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The BG News April 10, 1981

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April 10, 1981 Cloudy.High,low 70'a F, low 40-45 F. 50 percent The B G News chance of precipitation. Bowling Green State University Strict amendments put on Honesty Code by David Slgworth with an adjusted income of $20,000, we News (tall raportar estimate that the probable reduction in a Pell Grant for 1981-82 may be A new amendment to the Universi- $300," he said. ty's Academic Honesty code will sus- pend any student possessing and/or "We anticipate that our neediest using stolen exams and papers, com- students will continue to receive their plementing an already specified of- full awards," Ferrari said. "Students fense of stealing, duplicating or sell- whose parents have adjusted family ing examinations. income in excess of $17,000 will be adversely affected." The passage of this and another Honesty Code amendment, and Ferrari said Congress may set a 1961-62 budget concerns including stu- maximum income eligibility for a dent fee increases were the main Guaranteed Student Loan at $30,000 to agenda items of yesterday's Board of $35,000, with a need analysis required Trustees meeting. for loans above the maximum eligibility. The amendments come more than a "We estimate that such an income year after the University's exam ceiling would result in a 50 percent scandal in which one student was ex- reduction in the number of our pelled and two others suspended for students who would be eligible for one two months for their involvement in of these loans," Ferrari said. the possession of stolen exams and He said he expects the National University property. Direct Student Loan Program to be cut by $369,760 next year. The Univer- The first addition amends Section 6 sity has $1,438 students receiving of the code, which concerns penalties these loans under this year's total of for offenses. The amendment states $1,174,520. that academic credit earned at another institution during a period of Ferrari said allocations for the suspension or dismissal for code viola- supplemental-grant program have tions will not be accepted at the been increased by $100,000 next year, Univeraity. while college work-study allocations will fall by $37,000, although, he add- The man at far right ha* been mistakenly Identified In newt reports Jamas Whlttom of Shreveport, La., and hit life hat been threatened by Under the unamended seventh sec- ed, "By eliminating the expenditure as the alleged would-be cumin 9! President Ronald Reagan, John people who believe he is a Nazi, photo by the Associated Press tion of the code, undergraduates will work-study funds this summer, we ex- Hinckley Jr. He Is not Hlnckley, nor la he a Nazi party member. He It be placed under suspension or pect to go into the next academic year dismissal for stealing, duplicating or with approximately the same amount Profs foresee more attempts selling examinations or examination as was available last year." books, substitution in class for a significant period without permission Ferrari said reductions in the Reagan requires more security since shooting maximum penalty only and substitu- budget for research will hit hardest on by Tracy Collins and inadequacies. That is why they agency thinks have an unnatural in- IT DOES NOT matter who holds the tion in an examination. grants funded by the National Science News ttall reporter work up close where they know they terest in the president's affairs. office of the president, because Foundation, with some decline in will get caught. If they get away, they "There are 350-400 of these people assassinations usually are not per- Length of the dismissal or suspen- research funded through the National The greatest danger to President lose their places in history." who we consider dangerous, although sonal, Anderson said. sion depends on the offense and its Institute of Health. Reagan's life will come in the few many are in institutions," he said. "Take Ford for example," he said. severity, as decided by the student's weeks following his release from THEIR IS A STRONG sense of "We arrest 400 people a year for overt "Who would want to kill good oP Jerry academic dean. Ferrari said federal cuts to the Cor- George Washington University loneliness isolation and separation criminal activities toward the presi- Ford? They went after him because The second addition amends section poration for Public Broadcasting Hospital, Dr. Dennis Anderson, from society among assassins, dent, and we convict 99.1 percent of he was president." 7 by making possession and/or use of could reduce WBGU-TV's budget by associate professor of political Sociology Professor Arthur Neal said. them." stolen exams and papers an offense, $92,882 for fiscal 1982 and 1983. This science said. The act of assassination allows them The threat of assassination reduces Anderson suggested that the only with minimum penalty of two would mean asking for a release from "Reagan is in more danger now to get attention that they crave, he the effectiveness of the presidency, method to curb assassinations is quarters' suspension and maximum PBS purchase commitments, or than he was before the assasination said. Anderson said. "You lose something through gun control. penalty of expulsion. eliminating the majority of WBGU- attempt because now the idea (to kill "Our assassins in this country seem in a democracy if the president cannot "There is no feasible way of preven- The amendment also deleted the TVs locally produced programs. him) is in the minds of the other to be head cases," David Roller, pro- come out and rub shoulders with ting it without gun control," he said. part of Section 7 that allowed for Another effect would be a reduction in screwballs out there," Anderson said. fessor of history, said. "They do not society. You just never know when or "Some would-be assassins would not possibly all or part of the penalties to broadcasting hours, he added. "There will be a definite need for seem to be motivated by political fac- if they (the assassins) will act" have the resources to get guns if they be suspended. more security around him." tors, and they don't use assassination were illegal, and I don't think they In other items, the Status of Capital Special Agent James Boyle of the as a political tool. " IT IS A MATTER of odds, he said, would be able to get close enough to Albert Dyckes, board president, Improvements report said the Ger- Secret Service's Public Affairs Roller also said the trend of having explaining that the odds must be fixed use a knife." supporting the passage of the amend- trude Eppler School of HPER Com- Bureau said that little more protec- one assassination attempt lead to by not announcing all presidential ap- ments, told the board, "The hallmark plex is finished except for minor com- tion can be added to what already ex- another has come about only in the pearances. Lyndon Johnson could not A BAN ON THE production of new of a University is academic honesty." pletions. ists for the president last 20 years. speak in public unless it was unan- handguns for public use would be a Both amendments, recommended Boyle said that using a profile of nounced because of the unrest in the simple and effective form of gun con- by the Academic Honesty Committee, Also, a priority list of individual pro- "THE PRESIDENT has the "typical characteristics" of assasins 1960s, Anderson added. trol because handguns would soon were approved unanimously. jects totaling more than $37 million greatest amount of protection possible is neither safe nor acceptable to the Boyle said he expects those odds to become scarce, Anderson said. for main campus for 1981-1987 was because his safety is paramount" Secret Service. be fixed from now on. "We do not an- "Those opposed to gun control The board also was told of the pro- passed 8 to 1. This list will be forward- said Boyle, who, in his 13 years with "Psychologists list these nounce the activities of the vice- would argue that guns do not kill, peo- bability of an increase of student fees ed to the Ohio Board of Regents the service, has provided protection characteristics based only on the president, and I am sure that we will ple do," Anderson said. "But people by Charles Shanklin, Finance Com- Chancellor. for Presidents Nixon, Ford and assassins who have succeded in their no longer announce the president's ap- can't kill if they don't have the guns to mittee chairman. He said student fees Finally, the board heard member S. Carter. attempts," he said. "We have ar- pearances," he said. use in the first place." will go up next year, but how much of Arthur Spiegel's retirement speech, "There is just no way you can step rested many who don't make it into But why do Americans kill their The American people do not seem to an increase will not be known until the as be closed his nine-year term at this up the max." the limelight who don't fit that mold.'' presidents? This is a question the be able to control their use of han- state enacts the new budget. meeting (although actual retirement Reagan's situation is similar to that world asks every time there is a dguns as other Western countries do, Shanklin said the increases are will come in May). of Gerald Ford, who faced two TRYING TO PLACE the assassins presidential assassination attempt, he said. needed to "retain the qualities assasination attempts within 17 days into categories can be dangerous, Anderson said. In Europe, many "One report said that there were 69 students have come to demand, have "Everything runs together, " in the summer of 1975, Anderson said. Boyle said. For example, he said, the governmental leaders have few handguns incidents in West Germany come to expect, and come to visit" Spiegel said, "but my perceptions and Ford managed to escape injury when news media recently printed a picture bodyguards and often got to work via in all of 1979," Anderson said, "we impressions of those years are feel- Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme and of an alleged Nazi Party member, public buses or subways, he added, have more than that in a single day, in Dr. Michael Ferrari, in his pro- ings of warmth and gratitude for hav- Sarah Jane Moore made their at- claiming that it was John Hinckley. noting this is impossible in the United the U.S.." vost's report brought the board up to ing been permitted to serve as a tempts on his life. Both are serving The accusation proved false. States. Sociologist Neal said the reason for date on developments of the federal trustee here, of intellectual stimula- life sentences. "The man in the picture was not "In the United States, the president the difference is that American budget cuts concerning student aid, tion from my colleagues on the Board, Fromme and Moore are typical of Hinckley, not even a Nazi Party is the symbolic head of government," culture is more violent than that in research and development, and televi- of genuine affection for the students, those who try to assassinate member. Now that man is receiving he said. "He is very much in the Europe. sion programming and equipment. and of respect and admiration for the presidents, he said. threats on his life," Boyle said. public eye, which makes him a better "The violence is particularly tied in- Ferrari said revisions in the Pell faculty." "The assassins usually have their Boyle said there are 13,000-14,000 target. He is symbolic of public unity to guns or the lack of effective regula- Grant Program will limit maximum Spiegel's replacement will be ap- own private obsessions with killing potential assassins whom the Secret and the focus of people's hopes. That tion of guns," he said. "Outlawing grants next year to $1750. "For a fami- pointed by Gov. James Rhodes and the president" Anderson said. "Itlets Service watch on a close basis, and makes him responsible for the state of handguns would sure be a step in the ly of four, with one child in college and will begin in September. them deal with their own impotency 25,000-30,000 individuals whom the their lives." right direction." Sophomore toxic shock syndrome victim rescued from death by boyfriend by Betty Blake typhoid fever until they found the cer- that anyone can get the bacteria in the The danger only can occur if these if they have, for example, a kidney suddenly and once you go into shock Newt reporter tain staph bacteria characteristic of blood - male or female. bacteria multiply and give off disease that has a toxic bacteria. you have no control over your body," toxic shock syndrome. "The main culprit is a staph dangerous toxins. Taylor recalled. Doctors at Wood County Hospital "They told me my blood pressure bacteria which is found on everyone's "The reason more women than men Miller said the signs of toxic shock Miller said no one knows for sure ex- said sophomore Janine Taylor came was down to 50/0 and I had a skin." he said. "Anyone is a potential get toxic shock is because of are fever, winch is often accompanied actly what causes bacteria to release within 15 to 20 minutes of death after 106-degree temperature...I was so carrier." menstruation," be said. "Blood is an by flu-like symptoms such as toxins. being rushed to the hospital by her lucky he (her boyfriend) found me," He said some people have a greater excellent environment for bacteria to headaches and diarrhea, and severe boyfriend who found her in her room she said. abundance of the staph bacteria than multiply rapidly." cramping at the end of the menstrual Taylor is recovering at her home in in a state of shock last Monday. DR. DAVID MILLER, gynecologist others, especially in body cavities cycle. Toledo and plans to return to school At first doctors thought she bad at Wood County Hospital, explained such as the nose, throat and genitalia. HE SAID MEN can get the disease "It's a scary comes on so next fall. 2 Tht, BQ Ntwi April 10, 19S1 Opinion Stiff academic penalties Human Life Amendment outlaws abortion, —better late than never suppresses women's right to control their lives Students will have stif f er penalties and fewer chances of dodging justice since the Board of Trustees added two I am writing this to call attention to carried to term, and the babies should Those who are pro-choice are certain- amendments to the Academic Honesty Code yesterday. a bill which is now before Congress: be given up for adoption. This is sug- ly not telling women that they should the Human Life Amendment Last Focus gested as if pregnancy were no more have an abortion - we, are not One amendment states that academic credit earned at quarter there were two articles in the than a mere nuisance to women. In "pro-abortion." Anti-abortion ac- another institution during a period of suspension or News which purported to give us in- reality, the experience is a major tivists oppose abortion not only for dismissal for code violations will not be accepted at the formation on this, but ended up being disruption to a woman's life. Prohibi- themselves, but for everyone, and irrational, emotional cries against Tem Royed they are working feverishly to make it University. University studant tion of abortion seriously infringes on The other amendment calls for a minimum penalty of killing babies. All of the so-called every woman's right to control her illegal for all. "right-to-life" people argue in this resented, possibly physically abused, own body and her own life - and this is suspension for two quarters and a maximum penalty of ex- manner, and I think it is important to for all of its growing up years? done for the purpose of giving rights to I urge all University women to con- pulsion for the offense of possession and / or use of stolen air this issue. Some might suggest as a solution to something which has not even been sider what you would do if you were to examinations, papers and / or other course assignments. these problems better sex education unequivocally defined as a person. become pregnant now, or perhaps in The Human Life Amendment the future when you are working to Previously the code did not include "the possession of," (HLA) defines "person"for all legal and knowledge of birth control. Unfor- which left room for offenders to sidestep punishment. purposes as being a fertilized egg. For tunately, this is not going to stop con- What HLA supporters are saying is support yourself. Remember, even if traceptives from failing (or stop occa- that under any circurr stances, a you are raped, abortion will not be an the first time ever, abortion at any option if the HLA is passed and Last spring's exam scam turned into a farce as far as stage of pregnancy will be a federal sional spontaneous acts with no con- woman who gets pregnant must have academic penalties are concerned because only three of offense meaning that it will not be up traceptives), not going to stop rapes, a baby - whatever pregnancy and ratified. I urge everyone who is and not going to prevent the concep- childbirth will do to her physical and against this amendment to let your seven persons charged with offenses received penalties. to a state to decide on its own how to tion of defective children. legislators know it. More information One student was expelled and two others were suspended regulate abortion, and legal abortions mental well-being (unless it will kill about it is available in the The for possession of stolen exams and University property. will be available nowhere in the U.S. A standard "pro-life" argument is her) and whatever will be the condi- Women's Center, 315D Student Ser- As the Amendment is now pending that unwanted pregnancies should be tions facing the child that is born. vices Building. We agree with Trustees President Albert Dyckes' state- before