
?¦ • i r ¦ ¦ • • • - ¦ • •" ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦: , i • - ¦ : -vi • : • - ' . liwtif fc ;!V;,M . TO : . h ;;; SPECIAL r AND '! iAl^OIHTMENT ! THE XING B3aa*A-BLissBr) : \ ±s&&

¦ ; Vv |pi 1 ! . i CAKKELt m \ h .; >wp?ttji | -j $$!m^.^ o , MANUFACTUKERS i ' OF P . . I ll WatWord Steamsoip t,dompan r i ¦ ^ . ; ! (UMITBO)^ ; I . ; irifMiJ j^S. i^i^S fB*" "'O'^ ena piMi .. jaw" n—¦— i|k ii ¦ ij ii _ji i ' . ' ¦ m it eyei; " ' hasj -pi ' . . . , I ; (SMI < INTENDED II I I H I II . A' . <^ 4. . V. ¦ ORDER Opl 8AILING — " ¦ ¦ ¦ ;•]¦;. • • ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ 'T- ; SEETEMBEB, i pO2. j : :- ¦;; ¦: i, r ! THBOT-TWO : OOLD ! ANB PRIZE MEDALS.! *' ftj'CCiJio o- o o O % ¦ J ¦ j f r ¦ ¦ ¦ II 1L XL 3L4 j4Va a I i i STEAIIEBB t ¦ . ' THF GITV OUNBEODT, ' ' REOINAXD, OOMEEAQH. r, *TtA . ; WORKS, ; HENAPIA/ OBEADEN, Ao. J-^BLIN : JANI) BSLFAS TvTOTIOB.i— Tho i Waterfoid IT V~ V i»N; ) ^=T^»viSV 8t«amibJijCoun»ny (limited^ tO^Pi!! MB reo»lT8 CWodMW| ipiscoyjiiT "^"'^"?PW ^ LiT«Btxik te Shlo. fc_jy->- ": W^» m«nt- on ih9 * ooodlUon* montionhad ed to jtowis •• \ . fi^Baj lista, to^ to be at their ' " ¦ to OfflOM* i I | i ' ' ; J ei OneiriyWomiatBallUf. ' GAW orbyUii rtotinars wll r*^ 1 ;L w^co reodT* Pitoeti««n> »rriTlajr ,th» Hlglrt tXMi " : O> iRi TO *^ - i VTXX B OBOTTI? HOHBIi.' OANS LOANS ! , LOANS ! ^ ¦ ; WiliBHOII) AND ' I MONCK . STEEET. WEXFOED. WHISKY, ;;: 1TU>» iBBiaTOL ' MaLftes f ldiScincesDailjt l fro m : W1TMI0BO 10 »W»T0L. TIUB ramol M : WlTlBfOUD . £5 UpypBLf dSf THE y To«a»y, Sejy. ».„ Koooo WodnM44y, Eept.3.» 6 0 p.m : ' WATERFOUD LOAN COMPANY Owing to it DELICATE Way. - ' ' : ' rinn.18 Old Hotel l» fatBou» , pure AROMA and ¦ « «... 3 p.oi Satnrdiy, ,, 8 .. 8 Op.m ;- . ! . . : V Hi -J Al-V PART 0? flRELAiHV \ ^-f] . for^¦¦ood Wo<3*e ; 8 JOHN IZf ir*' • " ' A~: * »a ' WedncKlv „ I0...W S0 p.m ! 1L v and oil other Onnla. ! . ; , STBEET, WATEBFOED, SC^y' •• fr- ,2 l>-'a Saoaty.: „ M... 2 30 a.ni ^ i . i ' MB8. KELI,T, PBOPaicTEtss. An nred te tr l ' with , FLAVOUR, Tw«d«r, „ 16... 12 aoba W«do«d»y TO FARMERS, SHOPKEEPERS, AND RESPONSIBLE P^ipi ^ ;Pn?E °a r the greatest confidence and secrecy, all applications from £2 i / .; 17.. 5 O pud ^LL 05, : : Closo to (ho Eal(*ar Station A ¦Wty, ¦ UPW RDS, to oil persons on their own APPKOVED PERSONAL SKOURltT 1 .. §.„ 4 p.ni wES&y. " SI ..10 0p.m ¦ And its EXTREME ¦ . tWKlDUEBD PEESSOrjfllL SECllJ8&BY¥ WITHOUT PfcSLJjCI|y*,: „ . . i in any pait of Ireland. i . ' MELLOWNESS. •¦ 28 O rLIa * ' ? ¦ ' ' SSSaV." ! -1 ! . . ' ! . ' i ¦ ' 1 ' ) • . ¦tmsineaj ?. ffc uSS» r^- ¦ ¦ ' ' earned on in a most atraightforwanl and exact manner ! *«»«0 8<» P««i«» 14to l5 Hi>nri.' ! j 5&«¦ V?loilOT7 ,, itoUl Sad : Ss3S3ttxJ5ut No '. Uodtaa ^rth_OaaWt»ndat B«*ta, Bristol. ' : conuectfoa with any othor Loan Offices or so-eallod Banka ' \ Agents Everywhere. i«tnrn to Oork per S. . ¦tr-€,. .7, Mdl ;«l ;Wl68LdW-8TBEBT, .; in this County i ' TiektlM ^io«d BrUtol Bristol N. Terms are given mi receipt ofA'pplication , and will b&fouhdsf o1 ¦ ' Co-> »» arallabl* for returm fropi DabUn wUhoat extr. I' ! . (OtaftoniitreetX DUBtlR. ' ' . : . ' Appl SSSt_fL'f oinmy'S>r(ora or WixJora to BristM by y-THE MANAGER, WM«fordSt«4m SMp Oo.'i, 8tea(a«iiToa compare favourably with others p»yiB«B» ot is M rja/^TOKl!' Ceatriili Bttnated, : Consfortablo and J8, John Street, Waterford. BetornOl IJokots teued iisUL FOUNDPOUND ED 1824. at BrUtoI to Dublin per Brlrtol tO THOSE REQUIRING A TEMPORARY ¦ IXcdente;¦ -;jHj aftf««dy »ll d»y. ' . w^-S 'l. ' n>-5!Su?u? for ™t"a Hrom Waltrford or ADVANCE THE ABOVE. . isj THE i , ¦]' . - . , ' ... 40 BAtol bT Watartord jSttimShlp Oo/i . WQHi^P^p'J^BmN Poprietor: * «JJSS1 i. m U BEST AND MOST RELIABLE THE PATRIOTIC ASSUBANCE ^S?5 8. M lgS. °', "^ *» i «~» p«k o» PW- *«•»>» TlokeB Iisa«4 ,' tt TTctarCot* ar| yttitotd to »*»1 bj.Waterf ord. SUaa Ship C* v« anilaUo for return THE ITOSTER COMPANY. t-er Brtatoi S., N. Co. from Brfttol to . Cork! or to DnbUn ' ' PRIY1TE LOAN without payment. • ¦ ¦¦ -I ¦ ¦ • !.. FOR TERUQ AND PARTICULARS APPLV . ; ' .; i ; . AND j ! «tarn Jfioieu «r« irmitable for two!nwt>UW.: CAPITAL ...... £1,500,000 WATBBPOED ABO t j, v Map OO L . DISCOUNT Wednoiv, Sept 8 ¦ QPPICE, ^ 1 ^ Uoniay; Septj 1^0 0 p.m flCCONNELt STREEf , WATER^JRIX LIFE. FtRE. WORKMEN'S COM- ¦ Wepurchaaa; ;dt thQ'Uovrfcst point 20, UPPER QECIL STREE T, LIMEBtOZ, PENSATION, . ; ". :3^-'2* Sr-iJS ISw 'JL-l.s:' i of itha market! ¦the;;fi nest' growths : ™ . I ! ; Make Cash Advances ¦ L Fidelity Guarantee and Burglary » * ¦ • - fc ? " ££&: s &•* «p*s It is in Admitted Fact tfeatl-d ' irom the . best ' Indiaa . .odd.C feyloa • frirni £10 Upwards | ¦sg^s fcfi 6 1 " UMe» ot Pe»P'e. Ladies and Gentlemen, Nobleioo, derfymto, Mrfical Man, O!>v[ ¦ l s ' j Th» buji4ay ' • liquor aiid appearance. ; tail or aeouxity, on their tlisat ¦ ' ' ' :¦¦ Tcsseu u*&at North ,Whar.', WaMrforaT: ;: : ¦ : own Promisiory Note. All transactions are kept strictly prir»te. Bjfoie Wbla* For Terms apply tc»i— - . . , ATorag»SemPussg», l»to lo Hoara.' I ' ' . ¦ .RE ¦' ' elBowhcre pUase inspect onr tercas. MW r . ./. !^ ! M S .;. ' • AU applicantj ponctoally attended to. All lafonnttio a mlf bshS l toI ol, an4 Urerjool i and Wat«rfoid and ! i DT eaUui cr or writlriet to thaofflrjv. i ¦ , ' ¦ . ¦ . w ^^ IU illBl? ~Cabin ' HEAD OFFICE—9 COLLEGE GEEM, ^nnder? ^ i " < Slogle. Ui». « d» do. Children 'She Nicest Ladlea' "* 12 ,ycar» ^of ,go oro»r»»iiu traTSlllng with famlllea ¦ Blouaeo. - J , ' §giM@ «t ; bl« Moore ¦ ' "¦ & Tw» Hoataa, optlonU to retura * ' ' DUBLIN, }w J. , ' "SS "- V!» '<» i: *gh& Mcesti Ladies Coatumo Skirto. I ;¦ ¦ : ¦ . J "?? Bri»to1 «r U«rpooI.tS». 1 Cabin fiitarn , ChUdren ; ! . i LniiTEn s _ , m ne 1S< The Nicest Ladies' Underskirts. J j Or to any of the Company's Branches or ™3' - D<** *lo«I*i 7i M **• d0 O11"4"11 • J. nSt U * ' BiRN ETT ¦ ' i The Nicest Ladies! nnderolotMqg; i lifarrpn's; Place, C'ORKu " ¦ : . Agencies. i ; wT^r^*~»» no» camea irom watetfort or wexioraj ¦ 1 " ¦ ¦ ' naleai aooompMted by^iioea^ from n, She Nicest Ladie3* Web3» -4' ¦ *• ' ¦ ¦ ¦ , ; : j I Ii secretary, Boxra - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • : rt ; ' ¦ ¦ " ¦ • ' - ,. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ Agents in Waterfowl— !. ; : - i . The Nicest Children s Dresse3. ¥ . j , •[: Ar SSBAS»^iS25^^ • i ¦ ' " T .' i? ?fttl b«»e4 taroorh uotwaen Wmerfoid tai Choailr* The Nicest Ohilclren'o XJnderciOthiQjj.; I , ! ¦ : ¦ ¦ ; " J. J. MXJRPHY, W: & L. Railway! Ter- u°er BatlwayS Uttonaana l*ntasWreand Torkahlr* Hallway j : • : ¦ . . ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ wlAnoaa . . ; 1 . • . \:h minus. ! DO YOD KNOW THAT ; , : : Uoodaaod Paree'a aootod th»a«h betwwa M priacipal I > Sttt«)at oaQreu ..vrtaera, areat Wcitern, lanoaaluro Now is yonr time for the NEWEST and MOST F HIONABLE AUTUMN Dnd WWTER C. P. REDMOND, WATEKFOBD NEWS'! ! , and ; ' McrMe & Stone Works, 5S_r«Jt : ' ' Sundaysb xuapced;»t a.80 a.ra. ¦& JrO THS . I .. , Paoii WitniToa»-Daliy.Sun ^»io<>pted7«t^ aO pj ^ fieicujtones, Tombs Moaitunento J. J. & S. WHISKEY, guaranteed years ; old, 21a. per galfoiv: . Hpix-Th. Wauatord Stmsaoip C«dSS4^ ! ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ _Bp«33>y.:iVriltIBB OD isle Bt«unal.V toSanjrfiBflSa, i In. thdx extenilfa PTOXDIM* t2t«y can eucsts tny BY USIN&IfPASTEUE ; FILTERS. T Wozla eatruted to them at tba Sboztent Notlcs, In t&a CTT PaOVISIONB AT ii PATEIGK STEBET QAVISAVUJGPUGO Uauu, 1 1 «- best Style, csd on tba Most Moderate Toms. V7ATBBt7ATEBFORDPOBD ¦ ^SSP^*"" &"MW>^s««-««-;SsfelB OOinpaur. Oflo* |i oaom• Of QONWSLLiELL STSSST.8TRSST. CapS^SS^ ^ : O" Mesrs. 0TKEEP7E & SOUS bare takea OTCI Wtl tha |pp«"»e* Cent. Ltd JAMES POWER Any person may deposit Monoj to the extent of I ! ' 4 Builder, Mayor s TVaik, 'Watorford (Workshop £60 in a year, and in edditlon may re-depostt any aod ¦ Prunise»i fc ewgate-Btrcet, rear Kelly' EETUEM HOME tFIOUE BUSEE. I oae cum withdrawn dming .tbe leu, until the AUGU8T and SEPTEMBER, J902 Brewery). Gnarmitcco to giro the Best Finished account reaches JEZOO. ' ! Work In the City In all Departments of the Build- Mr. P. P. LYNCH (represeiitwg P. F. LYNCH , i & CO.) has just returned from the A man, hiti wife, and children may each hayo a ing Tride. Shop Fittings and Sanitary ¦ ¦ : : B *svlar SUam Qtmzt-Miitaiion Arrange- I Matkets with a very choici Seloction of i . en»nte depoeit acootmt. ' ' \ btiieun ments carried ont in the Newest Dealgna. Plans j Ike Strictest S«ereoy is observed trfth fogerd t V7ATEBPOED and LOHDOH ilnd Eetlmatu free. ' ' fiYMOOTH am BOUTHAHPTOir, HEWHAVEH. ' BepesltorB Accounts. D°VE5n *»' SOUTH 0» EHOLAHD ¦ Hew Autumn and Winter Goods Pe»» Books. . , . , COUK, DttttlH iili¦ vyjii , No charge la mode for ; BErjABT *au aLASOOW. viiL.i Ui MJii lU' An Inspection of Sums op to £10 may be -withdrawn at aay tiro : IT^T1HE ;New I and ¦ which is invit ed. i T,^^^ powerful 1 WTthnn f ni\ri/ift- . <33sSg>»kt§\ : -B. Screw Simoon ABAaMOBE. ¦ ! Too tntiro fnnd» are Invested in Government ! 9 n WE HAVE NOW ADDED Aq? NEW ! 8ectirity, and the new Saving* Bank let (64 and & SHfi^s »»VaVo* A w-siHs SflCS [S D !?3®¥©ra©' BOOT' X* £sr> ^L 3R 3MC E3 3Xr Vic- Cup. £1) pl«eet the Bank D&der thsnportfeioa 2r^«« ^feDW«^#o^#ASD; ai' Md control of theTnutceSaTinuoBMtf Icncatioa TUaKAB, VAlilHTIA, at* mtcndsi to ah u undo ¦ Committee, ' ¦ _ ! (<*UUy weatbet pennittto* (onleaa pmestefl by nnforoeca Hosiery, Shirts, TJOB , Hats and Caps in great variety. i . DtemaatanoM),wiii liberty to tow.Veaeels. and to call tX Earr€)i§trainii-§tr@@t J ,; , i i K)HH HASTY acy Port orPorU tn any order, ln or oat of tho oortomory ! PLEASE NOTE THE :ADDRE8S— Actessy and Bccxctury. oonra*, to Beoriw and Ditohari*Cazto , 01 toaay eiher !

SeotianJC-SetfCompcay's Hindbojk. : i EJM Thron(h ToofUt Ticket* Ulaodto the Chaanel bUnds— PATRICK F. LYNCHJ & CO., Ea^LY . gM Compaaya Haadbook : > ' ! - ' I , K I SOA PS I 94. QUAY, \WATEHFORD ! «nd mUsry oyciad bj COB T HIXBHATIOBAL EZStBITIOK-Opea from TDJSTTJT 'snffer the wins May till HoTomber. : ! WATESFOMii Eihaiiatteii, and W Ntrronantss, Presaiart , , 11 waootoab mlc¦Las onr. Bord far mpookjjkii&ama (I)iroot) „. ; 1 ¦ Watting-Weaknessf EwryMOHDAY¦ ¦ ¦ „! ^ 1 p.n. tew eTerr IM M , yonwt »nd old, ceo ke lkomnUMr , (tia Plymootb) j . S)yj*Qoy ind "cSy enred ttithest 8TOHACH MBDlCnsEot W«dne»day.eth Aug. a pja. Wodaeaday, 3rd Sept lp.m Pnfliil! !!© aflfaffitaa 3c nft©fflCi oir n q ! 8 pan. Wedneaday, ELEUTICITYJ : ' ' ' Wednesday, Uth „ loth „ 13 noon GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY ' •Weaaeaday, Oth „ tp.at W«dne»4»r.17th „ «pm ; AMERICAN LINE. ; CTedaeday, nta «, S p.m. Wtdncgday, 24th „, 12 'S l c»ttjiot'dnd word. U> expnw lnr ' 0000 UNITED 8TATE8 MAIL IJ'SSH 13*d atisoow zo WitaMoau. 1 8HORTE8X ROUTE ^ 8TEA1C8KS to thtai 1, 1m woold rot eojed.^ v'?*~ > i*5 ; E^ tronDAT i JOD » liftrOiejueut at tat I lbcmw o»»» B»T»a O^) aad South of Iroland, DAY'S Celebraied Hunting i Saddles MORSE Clippers Clark's and: BotT7caa England EOUtHAMFTON-UBW TOBK P I E«r,THUBSOAT (Dl»^^ ^^ ^ ^. 8EBVIOT *"ltaT«incd oat OM tostrocttai »»d *m nvn t«3- ( j * ( T :¦ i ¦ E^^ ^imoci j and Bridles. other Makers- SOUTHAMPTON TO NKW roBK CCUT »ii-4i ?." ' ' ? . LOTDO» (St. tatharlao Pool)to Wattarvan^. Past and Comfortable New _ ! . 8ATDBDAY8 at Bodk>;»W or qia» thlpptuQomp aaj, Wareagiai. Me. «t. EathaituDock, wmne arraprompt a&caUoa.^ : ; MORSE Steels, ll , and ; LIVBBPOOIi—PHILADKLPHU wamnoas to ssaua¦ ^ : CTIRRUP LEATHERS and IRONS. Ro ers , _ /V^~fei OESTBAL COBWDOB 8EI VIOlOM EteryEAWBDATttnlEjUaat). .j. • I « I p,n ' Brary WEWS8DAT, "' . . Drain ta Wanareas, Ihaser— a ; ¦! :; : ; : ' Loin Covers 6trsc-A,Kr> r&nxra Wodsuiiy. «h Anf. g P-m j W/dneiday,trd !&st. 8 p.n . I- . . - . • | JAMES ;;diiU J£ljj !iT» = PADDINOTOH de> *•*> »*«• Cexospt Simdajs) ;; : sa-'- i'iS:: W : vUcfri 'fss gPURS and Martinga.es. WATERPROOP Driving Rugs. ! I i EOYAL MAIL STEAMERS. •rt*to« 7 ff"»««>M I«ea4s» . aad dr. . ^t coisWtpennittof) »bon« «.» ..a follow ^i^ JS^rS^pASBIOKSi^^^^iON-OTTOLU • ¦: -^v^^^^ oo - . •»- 0 II &I» • STBEOT ' ' ¦ ¦ D dep. 10J) p.» i (own* ?»»*•»») HOflilEa BSOJKSS'iTO iOSQI ^* DOVBIB > T l Ooax to ffaxsatos p.Dlriiot— , 1 and ¦ WATEE&B te abbot o ! (8nndays : ¦ : ' ¦ I ^AVE SON'S Head STABLE Brushes and Chamcis. arri^st XOTOOW 1.5p. ;i : HAamSBS. ' " i ¦ Erery¦ FBlDAT _ _~ i ~. i i- ¦ .- 1 pm. Collars. day. ; . . . ¦ •• ; - ff aiaaru ii)to lxnrpoir. ; : . i j , : j ; . i , frSO p*0 follotrtt* FraijBATtrKDAI(»i»aooaiainptoa) aad BaU i _ 4 p^a , ^ MOHDATJ|SrGjj?ow) Onl/ .„ lai Corrida CaKi J Eight Rtfrtthmenf ian nppUtd on tht TLARK'S Saddle Soap and i i I I^"TS£A^^aw ; > gNEB CAPS. ; : ! ( Boat Trains run httwtm PaddtngUm . WaMB^t.BLmitttnid-rtwrt. SHOULD ¦ _ W4Tu n^r >•*• ^ Harness mifoM CiMioT^w-8m»—BioiaidI«ady. ~ """~ E¥EfiY C^QI#T ' Ercry TCE1OAT 1 J |^ 7pmP | Compos mi Neu : : ^ Wa«wioa»to PiT«wui«. dlmt; FBOM LTVBRPOOr. VU QUEKNST0WN TO flazso eas only U woartsd»mbj»e* to iti ^W»j WKla^d 3rd Sejfc- b. itorUj ^edn»4»r,_ igt>°» * fi y, , 4^01 'ERS and f br ! ; I NEW YOEK. *%% to VM* to Ito «raw«! io DvxMJaTAK—J Oollinaa,Tb tSdoan. . : ; . lSta ,i !»". n , i 10th ,, 12nooa fjALI /'ART Harness and Mountings. ! Etmria...^.S3i. Sept 301 lxx *n\t>...... Bat. Oot ll 1 ; «0O> „ " 4 pjn. « • I Uth ;, 4iJja. ro< in ^" 8 pja : R i ! ' Campania... Sc*. 8»pt 27 I Etrnria... ^Bat.. Oit 18 7A^-w4T»aKjw) iompa " • Bth .. * nth "U aooi M i . nrwni io W»naioaK Mlreoj). ? Umcria Sat. Oct. 41 Oamwinla .:..8ai. Oct 23 »»w WMMIwii and FUd0kHut,bQa» Batcrday tod^Ujs J jua. tictudajr, DU) Sejt 1 S pju ¦ MAiP . .„ fti ' : BP-m- ; • 4 ! Uth ,, l ! i i TO BOSTON. ' ;•> I »>dJaM»aad»OT«a»W«6.Mi HEDMOND'S 6.OAB * p.m COUNTY WATEBFOBD. ; ' ' .. OF; ¦ ¦ ¦ - " ¦ { ' ¦ UlUmiJ....Tu£> • R«pt. 23 l lTcrnIa...^Tnu. 8ept30 1 ¦ : i li - ¦ - " f-Iti .J . JoUuldi.A. iiil. ^1^.AUL^AIL^ IREJ-AND. ¦,- ¦i 1 j , ! : SyIra«la ..Tw*, O«t,7 ' •sW** ^ TnJT?^^*^^^^wi^^sr*P'M—i. OF if- • n' - -S¦ j ;. .S£:iX:i; r. '?f.:- / '- WH0LEBAW AND UBIAIL \ r tratit4r^tMMy.»owthsfc ;. - , . : • i WiAaiomDto . BoeczikMxa. ; Dated flxed by the Goaftty \ ! FUUB :—Saloon, from £lt j 2nd Cabfa, from 48 A :T !!5 r 8ATUEDAr(dlraet), _' 'council Pish, GREW, Poultry, Ere"ry ._ : „. ^¦ 4pra oad Xc« Etore» lOs Third Cta», «: Md £3, aoeordlng to ; i - • 1 8oot«a«iww it9:WAaa»o»n. ; * of ^ Vaterford for holdins: of : t 16*; ¦ lCTsryTBiysgyjn«n; ft To tbf M«unj prpS^aaV : ! \ DISTBIOT; 0017^(318. i L j : i « eUUd to Oi$ VMM\i,mmM [ ; Beoond and Third lOlas* pasaengwiforwarded H*K. 5ff T* A Qr4^a4 ¦ BVSA T PAT. DATi or J ; ¦ ; ¦ I onraior. zodimnsa . ; (QOOBI Of IBM OBOICMT QpXUfTi free tj» N«w York to PhUadobUaMd Boston,aod A rfefined^ ' ; tiroore : —- ! ! AVkr 21th OotobtT, 1903 \ tun. A^y*^W3*»j ^«i*sj** i i It gfted oaiD^roadsicii*r|y; ; i i --w flasaa™»*^;- • . .. - Country crdw» OarafaPy»tt »od«dto. : i ' rla Bostonto New Tork andPhiladelphia. . Third and; ¦ pw ^^Ay^g-^g^^to ya) '. WateWordiro.1 ! SaWdayi 251? do > ; : Olaatlalao forwarded to BaltUur* without extra bye-ijoads eaflUyj followed,jtUlB, •» W. nnBEET, Paanyjraok ¦ •'¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' : ' CarriokK«is;. Monday : 97* do Ioi I loilI TOI in—A Iwcny bt hot Fad4lBttosT«n ^«h k- r !' . i ' ''tti the; ! A 0l6omdS»a Td»d»y. . 28tk 4o wMkit i ali otjjer informMiOft ofowtaft wenrahr,nuked (or asnjfuu* W aOJ, sta. TNCBI T^bt iteadlousol tb« n«w Botton'atdps, SekonU Quinjie md Pepelne ILBII ¦ XDnMthoina* Wednesday, 2Slh do oatpc|ljaitio» i . " . ¦: ! ' ¦ ° Pi ¦ ' ' i"i !¦ !• ' ~ . '!' '! ' •ind fontto, and tbaU|N«dom ftwto dfaeoiaionat» ' -¦ .gMaAdti.XoMmj, : ,• : ¦ ¦ i 'tOTiisii. ; : 'l ' ' • Ttninlt> ; ¦ • ¦ [' ¦ j V i'F ¦ Dnngwtwi 80t» do . • ,, ¦ ¦ l^' • ;>¦ - •: >• ; " •! ¦ vr 1, .— ¦ • . ::, tMtUU to by eteryoM wb|i trarelU in tbena. . : - , . IMUtfitMU pert! IA8t (Jay for lodglog, »ppEcatiin», B*ha-diy,4th Oct ¦ •fed Ham. ! i '" i ;' H,:: ;:;' ¦ | P»»»ang«rtbooked thtoB ghtb all partaofinexfc* !jl»;: OOSTfl ¦I-: CTBEi.PlyjaootJalOs.. jAd, . fQs. . I»a7 Ua. Cd -ff ' " ' ' F-* ¦ BIOGEAFHIGAli and Canada. , ; j ' ¦ ? :.. ' ":. - . ' ¦ ¦ ™. *¦ -' ¦¦ l ! BVILDSR and CONTRACTOR HSS«ea7«issSk^• -^ - ¦ QTT i7"ipr< tn7 ra ' ' ' THE! CUKABD 6TBAMSBIPCPMPAH Y, ,LTD . .1! . L i j JTridayvSlMHpTOSWr,WML ; ;¦: J -.-:-!; C) iV ffi l ty pl PJCT , : .| : ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ -ij aw»¦ M-§H¦ »eVQwro*>w« »fdtiwrpoot ^amOB, VAIiBTOli). J^rtfaf|irtol«tof»c»O0 »ti(iB»>. ' ' .; |. ;': ' ¦ ' ¦ " ' ' triajB ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ "¦ ¦ ' In. tn ¦ ¦¦ V' .] ¦ , • , . ^t ;• . • :»¦ -I . '• . • . o» ram -«HrtM - ! . .r . = . ;«i ;. ! „ , Wd»y,8Ui NiTBinlm,r M02. . :. - -.:. i BOELDIHa W0BK 1ATO OOVTaUJCm 'WAtSFoiai ij wsmtmn. i; | Leading Orators, StAt*smen, Actors ! WABD BBOTHIBS, 2J B4rton»tr»«dH, tWaUrfttd, ;;; i ¦ ¦ : Well** flolsbao, W B1*BQuy ( Harwyft Oo, i/ -;;J r|:ii?^t- «h;fr(inijer,-. wfta. 'l-; 'Uias Bally- t$ OIUtUae¦ -¦Btnei¦': " Margar**¦ Cotter , Music'ans, and ¦ •• ¦ •!' ¦ • 1 ' Disjlofulshed Men dnlti v • . . ; • :¦. -i • 'I ' '' lwMww6Mi8JBEsa^s^s^B ¦ '^ sfi p^SW • :¦' " ! Borb in Waterford City or County • : BiterttMjjrto tb«i Cfonti^ CowwO. ' ' ¦ ¦* il*L- ' - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ .: . v !. . <- M k ¦;] ¦ ¦ ¦ ? : !:- •: .; r - , /¦ '¦•¦ ¦ - !¦ ¦/¦ * ¦ : ¦• . ! ¦ - SiSPBajHK^ J " <\ ¦; '- 1 7jT ;• : : - ;:; .il :--;a; . .i; i»Mfe : [Neatl ' County Boroughof Waterfort. ifss- i4piis| y Soundpooh of 100 paffe ft ii . ^ MSSSSS tHPOfifrAiJt to ¥6tHBriS-tt»r7tMoth.r mHE CORPORATION fnnte Tco'dersfor S ChDd & old oM,HAKl80N'S : ¦ ; • . ••n-V.'- .ir.W^&jMI ii»^*P»*f! «PS?RKJ " ffi 1-aBUiiLBi'' JL ! jfSB.000 SJ pjtr Ciotij'Stockt . ) ;M.v^ yAm^ 4nd i i'Pofc . ftatfer ttiful 1 " ! 1!rt' SSuS R^!*nd beanflflM lrt^g^«oYtli« ^^ f* fi» i^?- P?¦ ¦ f 1 ' ' i * &q,jBoiwigh Treannw TJ^'MaB. . . : :: IL ' ii ¦ ij ¦ . - . .rr-A drter; ,-;] ,!¦ : ^l -lH . ' R iv '' Bo<^p^.aM / ' . : Nevm ^^^^m' d for ¦ ;; p ! iSopbliw at once'attd MKitMntail . -c-i; '(¦ : ,- ' ;."^:].v: ' ^:\ ^ < '^iT^irn Olell^. S SSS ftW^K ppiipm^ ilEitlliliiii i 1^ fptpBifl1 ^ Wi Wf m ¦ ¦ ¦ A:^ ^U- V- : -• •i^^r! f^il - I-: mm

' !/ T^»i&rjffij glujd, and Ireland tyi neveiaihake o' urj m&&£znj ailen(5e aii proWoi' : tHE UMtED IRISH ' tib^ tooch of coerci»n also!(cheers). fffiJ conclusion ite Sw ii ¦bera. Eoooomnjon- ; there -.waa a relentlejia^ hafl^ In . wittl England. except on terms of abso- people while passing a bill for the rehabLUtatiop tm should say it j ¦ Trust Evift- j ' of went to:his beirt to inter- war being waged by the Irish Lan# lute eq011ty,.for " The seai tijiat 'break upon [ the landlords, our repreeentativea are fere in thi« matter, but they had a : ¦ LEAGUE:•¦ -¦ ! [duty to per- ¦ ! .treated to the most villianousCoercion , Civil, ¦ ¦ exteimihate the tenants on the -! ¦: tion Society to . j the Irish shores proclaim-in the; mighty: acoents toTm hJw; were ,poc*i : . . . . peopHiJbU,t on; ;he - ; ! ! The and: Criminal, *nd the gunnreasiqi} of public '.^ : estate of Lord Pe^Freyne: landlord* have '\ of the Creator itself, that Ireland was destined , at' rohdside Because the Qov&tnrnent'-Vas allied " -T*~~ - " ! ; ' ¦ ODihion and of !the right of combination! a with the landlords for I r -i . -M I. combined no time; Kie reiolutioiis were adopted, and a vote of fawned on those who condemned ' DIJNGARVAN- ; j Bure of . compulsory sales, by which alone th, e them, and j .. | for the farmers fin any- part ot Ireland-to Jhold: thanks to the Chairman brought the proceed- ' glorified those by whom they were crushed W6 ; foundation pif any true prosperity in-Ireland madej^ aloof from the branches of tihe- (Lfcaguej and itr ings to a closed . ' can ibe laid 'the -conspiracy of \ the landlords (loud and prolonged cheering), i • . leverage and Tini<^ M A voice—Another oheer for Newt-own (cheers). Is a Delicious of ^ ¦was an eternal, disgrace for theifarmeis who and their . Coercionists^ accomp'.icee mast be mmraot fext Meat and Extract ef ^Malt mejt .by the uncompromising aisertlon by ' every ¦The Chairman then put the \ resolution i, Llebl^ ,j ibid purchased;their holdings, with great ad- which were heartily adopted. ¦! JTCMTTTTTSTASi'IC BEOCEBDINGS vantage to themselves, on account of tlbe saori^ Ibr-anch. of the United Irish (League, and every THE CONVENTION representativeT Jody in the country, of 'tihe right Oapt. Donnellan, M.P., next addressed the fices of the men who ,worked unider .the Plan| of combination and free speech, 1 and by direct- convention, and said ho presumed there were of Campaign, rhany> of whom had gonb . irrto ing the legitimate public opinion of tne com- very few there who wero not members of their OVER SIX THOUSAND UNSOLICITED TESTfM0MIAL5 grand organisation the United Irish. .borough of Dungarvan via the ¦their graves, or into the 'Workhouses , land il munity against the landlords, land grabber^, , League. H VE BEEN RECEIVED ROM MEDICAL iffiN.|: The historic At about halt-past four o'clock the business and eleven- months' men, who pl-aY the part iHe- need not say. how pleased hei.waa, and he I ? much animation and enthusiasm on was the fight they mad© years -ago, that en- ' scene or of ;the Convention : 5 »»mitt«i Mo^BUFjrMd in «S«th JJrk. *™J "±f £ZZ»•» and West. They brought them absolutely " Wfae»rnla" mppU-xJ to tb« H«pftiU ^U» "JCJIM " WM loaad to U of gnub«o*4» M visitor was enormous, and tnotwithfiianding people to come forward, to forget their personal East Waterford Executive: ColonelFitzgerald , present in tihe ifront, upholding our country's into rtatl2« th»rS» •M.C.C., Youghal; Mr. John (McCarthy, Crea- banner with ;(Mt. J. E. .Bedmond, and we line, and they all got to know each other. In this fact it can be recorded, with pleasuri, differences; and come into this movement of reference to the convention ' dop'; Mr. iShipseh iDunmore; iDr. iDennehy, pledge, them oui gratitude, jwith j moral and in! the County that oil through the best of order wai imain- brotherhood, and help on .the fight 'of the Lismore; (Mr. Oitiggms. Tile following dele- material assistance, to sustain "that !flafc always Cork, the only difference 'between it and fche tained . The local brass band ¦which has earned people . The life-blood of the people .was pour- gates from the various branches were in in 'the- front, until .we place upon the beautiful County Waterford convention was, that it: was ' held in the Courthouse a high reputation/ paraded tho town in addir ing out at Queenstown but! he hoped that suffl| attendance:—i ; ¦brow of our Motherland the diadem of Queen- , whili th&y w»re hold- Dungarvan—Thomas O'Connor, John Jfc- iobd " 1 ing their convention in the. Town Hall, aad a .tion to the Ardmprie Fife and ©rum Band, and cient Gaelic fire would .remain to carry this very fine Town Hall it WiNCARNIS .Carthy, Thomas Power, '1'. (F. iO'Higgm3, a. **4r. John-Quann, Secretary of the East Wi (M lihe Youghal Fife and Drum Band, all jp aying fight to :;.a glorius and successful victory-j-(lou<{l , hoped ¦the day wa3 not far distant when Irish- ¦ ¦ ¦ Power. Michael Parks. tetford Executive, said it afforded him the at eoirrins.National airs. ' ; • i ' . ' •, ' •apblanse). ' . ' ! Cappoqum—-Y/m. Fitzgerald, John O Don- most pleasure to second the resolutions. men, who pay for the maintenance ol tneir nell Jamta 0'J>onnell, Thp'mas Soanlon, John Courthouses, ; would (have free! control of .Messr.s. IP. J. Potter, M.P. ; James J. jQShee. : Mr. J. iMoCartny, Creadon, also epose, ana y Boi« PnptUton ami lOaoUetann «f U* tber* 1 morning!train, .and were ' Five>, Wm. Coleman, Michael Keana. ' , HELP FROM CAPPpQUlN. them—Icheere). He need not tell them with M.P., arrived by the . &aid that the farmers would not aow be. in th: what -pleasure he listened to the very admir- ' Ballyduff Upper—Michael ' Norman, iPeter accorded a hearty Welcome. At- onep cioj& the position of independence jonly for tbej agita- , Bichard'Meagherj William Fuge, Jias. able resolutions that were read ,'out . by their - ' Sullivan ¦ (Mr. Collender said—Mr. Chairman and fel- &! G O.; people! 'I in ad "sip 'in processional JDrdejr - «nd . tions that were; carried .out in this ..country. Brackett. : ' I ' low countrymen, secretary, his .friend, Mr. Collender, .wliom he C Ot/EMAN Lihilt^d : I wish to say that my frieaia had the pleasura of marched fro m the Devonshire Arms'Hotel Jo Now they need no longer! boV their jMads 10 Newtown—Laurence Power, Michael (Mealy, inj Oappoquin ' asked me to bring1 a message meeting before under aomo- ¦ what different conditions and with referance v;NORWICH AWD LONDON. ih'o Town Hali headed by the (bands j playing their landlords. The landlords .were now , in Thomas Power, Patrick Nngedt, l>avid Gleeson frorrrthem in the shape of a ' practical protest , I Patrick Cumtniris',' William] Curry,; Patrick against to those resolutions I'he thought they covered Eimp tfltttUfru m rtuijtf Urn f tiatjrttmpt mtf ' p- tiiap tiia " Boys of (Wexford." • fThe meeting wa» their dying gasp, but they should go ' on- with ' Coercion—a twenty-pound iiote to sus- all the ground and: I t* Kincan," Thomas Wall, Patrick iMomasey, Ml. tain the soldiers in the front 1 (cheers). practically i all the pro- opened shortly afterwards, there .being in the fight until they had achieved viowrjv ', Byrne. > ! •¦ ' : 1 ¦ f grameof the United Irish League (hear, hen). 1 They all knew iitter.danse on the platform:—Messrs.; J. ,*. '" Mr. P. J Power .was trie next speaker. He Kilgobinet^-John Morrissey, P. Kelly, Jas. A: BOER CAPTAIN. that the present burning ques- 1 , tion in Ireland, although not OlShee, M.P..; P. J..'Pawer, .M.P.; Capb, -Don^ wa3 received with much cheering, and' com- illBa'Jjrr'W.TBiirke John Hidkey, T. McCann. the moat im- Ardmore and Grange—Michael Cunningham, portant, was the question of compulsory - ale ¦ — V ' Capt. ODonnell, of the Boer j Frea 8tate '-s ¦ nellan, lilP.; P. F. Walsh, J.P., Chairman plimented the locality on. being a great Irish 11 I rl °AU:- . i1 M Err- ' Matthew Fitzgerald, iidmond-Ha&sett , Michael Ambulance Corps, one of Wet's aide3 de —the land question. AJS their Ichalrman so O-U of the Waterford . County Council ; J: Walsh, speaking district, and he:.hoped it wpiild con Deelan Kennedy, Michael Power. Pe eloquently toldlthcmin hi3 magnificentepeos ' Keane, onmp in the recent South African War, here f, P.L.G. ; T. Power, Chairman, U.D.C.; T. t:nue to be an Irish speaking district! TheV Kilrossanty—Maurice Coffey, John Fitz- entered the hall, and was made the recipiatit in other days Ireland fought with other we.v , , M. pons,. but in other 'days Veale, U.D.C. ; Capt. (McCue, M. J. Casey, E. were deeply indebted to the band of the town gerald, James Whyte Patrick Fitzgerald oi quite an ovation. , unfortunately, our Power, William Walsh, 'Maurice Walsh. fellow-countrymen, i possessed no votes, and ilcCarthy.^U.DJO. ; T. O'Connor, - Chairman coming there, and also to the bandb from jMr. J. J; O'Shee, M.P., rose and a3ked fir. (Tallow—J. .O'Brien, P. F. Walsh, A. Heskin, Convention to give had no national and district councils. The 1 Dungarv-ar? Branoh U.I.L.; T. JMcCarthy, ;J. ATdmore and Youghal . He happened to be three cheers ! for General B. O'Brien , L. J. Walsh, J. McGrath. De Wet'a, aide de camp, which request wai weapons of Ireland at the present time were : McCarthy, R.D.C. ; J. Green , Colonel Fitz- speaking to an Irishman in Manchester, who Kill—'E- Walsh, S. Connell, M. Morrissey, willingly and heartily complied with. organisation and combination, and h© waa'd ;, |.,;, ' , , ,, J. lOummina; J. Cullinane. T. Sullivan J. add a third one ,.: , agitation (cheers). He . -;,; ; ven- :NERyiN|. Branih. on St. Patrick's Day, , G-londine Bhamrock . gerald, was wearing a Mr. Collonder (continuing, ., said—The peo- W' aVa Tcdh, «. ¦t. y , Wateh. : tured to think that with these three weapons Giro *erp«t«i retfef. tr cW-t^Vjb^^^D^rf yy f ftiC «rag IThare wera •Uventywsix members of the Youg- and the Irishman, who thought Mr. Pof er was ple of Cappoouin, no more than the brave DesiT, e»»e» Ditrftctan, Skepleo KigbB pnveatcd, *«nmJjlcTJmimha , «M|*fO Vfrfa f iminm\0t lt. jNewtown—1.. Power, M. Byrne, J. Coffey, JJoers, don' .they were more than a rnatch for- the land- lial Branch present. ; ' humbugging him, turned round and scowled at t like Coercion (cheers). They sent telccted &am i nsW teectrti kirn THE MEDICAL PROFEMIOit j il. Shannon, i me here with? this twenty-pound :note, and I lords and th© Castle together (cbeera) Th y R»d U>s fcllowini-'WmoW, : On the motion of Mr. T. Power, the chair was •him, but when MT. Power complimented him Waterford City—T. Hayes, E. Walsh, T.C. all knew that the Castle authorities ; " ¦ ¦ opsd to have the Aiit delight of handinj it had aov? C0RD0Jr , STi«tfe Mjtt,.R.tf. , . . - -j. /• :\y ' :> <\;..: ii. Jdi-.u^ . .'•:' ' ** ^ taken by ttlr. T. O'Connor, Chairman!of the on heifl wearing the shamrock, the man gave a Alderman .Whittle-, Joseph. OP. Collins, J. Hur- to Mr. John E. Redmond (cheers). (I was de- openly joined a section of the landlord party, tai ley, C. Manahan. but, as he said before, Ireland united " BUMTOB»6i NERVf!*B> •» •*& *enis than a match for. them, all '(cheers): ', : The Chairman in coming forward -w^a receiv- afraid to wear it"—(loud cheers). That was , : : in . handing -it fo Captain Otfonnell, f I One- of . .. ' 1 1 1 (Moran , CF. (Flynn. wouldn' slight thB resolutions referred in ve'rv comDKm&ntaTv ; n- "- ' ;-/ ! / * louse, said—T.tiat ha felt a. irit-in which they should enter -the movie- (Flynn , iM.C.C. ; M. Ihicey, t our awa representatives. I ~ ' ed with loud app the sp iModeligo-J. will now hand it to Mr. terms to the Chairman of the Irish Party, and -U-4hr»-mat- Gmf St tui R.D.C. • iD. Conery. 03. CFarreU, IE. CDon- J. J. O'^Sheo, the re- diffidence in addressing so large ai meeting ment, and 'by doing all they could, they would presentative of the West Waterford division. to the Irish Party itself (hear, hear). (H« need ' STOPPING FOR DECAYED TMTH. nell, iW. Kyan. ! ¦ not tell them that E8§raTS'»n¦¦ "S¦" ' PERMANKN' ,-ss he saw before him. He •would nofkeep them soon arrive at the goal of having a , free and This twenty-pound bote 'is a practical proteit - as far.ps tHa/ViairmQri of ly» Is D ;¦" Anjvnctaa ' mat rrcpue utf >h6aIt ia mf isf M TM& ia Ballinameela—Wm. Stack, JJP.j Thoma3 the Irish Part? l \± * Vb* very long, as he did not care much about talk, self-governed country—(cheers). Their object from Cappoquin (cheere). was tKmoeraed heMe*c'rved*>.:i 1 iUt \v *t\ becsna W*4 *ai «U* Griffin, iW. J. OflJrien, Thomas Longan, J. .the praise and all the compliments that couH • ***•*? tt for he believed the time for action had come. in -coming there w-ss to try and induce the Murray, J5. Minlan. ' 1 It w«r«,» put,«f fbe «ri^MJ«yW|pTi»e fccTWh. THE HTJATTING QUESTIION. be bestowed upon him (cheers). ' He ventured by If the talkers would become workmen; it would men of the distric-t to join the movement. The Four-mile-water—James Ormonde, James to-thi nk that Ireland never before possessed »ii$*» -isi' 6d. ' ^o$t Free ftiytietoc, Thomas iFlynn, P. English, Thomas lie better for the cause, .and the sUce^s lhe United Irish League was intended to benefit Phelan, Mr. John,- a better leader than (Mr. Redmond—e the finest country on the- face jo< God's the country, still their country iyas pro- Dower, P. Conghlan, P. Colbert, J. Curran. personj riding over the country, who, in their [FAMILY opinion should not be permitted todo" »-> .that .cor/fidcnce.ijwi nos plaaedin them-^earj W^&lCINE earth—(applause). Hwaa one thing, qertain, if they Merrick, (Thomas McCarthy, P. Power, P.h|l (hear ,-hcar). (rhasd. delegates, he was glad : ^ know what Ireland (had gat by tofliirig; 8he as to the state of the country r yrer$Al>l&' to> get( £'}ilti&ior} .ilheniselvea^they Gough, IJhomafl OaWly. to say., ivcted; on .the- puggestion he tht«w oat ¦were ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ : i^ertaiiily^bl^ toitereyeptivOtherBj front , . : j i • . -wm T i .pUR6 :- ' - '. ¦ !• ; had got Coercion, depopulation , suspension of to theni, Jrut &ihce iteh ' a new featuro of , . ; .Hfr ^ : (At this jucture Mr. P. P. Walsh and Capt. Clonea—'P.i Flvnn, J. Moehan, J. Hurley, P. 1 getting'anytiiflg e,%^S&H&sAi' a ^l§uehter)i the ETabeua Corpus Act, and trial by jury DonneUan came into the hall , and th'-y rwere Fitzgerald, Jf . ODonnell, M. Power. , affairs had arissn which he thought;- would iHemurht'eav on behalfof the Irish IPartv. thai oDiarunon, LIVER COHPLAKT, SKADACHB, BHOTHAtisa, | have to be dealt with in some practical and abolished, .and -even the gallows. In J&41W7 received with graat cheering). Carbally—(Francis Bergin, David Whittla, it was tho only party that iwas akolutely aolic( : , ; , CORSTIPATIOH, imVOUIIESS, fift . more definite form if they were in earnest A* DYSPSPSIA, : DOJOOSHESS • the population of this country was 8} imi'Uona ' Patrick iDunphy. ondAunrted—(cheere). It was the most powen iMr. Power continued, and referred to *he Killea-John McCarthy, Patrick Toole, T. United Insh Leaguers (ihear, hear). lie arioke party, ct nn cucnlsband Eedldna VoMon.. . f rinilii, 2«, and 4/i per 6«s. and now it wa3 a little more than ^'millions ful ,in ,th« JHoune of, Oommone, outsidtj statistics of the country in regard to crime, Shipsey. I __ to some 0/ those delegates who seemed »> the iGbvemme'f>f^K«heeia)- Cri ; fact; tho Irish; ¦ very keen on stopping hunting as to whether ' ' ' ¦ -JftaMi g ¦iMAPPCTMA'Bf CT, HORVICH. aad what was the depopulation due to?. Il was Ballyluneen—J. Lawlor, J. Wheelan, J. Party had .proved ilaelf during -the Laat twq ;„ ¦X- * vxa E*™'' **- and he read tie return ol the Jnspoctor- Power, 'J. Ifaley, Miaa Power, A. Power, E. they were prepared to bring forward a resolu- -due to; bad laws and felonious 'landlordism— 1 ' yeafe to j'be tSMT only leal apposition to his ¦ ¦¦ ' General in -which all- crime relating to murder Hearne, (M. Laimen, «en.;. iM. iLannen, jun. tion on the sabjeet , because he tfiorjehi' it ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ""' " "T /applause). He (Chairman) would | ask the juihd—^hear, hoax). AB (Mr.or Keamond so well .:¦ -;-:¦;¦ [•> or attempted murder, or the injuring of the ; Ardmore-JUicliael Cunningham, ' Chairman would he well if the resolution emalb!ate^ffront rry to *ay| OTITE A NEW LINE ! tfce League,.and ho matter what people woul.i ¦the Walshe, Ie'; said he thought on one occksion it wouLl them to give up the strugg'.e, he would quote chair was Haken_by Mr. iP. F. . th5 most4mT>orlan.l«e«tibn«f ihem wcro shouUi say, the cause of ithe country .was uncohquered JJ., Chairman of the WaterfordCounty Counw ¦never come tp.his , lot. a2ain.to,.prppos<;, a resjD: ing.iar.. Caercian... Jlawcrer, .aa. long,.03. Irish; HANDY iboOKED¦ ¦ HAMS, SPICED BEEP, OX D^GHJES the. words of the bard:— ; : ¦ ' • ¦• - ' oil, amidst j>—laiise* ': •.. ' ¦•; \: \ ' iition such as had been submitted to them Natiohallats" remained aa they were happily : ¦) . BRAWN; ' &c &c. . i and unconquerable—(loud applause). countrymen1 that day, but unfortunately , -. . " What , give a| the struggle , give our land The Chairman Baid—'Fellow , .the ,.wheels .of.EO tc-aay—flouo;waa hoppyt - , ; - , i . AT LOWEST go^aro " That we reiterate our demand for national j riot's bones bestrewed; you have conferred on me in¦ asking me to 10 knew (he geriilemen who were 'hunting "in. to eaf ; the* fep^ard^petingB'^ibcy had that ssrf-goverament,' and shall never cease- our preside at' this meeting of (the inepreaerita.tiive he country Jeft-i»£y little anoney , in it,- an4 day,' Doth rnorning anii eveningj had not only, Our .fertile land, our plundered land, with ' efforts until we have attained that object." , Natiorialkta of the County and Oity. of if they were whitT-tney ought \'o be—Trishnf-in delighted bim,"'but amazed fcinv-^oheem). He sods all crimson stained. Waterford^-(A Voice: " You are worthy of ^—there was : not a man' present who would thou^rt: thp. meeting in CDungarvan that day: " That we consider the system of dotil owner-, oi 1 KIR^AN Our fertile land, our treasured Land, which ' ¦jf ' JOHW. co...; . it. "0 It h as !be en otate.d 1; am ^rortihy It, bu^ oppose hunting (hear, hear), , ine felt that to- ou.d do, credit to' any county ;in Ireland, and & to ship of land to be most pernicious to the best yet chall be regained." I may tell you there ia not one more unworthy day Lard" V?aterf ird, wh'a' tya3 ' joined :C)on- h^ wA3 pleased eay thatWatorford had taken! GROCER ANtf PROVISION DEALERS. interests of the country, and >we most empha- of this ihononr in tho City and County of Water- jrook and^fin.Uh'-Barry. shonia . hever.:hiirit ^n .ttaJishVand proper place in ithe van of the —(loud cheers). " ; tically declare for tihe principle-of compulsory fowl than your Chairman—" No, no. (But -I their countv again until he had at least made movement foTtneJtecdorn of Ireland—(dicers), ' ' }he ¦ 'Mr. Bice, Tipperary, addressed the meeting niil do my endeavours as one 'Irishman Ao res:itiitipn;(l>eor; hedr).' He (Lord;W^terfori) gie'ihankedjtheia mojrtTsLncerely^fot kind- i- ' sales as is outlined by the National Directory." (U(U< l|UU • 1 uu U yJLti*^ I UUU. UUIl UVU^ OUI Mltllg , find couxteMl.'aitishjJiey exteiidjd to him, in an eloquent speech. ¦ ^ aass "Thai we most strongly condemn the ¦ ORLAY 1HTT3 iBABT • and which he always received! at thei r bands. Capt. DonneUan thanked the meeting or until this. iHis first step in public Lite T«9 attempts of Wyndham and hia satellites o ' a wrong one (hear, hear), and what BSffiS 1' ^ta Prw**." ¦ m Waterford would never be . the toin'. thatr r mond from the, meeting, and , be was sure np it has -been'sufferiiig and Weeding1 ifoT:ye&fe— might be now if he took"part wiwi 'the people -!MT. J. J. (y®iee.'MJ.t ilrici-rose, ar/d was "That .we consider the .proper .housing of. (cheers). )nd I hope *ha tconsumimatibn of greeted with-cheera.- In, the.cburae of an able one- .regretted the absence more than Mr. Bedj- and did a little for them (qheers). H« howd to at : the labourar and the artisan to be a project •my wish and desire-and-Wbow.