and Director-General of the Environment Agency in July Assistant at Kitami Engineering College; Deputy Director for 2000. Aside from her cabinet position, she serves as a member Research Investigation Department; Takugin Sogo Inc; of the Trilateral Commission and a special member of the Japan Professor of Earth Environmental Economics at Otaru Association of Corporate Executives. Prior to her appointment University of Commerce. 1995 Elected as Member of the House to the cabinet, she was a managing director of Suntory Ltd. of Councilors. Member of GLOBE, Member of the Executive since 1993, responsible for customer relations and environment. Committee for GEA, Bureau Chief of PAPRE (nonpartisan) and At that time she was also serving on Japanese Government advi- Bureau Chief of the Secretariat in charge of the Eco-Japan project sory boards, namely the Regulatory Reform Committee, the of the New Komeito. Central Council for Education, and the University Council. She was also on the board of directors of the Japan Center for *** International Exchange and on the advisory committee of the Center for Global Partnership of the Japan Foundation. Before Bo Jansson joining Suntory Ltd., she worked in the Ministry of Professor, Institute of Applied Environmental Research, International Trade and Industry (MITI) of the Japanese Stockholm University, Sweden Government. Her past assignments for MITI included Director- General of the Economic Cooperation Department and Deputy Bo Jansson is a professor of chemical environmental analysis at Director-General for Global Environmental Affairs. She also Stockholm University, Sweden. Professor Jansson has since the had worked for the World Bank as an economist and for the early 1970’s been working with the identification of persistent Embassy of Japan in the United States as Minister. B.A. in organic compounds in the environment, and the development of International Relations, University of . M. Phil. in methods for the chemical analysis of these substances. He is Economics, Yale University. today mainly acting as a scientific advisor to international organisations, such as UNEP, WHO, Commission of the European Union, European Environment Agency and Masaru Hashimoto International Council for Exploration of the Seas. The co-operation Governor of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan with national and local authorities is also important. 1969 Graduated from the Department of Law, University of Tokyo; the Ministry of Home Affairs. Director of Document Kazuhiko Adachi and Educational Affairs, Regional, Financial Divisions of the Director, Environmental Health and Safety Division, Fukui Prefectural Office; General-Director of General Affairs Environmental Policy Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Department of the Yamanashi Prefectural Office. Director of Government of Japan the Disaster Prevention Coordination Division, Disaster Prevention Bureau, Agency of National Land; Director of the 1979 graduated from Tokyo University Medical School and in Dangerous Objects Regulation and Fire Defense Divisions, Fire the same year, entered the Ministry of Health and Welfare. 1985 Defense Agency, Ministry of Home Affairs; Director of the Deputy Director of the Tuberculosis and Intractable Disease First Public Enterprise Division, Local Finance Bureau, Division, Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Home Affairs. 1993 elected as Governor of Ibaraki Welfare. The Japanese Embassy in the Philippines; the Health Prefecture and now in his third term of office. Policy Bureau, the Health Service Bureau, the Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, and the Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 1994 Director-General of the Hiroshi Hase Health and Environmental Department, Kagoshima Prefectural Member of the House of Representatives, Japan Government; Director for Radiation Protection Division, Nuclear Safety Bureau, Agency of Science and Technology; 1984 graduated from the Department of Japanese Literature, Chief Development Staff for the Planning Department, National Senshu University. 1984 Teacher for Japanese Literature at Space Development Agency. July 2001 Director of the Seiryo High School. Selected and competed as Wrestler in Los Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Angeles Olympics, Summer, 1984. 1985 Professional Wrestler Policy Bureau, Ministry of Environment. and Writer (member of the Japanese Literature Climate Academy). 1995 Elected as Member of the House of Councilors. 2000 Elected as Member of the House of Shinsuke Tanabe Representatives. Chairman of the Subcommittee of Chemical Professor, Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime Substances, Liberal Democratic Party, Japan. University, Japan 1975 Graduated Ehime University, Graduate School of Agriculture. 1977 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University. 1985 Awarded Ph.D. Nagoya University. 1987 Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University. 1995 Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University. 1999 Professor, Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University. 1985 Okada Prize from The Oceanographical Society of Japan. 1999 Nissan Science Prize from Nissan Science Foundation. 2000 Citation Classic Awards in Japan from ISI Thomson Scientific. His current research efforts are aimed at understanding global contamination of endocrine disrupters and their toxic effects to humans and wildlife. Chisato Mori Masatoshi Morita Professor, Department of Bioenvironmental Medicine, Executive Acting Director, National Institute for, Environmental Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Japan Studies (NIES), Japan 1984-1992 Research Associate, Department of Anatomy, Graduated in 1967; Tokyo University. Ph. D.(Chemistry) 1972; Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. 1990- Graduate School, Tokyo University. Tokyo Metropolitan 1992 Visiting Associate, Gamete Biology Section, LRDT, Institute for Public Health (1972-1978). National Institute for NIEHS/NIH, NC, U.S.A. 1992-2000 Associate Professor, Environmental Studies (1978- present); Senior Scientist 1978- Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Faculty 1980, Section Head 1980-1988, Division Director 1988-1996, of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. 2000-2001 Executive Director 1996-present. Visiting Professor, Tokyo Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of University, Medical School (1980- present). IUPAC member Medicine, Chiba University, Japan. 2001- Professor, 1988-1997. Japan Society of Environmental Chemistry, Department of Bioenvironmental Medicine, Graduate School of President 1990~. Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupting Medicine, Chiba University, Japan. Chemicals, Deputy President 1998~.

