■ tffitSlM rst' fsM le D V iri, Y d l t j r r< A t* . . L.jr»dhur*i. S. J . mm Til* greatest koUnh-il (arden la Ike world la suhurhan C e n t s New Jersey In the summer We W t « wonderful fardens that spread the Httle people who live in the home* attacked to tke fardens. And the work h put tato the fardens freely. A (ovemm ent project of such manni tude would coat atmospherically. Bui In our home garden* and lilt Mil 111 Itl.ltM K lV lltt rach man bears his own cost without complaint. His labor be G strikes off In the (uise of please. V o l. ;SI! N „. r . I V \DIII Kr«T. V J.. MW If. 1«».-.? t h i » h o m aiM«* i r*i Gallagher, Russo, Garde, Savino, Polito Elected Commissioners! •Name Teacher Voters Give Administration/ School Star Scholarships Commissioners District By District ■ 7 Majority iin Election Marked Scholarships totalling $423 UISTRI* I’s 1 J \ ; • i , t* 8 . 0 in t 1% I W l Attacked On were presented to four students, l.eorge f llasilatiil 117 : 1 «* 2 t»K u n i n » mV ■ 77- 7 1 1 H.H who will enter Teachers Colleges By Bogle-ogle-Breslin Retirement \V 1II1.1111 f t-s.illagli'T i 1 .. I.MI i 1 1 1 **t» H t HM 127 jO o if*H R I t Ml in September, dt the closing "Hi 1 Street Here meeting of the season of the lariitfiie S,i\ 11m U h Vi 111 11 n t Mi to 7 .* 0 . 2 > 1 2'* > t IRti >|*'”iikin([ i i a Ih ! ii « r, combined PTA units »n Lynd John t . I.anlc 5 2 7 V.J UH i 1 V i n 1 : * t o r t m 2 H 1 VJ > IM V .7 J I v m 1 l m i * l v ..|« r » !•» t |» . J»r»ll« I m *>»♦! M o t G ordon lliifihc,.. track and hurst, held in the High School: ll.nobl ,| I amcl.’t in* .*f*« J 1 \ »’ti i 2H [ J7M 2 I» 2 2 1 lt» • .* : ■2: M «»r VI >lli.«m f t . itllaglti « a»»«l I * * t arHiinr '>#■ football star of Lymtfaurst ?ymnas'um on Wednesday even * 1 Morris V Set Ir ml.rum \ *i i JM | 2 ? \ J i . ; .'t*iv 1 : h IV* 1 •> 1 I J H itf 'Ilhi itld joint I t,4»i|r ihrtr «l|ll< l|Mlr( Hi(th Schuol. arnl two coin- '"rile scholarships «ere present- 0 ’ John J. t xnrnet ki > 1 2ti~ \ 2 2 Ii,' ill IH- u 1 J h to M : * ti o i l n l i n i t U n i t l t c i In*** n > ‘ i a > l t iln if ruitN iitv panioit* were the targets for ed by Eli Kane. High .School rinllip j I'aui -M n II \Xt* IHt.i. 2 M .’fdi 2 >1 _• 1 * ! 1 i .’M ill a street altark Monday nighl Principal to Grace Boat!,. Joan • i w l r v I i I m 4r«l i Rii*»n, foi n o r oMg<*trat>- *i»*l H * l)>li !**•■ .... , . DeJessa. Janet Rujlo and Judith I h u ii .1 0 II f ain * “ro n 2 h \ n t 1 II. 1 - f t 1 V* HI II j i i o 1 ; tlT H 111.* ttl . »»f ill. H o«f<( o f I tin t 4hi*M at r i ft Ii and Sum mer a\«*- Lopgo. Robert Deriecke is an al fiftviinl J l» i i *«v i l . Ui 1 u«* . I . . 11 III t l . t . 2 H 1 .1 i : m m ; lilies.. terhate. f il l «l lil I I ■ I r « I »«*ft llii'M 'l S ,1 f .n iv ta ^ n ; . ‘ J T \ '» l J_ ‘ll .J a ‘% One of Gordon's friends. Rob- Mrs, Joseph Schultz( of Rid*:** t t . : : n : .1 1 .1; 2 v r tin* 1 2H~\2 ert Hartung. 17. of.752 Chase aye Park, president of the Ber Kalpho \. |- 0 1 1 111 . U t» I t ; n i t W if i h : ;vt 1 J l f h ± t\2 2 H» \ 2 . | h fea.tr«l **< n flu r o o o i t t g i . i m |c » o f ( h r u i i < a o f nue. was cut on the wrist. Hank Ren County Council of Parents! 1 ),inic) t or. 1 n o t 0 ii** , i i ; M\\. I ‘ HU H2 C i « ‘ • ‘*Hh lit iaU ll .r..1.1 J t atm-let ami M mu- V ^»tlei*f|*f mo Wodynski. 514 Chase avenue, wa> and Teachers, was a guest at the V* also beatc-H , meeting and ’spoke briefly. She i \ |||l*» 1 .1*1 *>v • 7 tt* %\ > 1 **.•: f i t 1 >;m 7 ttJ'K o i l 7 V C | h | . a ii« l *». »« lit. tllH ttlttg Mt-ai. * l li |.» * a io l I 'o l t f * . The: attack took place before stressed the fact that unitv j IhiiHsn * ..iMriou Itirliiv l*aul # m*I Htt**eD *‘aiat the sta!tied gaze of many par among the local ’elementary VImi ill f.ali.l »*•«• ihr H»«i |o o«|. o' • . If r Has f. tiripants in the -campaign parade school PTA units made the schol High School Juniors Crown 0ueen at Prom staged by the candidates for irships possible, and .urged -»tl t H it I t \M I CiAl I At.HI K iaiH l w t» .| I V m d • ••fottain . Ilte»i*|*« 1 * ».f tfie fl.aatil J t » li» Continued Good Government. Work together for better edt. .» t a lio it. a n .I jo l.iit t-_aatY.'. * k ' # As the Huge cavalcade coursed tional facilities in lo^al schor ■;> S . \ | I m * .|i o w ill • r» tlir ii* «. !• 11»( • h » ( h in to *A*re throu&h the township, it brought a,'d throughout th#* nn traffic t«> a halt in some places The program included III. {ireti 11 %«111 m ark ll». «f*|»arii>i . Pupil- I •’» m a t o r a o .l c tirei t«.r f l l« jM iim m i •>! |‘»rk. mal One of the youths had a switch 'vere. Joy Divine. .Richard Kent P u l d i r I*r..|»ert\ .t.allagH rt’ knife with a blade at least eight Todd Puntolillo. PatiKia Mitch l ot .!•»«•» |-.»». <.f l(i vi*Hli> tltil tnta-ft. • 'ttliii. inches long One motorist who Michael Spino. Karen Candio saw the hoodlums pile out ot Antoinette S'-erho. Donald ( ••la I .1 ilifrftaf *»f f*»il.lt« viilrb t.atd. their 'cars' hastily put up the hella, hileen Cafa ie .lam* - K» f .lire* tt r ot l*nl»|i* \ll nr^ |*ol»i.. windows of his own car and Aughenhati h , f o r . f i f e * tor |*ul.l*. M .»k> Ii locked, the d .... ,Ml' Sylvia A'. ell. directed I thought a madman, was on e R|M,,**vett f*; boo I chorus j> I II. n ••i*fm iian»)i a i l ! I.. *4 I .0 (ki 1 w o H a ll . the looj.e with one of the most **ey *’•••1. * g:oop of. son/ * ’I h- Ment I im *«|a % . vicious k n iv es I have ev er seen." 'h o ru s ^ »»rs.stji o.r P aam cla C hiih I ' .. i n ti- w ill iim iV lu- ■ . I ii*n«*iit j! \« H 1 • a r #. . said one of the onlookers ron- Gr*’1 ^er*1 r Annette C.ei 1 1 1 1 1.1 ai tung *as cut by the knife un* Am,a‘ Cc *'"• R s< of ,i^i Ii. ** .11 l»c (£m lii» J I »t *» ar o n il»>« alt.-ar.l '».f * **»•» wielder mary Cimino. Ja tjuel.ne C.u --..i.: MII- *..M« l- **l*|i(ll .1 ll, . . . . I. . .| | . . l , * ,| K.wiluf ' With Mushes and Wodynski ho £»<'«'* De Simon.. Jane. Kn; " fought back bravely, but wei* *R°s*mary Oeramita. t*rol Im 10*1 I 1 n a m » . overpowered. Haitun- received Perato. Anne Jaquinto. (.-i.l i-a I Ii* » o toi-s Iii> a ii. llia l o» VI ) M H l'O I » tt ( ta o a rut while Wodvlnsk, suffered' howsky, Caroline Leoiho U r.• * Is 11» . omj>l.-|«• |*#i im ill of .i- Ii»w4i"il *irM ’a(. |p»at io**ef*t a Mark' rye. Hughes was bumped {-?•**•. Dei.a Marrtnno. W ill.- *nd bruised -.Mllttl. Daphne Muiail. Janet a liiill Sa>n»*t Ita- -Itu n l f». will t*. ai 0^ ih- vlli* tali ihr possibility iReVan* wa. VirSinis Rosa I^attia I.* •* el» l«r ate lit*' .a t a * ia i returning from a softball same ?tur^rs. Marlene Vol|>e. Ralph llo . if. . 11 o 1 I i *... I . .. . 11. 1 » - • * I . (Hi * *> 1 >1In" ga ie was offered by Hughes and his *din(..»e Janies l»r..e.n M « .1.1 rnmpamom Collett . RusscU I, .l.adonna. Da: OoiJit liiiM >lit • Iln » I.. . 401. « n >i o .Pnlire . began .|uesliontn, the• Orwsrtrfe., DonaM I- S ala. #r.»-**l ^prillklen f. tf rlllt I tig ifl* ,.»ft« I >»• II j ..I lw rf.tr youths in the town.hlp to dr ln '.r' ili* filial liaitl of %-r.fjog . atoe t|t* •ir litg* teimmr if II,e assailants came Mr^ Charles » I tn:.!««. ,» Ml** Karhar* Hettl. %»bo‘ -elected I’rum A f u r r n :»| ih r I. \ i-.» fi.. . hrid in ti# tu rt Ittaw I lo > 1. . I o n ii • 1C *. .• last ird iiii from Olhr, .ommunities. One be dhUed to president, to .so ... wn Friday eVeaiitg, *la> t Kraitinic from t« tt t» t tgtti n< l‘irii»«i. > %tu« I'triu NuiK lirf is Mir B,n8 cam* tom !""- Walter. ^ . 11. «ill. M .s. l l o IIO|.» .0(1. «. .1 I. l l l a f I. o l ’ V-1 *. i ■ lit. * Chris. Strohler, vice president. (iervaai Standing J»m r. Huiktr\. I*hlil|i I trim i i Vrleitr ftuvkU t lu-i lb ri.Utl|*» im o l.a N ew ark ' Mrs. Arthur V. Schreckenstein hrtello Fat llefTron jm epk Kelly, truest I oilin' »<. I. m I ' m - ' l i . I . m KlnddiM>i|ff tllllllt fl.lt*:! lio fa lle n * of. I . 0 0 ,1 I »»*e I 1. {Ii . o I llr- l.o I secretary, and Mrs. F. A Rosen Fdkatd Hhitman Mar» Ilire ttrffrna Marren It ot« k jlot 1 1. <• »» I « r. .. k 1 -. I. * lion M itol.l HtraO o.ji -o i|o .. lio>ti.*tf ali.'tt tw irl berg, treasurer va lit* li lalo l« .1 'ilj** If I • » i .iriiiiiiii . | I ->!■ . iliai men of the several unit# in lhe I w«»uld Itk Township of Lyndhurst. N. J. council served refreshments dur.- : 1 ki . I.... »l .. ,th .... 1 • . . • ■ p i i ,*;«pp. illt'-l l l.j^ i. IIOI l l l i . l m I l i a •: • 1-. | ‘l> ii. 1- t to the 25’h nf May will be Clean • . . . I ■. ■ * - the meeting Several members "of M >IO !• I , Up Week. Materials are to be put paper repli< a* of The Vila V ll.* I n l i n e ai Mt il a im o* | lit* llo a l Ii Im*i ‘lav f-* . »o-h.la»r* the B oard irt Education weic Hvotisti’id-. jout on same'day of garbage col p resen t r i«** *.*f we*tei n H■ *r H Itett I' 'ill |. • ol. ,| rli. y » 1 ifi .r* lection day. a special truck will b jiw if iu d in t jd sj J f • J t » l f \ i 4 iAROF 1 i. f it th* follow to pick up all material put W<»/icl W a r b a t t le in }i . ( *ov e r iir n e n i. '■ w * 11 i v. I..... 1 • . - »t • 1. • * *> ■ < 0 h.a put by rc sidentf* of community. guim «nd F« atue, a> *,rd ti j O u t - e n g i a i ... . I.m * fv M r* S u m m e r s p«>pp> • Mt Mxhael Festa. S«iutarian. f t i i i i s l l i *lo *. j * | * ti. rt |i a i i 1 1 » I • 1 fcMre* stales that for *.he protection of Local Women in <*i file Atnei i .ui t's \ t i «io . • . • . »-•. - • - all from iat infestations by re 1 ■: J' \ •.* *11. f) i> Vp» ■* I I*--: ; moving all material that are not Crowning Event »ei>artce of Poppy Dav jo«a|)-hi|*' oiagiallalr t*»o ». <** tf Ci.o* the cl'M ifioIri heeded. wf«uld help to eliminate __ Mrs. Lawrence Petrfwel!* and • The blight; lltlle f|.. •loti alfl.otrgii .fav or. .f f«% . ii» .,f | iir l-V>» 1 . ■ . . j . . . 1 am- >a> haiborsge within one. daujihter. Maria' Mr- John r *t»e «»nly ti'Ui h of i ^ 't u • I f. . ...n il I. a V . ■m loWi*-lu|» alo.s* flee .__♦•! af- be a Oaf a hon:e and yaid. ; vik and daughter. Vivian Mi < So. please be* a grw.d neighb<« H j Q aro fo lo an d d au g h tei , ». I 1 I . | .... o I . ‘ I I ! . . ( 1 I r I. r-hva Won and hoip our community to keep M-fy hn<1 Mr)# Anthony Api> War I battle friant M .ge'f ifl* • I'jra ta J U * M« • «J( ■■' I ' >>;( 1 • -ji ' «. . • rle,*n and daughter. Mai v Ann.' all of i f'rllie ir ~ ~ r ~ >~ Ly»idhur»t. attended the <*• alorig the tren< fvc*. i I *».rl* d |ifi aitM ' .u l- m (1**1 *■ (j’lr liir 4-h o ■ fi «(H>a Comniunion Hreakfa-t ing of the Blessed Virgin Mar .h o le * *m.d **'#•<»> d t.v , .01 S»’t F o r Vl.iv \ ft "n Sa’Urd** St Budget's i:. (■ e*p «- r» l f:.r;>iut ..’.n - in. i rflw M alr. M*il||«( v|. a ril 1 1 tl af lh ^ Church in New a t k • ■ the-; battlf < h o ii il ao*| the p-*|.blai il * if*. » >4 4k* i t h-e-ia The M Ilian Society <»f S acred . M ary A nn A ppo p.la. ed; •f'h'v r • n Heart-Chut h witl hol'd it* thud .crown on the Ble«t»ed v. •• • id • !•»...»• 11 ,•> * W . f . s ■ . i , I ■ • annual Communion Bieakfast The Rev Fiank l-o Biarvo n. , e Im .i • • ;,#• j,..-,. 1.. H o 1* » o n *• 1 o f m at* ■ this Sunday May 19 Tha break- erator. had charge of the , ...*n Leslie Co. To Build New Office Building ih r * '?! Id aboii.! the t .ai.f* frjM>flrr| t h a t ‘ :-l* * w list will l>e held in the Sacred mg - eremony with organ a. «Vnn bn* \f •e't'.. in h u ti b e g a n * j He^it School Cafeteria following rw,niment by Mr* Appo, i h t • i r«*e 4’ W ith ad o .. i < • .;*• .... I hi th. 7 3<1 M ass m ’he churi^h. Rav ' Yhi> , e ren n .h y v*a- fOr a i i t h e ...... 11.*.-. |. ' W ’!e»m J. Dalv of Seton Hall retarded group .»f . A f t e r th e i»,at the p I | H ' tl tlnivets.t%, South Orange, will be a large' area of eommunitiW sag 'm em orial. flower >►# • the guest, speaker Mrs Marie rounding Newark Th# R*-\ I.; • . t.« m « I * I v U-< k« .1 f..e*» i n i to (>#• I ' h i '• > Sparta \ice president of the Bianco teaches a r*tatded gioup «!/.<» * l i o n . w . r e *|.*t» d ., S*>* .• i * . - . b a irlad y foi th is af M^igioMS i lass e»«h Sa«' n la a. * t h r B n ' • I may be obtained St. Bridget's Ckurdl Th*- foui II ta . . ! - , I a ll from any of the Society mem icwal girl* are membett of tv, The . . ref«r • t»«it»l*tfalion who h i .o a •’<* ri Im •e *f •*« . »h*. , O i « | .bers. ''class r»,,<4.. |»y d R H '■ e»oo|*«j - i r • * <■ .# ^ v > 1 . a rr II H*-e '* »' in iWwipitaiS' ahd. Mdf. * ■ • ft-. ■ ■ I . wt^ k • i '.**.1" * .• a .si b t 1 . m illion -ha-; -i' aif.»atliOtfilliHa l*»fre.v •*>.#•*' « I ! .O g! . ' A/*.ef u i»>i I,* K»oft, «rt* ‘'glh ll«0<(t.|ll *d I .* 1 1 H i Proclamation y t» f ' *.*• Mkv 2-3 -the di.ve *,!|i lif^ir, l # f m<*** f »». ./..1 ii>| w ith 4 IM * w tth I d j j Wberea* mental illnes* is the Whereas these condition* ( a ;.i.] |ie yaed f , : ’ 1*0 !♦-**» 4.h M .lh I W l .m i l' - i h i :m> most •erious single health prob be remedied.fiy cm.etted !•. >'• • fo r d>#*i led l o > ta l- h 1* law * <* .« (k ia . •«- H tf ! : H v . » Um confronting the natimi. a n d the citiwm c*f our '-ily. w t ' and . .hi|» taeife** e,«#th m.4 • l e t W ith 1 t h*U Where** r*»anv mental pa State and our nat^n ■ . >*# I- t^eots— unable—tn get the— Thetefcu* L W > * , > 0. 1. 1. o . - -ii treatment they .need becau*'' laghet. Mayor ot th*- T - * h • o i i" ■ H"- w ill, .' I mertal hospitals are overcrowd of Lyndhurst New Je- . eo ■ nder • • »(ted, and sh«*rt of hereby orcw-laim the -*ffk ' .‘a: -J •»>?*• ?• ,r* |lac ts>4»’ ' ■tiedica and- eqyipment > * 31 a* .Mental. ftwWi Week : ■ ;rV..-ri>i- r tlcv rn r r it h ■ and and furthermore call the uf«*n , tgjg ■ I» - lit* » *.• • * ; II . • - . . ‘ ‘ • %pa# .. . -' atuens of Lyndhurst to help th T h e . (e f t It<#*t 'a e - ‘ tartV ■ Wheira, many pe..ple .utter ,„'h w a ■ v* . k« - I l4tM K.il w •« i*.l ••ill "•.a.i .. .. »* * * *’•«'*' »*••' . . n *11« - m p t.^ e d , 2 • ■ 4»*s »< th« unable to help be. au« <*>-/• „ , , M l #*H rtlfJTO Hatur4oy 'in a fwflit ■ ■ t*"'- V ) -n-'m -».ta‘ e , I. a. .hortafe of psyrhl h. „ h . i Jir.d A ■■ efj-it: aivi >' ! a o .|> a if it o . a l •* a* a 1 f • *'• <* : »* I " ‘ • rt * T y‘* <-t a# * t • »- t r . < Ittut* S|id prr.ste mdia fh, „ *l»< |t »dif.f ■ f I *lu.«liaa. i* .o.-- -f ik e l a i d ti iwt*. and anrf v ' Vaaaell of e» .», f»ia»t*eJ •nenl and pTfvrstinfi of ~ - 0% J 3 ? ’A ' r, » , r r te * e te h 'a te * * A »>' :» • * a *■- - '• . • '« o . ». -• h I * '-* • M j ‘ '•••>• •. *• '•** W hereas *»>ental illnea* re d in e * * . ».’■>; * ’ f ng aisn" e*^ar-. • K c. . .1 * ' A • - • .*• I .... \ 4 W ' . of fiHMt* an d pei v « o e U and ' '• e»V; vj, ' .*'k. '