- •witt'-be promul- they would carry out the ; resolution which he orJe:'ph liArf^prtwd ttiATtrMence the meetn inorid himself. |Mr. Redmond was .ajleader of W. T. HOWAEU :: ¦eminently deserving of 'the support of jihe gated to drive terror into our enemies, andof to proposed, tad" not " allow it to" ho sadd that ing of Capt^ 'Donnell, and Jrishmanwho fougnt 4i 06 whom any country might be proud:; hie had put under the.dvftti*h8'et^at ,^nemiea our through the course of the Boer war, and had, Irish ^people, and we strongly condemn j the their resolutions were in vain Jhear, hear). . E3tabllalied 18S8--Ov0r HaLf-a-Ceatury. ! . succeeded in endearing- himself to every mem- existence, of our inheritance and our parent- :They"mDarii; fo'do il7 ahcT-Tie for one ineanl to as aha;'4>elleTfficV-t^:jnTmuB..nononr.of_being' action of those ! men who are opposed to i the age—(cheers). The cruel' pant has taught us a aide-de-camp to flenwal De !WeV-(choers). He ber of tie part^, who followed him aince he do it (cheers). There were young men whq, fhbofortcs by Collard & Oollard, Broidwood, Alliaoo Hopbnioo. parsing'of scheme& for the [betterment 33ible :plca8ur« to every -word, of i£-(hear, bear). He fioped from prices nerer before o3trodto the pobilo i,-: men. Only on .Friday last he made two im- (DEOIMA. MiJ Mc had they tho resolutions; and was received! with loud PERSECUUION. EAPINE AND 'dp ^ol Carthy 3ald:th^t had the moment I^ord IWaterford 'became a leader pidj'jbffitnmcata tato in acbangs 'asipM paymedt. j ' portant speeches, in Waterford, and to-day he : TION ' of the Eviction Syndicate the (tenants in the ! : : applause. He said that be h&d much; pleasure uihorited a 'lovo ;of aport .in . Ireland, but, uii- ' ' :; ¦ was where they- all desired' he should be, in ^artuttately, since they were born"ttiatrepbrt Countjr•'Waterford waald'anafce up their minds Vio)m3, FIotttJ, Udodloaa , (hacaiiou, Aoto-Harps, Outton B^nj o,e la gract " ' in seconding • Mi& resolutions, and tha^ he —(hear, hear). Up to the last few years, only not to allow him to Diupt orer their land. ILord ¦ ;l : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ J the capital of Ireland, protesting against thfe vwuiu uvb uc iiiuuigcu . JU C^v;t7|/ir uy luv.l - , vsristy.ji - i j ! ' 1 *K - joined" witih the lOhairnian dn the . jregreii at we Ibegan U> realize and oee it ¦was necessary enemiej (hear, Waterford had 'been singled out in .the resolu- : and at insult that had been placed upon ihjm, by the hear). From the Bhooting of ; Vidlia BeofaGmjar, Zithw etririg* att prices . ;- , . ,. ' •their! being unalble to have the' (Leader of 'the for us to recognise our position ua a nation, thoir people down to the shooting of partridge tion, as be understood, because ihe singled ^ , . .., -^ man whom he aptly described; ; 03 the fighting for its exictence—(hear, Ihear). We himself out among*t the landlords of the county - AIL the latest Music, Songs, rtaaeesj Piaoes, it reduced priosj tkbtuuids ' ' Irish people .with "them 'to-day—i(applatts»). no one was Kallowed to indplge inj.'it, except «f ' ¦ to¦ (^ English Irishman. He was happy jto see the 'have 'been left almost—except on one or two enemies of our'rqtintW -to.h'& one of .tb^'leadorg 4Jhi« Eviction Syndp el£t* frcm. : ¦:: , ¦[. . -'.V ¦-' .1 . • .• -• .. , J . •• -».| , . ' 6inco •their last meeting, there had |been; cer- occasion when foreign powers came to our ; tchee^A), diifl, ho.w tit -citc-(he&' ' T ,^ Counties oi CoA and Waterford - march «ide tbo momerjt, - vflep' yictpry Jra*1 alicost wiihlo r. hear). He thoueh the members a j THB OHEiPEST-BQU8|I VA IRELAND. . tain 'changes in ihe Governme^iti and! the assistance—y , the saw .their • enemies in'J .Uieir : • true- coloufi i#^;|^»- a meeting 6ince—(applause). Now the matter doubt, to the sword, but yet brave men .who dreds, in their thounanda, be might say, march United IrishJ ijeague, and certainly ;the planks feared no enemv and ifaced a'J foes, and even (cheers). He was happy; to be in the. position ingerraIn arm .towards the goaf they expectet ^ they !l had assembled on, was the [furtherance in the platform deserve the 'support of eve^y ; made the 'British. Saxon of felling the Marquis :of Waterford, Btuart to attain hereafter—anindependent made in yoitr own " , free, and Otyf, iriw of ' : i - ^| -biokx ring/ and ¦ ¦ ' . £irt*k:Sfi$^. r i I .. . home, that terrible calamity that was drawing underatrappera A 1 —^cheers).•• ¦ You; to-day, are not called upon of Iiamore Castle, and thit men. They rose in dark and evil days to- they should all help the movement t iat would th© life-blood bf their country, and he being to do this. (We have a phalanax of men -who they would stand no nonsense from'' them iri richt WieLrn ative l*n&, trnt thongh they were put the farmer and labourer In jhu .position closely connected with the place -f it embarka- represent each and , every one of /us, and who tho future .(cheers).. r iHeUnen pointed out the cone, -'"true 'meri. 'iiKe : you 1 men, remember they ! ought to occupy. If .they w|oi Id djo , ore ito-day i 'bi: your ©nergy. lby your boopera^ Snffeitlngsendured by the little town of Tallow them with pride ";-(rtngaryafa;«ould join the L ,. .; '' ¦ ' ¦ 'i rr. m ¦ ' <¦ ¦ meridan of their hopes realised in having a BMAEMBi, i! T iM #1 pleased mg for Dunga &j • - .\ •• 'a now to know that *he United Irish of Commons, BO ^at 'w 'have . nva&pair in' rvan for a long time/ but, thanK ranks of the United InSh League, «nd then i GAfflttLl^l ' free and independent Ireland—(che re). ! I League and the Land and -LabourAs sociation the Tesult,. and in the quick:result of tie' God, they had at last (tot it (cheers). they would be aKe to help on! their leader, Mr. : f- ^ Mr. P. J. Power ' Mr. CT. J. O^Shee, in coming iorwai d toieupj- were working cordially together, and ihe (was issue, because Jhese-jejnlemen. here to my! , iM.P.; who was recedvod Bedmond, with pride and courage—(cheere). , ^ • • ; l BtowmbaBfl S^' ?^ | ' right an^e{f>flre!«ML^«Sn/tb> listened to inlthe House of Commons wtas a believe 'I am going tooiiar in that •way'myaelf to conceal hia own feelings, but at th& same' and go and fight for those uTJortunateJJebjjle Jbut -.but *l-tbe 'have had the i idvantage of very great interest to the country. And be OA«K U'P JOHN 1ifeDiK>ND " ' thy, had alluded •ain'e lime be Parliamentary BartyTr(clheef>, brought before the Executive of East Water- with ttw King, beewM Sie Klngwuld'bj»ve to tlW aeiort /time ago Jtt.-t^'ihiil !, waen a the iprompt artion of 'tihe Land and La pour and a voice;: ¦"CJheen* lor B^dmond." - To lord in; the; interests of peace—peesibly.in the overytbinglie reqaUwMoringillneae , but the fight without', i inte ' » QC AKD^ btaflch of tSe j United Irtkh' X«agtie did.wa o, 'not Associationand the United Irish (League sived' ^the 1 ,iword-r-to ,flght ¦ without .resis of mtoy whomthey were ihtere»,jd < w n V^RNESS RA , Woodshed-| di»- branch, ' " : "" : »re' trial there were ¦ ; ¦ : bav4 -«hd noV he was' glad ated nrifjb. IMiE BESOLUXIO ¦ NS. ' *: «ee -the ' fcf> , public reception given the other' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' , two aides to this - ' ¦¦ . question (hear, - ' hear). Un- ¦ • - ¦ • . 0A|«m >- ¦ ¦!'• • jufb J A : _ _ 4ff4jfc *£ftflTV 4l4u4:O ff\MS*W7^ V iNii «#; C^IU i*Wi*J> ^t^UCil. day to a man .who ' ; fortunatelyi thi* wretched (British Vf proclapned-.their city es ai "Mr. Government .Va»pliving force ^ in IS©]town l 'iepie-i Collender itheaTpropose3'the following had reduced the position of thit country lo clmion| . Colpnel(Fffiffli»W, «r *W^em tpvtn As tho criminal community—(cheera)/ But the! all! jredcl-iBtion ^^a ;:' - ¦¦; - ' •• ' ' to un4ers ¦ 1 ig-Jobo: ^, , ,. .; . .:. - such an extent that every £600 that was (v . tan4^rt an mm one moment>':un« tTnrtec[Iriah League « &ut m>re ^ -;- ' ¦¦ " :¦' ; • tten|of DnngarVan on (We Bedng-injundjihim,' man should stand aloof at the|pretejnt time. If. and West IWaterfofd.fn convention aMenVbltU, petty ctmsideratiom of JW»4etk)ription!(he -\r, *Mj2*»^lond SNJ&D. | ; ., . i j ! • li-:t': ' -j " ' : —— ; ; fflfir: Crai«gini^ ba,TinB been poved'to ' mealnrhogota ^ tame [ago held ditktiaiviiir»r. the Iriib 'landiordabad desire to btace on-recqrcl that pur detenaia»- bear), jandj he Miked to M allowed iq atue : ; ¦ * ;¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ •' lbe .; any sense {hey would ' •eoon ddlkir, '. ¦;". f - ,- - ; ,- : OM Cmr$ mi btrt cow they-were- forgetting their lofcal dUtar-j coane to terms loo thla question hefoie; tion to agitate, *nd win back our country's briefly !wh4t has opiniori was. (Ho tola th*a : . j; . tm * the iiext long lout rights te;only groiwing; fraBkly; that he maa not againM the saa , with 4«l«y •port of S i feaa eaces, and were ready io|«upp^rtthi a ^anch general electioti,for the political : pendulum U rr^oreuntfutench»w *thaa eveai»omeB«J«, the hunting a» > whole. He; believed tha hurrtLig «t ltm;*^sgne.!iv|:tR|* NiaoiMtoi »¦> >t-&eland undoubtedlyswing ing, «nd the most contemp- right of IrUnaien to eaaka lawta field h*d many adv«rHa«w,: but. : He jrM -iW IreSJd Sot »t Uw nme -K^lasi««). | ple^ea^i thi»toiriti tible Government, whichiia i exUtled ihe sup* Jj»land. iai the'Alpha and Omega |Med-4ince the pishing of the AM of Unipni 'clo^m '»r*and wi» 1 cw.*rm#^ffl^.tojidMe(TBd.* -J, " «beut bun,' mifht p* ifttpritad tkMr be\, mt» MHH fcrAi^. . 6nIy,e5l^tiiliadihere ' tw >. or. tWw ,*iU undotbtet!mttUng, v^ (tNt'wu.m-vteptegeBt'&baottav becawq'tul mM ^totm+z?«a,* . promoted: w^ Mpembe^, tSm ¦ ' ¦ : lfeilQ. *k<* iaetoru iTret»»y MMd v^n '¦ ' ' ' I- r< ' i 'W»!r»»v 0iK^Ahd ¦& S»W««Tn a^»iM«»ya^P5 if*« de- i ^ ^ ; Cti&y&t.taaaiiU, .btrt *c- «ry mind, aiy!6a4 float Alike to^tn imAsi of ^he '^QtHah Jandloids. ^n awr'ciw, he' %ettua» ?hMk.lto i&J gp*S»n«feT*i5 -^ ! 1 *ntt*heDwiwAikLndlord»." < tboughi : mam they .kroold- sg*e«-> if a &im jtl> tt . .W any (rudh £oni fil preliminary^ o] jrtnc ehoul| 1 be fS#tnr» to;ilridT&>tbpl«&55^ fl^» ««w- ti>r liquidatiob'at Ertermlnistdon(limit ; sc~ (<&eett}. It dppencled entirelyoBj the people ° them*eVM to , o*g»Bise % mi^ilirm^f med l> ¦-4biljrm& tftiimi \ tiu>m»dolnc< ttetfowiP*H1 M iwti

mM- rani llaedi 1 & »MM Unto of . -Z W 1 ' ^ife '!,i; i#: ;; -V: K . V ;- i;l:vi:!^-: -. . 'h

>¦' ;¦:"< . ! V . - " t/l v.' ;. *i - f - !' :>__: ¦ ¦ ^^^ ^ L— v : . ¦ ':• • '; •!;: ¦ . 'i(- - ; ;l (.oiATERFQRD BOARD OF GUARDIANS 'i'\; 1'1 - ; ;. ' ' :^:W - " • ¦ ¦ ; oarryjnsf.ontr th& d&lciii i 1 ; • - .¦]'} . .;* # ;¦ itofch ^sBt-^rrtt>dn •i_. - - v t' : "-; :J ii'fr/v: : 7.1. - - . . - !. - .!' -> j i ; ; WS PNE8DO. ¦j : V • ^ QUABpiAN' a^^'fNi'V |./:;- . ! jv ; i - 'I .: ' ;. '< •: J: I ;- * -' \- - i l\\- !Looai "^JByernmentTBoaif J*- . atfdrbB HflQUShf ii ?¦' ' ¦ ' ^ ^KSS^KaSw^i^BdjaArtoapuiiaaUfciley^uld ' -- TTTT.R I'lstJEfiirNG ocxMiMinrFEte¦ ¦ , .;- .;. : [¦ |et>. but ittwould be ' T^eMafortfBfi^eliri^r^ea-VoUii { • rIrxsKA.i'J:;-y-itf^~" very idiffffjujf Wthb guBr- ihiply btcaose yoa haven't the r*»dy I! ! ;! -——r- '! ¦ i: - ,if- . - dians to form an opinion! on'thelspot. ; : ' ¦ ¦ i l .. DeT $oyio,Mt ¦ »,tiniitti* •IMPOiRflUXT RBCOQEiEENI>ATIOSB ;' ¦; [ ¦ (From On-tnS:'Jpro06»ition of iMrj ffflyrtte . - M t }9.f *j **# ¦ .j biar Eeporter.) j ij : 'iK ' thetfol- pt .'the, tatliltW irtjoffer jou to; eamiib ' ; ' i ! ! : " ~ I :| -'S|. . lowfng wwe.appoiat«d vcomfoittee!to^vbit , ' ' 1 ;;T io;; H-i^^' rairsUQvATi'' - thtfvplaceiwhere to^t ^9014 on 'oiir particuUi, ("redft : 1 • 1' ,: : ' : ; The Weekly meeting of this, Board -yeas fi«ld i The weekly;meeting ' it \b iriten-d«dj*i6 i roakei fhe: Srttemi,' Wiipn't] wini jou-toco ofontn) . At}oU>lAgtifHu CtHthii: ' . . * day. - .- .present : C.! Ooghlan!; J*. ; ¦ Buckley.'!- \> .! ^;; ,:;': : i , , and .iyv^ / . . I (Mr. John Alackey, Clerk ; Mr. P. K^nn«dy. Mr-T. FlWalshe ' ' ^ the house, and liiey>a eeinecP'R be" satisfied ASEjYOUR EELATIONS Commercial Eo-im and Urge Binqnettlng Hsll for do.; Mr. iWm.: ' -1 ,-Clerk; ^Mf. ip. MorriBs.y,' with the alterations ! i Dinnei»iMeebngt, ' ...... mmm^ istant Eeidy, Ma6;ter, and suggested by the Local Sen. Ass 1 a=t^e>k. and Ketievingl Dr. JaekmarL Medical Officer , were in lattend- toand Coffey . omc^^ower Government "Board. : Their approved oif 'the ! i PIN(* ioNO BOOM, j V ¦ ¦; - 'were m attendance as iusual. ¦; '' once as usual. ; ' | : ' ; • ; : ' arrangements being carried out. I ' ! - ; ASE jYOUK fBillNDS BTHsnes. ! i : ' ! ; j RESTAURANT j ATTACHED. '¦¦¦ " r U' . DESBB33I 6N. i i - - Chairiian-^It is better ' to haye it done > M •FAOIS'AiNTDItCat TEBS.: !|! '. i0 ' -i ' ¦' ¦ in the worMiouse last Saturday ^ ' &?» in ^«ence i to a soon¦ as possible. ; 'i !: . • . "i Soup, Fish, Entr^«i, Jfjiints. Ppultr^, Sweots, There were mln n£!wi £ Clerk—I be Ted it 1» »b3olotely oortaan that you will 1 i i Kitchen and Garden , n 737 persons, j being 2 in excess i[oi the. don't .thinik.it-will ^ a bitvd««rer • ¦ find- amodff than tome who bave dealt ! ?rom 1 o'clock dally, (md on Snndaye, Kequisites | night at ri . or us ' ' _,,^r,hor the corresDondins x>e od' lasi year : to carry out the amendments suggested¦ with CB, and tbey -will tell you that wbat i i KO AlTESDASOB I. UAROKD. by: the Local Government'Board, j ¦ admitted during the week, llfrj discharged, § • (Mr. the* bare boaght from us have been, not BEST SHEFFIELD ¦ ¦ PLATED' Byrne—To ¦ WARE < ¦ , my mind Table ' ¦ jthe flijst plan Wald d'Hote ' i ! ; |: 'oUciK- - he dail . . : : fwhlch and' I i : I : , I ¦ y frem 1 o clocki on Sondaj ! . 120- died, 7; cost o$ provisions consumed, £99 '^3ed ^? iw5 *?T *•- ' ¦ ¦¦ : : aloie Ballsfnotory as regards price, bnt ' 9s. ; out-door X-^lCt-I 13peCU>t P rt be idearer. . . I •. j - i . . j . at i , o'clock. JFl»e LWBW, 2> .; . ite against £98 relief- jfrSB te.' w[ ? *** i P " • - ¦' ' ¦ ¦ a1at( in quality. We bave tha. largest { " gainst £46 15s. 8d. ; stimulants, -14 3Tead f?f ' The^sdbjeot then dropped. If '/' Variety of Honse Farnltnrs t-o sell from «d ^ to ¦An old man/who stated that ¦ . . . .*. v.... - - >- -¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ . : Limited). i >y, »tn waaithe first date :- . ; J in lieu of rations, -winch oajne be- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • - 6i per Tveak ¦ . onor T^whichfiffl? SeB^s lonsjTere - Telopkono 1338. Tel«j»piB»- -- held at Tramore Bince I "Exool 1 Dablin." the board last week. _ , 1 , V..V 1 ' fore ^received your letferyunder ; ! i _ ¦ . . ! : 1 . ; . :.. . BEST Carew said he was going to propose the circumstance? THE DISTRICT :¦ IB0M0MERT GOODS, Captain the warrant will be executed ! COTJNCIL . that instead of allowing this :lady; UKme/.;in 7in ' ' ' f"d' ,ihai the . Board gave Power wasieubsequenSy held.:^ ;;' ii|/; >.!: J- . ..- > \ TS.T I '\ lieu of rations , her salary be increased for £10 V,every^ chance\ * .to take ¦ ¦ ¦ his wife In the absence of the chairman (Mr. John ' * ' ' -i '¦ • * ' out of the work- Eclipse 1 VGST. - Furnishing house before he was prosecuted, i i . uersey,;J.P.). the chair was taken by Mr H YICTORrA r HOTEL, Alderman Whittle said hs though Miss 3£aai- _iMr. Dempsey—It Gl-eessn : 1 be well off if she. got £6 a year. was only right to make .iu , on the proposition -of : Mr. ' Byrne, COLBECK-STliKEt , WATEEKOKD. , iold would example of .him. ' seconded by Mr. ¦ Clerk—You have agreed to give her this 8s. ; ' I i ' Michael. Foley. i i " ; |. j iMr, Byrnfe—In the face of eyerytbing ; lha, i Oompany, 6d bu*- the Local Government 'Board ^ont wasi said RE-MODELLED AND JtB-FUkNISHED. notice of motion ba giveh, . ehi doneto about the Imatter he, al- RD0ENT APPOXSTTMTNT. OF ^ CttiEEK OT allow it' until . :Jowed: his^wifa remain herel He has 1 ¦ ' Ohainhan—'It wouldi be ¦well . thea ig give i ! no i WOfiES. ; 73 J LOW?R CAilDEN,;STREET, ; " ,one to ;blame- bufr himseH. He got every j t ENTBSIiLT isVCOSVESlSmiHyt^lrVATEO notice d[ tntfUon. . . . ;! ¦ chance ! ' ¦ ¦ a man could get. '" ! •Writine , ¦ :> ¦ in reference to the recent ' <3lerk-4-That her application be granted. , . * - i- ¦ i appoint- I AND : \ . . : . . : . : TVitbln One Minnies' Wali , of thf ! ment of Mr. F. Powar a'3;Clerk "Works ' i : Oapt Carew—I would prefer ancreasmg her THIS ' . bf f a , than giving ner money in lieu of . ASSISTANT CSLEEK.: | connection!with the hew scheme of cottar's COUNTY OO0ETaOU8fi ind ; tha 1 FADING salary by[£6 and plots in 6 LOWER OBMONDE QUAY DUBLIN ' ^ ; The the district, Ithei Local GoverA- ,. i j PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS.; ^ LocaVGdvernment Board sanctioned1 the ment^ Board 6tated ' i The tterk said he wa$ , speaMrjE., ti>i.iM'iaa 4>i»nogal. to-8llow'Mr. (Morri5s the matter |was one in ' she told him she lhad no,objeo- '*r ey, assistant winch their .sanction was natjequiredJ. . •' Hcpconablo TarUTa and tbo Best ol Attention may : and BA1E Manifold; clerfc, a sum 0NSTEMMT of £1 for writing lap the ; with the quantity anl quality of books Mr Byrnq—That mejuisVwhen b« -was' elected ; "* bo counted on tion to and of the workhouBe master durinbi his¦ absence by us there! ( I ! but she would like to have it varied. ¦ ¦ . : , was no more to be done about. b:e WINES, BKAND1E8 the diet, on leave. : ? matter. ¦ - • ¦ ¦ " 1 . WHISKIE3. Alderiian Whittle said it was not pheasant ; | j : GW^S'l 'GITHS I WATERFOED : ; SANoraoNED. • i !; Clerk—The Local Government Board i ALE, POttTEK, AHD to be .kept on the same class of diet; they all say ; : ¦ liked a change-. The Local Government fioard wrote slating the appointment does ' not. Irequire .ibeir sanc- ' MINERALS, [ : nnw and aeain ' that , tion. Do ; threw—If the 'Master ands.out i she is the proposal to ohange the< dietary scale -ou wish to make any order!in con. All la Escollent Condition from the Capt to in of as regards the allowance nestion with the-matter? ¦ ;;- • - -:¦ boat Moiers. «at'^fiej take 5s. lieu rations, ¦vre ivill of bread to certain < . ST valae in Ireland. 1 Doable- Breech Please Nats the Addtcss. salary to £25 A year ! classes of inmates in the workhouse had! re- Chainriari—I' suppose we have nothing to !¦> BE increase her ¦ ' Mr ' leaders, from; 45p. .; .IIammcrlo8s, from Th* Master said he .would, and stated that ceived their ^sanction. : j ;. I . Byrne-IWe miiftt let' Mr. Power go tti ¦work as soon £6 , as possible to peg iout the ; Single Breechloaders, from 85s.; Chasse- : Miss Manifold was one of the . best and most half- : > A TIP l BMOEEBS ' ¦ ...:; KELIEyirXiG:. acres for FOE- conscientious nurses . in the house. -T j- 0*TraOEiaS--EXIENSES the poor labourers (hear, hear). pot Single Breechloaders, IBs. Sd. ; Double Lopal ' " Clerk—Allow me to TOURISTS, i Eventually, as requested gy . the : i Local ^jThe Government Board sanctioned send a copy of that letter MuzzleloaderB-, from 27a. ; Single, from 12B. - handed- in a thft,propose4,^(^ U£>w- to Mr. Williams, solicitor; and I he will mw^T- 1 Governnient Board * Capt. Carew a; ,EeKsviag jOfficer-:Coffey ' -e!l 6d. ; Large Crow Scaring Pistols, 7s. 6d.; nil i TRAVELLERS, T^-} notice of mot-ion that in consequence W the aj furtner sum of 10s. as expenses 'ih'conri?c- the e.erk of; work s to do what;is ! necessary. v~« exceptional duties attached- to her position, tion; w?lb.'ihe,,prQ6ecutiQn, of, Mr. Dempsey.said that six:;weeks ago "he goaranteexi souud aDd reliable. . - Dest Hrown i - - CYCLISTS, SMOKE ; a-Imaft-riamfid the niijht nurse's application ior.!.83.;j>d. be- Power'forxhe'tieseri Km of'his wjfs and child- matter was ;reparted to Mr. iWilliams. Cartridges, 7B. per 100.; Smokoless, : 8i> . per BUSINESS ' ; ' MEN , acceded'to. < • ¦¦¦ • ¦ !( ' ren. . ; : . . ; ; | ; : : Clerk—I think Mr. Williams has taken ste->B 1, ' ' : 100. oporting requisites of nil kinMs jat I - - VHLI TCTD : ¦ !• &VN0TIIONED. , ¦ . Clerk—That 10a.' was for car-hire nimseif. 11 know he has been sending out I some docurhents, loT7est possible prices. Illustrated .price fist Government Board sanctioned th« ¦ ¦ because I had to get a par- The Local 1 ticular kind of stamp for him. post free. Repairs executed in first-class style proposal to increase the salary of Mr". 'Robert •; •• 'LOCAL MANTJiFAaMBE. ! - i DOOLEY'S iHOTEIy . MT Byrne^-We are a long time without hear- at exceptionally Iow^rat63. j : !(FAMILY 4 COMMEECIAL),' 'Mofoney junior Assistant clerk; from £52" to , J ¦ ¦ ' ' A letter was readf frpm-MessrB James Hearne in- from him. : |- ; -¦ £65 a year. • |. . j v and Co., the Quay, l (Mr. Quinn—He CO1IPOHTABUE( _ _ ;_ Iri a Wsiterfotd, Pipe. ;|lso sanctioned the payment of 303. Waterford. ;stating that seems to be very cool about > t Thev [thejr.-noticed ; by the reports, in: therWaterfo-d t. t •' . .' .. to Relieving Officer Healy as remuneration, ¦ ; CEKTHAL, Light vtf itH jpapers that it was directed to setid to London Clerk—Evidently he is sending out¦ some¦ Patterson's Irish Watches for discharging the duties of Relieving Officer ¦for four frames documents. ¦ •: i : ¦ • gQN pariodTJf-SBVSnraays. ^ fox .the hospitali iat a cost of | I . VElXriENT. Walsh, for a | *Js. 6d. each; U the guardiana ' Mr. Byrne—Would r ; : '¦ > ' < r " 1 {r-e^uired any it be. necessary to send I: QDlEBJBS.. ' I - ' k>f these in future, they ' begged >ia state- -.hev a resolution!' to Mr. Williams? '¦ 'fl Sold : aft : Li-I EMi <} ~dr 30 A The Local Government Board 6Ubtoitted ut)litfhouse. -• " ,' - -i.';:- •¦rij.v - . < Mr. Quinh—I would wish that Mr. i Po\^vr 3P^ IMC; jB^a^^^ 1 ! ¦ 1 ' ¦¦ (LATE WATERFORD HOTEL), A QUESTION OF imgTIANGE. j i ; Mr. Byrne—That is sor-'-'.Th'ejrl'tieJiig Ixhh be limited to time. • " • , 'I - ^ ; "K- Qomi-STBEET AHD SlBAI\5rlFB'SB Ai4iBY.r. . . in 79, QITAY, WATERFOKD •; 1 Mr. Byrri^—Up Lismore they have rer ed to dolduty-dtfrihg Jiis absenca, ., ;, • - ; The above £lot*l has tieph Alderman Whittle-^How-Jar'iff ' Dr." SfcanV i .;Fhe '.OlerK'SaJa- he¦'fiaa/rfeivea^Bn 'atfpli^a- ceived and 'accepted tenders for the erection Re-npsned nndet r STEPHEN FLYNN entirely new maiixgeinont otter ozicosi han's dis trict from Dr. Offiyrne 's?- ' :!- "'•'¦ |«oi>i' fot-atf increase-of'BsI&y' 'from"tKp' mid- of cottages,] although the inquiry, there wss yo altora- ' Bogu to inform his friends end tbo tlonn. holcct Enrrawclicd. \ LfqoorB, Clears, to. oJ Clerk-lit is about midway between Eilxnea- wif6 .oF^€T-^nn^bnLI1^p^tf*d«y^District held after¦ the one here. We are losing a lot ¦ , ¦ ¦ - . :<»«•' ;McaaS«f- ' «^;VSs"iWeSflf ' of time. .j ' . . . . ; T; ! . . , .. - ' public that, tho very boat braodo only. Torma moderate. den and Kilrnacthomas. . ; . . •!• , u., i' ' E : ; appTinteo. Aldeni an Whittle-r-'There is no doctor nearer ar&T-8»lary 6i £2a rm4 and •he''b«ilvSi :'the' ' Clerk—There is one thing certain, I am not ¦• ¦¦ 1 ¦ ¦ WITH j TUB EXPERIENCED A8SIbT. to Dr. C 'Byrne? ' ' - . . • " ;;• : ¦;. rent 'she?Wife 'payiaSvfoV He^^MrfinSnis- 'wi'<' to be blamed. . • • '!, ¦ ; ¦ very nlgS. ''She^ Mr. Qulnn—There is ' somebne to 'be' Clerk- Except, the city doctors-. ' If " 1 sUte^^^lSfrioVflldra ,^ blamed. ANOE OP HIS BROTHER8, Kve on l 8He^«eSed'j r ' i Mr. Byrne—I know, Mr. Clerk, ,you did all ' Chairn an—But why should we go outside : ^tfye^?. are :OTlit ' : ' ' '¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' HE 1NTKNDS • GREAT SOUTHERN AND WE8TERN -ict to bring in another apctojtf - ¦ • d5«DB' to. M krndnenoiito1'.tor?c6n«aer t you could. I/ ...... V ¦ ' I : i . -: .; our dist . i 1 he?lsp- BAILWAY. Alderman 'Whittle—IB Dr. Shanahan .outside plicatida ¦for an' increase ofT^alary; as'tWxSJ) Clerk—There wasn't a meeting of , the District Carrying on th^ Extenoive Bunineca ¦ ¦ : ' : ; :¦ :l r : ¦ ¦ ; our district? ! ' ' ' ". it '' . " aHdwod¦ 'her'wa9 quite ih8Ufficienti ; ' ' ' -- \-- ' ' Council until to-day since!the 12tih August. ! of bio lamented father as lir.-' Bftne' ^JJSmB.'tf pounds; ' Mr. Quinij said the majority of the labourers CORK EXHIBITION Clerk—Of course be is; he is.in the-Kilmac- ijyear'is¦ ¦ very-:¦ ¦ thomas Union. : . ¦ .1 small to live on. . - : f f ' • ¦!¦ '¦ . ¦ had ve— bqd houses, and if they lhad .to live GENERAL H0U8EPAIN|EHS AND A * % . »*Vl * Ill 111 11 1^ V . ^-^ ' 1^ Sir:-MicHaSl had right =to in them for - /fW WBDNESDAY3 from Juoe to Oc ober, 1602 Alderman Whittle—Well.then I would not be. Foley-^ShW a ¦know the winter they would fall .u for appointing him substitute for Dr.' O/Byine that¦ Tief<5re:>he was 'appointed. " -;r ' ¦ : '' • " hem. ; DECORATOBS, v :(both months Iholndfd). Eicnraon Tickcta will . u not 1 think (when a position l&e this .arises "wel • Clerk-4lh. iconriectrt3tni '-'with' tbia ' ioatier. "I Chairman^—You need expect you ! will ^<\d respectfully solicits , a contlnuanco . of tha be issued to Cork from Stotioog:on Ctatral Ireland fhoald give it .to a person 'who pays 4 p-artion may 'say' tnat: if this' wb'ttan-resgnsi the Local have a stone laid of thc3e houses before uext ' kind patronage crcorrfed to his late futrier. Branch, and' on THUBSDAYS from Wntcford ¦ 1 ' " ¦' ¦ ¦ ' of the rates. : j ; • Government^Board' will iteiBf on ' k; traih;d March/. " ] • "¦ ¦ (Sooth) end Btationa < n IDuDgwvan , Llmorick , ond 1 1 r - Thurles Branched. " ' : ; . : Chairman—Will youjpropose Dr. Itacnbinai.a nurse" being ' apboihtefl. They sbit rdowh : 1 v i ,08, Ilanor ?3troet : Tickets iavailable for Throp Dnys, tncludlog Alderman Whittle-nl will propose that Dx. 8ekled'order appimting'thi« laay.il' I' ? ' Tij ' . . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' date of Itacnamara be appointed: ;! z Mr pempse^'^-d think she ahonH get a; 1 1 Cha!rman--In winter ttimo the fence s oouiJ icrno. ; - -' • . ¦ ' ; Etna ! Mr. Bijgers—iI will second:t!hat. j!- '¦ increase:"-- '' }"¦' . '' .- J - u ' ': l !' • : ;¦¦ ' Ibe biijlt to 1 ^he half-acres. ' • : ¦ ¦: For further psrtieohrti see poataa. 1. , ; Cleric—rhat appointment should 'bei|mada aiTrByrhe)—I1 think; llrV Chairman, 1 whea Mr. Quinn—And the houses could he built, 1 ' BOBEET Q. COLHOUNj Traffic Uanancr. «ubject t> Dr. Macnamara being prepared to she did not rnentibn'the'increase'Bhe Teomirtfa too. This ii a good time to build. S- ¦- . X take up 1 iuty |in Dr. O*Byme'8 ' district, Jiarid if in her application jt ihQuM be reiecfedfbr'tbe Mr. Bvrne—We have some houses belonging CRANE & SONS, ' •T i 1 he is no . prepared' what will you do -fieri, ' present. I^fa noy%J'M8lriess^6if the bou-a to Mr. Kierpey and .Mr Flavahanlin Kilmn&i The Largest Piano and Organ Firm io the Ohairniari—Any doctor in Waterford!will dt>: to cut, o'ut :'aij : iitcfease for her. ^That sh mid thomas tha ; are a credit to the county, and Aldemian Whittle—Well I -will-propose that be "her owi''business. 1 •! : ; it was in w nter time ' ! World, they were put up. ' Dr. O'SuJlivan be appointed, as he /has a car Clerk—L suppose if we were to leave it ! > After somo further-discussion; ! " '; 7T BE now Belling tbe Coronatioi Model Piano of his own. \DT. Macnamara not having a car herself she would Be 'inclined to!'give hersel' The Clerk was directed to communicate wit-i J\. (sn ovorstrQDg Upright Irou Grand) at 10s 6(1 would ;have to hire one or go by train: f |. : a liberal increase. I thought it ! ;won.'d : meet Mr. Williams on the subject. ! per month. Collard & OlIarbY Brinsmcad. Adlson German matera oBthe •Mr;J5teiphen Farrell seconded the proposition¦ with yourl' approvaKil' some gnaidian . gave Mr. Byrne said he understood that Mr. P. J; and at) Ibe English and same vrStcn w?$-pasBeg-Tniaum«!UBa.'; ¦rr. ip ,y. 'JiIy'taTniri. RJcej'frora £IB :£203' ^ rt Trf Power,; Ihet: re3pected ','Parliameritary^repr -;* Joor tqt eacb. ¦ ™l*— ¦ ¦2r. — ~ .ra;Pltno$£roJ to/^6 esz\\;i\la [V ' oojrrAmiKOt ' : |^ BE3IGMAiTIQN Otf THE ASSE^TANTIffJBSE DempseJ--rJJ -don-Vmandit iflido. r. ^cnt!rrlw r • nr(d"r'5noei-;pd*^in xettifl? .tr.ysad k^>nd-^? 3.£i 6d 1 L»rj«-«li» Alharabra QaRt, (nt tad wbltal or I aince she wa« 'the- ' ' ; p< 1 month.* ¦ Catalcgattii tii (ell.rirt;jalap I blu« and mbiu). Pslr Van-ilm 'HbuiluU (wliluI " I Sister M. Benedict 'Kenny; assistant nurse- in Chairman—^How 'long i ip- through: 'IRube¦ if omftjona a ftbijl^sioa sent v ' ' ^ f^ pi_t frcj 'applUitioa to Uiaiialn tooij I ntlwxd KliwJ Pal* ntf Bnt Qoaller TvUI f | the fevejj hospital! wrote a^ folJows ': — | • '¦ •: pointed"hefe ? ' '! for opcUrners- of 'laboulOa?! cottag'Ss^t waa O Agent, . , ( SbeeUr STTPIIKnrCaMm..B olit•!- the's"ej)reMain8''would' '" vfcji ! thanfcs ifor kindness received! j through! your y. ; 5e ci TgRMS OP PUROHAfJE. Ii ; board .during my time here: j - : j ¦ , . ¦• that you won't have to pay a much nign«-r ¦to the Agricultural.Depiirtmen't .or -the-County A '¦ !¦ ' :¦ - 1 eaiaij. . . ¦: : ; WZ' .rJ &\ Alderman Whittle—How will you procure . 4 i : Councils. i . Cash Bricsa - ¦ : ' llr. Byrn'e-!-I think.it would be well ' ThC(;C!eitk' ' : 1 ovopUU tb« p«rchaM la alom ¦» ¦« ****i**T IV Easy substitute? ' ' • I : j to write said that 'tMrl T. P. Gipi ih'e Suppc?4 ¦caQ¦ of Woterford's Oldest I P4im«flt*otV ' ucb.. . .. ' r , I . io htr asking her Jo. mention the increaae she secretary oi[the Department, would:supply Mr • Olerk-fiYou :will advertise of couie©::. .. - r 1 * "I - IndilStrics, Captain Coghlan—tWili any communication reti'iires, and stating! that her. -ipplicati >r. Byrne with all the information he| required. ' BY USIKO . . be made to the head of the -conwnt as to send- wculc be rejected until she had done; that . The Board • of [Works wrote to spy they ;t> Inpayments ing a sif ter in thia ' lady's placi? :[ ' ! Mr.' Dempsey.—*It need, not .bejirejected. 'It ceived.from; the Local Govemtaent Board a Clerk- »W© issue \ >an • advertisennent • in " the could be held over I i ! recommenijationl fqr-the loan bf'£23O ' soqjht FROM ordinary course, and . that lact' ^brought to Mt. Byni«H-LeJ her apply, again , j by the Council under the Labourers?,. Aetai Madefy MACHiNER^C\Latest and Best J. OF j ; is :¦ 1 ¦ 1 the kno vledge of the convent.! . • ¦- Clerk—What order, dq you . wish to make. I and pointed ow ^that bejore tne^! could 'give > ' -. ' ., ' .. [;• . Plant just'etecteil; W i BliiLIBVING OFFICER pOYliE, don't think , myself she. expects' very much.. their sanction to ¦it-'they qjiould Teoeive ,iu 1 ' : '¦ USEH ! Mr. Dq'vle, fl.O., TramoreV applied for a fortr Mr. • Byrrifr'-Sr^ pujht .to 6ay. that, i \ undertaking; from thfe'Council thai all the in-! Iffig 15/- Monthy¦ Chairman—Is it £25 a year you ' ing stalmenjBf in ' . Bakeii in STEAM OVENS^always clean Wm\^ I night's leave of absence, and seated • that Mi. are pay renavment of the previous loan " ' i i J. O'Brien, of Talbotrstreet. woifld do duty fol the nurse in Kilmacthomas? :: would be submitted on the date they^became i aid-sweet. ' : ;i Purchase from a well-tnown firm. Our Prices are tti)1 LowestL( at which really reliable; " • ¦ ' ' row art wndsr Htf t/Wtatlon to fnrcktn. ! him. j ' : . . - :. . • • . '| ,' . jCtterTc—<13wEnty*ngh.t; iSha was originaJy due, viz., the 1st May and 1st November. Baked of PATENT FLOURS. Grade above tftht0ix*lf *HQCO~4•< *k"f T~~ntntrtl*m; ! Alderman Whittle—iDoea U£r.Dpyje nauajly appointed at^£21; but sbe;got . an. increase- of On the proposition of Mr. Byrne, second-?! Aim tWo^rxo^l »"*f luU4J. Gnaranteed Machines can be aoli Bear this In mtady .a ad 1beware of bnyini? patched-oj: Bakers' Firsts. Ow Ho. • C*taloi*»ot 'Drapenr. Cmuaaes, ' ' " ' ' £4 to enable her to pay car hire. ¦; " : OOK - ¦ ¦ : get leave? . :l . ; by Mr. Dempsey,. it was agreed to give . he B and 8boc», Uvtt and YooltolCtollto£, lit temptation prices. • : ; i Clerk-fBe hasnt: applied for a loag !time. Chairman—Give notice of motion, (and let necessary obdertaking. *ts_ «te» Nst to rouf atldfvaa Pott Fret. monnla . ; ' ' 1 ; 6ffwr tnd following exceptional 1 dvantagesdva :— . : Aldemjan Whittle then proposed, and Mr. J. the matter be considered oh -this day i tort- Mr. Byrnp said they would have to get a Fc?K:catcd with Purp Hat* ond i GOOD. AOEHTO WANTBD i We; J ' ¦ ¦ • 'j • :- . 1 la tparc tin*. Pcrtoafift rtguUr cnploymcnt ' 1 I Murphy Iseconded that the leave applied ;for night./ ;.-;. ... i: ;; scheme of <}otta?es for 30 or 49 poor ! people t"op Oarm. tjioultt wrlu for terma aa4 pankuljun. - Rocfcbottom Pricee, and Lowest Monthly Pajrroentji allal Accessories Free (IuQater, be granted. The proposition was carried . Mr. Dempsey-VI think . she should be asked who were unreasonablv disqualified for MANUFACTURED BY US. ; ¦ ' ¦ sot- j ' ¦¦¦ " ¦ I unanimously. i- - ' '• • ! i o state the amount of the increase Bhe wants. tages at the last inquiry. , Bell &c.V Machine and iTyre8 folly Guaranteed thirteen Months: t i On thd proposition of Mr. Stephen Farrell, Mr. Byrne—YeB: I think we shpuldl .write u Mr Dempbey paid they could not get monpy Dit'i|on 1 Nothing BETTER orPlJRER can bema^e. <^r~->^ -»oi ***>£ Mr. J.' O'Brien was appointed at the|usnal her pointing out the defect in He^applfcatisn. for that, as their borrowing¦ powers were ex- i remuneration to discharge Mr. Doyle's" ' dufies I think' if was a ratheT.'milk an3 water w*y hausted. !¦* ¦: j ' j ; ; Bakers of the Celebrated '¦ during b!ia absence!. •¦•¦ > ¦ - - -!-|- : - 8b.e wpnt about.it. - : i i Mr. Byrna said their borrowing powers irere rUR9I^"G Mr. Dempsey—Then, we can consider . what not exhausted. They could go up to ' £7,000 THE ^ COMMCTTCBE—EMPOBIlAiNX ; ¦ THE HARRY REYNOL S CYCLE COJ - - increase we will five her. yet, and forj less than half that sum cottages . I EiBCXMiMENPiAffllONg. - .f a ;., I : i Clerk-J-1 am feportirig'myself thaf the^e -waa After some, further discussion, j - • could be provided for those poor people. : . We wish to impress on the Public A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. 2 CRAMPTOXi QUAY, DUBLIN that ¦ ' ' . ' ¦ -- Dempsey "ave notice of motion, ' . . 1 . . 1 : , ; _ •a meetidg of the nursing, committee held on air. _ i 'n Mr Byrne complained that the representative NO . MARGARINE " or GERMAN PRO- Monday | last, and I madVir memorandum of favour of ftocreasing her salary by; £(5 a year. of a certain landlady in Kilmacthomas haJ A remed bos besn-dlseosorad ty Mr Oarrott In lifi Maurice. Foley—'I-wonld give fier i no DUCTIONS are used in this Establishment. y their recommendation to you. l^he members ¦ '' I the main- sewer in the yard " adjoining nid tbe herbs grown in tbo bogt and hllla of Inland " ! ' ' ¦ '¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ , and Works, present were—(Messra. .John. Marphy; Eeisk,; increase. j - yard closed [up, with the result thtf nuisanoe tnd It haa Men found the only spedJUa for ct€ *Aocle ,Vf. Ohairman-rl think if she gets £23 a year it ELIENI^LET J. J. Rogers, and Alderman E. Ward! After ¦ flowed into |his yard.. .He spoke 'to; the! repr-:-r . . . EU ^rZaqEajJAUP., & G®. : IMPUBE BLOOD, ; MRS consultation Dr. Jackman ,, aa4 l aUaa will 'do. ' ."¦ | . '. : ' . i: I j the late Jobn Wflej). ^THE LARGE8T IN DUBLIN. ! with ¦ sentative ; about the Tqatter; but ho gave hiTri ' : SKIN ; DISEASE¦ , (Widow ot Thomas, Irniree inMroetoess^thei^mmrfcted're- . Mr.-Michael Foley—/That woiald scarcely 'He Su.i Saop ¦' pay the rent ]of the houseior her; !, I no satisfaction.. said the- District Council ...... ;...... MALL. ; , . I . BONE DISEASE. Friends and the Public _ commended—<1) That a paid servant be en-, , could do as: they liked about it >iQ7O Beirs to inform her StCttm Po And : The-matter;then dropped. | . ! , and he did BARM FACTORY (Established 1810) Hundreds been cured of thotllflorcat forms er, ;&c Cycle Repairs of all kirids gaged .as| cook. «tcj for the i ptAbatioflet?. j not care what they said. It 1 was very hard m - of diseases ftrisInK lrom above. ' generally that ahe wjU . continue pending1 She carrying out 61-tae pMroosedjfelwa ¦ STEAM & MACHINE BAKBRy and 1 " executed without delay. \ :; ' - ' : him (Mr. Byrne) who went to the {expense oJ Mr Gariett b&s called this »peolfl» " GAERETTS" to carry on the ; tion in their (juartera a coff ej ng/f ane bo EB; ¦: t I CoNPEcnoNnny.,..., BRIDGE ST. : : ^ i ¦ ! i , i I having thiuj sewer made, and -other sarritiry! HEBBIKE. i vided for tte purpose, i ; _,.L .x i - - I improvements, to b& treated in' such a way: | OAHBETT8 HEBBDTE U told by Obemtsta THE TiRADE STTPPLIE D [ The Clerk Informedi the Board that they had & PROVISION ¦ On the' ¦proposition of Alderman WJuttle, it 1 GROCERY aiaHaaaBB ^aBja B I advertised for tenders, for bread, oatmeal, aafl After a good deal ol discussion, l~ ' j •nd fltores at 2s 0d, i» -fld, «qd -7a 9& per bottio was agreed to auttu?ri?e, Miss. .Thon»s to em- : { SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES. ' por poat 3d, 4d, and 6d fetpectlvely, extra. Aii kind, >f Cycle; Axles, Cup*, Cones, &c, ploy a cook, at af rate; n#; exceeding J£15 a flour, but hoitender had been sent in.] | ' The Sub-Sanitary Officer was directed to .1 . ¦ BUSINESS - ¦ ¦ > . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Waterford Agenta ., ¦ ¦ ' . . i Mr. Byrne-i-rThere is one thing certain, ihis visit : the place ' and report to the--ITodml AT- ••- ' ' made to pattern. year. ] .^ . ' . . ¦ OB3oari>-I9, NASSAtJ STREET, DUBLIN j ' . ; [ An ord » was also made Qiat a cookinrf store matter escaped the notice of: the old contract jr. Officer of Health about it. j ! P' : : GE0. ^WHITB & P^TS; OliemiBts, MOTORS IAR AXLES Made and Bepsired. be proca 'ed. i ' : " i ' J" IMr. Win. O'Donoghue.. I suppose it! will! be This concluded the business; ! j from lcte Most U<>'fd. CBErBN : 11 MICHAEL j STRj SET. , . ,, : ' j j . Df^ , Bishop of . i KIJJG - 6TBBET. The s« iorid recorrunendaiaon ^ae;as foUows necessary to advertise again? ' ! ;. :, i ;! , W»terford.) , I buslneea, ehj ; " : Alep' Where, by Btrict attention to CtA pnjt jVan, Crank, and Carriage Asks made tnd —That the "workingl of'th^ nursing sche^ne be ! Ohairmah—I am aurprised that¦ Mi QTKraog- "I Jute Tati MT. Boioaon* Bpeotuks*1UI (mat id- ECZBWTA—" NOT oT tEBMAINS.' . :\ . '¦: ' : ' Tmntate tomj hopC3 to merit the public Support. I Repaired4 Alao Fiitiogt for tarns. Worn Fib* commenced on the 1st prox., with the present hue did not send-in d tender; \ iiilit, t\«lTcooltn»tni5oomtoitloiproT>ettl« Mrt Greer, Blessiogton, Co iWloklocr, writes— '¦ , eichangea ; being : The following order was then made: — ptOTtSf bbn tfr««lb!»»odb«n«jto,l»l'«n«t*irhlohli«f»» You will bis pleased to hear tbat the little boy K-ort eqoaito new. : 1 , staff of 'eight ^probationers txptrUmoaatromu> x other ktedetcua or eeU>l*. • : "1 , I " received, for; supply- A made with so many of the probatkmeri-from There being no tender > : "to O'fisin , BUfcop of WaUrfocd.! I sent you a fortnight tfnee Is (Jtilte yvelL Not GOODS OP HIGtt-CLASS QUALITY may.Jbefound ' with bread and meal ! for the IILJDOB ay ALL ( RGE; the County land City Infirmary aa ¦ ing the house " Tm Rraoi"or K hii viaumre is (tetter tkat *u •pot remains. His ekln it as fresh an Infant's. GE X STRONG, ! f convenient; the probationere to die* and aleep coming three months, the- clerk advertise ; lolomoiis'iSrwUole* bare finb Urn very not milMtKtin It Is h wondsrfnl eara, after tba poor little fellow ^ ^ djoinlog ¦ ' titatioBaifo Trfiich. they again for tenders, to be considered this N isd affordM btm much oomfort—Aibllao. Knai* 1 ' " !' ' j- ¦'¦ ' " ADDRESS- 8 and 9, GRBE^TREOT^ Pojfce in the respective ins da/ infferlng to much." |, )'" ". HO*B :¦ " . .: .. i . . ,; TbeCon«(«*HosM,Utlw«r, are attached, until the apartments .fox tuem fortnight," • : , ! ! . : ' " 1 hm hid T«rr tri*i uHtfiotioa from adog Fot fnttfaer tMtlmcpIalr-writo, for.. Psmoblet, : . RS:! 