Hirofumi Yokota Yoshino Oishi Kurume Laboratory, Chemicals Evaluation and Research Photo Journalist, Japan Institute (CERI), Japan As a freelance photojournalist, she has been reporting the 1991-1993 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biosphere destructive realities caused by war to the human and environ- Science, master’s course. 1998-2001 Kyushu University ment. She started working as a freelance photojournalist soon Graduate School of Bioresources and Bioenvironmental after graduating from the Department of Photography, Nihon Science, doctorate course. 1993- present Chemicals Evaluation University College of Art in 1966. She received various awards and Research Institute, Japan (CERI). including Japan Professional Photographers Society Annual Award “People Telling None” in 1982, Japan Professional Photographers Society Annual Award for “Night and Mist, Hiroaki Aoyama Now” and 150 Years of Photography Award in 1989, Kodansya Chief, Laboratory of Reproductive Toxicology, Institute of Publishing Culture Award and Asia and African Award in 1990, Environmental Toxicology, Japan the Minister of Education Newcomers’ Award, Japan Provincial Nomenclatural Institution Award (Local Culture Award) and 1978 Graduated from Nagoya University (Major: Animal the JCJ encouragement award for “Cambodian Hardship and Genetics). 1993 Ph.D. (Graduate School of Nagoya University). Reincarnation” in 1994, Child Welfare Culture Award (Grand Received an Annual award from the Japanese Teratology Prize) for “Exalting Spirit - After a Long-lasting War” in 1998, Society. August, 1994- Visiting Fellow at National Institute of and the 20th Ken Domon’s Award for “Vietnam - the Environmental. March, 1997 Health Sciences (NIEHS, Dignified” in 2001. Laboratory of Experimental Pathology). At present, Chief, Laboratory of Reproductive Toxicology, Toxicology Division I, Institute of Environmental Toxicology. Takeshi Yoro Professor, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kitasato Akihiro Kondo University, Japan Senior Scientist, Biotechnology Research Laboratory, Takara He graduated from School of Medicine, the University of Shuzo Co., Ltd., Japan Tokyo, Japan in 1962. He completed a doctor’s course in exper- imental medicine at the University of Tokyo and received his 1980 B.Sc., Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Gifu M.D.. After a year of internship, he entered the laboratory of University. 1982 M.Sc., Department of Agricultural Chemistry, anatomy in the university and involved in collecting specimens Gifu University. 1994 Ph.D., The United Graduate School of and data. During the work at the laboratory, he contemplated Agricultural Sciences, Gifu University. 1986-1989 Research images, languages, mathematics, and concept of time as phe- Fellow, Faculty of Science, Osaka University. 1994-1995 nomena related to activities of the brain, and focused on human Visiting Scientist, Cytel, USA. Holds current position since mental activities and intracerebral activities. He expanded this 1995. idea to the fields of literature and philosophy by studying on lin- guistic expression including an analysis of writings written by novelists. He also wrote essays with a unique point of view on Koji Arizono the human body, which enjoyed popularity. He received the Professor, Faculty of Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences, Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities for “How to Prefectural University of Kumamoto, Japan Understand Your Body” in 1989. He became the chairman of University of Tokyo Press in 1991. He left the University of March 1977, Graduated from Daiichi college of Pharmaceutical Tokyo in 1995 before his retirement age. Currently he is active- Sciences. January 1986, Acquired the Doctor Degree of ly working on various writings and participating in TV pro- Pharmaceutical Sciences at Kyusyu University. At Nagasaki grams. His talk has earned a reputation as a very comprehensive University: April 1979 Research Associate, Faculty of interpretation of the fields of science. He is the author of “How Pharmaceutical Sciences; June 1985 Assistant Professor; March to Understand Mankind”, “Processes in the Brain”, and “Cool 1993 Associate Professor; October 1997 Associate Professor, Brain”, “Cerebralism”, and the co-author of “Central Nervous Faculty of Environmental Studies. At Prefectural University of System, a Slave of Peripheral Nerves” and “The Day When Kumamoto: April 1999 Professor, Faculty of Environmental Dinosaurs Flew”. and Symbiotic Sciences, up to know. Ichiro Kono Soichiro Iwao Professor of Sports Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Institute Director-General, Environmental Health Department, of Health & Sport Sciences, Japan Environmental Policy Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan Graduated from Tokyo Medical & Dental University, School of Medicine in 1973. Teaching Sports Medicine as a Professor of 1973 graduated from Keio University Medical School. 1978 Sports Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Institute of Health & studied at the University of Texas, Houston in the U.S.. 1981 Sport Sciences from 1999. Acting as a Board Member of the Assistant Professor at University of Occupational and Japanese Committee, from 2001. Appointed as a Chairman of Environmental Health, Japan. 1985 entered the Ministry of the Japan Anti-Doping Agency from 2001. Since 2000, member Health and Welfare. 1988 Director-General of the Health and of the Standard & Harmonization Committee of the World Anti- Environmental Department, Saga Prefectural Office. 1990 Doping Agency. Team Physician of the Japanese Delegation for Director of the Measures against Special Diseases Division, Seoul Olympics in 1998, Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and Environmental Health Department, Agency of Environment. Atlanta Olympics in 1996. 1992 Director of the Medical Devices Division, Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 1993 Director of the Diseases Control Division, Health Service Bureau, Kazuyuki Aihara Ministry of Health and Welfare. 1995 Director of the Infectious Professor, Department of Complexity Science and Disease Control Division, Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Engineering and Department of Mathematical Engineering Health and Welfare. 