November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1959 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

TRIBUTE TO BERT DORAN After three days of fighting, Doran was in ‘‘They told me right before the surgery a foxhole with two other men when a mortar that a lot of them don’t live through the sur- shell hit. gery, so that didn’t sound very good,’’ he HON. TOM LATHAM ‘‘It killed the one guy,’’ he said. ‘‘I don’t said. OF IOWA know what happened to the other one. I A lot of people don’t live through the sur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES probably was temporarily knocked out, and gery, but even fewer survive a mortar shell then I pushed up through . . . The guys from landing in their foxhole. Doran went through Thursday, November 18, 2010 the next foxhole came out and pulled me out, the 111⁄2 hour surgery 25 years ago without Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- put a tourniquet on my arm. Then I was car- problems. After all, having survived Iwo ognize Bert Doran, a World War II Marine ried out of there.’’ Jima, cancer is just another challenge to Corps veteran from Boone, Iowa, and to ex- The soil at Iwo Jima was composed nearly overcome. Now, looking back on his time in the serv- press my appreciation for his dedication and entirely of volcanic ash. ‘‘That’s what that whole island was,’’ ice, Doran vividly recalls stories of his serv- commitment to his country. Doran said. ‘‘My face was completely full of ice with sharp clarity. He claims that the The Boone News Republican is currently it.’’ military taught him discipline, and he’s running a series of articles that honors one Details are fuzzy for Doran, as he was on proud of joining a legacy of military service Boone County veteran every Tuesday from morphine at the time, but he remembers in his family—having had a brother, John F. Memorial Day to Veterans Day. Bert Doran being shipped out on a hospital ship, sent to Doran, fight in the Battle of the Bulge and was recognized on Tuesday, October 26. Saipan, and then flown to the Hawaiian is- his father serve in the Army during World Below is the article in its entirety: lands. War I. From there, after a month, he was sent to These days, Doran said, the military is dif- BOONE COUNTY VETERANS: BERT DORAN a hospital in Oakland, Calif., and finally to ferent. Soldiers now use technologically ad- (By Greg Eckstrom) the Philadelphia Naval Hospital, where he vanced weapons. The soldiers that are fight- ‘‘I was lucky I lived.’’ stayed for 11 months. ing, however, don’t seem to have changed The sentence came from Bert Doran, a Ma- ‘‘It was kind of a blur after I was wound- much. Ellis has a son that just joined the rine Corps veteran who served in World War ed,’’ he said. Marine Corps. When he was seen off, in addi- II under harsh fighting. He was injured in The blast had put so much volcanic ash tion to family members, Doran was there as Iwo Jima after three days of fighting in into him that he had lost his eyesight. He well. After all, Marines support each other— which half of his company was killed. Doran, said that at first, he could see a little light, both in WWII and today. however, isn’t exactly one to go down with- but after a surgery was attempted to correct ‘‘He wished my son good luck,’’ Ellis said. out a fight. his vision, he could see nothing. ‘‘They always talk about the Marines.’’ It’s that spirit that drove the 191⁄2 year old ‘‘They said my eyes were so full of that I commend Bert Doran for his many years who was born in South Dakota and moved to volcanic ash that they couldn’t see into of loyalty and service to our great Nation. It is them,’’ he said. ‘‘That’s the first thing I re- Boone at age 7 to join the military. Some an immense honor to represent him in the guys he knew said they were going to do it, membered at the hospital. One of their help and Doran decided he wanted to do it, too. was rubbing my face. Trying to get that ash United States Congress, and I wish him all the The reason he picked the Marine Corps as his out. I imagine it looked like a mask.’’ best in his future endeavors. branch of choice was a decision explained For the man that got through boot camp f just as easily. with grit and determination, however, his ‘‘It’s supposed to be an elite outfit, so it’s lost vision didn’t seem to slow him down. In RECOGNIZING THE 25TH ANNIVER- what I picked,’’ he said. his time at the hospital he learned Braille, SARY OF CHAPTER 227 OF VIET- United States Marine Corps, third division, and even took a trip up to New York City NAM VETERANS OF AMERICA ninth regiment, third battalion, K company with a group. was where Doran ended up, and after signing ‘‘They took us from there for a week up to up he was sent to California for boot camp. New York to the Institute for the Blind in HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Boot camp was in San Diego, followed by New York City, and we were there for a OF VIRGINIA training at a portion of Camp Pendleton up week,’’ he said. ‘‘And they took us out to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in the hills, ‘‘where all the snakes were,’’ big night clubs at night for eats and drinks. Thursday, November 18, 2010 Doran said. We met Guy Lombardo at the Roosevelt Boot camp was, as a bit of an understate- Hotel.’’ Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- ment, tough. He also married his wife, who was from er, it is my great honor to recognize the 25th ‘‘Boot camp was some of the toughest Ogden, during a furlough. When he went Anniversary of Vietnam Veterans of America training,’’ he said. ‘‘It was 8 weeks, and I had back to Philadelphia Naval Hospital, his wife Chapter 227. Founded in 1978, Vietnam Vet- to stay an extra two weeks because I came with him and got a job at the facility. erans of America, VVA, is the only national couldn’t swim.’’ It was at the hospital that Doran was pre- veterans organization exclusively dedicated to Tough was also a definition, also an under- sented with the for his service statement, that fit Doran, though. to his country. Vietnam-era veterans and their families. Cur- ‘‘I decided I was going to make it through After being discharged from the service, rently, there are 46 state councils and 630 it, so I did,’’ he said. ‘‘I lost a lot of weight Doran received training at the Veterans Hos- local chapters with more than 50,000 indi- after I went through boot camp.’’ pital in Des Moines on how to make rugs—a vidual members. VVA’s goals are to promote Leaving Camp Pendleton, Doran was next task he picked up quickly and enjoyed for and support issues that are important to Viet- sent overseas to Guam for further training. years. nam veterans, to create a new identity for this ‘‘It was supposed to be secured, but we had ‘‘I made rugs and that kind of stuff for 25 generation of veterans and to change public an eight day push to the jungles to clean out years,’’ he said. ‘‘I’ve got to liking it.’’ perception of Vietnam veterans. what was left,’’ he said. ‘‘It was thick jungle. Doran also keeps in contact with the men We had to use knives to chop through.’’ of K company—sending out Christmas cards One local chapter, VVA Chapter 227, serves There were also plenty of snakes in the to a list that has slowly been dwindling as the needs of Vietnam veterans who live in jungle . . . although after time in the hills in the years go on. These days, he sends out Northern Virginia, and I commend them for Camp Pendleton, Doran was used to this. about 10–12 cards each year to men from the their dedication and commitment to our vet- It was January of 1944 that Doran left company. erans. Chapter 227 was founded in 1985 with Guam. Arriving at Iwo Jima on Feb. 26, 1945, Billie Ellis, who works for Boone County 15 people meeting at the NCO club at Fort he was greeted with fierce fighting. Public Health, helps Doran out at home, and Myer. Since then, the chapter has grown and ‘‘We were actually pinned down,’’ he said. knowing him for 25 years she describes him continues to be an engaged and active asset ‘‘About half the company had been killed. as a perfectionist. We had to wait for replacements. The cap- ‘‘He was a perfectionist and he still is,’’ she in the community. tain was killed the first day, my platoon said. ‘‘He likes everything done right.’’ Chapter services include providing support lieutenant was killed the first day. About 200 Over the years, the ash has been taken to homeless veterans, assisting in maintaining in the company. About half of them were from Doran’s face, although one piece next the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Wash- killed the first day.’’ to his nose did develop into cancer. ington, DC, awarding the Vince Kaspar Prizes

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.001 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 for Excellence in the Arts to area high school IN RECOGNITION OF ST. This year, she was temporarily promoted to students, and educating its membership and CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL be the public affairs officer for Army Acces- the public about addressing the needs of vet- sions Command where she was responsible erans. It is an inspiration that so many con- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH for managing the commanding general’s public tinue to answer the call to serve after the bat- OF OHIO affairs activities throughout the command and within the local Fort Knox region. tle is done; there is no better advocate for vet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erans in need than those who understand the Thursday, November 18, 2010 I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Connie Shaffery for her commitment to the challenges they face. Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise U.S. Army, U.S. Army Recruiting Command, The founding principal of Vietnam Veterans today in recognition of the faculty, staff, par- our nation and the Commonwealth of Ken- of America is: ‘‘Never again, will one genera- ents and students of St. Christopher School tucky. for winning the 2010 Blue Ribbon School of tion of Veterans abandon another’’. But in Excellence Award. f many cases, Vietnam veterans were aban- Blue Ribbon Schools is a Department of doned by entire segments of the country. The Education program that honors schools whose CONGRATULATING REVEREND government often failed to provide necessary students have attained an extraordinarily high FAUSTO STAMPIGLIA services, and, tragically, some of the American level of achievement or who regularly over- public wrongly turned their opposition to the come socioeconomic barriers to academic war into disrespect for our brave men and success. Schools are judged according to HON. VERN BUCHANAN women who served in uniform. Instead of re- strict criteria based on test scores and student OF FLORIDA ceiving the honor due all American service demographics. Winners generally maintain a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school culture of community involvement, high members, many received scorn. VVA works Thursday, November 18, 2010 tirelessly to right these wrongs. expectations for student achievement, an em- phasis on teaching to the whole child and a Mr. BUCHANAN. Madam Speaker, I want to Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join dedication to developing leadership skills. This take this opportunity today to congratulate me in thanking VVA Chapter 227 and all VVA year, only 304 schools throughout America at- Reverend Fausto Stampiglia of St. Martha’s chapters for their service to their community tained this prestigious award. I am proud to Church in Sarasota, Florida, for receiving the and our nation. Their service is a living re- count St. Christopher School among them. Holy Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice award minder of the sacrifices our service men and St. Christopher School is a Catholic School from the Roman Catholic Church for his out- women make from generation to generation. I in Rocky River, Ohio that strives to develop its standing service to the Church. also ask my colleagues to join me in express- students spiritually, intellectually, and emotion- Translated, the award means for ‘‘Church ing the gratitude and respect of our nation to ally. Students are taught to become healthy, and Pope.’’ It is the highest honor a priest can loving, well-rounded leaders with a lifelong those Vietnam-era veterans who served so receive from the Pope. dedication to learning and to living out Chris- Father Stampiglia was presented the award bravely. I pledge that I will continue working to tian values. protect and improve the services and benefits by Bishop Frank J. Dewane, on behalf of Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join Pope Benedict XVI, who noted his service and so richly deserved by American servicemem- me in congratulating those who have worked dedication to the people of St. Martha’s Parish bers of all generations. hard to make St. Christopher School a nur- and to the Diocese of Venice. turing and academically rigorous institution. Father Stampiglia was installed as pastor of f f St. Martha’s in 1991 and is the head priest of CELEBRATING THE 100 YEARS OF A TRIBUTE TO MRS. CONNIE St. Martha Catholic School. He celebrates SERVICE OF THE WOMEN’S IM- SHAFFERY masses in Vietnamese and the Tridentine Rite PROVEMENT CLUB OF ROSE- and has been a strong supporter of several VILLE HON. BRETT GUTHRIE charitable programs in the Sarasota area. OF KENTUCKY For the Diocese of Venice, he is currently IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dean of the Northern Deanery, Director of the HON. TOM McCLINTOCK Permanent Diaconate Office and Board, and Thursday, November 18, 2010 serves on the College of Consultors, Peer Re- OF CALIFORNIA Mr. GUTHRIE. Madam Speaker, I rise today view Committee and School Board, as well as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to honor Mrs. Connie Shaffery, who has dedi- an ex-officio member of the Presbyteral Coun- cated herself to the United States and the cil. Thursday, November 18, 2010 Commonwealth of Kentucky. On behalf of the many individuals and fami- Connie has proven herself to be an excep- lies he has faithfully served within Florida’s Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Speaker, I rise tional communicator and representative for the 13th District, I thank Father Stampiglia for his today to recognize the Women’s Improvement United States Army and Fort Knox. Connie will service to his church and community. Club of Roseville. Since its foundation in 1910, retire after 28 years of devoted service. It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge the Club has been a community service orga- Connie graduated from Pennsylvania State he has rightfully received this prestigious nization benefiting the City of Roseville and University with a BA in Communication and award. surrounding areas. The clubs numerous con- continued her education, graduating from the Defense Information School’s Public Affairs tributions to our community have included the f founding of the city’s first library, developing Officers’ Course. Connie began working in Army Public Af- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Woodbridge Park, contributing annually to the fairs at the Philadelphia Recruiting Battalion in restoration of the El Dorado and Tahoe Na- 1987. She moved to the Baltimore Recruiting tional Forests, spearheading several edu- Battalion in 1990 to accept a position as their HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY cational and arts programs and providing in- chief of advertising and public affairs. Because OF IOWA valuable support to area veterans and service of her proven skills and leadership, Connie IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES members. Furthermore, the Club’s members was promoted in 1993 to a position with the Thursday, November 18, 2010 contribute invaluable time and resources to Military District of Washington as their commu- community events, as well as to local and nity relations officer. Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speaker, I international charities. A move to Fort Knox, Ky., led to a position missed votes on Wednesday, November 17, as the chief of advertising and public affairs 2010 visiting a constituent at the National Madam Speaker, it is without doubt that our for the 3rd Recruiting Brigade, overseeing ac- Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, MD. If I community is a better place today as a result tivities in seven recruiting battalions through- were present, I would have voted: of the constant dedication of the Women’s Im- out the north central states. In 2003, she was ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall 572, On Agreeing to the provement Club of Roseville. I am proud to promoted to be the Army Armor Center and Resolution, H. Res. 332—Providing for the recognize and thank the Club for a century of Fort Knox public affairs officer, a position she House to adjourn for the Thanksgiving District service. held for over seven years. Work Period.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.027 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1961 REPUBLIC DAY IN TURKEY Doors,’’ she said, because that is where the But her humility is one of her most endear- most important work on any movement is ing qualities. When President Kennedy called HON. VIRGINIA FOXX done. her to action in 1963, she didn’t believe it was OF NORTH CAROLINA Let me open the door for you, just a little, him. So he put his brother Bobby on the so you will come to know and appreciate this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES phone and said ‘‘Bobby, say hello to Mrs. Sav- paragon of the Civil Rights Movement as I do. age so she’ll know I’m the President.’’ When Thursday, November 18, 2010 First, she started early—when she was 9. She she was inducted into the National Civil Rights Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I would like to would tell her mother she was going to the li- Museum, among other personal items she do- congratulate the citizens of Turkey and Turk- brary, but instead she would go to the State- nated was a pair of red loafers she had worn ish Americans on the 87th anniversary of the house in Trenton and watch the proceedings in 1968 while demonstrating in the rain and proclamation of the Republic of Turkey on Oc- of the New Jersey Assembly from the balcony. mud at the Poor People’s Campaign com- tober 29, 1923. This is one of the most impor- Despite getting in trouble for that fib, she per- memorating Martin Luther King, Jr. The shoes tant dates in Turkey’s history. And it is equally sisted in her efforts to learn and to lead. still bore the mud from that day. ‘‘I put them meaningful to the United States as it formed When she was 13, movie theaters in Tren- in a box [and] never pulled them out,’’ she the cornerstone which enabled Turkey to be- ton were still segregated. Black moviegoers— said ‘‘but I saved them because to me they come a strategic partner and close NATO ally. like Edith—were required to sit in the balcony. were part of a historical situation.’’ After the 600 year old Ottoman Empire dis- But she went to the theater with several I am proud to say Edith Savage-Jennings integrated, Mustafa Kemal, also known as the friends, including future Mayor of New York, has been a resident of Trenton since the age George Washington of Turkey, led a three David Dinkins, and they sat downstairs. When of 2. At the mass in her honor after her induc- year war of independence. This culminated asked to move to the balcony, they refused. tion into the National Civil Rights Museum she with the newly founded parliament formally And she’s been making history quietly, but said ‘‘I want people to know that no one does abolishing the Sultanate, on November 1, forcefully, ever since. this alone.’’ Even so, the particular manner, 1922, thus ending 723 years of Ottoman rule. Whatever road the civil rights struggle took the quiet resoluteness, and the tide of con- The Treaty of Lausanne of July 24, 1923, led her down, she did her best. In 1963, she was tributions of some simply stand out. Edith Sav- to the international recognition of the sov- one of six woman asked by President Ken- age-Jennings is one such person. nedy and Attorney General Robert Kennedy to ereignty of the newly established ‘‘Republic of f Turkey’’ as the successor state of the Ottoman ferret out particular areas of unrest in the Empire. struggle to desegregate schools in Mississippi. TRIBUTE TO DEAN BRILEY Following considerable debate and discus- She became one of the ‘‘Wednesdays sion, the Turkish Parliament proclaimed the Women,’’ who travelled in interracial teams to HON. TOM LATHAM Republic on the evening of October 29, 1923. Mississippi in 1964 to advance the cause of OF IOWA desegregation through what you might call Fifteen minutes after the Parliamentary procla- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mation, Mustafa Kemal (later known as white-glove diplomacy. Accompanied by Helen Atatu¨rk), was elected President of the Repub- Meyner, wife of New Jersey Governor Bob Thursday, November 18, 2010 lic. This historic decision was marked by a 101 Meyner, they landed in Mississippi, only to be Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- gun salute. The significance of the event was greeted by white men spitting on the floor in ognize Dean Briley, a World War II Navy vet- also noted by Atatu¨rk, who stated that, ‘‘the front of them. ‘‘They’d never seen a black eran from Boone, Iowa, and to express my ap- proclamation of the Republic was enthusiasti- woman and a white woman travelling to- preciation for his dedication and commitment cally received by the nation. This enthusiasm gether,’’ she said. to his country. was manifested everywhere by brilliant dem- They continued on. On Wednesdays, they The Boone News Republican is currently onstrations.’’ would bring supplies to rural communities on running a series of articles that honors one Turkey’s economy has grown at an impres- the front lines of the struggle to end segrega- Boone County veteran every Tuesday from sive rate, and the country is now a member of tion. On Thursdays, dressed in heels, pearls Memorial Day to Veterans Day. Dean Briley the G–20, a European Union candidate, and and white gloves, they would meet white and was recognized on Tuesday, October 19. an active and important player in various inter- black women for tea and cookies to discuss Below is the article in its entirety: national organizations. Turkey and the U.S. peaceful ways to desegregate the elementary BOONE COUNTY VETERANS: DEAN BRILEY schools and to resolve the white women’s sus- have been close friends, partners and allies (By Greg Eckstrom) for many decades. However, the Turkish- picions about the Civil Rights Movement. On this visit, as Mrs. Meyner introduced herself, Military service for the Briley family was American relationship goes beyond a simple a family affair. bilateral friendship. Rather it has become a she shook everyone’s hand. In another quiet Dean Briley, a Boone County native, along strategic partnership based on shared values, act of rebellion, Edith took off her white glove, with his three brothers, all found themselves interests and ideals. U.S.-Turkish cooperation and the women wouldn’t shake her hand. But serving their country overseas during WWII, extends across a wide range of issues, includ- the schools were desegregated. although each stationed in different areas. ing combating terrorism, promoting economic Over the years, she has been praised and For Briley, with the war already raging, he trade and energy security, fostering peace and followed for her leadership skills and prowess. enlisted in the United States Navy in 1942 as a petty officer third class. He was sworn-in stability in Afghanistan and Iraq, and advanc- She was introduced to Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1957 at a rally in Trenton because, the min- in Des Moines and was sent to Boot Camp at ing principles of democracy and freedom Great Lakes, Ill., near Chicago. Boot camp in throughout the globe. ister at Shiloh Baptist Church said at the time, the winter in the Midwest was, to say the I hope my colleagues will join me in con- she’s ‘‘a great fundraiser.’’ She became a life- least, a bit chilly. gratulating Turkish Americans and the Turkish long friend of the Kings. In 1964, she accom- ‘‘It was cold,’’ Briley said flatly. ‘‘We public on this important occasion. panied Fannie Lou Hamer onto the floor of the didn’t have any hot water. We were in a new Democratic National Convention, where she barracks, and they hadn’t gotten hot water f delivered her famous ‘‘I’m sick and tired of to it yet, so we shaved and everything in EDITH SAVAGE-JENNINGS being sick and tired’’ speech. She has visited cold water.’’ the White House under five different Presi- Following boot camp, Briley and his wife were sent to Arlington, Va., where they HON. RUSH D. HOLT dents. She was close friends with Rosa Parks, didn’t have a place to stay, but had jobs. OF NEW JERSEY and brought her and many other civil rights ‘‘The first place I went to was in Wash- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leaders to Trenton. She’s been a member of ington D.C. at the Bureau of Naval Per- the NAACP for life, and won more than 80 sonnel, supervising naval and civilian per- Thursday, November 18, 2010 awards for her selfless, tireless work. In 2005, sonnel,’’ Briley said. ‘‘When we went, they Mr. HOLT. Madam Speaker, I rise today to her name was added to the Wall of Tolerance didn’t have a place for us, so we had to find commend Edith Savage-Jennings, a paragon in Montgomery, Alabama, to honor her 50 our own lodging. I guess the first couple of of the Civil Rights Movement whose accom- years of civil rights service. Last year, she was nights we stayed in the Red Cross place until we found a place to live. We were figuring of- plishments on behalf of the movement are sur- inducted into the National Civil Rights Mu- ficers’ longevity pay. I was there a year and passed only by her humility about them. ‘‘It seum, located at the hotel in Memphis where a half. My wife was with me then. She was just the work that was called for,’’ she has King was assassinated, and the National Park worked in the Navy Department. In Arling- said. As I understand, she is currently working Service Archives for Black Women’s History in ton, same place I did. We lived in Wash- on a book to be entitled ‘‘Behind Closed Washington DC. ington, D.C.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.003 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 From there, Briley went through amphib- CONDEMNING BURMESE REGIME’S of letters be included in the CONGRESSIONAL ious training and was assigned to LC1 Flo- UNDEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS RECORD. tilla 28 staff. The flotilla consisted of 28 Sincerely, ships, with Briley stationed on one of the SPEECH OF HOWARD L. BERMAN, smallest. At 150 feet long and only 25 feet Chairman. wide, it was the smallest seagoing vessel HON. DIANE E. WATSON f that could cross the ocean by itself. OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HIGHLIGHTS FROM CAPITOL HILL ‘‘I had never actually seen the ocean until then,’’ Briley said. ‘‘It only drew four feet of Wednesday, November 17, 2010 HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER water, it had a flat bottom and it was like a Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, the following is OF MISSOURI cork out there.’’ an exchange of letters that I would like to sub- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The small ship sailed from Norfolk, Va. to mit: Thursday, November 18, 2010 Bizerte, Tunisia in a 150-ship convoy. The CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, trip took 21 days, after detouring for three HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- Mr. CLEAVER. I would like to submit the fol- days to avoid German submarines. MITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, lowing article: Washington, DC, November 17, 2010. [From the Lexington News, Nov. 10, 2010] Once the ship arrived on land, Briley said Hon. HOWARD L. BERMAN, EDITORIAL—HIGHLIGHTS FROM CAPITOL HILL they couldn’t have liberty in Bizerte since it Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, (By Joe Aull, State Representative 26th was quarantined with black plague, so the Washington, DC. District) men were given a two-day pass to go to DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing you con- An era in political history came to an end Tunis. cerning H. Res. 1677 (‘‘Resolution’’), ‘‘Con- demning the Burmese regime’s undemocratic this past Tuesday when Congressman Skel- ‘‘We met up with a soldier that knew a upcoming elections on November 7, 2010’’. As ton lost his bid for re-election to an 18th family there and he would give them some you know, the Resolution was referred to the term in the United States Congress. rations that included bacon,’’ he said. ‘‘We Committee on Ways and Means based on the I believe that we all owe Congressman stayed the night with them and had bacon Committee’s jurisdiction over international Skelton a huge thank you for exemplary and eggs for breakfast. That was a treat.’’ trade. service for the past 34 year. Ike has worked I appreciate the productive discussions extremely hard and he has been responsible Briley spent 11⁄2 years in the Mediterranean for so many good things that have happened Sea area, with much of the time spent in that we have had on this issue, resulting in our agreement to revise paragraph 9 of the in our area, our state and our country. port. The day-to-day tasks for him included I could say many positive things about my Resolution, which I believe helps to clarify good friend, Ike, but I can think of three primarily making a news sheet for the men. the intent and scope of the Resolution. I ap- issues that really jump out at me. He recalls one particular time, while he preciate your commitment to reflect this First of all, I was always so impressed with agreement in the final Resolution. was in Palermo, that he had a chance to see how well that Ike stayed in contact and in In order to expedite this Resolution for the catacombs. touch with the people in his district. I have floor consideration, the Committee on Ways never seen anyone work any harder and put ‘‘We went down in the catacombs,’’ he said. and Means will forgo action on this Resolu- in any more miles in traveling from city to There were bodies laying right out on tion and will not oppose its consideration on city to meet and listen to the people who he shelves and stuff. I don’t think they show the suspension calendar, based on our under- those anymore.’’ represented. standing that you will reflect our agreement I mentioned the word listen, and I contin- Meanwhile, Briley had no communication in the final Resolution. This is done with the ually saw Ike listening to what was on the with his brothers. In fact, while he was head- understanding between our Committees that minds of his constituents and I believe that ed overseas, one of his brothers was headed the Committee on Ways and Means does not he voted for what he thought was right for waive any future jurisdictional claim over back to the United States with an injury— his people. I always believed that he truly the subject matters contained in the Resolu- one that could have been much worse. cared about the welfare of the folks that he tion. represented and he put that ahead of every- ‘‘He was in a foxhole when a bomb hit This letter also confirms my under- thing else. alongside him and buried him, but his head standing that you will include a copy of your Secondly, I was very impressed with the went into his helmet and then after they letter and this response in the Congressional leadership that Ike provided as Chairman of took care of the wounded up above, they dug Record during consideration of the Resolu- the House Armed Services Committee. I him out and he ended up with just some back tion on the House floor. don’t know any Congressman that has been Sincerely, injury,’’ he said. ‘‘They were in on the front more committed to the well being of our SANDER M. LEVIN, line for I think it was over 300 days.’’ service men and women, our veterans and Chairman. military in general. One interesting event for Briley also came I know that Ike has spent much of his free after he and a friend borrowed a Jeep while CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, time abroad visiting first hand with our in Naples and ventured to Rome. Although COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, troops and I always felt good knowing that a the two didn’t do much inside the city, they HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, man of his military knowledge and total did go to the Vatican and managed to be in Washington, DC, November 17, 2010. commitment was the head of one of the most the right place at the right time for a chance Hon. SANDER M. LEVIN, important committees in Congress, espe- Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, meeting with Pope Pius XII. He walked up to cially in time of a difficult war. Washington, DC. Briley, said ‘‘Hello American sailor,’’ and The third and final thing that I would like DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your to emphasize was the fact that Ike was al- blessed the religious items that Briley had letter regarding H. Res. 1677, ‘‘Condemning ways a true statesman and a positive role been holding. Briley also kissed his ring. the Burmese regime’s undemocratic upcom- model as a Congressman. In a day when you ‘‘It was just luck,’’ he said. ‘‘It was a big ing elections on November 7, 2010.’’ As you hear of legislative scandals and the legisla- room. Then he comes out, just being friend- know, the Resolution was referred to the tors who sell out to a particular interest ly.’’ Committee on Foreign Affairs, in addition to group, I always believed that Ike was honest, the Committees on Ways and Means and the trustworthy and a person with strong char- When Briley returned from Europe, he was Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently de- acter, who always conducted himself admi- on leave before returning to Norfolk, Va. To termined by the Speaker, in each case for rably and in a very professional manner. meet a ship to go through the Panama Canal consideration of such provisions as fall with- He always worked across the aisle with the to the Pacific when the bombs were dropped in the jurisdiction of the committee con- other party, and he was a master of com- on Japan. cerned. promise and this helped him get many things I agree that the Committee on Ways and The news that the war had ended shortly accomplished for the good of his people. Ike Means has certain valid jurisdictional claims was always the kind of person that I admired after brought a different feeling than excite- to this resolution, and I appreciate your de- and trusted, and one who always tried to do ment for Briley. cision to waive further consideration of H. things the right way. ‘‘It was more relief,’’ he said. ‘‘Actually, Res. 1677 in the interest of expediting consid- I could go on and on, but let’s suffice it to it’s more for the family than anything.’’ eration of this important measure. I under- say thank you Ike for all that you have done stand that by agreeing to waive further con- for so many of us, for always going the extra I commend Dean Briley for his many years sideration, the Committee on Ways and mile and for truly caring for those of us of loyalty and service to our great nation. It Means is not waiving its jurisdictional whom you represented. is an immense honor to represent him in the claims over similar measures in the future. I will always be proud to say that you were United States Congress, and I wish him all During consideration of this measure on my Congressman and I am deeply honored to the best in his future endeavors. the House floor, I will ask that this exchange call you my good friend.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:28 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.002 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1963 TRIBUTE TO DEL PAPA Mountain Elks organization. The Del Papa one gains by being a part of history and the DISTRIBUTING Distributing Company has also participated in stories that come from service. the Keep Texas Beautiful Campaigns. Deuel was sent to Camp Roberts in Cali- HON. RON PAUL The Del Papa Distributing Company is also fornia in 1943, where he was trained for a co-founder of the Galveston Black Heritage desert warfare. He learned how to endure OF TEXASS high temperatures, how to get along with lit- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES foundation and a supporter of the League of tle water and how to shoot, Deuel said. After United Latin American Citizens, LULAC. The Thursday, November 18, 2010 his training, he was given a short furlough to Del Papa Distributing Company also partners go home and say goodbye to his family be- Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, this month Del with Anheuser-Busch to promote responsible fore heading back to the west coast and then Papa Distributing Company is celebrating its consumption of alcoholic beverages through overseas. 100th anniversary. I am pleased to extend my the ‘‘Responsibility Matters’’ program. Deuel remembered well being stationed in congratulations to the owners and employees Madam Speaker, anyone familiar with Del the Guadalcanal Islands and ‘‘distinguishing of the Del Papa Distributing Company. Papa Distributing Company’s history of civic himself,’’ although not in a heroic fashion. The Del Papa Distributing Company origi- involvement should hardly be surprised that Heading home from a movie, he noticed co- nated in 1910 as a wholesaler grocery and the company kicked off its 100th anniversary conuts scattered on the ground around trees, wine business called Celli and Del Papa in and felt the urge to cut one open and have a celebrations with the announcement that it drink. Galveston, Texas. The grocery store was would endow scholarships to 13 community ‘‘I had never seen a coconut tree before in founded by two Italian immigrants, Frank Celli and four-year colleges located through the 17 my life,’’ he said. ‘‘I didn’t know that when and Omro Del Papa, Sr. Misters Celli and Del counties they service. a coconut fell on the ground and laid there Papa ran the business until Mr. Del Papa re- The Del Papa Distributing Company is truly several days or weeks, the milk fermented turned to Italy in 1920. Mr. Del Papa retained a great Texan and American success story and made a soap-like substance. I ended up his business and real estate interests in Gal- and the company’s long history of civic and in the base hospital in Guadalcanal for 10 veston and he returned to Texas in 1930. charitable involvement should serve as inspi- days drinking paregoric. It had a terrible Upon his return, Mr. Del Papa established the ration to all. It is therefore my pleasure to taste to it. After a while, about the third or 0. Del Papa Commission Company, and be- once again extend my congratulations and fourth day, it tasted pretty good.’’ came a distributor for the Anheuser-Busch best wishes to the owners and employees of From Guadalcanal, he went to Munda, New Georgia, where he ‘‘went on a few patrols.’’ company. Since the United States was still the Del Papa Distributing Company on the oc- ‘‘I’m glad I didn’t have to fight anybody, under Prohibition at that time, the Del Papa casion of their 100th anniversary. but that jungle warfare really didn’t appeal Commission Company distributed baker’s f to me,’’ Deuel said. yeast, olive oil, and ginger ale. When prohibi- TRIBUTE TO MILO DEUEL Neither did the late-night wake-ups from tion ended, the Del Papa Distributing Com- Japanese aircraft in the area. pany began distributing beer. In the early ‘‘They had a big air strip in there covered 1960s the company’s name was changed to HON. TOM LATHAM with white coral,’’ he said. ‘‘The Japanese The Del Papa Distributing Company. OF IOWA would send a lone plane around midnight two The Del Papa Distributing Company has al- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES or three times a week to keep us awake. We ways been a family business. Over the years, Thursday, November 18, 2010 called him ‘Midnight Charlie.’ He’d come all of Mr. Del Papa’s sons have worked in the over, and the anti-aircraft guns would open Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- business, including the current chairman of the up. They never hit him, but it’d keep us ognize Milo Deuel, a World War II Army vet- awake.’’ board, Lawrence J. Del Papa, Sr., who first eran from Boone, Iowa, and to express my ap- After serving between 6–8 weeks in New worked for the company in 1939 as a delivery preciation for his dedication and commitment Georgia, Deuel was sent to New Zealand, man. Today, Omero Del Papa’s grandson, to his country. which he described as ‘‘a Godsend.’’ Larry Del Papa, Jr., serves as President of the The Boone News Republican is currently ‘‘It was just like going from green hell to company, a position he has held since 1988. running a series of articles that honors one green heaven,’’ he said. ‘‘And they treated us The Del Papa Disturbing Company has Boone County veteran every Tuesday from like kings down there. One of the great come a long way since Frank Celli and Omro treats was to have fresh milk and ice cream, Memorial Day to Veterans Day. Milo Deuel Del Papa opened their small grocery store in which we hadn’t seen for several weeks.’’ was recognized on Tuesday, October 12. Galveston. Today, the company has major dis- It was during Deuel’s four months in New Below is the article in its entirety: tribution centers in Galveston, Beaumont, and Zealand that he found himself moved to regi- Victoria, over 2,700 retail accounts covering BOONE COUNTY VETERANS: MILO DEUEL mental supply—a position that saw him dis- 17 counties, and 350 employees distributing (By Greg Eckstrom) tributing rations to the troops. Pleasing the troops was his job, one that was made easy over 350 beer brands. There is even a street Before going into the service, Milo Deuel had read of a soldier who had been in the when the rations were bigger. named for the company at the intersection of civil war and carried a little Bible with him ‘‘I was really popular then, which wasn’t Business 59 and Del Papa Street in Gal- in his breast pocket. The soldier in the story very often,’’ he joked. veston. had gotten shot with a mini ball, and the He then went to Papua New Guinea, fol- The Del Papa Distributing Company has Bible had ended up saving his life. lowed by a stint in Luzon, where he saw his survived major hurricanes, two world wars, So when Deuel joined the Army Enlisted ‘‘most exciting’’ days of his service in the In- and the 1947 explosion in Texas City, which Reserve Corps while in junior college in Mis- vasion of Luzon on Jan. 9, 1945. is the worst man-made disaster in American souri, and was called to active duty, he Regimental supply was divided into two history. Every time their community has faced brought with him a small book given to him teams, and offloaded from the troop ship in by his Methodist minister, entitled a bay to a landing craft loaded with large a challenge, the owners and employees of Del ‘‘Strength for Service to God and Country.’’ Papa Distributing Company stepped up to help drums that appeared to be filled with gaso- As his service brought him around the world, line. As the fourth or fifth wave to go in on their fellow citizens. Everyone at the Del Papa he chronicled the places he had been on the Jan. 9, Deuel’s unit was shelled out and had Distributing Company takes great pride in their back leaf of the book, serving as a memory to wait. tradition of civic and charitable involvement. for the places he’d gone and the things he’d ‘‘The Japanese had some artillery guns The Del Papa Distributing Company has initi- seen. that were hidden back in the hills, and they Commonly, veterans have a difficult time ated and assisted with many community serv- would let go with those every now and then. recalling experiences from war to non-vet- ice activities from blood drives to military pro- We couldn’t make the beach, so we sat out in erans because it can be a painful experience. the bay all day and then the following day, grams to disaster relief. The Del Papa Distrib- Deuel is similar in this way, however his lit- the 10th, we went in with no problem at all.’’ uting Company also donates to CASA, Chil- tle book provides him reminders with each dren’s Advocacy Center, and The Arts of Vic- neatly-printed location and date on the back It was in Luzon that Deuel said he learned toria, created a GI Joe/GI Jane holiday care leaf. a powerful lesson working with a Filipino crew. package project to support the troops who ‘‘They won’t say a thing about it,’’ Deuel said. ‘‘My wife says I’m the same way, and ‘‘I found there you couldn’t judge a man by must spend the holidays overseas away from his color,’’ he said. ‘‘Whether he was black or their families. The Del Papa Distributing Com- the older I got, the more liberal I got with what I did and what happened. But some brown or white, it was what was in his heart. pany has also been a major contributor to the things that happened I don’t really care to I made some good friends with the Filipino fundraising efforts of numerous wildlife organi- think about or talk about.’’ people.’’ zations such as Ducks Unlimited, Coastal Yet, with the bad comes the good—the ca- Deuel recalls one conversation he had with Conservation Association and the Rocky maraderie amongst soldiers, the experience the head Filipino man he worked with—

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.008 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 Juan. In the town of Santa Maria, Deuel our friend and ally Turkey. On October 29, HONORING TARPON SPRINGS heard a jazz band marching down the road 1923, the Turkish constitution was amended FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTARY playing an upbeat song—‘‘Roll Out the Bar- and Turkey officially became a Republic. SCHOOL rel’’—that he had heard from Camp Roberts. As the band came within sight, Deuel saw it During the Presidency of Mustafa Kemal was a funeral procession—escorting the cas- Ataturk, the nation embarked upon a program HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS kets of a mother and child. Shocked, Deuel of political, economic, and cultural reforms. OF FLORIDA asked Milo why they didn’t play something The nation of Turkey now stands as a mod- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES more mournful. ern, secular nation-state which has been a ‘‘He said, ‘Milo, think about it. Do you Thursday, November 18, 2010 long time friend to the United States. think that when you die you go to a better Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, I rise place?’ I said, ‘I certainly hope so.’ He says, Turkey’s economy has grown at a record today to honor Tarpon Springs Fundamental ’That’s what we do. We’re happy that they’re pace and literacy and education rates continue Elementary on its 30th Anniversary. While gone out of this d* * * mess that we’re in. to climb. Turkey stands as an inspiration to re- Pinellas County is home to many excellent They’re gone to a better place.’’’ formers in the greater Middle East and Deuel saw promotions quickly in Luzon, schools, Tarpon Springs Fundamental brings a throughout the world. going from a buck private to a staff sergeant special quality of a back-to-basics focus to its in four weeks. He was next sent to Japan for Over the past 87 years, Turkey’s relation- students. six weeks as part of occupation troops after ship with the United States has grown. Turkey The school’s focus emphasizes student re- the war had ended, where he had a chance to has been a partner to the United States in see ‘‘how effective our bombers had been. sponsibility, structure, and academic success. NATO, the United Nations, as well as on the This focus extends to parents as well with There were miles and miles of nothing.’’ War on Terror. Beginning in the bloody Ko- After those six weeks, he received the news. mandatory parental involvement in parent- ‘‘Milo Deuel, pack your duffle, get on the rean War of 1950, Turkish and American teacher conferences and meetings. However, next ship. You’re headed for home,’’ he re- troops have fought side by side for victory their involvement stems much further than called. over communism in The Cold War. Moreover, what is required. Many parents can also be He traveled back home highly decorated. Turkey’s work on human rights and energy se- seen volunteering throughout the campus tu- All in all, he received several awards, includ- curity for Europe should be commended. Tur- toring, mentoring, helping with daily classroom ing a sharpshooter’s badge, a combat infan- key has provided critical humanitarian and try badge, the Bronze Star and a presidential activities, or enjoying lunch with their child. citation medal. Upon arriving home, the big- medical assistance in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Tarpon Springs Fundamental is one of the gest shock was the guy waiting to greet him. We should congratulate the people and the smallest schools in Pinellas County, so in con- ‘‘My greatest surprise coming home, I Government of Turkey for their efforts over the junction with its highly structured curriculum didn’t have a little brother anymore,’’ he past 87 years and we look forward to building model, it fosters a familiar, tight-knit atmos- said. ‘‘That sucker had grown up after four on the current relationship in the future. phere. The staff and families are able to know or five years since I had been home. He was as tall as I was.’’ one another on a personal basis, providing the Deuel remained in contact with many of f foundation for educators and parents to work the men he’d served with. He’d seen strong as a team to promote strong academic skills friendships throughout his service, and a HONORING ROBERT COHEN and values. wide variety of places, as he’d documented in It is truly my honor to recognize Tarpon his little book, which returned home with HON. JARED POLIS Springs Fundamental Elementary School as him. In it, he had filled two of the small they celebrate their 30th anniversary. I look pages in the back of the book—each recount- OF COLORADO ing memories of places he had been and forward to watching the school continue to de- things he had seen. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES velop generation after generation of young minds with the core principals it has thrived on A good friend from the service he’d lost Thursday, November 18, 2010 contact with entered his mind recently, for so long. prompting Deuel to look him up and write a Mr. POLIS. Madam Speaker, I rise today in f letter to the mayor of the man’s town— recognition of a celebrated filmmaker and Maiden, North Carolina—to inquire about HONORING PAUL KELLEY proud resident of my district, Robert Cohen. him. The mayor responded to let Deuel know the man had passed away, but a letter soon I’ve known Robert for many years and have followed . . . from the man’s daughter. always been impressed by his work as an art- HON. MIKE THOMPSON ‘‘She said, ‘Daddy would never tell me a ist and public servant, and it is an honor to OF CALIFORNIA thing about WWII. Tell me what he did,’ ’’ commemorate him today. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Deuel recalled. So Deuel grabbed the book—the one that Robert was born in Philadelphia in 1930 and Thursday, November 18, 2010 had stuck with him all through his service— moved to Los Angeles at the age of 9. After Mr. THOMPSON of California. Madam and flipped it open to the last two pages. graduating from UCLA in 1952, Bob began his Speaker, I rise today with my colleague Con- professional film career as a writer in the U.S. Looking through the dates, the memories gresswoman LYNN WOOLSEY to recognize Paul came flooding back, and he began writing. It Army Signal Corps and a cameraman for Kelley who is retiring after 16 years as a might be difficult for him to talk about his NATO. In early 1956, Bob was honorably dis- member of the Sonoma County Board of Su- service, but he wanted to share with the girl charged from the Army and was able to de- pervisors. Congresswoman WOOLSEY and I what her father had gone through. vote his full energy to a film career that was ‘‘There were good days and bad days,’’ have the distinct privilege of representing Deuel said. ‘‘So I copied a lot of this stuff. already taking off. Sonoma County and both of our tenures in the Each date gave me a remembrance of some- In the 50-plus years since Bob released his House have coincided with Mr. Kelley’s tenure thing that happened to us. So the poor thing first works, including ‘‘Mister Wister the Time on the Board of Supervisors. knows what her daddy did.’’ Twister’’ and ‘‘The Color of Man,’’ Bob has Supervisor Kelley represents the northern I commend Milo Deuel for his many years of filmed, edited, written, produced or contributed most supervisorial district in Sonoma County, loyalty and service to our great nation. It is an to over 20 films, documentaries and television which is home to one of the finest wine grape- immense honor to represent him in the United productions. His work spans the political to the growing and wine-producing regions in the States Congress, and I wish him all the best historical, the local to the international, and he world. His support of agriculture and agri- in his future endeavors. has been celebrated around the world as a culture-related industries is deep seated. He f filmmaker, artist and visionary. grew up on a small farm outside of Santa HONORING TURKEY’S REPUBLIC It is an honor both to serve as Bob’s rep- Rosa and spent his summers as a youth work- DAY resentative in Congress and to call him my ing on neighboring ranches and farms in the friend and colleague. I wish him many more area. As a supervisor, his work included help- accomplishments and know that he will ing to bridge the gap between the water needs HON. JOE WILSON achieve continued success behind the cam- of farmers and fisheries, in supporting meas- OF SOUTH CAROLINA era, in front of the classroom and in the many ures that guaranteed that 22,000 acres in his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES exciting endeavors that await him as he in- district would be protected under the county’s Thursday, November 18, 2010 spires a new generation to political activism Agricultural Preservation and Open Space Dis- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam and public service. Thank you, Bob, for your trict acquisitions and encouraging businesses Speaker, I come to the floor today to honor friendship and leadership, and best wishes. and farmers to embrace green technology.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.003 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1965 Supervisor Kelley also helped create new While going through basic training in The tour will be sponsored and supported parks and recreational facilities throughout his Washington, Ferry met the woman he would almost entirely by the Chinese government district, including the Boys & Girls Club in later marry . . . a marriage that happened and will include eight concerts in 12 days in prior to Ferry heading overseas for service. Windsor, and renovate existing youth facilities The position that Ferry was assigned to, Shanghai, Beijing, Yantai, and Qindao. in Cloverdale, Healdsburg and Larkfield- however, didn’t lend itself to easing the wor- Known as the ‘‘people’s orchestra,’’ the Wikiup. ries of his new bride’s parents on their American Philharmonic performs free concerts He was the key proponent of returning com- daughter’s husband. at the Wells Fargo Center in Santa Rosa, Cali- mercial air service to the Charles M. Schulz/ ‘‘They put me in a cryptographic section, fornia, in keeping with their mission: ‘‘To make Sonoma County Airport. The regional airport which is decoding and encoding secret mes- the beauty of music and the power of commu- now has daily flights to four western cities. sages,’’ he said. ‘‘The FBI checked out my nity alive and available for everyone.’’ Supervisor Kelley’s special assignments on family, her family and everybody she knew Founded 12 years ago, the American Phil- and everybody they knew. Her folks got to the board included membership on the wondering what was going on.’’ harmonic-Sonoma County has been offering a Sonoma County Transportation Authority, the The background check passed, however, variety of musical performances as an all-vol- North Coast Rail Authority, the Water Agency and Ferry was sent overseas. unteer organization, with both amateur and Committee, the Local Agency Formation Com- ‘‘They got us on a boat, and they made professional musicians, 60 to 75 in all. Accord- mission (Chair), the Eel Russian River Com- MPs out of us,’’ he said. ‘‘We had to be an ing to volunteer cellist Brian Lloyd, ‘‘We give mission (Chair), the Redwood Empire Associa- MP . . . had to work four hours on and four our time and talent out of love for the music tion, the North Coast Air Pollution Control Dis- hours off for seven days a week for 31 days. and belief that the gift of beautiful music is And we ended up in India.’’ trict, the North Coastal Counties Supervisors’ The boat pulled into a harbor with a large nurturing for the community.’’ Association, the Public Policy Facilitating sign supported on two columns, reading The program on the Chinese tour will cele- Committee, the Sonoma County Advertising ‘‘Gateway to India.’’ They had landed in brate our cultural connections by including Program, the Sonoma County Indian Gaming Bombay. American, Chinese, and European music. Local Community Benefit Program and the As- Ferry was put onto a train and traveled for Music Director Gabriel Sakakeeny will lead the sociation of California Water Agencies (Presi- a week until he arrived at his post—a build- orchestra, and featured soloists will be dent). ing that, putting it lightly, was a rather safe Sonoma State University piano professor place to be stationed. Madam Speaker, after 16 years of public ‘‘We went to a building that was inside of Marilyn Thompson and French violinist Solenn service to the people of Sonoma, Paul Kelley a compound that had about a 10 foot wall Seguillon. deserves to enjoy the riches of this new phase around us,’’ he said. ‘‘We worked behind ‘‘This is an incredible opportunity for Amer- of his life as a water and transportation con- locked doors and we had to decode and en- ican Philharmonic.’’ says Maestro Sakakeeny. sultant. We wish him well. code incoming messages and outgoing mes- ‘‘It is such an honor to be invited to perform sages to the headquarters.’’ f in the Carnegie halls of China, and we are The work was interesting, however the cli- looking forward to sharing our music and rep- TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM FERRY mate was hot. Ferry said it took him six months just to get used to the heat. Then resenting our country to the Chinese people. came the monsoons. It’s going to be an amazing tour.’’ HON. TOM LATHAM ‘‘They blew the roof off of our barracks one Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor the OF IOWA night, which was made out of grass,’’ he said. American Philharmonic-Sonoma County on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘I never heard it rain so hard than down the eve of a major tour that will share our local there when that monsoon hit. It really treasure with the people of China. Thursday, November 18, 2010 rained.’’ f Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- Ferry recalls one night that he was work- ognize William Ferry, a World War II Army vet- ing alone at the compound, decoding a mes- A TRIBUTE TO DR. LESTER eran from Boone, Iowa, and to express my ap- sage that had come in while a general paced CARTER back and forth behind him. Ferry wasn’t preciation for his dedication and commitment sure what he was there for, but he decoded to his country. the message, and watched the general grab it HON. GWEN MOORE The Boone News Republican is currently and take off. He found out the next day that OF the message he had decoded was the one giv- running a series of articles that honors one IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Boone County veteran every Tuesday from ing the orders to bomb Hiroshima. Memorial Day to Veterans Day. William Ferry Heading back to the United States fol- Thursday, November 18, 2010 was recognized on Tuesday, October 5. Below lowing his time overseas, Ferry recalls arriv- Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin. Madam Speak- ing in Miami and the feeling of relief to be is the article in its entirety: back in his country. er, I rise today to congratulate Dr. Lester Cart, BOONE COUNTY VETERANS: WILLIAM FERRY ‘‘I got back to Miami, got down and kissed recipient of the James Baker Award from the (By Greg Eckstrom) the ground,’’ he said. Milwaukee Community Brainstorming Con- William Ferry joined the Army, along with Returning, arguably as a big shot, Ferry ference (CBC). The CBC was established to his cousin, for pretty much the usual rea- fondly recalls his time in the service, noting inform the community about a range of facts, sons. his favorite part as being the opportunity to issues, and solutions that relate to the well- ‘‘My cousin and I, we were going to be big travel. ‘‘Just seeing the world,’’ he said. being of the African American community. The shots,’’ Ferry said with a laugh. forum offers a venue for interaction between I commend William Ferry for his many years In many ways, Ferry was. policy makers and the community and an op- Originally from Pilot Mound, and return- of loyalty and service to our great nation. It is portunity for the community to express their ing to Boone after World War II, where he an immense honor to represent him in the lived at the same address his whole life, needs and expectations. United States Congress, and I wish him all the Dr. Carter has been the owner and phar- Ferry entered his military career by volun- best in his future endeavors. teering rather than being drafted. macist of Carter’s Drug Store for over 43 ‘‘My cousin and I decided to join the Army f years and is located in the heart of the inner and see the world, so we went down and HONORING AMERICAN city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He provides a joined the Army,’’ he said. ‘‘Well, that’s the PHILHARMONIC-SONOMA COUNTY holistic approach to his services, distributing a last I’d seen of him for three years.’’ combination of standard pharmaceuticals and Ferry, although speaking in a serious voice, seemed to put a lighter spin on his HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY natural remedies to his clients. Dr. Carter is an expert on herbology and pharmacognosy military experience than some. In recalling OF CALIFORNIA which is the study of medicines derived from his basic training at Spokane, Wash., Ferry IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES remembers learning how to type. natural sources. In fact, he has developed ‘‘They asked if I could type,’’ he said. ‘‘And Thursday, November 18, 2010 special trademarked ointments, solutions and they gave me a book and said, ‘Here, you’ve Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise with compounds available only at his pharmacy. In- got a week to learn.’ They give me a book pleasure today to celebrate the American Phil- dividuals from the entire metro Milwaukee and let me go.’’ The definition of self-taught. Ferry breezed harmonic-Sonoma County which has been area and throughout the country, from all na- through the book and learned to use a type- honored with an invitation from the govern- tionalities swear by and purchase his writer, admittedly saying that fortunately ment of China and the Dalian Yuan Concert formularies. he didn’t have to learn how to type ex- Production Company to tour northern China Dr. Carter graduated from Creighton Univer- tremely quickly. over this coming New Year’s holiday. sity’s School of Pharmacy and Allied Health

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.012 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 Professions in 1958; he was the only African whole. His unstinting dedication and innovative appreciation for his dedication and commit- American in his graduating class. After grad- teaching have touched the lives of many ment to his country. uation, Dr. Carter worked for a pharmacy in Americans and his dedication will be remem- The Boone News Republican is currently his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska formu- bered for years to come. I ask all of my col- running a series of articles that honors one lating pills and ointments at the back of the leagues to join with me, and the people of Boone County veteran every Tuesday from store. There he honed skills he would later Connecticut, in thanking Captain Vincent Wil- Memorial Day to Veterans Day. Ken Barkwill use to create his own medicines because the czynski for educating a generation of engi- was recognized on Tuesday, November 2. owner was afraid to allow him to serve white neers and acting as an example to so many. Below is the article in its entirety: customers at the front of the store. In 1967, he f [From the Boone News Republican, Nov. 2, moved to Wisconsin and six months later he 2010] opened his own pharmacy. IN TRIBUTE TO HARRISON BOONE COUNTY VETERANS: KEN BARKWILL Dr. Carter’s interests and impact reaches far INDUSTRIES (By Greg Eckstrom) beyond just filling prescriptions. He is very Ken Barkwill found himself in World War much aware of the health disparities facing Af- HON. ELTON GALLEGLY II as a result of his love of model planes and rican Americans and has used his extensive OF CALIFORNIA trains. Not in a literal sense, mind you. It’s likely knowledge to help the community with health IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES care problems ranging from healthy eating that Barkwill would have been drafted into a Thursday, November 18, 2010 branch of the military during WWII and habits to diabetes. In fact, Dr. Carter is a cer- Mr. GALLEGLY. Madam Speaker, I rise in called to serve his country, but this love of tified diabetes educator and stocks his phar- building models—a seemingly insignificant macy with books about diet and herbology, old tribute to Harrison Industries, which is being interest—set in motion a series of events fashioned mouthwash, ointments and soaps. recognized by the Ventura County Council, that guided him through an intriguing life Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues of Boy Scouts of America, as Ventura County’s thus far, and one that was guided by these the 111th Congress to join me in congratu- Distinguished Citizen for 2010. interests. lating Dr. Lester Carter on receiving the Harrison Industries is one of the oldest and Originally from Marion, this love of build- James Baker Award. Dr. Lester Carter con- largest privately owned trash collection busi- ing models led a young Barkwill to a job at the local airport as a youth. As part of his tinues to provide immeasurable support and nesses in the United States. It provides resi- dential, commercial and industrial services to pay, he received instruction at the airport care to the African American Community and and did some flying. He was hooked. the Greater Milwaukee Community at large. I about 80,000 customers in Ventura, Camarillo, ‘‘That’s why I wound up in the Air Force,’’ am proud that Dr. Carter is a resident of the Fillmore, Ojai, Santa Paula, Thousand Oaks, he said. ‘‘Back in ’43, there was a draft and 4th Congressional District and applaud his life- the surrounding unincorporated areas of Ven- I was going to be drafted. I’d been in the civil time of accomplishments and success. tura County and Carpinteria. In addition, Har- air patrol in high school. If you wanted to, you could go sign up ahead of time, and I f rison-owned Gold Coast Recycling processes and markets the curbside recyclables for wanted to go into the Air Force, so I went in IN HONOR OF CAPTAIN VINCENT Santa Barbara County. April and signed up to go into the Air Force WILCZYNSKI UPON HIS RETIRE- E.J. Harrison and Sons was founded in and finally got called up in September.’’ MENT AS CHIEF OF THE ME- Barkwill took his training at Keesler Air 1932. E.J. died in 1991 but his wife, Myra, re- Force Base in Mississippi. The training was, CHANICAL ENGINEERING SEC- mains with the company as founder. Four gen- in a word, ‘‘sandy.’’ TION OF THE COAST GUARD erations of Harrison family members are in- ‘‘All I could think of was sand all over the ACADEMY volved in the day-to-day operations of the place,’’ Barkwill said. ‘‘Hot and sandy.’’ company. Myra’s oldest son, Ralph, is presi- After getting through basic training, HON. JOE COURTNEY dent while her other sons, Jim and Myron, Barkwill went to college for five months at serve as vice presidents. the University of Alabama before going to OF CONNECTICUT Texas where he worked on the line with guys IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Harrison Industries is on the forefront of the waiting to get into school at Randolph Field recycling movement in California. In addition, Thursday, November 18, 2010 in San Antonio. From there, Barkwill was Harrison Industries opened the first liquefied sent to armament school in Denver, where Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise natural gas fueling station in western Ventura after learning from others for his entire today to honor CAPT Vincent Wilczynski. I County and converted a significant number of military career was given a strange offer want to commend Captain Wilczynski for his its diesel trucks to run on the cleaner burning from one of his instructors. long and distinguished career as he retires as LNG. ‘‘Barkwill,’’ he recalled the teacher asking. the Chief of the Mechanical Engineering Sec- ‘‘How would you like to stay in Denver?’’ Harrison Industries has won many awards in He was offered a job as an instructor, after tion of the Coast Guard Academy. recognition of its financial support of local non- being identified as a ‘‘high achiever’’ along Captain Wilczynski has served as a vision- profit organizations and community cultural with two other individuals. Having a ary leader at the United States Coast Guard events. The company has been particularly girlfriend in Denver at the time, the decision Academy. He received the national Professor generous to organizations that help children was not difficult . . . especially for someone of the Year award in 2001 and has worked ex- such as the Boy Scouts of America. E.J. was with a love of airplanes. tensively at FIRST Robotics, a non-profit orga- a Pack leader for several years and taught his ‘‘That was an interesting stint,’’ he said. nization that motivates young people to pursue sons the traditions and expectations of the ‘‘We got B–17s in there. We didn’t have a careers in science, technology and engineer- plane with a chin turret on it. One day they Boy Scouts. E.J.’s sons continue the Harrison come in and belly-landed a B–17 and we ing. Before assuming his current position at family tradition of supporting the Boy Scouts. wound up with that one to teach the chin Yale, Captain Wilczynski cultivated and led the Madam Speaker, I know my colleagues join turret on, because it didn’t wipe it clear out. Mechanical Engineering Section as a Faculty me in paying tribute to Harrison Industries for And then, B–29s were just out when I was Member and Chief of the Mechanical Engi- its business leadership, community service, there. We got some through there, too, and neering Section. He was also Head of the En- deep commitment to public service and for ex- got to teach armament on them.’’ gineering Department. emplifying the values found in the Scout Oath Barkwill worked as an instructor from De- A 1983 USCGA graduate, Captain Wilczyn- and Law, and in congratulating the Harrison cember of 1944 to July of 1945, when he was ski earned a graduate degree from the Massa- sent to a replacement depot in the Phil- family for this well-earned recognition. ippines. chusetts Institute of Technology and a doc- f Upon arrival, Barkwill recalled a great torate from Catholic University. Captain Wil- deal of uncertainty. The depot was a jumping czynski’s many accolades include the 2003 TRIBUTE TO KEN BARKWILL off point, and all he could do was wait for his American Society of Mechanical Engineers, orders, which came one day in the form of a ASME, Distinguished Service Award, the 2005 HON. TOM LATHAM simple phrase: ‘‘Get your gear together, you’re shipping out.’’ ASME Edwin C. Church Medal for national OF IOWA He got on a truck and was transported contributions in engineering outreach and he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was awarded a prestigious American Council down the road a few miles. Barkwill un- Thursday, November 18, 2010 loaded in a new camp with some others be- on Education Fellowship in 2006. fore being given his orders. Captain Wilczynski’s outreach and leader- Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- ‘‘There were several of us pulled out of the ship have been invaluable to the USCGA, to ognize Ken Barkwill, a World War II Air Force depot and moved down the road a ways to an Yale and to the Connecticut community as a veteran from Boone, Iowa, and to express my outfit called recovered personnel,’’ he said.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.014 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1967 ‘‘And we were supposed to go in behind the hobby managed to lead him into the mili- have demonstrated the highest levels of aca- first wave of troops in to Japan and evacuate tary, it also brought him to the Boone & demic achievement by supporting this resolu- POWs.’’ Scenic Valley Rail Road in 1983, where he tion. Fortunately, the cover of the first wave of joined the Boone Railroad Historical Society troops was not needed, as the two atomic and designed and oversaw the construction f bombs were dropped on Japan, effectively of the depot for the new railroad. His reason RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- ending the war. for doing so? Model trains. TIONS OF MAYOR LEN AUGUS- The war was over, but Barkwill’s duties on It’s amazing where a love for a simple the recovered personnel outfit were still hobby can take you, and the stories that fol- TINE TO THE CITY OF needed, and he was sent to POW camps in low as a result. VACAVILLE, CALIFORNIA Japan to look for soldiers, check out graves I commend Ken Barkwill for his many years for information and report back. of loyalty and service to our great nation. It is HON. GEORGE MILLER ‘‘It was interesting work,’’ he said. OF CALIFORNIA From there, Barkwill was sent to a dif- an immense honor to represent him in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ferent unit—this one in Cebu City in the United States Congress, and I wish him all the Phillipines—for some more interesting work. best in his future endeavors. Thursday, November 18, 2010 He was to investigate claims that the Fili- f Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Madam pinos made in regards to G.I.s’ stealing Speaker, I rise today and invite my colleagues items. CONGRATULATING NATIONAL ‘‘It was interesting,’’ he said. ‘‘They come SPELLING BEE CHAMPION, FI- to join me in recognizing one of my constitu- in to our office. We set up an office down in NALISTS, AND PARTICIPANTS ents, Vacaville Mayor Len Augustine, who is Cebu City, and they come in and file applica- retiring after a lifetime of public service, having tions with their claims. We had a bunch of SPEECH OF served in the military for 28 years followed by Filipinos working for us, and they’d fill out serving the City of Vacaville for 18 years. their forms for them, and then we’d have to HON. EARL POMEROY Colonel (Ret.) Len go out and investigate. Try to figure out OF NORTH DAKOTA Augustine is a Vietnam veteran who served in whether they were legitimate or not. That IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a number of important command and staff po- was fun.’’ Tuesday, November 16, 2010 sitions during his military career, including as- Everything from stolen chickens, cows and bicycles was investigated, as best he could, Mr. POMEROY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in signments in the Pentagon, Australia, Ger- by Barkwill and his men. He was there for support of House Resolution 1494. many, and at Travis Air Force Base in Cali- only about a month before finally coming Our nation’s future rests on the shoulders of fornia where he commanded a C–141 flying home in February of 1946. our youth, and the exceptional dedication and squadron. He completed his 28-year military For Barkwill, his military experience, intelligence displayed by all of the students career as Commander of the 89th Airlift Wing while not always pleasant, was beneficial. who took part in the 84th Scripps National at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, ‘‘I . . . can’t say I enjoyed it, but it was Spelling Bee earlier this year gives me great DC, where his unit was responsible for Air something I’ll never forget,’’ he said. ‘‘It was Force One. Len is a veteran pilot, having . . . an education. Quite an education. To confidence that our future will be a bright one. this day, I don’t think it hurts anyone to As the largest and longest-miming edu- flown a variety of military aircraft including the spend some time in the military. I feel it’s cational promotion in the United States, this Learjet C–21, Gulfstream III, C–141, C–123 quite an enlightening education.’’ year’s Scripps National Spelling Bee brought and KC–97 and also UH–I helicopters. That experience is also one that is not easy together 273 spellers from all over the United As mayor of Vacaville, Len saw many major to share with a stranger. Barkwill said that States and across the world. The rigorous projects through to completion. Most notably it’s a difficult topic for many veterans to preparation and diligence required by these among these are the development and expan- share, with even their own families. sion of the region’s biotech industry with ‘‘I’ve enjoyed talking to a lot of old guys students to compete at this international level is truly incredible. Genentech, Alza, and Novartis; the expansion like myself around,’’ he said. ‘‘We’ve talked of Genentech, which made its Vacaville plant about things that happened. You get to talk- I would specifically like to recognize ing about what happened here and there, and Shantanu Srivatsa, a student at Cheney Mid- the world’s largest bio-manufacturing facility; you talk about things you haven’t thought dle School in West Fargo, North Dakota, for the expansion of the Kaiser Medical Center about for years and things you never told tying for second place in this competition. This and development of the Kaiser Hospital; and your kids. My daughter from Colorado, it was Shantanu’s third consecutive appearance the revitalization of Vacaville’s Historic Down- was just a couple of years ago, found out a at the Spelling Bee, and I was impressed to town, including the Creekwalk Plaza, down- little bit about my military history. She was learn that his favorite subject in school is in town library, and the popular Town Square in asking me questions and so I sat down and the heart of town, a concept Len brought told her a little bit about what had hap- fact mathematics, and that in addition to his participation in the spelling bee, he also rep- home from a visit to Poland. pened. It was interesting overseas to see During his tenure as mayor, the city moved what the Japanese had done, what they were resents his school at regional and state math- doing and how they had dug in. They were ematics competitions. forward on the redevelopment of the Nut Tree there forever. They found some of them in When reviewing the words Shantanu cor- property, creating much needed economic recent years still living in the hills still rectly spelled to make it to the highest levels growth for the region. Len also worked on the thinking the war is on.’’ of the competition, I am astounded by his State Compensation Insurance Fund office It’s also interesting, he said, how your command of the English language. Though I project and entitlements for Lagoon Valley, memories work. Barkwill’s wife, Mary, joked represent a state with a large sugar beet in- and he was instrumental in securing funding that he could remember his time in the mili- for the Leisure Town Road Overcrossing. His tary with such clarity, yet he doesn’t re- dustry, I must admit that I did not know that member what he did yesterday. a cossette was part of the sugar refining proc- work on the Vacaville Strategic Plan process ‘‘Yeah, some of it comes back, Mary,’’ he ess—and I certainly did not know how to spell will continue to direct development and growth laughed. ‘‘It’s amazing how your memory it. Thanks to Shantanu, I now know that it is for generations. works.’’ cossette, C-O-S-S-E-T-T-E. In addition to Len’s work on behalf of the Many of the memories came to Barkwill Lest this example lead one to suspect that City of Vacaville, his many professional mem- without any trouble as he recalled specific Shantanu’s vocabulary was limited to the geo- berships include the League of California Cit- incidents. Being caught in a typhoon in graphically proximate—his correct spelling of ies (Member and two-term Chair of Employee Japan, finding a place for a haircut and a Relations Policy Committee), North Bay Divi- shave over there, and most of all arriving schlieren, that would be S-C-H-L-I-E-R-E-N, back in the United States after serving. clearly demonstrates that the breadth of his sion of the League of California Cities (past ‘‘Anybody that goes into the military, you knowledge includes subjects, or more pre- president), Association of Bay Area Govern- get what you can out of it,’’ he said. ‘‘You go cisely substances, that would be exceedingly ments (Executive Committee), Capitol Corridor and serve your time and hope that you get rare in North Dakota due to the geologic his- Joint Powers Authority (member), Solano home. I tell you, that’s a thrill. When you tory of the northern Great Plains. Local Agency Formation Commission (mem- get on a ship and come back under the Gold- Students like Shantanu and all of the other ber), Solano Economic Development Corpora- en Gate Bridge and see that bridge up there participants in this competition not only rep- tion (member), Solano County Mayor’s Con- and see that harbor and that ship pulls up to ference (past chairman), Travis Regional the dock and you know you’re back on terra resent the best students in our nation, but also firma in the United States. That was very, exemplify the ideals of hard work, dedication, Armed Forces Committee (past Chair), Solano very exciting for me.’’ and poise that are an inspiration to us all. Transportation Authority (past Chair), Solano For Barkwill, it all started with a young Please join me in supporting all of the County Water Agency (past Chair), Yolo-So- man building models . . . and after the Scripps National Spelling Bee participants who lano Air Quality Management Board (member),

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:28 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.005 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 Vacaville Sunrise Rotary Club (past Presi- communism. Of course there is work left to do TRIBUTE TO KEE HIGH SCHOOL dent), Friends of Vacaville Schools Committee but, according to polling data from an inde- (as past Chair he led the effort to pass a $100 pendent firm hired by the U.S. Embassy in HON. TOM LATHAM million bond measure), Airport Land Use Com- Kazakhstan during the Bush administration, 90 OF IOWA percent of the people of Kazakhstan support mission/Solano County Aviation Advisory IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee (member), Vacaville-Dixon Green- President Nazarbayev and are pleased with belt Authority (member), and the Vacaville- the work he is doing and more than 63 per- Thursday, November 18, 2010 Fairfield-Solano Greenbelt Authority (member). cent of the people of Kazakhstan have a fa- Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today As Mayor Len Augustine retires, I am de- vorable opinion of the United States. to recognize the excellence in education in the lighted to have this opportunity to thank him Since 9/11 and regarding U.S. coalition op- Fourth Congressional District of Iowa, and to both for his outstanding service to our country erations in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan has al- specifically congratulate Kee High School in and for his tireless work on behalf of the resi- lowed overflight and transshipment to assist Lansing, Iowa, for making the list of the 2010 dents of Vacaville. His dedication to improving U.S. efforts. U.S.-Kazakh accords were signed Blue Ribbon Schools. our quality of life has made a decided dif- in 2002 on the emergency use of The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors ference for all. I join with my colleagues along Kazakhstan’s Almaty airport and on other mili- public and private elementary, middle and high with his wife Sue, his children and grand- tary-to-military relations. The Kazakh legisla- schools that are either academically superior children, as well as his extended family and ture approved sending military engineers to or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student friends, in wishing Len a long, happy, and Iraq in May 2003 and, in his April 2010 meet- achievement. Kee High School scored in the well-deserved retirement. ing with President Obama, President top ten percent in Iowa with at least 40 per- Nazarbayev agreed to facilitate U.S. military f cent of their students from disadvantaged air flights along a new trans-polar route that backgrounds improving their performance on COMMENDING PRESIDENT NUR- transits Kazakhstan to Afghanistan. state assessments or nationally-normed tests. Now Kazakhstan is the first post-Soviet, first SULTAN NAZARBAYEV FOR OR- I consider it a great honor to represent Kee predominantly Muslim, and the first Central GANIZING THE OSCE ASTANA High School Principal Patrick Heiderscheit, the Asian nation to serve in the top leadership role SUMMIT teachers, students, school board members of the OSCE, an organization known for pro- and administrators of Eastern Allamakee Com- moting democracy, human rights and the rule HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA munity Schools in the United States Congress. of law. As Chair of the OSCE, Kazakhstan will OF AMERICAN SAMOA I wish Kee High School continued academic also host the Astana Summit. The Astana excellence as they provide a positive impact IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Summit, like Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship of on future generations to come. Thursday, November 18, 2010 the OSCE, is historic. Earlier this year, my col- f Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I leagues and I also spearheaded an effort call- rise today to commend President Nursultan ing upon the U.S. to stand with Kazakhstan in IN RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL Nazarbayev for organizing the OSCE Astana support of an OSCE Summit, and I express ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AWARE- Summit which will be held December 1–2, my thanks to the Obama administration, and NESS MONTH 2010. especially to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary In 2007, under the Bush administration, my Clinton and Assistant Secretary of State for HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH colleagues and I spearheaded an effort in South and Central Asian Affairs Robert O. Blake, who are expected to represent the U.S. OF NEW JERSEY Congress calling upon the U.S. to support IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kazakhstan’s bid to chair the Organization for at the Summit. Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The Astana Summit has been organized at Thursday, November 18, 2010 the initiative of President Nazarbayev and will Recognizing, as David Wilshire, Head of the Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, be the first OSCE meeting of Heads of State delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of today, I had the honor to speak at a briefing to take place in more than a decade. It has the Council of Europe, noted, that ‘‘building a on Alzheimer’s disease and the important been 11 years since the OSCE held a security democracy is a long and hard task,’’ we felt work of the National Institute on Aging (NIA), summit and the world has changed drastically that the U.S. could and should offer a gesture National Institutes of Health, in providing lead- since then as a direct result of 9/11. While I of goodwill by assisting Kazakhstan in its bid ership on research and treatments for patients have serious reservations about U.S. involve- to chair the OSCE, considering that with Alzheimer’s. In addition to the NIA, the ment in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan aims to use Kazakhstan voluntarily worked with the U.S. Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, Alliance the OSCE Chair and Summit to press for a under the auspices of the Nunn-Lugar pro- for Aging Research, Leaders Engaged on Alz- resolution to the conflict in Afghanistan and for gram to dismantle the world’s fourth largest this reason I am pleased that the United heimer’s Disease, USAgainst Alzheimer’s, and nuclear arsenal and shut down the world’s States is supporting the Astana Summit. the National Collaborative on Aging partici- second largest test site. Given the serious importance of the Summit pated in the briefing. From 1949 to 1991, the Soviet Union con- to U.S. efforts in Afghanistan, it is my hope November is National Alzheimer’s Disease ducted nearly 500 nuclear tests in that President Obama will attend. His pres- Awareness Month, and the briefing today pro- Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, and exposed ence will send the right signal to our allies in vided an important contribution to increasing more than 1.5 million Kazakhs to nuclear radi- Central Asia who are also putting their lives on awareness in Congress. I fondly recall that ation. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the line for us. President Ronald Reagan designated the first President Nursultan Nazarbayev was among Central Asian countries, and especially National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness the first to recognize and neutralize the dan- Kazakhstan, provide support for U.S. and week in 1982, 12 years before he announced gerous threat posed by the nuclear arsenal NATO operations in Afghanistan and without that he had been diagnosed with the disease. Kazakhstan inherited and, as a result of his their assistance we would have no hope for Alzheimer’s disease is now the seventh initiative, Kazakhstan in cooperation with the success. But I hope that our partnership will leading cause of death in the United States. U.S. dismantled a nuclear arsenal which was extend past the war in Afghanistan in both Estimates vary, but it is believed that over 5 larger than the combined nuclear arsenals of breadth and depth. For over 100 years, the million individuals have Alzheimer’s and some- Great Britain, France and China. people of Central Asia have lived without one new develops the disease every 70 sec- President Nazarbayev’s decision to dis- basic freedoms and, in my meetings with the onds. One in eight persons over 65 and nearly mantle changed the course of modern history, people and leaders of these countries, they, half of those over 85 has Alzheimer’s. In my and I am pleased that the U.S. finally sup- like us, want to continue their march towards own state of New Jersey, 150,000 residents ported Kazakhstan’s OSCE bid for 2010. democracy and this is why I commend Presi- are suffering from Alzheimer’s. While there will always be critics intent on set- dent Nazarbayev for providing the stability With the aging of the 78 million American ting Kazakhstan back in its attempt to move necessary to push freedom forward. baby-boomers, by 2050, 16 million will have the OSCE forward, all 56 member States Once more, I commend Kazakhstan for the disease if advances are not made to pre- unanimously voted in favor of Kazakhstan’s hosting the Astana Summit and I applaud the vent it. chairmanship. 56 nations that will participate to demonstrate In 2009, 11 million family caregivers pro- I believe they did so in recognition of the to the world that the OSCE is relevant, essen- vided the equivalent of $144 billion in care. bold steps President Nazarbayev has taken to tial and committed to responding to common And Alzheimer’s costs to Medicare and Med- bring Kazakhstan out from under the yoke of security threats. icaid last year were $123 billion.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.018 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1969 When I was first elected to Congress in care and outcomes for Americans living with been part of the program, and more than 65 1980, diagnosis of Alzheimer’s was about the disease. The HOPE Act aims to increase of them have been afforded an opportunity to three million cases, and the National Institutes detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dis- attend college and play baseball. One former of Health (NIH) invested only $13 million in ease and other dementias and provide ac- player, Drew Miller provided the following testi- Alzheimer’s research. This year, NIH will in- cess, information and support for newly diag- mony regarding his mentor, ‘‘coach, leader, vest $469 million in baseline funding for Alz- nosed patients and their families. genuine, role model, giving, caring, friend and heimer’s research. While we have made The Alzheimer’s Breakthrough Act (H.R. now cancer are all words that come to mind progress in federal support, we know that 3286 which was introduced in July 2009 and when the name Dusty Rhodes is brought up.’’ much more needs to be done to conquer this has 136 cosponsors, authorizes the necessary Madam Speaker, I ask you and our col- terrible disease. resources to restore momentum in the pursuit leagues to join me in honoring the tremendous In 1999, I joined Congressman MARKEY in of better diagnosis, prevention and treatment. contributions of this remarkable community founding the Congressional Task Force on Advances and progress in the various areas of leader. Dusty Rhodes’ commitment to helping Alzheimer’s to help increase congressional Alzheimer research have the potential to save young men through baseball grows from his awareness and legislative efforts relative to millions of lives and save hundreds of billions Christian faith, his love of young people, and Alzheimer’s. The Task Force which now in- of dollars. his love of the game of baseball. Now he cludes 158 Members of the House of Rep- Also, earlier this year we sent a letter, along faces personal health challenges, but his re- resentatives, hosts briefings and forums for with House and Senate colleagues, to Depart- markable legacy is etched in his devotion to Members of Congress and their staffs and ment of Health and Human Services (DHHS) making the lives of young people better. works closely with the Alzheimer’s Foundation Secretary Sebelius to have Alzheimer’s and f of America and the Alzheimer’s Association, other dementias included in the Healthy Peo- INTRODUCING THE TARGETED TAX which has a New Jersey affiliate. ple 2020 initiative. The Healthy People initia- LIEN ACT OF 2010 We are working here in the House and with tive provides 10-year national objectives for our colleagues in the Senate to pass this year promoting health and preventing disease. The National Alzheimer’s Project Act ( or I am gratified to work alongside Congress- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS OF FLORIDA NAPA), legislation designed to better coordi- man MARKEY and the other members of the bi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nate research and clinical programs dealing partisan Congressional Task Force on Alz- with Alzheimer’s disease all across the federal heimer’s Disease to address this oncoming Thursday, November 18, 2010 bureaucratic spectrum. NAPA currently has public health tsunami—and hopefully to see Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, 109 cosponsors. prevention and a cure before it totally over- I rise today to introduce the Targeted Tax Lien As I mentioned earlier, by 2050, nearly 16 whelms our nation’s health care resources. Act of 2010. While a notice of a federal tax million Americans will have Alzheimer’s, yet f lien can be an effective tax collection tool, the there is no national plan to deal with this automatic filing process currently utilized by looming crisis. The National Alzheimer’s TRIBUTE TO CHARLES F. ‘‘DUSTY’’ the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) too often Project Act (NAPA), which has been modified RHODES allows for erroneous and unnecessary filings. since its introduction in February of this year, A public filing of a notice of federal tax lien establishes in the Office of the Secretary of HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN often does little to increase the likelihood of HHS a National Alzheimer’s Project. It also will OF SOUTH CAROLINA collecting the tax liability, yet can impact a tax- establish an inter-agency advisory council to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES payer’s credit and ability to obtain financing, advise the Secretary of HHS and address the Thursday, November 18, 2010 find or retain a job, secure affordable housing government’s efforts on Alzheimer’s research, or insurance and ultimately, the taxpayer’s care, institutional services, and home- and Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I rise ability to pay the balance. This legislation will community-based programs. today to pay tribute to a South Carolinian, who provide the IRS with the means to ensure that The Alzheimer’s Project will create and has dedicated his life to motivating young men a notice of a federal tax lien is filed only when maintain an integrated national plan to over- through baseball. Charles F. ‘‘Dusty’’ Rhodes it would be in the best interest of both the IRS come Alzheimer’s; accelerate the development is the founder of the South Carolina Storm and taxpayer. of treatments that would prevent, halt, or re- travel baseball team in Charleston, and he has The Targeted Tax Lien Act of 2010 ends the verse the course of Alzheimer’s; help to co- changed the lives of numerous young men IRS’s current one-size-fits-all lien filing policies ordinate the health care and treatment of citi- through the program. that, in the IRS Taxpayer Advocate’s own zens with Alzheimer’s; ensure that ethnic and In 2002, Dusty Rhodes saw a need to help words, ‘‘circumvent the spirit of the law, fail to racial populations—who are at higher risk for boys in the Charleston area pursue a college promote future tax compliance, and unneces- Alzheimer’s and least likely to receive care— education through baseball. He began the sarily harm taxpayers.’’ The bill requires an are included in clinical, research, and service Charleston Storm travel baseball program with IRS supervisor to review and make an affirma- efforts; coordinate with international bodies to the founding principles of ‘‘attitude, academics, tive, specific finding on a case-by-case basis integrate and inform the fight against Alz- and baseball.’’ Attitude was stressed by teach- that a lien is warranted and not disproportion- heimer’s globally; and provide information and ing players how to play baseball with respect ately harmful to the taxpayer. The bill provides coordination of Alzheimer’s research and serv- for themselves, coaches, fellow and opposing a list of factors to consider, such as the ices across all Federal agencies. players, umpires, and the game itself. Aca- amount due, the value of the property, a tax- I would like to commend the Alzheimer’s demics were stressed because many more payer’s compliance history, and extenuating Foundation and the Alzheimer’s Association scholarships are available to those who excel circumstances. for their work and support to advance this leg- in academics than those who excel in base- Furthermore, the IRS’s ability to collect tax islation. As you know, such strong advocacy ball. The players had their grades checked, liabilities will not diminish under these new often makes the difference in pushing legisla- and the message was instilled that baseball policies. A recent IRS National Taxpayer Ad- tion over the finish line. While I am extremely would only last a few years, but a quality edu- vocate study suggests that in most instances disappointed that the Senate HELP Committee cation would serve a young person for the rest where the source of payment of a tax debt to cancelled their mark-up yesterday that was to of his life. The fundamentals of baseball were the IRS is specified, more than 95 percent of include NAPA, we will work with them to try to taught by coaches who had the ability to teach all payments and more than 80 percent of all ensure that it is marked-up and passed this young men the correct way to play the game, revenue collected did not result from a notice year. in addition to upholding the attitude and aca- of lien filing and would have been collected In addition to introducing and fighting to demic goals. even without the filing. Additionally, a separate pass NAPA, Rep. MARKEY and I have intro- Playing on a travel baseball team did have analysis performed by the Advocate shows duced two other major bills focusing on Alz- its financial cost. However, the boys were that only about five percent of all payment heimer’s: never denied the opportunity to play due to transactions and approximately twenty percent On July 29, 2010, we introduced the HOPE family financial hardship. Often Dusty and his of the total dollars collected from these tax- for Alzheimer’s: Health Outcomes, Planning wife, Kelly, supported the players out of their payers are attributable to federal tax liens. and Education Act (H.R. 5926). The bill would own pockets. These results suggest that the IRS’s current provide for Medicare coverage of comprehen- In the eight years since its inception, the use of liens may not be furthering revenue col- sive Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia team has evolved into the South Carolina lection despite the impact liens have on tax- diagnoses and services in order to improve Storm. Several hundred young men have payers and their credit.