1 ottotmted "^ "r : ' - ¦ • ¦ ' " -^pprpved^of , . : . i - r SK£R Bolonon*' trwUole* for mtarrnm. . " ' ' ' ' ' ¦= ' are ready JjeJe. ' | forwardedtree to any address by ' - ¦¦ ;¦ STREET ,r . . recommandataoii of: ¦ lw& coittr . • 1 ! I '•• PT DOOMT, P.p. u MICBAMJ -! \\ The Urini ! .fEffiE PBOP09ED¦ SANTTA'BY IMiPBOVE- 'f mittee was as follows—That'the ifour additional ; ¦ ¦ Tt» AnanfoHUor of Toiorro itirt*to lraoord thOZs hirt GARRB1T.-1 HEREBINJ1 CO., iI/TD.. TJS8T37 " •: : m>.ipimci.fu^ at* UVTITDU ICUUJ uimvj jvui usa probationers reotiiredfor to coimplete -tine full|on s 't«H ! . j ; | MIT 30B 0PPER BAGGOrJ 8T.. DUBLIN. ___!____ L_ 8NOEINQ IN CATTLE IS enter Solomon*' SpfoUoltt. The tight hat tlto DOCS Wall m. ¦ ¦ '"! here be '^dverti^ed M hospital tf us. The Local; Government Board acknowledged GIVIi SEIWiCt tared.—Toronto. : 1 • . !:. I j I . : lp6Sitit»LtOOBED St ; ' 1 1st January, by which, tone it i» eiy eaxea.me *tlie receiRt |of tie T*lans,;6pecifjcation> and ., (From Terr ROT. SylretUr Mulone,) ieooiredi aMommodation\willbe ayail»b;le...' of the sanitary, improvements pro- T. I bate died. Mr. tfoiosxmt' Speotaelenfor Mmolj tun FttEE. udniiTa lauiathfa tQ bi noit atltfaatorr; GRATIS AND POST In connection 'with thla | matter, £ne! Cleric posed tb . ba . carried.out, in thej .workhouss. ¦ ! LI N GlULINEi ' ."Ehomas _ • : • • I!! ' 8n,Tirn» Hiion, ?.P^T.U, KUrothJ AUCTloNEEBlMr| iNOTICE. read th* f 62avring letter . I from ' Mar. They considered that the -closet! proposed to Bar. JoWl WoOB hifWj arororet of Mr. Bolomoi't - CJE-:— ' i i •" " I: ' ' -- • ' "I ": ' ¦;• -'fof^ the heilth.yJ inmates vas.- not ' Scully, B:A., ] .; . be erecfed MIEBII SfcetaelttJ Bit optnioa to Che- nnlt of 40 jtanf ex- TTTHIOH- to the) only remedy for Timlwi (Dear Sir—The alterationa suggested by the duitaMa; :a>id;-'Plo{nite4 out. -that , tEey had ! 1 pfuleoc*of thrn.—Ltormhru, Thotlet. - > - .1 TO-DAY BOB'A F^BB 8AMPLB OF WRITE V Tongue, Protrnaing Tonga^ Sooriig, Local Gbyernment:Board, have oaow be ax. em- learned-from their Inspector, DrJ Smith, tHi; ' Tsa BstPOin*oi,'F.F.,Ut exp«tleootd:ti«atoom(oTt ¦¦ V 76 St. Stephen s Greeii, Dublin. ' MA ntaott tatlritoilon bom WTerat J*ir» tue of Ur ¦ TronbtesomeBreathing, Lamps in the Thipat bodied ini plans ,'and specjflcaiions; «a>» that two closeta jwere nece&e'ary. A divirion par- ;oeleint»i : «XW> 3Mst svcceavTul y-Affht^g-Ktta)>*'^"Tif*1t ¦ - -' tdmmt 8poeU"!«fc—KilHaan* Co.Clare . 1 EDM OlSDJKEQHiA^, • - referrinB- to stair 6ase. and I ;am afraid- thi* titipfi five feet- high should be erected[ between ! (from Very Be*. Otnoo Rjrair.) . ; :!. ; ii.i^sv and Jaws, jOoogh, Consumption, Decline, ©tc^ cosrtiy ;t >cairy ' '¦ * ; i ; im IreUnd for Cvil Service and i j Auctiones1* and Gommiflaion Agent ¦would bb both .troiiblesonteland these; anfl ' the Tuatbi should be ' placed witn : i Bank Examination*. I ; • I btTC BHd Hr. Bot*«un'|8pe«tM]«i for many year . ln »ll lOna^rf.Cat»Je. ' .- - _. .< out. The eiisting istair case cjannot .'bt :inter- : feet tn <)Maia'!44<&;leibettarfaJt*fMl blvtalon etortohlp^-54 Iriih H . • •f P. Otsoii . fA. CWbtUj : WlriBflfBW# -i /l tion, .aa [suggested/!would 'Clerk—I vras iip to Bee the placeIO UUwr ereUVil .'t is 1 ' "Jiii n m ¦ tftit (bfC*EtAfnliwtiofWt * Hi ailing TerrBM.Ox.VaM Sia. DMs of Mbtktai CtoamAo : Quick Settlement of Acconnts. jB«Uable, and :cM stair : Wl UVOQUI. '! - The Bert, Host modelling or rebuilding lof caae> J/iV^VSPU <7*«^>»- ***COO^ i I , i«5pUoDin United Klnedom. - i • i * SO!M,:tm om *», I»S. W»«»»fS WB»> ntiii» atr- ; while flbe plan I have adopted (A giving a<> think that.t^ie.plan which the , Local Goyern- Bnto»-S Sutxa>a. i - • ,!• - : ' • I • .; fwet a'iiei '^w fteHlwdlBottfjrKrt; '. .? -T. i\ ;' , tte X ; ; ¦ ; degree a greater inconvenienc* ithan' o e> type cpsUy than Kr, Beary*«, T sipjtofie'it ,%oa:d - O«MT lom»—»«IrfcbSiRtwi taM Sa Exiim- ! WATCHES, i I ; : : |\ . ;fiiblf< ;.; of stairs ialready in nae:! 'iAn Iexaniiii«ti6n;o 1 ' ts^tifto^ i-^~J'—a j of if rjtaruifi 1901. - *- - bW>e1T-ir a(committee of the.¦gaardiirii w>at ' the pLaiia will flfio*,thatthe akcent frojm '«teri : !¦ :. ¦ - - .' h-; : :: . . ¦oy OopyMt*—IOJ Irith. SuaxmcIwt * ; «U Sopplied »t_ LoweitPrices for Ctsh. ' up to see the place. | J >. DEALEH8 Black Browa, ¦[ 11 to 'l2!is, ilianyijiing much,more canyenient i Mlr. Byrnet-t bave ft paty jpf Wots ¦K-oroi'iout M«M;- ,UmiMt% O^.O .Wrat,inj nv»» h" :i:i:T's . '¦ " . ¦ x«i , Obtapcat Hoot* in G«t»t Britain. | A t»W Mention febaae—wheth¦ er , in my there • n& > tmmt • -' - ' " vT" ¦ . ¦ •; - :¦ ' [' plan tban at presetit, -a^ be going up to pee, that place Slaughter). I : . > ' l AfiminmnU giuud of 46 offered u tut l*iCi*aiJam Bsurmar .V. P., h»rta« nBen I M wiffoonrlnctyou. O«ntkmen a Orystal Faoe Keylws - . . . ¦{ : .orBJonde, . . -. > ¦m-udh addiioonal irooxn xm. giinin * s 6jp ' tS.- : am Open Competition*.- : •' r • ¦ 11 | ' NickelSflf or, Zs. 7d.' Nol lat thana wfll be ttnt ; ,derk-rA«lthiJ mastc|r is.not hfre, 1 will go Woman [Olarkahlp»->6 of thk'+ ,, &«h -^r - ¦ Trusting:the Loc^lG^venamerrt(Board «ttrth<*rf- with a committee to «ee ibe ylaci'.¦!!' : •! S8 A BEAKD3 & Co. , , !up . ; : ;¦ Seaamp U»t tit Riitnitittiou, ladud7 ¦ h™e »¦ tiea wiU see ftoeir way to. 'aUbwingp u n sab* - 'Mr. - thinkI it: would- hie if 1 *•—¦ "r !*t*tl~ii if 1 H 1 • ! 9, 81)0rtStreet, JlOddWrStfeet, !' ; .. ; .• ¦ , ¦ . Byrn*—I rjeceasary j TQ! ANGLE&e mitted to stand; in ;thls .respect., . ; j - .• nave Mt.!Beary along with th it cotopittv> . OW Otorfcvhlpth-TorUw 9 trfaJiSuretUi «rM. Hdi ,«|Jl do wjtbout j tte Kt^rtrfftlti U~-tZ?u-itor Wattiford- risi»r and_1>lnd6rM.y?arsago?-. ' : ;! : : t j;\!>. .! -. : .: . . ! -I . ;\ • ] On to© proposition ^«r ASwnpaa^WhitUe, £ ^SSffiSS& S WHITB 8OH8, (HvirtVHarchkBU, O'OOSUMI siBRy!kNte :- diGiKrkjr secondediby Mr, Jame»Mflrphy, 'fo T^Wk^TlMteWdonbtnd tbtes-di«(tft|j3re * the lowim j Postal CoFfespnilflneel otion tnat; I or Oaatek-oB-Sttlr, X 9. ^¦HBILL¦ order tras made^-ISratatop s ' ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ b* taktn t» eateb> »Bori«J u fAf &ail- Sio&U ip&jf n fbawW. ^ - \ - !i i ;- .| i- i . ¦•. lifih ; tetopbobla cpmmnmc4aon [irith, thla iiari JKmiMagr^iffH^fv . wuuut Jiiv o neces- rattle to attead the O&ipu^s, Qpjt IIH , tonse, jirovidadthe erpetnieaoe a rioti*xc«se( V*«r*t«jtl^rtrtm rt_prrpkwio* irtjeh »;teffl»lflw-fhijcoflie a iw: it ^zdHm »: Socnmrv,io O * UdUt Kinidoo. lifted 4if»i miOtfi ff l*» ll]/gdintor *conomy M2SL2 TSStnt fSSSmSuStZ-^ &kVttti&if ^iJ&iiibrwitiatsimTwat «n-«H jeritTyCta fwwti: Buomatat,Thiiniictf c% A rilMaod toiftw 1» «^%ia]tto *^Md M '3ii " ' ¦' ¦ " ¦ if i i i i i p^ p 5l *T> .V i73 *) mku-. '-!' Vi'JHf' • : ¦ ~ ¦ ¦ UU^ U^S^,^^^aue«vu ; ; '•.; . '¦ . . 1l «pp(d«ad0t .!. ' - I' - i . : ¦ . ¦; ¦ Sk « • ¦ • ' ¦: ••: :¦ I ^ il ¦: • ^ • ¦ !- - i U : ' . I »yo»tt23feteBwtS ^nUaut*aadtddr ¦ -<¦ :¦ .!¦ i - - ¦' -»- MlMm^lmi ffil^^* W$fiffi ****} "* ; d l :- . . . - -li i . ¦! . . ti ; 1 :; ;>] i^ P^*ip#hi»]of tfle'*aTernV:B auf c' -if ti 1 VWgj m mor*.«T«JiOwonview W fiefitadio , N i IWr C^oinne**Extirk {Btriiiiti (lwir*ttW>el)i i w*d i.t&2Mif''jtMrt>3E>^ Ify^w plan, 'an( 1 of U M ! V fetaithiz A. H., -PMts 6DA Oft' ' Artiatt i ind #h«S- Ban*"Al e.^tn boW(|J ifcrd| i;Ob ;i -/ T . , <5Uiwr.&?iiliWw! \>H i|;ijRif • - .|-at: '/fi » "lr\\'&p:'te! i.t*;u;p ;, "; ; K-i -' 4v-^--¦ v ii: T|f ' :4; ' *, ! l ¦ 'l*- ^\. '' ; '*¦ ¦<¦ ' ¦" ¦ :i ; ' V^#;; : ' i- !¦! - :' - ' ¦ ¦ 'v;--:}¦" ¦ :- . - V- 1 * HV Hi f- i «1'^»w '&$&>4# ^i m m i ^? . ' j- . . - ff- . itr-{iJj »i.' >if!i> ««>-< [¦ ••¦R:-. - ¦¦ ' ' ; ': tnwmmumkk ^ \ \ ^ . ! : \jd 'v , p4 | M m i '^mmm iliiiliSi¦ liJ if ¦ Hi f i l l • : ' '>¦ :¦ :il -. ' - • ;. i: - "i;i -y- \^- Y u^M\ ^^m \ ' : p : ¦ ¦¦¦¦ I'. - -i : ¦ ¦ ^ ' - 'M :i ;1; I ¦- ¦ ¦ ¦ '!¦ ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ W-^- ¦l!¦ "Bll rP• '^lr. i ¦ ' .! ,. i- . . ! .. iAf^K t - }>, : f . J . ' ¦ ; . - : " V" ' ' 1 ' . | T!: ' ^ ¦ ¦ , ' \ , ^ > ¦ . . V#^4I j ' ^^BJSJ ^^^^^^ H^L ^H KSfl^MSSSJSSJK]^^^Mg jAMgBgjpBglgk g " .^ ^^^^^^k^ " ' ^^^^^^^^^ ' L^^^^^^^^ ' ^A ^^L " ^fc^^g^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ — ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^_^_ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ;^

¦ ;¦;!;. ; ;• ' ¦ ' ¦ ; . - ; 'fj^;; r,,;!. ,! ; >:; ¦ ':; . ./ j. I]Wr . OIJR . vp.4. • . :.! :¦ ¦jj ; : ,; j ; [ -::: • ; : ;^v . j wpppp ii iteM SPECIAL VA LtE in AlkMo&LBLJ ^ETS ! i | ¦41 1 .I^iel ^uiring rcai^ goolBlUeta S^^Atl /fti t)6"t (jreM § fs, ; : ' ; ¦ ' H : * P9iIP S e^esill ' :;¦ ¦ ~? . • ahould see; our . ; - • . i : . 0- '§ f ^S# . i i' .t j j \ \ - MsMMmmWM Soft ;:; SECOND JOURNEY WITHIN ^^¦ the ^T ^obii ' ' v ' SiOJf'TkJDJilTit)(iiSf-l^UMlJ iliTi:X>JJili\J\.A ife" RTlJ:lLS'^ . ; . l l.a^be^ta^ and :^- , THREE WEEKS. ^Tarm. m Autumn Goods i i PLrriitlnS\ .Daffy.L: | Owing to the rapid disposal of her Last Hew Stock of ©Hilts and Booth and Fok's Sown Quilts Purchases in London,

¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ :¦ bfjNewcst . ;• ¦ ; ¦ ; . . ¦!:.!¦ i ' • i j RobeMoDi^ iJedlie, EergiisoH 4 Gov Ltd jUEW Russian Blouse Costumes. | ADIES' Outfitting, Udtlerclothiog MAN2LES, JA CKETS, COSTUMES, 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ' SKIRTS, FUR NECKLETS and MUFFR : i ; IWAT ' i ¦ ¦ ' : : r ¦: ¦ El IR O ^E& ab. i -j ¦ ' ^¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ j : ¦" i : !• : . I M : . I. ! - i ! .; ELEGANT Capes and Mantles, - , «L , v i , £HILDREN]Sm nnn Oarments.« \ ; MEW MUlinery, Toqiies, 1 and ; N Bonnets. Hearne A! Co. Ltd¦ PREPAID ADVERTISEMENl O. ! f ./j' : ^ORSETS, Blouses. | : 6a, & fit QUAY. : N J ¦ Advertloomonto not Propalc aro j JL J- J ;© U J£&M A kJ) PAIN Clqaks, Waterproof Coats. ' | | ,. . ! iENrBANCE ALSO IN GREAT OEOB'Jjrs.ST Charged Doublo, with a mini- ' ^ mum prlco of One Ghlllln r pop AGAINST LIABILITY FOR JACCIDEK;TS TO^ WORKMEN advortloomont. : ; : ! I I ¦ (UNDER WORKMEN'S COMPENSQ ATION ACT LT BIV c-ii A n e il s THlOSIERY, Gloves, Umbrellas. .) : JVTEW Silk and Dress Fabrics.¦ {01 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ A PfRENTICES!WANTED—Bobortson, Ledlle I N ! •; i • - ; i jtx Ferguson & Co., Ltd., Waterfptd require jfcwa well educated youths as apprentices to tbo'Genoial 9 Drapery. Terms on . application. ; j I ] Employers -Insurance Company ¦ Yfaoso jDoGaSJffiaBi'dnd-: UcsfcS Qcods wUi . tso okoivsi tn cv? A CETYLENE Bicycle Lamps, giving a brilliant ¦ \t\. light, only 3s 1. lid. each, at H. Ball's, 62, tP ; I'JJlQdovjs'ff poca i Bay So dayp ORd .spqald bo ooon. ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ :CQ 'GO | Qn»y. I : , . ! : Farm jBuildings, j ,^fev B S © cifl A PPEENTI0E8-1—Wanted, a Conplo ot Smart XI Youths as Aporenticea to the Drapery. , To live in. Trade thoroughly tanght. Pocket Monoy FORTHCOMIMQ AUCTIOWO BY giv.-D. Apply King and Hey wood, 129 to 145, BOCKLANDS, TEAMORE Scotland Koad, Liverpool. THOMAO V7ALOH & OOfJ. GENERAL SERVANT wanted ; must bo ' IMPORTANT ; ' ¦¦ ; : AUCTION A cleaD, t dy, and obliging ; 6mall family. ms NCE 3 ¦ ¦ : ¦ : ¦ Apply X, this j>ffice ; ' .' DDG ' SUPDIID W IFO D © SI DQ QJI ! . . : ! OF : : Of ;_ S O F \ / ' . ^IX PENNY Tin of Bel|'» ", l)uplux" Biofola J ; ' VoMPrfe/ 1 : ; : . ; ' No. 2, TRAMOBE VILLAS, TEAMOBE A Oil will light, lubricate, and give sttt'tfaction. ¦ I Household Furniture, 62. QazT. ¦ \ ' T 1 TIT! V R\V f \\ AUCTION OP MIRE0E8, OARPETS, BEDROOM BOOT-MAKING—Wanted immodiately a first- ¦ clnf8 Bench-man. Apply, giving references, 8T Household Furniture, Valuable En- APPOINTMENTS, 4c ; state lowest salary. &c, to EnnUcorthy Co-operative ROYAL INSURANCE I COMPANY Plate, Mirrors, China, Society. . :¦ gravings, EAKBlAiU—Young Lady with eiporlmca de- (LARGEST COMPAN Y IN THE WORLD), • Cabinet, &c. T0 . SL.B0LD M" I UNRESERVED sires situation as Barmaid. Will be COUQ X AUCTION on BY AUCTION, on M0N0A 7, THURSDAY, 25th dis.-ngsged. Excellent references. Apply C, this TO BE SOLD [SEPTEMBER, 1902, at Twelv* o'clock, at offi ce. ' . : Office . 42, Quay, Water ford. Agent 1- TAMES WfUTTY 22nd SEPTBMBEB, at 12-30 o'clock, tt Tra- Hest Week ohall mako more Villtt. Tramore. by direction*of JoHjr BIAS. RO0KLAND8, TRAMORB, by directions np the Home, ' 6end {-oat caijl for my ^?e a OSEPB BBlGHTEtf ¦« E-q, JJ?, the entire V»ln*ble Hotwehotd Fnrnitor,o | of Mrs. J ToBnr (who is going to reside Price List ot Beautiful Paper Fiowe . I C narin- ubich 1» tf toj Tory good—TII. :— in London), tho Entire Hoosehold Fornitnrfc iEgcoloure in great variety. The most artistio and In the Dining and Homing Eoomv-18 mdiogtnT which is very good • effective of all decorations. Sample packets (six chain in leather and d»m»ik ( am-ctuur and looog* . , viz :—L - varieties) po«t free li.,-money retaraed if not approved to match ; Mt Jaiho«aDjdining tables, 2 extu leavei, DININQ JIOOM—6 Mahogany Chain ia —Mra • w. Chllton, 7 rhRtoworth Road, Brictitin. ; CITY M WATERFORD 1 leaUier, 1 Arm AGEHTS WAOTEB ¦ 8(tx4fttm;itdeDoard, 6 U long, .dinner waggon, Chair to msjtch» Lounge, Setfll ; . ¦: OP • ; : ebony and onnulo china cabinet, handiome iheraton Mahogany (•TiABTEES! HOUSEKEEPERS 1 Send Is for a . j TelescopeDining Tables, 2 shifting?: book of vulortble stable recipes. !GAME- soft, table, daraspaitmahogany book-oaas8fl So x 6ft bares, 8 x 4, >U GAS COMPANY Umpa, worked feet ; Sideboard, lit 9in. looSs KEEPEB8 book of recipes, 1B.—T0LLT, iChemiat. Salary and Commission. «in;bo*ks, tUm andchtna , »latawaw , ehimn»y mirror, clock, ond«r gliwa ahade, carved back, 2 cellaretto and 8 dmire«: Hastings. ; THt British Homes Assnracce Corporation mantles, Costumes, Blouses, Jackets, Hillinery, polo acrsen, enables Its members to ParchoEej Honce ornaments,earpet t.rnga, feadenand irona, coal Ta ae,i MahoganyDinner Waggon, fitted with •o^ (OARBICK; CORRESPONDENT. — Wanted for flower stasdJL wtndatr naogiags and pole*,loo aod dosed cupboard 1 Property or Basinet?¦ PremiBea with or TTithont ; Anliqne OakSecretalrt, ir^-j \j " The Waterford NewB " a tborongbly rell life a"8aranco. '- I : . GA8 W0EKS, Eui;s, Feathera, Eats, Elowors, &c, &c. talUmt-leaf tabled china ttaadcQ , (Mat, oil painting— qMs Resident Correspondent In Carrlck-on-Salr i 9 Talnabie B«* Case 7ft 6in. high x 3ft. 6in. ; Wilos*; " pne of thn Rrentent «n—Oar red; mahogany state beditead , Duplex. Lamp, Carved Bnckets aastj position in large establishment. Apply King and \n every town In Ireland, j JibiiiJ!J;y;Uil iPl\l lu Ii £LxAjj£i PUqnea, fleywoo?, 129 to 145, Scotland Boad, Liryrpool. : , and bangtails. M'lian. mattresaas, duchen dressing Glass, CWtfa and Delpb, Mthogm, Tbo Agency la suitable for respectable ' men o( tabU, Ul&t staada with marbleilaba , and sets of ware,; Book Owe 8ft high x 4ft j ^vi iUKNISHED Apartments,to ba Lcti- Apply every class with wbole or spare time, who desire 0F towel airers baths, oomm des, aereans, tnahofcanyi Hj ¦ j . " • , 1 UKAWINO KOOM—Cbairs in JD 124. Quay. ; V ¦ to add to their Incomes. : wardrobes, chests of drawers, box ottoman, carpets wabM^ Write for proppectus and full p&rticulnri* to Head * Am and Easy Chairs, Occasional SotrtbeW; "njif.lxLUKS and Spokea (iu variety) lor ^alr- ' ruga, leadersand irons, angraTings, window hangings! Ireland. : JD Apply Newport? Sawmills, Kilkenny), i Oflice for . and poles, falliog-leaf t*«lesr a-m-chaln, drcatmg! and Wicker Tables, China Cabinet, Ormoffi DUBLIN. I Ji^wiv SA ii-G4» Cooking ttove, ji WrlgbtB 52, TJPPER SACKVILLE-3TREET, GAS table* and glauei. . Mounts and Glass Panel ; JarJanters, MJrr* JO Enrica (cost ' £8 10s. oaeb) ; perfect condi- B. Herbert Orpen and James T. StacV , Kitchen—Tables and chairJ, press, culinary re-, in Ebony Frame. Two-light Girsndala/ tion ; onl ly IB Chief Inspectors. qolilto*, »«t ol di&ooren, BradfMd's patent maagls; y in¦ use about a year. App , Netra Brackets and Orsnmeats, Brussels Csrp* Office. . fi ; : : (new), lawn mower*, garden tool*, eta, etc ! I ; TVTOTICE; , IS HEREBY GIVEN that Terms—«twh ' . . j 18ft. 1 10ft. ; Wool Rag, Brass Fender S FOB SALE—Two Sels .of Heaiee Pinnies, «hite XN nntll farther notice the prices of 4/6 4/,; Quay, THOHAB TTA1SH V 8OH. I Brasses, Coal Vase, Window Hangings s*|. and black, as ' they are not requiredJ; In good and now charged for Gas will be reduced , "i Waterford : - Auctioneer*, etc, : Brass Poles, Duplex Lamps Bograrfaft; condition. Apply E. Thompson, Bonaclc-street. ; 3/9 ' The MalL Waterford , ^sTB ^V C3-OOJDS- to 4/8 and 8/6 respectively. . •• Yscht Race," " The Roy«l Cop 187?* 1J7C-B SALE—An American Incubator ijalled the This abatement wilt apply to Gas ased after Card Table, Musk W«ggoov4cv- ';• ', JD Pacific ; Gold Medal Bt thedacra-nantoState read at the end of the HALL—2 Oak Chairs Fair, 1885-6, over all competitors. Aha other NEW CROP FLAKE OATMEAL the Gas Meters! are ,. Hit andiu, Umbre&i Medals 4 Brooders, 5 Lamps, Kgg Tester. Apply curroot quarter., , ; CITY i OP WATKBFORD. Staad, Mirror Bach .nrf - R^ COAKSE E. Spread, Darrigle, Portia rr. [! ., „ „ - ^sooTSH \ - ., ,, KINE . „ |By order, " ' \riLrxA ^f ^^r~XNJa Radng Celebrilles; Lamps, BrusselsCarj ^ti FOB SALE. —Two Stringing Dooro. ;8izo , i QUA T. ' . 91 x 27 iaches. Soasooed Pitch Pine, fitted SPECIAL WHOLEMEAL FOR I and Mats, WiltonStair Carpet and Rods. - vrlthPlate Glasa. 76 Shillings.¦ Apply,930 thla J. 6. TOOEIS Eeaident Hanager. BEDROOMS (6)—Brass and Iron B«4- ¦ • " BROWN B3EAD. , ¦ . : , : wmm: Offi ce. : ' ' ii . i : i U2i G2ac23aond C5&=GO§B ^oS^TJoSQ^ss^ffefeipiJipi. VALUA LE~TEASEHOLD iteads, Spring Pallksjes, Hair MattresW BAISINS, CUBRANTS, : -I ¦ ! i ¦ ' ! 4 HORNSBY Reaper and Binder for Sale ; no J ' Duchess Toilet Tables, Basin, Stands MM ¦ SULTANAS, FIGS, PROPERTY j .1891 pattern ; all steel fraine j in Ware; Mahogany Wardrobe with Plate GTsii ¦w FRESH ROASTED COFFEE; Technical and Commercial Panel parfect orking : ordor. Price, ^10.' Alao o ypfR SjgLljB] . , Chests of Drawen, Chain, Towel Aimii Three Horse Clay's Grubber Capt. 3./S. i " ! Ohildren's Cots, Window; Hangings aod Pali , £i\\ ¦ Classes. Mil! ^ffli COQHLAN, Promina. , ' j ; j . THE RED BRAND TEA, g)/- iaEp[ HiUEMQl AOEM NET ANNCAL PROFIT, £54 14s. 8d| Ash . Suites, Shsvisg QUMOT Ushogll Pedestal, OiCSija *0U. bAUE~Caa to seen at 18 Uohn THE NEW BRAND TEA, 2./G3 fitted with drawers tad e»S street. Sold privately with trial. I! SO Tram • LEASE, ?3 YEABS UNEXPIRED. ; brackets; Boot «nd Clothes Standa, Folli Una cold by Auction at every, Watmord Ttir. MOUNT 8ION SCHOOLS, WATEBPOBD. ¦ HENRY WHITE & CO., Screens, large MahogaoyLineo Press! ili WALSH fc Sons. ; | ; ! : 50 & 51 Quay, & 90 & 91 Quay, TO BB SOLD BY AUCnON, slide-shelf \ Mulksr¦' a Fin¦ Brringnfahf, BJZ UMUEK Free-wheel Bicycle (OeniVl forSalr,; 1 at onr Salerooms, ¦ Baths.dc •" • : ^ ^ ;f Waterford. SESSION ; 19OS-3^ 1 ' Tl Nearly new; Apply H, thd offloa f i THE MALL, WATEEPORD, KITCHEN AXD 8CULLARIB8—Tal •ffUNIOB BKPOETEB WANTED.ff-ITiereIs EVENINCi CLASSES wUl re-open on THURS- On TUE3DAV, 23rd SEPTEMBER, 1902: Chain. Meat Safes, Dresw, Oil Store, Ofc ftP a Vao«ncy la " The News" Offloo; for' Ii»d DAY next. 25th 8EPTEMBEB, 1902 CuUinary ' ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ me«t the reqtrirenifnU rsyinislts.* ficc - • who frill bs trained as Jaaior Beporter npd Typist The Olaesa ara amogod to At 12 o'CIock; by directionof Rev. B. B. & GARDEN-Seats, tru, Lawn Hoi Hast bo of good addreas And well edQoatei App'y of Artisans, Shop Aubrtanta, Art Craft Btuucuts, and 1 ' ¦ ¦ ' ' , LARGEST othen, . " ' ' ' ¦ TO BE : j : BURKITT, the Interest b the following Stone Roller, Tennis Nets, Gwdea FcsJ personally at the Omce. i \ |! 1 : THE OLDESr ESTABLISHED ; . ! . LET. . ; ; Property, viz :~ ' ; ' ' AND ;M0ST IMPORTANT OF THE 'I he robjects taught will inolnds Carpatrj and " Olenboooe HOUMV'.' VJooHeicuti, xn'Mi c/cClod- Galvanized ghed, Phaet Ploogk, Wl LOOK OTTT 1 look 'out ! Loot oiit .f-i- Fpi MachineCon ntroction, ' No 24. WiUiata-etreet, Let at the . Beach's Q'rand Fasey Fair , and Bazcar, Joiner;. Building Coontruction, la Oardon and 2o 'Aoroa of Land. ' Cash Rosoiirod on Deposit cl 3 per- cent., Barrow, Tank, Croquet, ! Vegetables, &a£i S, Practical Plane and 8olid Geometry. Drawing and l!oaoo and Shop, Ho. 30. rilrhaol Cl. i ropaynbtn (praeUoslJyi on dotnsnd. yearly rwrt of .., £2J 0 0 Tenos—Cash. ' joat 'arrived from Tramore, oad will; open : in DUBtlN SHEEP SAJLE| , Clay Modelling, j ; ' :] Dorand'a Paddock every eveniog from' ¦ ¦ Design Art Geometry and Design Uo. 7, Oellbvae Terraoo, ' ¦ ' 25 do. Qn«rtoriy, £4 5sOd 17 0 0 ' 8 till 10 43ED TEAR. ; Drawing in tl lr- and Shade MagoeUim and Elec- Trnmoro, ooiitatntno . ^ THOMAS WALSH 4 BOM, until i further notice. He riser intend»| giriOg one | g . S Otttlna floorao and 4 Bedrooms. ' , ;. Atlransos . reads to a llollcd esisnt on eousd „ 26 do. Yearly ... 15 0 0 ^ iii. ] . tricity, Kxperlmoital -^teioo, Ohomirtry.Mathematics , * :/ * -4*» .-: !' AactJoneets, «jt nlghf a taking nith tha bareaj to a mott deserving ' liiH CampodtiQa, Com- " Dnnmoro Entt.l'.B Harbour tiaoter'tt M OUCIP . ; coturtty- , „ 2 Scotch Quay lettitntlon la Wnterford, . 1 j ) ' / THIED GREAT AUCTION FOB THI8 8EA5ON Commercial a rithmetio, Eng ' The Mall, WaterforJ. i i: ! mercial Geography, Book-keeping flhortband, Type- PlSJmlM*may bo COOn nny Kieok d-y bntw-on 11 j I Qoarterly, £2 18 6d 10 14 0 ! OF ABOUT : ¦ nod 4- by appointment with Horbaur Mailer. I ' [T OST In Tramore, on 8ondoy, Utif, •IGeld writing, etc, i . ; . '; Coupsnn Cashed. „ 8 do. do 2 8 6 8 14 0 ID i Hunting Born Brooch, vnth tot ana blw < reoramended , to do. 11, Ooirlh Porndo. llouto ond Cvrdna. v>>" : - Students anzioui to join Classes are bo veoont 11th Kove:r,!>or. - . „ 4 do. do 3 0 0 12 6 0 Anyone bringing it to this office or to Police Bar- 5,O0|O Ewe9, ' e& 14 $ Haadwme CWpptodale Evening from 8 to ]Q o'clock . : |j ' facilitate ' cataloguing. Entry fortnB onjop. AU held oader Lease SUabpard, Tor a derm ot 21 Yeus Bockst, eootsata o« Diniag.a«l J f O3T—Boy's Overcoat between Wllilam-^treet plication] , ! I i from 25th March, 1902 JLJ ; and Barracb-streat. finder Bftwarded , it tha Yearly Beit of Rooms, HalL 6 85, A , SONS & CO^| ! Supply of JToraga and Ptillocae ¦ Bedrooms, Coos^ Banaxkttreet, ; ; ' ¦ G NLY nnENDGBS for the £85 0«.0d. I | i : • ¦ '' ' ' | | | i : . Aric'iioneen and Liv i Stock SaleGmen, JL 8tr»wi far the period of rweWo Month*, fr n America,iimexica, Canadawanaaa, poutnSouth Micaimica, Australia, At t«««xpfr«tion cf tbis Lease it become*) : ; •; / . ..-, &^.;4 «i. . . . ObT—A Light Bain-proof Oretepat:; I email ; Usher's : , at TH#MAS WAL8H & 8ON, "O0ETER, acenstomed . to Bottling a!&d Grocery, j : District Head Quarter Oflcs, Cerk, and ; Anctiooeere, 4PC "TTTfTff Unmi : ' Eorwatd^d Insured stTtlsiuiiMnffi J{7 would care harse and von. Good rfecom- Thurjsday, September 25 18th Brptranber, 1902. of iJbwest ! i The MalL^ Waterford. roendAtions. Apply B N; this office I ' . ih ' parts the £o HOUTU iJNU, lipe-writingand Boot-kee>u«c ; ¦ Ra|tes to a^l World kZ? rapid indivldaal taitloa by J. a. HodRert. Entriej close September 20. ! ¦ ¦: . Teaoher at Mount Slon 3?echnieal School,iY.Wk0.A-, I GANLY, | SONS & CO. tvaTahs'bnD RiARKoro-Thio 009 ANNESOOtJET, CO. WATERFORD Diocesan 8chool, j *&, Sx, PuplU taajht atj thai J. own ' Low Snpplied by Mr Jons Huusr, Market Superintenden homes. . Terms Tery moderate.: [Apply ; tbWfA Street. Tbomnatotfa. : .' . I i I ¦ ¦ ' i BUTTEE." HTTTV . x? ! Number : Prloo ilJJA:M1S&^L&Q JWWJll II . Bogpsodeaad SUsis f tESMSm f BVJ LibT — Commodioos 10 Rooia;UW elling , « .,. 278 ... 85 96 JL : Home, 8lJ WUlIam-street, Witcrford, in . Bstorday , ¦ . / i ^^po ^ Mares and Geldings £OQdAJ f '¦ m» f^ ¦ —• ••« ] .t* ¦ Important1 Auction¦ •¦¦ WWt»HsMiDfsa«d oifelfc vW thorough repair t newly painted and papered, Leading ¦:¦ ¦! ' Agent for ail Passenger! and Goods Lines ¦ ¦I - : ;• •:- throughout; bath-room &c : App to ¦ E, k Con«agn- -Ov! ..W A ¦ , : 'j , fl. IRISH, 8ootch nnd Weleb, inclndlog \~ . ' 1« - 86/93 Bmner, Tramora,; j : ; .; . . ':, }' ; !¦¦ meot of firtt clai»6 to C yfar old eonnd Cart, VeioiSsj - of Ocean Mail Steamers and Bailway Routes. <' FIR8T-CL,L6 J QRAZWO~ *W> TILXAQ ittdt Of 10 from fTK> LET—Iiirge Qnayj Dr»r and F«rn Animali; alio is Friday . ;«. , I . ; 0 |...... ' 1 ' ! FABM, S TTLB H0R8ffi, 8HHRP, tou»t») Front Bedroom oi j the Meun. Kicbirdaoo, Carrten, Dublin, i°t itie ia ~. TELEGRAMS-^" KOYMI 'w^TB5FORDi. ' [ , ffiimmfjpliijll^ JL | with nt« of Sitting-room,i¦ Apply lit] tbia | Noeorremoodtngwtek tetyear , 881 1 prlw, 89/89 i HAY, OATS AXP FARM IMPLBsiENT • '¦ ¦ - -v . DtJBLItf, on | v¦^• offle« ; : •;¦! i . . i if- n . i 68, PBDBSU^TBBBT,] ntr,vwii9,v»w i. / -. ; •• . esji, Oavwi^trmw,Ntw ¦ : 'i » - fe* «S*25 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ OCT. j 16; 8J»*¦ • i 03t toOO* M ; - • • ¦;¦ rrUlLOEUiG.-Wanted ian experle*osd Coa t THURSDAY, , Wl*itw » -I ¦•. ;.. - . .: ; . . ..:• .• .t -:. t o-::: - • • ' ¦ i. : ¦ vK, ,. ¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦¦' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "• v ¦ ' 00t Od to 70( ¦ '¦ - • ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦:. • :¦ •¦ JL I maker. . 'i • ! T7beti«« IbwI . a . ¦>¦> ; ; I I- : . Apply to FJjnfn . 32, jBroadWrert At 12o'tlooit Bhup. . . I ¦' ¦• OUytoOfti ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ «adAro adelLan a "! ' ! ' ¦' ¦ TumJp. - 4 Ttl^nm *- ,<> : • ¦• :¦ -: :;¦ ' • •-' :¦ ' -p '}" ' \ ; Ctfirtjojjue MJulj Oct. U " &&> W*Wij K | : I . ; . T-^l^M TEluiRV«»lt ^S^™fdirertk«rf Not« «i»nge -n SATTHDATI the- 2?^ ; T^T taj(8E »qa*vTv . : • ; ibbtt* «l»t Ootohrr; .. Joon>Hfll prefi tni, Amh InsUnt.eoteitalo noponlc for wp >lylb( the !i«lM* (pW lb ' ; ' 0 8 0 : WorkboW* tenn UOth BEPTEMBSR, o«t^ B«tl BMl — J ¦ifi^iBTEP-Tlilgqod' 6eoood-U»4; M»rj ;cir to,8lBt MAfiCH, 1903, wltji BESTlROl )|«B BEST PQTATQE^i iFJBElHBGGS.i

«e, ;Kprds;ol "jTiie Ze46tif,i ¦hjohi ^MMr^Mccl^Jbega ^lltfe hoDol school,;; and- thence roigi 4tert i osutr ;testoit ?odowed School,! thenTntoT< !¦!¦ ¦ i : - ! i.-nexf itprthe-ilnsh » ?&¦ij' s®s.': r" ;!::^ !:.?;tw»»»#«ifr«rey»",;i.^j-; . ;;¦ - ;! ;j -i^ar,fSys :— I Spj S1 iHlll' I J^lj: ' ; »#f'^!'* FRIDAY "J of ihia bsYioar'. soind cdnii«-h'fin; «;> 80BLB jv^BDg. .!'^!1-:' ¦& A BoiiTiu»©in3Miiinro '! | , SEPTEMBER; ^9,j l?02j ll;: -^! ir, S '¦'f ' The Cosdjtjtorl'ArtiiWtbopiil dj^ne jjBlgr «l OSj {p S"Mkle," for the yWjiar^ns^ atsrfotd ^wbos* Dr. .JKdli, who wlu born .Witartirif.^adr* hunting . . re is » W»t)sri/iiifhi»!d|oo|««|lMt is ttreabenedte Vjtidby;tbe Prftei Iris6 : il mmet&«;iiiimbB Bt ij^»gu«> Twenty years ago thl Land of /T.T". •»•'. - ?B °pw some tlrte since h« to tb*oo3»»ol a mapdfioiaif aqdrot'.-lM «tt !- Leago* that , (Jed to day itopped bis faUwr'i &noss hont bejiusetkVlato ana cnirps»W7''inM%°M saye his country, and started out foi losltion I fcUim to be not bnly t«nlkblp,;bnt linj*« , E» tbt tinow «xi»t».',X# ' 1 ' ; :grand jold ' B ftJ^rquiB, though on the best ol termswith bit own ¦ l vii 'tXW*iJSn&:JT SW ' - ' UNEQUALLED I CliSCUlJAinOtl (quest, tbe PhJlasriphbr's Stone : Jnr position is thKt *Jp«»tlon H« fonr f*»*nti& toiante ' ad gpt 4, sn$*t *« ha^£¦WtoSSm ^ fl rtflt ' search for Pbb plrafcaV m«n :must-grow in rtrnigith *na i"*f'i g?yeitaB«Bt.d out determined; ;' • : (W cause of I>ish distress. Ai ¦ leadersioftha landlords]m T t 'wm Kmt' 1)ringing lii"ihif gitiafotJdo 'sl':/ " he was Han't mlod' mnjt b« wligbtenea bf ^owldgi t Mlf-government and nothing but self-gover&men or;OTt of Parllsment; He rtbne. J,lle> ia too «ho i«ud ¦ ' inclined, to placed in idlitics, but , neod».;i ti i he | retnedr' ^trhicji csn remove tho evils . •ft'W by some of , bis ;iwn family not to, break- nDc«rWa tniw ' irU and idenew, according to . 1»ia , underfwhit ¦ith"** j u r*y»K) ajtbe ngfbt, and J am Convinoedi ' irg, presume, that'the fie;* .< LAST I EDITION, i rath^r.fargely occupie-J ia that direction icocxdios to Tirtae j and io the fourth placo, th« 10] and;briogs upon the British Empire. , He Proceed be cowardly far s> strong landlord likei amng;tmwt we -wiu a 1 (rive $&» * ; ¦ • ¦ ! ¦ • • • , be minrf Mid VllL il to t» iiv to idesert'' his weaker brethren. The . " A aheejand - , i :: ! ; ' - I ¦ ¦ ¦ .' : . ? kkn " kvt.'.n^ eJfT*t«J tfa 3e«l in » b enchant- way wltb the recent ebangs c matter ended; : : jht for another cause; Somehow the n.j tbe transfer R «j which, event, perhapsL w«» the cause of iocon-; 0 ••; ¦ : I I • •• • him. He searched irityrh»ttto. gloruy ni» ureaw OOT ng*W attitudi he prove* to the hlltV his quotation WM In trag in tfo| j JOHN BE EEf; ;* ¦ ¦ uother direction and ttbb in 1 whUa. huniiug Lewestershire : ' ' ' .foun|d ithat I'Saurians" in to Hinnell ¦throne and » or»wn spee¦ ¦b bes^eiflbble' l(SitaellvBred ISit" ^fT " ; ¦ ¦ • > ¦' ¦ £j:<> . ' ¦' .: " : ' I •885 that Iwd , ¦,T 7 THE . ; . ; : the cause of! . . • 'Iiwonld ••^•• Waterford reoe vedithe accident wbicb I ELli ;fi__i_ l:.;.:>: our xuin il jdom MTA «;,M,^«« K H/. — J .\ 1 Zoological Liz^ds ncal education to iron, tbe intelleotaa JiB)CWIEt9QTJiDiPABOE. ! . • i ?;! andj wi «isnHiiiiituni. | xney nave creaiea nniversa. AT enormous inconvenience, i caused by. the green |sUme: to prey upon their ustJ The. landlords do not believe in them! ! The dangerous illness of a very dear friend,.the heS." Here. ttlPn a*nXrflin— l*« U Tk. hai made the tubject ot odacatioDpecullwljiii its; !do . Ever rinoe Us appearabue in Sydnej,pe hai takei not believe in them. ' The Catholics do not Irish [Leader paid his promised visit to Water- ! Catholla re! }n them.; . Tbe Protestant* do not belidve ir Last night the Theatre ' was filled by an ap- opportooitjlof arooxing the attention p . iThey I the National Deposit Friendly ~ ford last weefc and we now acclaim him as a (subject whtoh be hu himself»pflj jdeaoribed ; art estranging the English interest jwith- Sodeti predativd andience, on the occasion of the , IUU * xipcillatlng *t thanks to the Editor of tbe WATKBTO w^, B.uow noble wort of sound and complete education." ' I the Irish Kevertheless, they] an B' Farewell Cpncert to Hiss Annie Campion not only the honored member for our city; aid ^» W «J wuai w> expect iro Bering into Home lie splendid report of tbe :open!ng of th , [who : t m argued it from tbe irtandpoint of ; the citiien. d ;Bole without : knowing it { and is taking her residence in Dublin. I Ths- tbe leader of the Irish race the world ; over, but of hu kidney, but in his | book we find e ^osg they will find themselvesfa «e.to fnoJ with •istrlct.'—Tours faUbfuIly, J. Tnompson." [ tip ho v Catholics are drained of their; rsBourcts. Jn k race—a concert was organised by a committee of the as aicijizen of bnr ancient : borough. The ithing and Metbiog an anti-jCatholic.spirit, op a eTBtem!of " godlws" State edacakion Which 1 Crown colony or an Irish Parliament, prrceediriRS from first to' last were marked by at tbe npon Priests [cannot accept, Bndjwhi grotesque faros of giving Ireland " Constotional" orted.M 'Council members !of St. John's Church 'Cboir, where , and;an-josolt ro people: [io parents with safety sment, and inslstiiig, ' pnivMi UiMn ' In IL ji*nAr&ta cmtlav to -Drovide scboo on ruling the country in par for Mis Miss Campion was until recently the O'gsinist. moderation, good taste, and a keen sense of McCarthy did well to associate tpe 'Priests losiof tbe declared : ! [wishes of three-fourths m the White Daring ' time she hid been (a charge the duty -Irishmen owe to their country once roland with the people of Jreland; he did u^ent&ry representatives ot the people, must be : T the; of the I lad choir the! music in St. John's has Improved - more l in; m. hour cf persecution arid trial; to vilify the Cath'jlic j Clergy. ;i jt\ the bt to an end one way or the other. Apart ifrom «D WaieTfurd City proclaimed : under the: Coercion ctatfon^of people of the i sp-ealjed ing else, the Local Government Act, which has ed considerably, and tbe greatest harmony (in ref^r- >ytd the power of th* jfiidlordoli garchy,! and Act !i Such a piece! of absurd government no on creeds ; but there is ect thing! which all ; every respect) bas prevailed. Little wooder n tbe adminstratlon bf countiesand boroughs into is It theoj that all her old musical country could be guilty.. of but, England. Catholic (t) McCarthy- writers rolled into >nd» of the demoorov, makes thisinevitable. i , friends ' appear by the < ¦ now and always has been perhaps could not achieve, and that haU«o roiy lookinga» they weramada to •••••••••• rallied roond her last evening, to make: the Waterford is [is to separate Jingo jooma!* of England. , It will be inaembend that : ¦ ¦ as city i of its dimensions in Jatholics of Ireland j EW TlOBBBa.;. . i : : ' ' send-ojn successful ;as possible, 1H» . the most peaceable in towa or jcity from Sir Edmund Barton was well Initroctedbefore ho lrft '8 OATH0L1O H. ^ : ¦ the world. Yet England comes along and with • soggarths arooni And hefw isj this so 1 Australia, that on no account was his to pledge the luroli on Sand stage was nicelj- decomted with plants and almost unparalleled puts npon us the ice, to;which Ireland man^ tim« «nH nft Commonwealth-to Mllitariim, w NaTaUsm, or , :Im- ¦ked.by tba clotblDg flowers kindly sent by Mri Goff of Qlenriile. malignity * said that hei was qf tea pwtolanta, who MR. EKDMO&D in his : ad- perialism, Sir Edmund practically. a g«oeroa« heart*, bad come from afar The bcreaaed space in the orchestra was Brand cf Crime. sorry anyone thought he would be aach a foot 'Eat to con ' Bpeeches dealt with this «ery point to a periodin Irish bittor at« themselves to tbe iaerrloe of God 4n th( appreciated ou tbe occasion, and WAS occupied mirably;, reasoned Mr. Seddonirthe efflorescent Mr. Seddon—was on bis ers tbat the Irish were llnioan in a manner tbs last pound loyal, and | tbe Order in ibis land. Among th by an crcheetra-ofMiss CtapionV instrumental aspect of English government way to offer to sacrifice Newi Zealand to at ereat Act of justice tulants was BS laod to bully the world was Passeds tbe pajper put it " idiw Katl friends, under the baton of Mr. Henry Malcolm. which! earned the appreciation ef all classes and of frozen mntton to enable Eog . Inane from St. Cartbage'a ancient ; town - b shod;over tbe'" btUe peoples" and tbe o • .• They opened the programme creeds' . ' .Indeed, it may be said of the leader's and ride roog • • • with tbe selection 1 1 unirenal " nigger." ! He i encouraged tha ; Imperial •'Daughterof the Regiment." The choir then speeches in this city that they ; appealed to tbe 1 of their schools, are some > <• ley did perhaps in the summer bouni of , lif difference . Mntnn wan ¦til l Tnnncr. and' to'aaote th manazed br Eo?laad. not nnlvto tbe inidrr of Ire Messrs. P. D. Bourke j and Company, one of effect by Miia Agues Treaty, Dublin, a lady which they could cot 1-^ e leading ! this country—a! debt Limerick flrmu, are added to our tr:ot Oc who is no strangetjo 'WateTford atjdiencea. as it was proved by their 'own ana genia ivertlsEng clientele at a most opportune moment rlnra £.'. Q honectiyj deny, uu and all tbe trees were green.'' To UUs ageu all , to I response to an encore she saug the ever- Ccmmisaion jft body uuiawiv u^iuu uauve uuuairy ,ajjQ its religion warmest < congratulationi or nearly all the sawers;Of oar city are la n on Fmau'ci&l Relations , couple we Under again bur 1 arm of welcome : " Kath eeo Mavoarneen." The one —'.* Five Years in Ireland" and we trust that it will be many jean yet before the constructlOD, and^ha contaqaent odours manned chiefly by English experts. No —faod yill be as e not of the most Invigorating or first part concluded with the grand old chorus desired quickly forgotten by part for the meeting in the Better Land. j pleasant nature, with the good of ihis country iat heart readers of jcurreut litera- ' ¦ •eaofatcoa , | be pamt of pure water is at the moment indls- boa « The Croiskeen Lawn" by the dhour. Part ture. Let UB nsible that the landlords sriould be banished; Ireland . , upoo our own j grourjd, take a ; , and to seoure absolute immsuiity from second opened also with an glance at 1 A COiEBiEOTIOH. ; , i instrumental item, could' not afford to lose one of her sons ; and what this anti-Catholic reformer We desire to rectify an error which appeared in oh the ' 1 ' selection performed being the tuneW the settlement which he called for would end would doi He has the audacity to say, and of our recent Issues regarding the BaUyduff (Lower ho h " San Toy." Mr. I^ , authority of a police Iarkin^at**jriin- gpod for all Jibe the ruinous byco nflicts between land- not for the first time, tbat the diocese of Constabulary inquirr. On the for full partlcnlaro to Met effect «-K1 Were Kinj^ and was loudly ap- ' cirenm. Waterford represents ' man we stated that the two Constables concerned Wer Oompany, WUUam lord and tenaajt, wh^ch the force of " the lp west stage of ft is only fair; to emit 0 itroel. 