\ rA G E TVO ______COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN R E M E W ______THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1937 Keep Your Faith, Go To Church Every Sunday And Holy Days

Wednesday. May 22 8 p.m. ward Bromirski Funeral .Home caiidn. Gauti. Mrs. H. B. Harne and ing at the San Souci HoteL T h e y Vestry Qi^ets with Architect. of Jersey City, and our neigh Vivian Varano, who will bo Mrs. G. C. Renz, of Lyndhurst. took several tours a n d w h ile bors and friends who extended delegate to Girls’ State in June, and Mrs. C. Gordon Phillips of there, they vis,ted with th e Z ito REED MEMORIAL sympathy and help when we arid Ii is Sterman. alternate, w er..* Rutherford. family of Hialeah Park, former­ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN needed, it m ost ly of Lyndhurst. also .Mr. and intro d u ced Mrs. G C. Renz won a prize C H U R C H : Mr. & Mrs. John Preis Mrs. Leo Seitz of W e s t H olly­ Mrs. Tim Regan president, for ^er hat made of salala leaves Stuyvesant near Valley Brook wood, formerly of Clifton. appointed a nominating commit­ an yellow pompons. A v e n u e CARD OF THANKS tee Mrs. Jaugstetter, Mrs. Walk-, Rev. Chase H. Stafford. Minister Patrick J. Ryan KACHLER We wish to thank er, Mrs. Luddeeke and Mrs. Stod­ After the show Mrs C. Gordon 346 Stuyvesant Avenue P a tric k J. R yan, 134 V alley all of our relatives, friends and dard . Phillips entertained the group WHO DO YOU KNOW GEneva 8-011S Brook avenue, died at St. Mary’s Pastor Muller for their kind ex Mrs. Regan and her secretary, and served lunch IN BANGOR, MAINE? .. ' , . -1 Hospital, Passaic, after a short Sunday, M ay 19; B ible School.! pressiorn „of sympathy and floral Mrs. George Lunoir attended the Gii* them a phone coU.. illness, on Monday. He was 74. Mrs. Elizabeth D Aiello and 9:45 a.m. Morning worship. 11:00 ] tributes at the funeral of our be­ president's luncheon in Atlantic 3-minute statio n rate from He was fcorn in Ireland, came to a.m. ‘‘Whatsoever Is Not of | loved husband and father, John City on Tuesday, her daughter/Patricia Carino of Patoraon fift*r 6 p.iu. th e U n ited S tates in 1300 ano 170 P ost avenue, re tu rn e d from Faith”. No evening service until | Kachler. We are grateful to the is only H5t plus tax. had lived in Jersey City for 51 Lyndhurst Police Department a nine day trip to Florida, stay- after the, Billy Graham New York 1 yt ai b< Foie mpvfng to Lynd­ S T . M IC H A E L S R . C . C rusade. and funeral director Steever, Garden Club in CHURCH hurst six years ago. Bereaved Family Monday: Bus leaves from Flower Show Rev. Ladislaus J. Wilczewskl Ke was a retired stevedore, Lyndhurst for Billy Graham haying worked for various con P a s to r Crusade, 5.45 p.m. * Legion Ladies Five members participated in Ridge Road and Page Avenue terns on the Hoboken docks for 47 years. the fresh flower decorated hat X You're Invited to See M asses a re a t 7, 8, 9, 10 and Tuesday: Prayer meeting at 1 Honor Presidents competition at the operiing cere 11:30 a.m . at 34tj S tu y v e sa n t av en u e. He was a member of the Ho­ monies of the Garden State Pla * Our New Collection of boken L ocal No. 8fj7, In te rn a tio n ­ The Ladies’ Auxiliary o f B ar za in »Paramus; sponsored jointly, { for Every Occasion LYNDH1RST ME'l HODIST Wednesday: Youth Club meets al Longshoreman's Association. ringer Walker Post of the Amer­ by L Bambeiyer & Co., and'tb- CHURCH * at 3:45 p.m. Prayer meeting at He leaves two sons, Daniel J , ican Legion, gave a party on Bergen County Federation o f th e ch u rch a t 8 p.m . 8tuyves?nt and Tontine Avenues of Jersey City, and Patrick D, Wednesday evening for the past Garden Clubs. of Lyndhurst; a daughter. Miss presidents of their organization. T he Rev., Rodger W. Hawn, Thursday: Prayer meeting a t Mrs. John D Stengel and her Mrs. John J. Breslin, Sr . of Minister 739 Fifth avenue at 1 p.m. Choir Johanna C. Ryan, at home; a si? daughter Janet entered mother j 307 Tontine Avenue p ractice at 8 p.m. ter, \!rs. Jeremiah (Mary) Hawe, Stuyvesant avenue, who was first and daughter hats. Miss L. E. GEneva 8-U928 of Lyndhurst; and one grand president of the Bergen County child. His wife. Mrs. Mary Mc­ Legion Auxiliary, was an invited C a rth y R yan, died in 1937. • gue.st and brought greetings. WESTMINSTER The funeral will be held to Past presidents of the local PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH morrow morning from the Steev auxiliary who were pr£$ent in­ HOW ^ 511 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst er Funeral Home, 253 Stuyvesant cluded Mrs. William Bruckner. Phone WEbster 9-7929 avenue* a’ 9 a.m.. to Sacred Heart Miss Marilyn Bruckner, Mrs CHRISTIAN Lyndhurst, N J. li C. Church, where at 10.a.m. Grover Hejnsdorff, Mrs. Louis a Solemn -high Mass ol Requiem Luddt < ke, Mrs. John J. Jaug SCIENCE stetn Mrs. Samuel Stoddard. ST. MATTHEW’S will be. offered. Interment will Mrs Harry Hanson, Mrs. Antho ^ HEALS . EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN follow in Hedy Cro.s Cemetery. For everyone you know North Arlington ny Dt .Meo, M rs. A lv an K. R alph, C H U R C H Mrs Alfred Morrell and Mrs.- i Hallmark Birthday Cards Comer Valle) Brook Ave- and Edward Walker. STATION SUNDAYS \ in beauhful, humor­ Travers Place, Lyndhurst CoiihlaiiUtie Cha^e There were corsages and gifts WRCA (000 kc.) 7 45 a rn al ous, or/nodern designs Rev. G eorge^luller, Pastot for the honor* Quests. Tables wen- WOR (Radio) 7:45 p.m. 2*5 Travers Place, Lyndhurst Constantine J. Chase. tl35 Fifth ‘ 1 for every age, tasti tully decorated for the oc WOR TV Channt y.30 a.rh. W Ebster 9-2134 avenue, d ied *it his hom e T h u rs: day after a long illness. He . was \ l every taste 915 a m.—Sunday School. *56, borp in Athens, Greece, and 10:30 a.m.—Service. came to the United ' States 40 f II. 11 murk I isrd* for jears ago, living first in Brook nr’- l)*y, Si. P*trirk% LATTER DAY SAINTS lyn for a period of 29 years and I .radualim i. Ilallovtrrii OF JESUS CHRIST m Lyndhurst for the past eleven A. E. Starks, Pastor years. Services Every Sunday | You’ll ♦*nj«»> •lioppinii for vuiir ll.illm.uk l.ri<>tiii|c < ard- in ill* a t th e He was owner and operator of An abiding reject for all faiths and fraternal the Chase I*lower Shop 9 Ridge X plriio.inl kltnuspiirrr of our nru rard •U-jjarlinrlil, v»Ih t «- tlirrr arc Adoniram Masonic Temple | alwa>» Irirm il\ proplt* r«-ad> lo help >ou. And you’ll lik ihr con- . 321 Second A venue road -in Lyndhurs*. and'previous orders, knowledge of ritual*- and correct proee- V v.as a New York City florist. O £ WITH THE BEAUTIFUL FII X vciiienl Va>y-tu-^r di»pla>* of lo\el> Hallmark I'ard* lhe rard* that Lyndhurst. N . J. j lell \«»nr friend* “>oil iurr rnoii^li lo -end ihr %«*ry br-l.” Churph School, 10 a.m. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Angela .dure, enables Tis lo rondiiel all seviees in llie \ M p’rc looking fom ard lo your vioil. Preaching Service. 11 a.m. Formica Chase, three sons. Ra fael, John and Cornelius Chase, proper m anner regardle^ of eluircli affiliation/-. RUTHERFORD BAPTIST all of Brooklyn; two stepchild SKIP S LUNCHEONETTE C H U R C H hen, Judith* and Thomas Pim. HARRISON SHOES 23 West Passaic Ave.. Rutherford two brothers, Georg** and Nicho­ And CONFECTIONERY Rev, Georre Smith, Pastor las Chase, of New Y o rk C ity i HARRISON VV KM I . HARRISON. N. J I 59 W oodward Ave., Rutherford and a sister, Mrs. W alter (Mary > i 2<;<) RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST Phone GEneva 8-6795 Trottef,of S.ake Placid, N Y OPEN MON., THURS.. I RI.. SAT. TO <> The funeral was held on Mon FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST day al 1:30,p.m. from the Waldc SCIENTIST J lp p o lito F u n e ra l H om e, 425 Robert C. Jones, Mgr. Ridge road ,to St. George Greek 403 RIDGE ROAD - LYNDHURST. N. J. K. Plerrepont & Lincoln Avenues Orthodox Church, Passaic, wh« i« Phoni GEneva 6-7272 in Rutherford, N . J . a Mass was offered at 2 p.-n • ranch of th« Mother Church, .Th* Burial was m Hillside Cemetei'y. A ir C«» station S.junr**. O p rn U u u y H u n t 11 a in tu 5 p in., vidually thank all who extended •leapt on Hundny* and Iriml n<>lt- help and showed kindness., to u*; 4a>a an don Friday availing from 7 30 to a 30 o’clock. dining our late bereavement in Xiir«.r\ < nre provided during tlie' death of Peter Zytita, relative who was staying w :'h us. we take LYNDHURST HEBREW this /Opportunity to express our c e n t e r deep grfititude *o the Rev. Antho 333 Valley Brook Avenue ny Casper, pf St.1 Michael'-• R C. Study: GEneva 8-9582 Church. Dr. Alexander C. Szot, having an Jacob Sivan, Rabbi the Lyndhurst Police, the K

To ease the burden on the family In its time of sorrows we' thought fully anticipate every need . . . faithfully lultilj every wish . . .e x For, Appointment Call pettly handle every detail uf a per feet service. you can pa < h : n t

MICHAEL S HAIR STYLISTS tb,', SI OR <: BOX 137 KIIH.K ROAU I.YNPlll'RST, : Open: Wed.. Thurm.. Sat.. 9 M » m. t« S p m , S«*r\ing Kuinilii« of Every Kiiilli" Tur». and Ffl.. 9:10 ».m. lo 9 p ro. ( M l Mondijs. At Aay H«nir, Call W E 9*3IMM) S>trrnpr Jtonrral Homr Successor to Collins Memorial 253 Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndhurst, N. J ' WEbiter 9-3000 Fill f his yard long box with CLOTH COATS. DRESSES. CHILDREN S CLOTHES Netiaatf£rir

PEAT MOSS Return the packed bo* to us and it will be safely stored FUNERAL DIRECTOR <;h a s s s e e d protected against Moths, Fire and Theft. .72 Rillge Road 46‘>»71 I’ali-ade- Aven Use Our Modern LyndlitirsL N. J. Jersey (!ily 7, N. J. FUR STORAGE For In the Fall your garments will be returned Cleaned and WEbster 9-0490 OLdfield 9-4578 Same »ii<' liup Pressed at Our Regular DRY CLEANING PRICES. "Burk Service for Sixty Years" Your Vnluoble Furs

lppolito Funeral Home HKNKY W. VANDKH PLAAT. JR.. MtiK. FELDMAN CLEANERS !' 31 KIUC'E ROAD 200 STUYVESANT AVENUE 11 RIDGE ROAD 425 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J. LYMDIlt RST. N. J. } -920 R ID G E R O A D LYNDHURST. N. J • I GEneva 8-4664 f / H \ trie Drlivrry Anywliere W'aUlo J. IpptUitu, Director W Ebster 9-4113 ! OrEN 1:30 A.M. lo 1 r M. DAILY — FRIDAY TIL • !WWVMWWUWWWWWWWVWVWWVWWVW>M tH ttrsdat. Mjiy 1.6.1957 roimrnm! t n m n x enrra nnw :n^^nrrtrv p a m T i u o r

i>, i»w attending Newark Col- l*e- held >n the nifht of May 21, tor trustee*. Mr* ft ank UtaHv *»•« n the r U Mr »M I lege, of Engineering. Both are tuRfaei' » ui c*' * try*. a.. J >e-ai*, Mi*i Dttnm Martin 3 Mr» C u r t .l> » "i vt with P. fiallanUar .'r*n, and Mr* Navvtto PltrN l « W J •fa Mr «. V * MYF News Newark- year will ne e toted *w %ea- ’he Rrv t.dwarri IA« ftirttM DirwMMM a# Piint-J Ha)dnk chaplain ‘ Piemans | Mws C e v e lu R *w tv m em ber of SPEAKING OF v m ii.i.k B o r n s k i s i .t ;• v a l ch ib i te rv m g an cv •Th# n*w 1 I1 H itf %’ rtub qMiVtntivfl Of th. gumliary on June »* * h*r Im , s , fu ,** Miss Camille Botti. daughter ot. ti* foe h eld lit Atlantic City thi« Member* w ill fo»-«*: * thtitrr •baa Hmpitiil Nvwtrk. hi* , Mi .and XIrv N*•'** Uotti. ul iu vvcefcond tnher* who w dt attract a*utf rtOWM fNMty M»{ V.«* WM U U y bt Uw ta*n «Bb« I n »b r*. aytw w teM s*? 3w* ti.-rn v.u- local club, ar* Mi** next Tueaday ev*r;n*j *h*n th** :*ik** afterfaltm* oil a ladd*v . l u th« dale I i her Marriage t Ci*ne B ^ r lu m o president Mrs w»U *ee * No Tu*w loi Set gOanis' «i ht* S •«** f>-*» i a- _ . : I m wit. P4.t Big hews has just been re i Clifton tcived’ Berta DieboW. who is our Mnt Sarina I^n*erotti. of President, and also Vice Presi­ Brooklyn. K Y will be maid -.f i nu«M ir il* i« M i r« U fr»»m . P« !»•»«« *fl« I p n dent of'the Bergen Sub District, ; honf>r BrN*e*maids *U1 be two «• M*- WN pHaa tat. has been nominated to run fur a . ouaim of the brwle, Mia* ioyc* K% w C onferen e ofTUeJ T he office H i r : o of Se^•.HtK•»s. anti M:s* is th a t o f Christiun Witness, and Nancy Ann Saniora, o| Vftmn th e election w ill be h cid this- l'it\ A nieee *>' ’He bride Debb> Fnday —Youth Day—at Annua;. Schaal. of Lyndhurst will be the Conference.. tiouvs Rin and the bride < Speakinc of Youth Day. » won. nephew Ronald Christoph*! ol dcrful program has been planned C lifton, will be nnfHtarei for this year. There w ill TTp a Gregory Peltr. of WlH»nfl<'n special youth rally f u all the ’ w ill nerve •% bee TOMATO—Jubilee (Yellow) j Mr. and Mr*. Stephen Mum TOMATO—Italian Plum [dcs. 330 Chai,e avenue, are the PEPPER—Cat Wonder parent* of a daughter. Pamela PEPPER—Hot . Jnan. bom on Majr 7. at Colum BASIL. C ELERY ! bos Hospital. Newark Mrs Mi 1. nudes is t'.ie former Gladys Flower Plants j Cupps of Ridge road. AGERATCM CARNATION MARIGOLD—Dwarf PETUNIA—All l i lors PORCH PORTDLACA SNOWY MARSHMALLOW SALVIA FURNITURE SNAPDRAGON . TO BK HAU FROM . . . _ B u s h y c h o c o i a t i VERBENA, ZINNIA Slipcover Special Geraniums Mary Lempert Open Sundayi m ill j P.M INTERIORS Virginia Czarhecki Perfect Fit *69- u/ LY N D H U RST DRAFES MADE TO ORDER FLORAL GARDENS leccines C.ngcged 448 Ridge Road, North Arlington III Mil.Bl RN AVKNl'E i Mi .mti Ml A Ian ' • LYNDHl'BST. N. J j 3t»y5 H iad stiect BftmmAeld. un. | til rec«*ntly of }»i K> ^ av'em u Ly-ndKur>t annoujii w thy engage j m ent o f i h e i r dau tit* ! \'»rifini. ■ W anda t r.W .Boffbta i ia di . B 1 i the la*i* M r and \t; W J D j ler of B altim ore \T | Lyndhurst Decorators Arrive refreshed and Miss CzarnCv ki is .. gradua'fr .• Killer II. ,I,I i.i; H WNII I MU F airleig i D C o l le t t * !!••: flarn;« .• •• r !- d ready for fun! W'estern Maryland C' ,*nd’ haw LITTLE SHAVERS become

WHEN YOU WEAR COOt BIG SUMMfP SHIRTS FROM ZIMMf.RMAN'S! Turn iff lh'- hrBt~»im plr In wrmini SAVERS in* ut «)ir Hr hi weight rt»* h m '.i Vatvniion fcr*w< « ••'*li»g |m *i * l * *m lr«Ng« «shttr* PA.LM BEACH TIES »>u r* rwrfrr |u*i lhet«i v i a rrUp "•I labrtr» that •*•» m il «M »««i w ill »»»’ m«tt*r haw blih th* irm iw iiiN iri M tar la » * * r i m mt i4«tf and •<•!*« Iiictoaijna I 5 0 Vacation* ai1* 'WflJ why should you d*i'* 'our car through h»aw i raff|< ’ Thewy d <' *. -marl pcjopl* r»d* lly* Iji< kawanoM *n»i arrii»'rr4t,i*i rrady (»«■ fun’ li-* and nonforiable F.V#> o>n'<-mi'me ri«bt al ymir «lk)B Courte«*i’» atlepdanta rrwdy t" wrvr you Ami it*a nitpririnf*^ low in «.*•«( ' evat* f*»r ih. faaafiy with l^w kiwanna »- R«rg«»n Far* Plan*’ Many of Amrraa a yacatjasa *r* rra* had on <.r \ ui til* l.*< iawanrut fke Poconi». .Viojnmw Full* Ihr Q rm t tu*V* <>r oft to Chun go, whwrc iwnMairnt ronrwet w>n* nr« mjide lor train* to tto- S alien*! Pork* ( anadioi« R*» ku *** Hm> tt« I u< «f y**or

a ltd your famdy wdl c«ioy y««r \ m r * i * * t a** m uih a**»r*>!

