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Rev. Nigel Bibbings 46 Road Toddington, LU5 6DF

Tel: 01525 872026

Methodist Minister for Kensworth Dear Friends, I have recently returned from a three month sabbatical which included elements of ‘holiday’, but the main emphasis was upon change of pace, new experiences and fresh learning. I was most looking forward to visiting a Christian hospital in West Bengal, India, my previous travels having been mainly on European package holidays. I little anticipated the very rich, overwhelming and somewhat unsettling experience which awaited me. Believing I’d prepared myself pretty well, I had a lot of adjusting to do. Nothing prepared me for the long (much delayed) journey, or the conditions in the hospital and local community. Most impressive was the quality of the life and work of those working in the hospital. Working with almost nothing, and mainly obsolete equipment, they were cheerfully and faithfully changing and saving lives. Their achievements were amazing, and I wondered about all that we take for granted. Since returning, I’ve been thinking about the need to determine what is ‘enough’; a word we do not often hear, intent as our rich western society is upon the pursuit of production, consumption and profts. Our need for instant gratifcation is not helpful and, just yesterday, an email offered me “an iPhone 6S with no upfront cost. Amazing”. I was not tempted. In reality, this cannot continue. I am no ‘Extinction Rebellion’ protestor. Though their actions attracted much publicity they proved very inconvenient for many, as they pointed out some inconvenient truths. On 3rd/4th May, Tropical Cyclone Fani made land near Pune in Odisha, having been steadily winding up to a severe storm at sea. It travelled inland, thankfully decreasing in strength as it crossed West Bengal. I feared the possible consequences of it passing, in strength (as forecast) right over the hospital in Sarenga that I had recently visited, where so much is being done with so few resources. The severity of weather events in vulnerable parts of the world is increasing. The situation in the Bay of Bengal is complex, with chronic air pollution in Kolkata (Calcutta) getting worse as the sprawling city grows. I am no scientist but we cannot continue to ignore the fact that the careless consumption of humankind comes at a cost, especially to the world’s poorest peoples. I will always remember my Indian trip and the wonderful, committed, generous, friendly and joyful people that I met – making so much out of so little and living so simply. I will therefore try to commit to living more simply and with less, to do what little I can to enable their fourishing. God bless, Nigel Page 7 AROUND ABOUT STUDHAM

ST. MARY’S CHURCH Church prayers: in our cycle of prayers, we shall be praying, during June, especially for all those who live in Common Road, Clements End and Pedley Hill. If you would like a special prayer to be said, please contact the Churchwarden, Meg Bender (872967 or [email protected]).

All are welcome to our next Messy Church Holy Communion on Sunday June 9th at 10.30am. There will be lots of craft activities to celebrate both the end of the international time of prayer, “Thy Kingdom Come”, and the festival of the Holy Spirit, known as Pentecost or Whitsun. We’ll be thinking about how the Holy Spirit acts in our lives, and sharing our prayers; we’ll be serving refreshments. If you’ve never been before, this might be a really good service to come to – the invitation of God’s love is for everyone.

Children’s Church is on Sunday 16th June at 10.30am. This is Trinity Sunday and the children will be introduced to the idea of the Trinity, how God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The service will be followed by refreshments and the celebration of all the birthdays in June. Everyone is warmly welcomed.

STUDHAM MAY FAIR “ENGLISH RURAL LIFE AT ITS BEST” That’s a quote from a frst time May Fair attendee. Royally entertained by Studham School May Pole dancing, Morris dancing, a Ukulele band, a dog show and numerous stalls, this year’s May Fair was the biggest and best so far. It also made a record amount so a big thank you to everyone who contributed.

Big Band with BBQ: the next event of the Friends of Studham Church is jointly with The Studham School Trust on Saturday 22nd June in the churchyard. What better way to while away a summer’s afternoon listening to open air live music provided by Shambles big band, led by school headteacher, Paul Burrett, and enjoying a barbecue? Tickets only £12.50 – concessions and family tickets available – from John McDougal (details below) or directly from the school.