1 planded. • " Tbe Sai'or Sighs," a duet, sang sad progressive civilization fined 80s and 10s respectively, parts stances' had been ' carried on for so many co-eifetent with the them, Constable Thomas O'Neill to say, that heVa by Messrs;, J. Laxkin and J. J. Fitzpatrkk was) years: !i This appenl to the government went great natural advantagesto be found In Roman honourably acquitted cf the charge preferred againn an excellent item, and they were good enough tennluatior unheeded. English] Ministers sever listen to Catholic Ireland." Is there any sane man, no him. I We congratulate him upon thishappy •- to repeat a portion of ft as a well-merited matter what reoontiy reason when an Irish Nationalist speaks; even bis religion may be* looking around i presented to Mi. Bedmond, MJP., la encore. Miss Agues Treacy was very happy shoulder when a and aboot him here, who will ue jfoand to agree rather amusing. .The dimensions are stated to be allots timmia u a Northern Tory getla the cold of fifteen in the choice of her song A May Morning, made. During the time with this made-to-order porvey^r facts and ¦eopondent who argues industries si feet long and eeyett feet deep I It would at ft. hint ota money grant is seem by this tbat tbe Corporationintended and was heard to great advantage. Bespopd- 'MB. REDMOND'S fbBcies. In the City of. Waterford Dess at tbe wavside station of BaUjduff. ' ally sod w»U sopptnted is certainly r to pack that i has elapsed I since , ic Clonmel, up all th«lr charters, the; sword x>f state, the mace, ing to ft hearty recall she' sang very sweetly address at Balljbricpen, vast strides have been in Dungarvan, io Lismore,iwill!be fo md some the i cap i of malntalnanee. and the Olty Arm*, and " Rich and Bare were the Gems She WotV* ' vriiiiiEB ^rav?W; , , . one or two junta in > K > direction of peace, notwithstanding of the smartest business and pjrbfewr octin oDT Olher DOrlibn of Ireland, mo^t , a pretty place ind< . ot " Tarantelk" tho'Ti)ln««,oiVi JJierstown a IS by 7-inch casket ;:i i¦ j : very prettily, and as the audience At this j very moment a Bound Table Con- fouiided: by thtJEarl of 6raodisoo,li»ith the hope of ; ': , shouted for "More/ she danced the •* " monufactorj in tbe South of ] six xirders/ out of t^5^rt etUl tent to Dublin and to • • • • • • « ; Lit 41000 fllg^- ference! Is projected at which reasonable well- troducing tbe linen ^*' > - TB0HNKU.L »XpS " 1 Protestant weav England although our work is quit« as good and as iINSmEUCmiON. BO* land Fling with equal success. Mr. Left again : landlords, { whose chief interests ere land by ntablishing' a colony ol cheap w the imported Wbcle. Tbs Waterford people ; Yesterday was a red-letter day in tho annali is woold l meaning Beyond this general fact we know nothing «f the nf appeared: and gave his well-known character in this" country—unlike the Londonderry type are particularly conservatSve. They have been ; dealing Clonmel High 8ohool, for its cbief patron, the periment. The last Earl of Orandison was great-gr Most B«T, Dr. ebeenaa, f hi* ! Dr sketch *: The Street Pfciyer!lJn iojo^UbJe! „ lan of settlement agreeablealike Vill with Mr So and So of Uub|ln,Cork or worse stUL,of Lon- Bishop of tha Diocese —hope that a p great-great-grandfather of tbe present Henry " opened the new Technical 8ehool started b style. An ovation greeteB his erJottCaAdTtiy ' be arrived at. A '¦ '¦ ' . ¦ i don and they will deal with him still although it means the y tbe u to lmidJord and tenant may Stuart, of Dromana. loss of thoiwnind^ of pounds per annum to tbs city.' If Brothers under the BarouKh Technical 8cheme. request he gave his original sketch, Off to i unite a tTemnnri, backed up by the full force of who isp responsible for |j that; ? Not our correspondent can suggest a remedy for this state of Since | Its Inception, i some years : sgi, the the Front." Mr. Lee's Tipperary MiHtfsinan : inion wi'uld completely npset the priests of Ireland, oor yet the uuns nor the SAIiMON WEIKS. . : .: . . things we shall bo glad to hear from him. , blitory of tbe High School has been one ;ol ; : fconest Irish op , Fifty years there were no leu thanr forty-two sal- ! tsoeestoss earoojt: and succe IB «U U a diolt creation. We are aware, that;tbe j thepoliiical landlords whose interests in Ireland Christian Brothers, j •« Waterford," sayB thia ssful endeavour In the sacred ' u mon weirs between Lismore and Youghal j one under A 8U the Irish J ¦ requirements , wjthleuch complete sucoees in Canada, on Monday last, Cardinal Mortlfa, replying to a The new Pest Office in tbe M»lo streetIs one of tbe penny I t '-' ; of tbe town aad district they rerre diately af|enrard>, Me»ts. J. Wall aad J. J. \ worked baDdsraaest and best appointed buildings in any ¦fmtlflr . . OftOftQOO ! »o welL ' other British 'possessions.. " I charge made by Dr. Starkie, wh|b snepingiy ui- 1 ' C ' Australia, and sized town in Ireland.! Its appearance Is: at once ; " ! • • i* • ? •> . • Fitepatridk tctbg as M.Ca. Daadng was ; this is an agrarian move- formed his audience jthat " Ireland is a country congratulated A GBEAT CONTBAOT. distinctly oeny that striking, and tbe Government are to bo htest, cleanest, PBESHNmAJPIONO01CT BNT, OLONiMBL. 'eachinj kopt up until tha " small hours," the party dis- | EDMOND Friday in where from the h.ghest to the lowest: necessary chaDgvfrom Sengarvao to-day is ons of tbe brig : We visited tbu Convent ment,? exclaimed M B. R on forgetful- on making; such a welcome and bestregulated , and most progressive towns in the South, pa Monday and were oyslcls: perslng with elngiog'Auld LangSyne , thus grr- i words were received ness of public duty is. the rule of public. life " tha old order of things. : ' ' < ; : : pleased: to learn tbat the technical daises are iro- She the City HaU, an4 bis : - ¦••••••oat : ' thanks:In no small decree to tbe energy of tbs public rogr«n eat ing Miss Campion a right^earty se&dKiff. \ ! pointed to the schools which hod been oj prbvinjj stesdily aad that already muct) good work with ringing cheers by the city business men built by : men tbe town. Here Is a penpicture of the Old baa been done In them, bas been Uie reediest of a number of presents { the self-sacrificing efforts WATEBEOED POST OFFIOE. I Borough as Dr By land saw to the early dayeof last cot: i New students are coming and artisans who thronged the place. And, of itbe priests, and The entrancedoors to this O.P.O., ! Waterford, still forward daily. Those ,: »hoi would w'Un to join on her departure, amongst thembeing one from ; It is a where in one diocespalone theife tury—" Crowded with miserablobouses ,irregularinap-should hurry MB. EEDMOITD contloued—"It is not ; , were no fewer continue to arouse adversecomment .! They ere about pearance. without any or at all events an ln>ffHrnt np v* the term is Just befrlnolng and tbe InstrumentalSociety, t f which Miss (Jain- i and not one of us would tl»an 270 primary schools. «»I; have learned," half the proper size and it is-impossible' for an duteomer no ; admittance except to those on tbolitts will be pion was'the leader and b will ! national movemtati j police, I Dungarvan deserved the reproachful epithets the order coon. . ' ¦ • ¦ , y whom her loss sacrifice- or;give any labour in thia the Cardinal said *r that in this diocese alone and an incomer to squeeze;throug h one door at the whlci travellers universally bestowed upon it. | hi much felt, i She goes with the good wishes ! make any same timeJ Tbe admlKtion;doom at Carrick are far j i : « • c « • « 9 . o o worth speaking of, were it not that there are BO fewer jthan 270 primary schools, Tbrre iwere no rcjrolarmarket places, no pubUs water- of all who knew her. ¦ • • • ; : < ! movement mars modern and better attenuatedfor the ntsds of a works the court-house, where the seeskms are oc- that are tm?elling along the and very few have received ona penny towards . i .^ we believe w£ populotaplace, asaaaaaaeo ,' casionally held, was consideredunsafe for ths purposes etraighiest and ehortest road to national self- their erection or towards their;: equipment, for for wbich it was originally Intended: there was no Heanw A Co. have received « large delivery " With one extract from our their educational purpose, from the Government. ¦HN1TTING ENDUSXEY. - ; . ; bridge, and consequently no way of passing from tbe tha of new American Shoes and Boots. Hu-man- government. the on Friday night at the All these have been built and equipped through In the! Presentation Convent, Carrick-on-Bntr, town to tho Waterford side of the river, except! by * it, tbere are passages which seem te iodicalbI ics. IB*. 6d. Ladies' Glaoe Boatona at 10s. 6U Leader|s great speech is now carried on, with such satis- demonstration, we shall conclude, the clergy and the devotedness ! of tbe Catholic knitting industry fwry boat, or, as was generally the case with the jlower e subjeot of Homa ' Bule'ls to be relegated great -city factory ranlta, that first class haods are trainedthere , classes, by fording tha stream at low water, j This pond :placQ Jo the present eroarammeof thai words to the close study clergy arid the Catholic people of this fur land I N G and we|comaeDd hiB and are enabled afterwardsto gainprofitable ; livelihoods cusUm, particularlyas practised by females, gave rise irllamentary Party, and that what Mr. Bedm H U practical work And at the same time I see that| wonderful world. We are glad ' LCTTCR8¦ TO THE CDITOR. of those who wbjild do some wbea they; face the battle of the to ridiculous and inri«lio\tn jests, which served to im- his 'able speech described as tba thorny q : : - :• ¦ l i. 4 drapers of Garridc support '' ' ' _ for their country. JMB-iEEbuoND satd-r* The energy is being displayed in bringing the bless- to learn that the leading press opoa travellers an unfavourable opinion ol tba in of the land Is to occupy the forefront Obs< eelini BBViVAIi O(P (LOCAL INDUSTRtES laid, and I ings of education to the children this indusiry : In every : possible wayj and make satis- Inhabitants ot tbe town. In addition to all this, the dividual as I am, I venture to think; that so greatist industry of Ireland is the who attend stockings and other articles turned , ' ' tho those schools." That diocese factory talk of the population without employment, ths fishery neglected iliey is a mlstakeo one i It bas a tendeoo: WTEBWOmQ have!often said that, in imy -belief,:Until: , he explained, was out with such care at the Convent. : ¦ and tiie ¦ prisons wen a disgrace' to a civilized Jenate tbe syoparby AN SDKWEfimON/ , t . . ' ' and support icf a 1 eatisftctorily settled, we wfll not an exception, bnt an illustration of what pre- »«****t««e | country." I". jmber of «men Tbe Idllowing contribution, -wriHen try;a, ! is ¦'¦ j Natlonallsls Question ¦¦ In tbe oonntry; Of cc Land L ii m T -7A . J ' DAVY ¦ Ty1'| i ff ^ , ; i leading citixtn, will, we hope, give a stimwss '-> a prosperous Ireland. At; tbe : same vailed generally in Ireland Quite so, and we 1^1£» ' i.Bedmoad'a matured opinions, batiog regar never have ' Mills at Carrick ¦ ¦ ' ¦ > \ Is rharacter to Hie dltouMion engge«ted by bar eoriespon- !' I-bel that jthe Industrial deyelopmcnt know what the priests and nuns and Christian We afe informed tbat tba Saw LANHMABKS. , position, ' and!great ability, are dent "Saatoun," ux ITuesday' time ieve ' worked for some time by Messrs.How»lt, have been On tho lfitb ol September, 1816, tbe Chamber et e " Gre&inc : going on in many pieces all over Irft-| 3ro;here hive done and are doing in this city granted its charter ; on tbat News"— ! • " . •• ;. - •!;, which;is secured, by| Messrs.Morpby , BroUjw*,; Waterfonl, who Commerce, WsterfordVwu 6ir,-!Mr. J. A land isla most valuable movement, and I wish and all l over the diocese; but Mr. Michael intend to work the industry with-vigour in tba tatare. dat« in 1822 s> dud wa« fought betweenPhilip Banron 1 4be . Power; spoke of tha naot of ! turnpQts ' " '¦ :¦ •¦ " trade ! in one foundry amongst others, HU* i] [people could be induced to see that! McCartfiy would have us;belieirethattriatwork We bl« td record these evidencesof industrial develop- aad Captain Eyie at Mountncil.beyond the old time, j i ; the llrish in.faUd " was lafincbed : ¦ ' ; has been a constant cause of con&nem,' bi- ;| the Irish lace, it is conducted on tbe soundest methodsj is harmful ment, and. wo think our public ment could do much at SUbbereeh. Tbe " Mars | • O • • • • O in order to save Ireland for anti-emlgratien from tU NeptuneWorka on the 18th September,' 1849. cause, apparently, there U no valid lrea*on i: ' Itlsh indus- to the thousandsof! Catholic pupils gooditthey devoted morejattentionto tbs THE LATEW AiB. r ; ; e¦¦ necessary that they should support \vfho yearly movement! and snowed byjexample as well as voice On the 20th of the same month a paity of Fenlaks left i for such; if they «re not prepared,,.f Mild/!h- fBCtures sod inert be,as pass thr^gh-.our schools and; colleges. This the tit/andattacked Portlaw Barracks. Tblsjwas in I We shall give In the "Kveolni ships, tbere, aureJy larger intployoteni cW^lii- I tricil'and Irishjinjanxi ^ their desufe for tbe advancementcf the; Industries still ' morrow aad during nest week be gtvea in repairs¦ ; gtapb aw ' the can ¦ trm¦ tott ,ql f ¦ ' ¦ " barrister finds ' : ¦ ' " ' ¦ '•Catholic 18«8. i To-morrow thirteenyears ago, J&r, Samuel • ¦ Irish money who desire • <¦¦ ¦ ¦ nothing couragement of ft oso ll«kl />M ' • -> f ¦- ¦¦• they are now, efforts aader tbrobgboot tbe Whltd of this city passedover to tbe great majority. - sketches of Preetdant Stem. GeneralI v England when they can, ford City*, all on account of the priests, of course. to see fresh Industrial : ' ¦ "¥he " ; /or shoddy goods 1 to ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' -¦ Wftterford 8teairisHpOomp«nx creat stimulus to thi* yard, and. abboleT, i obtain • ¦•• •••#•• CAPtOQUIN ! not: ^ Irish ar|icles of greater valut.; Toe tbe pKedoiuInant features of out good cltv, : ' ; ' I | . : Xte followingacsenpuon oi usppoquinwas wnuan send over to l*e other •idewi'sioiall; weli-inade LJSMOKE OASTLE. , j . : tnatt*r«:to be x)M«d they ire in ibfM) iS3 ( ireland has to, face is a coni d attrfbutei these suboosad;co Wrflrinn« to of 1641, when lord BrogbQ) bdd in tHo year, 1844—We have reached Csppoquln, , real Jd&nger thai . Duriag tbs siege north banL This doing, [They, shore all others, JMak *ttt sfo ; recently; a ICQU» "Viu rw*—* WWUW . C*V **^I^O ! fladIQUOU against tbe Irish, bis lordship addressed pleasantly situatedIn an angle oo the ¦ ; of emigTab It U aald that tha mrehaatr of thai* dell men at the head of it. and Inere is scsaotw tt ¦ saidto my 1 riendthat the lrkh just as reliable as the pictureid the Dominican TOOT lordship's blessing,»nd signs the following year Lord Brcg , Cbamberlairi life of him that begs ' - '¦ Mr . - . r - - folly attaated tUlas Is Mlas White, Waterford, : town in the United Kingdom ¦ , •> the relief of Knockmnurne,{wiUi about to bone and 140 tha* .dm ¦ " sad the poly reply be gave Church, Icontainedin the; pagejiof the book, and b aaelf yo«r lordship's most bumble, most obliged, and .- .> caaB« w»B boptles^, ¦ defeated a strpng party ot, tbe insurgents. In that that estUoable lady latendf to u«e thsi greater^facilities for shipbuilding wori m FJufak V : con»inning. Well, which Mr. McCarthy or someboe equally most dutiful son and tervaht, BBOOEILL." I ; foot, ' ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦: wag (that emigTaiinn was ignor- Jn)T, 1848/ OeaenrPoTcell, having Msemblsd bisarmy phflantbroplcpurpos as.; I th» oUst of . Waterford.I • • ' t:[:• :4' may jiiinkof Mr Chambetlain, we ant of the city< for him, hits labelled '¦ The at tillsplace to besiegeLismore , ravaged the surround- i whiwyer we j HISTOBIO LffiMOEE. : | | ; j all admit he is it nth v« »¦. , v MWW ; jDonttjir.noi LitHe-lalaad. iateodlif t^xtMlu continue!, as it diaMbe^-: " A . .walk np ^ i point of daig«r. H etidgn^n BirronHtrand^treet, Ou fame!o(iUcastl», HerejsAca^mgjtoMattbew ^i*, bridge, country aboutthis town b highly Imprsred. irand coontry sqvttliero outlet tor theirJrtaM for ' and ' Henry IL first promulgates Eogilsb l«w In Irelandin : The i is isr^iominuingr faow a feW defi>4einjcT(i, Michael^treet Broid-elreet00 a Saturday Classby If CappoqumHouse , tbe seataf Sir Bicbard d friends do y< tbit itoDDln* fonQDMeoy, X:l>cAiaTe^{'iiwins';i& to aftenjooii likfi a 1172. After lradlng at Watcrfotdhe marchedto this 1 Colonel writebSdlftrle; lease jwill be the Irish;n ttioo that tire disbe U . promeWdej'throngh a town d itsnmtrr who, Keans, Bfc of Beunont. T-'*"^^" \A tbs UJjneBn f-w* , the aflt* ; Inhere place, where he was met by tbe cbWs , . His father vat created a taroaet itrhinkof aU off; !Im«jirie the future of Wi ¦ «~-u™,t,\ » Whvi th» JrUh race will h«vo of imlxtiles (: no joamtson the street corners; with tlw archbishops, bb&ops,; aadj abbotset Ireland, Wat^fetdjdltia skopkeep^rsa,V%ir doors with ho^dU deep In 1W1, and dylng ln 18OT, tbe Utb devolwdoa tbe of;ito; v}Ui»j had jiaaqstdeo like weae-iri; < i Mt thlTEbores Ittt^dJ; Tte M ^ in swore aUegUoce, and gate him. a charter sonfirming brotha- Jobs so dieting [ubised dustrieVthat presort baronet."Hls «*. Go W'Fe '- would' f orthttk lDi)ptt -P»ttfa60 troaseWpocke, i-unablfia | to ^py whether they tbe Ungdon of Irelasdto him snd ms bdrs tor «rer. a fitr vijan: :¦ -. -¦¦• .!¦ - 'ii' ^'ii- i Uutt!lk»ul&impr^ ^ «W2i i ' . . ;••••••••••:. { , I- . ; i- i hlmMUIn tiManoy, tbitbewas created Baroa Ksane »the*rtny«f i J»y -»i|itbM WB live in Broad street or i Johjo-streki ' ¦ ' i jeaponsibility as* ; impoW*eft. - potatoes "ivi^ -Ti : ' : ' • ml 191V,,. The haoseis a bandsom*mansiono tbtwn et. Tlrink o **tj andtuxiiplyrogj -asif^li^-irerBiriever to be VTTAL 8TATianO8. 1 stooeibuilt in a well-wooded demesBf. The view com- Ho. in toTsS* !. idutyof endeav^n«t^ »>*» W on .. Aceordiogto tb» foglrtrarG«ner»Ji rstnrn TS foe s> ,f, r«rnov«4*;in li«^ the,thoroughfares; dirt tbe 4eUb nt« la tba Citr cl WtWtordfor tho nands the ooarse of tbs^ri » oatasiderabisd stance, Ipowri ¦ andls tlosedby tbewoodtdbills of Dromana. Tim i. 'y^.jinWtettSwif^^^Si&^' '-* ¦ : V,[¦ ?tri7-trmph*nt;filtby wooteh by the scMe" But why week endlr/g8*pt.l8tb was «qu») to IH per 1,000. [ jwomoi of Uus^ ^jV .vl '. - fte; is a JDeat cburpb, and: commodiousBocnaa Catbollo troubls our waderswrit a lrepeUtipn of this per sunm pf population. | Io>ther Irish natkoal school and kaoOter ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '* " ¦' " j tb« d»atb: nte was—clonmel, chapU bere, an aaelWnt , ' i * ! I J522S 25«XB^S2j5>£lS2?i ' -i !- ' - ' J > ttan'« rjalderdBalderd «sh«sfaand anrirAitigatednniitigated eliicr ud towns school , the tareof tbdOoik Society. Tbe priB- df Jt Wibbish.The e0'5 ; Catk, H-4: KUkenoy, 2»-6j Llmtrlek, 17-8 ; , under w & th«t«t8s :4i»ta dlrtan^AM ththk jlenemie* onnmto. nf dpal'streetl oootalns'some good' booses and] shops. ^J« of Wttford, 'SM;'baUlD, :is-ltBll«« , !. si'O. I , tbe weU situated CMtaouoty and of j Irelandwill Clos* to the town U Tivoll j*illa «f f jviNPiciaM qaote thisbook MHMt WIWfJIoawBnr^-Uip tM'tWBiar written by a man)rrho osttoUtiouih'callshiin . HOMiB BUlCBi ' : . - . . • ¦:- i- THE CASE FOE : ^^rW^;.;.^¦¦ '. ' ' ' ¦¦ lr ia tea Mi ljU«, S» to UM) ittte, 8 u thi self «ajAh CWboBc, «hd 0;pkpe eds to de- : ijjj,^ jobii lUdmond's tpilefcii ilA fa, ,ap>osi' in KRiQ t.OtBSJSSQ, ' "'{ . ''•• V until m *>S H+U Mir Md ntaiaM ': ' , wOlnsaemlw ibis f«ne^ : pkWr«M''4botrtn««lof tbe 'Holy our ' soppWsnentduring o bSs/ -rlsStsoWs lerfordlisrTJT Manyol esnrresdsklM doubt IOSM1» tb« JwSSf tlUiH ea4 Baatoc tL poUcr IrisbN- OJoo.k* mxW g«ittlemaow%fostDk^sars, wasmaiU«er(i)rOthn ' 1 Churcb,.to whkhh«;jwirfesita8 Ibeloog. We ^yStoed & (Pmm Uxt OtfMKsUMtio" >f MM M« ' jJjS3«**2aErl i KoSoo Md ^ ' flollottbrs.aad WBOWMindded ¦dV , S «l <'> .'teJl"1*;^ : !ti -;^* ¦I> fatioi- SfisfesSiWJSiHoS«Ea>»lhss^SSr« wrHoflOrtti&> 4tf V#*i**». X#tSi*-torn *t, BsVivimMb.1 laSi teJtlidlk C raBtaSaAltakl i*iSerf^Om' j w^ 1; see, hw reJigJons S5wofl»s5^ i p^.7tiAAfcJL - " ' ^T jJ7 ^*T7!^Tnr~7 "^T^.^^^ST3r7T fflwctit Nt/to rtionMi)d with, r Bnv th Irisfanaii «(;fros4t w~fc «f» wreJW HS* " ">**« * rrvir: ^TvaV ""jj ! Lhew, Mm Wp*aabm**; u 1 &SS1< : ¦*S'¦»•Sm* &k LSBSBTj, T i .P £12 ^ AI Wjitii'**' V"^-Pi^LX-'B^BBBBEBHS- -'"-¦"SBS^^^^^^k - kK^k-VsT ( ¦ : ,:¦!.•? ¦:¦ ' : M{l ."• /.-!? .)¦ ;. . : l- i ?f: :.h t\# ¦ .,?..- vn - rite* *:-- ¦}. M .1 ¦jiiv^ Ut:t i^JH^ vy ^- r: -,-A • I U-u ¦ ¦ -•- ¦ . ,ji:< ' .*) . • ,i i»-;h-: ;-;;j. r- - , ' -i:^-* *' . ' t4,; '^ tOIITINoi toYCLIWO AND ATHLET Id •H: ie> -it wel^*draWll*V;«Jive l also'WlledM^ *i : ¦ : : . - i . ^ -^ ¦ ' *HWfl»t^lUrtO^Mi«»; -^aepn^it.i^eiBittd j , . . , > tL ii..i,. . . - :>¦ ¦:] . : . -.. :. , N F r fe ||li i . . ) [|i, . ^ iji . - . , r-~. V:- : .] \ :i KQTtt* i .. | | > l 1[ i . |! rtl i -ii a tJ i i . , . a ^ v _ v ISOlba.*' Mir «ag wrrtne-Seasonis IT ] tarpon/ )»a staSei . since tae; poniinenoemitnt: ol. tne ^ ^ ' ' > ^ ¦ i ¦ ' ' ¦• jwfigiune a>767iD«;,'averaging ;J.03:351tiS. .. : .- i-———? !; ' . . . : ;¦ • . ;pV* iewtein ^wuntag a trip through Tipper^-and [War- Tte , lftng.-^m. gwtlif : " ' I lajwiadib M,'in, t 46;,mittuter.-^J,L: (Maior)J ¦'' ^fumk &k iCti'pl'. \^ 'X*?($&%' il;} ^- I PPP M ' lord on Monday, il iouad -the r-aaUs; da tlie ¦" ' ¦t, :¦¦ "• ' '• '' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' : ' [I |i*v« used yo«r;i4ft. , OaaUecdnneui"Gieen j H.i -Bahdai: wiilH«ASbljy- gdlvto India in ' -[.' \ r <*¦ -M- - " •"" '- 1 ' ¦¦ ' ¦ 'V' - : - ¦ ' County splendid, u ¦ .W *. i*j &ii:<. m ' I [ killed 8ini.i*.-;'B'.f ffllaplB - .B*. : comparison • ifrom Pouldiew:to ¦Waterfdrdjt^e ~T ' ' ; " • ' ¦ mm/&pmmsLm$*&* our County African7®eo6rd.-i<}: -M. JP ! .r . , -i pre«»ljl;'fe>r '.th4t-'jk*j» o«ei¦;•>• f >::-. .-:--V " v: - ' - • ' : - etrrfaca wasiexcellent.; I hope :. I '. used' inning- ' , .before long, place a st^am J the 16ft. Sp Kod in British Parliament will Columbia. 1 'killed 230 salmon. 6a Itj iheil2 ¦'¦ : ¦ ' •roller at the -disposal oi .Mr. Duffln. : ; 1 Ril^^EN^-v.- GMWxyw. [¦i^ - .- ' V •? -' ; bfst.iaveraged ^21'bs.;.¦ * , :• ¦!•¦ ' ; [: . 61 the : I6rraer, on Saturd*y» 'ani • - 4 - . - I bteeft incorporated. for a couple it ¦ ¦ resulted : in an iiaij' win' far' "tome mm 1 ing at four (o'clock 4o shoot " ' . the teaai ; OF) AND JOINT LINES; Hoped byjlhe Cwb- OLttNIMJHL' dHiAMPHONSHLP; , •! ;;j hy'Wght *6als; t« ffiree:; ' Ihe 'teains•' were:— valuable prizes, and ill is , ! I was infoimed wheii in Olomael on ' mittee that there will be a full , mueterva trie Monday Carlos-Mr. V.'.Sl6oock , lUr. B. SloCock. -Capt. -that , the race for; the Olonmel C.Q. Champion- Srowni : ' ' i^-^mm occasion - Friends of members will !be ad- . Claytoii,' and :Mir. ;Ed^;n»ack). , KU- which -will take ship .will foe decided'at a racei meeting to|b© kMiny-M*- K; : I -witness the ; shoot, -SullivanV Mr. SMife- ki. , G. p soli DEPOSIT OF DRAFT mitted to r or : / owde NOTICE -OF ' ¦¦! -boiaon the ffithj ^. _ . ., ; ; ¦ WmmB§mm •place on fe'elub -grounds Poleberxy. ,J.^ | amithwick.' and Mi^W: K. Cair0*.tback). ¦ ¦ ' - fc m -•••• MEETING TO • •••¦• , ; ^ AWARD AND OF ^ ' C KiANGBMlOOMiEB.T' i - CtDONMEL EAOBS. , : • ; I ; . OLOMMEL. I SpnKle W afeill WheFer a suspiciou^ HEAR ! OBJECT'PNS \ THERETO ¦The on Tuesday ipromisea fo bejpar- J did not attend the Councilifeeting of tihe meeting O?ipperary-G; A.,"ih*ld %\, OlomaeKon (MJondBy, • has -nayr. won:in--staia8 <.for Mr. in PURSUANT TO THE- RAILWAYS , .as entries are 1 tioularly successful th* fay* t ut :I' learned froin 4"de;Iegktfe that the obiec- iSiewer £25,650. A* a two-year old she won mous &nd I lonmel Sfi'akuocka 'ia owmectEon with fi« : hasi secured £03495.¦ CAP. 70). , ' give .any (definite inloimationi tut I| f^el The; value oti Leger j £6276;¦ '¦'¦¦¦ ¦ C ountyFootiball Ghamp' ¦ ¦ of -the wa* • " : ' ionship was diBcussed - • " ¦: :¦ '{ k, | p. : -. ., » .•,!•:-,• «?• •>.!:,c- • . ..- - - assured Mr.pWidger will 'be well oa th© ntaf ' , - pools iewei-siiiiis; | , ibe 'fcosy, at great length.— TheMecision of the j-efeiee, ':¦'¦. {' ' ' cess i aadl IMr. KJuy Warwick should also 03 to toe score, was iiekl, and it was decided ¦00m TOvENlGIiAiN©. V . M ; ^ - ' , if !he eends Buabford iLass uy ; the nndersigned HENRY D. M. that is, of -"tourse to adjourn Itibscona ideniUon' of othtif .tioints, i ; J. G. Quirke; .al-w611-known Irish diatanoe to compete.' fThe Brothers Widger T f ?- : - : ' , Esquiie, the • | * Ukely-to prove-a usrful redruit¦ , tO'. thaf¦ club's ' the County of - Antrim , and A van- ' ¦'¦' ¦ ¦ ' ' "¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦'.' ' ' • Corrin, Five Scento, Jack Gubbin£ ; ¦ ¦ :: ; >: '' '{ ; cro33-country-'teani-.' • - '¦. '• - • •¦•.-^ - • ' -; ¦ ; the Com- CBICKET. - ' ' •• ! ' ; ' ¦ Arbitrator | duly appointed by j -; . - • J I - •^¦ •i' •¦¦ ' ' beg. All rtiie leading owners are heartilyj sup- ' j! . . • i. •- .•-.:# ;. -»! »! •:'•. - - ' ' in Ireland und porting this •excellent meeting. I hope to give i the eleventh part pt " Cricket of Tofday and ¦ -¦¦'¦• ¦ - ' - y ban missioners ol Public Works A; KKOTT?. POE*T. ,, ^' - V. , edc othes. ^Mllltert dai provisions of some good : ones, and all the tips front the Yeaterday" has reached us,, and it quite m.ii;»- : ' " acting under the. powers anil -Newe " ! taias", TJio Stewards of tne jockey, :Cfub ( in case papere in Monday's " Evening , ' j th« high reputation, of the iBsue. . ^Pho the Railway* Act (Ireland) 1851 ?nd th& ¦• ••¦• I i ^eptre starts lot-, the Catflbridgeanire", may » • ••• . beautiful art . coloured plate for the month , 1860 and tbe Acts iave' -to decide "th6 questjion of ]her . weight. ||;ii iuard Railways Act (Ireland) represents Hon. F. 8. Jackson, the! >fampus A H'AI TY. mm. . : i (Jtao ol the conditions runs aa {611OWB :: ' extending and amending tbe same - And in , Yorkshire cricketer. (With the twelfth parjt of "Ihe |^i^ . My -worst'en-amy (and 'I have sioi a fev? X ; Ibis work the series' will conclude. Those ri1 nnet of the Dincaiter &t. Leger to. carry-/ the matta;. of the iFwbguard ^nd Kosslare know, i>ut lit grieves me not) cannot accuse a colt; 8st 121b, and a filly 8st"sBl>, if handi- me of ever introducing politics intoj tOiia pho would like a cricket record with nearly ^ Railwaysajid Harbours Act 1S98 t I EREBY 400 illustrations' and several coloured plate*, capped below that; weight. Sceptre was handi- pursuance of the column—I |do not see why politics andJ6port. capped at 8^t 71b, and , raise4 jtiroug-h the ifeei GIVE NOTICE that in. in^con-tact—¦but.(I roally can- should send to Mesjra. Jack, 34, Henriettaist., - -; should eveV be non-acceptance bfiOa6p9a.to.;8st 91b. ,on,the ll^^ said. Acta ii have made and framed my. -week from! ¦ . ' Without the leaat intention (or desire 'to &j |erniicide it is rid Town.lands and Parishes, that ' is to say :— " Do Vou 6UtoD0se that I wasab lo to'cany , ' bod. : ooo«»oc«o : write a Bin'glo "wpr(i depfecitory of S^ceptia. Bed and fore&hore of the ; River Suir •riot very elaborate programmef 'Not ¦ out luhis ¦ - " ¦ . .SOEPt TBE, . • - . .; •- . . ; • the natural enthusiasm of Ihd: hour may navo ' l. !' ¦ (Eiua Parochial) adioininj: the townland a bit of it.I Why? IFor 'tihe simple reason ibat ¦ than soap. I: • i . '. ' ij&oeptre has noti . been penalised fox the led some of her . admirers, a^itye .as^rajO Xa dea f er Parish . of Trinity Without, the 'boat vas two hours late in auriving At St;' ' of GibbetUill, Antwery. Only iwo hours. Y^u will jadinit :Oesarewitch, weight8st.51b, ot the Cambrildgo- Fleche won the Ueger quite as easily. &a and County Sceptre, and gott.'gTQn~fioin ivlclory'tb vibtory; Ib and County of Waterford ' ul a journey timc-d roeeed3—" But even though '-crowd , ••¦•,»-¦•«.Ol: •¦ : . ^©. deavoured to 400 miles into twice round o h of j . KilCtHliheeri, and County Boroug the steamer was 6O absurdly late, if .the wretch- the clock; -he, met with >' terjible accident, ' ' " ; Abbevlands- aiid iBrns3e)s had "" ¦ qiORSE OF TITB 8BASON. , '; , . mH|ions;ifor isinrecrion Waterford ; the townland of ed train between tAnstwerp. of which put the final ib his cycling career, ' Hie | 7 County not -gone in for the 'Lonoon^trick stpppine incident was tt-oollision with, hid ' ttacemoki,'' i William ni:, -who. must stand out. as tha iin'tEe Parish of Kilcuiliheen and between ctations, while men blew Ihoms,; 'c3a the 'resulting smash ' unfortunately-'breaking horse of the season, is not a very big-but ex- J : Borough of Water.ord •; b?d :and , for^shore- -women waved flags,1 -andi-1iho «ngiu6 whaBtled ' tremely b'.ood-lika bay w>th bjack points, a ' Parochial one of his thighs. j'Except that the injured ^ of'the. rliverSuir and Lands Extra os if it ihad a fit, I 'Would still have caught Qie limb is slightly shorter than tbe other| the white blaze faccj and, a w.h}tfi ioft-hind heei. ¦^S'f§||pi deodqriser adjoining! the . said Townlands of: Mount ighed for an hour , of : He is quite a sjJbTtfnWookinjj how6;'JKas J hii train J wanted. How I p terrible accident did not iwevent him- lonoe Sion ana Abbeylands, and County Borough. the Midland of Irelaiid, or even for tiiejWater- more entering the> athletic 'arena. He- haij be- mane plaited; and is in appearance, as he hts ford and Central Jreliand, aye, for tne JLoBflon come an ardenti nloWrist. 'In1 long 'distance proved to be in nierit-. a " gentleman"'all over. off Waterford, authorised to I lie taken for and'OBpighton, or the South Eastern; 'Let' m», iHe seems to have;a slight strinff halt in the jff- tbe purposes thereof by tbe abo'ye mentioned Bwimming Toss is unapproachable, .hfeinS- pos-t ¦¦ v ¦ : LSVEDCnOS.UulTED however, i>e perfeotly; fair. I 'bave; fouin^.the sesaed of a marvelliously powerful back6troke. *h nd leg. i ' ; ¦- • - mslm Fiibguard and. Roj»Ure .iRajlways and, trains in .the IGrarodi DDucby ;of Baaen models In a twelve -hours' swim in»the Solent,1 a few :• . . • •:. • -o o . *i-« • • .punctuality, ana in Germany, genenaJJy, ' '^ ' Harboura;Act 1898, or: injuriouslv affected , by ja 51b penalty for beatnug sa: d it would be, bej.tff to re- stations. ianoE hadi more iportera . at sont»9. of ; ' CUHGAnvAH UnDAW DIOTillCT iChahrman were appointed to wait on the Mr. O3&efle , maintained b the said Ms stupendous feat. Sceptre for the Park Hill Stakes at Doncaster : fer the matter .to.' he doctor^ . .. to be made and. y . oooooo«oo she ' ¦ ' treasurer. ' . ' j - - • Company for the accommodationof lands; ob Friday. .ThM not-ndthstaoding^ meets : - : !¦ , ' ¦ 't blame Mr. Gardner Mr. O'Connor—'Is he ireceiving .his- pay? . " ¦' ' ' A DO-TJBUE. ' - • ¦ ¦ - . Mr. Sievier'e filly on 81b better t -i - .- cou ncil.. , Mr. Ryan said he didn ' ' ¦ ' ' : said Railways Nos. ' 14, WATEEFOB© (BOAT IGLTJB. ' . erme»'.-^ , .^ at all,' but the rules of the bank which he wos ¦Chainnan-^-Yes.J . • • • • • -- . . ' adjoining the . 15 The work of ereoting the new 'ba&iiib&Be is The following might turn ont a ~ood dou >!e adhering to. ' ," ' : ' "' • ; Mf. MoCarthy-r-that oosta 199. a.week then. #nd a6 (parts of) and Joint Lines, and the being oarried out with tgreat expeditioni-bythe —StealawaV-for the Cesarewitch and 8ceptre CLOSE OF THK CRICKRT SEASON, J1OKDAT. Mr. CKeeffe—iWe hold now tbat the mvi to be made in' respect of the ' ' SIIWERAGE. | work. . : ¦ ab!aten>ent» builder, Mr. George; 'Briscoe, who is sparing for the Cambridgeshire. I don't mind ihc ! "The , cricket Reason closed on Wednesdi/, 13 better and able to rents of tbe;land$ jtaken, and j whicp lands, no pains in carrying out tihe : contract | The defeat «f Sceptre vesterday. Needless to say when the averages of the ¦ leading - Engliih At, the usual weekly meeting of the above Oil. Murphy attended on behalf of Mr«. Mr. Stack—That is too quick'. ' ; i ¦ , beredit^mentjj and preionises required are new house will be fjnite imposing ail appear- she was defeaLted before in.small races, ionly i batsanen were:—J , . . : - ¦ ¦ board, the members ,iri attendance were:— Burke and stated, that t hey had asked per- The Chairman/I Uggested that the man - Mr. OXeeffe—0 l, he will get , the certiflca'* and Plans, les.and ^umates hereto-; ¦ , ; Bon's Lane. He gaJd was getting in corn ' : ' ¦ ¦ ' Sche^p It is fully expectedithat the building -will be^ OLasiMro. :wmmtGr • Iremonger, ' 39.99 ; JJ J>ougla3, 39.60; C> 3. ! TttEiXBJQALS.. : ' he' ¦ right enough. . . b 'the said'Company in !' . . now, but would consider the inatter- : 'BUtnrest- that 'he be fore, duly deposited. y . complete iby .the end s master said before the ac- . , •K is the pace that kiy«, we are told, onifl yet ; P. Perrin, 34^3 ; 0. A. Ollivierre/ 34.a3; J. A; ¦ Mr. P. OiConnor suggested that 'Mr. Beaty cident happened hat be was not capable of . pmroissioneTS of .Public'Works in Ireland , 16; and Town Plate, 16. . . * , -• ' THE WATER. ; see the place. ! taking charge. That fact would not save u»; ' ; the. HtUe •Welsh- wonder, Jimmy iMjcbael, a! •• • • • » « o .» - i» . . . iDixon, 34.60; C. Jl'Gahey, 34.44 ; Hirst,.32.11; ; and with' the Clerk 'of th^ Peace for the _ Dr. Williams recommended' the scouring of Mr. QioCarthy suggested that the Streat ' " ' ' ; midget of about eipht stone in. -weight; has] ¦Hayward , 32.77 ; G. »L- Jestopi 83.95; W. L we held 'him on. : Borough of Wa'terford, the Cletk- of 1 the ipes and filtering of the water under the Committee look after the matter. < Mr. O'Connor snlid it was something. ' County ridden on his wiheel the extraordinary distance MORGAX'S ST3HLNG. , iMurdock, 33.85;: H. B. Ohinnery.i3KfiO3 Hon. p ¦' trie Peace of the County of Waterford, the of ¦4&i miks in an. hour!' The prodigious feat 1 jJorgan will have quite a big string of F. 8 .Jackson, 39.00 ; Knight^2.76; 8. H. Day, direction of Mr. 'Beary. iReferred to the Street Committee.; Cl«rk—Would it) not be well to ask him to 1 was accomplished in a paced race heldion The matter WM referred to Air. Beary. come up, and than tell him that by this day Cjerk ' 0/ the Peace of' tTie Couutv • of tne horses at Tramore in a short time if 'Itr. Joi. 32.23; A. C. ilaclaren, 32.15. 1 ' of the ¦Continent -thia -sreek. Ten years e&>,' A. B.\ Widger keeps on buying them at the ^rate ne The most expert bowlera were:— Alr MoCarthy sajd something ought be done. LEAiVE OF AB3ENCE-THE ADDRESS 10 week' he will havejto get a certificate. Kilkenriyy and with ^he Clerk I'oor The i lives of the people depend on the gooj FATHER, CUIiLINAN. Mr. O'Connor—Tk appeara to me the man it Diamond, then of J-Cilkenny, held the . ttriah i has been going of late. As a matter of fac% : littlewopd, 10.85; 8. Webb (Lanes), 12.00; . - .:. . . j ¦ Law Union Of Waterford respectively, as by iweord1 at 20 miles for tha 'hour. Soon after 31. water supp5y. ¦; a bit of a lawyer.l ' i ' . - ¦ ' R. Morgan has more horses than many¦ of the iHaigb, 12.55; -Rhodes, WJo^Marlow (Leicos- l Mr. Beary wrote askins for a week's leave cf , the Statute in that behalf reduired, • . A. Kennedy, now iresiding at •Limerick, j Held Newmarket trainers now. : ter), 13^0; J. Betan, 14.81 ; Blythe, 15.47; Tate", VAfiW. Oulfinan—'It b done every Friday, absence. He finished tbe address The man ; was called beforo the board and ! gentlemen, but,the air gets in, ahd a» vou | to Father up. ' AND NOTIQE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the unsh reoord, and we all wondered wh£n -e -o • o o e e -e >o 15.71; , Wasa, , 16.89 ; W. Harrington, 18.23; , Cullinan, but he Ihad to drop out portion of said he was five months laid He was .n ; on the Gofi .track ; three yeara, tet»r| Edaie know, gentlemen, air. ij heavier than water! hospital and attended by D*. Hackett. , tHe'said Draft Award was ottSaturday the Woodcock; 16.73;. J. R. atason.^M.Ta^Santill, '¦ • the middle of the; addreai. He was sorry for CyCallas-han, of Cork, covered 26 milea -Within, ¦ : ' HOUSES IN CAJtRAOK LAM;. ' Mr. McCarthy—What do you «uffer from at 16th day of Auguit,' 1963,' deposited at the ' ¦ ¦ 17.00; Look wood, 17.27: E. Robson (Somerset), this, as it happened.to be that p&rtion in ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' ¦¦¦¦' ¦' ' ZIMMERMAN. . present? • - . I ' ' ' ' ' 60 minutes. But .461 miles! ilt isdifHcnlt to 17J5 ; Hargreave, 17.67; ¦ A. Heamo, W.90; The Sanitaryj Offtcex reportod tbat some which it was shown" how the Urban. Distri ;t . \ Officea: of «h ** M ' . . • 'I j , n?y. kjj«Ba «*nr< * Cjtfaiiitf'lir* f i ' £ imagine sudhi a feat * I ' A. A. Zimmerman, the American -cyclist, Bird, 17.90 Mead, 18.00; S. R. Wilson, 18;29 ; Tl/MlQfia jr» Tin n*r.' "» V Luna wnnti*A/1 At *a\n o na Council made the Britons tremble on account Haughton—OneT of ?»-.«Ji»*l* • »••••••¦*>•: II j «n(Tpitvwlirt)e all right, am;getting : has arrived in Paris from America. , Heistat;8 ¦Hon. F. 8. Jackson, 18:39. • •Six. McCarthy-^Wo must- provide a of their Enave-ry about tho South African--War, BDpn d tbe i8tb ¦' : ' ' * rn*'? : ¦ ¦ ¦ Dublin, arid oh Orbefore MONDAY , THE AHMSTBONG OUiP. . . | j ! that in epite of his long absence .from tba The AustraHojitf;ioiir. > aiaS cameato' an -and drain, there. : The owners;ftra.^not to' lJainp. and that it was through their influence that better. . : 1' 'thereot were track he believes he will be able ts Tecbver ' The man. was directed to get a certiflca:e day of AUGUST, iooaj copiea T. iW. j tMurphy, wxites-rOne UxJugnt, also deposited as follows, :•*- ¦ was inoTinted ' £750, and ehe was passed sound by Mr. addition, his - record of 11 separate 100*s H jin view of the cases of enteric fever there- The. address was then read. ! Board for the. resolution ' reoendy passed Kid said Draft/Award may be inspected by all on a strange machine."i . j : . The Town Clerk said it was a beautiful ad- «•»««> o e a I 1 J. H. H. Peard. ¦ unique, no other Australian ever having bit j The. Clerk , said that the master was there iWWUUeU MJ UXilljlU fOtCIUUCO M> UW UEfUil VI perionsinterested therein between the hours '¦ dress and splendidly illuminated. ¦ • " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ more than five centuries. When it is - stated ithat day and stated the supply was improved, . MJS. -Morris&ey, Cappagh. ; ] : ' . . . of 10 o'Clock A M and o'Clock >.ii. HJOdJIIXAYiISIiNG. - . • ! I' that he scored: on all sorts of wickets, and MT. Ryan said that .the address .was changed, * . . 4 Hon. Treasurer Ouane ' !as the water had been tunwd on'thelre at night. Dr. Robert ; Williams also . wrote thanking (Sundays excepted). 1. : ' , of the-¦ S.E. jCouncil, jthat he played delightfully • free cricket ou there was a comma wbero it .shouldn't be, and .^ ' and a few friends itairit-heen, foolidaYisimr in: ! i CHE ClOUNiOT SECBETAfRYSHilPi some other changes:1 TherJ the Board for the resolution recently passM I HEREBY dlVE FURTHER 1 G. A. k.