DESERT , macularius,


Prepared by

Paul C. Marsh

Arizona State University



Donald W. Sada



Region 2

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Albuquerque, New

June 1990


Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Date: Disclaimer

Recovery plans delineate reasonable actions which are believed to be required to recover and/or protect the species. Plans are prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, sometimes with the assistance of recovery teams, contractors, State agencies, and others. Objectives will only be attained and funds expended contingent upon appropriations, priorities, and other budgetary constraints. Recovery plans do not necessarily represent the views nor the official positions or approvals of any individuals or agencies, other than the U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Service, involved in the plan formulation. They represent the official position of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service only after they have been signed by the Regional Director or Director as approved. Approved recovery plans are subject to modification as dictated by new findings, changes in species status, and the completion of recovery tasks. Acknowledgements

Preparation of the Desert Pupfish Recovery Action Plan benefited substantially from input by members of the Desert Fishes Recovery Team:

W.L. Minckley, Arizona State University, Team Leader

Thomas A. Burke, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Gene Dahlem, U.S Bureau of Land Management

Dean A. Hendrickson, Arizona Game and Fish Department

Lourdes Juarez-Romero, Centro Ecologico de

W.E. Kepner, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

David L. Propst, New Mexico Department of Game and Fish

G. Stefferud, U.S. Forest Service EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Current status: The desert pupfish is represented by two subspecies: a

Colorado River form (Cyorinodon macularius macularius) and a

Quitobaquito form (Cyprinodon m. eremus). Status is uncertain of a third form in the Rio Sonoyta of Sonora, Mexico. Natural populations of the subspecies are extirpated from Arizona, restricted to two natural localities in California, and occupy the in Sonora and del Norte, Mexico. The current distribution represents a fraction of this subspecies' historic range and abundance. The Ouitobaquito form is known from, and persists in, a single semi-natural spring and pool at Organ Pipe Cactus National

Monument, Arizona. A number of transplanted populations of both subspecies exist, which vary in size, security, duration, and genetic purity. Both natural and transplanted populations are threatened with extirpation due to habitat loss and/or interaction with non-native fishes.

Actions needed: Adequate protection of extant natural desert pupfish populations and their habitats in the and Mexico will require acquisition of wetlands and adjacent lands, and provision for security of water supplies. Once habitats are secure, populations of non-native fishes, if present, must be eradicated while insuring perpetuation of the local pupfish population and other natural components of the ecosystem. All desert pupfish habitats must be protected from invasion by non-native fishes by insurance that these cannot access such habitats either via connected waterways or

introduction. Protection of desert pupfish must include maintenance o+ genetic integrity of local stocks, each subspecies, and the species.

Transplanted populations of questionable genetic purity must be destroyed.

Re-establishment of desert pupfish populations within target drainages will require location and evaluation of suitable re-introduction sites, possible site preparation (physical modification, removal of alien fishes, etc.), and re-introduction from an appropriate source. Because desert (Colorado River) pupfish and the endangered Sonoran topminnow

(Poeciliopsis occidental is) were historically sympatric in many locales, and Ouitobaquito pupfish and longfin dace co-inhabited Ouitobaquito

Spring, opportunities exist to implement common management strategies for these natural two-species pairs.

Insuring adequate levels of genetic exchange among populations can be accomplished only after the uniqueness and diversity of natural desert pupfish stocks has been determined. A biochemical-genetics study must be conducted to: (1) assess genetic characteristics of stocks; (2) determine natural levels of heterozygosity; (3) determine affinities, if any, among stocks; (4) determine requirements for genetic exchange among stocks, if necessary to perpetuate natural levels of diversity; and (5) recommend a protocol for exchanges which specifies stocks involved, numbers of individuals, and a timetable for exchanges.

Establishment of refugia for the Ouitobaquito pupfish will require l ocation and evaluation of suitable introduction sites, site preparation

(physical modification, removal of alien fishes, etc.), and introduction from the native habitat. Refugium populations of Quitobaquito pupfish and their habitats must receive the same level of protection and receive the same considerations for maintenance of genetic diversity as specified above.

All natural, re-established, and introduced desert pupfish populations must be monitored at least bi-annually to ensure successful reproduction and recruitment, maintenance of adequate numbers of adults, and non-degradation of habitat.

Public information programs including displays, videotape and slide presentations, pamphlets, seminars and other information-exchange meetings, and signing at selected desert pupfish habitats must be planned and implemented. A parallel program to inform and remind resource managers, agency decision-makers, and others of their duties

and legal obligations under the Act must be

implemented to ensure enforcement of the law.

Date of recovery: Recovery actions outlined aboVe are anticipated to require five (5) years to plan, implement, and complete. Desert pupfish

will be considered eligible for downlisting, if criteria specified in

this plan are fulfilled, ten (10) years thereafter, approximately 2005.

Total cost of recovery: The estimated total cost to achieve downlisting

of desert pupfish, exclusive of costs of protection associated with

acquisition of properties or water rights, is approximately $xxx

annually over an initial five year planning and implementation period,

and approximately Sxxx annually thereafter for bi-annual monitoring,

assessment and reporting, and recovery plan revision. Table of Contents


I. Introduction ...... 1

Description ......

Distribution and Abundance ...... 3

Historical ...... 3

Present ...... 5

Life History ...... 7

Habitat ...... 8

Reproduction ...... 8

Growth ...... 10

Foods and Feeding Habits ...... 11

Co-occurring Fishes ...... 11

Reasons for Decline ...... 12

II. Recovery ...... 16

Objective ...... 16

Del isting Criteria ...... 18

Narrative Outline for Recovery Actions

Addressing Threats ...... 18

Literature Cited ...... 35

III. Implementation Schedule

IV. Appendix Draft page 1


The desert pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius Baird and Girard (1853), is a small cyprinodontid fish that once was widespread and abundant in portions of southern Arizona and southeastern California, USA, and northern Baja California del Norte and Sonora, Mexico. Historic habitats varied in size, complexity, character, and permanence, and included cienegas, springs, streams, and margins of larger lakes and rivers. The desert pupfish has received considerable attention from behaviorists, systematists, physiological ecologists, and geneticists, but many aspects of its basic biology remain unstudied. Although remarkably tolerant of extreme environmental conditions, the species is threatened with extinction throughout its native range because of or modification, introductions of exotic fishes, and other impacts. Natural populations of desert pupfish are now restricted in Arizona to Quitobaquito Springs, in California to two streams tributary to the , and in Mexico to a few scattered localities each along Rio Sonoyta, on the Colorado River delta, and in the Laguna

Salada basin. Desert pupfish is thus listed as endangered by the United

States (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service EUSFWS] 1986), the International

Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Miller 1979), and the States of Arizona (Arizona Game and Fish Department EAZGFD]

1988) and California (California Department of Fish and Game 1980). Draft page 2


The desert pupfish was originally described by Baird and Girard (1853) from specimens collected in the San Pedro River, Arizona. The taxon now

includes two recognized subspecies, Cyprinodon m. macularius and C. m. eremus., and one undiagnosed form which occurs in the Rio Sonoyta,

Sonora, Mexico (Miller and Fuiman 1987). Cyprinodon m. eremus is endemic to Ouitobaquito Springs, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument,

Santa Cruz Co., Arizona (Miller 1987, Miller and Fuiman 1987). All other populations are referred to C. m. macularius. A third named subspecies, C. macularius californiensis (Girard 1859, Miller 1943,

Hubbs et al. 1979) from near San Diego, California, is no longer recognized as valid (Miller and Fuiman 1987). Lucania browni Jordan and

Richardson (1907) from a hot spring in northeastern Baja California del

Norte is also synonomized with C. m. macularius (Miller 1943, Minckley

1973, Miller and Fuiman 1987). Analysis of allozyme variation (Turner

1983) of six populations ( Ouitobaquito Spring, Boyce Thompson Arboretum

Eprocieny of fish from Santa Clara Slough, Mexico], and four from the

Salton Sink) showed mean heterozygosity values within the range reported

by Kornfield and Nevo (1976) for the ecologically comparable (Miller

1981) killifish Aphanius dispar. The study also detected

differences among the three areas and among the four Salton Sink

populations, and a low level of inter-population differentiation.

A description of Cyprinodon macularius is summarized from Baird and

Girard (1853), Miller (1943), Minckley (1973), and Moyle (1976): Draft page 3

The body is thickened, chubby or markedly compressed laterally in adult males. The mouth is superior and highly protractile, and is equipped with tricuspid jaw teeth. Spine-like projections are characteristic of scale circuli. The dorsal profile is smoothly rounded.

Background coloration is silvery in females and juveniles. The sides have narrow, vertical dark bars interrupted l aterally and giving an appearance of a disjunct lateral band. Fins are colorless except for a dark ocellus in the dorsal and (rarely) a dark spot on the anal fin. Mature males in breeding condition are brightly colored with the caudal fin and posterior portion of the caudal peduncle yellow or orange, sometimes intense orange-red. Other fins are dark. The body is iridescent light-to-sky blue, especially on the dorsal surface of the head and predorsal region.

