CCIIITTEESS IIINN SSOOUUTTHHEEAASSTT AASSIIIAA WWAATTCCHH EE---BBUULLLLEETTIIINN IIISSSSUUEE NNOO... 1188,,, AAUUGGUUSSTT 22000077 Dear Reader, The CITES in Southeast Asia e-Bulletin aims to help government agencies, organisations and interested individuals in the ASEAN region to keep updated on CITES-related issues, events and plans in South-east Asia. The overall aim is to facilitate and to encourage increased cooperation and information sharing on wildlife trade issues that are important to South-east Asia. This e-Bulletin is produced by TRAFFIC – the wildlife trade monitoring network of WWF and IUCN. TRAFFIC and its partners continue to work in partnership with South-east Asian governments – as well as with the ASEAN Secretariat and relevant ASEAN fora – to address wildlife trade, CITES implementation and wildlife trade law enforcement. You may access previous e-bulletin issues and other resources via the ASEAN Wildlife Trade Initiative’s website: Please do not hesitate to get in touch with TRAFFIC Southeast Asia should you have any queries or requests for further information on CITES and wildlife trade in South-east Asia. Julia Ng Su-Chen, Programme Officer, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
[email protected] Calendar of events: 9-13 July 2007 10th Meeting of the AEG on Herbal and Medicinal Plants, Bali, Indonesia 9th Meeting of the AEG on Research and development for Forest Products, Bali, Indonesia 9th Seminar on Current International Issues Effecting Forestry and Forest Products, Bali, Indonesia