board of trustees staff Randy Knight, President Kaila Dettman, Executive Director Jim Patterson, Vice President Daniel Bohlman, Deputy Director Ann Robinson, Treasurer Jon Hall, Stewardship Director Jim Brabeck Kyle Walsh, Conservation Director Roger Briggs Joey Chavez, Operations Manager Joy Fitzhugh Scott Couture, Field Manager Jim Grant Jamie Creath, Outreach Manager David Juhnke Tim DeBlois, Restoration Specialist Pat Mullen Beverly Gingg, Oak Education Manager Carrisa Pereira Kelly Lewis, Restoration Specialist II Joel Sheets Scott Loosley, Community Stewardship Ron Yukelson Coordinator Grace Lorenzen, Barn Manager Valerie Endres, Emeritus Lindsey Roddick, Resoration Ecologist B.K. Richard, Emeritus Cain Silvey, Conservation Project Manager Rob DeGraff, Honorary Rachel Tarcon, Finance Manager Gary Felsman, Honorary Dylan Theobald, Stewardship Manager Beverly Gingg, Honorary Alex Zewiski, Oak Education Coordinator Chris Helenius, Honorary Pete Jenny, Honorary Jeff Jorgensen, Honorary Herb Kandel, Honorary Brooke Langle, Honorary Penny Rappa, Honorary credits Cover photo: Amy Joseph Back photo: Rylin Zbitowsky Design by Jamie Creath

The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County Mail to: PO Box 12206, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 Office: 1137 Pacific Street, Suite A, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: (805) 544-9096 Email: [email protected] Annual Report 2019

Conserve • Care • Connect 1

Our Mission We conserve and care for the diverse wildlands, farms, and ranches of the Central Coast. We connect people to the land and to each other.

Our Vision We envision a San Luis Obispo County that is composed of distinct communities surrounded by productive farms and ranches, beautiful scenery, and accessible natural areas. Clean water and local food nourishes our population, wildlife thrives, and we celebrate our diverse heritages. Every generation is connected to the land, and people embrace conservation as vital to a healthy, vibrant future.

© kaila dettman © shannon mcMillen © jennifer olsen C and thediverse, wonderous, andabundant wildplaceswe callhome. volunteer, partner, protectjoined usto who has agriculture local friend and you.Thank We are deeply toevery grateful family, farmer, rancher, business, lands we alllove, forever. ahead we will build onthe successes of yesterday andprotect more of the west, intheSLOGreenbelt, andalongourcoast. With your helpintheyears to nature throughoutcounty. our There ismoreHighway tocomealong 46 habitat forwildlife,fragile projects that willconnect andpursue more people We have beenquietly moving forwardto protect of land,tracts large restore organization are andourvolunteers takingabreak. We aren’t. have alotof attention inrecent garnered months, andyou mightthinkour Kathleen’s Canyon Overlook. and These projects tooktremendous effort cows atplaying theOctagonBarn;from and timeatchild a forthefirst everyone lovesPreserve; Pismo fromfamilya aboutmilking withstories fromdifferent perspectives: whydescribing from photographer local a you willhearaboutthese exciting projectsOn thepagesofthisannualreport playground that encouragesexploration beyond thebuilt environment. barn, ormeet for aplaydatefor acommunity fundraiserinacharismatic at a support. Thanks toyou, peopleare coming together to enjoy ahike, gather tookavillage,It truly andwe are humbled by your dedicated andgenerous in themaking–are nowopen tothepeople ofSLOCounty. completeand Center,Octagon Barn –three new andPismoPreserve projects alongtime hastooffer.thatall beautiful region our Kathleen’s Canyon Overlook, the marked by incredible toexplore andexperience new opportunities onnection. Community. Love oftheLand. have12 months The past been Executive Director Kaila Dettman President Randy Knight 2 3 “Hill... it is a hasty word for a thing that has stood here ever since this part of the world was shaped.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

Christopher Petro is a local photographer, ensure the preserve is freely accessible to all; I turned overjoyed discovering a patch of blogger and advocate for our precious a truly ambitious project aimed to benefit the California poppies, which felt all the more landscapes and natural resources. His passion public for generations. symbolic in the open space. It called to mind for photography and composition has blossomed I am a passionate supporter of their mission and Lyndon B. Johnson’s statement, “If future over the years into an ambitious and knowledge- I strongly encourage anyone in the Central Coast generations are to remember us with gratitude deepening devotion, fueling massive road trips, community to join the cause of this trailblazing rather than contempt, we must leave them long treks into wildernesses and fostering organization. Their work saves our most beautiful something more than the miracles of technology. connections with local businesses and creators areas from development - for the benefit and We must leave them a glimpse of the world as throughout the West. enjoyment of the people - while protecting the it was in the beginning, not just after we got Through his Instagram page, @the_californist, creatures and flora calling home these diverse through with it. We must not only protect the Christopher shares poignant reflections on habitats. countryside and save it from destruction; we life, love, and this planet we call home. We must restore what has been destroyed and salvage Walking just shy of 12 miles at the Preserve for the beauty and charm of our cities … Once our are grateful to him for lending his talents and my sunrise and sunset scouting, I visited every passions to this Annual Report and sharing with natural splendor is destroyed, it can never be region--exploring the lower areas, climbing recaptured. And once man can no longer walk you why the creation of the Pismo Preserve, and the hillside and peeking over the ridge at San protection of places like it, is so important. with beauty or wonder at nature, his spirit will Luis Obispo, walking from the most northern wither and his sustenance be wasted.” have waited years for the opportunity to reach to the most southern, up and down the “Iwander the hills of the Pismo Preserve; a soil, searching for compositions, lost in rapture. We must not allow our sacred spaces, as few as sprawling 900-acre open space brought to the The Tolkien hills came alive, an oasis framed by remain, to be denuded by our constantly begging Central Coast by the visionary team at The Land clouds, studded in flowers, teeming with wildlife, industrial and commercial aims. Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County. The secluded ponds a’chorus by frog and toad. These spaces are not simply subject to land folks behind the curtain have worked hard to Everything buzzing. management, they are our history and our 4

future. We’ll define our legacy by what we leave for those who come after us. And no dollar we pump, log, or process from these remaining jewels will fill us with the joyous freedom and spirit gained from leaving our open spaces open for all people and the wildlife that resides there. Long may it remain an untarnished open space, a place for pure recreation and blissful exploration, congregation and ease. A place for dreams and homecomings.” © christopher petro @the_californist

