D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

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V ers ion: 1 .0 0 Date: 2 3 /0 7/2019

D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Basic Document

Property Value

Name D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Release date 23/07/2019

Status Completed

Version 1.00

Author Adina Dragan

Reviewed by Fidel Santiago and Susanne Wigard

Approved by Fidel Santiago and Susanne Wigard This report serves as a part of a series of status reports related to the maintenance of DCAT-AP, an Application Profile of the W3C Recommendation DCAT and its extensions, GeoDCAT-AP and Abstract StatDCAT-AP. The production of this and subsequent reports is governed by the Change and Release Management Policy for DCAT-AP.

Document History

Version Date Description Action

0.01 19/06/2019 Created first draft Creation

1.00 23/07/2019 Published version 1.0 Publish

23/07/2019 P age 1

D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


The views expressed in this report are purely those of the Author(s) and may not, in any circumstances, be interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission.

The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this study, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof.

Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission.

All care has been taken by the author to ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such rights or from her/his or their legal representative.

23/07/2019 P age 2

D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Table of Contents


Table of Tables


Table of Figures


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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


This report is a status report related to the maintenance of DCAT-AP1, an Application Profile of the W3C Recommendation DCAT 2 and its siblings specifications StatDCAT- AP3 and GeoDCAT-AP 4 and is governed by the Change and Release Management Policy for DCAT-AP5.

The current report includes an overview of all issues submitted on GitHub repositories as follows: section 2.1 presents the statistics about the new, open and closed issues, section 2.1 to 2.5 presents each open issue with its proposed resolution splitted up by categories like bug fixes, minor and major semantic changes and section 2.6 includes the closed issues during the reporting period. The reports closes with section 3 about conclusions and next steps of the change and release process.

1 DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe. https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/solution/dcat-application-profile-data-portals- europe/about

2 Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT). W3C Recommendation 16 January 2014. https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/

3 StatDCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/solution/statdcat-application-profile-data-portals- europe

4 GeoDCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/solution/geodcat-application-profile-data-portals- europe

5 Change and Release Management Policy for DCAT -AP. https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/node/700269

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


2.1 Overview6 A total of 68 issues were reviewed in the period from 02 October 2018 until 20 June 2019 by being analysed and categorised in bug fixes, minor and major semantic changes.

Eighteen new issues were opened during the period and twelve issues were fixed and closed under the DCAT-AP minor release version 1.2 from November 2018 and the DCAT-AP bug fix release version 1.2.1 and StatDCAT-AP bug fix release version 1.0.1 from May 2019. The remaining 56 issues remained open for discussions for the next major release planned for November 2019.

The issues presented below from section 2.3 to 2.5 are still open for comments and will be discussed with the DCAT-AP Working Group, in preparation for the next major release scheduled for November 2019.

2.2 The categorisation of the issues The issues are grouped in the next sections into four categories:

1. Issues that involve bug fix changes in section 2.3

2. Issues that involve minor semantic changes in section 2.4

3. Issues that involve major semantic changes in section 2.5

4. Issues that were closed in section 2.6

2.3 Issues that involve bug fix changes


Title rdf file > cleanup of the prefixes

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/58

Discussion There are non-used prefixes in the RDF file and is best to clean them up.

Proposed resolution Cleanup non-used prefixes in the next major release cycle from November 2019.

6 Change requests for DCAT-AP are handled through an issue tracker on GitHub (https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/). This repository had 28 watchers (https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/watchers) as of March 2019, two being members of the SEMIC team. Others include representatives from the Publications Office, and national data portals of Norway, Italy, Spain and Germany.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


Title dcat:CatalogRecord

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/53

Discussion According to DCAT-AP 1.2 PDF, adms:status MUST take one of the values :created, :updated or :deleted depending on whether this latest revision is a result of a creation, update or deletion. Instead, adms:status only defines Completed, Deprecated, UnderDevelopment and Withdrawn.