Congress, it makes no excep- ment that, "The hallmark of a University is academic tions for pregnancy due to rape or in- Qmmmn<»*w honesty." But there always will be those students who fail cest, or for fetuses which are known to to uphold that idea and will seek other ways to make it be severely defective. through college. For this reason, it is important that those All anti-abortion activists base their people receive penalties they deserve and the rest of the stand on their definition of "person." students be assured that "justice prevails." This definition has been, and still is , It's just too bad that we didn't have the amendments a much debated by philosophers, biologists, doctors, lawyers, judges, year earlier. and countless others. It is a difficult issue, and not something people can Kennedy rejects proposals just "know in their hearts" to be right or wrong, as some "right-to-lifers" WASHINGTON - For more than a contend. Those who favor allowing week, he had been on the Senate floor, legal abortion are mainly rational working doggedly in what he knew to people who have spent a great deal of be a doomed cause - opposing the Focus time in researching all aspects of the budget cuts of President Reagan. And issue. In favor of the HLA are mainly now, Sen. Edward Kennedy eased his David Broder Catholics and a handful of other back in an armchair in his Capitol religious people whose religious doc- hideaway office, and in a flat, resign- syndicated columnist trine tells them that a "person" ed tone, began his litany. begins immediately at conception. For the second straight spring, Ted claim theirs "a record to be proud Kennedy is challenging a president he of." He rejected, out of hand, the The "pro-life" movement displays knows to be invulnerable to his childlike naivitee in its insistence that arguments, raising issues that most popular cliches of the day: "Government spending is not in fact all fertilized eggs be allowed to grow. other Democrats have abandoned as They give no consideration to the outdated or unwise. In 1980, it was the whole, or even the major, cause of inflation," he said. "Government quality of life of the resulting baby. Jimmy Carter who brushed aside Suppose its mother is a 14-year old Kennedy's opposition; now, with even regulation is not in fact the sole, or even the major, cause of our declining "child" herself? Suppose it is the less strain, it is Ronald Reagan. eighth child of a poverty-ridden fami- Call it stubbornness or courage, productivity...We are told...that we cannot solve our problems simply by ly? hardiness or hard-headedness, Ken- Suppose it is simply not wanted, and is nedy's persistence is remarkable. In throwing money at them. But that is the honeymoon period that preceded only a half-truth...We must also say Reagan's shooting, when most that this nation cannot solve its pro- Democrats walked a careful circle blems by throwing tax cuts and around the obviously popular new budget cuts at them." President, Kennedy - if not picking Over the years, one has learned that Letters. fights - certainly found frequent Kennedy off the stump is often less reason for head-on challenge. dogmatic and ideological than he The budget issues - particularly his sounds on the stump. But not this Students do not have to take advantage of college students teaching and specializes in gymnastic introductory levels not varsity favorite health, nutrition, education year. When I asked him in his office if who have little choice. instruction and health. With the calibre. and energy-assistance programs - he was really sure - as he said in his Yesterday, I closed my savings ac- budgetary cutbacks of late fall In twenty meetings only a limited provided most of the ammunition. But speeches - that the Reagan economic big choice in banks count at Mid Am, and tomorrow I will quarter, several PEG classes faced amount can be accomplished and with Kennedy's eyes roamed the horizon, program would flop, he said, "I hope open one at the Huntington. I hope the cancellation due to the dependency certain student's negative attitudes singling out areas of disagreement he for the good of the country it's suc- Here in Bowling Green, we don't Huntington doesn't decide to start upon part-time personnel who could the whole class suffers. If an instruc- could spotlight in the florid prose of cessful, but I find it very difficult to have a big choice about which bank to charging for withdrawals, or we no longer be hired. One of the areas tor had gotten to the point that he his Madison Square Garden speech to believe it will be." keep our meager supply of money in. students will have no choice at all. facing possible cancellation was gym- finally asked me to leave class, I the Democratic National Convention. And then Kennedy offered a view of Either we go to the Mid Am or the nastics, due to the fact that we did not would have felt a need to re-evaluate Although he is not a member of the the 1980 election which not many peo- Huntington. This decision is usually Missy Tomko have any instructors with gymnastic my classroom attitudes. foreign relations or armed services ple take today - a view which explains related to which bank we live closer On-Campus Mailbox M35 experience who owed teaching hours Most skills are learned through committees, Kennedy strongly why he has told his political and finan- to. (I realize that there are two more to the PEG Division. Despite having a repetition and with gymnastics challenged the new administration's cial backers that he wants to keep his lesser-known banks uptown, but, as a Gymnastics instructor full academic load already, White repetitive skills can often be used in a decisions to send military aid and ad- options open on running for president matter of convenience, most students volunteered to teach the PEG class In warmup like manner. To practice visers to El Salvador, to provide ui 1984 because he believes the coun- don't use them.) question as an overload without pay. learned skills would to me seem less, sophisticated arms for Saudi Arabia, I'm sure the banks in a college town deserves apology not more boring than calisthenics. try may be ready for him and his As to teaching methods, White is ex- to slow down arms-control talks with policies by then. must go through a lot of hassle with The bottom line in my opinion is that the Soviet Union and to increase con- students, but shouldn't the banks also As chairman of the General tremely thorough (which your letter you have made a rather personal at- tacts with South Africa. "I think," Kennedy said, straighten- realize that students are responsible Physical Education Division (PEG) seemed to verify) and is very safety tack on a well qualified and conscien- A day earlier, he rejected Reagan's ing his back, "they're going to find for the majority of their business? I of the School of Health, Physical conscious. With his gymnastic ex- tious instructor. I hope that someday tax-cut proposals and suggested an that there are not these simple, easy was informed the other day by a sign Education and Recreation, I feel com- perience I would tend to accept his you see fit to apologize for what I feel alternative plan that would direct answers they talked about to these in the window of the Mid Am bank that pelled to make some comments regar- judgment that a participant should be was an unwarranted letter to the most savings to low-and-middle- complicated problems, and that is go- as of April 1, we are allowed to ding Kelly Burkhardt's letter which ready before going to more advanced editor. income families by raising personal ing to become apparent. And I'm go- withdraw from our savings twice a appeared in the Friday, April 3 edition concepts. If the class was not geared exemptions and standard deductions. ing to try in whatever way I can to quarter without charge. After this of the News. to your level of expertise we are sorry, Bob Gill begin to show the way." generous allowance of time, we must but most PEG classes are geared V Divisional Chairman, PEG In a March speech to his home-state John White is dedicated to his Wherever that way leads, one can- pay $1 every time we withdraw our Democratic dinner, the own money. DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Massachusetts senator wrapped all not say that Kennedy is hedging his bets. A year before he runs for re- this in partisan rhetoric and said that Thanks, Mid Am. RKX.l'MAmW rather than repent their past policies election, he is about as far out on the LACEY RE- PRINCE CHARLES SOlDRATttR lg**<°:n Perhaps I do withdraw my money *eKE60IN6TD OUR GUESS mm THAT MIGHT and programs, Democrats should pro- anti-Reaganism limb as you can get. HAYETDCOME MINDED ME isGerwenwt.- so? r too often, a fact which I am painfully CF A CONFLICT UEDONTHe I AumTwrnt »*x»*£ UPwrrHAwi HUTCHING TV. THEPHSSURE aware. Being poverty stricken, there OtTE I SAMEPAY. 1 are times when I withdraw only IS. $1 The BG News subtracted from this makes quite a Is difference. JBWSVC' fltt M MI STAFF Vol.61 No. I don't believe that Mid Am is here M to serve the student at all, but rather Editor I-1** Bowers to get every dollar it can. It's a shame Managing editor Stephen Hud.k BeeeeeCdKcir'/ef? Assistant managing editor Kim v»n w,r* News editor KamrynCoM Respoiu Copy tflltor F1** Martha ui wire editor Mary Barnes Phototdltor DalaOmori If you would like to comment on Spom editor Christopher Sherk something in the News or anything mi ntou, JOANIE,THB& I MEAN, TM REALLYEXCTTEP Business manager Jw" Miller of Interest to the campus or com- SOMe/tfKTOFMEJHAflS AXUTGeiTlHG MARR1EP, 0UT FORTUNATELY, icey AMBMLBtTABOUT EVERY N0U AW TWi I SUDDEN- ITSOVERH FORTUNATELY TM BO Km It published dally Tuesday through Prlday during the academic year and munity, write to the News. MAKJNG SUCHA 816 LY THINK, 'MY GOP. I COUP BE A HASH. weekly during summer sessions by students at Bawling Oreen State University. The letter or guest column should CHAtmNM/um. MAHH6THEBIG6BS1MISTAKE Opinion expressed by columnists do net necessarily rolled the opinions el The BO News. be typewritten, triple-spaced and OF MY Lift!' / The BO News and Bowling Oreen State University are equal opportunity employers and signed. Include your address and da not discriminate In hiring practices. telephone number for verification. The BO News will not accept advertising that is deemed discriminatory, degrading or In- sulting on the basis el race, sas or national origin. The News reserves the right to All rights to material published in The BO Newt are reserved. reject letters or portions of letters that are in bad taste, malicious or Editorial and Business Offices libelous. Its University Hall Bowling Oreen State University Address your comments to: Bowing Oreen. Ohio 43401 Editor of The BG News, 108 Univer- : Hill 17I-1MI sity Hall. Tht BO N«H April 10,1961 3 BGLog Faculty director bootlegs his way to higher learning by Maria CMarino His first quest into the illegal venture had Rabin guar- "My father specialized in drinking and selling hard dder. N«w* staff report«r ding the large touring cars that had trap doors in the floor The apple dder would him into alcohol while being stored filled with Canadian beer. His Job was to report to the in the vats in the basement. Many times I'd get sent down Meetings Bathtub gin and Canadian beer got Bernard Rabin bootlegger if anyone suspicious came poking around. there to siphon a to sell." ANYONE INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING at the where he is today. Rabin said that while the business was illegal, it was a Student Recreation Center's late nlghter Friday, April Rabin, dirctor of the Faculty Development Center, way of life for the townspeople of Plattsburgh and not EVENTUALLY, Rabin climbed the corporate ladder 24, is invited to attend an organizational meeting at 9 credits the one-time illegal bootlegging business for pay- frowned upon as an illegal activity. of bootleggery ans was promoted to car unloader remov- p.m. Monday, April 20, at the rec center. ing most of his way through New York's Plattsburgh "In that part of upstate New York, the farms were ing the metal gallon cans filled with the moonshine. State Normal School. straddled on the border," be said "A farm would be on It took him about three years after graduating from MEMBERS OF SENIOR CHALLENGE 1981 who were Back in the 1930's, it was easy to sneak liquor into the one side and a barn on the other. My stepfather would high school to money to go to college, but not all of not at the Wednesday marketing session are asked to at- United States because Plattsburgh was only 20 miles back his truck into the barn and load it with beer bottles his funds were earned illegally. Encouraged by high tend the session Saturday, April 11, at 1:30 p.m. in US from the Canadian border and the demand was great. covered with potato sacks. The truck looked like it was school teachers, Rabin also worked at many Education. Prohibition had citizens craving booze and many full of sacks of potatoes. "respectable jobs, too," so he could get into the Universi- lawmakers would turn their backs and let the sting opera- ty- THE FINANCE CLUB will meet Monday, April 13, at 8 tion take its course. "AND THE COPS would let them get away with it," Decades later, his success story goes on with the p.m. in room 110 of the Business Administration Rabin chuckled,' 'because the guys would pay them off to memories of "those terrible years" when he'd have done building. Those going to Chicago should attend. BECAUSE HIS family was so poor and feeling the keep it under their shirts." "anything to survive." He talks about the days when all picnh of the Great Depression, Rabin was forced to work It wasn't long before the town highway traveled by the his clothing consisted of cast-offs and hand-me-downs. THERE WILL BE A KEY information meeting, Mon- by the age of 13 and proudly boasts that he has been day, April 13, at 8 p.m., and for sales people, Tuesday, bootleggers was dubbed the "Greased Road." "I never had any clothing that was purchased new," he "totally self-supporting ever since." "Grease is a metaphor for money changing hands," he said. "I remember the people that I lived with let me use April 14, at7:30p.m. in room 310 of the Student Services He remembers leaving home at an early age to live in a building. explained. "The lawmen were paid off to ignore bootleg- their ironing board and taught me how to make my old 50-cents-a-week room with three other boys and working gers in cars and in boats that would travel down Lake gray trousers black again by pressing them every couple at any Job he could find to support himself. Champlain." days with a teasoaked rag." Sign-Ups "I did every kind of work there is," he said. "As a kid, I Despite the danger of getting caught, the punishments Rabin began working at the University in 1966 after was very poor. I took a Job delivering the early morning FALL HOUSING APPLICATIONS are being accepted were minimal because "the Judges and others were in- many years of schooling. He emphasized the importance from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. in the main lounges or activi- paper that paid $2.50 a week. It bought most of my meals, clined to very lenient with the bootleggers," Rabin said. of education and how it meant more to him because he but I can remember times when I went lunchless and din- There was little risk involved in working for the opera- paid his own way through school. ty rooms of campus residence halls. The schedule of nerless." dates is: Alice Prout and Conklin, April 13; McDonald tion, but there were sleepless nights for him and the Sometimes he would manage to steal a few extra citizens of Plattsburgh. GIVEN THE opportunity to live his life over, however, East and Kohl, April 14; McDonald North and Rodgers, papers when picking them up to buy himself some April 15; McDonald West, April 16; Harshman Brom- Rabin said he would not get involved with the bootlegging field and Chapman, April 20; Harshman Anderson and breakfast. To Rabin, an extra dime in his pocket meant MANY NIGHTS I remember being awakened by gun- business, and he doesn't approve of or encourage any stu- Dunbar, April 21; Kreischer Ashley and Darrow, April that he could afford to have butter on his donut slices. Ore. Once the shooting started I wanted no part of it, and dent to sell drugs or other illegal items to make money 22; and Kreischer Batchelder, April 23. everyone had enough sense to stay away when the bullets for college. IT WASN'T UNTIL he was 17 that he got into the were flying," he said. whiskey business, seeking employment from a bootleg- Prograams And when booze wasn't being smuggled by the locals, "Back in those days, when poverty was the name of the ger he had heard of who turned out to be his stepfather. they were brewing it themselves. game, anything was possible," he said. "Making ends THE BG JEWISH STUDENTS GROUP will hold a "I got involved probably because I drank alot myself in "Practically everybody and his brother made their meet was difficult." Bagel Brunch on Sunday, April 12, at 11:30 a.m. in the those days," Rabin said. "I had no parents to keep track own bathtub gin, and my father made his own brew," he Had the situation involved drug dealers and not University Union Faculty Lounge. Tammerat Tafesse, of me and I discovered practically everything by said. "I remember capping the beer bottles. It was a bootleggers back in his early days, he probably would an Ethiopian Jewish student studying at the University myself." great sport have worked for them just as easily, he said. of Toledo, will describe his experiences as a Falashan Jew. Newsbriefs BSU considers changing name to reflect new goals