/Vr rale#. f n m n m h i* u , ln»ia rnrhtdmU* amd further iktntira i - *n<* mt I I.V M ■ * .• *** Oivaoa Aftai. Qmmm t »««»• » w a |* . r , - . Miftlw. Oaat»»« t NMNtoMfl'W hw iitotoiW .


| The public relations program Mr. and Mrs Philip Sailer, of DeLeeuw Tells ‘ of the county group, DeLeeuw Local Bankers At New York Banquet Ten Eyck avenue, \fcere Mother’s II ...... said, continued to bring nation- Day guests at the home of their I w ide recognition to the Bergen ion and daughter-in-law, Mr ahd Rutherford WE l ift* i Gil Gotham Turns The County Association as probably Bankers Plans Mrs. Kenneth Sailer, of Whip- Meld Thru Saturday , the most active organization at pany. Deborah Kerr - Hobart Mitchurn Peter DeLeeuw. Jr., president the county level in the count} of the Bergen County BanK-ers seeking to bring about a better Plans for a demonstration par- "HEAVEN KNOWS Association and also president of understanding between the pub National Community Bank, re party to be given on Monday MR. ALLISON" [ Spotlight on Your Stars lie and |he banking institutions. evening wee completed at a viewed the activities of hu ad His address follows. — a ls o — ministration last night at the or meeting of circle seven o t the ’ This has been a most active Woman’s Christian Service of the “THE DESPERADOES (Special To Thr Lea Je r i Renata was signed up. And she gamzation's 42nd annual banquet year in the work of your assoct at the Grand Ballroom, Sheraton Methodist Church in the home ARE IN T O W N " NETW YORK Well. fet s I ■- has been a magnificent ornament ation," DeLeeuw said, ‘ and I am of Mrs F O. Heismeyer of Trav- quick about it. We’re nuts about of the Met ever since Astor Hotel, New York. indebted to you for having given ers place, with Mrs. R. O. Hen- 1 Sun. thru Wed May 1»-$2 fan Italian performer. Wo think Well, Renata is a - wonderful He y paid particular tribute t me the honor of serving as your Harry J, Meyer, cashier and trust nig as hostess. Henry Fonda ih the is one of the most beautiful gal She is big. She towers over president I aip also indebted te things Italy ever turned out. some of her leading men. She is officer. United National Bank ol my bank for givinj* me the nec "12 ANGRY MEN” Chffside Park who will be retir No. Not Sophia Loren, al­ glacial in appearance. But .there essary time (o devote to the af — a ls o — though we think Sdphia is one of is a softness about her that is en ing July l as a member of th» fairs of your association. Errol Flynn sn Board of Trustees after man) the best constructed females now tirelv feminine. She travels with "During the year," he con­ "BIG BOODLE" around. It's not the Lolla Not her mother, a lady, a woman of years of devoted service in th* tinued, "v,e held nine regulai Association. Last Times Tonight any ' f the movie a< tresses. dignity, of grace and of breeding. monthly meetings with an aver Thurs and Friday May 23 24 Our gal is Renata Tebaldi, the Another L cJy triumphs The only thing is-the ige attendance of |03 bank offi ".ANASTASIA" Elvis Presley wonderful soprano who gave the Now Reata has * tied up with cers and directors present. The weather. Rain wnl cancel the Presented at S:00 P M. "LOVE ME TENDER" Metropolitan the cold shoulder another great lady, this one an subjects at these meetings were ■' * (tiaar Photoi performance. There is no doubt — a ls o — until the Board of Trustees was American. She is Minnie Guggen jf general interest to the im­ I Shown above are members of the Bergen County Bankers As­ "THE KING AND I" the .stadium will be sold out Presented at »:45 A.M. • Marlon Brando willing to ante up what she on ' heim er. There is only one thing for Min provement 6f the services ren sociation at their banquet held in the grand ballroom of the M.dered a fair fee This Tebald' Minnie is a woman with a rue to do: return the money in also active in the discharge of aton Astor Hotel in .New Yoik City, on May 9. From left to F n E v e t h r u T u e s . M a y 17 21 "THE WILD ONE" woman-, .who looks like ice anc! worn face, a body that has been the event of ram. dered by the 64 banking offices Willia in I.. Staehle, treasurer of BCBA. and chairman of the board 2 Cinemascope Hits ik'-o*iorni f'-qmupitv B-ink: Pet«*r DeLeeuw, Jr., currently presi sings like fire, is also a shrewd resisting with all power the on- The Way To D o I t in Bergen County. "10,000 BEDROOMS". j slaught* of old age. But she has businesswoman. Wfc th in k Minnie is missing a ’ Ypur Board of Trustees were 'dent of BCBA and president 6 f National Community Bank; H. E D M artin - Ana Maria Alberghetti The Metropolitan is a wonder­ j twro of the most expressive and big bet. their duties. Many actions were ueiiei ji ( aiios P. Komu lo; guest speaker, Philippine Ambassador: 2nd Big Hit ful place for a youhg singer look beautiful eyes in the world. Min­ taken by thejn in legislative, ad I Cesar J. Bcrtheau .incoming president of BCBA and president ot M innie, you know, .glories in "3 BRAVE MEN" ln^ to make a name. After that nie is Mrs. Qharles S. Guggen the fact her concerts run up big ✓ertising, operations and your Peoples lrust Company of Bergen County, Hackensack. it becomes -a Somewhat gainful. heimer, the woptfan who is * re public relations activities. We i . ---t— —■ — ffa y Miiiand»d ■•' E r n e s t B o r g m deficits every year. She stages N in a F o c h < bore that singers perform So sponsible for the concerts of the concerts iru-tha--knowledge have had most active ’ commit baby carriage trade " ‘, Brook avenue, . celebrated her that their asking price for con City College's Stadium Concerts. th ey will n ot c a ir y themselves tees, who have kept the 273 bank ! Concluding his remarks De tt»nth1 birthday with a party n. • ■certs and recitals rem ain s high Snjgle handledly, Minnie has financially Bdt she manages to officers informed of items that Leeuw said "We can be proud of « i h .n e S a t- ii.b r y Rudolf Bing, the cagv mana­ been fighting the great culture get by. She has got by for 35 would be of interest to them." ’thf record that is being Inade b\ ger of the Met. has used the rep­ battle for the metropolitan area. years. "I am particularly indebted to ( the tjanks in Bergen County ui ROUTE 3 utation of his .big plaVe to a fare Year after year she stages those However, in the case of Tebal the work of the Public Relation^ fulfilling their. obligation by pro T he Mo.ther-s ( lub of Boy Sc-oU’ THE JTTNGLE” LcJds of Color Oartoon DRIVE IN THEATRE tiyprwell. You would be1 aston Stadium Concerts which mean so di we are certain she could run Committee,'' DeLeeuw acknowl . vidirig for the grotv:ng popula '.•■op b# h eld th e a te r p a rtv t^ if you knew how little Bing- much to so many. edged, "which this year was re­ « Paper Mill Playhouse in Mill At ROUTE 17 RUTHERFORD up a lug sum of money it she . tion of’ ou-r* county, the service,; , WLBSTfcR actually pays his big stars. There,* for a small price, folks w an ted to. sponsible for . 36 press releases that they need I am certain in urn Tuesday evening "But wht*h he ran into Renata can sit under the stars and listen T his w ay: covering over 75,000 lines. Before the yours ahead we will coot.tin. Starts Wednesd.iy, May : he'Tound a fish of a different col to /;reat orchestras play great 12 ANGRY MEN” TODAy Thru SATUROAV Why not scale the price of the fiscal year of your assoc ia i to lulli.ll this obligation." Pobert Wagner - J*fft i y H u n t e r or.*-Renata has been a great sta- music, watch great dancers, hear Mr am!' Mrs, Russ •I Neis of every seat in.the stadium at $3? tion is completed, there will have Kingslatid aveftue, are back from •TRL’E STORY OF TRUE STORY OF JESSE irf Italy for years. When America- great soloists. been 52 releases and" over 110,000 JAMES' Why not make it a gamble for »n in St, JESSE JAMES" wanted her she didn't need a rep­ It c*me .to pass recently that lines. utation. She chose the spots that ev erybody. Ernest Borgmne - Ray Milland Renata Hebaldi's schedule calls "An innovation in the public ••THREE BRAVE MEN" ofcved the most' money. Thus, for her to be in New York for 2! If Tebaldi' sings, okay, $3 relations program this year was ^he appeared in San FranciscV hours in the summer. She will be across the board If it rains, the the invitation sent to the high SUNDAY . MONDAY. TUESDAY ••ad Chicago long before she sang (on her way, ffom Havana to It Stadium keeps the money as a schools of Bergen County to as John C.issavetes • Sidney Poitiei uv^New York." contribution to-the future? Private Music •'E DOE OF THE CITY'" aly. In New York she is going to sign two of their students to ac­ - A l s o — <«rfc Her Price take the Cristoforo Col umbo to Where Tebaldi is concerned company your officers on a torn Dean Martin T^tit when the review’s1 began Italy. and where the Stadium is con Cold Beer-Wine & Liquors Lessons Anna Maria Alberahetti of the Federal Reserve Bank of "TEN THOUSAND BEDROOMS to .come in and New York, the Since her schedule is such cerhed, ordinary business prac­ New York, the two stock ex GATT I biggest potential audience in the [there will be 21 hours between tices don’t go. We think it worth changes and the New York fin WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY Accordion ft Piano Studio wgfld. began to learn that Ren the time of her arrival from Cu far more than $3 to gamble on ancial district. We are certain Free Delivery Henry Fonda - Lee J. Cobb ■ a I*. Tebaldi, the greatest soprano' ba and her departure on the hearing Tebaldi. We think the that the impressions that they Rentals on Accordion First "12 ANGRY MEN- irf*the world, was singing every — A lso — : Colombo,- M innie-went to work. folks would be just as willing to gained that day will leave a last • 4-Week Free Trial Errol Flynn - Rosanna Rory vriiere but New York, Rudolf had Tebaldi will be in New -York pay $3 if they didn’t heaf her. mg impression of good will t' Instruction on POPULAR and B IO B O O D L E tp*lo a fast double’ take. on the afternoon of-July 27. She knowing that they were helping the bankers of Bergen County * Complete Catering Service CLASSICAL Music ^ e went to the long suffering | will sail for Italy on June 2H. out Stadium Concerts. He impressed hw audience with Bpard of Directors, the men of T he n ig h t *of J u n e 27 she c o n ­ W i:. 9-7720 - W E. 9.4155 Minnie, who you need "is a little the .«|tatement that "during tin Weddings — Banquets PI DELTA Dresenta distinction and money who futed to sing at the Stadium hoopla' There is no reason for mjfte up the deficits incurred by fiscal year of your association 447 WEART AVENUE That means at, the $3 top price losing money at the Stadium. June 30. 1956 to June 30,v 1957 Parties — Etc. LYNDHl’RST. N. J. SUNDAY tb* opera association "and laid Tebaldi will be present with There jjj no reason to return the NIGHT DANCES .‘ttfPAfacts'on the table They laid there has been spent or will be Across from the high school voice and person. money if Tebaldi does’nt sing. spent >1.151,427.00 fo improve o» -! AT — • . ( another portion of m5045 If you'd like to have next year's \acati»u paid f.»r ju advance (and whit wou!dn(?) clink Ilu* advantage* cl joining our ‘ " “ ’ "00“ * O F »ic» i t KEARNEY ST.. LYNSlHrRfT. N J . V .cation I lub :

FREE Try Our Home Made S«up and Special Meat Sandwich Per Week You R e c e iv e Week end kil of toilet­ 1. No C ha’-ges Atul lo p it Off Vi ith (>oo«I D ruxrt. ries for rat h person $ 1.00 $ 50 startin'' a Vaca i n 2. An individual (lull to suit your S 2 0.1 $10# Club or lor each pe. son p lan s. placing S50 or mere in $ 3.00 $ 1 5 0 Double Barrel’s Tavern an exist ng savings ac­ X Earn d .\ d«nds on thr amount $ 3.00 V 230 JOE DOBKOHOI.SK1. Prop count. This offer ex­ >ou save. SlO.Ol iS tH I pires June 7th. WEbster 9-9881 «IS LEWANDOWSKI STREET. lYNDHIKST N J. BE VACATION WISE . . . JOIN TODAY AT ..

FREE IXCITING IXTBAS IDEAL VACATION FOR BOYS White Birch Athletic Day Camp 'OAKLAND. N. I.) A rhrUcal D m kfm t !>., Cam, (ra|B , ,, Inclukiv*. We .p n l.li,, |u d , Bmlillnt. S|wrt> Skill. an* Handicraft*. E>prrl Instruction ( ,mp,r, rm*y . re*iMer for law >Kk IKritxH Special n u a rain Door Rer\lee Available. ENROLL NOW:

SCI YOUR LOCAL TRAVfl AGCMT FIRST. FRANK MONACO. Dire tor rar Information Call u . SI7M • KE. I ttll 23 Park Avenue, Rutherford, N. .J. Caaip IXBcr 174 MfailuMl A vnaa. Keara? Hour. 7 00 to » 00 P M Orflc, Phone KE J 2*1 COMMERCIAL I.EADFR A «OI’TTl ItFRC.FN REVIEW r—: - - — I H ig h School PTA J SA¥l AIUMCA'S 1 Installation of officer* and a I musical program featured thv J MOST FOPUIAK . I meeting of the High "Si tv>ol.'PTA I P. T. A . News held on Wednesday evening n STAMPS.. * the ...school auditorium. I Mrs. Karl Weber was installed I Washington PTA sisted: iv j. res ident. to succeed M rs I Ihe Washington Pi A held" its River Koad PTA Iht-Aius Troi'olt. -v.-ith Mr-. Ar I dosmg meeting of the season on The closing meeting of the sea ihur Faulconer, Mrs Stephei 1 ' Thursday evening. Th^ school son of the River Road PTA was W an<'k a n d L M ’Pe* %cr.0 a- h I band conducted’ by Richard held on Thursday evening at the vice presidents; Mr* E C Whtl S*H I Weert*, played a group of selec- school on Riverside avenu# •Han reco rd in g M *:retar\ M rs J o s e f h Salata. tor responding sec CftElN STAMPS I tions. Mr Weert/ announced the Mrs. John J DabaJ was in I Summer Music School which will stalled as president to succeed etary. Mrs. Ed*,vard Stammer treasurer and Mrs Trocoli. hts ! WATCH FOR 1 open on J u n e 24 . ■ j herself Mrs. Charles H: Monroe. I torian Mis S P Ricadela wu Mrs. Chris Stroh>r. a pas: a past president, was the install I president, installed the officers ing officer | the installing officer. ACMt $111$ 1 NIW 1957 I lor the coming year. They are . Others inducted, were' -Mrs. Arthur Weini *rtner enter I Mrs. John B. &0 4 2 .0 . president; Raymond Francis, vice president: tamed with a grouo of- v.olit t Mrs. Charles Heiily and Mrs. Jo Mrs. Warren Bogle, recording solos, and Betty Marion with . „ TOP QUAIITY ! UMa6T*7or$iMAM? I seph Jankowski, vue 1 , Secretary. M rs P asq u ale T re »n«*up .•! K t w «•!<• 1 k‘ I M.s. Walter Leyh. recording se I monte, corresponding secretary; Uni" Chorus, dire. t**d l>> M - GOVERNMENT GRADfD j YOUR^Afil r retary; Mrs. Robert Cathro. cor Mrs. Joseph Catania, treasurer; K»r hard M«»i;. 1. an ; two grwuo U.S. CHOKE" 1 * responding secretary; Mrs: Isa- Mrs. Raymond Chalenski, histori-( ••f son s dore Korn, treasurer. Miss Ellen an. and Mrs John F Zaun, ad - --: - Di Camillo historian. Mrs. Gra. t v p c M ^ W S Hoeschke, adviser. Each officer received a corsage ■ ■ a r^w wW A i H ave A S e c re t” p resen ts The president received a PTA By RAM. H. GMSNLtAF, JI* t on was another feature ot tho pin and a gavel. If you had at proa.-hed program. Clarence Doutl 'wa.-T'thr- —-Guests were Mrs A—G. Gor Thomas Church Sunday evening Lest panelist and Mrs S. P Rr. a man and Mrs Pauline Schli-Jht May 11, you would have though dpla tne best contestant. Othe: ing. teachers in the Franklin the YPF«rs weie starting prema panelists were Mrs Charles .''cMi.nl M rs K arl W eber, presi tufely on the building of tjaye, Mrs. Ruhard Wilkinson. dent of Hie High School P'l ^ new church. When in reality w< Mis. Joseph Montehvarano and and Mrs. S P Ricadela, nation w$*re b u ild in g the stan d s ;im Martin Erickson. al PTA life mcipber. booths for the Church St r aw be { j Cubmaster Osback thanked tht Mrs. George Meyer and Mrs ry Festival on May 18 011 th e St j members of the PTA for all they Rose Walukiewicz we;e hostesses Thomas' Church lawn gn K»>resf ? CHUCK ROAST did for Cub Pack 48 during the tor a fellowship hour which foi , and Stuyvesant avenue LANCASUR HAND year. lowed the meeting The Festival will take place be It was announced that Mrs. . June 12 has been set as the tween 10 a m and 7 UU p.m. and Alwayt l«nd»r jwicy, flavoitom*! Mighty Strohler of this unit, wa's elected dale lot' taking Mrs. Zaun out to a good time is promised foi all mouth w olom g fat* Cut Item O•«•«»- II. vice president of the Elementary dinner. Officers and members attending There will be a pet m#nt grad*d U S Cho«» baol xlw tcd hy Schools PTA Council. will go to the Chinese Restaur show, items for sale, pony ridts OVEN-READY Hie afternoon kindergarten ant 111 P aram u s. games. f*>od and .a wonderful Acmm't awn »up«i .h«»ent.s * for The exe»utiVe'U a id « f tin Saturday, May 25 the P'YF the social hour alter the ineetnfc ColumJjus PTA met diinc‘a% moUlhlv cUn. e is be.nj? held in Boneless Cross-Rib Roast* 79< I th en J. Jefferson PTA. evening at the ho .iur . hutch. ______' l A Hi A lU N ti The Jefferson PTA will hold president, Mrs. James S.ytti o, lb. Corned Beet • o s u n i 69‘ f ROST ID fISH HATUMS its closing meeting of the season New Yoi'k avenue th is e v en in g *.t th e s nool or. Plans were completed for their Chiropractor Sliced Bologna l^ike avenue. Then* will be*elec dos.pg meeting ol 4he season 1 * 6 3 29« Haddock Fillet • • - * 43* ti6n and installation ofoffi ei > be held on M onday e 'e i o n g ’ iii D r. W. J. Cunningham i« n . * ^ r i Mrs. James Allan has been nom the schorl Thr fifth fcritde Practically invite* itialf to your tabl* New England Loaf S«*NO 39‘ Scallops >•* •• 45* 3 mated ’o succeed herself as pres taught by Mrs. illanctn liiijgins r 2> Mirrr«>ful |irirlifr|. i*'« that tondor, iw M t, and succulont. AHi *>/»• ident. Mrs. Allred Villa, a ptst v.itl present a program of ente IJtHi>r r»||. b) ap|» 99= Liverwurst 55' Halibut Stiak - » 75* The program will include the ,.'The executive board will serve show ing 01 a film strip , " ‘The .. luncheon ...... f*>r teachers of th Kearny, Nf J Children-- Are Here", with com s;b ol on June ment by Mrs. Norman Tolfeau. . ' - — Phone KEarny 2-0136 1 he school band will play under BAKERY direction of Richard Weert/ Follow Thc Leader t f Plans lor this meeting and for the teachers’ luncheon to be Apple Sauce ■ ALMOND RING sei'ved oh June 12 were rriude at an executive'board meeting hefd We Guarantee Perfect - Honest Fit at the school on Thursday Co I nniMAiif menu chairmen for {he "lunch ^jh are Mrs. Peter PrateM and Mis Jack , ------,I ) a r a . IDEAL 6 - 8 9 • iU tlll III Mrs. Allan, $drs. John Koubck, I Mrs Pratesi, Mrs. Teffeau. and Mrs. W: F. Maisenba^her attend ■ PINEAPPLE PIE ..... 49- ed the County Spring Confer en ce at River. Edge on tMnnday. . | iicoiini ’ Children who will enter the kindergarten m September and their mothers, were entertained ■ CHOCOLATE BAR- - 39. at a party given by *he present Pineapple Juice tVPtiM kindergarten class and then teacher, Mrs. T. G. Golden, 011 HARRISON SHOES Tuesday Mrs Allan and Mrs 221 IIARKISON AVE. IIAKRISON briad ;;:;. :: : s Earl Hanley, of the PTA, as DOIE ^ IV *00

23 StuyveMnt Avenue Lyndhurst, N. DAIRY 60 i CHEKSE FOOD 1 CHILD IN 1 2 M a y o n n a i s e 256 - • U H t l l c m WILL BE IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL FOR 2 6 9 II M. MS IMW lU H -IITU TREATMENT DURING HIS LIFETIME KRAFT jv " SHARP CNEESi >79. 3 9 1 ran M i n i ■ M0INSTIR CHEESE . 39 T u n a F i s h ■ BjLEU CNiiSI * 69- ■ IDEAL LIGHT MEAT FROZEN FOODS ' - 2 5 1 I I ORANGE JUICi ■ PACK I t ..... 1 0 " 9 9 c

Sw eet Pickles • ttg ff V f ! BROCCOLI IP1AA1 2 : . 4 s GOOD 'N KRISP 32 « . I LIMA BUNS ,JSL2l:49. h u 2 - ^ 4 5 . ^rdiitfe as it may srf-ein children l*-rn«geri R PINEAPPLE C N U t Kave a high incideiice of mentisJ ilinrss Tre#tm^nl 3 5 < centers and l.eohh clinics — properly atoffed and equipped — are desperately needed Right now — today — there are FINEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 2-.000 children, men and women in BIG, LUSCIOUS, CALIFORNIA | New Jeraey mental hospitals — more people than in all other hospitals combined! ftinj ifit Btll CTD A y/p rp p TC f lR T H i » Hi»*. I- fc*'' «>*•* 'W m* 2 5 «Ul <*w»* I G i v e |ps j I K AWdlKKIl j to M antal H aallh . torv» ■ Im iM StrowWrry llwttn lw with 1*44. Wif> 7 •• ISA 5 3 * y L »* WwU« *> * 2 6 <