The pupfish endemic to Ouitobaquito Spring, Arizona, has been long recognized as a distinct subspecies (Miller 1943, Hubbs and Miller 1948,

Cole 1963, Cole and Whiteside 1965, Minckley 1973), but not formally described until recently (Miller and Fuiman 1987). The Ouitobaquito pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius eremus) differs from other populations of

C. macularius primarily as follows (Miller and Fuiman 1987):

The males have a longer, wider and deeper head, and broader and deeper body. Distances from the tip of the snout to the pelvic fin insertion, and from snout to anal fin insertion are greater in males. In females, the head is deeper, the body is slightly deeper, the dorsal fin base is longer, and the depressed anal fin is shorter. The dorsal fin origin is more posterior than for typical C. macularius, and is the same for males and females. Pelvic fins are reduced in size (as they are in other Rio Sonoyta populations) compared to most C. macularius.

Distribution and Abundance

Historical. Desert pupfish historically occupied the basin below about 1,500 m elevation in Arizona and Sonora, including the Gila,

Santa Cruz, San Pedro, and Salt rivers; the lower Colorado River in Draft page 4

Arizona and California downstream to the and onto its delta in Sonora and Baja California del Norte; the Rio Sonoyta of

Arizona and Sonora; and the endorheic Laguna Salada basin of Baja

California del Norte (Fig. 1; Minckley 1973, Miller and Fuiman 1987).

In California, it historically occurred in springs, seeps and slow moving streams in the Salton Sink basin (Eigenmann and Eigenmann 1888,

Evermann 1916, Thompson 1920, Jordan 1924, Coleman 1929, Jaeger 1938,

Miller 1943, Black 1980b), and possibly in the slow moving waters along the lower Colorado River (Garman 1895, Gilbert and Scofield 1898, Turner

1983). The Ouitobaquito form occurred naturally only in Ouitobaquito

Spring, Arizona (Fig. 1).

Distribution of desert pup-fish was widespread but probably not continuous within its historic range. Populations occupying stable springs and headwater habitats may have persisted for millenia and experienced relatively little long—term change in numbers. Those occupying rivers and adjacent habitats almost certainly varied dramatically in response to local climatic and habitat conditions.

Small populations were found in small habitats and elsewhere during harsh conditions, with expansion into larger habitats when environmental conditions moderated. Populations of larger streams and rivers likely were ephemeral, perishing when drought desiccated their habitat, and dispersing to populate areas watered by flooding. Such a scenario, when repeated over the evolutionary history of the species, would have led to panmixia among populations within broad geographic areas. Draft page 5

After the Salton Sink was most recently flooded in the early 1900s by diversion of the Colorado River, desert pupfish colonized what is now known as the Salton Sea (Thompson and Bryant 1920). The Salton Sea and its tributary streams and irrigation canals supported large desert pupfish populations until precipitous population declines began in the early 1960s (Black 1980b).

Historic abundance of pupfish at Quitobaquito remains unknown because the habitat has been modified by impoundment and diversion by humans.

Habitat likely was relatively small under pristine conditions, and areal densities of fish probably varied little other than seasonally under natural conditions.

Present. Natural populations of the Colorado River form of desert pupfish persist in at least a dozen locales in the United States and

Mexico, and 21 non-aquarium populations have been established (AZGFD files, Table 1, Appendix 1). Quitobaquito pupfish are in its single native habitat, and two additional populations have been established.

Arizona. Naturally occurring populations of Cyprinodon macularius macularius have been extirpated from Arizona. However, the subspecies has been transplanted from Santa Clara Slough, Mexico, to a number of l ocations within the state (Appendix 1). Transplant sites included natural habitats, livestock watering tanks, constructed refugia, and aquaria under state, federal, or private ownership. At least 11

transplant locations supported pupfish in January 1990, with population sizes ranging to more than 1,000 individuals (Table 1). Draft page

A large population inhabits Quitobaquito Spring. Total estimated abundance in the 0.22 ha (Fisher 1989) pond vary annually from about

5,000 to 10,000 under normal conditions (Kynard and Garrett 1979, AZGFD files). Transplanted stocks of Quitobaquito pupfish are currently held in captivity by Arizona Game and Fish Department Bubbling Ponds State

Hatchery near Cottonwood, Arizona, and at Arizona State University in

Tempe (Appendix 1).

Other stocks presumably derived from Quitobaquito Spring, but of questionable genetic purity because of potential genetic contamination by other species or subspecies, were established and persist at Bog Hole

Tank (Coronado National Forest, Santa Cruz Co.), Finley Tank (Audubon

Society Research Ranch near Elgin, Santa Cruz Co.) Arizona-Sonora Desert

Museum (near Tucson, Pima Co.), and Tohono Chul Park, Tucson (Table 1).

These wild populations are outside the historic range of the subspecies.

Transplanted populations of desert pupfish (both subspecies) that failed as a result of habitat loss, exotic organisms, renovation, or for unknown reasons are summarized in Appendix 1.

California. Wild populations of desert pupfish are presently restricted in California to San Felipe Creek and its associated wetland, San

Sebastian Marsh, Imperial Co., and upper Salt Creek, Riverside Co. (Fig.

1, Miller 1987 and Fuiman 1987). Relatively small refugium populations have been transplanted to Arrowweed Spring (Imperial Co.), Butte County

Mosquito Abatement District (Butte Co.), Salt Creek State Recreation

Area, Living Desert Reserve, and Oasis Spring (Riverside Co.), and Palm Draft page 7

Spring, Palm Canyon, and Visitor Center, the last all at Anza-Borrego

State Park in San Diego Co. (Table 1, Appendix 1).

Mexico. Natural populations of the yet-undescribed form of desert pupfish persist in Sonora in Rio Sonoyta. Cyprinodon m. macularius is

in several spring-fed marshes in the vicinity of the village of El

Doctor and in Santa Clara Slough, Sonora, and in Baja California del

Norte are found on the Colorado delta, Laguna Salada, an expansive

wetland associated with a geothermal powerplant at Cerro Prieto, and a

ditch downstream of the Cerro Prieto marshland (Fig. 1, Hendrickson and

Romero 1989). A captive population of pupfish from Santa Clara Slough

is established at Centro Ecologic° de Sonora (CES) in Hermosillo (Table

1), but a stock obtained from Rio Sonoyta and also held there was recently extirpated (Appendix 1). There are no other records of desert pupfish transplants within Mexico.

Life History

Research on desert pupfish has included study of and

biogeography (Miller 1943, 1981; Hubbs and Miller 1948, Miller and

Fuiman 1987, Hendrickson and Romero 1989, others), physiology (e.g.,

Barlow 1958a, Kinne 1960, Kinne and Kinne 1962, Sweet and Kinne 1964,

Lowe et al. 1967, Courtois and Hino 1979) and behavioral ecology (e.g.,

Cowles 1934, Barlow 1958b, 1961; Arnold 1972, Loiselle 1980, 1982;

McMahon 1984, McMahon and Tash 1988). Because of this broad spectrum of

examination, desert pupfish may be the best known member of the

Cyprinodontid family of fishes. Draft page 8

Habitat. Desert pupfish occupied a diversity of habitats ranging from cienegas and springs, to small streams and margins of larger waters.

Most habitats were shallow, and had soft substrates and clear water.

Abundance of aquatic vegetation and probably varied seasonally, with lowest levels associated with harshest conditions.

Pupfish have an extraordinary capability to survive under conditions of high water temperature (to 450 c, Lowe et al. 1967), low dissolved oxygen concentration (0.1-0.4 mg/L, Barlow 1958b), and high

(salt concentrations twice [68 gm/L3 that of seawater, Lowe et al.

1967), which exceed tolerances of virtually all other freshwater fishes

(see also Kinne 1960, Kinne and Kinne 1962a, b). They also survive abrupt, absolute changes in both salinity (10-15 gm/L) and temperature

(22-260 C) (Kinne 1960, Lowe and Heath 1969) that are lethal to most fishes. In less harsh environments where a greater diversity of fishes were found (e.g., margins of larger streams and rivers), pupfish typically occupied water shallower than that inhabited by most other fishes.

Reproduction. Under conditions of abundant food and suitable temperature, desert pupfish may become sexually mature as early as six weeks of age at 1.5 cm total length. Although they may breed during their first summer, most do not breed until their second summer, when their length may have reached 7.5 cm. Male pupfish are brightly colored and highly aggressive during the breeding season (anytime from early spring into winter when water temperature exceeds about 200 C). During this period they establish, actively patrol, and defend individual Draft page 9

territories that are typically in water less than a meter deep and associated with a small structure or incongruity on the substrate

( Barlow 1961). Males in nature normally defend 1 to 2 m2 of bottom, depending on their size and density, and the water temperature (Moyle

1976). Population stability is achieved in aquaria at densities of one

fish per 45 to 60 cm' (Minckley 1973), which may approximate minimum

male territory size. Adult females remain drab and inconspicuous, swimming in loose schools and foraging. Male breeding behaviors include

territoriality and consort pair breeding (Kodrick-Brown 1981), and vary

in response to their ecological or social environment, or as a function

of individual age/size.