Bradley dead at 88 by Kathleen Kosher and programming, and members debated whether this English said programs the previous year cost the Univer- News staff reporter might hurt the union rather than help it. English said sity $4,000. NEW YORK (AP) - Gen. Omar Bradley, the last of BSU will distribute surveys to students soliciting feed- the nation's great World War II commanders and the Discussion about the possibility of changing the Black back about a possible change. THIS QUARTER, BSU plans to organize resistance to last of its five-star generals, has died at the age of 88. Student Union's name dominated last night's BSU posssible financial aid cuts being considered by the Ohio meeting. The meeting opened with discussion about the group's Board of Regents that might indirectly hurt black Bradley, a lanky, bespectacled Missourian who com- Advisory Committee on General Fee Allocations hearing students. English, along with Peter Obujui, president of manded U.S. invasion forces on D-Day at Normandy Although BSU President Jeff English said the proposal last Sunday. Bruce Lavender, Vice President of the African Peoples Association, attended an open con- and was the first to chair the Joint Chiefs of Staff, suf- is only in the working stages right now, members were Business, described BSU's budget hearing as "smooth." ference of the Board of Regents in Toledo March 30. The fered a heart attack Wednesday while attending a din- able to discuss the pros and cons of a name change. Many "There were a lot of problems that could have taken groups presented a package citing the repercussions of ner at the 21 Club here and was pronounced dead shortly were concerned with the possibility of a charter or fun- place if we hadn't prepared or organized," he added. possible cuts on unemployed black youths and deficien- ding problem if the name did change. English said he has requested $15,000-$16,000 from cies that would occur in cultural development programs. afterward at a hospital. ACGFA and that the group received $11,000 last year. During his 69 years of active duty, the longest service Others questioned whether a structural change would English said he is sending letters to black leaders at of anyone is U.S. history, he commanded the largest accompany the name change but the executive council The executive council assured members tnat Jan. 29 force in U.S. history -1.3 million men in World War II - emphasized the change is only a suggestion so far. other universities explaining BSU's stand on the financial would be a no-class day next year in observance of Mar- aid issue and soliciting support. English said the original black student unions were tin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. English said the council, and never lost a fight organized at universities when groups were fighting for along with other members of the black community, ap- But, he once told a congressional committee, "as far civil rights in the 1960. proached Academic Council about securing the day off. Although the Board has not decided what budget cuts to as I am concerned, war itself is immoral." Although the University had promised to organize some make BSU may plan a rally or program to inform A NEW NAME might reflect changing goals, interests kind of program last January, officials failed to do so. students about possible changes.