We also run a 100 Club which costs only £12 per year with £60 in prizes each month. Hans Mulder and Leslie Martin were the lucky May winners.

To join the 100 Club, or to fnd out more about the Friends, please e-mail john. [email protected] or call 873257. Page 8 WHIPSNADE INCLUDING OLDHILL WOOD

WHIPSNADE PRAYERS: in June we will be praying for all mentioned on the church prayer tree, and also for those who visit and work in the Zoo and at Dell Farm. If you have any people or issues for whom you would like prayers to be offered, speak to the Rector, to churchwardens Isobel and Martin, or go into the church to write details on a leaf for hanging on the prayer tree.

VILLAGE LUNCH: the June lunch is on Thursday 13th June at 12.30pm in the Village Hall. This month’s menu is a choice from roast beef, salmon en croute, shepherd’s pie or spicy chicken casserole. All are welcome to come along and enjoy a main course, pudding and tea or coffee for £6. Isobel Randall (872552) and Pam Ward (872406) are very grateful for offers of help or puddings.

ELECTIONS AT THE ANNUAL CHURCH MEETINGS: in April, the following were elected:- Churchwardens – Martin Rees and Isobel Randall; Parochial Church Council – Sarah Ayres, Joan Bailey, Mike Bailey, Kim Brown, Bola Fola- Caleb, Christopher Hazell, Sylvia Kendrick and Les Randall. Everyone present expressed gratitude to Lorraine Wright who stood down as PCC Secretary after over fve years of faithful and conscientious service.

THE CHURCHYARD: for many years Charles Baker has knowledgeably advised the team who work in the churchyard and has inspired them by his personal dedicated hard work. The churchyard plan he wrote is an example of the highest practice and has been followed to great effect. Under his guidance the wild fowers, bushes and trees have fourished to create a beautiful and peaceful place that gives delight to all who pass through it or sit down to rest in it. Sadly, Charles now feels that he has to retire. It will be very diffcult to replace his expertise, for which we are all very grateful. We hope he will continue to give us his wise advice so that we can uphold the standards which he has set.

CHURCHYARD WORKING PARTIES: on Friday 7th June and Wednesday 12th June from 3pm – 5pm. Help needed to rake the hay and to get the churchyard ready for the Summer Fete; tools provided. Contact: Pam Ward (872406).

WHIPSNADE TREE CATHEDRAL SERVICE: everyone is welcome to the ecumenical service at 3pm on Sunday 9th June which includes singing by children from Kensworth and Studham schools and music by the Salvation Army Band. The preacher is the new Archdeacon of Bedford, the Venerable Dave Middlebrook. Bring a rug or chair to sit on. If wet, the service will be in the church. Further information from Pam Ward (872406).

WHIPSNADE SUMMER FETE: see page 16 for details of the Church Fete on Saturday 15th June from 1.30pm in the churchyard. Any offers of help would be appreciated by Kim Brown (872015) or contact [email protected]. Page 9 KENSWORTH NEWSROUND

KENSWORTH CHURCH PRAYERS: in June our special prayers will be for those in Common Road, from the Methodist Church to Dovehouse Lane. If you would like a particular prayer to be said, please contact Dorothy Blackburn (872670).

KENSWORTH PARISH CHURCH: Church ‘red letter days’ in June include Whitsunday or Pentecost on 9th, Trinity Sunday on 16th, Corpus Christi (see page 13) on 20th and the Feast of St Alban on 22nd. See page 14 for details of services.

Choir News: the choir practises on Fridays 6pm – 7pm in the church. The June sung services are the Eucharist on 2nd and Matins on 16th. If you would like to join, please phone or e-mail Mike Palmer (524183/[email protected]), or the Rector (872223/[email protected]).

Sunday School: for all young people, there are sessions for seniors and juniors on 9th June and on 23rd the younger children will have special activities to understand the Bible story. If you would like your child to join Sunday School, or if you want to be a helper, please contact Katherine Huggins (607841) for details.