A female that is ready to spawn leaves the school when attracted by a

territorial male (Cowles 1934, Barlow 1961). As the two fish move

toward one another, the female tilts toward the bottom, and takes a

small piece of substrate into her mouth. After assuming a horizontal

position, she spits out the material. This sequence may be repeated

several times until she ceases motion near the bottom. The male then

assumes a position against and parallel to the female, and the two fish

contort together to form an "S" shape. The male's anal fin next cups

around the vent region of the female, she vibrates and produces a

single, relatively large (ca. 2 mm diameter EConstanz 1981]) egg, which

is immediately fertilized. The spawning act takes less than a minute,

but may be repeated in quick succession to deposit several eggs. In the

l aboratory, female pupfish of varying size may lay 50 to more than 800

eggs in a single season (Crear and Haydock 1970). Eggs appear to be Draft page 10 randomly deposited within the male territory, and there is no directed parental care. However, male activities within the territory effectively exclude other fishes, which may enhance chances for successful incubation (Minckley 1973). Incubation time varies with water temperature; hatching in the laboratory occurs in about 10 days at

20° C (Crear and Haydock 1971).

Growth. Growth rate is dependent upon age, habitat conditions, and fish density. In the l aboratory, young fish derived from the Salton Sea population exhibited optimal growth at 30° C and 35 gm/L salinity, while older individuals grew most rapidly at 22 to 26° C and about 15 gm/L salinity (Kinne 1960, Kinne and Kinne 1962a, b). Body shape varied among fish incubated at different combinations of salinity and temperature (Sweet and Kinne 1964), and temperature effects on size at hatch at constant (35 mg/L) salinity were interpreted to reflect

temperature and possible salinity optima for utilization of yolk by developing embryos (Blaxter 1969). Desert pup-fish from Salton Sea hatch

at 0.4-0.5 cm total length and may double in length within the first

eight weeks of life. Size ranges from 1.5 to 2.8 cm at 24 weeks of age,

and lengths of 4.5 to 5.0 cm are attained in the laboratory by the end

of the first growing season (Kinne 1960). Fish in their second summer

may reach lengths of 7.5 cm (Moyle 1976). Quitobaquito pupfish in June

averaged 29.6 mm at age 1, 40.2 mm at age 2, and 48 mm at age 3 (Kynard

and Garret 1979). Life span in nature appears highly variable; from

l ess than a year for some populations (Minckley 1973), two years for

others (Moyle 1976), and up to three years for Quitobaquito pup-fish Draft page 11

(Kynard and Garrett 1979). Predation by aquatic insects, piscivorous birds, and mammals was noted by Cole and Whiteside (1965) in

Ouitobaquito Spring, and likely is a source of mortality elsewhere (see

Walker 1961).

Foods and Feeding Habits. Larval pup-fish in the laboratory begin

feeding on tiny invertebrates within a few hours to a day after hatching

(Crear and Haydock 1970). Thereafter, wild fish become opportunistic

, consuming whatever variety of , plants, suitably-sized

invertebrates, and detritus is available (Cox 1966, 1972; Naiman 1979).

Adult foods include ostracods, copepods, insects, and other ,

pile worms, molluscs, mosquito larvae, and bits of aquatic macrophytes

torn from available tissues. Large quantities of detritus or algae in

their diets indicates either non-selective feeding, or simply an

abundance of those materials in the habitat. Pupfish at Ouitobaquito

Spring have been reported to occasionally eat their own eggs and young

(Cox 1972), and it has been suggested (Loiselle 1980) that males

differentially consume eggs deposited within their territories by other

males. Pit digging, the active excavation of soft bottoms in search of

foods, is an unique behavior described in detail by Minckley and Arnold

(1969). These pits are defended when occupied. Foraging is typically a

daytime activity. Fish may move from shallower water during morning to

deeper places later in the day in response to daily warming.

Co-occurring Fishes. Many habitats historically occupied by desert

pupfish were so harsh that other fishes could not survive because of

extreme temperatures and , and low dissolved oxygen Draft page 12 concentrations. In such places, pupfish lived in absence of other fishes. The Sonoran topminnow (Foeciliopsis occidental is) was a common co-habitant in cienegas, springs, and small streams; however, it is unknown how these fishes interacted. Other fishes in desert pupfish streams included Gila chub ( Gila intermedia), speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) and the desert sucker (Pantosteus clarki) , but they typically inhabit deeper waters and had little interaction with pupfish.

Topminnows and pupfish inhabited the margins of larger rivers, where shallow depths excluded other species. Longfin dace (Aaosia chrysogaster), Sonora sucker (Catostomus insignis) , and roundtail chub

( Gila robusta), were commonly found in mainstream and deeper portions of mid-sized streams occupied peripherally by pupfish, as were the bonytail

( Gila elegans), razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus), Colorado squaw-fish

(Ptychocheilus lucius) , and woundfin (Plagopterus argentissimus) in l arger rivers. It is doubtful there was opportuhity for these species to interact with pupfish. Longfin dace was the only native fish known to live with pupfish at Ouitobaquito Spring (Minckley 1973).

Reasons for Decline

There are many reasons for declines in desert pupfish populations. They include habitat loss (dewatering of springs, some headwaters, and lower portions of major streams and marshlands), habitat modification or destruction (stream impoundment, channel ization, diversion, and regulation of discharge, plus domestic livestock grazing), pollution, and interactions with non-native species (competition for food and space, and predation) (Minckley 1985, USFWS 1986). Draft page 13

Many historic pupfish localities have been dried by groundwater pumping

(affecting both spring and stream discharges), channel erosion or arroyo

formation (resulting in drainage of marshlands, creation of sheer banks,

and loss of lateral habitat), water impoundment and diversion for

agriculture (reducing or eliminating stream flows and natural flow regimes) (Hastings and Turner 1965, Fradkin 1981, Rea 1983, Hendrickson

and Minckley 1985). Impoundment also creates upstream habitat

unsuitable for pupfish because of increased depth, and which because of

its lentic character is more conducive to occupation by non-native

fishes. Domestic livestock may reduce terrestrial vegetative cover,

enhance watershed erosion, exacerbate problems of arroyo cutting, and

increase sediment loads and turbidity in receiving waters. Habitats may

be further impacted by trampling where cattle water.

Fishes now occupying former desert pupfish habitat include many non-

native forms (see Miller 1961, Minckley 1973, 1979a, b; Moyle 1976,

Marsh and Minckley 1987). These fish pose the greatest threat to viable

desert pupfish populations (Minckley and Deacon 1968, Deacon and

Minckley 1974, Schoenherr 1981, Meffe 1985). Pupfish do not fare well

in the presence of non-native fishes, and their incursions have

typically resulted in decline or extirpation of pupfish. Non-native

fishes that occupy shallow habitats also used by pupfish have proven

most destructive (e.g., mosquitofish [Gambusia affinis], sail-fin molly

[Poecilia l atipinna], and cichl ids COreochromis spp.]). However,

predation by largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) resulted in

extinction of Monkey Spring pupfish (Cyprinodon sp.), illustrating that Draft page 14 diminutive size is not the only requisite for a species being detrimental to pupfish.

Interactions with introduced mosquitofish were noted early as contributory to the decline of pupfish in the Salton Sea (Evermann 1916, see also Jennings 1985). The native populations declined further when and African cichlids became abundant (Schoenherr 1979,

1985; Black 1980a, b). Pup-Fish in the Salton Sink are now remnant populations in tributary streams, where non—native fishes threaten their survival. The Quitobaquito pupfish was threatened by establishment of

golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucus) following unauthorized stocking

in 1968 or 1969 (Minckley 1973). Eradication of the pest and re—establishment of the pupfish were costly in time, money, and effort.

In light of recent attempts to renovate aquatic habitats in behalf of

imperiled fishes, it must be considered fortunate that this endemic

pup-fish was not exterminated. Pup-Fish populations in Mexico have been

impacted by proliferation of cichlids in the Colorado River delta, where

cichlid populations have increased rapidly in recent years.

Mosquitofish, sailfin molly, red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis), carp

(Cyprinus carpio), and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) are other

fishes now found in these habitats. In Rio Sonoyta, Sonora, former and

present pup-Fish habitats are variously infested with mosquitofish and

black bullhead (Amieurus melas) (May 1976, McMahon and Miller 1985,

Miller and Fuiman 1987, Hendrickson and Romero 1989).

Water pollution from drift of agricultural pesticides was identified as

causing a decline in Ouitobaquito pupfish (Kynard 1981, Miller and Draft page 15

Fuiman 1987). Other populations (e.g., in Rio Sonoyta) may have been similarly impacted by aerial application of pesticides, which remains a common practice in Mexico.

Elevated concentrations of mercury have been detected in tissue samples from a cichlid fish ( mossambica) and Asiatic clam ( Corbicula fluminea) collected in vicinity of the Cerro Prieto geothermal field in

Mexico (Gutierrez-Galindo et al. 1988). Although measured levels

(maximum in fish of 0.14 ug/g dry weight) were below that considered hazardous to human health, potential acute or chronic effects on aquatic life, including desert pupfish, have not been determined. Draft page 16



The objective of this recovery action plan is to describe actions necessary to eliminate threats to extant populations and successfully establish desert pup-Fish into secure habitats. Once these actions are completed to fulfill specific criteria, downlisting of the desert pup-Fish from endangered to threatened status will be justified. The plan provides conceptual and practical guidance for recovery, which must be implemented through specific management plans developed by responsible resource agencies.