ADDITIONS FOR THE UAQ EAMRET SttQW April 12, 4-7 pm and April 13, 6-7:30 pm ! UAO Office Annex 3rd floor Union \ Open to anyone - please come J prepared to sing a number pertaining¥ J to the theme "Citizens Around the World"

at thi Dixie Electric Co. lac.

An Enterflawjl Utility To Hell WiA 11 Part Saturday, April lltn oick oi bartendiers making.Li g y

oick oi slow waitress and floorwalkers

who are never around when you need them?

UK, are you sick oi rude customers,

people who don t get out of your way when

you re in a hurry, and people who change

their order alter you just spent 15 min. lighting your way up to the oar and back? lot's EAST Well, join the Dixie as we say E. Court 352-1596 To Hell WiA It, Let's Partj!!! Mon-Wed 11 am-2 am And don't forget iUidnite^ladness! Thurs-Sat 11 am-3 am Sun 4 pm-Midnight cowl »ioc TOunsuriH 4 The BQ NMI April 10, 1981 Shuttle's maiden voyage fires off U.S. ambitions CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Today, Young and Robert Crippen America's future in space rides with are flying a comparatively simple the shuttle Columbia. first mission, with the 80-ton Success opens the cosmic highway spacecraft later being subjected to in- with its limitless promises. Failure creasingly more rigorous tests in orbit causes incalculable damage, and and on liftoff and landing. months, perhaps years, to recover. THEY ARE ticketed to orbit the "The country has got an awful lot Earth 36 times in 54% hours. riding on our first flight," says John "This is the most complex vehicle Young, commander of Columbia's ever flown," said Crippen. "If we get maiden voyage. "It's critical, and we Columbia up and back down again and intend to make it work." it's in shape to fly again, it will be a UNLIKE AMERICA'S earlier man- successful mission." ned space projects - designed to beat The flight plan calls for them to Russia to the moon - the shuttle Is not check and recheck Columbia's just a short-term program. It systems - the computers, life support, represents a long-term commitment electronics, engines and the opening to establish a military, scientific and and closing of the huge doors on the 60 commercial presence in space. foot-long cargo bay. The program already is more than AND FOR the first time, an stall photo by Scolt Keeler two years behind schedule because of American manned spaceship is to Examining art placaa at h«r gallary, Haphaaatua, co-ownar Ro namad aftar tha Qraak god ol craltsman. technical and money problems. The return to Earth on land, testing Basil, displays studant work from tha Unlvoralty. Tha gallary was loss of Columbia on the first test would Young's skills as a pilot to guide it mean immense embarassment and back like a giant glider. If all goes another lengthy delay. The second well, landing will be at Rogers Dry Hephaestus gallery unveils new student art shuttle, the Challenger, won't be Lake, a huge hard surface which pro- by Dava Whitman Basile is an assistant manager at a Hephaestus sells the work of "It's easy for anyone without big ready to fly for at least 18 months - vides some margin for error. Follow- Maws atalt raportar downtown bar and Blon is a University and local artists, with a bucks to afford that," Basile said. Yet longer if Columbia's test reveals a ing the fourth test flight, touchdowns need for redesign. A studio and fine arts gallery called goldsmith. few pieces coming from artists in she pointed out it is still a one-of-a- will be made on a 15,000-foot concrete Hephaestus is more than just a place BASILE, WHO graduated from the Toledo. kind piece of art. John Yardley, head of the shuttle runway near the launch pad at Cape University in 1978 with a bachelor of BASILE SAID when Hephaestus open- program for the National Aeronautics Canaveral. for University artists to display their and Space Administration, was asked work, Ro Basile, co-owner of the fine arts degree, said she thought the MOST OF THE glass pieces are from ed last May, most of the customers From Edwards, Columbia, which is North Main Street gallery, said. gallery fills a need of many University the University, but the holographs and were friends or other artists. yesterday about the impact if the the size of a medium-range DC-9 artists. paintings on the wall come from all "The circle of people that come up shuttle doesn't work. jetliner, will be mounted atop a Basile said the main goal of "There are a lot of artists with no over, Basile said. here to buy things is getting bigger," "A LOT OF people think it would be modified Boeing 747 to be flown back Hephaestus, named for the divine place to exhibit their work," she said. she said. "A lot of doctors will come the death knell to the U.S. space pro- to the Cape for inspection and smith and god of craftsmen is to ex- "Here they have a place to show their "The glass is really our strong up here now to buy glass." gram," he acknowledged. However, preparation for flight No. 2, scheduled pose the people in town and at the art and learn how to get it into a point. There is always so much of it "People are getting used to us, and he contended, "It would be a big set- for August or September. University to art. gallery." and it's such good quality. There's we're getting better response from the back, it would probably cost us two On flight No. 3, in December or She said University art students on- nothing shoddy here." artists. They aren't bringing over years, but the shuttle would come January, Columbia may carry its first "Even if we don't sell things, we're ly have a few chances to display their anything that's half finished," Basile back, the space program would come satellite, a military package, into or- not going to close down," she said. work through the University. "It's Basile explained that glass art is said. back and it would be a big success." bit The astronauts on that flight also Basile and the other part owner of the like having one piece of work repre- particularly popular with customers Most people come to the gallery are NASA is weaning the Columbia are to test a robot manipulator arm gallery, Bob Blon, help support sent what you've been doing all year,'' because it is relatively low in price. surprised by the high quality of the gradually with four test flights spread which will be used later to deploy and Hephaestus by working other jobs. she added. Most pieces cost between $10 and $30. work displayed, she added. over 12 to IS months. retrieve payloads in space. '■■■■BBBB COUPON APRIL FOOL'S SO YOU WANT TO *." OFF BLAST WORK FOR THE KEY. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR $1.50 OFF ANY There will be an Informational 16" PIZZA WITH TWO OR MORE ITEMS. Toesday, April 14th Open 2:30 pm meeting for: Monday, April 13 Tuesday, April 14 All the draft beer yon can 8410 pm drink, phut live music by 7:30 pm writers, artists sales people "AQULLA"- all for »3.°° lab techs DON'T BOSS OUT photographers ONE COUPON PER PIZZA GOOD THRU 4/14/81 general office help LONGBRANCH SALOON SIO Student services Bldg. Read the News IBBBBUKWW—————**~ ■ ~-rmninnaaaDOBsiHBsJt —***—*»—•••**»»**»»»»*»»•»****»»»»•»* »»*»»»»*»*•* •**********************JMr^**#************* * * HAIRDRESSING PREFERRED PROPERTIES CO 836 HIGH ST.-RENTAL OFFICE ALPHA XI DELTA * WORKSHOP PHONE 352-9378 9:00-4:30 I * Tues. April 14 Faculty Lounge, 2nd floor Union Proudly Announces Their New hairdressing tips such as french brading, APARTMENT COMPLEXES t * • Haven House and french twists : also some make-ups • Piedmont Aprts.-8th & High St. Free and open to all • Buckeye House-649 Sixth St. * Officers * ■aaaa——aaaaaa*aa—a—a—fa aaaa—a—a »•*»»»**»»*»*»»»»•*: • Blrchwood Place-650 Sixth St. * • Meadowlark -818 Seventh St. * * • Small Bldgs.--Between 6th & 7th St. * * Preaidant-Malinda Qrlaaar Recording Secretary-Sue Hacker * FEATURES Vice Praaldant-Sally First Corresponding Secretary-Tammy Sludak * * PHIMU • 2 Bedroom-Furnished Mambarahlp-Joyce Walglar Journal Correaondent-Mel Davla • Gas Heat & Alr-Conditlonlng Sr. Panhellenlc Delegate Ann Slolte Hlatorlan-Tammy Porter i • Laundry Area In Each Building Pledge Educator-Sue Cralt Chaplain-Jenny Samuel * Spring Semi- Formal • Tenants Pay Electric Only Treasurer-Lisa Collman Marshal-Heidi Schnaterbeck i • Lota of Closet Space I Aaalatant Qlnder Ritual- Robin Traend * April 10, 1981 Quill Chairman -Debl Gruber Social Chairman-Sue VanLent SPECIAL FEATURES t House Chairman-Karen Games • All residents have use of year rougd pool * with large game party room, kitchen, huge * fireplace. Ping pong, pool table, pin ball * machines. I * THE NIGHT OF THANKS TO THE OLD OFFICERS FOR A JOB WELL DONE OTHER RENTALS * • Houses, efficiencies, 1 bdrm. * ALL NIGHTS !!! • Furnished & Unfurnished t* »»»»-»»»»»»»»»4HE»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»i!