1997 Director of the Health Development and Information Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan and Promotion Division, Health Policy Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 1998 Director of the Division for Regional Kazuyuki Aihara received the B.E. degree in electrical engi- Health Promotion and Nourishment, Health Service Bureau, neering in 1977 and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering Ministry of Health and Welfare. 1999, Director of the Health 1982 from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Currently, he Sciences Division, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Health is Professor in Department of Complexity Science and and Welfare. 2001, Director-General of the Environmental Engineering and Department of Mathematical Engineering and Health Department, Environmental Policy Bureau, Ministry of Information Physics, the University of Tokyo. He is also Environment. Chairman of the Biochaos Research Committee in the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association. His research interests include mathematical modeling of biolog- John Peterson Myers ical systems, parallel distributed processing with chaotic neural Director, W. Alton Jones Foundation, U.S.A. networks, and time series analysis of chaotic data. Co-author of “Our Stolen Future”, the book that stimulated worldwide interest in endocrine disruption, Dr. Myers is Masashi Yatabe Director of the W. Alton Jones Foundation, a private foundation Commentator, News Commentators Division, Japan supporting efforts to protect the global environment and to pre- Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Japan vent nuclear war. He was formerly Senior Vice President for Science at the National Audubon Society. He received his Born on March 14, 1950. Graduated from Chemistry Ph.D. in zoology from the University of California, Berkeley, Deptartment, School of Medical Technology, Kitasato and he lives near Charlottesville, Virginia. University, Japan in 1973. Joined NHK in April 1973, he worked as a program director for science programs. He has been in the current position, a commentator for science programs Yoichiro Kuroda concerning life sciences, medical sciences, environmental Head, Department of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, issues, nuclear energy, and science technologies since June Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience, Japan 1997. Programs he engaged in producing include NHK Special “Life - Four billion years of Journey, Volume III Fish Leaving Dr. Kuroda read Biochemistry in University of Tokyo, obtained for a Land” (broadcasted in June, 1994), “Volume IX Where MS in molecular genetics and Doctor of medical science in mol- does the human go?” (broadcasted in February, 1995), and a ecular neurobiology, from University of Tokyo. He took visit- NHK Featuring Program “Global Contamination, Volume II ing scientist position in Department of Biochemistry, Institute Sea quietly warns us” (broadcasted in March, 1989) He co- of Psychiatry, University of London, UK and then moved to authored several books including “Global Contamination Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience as a principle Volume II - Sea quietly warns us” (NHK Publications), “Brain researcher. His main interest is molecular and cellular mecha- death - Choosing between life and death - Does Japan enable nism of human memory focusing on the dynamic change of heart transplant?” (NHK Publications), “Life - Four billion synaptic connections in the brain. Recently, he recognized the years of Journey, Volume II Fish Leaving for a Land” (NHK developing brain with specific synaptic formation, is finely con- Publications), “Life - Four billion years of Journey, Volume V trolled by chemical substances including hormones. Therefore, Where does the human go?” (NHK Publications). the functional development of the brain can easily be disturbed by external chemicals, such as endocrine disrupters. Now he is a principal investigator of “Endocrine disrupting chemicals” project in CREST, supported by Japan Science and Technology Corporation. Bernard Weiss Noriyuki Koibuchi Professor, Department of Environmental Medicine and Professor of Physiology, Gunma University School of Pediatrics, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Medicine, Japan Dentistry, U.S.A. 1985 M.D., Gunma University School of Medicine, Maebashi, Bernard Weiss is Professor of Environmental Medicine and Gunma, Japan. 1989 Ph.D., Institute of Endocrinology, Gunma Pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine University, Maebashi, Gunma, Japan. 1989-1990 Postdoctoral and Dentistry. He is the editor or co-editor of seven books and Fellow, The Rockefeller University, New York. 1990-1998 monographs and author or co-author of over 200 articles. His Assistant Professor of Physiology, Dokkyo University School of special interests involve chemical influences on behavior: the Medicine, Tochigi, Japan. 1996-1999 Visiting Assistant neurobehavioral toxicology of metals such as lead, mercury and Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Research manganese; solvents such as toluene and methanol; drugs such Associate of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, as cocaine; air pollutants such as ozone; and endocrine disrup- Boston. 1999-2001 (Mar) Associate Professor of Physiology, tors such as dioxin. Dr. Weiss has served as a member of many Dokkyo University School of Medicine. 2001(Apr)- Professor committees devoted to toxicology and environmental health, of Physiology, Gunma University School of Medicine, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Maebashi, Gunma, Japan. Award and Honors: 1997 American Advisory Board. Thyroid Association Research Grand Award, 2000 Quest Diagnostics Young Investigators Award, Endocrine Society, etc. Specialty: Endocrine Physiology, and Developmental Chiharu Tohyama Physiology. Director, Environmental Health Sciences Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan Yasuhiro Yoshikawa Graduated from the School of Health Science, The University of Professor of Department of Biomedical Science, Graduate Tokyo, in 1972. Obtained Ph.D. (Toxicology) and Dr. of School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo, Medical Science from the University of Rochester in 1981 and Japan the University of Tokyo in 1985, respectively. He started his career as researcher at the Environmental Health Sciences 1971 Graduate of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Division, NIES in 1981, was assigned as the Section Chief of Tokyo University. 