Proposed resolution Correct the documentation specification with the real statuses allowed by adms:status meaning Completed, Deprecated, UnderDevelopment and Withdrawn.


Title redefinition of the dcat ontology in the shacl file

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/61

Discussion The dcat-ap.shapes.ttl contains the ontology description again (which is different from the official description).

Proposed resolution Take out the ontology description from the SHACL representation.

2.4 Issues that involve minor semantic changes


Title dcat:Catalog - dct:spatial recommended?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/3

Discussion Request to make the property recommended but not before agreeing on a more precise definition.

Proposed resolution Make dct:spatial recommended for Catalog and agree on a more precise definition of the property.


Title dcat:Dataset - dct:spatial recommended?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/9

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution Make dct:spatial recommended for Dataset.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

2.5 Issues that involve major semantic changes The issues presented below are still open for comments and will be discussed in the DCAT-AP Working Group, in preparation for the next major release scheduled for November 2019.


Title dcat:Catalog - remove dct:rights?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/5

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep dct:rights in the model and close the issue.


Title dcat:Catalog - remove dct:isPartOf?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/6

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property in the model and close the issue.


Title dcat:Dataset - remove adms:sample?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/10

Discussion Proposal to eliminate adms:Sample from Dataset as we already have dct:conformsTo.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to remove adms:sample from Dataset and use dct:conformsTo that is already in the model.


Title dcat:Dataset- remove adms:versionNotes?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/11

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property in the model and close the issue.


Title dcat:Dataset - remove dct:relation?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/15

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep it in the model as this property is also recommended in ADMS and closing the issue.

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Title dcat:Dataset - remove dct:source?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/16

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:Dataset - remove dct:type?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/17

Discussion Comments received about how dct:type could be used to group related datasets into collections or that it can be used to distinguish between datasets, dataset series, geospatial datasets, documents, etc., and may use a controlled vocabulary for this.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:Dataset - remove owl:versionInfo?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/18

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep the property in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:Distribution - remove dct:rights?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/21

Discussion Pointing to a discussion at DXWG in the context of reviewing DCAT, see: w3c/dxwg#114. As proposed use cases:  use dct:license to refer to licences like Creative Commons  use dct:rights to refer to rights statements that are not licences, such as copyright statements  use odrl:hasPolicy for linking to ODRL policies

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


Title dcat:Distribution - remove dcat:byteSize?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/22

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:Distribution - remove dct:language?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/23

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:Distribution - remove spdx:checksum?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/24

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:Distribution - remove :page?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/28

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:CatalogRecord - remove dct:conformsTo?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/29

Discussion Remark that GeoDCAT-AP makes use of this property.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Title dcat:CatalogRecord - remove dct:title?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/30

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:CatalogRecord - remove dct:source?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/31

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:CatalogRecord - remove dct:language?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/32

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


Title dcat:CatalogRecord - remove dct:description?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/33

Discussion Currently, catalogue records are not harvested by the European Data Portal but the recommendation is to start using this property.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to keep this property it in the model and closing the issue.


Title licenseDocument

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/34

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Discussion Suggestion to specify a mandatory controlled vocabulary for the dct:license property as well as to devise a mechanism to provide addition information with the licence, e.g. the way attribution needs to be done. Pointing to a discussion at DXWG in the context of reviewing DCAT, see: w3c/dxwg#114. As proposed use cases:  use dct:license to refer to licences like Creative Commons  use dct:rights to refer to rights statements that are not licences, such as copyright statements  use odrl:hasPolicy for linking to ODRL policies

Proposed resolution No change and proposed to close the issue.


Title Support for data integration

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/35, created from a comment at https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/4

Discussion Introduces a requirement to support data integration in the case of a combination of data from various sources. Take into account the discussions at W3C DXWG, https://www.w3.org/TR/dcat-ucr/#ID7 and https://www.w3.org/TR/dcat-ucr/#ID26 for possible solutions.