Invites you to _,_ Presents: ft ■tig) Alex Bevan In Concert Today ^r~~ ~" ■ 1 May 22-24 OR May 28-31. We'l be heading to the New River In 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. ha If'sT 1 West Virginia, one of the most exciting white water rivers in the East. Side Door-Union Sign-up now thru May 15 in UAO office V^Jjjj^V Presale tickets available Total cost is $85; $55 due upon sign-up, $30 by May 15. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 in UAO office '$2L This $85 covers rafting, camping and transportation costs. today only

W-^Hafr^B aw - tickets $3.00 in advance V ' MULM MM $3.50 at the door tdi (%!%!< yiTTTol i Th» BQ Nawa April 10,1M1 S When your work's over, head for the mount *flWV ^

m- S9^

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©Anheuser-Busch, Inc. St. Louis. Mo. 8 The) BQ N«wt April 10, 1981 Punk star has close shave in trial Iranian women express repression, CLEVELAND (AP) - Punk rock star "We play our music all over the THE WKYC-TV tape was shown Wendy Williams, lead singer of the world. We've been doing the same during the day-long trial Wednesday. respect for religion through clothing Plasmatics, blew a kiss to a Cleveland show for three years and we'll con- Miss Williams' manager, Rod jury yesterday after being acquitted tinue to do it," said the singer, who Many young Iranian women in the of an obscenity charge for performing wore chains about her neck and Swenson, said he thought yesterday's by Scott SkMk "WOMEN OF THE lower socio- verdict would affect a similar obsceni- New* reporter economic level in urban areas (of high-income bracket who continued here covered only with shaving cream ankles, tight black leather pants and a with higher education would not wear from the waist up. tiger-striped tank top. Her black and ty charge against the singer in Iran) wear veils," she said. "They Milwaukee. Miss Williams and Swen- Hie veil is a common piece of have lower educational skills and they their veils when leaving home, accor- Fans in the courtroom applauded blond hair was cut in a Mohawk style. ding to Bauer. But the revolution and Miss Williams, 31, thanked the son also were charged with re isting clothing for women in Iran. have few extra domestic roles." five men and three women who found MISS WILLIAMS was charged after arrest after a Jan. 19 performance Toe symbolism of the veils and the Urban women are more restricted changed this. a Jan. 21 show at the Agora night club there. A trial is set for June 3. role of women in Iranian society were in their movement, she added. "They Until 1978, most of the female her innocent of pandering obscenity, a students involved in the revolution first-degree misdemeanor under Ohio attended by the city's entire eight- discussed by Dr. Janet Bauer, a pro- are allowed to work outside the home man police vice squad. "The Jury used their common fessor at the University of North only if they are widowed and have no were from the middle class area. law. Students soon adopted the veil for She had said her First Amendment sense," said defense lawyer Patrick Carolina, in the University Union other family to support them. Prosecutors said Miss Williams was D'Angelo. "I'm sure they don't nor- Wednesday night. "In rural areas, women were a lot revolutionary purposes," she said, rights were violated and called her noting that the veil served as a symbol trial a waste of taxpayers' money and nude after the shaving cream melted mally like punk rock. But they were "The majority of women in Iran I freer to move about the households," politically motivated. and that her gyrations with a conscientious and acted in good saw were wearing veils," Bauer said. she said. "Everyone in the village is of sympathy for the revolution. microphne were depictions of mastur- faith." "The veil is a symbol of both repres- familiar (with each other)." Bauer did field work for her doc- toral dissertation in Iran in 1977-78. "TOE PROSECUTORS are the bation. They termed the entire show D'Angelo, with the law firm sion and high respect in the Islam guys doing this for money. These guys obscene. representing the Agora, said Miss religion. ALTHOUGH THE Shah tried to Williams and Swenson left without a "Status behaviors are more obvious discourage women from wearing She has written several publications are the real whores," the singer told The jury, all of them middle-aged or on women in Iranian society, and also the jurors as they filed out of the cour- older, deliberated about two hours. goodbye or thank you. He said his among women than they are men," veils, it remained a custom or habit client didn't like his approach, which she said. "It differs among different "Women felt naked without it," she spent two years as a Peace Corps troom. They spent another hour watching for volunteer in the Phillipines. She promised she and her group, the second time a videotape of the per- included comments to the jury that he classes in Iran. said. didn't like the Plasmatics act, but that known for smashing television sets on formance and listening to Judge C. — ____-»7»7_ — -«■<--- stage, would keep performing. Ellen Connally reread the law. it shouldn't be considered a crime. "Ring in the New Year"