1976 Finished PhD course of Veterinary the Environmental Pathology and Toxicology in 1992, and Pathology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University. appointed at the current position 1992. He also serves as 1976 Research scientist of Department of Measles Virus, Professor at the Graduate School of the University of Tsukuba National Institute of Health of Japan. 1977-1979 Research staff since 2001. He serves for many expert committees of the of the Virus Research Institute of Giessen University. 1980 national and prefectural governments and international organi- Associate professor, then lecturer, assistant professor of zations. His research interests range from basic toxicological Department of Veterinary Science, Institute of Medical Science, research to health risk assessment, focusing upon dioxins, envi- University of Tokyo. 1991 Director of Tsukuba Primate Center, ronmental endocrine disruptors and heavy metals. National Institute of Health of Japan. 1997 Professor of Department of Biomedical Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo. Major R. Thomas Zoeller Research Field; Laboratory Animal Science, Toxicology, Professor, Biology Department, University of Massachusetts, Primatology. U.S.A. Dr. Zoeller obtained his B.S. in Biology from Indiana Deborah C. Rice University, and his Ph.D. in endocrinology from Oregon State Senior Toxicologist, National Center for Environmental University. He then took a postdoctoral position in the Assessment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPS), U.S.A. Laboratory of Cell Biology at the National Insitute of Mental Health followed by a staff position in the Laboratory of Dr. Deborah Rice received the Ph.D. in toxicology from the Neurochemistry at the National Institute of Neurological University of Rochester and is currently a risk assessor in the Disorders and Stroke. He then joined the medical faculty at the area of neurotoxicology with the National Center for University of Missouri School of Medicine and most recently Environmental Assessment at the Environmental Protection joined the faculty at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Agency. She is currently involved in health assessments of Dr. Zoeller was a standing member of the US EPA’s Endocrine methylmercury and PCBs. Dr. Rice previously was a research Disruptor Screening and Testing Workgroup. scientist in the Toxicology Research Division of Health Canada, where she headed a research program focused on characterizing nervous system impairment produced by developmental expo- sure to the major environmental pollutants lead, methylmercury, and PCBs. Dr. Rice is currently an Associate Editor for the jour- nals Neurotoxicology, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, and Environmental Research. Dr. Rice has authored or co-authored over 100 research articles and book chapters in the areas of neu- rotoxic effects of specific agents, methodological approaches for neurotoxicology research, and risk assessment. Herman B.W.M. Koëter Masaru Wada Principal Administrator, Environmental Health and Safety Professor at College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tokyo Division, OECD Medical and Dental University, Japan Dr. Herman B.W.M. Koëter is Principal Administrator at the Graduated from Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, OECD Environmental Health and Safety Division since University of Tokyo in 1969 and received a doctor’s degree in November 1991. He is Programme Director of the following zoology from University of Tokyo in 1974. After one year stay OECD Programmes: Test Guidelines Programme, Programme at Department of Zoology, University of Washington as a on Harmonisation of Classification and Labelling, OECD research associate, got job at Institute for Medical and Dental Special Activity on Endocrine Disrupters, and OECD Special Engineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Moved to Activity on Animal Welfare Policies. His main duties are to the present institution in 1984 and present position since 1987. work closely with Member countries’ representatives, represen- tatives from international organisations and representatives from non-member countries, NGO’s, Industry Associations and Minoru Uchiyama Worker Unions, both at the political and technical level, to Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, achieve the objectives of the respective Programmes. Dr Koëter Toyama University, Japan is also senior adviser for OECD on human health hazard and risk assessment policies and technical issues. 1972 BS. in Science, Dept. of Science, Toyama University, Toyama. 1982 Ph.D. in Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo. 1972-1979 Research Associate, School of Dentistry, The James W. Owens Nippon Dental University, Niigata. 1979-1981 Visiting Principal Scientist, Celtral Product Safety, Procter & Gamble, Researcher, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University, Miami Valley Laboratories, U.S.A. Lubbock, TX. 1981 Lecturer, School of Dentistry, The Nippon Dental University, Niigata. 1981 Visiting Researcher, Faculty of Dr. Owens holds a doctoral degree in Molecular biology from Science, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen. 1982-1994 Washington University, St Louis, USA. Dr. Owens area of Associate Professor, School of Dentistry, The Nippon Dental expertise is the development, standardization, and validation of University, Niigata. 1995 Professor, Faculty of Science, toxicological methods for application to hazard identification, Toyama University, Toyama. hazard characterization, and risk assessment. His current area of interest is methods to assess and evaluate endocrine activity of chemical substances. Dr Owens has served on the USEPA’s Jun Kanno Standardization and Validation Task Force and currently serves Section Chief (Senior Scientist), Cellular & Molecular on the USEPA Advisory Endocrine Disruptor Methods Toxicology Division, Biological Safety Research Center, Validation Committee. Dr Owens also serves on the National Institute of Health Sciences, Japan Mammalian Validation Group of OECD’s Task Force on Endocrine Disrupters Testing and Assessment. Received his M.D. from School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School for Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. 1986-1997, had been the teaching profession at School of Daniel B. Pickford Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. 1991-1993, Research Scientist, Brixham Environmental Laboratory, Visiting Scientist, Cancer Genetics and Molecular Pathology, AstraZeneca, Global Safety Health and Environment, U.K. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, RTP, NC, U.S.A. Since 1997-present, engaged at present position, special- Dan is a biologist with over 7 years research experience in the ize in experimental pathology and molecular toxicology. fields of reproductive biology and endocrinology in lower verte- Research includes molecular toxicity focused on studies on brates, principally with amphibians. Much of this work has con- Endocrine Disrupting chemicals, carcinogenesis, general/molec- cerned the impact of environmental endocrine disrupters on ular-based toxicology and OECD/EDTA Uterotrophic Assay reproductive and endocrine function. In addition to laboratory project as the lead laboratory testing research of EDCs. work, he has conducted extensive field work in Bolivian Amazon rainforest and the Florida everglades. Dan leads the BEL research program on amphibian ecotoxicology, which Robert J. Kavlock includes investigations into disruption of larval development by Director, Reproductive Toxicology Division, National Health & estrogenic and thyroid-active substances, as well as developing Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. novel test methodologies for toxicological testing in amphibia. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S.A. As member of the Research Unit he also contributes to other aspects of the endocrine disrupter research project, and provides Received his Ph.D. in 1977 and for the past twelve years has technical support in biomarker development and use (e.g. VTG been the Director of the Reproductive Toxicology Division in ELISAs). Dan is an active member within several international the National Health and Environmental Effects Research ecotoxicology working groups, including ECETOC, CEFIC- Laboratory, EPA located in Research Triangle Park, NC. His EMSG, and OECD. He is a member of SETAC and the research interests lie in teratogenesis, developmental physiolo- Declining Amphibians Task Force, and holds a UK Government gy/pharmacokinetics, reproductive toxicology, and quantitative Home Office License for experiments involving fish and risk models. He has been widely published and for the past six amphibia. years has held a variety of responsibilities for the EPA’s research program on endocrine disruptors. He has also been active as a member or officer in a number of organizations such as the Society of Toxicology, the Teratology Society, and the ALTX4 Study Section of NIH. He is the current president of the Teratology Society and currently holds adjunct appointments at Duke University and North Carolina State University. Weida Tong Bruce Blumberg Manager of Computational Science Group, Logicon ROW Assistant Professor, Department of Developmental and Cell Sciences, US FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Biology, University of California, U.S.A. Research (NCTR), U.S.A. He received a Bachelor’s degree (A.B.) in Biology from Dr. Weida Tong is Manager of Computational Science Group of Rutgers University in Camden, NJ in 1976. His graduate train- Logicon ROW Sciences located at the US FDA’s National ing was in the Biology Department at UCLA (specializing in the Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR). He is also an Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the extracellular adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical matrix) from which he received a Ph.D in 1987. After one year Sciences at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Dr. of postdoctoral training at the University of Medicine and Tong received his Ph.D. in 1990, and was a research associate Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in computational chemistry for six years at the University of (1987-1988, extracellular matrix), he joined the Department of Missouri-St. Louis. In 1996, he joined a multidisciplinary Biological Chemistry in the UCLA Medical School (1988- research team at NCTR that has been focusing on development 1992). His focus at UCLA was on the molecular embryology of of computational toxicology tools for risk assessment, and vertebrate development. He joined Ron Evans’s group at the bioinformatics approaches for genomics and proteomics. Salk Institute as a Staff Scientist in 1992. Here he spearheaded the effort to identify ligands for orphan nuclear receptors. In 1998 he joined the faculty at the University of California, Nobuo Tomioka Irvine. Here he has continued his previous work on the role of Board Director and General Manager of Bioinformatics, retinoids and orphan nuclear receptors in development. This has Institute of Medicinal Molecular Design, Inc., Japan led naturally to his interest in endocrine disruption, in particular the role of environmental retinoids in causing frog deformities 1988: Ph. D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of and the interaction between environmental estrogens and the Tokyo. 1990-1995: Assistant Professor at Laboratory of steroid and xenobiotic receptor, SXR. Another major research Medicinal Molecular Design, Faculty of Pharmaceutical interest is in high throughput approaches to functional Sciences, University of Tokyo. 1995: Joined the Institute of genomics. Medicinal Molecular Design (IMMD), Inc. at its inception. Present: Board director and general manager of bioinformatics at IMMD. Responsible for the development of systems for com- Julianne M. Hall puter-assisted molecular design and bioinformatics. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, National Institute of Akiko Itai Environmental Health Sciences, U.S.A. C.E.O. and President, Institute of Medicinal Molecular Design, Dr. Julie Hall attended Trinity College in Hartford, CT and Inc., Japan received a B.S. in Biology in 1994. She next entered a doctoral program in Cell and Molecular Biology at Duke University. In the laboratory of Dr. Donald McDonnell, she studied the molec- ular pharmacology of the estrogen receptors α and β and was involved in the development of a combinatorial phage display Masahiro Takeyoshi approach to study estrogen receptor biology. Dr. Hall received a Section Chief, Health Effect Research Section, Chemicals Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Cancer Biology in 2000 and has Assessment Center, Chemicals Evaluation and Research continued her research as a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Ken Institute (CERI), Japan Korach at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Awarded the degree of M.S. in Animal Sciences from Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Agricultural Science in 1984. He has got a position in Chemicals Evaluation and Tohru Inoue Research Institute (CERI) in 1984. Awarded the degree of Ph.D in Veterinary Sciences from the United Graduate school of Director, Center for Biological Safety Research, National Veterinary Sciences in Yamaguchi University in 1995. Present Institute of Health Sciences, Japan position: Section Chief, Health Effect Research Section, M.D. and Ph.D. from Yokohama City University (YCU) and the Chemicals Assessment Center, Chemicals Evaluation and YCU-Graduate School in 1970 and 1974, respectively. Post- Research Institute. doctoral research involved hemopoietic stem cell biology as a Principal Investigator at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontol(1974-1984). In 1979, a visiting investigator, and later a research collaborator at the Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, involved radiation and chemical toxi- cology in molecular biological aspects for 15 years. 