Desert pup-Fish will be eligible for downlisting when:

(1) Naturally occurring populations in the United States and

Mexico are secure;

(2) At least five populations of the lower Colorado River form are

established and secure within native range in natural or

quasi-natural habitats in each of the lower Gila, San Pedro,

Santa Cruz, and drainages, Arizona, and Rio Sonoyta

and lower Colorado River delta, Mexico; and three such

populations are established in California for each potentially

distinct genetic stock occurring there (i.e., Salt Creek, San

Felipe Creek, and Salton Sea);

(3) At least three viable populations of the Ouitobaquito form are

established and secured in refugia; Draft page 17

(4) A plan for exchange of genetic material among populations of

each subspecies is developed and implemented to ensure

maintenance of natural levels of genetic diversity;

(5) A monitoring plan is devised and implemented to routinely

assess status of all populations; and

(6) Populations have persisted without human intervention for a

period of not less than ten (10) years.

Security is herein defined as formal protection of habitat by methods such as land acquisition, legislation, or management agreement, and maintenance of a genetically pure, self-sustaining stable or increasing viable population. Until additional information becomes available, a viable population will include not fewer than 500 overwintering adults, or existing numbers, whichever is greater, in a hormal sex ratio and with in-situ reproduction and recruitment sufficient to maintain that number.

Modifications may be appropriate to create or improve habitat for both extant and newly established populations. An information and education program must be developed and implemented to inform the public, resource managers, and others of threats to the desert pupfish and requirements of its recovery. The estimated date for downlisting under guidance of this plan is 2005. Draft page 18

Del isting Criteria

Criteria required to attain the ultimate goal of delisting cannot be precisely quantified at this time because information is needed to determine minimum population and habitat sizes necessary for self-sustaining populations to persist in perpetuity. Substantial habitat losses and presence of non-native fishes preclude re-establishment of pupfish in a significant portion of its historic range, and further justify deferral of delisting criteria. Successful

implementation of tasks in this plan will provide information necessary to establish delisting criteria.

Narrative Outline for Recovery Actions Addressing Threats

Factors considered above continue to threaten existence of desert pupfish populations. Increasing human populations tax available water resources and impact habitats used by desert pupfish. Although major

water development projects in the United States have largely been completed, stream diversions and ground water pumping can be expected to continue and increase in the forseeable future, both in this country and

in Mexico. Water pollution resulting from drift of agricultural pesticides may impact populations in both countries as agricultural

development expands in Mexico. Finally, populations of non-native

fishes constitute continuing threats to desert pupfish throughout its range because, except in isolated habitats, the introduced kinds not

only have capability to extirpate pupfish but may themselves be

impractical to eradicate or control. Draft page 19

Desert pupfish recovery will require efforts of private and government agencies and bureaus in Arizona, California, Sonora, and Baja

California. These include U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regions 1 and

2, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, CES, Secretaria de

Agricultura y Recursos Hidraulicas (SARH), and Secretaria de Desarrollo

Urbano y Ecologia (SEDUE). Recovery efforts will be effected by subsets of the above participants, as dictated by political boundaries. The program addresses threats to the species and recovery tasks that are necessary to recover desert pupfish throughout its range. Management plans will detail actions specific to each state or population.

Recovery actions in the United States emphasize relatively small habitats and establishment of refugium populations, whereas those in

Mexico will be most concerned with protecting marshlands and larger areas occupied by desert pupfish and other important species. However, successful implementation of this plan in both countries is required to downlist the species.

Progress toward recovery of desert pupfish has been initiated by numerous agencies and organizations. For example, management plans, programs, or activities that include desert pupfish or target specific populations have been prepared or undertaken by Arizona Game and Fish

Department, Coachella Valley Preserve Committee, California Department

of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Fish and Game, Centro

Ecologico de Sonora, The Living Desert Reserve, The Nature Conservancy,

U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service, U.S.

National Park Service, and others. Several management plans developed • Draft page 20

for specific populations identify tasks necessary for their security.

Full implementation of tasks described in these and additional plans is

necessary to accomplish downlisting criteria defined here.

The Desert Fishes Recovery Team has identified an hierarchical approach

to recovery implementation for topminnow (Poeciliopsis occidental is),

which is endorsed here for desert pupfish. That scheme addresses the

need to maintain the integrity of discrete stocks while also recognizing

a requirement for exchange of genetic material. Because extant wild

populations of desert pupfish are the most valuable remaining reservoir

of original genetic information, their security is the most important

consideration. From these, a second tier of populations will be

established in refugia, among which individuals can be exchanged to

maintain heterozygosity. As new information becomes available, specific

exchange protocols will be developed and implemented to enable desert

pupfish evolution to occur naturally.


A. Identify Land Ownership of Extant Natural Habitats

Naturally occurring, wild populations of desert pupfish persist at

Ouitobaquito Springs, Arizona, two Salton Sink localities in California,

and several localities in Rio Sonoyta, Sonora, and the Colorado River

delta, Sonora and Baja, Mexico. Specific private and U.S. or Mexican

l ocal, state, or federal landowners must be accurately identified for

all extant pupfish populations. The population at Ouitobaquito Spring Draft page 21 lies entirely within boundaries of U.S. Park Service Organ Pipe Cactus

National Monument, and thus under control of the U.S. Government. Land within and adjacent to pupfish habitats in California is in a mosaic of private and Federal ownerships. Mexican pupfish habitats are primarily in state or private ownership. Most of the property along Rio Sonoyta and lower Colorado River delta is under local ejido ownership, while pupfish habitat at Cerro Prieto is privately controlled.

B. Acquire Habitats Occupied by Natural Populations

of Desert Pup-fish.

Desert pupfish and their habitats cannot be protected until land ownership is in the hands of entities that will ensure protection of the species and its environs. Special consideration must be paid to

acquisition of properties in Sonora and Baja California del Norte !

Mexico, where substantial pupfish habitat remain S unprotected.

Appropriate mechanisms must be used to acquire any lands in private ownership where such protection is not expected to be forthcoming. Most pupfish habitats listed above are already under Federal ownership, or ownership by private parties whose conservation goals include perpetuation of desert pupfish. However, they are not necessarily secure.

C. Secure Natural Populations and Their Habitats.

Several tasks must be accomplished before desert pupfish in any particular habitat can be considered secure. These include specific designation as, for example, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern or Draft page 21 lies entirely within boundaries of U.S. Park Service Organ Pipe Cactus

National Monument, and thus under control of the U.S. Government. Land

within and adjacent to pupfish habitats in California is in a mosaic of private and Federal ownerships. Mexican pupfish habitats are primarily

in state or private ownership. Most of the property along Rio Sonoyta

and lower Colorado River delta is under local ejido ownership, while

pup-Fish habitat at Cerro Prieto is privately controlled.

B. Acquire Habitats Occupied by Natural Populations

of Desert Pupfish.

Desert pupfish and their habitats cannot be protected until land

ownership is in the hands of entities that will ensure protection of the

species and its environs. Special consideration must be paid to

acquisition of properties in Sonora and Baja California del Norte,

Mexico, where substantial pupfish habitat remains unprotected.

Appropriate mechanisms must be used to acquire any lands in private

ownership where such protection is not expected to be forthcoming. Most

pupfish habitats listed above are already under Federal ownership, or

ownership by private parties whose conservation goals include

perpetuation of desert pupfish. However, they are not necessarily


C. Secure Natural Populations and Their Habitats.

Several tasks must be accomplished before desert pupfish in any

particular habitat can be considered secure. These include specific

designation as, for example, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern or Draft page 22

Research Natural Areas, insurance of adequate water of sufficient quality, protection against habitat degradation, removal of non-native fishes (if present), prevention of invasion by non-native fishes, and modification of land management practices deleteriously affecting aquatic habitats.

Insurance of an adequate water supply must be accomplished on a case by case basis. The source of water (e.g., aquifer, local watershed, stream channel, etc.) must first be specifically and accurately determined. In instances where water management adversely affects pupfish habitat

(e.g., groundwater mining resulting in water level reduction) appropriate mechanisms must curtail the offending water use. Where l ong-term impacts to pupfish habitat can be predicted, a plan must be prepared and implemented to insure adequate supply. This could be accomplished by a variety of mechanisms, including water rights acquisition, legal protection of instream flows, land use agreements, and improved water and/or land use practices. Specific mechanisms will be unique to each habitat. Impacts of activities such as livestock grazing or watering, mining, timber harvest, phreatophyte control, agricultural or residential development, etc., must also be determined for each pupfish habitat. Appropriate management plans must be formulated and implemented to reduce or eliminate impacts so populations are secure. The goal is to insure adequate water and habitat to secure pupfish populations meeting criteria specified above.

Unless information becomes available to the contrary, desert pupfish populations cannot be secure in habitats occupied by non-native fishes. Draft page 23

Thus, habitats presently occupied by desert pupfish and non-native fishes must be reclaimed to remove the non-native(s). Habitats in need of reclamation must be prioritized in consideration of the following criteria:

(a) natural and then extant established populations considered


(b) Immediacy of the threat of extirpation due to presence of

non-native fishes,

(c) Status of populations of the same genetic composition,

(d) Ease of reclamation,

(e) Probability of success, and

(f) Security against re-infestation by non-native fishes.

The actual sequence of reclamations should be determined by the responsible resource agency(ies), in cooperation with the Desert Fishes

Recovery Team and other affected parties. Each operation must be supported by sufficient personnel, equipment, funding, and expertise to maximize chances for success; those projects without this support must not be initiated until it is available.