Classifieds. OUJHRWTWIUwT Lab Technician: prefer at the N.vy Nununf means«»ly LOST a FOUND B. Hollowhead Tender Vlttles DZ Basketball Players The Phi equipped modical fftCilitXM wants your #1 hit. Love Kitty. Tau Basketball Marathon Is photojournalism major, will Advancwdtrtininf SwewliMtiofi Seiko gold watch lost wfille PS I hope you take this the way almost here, your sisters will be receive 412 or 461 Intershlp credit opportumtt*/* Immediate aupwr walking from Founders to Proul. viaofy mpontibllity It was meant...lair ft squarel ready to support ft cheer, so play hours. Apply BG News Office. 106 DELTA ZETA Plua all the benefits of bnn» an Sentimental value. Reward your best as you did before ft Univ. Hall, see Dale. Officer Tnvol Adventure SeJarj 2 Sett. Gammers B Ball team has the and benefna competitive to civilian we'll add to our house one trophy M| moves & there's no way we can i your STUDENTS: SUBLETTING lose! When the Marathon's over morel P.S. Good Luck to Lisa FOR SUMMER? PLACE YOUR \ Post New Year's Eve' ft done. Alpha Gams will be Lalonde, Phi Tau B Ball FOR SALE JAMES GIBSON CLASSIFIED ADS TOOAYI IM number onol Representative. UNIVERSITY HALL. 373 2*01 Westlnghouse Cassette Recorder Mwftcal Programs R«prM«niaitv« Pommererte Clinic today 4:00 to RUSH SIOMA NU in excellent condition, includes Semi- Formal 20. ft. Main Sulla 102 6:00 p.m. 210 Eppler North Gym. 24 hours ol Basketball microphone, ear plug ft carrying Bowilr*. Green. Ohio 4M02 (4If) 352 5500 (colOct) J.O.W. Snoopy is It really Ilk* at Anderson Arena case. Lloyd's AM/FM. RIDES you say It is! PHI KAPPA TAU'S Pollce/air/weather portable April 11, 1981 To & from NYC. New Jersey Mini-Course ..Sign up MARATHON radio like new. 525 each. 2-1730, tnmmu*m*,**m* Opening Ceremonies at 4:00. area (Ramsey. N J.I Easter Mini-Course...Sign-up Deb. . weekend or any weekend, this Mlist-Course...Sign-up To Llttl* Debblt-Congratulatlons Mobile Ho mel97l Parkwood quarter Will gladly help with gas on getting Ass't Rush chairman. custom 17 x 60, skirted, 2 bdrm.. t* driving. Joan353 6J97 GET READY FOR THE DELTA UPSILON BIKE RACE MAY 9. I'm so proud of you, Little One. wash/dry In utility rm. with sink. You'll do a great lob. I'm looking 11:00 AT THE STADIUM. Ig. kitchen, dbl. sink In bath. forward to spending good times nat'l. gas, cabinets galore. RUSH SIGMA NU together. L ft L. Big Tracy. beautiful wood paneling SERVICES OFFERED Jon Eric: Surprised to see your The JAPS of CELL 104 throughout. See at «75 Parkview Spring Quarter Auto Tune up. 44-1 cyl. S10. <12. name in here? Thanks tor all the MCDONALD NORTH present Village, N. Main St. (behind S14 labor only. Your parts or love I the love ft the l*ughter! the circus side show of a lifetime. Krogers) or call 352 6095. mine. 332 5711. Have A Happy 20th B day. I hope THRILLS. CHILLS. PUNS. LEAVING THE COUNTRY it's the best ever. Carol. STUDENTS: SUBLETTING GAMES...See the amazing SALE. Elec. typewriter, KLH Specials FOR SUMMER? PLACE YOUR Sigma Nu: NURSE DOLL do her "tricks". spkers, desk elec. fan, kitchen CLASSIFIED ADS TODAYI 106 Tonight's the night we'll party all S.10. all the bagles ft lox you can utensils, 68 Chevy. Come look ft UNIVERSITY HALL 372-2601. through with our Brothers of eat. A really KOSHER affair. BE make an offer. 352 1030. Tuesday-Greek Nite Early abortion, tests for Sigma Nu! THERE. •73 Yamaha 750, Very clean, runs COMEDY « FUNI pregnancy and VD, birth control. Love. The Lir Slates. great, all new parts. Asking Wear a Greek T-Shirt or Longbranch Shirt and drink EVES. AT 7:30 « 9:30 P.M. JENNY ft LEEANNE Good Call Toledo Medical Services Michelle, your AX Sisters would S1.000. Call It2 2947. draft for Two-Bits (5 Buffalo's) a glass-open at 7:30 SAT. AT 2:00-7:30 ft 0:30 like to wish you luck as our Phi Luck at Cheerleadlng try outs on SUN. AT 2-4-7:30 ft 9:30 14191 243 3179 Couch/lounger 60". Blk., velour. Tau Marathon Queen Sunday! Love. Your Big Bros P.M.--No cover charge-Bring in your Greek paddles for| "HARDLY WORKING" Rick ft Dusty. very soft, comfortable, S120. Representative! Also, 3 other pieces S30 ea.. with 2 our wall. Alpha Phi Congratulates Wendy xlXiXIXIXIXi all across first blk. hassocks S20 ea. 352 6673, ask PERSONALS Featheringham, Ann Rinehart, line interested girls, prepare to tor Tuck. Allison Roth ft Janle Wright on meet XI best sorority. See you AREA PREMIEREI Friday Special. Tuna Sub and '75 Pinto, good gas mileage. Call Wednesday-Ladies Nite Fries S2.7S. Sam B's. State St. at becoming Rush Counselors for real soon, the sisters of Alpha XI,, EVES AT 7:30 ft 9:30 P.M. 354-.1415 Ol'tec 5p.m Wooater ail ITU. Fall of »l. Good Job Girls! Everyone drinks 2 for 1 on all beer and mixed drinks- SAT. AT 24)0-7:30 ft 9:30 Delta. Alpha xrs s si»: SUN. AT 24-7:10 ft t-.30 Ep's Tonight at our four way Raleigh Record Ace 10-spd., new Mini-Course...Signup. RUSH SIGMA NU No cover charge for ladies-open at 7:30 P.M. -NIGHT HAWKS" (R) there will be no way to go but cond., 3 mo. old. S125. Coll Scott Mini-Course.. .Signup. SUZIE O. at 372 4705 or BG News 2 2601. Meat-Course...Sign-up. GOOD LUCKII crazy. Arubal Love. The DG's. KD's We're ready to punk rock LOVE MURPM ft SPECS. Congratulations Rick ft Loci on Thursday-Draft Nite with you all night long. See ya all Buying gold ft silver your Sigma Chl-Phi Mu Double Buffalo nite-8:00 to 9:30-Different drink FOR RENT tonight. The Brothers of Alpha Paying highest prices lavallerlng. specials every half-hour till 1:30 A.M. Sigma Phi. Jewelry Box, 133 W. wooster. SIG EPS HAVE GOT BETA Buff apt. now available for 1981 82 school year. Call 372 41*2 Monday Special Meatball Sub SIO EP'S: SET PSYCHED FOR FEVER...CATCH ITU or 372-416*. and fries S2.7S. Sam B's. State BETA. WE'RE READY FOR To a mysterious girl; I've been Friday-T t\' T-Taco's and Tequilla St. at Wooster. 353 1735 VICTORY NUMBER 151 GOOD noticing you for a long time ft I Apt. to sublet Sum. Qtr. or Hod's! All sizes, colors. Men's, LUCK. WE KNOW YOU CAN DO think I'm In love! I really want to possible 12 mo lease. 4th St. Call 4 to 7:00 P.M.-Homemade Taco's and your favorite women's. Lowest Prices) Call ITI LOVE. THE GOLDEN get together sometime. Maybe at 352-I047. Tequila drink. Tacos are made before your very eyes 357 0001 after 9 p.m. HEARTS. a Croquet Tournament! Love, a Frazee Aplt. I apt. tat 4 Birdsong Hugo the Boss thinks secret admlror. openings. Start Sum. or Fall. 2 by original Mexican Chef. They're the best. Mix your letters with Beta Fever you should know-I'm psyched for bdrms. 2 bathrms. Close to 7:30 till 9:30 P.M.--AII beer 2 for 1--Drink specials every and what a ya get??? A nice PHI TAU ■ BALL campus. 377-3510. semi-formal! Bring hundreds of PHI TAU B BALL half-hour thereafter. T shirt!! I Call Tim 352 2769 or ludes ft gel ready for a good M. rmte. wanted. Available C.J. 352 4»I9. THE MARATHON IS HERE! time! Yours in S ft M. ANDERSON ARENA: 4:00 immediately. SIO mo. Call Tom Tuesday Special. Roast beef Sub at 352 t327. SALE Locker Room Save 20% TODAY. Saturday-Dog i\ Suds and fries. S2.75 Sam B's State Accomodations for F. students and more on store merchandise. HUSH SIOMA NU St. at Wooster. 1531735. across from Rodgers. For Fall ft 3:00 to 7:00 P.M.-Enjoy a fresh Hot Dog and Draft for Pommererte Clinic Today. 4:00 BETSY Troy Is beautiful this All girls interested in learning to 6:00 p.m. 210 Eppler North Summer. Call 352-2I5I. 50 cents. more about Chi Omega, come time of year-come with me ft Gym. find outl Your boy Irom Troy. 1 M. rmte. to subls. apt. Start. 7:30 to 9:30 P.M.--AII beer 2 for 1-Drink specials every loin us Monday, April 13 at 9:00 immed. «330/qtr 160 down. tor Rush Information Night at the BG Students, we are looking to half-hour thereafter. fill 35 summer positions with 352-1079 or 352-1316. Chi Omega House. All are students who are hardworking. Summer: 031 7th St. 2 bdrm. turn, welcome: I Independent ft willing to accept WANTED apts. S450 tor entire summer. Mike, John or Rick playing your favorite Alpha Phi's get psyched for a responsibility. For interview call 2M. rmt*». forties sch. yr. Very Call John Newlove Real Estate crazy time at the beach party. 353 1131 Mon Fri. 8 5 p.m close to campus. 3520751. ask for 352 6553. The surf is up. Kappa Slgs. disco and rock music every night. RUSH SIOMA NU R»y- Summer: 521 E. Merry. 2 bdrm. I'measy ■ -I'mcheapfc I'm fast- ■ Pikes: Wo're ready to party with F. TRANSFER STUDENT furn. apts. Near Univ. 1450 for with f-shlrts for your group or the greatest guys tonight! NEEDS TO SUBLET FOR FALL entire summer. Call John organization Call Tim 352 2769. Looking forward to a wild time! QTR. 11 ONLY. 372 54*6 Newlove Real Estate 352 6553. LONGBRANCH SALOON Alpha Xl's. DG's 1 Slg Ep's; Love. The DZ's. 1 F. rmte. for Fall eT-Spr. (2. Apt. Desperatel We've got our elbows loosened up Tonight is the night because 372-1517. 1 or 2 persons to subls. unfurn. "The Friendliest Night Spot in Town" lor tonight's lock In tea. Get when Alpha Chl's ft Theta Chl's apt, until 6 1511 352 0012. ready to party the PELT way. 1 F. rmte. Spr. ft or 01-02 sch. yr. Bob and Chris your hosts come together a good time Is In Call Belh at 353-00*1. Furn. upper duplex. Summer ft Fine, fine, Anna, I'm so sure it's store. Fall. Furn. lower duplex, your 22nd Birthday! Party Alpha Xl's, DG's ft Delta-get 3 F. rmfes. needed Sum. Qtr. in 3 Summer. 352-OW9. hearty to the max! Love. Janfcl. psyched for a good time Friday bdrm. house. Close to campus. Nice, 3 bdrm. house on Manvllle, 353-0101. LISA G. New mat you're out of night when we lock ourselves Into near campus, avail. June 15, the ranks on the unemployed; I the party of a lifetime. Love, The Needed Female students to partially furn, washer ft dryer. share apt. Spring Quarter. Ph. hope you're ready tor a wild Slg Ept. S400 mo. or summer rate. quarter CONGRATULATIONS Delts. DG's ft Slg Eps The Alpha 352 7365. 217*150. on receiving Phi Mu Chapter Xl's are ready for a great 4-way Junior M. needs housing near 1 bdrm. apt. for grad student. Consultant. I'm really proud of Friday nigh!! Love. The Xi's. campus for 11-02 sch. yr. If you Avail, for Sept. 12 mo. lease. SI75 need a rmte.. Call Ron 62*1920 ft utll. Call 352 22*7. LAST DAY you! Love, your favorite A big congratulations to Janet roommate. M.A.P. Lecorchick ft Jon Haverman on collect after 10 p.m. 1 F. or 2 people to sublet apt. To sign up for a Mini-Course Mini-Course...Signup your DZ Lambda Chi lavaliering. Immed. 4th St. SI15 plus elec. Mini-Course.. Sign-up The sisters of Delta Zeta are very each. Rent negotiable. 354 1239. Mini Course.. Sign up excited for the both of you. Much HELP WANTED 2 bdrm. furn. apt. 705 7th St. Call happiness elwaysl 352-26*3. 9:00 am- 5:00 pm in the UAO office LONGBRANCH BEER BLAST Copyeditlng: preler news Tues., April 14 all the draft beer RUSH SIGMA NU editorial malor, will recelvr Summer Apts. 2 bdrm.. turn. plue llva muslc-C.OO Sue Mulholland Congratulations Internship credit hrs. Apply S450. 2 bdrm. unfurn. 1400. Rates SUD Me Quick draft nappy hours; on your engagement to Dan. We Obsidian. 304 Moaeley. see Larry cover the entire summer, noo Sun thru Wed. 5-10 p.m.; Thur., wish you all the luck! Love, your or Fred In 100 Univ. Hall, News. security deposit. Mid Am Manor Frl. ft Sat. 5-1 p.m. 2 for I by the slstora. on 3rd 1 4th StS. Call 352 4310 glass or pitcher. All Interested girls sign-up for after 1 p.m. GREEK WEEK IS COMING!! I SPRING INFORMAL RUSH at Salespeople Prefer 4 bdrm. furn. house.423 N. Member National GREEK WEEK IS COMING!!! RUSH INFO NIGHT, Sunday, Sales/Marketing malor. Apply Prospect. S450/T mo., 1350/12 mo. Abortion Federation GREEK WEEK IS COMING!11 April 12, at 4:00 p.m.. In th* Obsidian, 304 Moseley, see Larry lease. 354 1279. Luoidgrc Student Services Forum. Must or Fred In 10* Univ. Hall, News. 2 bdrm. unfurn. apts »Vi mo. have 2.2 accum or 2.2 GPA for Photo Lab Technician: prefer lease 1355/mo., year lease Handmade monkey sock dolls in Winter Quarter. Check It out-you photojournalism malor. Credit 1300/mo. Heat ft cooking Includ. LICENSED BOARD CERTIFIED OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS college colors or your favorite won't be sorry. I may be possible or S? Apply No pats. Mid Am Manor on 3rd ft colors. Bowling pin clown dolls, (MALE AND FEMALE DOCTORS) Sham-I'm really excited for all Obsidian. 304 Moseley, see Larry 4th Sis. Call 352-4310 after 1 p.m. Easter ducks, birds, rabbits 4 the good times we've planned. I of Fr*d, 10* Univ. Hall. 3 ig. bdrm*.. furn. apt. garage large rabbit center pieces with • FREE PREGNANCY TEST • CONFIDENTIAL CARE hope everything works out for 304 Conneaut. 1400/9 mo.. 1325/12 nests, also heart-shaped wedding you...Remember kid, this Is our mo. lease. 354-1279. • FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES • MEDICAID AND ALL INSURANCES ACCEPTED ring bearer pillows In white quarter, let's make the best of II. Person to String racquets. Write satin. Call 6*9 3s~. Box 134. SO, OH. Summer Rentals Houses, apts , • ABORTIONS PERFORMED UP TO 24 WEEKS Happy Day! Love ya. Tracy. ft single rooms. Near campus. Food manager trainee lor (IN DOCTORS OFFICE, SURGERY CENTER OR THE HOSPITAL) PICTURE FRAMES: Assmebled PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT. Ph. 352-73*5. Or unassembled, wood finishes. SHELLY CALLAHAN ft LYNNE expanding business. State • REDUCED FEES AND DEFERRED PAYMENTS at savings, samples, $2.50. experience ft goals. Applications Apt. for rent. 2 bdrm. ath ft High, PILLAR. NOW IN SOLITARY tl sch. yr. Call Rich 2 5542. (refunded llrst order). Write: CONFINEMENT IN CELL confidential. PO Box 1(6. BG, FAS FRAMES, PO Box 2*13. BLOCK 104. ARE REQUESTING 43402. I40V> Manvllle. 2 bdrm. Females 281-2445 only. Immediate possession, near 961-1230 Toledo. 43*0*. THE - FOLLOWING Advertising Marketing Malor Do you want to lose weight? Join DONATIONS: 2 NEW SETS OF needed to assist small agency. University. Call John Newlove 14523 North line Southgate 1420 St. Antolne Detroit the Well's Diet Class every Tues BRAINS. SEVERAL BOXES OF Must have car ft phone. Your Real Estate 352-6553. « p.m. At the Heelth Cantor. OATMEAL ft A YEAR'S hours. Commission basis. 1 bdrm. furn. 1115 mo. la S. (Between 1-75 and Toiedo-Dix) (in creek Town) 37MB0S. SUPPLY OF BATTERIES. 2*7 40*5. Summit. I 267 3341. (MEETS MEDICAL QUIDEUNES FOR MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT TO PUBLIC HEALTH) Tha BQ Naws April 10, 1981 7 Day in review.