Messy Church: Messy Church this month will be on Friday 14th at 3.30pm in the Church Hall. Children and their carers are welcome to join in an afternoon of crafts, stories and songs on a biblical theme, followed by a hot meal for everybody. No charge, but we are grateful for donations.

CHURCH SHOP: the shop, in the Church Hall, Clayhall Road (behind the Vicarage), is open 2pm – 4pm on Wednesdays and 10am – 12 noon on Saturdays. All kinds of treasures are available – come and have a browse! (Unfortunately, we cannot sell electrical goods, clothing or large items of furniture.)

KENSWORTH METHODIST CHURCH: for all our services, see page 13. The June Coffee Morning is on Saturday 1st, 10.30am – 12 noon. Come and enjoy delicious tea or coffee and cakes and friendly chat.

KENSWORTH DROP IN CLUB: everyone is welcome to ‘Drop In’ at Kensworth Village Hall every Thursday between 9am and 11am for tea or coffee and biscuits (soft drinks and crisps for children). Enjoy a chat and games and get to know the locals! We also have outings.

KENSWORTH LADIES’ CLUB: the June meeting will take place on Monday 3rd in the Church Hall at 7.30pm. There will be a talk and demonstration by Caroline of ‘Caroline’s Kitchen’. All ladies are invited – no membership, just turn up and enjoy the warm welcome. Page 10 STUDHAM EXTRA

BINGO: on Wednesdays 5th and 19th June at 7.30pm in Studham Village Hall. Why not come and join us? £5 will pay your entrance, set of 6 books, strip of raffe tickets and even a cup of tea/coffee! New players always welcome.

STUDHAM PLAYING FIELDS: our AGM is on Monday 24th June at 7pm and all villagers are invited to attend. Please contact Paul Hocking (pdhocking@btinternet. com/07500 849280) if you would like to use the space for a function or activity.

SCRABBLE: our small but enthusiastic Scrabble Group meets at 2pm every Tuesday afternoon at Studham Village Hall.

WI: on Thursday 6th June at 7.45pm in Studham Village Hall – Amanda Presswell from House of Colour. Amanda will help us to choose the colours best suited to our skin tone, hair colour and our personalities in all situations. It is a fascinating topic and one which all ladies should fnd interesting. Entrance of £3.50 includes your refreshments. Do come along; we would be delighted to see you.

QUIZZES: Andrea, Chrys and Simon would like to thank all who have attended the Red Lion Quizzes over the last 9 months; you have raised a magnifcent £1600 towards the hall renovation costs. We start again on Tuesday 3rd September.

STUDHAM SCHOOL TRUST: thank you to all those who visited our table at the May Fair – and for the encouragement we were given for our new venture. It is good to know that so many people in the village value our school and want to support us and ensure that our children have the resources they need in this time of reduced Government funding. You only get one chance at education! Please contact our Treasurer, Les Randall, ([email protected]) if you or your friends and family would like to support the School Trust.

See page 21 for details of our Big Band and BBQ with the Friends of the Church on Saturday 22nd June.


Saturday 13th July from 1- 4pm at Studham Village School. Raffe tickets available in advance (via [email protected]) and on the day for a variety of fabulous local prizes; family tickets to soft play, tour of the House of Commons, meals/vouchers for local pubs and star prize: “Soiree in a Barrow”– everything you need for a night in – plus a wheelbarrow! Stalls, games, food – come along and help us raise money for our local school Page 11 KENSWORTH EXTRA

PETER KYTE We learnt with sadness last month of the death of Kensworth resident, Peter Kyte after a short illness. Peter was Advertising Manager of the Parish Link until last July when he stood down. Our thoughts are with Jean and the family.

KENSWORTH VILLAGE HALL At the May meeting of the Committee, we learned that a local decorator has agreed to start repainting the toilet areas. He is giving his time for free and the Committee are very grateful to him. It was agreed to renovate the old boiler room to be used for more storage space.