6 Conservation Crossword Puzzle

Across 4. F-14 on the Pismo Preserve trail map 5. _____ Canyon Overlook 6. Our Board President 7. An area we plan to work in over the next few years 9. “We connect people to the land and to ______” 11. A short trail for hikers only 12. Please don’t climb on my branches 13. “You take the high road and I’ll take the ______” 14. “The ____ hills came alive, an oasis framed by clouds, studded in flowers...”

Down 1. His family worked in the Octagon Barn from 1936-1941 2. The language John Olivera’s family spoke 3. The name of the property on which the Octagon Barn was erected 4. President quoted on page 3. 8. Local photographer and advocate for open spaces 10. A “hasty word” BG: Why Guernseys? “History is who we are and JO: That was what the Pereira family had. They were their cows. LL: So, your family was renting the land? why we are the way we are...” JO: It was a partnership. The Pereiras owned everything and our family did the work for a share - like a sharecropper. The owners were Manuel Garcia, and Joaquin Pereira—two brothers-in-law, and their two wives, who were - David McCullough the Lima sisters. At The Land Conservancy, preserving the historic significance that makes LL: Did your folks come from the same island in the Azores as the Pereiras? a place so special is almost as important as preserving the land itself. JO: No, it just happened that the thing came up, my dad was someone to Nowhere is this truer for our organization than at the Octagon Barn Center. run the dairy. That was 1936. We milked and fed the cows in the Octagon Built in 1906 as a dairy barn, the Pereira Octagon Barn was erected by Barn for two years, and then we built the milking barn in 1938, and after three local builders for a San Francisco ship captain named William Mighell that, we milked in it. on the Ranchita de Santa Fe, as the property was called at the time. BG: That newer barn is what’s now referred to as the “milking parlor,” Through tremendous volunteer efforts, the barn was restored in the early right? 2000s, and an attempt to trace the history of the unique families who JO: Yes. owned and worked this property began. The following are excerpts from an LL: Did the cows get milked in that barn and then at night go in the interview that took place between staff member Bev Gingg (BG), volunteer Octagon Barn? Lynn Landwher (LL) and John Olivera (JO) whose family worked on the Ranchita de Santa Fe from 1936-1941. JO: In this country we don’t put the cows in at night; but we stored hay in the Octagon Barn, and the cows were fed in the barn, but could mill JO: I’m John Olivera, I was born in 1927 in Los Gatos, California, and about. When they were milked in the Octagon Barn, they were put into until I was age 9, we lived in a little town called Lemoore. That’s where we stanchions, facing inwards around a smaller circle, where there was feed. moved from when we came to the Octagon Barn. After the milking barn was built the cows were given mill feed while they BG: Can you tell us a little bit more about when you first came to San Luis were in there, and they were in stanchions there too. Obispo, and how your family was involved in agriculture? LL: So when they went into the milking barn, they were…all cleaned JO: My parents immigrated from the Azore Islands, they were both up [for sanitary requirements]? And did they come in and get milked and Portuguese, and they were also pretty resourceful. They killed their own leave, one by one? meat, and had chickens and gardened, and [made] stuff that we got by on through the Depression years. JO: They probably got milked in smaller sets, maybe 10 or 15 cows each. My mom wasn’t well, she had asthma. That was one reason we moved BG: And how was the milk transported to the creamery? here, because over in the San Joaquin Valley the air was bad. JO: The milk, as it came from the cows, went over a refrigerated cooler We came to the [Ranchita de Santa Fe] in 1936 and stayed until 1941. The which was about four feet by four feet. The milk ran slowly over that and dairy was called the Home Dairy. It was the largest dairy that my dad had then down into ten-gallon milk cans. The evening milk was stored in a cold ever attempted. We kids were all young; my two oldest brothers were 15 room at the barn, and the morning milk was taken that same morning to and 16, and they pretty much took care of milking the cows with one hired the plant, they were all taken in together. man. We used milking machines twice a day - all Guernsey cows. The same family that owned the barn, owned the Home Dairy—on 8 Higuera Street. They pasteurized and bottled there, and then delivered the first to eighth grade in the same room, one teacher. milk to people’s homes. There was a Portuguese gentleman there named LL: And were there a lot of other Portuguese students in the area? Gilles Costa--he managed that plant for years and years. JO: Yes. And the Portuguese that came over here were from the [Azores] BG: Could we talk a bit about language? Your parents were born in the Islands. There was nothing at home for those people….they’d come as long Azores, so their native language was Portuguese. When you were growing as somebody sponsored them….these young women would be 17, 18, up, did they speak in a mix of Portuguese and English? 20, they’d come over alone, with almost no money and couldn’t speak the JO: My father always spoke good English. He was ten years old when he language, and they’d line up at Ellis Island, and the sponsor was in Tulare, came over with his family and he could read, write and speak very good or Fresno, and they’d put a tag on their coat, their name, and the conductor English, but my mother never took to learning. But she studied to take her would tell them where to get off the train. They had almost no money, and citizenship papers, and she could recite the Bill of Rights to you, which is they’d come over here and start a new life like that. The courage that those something I could never do. people had! BG: What did your schooling look like - and if the children were also Most Portuguese men would start out working on the farms, what did your after-school life look like? milking cows and they would save their JO: I went to Bellevue School, which was about three miles past the ranch. pennies until they could buy a few Our teacher came by the ranch in the morning. She had cows and maybe 40 acres, and a ’37 Chevy, brand new, and picked us up there, then they were in business… took us to school, eight grades in one room, from and they got going, and they, they just did it!