1984-1994 Associate Professor in Pathol, at YCU, with a research program on cytokines and cytokine receptors. After an appointment as a Head at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, he is engaged with the present position since 2001. Yuji Kohara Makoto Shibutani Professor, Center for Genetic Resource Information, National Section Chief, Division of Pathology, National Institute of Institute of Genetics, Japan Health Sciences, Japan Graduated from Faculty of Science (Biophysics), Kyoto From 1983 to 1985, Master course, Department of Veterinary University in 1974 and from Graduate School of Science Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of (Molecular Biology), Nagoya University in 1979. Research Agriculture and Technology. From 1985 to 1989, Doctor course, Associate at Institute of Molecular Biology, Nagoya University Department of Neuropathology, Medical Research Institute, in 1980, Visiting Scientist at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and received a Ph.D. From Biology, Cambridge, UK in 1988, Associate Professor at DNA 1989 to 1993, investigated experimental models for human brain Research Center, National Institute of Genetics (NIG) in 1989, tumors, as a Research Fellow of NIHS, Japan. From 1993, inves- Professor at Structural Biology Center, NIG in 1996, Professor tigated the mechanism of growth control during neuronal differ- and Head at Center for Genetic Resource Information, NIG in entiation, as a Visiting Fellow of Section on Growth Factors, 1998. Field of Expertise: Molecular Biology, Genome Biology. NICHD/NIH, U.S.A. From 1998 to the present, investigating the gene regulation mechanisms on neuronal injury and carcinogene- sis as a Section Chief of Division of Pathology, NIHS. Tim Williams Research Fellow, School of Biosciences, The University of Birmingham, U.K. George Daston Research Fellow, Miami Valley Laboratories, The Procter & Tim Williams joined the University of Birmingham in 1997, Gamble Company, U.S.A. having completed his degree in Biochemistry at Bath University and doctorate in Biological Sciences at Warwick University. Dr. Daston’s research is on the effects of chemicals on the embryo, His research interests focus on gene and protein expression fetus and child. He joined Procter & Gamble in 1985. He has pub- changes in response to environmental factors. These have lished over 90 scientific articles and edited three books. His research included the study of chemolithotrophic growth in archaea and includes genomic approaches to endocrine disrupter screening. His mercury resistance in bacteria. He is currently using DNA professional activities include serving as President of Society of microarrays to elucidate the effects of environmental pollution Toxicology’s Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology on a marine fish, European flounder, in collaboration with Prof. Specialty Section and President, Teratology Society. Dr. Daston is Kevin Chipman. Funded by the NERC and the European Union, an adjunct professor of pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital he has presented and published his research at an international Research Foundation. He was a Visiting Scientist at the Salk level. Institute, 1993-94. Dr. Daston was elected a AAAS Fellow in 1999.

Kiyoshi Naruse Taisen Iguchi Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Professor, Center for Integrative Bioscience, Okazaki Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan National Research Institutes, Japan Graduated Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Nagoya B.Sc. 1974; M.Sc. 1976, Biology, Okayama University; Ph.D. University, March 1982, with the degree of Bachelor of 1981 Zoology, University of Tokyo. 2000- Professor, Center for Science. Received a Ph. D. in March 1988 from University of Integrative Bioscience, Okazaki National Research Institutes. Tokyo. Occupation: Served as an Assistant Professor, 2000 Professor, Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki National Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Research Institutes. 1992-2000 Professor, Biology and Graduate Science, University of Tokyo (1988 to date). Membership: School of Integrated Science, Yokohama City University. 1998 Zoological Society of Japan. The Genetic Society of America. Invited “Low dose Issue2” by NIEHS at North Carolina. Invited The Genetic Society of Japan. Main interest: Fish genomics and Speaker “Gordon Research Conference Environmental Endocrine the molecular phylogeny and evolution of fish. Disruptors” at New Hampshier. 1997 International Workshop on Endocrine Disrupters at Washington D.C. Organized “International Endocrine Disruptor Symposium” at Yokohama in Timothy Richard Zacharewski the 13th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular 1996 Organized “Endocrine Disruptor Symposium” in Sydney the Biology, National Food Safety & Toxicology Center, Michigan 3rd Asia-Oceania Comparative Endocrinology. 1995 Invited State University, U.S.A. Speaker “Gordon Research Conference Hormonal Carcinogenesis” at New Hampshier. 1994 Visiting Timothy Richard Zacharewski is an Associate Professor in the Endocrinologist, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and the University of California at Berkeley. Invited Speaker “Estrogens National Food Safety & Toxicology Center at Michigan State in the Environment IV” at Washington, D.C. 1989-91 Associate University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Toxicology from Texas Professor, Graduate School of Integrated Science, Yokohama City A&M University in the laboratory of S. Safe. He received a University. 1989 Visiting Endocrinologist, Department of Zoology Medical Research Council of Canada Post Doctoral Fellowship and Cancer Research Laboratory, University of California, to study with Professor Pierre Chambon in Strasbourg, France. Berkeley. 