Topple Fidel, Is Sister's
net minister and confidante. Philip Bonsai was the last U.S. ICAYUNE, NEW ORLEANS, butions. ambassador to Cuba. Miss Castro lives quietly with a family of exile friends in a Miss Castro began under- modest home. She reads Span- ground activity against her TOPPLE FIDEL, ish and French books, mostly brother's regime. Then she with anti-Communist themes. packed her bags and quietly, IS SISTER'S AIM She has learned enough English for essential needs and remains unmolested, boarded a Cuban airliner for Mexico. From there Juanita Castro Rabid aloof from exile political in- trigue. she came to Miami. I - Agiti-C ommutist Her anti-Fidel broadcasts are Y2 beamed to much of Latin Amer- By THEODORE A. DIGER ica. MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Juanita One of her latest replied to a Castro has been trying during pastoral letter by Roman Cath- five years in exile to foment a olics in Cuba calling for lifting Since then, she said, she has counterrevolution against her of the U.S. economic boycott of had no contact with Fidel or his brother Fidel, the prime minis- Cuba because of hardships the brother Raul, minister of Cuba's ter of Cuba. people are undergoing. "What Now, she says, she devotes does the economic boycott have full time to this project and to to do," Miss Castro asked, armed forces. helping distressed refugees "with Cuba not producing, as Juanita said she has had indi-I from her brother's regime. before, enough rice, beans, rect contact with her oldest sis- "The problem of Cuba de- vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, mands all my time," said Miss poultry, eggs, coffee and items Castro, 34, comely and fashiona- that are rationed now?" ter, Angelita.
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