This 1938 photo depicts a young John Olivera on top of a cow at the Ranchita de Santa Fe with the Octagon Barn in the background. In January 2017 John celebrated his 100th birthday at the Octagon Barn Center. Much smaller in scale, but with infinite potential to shape the next generation of conservationists, Kathleen’s Canyon Overlook opened in April 2019 with much fanfare (thanks in part to a local mariachi band). But it wasn’t really complete until this January when our educational and interactive playground was finally installed. From a recent visit with his son, our Deputy Director Daniel Bohlman describes finally seeing this project through a child’s eyes. y son is fascinated by the concept of infinity. This somewhat abstract “Mnotion that numbers and space can go on forever blows his six-year- old mind. I once asked him what else might be infinite, and he responded with impressive speed and insight, “my imagination!” On a recent trip to the newly installed playground at Kathleen’s Canyon Overlook I witnessed the unbounded nature of his imagination in real time. As

he ran to the playground, eyes scanning every corner, he called out the various © daniel bohlman critters hidden amongst the structure, giving them personalities and elaborate backstories as only a six-year-old can. It turns out that raccoon peering out from beneath the platform is not to be trusted. Coming down from the slide his gaze fell upon the iron “beanstalks” which had seemingly sprouted up from the sandy soil with no less magic than those grown from enchanted storybook beans. His small frame was quickly upon the highest reaches of the stalks wherein he himself became a giant among men. Not one to stand idly by, I joined him in this imaginary kingdom in the clouds thinking to myself Fee Fi Fo Fum there is no substitute for outdoor fun.”

© rylin zbitowsky 10 Revenues Expenses General & Administration In-Kind Youth <1% Outreach & By the Numbers Education Stewardship Volunteer Support <1% & Restoration Land Conservation 17% 12% ASSETS FYE 06/30/2019 Grants & Income Membership Other 4% Receivables & Inventory $676,635 38% & Fundraising Income 3% 2% Cash & cash equivalents $1,046,665 11% Land assets $16,486,221 Land Conservation Youth Stewardship Grants & Income Education Investments & beneficial interest $1,442,450 Contributions, Grants 38% 2% Property & equipment $5,792,378 Unrestricted & Fee Revenue Contributions & 48% Total Assets $25,444,349 Membership

LIABILITIES FYE 06/30/2019 Accounts payable $377,883 For more detailed information, visit and download our Form 990. Accrual & other liabilities $128,541 Notes payable, current $509,473 REVENUES & SUPPORT FYE 06/30/2019 EXPENSES FYE 06/30/2019 Long-term liabilities $1,345,318 Land Conservation Grants & Income $2,185,524 Land Conservation $2,393,872 Total Liabilities $2,361,215 Stewardship Contributions, Grants & $2,754,788 Stewardship & Restoration $666,234 Fee Revenue Youth Education $72,197 Youth Education Contributions $55,450 NET ASSETS FYE 06/30/2019 Outreach & Volunteer Support $156,480 In-Kind Contributions $17,640 Without donor restrictions $21,699,011 General & Administration $468,415 Unrestricted Contributions & $636,917 With donor restrictions $1,384,123 Membership & Fundraising $97,039 Membership Total Net Assets $23,083,134 Total Functional Expenses $1,898,611 Other Income $102,529 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $25,444,349 Total Revenues & Support $5,752,848

$3,288,783 or 85.4% of the dollars spent were used to directly support our program services, which consist of Land Conservation, Stewardship, Outreach, and Youth Education. This does not include $2.98 million in capital improvement costs spent during the fiscal year on the Octagon Barn Center, Pismo Preserve and Kathleen’s Canyon Overlook, which are captured in Property & Equipment Assets.