LRMONS U1U UMI WHltt 6-25< CUCUMBERS M M I U t l « 2 *1 5 * T H E MENTALLY ILL CAN C O M E HACK RHUBARB ■M T M 2 — 15« LKTTUCK • 2-*19« * 1 n i t mm, ii~4 rn *0+m t+m

lenders. These rrieetihgs of civic j hfs all into ma'king this not only Mr. and Mis. Lewis Aldridge j leadens and representative^ . of beniefinal to 'cnr-pl^d children of jay avehue ‘.entertained •at a South Bergen Leaders W ill Tour the hi state agency, are arranged ' but to put in recognition the im 1 supper | igrty on Sunday in ccle- loir the mutual exchange of in* i portant role Elks play in chant "bration of the se venth birthday ; formation. ^ News from 1505 ^ | able • ways in each and every <>f th e ir sr»n, D ouglas and the j community. yw w yw w VSA/tf\AWVWVW^WJV^WWtAVVWAIWWV'* tl'.:rd bnthdar of tHeir daughter, New York Harbor With PA Sat. The Elks Little Leaguers t Margaret, also. Mother's Da>. ! leaving tiie Port Newark New Issues Proclamation Mothers' Day plays an import , on Sunday with a very impres date under their belts, two out of 1 heir gue.st,s. w i n M r ah i Mi ■ Nearly l.>0 Soutfi Bergen offirinU and community lark Airport area: the ship will arit role in ’he lives of all Amc: sive ceremony conducted by thr three games, and I'm sure wc David Rosztl. of Vero Beach. l e a d e r - will participate in an in-pertion tour (if lhe New | return via the same route across icans; and of course with no ex- j officers of, the lodge, and guest,,1I will have champs by the end of Fla., Mrs. Heibert E Ros/el an 1 On Mental Health ception. the Elks throughout th** the'Fev. Edward J IIa‘cUik of Jersey-New \ .irk Harlicr Saturday. They will lie plot* of | Upper New York Bay From here Mrs. Paul 'Witting, a past pres­ ; the selson. I think all the chair Lewis and Waldnon Aldridge, of the proposed site of t ic Narrows • country. Lyndhurst Elks paid j Sacred Heart Church who gave i men of the sporU-UMr.mittee, and L>ndhurst. Mrs Louis Hoick, of ident of the Woman's Club of tribute to Mothers everywhere J a most enlightening and true * * Piirt Authority. j in Manhattan, Ihr i\ I -' Jr.-Kin.. Bridge connecting Staton Island Lypdhuist. i - Mental Health the players, need a little more Kearny, and Mr. and Mrs. Syd-I + ——* — —;—■—*■—- I maening to the word “mother", ney Aldridge and sons, Th«»mas. The cruise wilt provide a first, v?m ^ Ncw Y„rk City's Brat and Brooklyn, will be pointed j .hairman tor Lyndhurst for tlie ; grandstand support. That in turn the Bovernment in any way hut j Vocal election* were by the Joseph and Allen, ot. Rutherford Mind view of the Harbor s .variei : commer(riai heliport. Completed i out Proceeding through Butter- Bergen Count. Mental Health ! will comprise a winning team. transportation operations and an by ,h(, p<>r| Aulhi,rHy |a5, Sep j milk. Channel up the East River Association. has the approval ol the National llobhy .Tu,'t% a cr,'i'1 C1 d explanation of the Port Author the boat will take gu'ests past the Institute ot Mental Health of t h e ! >^tcd by V A W W M . A but tember, the Manhattan heliport the i tif for the na- ity's program for developinn [Brooklyn waterfront where, dur T his y ear U S. Department oi Health, Ed J W supper followed the exerase brings the scheduled helicopter t'finv. ide ca ivpai for fu n d s i» niodern terminal and transporta­ • ing the past year, the Port Auth ueation an,! Welfare and the the *r,llroom. mail, passenger, and cargo serv­ “Ring t he Be for M ental tion facilities for the port. ! ority began an $8i.000,000 i*ed<- American Psychiatric Associa ° n Monday evening a regular ices of New York Airways into . >c bell ring- j ; meeting was held and five no v \ velopment program to provide H ealth 'ih tion. T ry T h is Aboard tho Cirr-lo Line’s .M/V the heart of the city. asking* their I members were expected into the I this important, waterfront are, "The mentally ill CAN onv “Miss Liber.v ". the croup will One of the first marine term n i 'i i i i. tf. d o . .a ll Iod'^e. Warren Dunn. Justie Tomato Surprise! j with modern hip and ;irr.o f t bark—help them -GIVE!'’ cast off a* 1:30 p.nv, from Pier inals t«> be viewed will be the ut. Subordinate Forum, also Chair 83 at the foot of West 43rd street | cilities. Assisting Mis. Witting in th. Scoop out inside* of a plump Hoboken-Port Authority Piers. man of the Crippled Children s tomato. Then sprinkle the in­ New York City, and proceed reared to American Export J On completion of "this part i f . T he cam p local drive are the follow in, Mental Health side with a thin layer of Sterling Salt. down the Hudson River along the Lines, the piers were reconstruct 1 the tour, the “Miss Liberty' will daunt m d dm members of Me Womali's ciub'of I Committee, save the nlml out W i < : i.ntmilc through the In>vt tomato shell and drain. Salt draws New Jerrey shoreline.^ Port Au ed and rehabilitated by the Port proceed down si roam, cruise AiH tf lyndhurst Mrs Lebbeus Stew standing report of the evemns N at u>na 1 A,smi iati<>n out IHe excess moisture, leaves shell firm. Uwnity commentators aboard Authority a* a cost of $18,000,000 around iftp tip of* the Batti arl Mi- Georce Reriz Mrs. L. K I'1 fact, -undoubtedly tire best ir Health, of which Ullfc CiaUei Mi Kdward Stammei, Tort received from anv ehmrmati I Kill with cottage cheese, or mixed cottage phip will dcMribe the various Continmnc southward, the .ship I and miivi' xip rivei to it* » * rth cheese and sour cream. Garnish and serve. -v A ' ti lation i > a . Mrs Chail.', t l«hne Mis Chris! m the "ait years Warren has f.ut harbor seem- ;md shipping oper will sail through the Kill Van | at Pi*'i 83 1 ho ti n- w ill e n d ;it iv national > i,i,',hiV I ations over tl.ie puM ie ye enun Othf'is. ho will help inchale V»v phonf Fasl»*r, Somf. JlQO.nrtO.OOO T h ird T u b e w ill be I underway at Newark's‘.seaport P ort of Ne.-. Ymi k oi t.-- A njinufp wtation -rull I bring* out th* beat In food I Mrs. CJeoi ' Pahre. Mis. En/n. : o'pcnori to traffu- by the Port I which is already fine of the Hai w h ere I i'o*.i e , . -I epoi t m ei t n r fmm Paterson after | Product of Intmutfional Soli Co., Inc ~ — dav. May 25. ] bor's mast modern and important were held durm M ie yerti.bv th- . feji-smn d oi gam Sangeot;. and Mrs. Thaddeu. 6 p nt;

& £o. DRIVE-IN and SAVE 20%


• COMPLETE LAUNORY SERVICES MAGNESIUM • SHIRTS PERFECTLY LAI NDFRFO • RUGS • BLANKETS - WASHALiLE STEEL - ALUMINUM SPREADS Stock AvailaSle Im Immediate Shipment STUWESRIIT LAUNDRY Inc. Page Aye. and Orient Way, Lyndhurst 163 Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndhurst, N. J. ■ W Ebster 9-810(1 30 Alleys STANDARD TOOL and VI .M AnloiMiMic MANUFACTURING CO. l‘in^|M»Her> KKS1 Al HAN I' \M > H \K Special Machinery and (^mlract Machine Work AMIM.K OFI'-STHKKT PU lK IN i; AIK t tlNUITItt.M I* H»ll M»l H COMFORT NORTH ARLINGTON

Lymlhurst Plant */?S SCM UYttn AVE. C n r ' 3*VAYNt AVt. BOWL-O-DROME LVNOMUHST. NEW JCWStV Phnne W tbster 9 V.00 100 Selmyler Avenue Noi lii \i lington

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of Ihr Mrdical Protrusion Jincr IS!*?

Fine Furniture - - Reupholstcry UlCION. DICKINSON AND COMPANY Slipcovers RUIHIRFORO, NKW JIRSfY S7*> Riayc Road KE. 2-6185-6 North Arlington PLENTY OF CONVENIENT FREE PARKING t.PEV UNTIL 9 P.M. MON., Tilt Its A Utl.

Let Us Solve ELLER Your Heating J . W. MORTELL CO. KM .i.Nr.niNe Here's how you mn Help stop traffic tragedies: Problem LYNDHURST. NJ)W IKRSKT C o m p a n y ^ Dove talsty ond coyf*eou*ly yoonel* Ob»e»vs tpssd limtH Jr Manufacturers of FUEL OIL 0 DOWNt' Supfyort yourlocal Safety Council Automatic... !•»»•$» on enfo»tSm#ist o f o il • to tf tc lo»»^ Just set th* thermostJt e snd fsr«st It. OIL BURNERS TECHNICAL COATINGS T w o r k to r you. not afointt you. Where trmfflc Imwt arm ttnctly enforced, death* qo DOWNt FOR SURVEY CALL Pubh»lwMl in un pfTort lo s«v*» liv « i h y WEbster 9-0060 Pagi Ave. GEneva 8-8117 NO obligation

COOPER LUMBER CO. and Co., Inc. CORRECT LAUNDRY iIead t i r o L(h :a t iq m > i <> -u n i ) o r SUPPORT THE Immedists Delivsry • Dry Clrtfn.njt • K . i f III h i L o i . Avr nue at 0. I.. & ^ lt I! . I.y iidlmr»l CANCER FUND HAM , fc.HIS, SSEETS. PLATES. STJUP, WlKH. 22-411 CRVSTAL ST.. NURTU AK1.I.M. Itl> . N J Rlverkide Avenue, fool of Donnl.l- ,,, Avrnur, Tl'BINC.. PIPE, VALVES AND FlTTlNtiS It Costs Lets Than You TMnk! Rutherfonl Lyndhunt, N. J. WEbtUr 9-8550 W Klinlrr 9-1432 Ill COKR1CT I All f oil I! It I

t V F W N ew s The VFW and Auxiliary had its Past Commanders and Past Presidents annual buffet dinner We had a fine crowd and every­ one ,nad a gooa nm* and there ' was room foe you old comrades that couldn't make it. We were honored by Past Comanders Ern- | est Cas$zza, Vincent Gfezzi, John ; Petnllo. John Mn.ihai e.-i. hi» ! hqnor Mayor William F Gallagh­ er. Herbert Houghton, Joseph A. Caggiano, Frank Liscio, Jr.. An- thooy J Spinelli. and Command­ er Joseph R. Iosco. Due to other] committments. Past Commander i Victor Cernegha. Pat Bianculli, James Ciolino, Franklin Zim merman. William Humphry. Arn I old Holbherr, Jr.. and Joseph A ! But tita did not attend The Ladies Auxiliary v.as rep ; resented by Mrs. Nancy Migliar esi. Alice Phillips, Winifred Pres ler. Peggy Reid, Freda Lascola. ! Mattie Stevens, Evelyn Longar 1 zo Other Post Presidents are j Mr.-. E. C ussazza, M rs. V G rezzi, J. Caputo/*R. Ptsante H luma sulo. J Cernegha. M Iula M. Hughes, and the late Mr*- M. Friiuca and L. Cinaido Membership Chairman Ernest ! Vath and his committet* an nounced they have five more old members back m the fold. So j • don't be a/'Johnny come lately ' Send your; dues’ to comrade E Vath, 341 Ridge road. Lyndhurst. Entertainment CJiairman An thony J. Spinelli and his com­ mittee announced that tickets lor I the Family Gathering are mov ing fairly well. Pass the word around that it will be held at the j Post grounds, 527 Valley Brook j avtnire, and ’ in case of rain rt will be held indoors. There wilt Fancy Young 4 to 5 IbV Tender Beauties Irem fhe New Sp.inq Crop be plenty of clams, corn, buffet ' lunch and liquid refreshments. : ThtMt* w ill also be gam es and Ready It Cotk tb rides for the. small * fry of the Long Island Ducks family. Donations are $2.50 for an adult a'xvd the* kids are ad J Armour Star, Swift's Premium, U. S. Choice mitted free Our next regular meeting will be held Friday, May 24. So why ' CROSS RIB ROAST BONELESS lb ^ 4 ^ not come down and see some of '. th e boys.. ' .« -If you served overseas you be­ C#'e*'«rO»u4>.'' I » : long to the VFW Ground Chuck Frevhy Ground, E«tra Lean 5 9 * Skinless Frankfurters Hygrade— AH Meat 4 9 * Perch Fillets 6 9 * S»ift i Premium WF NEWS Swiss Steak Bonelest Shoulder 7 9 * Bologna or Liverwurst Any Sue Piece 6 4 9 * Sea Scallops 6 9 * • Sunday night we were th** i host church for the monthly .PYF*! fellowship'meeting. Joann Couch had Devotions ami Danny Cas- tHgrant, progvafn Wc saw a film ' •on "Judiasm”. Afterward, weJ played some games. Mac and lifa ig W ask iew u z w ill * boxen foods be iielping out in Sunday School i .this week. • I ke Most Cooxnirnl Wii to FrtMre Ou (I NouiliMm I lu m imut Mtalt. Sunday night wv'ie. going t<- f T iH h p e k Caristadt to meet aijh -fri lowship group there We re leav ‘ ing the church promptly at 8:30 Orange Juice 6 6 9 A le tte r 'has b een sent to th» Grand Union New Yo'rK Crusade about ar ranging for our trip to Madison Pot Pies * 4X85* Square Garden, to see Billy £*ethpek Graham. We should know soon; just when we’re going. 1 gue'ys that’s all for now See Grope Juice 3 51* you next week Joan Bifdteye A daughter Mary- Ellen, was Green Beans h'«cT born to Mr, and Mrs Dominick Birdueye 3X$7* Monaco of 327 Copeland avenue I AN*' ' V l i K H O •a't St -.Barnabas H ospital in N ew ­ Spinach Chpppid or (.0*1 ark on May 5. ^lary Ellen is th' STOKELYS FINEST SALE 3 r 47c first child fo rthc Monaco’s. Mr? Libby t Mimacp is the former Jean Ma TOMATOES zuickiewiecz of Lyndhurst. Peaches Sliced t Hil«u Sliced Strawberries 2^; 41* tA * U l WI Kitchen' Garden WHO DO YOU KNOW ’ “ 4 4 ' PINEAPPLES IN BALTIMOftC? Honey Pod Peas 2 »::35< Potatoes , 3 *>»g» T T ■ Kitchen Ge'den C O C A l M a OT I O ■ (five them a phone cull. \ 3 minute station rat** from i0e. a A t l'aterRon after 6 p.m. Bartlett Pears 2*:; 49< Green Peas 3 RHUBARB is uni} p lu s tax- Corn Cream Style 2W«" 29' M A 6 6 UA h t dairy fooc/s COLE SLAW LEDERMANS Fruit Cocktail 2'7.::43< Quality M*id Medium G'ade A * ntvi# iitaiif (.ol I) I1KI it ■ WINKS White Ei 3 9 Oelicioal in Totted Vela32* I U . M d H S Cut Green Beans 2 'it-37* CORNED BEEF HASH Gorgonzola Cheese 7 9 * |A r |H r» I KI h l)H II H ndwv. Wedne'da-* Fnday AJAX CLEANSER 3 :: 15* 2 ’„U< *.AI ADA ; I p» T ut da T h u rsd ay VEL LIQUID BETER6ENT 37* tV TEA ‘ ii* 12 NoOn . ' A iA D A 1- p m . -\*t # p m IM h i UNIT LIQUID STARCH w 15 TEABAGS Children's^ Room I >d Ciae'-e* Daily 1 pm 5 pm. TESTOIL ZV 15* Tuesday , Thur-tlaV ^ K TOILET TISSUE J 35* 'ti bah 12 ... 33* C t c i i H i n l ; » A f l M l £ k u i w w a * "4 ** *«>0 k i l l Kt.M I VOt'S'Ci m I t* f tk e * ras* % a d i i t Dt r r . '*T IV C fffil c**^“ *'*■ • * ~ 1 1 lAOCKf _ * o r r PQ&O. D ash 1 p it: 5 p r Monday. Wedrw**day, Friday K »• Mtoi *BT £ * * " ,u 5 ! S ^ * HORSEMEAT CHUNKS " 2I 45'45 7 p m - y p.m Va ev Brtxjk Ave & Pme St T ele: hone WEbster » 654» THI IXTBAS...FRCE «IFTS WITH TRIPLI S B iV I STA M M e-.^ i«.... n.4 a w > — - a m — .~ fk.v >*a a*.* : a. ;** j»AGE EIGHT COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY. MAY 16. 19' THE VOICE OF STUYVESANT AVEHUE MERCHANT'S

B U Y N O W ! KLEVER KLAD DRESS SHOP Pay In November No Down Payment - Up to Three Years to Pay Odette's Beauty Salon Fashions For Every Pocketbook Alcoa Three Track Tilt Leading Styles / Combination Aluminum W indows Expert Hair Shaping and Tinting Jumbo COATS, SUITS. HOSIERY, HANDBAGS $15.95 Size Ask About Our Specialty AND JEWELRY North American Aluminum Co. 304 Stuyvesant Avenue GEneva 8-6817 306 Stuyvesant Avenue GE. 8-3508 WE 9-3880 GE 8-0743 228 Stuyvesant Avenue I-

ARNOLD S BAKERY SAN CARLO RESTAURANT It t-ililing nnA Untlulas ( uh** te a Pleasure to KA(.ILITIKS K)H BOI QKETS SUPPORT THESE AM) PARTIES Our Sjwi inlty ’J wear clothes cleaned at 1 frnler I .ikeu I -»r heotnrinn Sizzling Strain %V; V : AIM h i asmm T FELDMAN CLEANERS MERCHANTS 300 < .Mpelaml Ave. ( c*or. of Stuyve»ant) WE. 9*9083 M2 Sluv\fKanl Aveimr (.Knrva K IhHl TURK*: STOKES MN i.YINDHI r ’s J Plant ^nd Main St* rp al 200 Sliiyvoanl Avenue BARGAIN STORE ALCOA Footsteps STUYVESANT PHARMACY J 1 Sluv\r A I' • Batteries For All Hearing Alda (il I li V I1 IMII* I S Avr . Bogle Bid* N, PAI A7,7.0 2 STI 'YVES.ANT AVKNI I I YNDHI RST OPENm SUNDAYS -9 A M to 1 P.M. & 4 P.M. to rt P M. ■ Dnrtnr'a P»r*rrlpMnn% Fill'd WKlwtrr '>-3880 m t n (. c m G E .8-4)743 Dcoler SlifM tn-rrs - Sofahvds - l.irinn Roam Furniture ^ Authorized KODAK ODETTE S BEAUTY SALON Draperies - t /iholstering Fos* COLOR Scrvice. Rental Service Samler. Polisher, Eeliv#ry 207 Stuyvesan* Avenue Expert Repair- Done GE. 8-6400 W Ebster M-0Q29 On Prrtniiies 21 I SinvvrKMiit Avenue ^ Hi»lfr 9-8121 238 Stuyvesant Avenue GE. 8-‘>121 Eynclliuri*t

A. CHASAR & SON KLEVER KLAD DRESS SHOP SAFAR S VERA'S SPECIALTY SHOP I I I ( l l!l( I ANS JEAN VIVIAN, PROP* PARK CLEANING COMPANY 212 Sltivvr.aiii Avrnur Air Coiulitioning Blouse* • Handfmn% - NtHsery t.nrjiv S,lf,lum nl Seme Day Dry Cleaning Service LADIES' HATS - II \M )R\(,S Home hml f iormnerrial VI it»i»b ( ostutne Jewelery - ( (*it* and Suit* I i m i . i h i m , s A I I H H V 1 HOISERY LINGERIE I .in- ami A|»|»!imi<'^» 306 Stiiyvesant Avenue I . \ t'»ant \ \ tim e, I vmllmr-i. N J ACCESSORIES w r. O IV * R L H GREEN STAMPS 23 V Stuvv' ;8nl .Avi'iiiw' „ |* ^ hpv8 8-4.»0,»- GEneva 8-35(18 WE DO OUR OWN CLEANING