Securing desert pupfish populations also requires protecting the habitat against contamination/ re-contamination by non-native fishes. Such assurance must be accomplished on a case-by case basis, depending upon

the specific characteristics of each habitat. Provisions might include construction of barriers to preclude natural invasion from confluent

waters, removal of offending fishes from confluent or potentially Draft page 24 confluent habitats (e.g., livestock watering tanks), imposition of regulations locally prohibiting possession of non-native fishes, and modifying habitat to exclude non-natives. Where habitat reclamation is required, it is imperative to insure against reinvasion by non-native fishes before renovation is conducted.

A key feature of desert pupfish conservation in Mexico (CES 1990) is the acquisition and expansion of presently-protected areas include important habitats along Rio Sonoyta and the lower Colorado River delta. The

Reserva del la Biosfera El Pinacate (Pinacate Reserve) could be expanded to incorporate pupfish habitats in Rio Sonoyta, and transfer from SEDUE to CES of management authority over that region would allow development and implementation of plans to conserve, manage, and enhance desert pupfish (Juarez et al. 1989, CES 1990). Similar opportunities exist for protection of desert pupfish and their habitats in the lower Colorado

River delta, where a natural area is protected for conservation of totoaba (Cynoscion macdonaldi [Perciformes: Sciaenidae]).


Five specific, suitable sites for the Colorado River form of desert pupfish must be located within each of the following drainages: lower

Gila, San Pedro, Santa Cruz, and Salt river drainages, Arizona; Salton

Sea basin, California; and Rio Sonoyta and lower Colorado River delta,

Mexico. Three such sites must be determined for each potentially distinct California population (San Felipe and Salt Creeks, Salton Sea).

Specific sites must be determined by appropriate participating entities, Draft page 25 consistent with criteria for potential success of transplanted desert pupfish populations detailed above.

Preliminary site determination must be based upon potential habitat suitability for long-term success of a population. Provision of security as regards land ownership, water supply, anti-degradation, and non-native fishes must be addressed secondarily as necessary. The San

Pedro River (U.S. Bureau of Land Management Riparian Preserve, Cochise

Co., AZ) must be considered a priority re-introduction site (as already recommended by Minckley 1987) because it has high potential and was the

type locality for the species. Other priority sites must be determined

after assessment of potential localities in Arizona, California, and


To the extent practicable, efforts must be made to reestablish pupfish

into a diversity of habitat types reflective of those occupied

historically (e.g., spring, cienega-marshland, stream, and river

margin). Pupfish stocks from each geographic region (Rio Sonoyta, Santa

Clara Slough, Salton Sea), must be distributed among habitat types,

rather than concentrating any stock into a single habitat type.

Desert (Colorado River) pupfish have been transplanted to more than 65

l ocations, and Quitobaquito pupfish have been stocked at nearly 30 other

l ocales (Appendix 1). Although many have failed, at least 27 non-

aquarium populations remain (including several of questionable purity).

Of 20 populations whose failure was documented in 1989, eight were due

to habitat desiccation, two were destroyed by invading exotic fishes, Draft page 26 one was renovated, and nine failed for unknown reasons (AZGFD files).

Although desert pupfish is remarkably tolerant of harsh environmental conditions, there nonetheless appear to be yet-to-be-known habitat characteristics that are unsuitable for survival of the species.

Comparisons among and between habitats that failed for unknown reasons and those remaining could thus provide valuable guidance in selecting transplant sites with highest probability for long-term success. Any such assessment must be accompanied by careful study of habitats occupied by natural desert pupfish populations, toward more complete understanding of specific criteria necessary for perpetuation of the species (see 6, below).

This plan recognizes that an adequate number of unaltered, natural habitats suitable for reestablishment of desert pupfish populations may not exist. In such case, re-creation of suitable habitat meeting necessary criteria must be used to assure that the target number of populations are established.


At least three (3) secure populations of the Quitobaquito form must be established in refugia before desert pupfish is eligible for downlisting. These refugia will preferentially be located in vicinity of the species natural range (i.e., Organ Pipe Cactus National

Monument). Habitats must be spatially separated such that any natural or man-induced catastrophe would be unlikely to impact more than one of the three populations. Transplant stocks must be obtained directly from Draft page 27

Quitobaquito Spring and each comprised of not fewer than 500 fish with an approximate 1:1 sex ratio. As with transplant populations of the

Colorado River form, these refugium populations must be self-sustaining

within natural or quasi-natural habitats capable of persistence without

intervention by man. Establishment of populations in refugia distant

from the native range should occur only after determining that suitable

l ocations do not occur locally.

An evaluation of previous transplant success attempts must also be made

to guide selection of refugium sites.



Recent research has demonstrated that several refugium populations of

desert pupfish differ little from their parental natural populations

(Turner 1984), suggesting that transplanted populations can be a

biologically valid component of management and conservation. However,

other studies with captive populations of closely related species

indicated there is loss of some rare alleles found in natural

populations (Edds and Echelle 1989). This indicates that maintaining

the genetic integrity of transplanted populations requires adherence to

specific management recommendations (see also Echelle 1988, in press).

Initial studies by Turner (1983) compared samples from pupfish

populations at six localities and detected allozyme differences among

stocks from Salton Sea, Santa Clara Slough, and Quitobaquito Spring. Draft page 28

The overall level of differentiation was considered low. These data must be expanded to include populations from Rio Sonoyta, additional l ocalities on the lower Colorado River delta, and individual populations in California, and include analysis of mitochondrial DNA. Resultant information must be used to determine levels of differentiation among all known natural populations of desert pupfish, and guide development of a protocol for exchange of genetic material within natural and reestablished populations. Applicable recommendations to establish such a protocol have been suggested (Echelle 1988, in press; Edds and Echelle

1989, and references therein).

Development of this protocol will involve using quantitative modelling techniques to determine the frequency and number of individuals to be exchanged between populations and ensure that each desert pupfish stock maintains its genetic integrity. Integrity must be maintained in the short-term, and over the long-term so the population has opportunity to follow a normal evolutionary path. It is fully recognized that the seeds of genetic change, unique from that expected if pristine conditions remained, may already have been planted as a result of anthropogenically-induced impacts to desert pupfish. Nonetheless, conservation of the species requires not only maintenance of extant genetic integrity and heterogeneity, but also opportunity to evolve in as natural a manner as possible. Draft page 29


Two levels of population monitoring are necessary to determine population status and ensure success of desert pup-fish recovery. The first is bi-annually assessment of population and habitat status, and the second is periodic (5-year interval) examination of genetic status.

Population monitoring must be conducted before spawning commences in spring, and again in late summer-early autumn. Al] populations, natural, re-established, and refugium, must be examined. The spring sampling would provide an index of adult abundance after over-winter mortality, and the late summer-autumn sampling would allow assessment of reproductive success and probable recruitment. To the extent practicable, all populations must be monitored within the same general timeframe so that seasonal effects on population dynamics do not confound interpretation of data. Qualitative estimates of adult numbers may usually be accomplished by inspection. Where circumstances warrant

(e.g., spatially large or complex habitats where competent visual estimates of population size is not possible), population estimates by quantitative methods such as mark-recapture may be necessary.

Habitat assessments and population estimates should be conducted coincidentally. Assessments must be sufficient to note changes in habitat quality and the status of non-native fishes. Requisite data will likely vary among locales, but must include water depth, clarity, flow, surface area, diversity and abundance of aquatic vegetation and algae, condition of banks, substrate, and riparian areas, and Draft page 30

photodocumentation. Changes in habitat other than those reliably

ascribed to seasonal variation must be assessed for potential impact to resident pupfish. Data acquired during routine monitoring will be

integrated with studies to determine factors affecting persistence of

desert pupfish populations (Task 6)

Samples of approximately 50 pupfish should be collected from each

population on each visit, fully and accurately labeled, fresh-frozen,

and stored in a supercold freezer for future use (below). All data

collected during population and habitat monitoring must be made

available to interested parties and submitted to a central

repository/clearinghouse for permanent archiving.

Genetic monitoring must be accomplished at 5-year intervals using fish

collected during population/habitat assessments. Screening should be

performed to determine the rate and nature of change in genetic

composition, if any, and to provide additional modelling data, as

necessary. Substantial short-term changes would not normally be

expected to occur within natural populations, and lack of change can be

interpreted as indication that populations are genetically stable.

Where changes occur, their implications must be expediently and

thoroughly assessed by qualified persons so that necessary adjustments

to recovery protocols can be planned and implemented. It is anticipated

that this recovery plan will undergo revision as new information becomes

available. Draft page 31


Many attempts to prevent the demise, and establish new desert pup-fish populations have failed. Although factors such as habitat size and stability, water quality, minimum population size, and non—native

species have been suggested as being important influences, there has

been little attention given to quantifying causal relationships and

designing programs to maintain populations and maximize population

establishment success. Success rates can be improved by quantifying

habitat and life history characteristics and applying basic principles

of conservation biology. With this information, populations may be

established and managed by incorporating a thorough understanding of

population and genetic demographics, and habitat requirements into

consideration of requirements to secure populations.

Life history and habitat preference information also is required to

establish criteria for selecting refugia on merits of their ability to

provide population security. An understanding of life history and

habitat preference also is required to determine the viability and

status of native populations, to develop delisting criteria, and

rehabilitate habitats so they may be better suited to desert pup-fish

than to non—natives.