&3AMPlff KmiP3. ¦ ¦ all occasions, it will be readily understood 'Was¦ neither rhyme on the death of his brother, and stating that ! ANO ihe Iris of [Man, and a;e quite enthaiiaclic _ ' A circular was BpyJe it> or reason in part of , it; ;';¦' , 1 when how much the sida owe to him. Trumble s | read fron^-Mr. the 'f coming aa it did from such Tan influehtinl NOTICE that Jl will hold alMeetingat the describing the beauties of Douglte- it« The following are the results of tne All- bowling stands oat:-almost as conspicuomlvv ieffect that as canvassing was going on for the ¦Mr. McCarthy-i-It is too bad, as Mr. Rvan ' magnificent bay; the delightful ' body as the : Dunfearvan.Board;ol Guardians Courthouse, Waterford, in f the City of tfier; the Ireland Athletic Championships which aa ho took more wickets than anyone else,: hi« Ipoiition of secretary: of thei County Council, is the author of it, that it should be changed. ' nigger concerts on the headland3; the 1 cyole , wr* it .was highly appreci ated-by himself and his Waterfojd on TUESDAY^'tb> ai*t day of held at limerick . on Snnday—* - ! !l40 wickets averaging 14' ran* apiece,; hi» ;he]wi»hed to send on his testimonials to thi iMr. Ryan—The address that was submit'.od famil ' ' ' ' ' 11 racing at Olympia, Bellev^ie, and Faleori Ciiffj . • ¦'- ;:Urban : here had a right to be adopted, i y...... ; • . ^PCTOBER , i*)2, at tWjbour^of b'Clock l£j»t ineatest ,' fcdlleadue being. Baundew, . wiw.di s^ , DiBtrictj Council, as he would be a I am not ' and , but by us meanA least, theisplendid 100 Tards Championeb!p-^rir8t Heat—J J 'candidate for the. ; - ' depending on,my own judgment in this m.i-.- , :1 THE STAI 'fi OiF. 1IHE HOTJSE. JLW, ta bear Objections to! toy said Drmft found of amusements missed 127 batsmen for 17 runs. His success office. . . ' at Dkby Castle.i Douglas Howel!, Tipperarj, 1 ; J E P poll, Limenck, 2 ; :is the more extraordinary, • as ' owing ' to , aa ! there is noUitng like with it now.: , ' ; Clerk—It -sras .' lere: every week, but it waj to many friends of ithe OM Land would be con-; Eankin, Uaac, 8. Bankin retired : after sixty ¦¦ j In referenceto to the biU of:iMj, Hunt, whic'a ' ¦ • shall. be; adjourned from trn^e time very sensationlal in the figures, several are •wa^ forwarded the Local Clerk—Will it be framed and glazed? not read out. • . . : . - . - , ., ' 1 «• tent to -remain in -Ireland instead: of leaving yards. -Final—Ho well, 1 ; Kelly', : ?{ Ooll, 3 ; Government Baird, . Mr. Byan—Do 1 ' ; ' the country excellent. Noble's are the best; taking batt- ¦the; clerk explained that if Mr. Hunt did anything you like with it. ' . . THE LBATEHER. ! JoSaluon shall require. And ' I 1weby for their toolidaya. But! we havei Cuny .' 4. The iot were sent second on n-^i, Subsequently 'the addres* was adopted. no posh , mo initiative; off well, «uid after iing and bowliiig together, as he is forward the bill of costs hei would be out of Mr. O'Connor .] wished, to: appoint the time an(i place above irufntionfj we seem' cintent iS 20$ordB Howell»was>iQ«. ," and 'third* aS far as the ¦ ¦ ¦¦ know bow , tbe reaton our oars when the world is nwvitijr fronf, and contanuing ,the former 'table 'his money.; , r . . . - ! - . THE SANITARY¦ ARKANGEMENTS ON leather was cat up since he la&t visited. for the balding of suWMeeting. :. .. > , • < ¦ ¦ ¦ ftill r ¦ ¦ fine eteam ahead. : ! , : j his lead won-by/twoyords. • • /!'' .I' '- . '. : aggregate goes for bowlinfcnvH.Ut'did' i Mr, 'Ryan—Didn't he hear the time was THE QUAY. ; ' ' ¦ | , - *x- | (Mx. McCirih-*—The Board should fwl •¦••'• sucoessfiil !' (work , but was not so ' • on occasion - ' ¦ ¦ »•! • • ¦tended.T . I. • . . , Hit. McCarthy! called attention , Dated this Mt day September, . the neg- of 190a. . |to : : : ' . . ;. Patting 16-lbs Shit obliged to ¦, ¦ (ChampJonsbip) —J os his performimces out in . Ausiralia L last se.-v- lect of the 8anitaty" Mr. OlOonnor for taking ¦an interest A "LUCKY OiBISHMAN. . i : . j . BarifBt* Nenagh XNBPEOTOB, OF FACTOiRIES. Krrangements dn the quay. ' '' ' '' ¦ I , , 1; T F Kiely, Carrici-&n- json led "one t) expect; Darling . was some- The matter was referftd to Mr. : Beary,.tha in the business. - ' H. D. M. BARTONj -• H heartily congratulate &e lucky.individnAL Suir, 2 ; C Ryan 1 as a . batsman, bul The Inspector of factories ' : of thd Kugget I Sporting ¦ ¦ ' . 'undew did ; splendid work, schemes-«ewer4-» housing , of the working , 14 .glAue«; Agency Fivfi Cbiopetedi . . :. :; ; \ ] :: . , [. ; . . iHoptins, and Sa 1 : a member of the Council Jell over the qusy whiskey, Jl7'oundes; 10 EW Plice 1 Dublin.: .: "ia almost .an Irishman himself, he classes, and extension of waterworks; jporter, 14 bbWes. Km. ¦ " ' , ¦ana with gres ier experience even, more ma/ ¦ . . • something : would be. done. 'Well, a robbei-y 1, : . -. .;{ >.: 1. -;. .;, . . . •having- lived for many ye^ra.at iNb. 391 York* Slioftiog 56 lbs between the leg*, without fol- 4». Nuiniber kdmftted ' daring the ' week; (. . . etreet, J ; - ' >be anticdpatod from them,in the future. • . i ; SANITARY LMiEROVEMENT3. was committed at Mrs. Dee's the other night. 39;: bom, 0; dlfrdhsrged; ' 1 , Dublin. This is not the first time by low (Championsbfn)—G Ryarr, 20f t Ain, 1 ; T Mr. E. 33; died. S; tTamps, bom it miT.ooocern. many, that arizes in thes^ SJreeps'biivei com ' McCarthy said he could ; not under- iHe would suggest i that a. watchman be ap- 28; remaining. l»t healthy, 88; in . e Barrett, 21ft 9ln, 2,-V Ryah;?lij $Rd ,' 8 stand why : sanitary improvements1 pointed for the - Infi«aar/» to Jreland, for -prior , to the present (ins'Wnoe; ' couid not itown and quay. = It; could be 7; Fever Hofpltd, <„. ',-; ••):• ' • . there -have been two 220 Yards. CfattipT&nsQip—E. E Oc3l, Lim- be: earned out ! on Miss Keily's- .TJitanhfls a3 divided between ,the quay and town. It would Mr. O'Connor—jArei the or tfiree first drix4 win* ESTABLISHED FORTY-ONE YEARS. well-a^ those in the same elaaiea of wKiskty nets, the fortunate recipients beiiwf Jthe erick/.l; J A F Kelly, IJmericki 2 j T J Carry, block. :i It was f&r *6 only a halfpenny in the pound for :he made outf Whvits ft madVoui ia onnce»P laii ¦ " (hem to sea what was.right done. ! preservation of l ife l and property. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Mrs. tM.iKeegan, who forqierfy residpd at No, Coi-kv'8 Coll went; inta first' plnca; »t the " .-' ! , | . Clerk-That it the reflation; ¦> • • • , Mr. 'Veale said :that there wore no closets to Chairman—Oive: notice, of motion. ! 1 Masterson'8 place, (Charlemont-&treet; Dui> biato^"roDh '!Tuu Ca ia>iu>" free oo toealptol WiJrtM. MT.; Vealer-The ¦ liET IIBCE ROADS¦ BY ; ness of rural life Won gasify b JJ peopleto will have tc gat " : pONfBRAOT. ' ' :¦ ' ¦ : in Ireland, i and |thfe remody; y twelve yatdj. O'Brieo retired ' wa^er. you had borrow £10 : . j h© auggeste -will, :I| 'hope, 'receive ' ' ; BiHKEB8—IxridAn ul Wntml(uterBmki Condon ,000 and get Mr. Byan i ayjhpaMietic h»If a length from Home • . '. i Bu&olBociUn. \ QUii(om: Bute bf the water supply from Glendine..n sai4 he woald like x>a^vtk,'Wnxun>,i Mr. : McCarthy—I thought iwe were leiwinj carting anl :i roads, ori Snniaya was an-innocent. form of! Carry,,Cork , 8. 'The lot git off well aid Har quarrying atones For quarrying,Ool eman and tba; people should be.«rrp *tia&t' bod way 4&; to be eynipathetio wiUi ;the , for carting, ©utwrandCondon , et7d. p«r-Javi. the;driok-wrf : JWty to' », 'lia true, i I oouid iafver t? glvu at the next Kiely,'who iri^ property owfaera, ittiMi with tiMttb^w«W ! urtdecstaridi he 'pleaded guilty, while ho woold It -wu decide (I! fo j^w jMr. B^rrell. prc the, u would ohW do what is: fair! plot , at Abbeyrid e iree cjf cn»nt«. " " ., - . '. i reoonunend.¦ it. ' : ' . ' : < T f i .. .. • '[. .- ' : : ' • .. j joq 1 ¦ . ¦• ' ' :ecs |v : :: \ -. : ! . , , A lertter w that T. k H Dwlfl! J.^5, bait y i } j • • !• •; -• •• !; • i ; I j wa» !i^d frotn ttte fcooal Oovorj- ' ' place to ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' j ¦ ' : Fife Mile Bicycle Handicap (Open)—J A T * PATPR HM menv wara, calling attention to the necessity purt*»j«i(ownull BqtrtwiuSoiAi^ :| £1.000 SWEEP I ; . -. :• . I n ¦ , -\ j.j I A iijfmmSm forla iewwigeicheme. • ; i- ¦ ;• .. arc« Ij, Tbos* fwiho "want] , Hallorah, 830 jrd#, 1; J Carroll, 370 «d«, 2 : ? \ . . ' OUNOARVAN SOABD OF ¦QUARDIANS tow m«ny ' y «n faef«t« ttw*itl&&^|» ¦ to take a cbanieiib the ' ^ : ;|; Ohairmaji—That's too big a matter t

ATV' . \, . i HyPJlf c•yp .*• i^inbridgeSae ehouldi Eh ti-kM. t , ; 1tt $ht h'A$' j > ' I ' ; j not fo«et ¦to.BendilisH-a-crown on~io Mr T; Siloging 66ji» &1 known 01umDinn«hfn_Ti;P K\v\ *, HAf t l ntr i. n - ' ; irh« tleirorfwh tk«yL^n«rkoedIooi«iLji* 1 sporting conHDhsipnet In- atr;-5 -PatSion F v cAmmSE^m^: i Government Bo^rd waa" not honoured? ',. % O'Cotmor, W B^ack, P. Mc&atoiy, J^P. ; ' '* Ky»n, 27ft 7In; 2yF Byan, 25ft I lio .'i' ¦ • , lOlerk-a nu»eli 1b» flrit to rtn U yCT14- mtedJ^oSIT : ioJd] yoo to. call Sn! the treaturer P, MoOwthy (Rt i&Q.j. Curran, 1. dkeefle¦ , ' ' ¦ ! SPE Gir A L< - O|f PEB. !^ ' : ¦ 1 ' ; : '¦ ' ¦ ! ¦• ' '\' '¦ ¦ ' ' - • ' fotti tThe 440 Yard* Cbamp : ' ' ' and make an arrangement with !hiln. ' E. 'O"8hea. . - |. . (o, , T: r : ; W? ' . •!- - ¦!''¦* '«<. .[ t-'fivsii-vf . iprrae-moneylitt ll ba: Si*olat«ly! loMbip-U/ ]f I Cibnolly, ¦ ¦ . . ,.^^ \ ' ; ¦ " ; ¦ ; ' '¦ ^ 0 *• ^ ' ¦ ¦ • i ' MT. ;Ryan—Thafa ! : ¦ xmn "*way whejiher. the . *wjpep^ 411k ndtJ Cork,,l ; L DWaD :pl6omel T ^ 1 a bumiHrrtfng ppiitiob to I Wi lTEpB 8UPBLY; ;- , : •¦ , , 2 ' ' ;. . e* | Als6 « mpeted ^ , • ¦¦ .1 - ' 'Th© following;are ibe ; bat , \ - tfie Inspector to Wrn ofl witeE iupply ^[ pei^njdwwiBit©-g third bbxie eotering the straight he came jiway'.aii I'being !;:. tl^ i :; ;.. j' Mr. , Byen—3>pes ho not know Hho olmort lh* | 6thet \&, £M i piraon^ ? WTf^. :JDa9BtBv L trbm \b * town 1 1 Mo'el oek lor J 'bi t nljtU i-««|wto|^rtATkT«; i^idivjde J51M ' I [f. 't ¦ dttripff the -we* u ia th*t an «n ptoijroopiy poraoM;d*2|ini T>OW Thr6»fa» - ilfllbi; Hammer (9ftT ^Veafe-.W«an there tTUttSr^ijere- tbi* ciuidlw had toT jibei wtikboftM li&Z ?, fc rcle)J- un ett yon.WoiAted the.e»tlmftta^ w(nrid nit IU >¦.-. .iv: •¦ j*9j!;' - ' Ch*mraOTsbh>~PlRTan,U6fly J jTI Kiely, ,:¦; i ¦¦ ihonouT che^uei. :. » ' -• ^• .'r^ j, -, , i .; : %, ' TBJ? Tumiiomjex/ 'mt ¦¦;. fllledTand the } iMJjjr *U Itoiw »d jbrthU ' i pjiir^ ' . * - ;*»pen three orimn ¦ '¦ • ( ' T.I-.*)l'i v:stit. .f*;-v(>.i ;{;; . -i .f. I ' *; ":¦ ', . -.- - ' 1 -,! immos FCB mf e& misem&r}' Iftm m mm i »|!;;--V''-V 1ii u:r v i! ~M1: - •r.'<. .tl' ''<\;' i| '-'i i i.: .f-' - ' ¦ ->•< ] ¦

¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; - 1 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ • ¦' ¦ ¦ $¦ ; ' " ' ' .¦!•¦- • . ¦ ¦ ¦>¦:;:, :¦ - :. ¦:;-¦:¦: .%y '7 v? :f*.^• x-hl.'+hvi- !- ' ¦ /• .•• • :-:¦ t. . I - .. -y- . ,: ty- i - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; •**• ! ^' -> 4 ¦ ; ' - *i - - ^Mi ¦' • >:¦ ¦?;'!'- ' ' - :-: "-/ ¦ ?¥?¦ r.h£? .-w H f!. ' !¦. - . -- •;>j ,:-f •. • , - I- ' : :- -,v: , K?,:, ) V ' iilSitf ls pai l r "i| ¦ l ^{!£f.:«: Jtpii;:S : ^i ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ f^ : ¦ '' ¦! r^^ri^T-'k 'Tp >-i;^;^V t i ^ . - • j> -i ' . . - :v".'j '\~ '* ftB #:p53|:ylri:rtHip' ' !- l^^l^^j^t^ i *: i!i*i t ¦ £• .'../"&'. .' i l ili rt i i i p i il : ! B ' ¦ 'H : BR : . tHERB j.::Aiibj (:.itVBLitV. • ,:..j :i : ^:yrm- ,a- ,. . .. .:i' :¦ : :^; t ¦ LJ.|t interruptedy -'by the '' ;': i '!<^ ; ^¦- ¦ -^^v;^i> ; >j ' : ' extensive/^cayaUoriit is s^K'^rofHor ^ ofi' .ftX. fe^vK^^Kifejm p " ';:¦ - LETTERS .W',THE.,BOITOR. : -'| ' ¦ . .;. ;AC^IOt^T^HA ' :: ,;;' !B»e «t eets, tilenb well ' ^W*^l. ^^^^^^ __ :v . ? :? ;i.v ttie eam^ j to "Wirr.-n, ' '' ' i ' ¦ " ¦ ] - ! fl . ¦ . ¦' NewiiSou^ '^>uffi.^tral l^ : . .!.:*' . ' ;.; "£ *!Prrr ^^ - 1 ¦ ¦ - ' I remember- that '- ¦ ^^/ ' ' ¦ i i ' . about £180 pbrji Week is ibeing :Hd waa.'ftrxteep yearaliSi.iv.the'. : WDVSEBW * ^BVEUO: MEWT.! ¦ ' . i :¦¦ • fir-..BtuunxLaVXoTC l. V . I spent (DiibUntiorceJ ¦ ^UpH ¦ T,! ; fefte^/ ^^- 1 ' ¦ ' ' in ' ' 1 ¦ ¦ - ' ' " '^'^ ' wage*on : j' 1 * th«:jsewera|e iij ' . ! . -" it > | works. . .. Wrt atha werel sent" •l>^fiha '^>roth^P; atrick ' ) '{&•)>! i^i: :Ttrf%rrr7••:•;>;•, !¦ : '¦ r>. [¦>' ;; /^-' ' '¦ S-^ 1 '' ^. u \ ¦!. -!¦ • 1 • ' iU • •. (From tfiiiiiiirbii^simier'i'.Oaiettai. ').-. ; . :-;;¦ - . -l! .X. : / . : .;•!! ¦ ij'^^'^J : ' ' " 1" M ¦ ' "Edmoridi hiB-^^rtinrijiv'i',- nephew iand hop it .be ai ; A- On. Monday s svSrol ^uhdreda' of] jiew ' 'Bosa ¦bn'i an . -- * .' .L' ¦* i ^ i.eir-^tt e *will:!not .taken implying j . The My.diareapectt -o qurjParUamentarV'Meniber. k' l people parsed through rnia city, jjouto' toi the °**t •< .Tr« '%^vi«(irW; foWbltflJnMtr»tilon of tti« !"' ' • ;. 'All :i : : ^u . ^^Ws ^V ^e^aivatwn remain* Dublii),^ S0.iim. •the iLeader of }Me Iriah race, and the. mo$t ' onaer-llreT^' ¦ Exhibition A^f^ l^t 3. on^thel : the J°^» advanitege of iPrtiyiig Oh tlm ocaxoon' of » re6»3* -nii\ : We itpJKIiso ttaMy, ; ' ^ ' : Cork ' iy thje Great Southern and ^ ^ ! Virile an(i. fe^nrinand(ine perBpnality*t pre- : near K ¦ l^ii1 ^t, via MaJo^for..D^aWnr-and P'f* to Mr. W. A; E»riS': t»nn »t; W^etlani; Edli. j On* Wnf -SJH ar» ready, -; KSuiiiiijijdbw ¦Western line. pie. party: comprised a very Syoung ^boystareW?*^uspecteU by, the ^ - isenV'dfty-in^ iffie i 'Britwi Hiouse « Commons¦ .', Sir. }f$»rn(iliVBrin beilmPcr In : thii ¦nr»»itte.«*ri«n. ! ' . . polioe of were conveyed hence j ^&e4amUy r burial ' ' ¦ . iTo tsat oi r iror' - : i ripreaentative gathering 1 being; concerned-* when..I «ay-that: even' Mr:^Bidmdnd's- speecn shd h» ' Tp dash on ^>e Saxon, . ! of the Inhabitant^ oi !* the; outrage, -and'^they ground toi the Old- Pariah, ' : ' . ton Pridaynifeht, '.powerful and:eloalient, a».it »lw»j» toluk ean to°have Us oropirgooa orer • . Kos-jmac-druLh. (Th© first etage Wt thte journey can.ve believe ' - ' \ ^ ' ¦^ wort-iliin once »itlj the ¦ object oti affdj dlng than all , . Our morW foe, [,', ., i . | , at any mbment be identified! • -1 • •' ' ^;'. : w -. .: ' : :•-, :!:, was, did not interest, ma JSO mul the proceedings, " " . . In '.he bkx5y nire ! . , for Lany "¦ ¦¦ ' by ' 1 one' - • of' your' -'. > :felloiw cJt&ehs.; mt. prerloai ooc««i(7ns, "Qjis -p nrpoaely lefs t«o- onipr»jed WJateriord, arid Ihe train started for Cork at other case of; ¦ " ' .by ' " '¦ ¦ ' great violence.!•¦ ' of: ' ¦ ¦ - ' -bulk " ' ' i toe 'hoJreeeTeinrJ^yed: of" • • ¦ diilUin the oanire ':¦ -i field: .tbi ¦ ¦ ' : • the n Urge end contrast . ! . . bangsn |! | Raines iPower made::some : .Teferences to the itUL—Walts*Wal ib, h^^Y^W ail g uj t hali-j>ast j eight b'clock, ^hich • ineana forces, . ; between tbede iha ittl of : ' jontnow ¦> Imperial f bxuingjfche latk ma in South thagoincant natural, tesou^ces. of Waterfbxd, *nd th4 crop l^ , ' ;6t. etch—Daniel Fariell, D O,. KllmaooW; Janes):>¦ tlJat jthe excursionists tad an early The-;iMayor ol ; Africa; Vtry itriklng. Except W {lew apots here and there . : "I>«.!bv Bl^okwater, \ : ,v, start ol it, _ limerick J has (expressed his' other countries .had of Lcouiree to' be 1 lamented;the iailurrf to .utilise them properly, iWhea sooMi.wen white, . KeeVe, Moolum: Jaats Murpby Daagan;j|V »i lls«»" to travel by even such a' intension . ' ~ ' that portion of the crop which wu sprayed-u (till ai D P.Jliltowtti John kinsslls, DC,Bally-'- ;: ' %{ conveniently timed not to ? seek i^-eiection. i and 'the drawn upon in order 46 makegiodijthe.heavy and.suggested that local companies,. or syndi- gnen' •Twa» by BttnWator, Bbckett, : ; cates, -might .be-formed to:-deveJop, aUoh re- aml oealtook plaj5e{among . the animals whereat the two drills, ' ¦ ; 1 soUrcea. llTiifl is ran extrezriely 'practical sug- »h«t were left nntrested have Btood f«U m sight : : Dn .kltt ; £*«t>iek Walsh, Tinlough j Frooek - o£ travelling was! we are sure, altogether j^r- tinned: as probable candidatek.for the ofiioe. ! employed ia mounting; the troops, 'but before hj d thtlr tops eo oompletelj .w.royed tba all thit ¦ Bat we were-waay ' ! ^ gestion. ; We Have become'accuetpmed to heaf ' ; Aylwaid, Moolam j John Walsh. i ! ¦ go:ten , once the! party ! had " refreshed ,the These include Counoillor John Guinane, J.P.; i the (war broke out it/w&a'calculated:tha.t about and to read a great deal QOW teouStt an * tewjof tho 'tii^ leiJl.M B^emi or . With our lon( spesn, : : 4i —Mr Pat Keeffe, Narrabane. i | .,: about encouraging haolmi ' : . jBd. in:ier man," at Cork, and entered the Exhjbi- CounciUor; Ealph Nash, (soli'citor; and Mr. : seveij out of NeVery tek'lhdrses' IrLsh industries by -* buying, goods.if . native On the dtilli thai affected there cannot have Aad WK bad no fears ' delight and instruct ' even the tested,the: position present couniry. .- :¦ ' ' " ' % ¦ ¦ .\™-: ¦ moat casual with ^he Mayor. . - , -, - -- :li . ;:|'! .- .; '' . ' : . . ii the interests of thoseparts rot Irelatid which It require* no great iitrttoh ef the imagination to tee . . 8«.6d. each—John binnott, James Phelau, Ml(- observer. ; : ¦ ; • ! ; \ Any of the that idien the crop' pomes tooe whUtUng gentlemeii named would, no doubt, have industries; But wihat ^ about the places to be taken up the yield of Thetr tnllets . town 'j Walter Wai h. • , i ¦ ¦ lubera from': Upon oar rank, - " I i i make ! these untreated drill* will fail snb- ¦ ¦ , (Mri t ( worthy ohief magietrates: • ¦ ¦fivxm ;What have oar ]{riend> the department oi aiita with fish, and thai for want of capable , Clonmel of] ! and' which our i ,; other koportant; works. •. He' 's bread (s made maa ground in E.e Ih> morn did fads,. Lnffan, OreonviUe ; John Hoynvc, Bal fkifaboylj boats and a landing pier a little fortunes Various iBoards of <3uaidian8: in the at present 'Mineapolis or in. (Dublin?: ;If we rigorously •gricolfare been doing at the Maoster Dniry 8chool t At their Ufe-bboddrtok. Parkreed ; Wslttr CoonoUr. Skesxtt;; , . is Eastern engaged in . tibelereoiifln jol the mew I he xmotl John: Hoot, summer teesibn, or ooune of butractioa ' ' Counties ¦ tabooed Manchester and Glasgow ' , ' Kapekboose t of England are ' ' made cotton ' ' John Kooz TTilid i P^tilrk Matrrath, . let; swimming about, practically •untouched be- now making their JOounty Offices , e ¦at " " . \ tc.i :J>un^ari?an By tne ¦ for female i ; s from l«.j to tea, and gave; them their wageif L ¦ ¦ ¦ Ballykeofchao i RichardManoi ng do. : - i . aa vrell. .The If ievery tippler in or- i abo (Wtt 4iitt>uragrlng announcementthat not oily had none of A« b«st «d o»n — . i try and do sp?j Why -will they not reap this Is. 2d. per stone,, while bread ;is. offered at a hinds «re.'very. jth«ikfui ' ati t-erfdrdirtfis- - 2«. each — Edmond Doody, Mil town ; JehB . ;f oT: Hisikindness. . ; t^red a solemn yawineyer; mk>re to polluteni a the pupils betn iBocenfalin carrying off the usual With vengKoou Wo'll fesd .'tm I" , | , BaliinabooJa} ' penny per pound, and in ;e<>me ; ' 'crashed, : | ; H«rn«T.JOlmaeow : ThomasGrant harvest of the eaa, to list A hackneyd . phrase, cases for less. lips' with those, alien-concoctions, London , or mtdal for batter testiijjf, bat that not one of Uum Then down we OMCJ, At .Bury St. -Edmunds JOuteh Oin qoaliied for Tbrengh the wfld ford t Tramoxe, were'made for tHe floifie (Missionaryianniver- that . make Wateriord ; a , or that the standard of knowledge tmdog : OJSoJUvaa, -. i-' - .- . .;. . . - . I ItraRh' ; Joseph WaUb, io r Patilck. Eeid,'S«rrs> saries:from October, flourishing and'populous centre of industryP, I the pupils has Dot beealopjto ihe unul level t To Our gissral; thm^sred t EaodD> no protection, ho!encour&genl«li't )'of'a depart- The sale of the IQloibe 'Hotel, announced for lOtfj. ,to QbexJ: Qlet;. Eeya. dt>ubt, it. : it -whatever b, M)e i Jobn Cooke, do; PatHck 7 EioselU, Edward seamsto ma that patriotism, like cause iti may be due, the officials of (he At>d we wire sot slack, ' hou.« B*U>kilaboy Jobsa>t> mental, character |to C, ; ' ^and wfliwiint *n need to look to >he oat a. It docs , (Uy at, hU back , . ; Bronnan olfy, Kilmacow; Hillary aeeie, was postponed); but ''the disposal of the ihe 'deputation;appointed' by ithJeVCopferenee. hwik^ out country; ilourish, .we, muat; not speak to» well for the' Department's Educational TU1 the flight began. , Ullld ; Mrs *" risk their all in: iiho quest ior capture far but ' . ibcrgin j Gahaw, BalliDBbooIa. ' ' " , irom the land; property, is. still open , to -private offers. The!EeW Andrew-"Kn^.wai?'re-appointed Dii- with bur own"towp.ahd county. ' iPettp^Ie jin Schemes, to find them, so barren of result* under ¦ ¦ : i < ithere are. ao really serviceable - 1' general tire - too fond of 'thinTdng conditions so favourable. - : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ' ' • .UlOd.—William Hares. 8kesxd. ¦boats, tooi:.Ch»peii 8fecj«6itjr. :i J^*ai 'ffeooinmfended " on{a jlar^e ' i ' . • • -Y £ #,, /: I 1« AL each—Thomas Walsh, - rikeard; Tntt«M even if there were ! a pier, and there ; is The property, known- as:Marine: Villas Tra- scale add- judging movement*' by the: magni- : O, bow w# soaSterod ' . j . , >ihat & new chuxoh and '.rian*4S© ' erected!6n tude -of theirr^poarent ¦¦ ¦ Karahagb. KUaMOow ; Patrick Cottello, Pas|«n } no capital in Traniqre, except w&at ia- tied -jip more, were put up for sale (by public- auction operations, rather;than j THE' D&tA&iiiKtiT AUD COB< The. . ; : &oH,obu»d anajVattered, i . Is. each—Hies Dalton, Ktlmacow ; counted upon the fingers of oner band, and • ' ' Elineila, Blots anhdl . BobertUarl< -y, Knoskhoawf auctM>neers, by direction of ;Mr; Thomas 'Fen- lay the sum of £iSdO. The Bev. 3. Eobertson human wedSnessj and they Ihavie mort excuse ' ' ' Bjr snore and! glen :— who -ffjill not open the' "etockirig ' until they , ' . Fruit ; growers, M | 'Weh ;«» , farmeTa and butter To the wa« orUoyaUp, I Thomas Kent.XIauls' Mills ; feter Halxhts, TJUd : j ne^sy. i .'Ebe official details;' which, we apperid!, fo*;it thanmost'people. Not only is the Water* mtlen id !; •¦¦' ' B-A... wa3 appointed Btatistical secretary, and . ford .'j;aptes^pt«tivtfin: , ;are to be givenj^d iimlnj* connection with Pew fled thaV4*j/r' John Wal*h, John Merry, Greenville ; K'ebjwl see some prospect of a reasonable return for will. but. dieBcribe the property Which came ' -' ' :the. 'House ol Commons thei'-A giiealfeVi! ' PepMtmeSt of' the ' InternaHojaJ 'bar IMr.. M. C. (Douglas iay teniperahoe' iseeretary.; the .most potent man there; n Will tfaey oar way Walso| do ; Blchard Kelly, Kilmacow-; Janes investment ¦under tihe hammer.' • . a Waterford-man t'dSbpon a^'O^K ' l hV oSciats of:'tbe' Drpartment Wheni we ooos ag«isf They described these well Eev\ jW. li. Ooade was re-appointea educa- &!At trje head' of ulh» British ArmyJ.,and:'a .| v Brown.do-jWto ;8aHlran, do; Waiter CosU'l ', &>', L. 'f ' situated houses as- 'iy' of ;Agrkultnre arji , st' Erejeht'.engaged in maktng Ukh, fcig^|how Ir'Bh gr°wn 'l hit ¦ Klerso: Maddox,, Nan»b»ns | John DJOIO, do i Tramore, ¦with.', testeiully. l laid-out terrace, ' ¦• • ¦ ¦ ¦j. ¦ :¦' ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ Britishnaval leadert. Stillione cannot-help '! ¦ i' portage secretary.' !: . . . daring the third, wesk in Oordea* torled,- 1 ' ^October, and jaogjabyg ihe fmes ' ' ' ¦ . *• i Jobn Carroll, Wal Btehard ¦ • - ¦¦ do; Joe«t>b sh Daok'tt ; ¦ ¦ ' , 'in 1 ¦' • ¦ ¦>' tbinMng :nflw :and(thah ¦ •i. i' e who • ' ¦¦ an interest the pliice • that it might 1 tak|e3 • . - .; ¦:: j; aye pleaavire ground, |and-iprivate passage to the . ; : i attractions ofler«dli> the of ' Tnerwrne fciit , - > ' [. 'V*7 priieS the lareinibitlon^ f** i Mulally, HbbMl g ' ' bpen .betterjtor iWateriordi and not much worse ' very Oat Wi borUd; Kilmacow ; fbomss Costello, do i -ago expressed hBrrUdi > frith the boats at the disposal of tiie : fisher- years, his pwn rqireteatatiTedlspliy if (be ditferent clarse' of garden ' do; PirtrlckL'Sn-a.Blos»mn- from 25th March, l&M, it the present place, (Pad&tow, Ooiiniw'all, of EUen Jiine, the shed iinls«lt by' ke^pinU countrymen- . . . And: adjustedre ^t l^.'Iper 'annum. The aspect wife of Charles Olynn tPxidehux Bnina than v .bvfiiiiig those Department are 'bardxu ' . .tWi i»lumb«r-'' . ! , eecond of; the iBoers, and-.- itb* ftlofi in their efforts , to Who tbos maepw; MichaelBailey, do ; M-chad Dalton, Dos* recently been obtained in the bay.- ,but <«>e- is oharmiiig, and icommand{unrivalled views 'had/tBerefitord utiliiod tfie niin>r bare; died To daughter of the first Baron;Carew, aged 78.; . ly>dal. Influence; thjB ^2Tiouft4ral; lection, of , the 0)rk Eihmtioo In the b ' kitt ; Irtureneo Walsb^do ; Junto ung, XO> ' ¦ i«; v . . : rounding-country, . .. ; !.. ' : ; The skeleton of Comeliua Magrath, the Tip- *jiil4ing ",5r^fd'j'ohL^the.Buir. (or, '. Jfeherily. Their latert John OosteDo,: da v Bdnjonfl Cootte, da ; Patrl.k verse conditions to which we.(have ' fleet'1' fromOT^ a^singra d,Mrtore,in tbs direction-,i» the dispUj of o fino lioott da ; referred. perary giant, -which is 'being exhibited'by Pijor of o«ean ^ingj-xte^mihins it < [We r t do ; John Pbeflm,.do ; Thorn .a Bark*, We have every hope ;that -these defects will be catfnotiiiJlWgreat nkn/'like^KolJert, or* Beres^ colTectleoof aodotied >aid]£8^0, and uhe one of r ' make a definite conrpetitaontih sn iremainedibet weeii.'lh&t. lady €be largeT'tenes of iHii , vaiuable.speci- selection, but to -aid others in their attempts to One of the f andafflental prindples of the successful j OQQ BRbTHER8^ OF are sanguine enough, to anticipate' that with ' solyp the problem stock feeder'! art hi" ti kpsp hit' r^EPARTMENT . AQBIOULTnEAIi AK»^ an&/(M£; 1 men was tSken o^fer. W i^ndon tfor exhfbitioii, , might I suggest .the! follow- ' p\ , caWes bontinaally PAISLEY nOAB, TOLL, CLASgOW, aw. judicious help froin tht Treasury, 'and iffoe De- 'Murphy, / .who -was eyen'toalry de- 'is~iuad ' ing, principles of choice:— . i ¦: inoprovinj fr«n the;t£»e th«y are born unt^ they i e X/ TEQHKICALIHBfBPOTION FOB IBELAJtP ¦ j ; and th tote done- by Bpetiil resolution ¦ ' ; n partment pi Agricjilture there is' prosperous olar«d, tie purchaser at £9^0, in trust-for a have been unable \ , - : . : - < . •< ¦ '¦¦ Grand¦ Show df Irish County Tipperiry ta'aWB/ wlas reported inchefr'in height; b^ut eiceleton, so . to Irish ipeople to itarvef he jomijf sinunab'dtirjni the earw . . ' ' , ' ' that thpy will' ' * . ' > ¦ . \ ' be any secrecy in i the taatter it is impossible BLOU8B3. Colon's, -ft i ' readily learn •tasw tif their ' 8k* Wnit*/ Knfc WbiU, ; probably' owing to ' ehrinkage, is. more than and-take ipileasure in it. ' What grijVtli -Thi! CAT ^Uob'through latk Hallo and Whttr. Americasyoke , * CONFJ3RENOB:' .; OF FBtJIT GROW1EP 8 to judge. j • - . - : ; would be the pjod of of foedingorany »'tarcau*e Bade with Mn rooks A; second case of typlioid fever rifte occurred two inches lesa. ¦ ' i • • ' ' planting new industries .is allawedto be«tinted^n dowo front on sitbez side of boac-plMt, soft cellarand j on ' irisnIrish' sousoil' rfn we navehave to ¦import foforeireignersgners its growth .very sdd»in'floes, So \well afterward*,no mS», ooUar tseked On OCTOBER loth, Ifitb A J7th,: : in the Ck>unty ! limerick! prison, | the ; victim ¦: -; !:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , price [only Is lltd t by fos», M ', The ,'w'eather.'tihi3 weeiwas 'bright , and fresh, ti do the work?. : . - • .: ; • : - • | - ' matterhow liberalH s treatment, >uj one whieh has beat ' being tMr. . Timo|thy Fliinagan, j.Pi. Chairman . : T^e are- pleased 44 he« ihat Mr. Thomas extra. Sits of Collars, IU. li, sod lit T ;• ;¦ ¦!— i'AT -¦ ' and should 'have materiallyeided the farmers i (3>t/Cat the materials should be, if poseible, kept uninterruptedlj*• pi> the Bjend" all ' through. LOTVO3. BrTLI8H8HI8TBLO08Bof EtraSlAU ^^ORK , ^; of the ' Corofin 3>istrict' Council,. who is -under- ; Boyd, Clerk of-the Ordwn and Pieace for Tip-, «u6h a» are produced In feme parta of,the-bonntry TWILIjSrtR. \ (harvesting in.the South of Ireland. thireiB an idea that This blouse we ean do in an- assort In ihi ConcertSail oj going a sentence of imprisonmentunder the in closing up operaiiona. That perary, has greatly1 benefitted' by his holiday, (4)-rJThat the goods.produced should.be such calvOTwhich hate ,bee» avowed to run down on con- mtnt of «bot effects, snob as C"'m»oe & Bias, B'aok the pork Exhibition. they -were fuUy a2ive to > the eiiuation waa as "the cotrirmm people of «itton sod Blne/Crtnuonas 1 Oreen,; Qp\l A Eells, Bins A IN Coercion Act. The doctors twere able to diag- and has returned to j his residence very inuch 1 Ireland can use with dotinc the *intertnrfve better In tbe followiag i iXJJPWARbs OP ^78 JPBIZE3. ; evidenced by the sznaliness of markets for hay, advantogevtothemselves. ' Foreign markete are sprfair thin those whichi hare been kept fa better con- Gold ; 'also io self oolobre. White, Crete, Sky, nose:^ T- Flanagan's disease on Monday, and improved 'in health/ ' We-are sure, d^t the precarious, and more so is ' Crimson, Pfnk, Torqanbe, HU, H»Uo, Petonks, very Special Classes for Nurserymen and for straw, and other - i sorts of . 'produce. ^tlll the dembnd for dition.; This, however, is'» fallacy, lor" though such nieely trimsisd in front ^ach; certify that he is suffering from typhoid , fever. many- friends of thii highlyjesteemed j gentle- anyLspecific article of 4uxu— for calvra;maja ppeari to. fanprWe'morebecause of the wUb two rows blade itkben Provinpe&c .. ¦ - - i i. ' .the riph, and and softfrill ef eern law, solf attachedoolar aad eoffs , : He has been transferred for treatment to the man will toe greatly pleased' to (hear of , the de- surely, iherj» would, not ,.' be mucih patriotic greater room which there w for improvement in thrir. ' For : iLord ICharlea tBeresford ; has i now ;been policy-ih . trimmed two rows hlaok ribbon. U&sd thronghost A i Prize list and fall particularsaa U> County -Infirmary; i r -. . * . . : cided improvement in his health, j ' , founding . industries to employ, one t ondition, they, do not really give anything like sneh; a vory. »olU»U end intzpeiiarfe bknse lor th» ocolog facilitiesfor ¦; ¦ \ l ' ¦ 1 ' ¦ . cheap boolringBgranted b * ¦' • ; brought ¦ class jBailTf ay. , 1:1 the head of the (Rear-Admiral's . wVSriring _ j to i <>f .people to demoralise! or im- good account of themselvesin; the long run as animals seaioo. Pries only 44 ' ^ ^ ^^ ' ¦ IH ; postage, id extra. Slasa Compenie8' ' ¦ ' ' ] ' list • by' itfhe retirement of • Vice^Admiral Hoyd. poveriffh-^otbeig. •!• ' . •: ; ;. • ' j : ' which have beei (lone well all through. -Of this no of CpUars,181,14 , aod Us. , &c, apply to ' . The; Chicago icoiresponi^nt . of the {London Kilkenny is the city where >lhe members of industry, , ' ' One.'of the Arst results of, €cas, will, of course, (6>7h!rhat the should ibe fairly more forcible' Dlustrabbn could , be given tbaa the N««—When ordsrl' f by UtduenoToie PoetalOxiai r«'G-i»as»TKB SEORETABY, i ! " Express " cabled --recently.:—^Following Fri- the Antiquarian Sooiety will hold their wholesome, both'to koult* or Oash la registerid envelops. AT BSS the •.workers¦ and to the other obtainedby men lie Mr.' Young of Brockler Postal Orders inasi tiepsrtmentbf AgricnltoAd and Technical In-- day's announcement of the- '. 4? th*> inc-Tr- be-Ihe extension of Lord GK I ' . retirement autumn meeting-, and, in i addition to the 'inhabitants. -:• ^-- --. -• . . | Park be filled IB p*yable to Ont Brothers,' aad Crossed «tyt* j , aid eome of xmr other aubceoful feeders who ttrnction for Ireland, Upper Memon-St,; Dublin ^-ratTpn^rntgTi^-Bscr^'n .flggj^j^is .forty-three ¦year3j _ «nce; Ihe joined numerous , • (Sty HXiii If shotfld 'employ a guibsiantialpro- make a' speciality of. keeping theii young stock con- KationalBani> limited; rVi slsy Boad Braaeh. ' ' ji^c^^is ^^ ' "places of interest-to-!be vosited'there ' ¦ ¦ - Address joor ¦ '- ¦¦¦ hand showing the| g-igarftlc 'buajiiess'ilw. co"*fl- *h« BKlrariia/ arTtEe;ige 'ol tMKSffntr —j$svn\ '- pottidn¦ of female labour:,: ', ' tinoosly oathsmead , and are consequently enabled to esvtiop* ' Enrelopes ahouH be marked "FRUIT 8flOW; ; sriTJxcursioh-lUB-be^niaTrangedfor- the Ifollow- '. I need inot-dwpll- argumentatrvely ¦ \ ibine [will ' tra-asivct. . HtLe. capital will be actions itave happily heen scarce during the ing day to many 1 on such sell; themus yearlingi at-prieawhich farmersin other ancient, churches and other points., ffhey ere virtnaljy self-evident, -Will parts ef! the country! sire O&Oh BBOTHS1BS £100,000,000, the a!nnual -buainess £200,000,000, period of his service. vLord Charles B&resford ' " often very g'ad U obtain for »€OTXAin)6O EKiT,T KABXSS ISO MTIZft ' objects in the ivicinity. The date of ihe meet- anyone come forward haw with some specific two to two-and-vhslf yeas olds. : OBOES BTKCUL15T8, and' tlje annual p;iio!fi,t8 , Tbis'meana was one of the fortunate -winners ' of 'laurels ! ^kge«tid1isioft «h' . '£30^000 000.. ing is. the . 7th October/ and the Bishop of -'industry fiiflllihg' these1 ¦ , or PAIBLBY-BOAD tOhV, GLASGOW, a\7 ;. !:. - THE ANNUAL that; 15 per cent, of the prices cSiafged wiil be •when, at ihe bombardment of Alexandria, his Ossory tb8 :mqro. eMentiaT^ofithese' condrtroilis? ' ' ' i Untlem •• W.torforf San.- ! ,«ndl *MTB. Crosier have linvHed the > Thls pot5i;oase fori clear profit to the]Trust, ind will (enable the ship helped the Temeraire out , ;.O r LLEC- . - .. TIO- ir ' and so BeVerely handled the guns' of f ths fort as i, 8hould ianyon e —M*rk . , I i i otockholders to receive an annual dividend of afternoon. -Dnring- the excursion j to GawraD, criticise my idea's, I shall not .reply; .unless E*j (Steward to Count A. MuBsttr),:Mare8GddPark r I IH AID * ¦ ' ' to the signal, " 1 at Oi THB FDSD3 OP THB ! , ; 30 per cent. , ' \ : ' i 'earn ^ell done, j Condor." He Thoma8tdrwn, Jerpoint, tAc:, on -8lh October, •the direct requeat of the Editor of 4his' paper. Estate • Office,.hear TTclfield, 1 Sussex; underdat* of | COUNTY OF ; WATERFORD. - \ ¦ : sailed 'some days ago" for New- Tort ¦ ; " ' "' Aujest IBth 1902, wrlte» :-^' X am glad to testify to • ' ¦ ¦- '¦ several local •genUeuien well -skilled in anti- i ' ' ' ' 8AI/IOTIN. - •- ' ¦) - ']¦¦[ - . , • . . ; ; Th'e following is!from the " Fxeeman"—.Why , | . - I the i satisfactory ronjlti obtained by .your separator County of Waterford Order, 1901, Confirmed by as quarian lore • have promised to meet the SISTERS: OF CHAEtolTl is the Post Office regarded^ the ^>ul>li& a Colonel Charles E. , de la; Poer Beresford, [The question <>f local industrial developinen-t during the year*I have ued it At the Brighton 8huw ¦- i -. ! ' - ' ' ¦ visitors and act &> iguides. 1 Altogether, the iBOne in which we to-day t»e won the first jviz&M batter in two clawi" by the Local Government Board (Inland) irnx ra UADR • ,. !- , : '" . ' kind of Sleepy Hollow of officialism? -Perhaps, (Militaryattache at his (Majesty's; '(Embassy- in hav«\always takeni a deep arrangements provide for a most enjoyable interest^ and . we eha)J glad;ly insert; in our UrxoTTn SKPABITOS! SAIB3 CO., LTD , Bristol Provisional Order ^Confirmation (No. O> SUNDAY 2ltT 8EPTEMBER, i lto«, | the following atorv, which Iwas told| at the Voii St. Petersburg, now- at "the iMoscow^Kursk columns any Xccil zgeat SAST ¦ 4) outing. . : (communication¦ that may tend , E. O L , Waterford. ¦ : ' At the Doon of tbe and Telegraph Goifgress, will throW some light rnanoenvTes. hasi obtained, special permission, : to a: -practical 'solution ; of >the auVestions Act, hoi. . -j - .. : - ; : 8ereral Catholic | through ¦ General Kurop^tluie, the lEmperor thrown xurt -by our correspondent. ;.! Chorches of the City. on the isubject. ^yfhen 3Ir; Austen Chamber- \ The^ "Freeman's Journal ", : says—There ia —/Ed. E.N.] | . j '-"Kracluded his ' introductory visit as of (Ruasia'e ilinister • of , lW«r, jo attend the good reason , NOTICE AS TO DEPOSIT OF ABBI. lain had for belreving that the King has CHAEOED WITH ' iMUKDEKING A PEO- * Donations from Po£iina«tex-4j work* r»uiH*rta for Us "I may (have an|opportunity of teeing him u ' ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ purpose ef' : Novitiates of tha Brothers! ¦ ¦ of ihe Xocal committee, and- their: : . - , • London, Thursday. sMkinf » new road la the TowBUnd ol another day." ! ' ' ] ! 1 ihdefatfeable 1 Coolkhal. Parioh d Liastor*as d Uoqollop,1 Barosy s( Mr.-J.:J. Parkinson;"V.S1, add !Mia; Parkin- SAiTD HO (BE IN WlATEaFOBD piSmiCT hpn.jcec:.! Mr. E; 0'8. 'Wardell. On ; At Edinburgh, to-day. the trial ooticiuded of Ccshtooreaod of the Chrigtlaii Schooii; | : ¦ Tuesday, ¦ Ooshkride,Obtaty of WeWrforiV «> («r Afiersome persuasion, hiwever, the Ministejr son are at present staying iri Tramore, for | esample, the lifeboat was launchad for Darnel BlloOlinton, -w^, was ohjarged with a* eoapeaeateffafor tot sass sad not been till tbs ' SBbJectof airrMBMnt • - , j- : ; . •; - - ' , DE !M' ': 8itU^::iUBTBEAT CASTLB. waB prevailed upon to >«nter the room! where eiferciSB , land accompanied by Mr.' murdering with a rifle Professor Ivison M-ac- . . /. :.. :wb ipura in .: practice, BWHU v» M*« MH oiBowir IT. rajnj*» aawo ISS flrst chair. The-underjofficial nudged bis euperioir Sunday next is being organi&ed in connection * ' aha i from oil we "can hear, acquitted- them- Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh. day, ft :8eptea« «r. JJQt,. »»s bsm depositedat; t is who3e description corresponded with ihat of the Offloe of tke Seervtary of the tald Omiaty TBE INSTlTCl'K oi the BBOTRXBS'ol tawj and announced "The Po3t4iaster General, sir." •with the'-oefemony d -unveiling^ihree • stained 6elvea; efficiently and well: : Th6 w^aUier was Oounsel for ithe ; Crown ..urged that the ac« Oasjaeil, at CgBTflTIAK . Mr. ' local ; Catholic escaped oonviot itynchehaun,jwas seen; on thie " the Ooart Hoase, -Wsterford.and. Is open to tespecUcn 80BOOLS is a Bstticw '• Eh : ,What?" bro^e out 1 Blank; haif -un- glass "Hrindows erected; In tbe- fairi and ;tl>e boat behaVaf admirably/-'The ciiie<}i was responaihloiot his actions and by as* personinterested (bereia. - ' ¦ ;, CotwrtfatJeo, having for Its ezternal objspt .tt* ' Church' as' a menjorlaV !toj.Faih*r j 0*CJoigly, an Tramore road on Frid'ay /last. Jiead Con- ' ¦ And (urtter aotoe Is \ 8d«»isgn consciously. "Oh,- h6w ; dp you do, ; : -Mi|. In , shore •handd ii.ava.' (tieen oyerh>uled,': atod the asked:fora conviction. . , . - •, '! bsrsby gtf so. that tQ Wrsoai 0bMSo «T jiih, ereedaBTot the>oor- Irish priest,. f««cu{ed the neigh- stable .Allen wired - particulars to Pessage 1 elaisilm«o ba»e aay rigiil to oi iatersM ia t»« lands «*»!»»