Air Conditioned r PRESCRI PTIONS, SPINAS FLORIST i LEVY'S DAN'S BARBER SHOP [ PHARMACY LYNDHURST MEN S SHOP I fan I nxzi. Prop, J tuidAi pJi/Vtmacij ii a. p M ^ iiC c m , Fresh ( nt f lower* N.4THi\AUY IM tRTISEn BK.iSns Special Attention to Vtvtteit riant* I not a sideline Funeral I lesion (fnr >pei mltv EVERYTHIN!, IN MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING WOMEN and CHILDREN | COMHETC LINE Of SlCKtOOM SUPfllO II*! Stmv« aul \\r I near lakf \m’. I I - r t t r ofiivcitY- 2*»8 S l u m u n t Ave. GE. S-2121 HTI'VVPSAVT AVP.NIT* 221 Stuvve>ant \\enue (»Enevt 8 1234 I MJijllUl s|. % J. I r.rnev* • iw« I „ EDNA MAE SHOPPE Lyndhurst Recreation Center I.ADIEs \MTT1111 |)ltI VS STUYVESANT LAUNDRY Have You A Keen WI Ml 12 AIR-< O N niT IO N I I) DRIVE IN AND VUii. Our Mmlffii Store ALLEYS SAVE 2 0 % EYE For Bargains? Mis* Sunnk lim tr Itarlnzon 150 .Sra(in/[ ( n/tattly for Public Pvt tuna u - , u ». ( ASH A CARRY 222 Sniy»r»«lll Avrnue (tffinal Girl Seoul* IhadtfiiartPi* 1 Hour Svrroe on R* qu**t If So Keep Your Eyes On (.Knrv« 8-'*780 163 Stuyvfwant \vr. GE. 8-0879 2.16 Stiiyveaan! Avenue GEneva 8-7711 This Page For Specials. THI RSDAY, M \Y 16, 19.i7 COMMKRCIAI l.FVPFR A <(H TH RKRC.FA Rf VUW I’ l t . l N IM

■ v. Bertheau Is M rt - driawdoi -M«> Ft ms Ore • t M Oil ' M I Voters Give Administration High School News ■ • N I1 IS’i ! ' ■ . it'o A tim w d t fu M i P%«e I) B> CLAIRE C.NECCO a n d IRIS STHtMAN New President W rtt iHX -a.' d»n»Ve? »itd theatre C«s« j Berthes** prestdenf of m i n t <|n «i 11 r * it ,wa» J e ll *4 < «t '* I t . i. «^gM ifaKflk VVVVVVVVWWVWVVWVWVWWWWVWVVVVWJAW ■ ■ •n tlie M M a m l f ittli -n | I m ' I ‘ -v Im , Howdy partners V. C' Memorial Day plans are-wejl Keep ^our eyes and. ears open'. Here it is agair\. news round-up time We re heading to fhe .'cepting th r' p(.»•■>.'4etW> vi Inv f' I .1 . >ii«n|.ial K •• i i m k rodeo w eh i- Iming .held al LHS to lasso up all the escaping ne.v> aVe: under way. Comniander Summers A moj. e is on by an organization County Bankers A^s..: • Me. am i- M is J. I lie moling i i *‘t jMrlit i i b f U Im j* » |vw »f than T Ffrst. the rodeo takes great pleasure in honoring distinguished 0.f Ti .iv v. >. I has •>-- % request that all Members turn rn our Country to start a youth Stttxii ,ct th e .«rganu:ati»*n >; 42mt *• N* -wrivt to n»e |»»»TK 1 hi* W7» al->uI I iKHI tiu»r> titan out for the' Parade which will exchange program with Russia members of the junior and senior classes whose outstanding I*'1 annual anqut t Jvh. iatt n \ >:. ' start af the Town Hall at 10:30 Anyone hearing or knowing any foi mames have earned them acceptances into the National Honoi Hi • • \< ■ N rk ret „.•...< t- . i John St a> thetii and Rt.hard St * \*»|etl lit l^ »l. I*»it (ailet) to mtln ale a |t • ••in . rn rn the a m . taking its usual route to I information on this please conta. t Society Congratulations to the following Sue Williams, Pat Grant ._ no banking aasctciation has a t hetti, tif I'niMi i tti. Mr*s AgneV re«till the Legion where the program • us immediately. Guests at ^ur laviw in tlvony Fi»nvi» ai^d vofi Rsyf?i*?nd 26th, Memorial Services will be I Steeper from Teaneck Post, tht Lucille Kaiser, aHisey Wyatt. Ray Kent. Allan Willoughby and * . U lrviivgt.fu and Me and M» I N T i m t l M I l held at St. Mathews Church i home of this years County C.oh- Mathtw Mariano. j I Tvw*»n the natH»n .*rvrd I *ri s *d turw.h t.' a V ilW » *e-»C«S Coming soon will be our Flag l>ur last Meeting by being award John Ferinde and Bill Jacobsen, for the office of president. Vivien ally rectignifed t; add, .n ,.f t rie n d . P re se n t at th* ■h> C m i*i Day affair. Harry Hanson informs a plague for his outstanding Varano. Barbara Fietti and Daniel Castlegrant. for vhe president. ^sstt iatu*n tv do it* utmost t » e re M«w*s Vt ,Uti »sf • V * !...«* >8 repay b> the rxtellenie v f *es\ ;,x us that plans are coming alone unselfish work and support Sally Mes.sino. Jackie Lombardi and Tom Kolokowsky. for seen* viaughtet an lila ti# 1*^ * •»* » U l ta:\ Patrick Mariano, Sandra Ferro and Anthony Biasucci. tor . ite in the bank-Utg bu»in«*«.» th nicely. 'Hie County, which joins °* Post. Much has ht* done an d Ml Mt Mtld»««l M art h itu Ma with us for this affair, has been fo«“ our Post in helping to furthe. treasurer Good luck to all of you. (hat Chi ’. i H- »« M a h .h itl . ft W working with the Post commit our rehabilitation work Thank M; Wisneskis posse .the Junior Nominating Committee. ha • > '" W pul lu -yi lU.igen C. ut I atuta* . V u H< na.. Ma* tee to'make this years Flag Day are oU* to Charlie from all th" rounded up the following candidates fo senior offices for president ' • .pia l>1 • Ui»Ml th e t.ui.KCi - . jo a n C-.wiwaa. an»t Jeaf- It's like new Parade and Services a success Members. William Ferinde. Halsey Wyatt, Gordon Hughes. Bob Aveull and .1- . \ a1,.rv . t»v the*f de^v.Vt v.-urti* and utilisation of all tie . Don’t forget—the date June 14th A family picnic is being plan Anthony Check IL secretary. Mary Alice Heffron, Carole Costa Con This Saturday evening Ma. 1 ned by Ed Quist for-June 23rd- me Kearney, arid Kathy Mangano. for treasurer, Claire Gnerco v, . v i. es the banks have ». uflei 16th, the Post will hold a dance, i A good *ime is in s’ore for youn Betty 1) Aiello, Frances Martoglia, and Sally Stopper r t r s t a r s i \ This dance is called the Unique . and old—more information will Also, the Freshman Nominating Committee has lassoed in tin N W W w w A w m w w Dance and thats just what it is ; be out on this-later By the way (oii* vs ing candidates President, Carolyn .GeibeI. Lmda hmad;.'.it*a-i I I ! R I M S -come and see for yourself!! I congratulations are in order t-- >' ■ .an.*, a 11 la and John Santulh. secretary, Carole Zelna, Baibai .* Ed Quist our Entertainment Ed Quist for completing a |ii , Daw son. Virginia NaUello and Kathy Haracca treasjirei. Nu K Chairman is. working along with Week Course in I^egion Work » Spina, Le Roy Kirchner and Paul Jasinski Election*. will l>« t.t :.i [ NOTES ? Tim Regan our' Rehabilatation j This School was held by th. j ifter 1 1 id; s afternoon’* assemble. AWWA'ASV.VAWSV Chairman is raising much needed County. lt - time to the most important events lamenting the gal cow, Children’s funds to carry out our work-in Harry Hanson has been at U ! oke.s The first being twirling tryouts, w hich will be held up Tues again m obtaining Candy foi St M and Mi* KlanU v Ja'w'of the various Veterans Hospitals dav. May 21 Besides- picking nine reguiaf twirlers thr highlight ■ - Anthony's Orphanage and a not he. So make this dance a must. A a ir t* th* selection ot U w 'n tv i h e x l 't v k l i i Thofc* lim iiittiim t.olittl . ji T.ut>«ia> evemj.-g . in- that is in need of help out in Specials cordial greeting and welcome is this .honor are Lucille She I and Annette Colasurdo The solectm* . in order to three new Members Totowa. Tim Regan has been playing the Easter Bunny part. of the color guard will also take pace Tuesday ■ obligated by Commander Sum Turning tt* sporting highlights Our track team iv . ontifnnna S ! • i«n.l \! j •» Ste.i.ii, d' ( >1 UK 'vW I U n I t a m I W ..I mers and assisted by Harry Han Any members having toys oi clothing for boys or girls up ti­ , to roll up victories,' it* latest victims being Pasaau and Ea>t Ruth sttj of the tjftidhnrst I*.>1 »* ♦ IV . 1 I »dle • f*nwt *»»•*»»t* f**c t h d d a n d son at out" Last M eeting C om •erford Our baseball team roped in Patersop Central and Fast i o «n>t Mi .m«! it Otil MirdnrMiii i*ttt« ship Lacks 1' thot* Members who h»vi Carol Gtiiie'sky of Third stieet. Mi Matthew Stiit amdi in.llu tbp. Those Members who have helped in one way or anothei ti ; ■( i.yndh • >t I ‘l y ll* ' M » .'»» I (I celebrated hei 10 th birthday ll son street. Hotuiken Tlie fain over looked their dues this year bring a little warmth and chee. with a r-ar*v a* her home on Sat lly celebrated Mother * Da\ . the '• V 1 • ' I \V d are, urgently requested to for to those in need uiday ■ Her guests were Walter ■ , Vs t '.4‘ k~ f-lV'S YOLANDA ward it to John Hartigan atyoui>! This column will sign off now . and Mlrilyn Hauck and Mrs. first'Holy Comnnmivh ut Willian. - i* ivt-r. ■ aili-n n* earliest convenience. '—The Next Post Meeting vtill b-. ► i..rid-a m t i n n s * <*/ m u i \ SAHARS Ruth Hauek, RidgeWood. Pa • Scnvanifh, and the I trthdays vf VA. tf, M nd M i'. , '1 ) • "i i la Another Trip was made to East Mfly 21st, See you then. tiicia Cheider. Carol .McLane, (»e*.rge Tamuio. who, was IM on W il 1 Ul . f liainfWld 1> * v v isited l l n t n .it' il to l l t e 'I «Hik t.( |( * la s c * l I is m g Orange Veterans Hospital last, DON’T FORGET TO. Bl N Patricia Bailey. Patricia Camer­ Upholstery Friday, and Mrs Tarnht'u' who f t u • C lear M* SIM tllM t week. This time an Auditorium IYOUR 'POPPY I* OR MEM , on, .M'ary Ann Custer, Lenure w ati ( ai al* KIIM.I HOAIi hi { aaas M*KIH %ll INt.lwN mat ked her birthday' on Wedfles hi ol her pod. t* . f mt. i JIK sll 4 If \ show was held. Thru Ed Kuckes., IORIAL DAY LEST WE FOR , Thoinpson Mary Ann Squalia. day *• t Tim Regan our Rehabilation j GET’. Sandia Cinardo. Marilyn Miller Chairman lined up a fine stage • Ja n ic e DiL-ottcio, C laire D avis. Al Show which was received well ' Mrs. Leslie T Conhors. of For lerr Toireme and Billy Hanna by approximately 250 Veterans est avenue, entertained at dinner ( gan It won't be long now and the ; on Mfcthci s I>aV for her daugh I, Past Commanders- of the Post ter. and her s« n. Mr and Mrs j Mr and Mrs Vittor Tamara will be immortalized. The Post Conran Van Dkrveer. of New, and sons. George. Matthew ami has 37 P C.V, 15 of them .have Brum wk k, and Mr and Mr- Vfctof, of Freeman street, wer* submitted their 5 x -7 Photo Leslie C. unois uml son, Russel guests on Sunday at a family W htn these pictures have all been l Drew cf . L\ ndhurst. gathering at*’he home of Mr ami hung on the walls of our Post. much reminiscing and conversa- Mr and Mrs Frank Or* fi« e, of '.tion •' is assured. 1 129 Copeland avenue, entertain The Drum Corps Committee has ed 30 people from Lyndhurst FAMILY WASH been working hard toward thi Nutley and Brooklyn. on Sun Blankets. HetKpreads.. Throw Corps Second Competition which i day-, celebrating Mother's Dav Kuk' Work < tut he*. Baby will be held on July 14th It is nnd alxo the seventh birthday of i h thes and Kllptoven. hoped that all Mtuntoers suppoi t their non, Frank Wc pick up a n d deliver this years affair Andrew Clough- M onday. Wednesday ley has the Corps decked out in' STOP THAT ITCll! an d Friday new Uniforms and is looking for­ ward to a big season. Response .I.VJUST IS'MINt TKS to Tickets Boosters and Adds If not platara jo u r 40c bai Wee Wash It l a n t , m g have Iwvn rw l. and 'ht Can* not"“jVof \.\ 8-7112*) <»r KK 3 8076 really appreciates this support. ringworm -,in««cf bltei foot it c h or 211 STI'YVf.KANT AVE. oth«r turfacc itch Commander Summers pre or night Now al I.VN'lilH’KHT. N J sented ‘Citizenship Citations U) or night Now at Ltvy two Eagle Scouts this past week. DameJ Coronoto and David Kerr. Giving "support to this program held at the High School, was th< PERSONAL Post color Guard, Dick Lindsay. Grover Heindorf and Les Seeley UKAH M KS. KI..VN \(. W J . i-i ihr liiildrm Art. Lennse. Chairman of the down to llie Harrison Slioex fur llieir tir»l pair of Post Team is trying ti» shape up one or two teams. It is Sneaker*. Ketl*. I'.K/I ait\as ut Tnff>\. lliey lia\e ■ hoped to enter a summer League Good luck Art!!! all liranri*. slyle»*. nr culur- in *.lut k. Dnn’t furg#M . It has been reported that again the I .ill le League- -dart ii I «>r |ir'n|M*r lilting it*» our Sqns of *»he Legion Squadron has gone over the top in Men) liarriM in Sline*.. 221 llarri-oii \\e llarri-uii. uju n bership 'Any one wishing to en­ every evening lo *K e\re|il I ue-tlay A W eilnectlay, roll hi» son see Ken Summers. Some of the Sons will be parad mg with us on Memorial Day, Mrs. Dobski why not bring yours • - -. -

c i^ r

Replace i t . . . DO it with a r( hircl Cjieiicnilion at tlie W h r ( ‘ l ! L O W RATE mjto Lonn ’’lak* fatl«e». like *u#i , l l # jir# fi m «

Easily, Quickly ARRANGED Awl iwvtr s# til lruff lii«n in (Ik t «

auTHicroao tauti ornci W i me1i f .km i hi* ti tti i 'i > • . 14 Park Aveawe, Rutherlo«d W lbsta' 9 2 400 ( r u th -'» t..i t an>>Waa *• h a * i 4 < ■ t-r lha A m ph Pofk r>Q Of* re in Se»-(t tm I <*f it* |i««janM /*.* ■' I ** tdf » f.v, irm ’\ tl*# t fc»'*»« thitag to m*rt«*r*sfa eseryaflia-M m ■ - aratv. *t t}ar ■ U f m ! : ' I* ■. « I I h* ' • * «'* PEOPLES TRUST I »vr»that lanr.'iadtfiai krift atrr*^ I*/ i * '■* • *•* «t« •W-laste;. COMMA NV t)> HI W(,f N COUNTY (Im to«r»t 1»»1 ./i iMutwr*alu Im kmti-' * A a s n< MDHai Of sot ’ ‘liN 'f (Oil»Ot*' I-J.H/T M H K II llloltl/in I IIpIII U ut t i m T A r.K TEN COMMKRCJA1. I.EADKR A SOUTH BERGEN. REVIEW THCRSOAY. if AY 16. 1957