A. Develop Habitat Criteria

The size of desert pup-fish populations is influenced by habitat size and

quality. Habitat preference and tolerance information is required to

determine size and quality of habitat necessary to support secure Draft page 32 populations, both in natural and introduced sites. Some habitat parameters that may be important are water depth, water quality and quantity, temperature, and current velocity. These studies need to examine requirements for reproduction, juvenile rearing, and feeding.

Habitat preferenda of common non-native species occurring in desert pupfish habitats must also be determined. This will make it possible to create habitat suitable for pupfish but poorly suited to occupation by introduced species. Being able to manage habitats in this manner should decrease the incidence of non-native species becoming established in desert pupfish habitats.

B. Determine Biological Criteria

The influence that habitat quality and biological factors have on population size and persistence are difficult to segregate because population viability is a function of interactions between biological and environmental factors. It is important that biotic and abiotic factors affecting desert pupfish populations be examined to accomplish tasks for quantification of minimum viable population size, description of a biologically secure population, and preparation of delisting criteria.

Control of non-native aquatic species is a primary requirement for recovery of desert pupfish throughout its range. This control will be difficult because non-native species are widespread, able to persist in a wide variety of environments, and they will be difficult to eliminate from desert pupfish habitats. Quantification of the effects of these Draft page 33 species on desert pupfish will provide information that will assist in managing native and refugium habitats so the influence of these species on desert pupfish is minimized or eliminated.

In order to determine the effects of non-native species on desert pupfish, it is necessary to understand the life history and habitat requirements of all species in the assemblage. Once this is understood, it will be possible to determine areas of niche overlap and segregation and identify which non-native species most threaten desert pupfish.

Integration of these data and knowledge of habitat preferenda for desert pupfish will permit implementation of management actions to enhance pupfish but discourage or eliminate non-native species.

C. Acquire Desert Pupfish Life History Information

Detailed life history information is required to determine characteristics of desert pupfish population dynamics. It is important that parameters such as the mean and variance of population increase

(r), effective population size (Ne), and all others required to develop l ife tables be determined. These studies must also evaluate the effects of demographic, genetic, environmental, and catastrophic events to determine the probability of extinction within, for example, the next century and millennium. This will permit quantification of requirements to maintain viable populations in small habitats that may be influenced by factors such as catastrophic events and introductions of non-native species. Draft page 34


An information and education program is needed to inform the public, resource managers, and others of the desert pup-fish and its plight.

This program could include displays of live desert pup-fish, videotape and slide presentations, brochures and pamphlets, seminars, training sessions, and other information-exchange meetings.

The purpose of education is two-fold. First, it provides an opportunity for the general public to become aware and informed about the pup-fish and its plight, and about the ecosystem-level implications of species' extinction. Strong support for rare species conservation can be derived from a knowledgable public. They must understand and appreciate that perpetuation of endangered species requires protection of environments upon which the species depend for survival, and upon which people ultimately depend.

Second, the resource management community is replete with individuals who require training in endangered species conservation and in their l egal obligations under the Endangered Species Act. These individuals may represent any level of several involved state or federal agencies, plus the private sector. While recovery of desert pupfish must be based upon biological information, those who might impose political constraints upon recovery actions must be reminded of their responsibilities to the resource. Thus, any information and education program must address the needs of these individuals, as well as the general public. Draft page 35


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McMahon, T.E. and R.R. Miller. 1985. Status of the fishes of the Rio Sonoyta basin, Arizona and Mexico. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council XII-XV-B: 237-245.

McMahon, T.E. and J.C. lash. 1988. Experimental analysis of the roles of emigration in population regulation of desert pupfish. Ecology 69: 1871-1883.

Meffe, G.K. 1985. Predation and species replacement in American Southwestern stream fishes: a case study. Southwestern Naturalist 30: 173-187.

Miller, R.R. 1943. The status of Cyprinodon macularius and Cyprinodon nevadensis, two desert fishes of western North America. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 473: 1-2.

Miller, R.R. 1961. Man and the changing fish fauna of the American southwest. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 46: 365-404. Draft page 40

Miller, R.R. 1979. Freshwater fishes. Red Data Book, Volume 4. Pisces. Revised Edition. International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Morges, Switzerland, 1977.

Miller, R.R. 1981. Coevolution of deserts and (genus Cyprinodon) in the American southwest. Pages 39-94 in R.J. Naiman and D.L. Soltz (editors), Fishes in North American Deserts. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, New York.

Miller, R.R. and L.A Fuiman. 1987. Description and conservation status of Cyprinodon macularius eremus, a new subspecies of pupfish from Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona. Copeia 1987(3): 593-609.

Minckley, W.L. 1973 Fishes of Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix. 293 pages.

Minckley, W.L. 1979a. Aquatic habitats and fishes of the lower Colorado River, southwestern United States. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, Contract Number 14-06-300-2529. Arizona State University, Tempe. 478 pages.

Minckley, W.L. 1979b. Resource inventory for the Gila River complex, eastern Arizona. U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Safford District Office, Contract Number YA-512-CT6-2166. Arizona State University, Tempe. 570 pages.

Minckley, W.L. 1985. Native fishes and natural aquatic habitats in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region II west of the Continental Divide. Report, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Arizona State University, Tempe. 158 pages.

Minckley, W.L. 1987. Fishes and aquatic habitats of the upper San Pedro River system, Arizona and Sonora. Report, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado. Arizona State University, Tempe. 81 pages.

Minckley, W.L. and E.T. Arnold. 1969. "Pit digging," a behavioral feeding adaptation in pupfishes (Genus Cyprinodon). Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science 4: 254-257.

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Moyle, P.B. 1976. Inland Fishes of California. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. 405 pages. Draft page 41

Naiman, R.J. 1979. Preliminary food studies of Cyprinodon macularius and Cyprinodon nevadensis (Cyprinodontidae). Southwestern Naturalist 24: 538-541.

Rea, A. 1983. Once a River: Bird Life and Habitat Changes on the Middle Gila. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Schoenherr, A.A. 1979. Niche separation within a population of freshwater fishes in an irrigation drain near the Salton Sea, California. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Science 78: 46-55.

Schoenherr, A.A. 1981. The role of competition in the replacement of native fishes by introduced species. Pages 173-203 in R.J. Naiman and D.L. Solt: (editors), Fishes in North American Deserts. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, New York.

Schoenherr, A.A. 1985. Replacement of Cyprinodon macularius by Tilapia zillii in an irrigation drain near the Salton Sea. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council XIII(1981): 65-66 (abstract).

Sweet, J.G. and 0. Kinne. 1964. The effects of various temperature- salinity combinations on the body form of newly hatched Cyprinodon macularius (Teleostei). Helgolaender Wissenschaftliche Meeresunter- suchungen 11: 49-69.

Thompson, W.F. 1920. Investigation of the Salton Sea. California Fish and Game 6: 83-84.

Thompson, W.F. and H.C. Bryant. 1920. The mullet fisheries of the Salton Sea. California Fish and Game 6: 60-63.

Turner, B.J. 1983. Genic variation and differentiation of remnant natural populations of the desert pupfish, Cvprinodon macularius. Evolution 37: 690-700.

Turner, B.J. 1984. Evolutionary genetics of artificial refugium populations of an endangered species, the desert pupfish. Copeia 1989: 364-369.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1986. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of endangered status and critical habitat for the desert pup-fish. Federal Register 51: 10842-10851.

Walker, B.W. 1961. The ecology of the Salton Sea, California, in relation to the sport-fishery. California Department of Fish and Game Fish Bulletin Number 113: 1-203. Draft page 42

TABLE 1. Summary of extant transplanted stocks of desert pupfish, June 1990. Included are location, ownership, transplant date(s), habitat type, approximate population size, and original source of fish; aquarium populations are not included (see Appendix 1).

Cyorinodon macularius macularius

1. AZ, Maricopa Co, Tempe; private (W.L. Minckley); 1976, 1988; artificial (concrete) pond; <500 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

2. AZ, Graham Co, Howard Well U.S. Bureau of Land Management; 1983; quasi-natural stock tank supplied by drilled artesian well; >500 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

3. AZ, Maricopa Co, Glendale, Deer Valley High School; Glendale School District; 1983, 1987; artificial (earthen) pond; >500 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

4. AZ, Pinal Co, Boyce Thompson Arboretum; University of Arizona; 1983, 1984, 1985; artificial (earthen) impoundment supplied in part by treated sewage and mine water; >500 fish (contaminated by fathead minnow); Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

5. NM, Chavez Co, Dexter, National Fish Hatchery; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 1983; artificial (earthen) pond supplied by well water; >500 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

6. AZ, Pima Co, Tucson, Flowing Wells Junior High School; Tucson School District; 1986; artificial (concrete) pond; <500 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

7. Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, Centro Ecologico de Sonora; State of Sonora; 1986; artificial pond; >1,000 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

8. AZ, Graham Co, Roper Lake State Park; State of Arizona; 1987; artificial (earthen) pond supplied by spring water; <500 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

9. AZ, Maricopa Co, Phoenix, Desert Botanical Garden; private; 1987; artificial (concrete) pond; <500 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

10. AZ, Pima Co, Buehman Canyon; State of Arizona; 1989; natural, perennial stream; unknown number of fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

11. AZ, Maricopa Co, Hassayampa River Preserve; The Nature Conservancy; 1989; artificial (earthen) impoundment supplied by quasi-natural (modified) spring; unknown number of fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico. Draft page 43

12. AZ, Maricopa Co, Glendale; private (R.Engle-Wilson); 1989; artificial (concrete) pond; <500 fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

13. AZ, Pima Co, Tucson, Arizona Historical Society; private; 1989; artificial (concrete) pond; unknown number of fish; Santa Clara Slough, Mexico.