Proposed resolution Resolution to be proposed in line with DCAT review that is currently under development (https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-2/#qualified- relationship, https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-2/#qualified- attribution).


Title DCAT: Distribution – Suggestion attribute for record - ‘temporal granularity’

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/38

Discussion Objection to the proposed range of rdfs:Literal. It was pointed out that a property dcat:granularity was defined during development of DCAT but deprecated before DCAT reached Recommendation status. During the DCAT-AP major release webinar on 12 June 2019 it was sugessted to use dqv:hasQualityAnnotation instead of dcat:granularity.

Proposed resolution Align DCAT-AP with DCAT that is also currently developing this area, see discussion https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-2/#temporal- properties.


Title DCAT: Dataset – Suggestion attribute for record - ‘maintainer’

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/39

Discussion Objection to the proposed range of rdfs:Literal. Further comments that earlier work on DCAT-AP discussed agent roles. Definition of maintainer is very close to semantics for publisher.

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Proposed resolution No change and proposal to close the issue.


Title DCAT: Distribution – suggestion attribute for record – ‘planned availability’

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/40

Discussion Proposed by German data portal. One comment that range should be skos:Concept, not rdfs:Resource.

Proposed resolution Align DCAT-AP with DCAT that is also currently developing this area, see discussion https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat- 2/#Class:Period_of_Time.


Title DCAT: Dataset - Suggestion attribute for record – ‘dct:contributor’

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/42

Discussion One comment that range should not be rdfs:Literal. The obvious candidate would be dct:contributor with range dct:Agent.

Proposed resolution Align DCAT-AP with DCAT that is also currently developing this area, see discussion https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-2/#qualified- forms.


Title SPDX Vokabulary - the existing SPDX vocabulary features only ONE has algorithm. This is definitely not enough and does not even covers those algorithms used by CKAN

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/44

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution Request for more details on the issue. Is it a suggestion to add a new property to the Distribution? If so, do you know of any existing properties in other vocabularies that could be used?

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


Title DCAT: Distribution - Correction of adms:changetype

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/45

Discussion None

Proposed resolution The issue was re-opened as the non existent vocabulary is still referenced from DCAT-AP v1.2, creating confusion. Proposal to either removing it from DCAT-AP, creating a different vocabulary for it, or adding the vocabulary to ADMS. Please vote your preferred option.


Title Proposal to use sh:targetClass in the SHACL shapes

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/46

Discussion None.

Proposed resolution Use sh:targetClass in the mandatory SHACL shapes.


Title Proposal to use IRI nodes for properties in SHACL shapes instead of blank nodes

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/48

Discussion With the purpose to reuse the SHACL shapes, it would nice the properties restrictions are written as IRI instead of blank nodes, so then reusers might disable certain shapes in case they don't fit in their application profile.

Proposed resolution Replace properties restriction written as blank nodes with IRI.


Title Missing link between checksum class (value) and sum-checked distribution (accessURL?)

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/49

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Discussion Missing link between the binary file described in the distribution and its checksum value in RDF - - it is not clear which checksum value is associated with which file in which distribution.

Perhaps the use of the dataset dcterms:identifier or the distributions accessURL ( following the logic in https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/release/dcat-ap-how-use-identifiers- datasets-and-distributions ) as a checksumClass rdf:nodeID statement might be a workaround for this and can be added when reworking the spdx vocabulary or somehow be considered in the current ISA² DCAT-AP review?

Proposed resolution Add property Dataset dcterms:identifier or Distributions dcat:accessURL as a checksumClass rdf:nodeID. Please comment preferred option.


Title Problem to open the file with Protégé

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/52

Discussion A problem with opening the file into Protégé, for dcat-ap 1.1. Ontology description appears, but classes and properties seems not to be loaded.

Proposed resolution Create an RDF representation where we define owl properties so it is compatible with Protégé.


