![Sispb^Ajhk Ifssipiis](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
?^8 ?¦ • i r ¦ ¦ • • • - ¦ • •" ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦: , i • - ¦ : -vi • : • - ' . liwtif fc ;!V;,M . TO : . h ;;; SPECIAL r AND '! iAl^OIHTMENT ! THE XING B3aa*A-BLissBr) : \ ±s&& ¦ ; Vv |pi 1 ! . i CAKKELt m \ h .; >wp?ttji | -j $$!m^.^ o , MANUFACTUKERS i ' OF P . I ll WatWord Steamsoip t,dompan r i ¦ ^ . ; ! (UMITBO)^ ; I . ; irifMiJ j^S. i^i^S fB*" "'O'^ ena piMi .. jaw" n—¦— i|k ii ¦ ij ii _ji i ' . ' ¦ m it eyei; " ' hasj -pi ' . , I ; (SMI < INTENDED II I I H I II . A' . <^ 4. V. ¦ ORDER Opl 8AILING — " ¦ ¦ ¦ ;•]¦;. • • ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ 'T- ; SEETEMBEB, i pO2. j : :- ¦;; ¦: i, r ! THBOT-TWO : OOLD ! ANB PRIZE MEDALS.! *' ftj'CCiJio o- o o O % ¦ J ¦ j f r ¦ ¦ ¦ II 1L XL 3L4 j4Va a I i i STEAIIEBB t ¦ . ' THF GITV OUNBEODT, ' ' REOINAXD, OOMEEAQH. r, *TtA . ; WORKS, ; HENAPIA/ OBEADEN, Ao. J-^BLIN : JANI) BSLFAS TvTOTIOB.i— Tho i Waterfoid IT V~ V i»N; ) ^=T^»viSV 8t«amibJijCoun»ny (limited^ tO^Pi!! MB reo»lT8 CWodMW| ipiscoyjiiT "^"'^"?PW ^ LiT«Btxik te Shlo. fc_jy->- ": W^» m«nt- on ih9 * ooodlUon* montionhad ed to jtowis •• \ . fi^Baj lista, to^ to be at their ' " ¦ to OfflOM* i I | i ' ' ; J ei OneiriyWomiatBallUf. ' GAW orbyUii rtotinars wll r*^ 1 ;L w^co reodT* Pitoeti««n> »rriTlajr ,th» Hlglrt tXMi " : O> iRi TO *^ - i VTXX B OBOTTI? HOHBIi.' OANS LOANS ! , LOANS ! ^ ¦ ; WiliBHOII) AND ' I MONCK . STEEET. WEXFOED. WHISKY, ;;: 1TU>» iBBiaTOL ' MaLftes f ldiScincesDailjt l fro m : W1TMI0BO 10 »W»T0L. TIUB ramol M : WlTlBfOUD . £5 UpypBLf dSf THE y To«a»y, Sejy. ».„ Koooo WodnM44y, Eept.3.» 6 0 p.m : ' WATERFOUD LOAN COMPANY Owing to it DELICATE Way. - ' ' : ' rinn.18 Old Hotel l» fatBou» , pure AROMA and ¦ « «... 3 p.oi Satnrdiy, ,, 8 .. 8 Op.m ;- . ! . : V Hi -J Al-V PART 0? flRELAiHV \ ^-f] . for^¦¦ood Wo<3*e ; 8 JOHN IZf ir*' • " ' A~: * »a ' WedncKlv „ I0...W S0 p.m ! 1L v and oil other Onnla. ! . ; , STBEET, WATEBFOED, SC^y' •• fr- ,2 l>-'a Saoaty.: „ M... 2 30 a.ni ^ i . i ' MB8. KELI,T, PBOPaicTEtss. An nred te tr l ' with , FLAVOUR, Tw«d«r, „ 16... 12 aoba W«do«d»y TO FARMERS, SHOPKEEPERS, AND RESPONSIBLE P^ipi ^ ;Pn?E °a r the greatest confidence and secrecy, all applications from £2 i / .; 17.. 5 O pud ^LL 05, : : Closo to (ho Eal(*ar Station A ¦Wty, ¦ UPW RDS, to oil persons on their own APPKOVED PERSONAL SKOURltT 1 .. §.