Atlanta toll increases missing youth, 20-year-old Larry Rogers, Richardson involve statements he allegedly said geophysics spokesman A.B. Adams at He also said the space shuttle program was last seen riding. made in notes left in a New Haven hotel or the univeristy in Seattle. is being undertaken for military as well as ATLANTA (AP) - Members of a special A spokeswoman for the task force, who sent to Yale student Jodie Foster, the teen- The university did not immediately have a scientific purposes. police task force investigating the deaths and asked not to be identified, said Deputy Chief age actress. magnitude for the quake, but Adams said disappearances of 25 black youths were call- Morris Redding and Maj. W. J. Taylor, who Richardson was arrested in New York's mat considering the area over which it was ed yesterday to a west Atlanta neighborhood head the task force, were called to the scene Port Authority where he was taken from a detected, the quake was about the largest Reagan given fish along with other task force members. where the body of black male was found In an bus bound for PhiWelphla. At the time, such activity in the volcano in about a week. WASHINGTON (AP) - Presidents com- abandoned apartment building, authorities Richardson was carrying a .32 caliber plain they sometimes feel as though said. Richardson indicted revolver. they're living in a goldfish bowl. Now The body looked to be that of a youth older Richardson faces an April 17 removal SovM blasts shuttle Ronald Reagan has a guest at the White than 15, but no age could be determined im- NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) - Edward hearing in Manhattan federal court Blumen- House who can really show him what mediately, said Public Safety Commissioner Richardson was indicted yesterday by a thal said Richardson will undergo a GRAZ, Austria (AP) - Soviet cosmonaut that's like. Lee Brown, who went to the scene. The cause federal grand jury on two counts of threaten- psychiatric exam to determine his com- Georgl Grechko said at a news conference A goldfish named Ronald Reagan the of death was not known immediately. ing to kill or hurt President Reagan. petence to stand trial here yesterday he hopes the astronauts on Second arrived at the White House on The body was found in an abandoned apart- Richardson, 22, of Drexel Hill, Pa., was ar- the U.S. space shuttle Columbia complete Wednesday and was immediately made at ment building by officers investigating a rested Tuesday in Manhattan and is being Volcano still active their mission in good health. But he said the home in a glass bowl that once held jelly nearby car, Brown said. The light green car held in New York in lieu of $500,000 bond. program is a waste and militarily-oriented. beans. was attached to a tow truck and had no tires, U.S. Atty. Richard Blumenthal, who an- VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) - A volcanic Grechko said the space shuttle program is Deputy White House press secretary reporters at the scene said. nounced the indictments, said investigators earthquake on Mount St Helens was record- an excellent technical innovation but Kama Small said the fish was the get-well A green car reportedly had been spotted have found no connection between Richard- ed on seismic stations all across the state of "uneconomical and unprofitable" because it gift of 10-year-old Bamaby Dexter Bullard near where the body of Patrick Baltazar was son and John Hinckley, Jr. who is charged Washington, the University of Washington cannot be tested unmanned. of Albany, N.Y.. found Feb. 13. Police also have issued a com- with the March 30 shooting of President geophysics department reported today. posite drawing of a man driving a green sta- Reagan in Washington. The quake, which occurred Wednesday tion wagon in which witnesses said the latest Both counts of the indictment against night, "means it's still an active volcano," 372-2601 YOU CAN WAIT YEARS FOR MEADOW VIEW COURT APARTMENTS A JOB WITH RESPONSIBILITY, 214 Napotoon Road Bowling Qraan. Ohio 352 1195 (DKT's OR YOU CAN GET UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Basketball Marathon RESPONSIBILITY IN THE NAVY NOW LEASING Efficiency. 1 Bedroom or 2 Bedroom, Furnished is HERE NOW. or Unfurnished opening ceremonies A civilian job with responsibility may take years to obtain, even wrrh a college degree. But if you MODELS OPEN-COME AND SEE FROM 9-5 • Gas Heat, resident pays electric meet Navy standards, after four months of Officer • Stove and Refrigerator, Disposal 4:00, Friday at Candidate School (OCS), you can become a Navy • Redecorated, carpet and new drapes officer. And that means lots of responsibility, a • All Residents have use of Party Room, ANDERSON ARENA good salary and fringe benefits, including travel, Fireplace, Pool Tables, Pin Ball Machines. • Laundry Facilities, Swimming Pool post-graduate educational opportunities, 30 days' paid vocation earned annually, plus more. If you're getting your degree now, contact your *•*»»»»* t****4*»»4*t college Placement Office to find out when a Navy Representative will be on campus. Send your AMERICAN n resume'or call: S t\T[ ALL GIRLS NOW RUSHING: j CANCER SOCIETY Lt. J.B. Parrett 16101 Snow Rd. #3 * Vf x-NLy Come on over to * MM Brookpark, Ohio 44142 the t AB6RTION (216) 522-4830 (collect) TOLL FREE ntfTt OrTKERS GCT MSPONSIMUTY FAST. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. 1-8O0-438-80:1g9| SUN DECK COOKOUT! B.G.S.U. Annual Tuesdoy, April 14th I J LOCKER ROOM Charities Board SPORTING GOODS 5:00 pm BIKE AUCTION SALE OF THE YEAR 75 Bikes, some jewelry and j at the ATA house CHECK OUR LOW PRICES other lost and found articles I 20 % off everything in store (except Brooks shoes which are 15% off) April 15, 1981 LADIES' SWIMSUITS 50% off Student Services Bldg. Forum SWEATPANTS reg. $7.95 now '6.45 Viewing starts at 2:30 p.m. the Lil Sis's of HOODED SWEATSHIRTS reg. Ml.95 now »9.56 Auction begins at 3:30 p.m. T-SHIRTS 20% off Terms are Cash (checks with I.D.) AKD ALL T—SHIRTS 20% off (we also print them) TENNIS & RAQUETBALL RAQUETS 25% off proudly announce their Eugene E. Adler Order your team T-shirts and get a good discount All proceeds go to B.G.S.U. Charities Board for distribution 2nd Annual fa All property muat b* claimad it Campu* Safety and Saeurtty by 5 pjn. Fri., April 10. Dixie Electric Co Spring Fever i>< MBA An Entertainment Utility o Financial Analysts o Personal Trust Managers □ Investment Research Analysts DATE PARTY o Management Science Analysts a Operations Research Analysts o Corporate Lending Trainees Bowling Shirt Blast o All of the Above Sat. April 11,1981 Friday, April 10th The last answer's the correct one at Amenlrust. Ohio's larg- est financial institution and one 0* the largest in the country. A member of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, Amentrust provides a full range of banking and trust services to thousands of individual, corpo- rate and governmental customers. Services such as real Here's a rock 'n' roll party for all estate and commercial loans, international and lease financ- a ing, and corporate and pension trusts. To serve its diversified customers and their equally diversified needs even better, you hard working' bowlers. Amentrust needs individuals with solid credentials and abilities who seek out- standing professional achievement Indi- RIZE viduals like you. Together with an atmosphere of chal- National Recording Artist Wear your bowling shirt and get in for lenge and mobility and our excellent salaries and comprehensive fringe bene- fits. Amentrust's location in Northeastern half price!! The bowler with the most Ohio, with its educational, cultural and Wed-Sat recreational opportunrtiee. lets you grow both personally and professionally unusual bowling shirt wins a new Let us get something going for you. We Doors open at 9:00 pm will be recruiting MBA's on campus in the bowling ball!!!!! near future. For interview appointment sign up at your placement office -A-Wear your Longbranch T-shirt and get 100 off admission price So come out and throw a few strikes at the bar and party with the best rock /hierilhist • • April fools' Beer Blast Coming 900 Eudid Avenue around! aerdand,Ohio44ll5 Tuesday the 14 th

LONGBRANCH SALOON COMI PI oo vounst it IN ■© * • The BO News April 10,1981 Sports. Open MAC schedule at Kent Healthier Falcons take to the road by Joe Menzor said. "It's tough to win a game when much in the race," Purvis said. "If News assistant tporti editor you're limited to 20 players, especial- you win three out of four, it is a very ly when you play four games in two successful road trip." Mid-American Conference baseball days. By the fourth game, you're victories are hard to come by on the limited to very few, if any, coaching Blocking BG's path will be Kent's road, but that is the task that Bowling moves." all-America catcher George Spiroff, Green faces four times this weekend Purvis also pointed out that BG will who is hitting .444, with three home when the Falcons open their MAC enjoy the same advantage later in the runs, and pitcher-first baseman Don schedule with doubleheaders at Kent season when MAC teams travel to BG Yankle, who sports an identical .444 State and Ohio University. to play the Falcons at Steller Field, average and a 2-0 mark as a burler. adding that he still would like the rule Yankle and Tom Guerrieri, who is The Falcons, 4-10, play the Golden changed. 1-0 with a 0.82 , are Flashes, 7-5, today, and the Bobcats, the probable starters for the Flashes 4-13, tomorrow, as they begin a OF THE 20 players Purvis is taking against BG. stretch in which they will play eight with him this weekend, eight will be "We know most of their people and games in four days. and each one will probably they know most of ours," Purvis said. "It's tough to open on the road, but see action, he said. "You win or lose with pitching, hitting we'll take a crack at it," BG coach Doug Groth, Keith Imhoff, P.D. and throwing the ball, not with Don Purvis said. "We have to get con- Elber, Roger McDowell and John scouting reports. You look for little sistent pitching, minimize our defen- Maroli are possible starters for the things that will help, but you win or sive mistakes and then capitalize on contests, while Scott Stella, Roger lose depending on how well you ex- our offensive opportunities. If you do Achter and Dale Gregory also made ecute in those three basic areas." those three things in baseball, you the trip. win." "The probability of getting four OU HAS been a team that has had complete games on the road - well, I injury problems. Poor pitching hurt WHILE Purvis said he hopes to win don't know if it ever happens," Purvis the Bobcats last year and if their 6.14 all four MAC contests, he also realizes said. "Our guys did a real good job team ERA is any indication, the pro- that winning on the road at all in con- against these guys last year and we blem has not been remedied. ference games is a tall order. swept them There is nothing we Injuries have also taken their toll on Much of the difficulty of winning on would like better than to do that BG this season, but the Falcons are the road in the MAC is a result of a again." reasonably healthy going into this conference rule that limits the visiting But last year BG faced Kent and OU weekend, according to Purvis. team to 20 traveling players, while the in the friendly confines of Steller Field Outfielder Bob Zielinski and pitcher home team can dress as many players and that will not be the case this John Leovich remain injured and did not make the trip. Kevin Glasspoole is as it wants. weekend. stall photo by Dean Koepller "I'd like to see the same number for "not 100 percent healthy, but is most both teams, so that the contest is "WHAT IT boils down to is if we of the way back and may play on a Bowling Green will be depending on senior third-baseman Joe Thrasher (27) and his teammates to cross played on an even-up basis," Purvis split, we stay even and we're still very part-time basis," Purvis said. the plate more than once when the Falcons slide Into Mid-American Conference play this weekend. Netters slam Sienna Heights, set sights on Notre Dame