Title dct:language - Incoherence between the class diagram and the SHACL shapes

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/55

Discussion In the diagram of DCAT-AP 1.2 dct:language points to dct:LinguisticSystem while in the SHACL shapes it points to a skos:Concept

Proposed resolution Update SHACL by aligning dct:language to dct:LinguisticSystem.


Title Use GitHub releases as intended

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/56

Discussion Releases are now committed into a folder in the repository. However, since git is a version control system that has releases as a first class citizen, it would be more appropriate to use those instead.

Proposed resolution Proposal to use GitHub for versioning control without creating separate folders for each release.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


Title check existence of URIs

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/57

Discussion Proposal to include a persistence quality check on the used predicates.

Proposed resolution Perform a persistence quality to clean up the existence of URIs used as predicates.


Title -ld > usage of @type

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/59

Discussion The usage of the "@type" field makes the creation of json-ld structures more complicated

Proposed resolution Simplify the json-ld structure by excluding the @type field.

ID DCAT-AP Validator-20

Title Installation instructions seem to be outdated

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_validator/issues/20

Discussion After deploying validators pages folder to fuseki, the dcat- ap_validator. page searches for //concat/dcat.css and /js/concat/dcat.js, however, there is no concat folder, only various other subfolders of /cssand /js, so it does not work.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to deprecate the DCAT-AP Validator as it is being moved on the ISA Test Bed solution and closing the issue.

ID DCAT-AP Validator-10

Title The validator instance is not working

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_validator/issues/10

Discussion The validator instance is not working but it was published at: http://dcat-ap.semic.eu/dcat-ap_validator.html

Proposed resolution It is proposed to deprecate the DCAT-AP Validator as it is being moved on the ISA Test Bed solution and closing the issue.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

ID DCAT-AP Validator-8

Title Checks for vcard:Kind are incorrect

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_validator/issues/8

Discussion See the VCard specification. vcard:Kind is a superclass, it actually does not specify the kind of the VCard. Therefore, its usage should not be valid. Instead, the usage of the sub-classes should be encouraged (Group, Individual, Location, Organization), which is now treated as invalid.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to deprecate the DCAT-AP Validator as it is being moved on the ISA Test Bed solution and closing the issue.


Title test suite

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/issues/35

Discussion The issue questioned whether there are plans to develop a test suite and it was answered that it is considered as an open request for adding a test suite for the DCAT-AP.

Proposed resolution A solution is under development under ISA Test Bed – DCAT-AP Validator and closing the issue.


Title implement recommended and optional constraints

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/issues/29

Discussion Enhancement proposed to implement constraints for both Recommended and Optional properties.

Proposed resolution Enhance SHACL distribution by implementing constraints for both Recommended and Optional properties (with :warnings and: info).


Title Use of sh:hasValue

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/issues/18

Discussion The way GeoNamesRestriction etc. are modelled with sh:hasValue won’t work (AFAIK). It’ll just force one of your frequencies to be the node http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/frequency

Proposed resolution Replace the use of sh:hasValue with a node.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


Title Readability of the RDF/XML file

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/issues/9

Discussion 1. The file would benefit from commentary, at least to indicate the various sections. Maybe even an index to show where the various sections begin? 2. It could be good to organise lists alphabetically, e.g. the list of namespaces at the start. Also, there is no obvious order in the properties in the description of the vocabulary in lines 42-168; maybe they could be grouped together alphabetically per namespace? 3. It’s a bit hard to figure out, but it seems that the class shape of the Distribution is described inside the property shape for dataset-sample. The class shape for Dataset starts at line 208 and ends at line 626, Distribution from line 237 to 424, CatalogRecord 627-692 and Catalog 639-818. Should the class shape of Distribution not be on the same hierarchical level as the shapes for Dataset, Catalog and CatalogRecord? 4. The property shapes under the classes do not seem to be ordered in any way. It could be useful to do the mandatory ones first, then the recommended ones and the optional ones last.