25,000 3 336 36 ACRES PROTECTED GRAND OPENINGS IN ACRES OF COASTAL DUNE NEW OAK AMBASSADORS SINCE 1984 THE LAST 12 MONTHS HABITAT RESTORED IN TRAINING 11 Pledges, gifts, & acknowledgments from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 terra firma $100,000+ Dennis Curry San Luis Obispo Parks Charles & Kathleen Cal & Rosemary Wilvert Connie & Tony Buffa Chuck & Linda Fellows Jean & John Hyduchak Anonymous (1) Marilyn Darnell Open, Space & Trail Freeman The Wonderful Company William & Jaqueline Ray & Deb Festa Brian Leverich & society David & Kathleen Foundation Margaret Garakian Deborah Woodle Burnette Christian Finch Karen Isaacson Anonymous (2) Burnett Living Trust Dettman San Ysidro Farms James Gealy Joseph Caldwell Santa Lucia Flyfishers David & Lillian Jewell Libbie Agran Judith & Jack Carey Diment Marty Selfridge Barbara George Craig & Janice Campbell Michael Framberger Marc Johnston Richard Alberts Stapelmann $100+ Don & Ellen Dollar Shell Beach Steve & Diane Gervais Anonymous (58) George Campion Fred Frank Randy & Mary Jost Jane Baker & Kon Tiki Inn Else Drengler Improvement Group Mary Ellen Gibson Robert & Jamie Carr Richard & Julie Frankel Edna Juck Daniel Jimenez David & Deborah Harold J. Miossi Trust Ted Case & Benita Epstein Ron Yukelson & David Good Abrecht Carolyn & Arguimiro Marcia Frasier Maria Junco Barbara Baltimore † John & Katie Evans Paula Sigman Richard & Christine Greek Casas Stephanie & Tim Fuhs Gene & Mimi Kalland MJ Basti Ted & Ester Aclan Gary & Darlene Felsman Linda & Mike Sims Dr. Richard Adams & Mary Adermatt Deborah & Wyatt Cash Carol Fulmer Gail Kammermeyer Heidi & Dave Bezaire $50,000+ Brandon Follett Bruce & Ann Smith Nannette Guerin Larry & Sharron Chanda Glenn & Diedra Fuss Bill Kanne Kevin Bright Hughes Charitable Karen Adler Mark & Susan Frink Arroyo Grande Mary Harker Katrina Alexy Andrea & Randy Chavez Jennifer Gaalswyk Larry & Karin Kappen John & Christine Foundation Bev Gingg Sportsmen’s Club Tom & Catherine Harris Kelly & John Cherry Bonnie & Gene Charles & Laura Kass Buckner Randy & Sally Knight Larry Allen Jim Grant Brian Starr James & Margery Harris Janet Amanzio Katherine Christensen Garritano Bill & Peggy Kelley Joe Burnett † John & Cindy Hallvik Elizabeth Steinberg Janet Hofmeister Les & Gretchen Christie Terry Garton George & Elizabeth Carol & Paul Courcy $20,000+ Lira Amaya Hamill Family Foundation Steve Lumm & Susan & Myron Hood Lea Brooks & David Ciano John & Margie Gayley Kendall Frederick Clegg & Libbie Agran Harmony Valley Creamery Donna Sullivan Tony & Marilee Hyman Beverly Cohen Bruce & Cherie Gibson Steve & Pam Kennington Meg Crockett Eagle Ranch LLC Skip Amerine Gene & Joyce Dale & Sharon Sutliff Karen & Russ James Steven Jobst & Dr. Curtis & Judith Valerie & Ronald Glahn Jan Kepler Randal Cruikshanks Hershberger Karen Swaeby Warren Jensen Collins Jeri Edwards & Paul & Mary Kern Leland & Valerie Endres Ann Robinson Jill Anderson Mary Hunt Jeffery & Sasha Szytel Prisila & Richard Atascadero Horsemen’s Karen Collins John Godden David & Ann Ketelaar Gary & Darlene Felsman BK Richard & Emily & Dene Hurlbert Mary & Thomas Tanner Johnson Patrick & Susan John & Alison Goers John & Robin Kirby Bev & Bryan † Gingg Emily Rosten Club Jane Baker & Thoma Electric Jerry & Penny Kelly Robert & Linda Attiyeh Considine Saul & Carol Goldberg Jeremy Koellish Robert Giorgi † Daniel Jimenez Bob Thomas Sally Krenn Kathleen & Robert Mary Massa & Valarie Koos Marilyn Grizzell Stan Autrey $10,000+ Jeff & Jane Jorgensen Donald & Betsy Umhofer Linda & Jim Lawler Eldra & Donald Avery Copeland Watson Gooch Richard & Laurie Kriet Christine Harvey Anonymous (2) Judith McBean Foundation John & Cindy Wallace Roger & Claretta Sherri Couture Nancy Grant Ann & Charles Beverly Hensel Michael Badalamenti Brisco Foundation David & Sharon Juhnke Wallace Group Longden Bill Baier Crew III Wealth Ruth Gray La Franchi Mary Hunt Christine Harvey Justin Kephart Helen & Will Webster John & Rosemary Management Group Gail Gresham Geoffrey Land Pete & Karen Jenny Virginia Baker Chris & Lynn Helenius Cyndy & Steve Lakowske Foundation MacKeen Gerri Baker Bob Jorgensen & Rick & Claire Grether Dr. Jan Simek & Candia Katich Pete & Karen Jenny Land Trust Alliance Kim Murry & James & Lisa Maino Janice Crooks Clarice Griffin Judith Lang Randy & Sally Knight Diana & John Barnhart REI Brooke Langle Jeffrey Whitener Christine