The eighth season of 12 hits. Loading the attack wen- ' ■ • inners With (wo hits each. S c h litt and Larry Semega hooked ager Larry Sparta’s Circle Club gin going into the' last inning. dello wjth a single and double the first when Trezza singled League Baseball in the township Johnny Rowe ’vyith three hits anti M ike P liskm led,, th e losers w ith up in a neat'pitching duel but wrth reliefer Mickey Spino get But suddenly the Vigors came to and Tommy Gash with a pair of and Mustardo doubled. In the Anthony Borgia, Sal Valente and two safeties. gr»t u n d erw ay last w eek w ith under Ljttle League regulations tirig two on strikeouts in his one life and four runs crossed before one-baggers. fourth with one out Artie Jac­ four of the 12 games played end­ Bobby Meiaccio with two each, A thrilling 1 to 1 fie game was were forced to vacate the mound inning, of worn Jimmy Icklar: the side was retired to cut the The Circle Club easily setback obs singled, took second on an ing in shutouts. The National both of Meiaccio’s' hits be .»■ ■ ■tin Wednesday program which after six innings. p itch ers Both had both Uf the hits for St. Mi­ deficit to 7-5. The Elks blasted Wilson Builders 1! to 4 with an error by the catcher and ad-‘ League is playing their first half two baggers. Valente piched the saw the defending champion S t‘ allowed but two hits. Schlitt chael's. out ten hits on Phil Ciarco and attack which saw Mickey Spino ’ vanced to third on a wild pitch. schedule ;rt th e P en ick Field first four innings Snd checked the Michael's LNS and the Circle fanned 12 and his successor. Bob Steve Johnson with Crupi bang After Pierro drew a walk. Bobby with the American League taking Builders with one hit while Billy Club battle seven innings with Joey Pantaleone was merrily besides pitching the victory slam I hy Marrono two for Manager ing out three successive doubles. out a triple, double and single Gareffa singled to deadlock the over River Road Park for its Chaplin worked the last frame. < ut a winner being determined chucking a,two hitter against tho Also showing offensive strength Tommy Cvelich, Bobby LaGuar game Neither team was able to first ten games of a 20 game sea Manager Carl McDonald's Elk Darkness prevented further pla> Joe Kulig's Churchmen while Vigor Red Wings as his Elks Club w ere G eo rg ie. S avino ' w ith a dia afid Marty Sumpman ha;! cross home plate, again until the s<>n for each -dub. 1------Club, a pre-season choice of after one extra inning. Johnny Semega struck out ten for Man­ was enjoying a neat 7 to 1 mar single and double, Alivo Giar- i last of the eighth. Anthony Sant- Startrinfi with National League S many Little League followers t two hits each for the winners while Jimmy Vallano had tw angelo, who replaced Breslin on play the first night saw the Vig go all the way this season start the mound after six inning, had led with a 5 to 0 b lan k in g of th* hits for the losers. oi Red Wings make Manager two batters out in the bottom of j Amvets Post 20. The veteran One of the highest scoring tilt Jim Purpura’s return to the the eighth Pierro hit a hard Jimmy Kelly fi rebelled a six hit in local Little League history oc managerial ranks a successful grounder to second base which .one with'a, 10 to 2 win over Man | ter at the Amvets striking ou; T. Cagnacci Pitches Two Shutouts cured on Saturday morning wher was missed Pierro stole second seven and exhibiting perfect <-on By BEN DIVINE ager Eddie Borkowski’s Wilson Joe and Ange’s Tavern coasted ; last...... two innings, , season. George Pierro banr*ed out ^M,‘ s ^ SJ ^ nJ?1?rde? th ‘ with Gareffa at bat On areturn | trol as he walked none. Rirhic; ‘Pi Pat Carucci saw his to a 13 to 3 victory over Builders In the abbreviated five VFW Fortunately for the Hawaiians, | a double and a single Jimmy Arm<^ts 25 to 11 Th® Churchmei throw from the catcher to the iCrupo. Olivo Giardello and K« I * Lyndhurst Municipal Softball in a one sided affair. Paul Ma inning contest the Red Wings Gallagher s hitting was more ef- Rodgers with a two base blow 1,1 every inning with -th« pitcher the ball went astray and ly paced an eight hit attack for League open its 25th ason on rjno allowed only four hits and slugged two W’llson pitchers for tectnc than his hurling, as he' and a single, and Billie Long Pierro broke for third, scoring as Monday,*getting off- t< flying set down 8 Vets on strikes, of the six innings. Highlighting drove in three runs with a pair i with a pair of singles. led Bilka ; the pitcher threw wild to third tvwwvwwwwvwwwwwvwwwvwwwwvwwwww_ start v. ith Bill Gallagher, our , the Contest went only Six inn- a 21 hit -slaughter was Schlit'. of line singles. Joe Gallo con j assault on Gallagher, attempting to get Pierro. p. rt. minded mayor, throwing j ir.gg. Marino's four master lo who had two home runs, t n e c u d lor a hom e ru n an d tw.> Lyrjdhurst piloted bv out the first ball. Pat's stafr of ’ center, scoring two runners singles to become the first local Hawaiians 001 150 0 double and single and eight oth Florist, la>hed the league commissioners are' all : ahead of him. was the big .blow. er S'. Mu haeleans who were abk Charli$ Williams, Fire Hawk's Corner p lay er to collect th re e hits th is B ilk a’s B ar 100 001 4 -i Department 12 to 0 on Saturday b,v k for another season Sam ! Blai,-Kie C assiliano d ro v e in th re e to fatten their average- morning. Greg McKenna tossed Donald Rav Matthews and’Her rims with a pair of scratch iiwith two hits apiece. Jim Hurlej ^ three hit shutout at the Vols. By WALTER “HAWK” ROWE man ilendri • on are all yeter singles. I>a C orte. w ith 2 fo r o, had three hits for Manager Jin fanning if dozen batters. Paul an .,« several campaigns. excelled in a losing cause. Gib , Si o tti's A m vets. Bears Nip Passaic 48-33 O’Grady was heavy stickman Last year's champions, now son. ’he Vet twirler, was wild, .a;- the GIVE C REDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DI E The opening of the Americar with three hits with Johnny Du^ j.l;.ying under the sponsorship of , u-ual. issuing 11 free tickets t<< By JO H N N Y ROW E any chance of Passaic winnln- League season pitted two old riv gan having two Hits. This is the time of the year when, all over thy country, Little San Carlo's Restaurant, opened first t" go along with 8 hits. 'I . I.igh School's track team ; the event. . als .the S. B. Penrck nine and I The competition NATIONAL LEAGUE League and Bab* Ruth Leagues are beginning to blossom lorth : against their arch rivals,' Royal! VFW. (MO 101—3 recoi nd its fifth victory in six operiod with the Kiwanis Club against eact Vteor I !-il Wiiiks «?- 00—)•> duel meets this season- last Fri i Phillips of Passaic winning the Vvihmh Buildt-i'* 0O-- after a winters hibernation. In Lyndhurst, a parade, a civ.ie cere- | haxvi.nan Palms, with Terry Cag Joe & Ange's 400 207—13 . other. And it was the.defending iGi,nt> • .tlli a nf ,r— darkti^Ksl mony and opening games have been held. For. these gala programs, t.ac, and Fre^l Gallagher engag , d a y aftern o o n w ith a 48 to 33 j 120 yard low hurdles followed by champion Penick nine managed ItHtf. ri^s VuU-nti.. ' 'huitlin **nd witnessed by thousands of parents and friends of .the young , fry J ing m .. t< u, • -- a • l< ss du.d for Terry Cagnacci notched his triumph over Passaic High. The Richie Szabo and AI Molzon of by Bill Bello who came out on ' Utigvrumi Spim.. i rtiid-Bllotta it's usually a time for introductions of -political figures, who put five innings. Richie Van Nortwick first no-hit no run game of the Golden Bears have now con | Lyndhurst. The time was 14.fi top over Manager Richie Glee AntM-ln 1’ot.t 20 ' 0«0- 0 away, their, thoughts of the youngsters in al! too many cases, unti'. ■broke up the game with a home, 1957 season /and his second mhutqu< i ed Niftley, Rutherford, Clif j Then came the mile run in which KI It* Cluf. io:t rttx—5 son's Kiwanis, 8 to 0. Lou Galli B u t t*‘rt*-V V r''->ri*4*v nd II «Jui- an awards program is arranged at the end of the season, or until 1 run to left field Uiat hit the fetice.'juut a- San Carlo's pounded out ton. North Arlington and Passaic. ! sophomore Johnny Myers of the pitched a two-hit otl%lwu shutout d-tU. K*-U> . nl i'untal^one. next 'year's schedule gets underway. to score two, runners ahead of •a 6 to 0 win over Lyndhurst Pl«n with the only loss suffered at the J Golden Bears was victorious in, whu'h'W^"fani^ed six andTalked hand- of Garfield. Competition a 00.2. his fastes* »nne in a young upe peaturinR an eleven hit at *'lr» fjutt ftl^ »W-1 That's the way it is in many places, although not all, and es- him in- the ^lxth. Pete Cagnacci tics, on Thursday. Terry issued St. MI«h*«t,A 01ft tv- 1 beat <>ut his' third .straight bunt two passes while'fanning nine in • i.mcs tomorrow ^ith a home j career, i*Saiii*' . atU-d *-nd or -dark(i*-Bp» p» < iaHy. . riot in ‘Lyndhurst. Our Little Leagues, our Bain- puth taek .verp Sal Trezza with three' and going to second on a’wild throw, end of six on account of dar'(: Kgamst Paterson Eastside. H ughes th*-/! covered th e cen BottVrt'H' I- S.n.»c i.i agu* . our Municipal Softball League, our Minuet Football and straight singles. Bobby Mustardo fyt-ilch, I. Si-iin-Kn, I'i 111. Marrono and v'onng the fourth and final ne- Billy Brennan, who wa1- .< h Eddie Zak, in his 10th tu ry i,h 10.5 w ith P e rry Second had a home run and a single and ind lU-kiati. our Biddy Basketball Leagues are sponsored b\ the Department mi of coaching outdoor track and Lyndhurst'.s Watly Pagan > ! Parks and Playgrounds, headed by JVlivoi William 1 Gaka, ru n of tfi#1 <'on test < -u' Paul fairly effective against the chain Joe Breslin a dyuble and single fCIks <*hit> Ki. ft s 'double to renter. pions brst season started for th< IIS pulled a surprise switch th ird . The. 440 eveVit saw Blohm in i We know, because we've.,made th»' rounds of these openit Tommy Vendola limited Lynd I * i ry. Cagnacei fanned 11 and Plasties, but ran into control dif it Passaic to enable the in front in 57 seconds flat with and even participated in them and must say that Mayor Gal lav hurst Florist to one hit. an open .l-ked one H aw aiian n notatung ficulties and was replaced by E.l B ears to com e o ut On 'top Ronnie Cannella and Danny Cor her has been more than fair and takes his position, of gam/ < ha witched his ace quarter j onato following him across for a ing inning double by jack Fer . .to.i out - 4 ,/iutout. He gave up three O’Hara in the third Bre.nnan rara ay his Carucci Company was :_* 04x—It man j^ist like the next guv p'n the committee. Gordy Hughes out of his 1-2 3 Lyndhurst finish. ski, Tirifi-. i ingh;s by Pierro, Certosinho | walked* f( and hit a battt i. posting an 8 to 1 victory;. Fran). The people of Lyndhurst have just witnessed a mon'ii *>| ► Ity to compete in the two j RuSs Safar won the half mile ;id Ana Fred ' Gallagher held j giving up vly tw o hits, b ut good Ruggiero and Johnny Redner .Inu al cam paiging by ca n d id a tes asp irin g for a 's e a t on ti.;e. ■ d to five hit . while is for fnur i un's. O'Hara gave : t* dash events. This was. run for the Golden Bears in ! I'.: ought about because of , the each had two hits for Manager st. MI.-jii.1 h hns- rn ?s ot Commissioners. It has come back to this writer-, that uh-i* . thi ■ pass* s and fanning four hits and a walk to produc 2 14.(5 with Johnriy Schultz tak Jerry Carucci’s nine. ^ Ail v,t* foi-I ;•<) 4t)i—11 handed, dirty methods were used by some candidates ai)d back.-c , two runs. Richie Van Nortwick .-1 * -encC of Julius Perry of Pas- ing a second forr the Golden i Batf.-rl*** M.iirViri. . K^*i*.l and Irk < • c»Hie candidates to attack Little League,'pointing a fin ei a' UUU 1)40 0—4 : led the attack with a double and - in those events Coach Zuk Bears and third place going to Manager Frank Lowder’s De j Ian, S. »iiild«-ttl, -K ivtrii!*k> and It Massi Motors team got off on the Q m in- ‘ Bill Gallagher. Surb, they didn't come out in the open. t.> attack' 000 000 0—0! a single. Mike Floric blasted {.also m oved fresh m an A lbie Jim Van Dam of the visitors t right foot with a 9 to 2 win over ■'hut used vije w ay s Qf doing it. home run to' - deep center off j Bl.ohm out of the shorter events Hughes then captured .the 2 2 0 in j AMERICAN LEAGUE Blika Bi ing out by The, move was a terrific one. Haag and Joey Eulo. Joe Pierro donk • i and Br- -Hn. , ti iticism, eyen though we agree with v i v little ot • it. Ba t .v-i •• Lynd Plastics " 000 000- o ing in third. 13 1 core Ttu-sday as the Hughes beat Perry in both tho with three hits and Johnny Guise t.> nd H*>rl**V ooo lfllA-3 ai. ec.rtaip that whatever the'poorer aspects we d tu winners came up with two; big Fred Gallagher and Koyaf Ha . 100 and 220 and Blohm won the The field events saw Richie ] with a pair,of single led the win w.-id evil they 'certainly are" more than ol! et bv th.'- good t!.« innings ■-coring 7 in the first and waiian Palnis barely survived quarter.mile, an event , in which Place of Lyndhurst tie With ners- who had Joe Roselli -stop, I ogram does. The good to the older eitiz«M‘ . as -well • the \ ■ ’ing d in the filth. Meanw'hilo Kddn- hecti. final inning Friday aft* Lyndhurst swept. Phillips i>f tne Indians in the ping the Smokies with three hits, stets It s only natural that with dose to 400 boy> tr\;ng fdr t>4 oRara wa's holding Bilka's to running up a 7 to 1 lead ovn , An-oddity in track circles ap high jump with the crossbar set ] The fielding nem of the game n e­ epeii portions lhat there will he a dis-.rintkd few at fiv e feet, five inches. Jerry cqrred in the second inning when *<'Ailed .-nd *>t '■ {hr* *- singles. ,He w alk ed four and 'Bilka’s Bar & Grill to eke ou I eared m the runnrng of • the -BattvrV*. • H«*i- 1 In .L y n d h u rst w e do not have fjcore-.. ot m* w ho fr< fain- .f seven. I'on'y PoliU».went a 7 to • 6 win when' Gallaghi . n d h u rst P assaic gam es. In th- Cotungo of the locals was third. - Roselli flied to left where. Bobby llr«.wn aiid Al>.>- • the actual workers in the vast undertaking, that •Little .11 the way for the losers, giving fanned Paul Cuva for the fin ■ le relay event Lyndhurst was I,i, PerPerry . of Passaic' ' won the. run 1 Coughlin ^ actually mad^ the .catch Ba^hall in Ameri. a. Wf have a Board ol Uh * i s m ade up IJ hits, and six free passes. out-with the tying run oH-thim ciualified for passing the ba­ ning broad'junip with his mate Standing on his head Kiwunt.-* «'!n la meh. we have a committee staff of a dueiv. so ilO-odd a hn. setting four Plastics down Gallagher allowed sevcn^it^. i ton tn a restricted* zone leaving Williams second and Al DeMarco . The Kiwanis suffered their se? Itatt. rim-, Zbu.-U«l*-k-l toer umpires and some 40 men. who. manage1 and i< h the • ti tii.„e. Pete Ricei Kd O'Hara sued‘•.even walks and .strfick’ < the event wide open for Passaic. »f Lyndhurst third. Roger Pagor j ond straight whitewash j*»b in ’ Besides, there is the Ladle-, AilXllihiv of .the. Little League. • ini Johnny Maddalone paced sev«-n. Tony Pohto was "blast*. But the anchorman Mel Wil *>f Passai*' took the shot put with the Carucci Company blanked l»v At a mx I M*.t. rs mothoHi of the boys who m aintain refresh mini Mauds aud am thi attack for' M om / St.ttem- for eight hits and seven, runs in liams mistook the finish line and a h eave of 43 feet 0 inches. Pete. theru 7 0 . Pa* Paolim and Rich I la 11 i:r.-»lln,i SuTii'ann»-l.v profits gained, turn the money over to the Little League to buv ] brino’s forces with two hits* - v ■’ each ‘the 5 innings he wasWHO Milon LU. the 1111 hdlt.*,., Habout W UI IIVVfive I.feet . I ,4 from V.. i, the HI' end Chasar of the Golden Bears was Zbuehalski hooked up in a scir» Mailt, -J.iii. tla and J«. »-lis: anything needed. We have a park superintendent, Pat -; ,DeLdy. j Ph.: tics )0 05 -13 ; Hanlon gave up one "hit and held J threw ’he baton up in the air and j second and Freeman of Passaic. less pitching duel for the first Kit • i •. M i' nm n . o 0 ..... " Bilk a i Bai * hi 10— 1 the Hawaiians scoreless n the i then keeled off, thus removing third.. four frames but in the fifth inn** 1.1 nd Horixt 013 1 *>x—12 who for eight years has been behind the program to • ueh an ex ! Itatt-ri.'** I«aS> "i,< and *'art*>*ai. tent that today we have two of tht' best kept Little League park .! ing the game 'broke wide open MeKt-nna mid ()'gritdj . around With such a large group it s cei’tamly possible to has. ! an the Button .Boys broke loose some who think they do more than the other, which in uirn « a use. i for seven runs on> eight hits, lrv criticism . Volk', and Paolini both had two. hits for the’ winners. And so today we'd like to take our hat off to the nien v. tu j Police Lone Unbeaten 9 In B.R.L. A nip and tUck overtime tilt Painting really deserve ^the praise and the respect of th" eommunitv 'The-.- , The fii-f Week of action in the traded during the winter months : thc Bullets came with four Department of Parks- and Play took plaee' Friday night with De are the coaches and the managers of the indiv idual teams,- in th local Babe .Hilth League saw five to the South End team /mm St. runs to gain a 6 to 5 derision. Ed grounds and carried out by a vol Massi Motors edging S. B. Penick Interior & Exterior \arious leagues. The when who spend many long .hours in tie *>f the ax teams in the 13 to 15 Michael's HNS picked up tlveyWasrcK and Pulsinelli had two unteer comnvrttee headed by Lou 2 *o 1. Penick *j>ok a one run lead FK II I VI IM A 1 I S Operation of their team, most of the. time seeking only tr* help th. ve;u of a; *•-eir' Uit meet defeat. m*»(md w ith E ugene C atta hits apiece for the* Legion nine is Melillo. The remainder of th- boy-- on the rlub and not for a ity persona! glfirv. Each rlub played' two games the loser. Guise and Allan hit Andy Guzallis twirled the v t committe includes Elpier Still t i t < r r N/ ci i n t e n < i n c o It is an American axiom that' any. g.anje worth playing , wagon, Vincent -But ke. Al De'Si FRIENDS IN a. dh the J’ohce Department nine safely twk-p for the wmr tory. •checking the Plumbers PROVIDENCE. R I T C ontractors wotth Winning. The winning habit is m tilled • ai tv into tne mind-' thi- lone team able to win botii while Anthony Pulsinelh did he with three hits. inone. John Tita, 'Herman Wey of the American youth, who is told that this i a competitive worl 'heir i ame... Four teams, Amen-' same for the losers; Sf. Mi.haeTs HNS touted the er.-burg and Bill Stcl/enmuller. ('ail them today Station W E. 9-5138 and that through sports'-he learns that hy coin mg but on top :: .an Legion. South End Civic W oertz' Plun)bers- f* ast*-d on South End Civic Club 14 to 0 on played each night at rate f«*r'« 3-minuU* phone play, - and in business. This may be .true* i.i.t we feeh^n our lo. al Club. >t Muhacls’ HNS, and t he .E lks C lub *>n T uesday \v it i a Friday • nigbt. A big seven run p.m; at the C ounts Bar: and fall from Paterson after G E 8 9 2 2 0 program* the. winning of the game Kccondarv. and rightly W. Woer*z Pl’utnblers all split their 14 to 4 i*out. Joey S feru /za nd | second inning was the main n S atu rd ay urnm g 0:30 ! 6 |Vm. — runt .35r plus tax. < .11 After 5 00 P >1 are certain that the majority of tbe men who are connected u’.t p air v hil*. th, F lk s dropjH id b o th Billy Maitisera led tin attack j on for the easy win. Tommy For out* leagues are more interested.in giving* the voting ■tei'. the op vvit.h two hits apiece while- Billy guson featured for. the Church SCORES BY INNINGS portuhity to play baseball under proper * onditions. 'than in hav j 1 tie 'f&son's opener oitted the Stolzenmuller was fashioning a men with a tremend(*us h*»me run ing their teams run up impressive win streak U fenduig c h am p io n S«>uth F3nd four hitter *>n the mound Mik*'jto left fii-ld along With a blister tfoiit.h Knd *" *' We are a part of the local Little League We serve, .a-, -th t-’ivir Club against the American MiCartney was charged with the j ing triple. Also yielding with*'the Player Agent and Publicity Man. We have been doing both foi j Legiod with' the South Enders loss | willow were Richie Pereilo with You don't drive gaining a 7 to 3 decision.' The' Eddie Tu one pitched th* P. fi < two hits and Bobby Mntu* also ai We like jj...... j. it, ^ but ... there is only i p one thing...... tl - it gn- ■ »■ .WV«-W.iyl- fhat is the fact that some parents till do not fnlh -in'uiei-ttan' vvinner:: TJThk a 2 *to 0 lead in th e' Department to a 6 to 2 v'i* tory | with a' hair. MclaccTo had flu * lust on a walk, single and a pair over St Michael's HNS straight singles for the losers. a car like this... What th e p ro g ra m m eans to. them , an d to th* ir si’>n I.i all to.- j tn, my -eases a youngster will come home, tell ht paYeri (;.• ha ‘ it fielders’ choic?es. setting' up the Wednesday, night. The Blue The Police Department wa| -f" tniid out for. and made .one of the teams markers- A run. in the third made tta»k advantage of three walks, loped the Elks Club 11 to 1 oti Most parents will "take the* trouble to find out thc name *.’ it 3 0, i>ut th e B ullets tallied tw o an error and « single hy Donnie Saturday morning belund a the team, something about the program and do their i>. i to help ; tn the home-half of the thyd apd De Simone for two runs in the three hit pitching « xhibition bj ' ? Why use a bath Others; unfortunately, let .the youngster shift for themselves- '••ne in th e fo u rth to deadlock fh*1 second. In the fourth, Jimmy Bu Richie Higgins The Blutxoats just.as they have been doing in -the past But there ar other I game at 3 3 In the fifth a base- fis opened .with a single, Jimmy scored th re e tim es in b*itK th • on balls to Jimmy‘ Meiaccio, and Breslin -doubled, Richie B*md and second and third foi a 6 0 lead. like this? and lots of them, loo. thank gpodneSs, who-take plea.me th *h* j fart that Junior made the team. ‘ These parent find out vvha* a iinde by Richie Allan grouped , E. T irtm e w alked and Richie Big. and after the Elks got their Ion atoond t*wo outfield err**rs put it i. all alM>ut, arid when Junior play: his parent,'- and si?ter Su. ■ gins doubled to1 account for four- run in the fifth the winners came the South Enders in front 4 to a n -.ti h^nd to u a tc h him play runs. . right back with five.tallies Al A trio of insurance runs were' On Thursday evening th- : bcrt Hynes was charged with the Many of these men. naturally, find tin him ha -, too - interest'-.• : added in the sixth on single by W(K?rtz Plumbers sow a 5 2 lead pitching loss, tf» be merely spectators, and by the. end et the year or h \ m .v, Jo.- Tita Tommy Guise. Melac- over tin- American Legion dis Babe Ruth‘League baseball in vear are part of the program themselves And they love it Tliey . in and Allan, Jackie Heywood a pate in the firth . inning when Lyndhurst k> sponsored by the work harder than ever before—and without pay, Other than the r realization they .are enjoytng themselves and doing som -thing ot the. good of the |nwn Thev are the men. we say, who deserve thi * rt*dit and'can take the bows for the success of the program Hen .i in Lvndhurst we haven't any politicians and others takrng th* ’ bows. And to finish off th^s piece, did anyone read or hear Bil' Manager Jimmy" Guida's Lynd eral seasons .will ,probably get ing but a runner was nailed at (iallagh<“r during the ta'tent heated campaign for recha-tfon w* : hiu • Ginrit- cot'ed their si-xth the mound call as his opening the plate trying to score on u . mention Little League Baseball and say it was his work tha‘ tiaight win of the reason and game was a 6 to 3 win over the 'double when J**e Kelly unleashed ! HOW THEY STAHD Fair Lawn BBC. a strong throw to the1 catcher BABE RI TH LEAtit F. made it successful? • ' th en se* ,»nd stra ig h t in the B et Lyndhurst drew first blood Bell struck Out eleven and haa W 1. Pet EXHIBITION BOWLING AT THE KEC TONIGHT gen Coiintv League last Sunday against Maywood. With two outs excellent control as not a base on | D ept 2 o 1.000' The local Lions C lub is staKiiiK a benefit e\hibl^i«»n hoMlinr afternoon v:. ith a 5 to 1 triumplt ui the first inning a pair of bout's halls was issued A mer l^gi*»n 1 1 5.HV match at the Lyndhurst Recreation t enter tonight at H 30 p ni. v er the Miiywood Giants by the infield allowed Ed Perze S«>uth End C C 1 1 500 The box score. The proceeds will go to the l.ii{ht Brigade, a local organization Hookies The game, was played ly t*> score w i*h the first ru n The St. Mii-hael > HNS 1 1 500 <5) a h h for the blind. The featured match on the program will be a doubles it the Veteran Memorial Field in score remained I 0 until the 6th Lyndhurst r W oertz P lu m b ers I 1 .500 , exhibition teaming Lyndhurst’s Al Fuscarino and Bohb> llenwood Maywood. It was Maywood's in when the Guida men again tal Burke. »s 5 1 1 Elks Club 0 2 (100 against two of Northern New Jersey s best. Chuck Pezrano anti itial defeat as the week before lied. This time it was a two-hag Page 3b 3 0 o LITTLE I.EAGt EN Lindy Faragalli. both Iroin Paterson Another match will have th. v defeated the Allendale Fri g e r by P erzely. a passed l>all Gallagher, 3h 2 1 2 National League members of the Lloni Club blindfolded performing against ntrm ars* 5 to 2 ih a league contest. moved him to third from where P erzely. 2b 5 2 1 W L Pe t ‘ A beautiful, new A^umcam-^imnImnI bers of the Lighl Brigade. For the pist Several seasons member* he sn ored when Lynch s ball t*.» Lynch, It 3 'i o Elk Cl 1 OOt) The invasion of the Benignos Minella, lb 1 0 0 Circle Club of the Lions have been staging vveeklv bow ling sessions for the tiu • Sunday afternoon to the short was erred upon 1 000 Bell, p 3 0 0 1 St -Michael’s bathroom costs as little as *2” a week* Light Brigade. High School Field will be the Two runs in the eighth mmnt 1 ooo Ranu. r( 2 0 V’ i Red Wing: toughest foe the locals have been •d the c«*unt to 4-0. Eddie Buck»" 5tHj Wkaa it jeesH «n little, »hy pat up with, an *#l-fa*bii)ned hath- ALL-STAR SOFTBALL AT IlK.II St IIOOI S | NDAV i : 11 - rf i o Amvet& P • aaked l.> d«j battle with lhi» Land .Billy- Gallaghc Op*lned w a ll 000 i The first of three alt-star sort’ - . re r s vvill (G iu d a, c Wilson Builders b<* played here son. The*Garfield mm; *>ne of th-; ! vjnf*te*isingles andiinrt hntltboth scored ooo bMhroom h# in a lovely n«w eok»r. but the d^ugn *»f earh this Sunday H ■ for 10 30 Kelly cf morning at the High School i.i, >ehed'uled leading senu pro tunes in North : ult of two enemy misplay* and American l eague fixture will "be umart, mi»dern x T he performers will be an all-star te. : . tu.sen tn the seven man Catuc-a Company I 00*' ern New Jersey has a stai stud walks to Lynch and Jack Menel- h u m tWw flitures art* rpatie by American-Standard. ag e rs of the Municipal Softball Leagu* ut,~t the powerful Pa> DeMassi Mot »rS I vied line up strengthened some Ila. The hon>« team got th eir l*»ne tK»> an* of th# rtneat qualify To find our how little it ro*t* t« saic Pioneers, in New J.'-rs* . Lynd Florist one of the strongest soft! •• tally in the l«»t ,.f tht- eig h th . Ar Sfh : r»-do your bathroom. a ah h S B P .n u k Manager BiUy La n del Is of the Park Dt mu! .♦*;sm has U-en infield error, a single by H arry 500 j DeMuio Comets of Passaic, the K'wmges, c 4 . '0iFire Dent chosen fo maange the team and hi? coach nv tatT w ill . on , t Huguet and Hy to left two i 1058 w in n ers of th e B ergen a saenfke Fuchs. s» 4 0j Kiwanis Cluh Paulie Mariho. Joe Buttitta, Al Paluzxi.and N -. l>..:. Ilo field. added another o o h ! Cpunty League The Garfield Lyndhurst Napohtsni, cf 4 LyVidhurst will have Terry Cagnacci and ,1 oh-t- Ste . hetti av;.li­ in th e Jin* K elly was SO FT B A I.l LEAGUE team picked up Cookie Sittim w1* ninth when Gleason, lb 4 2] ab le for the twirling chores with Clint Hughe» ..'nd Johnnv t a walked, went around on outs and W L pet; and Dyle Hoskins from the Com■■ Scott. 3b 3 liano sharing the catching burdens. Richie D oniai , ;d Bill Rod deliv ered 0 i San Carlo's 1 000 I ets to go along with such stal­ tallied when Gallagher K niffeo, If 3 Reid's Modernization gers will be on first, Mike Florie and Johnriy Madu ne on se.-ond. ht« second straight hit 0 ; Jt*e ii A nge » 1 000 j warts as Hank Ptak Johnny H uguet 2 h 3 Frank Caru; . s. ». ,i -and 1 Lynd Plasties Freeswick, Marty K*»bylarz. F uelT racked up his second con M orehi, rf ’ 2 0 Hawaiians Robert W . Reid Plumbing & Hisating Joe Ga’llo at shortstop. The o u te r garden corps will . • •st of j nji S an to ra. J«h- C an g e lo si L)uti*h 500 stvutive league pitching victory St A ngelo, p 3 '* ' Park D ept White, Paul Kraft. Joe Rizzo, George Pierro, Bill S» raeti md .Pete Bes ker and J**e tHFraneo. Ptak, ooo U2 ItllMIK ROAD I YVtlHt RST as he flipped a 4 hitter Two of . VFW ooo C^gnaeoi, a minor le«4u(e pitcher for sev th e hits came w th# fouryi tlUi 4 j Bilka's Bar ' ooo i GEneva 8-6424 THURSDAY, MAY 16. 1957 COMMERCIAL LEADER A SOUTH BF.RCFN RFVIFT PAG* FXEVEC