„ 4 p.ni wES&y. " SI ..10 0p.m ¦ And its EXTREME ¦ . tWKlDUEBD PEESSOrjfllL SECllJ8&BY¥ WITHOUT PfcSLJjCI|y*,: „ . i in any pait of Ireland. i . ' MELLOWNESS. •¦ 28 O rLIa * ' ? ¦ ' ' SSSaV." ! -1 ! . ' ! . ' i ¦ ' 1 ' ) • . ¦tmsineaj ?. ffc uSS» r^- ¦ ¦ ' ' earned on in a most atraightforwanl and exact manner ! *«»«0 8<» P««i«» 14to l5 Hi>nri.' ! j 5&«¦ V?loilOT7 ,, itoUl Sad : Ss3S3ttxJ5ut No '. Uodtaa ^rth_OaaWt»ndat B«*ta, Bristol. ' : conuectfoa with any othor Loan Offices or so-eallod Banka ' \ Agents Everywhere. i«tnrn to Oork per S. ¦tr-€,. .7, Mdl ;«l ;Wl68LdW-8TBEBT, .; in this County i ' TiektlM ^io«d BrUtol Bristol N. Terms are given mi receipt ofA'pplication , and will b&fouhdsf o1 ¦ ' Co-> »» arallabl* for returm fropi DabUn wUhoat extr. I' ! . (OtaftoniitreetX DUBtlR. ' ' . : . ' Appl SSSt_fL'f oinmy'S>r(ora or WixJora to BristM by y-THE MANAGER, WM«fordSt«4m SMp Oo.'i, 8tea(a«iiToa compare favourably with others p»yiB«B» ot is M rja/^TOKl!' Ceatriili Bttnated, : Consfortablo and J8, John Street, Waterford. BetornOl IJokots teued iisUL FOUNDPOUND ED 1824. at BrUtoI to Dublin per Brlrtol tO THOSE REQUIRING A TEMPORARY ¦ IXcdente;¦ -;jHj aftf««dy »ll d»y. ' . w^-S 'l. ' n>-5!Su?u? for ™t"a Hrom Waltrford or ADVANCE THE ABOVE. isj THE i , ¦]' . - . , ' ... 40 BAtol bT Watartord jSttimShlp Oo/i . WQHi^P^p'J^BmN Poprietor: * «JJSS1 i. m U BEST AND MOST RELIABLE THE PATRIOTIC ASSUBANCE ^S?5 8. M lgS. °', "^ *» i «~» p«k o» PW- *«•»>» TlokeB Iisa«4 ,' tt TTctarCot* ar| yttitotd to »*»1 bj.Waterf ord. SUaa Ship C* v« anilaUo for return THE ITOSTER COMPANY. t-er Brtatoi S., N. Co. from Brfttol to . Cork! or to DnbUn ' ' PRIY1TE LOAN without payment. • ¦ ¦¦ -I ¦ ¦ • !.. FOR TERUQ AND PARTICULARS APPLV . ; ' .; i ; . AND j ! «tarn Jfioieu «r« irmitable for two!nwt>UW.: CAPITAL ... ... £1,500,000 WATBBPOED ABO t j, v Map OO L . DISCOUNT Wednoiv, Sept 8 ¦ QPPICE, ^ 1 ^ Uoniay; Septj 1^0 0 p.m flCCONNELt STREEf , WATER^JRIX LIFE. FtRE. WORKMEN'S COM- ¦ Wepurchaaa; ;dt thQ'Uovrfcst point 20, UPPER QECIL STREE T, LIMEBtOZ, PENSATION, . ; ". :3^-'2* Sr-iJS ISw 'JL-l.s:' i of itha market! ¦the;;fi nest' growths : ™ . I ! ; Make Cash Advances ¦ L Fidelity Guarantee and Burglary » * ¦ • - fc ? " ££&: s &•* «p*s It is in Admitted Fact tfeatl-d ' irom the . best ' Indiaa . .odd.C feyloa • frirni £10 Upwards | ¦sg^s fcfi 6 1 " UMe» ot Pe»P'e. Ladies and Gentlemen, Nobleioo, derfymto, Mrfical Man, O!>v[ ¦ l s<Iv ? s sssftf* S" .a I Gardens ;' this enables tk always i TJi.