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.020 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 Madam Speaker, the current automatic filing Recovery Resources was founded 55 years troit. Also that year, his paper, ‘‘K–12 Summer process can often result in the filing of a no- ago by two caring and dedicated individuals, Engineering Outreach Programs—Curriculum tice of federal tax lien when another collection Martha Baker and her husband, Dick Baker. Comparisons Between Ages, Minorities, and technique would have been more appropriate Recovery Resources helps people triumph Genders’’ was awarded Best Paper—PIC V at and effective. It should come as no surprise over mental illness, alcoholism, drug and other the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference. Addition- that the taxpayers most often impacted by an addictions in Northeast Ohio. The dedicated, ally, he is the recipient of a 2004–2005 and erroneous notice of a lien filing are small busi- compassionate, and professional staff at Re- 2005–2006 Kern Faculty Incentive Grants for nesses and middle class families. By making covery Resources delivers outpatient mental research with Turbine Technologies, Ltd, and sure the IRS uses the tax collection method health and substance abuse prevention and recipient of portions of the 2006 KEEN grant and strategy best suited to each particular tax- treatment programs in nine locations and and 2007 Chrysler Foundation grant. payer, the Targeted Tax Lien Act of 2010, not touches 13,000 clients annually in Cuyahoga I have seen first-hand the outstanding work only helps buttress these bedrocks of our County. that Lawrence Tech University is doing. In par- economy, but allows the IRS to avoid unnec- Treatment programs at Recovery Resources ticular, the University’s Center for Innovative essary expenses, ensuring it also can use its are based on several phases of assessment, Materials Research is doing state-of-the-art resources more efficiently. treatment and aftercare. The programs employ work in the area of advanced composite mate- I urge my colleagues to support this impor- evidence-based best practices, mental health rials. It is important to develop these cutting- tant legislation and reaffirm the commitment of and psychiatric services, individual and group edge technologies here in Michigan because Congress to small businesses and the middle counseling, intensive services for those with of our strong roots in research and develop- class. dual diagnoses, homeless services and case ment. f management. In addition to intensive indi- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join vidual therapy and education programs, Re- me in recognizing the achievements of Dr. An- TRIBUTE TO LEO THOMSEN covery Resources provides special services to drew Gerhart and to congratulate him on re- HIV/AIDS, Older Adults, Homeless, Women ceiving this well-deserved award. I am con- HON. TOM LATHAM and Families. fident Dr. Gerhart will continue in his success, OF IOWA Madam Speaker and Colleagues, please as he educates students to be the next lead- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES join me in honor and recognition of the found- ers in the field of engineering. ing members, staff and volunteers of the Re- Thursday, November 18, 2010 f covery Resources of Cleveland, Ohio. Their Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today unwavering dedication to lifting the lives of TRIBUTE TO CHARLES L. ‘‘CHUCK’’ to congratulate Leo Thomsen of Jefferson, thousands of individuals and families onto a ROGERS Iowa, on the celebration of his 100th birthday platform of safety, strength, and recovery on October 4, 2010. steady the foundation of hope and peace HON. MARY BONO MACK Leo was born on October 4, 1910, in throughout the entire community. OF CALIFORNIA Greene County, Iowa. He grew up in Paton, f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Iowa where he later became a farmer and Thursday, November 18, 2010 worked at a grain elevator. In 1940, Leo mar- RECOGNITION OF DR. ANDREW ried Bernice Anderson and they were together GERHART Mrs. BONO MACK. Madam Speaker, I rise until her death in 1988. They have two daugh- today to pay tribute to Charles L. ‘‘Chuck’’ ters, Mary and Judy; and have five grand- HON. SANDER M. LEVIN Rogers, a distinguished and honorable man children, Cesar, Tony, Marisa, Matt and Brad. OF MICHIGAN who made many selfless contributions to our Leo is currently residing at the Regency Park IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nation with his service to country in the United Nursing and Rehab Center in Jefferson, Iowa. States Army and throughout his remarkable Thursday, November 18, 2010 There have been many changes that have life. Mr. Rogers was the patriarch of a wonder- occurred during the past one hundred years. Mr. LEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ful family and someone I was honored to know Since Leo’s birth we have revolutionized air recognize Dr. Andrew Gerhart, Associate Pro- and call friend. Sadly, Mr. Rogers passed travel and walked on the moon. We have in- fessor of Mechanical Engineering at Lawrence away on October 29, 2010, at the age of 79 vented the television and the Internet. We Technological University in Southfield, Michi- surrounded by his beloved family in Pasa- have fought in wars overseas, seen the rise gan. dena, California. I ask all of my colleagues to and fall of Soviet communism and the birth of Dr. Gerhart has been named the 2010 join with me today in saluting this outstanding new democracies. Leo has lived through 18 Michigan Professor of the Year by the Car- American. United States presidents and 22 governors of negie Foundation for the Advancement of Mr. Rogers was born in San Diego in Octo- Iowa. In his lifetime, the population of the Teaching and the Council for Advancement ber of 1931. He graduated from San Diego United States has more than tripled. and Support of Education. More than 300 top High School in 1949, and went on to attend I know that my colleagues in the United professors in the United States were consid- UC Berkeley before transferring to Stanford States Congress join me in sending warm ered in this annual competition, which is the University where he received his A.B. Degree wishes to Leo on the milestone of his 100th only national program to recognize excellence in 1953. Mr. Rogers went on to serve in the birthday. I am extremely honored to represent in undergraduate teaching and mentoring. Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) of the United him in Congress, and I wish him happiness Dr. Gerhart received his Master’s degree States Army for two years, and then went on and health for many more years to come. from the University of Wyoming and his Ph.D. to attend Stanford Law School earning his f from the University of New Mexico in Albu- Juris Doctorate in 1957. querque, NM. After numerous highly success- While serving in the CIC, Mr. Rogers was IN HONOR OF THE 55TH ANNIVER- ful career endeavors, he began teaching at stationed on the East Coast where he met his SARY OF RECOVERY RESOURCES Lawrence Tech University in 2002 and has be- beloved wife, Marion Booth, a secondary come a remarkably active teacher and re- schoolteacher. In 1955, Charles and Marion HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH searcher. He is the director of the Thermal married in Hamden, Connecticut where they OF OHIO Science Laboratory and Aerodynamics Lab- began their lifelong partnership, and raising IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES oratory, Coordinator of the Certificate of En- their six children. ergy and Environmental Management Program Mr. Rogers will always be remembered for Thursday, November 18, 2010 and Aeronautical Engineering Minor/Certifi- his love of family, his endless generosity, his Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise cate, and Chair of the Leadership Curriculum ever-present sharp wit and sarcastic humor, today in honor of the founders, staff, volun- Implementation Committee. and his strength of character and personal in- teers and clients of Recovery Resources of During his tenure at Lawrence Techno- tegrity. A man of devotion, Mr. Rogers consist- Cleveland, Ohio, as they celebrate their fifty- logical University, Dr. Gerhart has received ently supported the Catholic Church and was fifth anniversary at the 20th Annual Bronze numerous awards and been nationally recog- appointed a Knight of the Order of the Holy Key Gala. Thousands of individuals and their nized for papers and presentations about im- Sepulchre. families, seeking to break free from the chains proving the educational process. In 2005, he Known for his mastery of impeccable writ- of drug and alcohol addiction have been was awarded the Outstanding Young Engineer ing, Mr. Rogers became a partner, and prac- helped by Recovery Resources. of the Year by the Engineering Society of De- ticed with the law firm of Lawler, Felix and Hall

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.022 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1971 in Los Angeles for most of his career. His I would like to give a special thanks to erty,’’ we must spare no effort to protect peo- most prominent matters related to the tele- Connie Whitfield and her husband Congress- ple of all faiths who oppose radical Islamic ex- communications industry. Mr. Rogers served man ED WHITFIELD, for all they have devoted tremists. Our vigilance in this regard must be on or chaired various Bar committees and also to Lex and the Lee family. Thanks to John perpetual and total. valued the camaraderie of his fellow members Burnam for all of his work and for bringing As Christians, we are taught that suffering of the Bar as a member of The Chancery Club Lex’s story to my attention three years ago. and disappointment can enlarge our hearts of Los Angeles. A big thank you goes to Dr. Lee Morgan of and make us more grateful for the blessings in The youngest of three brothers, Charles Georgetown Veterinary Hospital for performing our lives. In this season of thanksgiving, let us adored his brothers: Joseph W., the late Mi- the procedure. renew our gratitude for the brave men and chael C. and John F. ‘‘Jack’’. They stayed Contributions came from all over the country women overseas standing guard in defense of close throughout their lives and enjoyed their and I appreciate everyone who donated. A our freedom and taking the fight to the enemy. time together. dog handler currently stationed in Afghanistan f Charles is survived by Marion, his wife of sent a donation, which speaks to the impor- nearly 55 years; their six children, Pamela tance of these dogs and the appreciation our TRIBUTE TO AMANDA TERHARK Burton (John), David (Vicky), Albie, Marion service members have for them. Riley Campbell (Robin), Charles (Anne), and With that Madam Speaker, I close by asking HON. TOM LATHAM Sarah Krappman (Matthew); their 15 grand- God to please bless our men and women in OF IOWA children (Timothy, Nancy, Lisa, Sarah, Renee uniform, their families, and I ask God to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Michelle Burton; Ryan and Spencer Rog- please bless America. Thursday, November 18, 2010 ers; Liam Riley, Marion Riley Campbell and f Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today Eileen Riley Campbell; Brian and Thomas to recognize Amanda Terhark of Iowa Falls, Rogers; and Charles and Kevin Krappman); STATEMENT ON TERRORIST AT- Iowa, as the recipient of the Art Educators of two brothers, Joe and Jack, and numerous TACK AGAINST OUR LADY OF Iowa (AEI), 2010 Outstanding Middle School nieces and nephews. SALVATION CHURCH, BAGHDAD Mr. Rogers will be remembered by his dear Art Educator award for her dedication to her family and friends as a dedicated family man students and art. She accepted the award on HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER October 2, 2010, at the AEI conference in who rendered tireless service to those who OF OHIO Sioux City, Iowa. had the opportunity to associate with him. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I once again pay tribute to Amanda splits her time as an art teacher at this great American and family man. His life Thursday, November 18, 2010 Riverbend Middle School and Rock Run Ele- was a testament to patriotism and the impor- Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, I rise mentary School and has been teaching art for tance of family, and I am honored to speak on today to join the Obama Administration in con- seven years. This is her first teaching position his behalf today. I encourage my colleagues to demning the recent terrorist attack against Our and the first time she is getting recognized for join me in recognizing and celebrating the life Lady of Salvation Church in Baghdad, which her work. When Amanda found out she was nomi- of Mr. Charles Lightwood Rogers. left more than 60 dead and another 75 wound- nated for the award last summer, she asked f ed. In the most hideous of ways, we have been reminded of the enemy’s desire to seek Riverbend Middle School’s principal Jeff STEM CELL THERAPY FOR LEX, the death and destruction of anyone who op- Burchfield to write a letter of recommendation. THE MILITARY WORKING DOG poses its attempt to impose a pernicious In his letter, Mr. Burchfield praised her work worldview. both in the classroom and the community. He HON. WALTER B. JONES This attack occurred during Sunday Mass, wrote: ‘‘She has high expectations for student OF NORTH CAROLINA just as the congregation rose to recite, ‘‘Upon performance and behavior, yet her teaching IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this rock, I will build my church.’’ As a Catho- style is one of mutual respect and admiration . . . [Amanda] genuinely cares for the stu- Thursday, November 18, 2010 lic, as someone raised to cherish life and de- fend its sanctity, it is difficult to contemplate dents in her classroom, and this is evident in Mr. JONES. Madam Speaker, this week, the the way that she interacts with them and German Shepherd Lex, whose master Cor- the twisting of the human soul required to shatter that peace and commit such a sense- builds connections with them.’’ poral Dustin Lee was killed in Iraq in 2007, is Amanda has always put her students first. returning to Washington. less act. It’s even more difficult to summon the restraint required to ease the trembling such She was instrumental in starting an art club at The RPG that killed his master also injured Riverbend Middle School five years ago and in Lex by sending shrapnel into his back. Lex’s hatred provokes. The enemy keeps innocents of all faiths in 2008, for her final project for her master’s de- pain has been very severe over the past three gree, Amanda involved her students by includ- years and also has a hard time walking. its sights. In August, men and women affiliated with a Christian non-government organization ing some of their artwork in her exhibit. Lex was able to be retired and in December Amanda Terhark is an incredible teacher, of 2007 he was officially adopted by Jerome working to provide eye care to people in re- mote and destitute areas of Afghanistan were and her dedication to her profession and to and Rachel Lee, the parents of Cpl Dustin her students should make every Iowan proud. Lee. executed in cold blood by the Taliban. In the last two weeks, a devastating and deadly It’s an honor to represent her and the people I would like to thank Gen. Mike Regner for of the Iowa Falls Community School District in helping get Lex retired and adopted by the bombing attack occurred during a worship service at a mosque in Pakistan. In the case the United States Congress, and I know that Lees, as their son would have wanted his my colleagues in the House join me in con- partner to be home with this family. of the recent cargo plane bombing attempt, the President indicated the bombing packages gratulating Amanda on this well-deserved This week Lex is traveling to DC for a visit award and thanking her for her dedicated to the Georgetown Veterinary Hospital. Dr. were addressed to Jewish synagogues in Chi- cago. These attacks are designed to bring di- service to her community and America’s Lee Morgan is performing stem cell therapy on youth. Lex to help relieve his pain and extend his life. vision where there is diversity, and chaos f The idea is to not only treat the pain, but to where there is stability. repair the damage done by the shrapnel alto- As time passes, as national debates and at- HONORING CARL DAY gether. tention shifts, it is easy for the real horror and This is a very important procedure for both tragedy of the terrorist attacks of September HON. STEVE AUSTRIA 11, 2001 to become faded and blurred memo- Lex and the Lee family, as they have all been OF OHIO ries. But the hateful ideology that drives these through so much together already. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Many individuals and organizations have attacks, the global movement to reject West- made it possible for Lex to receive this ther- ern culture and values and religion is still plot- Thursday, November 18, 2010 apy by donating time and money to the cause, ting, planning, and attacking where it can. We Mr. AUSTRIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today I would like to thank the Humane Society, were wrong to ignore the warning signs in the on behalf of the people of Ohio’s Seventh the American Kennel Club, the German Shep- 1990s, when we witnessed a steady esca- Congressional District to honor the life and herd Dog Club of Northern Virginia, Shoreline lation of attacks, which we treated as isolated memory of Carl Day. German Shepherd Dog Club, and the U.S. incidents. As Americans, as keepers of the As a 50-year veteran broadcaster, Carl Day War Dogs Association. truth that ‘‘He who gave us life, gave us lib- was known as the Voice of Dayton. According

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.024 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 to the Dayton Area Broadcaster’s Hall of Connecticut businesses. They have led the TRIBUTE TO MAGGIE PARKS Fame, Carl won more awards than any other way toward economic growth for the past hun- Ohio broadcaster. dred years, and I know they will continue to do HON. TOM LATHAM As a news anchor he worked for each of the so for the coming century. OF IOWA Dayton TV stations and WHIO Radio, winning The Chamber’s ingenuity and innovation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seven Emmys during his career. In 1998, The has served as the backbone of our region, Thursday, November 18, 2010 Associated Press renamed its Outstanding and I ask all of my colleagues to join with me, Achievement Award ‘‘The Carl Day Award for and the people of Connecticut, in recognizing Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today Outstanding Achievement.’’ In 2009, Carl was the Eastern Connecticut Chamber of Com- to recognize Maggie Parks of Marshalltown, inducted into the Dayton Walk of Fame as rec- merce on their 100th anniversary. Iowa, as the recipient of the Art Educators of Iowa, AEI, 2010 Art Teacher of the Year ognition of his dedication to his job and his f community. In addition, he was a member of award for her dedication to her students and six broadcasting halls of fame. PERSONAL EXPLANATION art. She accepted the award on October 2, He was committed to his profession, but 2010 at the AEI conference in Sioux City, what he most will be remembered for is his HON. KEITH ELLISON Iowa. Maggie, who has been with the dedication to this community, his family and OF MINNESOTA Marshalltown Community School District for 13 friends. He was known to volunteer his time IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES raising funds for a variety of local entities. As years, is currently an art teacher at Fisher Ele- Thursday, November 18, 2010 the son of a military family, he was devoted to mentary School and at Woodbury Elementary our area veterans and the Wright-Patterson Mr. ELLISON. Madam Speaker, on Novem- School. The AEI Art Teacher of the Year Air Force Base community. ber 17, 2010, I inadvertently voted ‘‘yes’’ on award is the highest honor that can be given One of Carl’s aspirations was to create a rollcall No. 573 and I intended to vote ‘‘no.’’ by the organization. foundation to support young broadcasters. f One of Maggie’s goals is to help improve art With the establishment of A Brighter Day: The education throughout the state by serving on HONORING BETTY KNIGHT Carl Day Memorial Foundation, his family has boards and assisting other teachers. She is SCRIPPS made his plan a reality. responsible for starting a new mentoring pro- After a hard fought battle with cancer, Carl gram for first year art teachers in the state. Day, 72, passed away on November 17, 2010 HON. JOHN B. SHADEGG Maggie would keep a list of things that would surrounded by his son and daughter. Carl’s OF ARIZONA work and share it with other teachers in the life will continue to be an inspiration to all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES state. In the past, Maggie was the president on those who loved him and to the community he Thursday, November 18, 2010 the AEI board and served in several capacities served so well. Mr. SHADEGG. Madam Speaker, I rise with organization. She is highly respected in f today to proudly recognize Betty Knight the school district as well as in the state of IN HONOR OF THE 100TH ANNIVER- Scripps, newspaper heiress, for her extraor- Iowa and is perceived by her peers as a lead- SARY OF THE EASTERN CON- dinary and generous charitable spirit, and her er at the school, district, and state level. NECTICUT CHAMBER OF COM- countless contributions to society. She is Maggie Parks is an incredible teacher, and MERCE viewed by many as America’s first lady of phi- her dedication to her profession and to her lanthropy. students should make every Iowan proud. It’s HON. JOE COURTNEY Mrs. Scripps and her late husband, Edward an honor to represent her and the people of the Marshalltown Community School District in OF CONNECTICUT W. Scripps, advanced the interests of freedom and a free press through their work as pub- the United States Congress, and I know that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lishers of a chain of newspapers throughout my colleagues in the House join me in con- Thursday, November 18, 2010 the United States, and through their active in- gratulating Maggie on this well-deserved Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise volvement in the Inter-American Press Asso- award and thanking her for her dedicated today to honor The Eastern Connecticut ciation, which advanced the causes of inde- service to her community and America’s Chamber of Commerce. I want to recognize pendent journalism and a free press through- youth. their impressive 100th anniversary and cele- out Latin America. f brate this extraordinary milestone. In 1984, Mrs. Scripps established the Ed- HONORING TIMOTHY JAMES For the past century, the Chamber of Com- ward W. and Betty Knight Scripps Foundation PARNACOTT merce has worked hard to cultivate the econ- to serve mankind by supporting the advance- omy of eastern Connecticut. Through their ef- ment of health care, education, journalism, the forts, community and business leaders have First Amendment, and the arts and culture. HON. SAM GRAVES OF MISSOURI come together to strengthen eastern Connecti- For eight years, Mrs. Scripps served as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cut’s local economy. General Chairman of the Washington National It is a privilege to congratulate the Chamber Opera Ball raising record-breaking proceeds Thursday, November 18, 2010 on reaching this historic achievement. Their for the 50-year-old organization, bringing to- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, impact has been felt throughout eastern Con- gether leaders of the diplomatic, government, I proudly pause to recognize Timothy James necticut and countless of small businesses corporate and arts communities in our Nation’s Parnacott. Timothy is a very special young have thrived because of the vision and the Capital. Mrs. Scripps has also chaired the man who has exemplified the finest qualities leadership the Chamber has provided. International Red Cross Ball in Palm Beach, of citizenship and leadership by taking an ac- Through innovative thinking, the Chamber’s Florida, and the English National Ballet Gala tive part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 1600 members have fostered a business cli- in London, England. 180, and earning the most prestigious award mate that meets the current and future needs Mrs. Scripps is undoubtedly one of Scripps of Eagle Scout. of eastern Connecticut. As the Chamber’s Health’s and Scripps Memorial Hospital La Timothy has been very active with his troop, members continue to work to grow our econ- Jolla’s most esteemed benefactors, as evi- participating in many scout activities. Over the omy, it is important to remember that they denced by her leadership, commitment and many years Timothy has been involved with have served as the voice of Connecticut busi- generosity. Mrs. Scripps has chaired the pres- scouting, he has not only earned numerous nesses for 100 years. tigious Candlelight Ball, which has raised merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- During these challenging times, it is easy to close to $20 million in philanthropic support for ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Tim- lose hope. We need to replace lost jobs and exceptional, life-saving care at the nonprofit othy has contributed to his community through we need to reinvigorate Connecticut’s econ- hospital. Mrs. Scripps continues the legacy of his Eagle Scout project. omy. If any of us are ever tempted to lose the Scripps family member who founded the Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join faith in our ability to persevere, we need only hospital in 1924. me in commending Timothy James Parnacott look to the shining example the Eastern Con- Madam Speaker, I ask that you and my col- for his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts necticut Chamber of Commerce has provided. leagues in the U.S. House of Representatives of America and for his efforts put forth in The Chamber has provided unwavering lead- join me in recognizing Betty Knight Scripps, an achieving the highest distinction of Eagle ership in its determination and advocacy for extraordinary American and humanitarian. Scout.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.027 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1973 REVISED SECTION-BY-SECTION Subsection (a)(5) amends Bankruptcy Code ties of the debtor. The amendment makes ANALYSIS FOR H.R. 6198 BANK- section 107(a), which pertains to public ac- several revisions. First, it deletes redundant RUPTCY TECHNICAL CORREC- cess to bankruptcy cases. The amendment text in subsection 521(a)(2)(A) and (B). Sec- corrects a drafting instruction error. ond, it restructures section 521(a)(2) to clar- TIONS ACT OF 2010 Subsection (a)(6) makes several amend- ify its meaning. Third, the amendment cor- ments to Bankruptcy Code section 109, which rects grammatical errors in paragraphs (3) HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT sets forth the eligibility criteria for a debtor. and (4) of subsection 521(a). OF VIRGINIA Subsection (a)(6)(A) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(17) amends Bankruptcy Code section 109(b)(3)(B) to add a missing pa- Code section 522, which concerns exemptions. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES renthesis. Subsection (a)(6)(B) makes a con- The amendment corrects two grammatical Thursday, November 18, 2010 forming amendment to Bankruptcy Code errors in subsection 522(b)(3)(A). In addition, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, a section 109(h)(1) to clarify that Bankruptcy it makes a conforming revision to subsection 522(c)(1). version of this section-by-section analysis was Code section 109(h)(4) is an exception. In ad- dition, subsection (a)(6)(B) clarifies that the Subsection (a)(18) amends Bankruptcy included in the RECORD during the debate on 180–day period ends on the date of the filing Code section 523, which pertains to the this bill. The version below incorporates a few of the petition. dischargeability of debts. The amendment modest but important clarifications. I would Subsection (a)(7) amends Bankruptcy Code corrects a punctuation error in subsection ask that in the permanent RECORD, the version section 110, which pertains to bankruptcy pe- 523(a)(2)(C)(ii)(II) and corrects an erroneous below replace the version now found in the tition preparers. It makes conforming statutory cross reference in subsection 523(a)(3). September 28, 2010 daily edition of the amendments to Bankruptcy Code section 110(b)(2)(A) and (h)(1) so that they conform Subsection (a)(19) amends Bankruptcy RECORD, beginning on page H7159. to other provisions in section 110 with re- Code section 524, which concerns reaffirma- H.R. 6198, THE BANKRUPTCY TECHNICAL spect to fees received by a petition preparer tion agreements, among other matters. The CORRECTIONS ACT OF 2010 SECTION-BY- on behalf of a debtor. In addition, subsection amendment makes several revisions. First, SECTION EXPLANATION (a)(7) restructures section 110(h)(3) to clarify it corrects erroneous terminology in sub- Sec. I. Short Title. Section 1 sets forth the the court’s authority to disallow fees under section 524(k)(3)(J)(i) and inserts a missing short title of the bill as the ‘‘Bankruptcy this provision. verb. Second, it corrects a punctuation error Technical Corrections Act of 2010.’’ Subsection (a)(8) amends Bankruptcy Code in subsection 524(k)(5)(B). Subsection (a)(20) amends Bankruptcy Sec. 2. Technical Corrections Relating to section 111, which concerns nonprofit budget Code section 526, which deals with restric- Amendments Made by Public Law 109–8. Sec- and credit counseling agencies and financial tions on debt relief agencies. The amend- tion 2 makes a series of technical corrections management instructional courses. The ment makes a conforming revision to sub- to the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and amendment corrects two typographical er- section 526(a)(2). It also adds a missing arti- Consumer Protection Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. rors in Bankruptcy Code section 111(d)(1)(E). 109–8 (2005 Act). cle to subsection 526(a)(4). The first error concerns incorrect punctua- Subsection (a)(21) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(1)(A) amends section tion and the second error pertains to incor- Code section 527, which concerns disclosures 101(13A) of title 11 of the United States Code rect indentation of the subparagraph. by debt relief agencies. The amendment (Bankruptcy Code), which defines ‘‘debtor’s Subsection (a)(9) amends Bankruptcy Code makes a grammatical correction. principal residence.’’ The amendment clari- section 303, which pertains to involuntary Subsection (a)(22) amends Bankruptcy fies that the definition pertains to a struc- bankruptcy cases. The amendment corrects Code section 541, which deals with property ture used by the debtor as a principal resi- the misdesignation of subsection (1) by re- of the estate. The amendment corrects a dence. designating it as subsection (k). statutory reference to the Internal Revenue Subsection (a)(1)(B) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(10) amends Bankruptcy Code of 1986 in section 541(b)(6)(B). Code section 101(35), which defines ‘‘insured Code section 308, which concerns reporting Subsection (a)(23) amends Bankruptcy depository institution.’’ The amendment cor- requirements for small business debtors. The Code section 554, which concerns abandon- rects erroneous statutory references in this amendment restructures subsection 308(b)(4) ment. The amendment corrects an erroneous provision. to clarify its intent. a statutory reference in subsection 554(c). Subsection (a)(1)(C) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(11) makes two amendments Subsection (a)(24) amends Bankruptcy Code section 101(40B), which defines ‘‘patient to Bankruptcy Code section 348, which per- Code section 704, which pertains to duties of records.’’ The amendment clarifies that the tains to the effect of conversion of a case. the trustee. The amendment corrects an er- term means a record relating to a patient, First, it amends Bankruptcy Code section roneous statutory reference in subsection including a written document or an elec- 348(b) to strike references to Bankruptcy 704(a)(3). tronic record. Code sections 728(a), 728(b), 1146(a) and 1146(b) Subsection (a)(25) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(1)(D) amends Bankruptcy as these provisions were eliminated by the Code section 707, which concerns dismissal of Code section 101(42), which defines ‘‘peti- 2005 Act. Second, it amends Bankruptcy Code a chapter 7 case or conversion to a case tion.’’ The amendment deletes the reference section 348(f)(1)(C)(i) to clarify that the pro- under chapter 11 or 13. The amendment to section 304 of the Bankruptcy Code, which vision applies with respect to the date of the makes several revisions. First, it corrects an was eliminated as a result of the 2005 Act, filing of the petition. erroneous statutory cross reference in sub- and adds a reference to section 1504, which Subsection (a)(12) amends Bankruptcy section 707(a)(3). Second, the amendment was added by the 2005 Act. Code section 362, which pertains to the auto- clarifies that the provision’s reference to Subsection (a)(1)(E) amends Bankruptcy matic stay, in several respects. First, the date means the date of the filing of the peti- Code section 101(51B), which defines ‘‘single amendment makes a stylistic correction to tion in subsection 707(b)(2)(A)(iii)(I). Third, asset real estate.’’ The amendment corrects subsection 362(a)(8) with respect to its ref- the amendment corrects an erroneous statu- a drafting error by reinserting a missing erence to a debtor that is a corporation. Sec- tory reference in subsection 707(b)(3). word. ond, it adds a missing article in subsection Subsection (a)(26) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(1)(F), amends Bankruptcy 362(c)(3). Third, the amendment conforms the Code section 723(c), which pertains to the Code section 101(51D), which defines ‘‘small reference in subsection 362(c)(4)(A)(i) to rights of a partnership trustee against gen- business debtor.’’ The amendment clarifies ‘‘refiled’’ with subsection 362(c)(3) so that it eral partners. The amendment strikes a ref- that the debt limit specified therein is deter- applies to a case filed under a chapter other erence to Bankruptcy Code section 728, mined as of the date of the filing of the peti- than chapter 7 after dismissal of a prior case which was eliminated by the 2005 Act. tion. pursuant to Bankruptcy Code section 707(b). Subsection (a)(27) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(1)(G) redesignates para- Fourth, it corrects an erroneous conjunctive Code section 724, which concerns the treat- graphs (56A) and (53D) of Bankruptcy Code in subsection 362(d)(4). Fifth, it corrects a ment of liens. The amendment clarifies cer- section 101 as (53D) and (53E), respectively. spelling error in subsection 362(1). tain statutory references in section 724(b)(2) Subsection (a)(2) amends Bankruptcy Code Subsection (a)(13) amends Bankruptcy and makes other clarifying revisions. section 103(a), which pertains to the applica- Code section 363, which concerns the use, Subsection (a)(28) amends Bankruptcy bility of chapters of the Code. The amend- sale, or lease of property. The amendment Code section 726(b), which concerns distribu- ment corrects an erroneous statutory ref- restructures subsection 363(d) to clarify its tion priorities in a chapter 7 case, to add a erence in this provision. intent. statutory reference to section 507(a)(9) and Subsection (a)(3) amends Bankruptcy Code Subsection (a)(14) amends Bankruptcy (10). section 105(d)(2), which pertains to status Code section 505, which pertains to the deter- Subsection (a)(29) amends Bankruptcy conferences. The amendment makes a gram- mination of tax liability. The amendment Code section 901, which concerns the applica- matical correction. corrects the provision’s use of terminology. bility of the Bankruptcy Code to munici- Subsection (a)(4) amends Bankruptcy Code Subsection (a)(15) amends Bankruptcy pality cases. The amendment adds references section 106(a)(1), which pertains to the waiv- Code section 507, which pertains to prior- to Bankruptcy Code sections 333, dealing er of sovereign immunity. The amendment ities. The amendment corrects a punctuation with the appointment of a patient care om- deletes a reference to Bankruptcy Code sec- error. budsman, and 351, concerning the disposal of tion 728, which was eliminated by the 2005 Subsection (a)(16) amends Bankruptcy patient records, both of which were added by Act. Code section 521, which pertains to the du- the 2005 Act.