«««*• «•¦ loaadediTD'IrtO tr flWohao Raik.es?" Mr. Baite3;it will'i)e lemembered, who"wi^ ^ - 6(k;r0tary Will b6 able'to;report , we; think, that \ Tbo defenoe >was that \ MdOlinton euffcred (tbe aoapesMttw ppid ¦ bourhood for complicity in the Irish, rebellion Callaghan,.. Annestown, . Duninore, -, and the to > la mpeetat •bfck is BaMsitJM TAUO* ' . » ws*ajmriv»dia mihj Oir > was Po6tmaeter-«igV etci, Vhich?ih' !» ' very friends were plotting against him. Ooaaty Oouoilc* brought from Dublin, and the'-taemorial tablet : ' ¦' ' : oo beforetke 1Mb day of OOTOBEB,lm, a shor> prMSfaMrtary, -and before the Dttke :ol( Korfolk."i It the story ' desirably ^teSutf t8 ^6hie,ye; ';'.' When ; taio boat . itoOHnton was. ( found! j guilty of culpable stateaeat in writingof «be «atst* ot saei eUhs ant ICdaWClass , Art, aad Afrioatsoral is affixed to a blo'ck oi-Kilienny marble.' part of , his . .district^^^ ^and jimimfidiatelylfwired ' a 8eKooIsS(TCoaer>, Orphanages, aad TrabiafgoBoess ! to' [bey for there is np wjas being beaisHei, 'after 'exercise/ a very nasty homicide, and sentenced: to : penal eervitUde short abstractU Us titi r eq wliki thesass* is fowd#d -.i • :¦•¦.- . -• ' ¦ ¦ is not true, it ought Mr. Cary, DJ.; who on . jpoeipt(immediately : ' - ' ' ¦ ¦¦ {orTeaaners - , ' , . \ i ' ' ; for iife. : . !¦ ¦' -| ;: Dated this 11th day of 8evt*s>b*r, U03. Department of toe public iservice, not ^ven -cycle accident was near occurring. One of tlhb cfew, ; ; \ . . Itv UM tba Onfcr Lord Mayo in a letter just -published, says--- turned out in.ioammand of a corps of •'•¦" in passing 2S S*,' -;:'|wfiK-)Rr6. .:PA01 . ' - . ' ' . . .; W7 rsdwbsd 1WI Eeoses, 1^149 ! the War Department', -Frhich is so off ! :. ¦ ¦ ¦ ' \ jQao(Mstia -are , x«eef*sd rrom U to 15- Tsarsj ' , curiosity wliiclj '' hia ! feet/'atid ' rushed bVer btai. It .was an It. could not be doubted itlnat in this instance, ,. j ak W»Urfbrd. : \ ; : ! That is certainly a postal lords' and -tenants' is desiraDlfe'j'. Tliose, like their o^iarTy,..Qr irac9.i>im.'fuBthet..tiian a point AppHcatJonator admWsa should be¦ addressedt» I , in ¦ 1 anxiininioriiscn ',t ior ha rnight, in a second of culpable homicide almost approached that of Brother ' • " :,. ¦• figured in ihe "Churolv TJmes" last week field ¦¦and administered'their about five miles- distant - uon^ Traiuore.- The ; ll ¦ l>orotbeas, as above. ; , addressed, " The myself," who have 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ litte.-" hay« ^8 '-^ru«h«i-i>y, muBder. '. "' . \ , \/: '. \\ ' ' . ' . the shape of a I posteard to:^ Irish-prop$rtie4stiortly -before and since the darkness -of •.•iShe , ¦/ night j preyented'; turlher ( «f ; | tiy. Hf«1)O^t. Tjad \ ' Lavingtoa and ehe--5br^ache4' to. ''Fortunately his , ' ! Toe pziaoner appeared to bo quito compoced. O^a^POQtJIIT Eev. H. E. Manning, Eector of passing of Che 1881 land Act [are heartily'irick seach. Yesterday information ni/as received that 1 oomr^des Graffham, SussexJ" -which!, it seems . was ret ' a person answering to tho'descriptionalready qUlbily grasped '¦Kh* slfaationi and promptly ¦[ f - ¦ of the:pxwerrt Hand laws. I ihare^jno dghi .to re^aed him,' from lihat was a :.i WATERFORD UNION, ..j .j , cenUy ] serit out j iirom the| office ol , a certain ' tenants given jrasseen at an early ioux.inthe morning really perilous aay so, bnt feel «ur».ihat thoseIrish. srtaation. : At' all1 events, the day' Mat and Hnrdle Eaces charitable organisation. A* A iLojndori con^ thetr holdings are ai at Kilbarry Bogsby a woman Igathoring¦water- ¦ s practice ' , 'who have, not-pui ^based in ended without mtehap." ' -' •• • - i! - - ; temporary points put, the officials |of the said present state cf ^ffaiisl Jreland cress, «jf - whombe> made' inquiries 'concerning j ; (UNDXS THE LRJL BUUS) : : taw*-that£he tired of the ' ' Society; apparentlf did-not ' ' : are. • ', the s-ituation of. the police bjuracics and the ' .!' ' ¦ OK : ¦ ' aa ire : landlords ¦ : • " j j ; ' ¦ ¦ i Lav« ¦-^ -¦ ¦ • ''¦? o! : • - - ¦ • Hector ¦ : (H. Manning " became- ' . ,:' -ii " B«v. . -R , ' number of police in the" district. ! i i ' o(:j5wr&n.' otM ¦M ChJchestet T ) mm m% ^, ws^ Wa^ani ' , AJrchdeaconi of \ THE ingtott in 1832 .The conference ; of landlords and tenants' ¦ ;, CybjiiNG bh VB •¦BlssV-JI' ' TTTi laj^a sa^Mrv^w»e'wljrv ts>l«kwa«»^ B—*^aws^sM«*^aaaysafc«>s waw KSBBBJ«L~p^ W»tsjs^lW.IBaaajf yk. ' ¦ TUESDAY, 80th, i9Q2 ^ ^ ^ ^ vaafrT ¦ SEPTl^CBBB oi Wesi^ . .: . .;: .. .:. : : . , i-l •: ' ; ,; Arch'bUhop .!. . " 1840, 1857, ,.:...... » ¦ a! Catholic ion - ¦ be ! constituted i <:! :- ipropose msy ; , . representatives I .;¦ : ; ; \ ^ .; 1 1875. • , r ;';-: ¦ minster in 1855,,and a Cardinal in! ¦ ¦ ; "* ; ' ' THE TRAMORC OAZAAa ¦ ' ¦ ¦: ' 'AS ' ' -i - . , -i " ' OVER THE DBOMBOE COURSE. ; | M " .; .i - . . - !: foBoT^:^" ]- v: the ' , mjrtjienioyiible cyo^g «ia»on ! j j < _ ' chosen *>iy; A^. TrtU-term> 'VThree !memt«iW -to 4^6 land- : 9h ; " Daily Express " reftrriny1o ;tbe motion. niwid. on iaflt Sonjay by.th» ojembemjoi tna ti ^Jr^^^fff fc^K f^yS^B^T^^^^^ saf iiPs^^^^^^^^pt ~*^ ™sajsjBaiBa *^»aV The N House of , lli lords d in Klerrv Copntyj Oouncil ofj Mr. Johin Marphy;,! ' aioVe club', by. theirifii jal run ta : ! tTMi Vnal* ttotjliasawft.<* p (W»ls«, SttWi !fio a- Parliament).^. . " ;; T. -|. - _ .|j T^vmorf : - yolv' lM ' &oUtti; ¦ Bunibory; : The lfldies and .gentlemen who so ebly and ¦PreirtoUB' to' slartinfc lift.,.]: (jarew photogra- y^ JsfsJsJsX.H 0 . STBWABM J . , , i . . JM^fff altlfit tbgetiMT ;4I.P|, says, " the sole, offence of ©r- ' '•chosenjijr the ten- . fptt*l*fli'O tfsWMMdta* sflv!lsMVM "Three inemberi io pe ' ¦ . ! Us*ft p^iisKniir "BLJ^ TCL tnv^sfr . tW iwn r^[HT? ¦phei I t I BSaft t^^A ' j ! coni-sted in the expreaaion!of <»rta|n opinions: ' efficlenl ly ..¦assisted in making the- : beoent (Ihe ^fub, ionaUtinglotover tbirtyj ladies ^^n]^SBBa\ *^^ " S^st^B^B^Bll^Ill fl^B^B^BB^dl^BA wB^Bk ^¦A^BA W^riKdl. J Dempssy.Bsq ; P Waiib. Xsq W Tbtiit, Xsq j *V^»i i$ press not doIng.« GerviQ« to 0)r, Bunhuryi the House whioh t undoubtedly proved! to > ''be.' 6pent. a Jtjniay not be unlnioreeiingt ? naraie,ourj<»x- ' ¦ * ^JH bataoiiwdhi "Ids . «t '" Three^Eepresentotivje s feokn : of ' flnu t)M flBUMsrVMJd -Y BHJ*! 'tfc< ^frfra. flMy bc'di^ »forrUiy^Bsa..J .;: • " ' ! ' ' i by -whole;^i bJWi «peeoh 'n; very pi jasantday at piotaresque- iWooldstown perfcnce9,|6wi jthe many beoefiW thai baVe ¦ -jT^. . ' f ntt [o » j *LjBti[ at/at *- of (Ityelocft, ;>S^SW gpniming up the by .the Irish i members, ; i of > s^Mrsm%tffiL;^:%Bin^^%s%Mr'i> - " : COUUpTBM: ! ' ' ' ihd'next tfiingi Cononons,:', ^o^en. j on Tuej day, whdther -they proceeded, for what aiefned from^& foronatioft our cluhl ' )' ' / I this curiousfashion. Probably ' Jlnionfafts .; j The : , bei aft«r 4he aylfr ol'D?. Nationalists and; . i proved to be> s;-delightful•jriokw. rWith which surrounding dteiriaU, wjtbin' radius oi s? we shall fceW nta|y ; "Two Bepresentatlyea-fpm the;(House of . . -a , : ".' ta|k &r;' Ws of that all important element; the weather, very twenty mild, have!' been " explored, and on OTriara, .who. n4en f iOukK, iD exid put the . - ¦ JIM »M LardsxAwsea^bytho»eiPe«r9 ; J tfkjfsvf S^btfesam ^9tvU ^M Pflv VBVV SVB# *0^"V* ^Sld^Mv(VV si^BtB rsV *O**T?P;*«l J t>4% - ** that he it* bcjst ^ "V * t » ^k¦;!^^ **«ft li » '**i ' -r t *-fy! ,' plealea.In ^Ibct graciou ily favoured (than ;iri^h. and ebery occasion a Cead IMile Faluhe Stq;: Wslsk An V QdOmm ¦ * OoMraine utteranoea awaited us 1 Dors^ ., lfe.i ' ¦ '¦• ¦House ownJpr6pbrij|- in Ireland. v * * -' ' : ¦ '' ; oi Loras n^Jo_ ¦by ' * ';" " ' i did not ¦use .themj at •tt.-.yi j'- ' • ' ."_ ' ;.f : ' ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ finest i utumn behaviour- The party compri- jthe peawmt* *£ '. $* diffefrentJooalJties , i ' ^Wy ">v * " yj! ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ' " ] "TWir b»ake» jin.alL' it. - ;.. PJ jS^ftrJ!"** ^TrJIJit T^*J**fM***S ; j ^:x} S^UrtZ~T ' ¦ '1 - ' ¦ ' ' ¦¦¦< - '¦ ¦ ' ' '¦ ¦ ¦ ; - ' . .;^SvKB/ ') , " ' Jsfljn, nvM^W8p '' ¦ ¦-¦ ¦ ' ; • ¦ ¦< ' ;¦' ' ¦ ¦ everything passed!oft'with* great success. The We» anxious to {encourage and tosteriiv «ryb;i^Ti^'. ilvf * will 1» -in exceA of thoseI representing aj»d Brdp^y, ei injlr^, th«ir.^thu»JAsin wai ¦ ¦ !' •;¦ ' ' ; ¦ ¦ • • - W^i^O-pAi^.CQs^T^M ^ iotl" 1 , uijb . - .. : AO ^ oLOfEH^NG, : • •:! . . *~r ei «nm# of mbaay JWfliilNf . i^wf: . The Answer,u , -thja.i there_'are toon sejretaries, of the Baii»rCommitte daird, puDded, *md'W*slng»werte poured bui.to ,, ¦ - ' ' PLAWWii«o v«i uZ*h .toSmiiZit ' **^: the dandlordii^ ! ! '¦¦ ¦ ¦ **m ; *bl , rr.,; -7 frfnri '^r -\¦ ¦-¦ ,- ¦•>¦ 'MakssV QffR B#flwtf-"' IMW4k)JpSsj paj r:!. frhe' SoUcit»r n9moreE asf, *nd |all arrired'back , jtbatth « OaWip League Cycling Olib ¦ ¦ ' ' ; tnt^^eliae^. *iU, •¦ ¦ '! ¦ • • I' ' 7 '" ¦ ¦ , B lM ^m^^ " : oar - iiV'"] • :- , A,. ' - : . - sUkksJs |A Ofw> Baiw p Bsrals)Xw' si UM. MM | wai ^rk»ted:iijtt .l^V Thosewr^dMi» to ^vertlse fltaam- to Tun tore, after A«Ting^)*irt ^jnoke njoy- hivts:mftriy r*cmU# io it» rapiits, all anxious one sut la tauja^ei.; Ks)nMesV; ^.:-'.: ^iTTJp^ r^ijf^^^W^J it h jime «l greet ' ¦ ¦ abip an I BidhrayOui is, *nd ih* ableon ing,, and ^MvUobMfltcte credit to.iiartaJt*ia> th« «ood>wark.tb*i tbia.lMsWn' j-w-t ' -r¦;¦.;.! ' • if tr:^:,: .^jijlr> , lbs ¦ : MAA (iJ ' )]: '! ' • \J3&, rtobk-a !»wjlg^ IMMf 'pd *atoe ':J 4#i«i4g^jned ^^[»boqld4tnmn 4. . tritn n*Mnt*jul r- < Mi!*> . ITtXKfopW0OOwa ¦i : ! ¦ ' j ' ¦ ¦ It) UMat ^^^ | ^^^ XKXe.yOMjpnenf \0t .'Wb i 1. . ;,'/ ::¦ 1 hi¦ : . A - . .- : -i': -! : ! i SjiQlSta*W-«»T»Wl(^}sSfflflsM Cr*V . (•• ' 'iJ^SmiSlSLlSmdJSSm ^ ' - ''^- ' . •'" ¦ . ' ' " ' ' ¦ ¦ -t j . ' ¦ ,^faoft'.not'JW ^r..dito:'iitard*y,' .to* i ! • •: - - -*" '""" ' -U.. » etrio#-to' siod Irami wi #rfofi#4i -H>t.ti»>*ffif»>~»rn ¦ ' s*ljlf«»7 '^~ *' ' .(Penny, jftwi it -. i»] gtot rbg - In pt^ic Inrora ' sf2j s^As tfn * mfrf/k itiMfBli)li LUfs^LVH^t - . -^' '^^^ i' W at tfUeevM lT«si^ mi' Mlkj tikwiff lk :; ¦:.' 1 Vtji Fl at **5s>s aMKlSMDl^853 ft w sa^sIseMssBna^kBrS !&tyM>-''-f c3i& 5^j^'i r-lv^; - - J2.taS!**?• £•Jo tmlU g &Smi ^m,¦ SBT M 5 O|SSs^BgMsH«lW •>jwi'ji (t.vJBf^dTi »;' >4iiA''i*b'/iCiiipuii ¦ 'r : ?• '. - ''i^\\ ^Yimy ' ¦ : OWejB- C^rtr/;8«»»u 11, oi|fc &jtehmi KonSfc 6^^' :m¦ ¦ie6¦ \ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' Jut t** «» • '¦j ' , " - ,1 iS. |'.ifl -. ' ;j'. ' - '. - (- ' • ¦' - jdtaeidA '^ii««t« ^ *i r- inwu ^»81 *t onov ;j. *r - , .. Wh«n buyina d»J 'iW . Iron ifibMi, ' ^n Sid rinc-He. (id *& i'0U» M«ttin|, IW»c- - : ;¦ ' m, » Ify p i-fib*Jhmt ttr. - ml-bt * ¦lakf^csiTL^ImiaMij* 1* r;'W''ik - '. *. u- Lli-;:.»«b*i Twik- ' Icpta D.cbdouM.fuUj' n« tod .»«*»*•t, k' »* M> t TOO fM • im e «5e*wty,t W u BT YSSMIL v rt? ilntSrhii¦lii orSZ ¦t^Wrnik.. w7»«c U». b-t only. AD i li^ liteVt6.%«ls^-imii-' ,;;if'!i '- . ' •:¦'' ¦ ' ri.|-Hr. -i^M- r '""V tBlt." D^ir t Hi^ii I Btrcof ' maimfftmjm * »«y»*^girJ *i )M&M* pM:M| AW pM«:u:Wfk*'wi- oftU* ¦ * ¦ ! ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ * * : '"** ¦ * * ' ' L ' ' • Jf* ' •* . • ¦ y J-Vr ¦ '- .?* • * '•' ' vTi V . ', *• .;• ' * J ' * - '•¦ ; ¦ T' "1 • jl'* r , , , .- : * . -; ' f-r' '• • « ;; ^« !st ? ^ < |;y.'^:;:;' -i-v ; i^. Q ;.:- 6< ; .| ¦ V; ¦¦ ¦ 'j ; ¦•:• ¦ - ; ¦:.$;¦¦ : ..fe-tfy 'I .-^1 k- .- •¦ -'¦ - - . - -. :> -:- :- f: . -i.i-> :>>- • ¦ • R . ; 4- i-: i : ri > ;.s lli ^:M$Wm^*!¥im$ ¦ ¦:' -' ¦:¦". :¦!.' jj- ' - -:l ' k ^i^i^Mi ^i^''^^^ ( who':Sn»itihV>*wi '$r*atof ' f ctiW.\< j»J,Jth* »-totain MoneyifMnvtb^ count; liiteon me»napoj»9ee«£idij)ythem ii-b Mff l m « -. m-mm bohtraryvthttft 'chiWMn .'iBf W oj i'it|we»;:it» w&tft Ifihg j»;th» ;C?tturitryV^sma J • ¦¦ ¦! \UT*t* «.Cra#*Mi4 #p.fj . , .. i A v« .*„ *-- . ' ;: . .(: •;. ii^S 100 tfpuW>*f«n«i ^ , . ,, .«j ,^. , •fi'j-i ; , ' Jj ^*^ g i'f, *j iMlce iO'lu»;'«nd that a iney yrete\U>work theirivrtty j ldertalBng;; IttodrtiitrtWe ixniiitty.i jdepri^ 11 tin^a4v»rt(»«ineB<8v ar««c*p»d''the i iDvmixy'X'w; mm :. W:^\ - ¦^ ¦ !.: : ;= ' ' " i 6Ticc«8*faKyit .ccrald'only be- by theiriha^&!g :%»:*$$&$¦A;¦ *;». ;¦:. . .-^^' l ' ¦ ": ' i ' " 4 iainly jrafW do Ae 5Cechnlcal Depa ,y.;. 4V, .H';r;j i ^ ^ i^;- , . : -:; v!- M the Mm^afarUat i - J ; . . .. ;V '! ; received in'their ©arueridays an. ©duoatioafin; »f*y ' wr! thl:.gnarflan« I - i «d AdtewM 0^ TW fent, and has to-,work out its own Salvati ; We : h ive: moch.';.p'leasure In nojtiag;thai ;of thefr narrow-nIn< eafpollw-w lexoia- Mune* at tHeee variousb ranches and studies tihat were } ' ' d : for. it \ind 5 ' to nHd'ly ofterwaato to onake th*m MiCiau»© ol »JB1 tery. gre t Improvement on that oj h it mbnth, totractoir* the better. -.: ,. - - . . ;{ -i- ,.>. ; ' j. . '. • •• }. -•- 'ri- 'i "ft" ¦Within our own:>tatjmofy, there fcae oom^ A of all that Hloomea 1 o Hhis th&t outside ot i the ' spotiiHto pecUnl- This:w8S mtich needed, as (ho«e wh< iol4 lsM I^ORTAN^: Al>pB|ES! raTOlsion of public feeling in 'this respect, grid six county borougnb* not one ¦ ViTf-f iditmi ®«j A ; arily' bto«flted to ei extent of one (penny by inontlt ;f' Bffired'!$Io4» In their c«|tt] e| ;- 'f Jew t-• ¦ ¦:¦ -those who Ihave' «n&rie..' «f»t« ! ]?ROJT LORDSHIP-i system have a«t to worE with. a4 Induitry that this] AgtioHltuTal ana .Teehnifcal ; InBtructloti good ho so? were: purchased at the i'orB- > fair ' hW fatal ShooketMr. . ¦ 1HS I ¦' ' codjty. ' Nay *** ¦Oanon ^iV^agh, New B^U m.¦!¦¦ B\x . imi in ir-ecasiinK Aot -ofTlWiii. Outside of ibm mwM I fhad said was almost bewildering . \ W:,Mes$rB:j-;yfid ^et, i- .W»t«rford,vw \i. Martii hope you wtU^W^ooir; v ;-v , -t ional i system: as fax, at rail -boroughs-if .'Jthe cotoiUry- taxed : (t»*U • betu-'e writtett-JDehr 8h~A ;. Y< ^& z$?i our >whol« educat , ' Mui'phyl G(Jrk.: : (Sir l Efc^ard Afua«iv«J .dit- W¥/ ^ s events, as if included '. within ;*he Iwundiry W.IasiV is' doing atj present, it;w puld have- re^ $owSTdi«ot M *m< * <*y<" e»5 *g5 ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦; " ¦; : ' ¦' ' Tourii toifbedafeof theded watjion? loutn ew^wob, :. -:-: '!' C*j t -V . .¦;. ¦\^u ' \i-^' i> ¦ >; ' ¦ > : of •brimary and secondary education, -rrpsetting ceiled|i ' nwoh and; a» I shall preselitly shoWj posed of soine halfbred horses from 1 i| Jmpresaive ceremttpy .will DUfd thi» Uth «»y W.ffept«ml«i 1W4;; ; - AJLBN tie Tne Interestdnjf and ¦ ¦ EQlJtV from English Departnient.andifrom ' ' ; DOBBTN and»recasting lit from - its mo^e iBtud room for thoroughl rfeds. 6li ' [ ¦ ¦ • w.' A | uv» , to n[ake ' ' '¦ . eta*- Stu' »- ! S(MJALLEi • th© entire aystem a ' cm»4f ^. OHE \ ¦mst only ' ;:: • ¦ ¦ »WidiyTihe 28t2x .ji h . !| - . •[ , - . 1 g ' ¦ plW ¦ ¦ " ¦ noSv tee ¦ ¦ it ia receivin , ¦:• ' ':¦ >:¦ Cwn^ ¦ ' 'National, Board of: the: Treasury fund itban - ' ' ' - :¦ ' The ; ? ' oy ' foundation. ' ' ' ¦ very -i: , , : - " iRichard wisely determined to have : he ioiaes . :- > i A: '<^ia»^'||r4> ' ¦ *W ~ . : ;¦ AJ^y ¦ - |lnhence. :: ¦'¦¦¦ GBAljlT. . I j ¦Education has been doing BO, tliB Intermediate [romHhe Irish Department and llrish fundHj & * TO£*nena,£, *¦ ^ | promised to ';' ' ¦ :¦ sold by luqtion. :Mr. O'Shea, auotio aeer^ eon biahoOT and prie»ta have *n , , Board of Bducataon ihaa been ^oing 'so, and; mainlyif;,provided fcr the Department. This t We Aatlhave ume|ua because 1 : , of complaint, and ia jducted ,he' sale,;jan,d satisfactory prices; were a^Yanfcoi adent '' ' ¦ ¦ ^^' the country .has' applauded then act; has been made aidause" ; ! ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' ' " v of-the Jaw. i ¦ ¦ C ' ;- " ¦ ' • ¦ • • : ¦ wngreg&bon . . - : - • - - - ¦ ' and : overbowdntf ' :' '• * ' .7 ' . • ' ,to «ee that the. : - I • ' ¦ the :-wisdom realised .Amongjit the purchasers jwer^ . Mr. ' 5iS!Ii5 J' ' ' th& country 3ias besnty ' 1 . ; ¦ " loVe-Hhe - • ' fnvjlte-aU who - • ¦ ¦ ¦ : . . ¦ • -/ . to • - :! | Seg leave ¦{; . ? EDUCATIpNA direction in which these. Boards were working ' : JUSTOAUSE OF COi£PLi;rNT, . Mr. Charles in cele- • TOOOPLOCK.' , ; '" , ; ¦ ' ' ' ¦ y^Cork ; tapgley, job us j " ; ¦ ' Martin iMurph .and, CTLONMEfc V " Eifr ¦ ' . • \' ¦ ¦ ¦! " cbme- - MkGNIFIC f ' ¦ ' ' ¦ • . house : to ¦ ' ¦ • •¦ ¦ ! ofllod^ and that it was ; | , j , [ ,.;¦ - -f - - » . - " was an eminently useful one, ' Cuijran, 1 J.P. ; event/ 'II may ealeiy I . . ! . , , ir . . . WJ .,. :: :jt - :• j ; WOEK- . ; .. j ;. l A, system ol igainstlthe Treasury in reference!to| technical J.P., iTaiy-Lodge; i lit. CharleB J.' ¦bjraltang this memorable: ; ¦¦ ' well that nowi even though late. 1 " more solemn or rmpressive cere^ EASY WIN FOR iJTte WATEHFOiHD . :- . -i - .? ' ; ! TRAMOBB. r-M " . ¦. . bs adopted for the children; ediication in thia/country. And I have: come iMr, Oasey¦ , Tourin,' and Mr. Nav in, StraA- say that no • . education should ¦::¦ *• ' ' ^or wi^lbe witnesse din thoa ' character' as', ! in . the| matter U ¦Wly. ¦¦: ¦¦!.• . . '¦;: . • : moriy has been. . wa» It Mr»Power Do»erailer'lnce >4- cl thifl country i on the ' same to think'that our grievance - j .[.. :< . ; : i country for very many years Thei return inatch ^th Clonmel played * existed1 ' in every civilised country ¦UMlay,! fan greater than we / imagine. 1: was one; t, t repor'?d uart ot :the last, Mr and ilrs Heffernw and family, W|ttr- •¦ ' - Sunday's meeting Jand conventiod, * excursion from New Boss to w« ™ on the Woodlock; CTPUhd on Saturday ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' (From oar Special Reporter) . ' - -' ; say I! only Bhowed l The ¦ ] ¦¦ . - 'S namely, .; ; t , \ those, and I believe I may in our columns to-day, afford ahum lant prjot 1 out mbrt edcce«»fully. and all who and resulted in a wiri for the Woodlock team - tori - .if tho feeling of the. totire' country, that whUe carried journey to ¦ ¦ that the national spirit of Waterfc rd . is fait went enjoyed themselveswell. The by an innings and ten! riin». Details:—¦ ¦ At WocMte, The Cove :— : ;i ./ . I ! Olonmel, Thursday I A SYOTEM OF EDUCATION we: were no better; off under the (new. sta;e bni the trouble was • - . • :aixwai!EL. . - ¦ : that; waking !upi The ! disappointment si generally 'be sure waa rather tmng. . Mr and lire¦ McDonald and family, Wstar. of .things, we- have come to flnd otit *e ^ for by the pleasure, ex- J . 1st tnningB. ¦ ' ¦ that throughout would bear in mind:that our. before the Act amply Sompensatedl ford. : ; ' ' are a great deal . worse than . felt at pie , unavoidable absence- of jthe Chair- perienced irTthe ExhibiUon' Grounds, where J. Phelan, c Kiernain,; b Oleary *;*,- 1 7T children had -not merely intelligence to culti- of f99, and my reason for aayinri so is this— w«re to be ' At C»r» B«««e:— ' . ] :; and feet—that ' man ofi the 'Irish Party was the prily jegrett-j ao many new and -wonderful things J. PJ McElhoney, b|Bone .._ .¦< 1 vate, but they had also hands The £55,000 a year giyen for thj purpose of iWexfordi ia on the move ! .„.;_ ., 13 Mt imd Mrs Bynies an have i been 'pre- towardsCork M, f »°° iJP&- the Christian Brothers j of Olonmel of j waa to be divi ' : about one thousand wi}l. visitthe 'Exhibitio^ n B.' Cremin, c Lynijhl b Bone • 0 K (t'Brien 1LP, library was a waste of public money thrat -the practica to f be :aet apart for instruction; in the - »?x ¦sented jfroh) at least a dozen public bodies; | " , j ¦twjU equipped- technical schools formally 'altogether as: it was; ¦ in 6 Colonel Evanson, b Oleary ...... 3 M« Brenoarj. CastJecomBr ; ¦ should be ncgLected county boroughs: b! Dublin, -Cjork, Belfast, and th^ meeting: which was held the Tow-\ announce that toe marri- J. 0 declared, opened: by the| Most Kev. Dr. Shee- while the inteOTectual should be , cultivated at and the . Tlie Society paperj H^ Bouchier, b Bone ;.... . Heart) ¦ [ ¦ Derry, Waterford,' and Limenok, Hall would have: been held in the 8quare. arranged between Frederic, eldest son ot ¦Dr. Hanrahan b CleaTy 1 Mrs , Tipptrftry . . (Lord of the jDiocese. 'The weather such immense cost to the country. There was. and extend technic'ii age end . hAn, Bishop other wa3 to benefit tne iatet to Frederic and Lady Hughes. J. Gould, b Bone;..' 0 Miss Murphy, Naas ¦ well tept grounds of tha a. great danger in Uhis fevuL3ion of public feel- instruction over the remainder of ,the counuy . (Many who had made arrangements to attend end Sirs. ¦ * STAS Splendid, and'the ht that: the pendulum 1 ' (Lily, .youngest daughter of M*. Extras .;...... 1 , , Misses Lonnon, Co. Woxford j environs looked ipleni d ing, and it waB thoug I have discovered jthat the valuation of Ir.j- held back when they , became aware that Mr, Island., will shortly take ! " High School, and ite , would swing right to the other eide, and tha Willie Bol(on > of This * MrJ Bigfr, Thnrles ; , sun, and Ho laod: is in round ;nuia>ber8 £15,OQO,000 a yeir;: Kedinohd would not be present. The members Two very old county families are thus .)..; 29 beneath the: genial rayij of the . the mental and iintellectual training might be and the valuation ot ' P t>la« Total W*a McCarthy's Tk» CTMS :- ; by a that is to say £il4,9(14^23, of the local branch of the League were greatly to be united. The- late Sir Frederick , Hughes 2nd Innings. ¦ ' .oi the •proceedings were marked -ost sight of while the practical training of the boroughs is £2j442,439, leaving the valua- hi8 aristo- MrKeUy.Owrick , . ¦ -s^iolo 'the utmost per- the disappointed, and so little time remained to was a familiar flgur* in ,Wexford;, J. Phelan, c Down«;b CJeary ..» 3 end importance of very, much mxre hand and eye was pursued, to tion of the remainder of the country outaide , being of that 1 Mrs and Mist Lanf vivacity fection possible under the circumstances. ;Bu have public - no/tice;' igiven that the meetiug cratic and stately appearaooe J. P. MoBlhoney, c Bone, b Cleary ... 8 gan, Cotlan - '¦ significance, as the importa:it . the county, boroughs , £32,491,034.- Now,; a playgoers:have been accustomed b' ' , ifliaa , local I think: it is a subject ol congratulation" foj ! : ¦ ' type ttihich T. Cooney, c Bone, Cleary . -...- * .The MisSCT Mnrpby, Kilkenny. \ will at once sho pelnnyl in the pound upon that rateable:valua would be held. 1$any were under, the im- in " The Colonel." He was very fond speech of the Lori Bishop all of us that fliioh a result has not come t6 the Act of to «ee . W. L. R. Bouchier, 0 Power, b Bone... 1 Mies Hogan, Co. Kilkenny ' 1 maet at -the he that those ioaen. tion would' be £62,001). If before , , pression last week-that Mr. (Redmond would of yachting, and, alrtfays kept a smart steamer b Cleary 1 ' ¦ It wa3 indeed' a pleasure to pasa, but that on the. contrary j 0389 th' e country hed taxed itself to the extent and and his sea- R. Cremin, c McCoy, Mr Daltoti, Baneba \ Ohr who -have charge of educational matters h' erei attendj the Phoenis Park meeting^ evpa plying between Wexford O.W Colonel Evanson, b Sullivan ..„ 3 ¦ of -affairs, in Clonmel , a member of the ; 1 'of one -enny in . the pound it would receive, at Bbsslare Point, whew with Mr Grogan, Carlow ' • j whilst determined to alter the character of if he , had made up hia mind to i come here sore residence H. J. Bouchier, c Malcomsan, b Cleary ; 3 ¦ iian Brothers community v.'ho w-as conned direction of, the therefore, £i>2M> a year from South Kensing- !Lady Hughes, and1 *he lady who is soon to be _.'..; ' 0 At Coinpsey ,Yille, Tramora :— ¦' ' ' educational Bystema in the technical inatru«tk> a. during the past week there would^ have been days were en- Dr. Hanrshan, not out *. parent houss of the Order -af/Mou that the louhda^ ton for the.promotion .of ;led to the altar, many 'happy rua out 1 with jtlhe practical, have oot forgotten Nt>w, wliat will -it receive? I Baid that the very H ttle time for arrangement or preparv F. Kennifeck, Miss Mplloy and tho Maslars Molloy, ; iWs refer lo tho Rev. fc tioii and very essential portioii of true educa- 10 Gould, c McCoy; b Sullivan 1 Skm, Waterford. : £62,000 was divided by Acts of Parliament tion. it-waa the executive"and the loonl ftlr. Boitom, of lTho Island, was J. Kilkenny Superior of the Clonn el tion iUelf consists in the trairiitrainioogg of the intel- JAs The late J. ilcLoughlin, c Power, B Sullivan... 0 Weston, who ia the a into •:two different parts-r-one for . the 3-x i famous for his breeds of high class, cattle, 1 - Miss Walsh, Kilkenny . this great teachi ig ligence—(applause). I beiieya It would be branch of the United Irish League are to hz of WeLs, Extras ....t . 2 Schools, and' than whom lor the country if we had men-r- county boroughs, j and the- rest for the $- ' just as Mr. Charles IMervyn iDwyne, Mrs Pollard and family, CalVan . , painstaking a 1(i bad day ta'ainder of. the country, and ££fl00set apa^t congratul ated on the admirable way in which and as the lato Mr. JosephMea- ¦ Order has no more efficient J workera amongst us—who had mersly a know ' is for sheep, Total ...... _ a* Mis Tobin, Callan the whole of jtrelai for other purposes. , You, see, therefore, that both (he meeting ind the convention passed dows was for shorthorne, t!he most notable ot ; ' . loyal ' representative in ledge ol their own tirade or! business; and, of WOODLOCK. Mrs Brady and famil Mallinahone e* that no man can have before 1899, if that country taxed itself and off. TJhe only ^question interest discuBsed which was the faniaua sire ' " Bolivar, whose : y, ate ii ably, assisted, we were told, by a .< furtSermore, I believe) upon in South. 1st Innings. his own trade or busi- availed itself of the privileges conferred at tho convention jwas the hunting question. progeny still continue the strain 13 Mr» Nicbplson and family, Callan voted band of Brothers; and it is' no eSagge a- a proper knowledi?e ol 1689, you ;would have :c- '¦ E. BuIlivan, c Phelan, b Bouchier ...... ness—no man : can be the efficient wonkman it! under the Act td . The old days of this occupied an important Wecslord. ' ; Bouchier ...... 10 Mr Power, Waterford that since Brother; Weston wases ceived from Sauth Kensington—from the J- Cleary, c Phelan, b tion to say that he otherwise ivould be unless his intel- place 1 in the programme of the East Water- (W. , c Cremin b Cooney . '..-.. V! At Mrs Reynold's, Th» Core :— of the'Clonmel Schools, the beforehand. Treasury—£52,000 a year, instead of now only Downes , placed in dhargs ? ligenci; has been trainjed careftilly ' CARBICK M J Shanahan, c. M4Elhoney, b Cooney. 7 Mlsa Gleeson, Belvoir. : : both, inte lectual andl Because it is only by such training that, he receiving fromjihei Department j in . Dublin ford National Ireagiie! i iMen were aent to gaol uwk of education, ^ <)r: ; thereabouts (applause)^ ' H-J J. Bone, c PheUn, b Cooney ...... 5 Misi Fifjgerald, Cragg. leaps and bound3.s. obtains tha power oi assimilating the inf anna- £25,000 a year i wholesale for stopping the hunt, (because ob- Thomas McGrath, publican, Main-stree', _ .....L 0 physical, has progressed by ; that ia to say, instead of receiving a penny 'pr Mr ¦HJLynch, b Cooney O'flallf.rarj a.m. tramin tion he receives in the practical schools—H is noxious people were,, not permiited to ride is certainly to be! petied. Lately , he W»B C. ; Kidman, b Bouthier *.- .2 Miss , BallycaUra The Bishop travelled' .*? tha 1016 educatjon that he receives the a penny it will now ' ondy receive a halfpenny : alleged :v only by iuoh river [their lands..; "Whenever (Mr. Btirke, mulcted to the extent of £5 for an T.: Falkner, run out - 0 Mn Kellj, Belroir ! irom tWateriord, and was met si the train p>y. power ol putting that training to proper ac- for every penny:, i Therefore, I eay, we are in Act, and yesterdiv, ' ' 1899. In M JF.H., Tippcrary, was interfered with in breach of the Licencing W. McCoy , b, Coaney ...*...— 0 Mr-Qleeson, Bellvoir . RoV. Canon ; Bean ODonnell. Veryrv count—it is only by such education.'in a word, a worse position j now than before that only onev convrctnn ihe Very ¦further confirmation of that fact , !l have beea this way, he said:to the people d "It is not •notwithstanding H. F. Micora8OD, hot out 0 At No 8, Tlvoli Terrace :— j. Flavin, P.P.; Rev. Father Him-n- that he is enabled to produce irdm himself within the twelve! months could be proved b Cooney 0 Bev. Canon the Ves t ot which the powers watching the action of the Department, an-i my business to spoil sport. I will not object P. Powe r, c Cremin, ' Mr and Mrs Thos. Tri , M.P., Mayor of the highest and against him, the police succeeded in gettng Extras^.. J ..*..... C gge and family, nigari, and Alderman Condon gave him a» capable of producing— I find that in thdse places which' adopted the 1 - , schools wh ;ch.\. 'tlhat God to any person hunting with this pack, pro- an unBympatheticI Bench to refuse to renew . Catherine street, Waterford Clonmel, and proceeded to the (apolause). A system ol technical instruction ¦Act, and taxed themselves—they are taking h F. Quirk, solicit .?. in he , the year' 1900 or U901-f-tho vided he be a gentleman. If you wish him his license. Mr. Josep Total ....: ~ M At No5, TiToli Terrace- h'is Lordship formally;declaredopened' accordingly has beenintroducedinto this coun- these two years j McGrath 6 advocate, and a good Geo waa passed in the year Technical Department give to each locality not to ride over ypur land, tell him So, but I who was Mr. Tlie referees of the match were Mr. Mr. Mr Have*, London presence. o£ a large audience, amongit whom try by an Act which was way one too, gave notice of appeal to the Quarter henson, iFairbrook. '99, and came into operation on 1st April in the same equivalent to that which the locfali'y will not do Ba^' That a veryj fair ol Harney and Mr. J. Step At 4, Marui»Tenac*:— large, number' of Clonmel woikingm^n. Sessions. ; . ; was a : the year 1900. The system of technical educa- expended out of taxation . It , has.been lately putting - it, arid the obnoxious i individual!, Mr ana Mrs W J Smith acd family, Water* included besides his Lordship, country, 1 WOODLOCK v. CLONMEL ' ¦ ¦ The company tion, iowever, as we]have it in this when' they were informed of what took place ford. ; . . (Dean I McDonnell, PJ^ 38. as well as in Englarjd and Wales at present, ! LESSENING THAT SUM BY DEGtRiEES. tine Very .Rev. ' - 1 • ¦ ; ¦ • ¦ < ' Canon I -- ! L relieved the if.FiH. of any difficulty by re- of priority without an- At No. 6, Marine Tenace : Peter and;Paul's, Clonmel; Vm B«y. may ibe said to dateiten years farther back— j . AN ENJOYABLE TTOJTOTION Not ' to be denied 's; Hsv N?*oJ» W , when the Teohnioal Act was passed that in many parts of maining away from the meets. I We do not other effort, these teams met again yesterdav Mr and Mw Langley and family, Co, Flavin, P.'P., St. Maw #i ^' from 1389 I find, for instance, 1 Peter and Paul's; Rev. Father Ever- empowering the local bodies in the three the country instead of giving 20s.. In , ;.i e think at the present day any such 1 individual at Clonmel, and played a match which was . Tipper»ry ; CC 6S. 1 ev. went in ^~A ' A* . (Row Father G>oocev. do.; countries named to levy a . rate not exceeding pound they are only giving 163.; or thereabouts, will turn up at the , meets of the C irraghmore?, the sensation of the Beason. Clonmel ; Mrs King and family, Clonmel C.C., St. Mar/s; Rev. Father Id. in the £, and' also handing over to the we: nave been lately informed in flrs t and were making a very poor show until •Father Wall, and,. lastly, and we therefore ; think that the farmers will The employes pe after year for the came purpose. Unfortun- an additional £100, but wo were-told that thai be thrown out of jemplgyment and lessen ihe cent marriage. Mr. Cody, it will be readily and bowled by Sullivan, in good style. Mr. Fleming do. ' ! O'Connor/! .Mr. Manning iPjost. ately in Ireland thte Aot of 1889 was little home team c'.osed their first innings at 80, .Alderman £100 was not to; come out of the funds fur demand for Irish hunters, which: many of our admitted by all who know him, and partacul- , Mr* and.MiM Murphy. Cork master;; Mr. A, •QShea, Secretary Coiinty availed', nor will anyone wbi> knowa the cir- Technical Instruction, but liom the fund for ; loyes, is, as a friend, whioh included only one 'extra. (Wbodbck [P. ' ' ' ; arly so by his fellow emp ' Midi , - Agricultural and Technical Committee; cumstances of £he> country be surprised.! The Agriculture. So ;it comes to this : we contri- agriculturists derive a profit from. . AS associate, genial, were all out for 40, J. Bone being the- only . McCarthy , do f ony, as true as steel, and . an O Keeffe, ! David Coffey, T K. OTtfah bute ' £572 10s. and we ought to receive, in We regret to say that a robbery was'per- and highly entertaining. In re- member of the team who nut up a doable Miss O'Brien, London Ryan, J.P. ; ¦ ¦ ¦ I intelligent, J.P.; 'James Byrne, J.?.; Michael SOEENOE AiNB ART BEPAKTM-ENT my judgment,: £3,500 from other , sources— petrated during the week at the establishment cognition of his many estimable; qualities, figure, for he carried his \ bat for a. well-made .. Mrs and MiBsMockler, Petbard Manager " Nationalist ; Dr. I ; : of thei match , Tipperary M. J; Murphy. £572 from the Technical Department in Duo- oi H-rs. Deo, O'Oonney-sireet. [Fortunately Mr. Cod/a fellow workman, accompanied by 16. The most interesting part At No, ¦ airien/J.P.; J. F. O\BrienJ Town Work ; determined that they would do something to may be ascribed to f he fact that donmol' 5, Marine Terrace : & ' , lin, and an equal sum from the Board' of no cash was lettiin the till, but the robbera lady friend.3, made him , ana his wife the re- * 3 3 ! !Lonir, Editor, 'niTationaiist"; M. Ryan fendeavour to promote technical educatl )n Education of South Kensington. Instead of illuminated addxes-s, second innings accounted fox only 8 of a Miss Murphy, Kirkenny ! ' Bank; cipients of a beautifully J.'P ;iM. J. Casey, Jtahager, National amongst . us, land abcordingly they made in receiving £1 150 6r thereabouts, for the futu-e ¦succeeded in oajrryirtg away whiskey and enclosed in a massive giMed frame, at How. score, of which four were byes. iBone ,wa» Miss C Donned do: . , sen. ; hi t. , 1 1 W T Ward, Jecemiah Condon minute by whioh they sat apart for technical we are to receive only £400 a year. This i:& brandy. An entrance wiis effected by breaking lett'i Hotel, Thomas-street, on Saturday night the , bowler, and he simply knocked the bails Mrs Comerfon', CloDtnel , : J Michael O'Connell, T.C.; _Jas. wickets Were Walsh, T C.; education in j the different localities in this the result of the passing of the Act of .1899. the fan Bash of \ the door. Several persons last. The functioln-was presided over by Mr, about at will. The flrst four Mrs Keatingarid family, Fethard Walsh; T.tt ; T. Mulcahy, B.A. ; E. J. Dela- country a sum equaij to any and not exceeding injurjon3Jy Station, was of a meet captured without a. score. Mr. B. Malconjson , O.;C. ; Now, this cannot | but work most must have been implicated. The police have WeTdon of the 8i>uth At Mrs. f anm?*, Th» Loi . hunty, John Sheehan, George ; Russell the penny in jthe £ that might be levied in the for the beat interests of Ireland. It was bad enjoyable and interesting character.! After succeeded in making one run, "but succumbel g *:— 0. J ¦ Clancy, solicitor; John Davin; etc., etc. locality. But as I liave been just observing, the matter in hands and there it is; likely iol Captain 9t. . M Dord Esq, ProriDcisJ jBanlt, Waterford m-ith enough that while England ; received over-n ' supper, which was.served in excellent style, a to the next delivery from Bone. ; Uev. Brother Westpn, who wa3 received the minute was of jvery little advantage. » J remain for some ; time, as their attention is well arranged musical programme was gone Leger was , next fortunate; although he played Miss E«rard, Cohir pleasing duty m 1 million a year fr6m puplic fiinds for technical ilond applause, saidi it was his the , country, and accordingly we find that at education, poor Ireland should only reveive now 'attracted , by the affairs of the U.I. Leagae. through. Mr. OTJeeffe preaided at : tha piano, an ; excellent defensive game, and earned his Mrs Geary, Clonmel ' , lace, to thank-his Lordship for com- ' I Ih© first p the end of ten years little had been done to £55,000 a year. But there is' thia further fa;t Mij. McCarthy, at the meeting :of the Ur' i.-.n and son?3 were admiraV.v rendered by 1 iMr. bat from a none too creditable innings. Four At Mrs E! Donnell ' i in? there lihat day and opening jtheir technical Ryan, Mr. , ys The Crosa :— ob- promote technical education amongst us, and to be borne in mind, that for many a, long ht, - Paddy Mr. ! Patrick O^Brien, Nolan. was the number of actual runs and as nl- ' I schools. The schools were started lor an; consequently ¦' only a very.small Bum had besa , '¦ District Council; on Monday i nig 'ivfc u. uollor,.Miss Colfer, Mr. J. Connellon, etc the second Mr Griffiths, Dnrroir 's heart—namely, lor year before 1900,, England Scotland, an 1 ready stated, eif?ht the total for ' ject dear -to his Lordship advanced -by. South Kensington for the pur- Wales were - receiving large subsidies for tha notiie of motion, for the appointment ol i (ancing waa subsequentiy indulged in, an< innings of Clonmel: Woodlock made 27 11 Mrs Biirke, Dangan [ bettering the condition of the children of^the, ' quay and town watchman, who would call but ept u-o t'ha " them pose. Ali this time England and Scotland purpose of technical instruction ; .that, there- with zeat until weo sma . hours. their second innings. Dowries putting nr> ih Mr CDwyer, Tipperarjr "working classes of Clonmel, and fitting were forging ahead. Enormous sum3: weie were -io • of laiboui; and toil in the fore, i Is provision for lechhical instructi /n the hours at night'and give timely;notice of respectable total crt 17. The others At Windsor Place:—• ;: to fight the hard fight being expended there,; not merely by: Ipcil at the present moment is vastly greater thai where . Scores:—Clonmel, flrst innings,; 80; :world outside, fife: was not thanking the any j outbreak of -fire. Life, and property flow Mrs Carson,. Ttppersiry 1 they sources, but still more from public funds, ours; and when] you remember that through- second innings. 