Mulholland Elizabeth A. Baron Randal Cruikshanks Robert & Carol Grosse Erik & Alison Layman Penelope Koines Bob Scheulen Kathryn Lawhun Nancy & Steve Willison Michael & Theresa Lynn Cullen Melissa Guise Cheryl Lesinski Sandra Lee Charles Barstow Kim Wells LeftLane Sports David Fawcett & Mulvihill Janet Barter Robert & Gail Davis Robby & Frank Gussman Drs. Kenneth & Mary Leizear Kathleen & Tom Maas Diane Wilsdon Daphne Myers Julie & Clark David & Gina Gabriele Levine Karl & Sue Luft Kent Morrison & $1,000+ Chris & Dena Malloy Michael Wing Natural Investments Estelle Basor De Blasio Hafemeister Cindy & Jeffrey Lewis Robert Martin † Mankins Foundation Woodstock’s Pizza Rita Neal Pamela Deal Karen Hall Bob & Pat Lindquist Glen & Maryann Anonymous (11) Rosemary & Mike Bauer Acupuncture Center of MidAmerican Solar- Janet York Christopher Neary Connie Baxter Norma Dengler Gordon Hall Bill & Allison Lockwood Matteson Topaz Solar Farms Richard & Kathleen Zacky Gary & Anna Nett Joe & Donna Dervin Brent & Cathy Hallock The Loosley Family Shirley McLain † Santa Maria, Inc. Micheal Baxter Richard Alberts Pat & Laura Mullen Maurina Kusell & Bill Newman Robert Becker Domenica & Michael Kenneth & Suzan James Lopes Eric & Cynthia Meyer Julie Mullins Michael Zigelman Jon & Kendra Ornellas Devine Hampian Bob & Wendy Lucas Susan Minker Henri & Carolyn Ardantz Margaret Beebe Frank & Erin Avila Marc & Susanne Mumby Bruce Wright & Patricia Beck & Mike Orvis & Debra Bettina M. Handy Roger & Diane Ludin Jan Mracek † The Niner Foundation Nancy Ottum Dight Jana Hanson William Luffee Stephen & Sharon Peck Carolyn Baker Ray Belknap Mike Benson Olivera Properties LLC $500+ Roberta Parsons Bob & Autumn Bell Mimi & Mark Ditchie Cary Harbor Jeff Lynn Kathleen Redden Bruce & Carol Palmer Peter Rasmussen Sharon & John Dobson Robert & Sue Hartzell Carl & Teresa B.K. Richard & Greg & Mary Anonymous (9) Stanley Bennett Bettencourt Jim Patterson Barbara Bell Kathleen Redden Francois & Ellen Cindy Doll Laurel Sherrie & MacDonald Emily Rosten Peak Racks Mary Renard Greg Taylor & Bob Harvey Marian Macie Paul Robinson † Heidi & Dave Bezaire Joseph Fram & Beraud Phil Wagner & Peck Planning & Bonnie Birch Cecelia & Richard Jared Berkson Amanda Donovan Robert & Olga Harway Carl MacMahon Roger Robinson Development Riggins Debbie Dorney Dell & Penny Haughey Caryn Maddalena Arthur Rosen † Mary Blackler John & Mary Bohlman Ed & Monica Bischof Kathleen Bond Karen Petersen Marney & Roger Briggs Margie Savage Greg & Rebecca Bishop Jim & Deenie Dotson Neil & Ann Havlik Ann Maliszewski Rob DeGraff & Mary PG&E Corporation David & Paula Schaffner Carly Boyd- Dovideo Sandra & Terry Heller Peggy Meneice & Sampson Mick Bondello Roger & Susan Card David & Diane Bolduan Jim & Marcia Brabeck Foundation Central Coast Women’s Gregory & Christine Steven Bollinger & Marco Dovideo Sharon Hill John Mandeville Bob Scheulen Carol Maulhardt & Scott Ann Dreizler Warren & Kathryn Hoag Michael & Linda Marek Ken Schwartz † Walt & Judy Bremer League Bruce Bonifas Kate & Bert Bunnell Joseph Piscotty Chevron Your Cause LLC Rosanne Seitz Bill Bouton Betsey & Jim Duggan Debra & Herbert Holt Richard Marks Ann Spencer Lou Pitelka Dr. James Skow Odile Ayral & Wanda McDonald & John & Joyce Marlier Dr. Robert † & Joel McCormick & Paul Vanderheyden & Jane Brennan Christine Cary James Ream Lucia Cleveland Carol Smithback Sally & Jim Gary Dwyer Jim Hopkins Jeffrey Massingham Tish Tefft Dr. Brian & Jeri Roberts Specialty Construction Inc. Laura East Jeremy & Courtney Dan & Tess Matthews Ron Weaver Ken Haggard & Jack & Deanne Croft Brooks-Schulke Polly Cooper Running Warehouse Greig & Sue Cummings Bob & Debbie Wacker Russell & Diane Brown Patty Ellis Howard John Dilworth & Kim Wells Stephen & Nancy Rye Water Systems Leland & Valerie Endres Martin Howell Carole Maurer Richard Root † and Carol & Paul Courcy Niel & Kris Dilworth Patricia Brown Sarah Beth Coyote Rob DeGraff & Phyllis & Stephen Dorsi Consulting Inc Jeanne & Robert Brown Ken & Jan Enns Gale & Thomas Hutchins John & Lizabeth Mary Lou Wilhelm Mary Sampson Mary Lou Wilhelm John & Andrea Euphrat Chuck & Pam Hutchins Maynard Evan & Ann Wride Foundation Don & Marguerite Anne Brown Chuck & Lois Crotser San Luis Distance Club Erickson Warren Williams Bob Exner Pam & Victor Hyde Juliane & Peter McAdam † Deceased 12 Kevin & Shari McCarthy Joe & Penny Rappa George & Kathy Stewart