The Committee were pleased to receive a grant for new tables and chairs from the Rugby Benevolent Fund, and also some oblong replacement tables. We have also received a grant from Wixamtree to help fund refurbishment work not covered by donors of time and materials. We will have a very smart hall for the various local organisations and ad hoc hirers. The feedback we are receiving from these hirers is that the hall is a very good size for children’s parties and other social events, and a dancing group likes the wooden foor. These hirings are very lucrative and ensure that we can meet the ever-increasing cost of gas, electricity and insurance!

The next Village Walks are planned for Saturday 8th June at 10.30am and Wednesday 12th June at 7pm. Do come along and join us for these walks; well- behaved dogs that are happy with other dogs around are very welcome.

The next meeting is the Annual General Meeting and will be held on Tuesday 18th June at 7pm, in the main hall. Everyone is welcome to attend and we would love to see some more people to help support the Committee. We are still looking for a Treasurer, so, if you would like to help, please come along. All Committee members are volunteers, keeping the hall going for the village organisations that use it; new ideas for fundraising are welcome and we also need people to help us.

KENSWORTH CRICKET CLUB June fxtures: 2nd Wendover Home 1.30pm 9th No game 16th Carpenters Home 1.30pm 23rd Bamville CC Away 2pm 30th Boxmoor Home 2pm Outdoor Nets: at Markyate Cricket & Football Club on Tuesday Evenings.

If you are interested in joining your local village team then please contact Duncan Wingfeld (872 743) or Jon Holt (872 896) for further details. Page 12 LOCAL NEWS

CONGRATULATIONS to Revd. Nicola Lenthall on being appointed as Rural Dean for our Deanery. This honorary post is on top of her duties as our Rector and is in recognition of her great personal qualities and service. She will be “licensed” by the Archdeacon of Bedford at the Whipsnade Tree Cathedral Service on Sunday 9th June (see page 8).

BEDS & HERTS HISTORIC CHURCHES SPONSORED BIKE AND HIKE It’s not too early to start planning for the 2019 Bike ‘n Hike, on Saturday 14th September; sponsor forms will be available in June. You can plan your own route visiting different churches which will be open on the day and many will have refreshments; you can walk or cycle between 9am and 5.30pm. Further details in the next Parish Link.

Kensworth Church is leading a gentle, children-centred, off road, family walk leaving Kensworth Church at 10.30am and walking to Whipsnade Church, then to Studham Church. Although led by a DofE Award Expedition Leader and First Aider, children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Sponsor forms and information from Jane Bedlington (871139).

WHIPSNADE PARISH COUNCIL Sports and recreation on the Green: we are canvassing views of residents on possible future uses of parts of Whipsnade Green for various sports and recreation activities which are compatible with customary usage and management of the open commons space for protection of the rare grassland and wildlife habitat. The upper part of the common adjacent to the zoo fence served for many years as a cricket ground and home to Whipsnade Cricket Club. That area might be suitable for various one-off or periodically held events provided these have the general support of the community and have the potential to add value back into the longer-term conservation and protection of the Green.

If residents have any specifc ideas, please could they contact Ken France (872375) who will be exploring these with ZSL, who own the soil rights of the Green, and CBC, who are responsible for the Scheme of Management and regulation of the By-Laws to examine a range of viable options.

£1,000 grant to Studham School Trust: Joan Bailey, Chair of Governors of Studham Village School, and Nancy Horton gave a presentation to the Council on the recent launch of an independent trust: the Studham School Trust. Studham C of E Village School is attended by children from Whipsnade, Oldhill Wood and Studham village and is rated ‘Outstanding’ by OFSTED. The Parish Council fully supported the objectives of the new Trust which is to help maintain viability of a local school serving the two villages. A foundation grant of £1,000 from reserves was agreed by the council. Page 13 CHURCH NEWS NORTH CHILTERNS GROUP EVENTS Confrmation: at 6pm on Sunday 16th June, the Bishop of Bedford will be coming to Kensworth to confrm new members of our churches. Everyone is welcome to attend and support our candidates – all of whom are from our Benefce.