14. AZ, Graham Co, Ft. Thomas; BLM; 1990; artificial impoundment (2 small pools); stocked with 50 fish from Flowing Wells Jr. High School, Tucson, and 150 fish from Dexter NFH (both Santa Clara Slough stock).

15. CA, San Diego Co, Palm Canyon, Anza-Borrego State Park; State of California; 1970; artificial (concrete) pond; number of ???; Salton Sea, California.

16. CA, Riverside Co, Living Desert Reserve; ownership ???; 1972; artificial (concrete) pond; number of fish ???; Salton Sea, California.

17. CA, San Diego Co, Palm Spring, Anza-Borrego State Park; 1978; State of California; artificial (concrete) pond, number of fish ???; Salton Sea, California

18. CA, San Diego Co, Visitor Center, Anza-Borrego State Park; 1979; State of California; artificial (concrete) pond, number of fish ???; Salton Sea, California.

19. CA, Riverside Co, Salt Creek State Recreation Area; State of California; date stocked ???; artificial pond ???; number of fish ???; Salton Sea, California ???.

20. CA, Oasis Spring Refuge; ownership ???; date stocked ???; artificial pond ???; number of fish ???; Salton Sea, California ???

21. CA, Butte Co, Butte Co Mosquito Abatement District; ownership ???; date stocked ???; artificial pond ???; number of fish ???; Salton Sea, California ???.

Cyprinodon macularius eremus, including stocks of questionable genetic purity.

1. AZ, Santa Cruz Co, Bog Hole; U.S. Forest Service; 1977; artificial (earthen) impoundment on natural drainage; <500 fish; potentially mixed stocks.

2. AZ, Santa Cruz Co, Finley Tank; Audubon Society; 1978; artificial (earthen) impoundment fed by springwater; >500 fish; potentially mixed stocks. Draft page 44

3. AZ, Pima Co, Tucson, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum; private; 1981; artificial (concrete) ponds; >500 fish; potentially mixed stocks.

4. AZ , Pima Co, Tucson, Tohono Chul; private; 1987; artificial (concrete) pond; <500 fish; potentially mixed stocks.

5. AZ, Yavapai Co, Bubbling Ponds State Fish Hatchery; State of Arizona; 1989; artificial (earthen) pond; <500 fish; Quitobaquito Springs (Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument), Arizona. CALIFORNIA

FIGURE 1. Historic range (enclosed area) and present distribution of desert pupfish. Closed circles donate extant natural populations of Cyprinodon macularius macularius; the traingle locates Ouitobaquito Spring (Cyprinodon macularius eremus). APPENDIX 1. Distributions of desert pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius. Distributions to museums, laboratories, and other destinations for specimen verification, curation, biochemical or genetic studies, etc., are included for completeness. Abbreviations as follows: Dexter NFH = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Fish Hatchery, Dexter, New Mexico; ASU = Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona; AZGFD = Arizona Game and Fish Department; BLM = U.S. Bureau of Land Management; reintro = reintroduction within historic range in attempt to establish new populations, toward species recovery, or to repopulate following habitat renovation; intro = stocking outside of native range.

Desert (lower Colorado River) pupfish, Cyprinodon m. macularius

Purpose/ Origin Destination Date status Authority(ies)

Mexico, Sonora, Santa AZ, Maricopa Co, 1976 broodstock Minckley & Clara Slough private pond, extant Brooks 1985 Tempe (W.L. Minckley)

Santa Clara Slough AZ, Maricopa Co, 1976 refugium AZGFD files ASU pond, Tempe extirpated

AZ, Maricopa Co, AZ, Pinal Co, 1977 broodstock Minckley & private pond, Tempe Boyce Thompson extirpated Brooks 1985 (W.L. Minckley) Arboretum pond

Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1977 broodstock AZGFD files Arboretum pond AZGFD ponds, extirpated Phoenix

Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1977 reintro Minckley & Arboretum pond Hidden Water Spr unknown Brooks 1985

Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1977 broodstock Minckley & Arboretum pond "Pupfish" Spr extirpated Brooks 1985

Private aquarium AZ, Maricopa Co, 1977 reintro AZGFD files Little Hells extirpated Gate

Mexico, Sonora AZ, Pima Co, 1977 research Kynard 1981 Rio Sonoyta Univ Arizona, extirpated Tucson Mexico, Sonora AZ, Pima Co, 1977 research Kynard 1981 El Doctor Univ Arizona, extirpated Tucson

Mexico, Sonora AZ, Pima Co, 1977 research Kynard 1981 Santa Clara Slough Univ Arizona, extirpated Tucson

Mexico, Baja AZ, Pima Co, 1977 research Kynard 1981 "Pozo Caliente" Univ Arizona, extirpated Tucson

Boyce Thompson AZ, Final Co, <1978 reintro AZGFD files Arboretum pond Queen Creek unknown

Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1979 brood stock AZGFD files Arboretum pond AZGFD ponds, extirpated Phoenix

Boyce Thompson Boyce Thompson 1980 broodstock AZGFD files Arboretum pond Arboretum pond extirpated unknown AZ, Yuma Co, <1982 reintro AZGFD files Little White unknown Tanks (Castle Dome Mtns)

Boyce Thompson AZ, Yavapai Co, 1982 intro Kepner, in Arboretum pond Tres Alamos extirpated litt.; AZGFD Falls Spr files

Boyce Thompson AZ, Cochise Co, 1982 reintro AZGFD files Arboretum pond Boston Water extirpated Catchment

Boyce Thompson AZ, Cochise Co, 1982 reintro AZGFD files Arboretum pond Kino Spr extirpated

Boyce Thompson AZ, Yavapai Co, 1982 intro Kepner in Arboretum pond Peeples Canyon extirpated litt.

Boyce Thompson AZ, Yavapai Co, 1983 intro Kepner, in Arboretum pond Peeples Canyon extirpated litt., AZFGD Spr files

Boyce Thompson AZ, Final Co, 1983 reintro Kepner, in Arboretum pond Mesquite Spr extirpated litt.; AZGFD files

Boyce Thompsom AZ, Graham Co, 1983 reintro Kepner, in Arboretum pond Howard Well established litt.; AZGFD tank files Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1983 display Kepner in Arboretum pond Deer Valley HS extant litt, Miller pond, Glendale & Fuiman 1987 AZGFD files

Boyce Thompson AZ, Graham Co, 1983 display AZGFD files Arboretum pond BLM aquarium, extirpated Safford

Dexter NFH NM, Eastern 1983 research ENS files New Mexico State museum Univ, Portales

Dexter NFH ASU pond 1983 refugium FWS files, extirpated Miller & Fuiman 1987

Santa Clara Slough Boyce Thompson 1983 broodstock AZGFD files Arboretum pond established

Santa Clara Slough Dexter NFH 1983 broodstock ENS files, established Miller & Fuiman 1987

Dexter NFH AZ, Maricopa Co, 1984 broodstock ENS files AZGFD Phoenix extirpated

Dexter NFH ASU pond 1984 broodstock ENS files extirpated

Dexter NFH Boyce Thompson 1984 broodstock ENS files Arboretum pond established

AZ, Maricopa Co, AZ, Yavapai Co, 1985 intro AZGFD files Deer Valley HS Peeples Canyon extirpated pond, Glendale

AZ, Maricopa Co, AZ, Maricopa Co, 1965 display AZGFD files Deer Valley HS AZ Museum Sci & extirpated pond, Glendale Tech aquarium, Phoenix

AZ, Maricopa Co, Boyce Thompson 1985 broodstock AZGFD files Deer Valley HS Arboretum pond established pond, Glendale

Dexter NFH OK, Oklahoma 1985 research ENS files State Univ, extirpated Stillwater Dexter NFH Boyce Thompson 1985 broodstock FWS files; Arboretum pond established Miller & Fuiman 1987 AZGFD files

AZ, Maricopa Co, AZ, Pima Co, 1986 display AZGFD files Deer Valley HS Flowing Wells extant pond, Glendale JHS pond

AZ, Maricopa Co, AZ, Pima Co, 1986 display AZGFD files Deer Valley HS Flowing Wells extant pond, Glendale JHS pond

Boyce Thompsom CO, Univ 1986 research AZGFD files Arboretum pond Colorado, Boulder extirpated

Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1986 display AZGFD files Arboretum pond Phoenix Zoo pond extirpated

Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1986 display AZGFD files Arboretum pond Phoenix Zoo pond extirpated

Boyce Thompson Mexico, Sonora, 1986 refugium AZGFD files Arboretum pond Centro Ecologic° established de Sonora pond, Hermosillo

Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1987 display AZGFD files Arboretum pond AZGFD aquarium, extant Mesa

