March 15, 2020
March 15, 2020 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT OUR PARISH MISSION: To be a tangible manifestation of Christ living in the community Twinned with Notre Dame d’Altagrace Parish, Cap Haitien, Haiti Rev. Gary R. Studniewski, Pastor Rev. Brendan Glasgow, Parochial Vicar ——— SUNDAY MASS Saturday 5pm; Sunday 9am, 11am (ASL), 5pm HOLY HOUR Monday-Wednesday, 6-7pm COFFEE HOUR Join us for coffee & donuts in the parish hall after the 9am & 11am Masses OUR DOORS ARE OPEN 6:30am-6:30pm, Monday-Friday, and before and after Mass every weekend. Church & Hall are accessible via elevator Low-Gluten (.001%) Hosts and Hearing Assist devices available: Please request before Mass FEDERAL HOLIDAYS Church & Offices Closed MASS ON HOLY DAYS No Vigil Mass, 7am, 12:10pm, 6:30pm; (Except Christmas & January 1) DAILY MASS & CONFESSION TIMES Monday-Friday: Mass at 7am and 12:10pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: Confessions 11:30am-12pm | Wednesday, 6-6:45pm | Saturday 4-4:30pm 313 2nd Street SE Washington DC 20003 |Capitol South Metro T: 202.547.1430 | | Welcome to St. Peter’s on Capitol Hill! No matter how WELCOME! THANK YOU long you’re planning to be in the neighborhood, we hope you’ll consider this your home parish. FOR JOINING US! If you are a parishioner at St. Peter’s and have recently moved or need to update any of your contact information, please call the office at (202) 547-1430 or visit our website: Registration and regular attendance at Mass are required to receive letters of permission for marriage, baptism, or confirmation.
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