1987-91 Associate Professor, Biology, Yokohama City In 1992, Dr. Zacharewski accepted an Assistant Professor posi- University. 1981-83 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Zoology tion in the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology at the and Cancer Research Laboratory, University of California, University of Western Ontario. His research interests include Berkeley. 1979-87 Research Associate, Biology, Yokohama City molecular toxicology, structural biology and toxicogenomics University. 1978-79 Researcher in Cell Biology, Shigei Medical related to endocrine disruptors. Institute, Okayama. Member of Endocrine Disruptor Research Committees in Ministry of the Environment, Ministries of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Yokohama City University, and Kitakyusyu City etc. Michael H. Depledge Louis J. Guillette Jr. Professor of Ecotoxicology, Plymouth Environmental Distinguished Professor, Department of Zoology, University Research Centre, University of Plymouth, U.K. of Florida, U.S.A. Michael Depledge gained a First Class BSc (Hons) in Louis J. Guillette, Jr. is Distinguished Professor of Zoology at Biological Sciences from University of London in 1975. His the University of Florida. Prof. Guillette received his doctorate PhD addressed the physiology of marine invertebrates. In 1979 in Comparative Reproductive Biology from the University of he moved to the Royal Marsden Hospital, examining the devel- Colorado @ Boulder in 1981. Dr. Guillette is an award winning opment of lung damage in leukaemia patients following bone teacher of General Biology, Embryology and Reproductive marrow transplantation. In 1983 he moved to the University of Biology. He is internationally recognized for his work in the Hong Kong, where he resumed work on comparative physiolo- field of reproductive biology, specifically reproductive and gy and ecotoxicology. He is currently Director of the Plymouth developmental endocrinology of wildlife species. He has served Environmental Research Centre. He has published over 200 as an expert witness to the US. Congress & Senate and as a sci- peer-reviewed papers in international journals, is an Honorary entific policy advisor to many U.S. and foreign agencies regard- Professor of Harvard University and an advisor to the UN and ing environmental contamination. WHO. Fumiki Hirahara Mark E. Hahn Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yokohama City Associate Scientist, Biology Department, Woods Hole University School of Medicine, Japan Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), U.S.A. 1977 received MD from Yokohama City University School of Mark Hahn received a Ph.D. in Toxicology from the University Medicine. 1979-Staff Physician, Dept. of Obstetrics and of Rochester (New York) School of Medicine in 1987. He then Gynecology, Yokohama City University Hospital; 1984- joined the Biology Department of the Woods Hole Rsearch Fellow, Department of Immunogenetics, Mayo Clinic/ Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts as a Mayo medical school, U.S.A.; 1991-Assistant Professor, Dept. Postdoctoral Fellow. He is currently a Tenured Associate of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yokohama City University; Scientist at WHOI. Dr. Hahn’s major research interests include 1998- Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yokohama City receptor-mediated mechanisms of toxicity; mechanisms of University. Present Appointments: Professor and Chair, adaptation and acquired resistance to chemical exposure; toxi- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yokohama City cology of dioxins and other persistent organic pollutants in fish, University; Director, International Clearinghouse for Birth birds, and marine mammals. He lives on Martha’s Vineyard Defects Monitoring Systems Japan Center; Associate Director, Island with his wife, Rachel Graber, and their 2-year-old son Japan Birth Defects Monitoring Program; Vice President, Sam. Yokohama City University Hospital. Involved to world-wide Birth Defects Monitoring Surveillance System as Associate Japan Program Director from 1993. Specialities and interests: Kazunori Fujii Periconceptional and perinatal teratology and dysmorphology, Chief of Ecotoxicology Section, Environment Conservation Clinical genetics. Division, National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea, Fisheries Research Agency, Japan Paul A. L. Lancaster 1981 Graduated from Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki Conjoint Associate Professor UNSW, School of Women’s and University. 1981-1982 Mitsui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 1983- Children’s Health, University of New South Wales, Australia 1985 Research Section, Research Division, Fisheries Agency. 1985-1998 National Research Institute of Aquaculture. 1998- Initially trained as a paediatrician and was Director of Newborn present Chief of Ecotoxicology Section, Environment Services at the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney in the Conservation Division, National Research Institute of Fisheries 1970s. After two years on an NHMRC Fellowship in Applied and Environment of Inland Sea. 1999 Ph.D. United Graduate Health Sciences in London and Berkeley, he was Director of the School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University. AIHW National Perinatal Statistics Unit at the University of Sydney, then the University of New South Wales, from 1979 to 2001. In his work as a reproductive and perinatal epidemiolo- Tyrone B. Hayes gist, he set up the national birth defects monitoring program, Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, established the world’s first national register of IVF pregnancies University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. in 1983, and co-ordinated national reports on Australia’s moth- ers and babies, Indigenous mothers and babies, and reproductive Tyrone B. Hayes was born in Columbia, South Carolina, USA health. Member, WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Human on July 29, 1967. He conducted his Bachelor’s studies at Genetics. Harvard University (completed in 1989), followed by doctoral work at the University of California, Berkeley (completed in 1993). Hayes joined the faculty of the Department of Integrative Biology at UCB in 1995. His research focuses on the develop- mental endocrinology of amphibians. Field and laboratory work are integrated to address the role of hormones in developmental and physiological responses to ecological change as well as the evolution of the mechanisms underlying these responses. Fieldwork focuses