4 9 ; 5 7 : 5 9 ; 6 5 Com * $h . . . fon'li Sovt •< A&f

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Rib Steaks vl'SipV'kl|kt" 0«»llty I mI CM 75* I DUCKLINGS RiUV-TO-COON Veal Roast BONfLESS SHOULDER 47* ! FUCT Our Lowest Flounder Fillet FRESH » 69c Salaion Steaks 69c \ lb. Fish Sticks JSK. 2 i f 59* Cod Fillet JS B 2 £ 69c Price In Years! 3 7

Outstanding G r o c e r y V a lu e s ! Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! CLING PEACHES = 2*-59< NAVEL ORANGES as 10 49

PURPLE PLIIMS MONTI “ 2 - 39. FRESH PINEAPPLE — -29' ORANGE JUKE 2 49. YELLOW BANANAS 2 29 Milk Amplifier Pro* to art* far no Choto.ilf Syrup Watermelon 10< YOU* CHOtaS Bos‘ ° Fresh * Beets I 'M RoaiOt Otlknus n a Torruc for Im C roo* fret*. Crtto Vermont Maid Syrup '£ 31c Iceberg lettuce Fresh Rhubarb — • 7 c • Tatty Snick trooR PooR Fna PtorMo Porno *0m f l | | . *M WISE Potato Chips *« 25c Pascal Celery Spinach , n W i h i m i I t « 33< 9TUx. Iem... . Watch, 'tnt! Pore Vendable ShorttMt Crisco ~35< .: 95< A Big Value in a Good Pie! Caisibe Is Nab.tco Piito Of Honey i' . ... ‘ " “ l ' . 10% ll. 1 to ir i r ^ T O M A T O so u p can Graham Crackers « 33c Irou b « r i- U n t Qeaiity Apple Pie 1 6 0 2 . HydroX C o o k ie s '« 21c 'ii* 33c ■--<^t«s4 Ch* C*H" C1R Mo P>*»0 11 »*. TOMATOES Om ltori) 4 7 - # Ukkif’l Iru l Ballard's Biscuits 2 -V. 27c K 8 3 IS RI. I i u k . I lakat CeHee d o n u t s n - SkRRstriRg Style Chorry Prosorvos .Ann F«|o « IA N T J I L L r R o i l 12 BEITS ^ . « 7 1 - — . . . j AM Ofl POOO RING st- Let* Mitt i Broadcast Conod Boot Hash M R s V i* )»• tMraoftl. C«'*t4 M Ittto II RI. Stahl-Moyor 1 c**» FrRnck Style C r m L k r i.r * e « e « CARROTS Whits Hoat Tuaa Fish •4 »Ko W e Froten Food Value* ! ASF StmI—Creaa Style Dairy Favorites! luakot RouNot Pawdar 0 0 0 •- S5* 17 RI. G O L D E N corn Mar cai Papar Haakios . . . I % » ■ Swiss Cheese t«uM. o> Ptaa* 55c Roth Cbop-ettes T r r J * « Dog Yummiss Libby's Oraaga Jaic* * S . a* lexters VMt Mile 4a* 1A0 * ss* I I ei. Kirkmaa's Cloaasor i^Wtxie* «*• Italian Profoloa# - -•*•*« •i~- * ft* Miaot* Maid Brapafrait iaisa . 2 *“ 27* . . . s — « • POTATOES Fols Naptha Soap Swttzarlaad Swiss Libby's Straoharrias . J 2 .»«'.I A aw ta B ur*a’s Brayara Chaaaa . , . ;”SJ* Libby's Spiaaah 2 IS* Liquid Dotorgout Rmmiilr iM tinf. M ip'rk «f*»*iH‘ Libby's Bnsoois Sprouts . Wo* lOco«Ub#i- - * - *«f Kraft's Party Saasks * ..... 2 l l S7* 2£ 49c .i.89c lib jy s Caaliflawor ...... V 25* v r r w Bordou's BoMags Chaasa K raft’s Boryoa Tida Oiydol Botorgaat I*. l*» i »•* Tomato Kotehup MacaraaJ Biaaor Cora Starch ¥ Ir. R** te>»J*f '** J t l ~ z n * ‘ *:77« 25* 2’I M S * i r 17*