* ° UIHclalBore ? . Schoolmasters meat Moderate Rates, Absolute Security, .: SS3?! . ' •• I*-- * 1 P.» MooOay: as... lS0p.Q T , Dairymen, Fimera. HotdKeeters, Shopkeepsn, Prirsta Ujuna 1 Js, or ' ! to ofiKr exceptipriairvalue; Iboth foi toaDy respoctftble Applicants, town or country—listanse no otjtet—in »ay p\rt oflreUal. Prcimpt -Pajrabnt, Large Bonuses. : . JfoconnecHon with __ : : Motiflny J 29 . 0 0 ivm any other office. " Interest moderati Easily paid to salt c3JTeil9ne*i> ' j Th» buji4ay ' • liquor aiid appearance. ; tail or aeouxity, on their tlisat ¦ ' ' ' :¦¦ Tcsseu u*&at North ,Whar.', WaMrforaT: ;: : ¦ : own Promisiory Note. All transactions are kept strictly prir»te. Bjfoie Wbla* For Terms apply tc»i— - . , ATorag»SemPussg», l»to lo Hoara.' I ' ' . ¦ .RE ¦' ' elBowhcre pUase inspect onr tercas. MW r . ./. !^ ! M S .;. ' • AU applicantj ponctoally attended to. All lafonnttio a mlf bshS l toI ol, an4 Urerjool i and Wat«rfoid and ! i DT eaUui cr or writlriet to thaofflrjv. i ¦ , ' ¦ . ¦ . w ^^ IU illBl? ~Cabin ' HEAD OFFICE—9 COLLEGE GEEM, ^nnder? ^ i " < Slogle. Ui». « d» do. Children 'She Nicest Ladlea' "* 12 ,ycar» ^of ,go oro»r»»iiu traTSlllng with famlllea ¦ Blouaeo. - J , ' §giM@ «t ; bl« Moore ¦ ' "¦ & Tw» Hoataa, optlonU to retura * ' ' DUBLIN, }w J. , ' "SS "- V!» '<» i: *gh& Mcesti Ladies Coatumo Skirto. I ;¦ ¦ : ¦ . J "?? Bri»to1 «r U«rpooI.tS». 1 Cabin fiitarn , ChUdren ; ! . i LniiTEn s _ , m ne 1S< The Nicest Ladies' Underskirts. J j Or to any of the Company's Branches or ™3' - D<** *lo«I*i 7i M **• d0 O11"4"11 • J. nSt U * ' BiRN ETT ¦ ' i The Nicest Ladies! nnderolotMqg; i lifarrpn's; Place, C'ORKu " ¦ : . Agencies. i ; wT^r^*~»» no» camea irom watetfort or wexioraj ¦ 1 " ¦ ¦ ' naleai aooompMted by^iioea^ from n, She Nicest Ladie3* Web3» -4' ¦ *• ' ¦ ¦ ¦ , ; : j I Ii secretary, Boxra - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • : rt ; ' ¦ ¦ " ¦ • ' - ,. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ Agents in Waterfowl— !. ; : - i . The Nicest Children s Dresse3. ¥ . j , •[: Ar SSBAS»^iS25^^ • i ¦ ' " T .' i? ?fttl b«»e4 taroorh uotwaen Wmerfoid tai Choailr* The Nicest Ohilclren'o XJnderciOthiQjj.; I , ! ¦ : ¦ ¦ ; " J. J. MXJRPHY, W: & L. Railway! Ter- u°er BatlwayS Uttonaana l*ntasWreand Torkahlr* Hallway j : • : ¦ . ! ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ wlAnoaa . ; 1 . • . \:h minus. ! DO YOD KNOW THAT ; , : : Uoodaaod Paree'a aootod th»a«h betwwa M priacipal I > Sttt«)at oaQreu ..vrtaera, areat Wcitern, lanoaaluro Now is yonr time for the NEWEST and MOST F HIONABLE AUTUMN Dnd WWTER C. P. REDMOND, WATEKFOBD NEWS'! ! , and ; ' McrMe & Stone Works, 5S_r«Jt<md<'a sn4 u«rti, western » JUmdonaad So th ; ; BLOUSES. JUST IN. i t ¦..: ,:, : ' ]•*•** ". Gront Central, and Hidland 1 Railways to »nd ;• } iJICHAEt 3TBEET, WAZBRFOBD. BERNARD H. OTtEILLY, •"* waterford* : ¦ : i : ! • ZESXGhGKOSrS' TIH-A. i/6 ¦ WEXJOBD AHD B;BISTOt i SHB WIHbOWSJ ' SEE Is the pick of the London Markets, purchased far cash anc Defies Competjfcfo i, • - Manager. • WINIX0W2!.; J I ¦ ¦ Watford to Uriitol laealaya; • Bristol :io Waiford. Fridays ' : ¦ ¦ ' *' ' ' ¦ ' ' . TJS.Y A L«. 8AMPLB AND NOTE RE£P LTa ] \ IVoo Haw Boas—Dally (Soodays ucept«d) at »-U a^u. ¦ ¦ ysoji Wjaiajpoa^-Daaly; floiiday* ^xoaptod, »b &8<Jp.n. PPKEEFPE&SpNS Extraordinary Vcluo, la. 3d. por lb. | Extra Good Va7. e 1B. lOd b aautoorlb. H. : GEAIHGSE Sarronsti-and-street, Wateirftj^ j :;: ".dsll special fttttskon to tb4b targs Stock'o , . ' , Oholooot Blonda, 2B. 6d. por lb. ' A GUIDE Twon Dmcuma—Dtilj, > : ' ' Sundaysb xuapced;»t a.80 a.ra. ¦& JrO THS . I .. , Paoii WitniToa»-Daliy.Sun ^»io<>pted7«t^ aO pj ^ fieicujtones, Tombs Moaitunento J. J. & S. WHISKEY, guaranteed years ; old, 21a. per galfoiv: . Hpix-Th. Wauatord Stmsaoip C<imt*n7rLmlto4:Sin ^ 5£ au uooas BorjiMa "y uuaK Unai or bUaisen at «d. • • Of BtatUatofal •proeoxablei aod* ehlxDod ant. to TradOTS haTlo* ^. n» th* efts'¦ BACON—A Speciality, at Ad y and Bd MEDICAL PROFESSION. TaSw AiwdmeauTand &L S3 ABSQLUTE IMMTOITY iFKOM ; ' i 'j ktur tba inoist model and gnosfsl dooigns , 4\d per lb. Finest Watetfw i*.WO<««SCT»BWI ro«T^ ' j rma. , t»>«dSS4^ ! ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ _Bp«33>y.:iVrilt<n: iof" Students cad -gjin^artorCili r tte/S '!' ¦ •¦ ¦ • ¦ •- I- -V ailjasotir- Fore* . .Vj .. prea till Information required by those aboni to; «ora- aBd^rinfoymaUoS to ^'tiij «thJ' \ Cured, at 6d per 16. " 1 ° ¦ 1 NOTE ADDKESS i— —— mcacs the stndy of Medicine, inclcdini expeness ear Ratbji aaennd aad»rerjl«tomailoj «;tlT<ffl b- Amat, .- ¦ ¦¦ ¦ i ll* Proprietors arq also ptenand . to eater Into u .¦ *••t-.••„•-n -3", ' -^j »'PEI^3C B - ¦ ' : Preliminaries). Cos be hod on BOTlleation / to tfci ^ fl ad '; " c£la ;tsis3^?= riimrr . S xaas Jf e*,m-*t "a*^Sf<»^ e-v»n,^v^--.. '•¦--v"K IJ^S* " " v ' . Contnrti lor «TCTj.doaa1p4Jonof Stow and Uirbls¦ C*oe*a^ HaU.v HaUoaaltal«pho|3o¦ Ko.'Xl L , * ^^ q ' * ' ¦ ¦• BKUBTCUB, CATHOLIC UBIVCTSITT WBDIOU. T.rr».«r^T_m. t»W^—« : rita:v_Wi»;»lMS» iilBoaoacf tatslaoad ; ': .
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