on the desert Southwest (USA), swamps of southeastern USA, and various habitats in Africa. Frank H. Pierik rejoined EPA in the Office of Toxic Substances in 1979 to implement the chemical testing provisions of the Toxic Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Public Health, Erasmus Substances Control Act. He served as section chief and later as University Rotterdam, The Netherlands branch chief in the Chemical Testing Branch. Mr. Timm served Pierik graduated as a health scientist in 1994 (Study of Health as a workgroup member and staff support to the Endocrine Sciences, University of Nijmegen), and received his PhD in Disruptor Screening and Testing Advisory Committee 1999 on evaluation of diagnostic methods and treatments in (EDSTAC), a committee commissioned to develop a program to male infertility (University Hospital Rotterdam). Pierik has screen chemicals for their potential to disrupt the endocrine sys- experience in coordination, analysis and reporting of large epi- tem of humans and wildlife under the Food Quality Protection demiological studies. Specific interests: the implications of and Safe Drinking Water Acts of 1996. He is now working to environmental endocrine disrupters for male reproductive implement EPA’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program, health, male (in)fertility, and endocrine markers of spermatoge- which is based on the recommendations of EDSTAC. His main nesis. Currently, he is principal investigator of 2 prospective responsibilities include development of testing policy, valida- studies on the association between exposure to endocrine dis- tion of the screening and testing assays, and development of a rupters and 1) cryptorchidism and hypospadias, and 2) sperm system to select chemicals and set priorities for screening. He is quality (Department of Public Health, Erasmus University the U.S. representative to the OECD’s Endocrine Disruptor Rotterdam, The Netherlands). Testing and Assessment workgroup. He also represents EPA on various interagency workgroups including the National Toxicology Program’s Interagency Committee for Chemical David J. Hunter Evaluation and Coordination and the Tri-Agency Superfund Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition, Harvard School of Applied Research Committee. Public Health, Harvard University, U.S.A. Born in London, Dr. Hunter attended medical school at the Judith A. Graham University of Sydney in Australia, then entered Harvard Senior Scientist/Senior Director, American Chemistry Council, University’s School of Public Health where he earned his U.S.A. M.P.H. and Sc.D. in 1985 and 1988 respectively. Dr. Hunter first began teaching at Harvard’s School of Public Health in Dr. Graham has a Ph.D. in physiology and pharmacology from 1986 and today is a Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition Duke University. She serves as a Senior Director/Senior there. Over the years, he has served professional organizations Scientist of the Long-Range Research Initiative of the American in various capacities and is Director of Harvard’s Center for Chemistry Council. Prior to this, she was with the U.S. Cancer Prevention. He has also been active on many of Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Harvard’s public health-related committees as well as national Development for 32 years, where she held a variety of positions and international advisory groups. He serves on the editorial in research and research management. She has been elected to board of Epidemiology and is currently a member of the editori- offices in several scientific societies, and is a member of the al board of the Human Genome Epidemiology Network. Committee of Toxicology of the U.S. National Academy of Science. Dr. Graham is an author of over 135 journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Teiji Takei Deputy Director, Environmental Risk Assessment Office, Environmental Health and Safety Division, Environmental Kathleen Cameron Health Department, Ministry of the Environment, Government Head of Priority Chemicals Branch, Chemicals, Biotechnology of Japan, Japan Division, DEFRA, U.K. 1991 Graduated from National Defense Medical College, clini- Trained as a toxicologist. Worked formerly in the Department cal training at its affiliated hospitals. 1994-1997 Surgical resi- of Health and the European Commission Environment dent at Yale University, School of Medicine. 1999 Ph.D., Directorate. Currently Head of the Priority Chemicals Branch in (regarding signal transducton of Protein Kinase C in ker- the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions atinocytes). 2000 Deputy Director, Office of Environmental and Chairman of the Government’s Interdepartmental Group on Risk Assessment, Environmental Health Department, Ministry Endocrine Disrupters. of the Environment. Mustafa Ali Mohd Gary E. Timm Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty Senior Technical Advisor, Office of Science Coordination and of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia Policy (OSCP), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Currently is a lecturer in the Department of Pharmacology, U.S.A. Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya. He is also the Gary E. Timm is the Senior Technical Advisor in the Office of founder member and consultant to the Shimadzu-UMMC Science Coordination and Policy (OSCP) of the Office of Centre for Xenobiotic Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances at the U.S. of Malaya. He obtained his PhD from the University of Malaya Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. Mr. in Pharmacology and Phytochemistry. He has been the National Timm received a B.S. in biochemistry at Louisiana State coordinator for Malaysia in the United Nations University pro- University in 1966, a M.S. in organic chemistry from the ject on Environmental Monitoring in East Asian region. He has University of Minnesota in 1971 and a M.A. from the published more than 30 books on various topics such as Humphrey Institute of Public Policy in 1976. He joined EPA in Malaysian Medicinal Plants, Drugs of abuse, High Performance 1973 as a Technical Advisor in the EPA’s Office of Mobile Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Volatile organic compounds Source Air Pollution Control where he worked on issues related and Sample preparation for analytical techniques. His research to the introduction of oxidation catalysts on automobiles. He interests are Endocrine disruptors, toxicology, analytical and worked in the Department of Energy from 1978 to 1979. He clinical pharmacology, drugs of abuse and medicinal plants.