Proposed resolution It is proposed to enhance to code with the recommendations made on points #1 to #4.


Title Possible support for "services" in the new version of DCAT

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/10

Discussion The W3C DXWG is considering extending the scope of DCAT to resources different from datasets (services included). This proposal is documented in w3c/dxwg#172.

The GeoDCAT-AP specification could be revised accordingly, taking nonetheless into account backward compatibility.

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.


Title Using dcat:landingPage also for services

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/9

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Discussion The W3C DXWG is considering relaxing the domain of dcat:landingPage for the revised version of DCAT. This proposal is documented in w3c/dxwg#122. In such a case, dcat:landingPage could also be used for services. The GeoDCAT-AP specification could be revised accordingly, taking nonetheless into account backward compatibility.

https://www.w3.org/2018/03/21-dxwgdcat-minutes resolved: relax/remove domain constraint on dcat:landingPage resolved: no change to range of dcat:landingPage

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.


Title Using dcat:keyword and dcat:theme also for services

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/8

Discussion The W3C DXWG is considering relaxing the domain of dcat:keyword and dcat:theme for the revised version of DCAT. These proposals are documented in w3c/dxwg#121 and w3c/dxwg#123 , respectively. In such a case, they could also be used for services.

The GeoDCAT-AP specification could be revised accordingly, taking nonetheless into account backward compatibility.

https://www.w3.org/2018/03/21-dxwgdcat-minutes resolved: relax (remove) domain constraint on dcat:keyword

https://www.w3.org/2018/03/21-dxwgdcat-minutes resolved: relax (remove) domain constraint on dcat:theme

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.


Title Specifying conformance test results

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/7

Discussion The Data Quality Vocabulary (DQV) models conformance by using dct:conformsTo (as done in Geo/DCAT-AP). The relevant section uses GeoDCAT-AP as an example. However, DQV does not provide a solution to model test results different from "conformant" (e.g., "not conformant", "not evaluated"). Therefore, there is not, at the moment, an alternative solution to the one defined in GeoDCAT-AP.

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


Title CRS support in GeoJSON

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/6

Discussion At the time of the release of GeoDCAT-AP v1.0 (December 2015), GeoJSON provided support to arbitrary coordinate reference systems (see the original specification).

In the new specification (RFC 7946), standardised in the framework of IETF, this is no longer the case, and the only supported coordinate reference system is CRS84 (i.e., WGS84 lon/lat) - see RFC 7946, Section 4.

Because of this, the use of GeoJSON in GeoDCAT-AP might need to be reconsidered - at least by including a caveat, and some guidance on when and how to use it.

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.


Title Specifying start / end date(time) for temporal coverage

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/5

Discussion Copy-pasted from SEMICeu/Core-Location-Vocabulary#2 Currently, this information is specified in DCAT-AP by using schema:startDate and schema:endDate, respectively, following ADMS. GeoDCAT-AP v1.0 follows the same approach. This issue has been brought to the attention of the W3C Dataset Exchange Working Group (see UC27), so a possible solution might be contributed in that context.

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.


Title Defining an XML / RDF datatype for GeoJSON

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/4

Discussion Although RDF datatypes exist for WKT and GML (they are defined in GeoSPARQL), an XML / RDF datatype for GeoJSON is missing.

To address this issue, GeoDCAT-AP v1.0 uses the URL of the corresponding IANA media type (namely http://www.iana.org/assignments/media- types/application/geo+json), but this solution is not optimal, and the definition of a specific datatype might be considered. In such a case, the question is whether this should be done in the framework of GeoDCAT-AP or of the Core Location Vocabulary. About this issue, see also SEMICeu/Core-Location-Vocabulary#2

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Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.