Dean Arrighi Alice & Lee Carter Martha & Alton Dreke Larry & Patricia Grimes Gerry & Shelley Johnson Charles Lockhart Elizabeth & Edward Jim & Catherine Alan & Judy Stocker Vickie Backman Dave & Sally Cementina Roger Picquet & Leticia Grover Tom & Penny Jolly Kathy Longacre McQuarrie Rawlings Harry Sturtz Linda Baggett Thomas & Fran Sharon Dvorak Brad & Amy Grumbles Karin & Bruce Jurcevich Joe & Rosemary Lucier Pledges, gifts, & acknowledgments Ben & Josephine Ed & Pam Reading Crosby & Laura Swartz John & Donna Chadwick Tanya Erbstoesser Richard & Vera Hagler Kevin Kaizuka Karl & Sue Luft McRee Roger Reed Anthony & Pat Sweet Balderston Don Chartrand Heather Erquiaga Jill Denton & Bonnie Kee Robert & Chris Lynds Susan McTaggart Blake Reed Angela Tahti Norman & Janet Baxter David & Linda Chipping Bruce Everett Caroline Hall Steve & Bonnie Key Doug Crapo & Cynthia Mein Larry & Sandra Reider Doug Tait Dawn Beattie David Christopher Linda Farbstein Christopher Hamma Tom & Audrey Keylon Ami Manwaring Stacy & Mike Meko Judith Resnick Martin Tangeman Karen & Tom Becker Nancy Cohn June Farmer Colleen Harmon Jeffrey Kime Danielle Marshall Lindsey Miller Ronald Richman Regina Tanner Marcie Begleiter Judith Conn Marcie Fast Eileen Harnedy Jeanne Kinney Randall & Patricia Vita & Michael Miller Max & Deanna Kent & Kerry Taylor Grace Beigle Sharon & Christopher Herbert & Diane James & Nancy Harris Jerry & Judith Kirkhart Martin Dean Miller Riedlsperger Mike & Lyn Theobald Lauren Bennett Connors Filipponi Patty Hawes Karl Klaesius Frank Martinez Molly & Joseph Sharon Rippner Elias Trevino Jodee Bennett Randy Cork Barbara Fisher Nick Hendricks Jim Tyler & Sheri Klein Christine Mathiesen Montgomery Hannah Roberts Chuck & Kathyrn Steele & Laura Bennett Margaret Crockett Laura Fledderman Sherrie & Rick Henkel Joanne & Karl Kluck Justin Maxwell David & Susan Moore Angela Robinson-Platz Tribbey Mary Berry Laurie & Craig Louroe Fogo Beverly Henry Will Knowlton Deven May Abigail Adams & Julie Rodewald John & Mona Tucker Jennifer Bierbauer Cummings Margaret Lange & Eugene & Judith Erin & Tony Krier Syd McClard Rusty Moore George & Gayle Ben & Rebecca Turner Susan Bistline Suzanne Curtis Gary Fourer Hermitte Jake Kristy Wendy McKeown George & Kim Morales Rosenberger Graham Updegrove Gill & Linda Blonsley Susan Cutts Emily & Clint Francis Michael Heyl Lauren Krup Sharon McMahan Dana Morgan Lisa & Mark Rothrock Russell & Tenli Keith Bohl Thom & Diane Danfield Astrid Gallagher Arylane Hill Jen Lannon Steven McMasters Victoria Morrow Bill Rumbler VanRozeboom Tim Covello & Saul & Pamela David Philip & Polly Gammons Lisa & Rob Horjus Darcy Larkin Bryan Mealy Bob & Anita Moss Robert & Marti Linda Voth Susan Bonitz Lowell & Darlene Davis James Garcia Marilyn Hornung Steven & Kristin Larsen Kenneth & Lynn James Murphy Rutherford Jana Walker Norm Borin Catherine Davis Michael Gasbarra Heather Howell Megan LeBlanc Merideth James Murray Mark Sada Dirk & Bonnie Walters Ryan & Nico Boyd Daniel DeJong Dr. Carol Geer Marlene & Alan Indictor Paige & Casey Leebrick Bob & Toni Mermer Bernita Myers Tina & Jay Salter Gail Webb Lisa Bradley Spencer Dennis Connie Geiger Stella James Henry & Wende Lesniak Susan Middleton Emily Myhre Brooke & John Salvini Stephen & Eleanor Curtis & Karen Brandt Richard Devoy Lyn Glaviano Susan Jamison Dr. Howard & Sue & Jim Miers Scott & Sandra Angie & Dan Sanchez Weinstein Kelley Breen John Donegan & Michael & Susan Deborah Jergens Rebecca Leventhal Kit Mitsuoka Naumann The Sandman Family Alice Welchert Gregory Brown Mary Anne Doane Gleason Jenna Johnson Angela Limon Megan Moir Naomi Neilson Ed & Judy Savage Hilliard Wood & Katy Budge Deb Dobson Fern & Dan Godden Tina & Glenn Loayza Melissa Mooney Ted & Virginia Newman Paul & Janice Sawko Marie Anne Werner Sari Dworkin & Natalie Dornan Patricia Golden Marci Mora Rita Nieto Deborah Schlanser Pat & Jo Ann Wheatley Kathyrn Bumpass Nancy Dreckman David Gonzalez Marianne Moss Mardi & Phil Niles Ron & Jane Schram Brian Whitaker Scott Burgess Sharie Goodfellow Barbara Moynier Brent Nolan Denise Schryver Karen Wiles Sue & Steve Burns Grier Eubanks Sharon Mulkey Tom & Nancy Norwood John & Julia Schutz Charles Wilkerson Frank & Renee Bush Sylvia Muñoz Schnopp Francy Ogden Barbara Boom & Nan & Dan Williamson Claire Cano Mike Muscio John & Delores Oliveira Joseph Schwartz Linda Wilson Rhonda Cardinal Marty Musselman