Boyce Thompson AZ, Graham Co, 1987 display AZGFD files Arboretum pond Roper Lake State extant Park aquaruim, Safford

Boyce Thompson AZ, Graham Co, 1987 display AZGFD files Arboretum pond Roper Lake State extant Park lower HO pond, Safford

Boyce Thompson AZ, Maricopa Co, 1987 display AZGFD files Arboretum pond private aquarium, extant Phoenix (M. Gilbert)

AZ, Maricopa Co, AZ, Maricopa Co, 1987 display AZGFD files Deer Valley HS, Deer Valley HS extant Glendale Glendale 'AZ, Maricopa Co, 1987 display AZGFD files Desert Botanical extant Garden pond, Phoenix

AZ, Mohave Co, 1987 display FWS files BLM aquarium, extirpated Kingman o, AZ, Maricopa Co, 1987 display AZGFD files um AZ Museum Sci & extirpated l bert) Tech, Phoenix

Mexico, Sonora, 1987 refugium Hendrickson & Centro Ecologico extirpated Romero 1989; de Sonora pond, L. Juarez R., Hermosillo pers. comm. ough Mexico, Sonora, 1987 refugium Hendrickson & Centro Ecologico established Romero 1989 de Sonora pond, Hermosillo

AZ, Graham Co, 1988 display AZGFD files BLM aquarium, extant Safford

ASU pond 1988 refugium AZGFD files extirpated

AZ, Maricopa Co, 1988 broodstock AZGFD files private pond, established Tempe (W.L. Minckley)

AZ, Mohave Co, 1988 display AZGFD files, BLM aquarium, extirpated FWS files Kingman

AZ, Cochise Co, 1988 reintro FWS files; Buffalo Corral extirpated AZGFD files Pond Spring

NM, FWS aquarium 1988 display FWS files Albuquerque extant

AZ, La Paz Co, 1988 _intro AZGFD files Yerba Manza extirpated (=Grapevine) Spr

MA, New England 1988 display FWS files Aquarium, Boston extant AZ, Yavapai Co, 1988 intro FWS files, Peeples Canyon extirpated Kepner, in litt.

AZ, Maricopa Co, 1988 display AZGFD files private aquarium, extant Phoenix (L. Kepner)

AZ, Pima Co, <1989 display AZGFD files private aquarium, extirpated Tucson (D. Straub) b, AZ, Navajo Co, 1989 display AZGFD files pond, private aquarium, extant Pinetop (R. Clarkson)

D, AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD files private aquarium, extant Phoenix (D. Van Haverbeke)

AZ, Pima Co, 1989 reintro AZGFD files Buehman Canyon established

AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD files private aquarium, extirpated Phoenix (B. Bagley)

AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD files private aquarium, extant Phoenix (M. Childs)

AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD files private aquarium, extirpated Tempe (T. Velasco) o, AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD files um, AZGFD aquarium, extirpated Phoenix

AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display FWS files Hassayampa River extant Preserve aquarium

AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 reintro FWS files, Palm Lake HQ established AZGFD files Headspring IFH AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD files, AZ Museum Sci & extant FWS files Tech aquarium, Phoenix

IFH AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display FWS files AZGFD aquarium, extant Phoenix

4FH AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD private pond, extant Glendale (R. Engle-Wilson)

JFH AZ, Graham Co, 1989 display AZGFD files Roper Lake State established Park H(2 upper pond, Safford

4FH AZ, Pima Co, 1989 display FWS files AZ Historical extant Society pond, Tucson

aquarium AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD files private aquarium, extant Tempe (K. Young)

aq ium AZ, Maricopa Co, 1990 display AZGFD files private aquarium, extant Phoenix (R. Babb)

1FH AZ, Graham Co, 1990 reintro AZGFD files Cold Springs extant

Wells Jr AZ, Graham Co, 1990 reintro AZGFD files loot, Tucson Cold Springs extant

'Sea CA, San Diego 1970 refugium Black 1980b, Co, Palm Canyon, established Miller & Anza-Borrego State Fuiman 1987 Park

Diego Co, CA, Riverside 1972 refugium Black 1980b, nyon, Anza- Co, Living Desert established Miller & State Park Reserve Fuiman 1987

Sea CA, Imperial Co, 1975 refugium Black 1980b Arrowweed Spring extirpated

Diego Co, CA, San Diego 1978 refugium Black 1980b nyon, Anza- Co, Palm Spring, established State Park Anza-Borrego State Park Salton Sea and CA, San Diego 1979 refugium Black 1980b Palm Canyon Co, Visitor established Center, Anza- Borrego State Park

? ? ? CA, Riverside ??? refugium Miller & Co, Salt Creek established Fuiman 1987 State Recreation Area

? ? ? CA, Riverside ??? refugium Miller & Co, Oasis Spring established Fuiman 1987 Refuge

CA, Butte Co, ??? refugium Miller & Butte Co. established Fuiman 1987 Mosquito Abatement

Salt Creek CA, Riverside ??? refugium CADFG files Co., Thousand Palms established Oasis, Coachella Valley Preserve

n.1.7 Salton Sea CA, Riverside f:. refugium CADFG files Co., Living Desert established Reserve, Oasis Pond and Cahuillan Indian display pond Quitobaquito pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius eremus

AZ, Pima Co, AZ, Pima Co, ca 1940 intro Kynard 1981 Quitobaquito Spr Gachado Tank extirpated

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Maricopa ca 1958 intro Minckley & Co, Salt River extirpated Brooks 1985

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Pima Co, 1960 intro AZGFD files Blanketship extirpated Ranch tank

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Pima Co, ca 1964 display Kynard 1979 Arizona-Sonora unknown Desert Museum, Tucson

Quitobaquito Spr Quitobaquito Spr 1970 reintro AZGFD files established

Quitobaquito Spr Quitobaquito Spr 1970 reintro AZGFD files established

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Yavapai Co, 1970 refugium Minckley & AZGFD Page Sprs extirpated Brooks 1985 Hatchery

Quitobaquito Spr ASU pond 1970? refugium Minckley 1973 extirpated Miller & Fuiman 1987

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Pima Co, unkn refugium AZGFD files Bonita Well extirpated

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Pima Co, unkn refugium Minckley & Williams extirpated Brooks 1985, (Rincon) Spr Miller & Fuiman 1987

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Pima Co, 1976 research Kynard 1979, Univ AZ, Tucson extirpated 1981

AZ, Pima Co, Univ AZ, Pima Co, 1976 refugium Kynard 1979, Arizona, Tucson Gachado Tank 1,' extirpated 1981

AZ, Pima Co, Univ AZ, Santa Cruz 1977 intro Minckley & Arizona Co, Bog Holel/ established Brooks 1985 Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Pima Co, 1977 research Kynard 1981 Univ Arizona, extirpated Tucson

AZ, Pima Co, Univ AZ, Pima Co, 1978 display Kynard 1979, Arizona, others ? Arizona-Sonora extirpated Miller & Desert Museum, Fuiman 1987 Tucson 1/

AZ, Pima Co, Univ AZ, Pima Co, 1978 display Kynard 1979, Arizona, others ? Arizona-Sonora extirpated Miller & Desert Museum, Fuiman 1987 Tucson l/

AZ, Pima Co, Univ AZ, Pima Co, 1978 display Kynard 1979, Arizona Arizona Historical extirpated AZGFD files Society pond Tucson 1/

AZ, Pima Co, Univ AZ, Santa Cruz 1978 refugium Kynard 1979, Arizona Co, Finley Tankl/ established Minckley & Brooks 1985

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Pima Co, 1978 refugium Kynard 1979, Bates Well extirpated Minckley & Brooks 1985, Miller & Fuiman 1987

Quitobaquito Spr VA, Univ 1980 research AZGFD files ' Virginia, unknown Roanoke

Quitobaquito Spr AZ, Pima Co, 1981 display AZGFD files Arizona-Sonora extant Desert Museum

AZ, Santa Cruz Co, AZ, Cochise Co, 1982 intro AZGFD files Finley Tank Kino Sprl/ extirpated

AZ, Santa Cruz Co, AZ, Cochise Co, 1983 intro AZGFD files Finley Tank Kino Spr1/ extirpated

AZ, Cochise Co, AZ, Cochise Co, 1984 intro AZGFD files Kino Spr Buffalo Corral extirpated Pond Spring/

AZ, Pima Ca, Arizona- AZ, Pima Co, 1987 display AZGFD files Sonora Desert Museum Tohono Chul extant Park/ AZ, Maricopa Co, ASU aquaria 1989 refuguim AZGFD files AZGFD aquarium, extant Phoenix

Ouitobaquito Spr AZ, Maricopa Co, 1989 display AZGFD files. AZGFD aquarium, extirpated FWS files Phoenix

Ouitobaquito Spr AZ, Yavapai Co, 1989 refugium AZGFD files AZGFD Bubbling extant Pond Hatchery

Quitobaquito Spr CO, Univ 1989 research AZGFD files Colorado, extirpated Boulder

11 Quitobaquito pupfish held and distributed by University of Arizona may have become mixed with other Cyprinodon subspecies or species; stocks distributed to the Arizona Historical Museum and stocked into Bog Hole and Finley Tank (both outside the historical range of Ouitobaquito pup-fish) and other locations are thus of questionable genetic purity (Hendrickson and Romero 1989).