EEC/07/161/HQ Highways and Traffic Orders Committee 14 June 2007

Honiton Road Park and Ride

Report of the Deputy Director of Environment, Economy and Culture

Please note that the following recommendation is subject to consideration and by the Committee before taking effect.

It is recommended that the scheme to amend the bus only exit from Road Park & Ride site (drawing C06031/2) be approved at a cost of £65k and funded through the Exeter Sub Regional LTP Programme 2007/08.

1. Introduction

This report outlines a scheme to amend the exit for buses from the Honiton Road Park & Ride site onto Honiton Road to improve the journey time & reliability of the service.

2. Current situation

Park & Ride service PR2 operates from the Honiton Road site into the city centre. It is operated by Stagecoach under contract to the County Council on a 12 minute headway. Park & Ride is a key part of the Congestion Plan for Exeter.

The terminal point of the Park & Ride at Honiton Road is currently arranged so that buses exiting from the site have priority at the signals but have to turn left into Honiton Road towards Hill Barton Road (and then Pinhoe Road). The first section of the route is single carriageway and the volume of traffic often causes delays to the Park & Ride service particularly in the peak hours making it unreliable at times.

3. Proposal

The proposal is to amend the exit from the Park & Ride site onto Honiton Road allowing buses to turn right (as well as left) with priority into Honiton Road. The proposal is shown in drawing C06031/2 and will be on display at the Committee.

The main advantage is that the Park & Ride (PR2) service can then be rerouted via Moor Lane roundabout, the Monkerton link road and Pinhoe Road. It is estimated that the saving in journey time can be up to 4/5 minutes in the peak hours and in the off peak 1/2 minutes. This will make the service more reliable and therefore more attractive to passengers.

The scheme will also have the advantage in that the carriageway outside the P&R bus exit site will be widened to two outbound lanes. This is a consequence of providing enough space for the manouevre of buses in turning right. This will marginally improve the flow of traffic towards Moor Lane roundabout.

4. Finance

The estimated cost of the scheme is £65k and will be funded through the Exeter Sub Regional LTP Programme for 2007/08.

5. Sustainability Considerations

Improvements to reliability and service enhancements of local bus services are a key part of the Congestion Action Plan for Exeter.

6. Legal Considerations

The implications/consequences of the recommendation/proposed course of action have been taken into account in preparing this report.

Ian Harrison

Electoral Divisions: Heavitree and Whipton and Barton

Local Government Act 1972

List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Phil Slater

Room No: AB3

Tel No: 3242

Background Paper Date File Ref.


ps290507ehb sn/honiton road park and ride 3 hq 040607