8. Total, 68. Woodlock, trs people of the town o£ Clonmel, for thesa and I find mat in the ten years to which 1 require more protection than ever since thi L'HIS DAY'S RACING Mn &Vikn, Fcrtlaw i , but he thanked; his out the world injthese days the competition :s innings, 40; second inninrg, 27. Total B7 had always with. Hhem, am now referring no less than £7,000,000 was remnant of the South African fipld force have won by:^ th' Miss Baylor, Cork ! ¦Lordship and the members of the Corporation : so keen that all 1 the nations have got to tefce Tht Clonmel team accordingly 1 spent in Enelandifrom public sources on care . . : taken to roaming the country and makW? unit, but it was »aid thatjt the e*tras_ hiu who evinced by their presence the interest they ' j ¦ tKBcl the schools. technical education, and during the same themselves felt iamongst the population.; It :x*m -m»rired aggtosTTreooWli" U1W ' 'Ua At AT»a*al» H««M:-f jtook.in the- education imparted in TO : have been on the oth^i period the sum of £403,000 was expended in TO STAND W^ELIL ABREAST EACH * >f. the tcore would ¦ He had' also to express his thanks and his is too bad- that these wretches should 'be left ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ Mr. C«tew and faaily, Fethard Scotland . Uiniortuaately, I bave not been OTHER, ' , " ;ide. ; ^gratitude to the Technical Committee of Clop- i as a scourge on. the community, when ilh- Mrs Holohan, Gaobitown ilt of £250 to help in able to obtain the ; figures for Ireland, but I mel for their generous g think I would be safe in saying that ;the efforts will Government 'could so easily provide them Mr Morphy, Nev Ross tlie equipment of the Technical Schools, which and tho3e who are limiting their HAOTXTCA" amount of money advanced from public funIs fall back in-thei van, you will see how disis- with same means of livelihood in. the gaola LAND OF BUBNS . Al Borrow View House:— bad just been declared open by his lordship Vive le Roy ! „ ,..J ¦. said "to help ' in the equip-; during that r>enod ' in this country 'probably trously this condition of things is likely !-J all over the Kingdom as turnkey-), ptc. lit is }AUB BrennaD, Callajn - . —(applause). He- did not exceed £50,030, and could not have for Silent Friend .' „ : ours jobbers and promoters of tha -South African Miss Carroll do : ihave yet to fee expended before .they were! iatis- ¦¦ and art instruction in this; NEAR tHOMASTOWN. >fied that the ochoohi were •up ' to the ieqiiire{ public funds, even before the Irish Act oi ¦that the number of children receiving it iell War to get up all kinds of entertainments to Miss M Henneajy,Cahlr ; imehtfl ofithe day'. They had also to remember 1899 was passed. Then the Government sav back so much in'recent years, mainly owing provide funds for the wives and. families of Mrs and Miss Regan Caahel ' it was necessary to do something in order to the pub- , ¦ ' ' that the entire cost lor the erection of these to the insufficient provision made by thej men at .the! 'front, while now, when-the ruico Sale •{ 871 Head cf Bone*. Ckttle, tad Ms*!*© H«W:~. T - ' . , : create and extend industries in this country, lic suthoritiea tor the teaching -of it. • I- find ' buildings devolved upon the Christian Brothers men at the front have returned,; these pound> iMp. coaprisiog Vtlnftble. Stock of Fare-Bred Jtfr aiKj Mrs Joe Ooyle saw a smile upon some- of and accordingly, as many of us remember,: the in 1891 that 8,431 presented themselves iorv ex- 8ttck Evca, Hogg«t , QneeoV Coanry But 'he thought he ' >rder Laceete, rand other Mrs McDonald " their laces at the statement, because they re- Technical Act was introduced with . .a . great amination in science and : art in Irelani; sterling patriotslof the Stock Exchange, with ret, Cattle, Fana Hones. Reaping and Binding j. do ; cognised that everything in that ;shapaj that flourish oi trumpeU. We were told that : 'he in 1893—seven years afterwards—the ^lumoer their pals at th9 War Office , allow them to Kblnea, Farm Carta, Corn Drill, Ploogbf, Bar- Father;Meany, Glenmoro devolved " upon the I Christian ! Brothers would Government were now coming to ou^ assis- had fallen mor« than 50 per cent., or were starve, with the : alternative, of lundering tho in, Larn Metal Boiler, and other Firmisg Im- Mr Howe, Dublin ,' tance, and that they - were determined tha; same time, p r sooner or later devolve upon the people., and down to 4.03K II find that ;at the taxpayers all over the Kingdom. ! ' tai«nt», Tai Carfe Harw«,Ro. Father Delaney, ,. that in the whole record of the thia countryj which, for more than one'reason, •while the number of boys studying under the Dublin .: he- might say Where is ourifriend, jtipling, of " Absent- ' Father Doo»ey. do . Christian Brothers'/work they had found toem- was miles and miles behind . ihe : rest of the Intermediate system bad increased same 50 SE nndertigDod, bat been favoured with iaatrab- upon a ganerous aid from public funds as would enable it .*. or from 3,653 to ; 5,735, the numbsr minded Beggar", :notoriety now that some his- Mr UutchinsonNeW Ross ' •delves always dejiendent per cent., tiont from Sir JOBS Founts, C B (in eon- , ¦¦ people. Thi3 technioal School was not destined start on a tolerably faiffooting, and make: ".Is of boys examirted under the science and art tronic or poetic effort is needed to improve 'lie 3ica of hs tariori dijpowd «f hit fans) to Sell by Mr Carr, Clonmel i - - . . for any particular clasa. Never. w&3 the effi- .way in competition wi th the other nations had fallen 75 per; cent.—namely, Ironi ^.BSS ?•> condition of those people who mere galled EVBl.lv AD0T1ON At Mei^jaa' ¦ of the world. And accordingly the Legislature s HoW:~ . ciency of their schooU •greater than they; .were 1 673 ; and I find !on the whole, that in these into the South African war. It! is evident that ;Mrs and Miss this year, as shown by the Intermediate results •et to work, and first they cave a sum of eight years about . twenty times the amount Grace. New Boss , JEBPO1NT HILL, 'O'Kseffe ; I ; This year Clonmel carried away the blue rib- £55,000 a year for technical education, and < t of public monies were given to England, an-i the poet as well as the Government and Stock Near Tbomaitoirn, ^iss : do , ion of. the Intermediate in the obtaining of a this , sum, let it be carefully, borne in mind three times ' the amount 'of public . monies Exchange aHie3, are . all a }ittle " absent- WPT1KKSUAV. 21lk SEPTEMBER NEXT. Mrs Bntler, Clonmtl i| senior grade exhibition valued £50, and , what always that nearly:the whole, -some would say were given to , Scotland that were given to Irj- minded" now, when tie iyar is. at an end. Miss Burke, Kflhnallock ' .-¦ fact, that actually, the who'.e, and certainly more than the trained up something in the direction of,the -message )hat Chamberlain hajs broken faifn tout ons Kerwicjt, Esq,Kilkenny very seriously! by the insufficient contribu- : ' High Schools—a- fact which he felt sure "would (laughter, and hear, hear). At all events . the tion made by; the public revenue for the pur- rages porpetratjed by Lord Kitchener, who John J. Lyons Kerwick;• do ¦ (by ibe received wita great pleasure all—(ap- sum of £55,000 a year was granted" for the pur- pose (applause). I do hope that those: wtio pockets , £50,000,more, but before ithe Boers in SLOUGH PLATE of 103 Sovs .—FiveFurlo^ Rev Father Cahfli, Queens County plause). ! With regani to nha Technical School, Valve ..j.. pose, and furthennore it was provided ;jjit nave any voice) in tho matter, will endeavour Pretoria take their Ohristmas dinner, tha sop ...... ,.„„J,. i: Mr Molcahy,Clon qtd. ' *verytbihfr in theft jSchool was ol Irish manu- the administration of ,the grant for technical , ! particularly in Tho«pathy „,..,. ,., a ° i . ! to | make themselves heard will be again lighted in South Africa, and all Miss Boyle and facture, and all tie work, with th© the except aid from ^public Eburces which had hitherto Parliament, arid I am very glad to see- -ur Turkish Ouard -...... *.*...... 3 Mis*HaDy, OlonBa«l tioh of the fitting and the laboratories, which this waste of blood and treaariro will have VJ SS-I 'Bett Mr CcimerfonL KflkennT , ; Ibaea ia the hands of South Kensington, : miamber off |iParliamtant | Rresent here (ap- TJ TS^^A . injf-4 tol agst. winx wai executed by Messrs. T. and C. Martin, ot ¦be repeated if the English wani to be supreme PARKF PLATE of 103 9ovs. , ¦¦ ' *4 should be transferred after a certain ( date to plause), .becauae* I Bhould j like to ask him, ; -5ix Furlongi Ai r«lMe e«»u«:- : / . (Dublin, was done:in Clonmel, and by men; the Technioal Department in Ireland.. Here although I believe little ; asking is needei, in |Africa. I j: ¦' - , ! : . ' ¦ Cobweb ..I ._ .,.._ :.,...,.,... a ; Miss O'Ks ^(JoJ Limerick - lem'ployed in Clonmel—(applause). , In. conclu- every one who reads the The Convict a ! Act of Parllamei.t but I flhouldllike to ask him .earnestly to d" Here in this country we hay« enough to da ian 1 Mr ud Mn EgiuL npJMrarj ! sion, Rev. Brother Weston paid a warm tiibute will see twp distinct ; funds provided by bring ' Iriah Witch ..:.. . ..».,..„ 3 to 'all those engaged in and employed in the- ^Go- what he can to j M. i . to 'pay rack-rents and heavy taxes, and if tho Betting-3 egst. Mist McCtethjTw«k*rr " ;¦ vernment for the purpose I am adverting to. ^^SSly 6 ' to 1 winnei ^¦ building and equvftijnentt ol the schools.! . (First a sum of £55W, Becondly, the grant THUS ICAP 6i ISO Sovj ; Mrs. Langtoo , Kidkeany .. The Most Rev. Dtf. Sheehan, whi, on ri«ng, hitherto administered by :South Kensingtons i play the same!game over again the people Five Furlongs. 86v».-« At jUfliyyHotrf, Tmnw»i| . , judgment of the GovernmentI was ) 'oe wai ailing for some time , B nesss of Knowledge; which he ' alone posijesses, required fjtj entire country, both in thei counties land , but tore her soff it- Mile and Quarter. : ., ! w W Flano. Joho^HiQ.Water the - working of. the Technical ' Act in . thi* cities and borough*, -as we ,aee here to-day ings without complain^. During; life she wa» Spring Meeting *.,... .-. A -.....'.. 1, th4 history of the 'ixrigiir of the erection and country. The day; , '1 are Auratum : , .,_... , of the equipment 6i the tectihicakschodlaupr came whenof i according to (applause). Great as the .disadvantages a good Chriatian woman, noted: for ; ner * 2 the provisions of ^he Act Parliament, tha we cart iadd JrUh perseverance, will work | j Mr HOT^.Kflkaiay , ;. , :.ff . to jthe . present movement, apd we have all only charitable vforks, her devotion tc- her family, rake, 3 dosbw woodet ttutowt, Zig-og urn harrow, jT grant administered . by 8outh Kensjngton, - out o (treat de41 i (aj>planae.[ ifhere is [another «iing—v 10 1 aftainst winnj 3 iron grabber* tod W DjBeni manbetof atterpMs , heard wjth interest,. «nd, indeed. I thank or the administration of which ! was i »he 'and many ! sterling; virtoea. i The Requiem • ¦ saii^rt eay with peculiar interest, what ha* handed industry which ;iB, and'always must be, iNDIOAP of 160 Sovs.^-O: •twcTea, iboreU,raku , hot*, erowban.ae rO, TICT, aad r [UnmSS^-. QmMii • !::¦;;¦ - : over "to the! Technical Department, and then, : Ireland—namely, the Mass at the Parochial Church was attenied : Miln. ' . - 1 . .. . !.. fallen frombra lips on this a object; and ; I am principal induistry in bellow*, old Iron ;and roetal¦ , k mabat of pooltr¦ r, ¦iMrt ; ¦: • ¦ ¦ • Cqrrv.do '^T. . •/.^- - behol d, it was announced, for the has given Tuesday. by large nnmbet ¦ !• . .: •¦ •• - - fluriewe liaveall a right to join in congratutaf- , 'first! time¦ t«, industry of 1b* land; but as God on; 'a of relatives of etc,:*te, . the conntcry that jthe grant! had been with- 'to 'us fertile.soili so Ha hafc given to bur pe> th© family, innongst whom we 'noticed Mr. M ir«i ourselves that thia beautiful technical . ¦ t«nn». ouh, witbi t it «mal ooanotalM. we i drawn—that the fe l , and ¦*•«»*"«" (j....,.••!'.¦•.. sch^ool -which Jiav© i mst been! examining ,vr places-that in previons ple cunning hiqdi and canning, bnins J. Lynch (son),'Weterford, and PatheriO'Brien , ^;..^;. 3 : Intending poni)>l4« may inspect atoefc on tit* years had , been obtaining money qnder lit) 1 great effort' of our people in iws 'been conceived,! hai been-erected, aind tt&s it should bl the' Waterford (nephew). Canon Power, p.p., V.F., n Land*, which art tottUa t miln ot ThCBWtown been -mainly furnishedby CHonrnklmindb anil: would continue to receive «uch money tor every part oj jtbe country! to work out thi< ™rW'«VEl4BY^^Avi Suilon, 00 any d»t* (torn Wedaewfaf, ITlh intt, ¦ 1 three - years: more. ;but a's to the remainder of! ryiu they at« worWng; out tne presided , atj the; MJass, and Very; Bey.' Oanou Five Furlong*. ' ' ¦ - ' tLaidffr-(applaase).i . Cteving eaid : BO nrdch, -1 , second.indust «rj>lo 4tte of •oolJoa ) - :-- : . -/, .. da leaay tscarcely, the couttryp we shbuld, r«ly sltogethei fon ' tlw flr»t; and'tt^eV,on\r.. mag to the worktbe Dunphy, Very Rev. Canon Sprati, Rev. F. Q. iie«eTvaUo agelding ..,..» . .\' \\i i*t iwaaLa. 'be.fittin-that I B. J. ¦ "." a) ¦tf tk aid- ait down withoutgiving expreaaion tb £55,00tf^a year, which we received urideriohe ircwer ) whWh iProviAwoeI nits, given ; them. 'Prende-rgast^ Riv. Casey; Eev. J. . Hent« Broke ....; : ¦ »,^i ... i ! ;ii: :8^ |D ' ^;- .: -' -; clause;of tie 'Act lor thd purpose. and|that ,we i xauhoi; ...;....*.:.;.;:::[::;•::¦. iVIILSQNf . mj owii' ieeltngs osi' thia 'add!re*sed the bai, be*ierected bjr the publt repintend We takethe *smeview oh the niatter whibhilam iniette aridJJJe; proceedings;, fihortly;after WS;"r/hr'. : ; fr, ¦¦ ¦ /; • ^ 1 expreWing ' ¦ - : -i i ¦'¦ ¦ ¦. ' .. \ i kiLMAcow ' ' .. £' <><;Vd4i(«ti<>riW tia PWsentail^;Ntin*Tfthr* jnow, lrat ;that oh every otecasicia) wardstenni ftaie4. • ¦ ¦ - geasort '«nter. ! . 1 . 1 ^ . ' . I I . ' toyn—(4Ppl.tuse); iA*finX«» *oA ha*i >e«tt in «nd oot ^f «eawn,itbey n«iaiont|tol BubMquenajTfthe Bejvv H».^W«pU>n A' meeting of ,the Kilmacow Branch U.l!.I t&1 BpeeialWb Q ,| ; ; iMaV hpsprtably ¦ ¦ ¦ eregted^^ot'art.etwcati^njiJAlfiW^g^irCOBd tb^ "^ooji ^erohig ^ieefta'-mil taia«ditweiei ioi1i» vJaitoM/toopt wAs held' on Sucday-iart, Mr. Patrick P, Kin. O BSABKWdfl'UU, i - . . ; T- QK3nly;;don0trnctediin ui|a oi ontry•by'Ikn aj^fr. oourfbry- the prottri«a- that-lf they iai«e*!-iS SideiwUi *rid f«t oo»dlallyjpongr«tu- ^ ld atitha iella presiding! The following members at- l j««», < >«i«J)|n« (*.>nd» f I oeAltothe trablic-ritbaa beeneteaea+it Mr,! ratieraoi^nlr'Wini iher lieetve. their-iMM ftied upon tije-»uce««4bf the proceedings., I -at own tended—MeAarsi Jamea Parr*U,r »JO. ; John !1 — lBoy*l Gtooije ((.) r , -\ their M^ore, D.pJ ; John Cooke, Thomk* Kavfthaab, KMma^ve^ expgnAa; No AjobL Khfitaharei. oj .ihi mopey: i^fch m>Ml Vak davbtod to theipnrpoedffltiSt bome 6t promise, w be givfei, W»bni hael Jkf rl a ' - . 'Xufabiiaii.-iaito^; 1 | fout by S: this country,, M JI had.baanfor ni » rtin .f .t ¦ , : ..?¦ 5 ¦/•!:-».'KBfTa .'i '-srkJe '.^J'ki^iii: MptwiHiK' M|; JT..OK«(ll |.t, JtotntomctoU* nkimtfo «•» Bow B»w 1oH TOr> mx mm haveihd Sanfleld BafldaUeoJ»< thi Ooriqk- -wdjrkMMn Hy of tn* Xat •hock ; deinonftmion pr) ;wn* v OTh*ln^tJ earlng:to«^for=th*tloitabiM : : ^ ¦ ^ )} 1£G&mab?takm'ii.s m&mmm i ?. ! >nna'j'y;y';.'j ~r f ')i^> ' l< tj: ip ¦ "v wmmm KM iii* in »u&«t »rvi^j3rt»iyf<«iiHi2 £ S 2 m S, MmmSt$i I



¦ t . • * Wm IIH ii pum C;^;' ¦ fl. t-i-Aci2 'i.';i lL' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • : " 'V ¦ ;• • '!¦ ¦ ' !: -:!: . • ... : , Th f tmU

- ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' . ' " * - . . ' 1 - M * . " , ' T » ' ' . Al *" t* '1 . .' » .-V1 ** ¦¦frfcirt/ 't 'T'S'i*' - ' * . ' " , J ¦ ¦ ' ¦< ¦; • ¦ ' -I ! ¦. ¦ . ¦ n . ' \ -¦ i : : ¦ ;! ¦ : ¦ • ! ] >¦- :: :.! - ¦ ¦ ¦ ': ;i n . . - . . . . .#._ ' . i j ' ¦ ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦ : : ¦ : j . : i . i ii :: ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' • ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ' ¦ i ; : . , : . i ;! : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . • : i • : ; s . ! ; ' ' ; | | 5^ <\ W$M ^MM^^^^iB^ ^^'^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦: " ¦ - - •!¦ ' . • ¦¦* ;:V : i ; i IS¦ ' ¦ "~ ¦ ' ¦ •¦ ** : Mi^;¦?i J<•: ST?i- . i | |1 \yATERFORDlg FRIDAY , THE , SEPTEMBER -19 1902 ' ; EIST^ ' ' ¦ : • ¦ "I ;• ¦ : - ¦ ¦ • - . I . . I i j . ; Branch of- the United- 'Irian!Lea &ue, tread the rcfuBe JOHN ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ to 'recognise it as a trfbunal of justieo at Ireland; And it as not Mrango that men living MR. JAMES A. POWERS SPEECH. MR EDMUND HARVEY'3 SPEECH. MR. KEDMMD'S lollowinjf:— : .. , ) ' j| ; . 1 ¦ l all, -and wih treat it ¦with contempt-miear, ¦under these conditions should bo allured .away j ' . : . " Address ito : John B. £edmqnd i " ¦hear). The Mr. Edmund Horrey, after the loud appUuso , i !Esq.J .M.P., •penalties which they can Unfliet , by the ireporte which, thoy get of iha kind of Mr James A. Power, T.C.y who was very ; from the Waterford City (Branch, : United after . all, iwhat . are they? iWhy/ we ,«ll. of .-us life in America, the brightness, ! the ener'gy, ' which grpeteil him oo rising had subside !, " ! Irtsh. Iieague. ' T ~ ; cordially: received, satd— Mr. Mayrr, Isdies VlfS lT TO THE CITtf ,; M , :| I"i havo had our turn on the . plank bed and at and thelstrife'therej ind it seems to me th«t '" said that he had very great pleasnre in secon (- i)ear . Sir—On your feet appearance in the Bkil]y, and are any of us the w orse' , and genUomen, the honour has fallen upon me public as an ' for it tho innocent amusements of the people -wore ing the miition of confidence in Mr. Pedmond. Honorary Freeman of our!ancient and is frnglarid.ariy the 'better? No; there promoted , more thari they 'are at present t of . proposing a resolntion which, I am sure, city, -we bid; you. a hearty ' none of 's In one way, it occurred to him, it was a matter -wplcome as a fellow U3 to-day eo mean or ao cowardly as to would be. well. No doubt abuses'have crept will , meet with- your ' frill approval. , It is us citizen, andjtrust you mayllong ibe spared to be afraid of a few days, or weeks, ' , of supererogation to psss snch a resolution, AT MEETING. IN' - enrjoy tie or months into somejof theso amusements, which necessi- follows:—" That we tbecit'z. of Waterfrr 1 GEE . THE distinction, the most phemh'ed in m English prisons—(cheers). If we ,' tbereiore tated tOieird^iscouragement, but it seems a. pity . -fis , but in unbther wity it was a satisfaction to tho their gift which, the treat in public meeting l ¦ Municipal¦ 'Council has , these. Coercion Courts with; coAtempt, that thd o".d Irish crossroad music and dnlice nRtembled, liereby ple. f;c " express their con- TOWN bestowed upon you. ; I ! ! ! and if we look at ; ' electors of Wateiford to HAIL ^ " these •sentences of imprison- have disappeared ; ' and it would be well if our ur.bonndeil c-onfii'eiice iin JCr. John E. i Your appearance among ivour -ponstitnehts, ment after jail as very smull sacrifices made reading-rooms and librariea fidence every year io their honoured member , and all sorts of Rpdnjonjl and tho Irish Par in,ni"iitary Patty." ' : •after many trying vicissitudes ol Parliamen. ¦by men who believe that, they arp waging a (lirnr^ bear)] For, from ,yeor , to year they . ' . - - t ¦ tary Me athleticj.exercises and games were promoted, C. iitinuiuif , Councillrr P.iwf-r said—Lisloninff , and your zealoura in 1:110' cause of our struggle for a great end ltoly cause, then be- all through the qoijntry. j These are small found him tu'ting in their interests and in the country among our Mnsmen in j the ! far off lieVe me this Coercion regime will break down things;;but, to the able sped) of Mr. Redmonl'to.-niolit SPEECH iVyest baljeve We, it is of small thipifs interests of! Ireland with ability and energy BBILLIANT BY: THE , prompt ¦u*to reiterate!our confidence in as every Coercion regime'in the past:has broken that our 'lives , to a great extent, are made iup, the greut address which; he gav© in ihe City the Irish Parliamentary. Party under ybiir able dowri l and ' will lead ; curely . to the and devotion ; and it would bo a strange ' ¦ ' ¦ ' • . achieve- and iif ,.iiv addition an endeavour was made to Hall, Dublin, on Coronation Duy was reca'led j leadership. .: : . ! . T . ment of our rights. I said, in speaking some improve^ the material : thing, indeod, if their confidence? in Mr. Red- IRISH LEADER, i" We- condition of. individuals to me. .' In thut speech our member stated ibe trust, that notwithstanding tho! many time ago at Limerick, that, after all, the in Ireland and; do something to promote ithe mond WAS not still increasing the more they, obstacles that have been ' 1 case of Ireland in the most convincing mnni.cr ilately thrown in ihe Government of this country are not the only ¦lightness and liappiness ot the.every day life had an opportunity of his political and EPmST path, studying of Nationalist Ireland by & j hostile people who can UBe Coercion, and jif Coercion of ihe |people, !I am convinced we would be possible '(bear, hear), j Amongst the historical Government, 4he good work ' is used against patriotic Cflreer. One did not like to say much of your Party will the people, I said Het our policy doing a great deal to 'stoo emigration. Now. facts JIB alluded to was the Act of Union THE JFUTDEE ATTITUDE 01 THE to© continued in Parliament; and that the pro- be Coercion, for .Coercion. In Parliament what •let me gay a Tvord ; of a laudatory character when face to .face . i as to what thflost twelve (groans), in Act which, as are all aware, clamation of ; almost three foiirths of jlreJand does the last twelve months mean for Ireland? monthsj have Tv-itnessed in Ireland, itself , and! yonj with him,; but be thought he was justified ia ' ¦ "will- prove entirely ^ Why; the was carried b force and fraud and . PEOPLE ^DEFINED. ineffective and abortive. 'Irish Party, and the Irish question what they have witnessed in Parliament, and. y perjury, , saying that the people of Woterford and of " Signed on: behalf of the Watcrford1 City dominate jthe English Parliament to-day. ¦what corruptibu of - the most cohtenrptible and LGAp^S they have witnessed for the Irish cause Ireland wore greatly honoured in haviog one ! Branch,.•United Irish; (League, •,! . | They dominate tho English Parliament abso- abroad.! First of all, in America 'there has! degrading character. ; Lord ¦ ¦ lutely, and though vrhe Government have a | Grey, speaking of the ablest; amongst the membersof the Irish I "HKIIIAlBiD HBaiRNE, Chairman been one of the moit rainarkable awakeningsl after the Union with England, pointed out iN' ¦ r majority of 150, thej\are : that history haa ever seen oa the Irish ques- ! Parliamentary Party to represent thorn in tho COM'¦iPA¦ NY 'JOSHPHG?. O0(LIiIINSj Hon.;Sec. that there were 300 mpmbero in the Irish ¦ ¦ MB. P. J. POWEBi,, M.P., AND ' :¦ ' ¦ ' ' POWERLESS ITO PASS- tion during the last tnphre months; and when' House of .Commons as well as to be the loader 1BF0BD - ! —(cheeis). . : . ! > : .lANY REFORM FOR Parliament and of those 102 opposed the Act of , ' ' ¦ENGLAND, i ... . . ; ' I spoke to you this time last year I was, on] , of the Irish people (applause). Hb opening secrecy, SIE WILLIAM PAUL. \ ' \ j . my way to the United States, ianl I mas gpingl Union all applications from MR. REDMOND'S, SPEECH. they are pWer'ess to make the Parliamentary vfbifo 162 vctod fn ravoar of it. Bot of remarks on the subject of emigration reraiuded •£* ton country that was 'absolutely disheartened' these IC2 no less than 126 ;w;ero placemen in p PERSONAL SBOtrRITT Amidst loud and prolonged cheeringi !' machine work, and the real people who domi- over the Irish question. I was going to appeal! the speaker of an experience; of bis own when ; men the of ihe English Governmenl. Now brave - Mr. John Redmond came forward. and said- nate the House of Commons are th^ whom to people who, owing to the ten years -of dis-| pay visiting Australia. It vros well known that ia pner, ; Mr. Mayor, and, as I can say for the first time, you send as the minority, into that assembly. senaion, had practically given up all^rope and as good as that patriotic band of 102 were ¦Friday night tne l/arge Room of the Town ofi the early! p»rt of the last century convicts wero ia fellow-citizens—I have come -here .to-night to You have ih Parliament an Independent Party, .seeing a successful National movement in Ire-! who opposed the degrading of our country from fnlu» this County Et£ was packed yrith ian^ i eathu8ta3tic _audien.ce lender •what ; is called an. account of my independent of all English parties, indepen- sent to England from that Colony, and wore ' ~ land in. their time,:anci, therefore, we went out a nation to a provinco, what , a different brought together to 'listen to IMr. Jcihn B. stewardship, and I feel, ill the . ordinary ac- dent of iLiherals just as mueh as of Tories, to America under circumstances of enormous1 known when landing there is " lifers.1' Weil, GER ceptation of the pledge' men who care nothing crnntr3': wonld Ireland be, what a diflereut L , Eedmorid to give an account of Ids aKe and ,'it ia. indeed, scarcely for the threats of Tories, difficulty. We Jiad the ¦further difficulty that he . called upon some friends to spend an ' necessary, 'because I fcnowi+hat you, iny con- and care riothisg for the sneers and cajolery hbtory would be written of it if they had men ohn Street, Waterford. iailhlul stewardship in his own constituency". thegrent mi»in of the .people bad lost all faith , evening and in the coarse of cmversation on3 ¦In , ' stituents, have 'been following with great care of the (Roseberys or the Asquiths—f done my best, and that II Jiave spared myself made. I believe, as d eaid the Corporation, hear and laughter). And so it was, Mr. Harvey ¦ the member for 'Wateriord was eljquent dence of a Party like the Irish Party of to-day : , ;no labour in order to endeavour to fulfil my we are very near, indeed, to a settlement of the and the tt»ult of the last twelve months has remindedj his audience, that ihe vast majority FIC • :: . logical , and stateEmanlike.':. . " ¦duty, to this ancient city and this ancient land Irish (Land Question. What we have to do in E, . been to awecp those difficulties away. There! (hear, hoar) ; and when people are inclined to of those who left the greon shore3 of. Erin for Qn the proposition of Alderman John Hearne , -Khear, hear). It is just twelve ! months .now this country ia to disregard the white tags is to-d'&v in the (Unit ed- States of Amerioa a despair ¦ and to say that the Irish members aro ' seconded by Mr. : M. ; J.1 !Wyse, T.C., I ¦ - i sinea I had : the pleasure! addressing, the which a section of -the landlords are raising. foreign lands wore '• lifers." Thoy eeldon 'W . of great powerful auxiliary—the Unitel Irish not doiog much goodj let them - lemember that , LIMEBIQK The chair .was taken, amidst applause -by the ; people of Waterford, and ithe fitlst IJiing ttiat AM we have to do is to refuse to enter into any League, presided over by one of the ablest and came back to their native land, or if thoy did it , Mayor. ' . i ¦: ¦ ; ' 102 years after occurs to me to-night to remark! ia ttiis, that armistice iwith' them, and tho result will be notlfesb Irishmen that ever lived, 'Colonel JoOiri wa8 : to a flj ing vi«t (hear, hear). And £10 air. Josenb' Collins, jihon. t^scrotary,' read ! riot for one single moment ;-durin# these tweive speedy, and it wili bo satisfactory. I i believe pay Upwards \ iui Firoierty, of Chicago—an organisation iwhioh although; these countrymen of ours mi ht gaia icbicid vii tt^/v/iVgjr lunuuib) w IWVIUCUL at months has our cause stood stilE And ; during in compromise upon most questions where no g 1 ; ras | branches 'aC'l over the United Btates; and THE ACCURSED UNION f ^Vpata, M»lic*I M«W Qjraroasat tie meeting from (Mr. (Wjn. lOSrien, (M.P. ; Mr. these twelve months' there; has ibeen, an on- great vital or sacred principles is at stake,, I when next month' Mr. Dillon, Mr. Davitt, larger inlxmen over the sea?, to an Irishman »pic«p3ti, Prints Michael Davitt, and Capt. Donnellan,! M.P. and a«»sl»)14«rK or ward moveriient, and it may be interesting to- Believe as well aa any man in compromise upon I go out to attend the Convention of .the Irish has busir passed the mighty Govfrnmcnt of the life is a 'far different Hud a more inferior On the ilatiorm werepEhe Ei^fhl WpTship- night if I devote a few moments to ; the 'Land Question as well AS upon other ques- enj in all cohsider race in America, which ia to be held in Boston England is uniible to rule this country by the oi.e t > ^bat >ed Ireland with its Pf'7 P»'4 to gait ojjTeilgi)*.w thoot lul the Mayor of jWaterford (Alderman (Kichd. what that progress haa beeil and' what;we have tions, ibut the way to obtain compromiseto is by on the 20th Ictober, we will there- witness tha 1 k«pt itrtctl priir»te.' - Hoame, JJP.; Mr. John E. Kedmond, M.P.; achieved, Ifirst of all, gentlemen, what has fighting—^cheers) The only .way obtain o'dniary l>w , tli«t tliev have to r« S'>rt to troubles bnd drawbacks (bear, hoi ), and his ' r Bilota gSmx formal foundation of an organisation which will : iii io. All lafomntloa ax\r bthtl - P. ' J. Power, : IM.-P-;: Kev. i W. B. OiXonnell, ¦been ; wh> le ampliation is to en his days if he can •» our experience jduririg the iast .twelve compromise is by rival, I believe, in its power and in its eenero- RiixpenHi'in til trial by jury, Jo g igging the 1 P.P., Patrick' St. s; Eev. f ather "WalshV C.C., 'months here in Ireland? Twelve months ago, RELENTLESS AND REM©®SEILESS sity tho great (Land Jjeague of America which Pn-Hi", and denying to at tbr right of tree |om at the Irish side ot the AtUntiO Ocean •Ballybricken; Bev. Fatfier' Mockler, |De La when I spoke to you , the United Irish^League ^J 'FIGiffiTHING'' gave to us auch enormous assistance and gave • •f ; spcei h, that they have ajjain to put a (tippliuee) . A good i 'eal ha'l lately been heard SaKe College; EevJ Father Murphyl CO. ; movement was, no doubt] .strong and wide- to us -such enormous pecuniary help twenty Alderman : Eichard 'Power, J.P.; Alderman 'spread1, an"d: yet there; are ; many ,places, Mix. against tho3e Irish landlordsi who to-day are C'i'oes Act in (one for the prevention, forsooth, About Coercion, but be hoped and was euro ' years ;ago—(applause). What has the ladt Blahony; Alderman H. Grainger, Alderman J . Mayor, and I am afraid IWateriord j was in- attempting to destroy the tenantry of Ireland twelvej months witnessed in Oahada. Ladies f the |d\ venti'-n and detection of crime in the th:i> , come what might, every National Iriah- HearneJ !Mr. Samuel Morris, J.P. ; Mr! C. P. cluded atnongit them, ' where the: Uni(ed Iri*h —s The Union Jack uiesi there, and King Edward purih (Inu l ap|)lau- f wh' pro 'v«. Ai a. iii et'ng held in Dublin l itoly somo Mr. Thoa3 "Widger, :ilr. John Curran!, TX3.; (deep, ing from .the few . unrepresentativo: men wno VI] ' .-)> -'1 nb j;o t ! and where there wad considerable apa- . ia iU monarch. But Canada ia a free and wanted i kn w bow it was Dublin pro- Mr. Michael J. yfj se/T .C. ; Mr. James Fa> thy and indifference. IWPII , the :whole of speak without authority, and if they contintie that there is no bo: y of men so c;i)»ble of y *ao ' . ' (amon selfrgoyemed country, and the people of lell, B.C., Kilmacow; Mr. John Higgins, [the twelve months.that has passed since thej against-the'real, power gst tiie Irish lanJ- CaCada of all races and of all creeds are unani- mafunp; I HWB f r this country »s the elfc'ed cUim<. d. I We all know, baid Mr. Harvey, that T.C. ; Captain Thomas Toole. TX3. ; Mr. D. [has witnessed an extraordinary, j spread of 'no iords, a campaign of unrelenting determina- tnKis in support of the United Irish League represeh aPvt o of tho people (hear be^r). And the real reason for the Act being enLroeJ was Hyland i T.C , Chairman Board tion and ener—', bolieve me ias will soon iflnd , . ^Vaterford. of [Un ited Irish League and an extraordinary in- anq of 'Ireland. The'great and dUtinguished 1 that to harass and nonoy the opponents of the Guardians; Mr. ; James A1. Power, T.C. ; Mr. ¦crea8e in it* power. ! To-day there aTe that the "white flags which :to-day are being even one must a Imil, even our enemies, m>r^ the-landlo French Canadian who is Prime Minister if the Irish ParU bavt» proved them»clveK eq»»l Govt-rnme'it nnder that Act which should bo E. Walsh; T.C.-; ;Mn Joseph Collina/hon. eec. jbranchesofthe! United Irifeh League; in exis- waved by the privates in rds' army Canada, Sir Wilfred, Laurier, is to-day as en- PHLA. 1/e City Branch ' U.l.L.; Mr. Stephen Farrell, will altorr, -Atfetraiia; ?Land -Jbeasue or- the-National | League, and army—(oheers)—andas when that hour comes I every, opportunity thut -preneiiteil itself to pression of Cunntituttooal liberty in Ireland" 3 BEST Ma . ¦! Mr. I>avid McDonald, , etc. say, here to-night,^ I have otten eaid before ! City High Sheriff ' every month that passes adds to thoinumbiir, AS OliENiLY AyOWBD A HOME RULER further the iuterests of Irelan l althun^b ht- (applausfe). I The people of this country aro In the vicinity: of the platform we ODticed— jand it is not that thes'e are mere phantom ',r updn tlhia question, when the landlords ofilre- fig Va>\ i It. lOd. a«. par Ik. , '>wiUirjg ing againot the overwhelming ; odds of the supposed to be under a Coostitutionnl Govern- * Mr. iDevereux, MisslKean-e, Miss tDooley, . Mr. linreal branches—they are branches' that ie- .land as a body, are to consider a as I aim, and every statesman in Canada, of ' Tewer, Mioihael Kynn, D.C; Nicholas Hearae, !gularly : settlement of thu question in a real spirit ol •whatever forces of the Crown on the ono side and a ment (derisive laughter). We are under a ' affiliate with; the ! central govern ng : party, is to-day a Home Ruler for old, 21a. per gallon* D.Q; Mr.. Anthony arid Mrs. O^Brien, Miss ¦body jn Ireland, and regularly pay thMr.dues conciliation and compromise* they • will not Ireland, : and I thihk it is likely that you hostile Parliament on the other (applonso). despotisrp, coudocteq by a young Englisbmaa ilacauley, John] O'Callaghaq, Miss Aylward, 'find the tenantry of Ireland 'hard taskmasters!- ' 'to the central office, that ore in activity and will witness in-the immediate future a dec!ari- f low, what I wouM like to say a few words who knojwn nothing, or little or nothiog, about r tb. Finest Waterford Ballybiicken; Misees Harvey, Mr. Goulding, real working branches. The spread 'of' the they wiil not find the tenantry of Ireiand .deal tion in favour of Home Rule from Canada in James Cahill, Joseph' Hayden,. Thomas P. to the appeals of mercy, generosity, and justice about is a topic nearer home. While le Eeddy, Professor Kerr, De (La Halle College ; in the spirit , the hope, and the determination , how haa the industrial of the House by the leader of one Party, representatives in Parliament are looking after (hear, hear). True, out members may go to •Mr. Pender, Mr. Collins/ Johnstown ; Mjsses tion advanced? The irealtest industry of Ire- Parliament and talk and protest and hinder the ~ I M bt the people and everybody, friend and loe seconded from the other side of the House by the interests of the country arc we looking vr-rU Aillimin ' ThAmna^WJ trMl . iT> P/\tri3r IT I? often, riiiii r w \i and I Ihave • said that *-» *-* iikuuj ^ iii. «^-i^ v f ^ * . ^^^¦1%'*^ i ^ * ' M-4* ¦ ' '' [ land is the land, , ¦Walsh alike, admits to-day that ' ; , -until the leader of the other Party, and passed after the intcresta of our town 1 operations of Ireland's enemies there, bot even ; Win. Flynn, John, Aylward,liBally- in my belief the .Land: Question is »&tis- unanimously. What is true of Canada " ' briekea ; Mr. lilaciey, Lady Jane ; !: James TME NATIONAI. MOVEMENT IS MOKE factorily isettled, we will never have a.pros- is after oil that we remain under aWede spotisn ' equally true of Australia. The Prime Minis.er IS THE CITY OP WATERFORD PRO- its fruit to-day. have Barry, Wm. ' Barry, j Paul! Caulfield, Professor perous Ireland. At ¦ the &ame ihno I believe which is ^bearing o \m EBALj : ; ¦ ¦ ¦ : of Australia, Sir E. Barton, is a Home Ruler (De ;P. J that . ! . GRESSING, Ahem, La Salty College; M. Doyle, J. nore alive, and more formidable to ¦Irel'and'8 of twenty years' standing. He assisted me. land worth fighting for, and the earnest hops tion •Merchant Harty, J.P. ; Frank and Mrs. 'Briscoe, Aioysius ; THE iLNDUOTHDAlj DEVELOPMIEMr - ¦Nearly back ? Is employment ; ore of every ! good Irishman was that when it camo Fnrlongl' Stephen \Farrell , Mr. and Miaa Rod- anemieg than it was tvriedvo j month? ago. , twenty veare ago he was a pioneer :ii or b it going good There was4-*'hen I last spoke;here, and, if which: is going on 'in many places all over Ire- Australia in advocating Home Rule for Irer wages f air ? Ia tho workingman contented to his turn every man would do his part end die, Air. Connolly, Peter O'Connor, Mr: Young, land is a most valuablemovement, and I [wish 'Mr. Bally- ny recollection server me, I alluded to ' it— land, and to this day all Australian statesmtn with hb lot, the labourer with his:hiro ? I am fight for,his! native land (applausa). ' Maurice Murphy, Tfamore ; 'Barry, here was one thing wanting to; complete the tho Irishjpeopie could be induced to isee jthat, are iHome waiters for Ireland. Now you ajfe briclcen; Mr. Jacoh.1 jun. ; Con Mariahanj Mr. in order to save Ireland for the Irish race, it afraid not. Look at; our Quay, which is one of Lawlor, Paul^V. Canifleld , Ballyhricken ; John >qwer and ; unity, of the Irisn.race in the No- 1 me why do I waste a moment in talking o! MR. V. J. POWER'S SPEECH. ional organisation. Bo long w the English is necessary that -they -should support Irish these inings . The Colonies are a great power. tho finest in the Kingdom, and our river with ¦ Murphy; Wm. Power, M. Ryan, Kiahard iDee, I joyernment Temaina on thej defensive in industries and Irish manufactures, and not be, They Iwere a great power twenty years ' ago. anchorage for the biggest of ships. These now V. MdMahon, John CauWeld, (Denis ;Keoffb', as they are now, sending millions [of Irish Mr. P. J. Power, M.P., who was warmly Mr. Queally, John Quann,' B.C. ; Maurice .reiand;'it 'is sometimes difficult to arouse our Believe nso they are a far greater power no.v show less signs of a nation's progress than of a >cople, - but the very ' mbment that DTiblin money for shoddy goods to iBngland whenj they than ever they were before. Why, when Eng- received! said that it afforded him much Quinlan; 1W. Hartery, ;.Thomas Young, W. J. can obtain at this moment iri Irish cities and nation's decay, Certainly our quays arc some- BlcCormack, P.: Walah, C. ©empsey, Capt. .Castle assumes ihe offensive and attempts to land found herself hard pressed in the recent pleaeurq to have tha opportunity of joining 1 iitrike at the leaders of tho' organisation' of -lie towns' well-made Irish articles of greater value war »ho turned for help to-those Colonies, times laden with merchandise, but it represents •Eoger*. -Nicholas Hogan, J. Kearney, .Tbomug —(cheers). The oreal danger that Ireland hae with the citizens of Waterford in welcoming CHOUSE. 