Michael & Carol Patrick Scott Wynette Winkler Ryan Carl Holly Naylor Oliveira Jennifer Scott Paul & Marion Wolff Rosemary Nelson Jane Oliveira Eileen E. Joseph & Kara Woodruff Jennifer Nolan Julie Steiner & Brian P. Self Ed & Caroline Woods Dorothy Normark Fred Olson Joel & Kerry Sheets Dan & Mary Woodson Kitty Nottke Linda Olson Jenny Weaver & Michael & Mary Joyce Alicia Nowicki David Olwin Tom Sheldon Yoshimura Sandra Nunez Denny O’Neil Christine & Matt Shuck Young Professionals Chris O’Connell Gary O’Neill Erin Shurson Networking Group Karen O’Grady Greg O’Sullivan Dr. Dan Silver Art & Jackie Pamplona Douglas Overman Carmen Simpson Up to $99 Mary Parker Ann & Bill Palmer Steve & Jane Sinton Anonymous (60) David & Sherri Brent & Terese Parker Dave & Judy Slade Jim & Tina Aho Parkinson John & Christine Chuck & Alexa Slem Cathryn Aiken Gary Parkinson Parker-Kennedy Brooks & Cheryl Smith Vincent Allan Chris Pauley Michael & D’Elaine Michele & Fred Smith Jennifer Allen-Barker Jan & Neil Paulson Patrick MaryAnn Otter & Alan & Sue Percival Carl & Barbara Peck Patrick Smith Debbie Perez Frank & Ginny Pekar Ann Spencer Kim Perez William & Jessie Barbara Spry Joel Perlstein Pendergrass Sandi & James St. Pierre Doug & Robin Perrin Ross & Lynda Pepper Leslie Stanley Laurie Phenix John & Roz Phillips Bill & MaryAnn Statler Jessica Pieczynski Susan Piel James Dorf & Maria & Leonardo William Pierotti Jodie Steele Pizano Marty & Phil Pigott Vallerie & Gary Jackie Pope Janet & Larry Price Steenson Will & Debbie Power William Bailey and Scott & Janet Stellar Wiesie Ralston © amy joseph 13 Bob & Tonia Pringle Brian Self Traynor Gail Wilson Margaret Newhall Harold C. Case (2) Stamile Paul Provence Ann & Frank Sever Darlene Tunney Rosene Liz & Dean Wineman Niner Wine Estates James G. Harris Perry Joyce & Larry Rabellino Ilona & Behrooz Andrew & Jane Tupper Mary Wirth One With Nature James Harris Pete Skarda Janine & Barry Rands Shakibnia Claudia Turner Janice & Rex Wolf Janine & Barry Rands Jenny, Joe & Jeanette Rachel & Becca Leslie & Steve Reilly Jared & Maureen Sharon Craig & Susan Alex Ek & Jill ZaMek Slime Jill ZamEk, Jim Lucas Marcia & Wayne Rice Teri Sipes Updegrove Steven Zawalick SLO Blues Baseball DeCecco, & Kim Sawyer Bohlman Bob Richey Julie & Ray Smith Gregory Van Velsir John & Jeannie Stevens Ehrisman - Oceano’s Scott’s New Baby Joanne Riester Alyson McLamore & Julie Vanderwier Cindy Stever Beloved Retirees Susan Cutts in-kind support Jim Harris (2) Tim & Ann Riley Terry Spiller Renate Vet Bob & Autumn Bell Turley Wine Cellars Teddy & Estrellita Robin Lee Carlson Spirit Winds Physical Marylee Vetrano Norm Hammond & Julie Turney - Retired Aclan Cal Poly Athletics Postal Carrier Illustration Therapy Jody G. Vollmer Central Coast Brewery Cindy Winter The children of the Michele Roest Patrick & Grace Stamile Randall & Jamie Voss Kaila Dettman Hooker future Charles Paddock Zoo Katcho Achadjian Janice Rohn Gary Stein Marisa Waddell Marilyn Darnell in honor of People of the Chris Rojas Chris Steins Jeff & Nell Wade Andreas Modl Kathryn Tribbey Central Coast Anaundda & Mathews LC Volumteers Agustin Rosales Debbie Stroub Stephnie Wald Elijah Auburn Atkins Twin Rivers Ranch Ronald & Margaret Erin Stuart Myra Wapner Baby Girl Trevelyan LCSLO Staff & Board Valeire Endres Devin Gallagher for all their hard work Rowe Lisa Stumpf Diane & Bruce Ward Growing Grounds Farm Beerfest volunteer Yolanda Waddell Philip & Joanne Denise Sullivan Robert & Sharon Ward Jasmyn Serpa Los Ranchos Parent Hidden Springs Tree Volunteers Ruggles Wendy Sutter Steve Eabry & Farm BK Richard Janet & Robert Salem Meg & Rye Syfan Jane Wheeler Burke Hintz Louis F. Sinsheimer Impact Absorbents Inc. Melanie Cleveland Mary Sansom Bonita & Gregory Patti Whelen J. Dusi Wines Carlos Diaz-Saavedra Pete Sarafian Thomas Margaret Whitson Chris & Lynn Helenius Nathan Sharon Jules D. Our children & Guy Savage Amelia Thompson Rickert Whyte Just Looking Gallery Craig & Susan Jane Johnson & Vincent & Elaine Tobin Nicole Wiemholt Updegrove grandchildren Laguna Lake Golf Course Our son Scott Doug Scheel Bert & Elaine Townsend Sharon Wilcox Larder Meat Company Dave & Wena Dows John Schmitz Michael & Melissa Roger Wilcox Ed & Liz McQuarrie Couture Tauria Linala Patrick & Grace David & Gail Sears Margarita Adventures Four Seasons Friends Greg & Christine Scott Happy Birthday Lara! © jennifer olsen 14

