Engaging in a World of Change
Engaging in a World of Change STATISTICAL APPENDIX UNAUDITED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 WESTERN AREA POWER ADMINISTRATION CONTENTS System data Project data System data . 2 Boulder Canyon Project . 42 Facilities . 3 Central Valley Project . 51 Transmission lines . 4 Loveland Area Projects . 63 Resources . 5 Parker-Davis Project . 80 Power marketing system . 6 Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program—Eastern Division . 90 Powerplants . 8 Salt Lake City Area/Integrated Projects . 115 Historical flows . 11 Other projects . 140 Peak firm loads . 12 Central Arizona Project . 142 Power sales . 13 Electrical District 5-to-Palo Verde Hub Project . 145 Purchased power . 19 Falcon-Amistad Project . 146 Purchased transmission services . .. 20 Pacific Northwest-Southwest Intertie . 148 Power customers . 21 Olmsted . 151 Top 25 customers in power sales . .. 24 Provo River Project . 153 Repayment . 26 Washoe Project . 155 Marketing plans and rates . 28 Term definitions . 157 Financial statements Combining statements (by agency) . 32 Combining statements (by power system) . 35 Operating expenses . 39 Summary of power system completed plant . 40 Construction work-in-progress . 41 1 SYSTEM DATA System Profile as of Sept. 30, 2020 ED5-to-Palo Pacific NW-SW Pick-Sloan Salt Lake Boulder Central Central Verde Hub Falcon-Amistad Loveland Area Intertie— Olmsted Parker-Davis Missouri Basin Provo River City Area/ Washoe Eliminations3 Asset Canyon Arizona¹ Valley Projects2 Southern Program— Integrated WAPA total Project portion Eastern Division Projects Powerplants 1 1 11 0 2 20 0 1 2 8 1 11 1 (1) 58 Transmission lines Circuit miles4 52 0 1,356 44 0 3,378 591 0 1,710 7,825 0 2,316 0 0 17,272 Circuit 84 0 2,182 70 0 5,436 950 0 2,751 12,590 0 3,727 0 0 27,790 kilometers4 Land5 Acres 1,168 0 19,536 0 0 35,388 16,818 0 22,011 94,123 0 35,913 0 0 224,957 Hectares 473 0 7,910 0 0 14,327 6,809 0 8,911 38,106 0 14,540 0 0 91,076 Substations 2 10 25 0 0 84 7 0 48 130 0 36 0 (17) 325 1 Coal fired plant ceased operating in November 2019.
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