Title Specifying spatial / temporal resolution

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/3

Discussion Copy-pasted from SEMICeu/Core-Location-Vocabulary#2 GeoDCAT-AP currently models spatial/temporal resolution as free text (with rdfs:comment), recognising that, at the time when the GeoDCAT-AP specification was released, no existing vocabularies provided a means to model this information. Proposed resolution: http://geodcat-ap.semic.eu/id/resolution/

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.


Title Specifying spatial / temporal reference systems

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/2

Discussion The possibility of addressing this issue in the scope of the Core Location Vocabulary is discussed in SEMICeu/Core-Location- Vocabulary#2 , from which the following issue description is taken. For this purpose, GeoDCAT-AP v1.0 uses property dct:conformsTo. Since dct:conformsTo is a very general property, the fact that the object is a spatial/temporal reference system is currently addressed by using dct:type with the relevant code list values from the INSPIRE Glossary. The new version of the W3C Time Ontology includes a class time:TRS that could be used to type temporal reference systems.

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.


Title Specifying spatial coverage with a bbox

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/1

Discussion For this purpose, GeoDCAT-AP v1.0 uses property locn:geometry, because none of the reference vocabularies was supporting a more specific approach. The situation has not changed, so the question is whether it is worth addressing this issue by defining appropriate classes and/or properties, and, in such a case, whether this should be done in the framework of GeoDCAT-AP or of the Core Location Vocabulary.

A proposal is outlined in SEMICeu/Core-Location-Vocabulary#2

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Proposed resolution Major change to be dealt in the next GeoDCAT-AP major release, after DCAT-AP 2.0.0 from November 2019.

2.6 Issues that were closed The following issues were closed:


Title Cardinality dct:type on Licence Document

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/1

Discussion As some licences may need to be associated with more than one licence type in the ADMS Licence Type Vocabulary, the maximum occurrence of dct:type for dct:LicenseDocument should be raised from 1 to n.

Proposed resolution Cardinality changed to 0…n in the November 2018 minor release version 1.2.


Title Comments on version 1.2

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/47

Discussion 1. Section 9 needs to be updated. 2. Annex II needs to be updated. The MDR Data Theme NAL was published in 2016. 3. The change log also includes the changes from version 1.0 to 1.1 which looks unnecessary. 4. The description of the latest update in the change log states that the "property can be repeated for multiple licences" which is incorrect. It should say something like "can be repeated in the case that multiple licence types apply to a licence document".

Proposed resolution Changes for #1, #2 and #4 made in November 2018 minor release version 1.2, issue closed. Only the changelog remained in the more complete version, still containing the history from version 1.0 to 1.1.


Title startDate and endDate in dct:PeriodOfTime class diagramm

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/50

Discussion The order of startdate and enddate in dct:PeriodOfTime should be changed in the diagram https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT- AP/blob/master/releases/1.2/Draft/DCAT-AP_1.2.png

Proposed resolution Change made in May 2019 bug fix release version 1.2.1, issue closed.


Title reference in the README to the 1.2 release

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/51

Discussion Comment to update also the readme to point to the latest release

Proposed resolution Change made after the November 2018 minor release version 1.2, issue closed.


Title Update references to Publications Office Metadata Registry

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/54

Discussion The Publications Office has moved its authority files from http://publications.europa.eu/mdr/authority/ to the new EU Vocabularies site at https://publications.europa.eu/en/web/eu- vocabularies/home. The links to the authority files need to be updated

Proposed resolution Change made in the May 2019 bug fix release version 1.2.1, issue closed.


Title shacl-shapes not zipped

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/DCAT-AP/issues/60

Discussion It would be better not to zip the shacl files. Then tools can use the files directly from the repository instead of unzipping a file.

Proposed resolution Change made in the May 2019 bug fix release version 1.2.1, issue closed.


Title dcat:mediaType value constraint

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/issues/4

Discussion IANA does not provide a list of URIs for mime type. Is there an alternative to that? There is a list on https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media- types., e.g. there is a URI for https://www.iana.org/assignments/media- types/application/rdf+, but not all MIME types have such a URI.

