Colonel Robert H. Reardon, Jr. US Army
Colonel Robert H. Reardon, Jr. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District 803 Front Street Norfolk, Virginia 23510-1096 Attn: Adrian Jennings Regulatory Branch Re: Renzi, T.N. Enterprises, and O’Connor, Permit Application No. 95- 1343, 95-1474, 95-1475, Northumberland County, Virginia Dear Colonel Reardon: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has reviewed Department of the Army permit applications 95- 1343, 95-1474, 95-1475 for Randolph Renzi, T.N. Enterprises, and Kevin O’Connor, respectively, to construct various shoreline stabilization structures in Northumberland County, Virginia. Your November 22, 1995 request for formal consultation was received on November 29, 1996. This document represents the Service's biological opinion on the effects of those actions on the northeastern beach tiger beetle (Cicindela dorsalis dorsalis) in accordance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). A complete administrative record of this consultation is on file in this office. I. CONSULTATION HISTORY Consultation history is provided in Appendix A. Colonel Robert H. Reardon, Jr. 2 II. BIOLOGICAL OPINION DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION The applicants own adjacent shoreline properties on the Chesapeake Bay in Northumberland County, Virginia (Figure 1). Renzi is the northernmost property; T.N. Enterprises is the southernmost property. During preparation of the draft biological opinion for these projects, the applicants modified their permit applications, resulting in the groins being separated by twice their length, with a spur located on the downdrift groin. The applicants have proposed the following construction activities: Renzi (Figure 2): The applicant’s original proposal was to construct 290 linear feet of riprap revetment landward of mean high water (MHW).
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