STUDHAM METHODIST CHURCH Sunday 9th June 10am Rev. Zihle Sunday 23rd June 12 noon Rev. Zihle Christening

KENSWORTH METHODIST CHURCH 2nd June 10.30am Worship led by the Reverend Nigel Bibbings 9th June 10.30am Worship led by Mrs. Hyacinth Taylor 16th June 10.30am See Notice Board – Local Arrangement 23rd June 11am Circuit Celebration and Picnic on Downs If wet at The Square, Dunstable (bring your own picnic) 30th June 10.30am Worship led by Mr Steve Jones

Growing Together: Bible Study and fellowship: 27th June at 7.30pm (refreshments) for 7.45pm. Come and join us!

WHAT IS CORPUS CHRISTI? The Feast of Corpus Christi is celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. It is Latin for ‘The Body of Christ’. This year it falls on Thursday 20th June. This jubilant festival is celebrated by Roman Catholics and other Christians to proclaim the truth of the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the actual body of Christ during Mass.

In some countries in the world, Catholic churches still celebrate the festival, not only with a Mass, but also with a procession that carries the consecrated wafer through the streets as a public statement that the sacrifce of Christ was for the salvation of the whole world.

The practice is no longer common in the UK, where traditional processions started to wane in the 1970s after the Second Vatican Council. Attempts have been made to revive the tradition in some UK towns and villages in recent years. In the Church of the feast is also kept and is known as the Day of Thanksgiving for the Institution of Holy Communion. Page 16 WHIPSNADE EVENTS

Whipsnade Summer Fete Saturday 15th June 2019 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm in the Churchyard

Join us for an afternoon of family fun and entertainment to raise funds for the Church

Including our fantastic and fun exemption dog show …. Loveliest Lady, Most Handsome, Waggiest Tail, Best Rescue, Best puppy, Best trick & Best in Show

If you have anything you could donate to our stalls, then please contact Kim Brown (01582 872015) email: [email protected] or directly contact the stall organisers below :

We are particularly looking for cake bakers!

Books – Chris France 01582 872375 Refreshments – Sylvia Kendrick 01582 413564 Quality white elephant, bric-a-brac and toys – 01582 872015 Plant and produce – Martin and Tessa Rees 01582 873117 Bottle and sweet stall – Hilary Cantle 01442 843433 Cakes – Bola Fola-Caleb 01582 223988 Tombola – Lorna Kingham 01442 843575

WHIPSNADE VILLAGE HALL EVENTS Thursday 6th June: AGM at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome, bring your comments as to how we use and maintain our village Hall. Friday 7th June at 7.30pm: presenting ‘Aspect’, Michelle singing popular songs from jazz to show tunes and many more. Tickets £7 from Carole Chant (873717) Friday 12th July: Bingo at 7pm. Any enquiries and further details contact Carole Chant (873717). Page 17 KENSWORTH SCHOOL

KENSWORTH C of E PRIMARY ACADEMY and PRESCHOOL It’s all go at Kensworth already in this very short half term. Some of our year four girls were very excited to be chosen as May Queen and attendants at the May Fair. They eagerly dressed up for the occasion and felt like princesses for the day. Our May Queen, Maia Naughton, along with her attendants Lucy Owen and Bella Wilkins, all looked beautiful and did a fantastic job of declaring the start of Spring and the opening of the fair. They were also thrilled to take home their gorgeous headdresses and bouquets as a souvenir of their special day. Grateful thanks to Julie and Paula Copcutt for doing the fowers.

Hornbeam and ventured into London to visit the British Museum. Oak are now experts on Ancient Egypt and Hornbeam will be able to teach us all about the Mayans and Aztecs. With the children being overheard exclaiming, ‘Wow, look at that!’ and ‘This is amazing!’ I think they enjoyed their day as well as learning a lot. They thought that when we continue their work in the classrooms, this visit will bring the artefacts to life as they have ‘actually seen it with my own eyes!’