Proposed resolution No change to the specification, closed issue.



URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/issues/32

Discussion Discussion inquired about the use of ShEx as an option to SHACL

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Proposed resolution Issue proposed to be closed as currently, we are not looking into developing new representations for DCAT-AP but focus on expanding the SHACL representation which is aligned with the work on the DCAT-AP Test Bed Validator activity.


Title why sh:class rdfs:Resource ?

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/dcat-ap_shacl/issues/36

Discussion A few shapes in dcat-ap.shapes.ttl contain the rule "sh:class rdfs:Resource" Which seems odd, since rdfs:Resource is really anything...

Can this just be ignored / removed ? Or replaced with sh:NodeKind sh:IRIOrLiteral (assuming that's what the rule is about ?)

Proposed resolution Entries corrected, issue closed.


Title Update references to Publications Office Metadata Registry

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/GeoDCAT-AP/issues/11

Discussion Issue releated to SEMICeu/DCAT-AP#54

Proposed resolution URLs updated and issue closed.


Title Using keywords vs URIs in com:Annotation's

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/StatDCAT-AP/issues/2

23/07/2019 P age 23

D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP

Discussion In Appendix VI.1, the StatDCAT-AP specification provides examples of how to use com:Annotation's to specify StatDCAT-AP metadata.

For doing this, elements com:AnnotationTitle and com:AnnotationType are used with keywords denoting, respectively, the relevant RDF property (e.g., dcat:accessURL) and the metadata profile (StatDCAT-AP). E.g.:



http://www.ec.europa.eu/eurostat/SDMX/diss- web/rest/

I wonder whether it would be preferable, to avoid any ambiguity, to use not keywords, but the corresponding URIs. E.g.:



http://www.ec.europa.eu/eurostat/SDMX/diss- web/rest/

where the fictitious URI http://data.europa.eu/xyz corresponds to the namespace URI of StatDCAT-AP.

Proposed resolution URLs updated and issue closed.


Title Use of dcterms and dct prefixes

URL https://github.com/SEMICeu/StatDCAT-AP/issues/1

Discussion The specification 1.0.0 uses dct: as the namespace prefix for DCMI metadata terms (http://purl.org/dcterms/) with the exception of the second RDF example in Annex VIII.2. As the example correctly declares the prefix (@Prefix dcterms:

Proposed resolution Annex VIII.2 revised and issue closed.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


The activity described in this report resulted in the creation of version 1.2 of the minor semantic release for DCAT-AP published in November 2018 followed by version 1.2.1 of the bug fix release for DCAT-AP and version 1.0.1 of StatDCAT-AP bug fix release both published in May 2019.

The next activity to be undertaken is the consideration of all of the open issues listed in section 2 in the context of the next major semantic release scheduled for November 2019. For the next major release in November 2019, the window for submitting issues categorised as major requests is already closed. However, it is still possible to submit minor changes until 1 September 2019 and bug fixes until 1 October 2019.

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D02.02 Report on the Maintenance of DCAT-AP


The following text is available in each of the repositories for the respective vocabularies.

Any problems encountered or suggestions for new functionalities can be submitted as issues on this repository. Submitters of issues need to register for a free user account by clicking “Sign up for GitHub” on the GitHub start page.

To submit an issue, click on the “Issues” tab when signed in to the repository and then click on the green “New issue” button.

Give the issue a short but meaningful title, for example mentioning the class or property to which the issue is related.

Furthermore, in the body of the issue, please provide as much information as possible, for example:

 submitter name and affiliation  portal, service or software product represented or affected  clear and concise description of the problem or requirement  proposed solution, if any

This information will help the Operational Team to classify the issue as a bug fix, minor semantic issue or major semantic issue.

The Operational Team will respond to the issue within two weeks with an initial reaction and an indication of the next steps to be taken.

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