in memory of Zachary Tyler (2) Leiter Family Foundation Guerin Joshua Gee © rylin zbitowsky Amy Leach Mid State Containers Melinda & Ivy Alvarado Kristen Gillespie Anna, Thomas & Vernon major funders Morro Coast Audubon Judie Anders Annie Gillespie Grady & project Society Anne Marie Bergen Brad Gingg Anne Boyce Morro Bay National Greg & Mary Fern Godden Betsey Hoage partners Estuary Program Bettencourt Sebastian Gonzales Bill Burriss California Conservation Morro Bay Open Space Gary & JoAnn Bissell Jim Grant* Bob Jones Corps Alliance Judie Anders Niels Grether Bryan Gingg (4) California Council of National Wildlife Refuge Rozella Apel Christina Grether Burke Hintz Land Trusts Ocean View Elementary Dan Ardoin Rick & Claire Grether Carl & Angie Quaresma California Department School/Lucia Mar Cindy Arnold Marvin Gross Carl & Cathy Sabatino of Conservation Unified School District Virginia Baker Brad & Amy Charles William Murry California Department ONX Winery Sue Barton Grumbles Dakota of Fish & Wildlife Pacific Gas & Electric Karen Beckman Chad Harsch Dana Neece California Native Plant Pacific Wildlife Care Greg Bishop Colton Haynes Ed Carson (2) Society - SLO Chapter Paso Robles YouthWorks Rebecca Bishop Kelly Heffernon Elva McElrath aka Mom California Natural Pismo Beach Hospitality Gary & Joanne Bissel Chris Father Charles William Resources Agency Association Kristin Blecha Helenius** Murray California Polytechnic Precision Construction Cindy Blum Rachael Henze George A. Deauville State University, SLO Rotary Club of Joe Bowman* Judith Hildinger Glenn Sparks Cal Poly Biological Pismo Beach Jim Brabeck** Rod Hoadley Harold Miossi Sciences Prof. John Rotary Clubs of Fred Brebes Christine Helen & Norman Perrine San Luis Obispo Kelley Breen Hoffman Cruikshanks Cal Poly Physiological RRM Design Group Janae Brolin Terry Hooker Isolde & Bill Ecology of Reptiles Santa Barbara Foundation Eric & Pat Bromberger Freddy Howell Mein Laboratory Prof. Emily San Luis Obispo Council Sally & Jim Brooks John & Rachel James & Evelyn Taylor of Governments Shulke Hunter Horne Cal Poly Liberal Studies San Luis Obispo County Faith Bukachevsky Jean Hyduchak Jane Bennett Garver California Regional Water Community Foundation Kylie Burk Alison Watt © jennifer olsen Jeff Williams Quality Control Board San Luis Obispo County Katie Burlason Jackson Joe Bruno California State Coastal Fish & Game Fines Paul Buvick Pete Jenny* John Ehrenborg Conservancy Committee Craig & Janice Campbell Heather Jensen* June Rodriguez California State Parks San Luis Obispo Parks John & Kelly Cherry* Vicky Johnsen Karl B. Rodi California Wildlife Open, Space & Trail Larissa Clarke Lyza Johnsen Kay Wilson Conservation Board Foundation Ashley Clarkson Cory Jones Keith Griffin Caltrans Santa Margarita Harvey & Kathy Jeff** & Jane Jorgensen Kenneth Hill (3) Camp San Luis Obispo Elementary School/ Cohon* Herb Kandel* Cayucos Land Conservancy Atascadero Unified Joan Collier Bill Kanne Levi Felix Kristen Nelson Jana Walker Lois Martinez Central Coast Concerned School District Kevin & Mary Cooper Mary Kern* Mountain Bikers Santa Margarita Ranch Marguerite Costigan Mike & Crystal Kirkland Clare O’Brien* John Wallace* Los Infantes Christie O’Hara Shirley Schmidt Candice Walton Lou Creeklands Templeton Heritage Tree Paul & Carol Courcy Mike & Ruby Klatt Kelli Schonher Chevron Foundation Doug Crapo* David Kline Jeff Owen Patti Whelen* Marc Cattaneo Ann Palmer* Ann Sever Nancy & Tristan Wilcox Martha Olson City of Arroyo Grande Ten Over Studio Greig & Sue Cummings Randy Knight** Dan & Katrina Sharon City of Atascadero Trust for Public Land Chris Cummings Jacqueline Knowlton Jim Patterson** Jacki Williams Fernandez Peggy Pennelly* Bill Shearer Steve & Nancy Marva Prows City of Grover Beach USDA-Natural Resources Marv Daniels Sally Krenn Dennis Sheridan City of Paso Robles Conservation Service Scott Daniels Jake & Darcie Kristy Carrisa Pereira** Willison Mary Martin Ernie Perlich Paula Sigman* & Ron Kara Woodruff* Marquardt (3) City of Pismo Beach US Fish & Wildlife Service Marilyn Darnell* Clay & Kirsten Landers Yukelson** City of San Luis Obispo Vandenberg Air Force Base Rob DeGraff** and Lynne Landwehr* Kathleen & Rich Phelps Anne Wyatt* Mel Palmer Louis Pitelka* CJ Silas Neil Perry (2) CNPS - SLO Chapter Vineyard Elementary Mary Sampson* Brooke Langle** Kari Sinner *Committee member The Conservation Fund School/Templeton Kiersten Demmond Ryan & Jen Lannon Beverly Poorman **Board Trustee (current) Norma Wilkerson Nancy Pullen Family Carol Sinsheimer Our Parents County of San Luis Obispo Unified School District Mary Anne Doane John, Chris & Teri Sipes County of Santa Barbara Vineyard Professional Len Domenic Lydia Lawson Wendy Ragan acknowledgment Patrick Wheatley Jr. (2) Danilu Ramirez SLO Op Climbing Department of Services Dessa Drake Carl Lindgren* Seth Souza of service Peter Harker Defense-Readiness Leigh Ramirez Roger Lyon Wallace Group John Duffy Kathy Longacre Charron Sparks & Environmental Jean Edwards Chris, Creed & Celia Penny Rappa* former staff Roy A. Parsons Protection Integration Pam Reading* Ethan Stan landowner Valerie Endres* Lowgren Mark Starble Lauren Meers S. Paul London Program Kathy Redden Nathan Sharon Sheila Campbell (2) Dunes Center conservation Bonnie Ernst Mike Marek Scott Stellar Francesca Fairbrother Fred Marquez Elaine Reeves Susan Parkinson Dunes Collaborative partners Katie Rock Herb Stroh* former board Thomas & Donna Girl Scouts of Piper Fedrow* Barbara Martin Denise Sullivan Jeff & Joan Gary & Darlene Felsman Scott & Stephanie Maze B.K. Richard* & Emily Rob DeGraff Bourne California’s Central Rosten Meg Syfan Chris Helenius Buckingham Lori Fisher John McCabe Laura Tappan Tom Holgate Coast Esta Kandarian Jeff Riley Tony M. & Dovie J. Guadalupe Natural Denise Florez Sue & Jim Miers Matt & Erika Timmer former interns Larry Kandarian Janice Fong Wolf Pat Mullen** Ann Robinson** Virginia Dussell Hoffman Resources Restoration Taylor Rosa Tina Vander Hoek Ursula Banning Trust Michael Framberger* Monica Munoz David Wagner Adam Norcott volunteers Kristina Gee Kim Murry Augie Rosales Vespa the Golden Kevin Merk Associates, LLC Gary Ruggerone Phil Wagner & Mary former junior trustee Virginya Land Trust Alliance Ted Aclan Rebecca Gee Marty Musselman Blackler Dick Adams & Nannett Kassandra Gee Bob Nanninga Pete Schipa Nathan Sharon Hughes Leadership SLO Class Paul & Susan Schlaikjer Julie Wales XXV Heather Neldner