1 people, at that moment the spirit of the people and those Colonies ihave a claim upon hsi the manufacture of other countries, and conse- Fiynn, etc., etc. to face ia a continuation of emigration. Quite their City Member and his own leader, Mr. always arises to the proper height.: ^Vhesn I which, they never had before, aye, and the quently our foundaries, our bacon ccliars, our • , '- j. .: last spoke here, although it is true that thera recently a friend of mine had a private inter- mere fact of the action that the Colonies John Redmond (applause). He (tho speaker) BUYERl i .THE MAYOR'SSPEECH view with Mr. Chamberlain, and in arguing com stores, and what factories we possess, once orl taking the-chair;'was ! received ;was upon -the Statute Bpok a Coercion! Act, took in that war gav*e us a claim upon theni. thought be might fairly say, A3 the result of a The Mayof, this Irish question, Mr. Chantberloin said to They are a great, , ringing with, the hum of machinery and load has just returned with loua applause. He said—Gentlemen— ijtill that Act was not, in operation, and many free self-governing State?, fairly constant attendance in the HOUEO of Com- from the l^iere who had, seen, the , ordinary law of m~ friend that the-Irish'cause was hopeless], and a3 I think, most »Tongt-> they lent the'f with voices of many ¦workers, aro now - almost of - • • : Mv first duty lsito tharikyou for askinif me to thi* and the only reply he «ave was that emigration mons that he was in & position to form en over i crfuntry for eight or nine years; began to Io3e help to England to suppress the freedom of p8; silent as the tomb. Cannot this condition , take the chair this evening, to preside was continuing. Well, whatever we may think opinion; as to how he acted ia that assembly. fhia large and important meeting of citizens of ! sight of the fact that zn reality they have , been of Mr. Chamberlain': we must all admit he is these two Republics, but having done so, the?;! of affairs bo changed ? Thorq is capital purpose of i governed riot in accordance with the ' Consti- Colonies have ! Mr. Redmond was always there (applause); iter Waterford, who have met for the - ' a man of enormous ability, and he put hia enough in Waterford ; surely their is enterprise Goo; ds, hearinz an address from their member, Mr. tution, but practically in accordance with a point of danger, af emi- ' nothing; escaped him, and besides that be had invited. .] system of . martial law, and alj through' this finger upon the real also. What, I ask, is the good of making , JohniE. (Redmond—(applause). To-day. , we gration continues, as it is continuing now for DECLAIMED UN FAVOWR OF THE MOST always !an ear for everyone who wanted , to ' ¦ movement from the start,! I, for my part, have- ¦ money, and then lock ing it up in English ;.; •: ¦ have ' honoured! Mr. ifiedmorid with ihe free- a few decades more, where will bo the Irish ) COMPLETE HOME RULE Epeak to him upon Irish affairs, and sound NEW • dom of the city. I am quite 'sure, that event Ibeen anxious to see ithe English Government that'we desire to eroahcipjite? Why, securities ? Why not syndicates bo found to assume the offensive, because I knew our nation advice to add as well (applause). Speaking • his ,?iv<>n satisfactiort to you all—{applause). the Irish race will Have left the shores'of Ire- for tho Transvaal and start monufactutics that will give a good return aarKixr ^r'i honour we can Movement could never become really aolH, the Orange Free State, of the i United Party, Mr. Power said—I Mr. SEedmond-is worthy of any land. Therefore,:! wish , that I could impre&s and it U tho least wo can claim of these for the money so invested, and also givo employ- pay him. 'He has come to-night to ;epeak to united ' and formidable to our enemies, till upon, men in pasitiona of •responsibility and beliove the reunion was a genuine one, and great variety. , I that took place. I am happy to say : that sinsc Colonies that, having been instrumental m ment to a people who aro willing to work, who j ; you of the -work of the past twelve'months , importance in Ireland Hie duty of endeavour- wiping out these hononrlblo to all (applause), and I believe •won ' come to -give an account of 1 .last soolie here what I and many of u« ievery means- in their power, to keep two free Republics, theyjshall desire! no charity, and who seek no alms 't say he baa place. Our movement ing, by at least use their influence in endeavouring firml in the union which now dxists, and will his stewardship, because you all know how he wished for has taken the young men and young women of this coun- (applause). Thb would bo practicable ; this y "House of •has tatenlsucha character that /England his to obtain autonomy for Ireland, the Transvau., stand through oar policy to the end (applause). has acted for the past year in the try at home—(applause). I have travelled a the Orange Free State, and other similarly would; be patriotic : would bring peace and •Commons—ody ¦ claim, and they are willing to assist us. '' yourselves. I eay that because it has occurred (applause). : : ¦ ' ' ,! Jreland except by; . suspending the Consti- I HIAVE NOT BEEN BLIND TO THE OTHER government were to do the duty of a good i : . . to me | that local boards in Ireland should bo tution and by ', ' i' SIDE OF THE PICTURE,1 ; Therefore, tho action of the Colonies is- im- ^vernment, thoy would ; provide work and Chairman of , the portant and, as I have shown you, thf last very careful as to what they do, and that they ICAN Mr. David Hyland, T.C, - and I tell you here to-night that of' every ten twelve ^months have been of enormous im- industries for the finest peasantry: on - earth. LINE Wateriord i Board of Guardians, then came A SYSTEM OF PfiACTICALLY -WIWIX XJ young men or women who emigrate: from this should give Government officials and Govern- ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ' ' portance in advancing our cause in America, Seven or eight hundredyoung men and women, TE8 addreas:— • ¦ • ¦ ¦: MAIL Mm/soA and read; thefoilowihg . . -i 1 country,, two-thirds go down in the struggle ment auditors as little footing as possible. StBAlOas i ^ \ in Canada and in Australia. And outside- of the cream of tho Irish race, ore leaving weekly ' : Bedmondy Esq., Mi1.- • for life. You only'hear of the few 'successful these ' countries what have the " last twelve That is, becanse such, men are merely.the ".To J(An E-. (bear/ heat). Now, I make no dissruise of it. men and successful women. : You hear nothing these chores—none to return. Qtlier countries V-HKW T0B5 SIBVtta ; tihe'Water-; has months witnessed to with reference to Ireland representatives of a system of government ¦¦'• "Dear Bir—We, the membera .of I rejoice ^i what happened, and I humbly of the others, who are trampled to- deaiih in and other governments know tho making of rOK TO HBW i js' , avail tarselyea: of ; my ; tbanka to- throngh.Europet: Ta-day go into any country ht each havoc in Ireland. XOBK ¦::U'- ' fordTs^rd!of Guardians rfresent my .compliments and; the mad rush of life in; the American cities. 1 good citizeDS and'good soldiers when they see which i has wroug in-Watorford to loterate our; 'ight to | the best jorganiser of the National ! Voui Jike-^into F/rande, rnto Austria^ into j use of County Courthouses ycrar presence in your , jjohtica.; n met for More than that, I will: even isay, including Germany, into Russia and if you say . : ; Referring ; to the aaeomsMdatiMilW BtooaiX Utt llSwa^ ^I confideiice movement whom w^. have with manv Irishmen who succeed in ;Americaj I do not , yp 1 themj and i «Jd «ur 'of yourin pafriollej "Wyndham are 'an Irishman you will be received with as a centio for popular meetings, Mr. Power 'ISiol ^ adrniratidnr years irl Ireland-^Mi. George .; believe that tiho Irish people in America are WHAT JOHN BULL LET SLIP THROUGH in^SracUzistic-d riah, manliaeas meeUng, -UhiasesX Gentlemen, | Coercion , may be a ¦happy. ibelieve therej is an Irishman welcome (applause). And. whv ? Because dur- pointed out that in the central and western I I do not i HI8 FINGERS, Wy^ham'^froudulerrtprpe^ Very powerfulweapon against Ireland if ceople :give their ing the past twelve months Ireland made ar. districts of Ireland the representatives of the ScUef^^ or woman there who would:hot exhibition of unselfishness and adherence ; to friend Jonathan has grasped with no uncertain ffi y in erbibit tixwarda it A craven spirit I -but if. the hearts, olood to come back and live Ion theapil people! were turned out of their own buftdlogs , IS i « Si ^^^•consiituex^ *ti people exhibit to.:the-' «ystem of Coercion an principle which I think cannot bo equalled tenacity (appliiise and I langhtcr), America in W? on and of Ireland again—(cheers). People are tempted j apd wore, in fact, policed oat of what thej TO THI Wa«tp.. . ' l^nnV'an^Waterford Counties m &W4 ettitade U determiriation, of ejelf-sacnfice, and to go to America-by the! exkravagant accounts in th£ history of any other country in tHo this way has the vigorous yountr, men of this : world (cheers). Under theso circumstances. owned themselves. The ratepayers who main- of contempt, then 1 eay that Coercionto as a of the -wealth and . opportunities ol that coun- country as a miiinstay in her grand Republic, , «*miZ SammSs •weapon breato in ^he handUiat jtrles use try. I tell you; • the poorest agrieultur.il tained; tbuse buildings were subjected to in- i^ ¦ __ J M ¦from I tn U VkA mSitViwi mvi' mrianXt. ^HA left the aged ones ar**ii\ labourer ¦living m his hovel !by tne ToaaMOe 1 . W1HAT WE WANT ¦ . / and poor Ireland is being , sult and not a little violence, because the; 1 ,, (rroond snd nsed by tlje people themselves— in (Ireland is a happier, man -than tho artisan and the more helpless of her citizens many of wanted -to pass resolutions which were: not (hear, heart. Ctentleroep, there is! one way to or labourer -who in America! earns ' three or whom at last fin'i their way into tto» poorhouses, one;only. Th^drnm-head U steadfastness and steadiness. Of couwe considered acceptableby the police authorities. ¦is3S8*Ba5*aMt»3 meet Coercion, and> ! four times'hi* wages. I,; th«efor^, aay it ist theso would be no use without courage, bnt or worse still—to tho lunatic asylum or the courtmartials of tie old days Tvere, : in my opin- the duty of every man, from the point of view respectable tribunals compared iwith- the I never for a moment quetioned the courage giu'l: Hut, ladies and gentlemen, the unity of ion, of the material interests of the:indiyidual, and of in Irish Nationalist. I ; am quite certain- MR TOWER¦ AND SIR WILLIAM PAUL. ¦ ; 'BemotaWi. aiagktratee, who to- the Iri-h Party i$ a true sign of tho unity at ; ¦ trjbimaS of from tie point of view of the National interests . they ' will treat : ^ Ilhrough oonn- the puny 1 efforts at Coercion i day are «oing up land down *he of ilreland, to endeavour to keep the people at by Mr. Wyndham with supreme contempt. tome, and the unity in the greater Ireland The other day, he proceeded, while in H»r- trV. condemning.oa irifolous charges the best home—(applause). How can that h& done? So ifar as dash 1 ' ' : movement is affective ¦aid most honourafal* men in our midst. There view that and courage are concerns 1 , boyo d tho sens. No r gate I received a letter from 8ir Wm. Paul, Well, oi course, I take^d emigra- they. will not be wanting. Will they be Bte' ad- and no organisationi 's ' id only lone way of meetjni1 , th» eystem of tion will'oeyer be completely stopped until without on organisation, ' and Ij will read It for yojn— ; absolute contempt. fasc in their purpose and steady in tho flghf? successful without a wiso leader. On thU ' Coercion, and that l is i wjiih . Ireland is a free- arid Belf-governing country. If they turn like a straw, then this movement ! BallygUn, Wkterfqrd, August 14th, 1903. My friend, ttfr. UJJdHu^h- dojreed patience, perseverance', and minded men recognise true worth, so also .have hoco, at ; imasinarv you. what somq of you may eeem a email thing, by BtuKborness, I bolieve the day is not far jdifl- nrsMit ml tbs Oonrtbotti^ W»t«rtorrt, 1 o'olodc i wSV»ii;oi!;«««t»- ™ «ar:i« EHE efeBEDB WKTCtB!. WEDL HBEAK THIS endeavouring to brine : ' ' : i • they been generous coougk to acknowledge that ¦ wSS jjobair - ;;^ , : ' ', ;: ¦ - tarit when you and 1 may meet in this room on 8»tnri»y, BcpMtstet flih, when tmUln rMola- ' Bail o jDia aii- bnr ^. ¦ii < . i ^ ¦ ^ ¦ /. fdp ^^. Mi !.. poircr and with a fqc ; i 'ibehalf oi! ^'OV» ^r , . j , w 1 celebrate tho triumph of the . National as Uie Party is again a great , Urns! wDl tw: fnb*Ut«* ib^imknfSoim ¦ ¦ ^Sgned i on j > Ihe t&me&aep itit of enprame. contempt BACK. BCME ttiEFE INTO THE DAILY cause, ¦ ; 1 (kltuoliy, i ! i : . : WE PAUL. -- - . -- '-| " '-« l: ' iiien LJVE3 0F TIHiE PEOPIiE.. ' - and to return thanis to the God of great future before it, eo is the chairman a ¦ ^ ; 3)A^;IHS!W^)jj0^™ffl ' iorthesb trfbunab; and I hope-thai-everyman . ou» father*, for having rewarded the iaithtnl with regaWI to 6ir William Paul he is a ' i ! • "JOHN MLMJEBY;CfeA " : everV on« tit these tri- fcnoiw of chnirman who has led them prudently, ably and Well, , : wibo is toaigned bctow I nothing more terrible t ! " ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ n ' : .; ¦ ¦ I ¦ i . ¦ ' ' ' " ' ' : " ¦ ¦ i . : . .!¦:¦;¦! ¦ ¦ • ¦'! i -¦ ; • • • i M !'. : . ; ; ¦ ¦¦;.. .• \¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦< >T '' ' -- i-»r>.«0Mtiu» uowwtt wygn lotaptroninnaa¦ . 'Uaiim i 'thKii) ^ . i j T T T. ; | ^Proposals' 'Comttuttae Meothui : i ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦' uLLVJSicana vvATX&Uf OB ' ' . : . ^BdOMUkta.:.! | -;! '|.i!i- ; I ' . • tp, .; : , : ;: Vriitj, 2Ut Norembsr, 1802. ' K*' - ' L«td»y £orl(5agin(t • .' ¦; SKETCHE¦ S THB OTJHABD PTIOIIBBIPbOMPAST , LTD . »ppll4»ttoo« : | j. f ¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦' ¦ ¦¦ ' i " '' ¦ : :: ¦ ¦ . - , i • - ' . i i i OF TH1 ¦ ' • • . I ' :• fr '- i 6 * • ". - ' . ' • il ''j- ¦I'fUJqr, «OTOJ»«, 1802.' ' W»tu- *tT*LiQ *meMU>n \**AUnmoL : 8*' ' : : ' EMB liffl i' . - .QaWeHy.HtBifajts' . .MS! -- "i -''j" - ; UwAtoz Md-^ .prirtdrs; Statesmeti Actors*l? M^A»iiB«Oi!Hiit, BMT*M^ W«tarfed) gi". ;j, d;,. ;;. ,Moo '8^^wUffJlflbi- : - ' ^ ; Musicians* Md Disttofuishri Men Bora ia Waterford CHy mSm ' '" ¦ or Cboily' ¦ v ' ' * ¦ ' " ¦ '" " ¦ ¦^M- ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦/¦ !;¦ ;— i ¦- :; ™ !* ! ¦ :¦ ' 1 II • , . * u } v. . . - .II " - 1 ^^, I, . ^ T i ^ .T . I ; ¦ ¦ ¦ . '. -i* i.... "j. ' j * i i i ' i ' Cottnitf mm il'liWhaMtinfiClui iTiuliK Li,A. WkiLii!»3£S - W ' BraSSt- •ESMS?11'* ''If*8 RABQf QQN 'B"EBGIABtiT ^ mm;pi3t S^?f#»5| mmBmW^

immmMsa mmM Md *mmi \* i $i mii i\i % Ki%m$&k ..MikmM ^j ^^^^^^ ^^JM^S^^^^^^^^^ ¦ ¦ 1 ' ' ' ¦ -¦¦ ! ¦¦ ' ¦;•:• - { • - ' !¦ - ¦ ¦ '¦ - ' wiWic- - . 'r*; ;!! ;- . , - \\¦;¦*<^: ..$ I. . • > .. • \- PL ¦ + V- -- ii - i ' out ttnvt . . . . : , ; 1 .r" » ' < ¦ • <:, ?rh> \. ;: , . i-M Y.Wt work .their way . bountry k deprired :' \-p '^: ' : " <^ 100 would aS&.«V ..arld^taking.'.ahd.thatth^ ¦ D fhi ^¦© ;T A ^Mi,V VAIJ..k _ | , i | &»S t^lit :ge k(t; 1 v r- fll ^ wt¥ ^c M fa; which, ltj looked, , V; ; ¦. y, ¦ ¦ ¦ • • ajrdiairt th«i:'t !b>|»wnW;riSejr ( I U.4nn> nf 111 !S I i I EISHO OF lA|pFtiBJ> M$ : thw having ptv.thaa;. Wutott endos a8o A . Art- . .: ... . ¦ [..;¦. ,t -.- ¦;.. ¦ . . , ! ;;, . :. ;- . : ; | • isboir the ' ' of. V ®. ability whether these| enemies bo tho English or our ' ¦ •what the Oeolamtionof Independence ntnetil ! : A MAGNIFICENT respect. His cbarraing rubnner anil hi3 house barrick-on-Suir, on the 2nd ulu I have i . 1 0—^- i fflE AMERICAN PEESS. WORK- Irish foes, tre apparentl y: worthless (hear, , j SA/TUBDAY. and bov American PreeAjoi was. wog ; i ; j ' and his kinship with the j late Sir Robert Paul, circulated descriptions of her in all directions, ^ M,^j ^ inb'respect bear). I believe in fight and in nothing else • ' i -. ?—— , ' womenofAmerica are greatnewspaper TfitttM who was a ram of honour, make and! if she is arrested she will bo prosecuted. AN TNiTEBVTlBWtoa lA/T W0®K ' wish that to (applause)* when --we havo to contend with CONTRACTS FOR THE ENSUING «nd naturallythey are- «otend ior. almatt and admire Sir William Paul. Ii ¦ Probably it will bo then ascertained who is the ¦ ¦ ¦ 0M : Reporte But I w|ill read you these, people.j j It is ; • ' : ! TEAR. : mud* JM are tin moa in the n«w» tedgeti'«iJ : : (From okr Special be clearly understood. father of the thild." ' , ; .; . I ; : \ I l the i ALL NONSENSE amn MOHOS OF JOUtBNAILISM tbo day. .Leading*rtlck»:*r « not cxm«i*(«4 now the letter which I v?rote in rep y to 1 I Mr R Walsh—What are JOB going to do | '¦ ' ¦ '¦ be col lecting facts and putting thom from ¦ tbe- eame value aeiin (Earope, becaos* . Olontnel. invitation:— j ; jo about that child ? ; i. | A special meeting of the board was held cl a| MY DEAB SIR om mnoh obliged for tbs the platform; i and in the newspapers, for our \ laod THE America, people as.a body, think for *k«atj| .—I ! Chairman—The matter is left in the hands on above day, [Councillor D Uy (chairman) THB 'AMBRaKJAN iTfmHMO liEBN iVND councsy . of your invitation to the meeting of fcnemiea, whoever they may be, have facts present—Councillor H L ¦ ' gelvts.aridatenot«omuchiaflu enctd bjwiutVj %,t tta instance o( of the police. for tbe present. i : I presiding. Also IRISH. magi-trstes you MO oonvediDg enough to wirk on, and they know where they they r«»d «s fey the tactic* of the wire-pttUeaj:3 the Dnke of Devonshire oh Baturdiy next at! the 1 Mr R Walsh—They are very Jong about Ward, Councillor Michael Wyee, Michnel jtho most {igreeab are and whero we are also. ; They have facts no, James Murphy, Richard Roche, and who manipulate the party strings.. Thereart : | To-day, under Courthouse in Wawrford. 1 It will tot be possible ' it. ; It Beems!everyone can get tbe father except Fly ! ' in oi Clonm< Had I been nble to enough in old and current history. They ' ¦ (Continuation of our Editore Experienc* fewer reports of epeeefne published an4 »ir>?*j tho Christian Brothers; foe .mo to attend the meetins;. the police. " . ! ' : , • Captain Carew. * 1 technical schoo) bo present next Satiuday I woul d have ' submitted a know all about the case, just as well as you or : America). batim. utterence* are rarely given ben.' - -' ¦well equipped' ; : i The subject thea dropped. ¦ THE TEA. CONTRACT. Alost Rev lmtion to the meeting pldtestlDg sgalnstgthe pro- I do (hear, hear). But they havd their hands American joumalisiawe not of necwalty clot*' declared opened iby the clamatlon of our crimeleaq conntry nndcr the pro- • : A 'WINDFALL,: ; The Clerk said he had received 28 tenders ¦ • -the Diocese. ! |at the thjroats of the representatives of : i • atudertts of the winged art, co pietowkttuff ;.{¦' ban, l£>rd Bishop of visions ot tho Coercion Act. We|:e I preu2nt I ; The Clerk intimated that the Secretary of the for tea at Is 8d per lb. : I 6aid last ¦week that the lAaierican (Press is well kept gr ithc Irish ; ! people ; and I' say, let us described 'by « tWateriord'gentleman. Woula was Splendid, anil the would cortniDl; submit s [motion cindemniDg the ] County . Tip'perary (South 1 Riding) County After a discussion, it was agreed to tako the most active in tho rsrorld. The rush lo get t , and ite environs, loo action of the Government in provoklDR in aa out- I be men (appLauee). Let ns meet them face to fonr cbesta frpm seven contractors. mental that it beneath the local au'horittes In Ireland. | payment of £507 lls. ; i : The Clerk pointed oat that como of those strain oi tho newspaper man must Ibe great ¦proceedings were m make upon i our representatives, ' 'and not bu not flayed every day of the Urc Courthonee built and] njaiotaiced by rates levied on ' of mcu, bounrt by a solemn obli- Tho Lccal Government Board itranamitted with |the parent! 'house great body Mooncoin ; J J Breen, Quay j William Fitz- of theiwecft. (ButH is not his work that opened refer to D the oceuplera because they rebtured to Jraw gation—ia to do their level best fer Ireland qncstions for noBwers reapectibg; the porson v Siori, Waterford. Ws nhicb man; patrick, Blackfriars ; Elleo Wyley, Micbael my eyes so, os I Inad a rather clear impression xnmEB&imoxaOF rmz PBCxpiiE: -j ' Superior 0! attention to the horrlblo condition |n ; Iadio3 and ,gentlemen, these who haa been employed temporarily in connec- "Western, who ii the of oor poor arc forced to live, abd because they (applause). Well, street ; Richard Maloney, Barrohstrand-street ; before ii reached the States oi what the modern whom :tlu8 gi Bishops Bnnbury und tion with the care of tho children in the work- Schools, and t$an ventured to tender their thaoks tjo a man whose are the meti whom the ; Michael Fitzgerald, Peter-street. American interviewer' is like. It ia rather o! efficient,, pail o: as the house. Order has no more heroic exertions have done Eometbisj : to phame Eng- O'Hara woold drive to Saint Helena, THE OTHEll CONTRACTS. the work performed by 1lhe Edrtor-in-Chi«l Overheard at GlAdstonc^Ueet corner to&j. , 1 the whoL land into taking 'some action and In 0 making eosre DISPENSARY NECESSARIES., 'loyal representative in Times suggeated with greater brutality, " to Thero was only ono tender for whiskey, five i|uj>t now •write. Take the Mar- . iFirAt Citiren (pointing to ex«avatioB»>-Ob, \ we were to reatitatlon to Irolaad for tho robl ery she has pet- Dr Dwan; Medical Officer ot the Rathgor- that I would Lord!; when will these things atop? ¦ (He is ably assisted, hell or Comiaoght " (groans). I:say let them years old Sir John Power ] ond' news of 1 ; and it is pctrated and continuej to perpetrate on I hi? mac Dispensiry District wrote stating that a , Sons, of tinique disaster, for example. The Second.Gitiien CwTtha«igh>-iAAme«n(>Qiti ; voted band of Brothers, country. Whether tho Government wi'l allow the be driven. | If they are removed from tbo , ; suppl Dublin, at 6s per (ralioD, cx dnty. Messrs the awful catastrophe reached Kew York at one. ; 1 . ' . ;i to say that since Brother proposed meeting to be held in ihu: Coutthouse place upon which wo are all fighting for there y of packing caseo was required for uso ' tion : ' at the John Egan snd Sons were the tonderera. 11/10, yet 'before noon 3 saw copies of iho " New F. 0.—iWasit eeven or ten Years ago •inoe a , in charge of the Olonnte! remains to be seen. The resul t will bo inB'.roctlve. will be others to stop into tbeir place;, just ns Dispensary for the purpose of trans- brand new sewer was pert down in that vety < placed Wherever the mooting is hold I U ar my presence Clerk—That b about 17s 6d out of bond. York Journal "—the leading organ ol yellow education , both, intf capable of- fighting the cauBe of Ii eland on the mitting quarterly to the Analyst,! samples of : same street, or do my eyes deceive me? ' •world . of would not tend to Its harmony, aa if In a minority Accepted. I journalism—selling In the streets, showing has progressed by leapt old sod (cbeers). the drugs. ; Au oil lamp was also required for I 8. O. (sadly)—True, too true. 1 physical, of ona I would feel it my duty to ra BO my voico ia The tender of Mescro C P Redmond and Co. fit. 'Pierre in ruios, portraits of the late F. C. y !tho 10; of the Dispensary. . : . betw*tn ; The Bishop protest opainst the action of the Government in The Mayor having responded to the vote for books, forms etc., w&a unanimously Governor, and Hie leading citizens of the place, two and three hundred pound*? < and was ' met ai matters sffeoting the peaco and wi II bolng of tho Ordered to be procured. 1 , from. IWaterford. thanks, which was most heartily givon , accepted. i ; the vessel in -the harbour that just escaped, 6. C—(There or thereabouts my afflicted ' Uovj Canon Dean 0% CoQnty Waterfoid , and In partlc iltr against the ELASTIC STOCKINGS. friend. , the Very canrorsbi The proceedings terminated. It was decided to give tho advertisamftnts the other craft in flames Mount Pelee pour-: ¦ my , P.PJ; BevJ p with regard to the proceedings of locil Dr Stephonson, Medical Officer of tho Work- . P. C.-^rhank you, brother bargea. -ji E«v.i Canon Flavin anthorlties claimed by Dublin Ca ;tlo and corrled to all the Wotcrford papers at ing forth its stream ol lava and other blood- Condon, M house, wrote to say £f i 103 cccb. Shake hand*; more friends in distre** m»Ju f: nigah, and Alderman out by brute force. that two specially made (Editor' sorrow the less. 1 , ¦ to the 1 BOARD elastic stockings Mr Fnrrell said tho newspaper owners were curdling pictures. Of course, the s • Clonmel, and proceeded May I ask you to be Rood erjpugb to give my cannicK: -ow-Duin or wore required for Gorman , 8. C—Bat this! is not a place for poems, .' declared- ) letter to the Press. : all ratepayers and deserved Eupport. They livid imagination must have teen almost as his Lordship ' formally —I am, &c., GUARDIANS. whom he had already written about. ' my rate^impoveri«hed inquirer. ' ; i , a PJPOWER. ; wore all good papers. . - , active .as the crater itself ; but behind it all presence;of a 'large audience Ordered to bo purchased. : P. C—I know tbst ; for: if my. mefnory Kj.}f Clonmel To Sir W Paul, Bnrt., Ballyglan. BATUEDAY MrMnrphy—Especially THE NEWB . YOU -there was a eabetratam of fact, which «how» ves me right, it wa» four or flve, ot «ix weau:> asia large number of HALF-YEARLY CONTRACTS. "w I think thai was a reply I was bouDd to send get everything in tbnt paper, and I do uct think bow wide-world must be the knowledge ot the ago since I saw that'same street re-oetallMi| The'company included besides , Tho Board next proceedod to tbe considera- . McJDonm especially as the authorities baje driven the THE UALF-YEAKLY CONTRACTS Mr Redmond is pai d half enough. man at the belm, and bow active must A Vf rv (Rev. (Dean tion of tho tenders received for the half-yearly fully. iNaw It'a »U torn up again. Where, 1 Paul's, Clonmel ; ver people by force from their own building"* in the Capt Carew said hn wished the six Watorford mind that could in such a short space of time Peter and Rev. W. supplies of provisions. Tho follov/ing wcro oh where, will it Ul end? ,v P.'P.,St. Mary's-, West, and then to ask as to assemble in the COTS FOR THE CHILDREN. papers wero boiled down to thrco good ones. think wit and *ee executed this Grand Picture 8. C—Come and well aaVaCity Flavin. Paul'8; Rev. accepted : Patber. j C.C., SS. Pater and ¦ Courthouse of Waterford, • where, according to Mr Murphy—THE NEWS IS a first-class of the Imagination. < First Oitiran immediatelyhad a fit, and the 'Rev. Father < TTooce Bread—Wm Galvin, New-strcot, at 4d pDr ¦ ' \ ardj do. ; 's; Castle logic, we would be doing aa illegal WHO OWNS THE BABY T paper. ' 'I do not think there is a section d the colloquy ended.__] ; Father Wall, C.C., §t. Mary act 41b loaf. do. ; Rev. Father L. C also. Mr Power discussed the situation The folloT/ing Is tho Ikt of jpther tenders American -Press (which confines iteelf to the Keating, Presbyter) Tbo weekly meeting of" this Board was held Flour—Messrs Grnbb and Sons, at lls lid events that have happened. iBven the most Rev. Mr. Rentoul, further, and resumed his Beat amid loud and per 1401bs. ; cccepted :— i : PlkTOWN PKTTV 8IMION9. Cooney, O.S.T?.; Rei on 8atnrday, Mr Matthew Drohan, 3.i' ., chair- respectable journals frequently take the bint Rsv,. Father Hai prolonged cheering. ' Messrs John Carroll, Quay—Worsted thread , P.P. ; Rev. 'Father man, presided, and the other members present Oatmeal—Mesoro Giubb, at lls lid per 112 nigan - Mayor ; AJ Mr. Power read a lettor in reply from Sir at Is 4-, 2s 2Jd. if they bad been actual spectators, and publish (These session* wero beld «n Thursday,; Alderman , Sec: Mathias Walsh, J.P., John O'Donnell , (Ball Split Peas—Mca3rs S Kehan, at 12B per 112 master;; Mr. A.. O'Shoa he had made a [mistake in inc uding him (Mr. y- Messrs Walsh nnd Fielding—White flannel, tbe most thrilling etoriea AS a consequence. before Lord Dancinnon (in tbe chair), Meaw.); Technical C ' cahane) ; James Doyle lbs Agricultural and Power) amongst the CouDt Mag , Thomas Carbery, 10^d ; lineu check , 4d ; grass bleached This is more or less the natural result 0! the D. Bourke, B,M., ;and Peter W«l«h*. - ;,| David Cogey, T. I y istrates. Sugar—Mr Michael Power, at 14s per. cwt OiCeeffe, \Micha. At the conplnBion of James Dunphy, Jnmes Mora, Thomas Groany, calico, 8 7-16 ; woollen rugs, 6s 9d ; high pressure under which the Americana live An 'appUcation was made on behalf of Mr. V ; James Byrne, .J.P.; the speech of the Washing Soda, 8s 3d cwt ¦ Tallow Crown woollen J.Pi. "Nat; Member R Walsh. ; per chawl, large size, 30s ; small and 'thrive, and ia also due in rro «mall degree James Farrell, DJO., pabli<|sa iM. ij. Murphy, Manage for East Waterford, the resolution Soap, 17s , 16s. , Kilmaotr, r4 ; J: F. O^Brien. was Mr James Mullins, Clerk, Mr J Kcilty, per cwt Carbolic Soap, 17s 6 d per to :the extreme difficulty of securing and Mr. - "R-iTBrten, J.P. put to the meeting and adopted enthasi- r.isrt. Messrs James Hearae and Co—Black and John Anthony, publican, Piltowtv'J DJonx, Editor, " ONatipnaUs Assielant do., Mr James Watt he, MaBter, and aatiafaction in a libel action: For for an occasional licence J. J. Manager, N' nsticallyT | | white thread, Is 7£i ; broad tap?, Is 8d ; : i at the coming.PU»ri , J.'P. ; II. J. Casey, " Relieving Officers P Daltou, M Hickey, and M Salt—Mr Wm Healy, at 2s 8d por 112 lbs example. A jeporter Jeremiah: Condoi Alderman Power was then called to the narrow tape, Jd; shirting calico. 3^d;. lining forced -6ay Miss, iliis i» « nice room, loud applause, said! it was dignified manner in which he hojd presided. Edward Deevy and Co—Twilled sheeting ' to thank;hi3 L01, Mr Hickey—I do (laughter). cuts 4Jd per lb, and soup pieces at 3d perlb. I liko it, as it shows your good taate. (DATH OF MR. WTLLIAMW Him 2X *r$ the first place, ' Mr. Redmond 1 regarded Mayor Hearue as a calico, v£d ; blue flannel, Is Ijd ; lichen, 5}d ; ing there that day and opening MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT. Mutton at 7d per lb lady (inlignantly)—iWho invited you here? ; VOTE OF CONDOLBNCB. ; were star dovoted and capable Chief Magistrate of the blankets 9s O d per pair ; blan^otn, single, 6s. \ \ ,/| schools. The schools Dr Stephenson recommended that Ellen Shea, Irish Bacon—Mr Wm Healy at 7^d per lb. ^ Reporter—3 invited myself. Lordship'a heal historic City of VVaterford : " Buttit would be Margaret Ahoarn—Shrouding calico, 2|d. Lord Duncannon said iect dear to his suffering from opthalraia, be sent to the Rico—Mr Henneberry, ljd per lb Corn CLady—Well, just get out ¦will he jurt heard ot tb»;| bettering the condition of the t impertinence for me to dwell upon that point, Richard Gough — Sole nails, Is 8d per , or I • have you death of one ol tjie jtwtiee* *ol the peace ia 8 , an j County Infirmary in Waterford. He pointed Flour at 2Jd per lb Pepper 7^d per lb. •working classes of 'Clonmel for si nco the reunion I have met no more and thousand ; sole leather, Js 2d per lo ; bazlls, 2s. removed. tbeir district. Be was a -tenant of his cw*. | the hard fight of labour out that the cots for the children in hospital Arrowroot—Mrs B M Fox, ot 8d por lb. Reporter—Ndt so fast; and a man whom be knew very well He to fight ' not encouraging friend and supporter than the ' Frauccs McNamaro— English belliej, 7d; I came 'hero on busi- ifJ world outside-. £fe was wore unsuitable, and ho recommended that cots Blue, 8d per lb. Lemons, Is por doz. ¦ ' ness, land:1 am ferred, to Mr. William White, of UoileookJ Clonmel, Mayor of Wateiford " (applause). | kip, butts, Is 2£d ; patent heap, Is 8£d ; not to bo denied. and proposed a people oi the town oi with ratling' all round be provided. Brandy—Mr Michael Poworj at 5u 4d per vMe of tympaiby and oVm always with 'them, .but h Russian hairs, Is 6d ;/iron heels. 5s. lady(very angry)—On 'business I I lave JO dolence with the family on the loa«'they MM haa of 1 Miss Grubb said the cots in hospital bottle. Stout, Is 9d. Soda Water, Is por doz. business with ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Lordahfty and the members YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT at pre- John Egan ond Sono—Port :Winc, 10s per ,youl! : tained. . • ! a™ evinced jby their presence £ sent were not safe for little children. Lo^onade, lOd per doz. (Reporter—OK, yes, you have. You are going ¦Mr. P«terWal«he teconded, andCICr. Boiui who imparted j I MEAN, (JOZCD, ond sherry, 18s. , ¦ took in the. education b Mr R Welsh—I saw children in the conntry Whiskey—Mr Patrick M'Grath, at 2a 9d per to be (married supported the reeointion. : . had' also to express his 1 ecause there was a time when the! Mayor and J and K Waish—Porter, la 3d, and coda Coutable Tully sumrnoned He Cot( ( safe in soap boxes (hoghtor). bottle. ; ; Lady—Get out at once. I am not going to Jame* Dnjp gratitude to the Technical myself r id not hit it off so well:(cheera water, lo 8d. ; , for drunkenneu on'the public road at Ban .. .. , and Miss Grubb—But how wonld it be if Port Wine—Mr P Sbanaban, at Is 8d pc? be married, 1 mei ior meir jcuuvu,l6 — laughter) for ajfew they Richard Gough—Sanitas soap, 29s 6d her. '{He stated that the defendant gave hi of the Technical years. "I have fonud the fell ont and broke bottle psr the equipment men who have their legs T cwt ; carbolic, 19s 6d ; tallow crovro •Reporter—No bluff now; his name is Charlie the name of hi*employer a* hit own aame. ju3t been declared open 1 been lhe hottest jn the strife Sherry—Mr , 25s 9d ; had Mr R W ateh—Put them on the floor and Michael Ponor, at Is 4d vper Is wax Goythe-iPace, of "Wall-street. I9 it lor love or Lord Dnn«annon->Wih«tjbave you.to tayr —(applause); He said I'to hell and the bravest praongst my old-time opponents bottle. pepper, l^d ; candles, 3s 2d ; washing Defendant—I must #ay 11 wsa £2o(} seeme< they can't fall (laughter). money you aro .taking him? very dna anent, for . though* to be now my staunchest friends (loud soda, 4s 4d ; blue, 4jd ; arrowroot, 6d j snuff when I gave him the name of my employ! a considerable at Mr M Walsh—Did'any of them ever fall t THE LATE MR. WM. WHITE, J.P. (Lady—You impudent scoundrel. ¦' nevertheless applause). I 'apply that to the; Mayor of 4o Id i nee, 10s 6d ; jam, 2J por lb (Irlnh instead ol my own. ; .. /. : already been expended^and m Mr R Walsh—They are too cute for that. Mr John O'Donnell proposed tho lol'owing £eportet-£Kco fellow is Charlie. 1 bad a : A fine of 2s? 3d, before Waterford, for siuco the reunion of the made) ; wax ult'ir candles, Is 8d; black and costs mt knpeaeo.; have yet to 'be eipended Party Tho Chairman said be saw tbo cots in the resolution— "That this Board jhave learned brandy omash with 'him tho other day, aad I • Patrick Roche ma also fined fe. 6d. aJ1 •fied that this schools were up I have had ' ; lead, 5d ; starch, 23s *, blacking, 2s iid ; and ^ had a hoBpital and bo thought they were ver; nice with regret of the death of Mr Wm White, JP, told him- to bewaro of you, that you had a cost* for being intoxicated •t Banaber, oaf! ments ' of the day. They NO BETTER FRIEN ten paper, 3s ;4d per ream. ; ¦ tod inat. Constable (ECaran ' cost for the e D and suitable. an old and respected member of this Board, temper. • prosecuted. ~ that the entire than my fellow-citizeu who occupied'the John Ayltjord, Petar-ct, loaf cuijar ct 2d » Patrick Baiter ra asked to pay in fc hufldings devolvedupon the Cl chair Miss Grubb—If the children fall ont of the and tender to his family their {jincere sympathy" Xiady—I never heard of the man in «ny life. drnnkemieM saw a smi to-night (tipplaose). He haa presided over oil per lb. j : at Tybroughney,¦ h beiflf >¦ But te thought he cots and break their legs we will bs held The proposer said that tho late Mr White bad Reporter—Just now don't try and deceive lecond offence. '.. faces pi the 'statement, the meetings which I have bad the A S Furlong, Quay, soft sugar at 2d per lb. - their honour to responsible.! When some child falls out and bean an old and jusefnl member of tho> Board, me. Charlie has been divorefcd aheady cognised1 th!at everything in ' address in this city, and I feel under Coonan ond Co.—Whitewash brushes, Is five ; ¦ Christian a great gets injured you will be ordering tbe cots re- and ho had no doubt tnat every member ro- times, and you will not WANIED MO FIGHT. - ~,,M ¦devolved upon the obligation to him for 1 3Jd ; ccrubbiig, Is 2d ; shoe brashes 2s -1>emarried six months • ' : later devolve upon his kindness. May 'tbis commended by gretted his death. ; , per before bo divowes '. ; : ;i ¦, -M sooner or unity of feeling i tho doctor. Prevention is eet ; boss brooms, Is 2^d ; combs you. ¦ ho might say that in ;the wh last until we have Homo Role better than . The Chairman , Is lid ; Thomas Keeffe ni tommoned by Ooasfg -work they cure. i said he regretted that the rack combs Tho lady fainted, tho reporter left, and next Carty for being drunk and ChriBtian Brothers' (applause). Then we can afford to fight, if necessity , :2s per doz ; needles, 6d per one disorderly *»MCMI| alwaya dependent u Miss Kenuy 6nggested that three cots bo oroso for such a resolution and rrith a day the conversation appeared in tba daily coin, on. the sth Aumft. jH» wa» dkoititdR •^elv«3 we like, upon! minor issues. I feavs great ' hundred ; spades with handles, Is 7£d ; tiu This technical School provided for tho little children. molancboly pleasure be begged : to second it. pipers .with the following announcement:— by cboutisg and lookin*for peopleto fl|ht#§ people. pleasure in proposing this vote of thanks to the d(shep,8s per doz ; caos, 8d; galvcnised buc- [ for any particular, clasi. N« Mr R Walsh—If you do lhe big children The late Mr White bad been an old and re- "!Wb aro authorisedby liita iLord Dunoaaaan—Pitybe couWnt get ntM| schools create Mayor for presiding hero to-night (hear hear). kets, 1B 2d caoh t do. basins, 8d oach. Da&htrood*' one to knock him down. :

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