Years 2 & 6 have been very busy preparing for their SATs and we wish them good luck. Our Read Write Inc trainer was very pleased with the progress that the children have made with their reading and phonics, during her recent visit; this is down to the hard work of both the children and staff, so again well done to everyone!

Exciting news for our Pre-school...from September we will be accepting 30 hour funding and will be open for afternoon sessions as well as the morning that we currently offer. Please contact the school for more details; Tel: Headteacher, Mrs O Bates (872336), or e-mail [email protected].

Come along to our Summer Fête and Dog Show on Saturday 29th June, 12 noon until 3pm – there will be a BBQ, face painting, teacher in stocks, a variety of stalls, the Fire Brigade and lots more! For more information or to book a stall, ring Vanessa (07788 990364) or Gina (07506 722053). Page 18 VILLAGE NEWS 1

KENSWORTH PARISH COUNCIL Elections: following an uncontested election for the seats, 7 of the existing Parish Councillors remain - Pat Mitchell, Ian Lowery, John Murray, John Worboys, Cheryl Browne, Philip Woods and Gerry Blackburn. We wish to welcome new Councillor, Graham Starkey, and also thank outgoing Councillor, Jamie Bradley, for his contributions, in particular all his hard work with the allotments.

May Annual Meeting: on 9th May, we had our Annual Meeting: Cllr Pat Mitchell was re-elected as Chairman, and Cllr Ian Lowery as Vice Chair. Councillors’ areas of responsibilities were agreed as follows: Allotments: Cllrs Starkey and Browne; Children’s Play Area: New - Cllr Murray, Existing – Cllr Mitchell; Focus Group: Cllr Mitchell; Highways: Cllr Lowery; Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: Cllrs Worboys, Lowery and Mitchell; Speedwatch: Cllr Mitchell; Village Hall: Cllr Mitchell. The 2018/19 accounts have been signed off by the internal auditor, and approved by full council. They will now be sent to the external auditor for approval.

Parish Council Meetings: All parish council meetings are open to the public and are held at 7.30pm at Kensworth Village Hall, The Chilterns, Kensworth LU6 3RJ. Dates for the rest of this year: June 13th, July 11th, September 12th, October 10th, November 14th, December 12th.

Play Area: we have received complaints of broken glass at the play area and youth shelter. We do inspect and litter pick the play area on a regular basis. However, please be aware of this issue at present as it is a hazard, in particular to young children and dogs.

FRIENDS OF STUDHAM COMMON The Friends’ next work party will be on Saturday 15th June, where the tasks will include mowing the main paths through the grassland on Middle and West Common to improve access. On all three Commons, a light trimming of gorse shoots to encourage survival and regeneration. This will provide a good habitat for gorse- feeding insects and nesting birds. Please come and help out! We meet at the War Memorial on West Common, opposite the Red Lion at 10am. All tools and lunch will be provided for the volunteers.

Inspired by conservation matters? Why not come along and discover much more about the Friends, at our Annual General Meeting? This will be held in Studham Village Hall on Friday 28th June at 7.30 pm. All welcome; light refreshments will be served and Steve Halton, Senior Countryside and Conservation Offcer for CBC will give a talk on Fruit and Nuts in Beds: Our Orchard Heritage.

For the AGM, contact Denis Davison ([email protected] or 872650). For the workparty, contact Keith Draine ([email protected] or 07807 363629). Page 19 VILLAGE NEWS 2

STUDHAM SCHOOL The last month has been really busy for the school. Preparation for the May Fair is always a feature of this time of year, with the maypole routines to learn and competition for the front cover of the programme to organise. There is also the SATs tests to prepare for and our children take these in their stride. Our Easter Concert and Service were very well supported, with the children doing fantastically and a lot of support from parents. One thing we are very proud of is our 40 Acts of Kindness for Lent. This is the second year we have run this. Children are given a sheet with 40 suggestions of kind acts they could perform throughout Lent and they fll them in as they achieve them. After Lent, the sheets are collected in and the ones with most acts completed get invited to a special breakfast with Revd. Nicola. This year we had a record 24 children invited.