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.031 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 Subsection (a)(30) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(47) amends Bankruptcy the Army and was a cavalry scout with the 1st Code section 1104, which pertains to the ap- Code section 1521(f) which concerns relief Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment. After his pointment of a trustee and examiner. The that may be granted upon recognition in a basic training he was stationed at Fort Drum, amendment restructures subsection 1104(a) chapter 15 case. The amendment corrects an to clarify the provision’s intent and how it erroneous statutory reference. New York in 2008 and was deployed to the relates to Bankruptcy Code section 1112(b), Subsection (a)(48) amends Bankruptcy Middle East as part of Operation Iraqi Free- as amended by the 2005 Act. In addition, it Code section 1529, which concerns the coordi- dom just a few months later. In 2010 Sergeant corrects an erroneous statutory reference in nation of a case under title 11 and a foreign Paranzino was sent to Afghanistan to support subsection 1104(b)(2)(B)(ii). proceeding. The amendment adds a missing Operation Enduring Freedom. He was recog- Subsection (a)(31) amends Bankruptcy word to section 1529(1). nized with more than 10 decorations for his Code section 1106, which pertains to the du- Subsection (a)(49) amends the table of sec- military service just after three-plus years, in- ties of a trustee and examiner. The amend- tions for chapter 3 of the Bankruptcy Code ment corrects two erroneous statutory ref- to correct an erroneous description of sec- cluding the Army Achievement Medal, the erences in section 1106(a). tion 333. Meritorious Unit Commendation, the Army Subsection (a)(32) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (a)(50) amends the table of sec- Good Conduct Medal, the National Defense Code section 1111, which concerns claims and tions for chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code Service Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign interests. The amendment corrects an erro- to correct an erroneous description of sec- Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Global neous statutory reference in section 1111(a). tion 562. War on Terrorism Service Medal, the Army Subsection (a)(33) amends Bankruptcy Subsection (b) amends section 157 of title Code section 1112(b), which sets forth the 18 of the United States Code, which concerns Service Ribbon, the Overseas Ribbon, the grounds for converting or dismissing a chap- bankruptcy fraud. The amendment removes NATO Medal and the Combat Action Badge. ter 11 case. The amendment restructures this superfluous references in this section. Today, as we celebrate the life and accom- provision to eliminate an internal redun- Subsection (c)(1) amends section 158 of plishments of this exceptional Rhode Islander, dancy. In addition, it corrects an erroneous title 28 of the United States Code, which per- my thoughts and prayers are with Sergeant statutory reference in section 1112(e). tains to bankruptcy appeals. The amend- Paranzino’s family and friends. Subsection (a)(34) amends Bankruptcy ment corrects a grammatical error in sec- We are all deeply indebted to Sergeant Code section 1127, which pertains to modi- tion 158(d)(2)(D). Paranzino for his service and his sacrifice. fication of a chapter 11 plan. The amendment Subsection (c)(2) amends section 159 of corrects an erroneous statutory reference in title 28 of the United States Code, which per- f section 1127(f)(1). tains to the collection of bankruptcy statis- HONORING BENJAMIN JAMES Subsection (a)(35) amends Bankruptcy tics. The amendment adds a missing word to Code section 1129(a), which sets forth the cri- section 159(c)(3)(H). PATRICK HUBER teria for confirmation of a chapter 11 plan. Subsection (c)(3) amends section 586 of The amendment makes a grammatical cor- title 28 of the United States Code, which con- HON. SAM GRAVES rection to section (a)(16). cerns the United States Trustee Program. OF MISSOURI Subsection (a)(36) amends Bankruptcy The amendment corrects a punctuation error IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Code section 1141(d)(5), which concerns the in section 586(a)(3)(A)(ii), corrects erroneous effect of confirmation. The amendment clari- terminology in section 586(a)(7)(C), and Thursday, November 18, 2010 fies the intent of this provision. eliminates redundant language in section Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, Subsection (a)(37) amends Bankruptcy 586(a)(8). I proudly pause to recognize Benjamin James Code section 1145(b), which pertains to the Sec. 3. Technical Correction to Public Law applicability of securities laws. The amend- 109–8. Section 3 amends section 1406(b)(1) of Patrick Huber. Benjamin is a very special ment corrects an erroneous statutory ref- the 2005 Act to correct a spelling error. young man who has exemplified the finest erence in this section. f qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- Subsection (a)(38) amends Bankruptcy ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- Code section 1202, which details the respon- TRIBUTE TO SERGEANT MICHAEL ica, Troop 180, and earning the most pres- sibilities of a trustee in a chapter 12 case. F. PARANZINO tigious award of Eagle Scout. The amendment corrects several erroneous Benjamin has been very active with his statutory references in section 1202(b). Subsection (a)(39) amends Bankruptcy HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY troop, participating in many scout activities. Code section 1302, which details the respon- OF RHODE ISLAND Over the many years Benjamin has been in- sibilities of a trustee in a chapter 13 case. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES volved with scouting, he has not only earned The amendment corrects several erroneous Thursday, November 18, 2010 numerous merit badges, but also the respect statutory references in section 1302(b)(1). of his family, peers, and community. Most no- Subsection (a)(40) amends Bankruptcy Mr. KENNEDY. Madam Speaker, I rise tably, Benjamin has contributed to his commu- Code section 1304, which concerns a chapter today to pay tribute to Sergeant Michael F. 13 debtor engaged in business. The amend- nity through his Eagle Scout project. Paranzino, from Middletown, Rhode Island, Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join ment corrects an erroneous statutory ref- who lost his life on November 5, 2010, of inju- erence in section 1304(c). me in commending Benjamin James Patrick Subsection (a)(41) amends Bankruptcy ries sustained while serving his country in Huber for his accomplishments with the Boy Code section 1307, which sets forth the Kandahar, Afghanistan. Scouts of America and for his efforts put forth grounds for converting or dismissing a chap- Sergeant Paranzino was the loving husband in achieving the highest distinction of Eagle ter 13 case. The amendment corrects several of Lindsey (Christopher) Paranzino and the Scout. erroneous statutory references in this sec- proud tither of Maxton and Logan of Fort tion. Drum, New York. He was assigned as a cav- f Subsection (a)(42) amends Bankruptcy alry scout to the 1st Brigade Combat Team, RECOGNIZING DIABETES Code section 1308, which concerns the filing 10th Mountain Division. AWARENESS MONTH of prepetition tax returns. The amendment Born in Newport, Rhode Island on Decem- clarifies several statutory references in sec- tion 1308(b)(2). ber 4, 1987, Sergeant Paranzino was the son HON. DANNY K. DAVIS Subsection (a)(43) amends Bankruptcy of Francis ‘‘Butch’’ and Melane C. Paranzino OF ILLINOIS Code section 1322(a), which pertains to the and the brother of Daniel F. Paranzino of Mid- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contents of a chapter 13 plan. The amend- dletown, Rhode Island. He was a 2006 grad- ment corrects an internal inconsistency. uate of Middletown High School. While he was Thursday, November 18, 2010 Subsection (a)(44) amends Bankruptcy a student at Middletown High School, he Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speaker, I rise Code section 1325, which pertains to con- today to bring awareness to the disease of di- firmation of a chapter 13 plan. The amend- made trips to Nicaragua in January of 2005 ment adds a missing word to subsection and 2006 with the Northeast Volunteer Opto- abetes. This month has been set aside to in- 1325(a) and adds a missing parenthesis to metric Services to Humanity to provide hu- crease awareness of diabetes, its prevention subsection 1325(b)(2)(A)(ii). manitarian support to the disadvantaged and and ways to manage its impact. According to Subsection (a)(45) amends the heading of poor in Catarina and Nandasmo, Nicaragua. the Centers for Disease Control nearly 24 mil- Bankruptcy Code section 1511, to include a These trips provided life-expanding experi- lion Americans have diabetes. It is the seventh reference to section 302. ences for Sergeant Paranzino and were the leading cause of death in the United States Subsection (a)(46) amends Bankruptcy Code section 1519, which pertains to the re- precursor to many of the values he believed in and costs $174 billion in health care ex- lief that may be granted upon the filing of a along with the leadership skills that he dis- penses. Diabetes disproportionately impacts petition for recognition in a chapter 15 case. played as an Army Sergeant. the African American and Hispanic commu- The amendment corrects an erroneous statu- A year after his graduation from Middletown nities. It is estimated that nearly 3.7 million Af- tory reference in section 1519(f). High School, Sergeant Paranzino enlisted in rican Americans aged 20 years or older have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.033 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1975 diabetes. African Americans are 1.8 times ice to our nation, he attended Boston Univer- the fore most prevalently on this one day of more likely to have diabetes as non-Hispanic sity where he starred for the Terrier football the year, I know—and all West Virginians whites. and baseball teams. Known as a selfless know, that these qualities live on throughout If diabetes is left untreated it often results in teammate with a tireless work ethic, Bill Tighe, the year in communities, large and small, blindness, kidney disease, amputations, nerve the incredible athlete was destined to be Bill urban and rural, throughout our State. damage, heart disease, stroke and ultimately, Tighe, the legendary coach. And, I believe that this Nation would be bet- death. However, diabetes can be managed Madam Speaker, Bill began his remarkable ter off if more Americans followed the example and prevented. A balanced diet and regular career at Wakefield High School in 1949 as an set in our State and devoted a greater share exercise could keep our citizens healthy. I am assistant football coach and was elevated to of their year, each year, to practicing the kind- pleased to have the headquarters for the head coach in 1957. During his 52 years as ness and generosity, as well as exercising the American Dietetic Association (ADA) in my head football coach at Wakefield High School, grit and determination that comprise the West Congressional District. The ADA is the fore- Malden High School and Lexington High Virginia character. most authority in providing nutrition counseling School, Bill won 9 league championships and I am reminded of our Senator Byrd, who throughout the country. In fact, the more than amassed an overall record of 268 wins, 232 would have marked his 93rd birthday on No- 71,000 registered dietitians and nutrition pro- losses and 13 ties. Bill’s commitment to excel- vember 20th, and his regular admonishment to fessionals who are members support the ‘‘eat lence is well known throughout Massachusetts West Virginians to hold on to those ‘‘old val- right’’ campaign targeted toward young people and New England, and he has been inducted ues’’ and to tap them for the betterment of the and older Americans. The work that they are into the Wakefield High School, Malden High Nation. He would have taken to the Senate doing is making a difference in the fight School, Lexington High School, Boston Uni- Floor in the days leading up to Thanksgiving against childhood obesity and diabetes and is versity, Massachusetts Football Coaches and to remind us all of our common history as improving the health of our nation. National Federation of Interscholastic Coaches Americans. He would have talked about the We must work to get Medical Nutrition Ther- Association Halls of Fame. principles upon which this Nation was founded apy covered by Medicare for beneficiaries di- Bill Tighe’s success on the football field is and urged us to set aside those petty dif- agnosed with pre-diabetes. Nutrition therapy surpassed only by the enormous impact he ferences that undermine our quest for the provided by registered dietitians has a proven has had on his players’ lives off the football common good. track record of preventing diabetes through field. Coach Tighe taught all the young ath- Oh, how we could use Senator Byrd’s wis- lifestyle changes than simply cannot be made letes under his tutelage the importance of sac- dom, his reasonableness, and his guidance without this assistance for the majority of rifice, discipline and commitment. Coach Tighe today. those who suffer. There are more than 57 mil- also stressed the importance of academic Our State has had more than its fair share lion people diagnosed with pre-diabetes— achievement and the value of a strong edu- of economic strife. But we hold tight to our meaning they are on their way to developing cation. He is credited with helping thousands faith and we marshal on, working hard side by full diabetes. By helping people with pre-dia- of young scholar athletes continue their edu- side, to create a better future for ourselves betes, Medicare will avoid having to pay for cation in college. and our children. the much more expensive treatment of diabe- Madam Speaker, on Thanksgiving morning In the wake of natural disasters, West Vir- tes and its debilitating side effects. It seems Bill Tighe will be surrounded by family, friends, ginians reach out to their neighbors to give prudent to assist our citizens with sound nutri- professional colleagues and former student whatever they can afford, and often more. It tion information and to help them make life- athletes in order to celebrate his legendary has never been the West Virginia way to turn style changes at a cost minimal to that of am- coaching career. I join them in thanking Coach our backs on those in need, and it has never putations and other treatments. Tighe for the amazing contributions he has been in the character of West Virginians to The real world impact of covering Medical made to the Towns of Wakefield and Lex- throw in the towel when things get tough. Nutrition Therapy is that we will shift from ington, the City of Malden, the Commonwealth So this Thanksgiving, as we pause to reflect health insurance to ‘‘health assurance’’ in our of Massachusetts and the United States of on our blessings and to express our thanks to efforts. Consider that the total cost of diabetes America. our Creator for all that we have, I hope that all in 2007 was determined to be $218 billion— f Americans will also commit to exhibiting the yes, billion with a ‘‘b’’. HONORING THE BEST OF AMERICA spirit that surfaces on this day throughout the I want to commend Jewel-Osco stores for year ahead. providing free nutrition education from reg- There is no challenge confronting us that we istered dietitians to individuals who shop at the HON. NICK J. RAHALL II cannot overcome if we join forces and put old- OF WEST VIRGINIA stores in Chicago and throughout the nation. fashioned American know-how to work. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These types of programs which pair phar- f macists and registered dietitians with con- Thursday, November 18, 2010 sumers will help in our awareness and edu- Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, this Thanks- HONORING FRANK PUGH cation campaign. giving, as we have since the first, Americans Finally, I applaud those churches that have will set aside one day to focus on those bless- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY a focus on nutrition and exercise as a part of ings that have been granted to us. OF CALIFORNIA the well-being of their congregation. For the roof over our heads, for the health IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f of our families, for the food on our plates—no Thursday, November 18, 2010 matter how simple the meal—for the hand that HONORING BILL TIGHE holds ours as we gather around the table, we Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise will, on this one very American day, bow our today to honor the work of Frank Pugh, the HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY heads in prayer and we will be truly thankful. outgoing 2010 President of the California OF MASSACHUSETTS To me, the best of America is on display at School Boards Association. His civic leader- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thanksgiving. ship and commitment to education have bene- Here we stand, for example: we Americans, fitted students across Sonoma County and Thursday, November 18, 2010 facing difficult times, with our economy slug- California. Mr. MARKEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today gish, with far too many jobless, and far too Since he began teaching at Santa Rosa to honor and celebrate the coaching career of many others worrying about the future of their Junior College in 1979, Frank Pugh has distin- Mr. Bill Tighe. Coach Tighe is the oldest active own jobs. Yet, many of us will invite strangers guished himself as a dynamic educator in our high school head football coach in the country to our tables, or donate food to shelters, or community. His passion for electronics and at age 86. He will conclude his 52nd year as serve up turkey dinners at a local soup kitch- technology has made him not only an effective a head coach when his Lexington High School en, and we will appreciate even more deeply, lecturer, but a respected authority, author of squad meets their rival Burlington High School the grace of God that has spared us similar seven textbooks and four magazine articles in on Thanksgiving morning. trials. Even many of those who are struggling, his field. Coach Tighe was a standout three-sport whose tables may be leaner than usual, will Mr. Pugh has also taken on numerous lead- athlete at Ashland High School, and upon take the time to give of what they have so that ership responsibilities at administrative and graduation he served in the United States Air others do not go hungry on this day. advisory levels, contributing a teacher’s invalu- Force for three years as a P-38 crew chief Though that generosity, that neighborliness, able perspective to debates on the govern- during World War II. After completing his serv- the kindness, charity, and faithfulness come to ance of our schools and the future direction of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.035 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 public education. He served for two years as computer networks have become an increas- retary of Homeland Security, that is respon- the occupational representative to the Santa ingly serious homeland security issue. Not sible for establishing risk-based, performance- Rosa Junior College Academic Senate, then only do they threaten the personal fortunes based standards and corresponding remedies, went on to serve as the Senate President for and identities of our citizens but also the effec- including penalties, for non-compliance with six years. Since 1990, Mr. Pugh has also tive functioning of our government, our infra- these standards. Similarly, to foster ‘‘buy-in’’ served on the Santa Rosa City Schools Board structure, our economy, and our national secu- for risk-based, performance-based standards of Education, holding the office of Board Presi- rity. As Americans at all levels of society— for the critical infrastructure firms, DHS is di- dent for a total of four terms. from their personal lives to their professional rected to develop the standards in consultation Most recently, Mr. Pugh has served as work—grow increasingly reliant on computers with a wide range of stakeholders—from the President of the California School Boards As- and those computers become ever more con- Intelligence Community to the heads of sector- sociation, an organization bringing together nected, the scope of this security vulnerability specific agencies to councils representing the California’s local K–12 school districts and continues to expand at a dizzying rate. Over interests of private sector companies—and county offices of education. An active member the past year or so, there has been an active subject the standards to the notice and com- of the CSBA Delegate Assembly since 1993, Congressional debate about what should be ment regulatory process. Mr. Pugh has worked tirelessly to support the done to address this significant homeland se- With respect to compliance, my bill directs organization’s commitment to researching and curity vulnerability. The introduction of the DHS to look at approaches to foster compli- advocating practices that serve the best inter- ‘‘Homeland Security Cyber and Physical Infra- ance—such as liability protection under the ests of students. structure Protection Act of 2010,’’ is intended Safety Act—and grants DHS the authority to During his tenure with CSBA, and through- to refocus the debate away from Presidential delegate enforcement to another Federal de- out his career, Mr. Pugh has remained a vocal Internet shut-down authority and other ‘‘what partment that has an existing regulatory au- advocate for our children. He understands that ifs’’ and back to the central Federal cyberse- thority over that sector. In some cases, dele- public education represents a promise to fu- curity challenge—the mismatch between the gation will prevent private sector firms from ture generations—a promise that knowledge Department of Homeland Security’s, DHS, being subjected to redundant and overlapping and perseverance can overcome adversity, designation, since 2003, as the ‘‘focal point for regulations. and that our democratic institutions can deliver security of cyberspace,’’ and the authorities To ensure compliance, civilian Federal net- opportunity for all—and he has worked to up- conferred to DHS to fulfill its cybersecurity works will be regularly monitored by DHS to hold and to strengthen that promise. mission with respect to networks operated by ensure that each agency is in compliance with Madam Speaker, I ask you to join me in Federal civilian agencies and critical infrastruc- the standards adopted by the Federal agency thanking Frank Pugh for his service on behalf ture. working group. The bill requires DHS to report of Sonoma County and California. His exam- The ‘‘Homeland Security Cyber and Phys- infractions and corresponding remedies to the ple reminds us of the value of public education ical Infrastructure Protection Act of 2010,’’ Office of Management and Budget, who, in and the importance of continuing to support seeks to enhance DHS’ cybersecurity capacity turn, is required to execute the corresponding and protect it. by authorizing the DHS Office of Cybersecurity penalty or remedy. My bill also includes a number of provisions f and Communications and creating a new Cy- bersecurity Compliance Division to oversee to improve the reporting of cyber incidents, the HONORING BRET MICHAEL the establishment of performance-based sharing of information on cyber threats, the BUSSINGER standards responsive to the particular risks to capacity of DHS to hire 500 additional cyber the (1) .gov domain and (2) critical infrastruc- professionals and the level of cybersecurity re- HON. SAM GRAVES ture networks, respectively. This bill is de- search and development activities. Taken together, the ‘‘Homeland Security OF MISSOURI signed to require DHS to work with network Cyber and Physical Infrastructure Protection IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES operators to develop tailored security plans that meet risk-based, performance-based Act of 2010,’’ will make our Nation more se- Thursday, November 18, 2010 standards, as is being done in DHS’ Chemical cure and better position DHS—the ‘‘focal point Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, Facility Anti-terrorism program. for the security of cyberspace,’’ under Home- I proudly pause to recognize Bret Michael ‘‘Homeland Security Cyber and Physical In- land Security Presidential Directive 7—to fulfill Bussinger. Bret is a very special young man frastructure Protection Act of 2010,’’ is focused its critical homeland security mission. I urge who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- on providing the Department of Homeland Se- Members to join me and cosponsor this impor- zenship and leadership by taking an active curity, DHS, with the resources and authority tant, common-sense homeland security legis- part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 180, that it needs to fulfill its Federal responsibility lation. and earning the most prestigious award of as the protector of our Nation’s cyberspace. f Eagle Scout. Specifically, the bill seeks to give DHS the re- IN TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GENERAL Bret has been very active with his troop, source and authority needed to strengthen the POLLY A. PEYER participating in many scout activities. Over the cybersecurity of (1) Federal government net- many years Bret has been involved with works—the ‘‘.gov’’ domain—and (2) critical in- scouting, he has not only earned numerous frastructure in the private sector. HON. JIM MARSHALL OF GEORGIA merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- From a security and good-government IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Bret standpoint, the way to deliver better cyberse- has contributed to his community through his curity is to leverage, modify, and enhance ex- Thursday, November 18, 2010 Eagle Scout project. isting structures and efforts, rather than make Mr. MARSHALL. Madam Speaker, it is with Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join wholesale bureaucratic changes. To that end, great pleasure that I rise today not only as the me in commending Bret Michael Bussinger for my bill authorizes a cybersecurity operation Representative of the 8th District of Georgia, his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of within the Department of Homeland Security but also as a member of the House Armed America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- that not only runs parallel to the Department’s Services Committee, to honor the exemplary ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. infrastructure protection work but also service and accomplishments of Major Gen- f leverages, modifies, and enhances existing cy- eral Polly A. Peyer on the occasion of her re- bersecurity structures and programs. My bill tirement from the United States Air Force. H.R. 6423, THE ‘‘HOMELAND SECU- specifically directs DHS to issue risk-based, Maj. Gen. Peyer distinguished herself RITY CYBER AND PHYSICAL IN- performance-based cybersecurity standards through exceptionally meritorious service to FRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION for computer networks for systems in the .gov the Air Force and to the Nation during more ACT 0F 2010’’ domain and those within the private sector than thirty-four years of active military service that are within designated critical infrastruc- in peace and war, culminating as the Com- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON ture. manding General, Warner Robins Air Logistics OF MISSISSIPPI For DHS’ efforts to succeed, there needs to Center, Air Force Materiel Command, Robins IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be ‘‘buy-in’’ on the front end and compliance Air Force Base, Georgia. on the hack end. The bill fosters ‘‘buy-in’’ from Madam Speaker, throughout her career, Thursday, November 18, 2010 the operators of the civilian Federal networks Maj. Gen. Peyer has been in the forefront of Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Madam by establishing a working group comprised of Air Force logistics, serving in all command po- Speaker, illegal penetrations or ‘‘hacks’’ of Federal agencies, and chaired by the Sec- sitions from squadron to wing level and has

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.038 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1977 held major command and headquarters-level While I am happy for Francis to begin this HONORING DAVID S. AMERYUN positions. Among her many accomplishments, next phase of his professional career, make Maj. Gen. Peyer was directly responsible for no mistake about it, he will be greatly missed. HON. SAM GRAVES ensuring the highest quality support to mainte- He has been a valuable member and an irre- OF MISSOURI nance programs supporting the C–130, F–15, placeable part of my team, but I know I can IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES C–17, and C–5 aircraft, among others. Her continue to count on his advice and friendship Thursday, November 18, 2010 commitment to excellence directly led the in the years ahead. Warner Robins Air Logistics Center to garner Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, Madam Speaker, I would not be where I am I proudly pause to recognize David S. 61 national, Air Force, and command organi- today were it not for Francis’ dedication, serv- zational awards, and resulted in the Air Ameryun. David is a very special young man ice and hard work. On behalf of the people of who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- Force’s ability to achieve goals set for the Florida’s Fourteenth Congressional District, I troop surge in Afghanistan, while simulta- zenship and leadership by taking an active want to thank Francis for his nearly ten years part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 180, neously supporting ongoing operations in Iraq. of service to the people of Florida and the Na- Dedicated to the well-being of Team Robins, and earning the most prestigious award of tion. He is my friend, he is a true public serv- Eagle Scout. Maj. Gen. Peyer oversaw the development of ant in every sense of the word, and I wish him the ‘‘You Matter’’ program to raise awareness David has been very active with his troop, all the best as he begins this new and exciting participating in many scout activities. Over the of suicide and develop understanding, recogni- chapter of his life with his family. tion, and skills to proactively prevent it. Maj. many years David has been involved with scouting, he has not only earned numerous Gen. Peyer was also a staunch advocate of f workplace safety and implemented the Com- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- ily, peers, and community. Most notably, David mander’s Safe Site Challenge to implement te- IN HONOR OF ANGELO ROMEO, RE- has contributed to his community through his nets of OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs. SPECTED DIRECTOR OF THE Furthermore, Maj. Gen. Peyer and her hus- Eagle Scout project. GLOUCESTER COUNTY DEPART- Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join band, Colonel (Retired) Brian Grady, were MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS untiring advocates for various organizations, me in commending David S. Ameryun for his causes, and issues including one of our Na- accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of tion’s most outstanding gems, the Museum of HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- Aviation. ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. OF NEW JERSEY Madam Speaker, Major General Peyer f leaves the United States Air Force, the De- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN MEMORY OF U.S. ARMY SPE- partment of Defense, the Nation, and the War- Thursday, November 18, 2010 CIALIST SHANNON ‘‘CHANEN’’ ner Robins Air Logistics Center stronger CHIHUAHUA through her vision and leadership. Her dedica- Mr. ANDREWS. Madam Speaker, I rise tion to excellence and devotion to duty, honor, today to honor the service of Angelo Romeo HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. and country have marked her distinguished as Director of the Gloucester County Depart- OF GEORGIA service. Her record of achievement and man- ment of Veterans Affairs. A resident of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ner of service throughout her long career in Newfield, New Jersey, Mr. Romeo has dem- Thursday, November 18, 2010 positions of enormous responsibility are com- onstrated a tireless work ethic and dedication mensurate with honoring her in the CONGRES- to Gloucester County veterans that deserves Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I SIONAL RECORD. I thank her for her service. recognition. rise today to pay tribute to a brave soldier, a dedicated citizen of Thomasville, Georgia, and f Mr. Romeo’s life shows the strong influence a great American, U.S. Army Specialist Shan- of his mother and political mentor, Virginia TRIBUTE TO FRANCIS B. GIBBS non ‘‘Chanen’’ Chihuahua, who selflessly gave Romeo, the first woman elected to the his life while serving his country in Operation Newfield City Council. Following in her foot- HON. CONNIE MACK Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. steps, Mr. Romeo first ran for a freeholder po- OF FLORIDA Specialist Chihuahua was born in 1985, and sition in 1972 and was later appointed to fill IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was raised in Thomasville, Georgia. After Lee Ranstrom’s seat in 1974 before winning Thursday, November 18, 2010 graduating from Thomas County Central High his own election in 1975. He also served as a School in 2004, he attended Valdosta State Mr. MACK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Captain in the U.S. Army from 1966–1969. University. He met his loving wife, Kristen, in honor one of my most trusted advisors and After a 20-year break from politics, Mr. July of 2006 and the two were married No- closest friends, Francis B. Gibbs, who is mov- Romeo joined the Department of Veterans Af- vember 4, 2006. ing on to new opportunities in the private sec- fairs in Gloucester County in 1998, where his Answering the call to service, he enlisted in tor. part-time position quickly flourished into a full- the U.S. Army. Specialist Chihuahua was as- Many staffers come and go on Capitol Hill, time leadership role. Mr. Romeo excelled at signed to the 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry as many Members can attest, but I’ve been finding and meeting the needs of veterans in Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st fortunate to have Francis at my side for over Gloucester County. Airborne Division (Air Assault), at Fort Camp- five years. He has been a dedicated public Mr. Romeo worked tirelessly to establish the bell, Kentucky. servant and a terrific sounding board for me, Veterans Affairs clinic and the Williamstown His awards and decorations include: Purple and he has been an incredible advocate and cemetery. Since the beginning of 2010, the VA Heart; Army Commendation Medal; Army mentor for my staff. clinic in Gloucester County has seen over Achievement Medal; National Defense Service Before serving as my Legislative Director 4,000 individuals with a combined 18,000 ap- Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal; Global and then my Chief of Staff, Francis worked for pointments. Furthermore, the State of New War on Terrorism Service Medal; Army Serv- Congressman ANDER CRENSHAW as his Legis- Jersey Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. ice Ribbon; NATO Medal; and Combat Medic lative Counsel. A native Floridian, Francis un- Small Business Administration awarded the Badge. derstands the values and attributes of our Veteran Small Business Advocate of the Year While deployed to Afghanistan, he was one great State. to Mr. Romeo. of several service members tragically killed on More importantly, Francis shares a strong November 12, 2010 when insurgents attacked passion for the ideals of freedom and free Mr. Romeo and his wife, Susan, have four his unit using small arms fire and rocket pro- markets. He is deeply committed to the Con- children and eight grandchildren whom they pelled grenades. He gave the ultimate sac- stitution and the principles of federalism, and plan to take to Disney World after he retires rifice; he died while trying to save a fellow sol- his work reflects his commitment to limiting the next month. dier, who was injured. size and scope of an ever-intrusive federal Madam Speaker, Angelo Romeo’s commit- Specialist Chihuahua’s death is a great loss government. A famous man once said, ‘‘No ment to Gloucester County and its veterans to this country, as he was a man of great man is entitled to the blessings of freedom un- must be recognized. I wish him the best in his promise and honor. He was described as an less he be vigilant in its preservation.’’ Francis future endeavors and thank him for his contin- energetic and positive person with a constant has been, and always will be, a true patriot ued service to the veterans of Gloucester smile. He was well regarded by his peers and and defender of freedom. County. known for his congeniality.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.040 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1978 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 His death is also a great loss to his loving Our committee recognizes the importance of letters be included in the Congressional family. He is survived by his wife, Kristen; two of H. Res. 1672, and the need for the resolu- Record. daughters, Sophia and Annabelle; his mother, tion to move expeditiously. Therefore, while Sincerely, we have a valid claim to jurisdiction over HOWARD L. BERMAN, Dennice Dinkins of Thomasville, Georgia; and this legislation, the Committee on Armed Chairman. father, Sebastian Chihuahua of Del Rio, Services will waive further consideration of f Texas. H. Res. 1672. I do so with the understanding Madam Speaker, U.S. Army Specialist that by waiving consideration of the resolu- HONORING JOEL LEIGHTON RONEY Shannon ‘‘Chanen’’ Chihuahua made the ulti- tion, the Committee on Armed Services does mate sacrifice for his country. His time on this not waive any future jurisdictional claim earth was too short. He was a proud Amer- over the subject matters contained in the HON. SAM GRAVES ican, a brave soldier, and a true family man. resolution which fall within its Rule X juris- OF MISSOURI diction. In life, he was loved and honored and in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES death, he will be remembered by a grateful Please submit this letter and a copy of your response during consideration of the Thursday, November 18, 2010 nation. measure on the House floor. Thank you for Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, f the cooperative spirit in which you have I proudly pause to recognize Joel Leighton worked regarding this matter and others be- COMMEMORATING THE PERSIAN Roney. Joel is a very special young man who tween our respective committees. has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- GULF WAR Very truly yours, IKE SKELTON, ship and leadership by taking an active part in SPEECH OF Chairman. the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 180, and HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN earning the most prestigious award of Eagle COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS, Scout. OF CALIFORNIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Joel has been very active with his troop, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Washington, DC, November 15, 2010. participating in many scout activities. Over the Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Hon. HOWARD L. BERMAN, many years Joel has been involved with Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House scouting, he has not only earned numerous Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I would ask of Representatives, Washington, DC. merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- that this exchange of letters between myself DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: On September 28, ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Joel and Chairman FILNER and Chairman SKELTON 2010, H. Res. 1672, commemorating the Per- has contributed to his community through his regarding H. Res. 1672 be submitted. sian Gulf War and reaffirming the commit- Eagle Scout project. ment of the United States towards Persian CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Gulf War veterans, was introduced in the Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, House of Representatives. This measure was me in commending Joel Leighton Roney for HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Washington, DC, November 15, 2010. sequentially referred to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- Hon. IKE SKELTON, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs recog- ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Washington, DC. nizes the importance of H. Res. 1672 and the f DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your need to move this resolution expeditiously. letter regarding H. Res. 1672, commemo- Therefore, while we have valid jurisdictional HONORING THE LIFE OF DR. W. rating the Persian Gulf War and reaffirming claims to this resolution, the Committee on HENRY MAXWELL the commitment of the United States toward Veterans’ Affairs will waive further consider- Persian Gulf War veterans. This measure was ation of H. Res. 1672. The Committee does so referred to the Committee on Foreign Af- with the understanding that by waiving fur- HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT fairs, in addition to the Committee on ther consideration of this resolution it does OF VIRGINIA Armed Services, for a period to be subse- not waive any future jurisdictional claims IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quently determined by the Speaker, in each over similar measures. Thursday, November 18, 2010 case for consideration of such provisions as I would appreciate the inclusion of this let- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee ter and a copy of your response during con- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I concerned. sideration of H. Res. 1672 on the House floor. rise today to mourn the loss of one of the I agree that the Committee on Armed Sincerely, Commonwealth of Virginia’s finest public serv- Services has certain valid jurisdictional BOB FILNER, ants, a great man of faith and a trusted friend, claims to this resolution, and I appreciate Chairman. your decision to waive further consideration former State Senator Dr. W. Henry Maxwell. of H. Res. 1672 in the interest of expediting This past Saturday, Dr. Maxwell passed away, CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, and I would like to take a brief moment to cel- consideration of this important measure. I COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, understand that by agreeing to waive further Washington, DC, November 15, 2010. ebrate his life and legacy. consideration, the Committee on Armed Hon. BOB FILNER, A lifelong resident of Newport News, Dr. Services is not waiving its jurisdictional Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Maxwell was born on April 3, 1935, and grad- claims over similar measures in the future. Washington, DC. uated from Carver High School in 1951. Hav- During consideration of this measure on ing been raised in the church, Dr. Maxwell the House floor, I will ask that this exchange DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your of letters be included for the record. letter regarding H. Res. 1672, commemo- nurtured a deep and abiding faith that eventu- Sincerely, rating the Persian Gulf War and reaffirming ally led him into the ministry. In 1967, he was the commitment of the United States toward HOWARD L. BERMAN, ordained into gospel ministry and he formal- Chairman. Persian Gulf War veterans. This measure was ized his calling, receiving both a bachelor of referred to the Committee on Foreign Af- theology degree and a doctorate of divinity fairs, in addition to the Committee on Vet- HOUSE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERV- erans’ Affairs, for a period to be subse- from Virginia Seminary and College. ICES, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, quently determined by the Speaker, in each It is hard to separate the life and legacy of Washington, DC, November 16, 2010. case for consideration of such provisions as Dr. Maxwell from the history of Ivy Baptist Hon. HOWARD BERMAN; fall within the jurisdiction of the committee Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House Church, the institution that Dr. Maxwell faith- concerned. of Representatives, Washington, DC. fully led for 37 years. Under his leadership, DEAR CHAIRMAN BERMAN: I am writing to I agree that the Committee on Veterans’ the church grew in size, purchased a new you concerning H. Res. 1672, commemorating Affairs has certain valid jurisdictional house of worship, and established a child care the Persian Gulf War and reaffirming the claims to this resolution, and I appreciate and learning center. As a fitting tribute to his commitment of the United States towards your decision to waive further consideration years of dedicated service, Ivy Baptist erected Persian Gulf War veterans. This measure was of H. Res. 1672 in the interest of expediting the W. Henry Maxwell Family Life Center in consideration of this important measure. I referred to the Committee on Foreign Af- 1999. fairs, and in addition to the Committee on understand that by agreeing to waive further Armed Services, and Veterans’ Affairs, for a consideration, the Committee on Veterans’ If Dr. Maxwell’s only contribution to his com- period to be subsequently determined by the Affairs is not waiving its jurisdictional munity was as a pastor, he would have had a Speaker, in each case for consideration of claims over similar measures in the future. lasting legacy. But Dr. Maxwell was a civic ac- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- During consideration of this measure on tivist and a public servant who was fond of tion of the committee concerned. the House floor, I will ask that this exchange saying: ‘‘If one was to be concerned about

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.043 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1979 man, he should be concerned about the laws USAF, Ret.; Major Durhl Caussey, USA, Ret.; HONORING SCOTT DAVIS that govern man.’’ Dr. Maxwell was an effec- 1st Lieutenant Scott Chase, USA; Colonel Ken GEISINGER tive and hard-working legislator and a strong Cordier, USAF, Ret.; Lt. Colonel Stoney voice for the downtrodden. When I first be- Green, USA; Captain Ray Morey, USAF; 1st HON. SAM GRAVES came involved in community activities and pol- Lieutenant Edwin Strom, USA; Sgt. Joe Wells, OF MISSOURI itics in my hometown of Newport News, I was USAF; Captain David Mills, USA, USAF; and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES following in Dr. Maxwell’s footsteps. Dr. Max- Spec. 4 Jim Foster, USA. Thursday, November 18, 2010 well was serving as President of the Newport These veterans deserve our deepest grati- News branch of the NAACP when I came tude for their great sacrifice made in defense Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, back to Newport News after finishing law of liberty, freedom, and democracy. No words I proudly pause to recognize Scott Davis school, and I was honored to step into his can ever fully express our gratitude for all they Geisinger. Scott is a very special young man shoes in 1975 as President of the branch. Dr. have done for our country. Their patriotism, who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- Maxwell ran for Newport News City Council in courage, and selflessness is commendable zenship and leadership by taking an active 1976. Although his campaign was unsuccess- and deserves our highest regard. part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 180, ful, the work of his campaign served as a and earning the most prestigious award of Madam Speaker, I ask my esteemed col- foundation for my successful run for the Vir- Eagle Scout. leagues to join me in expressing our gratitude ginia House of Delegates in 1977. During my Scott has been very active with his troop, for their service to this great Nation. tenure in the Virginia House of Delegates, Dr. participating in many scout activities. Over the Maxwell was a trusted advisor and friend. many years Scott has been involved with f When I was elected to the State Senate in scouting, he has not only earned numerous 1983, Dr. Maxwell was elected to my House of IN RECOGNITION OF THE HORACE merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Delegates seat. We served as colleagues in WELLS CLUB OF CONNECTICUT ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Scott the Virginia General Assembly, until I was has contributed to his community through his elected to the U.S. House of Representatives Eagle Scout project. in 1992. Following my election, Dr. Maxwell HON. JOHN B. LARSON Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in commending Scott Davis Geisinger for was successfully elected to the State Senate. OF CONNECTICUT Dr. Maxwell’s tenure in the Virginia General his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Assembly as both a member of the House of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- Delegates and the State Senate, was charac- Thursday, November 18, 2010 ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. terized by a deep tie to the needs of his com- f munity. He was critical in obtaining state funds Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Madam to restore the historic Newsome House and Speaker, I rise to recognize the Horace Wells PROTECTING HOMEOWNERS AND support its use as a community cultural center. Club of Connecticut. For over 100 years, this FORECLOSURE STABILIZATION He was an advocate for the continued oper- organization has been dedicated to promoting ACT OF 2010 ation of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the field of anesthesiology. This remarkable Blind. He was also instrumental in ensuring breakthrough in the field of medicine and den- HON. JIM McDERMOTT that judges in Virginia properly reflected the tistry has dramatically improved the comfort of OF WASHINGTON community they served. In addition to his for- patients during surgery and transformed once IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mal duties as a member of the House of Dele- painful experiences into routine procedures. Thursday, November 18, 2010 gates and a State Senator, Dr. Maxwell was The Horace Wells Club of Connecticut was Mr. MCDERMOTT. Madam Speaker, in the engaged in many civic organizations. He was founded in 1894 by a group of dedicated den- midst of this recession, the American people a Life Member of the NAACP, member of the tists on the 50th anniversary of the discovery face impossible job prospects, decreased board of trustees of the Peninsula Economic of anesthesia. Since then, they have held an wages, and the continuing decline in the value Development Council, the United Way of the annual dinner and given out the Horace Wells of their homes. Reports show that 23 percent Peninsula, and the Newport News Alliance for Anesthesia Award to an individual who has of all residential properties are underwater and Youth. contributed to the advancement of the field of the foreclosure rates are only rising. Under- Madam Speaker, the city of Newport News anesthesiology. The event has been held at water homeowners are often ineligible for refi- has lost a great public servant and I have lost the historic Harford Club for the last 75 years. nancing, and are kept from restructuring the a dear friend. I want to extend my deepest This year’s event will be held on December mortgage debt on their primary home in bank- sympathies to Dr. Maxwell’s wife of 53 years, 11th, exactly 166 years to the date of anesthe- ruptcy. With banks being largely ineffective in Gladys, their children Walter, Ronald, and An- sia’s discovery. gela, great-grandchildren, sisters Pauline, Sal- modifying loans, homeowners are left with little The Horace Wells Club of Connecticut is choice but foreclosure. The American people lie, Shirley and Gwendolyn, brothers Wesley named after the Hartford dentist who discov- and Thomas, nieces, nephews, other family deserve better, and fixing this problem will ered that nitrous oxide could be used as anes- help the economy and American families. and friends and the Ivy Baptist Church com- thesia. Horace Wells pioneered this medical munity. The ‘‘Protecting Homeowners and Fore- advancement by first experimenting on himself closure Stabilization act of 2010’’ will give f during a tooth extraction. After his own suc- homeowners the ability to restructure the debt IN HONOR OF THE cessful use of anesthesia, he worked tirelessly on their primary residence in bankruptcy. Fur- VETERANS FROM THE OAK to spread and advance this technology to im- thermore, homeowners will receive increased CLIFF LIONS CLUB prove the lives of people everywhere. He is fa- protection from foreclosure by the automatic mously quoted as wanting to see anesthesia stay in bankruptcy, and increased time to file HON. PETE SESSIONS become ‘‘as free as the air we breathe.’’ Hor- a plan in Chapter 13. Homeowners facing ace Wells has been recognized multiple times foreclosure have the additional benefit of waiv- OF TEXAS by the American Dental Association and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES er of the pre-filing counseling requirement to American Medical Association. Additionally, ensure minimal delay in accessing the court. Thursday, November 18, 2010 the State of Connecticut and the City of Hart- As a condition of filing, homeowners must cer- Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, I rise ford commissioned a bronze statue in 1874, tify that they requested a loan modification today to recognize the Vietnam War Veterans which sits at Bushnell Park in Hartford, CT to from their bank. of the Oak Cliff Lions Club. It is my great privi- this day. The ability to restructure the debt of all as- lege and pleasure to honor these individuals. Anesthesia’s abundant availability has con- sets in bankruptcy has long been enjoyed by On November 3, 2010, the Oak Cliff Lions tributed greatly to the relief of pain and suf- businesses. There is no reason that the Amer- Club paid special tribute to its members that fering and Horace Wells was instrumental in ican people should receive fewer protections served in the Vietnam War. This group of dis- this important medical breakthrough. I com- than businesses do in bankruptcy. The ‘‘Pro- tinct individuals includes Captain Stan mend the Horace Wells Club of Connecticut tecting Homeowners and Foreclosure Sta- Altschuler, USA; Petty Officer 2nd Class Rob- for honoring his contribution to medicine and bilization act of 2010’’ will help put American ert Bown, USN; Airman First Class Danny wish that they have a successful gala on De- homeowners on equal footing with the banks Boyce, USAF; Colonel Rich Buickerood, cember 11th. when working to save their homes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.048 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 PERSONAL EXPLANATION Andy served as an inspiration to the people Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join of and to the surfing community around me in commending Timmothy Hans-Robert HON. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ the world. He will be greatly missed. Hiller for his accomplishments with the Boy OF CALIFORNIA f Scouts of America and for his efforts put forth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in achieving the highest distinction of Eagle A TRIBUTE TO CALVIN ‘‘CAL’’ Scout. Thursday, November 18, 2010 WORTHINGTON f Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California. Madam Speaker, unfortunately, I was unable HON. DANIEL E. LUNGREN CONGRESSIONAL RECOGNITION to be present in the Capitol for all votes on OF CALIFORNIA FOR PUEBLO DEL SOL ELEMEN- Thursday, November 18, 2010. However, had IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TARY SCHOOL I been present, I would have voted as follows: Thursday, November 18, 2010 HON. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS ‘‘yea’’ on the Motion to Suspend the Rules Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California. OF ARIZONA and Pass S. 3774, Extending the deadline for Madam Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Social Services Block Grant expenditures of Calvin ‘‘Cal’’ Worthington, a great American supplemental funds appropriated following dis- entrepreneur who is turning 90 years old this Thursday, November 18, 2010 asters occurring in 2008; ‘‘yea’’ on the Motion week. Ms. GIFFORDS. Madam Speaker, I rise to Suspend the Rules and Pass H. Con. Res. When I think of Mr. Worthington, the first today to recognize Pueblo Del Sol Elementary 329, Recognizing the 35th anniversary of the thing which comes to mind is that he is a true School in Sierra Vista, Arizona which has enactment of the Education for All Handi- ‘‘Renaissance Man.’’ He proudly served our been designated a 2010 National Blue Ribbon capped Children Act of 1975; ‘‘yea’’ on the country in the United States Army Air Corps in School. Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass H. World War II as a B–17 Bomber pilot, and be- This is a significant honor for the students, Res. 1677, Condemning the Burmese re- cause of his heroic skills during the military parents, teachers, staff and administrators of gime’s undemocratic upcoming elections on campaign in Germany, he was awarded the Pueblo Del Sol, which is in Arizona’s 8th Con- November 7, 2010. Air Medal five times, as well as the Distin- gressional District. Pueblo Del Sol was among f guished Flying Cross. just four schools in the State of Arizona and HONORING SURFING LEGEND When Mr. Worthington returned to the 304 in the Nation to receive this prestigious ANDY IRONS States, he eventually became one of the most award. successful car salesmen in the country. With Principal Jim Sprigg as well as former Prin- his dealerships in five States, Cal quickly dem- cipal John Wilson, who retired last year, HON. MAZIE K. HIRONO onstrated an aptitude for drawing in cus- played major roles in leading the school to this OF HAWAII tomers. His name today still evokes memories award. I extend my congratulations to both of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of tantalizing jingles as well as images of zoo them for establishing and maintaining an out- Thursday, November 18, 2010 animals and stunts, as he is best known for standing tradition of educational excellence. Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, I rise today his lively commercials with his ‘‘dog’’ Spot. His It also is important to note that this award to pay tribute to surfing legend Andy Irons, advertisements were received with high na- would not have been possible without the who passed away suddenly on November 2 at tional acclaim, due to the fact that Spot was dedication of Pueblo Del Sol students who the age of 32. A kama‘aina from Hanalei on never a dog. Instead, Spot was always an ex- come to school each day ready to learn and the island of Kauai, Andy Irons was one of the otic animal, such as a tiger, chimpanzee, lion, anxious to apply themselves to their edu- sport’s most recognized athletes with three bear, goose, rhinoceros, skunk, water buffalo, cation. The success of the students would not world championship titles, an accomplishment snake, elephant or seal. have been possible without the support and that no other male surfer from Hawaii has Mr. Worthington’s sense of humor, tremen- guidance given to them by their parents. been able to achieve. In all, Andy won 32 pro- dous business skills, love of music and the We have, unfortunately, become accus- fessional surfing contests, including 20 elite arts, and his desire to continually improve his tomed to hearing discouraging educational Association of Surfing Professionals World community will be his legacy. It is an honor to news. We are encouraged, however, that Tour tides and four Triple Crown tides. Cur- recognize Cal Worthington for his immense those affiliated with Pueblo Del Sol Elemen- rently ranked 16th in the world, Andy remains dedication to improving the quality of life for so tary School have shown that even with tight fi- the highest-ranked professional surfer from many individuals and for his commitment to nancial constraints, schools with students and Hawaii. excellence. He has served our Nation proudly teachers who are determined to succeed will Known for his powerful, fluid style and ability and I am privileged to say that he will always excel. to excel in all types of surf conditions, Andy be my friend. Happy 90th birthday, Cal; in dog The people of Sierra Vista and the members Irons was not only highly respected by surfers years you are now officially 630 years old! of the Sierra Vista Unified School District in Hawaii but also served as an ambassador f should be very proud to have such a stellar for Hawaii and the sport as he competed in school in their community. I share their pride HONORING TIMMOTHY HANS- and am pleased to have Pueblo Del Sol Ele- events all over the world. Andy always made ROBERT HILLER it a point to mentor local surfers and promote mentary School in my Congressional District as an example of the excellence that is pos- the sport in Hawaii, including hosting the Irons HON. SAM GRAVES Brothers Pine Trees Classic with his brother sible in our public education system. OF MISSOURI I am honored to recognize the students, Bruce for up-and-coming surfers on Kauai IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES parents, teachers, staff and administrators of over the past nine years. Although he went on hiatus from competing Thursday, November 18, 2010 Pueblo Del Sol on this outstanding national award. It is a testament to their dedication, professionally in 2008 and 2009, Andy made Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, perseverance and an unwavering commitment a comeback this year, winning the Billabong I proudly pause to recognize Timmothy Hans- to learning. Pro Teahupoo in Tahiti in September. He was Robert Hiller. Timmothy is a very special also expected to be a top contender in the young man who has exemplified the finest f Vans Triple Crown of Surfing this month on qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE the North Shore of Oahu, a three-event series ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- MONTH 2009 that he won from 2002 to 2006. ica, Troop 180, and earning the most pres- Andy is survived by his wife, Lyndie, who is tigious award of Eagle Scout. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS expecting their first child next month; father, Timmothy has been very active with his OF NEW YORK Phil; mother, Danielle; and brother, Bruce. In troop, participating in many scout activities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES addition to the thousands of people who paid Over the many years Timmothy has been in- tribute to Andy at a memorial ‘‘paddle out’’ volved with scouting, he has not only earned Thursday, November 18, 2010 service at Hanalei Bay on the North Shore of numerous merit badges, but also the respect Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Kauai on November 14, thousands of fans, of his family, peers, and community. Most no- in support of the DREAM Act. friends, and competitors around the world held tably, Timmothy has contributed to his com- We are a nation built by the hard work and similar memorials in solidarity. munity through his Eagle Scout project. personal achievements of immigrants. We

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.052 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1981 must take strides to move immigration reform Army, Mr. Burstein was awarded both the IN HONOR OF GENERAL C. ROBERT forward and now is the time to do it. Now is Combat Infantryman Badge and the Bronze KEHLER, COMMANDER, AIR the time to help millions of young people Star Medal. FORCE SPACE COMMAND achieve the American Dream. Albert Burstein’s extraordinary accomplish- Improving access to education for immi- ments and steadfast devotion to public service HON. DOUG LAMBORN grants is an important piece of reform. Edu- continued after his departure from the military. OF COLORADO cation has always been a priority of mine and, Al served as a member of the New Jersey IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in order to build a stronger nation, we should General Assembly from 1971 to 1981, during Thursday, November 18, 2010 encourage those who want to become Ameri- which he held several leadership positions, in- cans to pursue their education. Mr. LAMBORN. Madam Speaker, let me cluding Chairman of the Assembly Education The DREAM Act also allows for permanent take this opportunity to pay tribute to General Committee and Assembly Majority Leader. He resident status to be given to those who C. Robert Kehler. The President of the United remained committed to improving the quality served for two years in the military. It is only States nominated him to be the next Com- of schools in the State of New Jersey and fitting that we afford this status to individuals mander of United States Strategic Command. across the country, serving as a member and who are willing to lay down their lives if need General Kehler became Commander of Air chairman of numerous education commissions be for the protection of this great nation. Force Space Command in October 2007 and and boards. On the federal level, Mr. Burstein My esteemed colleagues, I urge you to up- he leads the world’s greatest space and was appointed by the Secretary of Health, hold the ideals of the American Dream; vote in cyberspace force. favor of the DREAM Act. Thank you. Education and Welfare to serve as Chairman General Kehler entered the Air Force in of the Model Adoption Legislation and Proce- f 1975 as a distinguished graduate of the Penn- dures Advisory Panel from 1978 to 1979. sylvania State University Air Force Reserve NATIONAL AWARD CENTER Mr. Burstein continues to provide his exper- Officer Training Corps program. His exemplary tise and leadership to the people of New Jer- Air Force career is marked by command at the HON. NICK J. RAHALL II sey as partner in a distinguished law firm in squadron, group and wing levels, and a broad OF WEST VIRGINIA Hackensack, New Jersey—Herten, Burstein, range of experience in intercontinental ballistic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sheridan, Cevasco, Bottinelli, Litt & Harz, missile (ICBM) operations, space launch, space operations, missile warning, and space Thursday, November 18, 2010 L.L.C. He is an active member of his commu- nity and has been recognized for his legal control. Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, for the last work in Bergen County. Mr. Burstein is a great General Kehler began his illustrious career several decades multi-billion dollar trade defi- source of pride and admiration for his loving as a Minuteman Combat Crewmember. His Air cits have continued to disadvantage American family, including his wife Ruth; his children Force journey would take him and his wife, industries and manufacturing, and that means Jeff, Diane, and Laura; and his grandchildren Marjorie, through a series of Air Force and American jobs. Businesses, like the National Alexandra, William, and Julia. Joint assignments. As the Chief of the Stra- Award Center, are working with employers tegic Missile Branch in the Secretary of the Air and employees to promote critical economic Madam Speaker, today I would like to con- Force’s Office of Legislative Liaison, he was priorities of higher productivity, more innova- gratulate Albert Burstein on being honored by the Secretary’s point man on Capitol Hill for tion and a strong, competitive work ethic. I the people of France and thank him for both matters regarding the President’s ICBM Mod- commend these national priorities to all com- his military heroism and his lifelong commit- ernization Program. As Director of the National panies, organizations and related government ment to serving our great Nation. I am grateful Security Space Office, he integrated the activi- agencies, federal, state and local which are to have had such a dedicated and outstanding ties of a number of space organizations on be- trying to level the playing field for the United individual as an honored friend and role model half of the Under Secretary of the Air Force States in the global marketplace. I congratu- for over 30 years. and Director, National Reconnaissance Office. late the National Award Center in its inaugural Prior to assuming his current position, General year. f Kehler was the Deputy Commander, U.S. f Strategic Command. HONORING THOMAS ANDREW In his current assignment as Commander, HONORING ALBERT BURSTEIN’S GEISINGER Air Force Space Command, General Kehler is APPOINTMENT AS CHEVALIER responsible for organizing, equipping, training OF THE FRENCH LEGION OF and maintaining mission-ready space and HONOR HON. SAM GRAVES cyberspace forces and capabilities for North OF MISSOURI American Aerospace Defense Command, U.S. HON. STEVEN R. ROTHMAN Strategic Command, and other combatant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW JERSEY commands around the world. He provides in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, November 18, 2010 spirational leadership to more than 46,000 personnel responsible for mission areas rang- Thursday, November 18, 2010 Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Madam Speaker, ing from assured access to space to on-orbit Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey. Madam I proudly pause to recognize Thomas Andrew space operations, space situational aware- Speaker, I rise today to recognize my dear Geisinger. Thomas is a very special young ness, and cyberspace operations. General friend Mr. Albert Burstein upon his appoint- man who has exemplified the finest qualities Kehler’s dynamic leadership capabilities were ment as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor by of citizenship and leadership by taking an ac- vital to the transfer of the ICBM mission to the the President of the French Republic, Mr. tive part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop newly established Air Force Global Strike Nicolas Sarkozy. This prestigious distinction 180, and earning the most prestigious award Command and in standing up the 24th Air was conferred upon Mr. Burstein on Novem- of Eagle Scout. Force to execute the Air Force’s cyberspace ber 11, 2010 to express the deep appreciation mission. His decisive and visionary leadership Thomas has been very active with his troop, and gratitude of the French people for his con- of Air Force Space Command earned National participating in many scout activities. Over the tribution to the liberation of their country during Defense Industrial Association recognition as many years Thomas has been involved with World War II. the 2009 Hartinger Award winner for ‘‘Out- Mr. Burstein joined the United States Army scouting, he has not only earned numerous standing Achievement in the Military Space on May 8, 1943 in Fort Dix, New Jersey. He merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- Mission of the United States.’’ became a member of the 44th Infantry Divi- ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Madam Speaker, the American people have sion and was soon shipped overseas, where Thomas has contributed to his community been fortunate to have General Kehler serving his outfit was quickly engaged in combat in through his Eagle Scout project. as the Commander of Air Force Space Com- the south central region of France. Having re- Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join mand for the past three years. Marjorie, and ceived Army specialized training in the Ger- me in commending Thomas Andrew Geisinger their two sons, Matt and Jared, can be proud man language, Mr. Burstein was placed in for his accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of his fine character and dedication to service. charge of troops at the front lines in order to of America and for his efforts put forth in He will be greatly missed in Colorado Springs, watch for oncoming German counter attacks. achieving the highest distinction of Eagle but the community’s loss is the country’s gain. Following his honorable discharge from the Scout. I know my fellow Members of the House of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.056 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 Representatives will join me in thanking him tist Church in Brooklyn, New York, where Rev. duty during World War II. Robert Keller be- for his continued commitment to his country. Dr. Johnny Ray Youngblood has served as came an exceptional Naval aviator, serving in f Senior Pastor for the past thirty-five years. World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. He further Rev. Brawley served as Dr. Youngblood’s As- distinguished himself as an aviator by flying HONORING DR. GRACIELA sistant Pastor beginning in 1995, and in Janu- both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. In SARMIENTO OF ARROYO ary 2008, was named Pastor Successor of St. Vietnam, he flew with his son, Bob, Jr., on a GRANDE, ROGER LYON OF Paul Community Baptist Church. helicopter mission as well as a fixed-wing air- CAYUCOS, DR. JAMES THORTON During his tenure at St. Paul, Rev. Brawley craft mission. Through the course of his ca- OF ARROYO GRANDE AND CAL has served in a large number of roles, includ- reer, General Keller earned the POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO STU- ing: Coordinator of the Men-in-Training pro- Medal, three Distinguished Flying Crosses, DENT AND PARAMEDIC ANDREW gram for the St. Paul Community Board of El- and three awards of the . He THIEL ders, pastoral counseling, officiating at sacred retired as the Commanding General, Marine events such as weddings, baby dedications, Corps Development and Education Command, HON. LOIS CAPPS and home going services, community orga- Quantico, on July 1, 1972. OF CALIFORNIA nizing, leading worship services, and as an Over the course of his distinguished career IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on-call teacher to the congregation. His orga- and his various billets, General Keller served nizing efforts play a dynamic role in the our nation with great pride and dedication. He Thursday, November 18, 2010 church’s community development activities continued to uphold the Marine Corps values Mrs. CAPPS. Madam Speaker, I rise today where he serves as a member of the Govern- of honor, courage, and commitment through- with a heavy heart. Last month, four cherished ance Board and Strategy Team of East Brook- out the rest of his life. members of my community on the California lyn Congregations, EBC, an organization Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United Central Coast died when their plane carrying which has been at the forefront of construction States Congress, I am proud to recognize medical supplies crashed in Mexico. All four projects that have resulted in over 3000 af- Lieutenant General Robert P. Keller’s im- were participating in a humanitarian mission fordable homes in Brooklyn. Rev. Brawley has mense contributions to our national security with the Flying Samaritans aid organization. been an outspoken advocate for public school through his lifelong leadership and service to The tragic loss of Dr. Graciela Sarmiento of reform and has addressed issues such as the United States Marine Corps and this great Arroyo Grande, Roger Lyon of Cayucos, Dr. public safety, housing, and quality of life con- nation. General Keller was preceded by his James Thorton of Arroyo Grande and Cal Poly cerns on behalf of neighborhood residents. wife Lucille and is survived by children, Ron- San Luis Obispo student and paramedic An- Rev. Brawley’s community involvement also ald, Robert, Anne, and Joan, grandchildren, drew Thiel has been of tremendous shock and includes his role as Vice President of and great-grandchildren. I would like to offer heart-ache to our close community. That these E.D.I.F.Y. Communities of East New York. my sincere condolences. Northwest Florida four selfless and dedicated individuals would E.D.I.F.Y., which stands for Empower, De- mourns the loss of a respected patriot. To his pass on so suddenly and in an act of such velop and Improve Families and Youth, seeks family and friends, he will forever be remem- generosity is all the more painful. to increase the vitality and value of urban bered as a loving husband, father, grand- As our community grieves, we have pledged communities by pooling resources and chari- father, great-grandfather, and friend; to all, he to honor the work of Graciela, Roger, James table funds. will forever be remembered as a great Amer- and Andrew in our own lives. In death, these Rev. Brawley’s four principles for a strong, ican hero. remarkable people have reminded us in the productive ministry are: creating a thriving f most powerful and tragic of ways that life is worship experience; actively engaging in com- short, and that genuine generosity knows no munity organizing; edifying God’s people; and RECOGNIZING BREESE MATER DEI bounds. becoming a beacon of economic development FOR WINNING THE VOLLEYBALL While they were at different stages in life, all for the community the ministry serves. As a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP four were known to their families, friends and pastor, Rev. Brawley possesses the gifts of neighbors as bighearted, intellectually curious exhortation, inspiration, motivation, and en- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS and passionate about contributing to the com- couragement, which he shares in worship OF ILLINOIS munity and world around them. In leading services and across the nation at men’s con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through example, Graciela, Roger, James and ferences, revivals, and youth group program- Thursday, November 18, 2010 Andrew demonstrated that there are no limits ming. when working to make this world a better In 2004, Rev. Brawley earned his Master’s Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise today place. degree in Theological Studies from the Faith to recognize the achievements of a talented I urge all my colleagues to celebrate the Seminary of Tacoma, Washington. He is cur- group of student-athletes from Breese, Illinois. lives of Graciela, Roger, James and Andrew rently pursuing his doctorate in ministry at The Breese Mater Dei Knights volleyball with their own acts of generosity and to pray Faith Seminary. team recently captured the Illinois High School for their surviving families and friends. Thank Rev. Brawley resides in Brooklyn, New York Athletic Association Class 3A State Title and you and I yield back. with his wife Debra and their two children, finished the season with an outstanding 41-1 f Rhonesha and Michael. record. The Knights lost the first set of the Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to championship match to Joliet Catholic 25-15, A TRIBUTE TO REVEREND DAVID join me in recognizing the contributions of but fought back and captured the last two sets K. BRAWLEY Rev. David K. Brawley. 25-18 and 26-24 to secure the state cham- f pionship. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS I would like to congratulate Head Coach OF NEW YORK HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE Fred Rakers and Assistant Coach Chad IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL ROB- Rakers for all of their hard work with the team. ERT P. KELLER, USMC (RET.) But most of all, I want to congratulate the Thursday, November 18, 2010 2010 state champion volleyball team from Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today HON. JEFF MILLER Breese Mater Dei: Samantha Bedard, Kaley in recognition of Rev. David K. Brawley. OF FLORIDA Boeckmann, Chelsea Crocker, Kayla Reverend David K. Brawley’s commitment IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Eversgerd, Alyssa Hitpas, Bailey Kampwerth, to the call and demands of ministry is evi- Emily Koelling, Alison Lampen, Abby denced in his leadership and his availability. Thursday, November 18, 2010 Luebbers, Mallory Mensing, Alison Mueller, At the age of sixteen, Rev. Brawley re- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, it Ashley Rakers, Brooke Schulte, Nicole sponded to God’s will and was ordained by is with great honor that I rise to recognize the Strieker, Abbey Winter. Rev. Winifred Pippen of First Baptist Church in life and service of Lieutenant General Robert These young ladies have represented them- Deer Park, New York. He became the Youth P. Keller, USMC (Ret.). selves, their school and their community in an Minister at First Baptist, where he maintained Robert Keller was born in Oakland, Cali- exemplary fashion and I want to join with all his membership for thirteen years. fornia, on February 9, 1920. As part of the the members of this House in wishing them In 1994, Rev. Brawley began his full time Greatest Generation, he joined the United continued success in their athletic and aca- career in ministry at St. Paul Community Bap- States Marine Corps and answered his call to demic endeavors.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.018 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1983 RECOGNIZING THE BUILDING RE- Her life was historic in many ways, yet she proving the lives of others. Whether it was or- DEDICATION AND RIBBON CUT- will be remembered not only for the lives she ganizing a campaign in college to stop drug TING OF VIENNA ELEMENTARY saved as a physician but also for the lives she use on campus, starting non-profit groups to saved as an advocate for the unborn. improve the lives of his church community or HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY From the earliest years of the right to life working for the Federal Government to im- OF VIRGINIA movement, she dedicated herself to the prove the voting system, he has been and will cause, always beautifully articulating the hu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continue to be a true asset to the state of New manity of unborn children. Poised and pas- Jersey. And while we were once adversaries Thursday, November 18, 2010 sionate, always focused and extremely de- in a political campaign, I am honored now to Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- voted, she made history and inspired an entire call him a good friend. er, I rise to recognize the rededication of Vi- generation of pro-life leaders. Reverend Soaries’ leadership positions with- enna Elementary School. Founded in 1872, Dr. Jefferson was among the founders of in our community, State and Federal Govern- Vienna Elementary is the oldest continually the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) ments show the commitment he has to helping operational school in Fairfax County. Today, and from 1975–1978 she served three terms people move forward. As the Secretary of we are celebrating the completion of upgrades as President of NRLC. She also served as di- State for New Jersey, he was the first African- that will improve the classroom experience for rector of Massachusetts Citizens for Life and American male to serve as a constitutional of- educators and children in our community. a board member of American Life League. ficer and worked across party lines to achieve Vienna Elementary School is one of the fin- She was also a founding member of the board progress in the government, including in- est public schools in the country. Its mission is and a past president of the Value of Life Com- creased funding for the arts. to challenge and support individual excellence mittee of Massachusetts and was active in His time as a Secretary of State and his by setting high academic standards and em- Black Americans for Life. years of ministry prepared him to be the first powering students to become successful citi- Among all of her accolades and accomplish- chairman for the Federal Election Assistance zens. As a sign of its success, Virginia Gov- ments, she should be best known for her own Commission. The agency was created to help ernor Tim Kaine and the State Board of Edu- eloquent description of why she stood in soli- improve the election system in America and to cation awarded Vienna Elementary the Board darity with the unborn fighting day in and day stay ahead of the curve on technological ad- of Education Excellence Award. The award out for their first right, the right to life. In her vancements in voting. Reverend Soaries’ char- recognizes a school’s ability to successfully own words, acter was tested as he helped get the agency meet benchmark standards in academic per- ‘‘I became a physician in order to help save off the ground without the resources originally formance, and it also recognizes progressive lives. I am at once a physician, a citizen, and promised. While not all of the plans were ac- improvement over time. a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside complished during his time as chairman, Rev- Vienna Elementary School is strengthened and allow the concept of expendable human erend Soaries did lay the ground work for the by its superb staff and also by an engaged lives to turn this great land of ours into just an- operation of the EAC. and active public. The strong support of par- other exclusive reservation where only the I have appreciated Reverend Soaries insight ents and area organizations teamed with the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have and collaboration with my efforts to enact elec- dedication of the school educators and admin- the right to live.’’ tion reform. His contributions have strength- istration provides an atmosphere that enables Dr. Jefferson was always graceful. She em- ened my election reform legislation, and I children to have new opportunities and access bodied compassion. Her life is an example to greatly value his efforts. to robust academic support. us of the impact of faithful devotion to the Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues sanctity of human life. Dr. Jefferson knew that Reverend Soaries has also made significant join me in recognizing the rededication of Vi- you cannot speak of human and civil rights, contribution to his community and the con- enna Elementary School. I extend my con- while precluding virtually all protection to the gregation of the First Baptist Church of Lincoln gratulations and appreciation to the teachers, most persecuted minority in the world today: Gardens over the last twenty years. He has administrators, staff, parents and community unborn children. and is continuing to help create better family partners who understand that quality edu- She reminded us all, ‘‘The right-to-life cause units by encouraging people to become foster cation is the key to a bright future for our chil- is not the concern of only a special few but it parents or adopt. He is also creating new dren. should be the cause of all those who care homes for low and moderate income families, while providing numerous financial and em- f about fairness and justice, love and compas- sion and liberty with law.’’ ployment support groups to meet the needs of DR. MILDRED JEFFERSON IN- Dr. Jefferson is correct when she said,—the the community. Recently, he hosted a pro- SPIRED AN ENTIRE GENERATION cause for the right to life concerns all of us. gram that allowed those who had run into OF PRO-LIFE LEADERS Someday, when our goal of ending abortion is trouble with the law to come to church and finally realized, future generations of Ameri- deal with their pending arrest warrants or HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH cans will look back on us and wonder how other legal issues in a safe environment. The First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens OF NEW JERSEY and why such a rich and seemingly enlight- has grown from a parish of a few to over IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ened society, so blessed and endowed with the capacity to protect and enhance vulner- 6,000 people. However the goals of improving Thursday, November 18, 2010 able human life, could have instead permitted, the community have not changed. Reverend Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, and even promoted, death to children and ex- Soaries has helped the church maintain their today, I want to recognize and honor the life ploitation of women by abortion. goals of ‘‘spiritual growth, educational excel- of Dr. Mildred Jefferson, who passed away on It was an honor to work alongside Dr. Jef- lence and economic empowerment’’ through October 15, 2010, at the age of 84. ferson to fight the injustice of abortion, and I his continuous dedication to creating a debt Dr. Jefferson was a trailblazer of her time. know her legacy and memory will live on in free parish. He has created a four part pro- She was the first African-American woman to the lives of those who knew her and in the gram called ‘‘dfree’’ that teaches people how graduate from Harvard Medical School, the lives of the unborn children she helped save. to live a financially responsible life and get out of debt. Reverend Soaries facilitated the con- first female surgical intern at Boston City Hos- f pital and the first woman admitted to member- struction of the inspirational $17 million church ship in the Boston Surgical Society. HONORING REVEREND DEFOREST complex that makes possible a number of Dr. Jefferson was born in Pittsburg, Texas, B. SOARIES church programs and has greatly benefited the on April 6, 1926, to Gurthie Jefferson, a min- surrounding community and Central New Jer- ister, and Millard Jefferson, a schoolteacher. HON. RUSH D. HOLT sey. She graduated from Texas College in Tyler OF NEW JERSEY Reverend Soaries is a valued pastor of his and earned a master’s degree from Tufts Uni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES parish and I congratulate him on the celebra- versity in Medford, Massachusetts before at- tion of his 20th anniversary with the First Bap- tending Harvard Medical School. In her life- Thursday, November 18, 2010 tist Church of Lincoln Gardens, and look for- time she also was the recipient of 28 honorary Mr. HOLT. Madam Speaker, Reverend De- ward to the accomplishments yet to come in degrees. Forest B. Soaries has dedicated his life to im- the next 20 years.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.023 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 THE SOCIAL SECURITY WIDOWS ognize the recipients of the 2010 Volunteer of Spencer Disher was born in Darlington, AND SPOUSAL PROTECTION ACT the Year Awards. South Carolina, and graduated as Salutatorian NOVACO is committed to helping homeless of his class at Mayo High School. He earned HON. CHELLIE PINGREE victims of domestic violence become healthy, a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry OF MAINE secure, and self-sufficient. Victims of domestic from South Carolina State College, now Uni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES violence often feel that they have no safe versity, and entered Meharry Medical College place to turn. Fear, financial uncertainty, and in Nashville in 1956. Following graduation, he Thursday, November 18, 2010 the feeling of isolation often imprison these trained for a year at Kate B. Reynolds Hospital Ms. PINGREE of Maine. Madam Speaker, I victims in abusive environments. When a vic- and served two years in the U.S. Army. While am here today to introduce a bill that address- tim breaks free, he or she can too easily end serving as an Army Captain, Dr. Disher was es a serious problem that affects many retired up homeless and alone. the Chief Physician for the Pentathlon athletes federal and state employees in Maine and Domestic violence affects every racial, eth- on the U.S. Olympic Team. across the nation. nic, and socio-economic group. Many of us In 1963, Dr. Disher returned to South Caro- Public servants have performed incredibly know a friend, neighbor, or family member lina and began his medical practice in Orange- important services for their communities and who has been victimized. More than 15 million burg. He has also served as the college physi- country, but sadly many are being driven into children in the United States live in families in cian at Voorhees College, Denmark Technical poverty because of the Government Pension which partner violence occurred at least once College and Claflin University, where he cur- Offset, GPO. Of the 5,300 workers in Maine in the past year. Each day, 3 women die as rently serves as Medical Director of Student subject to this provision, 3,700 lose all of their a result of domestic violence. More than 1 in Health Services. He also holds the position of Social Security widows or spousal benefits to 4 women will be the victim of domestic abuse State Grand Medical Director for the Masons the GPO. I just don’t think that’s fair for people in her lifetime; more than 3 of 4 Americans of South Carolina. who have devoted years to public service. know someone who has been victimized. In addition to practicing medicine, Dr. Disher The effects of the current Government Pen- For more than a decade NOVACO has pro- has been very involved in organizations that sion Offset formula are most dramatic on vided critical services to homeless families support and advance the profession. He has lower income women—79% of beneficiaries who have escaped domestic abuse and who served as the Chair of the Grants and Pro- posal Committee of the Board of Trustees of affected by the GPO are women. After raising are seeking to rebuild their lives and become the National Medical Association, and is a their families and serving the public, these self-sufficient. Assistance is provided in many member of South Carolina Board of Medical women are devastated by losing most or all of areas including transitional and permanent Examiners. He was the Chief of Staff at The their Social Security benefits after the already housing, counseling, childcare, education, job Regional Medical Center in Orangeburg. For overwhelming loss of their spouses to death or training, and life skills classes. Through the ro- divorce. eleven years, Dr. Disher served as chair of the bust support of area businesses and church- Executive Board of the Palmetto State Medical The legislation I am proposing is targeted at es, NOVACO has grown into a leader in lifting out of poverty those hardest hit by the Dental Pharmaceutical Association, PMDPA. breaking the cycle of domestic violence. He also served as president of the PMDPA in GPO. It would eliminate the GPO for bene- NOVACO has initiated a number of innova- ficiaries whose combined monthly pension and 1975. He chaired the Public Health and Con- tive programs that have resulted in significant sumer Affairs Committee of the National Med- Social Security widows or spousal benefits be- advancements for those in need. Their ‘‘Good fore offset is less than half the maximum So- ical Association, NMA, for over a decade. Neighbor’’ program connects client families Dr. Disher is currently a member of the cial Security benefit. Others would see a grad- with sponsors to assist them in transitioning to Meharry Medical College Board of Trustees, uated Government Pension Offset. Under this self sufficiency. Through the financial manage- and has been a staunch advocate of the formula, no one would see a reduction in their ment courses, women have learned how to school. Two of his sons have graduated from Social Security benefits and those in the lower manage their financial affairs, addressing one Meharry. He has established the Spencer C. incomes would have benefits raised to a liv- of the most daunting aspects of escaping do- Disher, Jr., M.D. Endowed Scholarship to en- able rate. mestic abuse. able students from South Carolina to pursue I am pleased that the legislation has earned NOVACO is strengthened by the dedication their dream of studying for Medical, Dental or the support of both the Maine Education Asso- of its volunteers. I am honored to recognize a Doctorate Degree in the Biomedical ciation and the Maine State Employees Asso- the following 2010 Volunteers of the Year: Sciences at Meharry Medical College. ciation. Lorraine Noel, President of the Maine Volunteer of the Year: Joen Schultz Dr. Disher has been recognized by many or- Federation of Chapters for the National Active Volunteer Group of the Year: Gracing ganizations including Alpha Phi Alpha and and Retired Federal Employees Association, Spaces Omega Psi Phi Fraternities. He is a member states, ‘‘This legislation is a good first step in Volunteer Business of the Year: Brookfield of the New Mount Zion Baptist Church. In ad- addressing the injustices caused by the Gov- Homes dition to his many professional affiliations, he ernment Pension Offset.’’ Outstanding Community Support Award: is a 33rd Degree Mason, a Shriner, and a Make no mistake, I remain committed to King of Kings Lutheran Church member of the NAACP. Dr. Disher is married completely repealing the GPO and the Wind- Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues to the former Annette Moorer, and is the father fall Elimination Provision, and have cospon- join me in recognizing NOVACO, its volun- of eight children. sored a bill to do so. But in a struggling econ- teers and other supporters for their tireless Madam Speaker, I ask you and my col- omy, measures to overturn these offsets are work on behalf of so many who feel stranded leagues to join me in celebrating the wonderful difficult. I hope this incremental reform will al- and powerless. NOVACO is making a dif- professional contributions of Dr. Spencer leviate the worst effects on those most dam- ference in our community, and I pledge to Disher. He has distinguished himself as doctor aged by the Government Pension Offset and continue working with NOVACO and similar who cares not only for the patient but for the bring our vulnerable public servants out of organizations to put an end to domestic community as a whole. He has been a tre- poverty. abuse. mendous leader and a consummate profes- Please join me in supporting the Social Se- f sional throughout his career, and I am proud curity Widows and Spousal Protection Act of to call him a friend. I wish him Godspeed in TRIBUTE TO SPENCER C. DISHER, 2010. We should not have someone’s years of retirement and know that he will continue to JR. M.D. public service be the cause of their poverty. play an important part in the Orangeburg com- f munity for years to come. HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN f RECOGNIZING NOVACO AND THE OF SOUTH CAROLINA RECIPIENTS OF THE 2010 VOLUN- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING THE REPUBLIC OF TEER OF THE YEAR AWARDS Thursday, November 18, 2010 TURKEY’S 87TH REPUBLIC DAY HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to an outstanding physi- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY OF VIRGINIA OF VIRGINIA cian and community leader as he retires and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES enters a new phase of his life. Dr. Spencer Thursday, November 18, 2010 Disher of Orangeburg, South Carolina, has Thursday, November 18, 2010 Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- served the medical profession and his commu- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- er, I rise today to honor NOVACO and to rec- nity admirably for half a century. er, as a co-chair of the Congressional Caucus

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18NO8.061 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1985 on Turkey and Turkish Americans, I would like leaf cluster, Distinguished Flying Cross, RECOGNIZING ST. AMBROSE to offer my warmest congratulations to the with ‘‘V’’ device and two CATHOLIC SCHOOL, RECIPIENT people of Turkey, as they recently observed oak leaf clusters, Meritorious Service Medal, OF THE 2010 BLUE RIBBON OF the 87th anniversary of the founding of the Air Medal with two oak leaf clusters, Air Force EXCELLENCE AWARD Turkish Republic on October 29. Commendation Medal, Purple Heart with oak Under the visionary leadership of Mustafa leaf cluster and several unit citations. HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Kemal Ataturk and his successors, Turkey North was buried in Wellfleet, Massachu- OF VIRGINIA transformed itself into a modern, secular state setts. During the ceremony, Air Force fighter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES allied with the democracies of Europe and the jets streaked over Pleasant Hill Cemetery in a Americas. This alliance is enshrined in Tur- final salute. I now ask my colleagues to rise Thursday, November 18, 2010 key’s NATO membership, as evidenced in the with me so that we too may honor Brigadier Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- logistical and reconstruction efforts Turkey has General Kenneth North, a true American hero. er, I rise today to recognize St. Ambrose undertaken in Iraq and Afghanistan. f Catholic School for being named by the United In light of changing geopolitical develop- States Department of Education as a recipient ments, there have been questions about Tur- HONORING PAUL KELLEY of a 2010 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence key’s commitment to its friends in recent Award. years. While there may be bumps in the road HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY The Blue Ribbon School award honors pub- in any friendship, differences that may exist OF CALIFORNIA lic and private elementary, middle and high between Turkey and the United States on cer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES schools that have helped close the achieve- tain issues are evidence of mature and Thursday, November 18, 2010 ment gap and whose students attain and healthy democracies having differences of maintain high academic goals. The program is opinion. The bilateral relationship is still under- Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise part of a larger Department of Education effort girded by the same long-term goals of peace, today with my colleague Congressman MIKE to identify and disseminate knowledge about security and prosperity. THOMPSON to recognize Paul Kelley who is re- best school leadership and teaching practices. I am confident that the relationship between tiring after 16 years as a member of the Each year since 1982, the U.S. Department of our two peoples will stand the tests of time, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. Con- Education has sought out schools where stu- given our shared ideals. Moreover, our ties gressman THOMPSON and I have the distinct dents attain and maintain high academic are cemented by the presence and contribu- privilege of representing Sonoma County and goals, including those that beat the odds. This tions of over 150,000 Turkish Americans, both of our tenures in the House have coin- year St. Ambrose is one of only 314 schools whose ranks are growing every year. Through cided with Mr. Kelley’s tenure on the Board of nationwide, public and private, to receive this diverse fields ranging from music to science— Supervisors. award and is the only school in the 11th Con- and increasingly through politics—Turkish Supervisor Kelley represents the northern- gressional District of Virginia to be so honored Americans contribute to the vibrancy, health, most supervisorial district in Sonoma County, this year. and advancement of our society. We are fortu- which is home to one of the finest wine grape- Quality education is an important compo- nate to have them as our fellow citizens. growing and wine-producing regions in the nent to our community in Northern Virginia, In closing, my congratulations again to all world. His support of agriculture and agri- and it gives me great pride to represent a Turks everywhere on the commemoration of culture-related industries is deep seated. He school as committed and effective at attaining the 87th Turkish Republic Day. grew up on a small farm outside of Santa high achievement goals. St. Ambrose is com- f Rosa and spent his summers as a youth work- mitted to teaching faith and life skills to stu- ing on neighboring ranches and farms in the dents from kindergarten through 8th grade. IN HONOR OF BRIGADIER area. As a supervisor, his work included help- Through rigorous academic programs, robust GENERAL KENNETH W. NORTH ing to bridge the gap between the water needs activities, excellent staff, and a committed of farmers and fisheries, in supporting meas- community, St. Ambrose exemplifies the HON. JOE COURTNEY ures that guaranteed that 22,000 acres in his strong fabric of our shared community here in OF CONNECTICUT district would be protected under the county’s Northern Virginia. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Agricultural Preservation and Open Space Dis- Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues trict acquisitions and encouraging businesses Thursday, November 18, 2010 join me in recognizing and congratulating Prin- and farmers to embrace green technology. cipal Barbara Dalmut, her staff, and the St. Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise Supervisor Kelley also helped create new Ambrose Catholic school community for their today to honor Brigadier General Kenneth W. parks and recreational facilities throughout his efforts toward earning this prestigious award. North, who passed away on September 21, district, including the Boys & Girls Club in f 2010. Kenneth North fought for his country Windsor, and renovate existing youth facilities and survived seven years in a Vietnamese in Cloverdale, Healdsburg and Larkfield- TRIBUTE TO CAROLYN E. POW camp, and I am honored to stand in trib- Wikiup. DALLINGER ute to him. He was the key proponent of returning com- General North was born in 1930 in Rock- mercial air service to the Charles M. Schulz/ HON. TOM LATHAM ville, Connecticut, and graduated from the Uni- Sonoma County Airport. The regional airport OF IOWA versity of Connecticut in 1953. In 1974, he now has daily flights to four western cities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES completed studies at the Naval War College at Supervisor Kelley’s special assignments on Newport, Rhode Island. In Vietnam, North the board included membership on the Thursday, November 18, 2010 served as a fighter pilot and flew 33 combat Sonoma County Transportation Authority, the Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today missions before being downed by enemy fire North Coast Rail Authority, the Water Agency to recognize Carolyn E. Dallinger of Huxley, on August 1, 1966. Committee, the Local Agency Formation Com- Iowa, as the recipient of the 2010 Iowa Pro- Kenneth North repeatedly faced down his mission (Chair), the Eel Russian River Com- fessor of the Year award. She was honored at tormenters during his seven years at the mission (Chair), the Redwood Empire Associa- a reception in Washington, D.C., on November Hanoi Hilton. North was often beaten and tor- tion, the North Coast Air Pollution Control Dis- 18. tured; he endured guards jacking his bound trict, the North Coastal Counties Supervisors’ The U.S. Professors of the Year program, arms behind his back until the shoulder joints Association, the Public Policy Facilitating which is sponsored by the Council for Ad- split. He suffered through these torturous ses- Committee, the Sonoma County Advertising vancement and Support of Education and the sions and defied his captors through bouts of Program, the Sonoma County Indian Gaming Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of solitary confinement. Local Community Benefit Program and the As- Teaching, is the only national program to rec- North, the son of a Vernon mill worker, was sociation of California Water Agencies (Presi- ognize excellence in undergraduate teaching released with 100 other POWs in August 1973 dent). and mentoring. and was the first man off the plane on March Madam Speaker, after 16 years of public Carolyn is currently an Assistant Professor 7 when he reunited with his family. service to the people of Sonoma, Paul Kelley of Social Work and Criminal Justice at Simp- General North’s military decorations and deserves to enjoy the riches of this new phase son College. She enjoys incorporating service awards include the Silver Star, Defense Supe- of his life as a water and transportation con- learning components within her classroom rior Service Medal, Legion of Merit with oak sultant. We wish him well. teaching whenever possible. An example of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.025 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 this includes having her social policy students station will greatly increase the department’s vention and Visitors Bureau include bringing serve meals to hungry or homeless people. capacity to serve the 2,200 citizens in their im- further credibility and recognition to the Colo- Besides being involved in sporting events mediate district and the over 52,000 people in rado hospitality industry, proactively pursuing and extracurricular activities at Simpson Col- the surrounding area. an increased air service network, creating val- lege, Carolyn also serves as a junior/senior Madam Speaker, it is impossible to overesti- uable and effective partnership marketing op- high school youth group leader for her church. mate the necessity of fire protection or to portunities, attracting more sports-related The youth group has taken several mission measure to countless contributions these fire- events to the Pikes Peak region, and assuring trips across the country to serve less fortunate fighters make to our community. It is has been the development of a community infrastruc- people. She is also a member of the church my privilege to work with the Rough and ture. These will meet the future needs of a choir and participates as a church accom- Ready Fire Department in competing for a growing and healthy tourism industry. panist. merit-based federal grant and it is with great Madam Speaker, residents and visitors of Carolyn Dallinger is an incredible teacher, pleasure that I rise today to join the city of Colorado have been fortunate to have Mr. Sul- and her dedication to her profession and to Rough and Ready to celebrate this joyous oc- livan serve as leader of the Colorado Springs her students should make every Iowan proud. casion. Convention & Visitor Bureau for the past 20 It’s an honor to represent her in the United f States Congress, and I know that my col- years. His involvement in Colorado tourism leagues in the House join me in congratulating IN HONOR OF TERRY SULLIVAN, and civic engagement has provided economic Carolyn on this well-deserved award and PRESIDENT AND CEO, COLORADO development to Colorado Springs and the thanking her for her dedicated service to her SPRINGS CONVENTION & VISI- Pikes Peak region as well as a richer experi- community and America’s young adults. TORS BUREAU ence to visitors of our beautiful state. I know my fellow Members of the House of Rep- f HON. DOUG LAMBORN resentatives will join me in thanking him for his lasting contribution to the community and for CELEBRATING THE GROUND- OF COLORADO BREAKING FOR THE ROUGH AND his commitment to our country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES READY FIRE STATION Thursday, November 18, 2010 f HON. TOM McCLINTOCK Mr. LAMBORN. Madam Speaker, let me NATIONAL ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE OF CALIFORNIA take this opportunity to pay tribute to Mr. AWARENESS MONTH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Terrance W. Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan has served as leader of the Colorado Springs Convention Thursday, November 18, 2010 & Visitors Bureau for 20 years. In this role, Mr. Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Speaker, I rise Sullivan has helped support and expand the HON. DAVID SCOTT today to celebrate the groundbreaking for the tourism industry in Colorado Springs and the OF GEORGIA Rough and Ready Fire Station in Nevada Pikes Peak region. He has previously been County, California. awarded Outstanding Individual Contribution to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Since its founding in 1963, the Rough and Colorado Tourism by the Governor of Colo- Ready Fire Department has served to protect rado in 2005, and was elected to serve as Thursday, November 18, 2010 the homes and businesses in their community. President of the Tourism Industry Association Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I In the early years, the department consisted of of Colorado (TIAC). rise in recognition of National Alzheimer’s Dis- a phone-tree-style call list that would spring Mr. Sullivan has also served in leadership ease Awareness Month. This year marks the into action when needed, using whatever as- roles in numerous civic and business organi- 27th anniversary of National Alzheimer’s Dis- sortment of equipment the group could afford zations and has contributed significantly to the ease Awareness Month, which has brought to buy, maintain and house in local barns. In economic development of the Pikes Peak re- awareness to the 5.3 million Americans living 1970, the current fire station was constructed gion. His exemplary career is marked by his with Alzheimer’s and the over 200,00 living on Rough and Ready Road to house two fire chairmanship of the Tourism Industry Associa- with Alzheimer’s in my own state of Georgia. engines and serve as the headquarters for the tion of Colorado (TIAC) and the Colorado As- 16 volunteer fire fighters. As the town contin- sociation of Destination Marketing Organiza- More than half of all Americans now know ued to grow, so did its need for fire protection tions (CADMO), organizations that work coop- someone with Alzheimer’s and approximately and the department acquired two additional eratively to promote travel to our state, region, thirty percent of Americans have a family engines, but with room in the station to house and city. Mr. Sullivan is also a co-founder and member with the disease. only two vehicles. As a result, the department board member of the Southern Colorado Busi- It is of immense magnitude that all Ameri- went back to housing some fire engines in ness Partnership and has served and con- cans become aware of what they can do to barns, including the Davison Barn, where tinues to serve on many other community support those who live with the disease. This chickens began roosting in the engine and boards and committees. He continually sup- month should serve as a time to reflect on the going on fire calls. ports community parks, museums, historic struggles faced by those with the disease and As the years wore on, it became increas- sites, and open spaces. to commemorate how far we have come and ingly clear that the fire station on Rough and In addition to his achievements in the tour- all we have accomplished in the fight for a Ready Road would not be able to meet the ism industry, Mr. Sullivan was an Army aviator cure. needs of the city indefinitely. Without a training in Vietnam followed by service in the National I would also like to express immense grati- area large enough to accommodate all fire- Guard and Army Reserves. He is rated as a tude to the Georgia Alzheimer’s Association fighters, lacking sleeping quarters or any Master Aviator with approximately 3,000 flying for their advocacy throughout the state of space to service vehicles, an absence of ven- hours. In March 2004, Mr. Sullivan participated Georgia. Under their incredible leadership they tilation, air conditioning and insulation, and a as an organizer and crew member in the have been able to help over 124,000 Geor- hopelessly leaky roof, the need to build a new Smithsonian Museum of History’s ‘‘America’s gians through their programs and services. It facility was more than evident. Beginning in Huey, The Final Journey Home.’’ Mr. Sullivan 1995, the department saved a little money continues to support the military community by is important that we acknowledge this month each year towards a new station and by 2004 founding the Mountain Post Historical Associa- as a time of support for all affected with the the land had been acquired and the depart- tion, serving as an honorary board member of disease and reaffirm that as a nation it should ment officers were finalizing design plans. Fi- the Peterson Air & Space Museum, and serv- be our mission to eliminate Alzheimer’s dis- nally, in 2009, having raised just under one ing as an active member of the Chamber of ease through the advancement of research, million dollars through department savings and Commerce Military Affairs Council. and to provide and enhance care and support private donations, Rough and Ready secured Mr. Sullivan will retire from the Colorado to those individuals affected with the disease, a federal matching grant to allow for construc- Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau on De- their families and caregivers. tion to move forward. At over 8000 square feet cember 31, 2010, leaving a lasting legacy of I encourage everyone to join me in recog- and complete with five engine bays, living hospitality and tourism promotion for all that nizing November as the National Alzheimer’s quarters and up-to-date infrastructure, the new follow. Mr. Sullivan’s future hopes for the Con- Disease Awareness Month.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.028 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1987 BENEDICTION DELIVERED BY Board of Rabbis and Cantors. He was born in the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation RABBI ISRAEL ZOBERMAN AT Kazakhstan in 1945 to Polish Holocaust sur- Act of 2000. THE DEDICATION OF THE JEW- vivors. Moreover, due to Mr. Kluttz’s twenty-year ISH WAR VETERANS MONUMENT f dedication, the Tybee Island Lighthouse was IN VIRGINIA BEACH ON VET- included in the Southeast Lighthouse Stamp ERANS DAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2010 IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF series and the Station was been nominated for REVEREND DR. ROLAND HAYES National Landmark Status. Visitation to the HON. GLENN C. NYE CROWDER Station and Museum has gone from several OF VIRGINIA thousand annual visitors to over 170,000, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH greatly benefitting the local economy. Mr. Kluttz’s work did not end with the Light- Thursday, November 18, 2010 OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES house. Under his direction, the Historical Soci- Mr. NYE. Madam Speaker, I submit the fol- ety helped acquire and restore buildings and Thursday, November 18, 2010 lowing. historic field guns at Fort Screven, as well as Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Our God, M’kor Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise a ‘‘raised cottage’’ that reflects Tybee Island’s Chayim U’vracha, Infinite Source of Life’s today in honor and recognition of Reverend unique social, cultural, and architectural herit- Blessings, Dr. Roland Hayes Crowder on the occasion of age. Dear Veterans, Families, Donors, Friends, his 45th anniversary as pastor of the Second Mr. James Kluttz is a model citizen, having Zeh Ha’Yom Asa Adonai, Nagila V’nismecha Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Cleve- served on countless boards and committed Vo! This is the awaiting day the Lord has land, Ohio and his 60th anniversary of minis- hundreds of personal hours towards the pres- granted us, that we may find joy and meaning tering to those in need. ervation of the atmosphere of Tybee Island, in it! Reverend Crowder was educated in the Jef- and I believe that no one could have done a Tenderly, tearfully and triumphantly we re- ferson County Schools in Birmingham, Ala- better job. The citizens of Tybee Island owe call our very own fighting Jewish men and bama. He was raised with the values of faith, him much thanks and gratitude, and on this women in uniform who alongside fellow Ameri- family, hard work and service to community. day we wish him the best in all his future ac- cans from all backgrounds and walks of life, He graduated from Malone College and Ash- tivities and endeavors. and to the last full measure of devotion, bor- land Theological Seminary, where he earned a f rowing a phrase from President Abraham Lin- doctoral degree in theology. coln’s Gettysburg Address—served and sac- After college, Reverend Crowder accepted CELEBRATING THE 35TH ANNIVER- rificed, secured and saved on behalf of our the call to ministry, and on November 8th, SARY OF THE RAYMOND AND great and grateful nation, a flourishing democ- 1950, he preached his first sermon at East MIRIAM KLEIN JCC racy which has been a tower of strength to a Mount Zion Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio. weary and vulnerable world as well as a In 1965, Reverend Crowder accepted the po- HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ steadfast beacon of Shalom’s flickering lights sition of pastor of the Second Calvary Mis- OF PENNSYLVANIA of hope, harmony and healing. sionary Baptist Church. His leadership led to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Our cherished kin, some with their long-lov- an increase in church membership, the cre- Thursday, November 18, 2010 ing and supportive families here on this festive ation of new outreach programs and the con- Veterans Day of the Jewish War Veterans struction of a multi-purpose church facility. Ms. SCHWARTZ. Madam Speaker, I rise Monument Dedication, have proudly, patrioti- Madam Speaker, please join me in honor today to honor the Raymond and Miriam Klein cally and profoundly responded to freedom’s and recognition of the Reverend Dr. Roland JCC on its milestone 35th anniversary. Lo- far-reaching sacred call from these golden Hayes Crowder, whose 60-year ministry and cated in Northeast Philadelphia, the Raymond shores to the most noble of duties in defense 45 years as a pastor reflect missions of heal- and Miriam Klein JCC is a multifaceted com- of all we hold precious. Their selfless acts of ing, hope and faith. Reverend Crowder’s com- munity center committed to a strategic mission unflinching heroism and exemplary conduct passionate service and dedicated leadership of serving the versatile needs of the sur- under harrowing circumstances brought gen- continues to bring light and strength to count- rounding Jewish community. The Klein JCC is uine honor and lasting glory, sanctifying God’s less individuals and families. a living example of Tikkun Olam—repairing holy name. f the world—right here in our community. This significant monument is an essential Since 1975, when the Klein Branch opened addition to the beautiful grounds of the Reba HONORING MR. JAMES KLUTTZ, its doors, it has been a community center, an and Sam Sandler Campus of the Tidewater THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF educational center, and a constant source of Jewish Community in the unique region of THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF support and enrichment for the Jewish com- Hampton Roads, home to the nation’s largest THE TYBEE ISLAND HISTORICAL munity. Located on a 20 acre lot and featuring cluster of military installations. The monument, SOCIETY a theatre, 2 swimming pools, a gym, and linked by design to the Helen G. Gifford Holo- classrooms, the JCC provides childcare, immi- caust Memorial Garden, is forever an inspiring HON. JACK KINGSTON gration counseling, and summer camp, as well testimony to unforgettable brethren, the dead OF GEORGIA as athletic and aquatic fitness programs. and the living, who participated in the monu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES But Klein JCC is much more than a center mental liberation of the surviving remnant, my- that provides entertainment and recreation. self included, of European Jewry from the Thursday, November 18, 2010 Throughout the decades, the Klein JCC has threat of total extinction by humanity’s foes. Mr. KINGSTON. Madam Speaker, I rise adapted its mission to meet the changing At the approaching Chanuka celebration, we today to honor Mr. James Kluttz, the former needs of its neighbors and has reemerged as salute our veterans who like the Maccabees of President of the Board of Directors of the a fully functioning social services agency. old, through wondrous deeds and abundant Tybee Island Historical Society. During his Today, the Klein JCC provides critical quality sacrifices of a faithful spirit, have bequested twenty years of leadership, the Tybee Island services to our youngest members of the com- unto us all the inseparable twin gifts of life and Historical Society’s membership grew from two munity through pre-school and kindergarten liberty. hundred to over one thousand, and the Soci- while providing a lifeline to our most seasoned ‘‘Minesharing Kalu ety raised funds to restore the entire seven senior citizens. Education for the very young M’arayot Gaveru building Tybee Island Light Station and sur- as well as courses for those over the age of They were swifter than eagles, rounding plots of land essential to preserving 90 are all available in the same facility. And They were stronger than lions! Eich Naflu Giborim historic views from the Station. Due to Mr. through the Mitzvah food project, volunteers B’tock Hamilchama— Kluttz’s efforts, the Station received local, deliver food and other necessities to those in How have the mighty fallen state, and national awards as well as inter- the community who are in need, reaching out In the thick of battle’’ national publicity. The increased spotlight and to help regardless of religion, race, gender, or Second Samuel 1:23, 25 the strengthening of the Tybee Island Light age. And humbly let us say, Amen. Station’s historical preservation bona fides re- Madam Speaker, I am so proud to represent Rabbi Israel Zoberman is the spiritual leader sulted in the transfer of the Station from the in congress an institution that has so faithfully of Congregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia Federal Government to the Tybee Island His- and ably served the Jewish community for so Beach and president of the Hampton Roads torical Society—one of the first to occur under many years. I am honored that the Raymond

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.033 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E1988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2010 and Miriam Klein JCC has always welcomed million for the creation of a new California sored and worked on for nearly 20 years. After me with open arms. I ask that my colleagues State University in the heart of Fort Ord. being signed into law, Ulysses took the reins join me in wishing a heartfelt Mazel Tov to the Madam Speaker, I know I speak for the and served as the Co-Chair of the Joint Lot- Raymond and Miriam Klein JCC Board of Di- whole House in honoring Dianne Church for tery Oversight Committee and was a member rectors both past and present, supporters, cli- her years of visionary public service. At a time of the House Tennessee Education Lottery ents and friends on an impressive 35 year his- when it is fashionable to cast doubt on the Corporation. tory and for continued success in a new cen- federal role in economic development, While in the Tennessee House of Rep- tury. Dianne’s legacy of roads, buildings, revitalized resentatives, Ulysses Jones served as the f downtowns, a whole new university, and all Chair of the House Ethics Committee, Chair of the jobs to build and fill them, bears witness the House State and Local Government Com- IN HONOR OF DIANNE CHURCH to the vital role that our collective investment mittee and the 2nd Vice President of the Na- in civilization can play. tional Black Caucus of State Legislators. He HON. SAM FARR f was a member of the House Education Com- OF CALIFORNIA mittee, K–12 Subcommittee, Local Govern- HONORING THE LIFE AND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment Subcommittee, Joint Select Education ACHIEVEMENTS OF TENNESSEE Thursday, November 18, 2010 Oversight Committee and the Tennessee STATE REPRESENTATIVE ULYS- Commemorative Women’s Suffrage Commis- Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to SES JONES, JR. sion. Ulysses also co-authored state Enter- recognize the remarkable public service career prise Zone legislation for Tennessee. of Dianne Church. After forty-two years with HON. STEVE COHEN Mr. Jones was also actively involved in his the Federal Government, Dianne is retiring OF TENNESSEE community. He served as Chairman of both from her position as an Economic Develop- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Tennessee African-American Male Task ment Administration, EDA, regional represent- Thursday, November 18, 2010 Force and the Governor’s Minority Business ative. Over the course of the past eighteen Development Advisory Committee. He sat on years, Dianne has played an instrumental role Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today the Board of Directors for the Fire Fighter In- in helping the communities of the Monterey to honor Ulysses Jones, Jr. A public servant vestment Group and was the President of the Bay Area recover from earthquake, flood, re- throughout his career, Mr. Jones worked as a Pioneer Black Fire Fighters. Ulysses was a cession, and the largest military base closure paramedic with the Memphis Fire Department member of the YMCA Black Achievers and in U.S. history. During that time, I have had for 37 years, where he rose to the rank of bat- was a catalyst for the Development of the the great fortune of working with Dianne and talion chief. Ulysses continued to serve by be- North Memphis Inner City Community Devel- developing a wonderful working friendship with coming Tennessee’s 98th District State Rep- opment Corporation. her. So it is with particular pleasure that I join resentative representing the North Memphis Ulysses Jones, Jr. passed away on Novem- my colleagues on the floor of the House today community for 23 years. He was born in Mem- ber 9, 2010 at the age of 59. Ulysses Jones, to recognize Dianne’s work to make my con- phis, Tennessee on June 7, 1951 to the late Jr. is survived by his daughter Victoria and stituents’ corner of the world a better place. Ulysses Jones, Sr. and Marjorie Nicholas son Ulysses III. His commitment to helping Dianne was born on April 22, 1944, in Win- Jones. Ulysses Jones, Jr. graduated from people throughout his life will be remembered ston-Salem, North Carolina, to Francis and North Side High School and went on to attend by the countless number of lives he touched. Violet Church. She attended local public the University of Memphis and Tennessee His was a life well lived. schools, discovered a love for music through State University. f her church choir, and spent summers with her Ulysses Jones, Jr. was oftentimes faced family at the beach on the North Carolina’s with challenging moments during his tenure as REMEMBERING JANICE BALL Outer Banks. She later attended the George a paramedic. On August 16, 1977, Ulysses FISHER Washington University in Washington, D.C., and a colleague were called to Graceland to While in Washington, D.C. she began a ten revive Elvis Presley, but to no avail. Ulysses HON. MIKE PENCE year career on Capitol Hill, working for a num- later noted that he identified with the leg- OF INDIANA ber of distinguished lawmakers, including: endary entertainer who despite living in public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rep. FLOYD HICKS (WA), Sen. MIKE GRAVEL housing projects, worked hard to make a bet- (AK), Rep. DON YOUNG (AK), Rep. JOHN CON- ter life for himself. Ulysses thought nothing of Thursday, November 18, 2010 YERS (MI), and the Senate Labor Committee. putting his life on the line to save others and Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to She helped staff Senator Gravel when he read he took that same attitude of public service to honor a kind-hearted and generous woman the Pentagon Papers on television and met the state legislature when he was elected to who will forever be remembered by the com- Daniel Ellsberg. the Tennessee House of Representatives. munity in my home state of Indiana. The snow In 1977, Dianne left Capitol Hill to go to Ulysses Jones, Jr. was first elected to the fell quietly on an early November morning as work in the EDA Congressional Liaison office. Tennessee General Assembly in 1986. For a community gathered at First Presbyterian In 1980, she took a job as a public works nearly a quarter of a century, he was a voice Church to remember the first lady of east cen- project officer in EDA’s Seattle Regional Of- for working men and women in Shelby Coun- tral Indiana, Janice Ball Fisher. She was the fice. Dianne quickly gained a reputation for ty. He stood by his convictions on issues that daughter of the distinguished Edmund B. and volunteering for projects in the most remote mattered most to him, including improving Bertha Ball who founded Ball Corporation, and and out of the way places, especially in Alas- schools, expanding college scholarships and whose generous donations significantly bene- ka. During those early years in Seattle, Dianne equal pay for all. Ulysses aspired to do the fited Ball State University and Ball Memorial completed her B.A. degree at Western Wash- right thing for all people regardless of race, Hospital. ington University and later an MPA degree at creed or political affiliation. Janice was raised in Muncie and later grad- Seattle University, taking classes at night Mr. Jones was an effective lawmaker for uated from Mount Vernon College in Wash- while working full time for EDA. While working Tennessee. His vocal and active opposition to ington, D.C. In 1940 she married John Fisher in Seattle, she met Steve Johnston, a fellow the ‘‘Tiny Towns’’ bill led to one of his most in Leland, Michigan, though they later moved EDA employee. Dianne and Steve married in notable accomplishments in the Tennessee back to Janice’s hometown. The Fishers will 1987. legislature. This legislation, which initially always be remembered for their leadership in In 1997, she began the best job of her ca- passed and was signed into state law, allowed the community and their giving hearts. To- reer as EDA’s economic development rep- small communities, and in one contested bat- gether, they donated millions of dollars to fur- resentative for California’s Central Coast. She tle, an apartment building, to incorporate to ther educational institutions around the state initially represented fourteen Central California avoid paying property taxes. Less than a year such as Ball State University, DePauw Univer- counties, including the Monterey, Santa Cruz, after being signed into law, the Tennessee Su- sity, and Indiana University. and San Benito Counties that form the core of preme Court struck down the law citing con- Those who knew Janice will remember her my district. She had already been working on stitutional violations. most for her dedication to faith and family. Her the redevelopment of Fort Ord following its Ulysses worked hard on not just his legisla- greatest joy was to be surrounded by loved 1994 closure. In all, Dianne helped steer over tive agenda but on other Members’ bills in- ones, and she greatly enjoyed bringing her $95 million towards infrastructure and other cluding mine. He cosponsored the ‘‘Ten- children and grandchildren along on adven- key redevelopment needs, including over $60 nessee Lottery for Education,’’ a bill I spon- tures across the country and throughout the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:21 Nov 19, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18NO8.038 E18NOPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1989 world. She was an active member of her A native of Newark, N.J., Frank Shaffery en- Narendra Modi for his visionary leadership in church, as well as civic organizations such as listed in the Army in 1965. His Army career in- drawing attention to Gujarat as a leading in- the Mayflower Society, Daughters of the cluded assignments in Fort Dix, N.J., Korea vestment destination, and for promoting U.S.- American Revolution, and the Mount Vernon and Vietnam before he became an Army re- India trade. Society. Janice also supported numerous phi- cruiter. lanthropies in Michigan and Indiana such as Mr. Shaffery has held several positions as On September 15, 2010, it was my honor to the Fishtown Preservation Society, Leelanau an Army recruiter including field recruiter, sta- welcome the Gujarat delegation to Wash- Conservancy, Leelanau Community Cultural tion commander, senior guidance counselor ington, D.C. as prelude to the Vibrant Gujarat Center, Leelanau Historical Museum, Leland and battalion sergeant major. The Baltimore 2011 Summit scheduled to be held on January Township Library, Interlochen School of Music, Recruiting Battalion was the second largest re- 12–13, 2011 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Many of Minnetrista, Cornerstone Center for the Arts, cruiting battalion during his tenure and he en- my colleagues joined me for this event. sured its success as one of the top battalions Muncie YMCA and YWCA, Camp Crosley, As I noted then, Gujarat is one of the most Muncie Symphony Orchestra, and many other in the command. prominent States on the western coast of India organizations that thrived thanks to her leader- Mr. Shaffery retired after 30 years of active Army service at the rank of Command Ser- ship. and has contributed significantly to India’s The Good Book tells us that ‘‘whatever you geant Major. His dedicated service resulted in growth story with consistent double digit GDP did for one of the least of these brothers and his awarding of a Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, growth for almost a decade and, since 2003, sisters of mine, you did for Me,’’ and that em- and several Meritorious Service Medals. He the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit wears his Recruiter Ring still today, the high- bodies the way Janice lived her life. Though has attracted investment agreements worth est honor for a recruiter when he was an the community will deeply feel the loss of Jan- NCO. more than USD 370 billion. ice Fisher, I am confident that she will be rich- Upon retirement from active duty in 1994, The State is now gearing up for the 5th Vi- ly rewarded for her decades of service and Mr. Shaffery accepted a civilian position with brant Gujarat Summit and, while many of us sacrifice for others. I offer my sincere condo- the U.S. Army Recruiting Command HQ as lences to her beloved family: daughters Joan were hopeful that we would be able to attend the Chief of Plans and Policy for the Oper- the Summit, the January 2011 schedule for F. Woods and Judith F. Oetinger; sons Mi- ations Directorate. He was promoted to the the U.S. Congress will not permit Congres- chael J. Fisher, James A. Fisher, Jeffrey E. position of Deputy Director in 1999. Fisher, John W. Fisher III, and Jerrold M. Frank lives in Elizabethtown, Ky., with his sional participation. But, in recognition of the Fisher; 19 grandchildren; and 29 wife, Connie. He is the father of two sons, importance of the Gujarat Summit, I wanted to greatgrandchildren. Mark and Michael, and the proud grandfather offer this statement as a show of support for f to 6 year old Madison. this Summit. I ask my colleagues to join me today in hon- A TRIBUTE TO MR. FRANK Today, as a result of the Chief Minister’s ef- oring Mr. Frank Shaffery today because of his SHAFFERY dignified and steadfast commitment to the forts, Gujarat is a replicable model of develop- U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve, his Soldiers, ment with the highest GDP growth rate in HON. BRETT GUTHRIE the citizens of this country and the Common- India. Consequently, the potential for U.S. OF KENTUCKY wealth of Kentucky. trade and investment in Gujarat is significant, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f and I stand with the Government of Gujarat as Thursday, November 18, 2010 RECOGNIZING VIBRANT GUJARAT it seeks to improve the lives of its people and Mr. GUTHRIE. Madam Speaker, I rise today 2011 SUMMIT FOR PROMOTING ours. to honor Mr. Frank Shaffery, who has U.S.-INDIA TRADE I have every confidence that our mutual co- virtuously served the United States and the operation will lead to more jobs in the U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky. Mr. Shaffery has served as a civilian em- HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA and India, and I extend my best wishes to OF AMERICAN SAOMOA ployee within the U.S. Army Recruiting Com- Chief Minister Modi for a successful Vibrant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mand Headquarters G3 at Fort Knox, KY, Gujarat 2011 Summit. since 1994. Mr. Shaffery will retire after 46 Thursday, November 18, 2010 years of dedicated service to the United Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I States Army. would like to recognize Chief Minister

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