by Tracy Collins we compare to the other MAC teams." "What we go with against Northern Illinois doors. The remaining matches were played in- the play of Hoecker, Kramer and Fuentes, News stall reporter will be our lineup for the MAC, unless someone doors, because the school's outdoor courts who usually have reserve roles. He said they NOTRE DAME defeated preseason MAC falters badly," he said. "We will also play with were unfinished. will see more action this weekend. Bowling Green's men's tennis team will favorite Miami by the score of 54 and knocked our set lineup against Notre Dame." Against Sienna Heights, BG lost only one "The new guys carried us a little," Gill said. open its Mid-American Conference schedule off Western Michigan and Ball State with iden- set, while leaving three of its six regulars at "I really don't feel there is a player on this at home today, with a 3 p.m. match against tical 7-2 scores. THE INCLEMENT weather hasn't helped home. team who can't step in and perform well for us Northern Illinois at the Robert Keefe Courts. Notre Dame had already proven the caliber much, and we haven't had enough play," he if we need him." The Falcons will host Notre Dame at 9 a.m. of its team before ravaging the MAC, Gill said. said. "We need three of four good days to IN SINGLES PLAY, Barry Conlan defeated FALCON NOTES: The doubles teams, and Akron at 1 p.m., tomorrow. "They took a spring trip to California, and regain the sharpness we had when we return- Phil McCarthy 6-3, 6-2; Mike Zekas downed which Gill said would play a major role in The team notched its first spring victory you don't play patsies there," he said. "They ed from Florida." Dean DiCiacca 6-3,6-2; Alan Benson beat Jim BG's quest for an MAC title, have won five out with a 9-0 decision over Sienna Heights Col- come in against us with a 17-5 record." A lack of practice does not always lead to a Johnson 6-0,6-2; Eric Hoecker defeated Dave of six matches this spring...Gill announced lege, yesterday, raising its overall record to Northern Illinois has improved over last lack in match effectiveness, he said. Pilarski 6-2,6-1; Warren Kramer crushed Joe that he received two verbal committments for 5-2. year, when the Falcons beat the Huskies, 7-2, "We didn't have any real good practices all Moyer 6-0, 60; and Chris Fuentes beat Tom players planning to attend BG next year. They Gill is predicting victory in two of the three but Gill points out that the Falcon squad also last week," Gill said, "but I was pleased with Wilson 60,6-1. are Jim Demos of Centerville, who was a matches this weekend, but is unsure of how has improved. Akron is struggling with an a their brief performance (against Indiana In doubles action, Conlan-Kramer nipped quarterf inalist in the Class AAA state tourna- the team will do against Notre Dame, a team 1-11 record. State last Friday). "The team had won two of Johnson-DiCiacca 3-6, 7-6, 6-3; Benson-Zekas ment last year, and Steve Beier of Fort which beat BG 9-0 last season. Gill has settled his lineup for the time being, three doubles matches, before rain halted play downed McCarthy-Pilarski 6-2, 6-1; and Wayne, Indiana, who is currently ranked 36th "Notre Dame has already beaten three of he said, by placing Rick Bechtel at first last week in Cincinnati." Fuentes-Hoecker defeated M^r-Wils0" M, in the Western division of boys 18-and-under the five best teams in the MAC," Gill said. singles, with sophomore Barry Conlan holding The Falcons were able to play some of their 64. singles by the United States Tennis Associa- "This match should allow us to gauge how well down the second position. matches against Sienna Heights College out- Gill said he was particularly pleased with tion. Tracksters host 10-team invitational

by Joey Maglll Rounding out the field will be Michigan, will not be competing and News staff reporter Miami, Toledo, Ohio Northern, De- that any type of preview would be dif- fiance, Saginaw Valley and Akron. ficult without those teams. Bowling Green's women's track Brett said that the meet will provide All events, field and running, begin team hopes to continue its winning excellent competition for her team tomorrow at 11:00 at Whittaker streak tomorrow when it hosts the and that there is a chance some Track. 10-team BG Invitational. women could qualify for the national The Falcons won their first outdoor meet in May. meet, a quadrangular meet in Athens, "Weather permitting, there's a Hebner homer last weekend. According to BG coach possibility that both our 400-meter Pat Brett, the team is a good bet to relay and our sprint medley relay handles Jays win again. could qualify," she said. "Stephanie "There's a good possibility we can Eaton has a good chance to qualify in DETROIT (AP) - Richie Hebner win the meet," she said. "Central the 1500 also." belted a three-run homer in the Michigan will be the other strong OHIO'S Kathy Williams is a solid seventh inning yesterday to lead the team, and we beat them indoors." favorite to win the 400 meters, said Detroit Tigers to a 6-2 victory over Despite the fact that BG defeated Brett, adding that she is only one-half the in the season Ohio last weekend, Brett said the Bob- of a second away from the qualifying opener for both teams. cats could also be in the team race. standard. The score was tied 2-2 in the She added that the University of "Other than our own Kim Jamison Detroit seventh as Lou Whitaker led Michigan would have been the clear in the 200 meters, there are no more off with a double off Toronto reliever favorite in the meet except that it real favorites in any race," she said. Joey McLaughlin. Steve Kemp is not sending a full squad. "The competition is very well spread worked reliever Mike Willis for a "SOME OF Michigan's runners will out" two-out walk and then Hebner be competing in the Dogwood Relays Although five MAC schools will be delivered his clout into the right field in Tennessee this weekend," she said. present tomorrow, Brett is hesitant to seats on a 1-0 pitch. "They'll still send some quality in- call the meet a preview of the con- Detroit starter Jack Morris, 1-0, staff photo by Dale Omori dividuals to our meet, but I don't think ference meet She said that two of the went the distance, giving up five hits Five members of Bowling Green's women's track team run together in a pack during practice this weak they'll have enough depth to challenge four strongest teams in the MAC, in picking up the victory. at Whittaker Track, the sight of tomorrow's BQ Invitational. for the team title." Eastern Michigan and Western Johnny Miller continues his comeback; leading Masters AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) - Johnny Hinkle, one of the longest hitters in the Watson, who has been fighting swing tempt on the 18th hole that would have BRUCE LIETZKE, the cross- Defending champion Seve Miller, golfs comeback Ud, con- game, and Curtis Strange. troubles all season. "It very easily given him a share of the top spot handed putter who won two early- Ballesteros of Spain thrashed his way quered slick, fast greens with a new Jack Nicklaus, who pushed his could have been a couple of shots bet- He was tied with Hubert Green, season titles, was another shot back at to a 78. putting grip, shot a solid, 3-under-par record collection of major profes- ter. My swing was a little more com- Australian David Graham, Jim 72. South African Gary Plryer, a "A bad day," he observed. 69 and tied three others for the first- sional titles to 17 with victories last fortable. I bit some good shots. Pm en- Simons, John Cook, Isao Aoki of 3-time winner on these flower- Ray Floyd, a former Masters cham- round lead yesterday in the 45th year in the U.S. Open and the PGA, couraged." Japan runner-up to Nicklaus in last bedecked hills, shot 73. So did Hale Ir- pion and the season's leading money- Masters. and Tom Watson, the outstanding Nicklaus was both pleased with his year's U.S. Open, and amateur Jim win, a two-time American national winner, shot a 75. Miller was once the game's Golden player in the game over the last four ball-striking and very displeased with Holtgrieve, a 33-year-old salesman champion and one of the pre- Boy but a struggling also-ran in the seasons, put themselves in position to his putting. from Kirk wood, Mo., who, when ask- tournament favorites here. Palmer, a four-time winner here, throes of a long, mysterious slump un- challenge for this coveted title. "As far as striking the ball is con- ed to describe the highlight of his But some of the game's greatest had a 75. Sam Snead, a 68-year-old til he turned it all around a year ago. Nicklaus, winner of a record five cerned, this is one of the best rounds round replied: "The highlight of my players fell victim to the breezy relic from another golfing era, had a He shared the top spot in this annual Masters, shot a 70 despite a poor start I've ever played here," he said. "If round was playing with Arnold weather, the extremely difficult pin 77. And Lee Tre vino, who needs a vic- spring classic with Greg Norman, an and a balky putter. Watson was anyone else had been putting for me, Palmer." placements and the subtle demands of tory here to become only the fifth man Australian holding gaudy interna- another stroke behind at 71, only two it could have been a very good round." Tied with Watson at 71 were Ben the famed Augusta National Golf Club to score a career sweep of all the tional credentials but a golfing off the lead. He missed at least five times from Crenshaw, Jerry Pate, Gibby Gilbert, course, electronically measured at world's major titles, stumbled to a fat unknown to most Americans, Lon "I'M PLEASED with the 71," said six feet or less, including a birdie at- Don Pooley and Peter Jacobsen. 6,905 yards but playing longer. 77.