KENSWORTH FLOWER & VEGETABLE SHOW Margo’s Quiz will be held on Saturday 27th July in the Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. The profts help to offset the cost of running the Show, so your support is always appreciated. Cost is £7.50, and this includes the usual platter, but please BYOD. To book a table or individual places, please contact David Manton (01438 831184 or [email protected]).

This year’s Show is on Saturday 7th September in the Village Hall, and programmes, including entry forms, will be available from both village shops at the beginning of July. Committee members will be walking around the village in the next few weeks looking for the Best Front Garden, and the children from Kensworth School have already submitted entries for the front cover of the programme.

Anyone interested in having a stall in the car park at the Show, or for any other enquiries, please contact David Manton (01438 831184) or Sylvia Inns (07831 538682).

FRIENDS of KENSWORTH CHURCH The May winners of the Monthly Draw Club were David Foster and Roger Plumb. Plans are well underway for the Summer Serenade Concert, to be given by the ladies from Caritas Harmony, in the church on Saturday 6th July. In the past, tickets have sold out, so early booking is advised, particularly as admission will be by ticket only. Cost is £12 which includes a fnger buffet, and a cash bar will be available. Doors open at 6.30pm and the concert starts at 7pm. For tickets or other enquiries, please contact David Jones (873242). Page 20 MORE STUDHAM

STUDHAM PARISH COUNCIL Congratulations to Eddie Perry as he moves to his new position of Ward Councillor at Central Bedfordshire Council. He will be missed, but we are sure that he will still have the village very much to heart in his new role. We also welcome Bob Wilkin who has not only joined us, but very kindly agreed to be Chair. This means that we have 2 vacancies on the Parish Council. If you would like to fll one of them, please see Parish Notice Boards for details of how to apply and closing date for applications. Can we remind you that we have two defbrillators in the village should they be required, one at the Sports and Social Club and one at the Red Lion? We are looking to hold further training sessions for these in the Autumn. Speeding through the village is becoming more prevalent. Please be aware of the speed limit signs and adhere to them.

CARPET BOWLS The Club meets at 7pm on Thursdays and dates are in the diary section. We are a small friendly group and new members are most welcome – or just come for a taster. Contacts are Pat Thorne (872751) or Des Salmon (872082).

STUDHAM VILLAGE HALL Floor replacement: £1,600 has been raised by the Red Lion Quiz Nights this season. Our great thanks to Garry Ellis for hosting the evenings. Andrea Maxted, Simon Maxted and Chrys Smith ran the evenings – without their time and enthusiasm this would not have happened. A total of £3,100 has now been donated over the past two Red Lion Quiz Night seasons. Annual Village Hall Quiz Night: Saturday 1st June: BYOD, fsh & chips supper, £10. 7pm for 7.30pm. Contact Des Salmon (872082 or e-mail desstudham@ or any trustee. AGM: Friday 12th July at 8pm: this is an open meeting with the business side kept to a minimum. It is an opportunity to meet the team that runs your Village Hall. We welcome any thoughts about the hall and its management team, whether good or bad. Then please stay for refreshments.

STUDHAM TENNIS CLUB We are delighted to announce we are offering free annual Junior Membership (with every full adult member) and annual Family Membership from £75. Junior and adult tennis coaching takes place every Saturday morning between 9am and 11am. All are welcome – non-members £6 per session, members £4 per session. Our coach, Megan (07826 855 388), is also available for private individual or group lessons. Family social play takes place on a Saturday 2pm – 4pm.

For information on coaching or joining the club, contact Andrew Jones (andrew. [email protected] or 07833 111 682/ Page 21