Ooigato’s Vol Ivory Soap hrory L * ^ « Boy Rad Moart Dag Faod for •«# d.»>»e fV rf t«*R k-e'- Persoaal Soap Ohiokoo Dog Food — <■— M r >k.. ti» 0« **«r l*o* « 2 : - st* cee«. 4 — *« 2 BP 1 ::: M‘ a 2 U«Ort< ^-0 WOO »•«•«# ■•*••• •*** Open Tuesday and Thursday Until 9 - To 10 THURSDAY. MAY 16. 1957 PACE TWELVE COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REMEW A SON FOR AMBROSES M ay 7 at St Barnabas Hospital A son, Glenn Vincent, was: in Newark. He joins a sister, Sports Calendar born to M? and Mr Joseph Am- Nant'y. nine years old, and a Beatty, Brookdale and Garden Delicateasen Are brose. of 120 Post avenue, on brother, Larry, five. ' THURSDAY RacHjall. BaureV Field 3 4S nm . Lyndhurst vs. Eastside. Police Dept vs. South End, County Pk-, 6 p.m. (BRL) Township’s 1956>£7 Season Bowling Champions 6 t Mirhae > v Elks Club, Penick Field, 6:40 p.m. (LL). 907 45 6 The cuftaiA rang’down on the Lyridhurs.t Roc and Hoffman's Her with a 623 on the strength Bt-vfragu Fire Dept, v Carucci Co,. River Road Park, 30 p.m. (LL). Huff s IHnt-r 5* 912.11 Softball, High School Field. 6 .45. Lvnd. Plastics vs. Fire Dept. . 1956 57 bowling season at the Floor Covering finished ,it was j of ‘a nightcap 238 game. -I'Mtk Vlrw Hi'tfde !M0 .M IM fliccl Ford . 920.45 FRIDAY I t ’s th e T A L K Lyrtdhurst RecfeatioTT Center ar Lyndhurst Ret in third by a half j Vinnie’s, Dairy scored a sweep Kel)ys "5" . . r>2_ '4. >4 91 0 4 far as local bowling leagdcs art j game, a margin they held during j over Alumaroll Awomngs -in a ('arroll-!* Wln^.n IV* 5«S 902 33 Baseball. Loth StadiOm, 3:45 p.m , Lyndhurst vs. Lodi. concerned. Thirty six weeks of j the majority of the season Al one sided match. The Milkmen T h r . . - A i T f O rtll Track, High School Field, 3:45 p rti . Lyndhurst vs. Eastside Arnold " B»k»-ry KM » I St Michael vs American Legion. County Pk., 6 p.m. (BRL) competition in the Lyndhurst j though Hoffman's los the battle |M»sted 830. 976 and 896 games as u*rr**n Bpvt Inn 854.90 MajEr* League and the Rec Jun ; for position, they garnered rec against 659, 769 and 657 for the Am vets vs. Wdspn Builders, Penick Field, 6:30 p.m. (LL). Rec Community League Lynd Fiord vs S B Penp k, River Road Park. 6:30 p.m (LL). of the Town! loi league ended last eek with : ord;; galore. Their 1084 to 882 • Jwning Makers. Phil Piginnelli V Avjt p< Stty Painters again winning 1 victory in the initial game ere hit ihe pi As at a 622 clip on 203, Hr<>nkdal<- H ilft»«*<>d B ar *>1 880.76 SATURDAY - the Major Uw.ue championship i ated a ne whigh* game score ano 269. 150. The 269 game was a SOT* Tavern 5 85T.8:. and Garden Delicatessen reploe I after losing a four pm decision, new individual high game mark. C h e v r o l e t 8 :,2 *4 Elks Club v Woe.rt/ Plumber:-, County Paik. 9:30 a.m. (BRL) Kelly's ••5” 5 8n4.17 'Circle Club \ Vigor Bed Wings, Penick Field. 9:30 a m. (LL) Amyets Port 20 as the Re: 835 to 831. they t ame back wrth^ ' A11 Window Products won two v k »«II U e r u t 4 843 5 Jumoi league titleholderThe* .173 to 934 win Jin- total of 2888Vjrom A m vets Post 20. winning Hilltop S*tvl< « 4 X 47*2 DeMa , Motors, vs. Kiv -nis Club. River Road Park, 9:30 a.m (L L ) pin- was 1 he highV-t season series > R7H f(J 7f)5 .ind 8 2 4 »0 7 3 4 anc| ios. (Jard*-n Spot Inn 4 X.V2 .19 Track. WI l.» Stadium. 1 p.m., Lyndhurst in Englewood Meet 3 3 w eek session of th e Rec. Com Rftacco'S Bar 4 847 1H ftiumty League ended two weeks mark. The .match also produced | mf, 7fif) , (1 7 4 5 San Carlo’s was Uni vernal Service 4 American I/cion Junior Baseball Tryouts, H S. Field, 1 p.m. Lynd S|>frts Shop 4 Farm L « u r Tnpl'header, Pcnick Field, 2 p.m. (LL) 4>,u w ith B rookdale B everages the highest individual series of ' ^yuble winner, defeating Tren- 8(«lma' k * J copping the bunting which was the campaign as Jimmy Candia ; rhf., w ,,jdmg »i3to 906 and 916 Farm League Triptcbeader. River Road Park, 2 p.m. (LL) brought home by the Hilltop banged the maph - for ;• tremen I to 76r> ^nd dropping a 903 to 820 Rec Junior L« SUNDAY 6 8 0 Service Statiotf a year ago. dous . earned on games of 232 I fina)|. Roya, Hawauan p alrris de- ciarden Drlfe*tMBcn Sofiball. H S Field, 10 30 a.m., All Stars vs Passaic Pioneers. The banquet season immediate 203 and 24 ) Allie Candia helped (.lsinnc,| ^ e Gallagher Associa I’asquin Motors i• )] Kidd, 2 :so p m Lvndhurst Giants vs. Garfield. the Hoffmans cause with a -603 j |jon J(i , AO 8 3 4 an(j 3 5 3 to l.ynilhurM Rei- ! 1 ian though Last Sat iu daj Huffman'* Floor Cov. MONDAY evening at the Garden Spot Im ,,n 232 183 and 24'» A | 850 and losing, 878 to 865. V innles l»airy I > I’l.h Stho-l Field. 3 4.’ p.m< Lyndhurst vs. Central (P) V n v i- I * I*oh» 2*1 m l.a t Ruthirfoid the Coinrritin ievc It Oi FINAL STANDINGS Aluinaroil A w ning I. Hu h School hie'd. if* pm.. Lyndhurst vs. Lodi, it;, L eague had an enj.yabl* urafch 'v in the first game Major League A ll W ii ee Dept vs Woertz. Plumber . Countv Park, 6 p.m. (BRL) nmht of sin ing the pri/e money thi ce Car ha brothers. Jim. A v * S a n C a r l n*-i l‘h ! Tr« n< h-l w* idins .1 V ,St Michael's. Penick Field, 6 30, p.m., (LL) along with slices "f the finest nd Hen. il scored identical A a» n an’ v Fire Dept. River Road Park, 6:30 pm. (LL) I Sauer paced the «v Milan*' loast beef that could be put on 232 gar Hi Sotth.;! .loe & Ang«s- Paik Dept. High School Field. 6 45 p m a table The Rec Junior league TUESDAY v. ill have their annual affair thi- Elk Chit) vs. Amerifvin Legion. County Park, 6 p m. (BRL> : atm day night at San Carlo4s i \,11\ ei Circle C ub, P -iiTk Field. 6:30 p m , (LL) Rr-.taui’iint while the Major Passaic, Central And East Butherford Flori-t vs rw-M. I Motors River Road Park, 6:30 pm (LL) Pw»pl«> n .ry n tfrf nr* talking League will don the bibs a wee** Solthall. 11. S. Field, 6 45 p.m., Hawaiian Palms vs. Lynd. Plastics f «im. Saturday .at the Garden . WEDNESDAY h hnnl thr advantages af financing Spot Inn in'East Rutherford Beaten, Golden Bears Lead PVC Bace Track. Clifton Stadium, 3:45 p m . PVC Javve Track Meet It w as "P osition W eek" in the tkrlr M a n at Snath Bergen Saving*. tallied in tlie sixth when Pizzuti Moran sacrificed, Christ singled South End vs. Police D ept. County Park, 6 p.m., (BRL) Major League's final meeting ol The red hot Golden Bears, un and Pizzuti trip led W-il on Builders vs.JOlks Ciub. Penick P'leld, 6.30 p.m. (LL) Anil, people are prnm l •• do hmlne«« the season. The tampion Beatty der the tutelage of Coach Bill banged out another hit aifd tal lied on Frank Ranu's triple. East Rutherford quickly got S. B Penick vs. Carucci Co. River Road Park, 6:30 p.m. (LL) Painters dropped a pan to sec Librera, picked up three more vlth thl* frlendl> Having* anil laaa back in ’the ball game as irt the Softball. San Carlo’s vs. Jt)e & Ange’s, High School Field, 6j45 p m ond place Bogle Agency Beat­ victorfes in the past week, all Stopper, in picking up his six th igainst Passaic Valley Confer win of the season, allowed the In third " ^hree singles and three ■M arlatlan. ty . started with a (lose 955 to Golflen Bear errors accounted ence competition, to soar to the dians( live hits while walking L y n d h u rst 027 312 2 pitchers age 12, two pitchers 94!* win before losing 937 to 834 for three runs. and 9 2 6 ,to 916. G eorge G abriel top of tin PVC sharing the top one and fanning eight. In the 13- C entral 010 000 0 age 11, and one pitches .age 10 rung with Garfield Moving then hit attack Stopper led the way In the fourth Lyndhurst scored or younger. Managers are Borne mortgage loan* now are r the Heal!' a s had a *541 high twice. Christ agaip singled, Piz . et t.ii 235, 223 arvl 183, w hile a inning : hcak to six garner and with three, Johnny Avento, Mof E. Ruth 103 001 (i , zuti singled and Christ scored on asked to present their pitching available at South Bergei| Saving*. Bi hbv Hen wood shot a 615 on mproving their seasonal mark an, Burke, Pizzuti and Ranu hav L y n d h u rst 320 230 x roster to Player Agent Walter o 9 3. th e locals took ver Pas I mg two apiece. an infield out. Two walks foi Slop In and talk to a* akent a m ort­ .i J ijJ opener for the .Painters-. lowed and Pizzuti scored when “ Hawk” Rowe at the fields any a ie 4 to o. defeated Paterson j (>,, Krlday at Hinchliffe Stadi L.ndhuist Plastics fell short u Avento forced Ranu at third. time before playing the sixth gage- loan fo *nit yonr need*. it bid for a .share of seeoht Vntral 17 to 1 and itslugged i U|11) ,1M paterson a rained out re i;ame on the schedule. .ast Rut her lord 10 t-> Three runs came over in the fifth Attention LL Mangers H)nn<> a.’ th eir double victory ’ date v'lth Central saw Lyndhurst for the locals as Burke walked,, By over BrookdyLe Beverages left Lvndhinst *»oe.s after it tefith. break out with their heaviest stole second and scored on next Wednes«lay evening. May 22, L it­ tht in a gmue behind the Bogjt ictory this altc rnoon at Biimel. j 'slugging day in many a season Christ's third hit of the day all twelve regular tle As'.e'ney. T h e P lastics 'five ‘took- im Id in 1’a te i.-1in against Eastside The final score ended with Lynd Stopper walked as did Ranu anti League teams will have FRIENDS IN 8 6 6 played their first five game*, 99.6 to 827 and 956 to w ins l he Goldi n Hears defeated the i hurst 17 and Central 1. But hid tw o runner* came in on K elly ’s WHEELING, W. VA.? 3 % before Ibsirfg ««3 to 8 It A ugie ;hosts 4 to I back on April 2 2 -Jdt>n in th e lo p sid e d v icto ry w as neat eaoy swinging Texas weather permitting. Managers 3% Paluz/i. of the- winners rolled * t are asked to rl4»srly follow Call them today. S ta t io n O irren t behind Captain Carl Stopper ns (A) and (It) rate for a 3-minute phono 250 Valiev Boulevard five hitte, Tomorrow the Golden | Pizzutj Shelled from the mqund East Rutherford’s final run call from Paterson after Dividend ’ Dividend .Buff’s Diner snared fifth place! Bears meet Uidi away, and are i in the first three game he started. which states that during the came in the sixth when Bob An 6 p .m .— just HOf p lu s ta x . on Savings \\ ond Ridtfe, N. J. on Pavings f o nit he Park View House by j |1omc, n,.>;t Moijday to Central. ' rizzuti has pow come on with derson, a pinch hitter, stroked a fii>t five games that a team plays beating the latter quintet in all . Aftl.\. ji, ,, '(,,mes three . tough two straight route going shows home run over the left fleld in the seas4Hi, a manager three games. Buff's reeled oil (>nps" >;,,.,ie w ith Garfield a j Tlie Golden. Bears fattened their may use any of the boys on his fence gamps of 952, 938 and 1*40, com ; f,,,,,, t-.day away; the foi j batting averages’which were on Stopper allowed five hits, nister as pitchers. Before the pared to 930; 937 an d 841 for th e ; |4jw jn ,4 day. Friday, the 2 4 th.'phe low grade because of a slow struck out eight and hit one bat sixth game each manager shall A gent I’ai k Viewers. Chippy Christ.- Sr.,] lhcy 7-ntei Vain powerful Nutlev start as they blasted three Colt ter, but the Wildcats were a register with the Player led the attack for'thr- w.inneri»’j.(lf Vh«-' Bi- 'Im Conference and I pitchers for 19 hits, five pitchers. Not mare than threat, chiefly to the fact that S E L L IN G THAT HOUSE?? w ith a 647 series on 234, 215 ' U k I |/Ijt ,fl.,tli« i season-f Pizzuti, M oran an d A vento all the Golden Bears committed two of these pitchers shall have Vith Johnny DeCecco bavfni: , f(i ,t (i, ,m . with Clif came Up with- three hits with a ,1/eaeue age of 12; not less m iscUei. ■ 620 on a big .244 finale. fon (1|1 -v- , I Burke, (iallagher and Joe Kelly than 4>ne of the\e pitchers shall I ttrueci Ford swept Carroll , j getting, two apiece. Scores by innings: have a League age of 10 or Writes & Liquors as they put to I I«»st Thursday Stopper picked Monday afternoon saw the lo L y n d h u rst 100 201 0 4 younger. Th«* normal pitching : ether a 2979 series on 1039, 1003 j up hr. 21 -t vicloi y in 24 decisions j f,ajs soa( i^to first place in the Passaic 000 000 0 staff would then have two yt'id 937 with then opponents is. a .schoolboy bin lei The hu .ky |>V(. ;js |hey wai,0ped East Ruth getting 973, 781 and 824. This outlipaw reversed his lone' de­ erford 10 to 5 An earlier game match provided the hottest mdi feat of tb«‘'.season, his fyst ainee th ■ season saw Lyndhurst the \ idual. output of the l«»ng season. i sophomore two years ago, a,s w inner 8 to 5. C h arlie L aw yer 1 h'e th ird ra n k e d average* kegler., he blanket! Pa>: air 4 to 0 Back gave Fas): Rutherford a fast lead Lett Leonard of Petrucci s b|a -t II A pril IT>. I’a s-m edge:t1 Lyntl , as |^adlnff off1 to open the game, t r I a new season's' hi^h series' iuist and i-itoj.pei. in a 3 to ^ Lawyer, a right handed batter, ith a pet tacular 734 on 247. 245 arne de-ufed by error j caught .one of . Stopper’s pitches , 1 and 242 T his new m ark, erased The 1 ibi er a forces jumped ofl ' and sent it to the rt/of of the the 728 previous high set bv AH o a 1 to 0 lead in the first when i Hi^h St hool- I u-;cai ino. Helping Petrucci to Bdtlie Bur* e opened the gam- I - But the lead was short lived.as their shutout was Allie Candia ith a 'two bagRer; Bill> Gal Chippy Christ and I'iz/uti drew Use The v. ho anchored, a 630 on 244. 202 lagher e^e;*ulerl the perfect sac j opening inning walks and crossed .n d 184 dice ..ftidin;; Bin ke to third i ahead of Stopi>er, who blasted a Tht Kelly won twice from from where he s '-icd on Jerry i gigantic wallop to right centef, T h re e A cre G rill to sneak in Pizzuti s sacrifit e fly I n 't h e 4t.li th e b a ll dro p p in g ju st sh o rt of Multiple Listing Serv ice ahead of Carroll's for eighth canto a pair of runs carrie home tlie' classroom windows. In the place. The Kelly s took 9‘*7 t< on singles by Mike Mnran. .Pi/ pTeeond Lyndhurst went ahead 5 • f’6 6 and 959 to 913 wins before zuti and Stopper. The last run to I whun Gallagher walked, dropping an 882 to 863 final. Jim O F TH E Starby of the winners was top^ v ith a 004 featured by a gigantii 24 HOUR SERVICE . 205 score in the opener. ^ South Bergen County Board off Realtors Gaiden Spot Inn got company .for the cellar occupancy by de f* ating Arnold's BJikerv tWict to on tie their final night rivals for the . EXPOSE your proprrtv lo uf*rlv every potential buyer. bottom spot The Gaiden’ Spot Wilh 3.1 Member brokers ami a total of ovrr {25 artive sell- iers took 917- to 834 and 858 U T.V. Repairs 8f»4 wins before losing 919 to 84" Remember •‘ROSA" I* your de­ inp brokers anil Kalesnirn your property is exposed lo thr broad. .1 Kec Junior League p en d ab le T. V. Serviceman at a n y market possible. The rerords show that over Klri of homes listed Garden Delicatessen capped a hour of tlu* day or night. Us a n am e winning season by defeating set you can depend on for satisfaction! are sold through the multiple listing system. ond place Pasquin M"toi ; in tw gami • :< the Rec Junioi League aiao held “Position Week” at it- / e t Uu14 f u i iMf** htt+ ifs d T V fy lake Advantage of its many' IIU F srrvirn. final session The championshii ELECTRICAL Gaiden Delicatessen aggregation 1. IREE panel insprdion lo help you determine a fair Value. . • Hill Gednma Starr Pogoda a p p l ia n c e s Prank Pt-utKla, Mike Lntorraca and Eddie Pogoda started tlu A V M IR /'L . R.C.A. £M€RiOH 2. . FREE pictures srnt lo every brokrr in the Multiple l isting mghf with 838.to- 793 and 803 t- TELEVISION*^ APPUANCe ’A Kearny Federal Savings System. 715 wins, before Pa.squins canu up with an 84.6 to 85«* win. 227 STUVVfSANT AV( . - Account Is The Best Way 3. FREE lork bo* srr. ire in lhe event your house ii varanl or The close race for third place LYNDHURST GE. M l 34 unoeeupied. continued right dowh to the final READY CASH n ig h t an d w hen th e tw'O b attlers. • !NSt !U;D SMKTY For Full Insurance Protection • LOCAL CONVENIENCES • HIGHKR EAHMNCS Get The New 5>in-1 Package FOR QUICK ACTION ON THAT HOUSE CONTACT JUNE COME IN TODAY! ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: BRIDES Homeowner Policy Y O U E A R N Visit Melray’s for fho HLRL’S WHAT THE POLICY COVERS: best Selection of Mod­ 1. I IRE. WINDSTORM, etc. on your RESIDENCE and ACCOUNTS INSURED REALTORS GARAGE, etc. ern and Provinci.il Bed 2. FINE. WINDSTORM. SMOKE fir WATER DAMAGE U P TO $10.0410 CONRAD BltGER 350 Ridge Road \K T H I n 1,1VA Ar.rNCT It! Stoyr.M at A»«. rooms. More th^n 25 on I’I KS4INAI. CONTENTS, FURNITURE, etc. Tel. GEneva 1124$ iNi.tr first riim i 3. BU RG LA R Y and T H E F T , both on the premises and away Arthur B. Llvi Trl. WKbstrr J ;|;| Suites to choose from. from home. Including $.'*00.00 on BOATS. BOGLE INC. IN Stuyvesant Ave. «*srPH it roi.rro I *10,000 00 rtlMPRF.HENSIVE PUBLIC LIABILITY IN ON YOUR SAVINGS Horace R. Bogle Tel. W Ebster f-lt7« AtiENCT. INC. )*4 RM |. Rnid S I K A N G on the premises or away from the premises, (iCaevi t >«st FOR JI NK IlKIIIhS ONI ' The Oldest Financial Institution in Town MEDICAL PAYMENTS. HAROLD J. CAMELET 35* Valley Brook Ave. SA V IN O AUCNTT t i l R M |* lU a d Free Lancc r -um m o NAI. I IVI\ <» IXPrNSI.S pan your r i p e n se s Tel. WEkatar i ftlf — firming SftUM ___ tita... In n if >ou have to vacate your home while il is u n d e r repair. - Cedqr Chest GIBBS AGENCY I Ridge Ro*d AKSei. S SOtrNSKN 232 St.TTn.nt A t . W ith Faeh Bedroom \\!) M 1^ ISKXl’KNSIVI TOO. FOR INSTANCE: T»l. H t tw t.r » t»17 Manuel J. Gibbs Tel. WEbster • 21H P u rc h ase d Kearny \'> $1!.11(111 |M)1 ICY ON V li li I < K HO M i: COSTS a n t h o n v j n n Ttm \< tsi y i ^ e GIUSTO LIVA A RON Ridge Road 2« RM«r Rwd H tkster * s i« ONLY ♦ 121.00 FlU l T UK i.l YK VKS 1 Federal Tel. WEbster 3 §4W w r M e t 1 l i M Melray’s i s Moat tmn r n \oa Savings 863 KEARNY AVENUE SAVINO AGENCY “THE MODERN WAY IS THE Mi l T lft F LISTING WAY” (at the Pike) AM* I04W‘Hlocuit.o* ARLINGTON . 2r»l Hi«lgr Knati. I > lullmrsl. N. J. o u u rT M » m d w p ftv ttfo $ | nm uMino su n s «w *n*iht “WHETHER YOU SELL OR BUY USE THE SERVICES tlF A REALTOR" KE 3-5858 GEneva 8-3121 M.INTY OF r s t l PASKINC* AT BOTH prriC l* THURSDAY, MAY 16. 1957 COMMFRflA! 1EADER A SOrTFl RFRr.FN Rrvil T p a c e T n m m N

A ./ ... ft fl IV .Uttrr* ■' L; Jerome Caniy*! ' * » ' Ka4gO ft . » t a fri /On thru J*l*« n trOm . ^ | | m ' Cab Pack 88 Holds Mother and Son Dinner • i t - Vi»r. . ete<* m K-i •t »*■- • S . rap* G irl Scout New Masonic Club Cub Pa. k IW held its MIe >n S. and watvel" dr«i; Uvk Du.; a»< ' «>nd a^nue. last Tuesday ever lK trea^ure.i. J« '* > ■ i *nfl*tla thr flan Ci l'-'i guard . i. ■ 1 f ^ If. | » no, and Committeeman Ed Mamr wu seph Mh^i -ap 4nv»: > .*r Hanlev W.e-u * vu'»' \ *> *■ John llanga'ii a* ^•-.v t • Lea Nrlan Ih n w p ftni>f«d* orrr Mother's Day gifts and’played master of ceremonies. I'aul NeN»n How ard I iddle <>t thfttv T\Mribi**km W*}i * ■ ehairn *n. in .***.'•? * * ' sojtv’ games. We c osed with the Goodnight .song and the ntagu Due to t:i‘- abaen e ol JhPtii G uests w ere M rs Ja m e s AM»n to Sluter Henry Dugdata Al * be- ,V ld -*n~ Ju n e Vi tunnel. JoAnn Restaino, reporter. dent Thotnas Fer.tata on Wcdne> •A president of the Jefferson PTA / uk F,i Maauiv J ‘hn laingan, A dult aw ard* .»tk-.t**•,.«• T roop 9 opened its meeting with the paving of Hues Then' da) May R. *he tnertms cf the C W h itn .an C.h.-t. [•'■% Ha-ik.. sponsoring organiaation, and Bov Robert Dunlap. William T.avey tear wrvh* m }« Th •»«*» <*»tr were twefve g ;i p ti • ■ Mt ■ r Mother's Day par Masonic Club- of Lyndhurst way • V Scout commssioner THbmas A tt P n I I l K Al Zuk W 11 h a m 1 ew.pte <*iy«t i ty We puked committee' for entertainment.'-.ervtng food, ta'deset called lo ordrr by the Vice Pre- nehiis fV. G.taaf * Mf Cewdi.# a*%.t \t. .' Drive With Cart Jo h n so n ni-ml'era of the p»«k: committe* ters, and decorOt i , i was give a job to do We closed with ident, Charles Ren hers, with . M f »r *' *••' vlotr'f^ an t l.Xieiap. ► red Worth as chapUm tollOwed The program of entertammeri the goodnicht circle . ■ f > I^ogan. reporter. v f ar will M- Thcimas lia ih 21 -W.W- pounds -;»f mi ap • w ? - ; \ * .»! dv ir*, :■ r a n n o s in Vith the plt'dge of- Hllegiao» e by in clu d ed a song an d d a n /e in Troop 16 mrt m ,u i rn IVi hnol and talked about our tn Mrv Handd last Mr Bany U ie» t. d i n ' Ih r i n r i i l » »H «tn . dl members A' very welcome I- panttHnime by Venmiei Cow elf ■*: »r»* -f ■•• P aid Kra-i.-e an waooaeo. > a t an d looked at p - .sc - t . railro ad .d •tin.. N ext, th e fly -up M: I' ».il N» laoA M < The five champKm l».>.« **» d ■ i - . . email as Peter a dani-e by Kathleen Fogr'l ha Bolter’ «dan said Vanr-h d «■ f»t home Mi T Ribndi and Mr Mrs WdlUm Witt iff a- an a> . U ui* f u td r, k r . Edn . h t Dug isSerg. Fla IVte who.drove u,’ Jd L«mp>i.»t H. Kostan are our h ad- r M; • Hark tt .reporter with John Airell at the plan S', .tant • * dso brought up the tiini wishe> Troop 17 niet in Lin* < In ool with our leaders, Mrs F- Ro Favors were Mother's Day gift Put |{omg dcn mother's arid I . >V 'u io th er nremb<*r. ,la<'k Sim on • senbera and Mrs. n PotticeUi. We complete our gifts for Mother m ade bv th eu ><.n> m ft ■ • • ' • • r n • » t s • ■ . «ra -(ui w ho tU o resides in S t mgs Men of the pack comtnuu nit ion ’ Mi Stephen ’lhi% S a tu rd a y May < 1 Day. We talk°d about u here we an- noing with our cookie monev Vte N ice « • se*. you Pete, and served the catered meal Rr>/ Mts liitv'ki Koataiv M pa- K w hi hold a. roti» r h» We flayed .'Crow* and Crane*' KI no. Modrrelh. reporter. >e*t regards from all to Jack and The regular meeting held J M N!> NaOi.*ra H arold K-vstai* tssrtv ai the H«. k«*n«a. k Kink Tt'oop 21 met in the Girt Seoul-House with the Buddy Burner h. rest down hojne . Friday evening was Chatei Nigh1 we made last w**ek We rooked our supper on the burners. Th. Charles Hehch. < hairman of District commissioner- John Hen hamburgers tasted l**tter than ever. We were good Scouts am- membership committee, said deijnm intrt'duced Mort.-n Gould cleaned up all our mr*-# and then ang songs, plaved games and that the investigation of Roy F assistant ci'mmtsstoner. who pjr recited some spring :-onr. We also made a spiritual bouquet for lilting* i had heen made and the our mothers. Winifred -Campbell, reporter pi-ti. mt u as ehgihle to mem sen ted the ehartff 10 M t' Alla . . . o p « n president of the IH A In torn er>.hip ui th e clu b Th*- Hpplica Went from Mis Allan to Tho*. a n i c c m k I .tions ot Jam es Chrisb>l«»» of .this and every meeting including l a RuftSor in stitu tio n a l rep ie> er Specializing in »h< mght of the actual election Kt utiy and h. Iward J. Stuhler of of ofRter*. As in any election, u I.yikthuist were* received and open meeting of the Park a< i . . • 4 4 «• is not our du*v to know who you placed with th. , ommdtee for in, from the club n*om* on June r- your BccauMt K o fC vote 'for. but. it is our duty r ■■ . t>ligauoH. Thursday, at 8 »V) pm After »! PERMANENT j know that you do vote The trank Malar/, chairman of the meeting all WUl adjourn to " j Brother members who are nom E n tri tam m en t C<»mmitt<*e rep o rt »lub ibt»m^. .. . M tkt • ed lhat everything possible har^ i mated rate your support at the On Wednesday. May IS nvat w i t h d r a w a l NOTES f' meetings, so huw about turning been planned to make Lidies members of -the Masonic Cl-ub •! out1 no matter how hot the Night May L,r» one that would b* ter.ded the Club Night held «.' WAVES VI | I I j4»-t> remembf/red by the members ann Adoniram Ia»dge on Second aN • t!i- ii ladie fp • tim t I The next general meet mu of All members of *he Council are' nue for the purj»*>s«. of confeim. TK*ro a a Ua* o* »e-. a • ha » »V*e*»a'iOf < onre. To the membeis who have the Couhcil will take, j lace next iskeo to keep the date of Mas the Master Mason Degree on srv & Hair Coloring ( v ^ mu heard of thf I adie. Night', ydu w*aK to add-to a* u»a a»"|i of you* fwotli Wednesday due to the Quarterly <>J»en This will be the day on eral candidates Past Ms^ter Al this is your notice, don't forget Federation meeting of. the Holy which the exemplification of th' f.red F.ndelkofer w as .in charge, i’d values don t .fluctuate yW *#*»§*♦<• the date. Saturday. May 2.S Al Name Soue*ies m Bergen County, \typor 'Degree will take place ar th e d eg ree w o ik p erfo rm ed bv so Memoi ial‘ Day ou<*n h«.use will being held this Monday . ; Queen of Peace Council in North lhe members iff th e club able doOa« fo* doHa^ J t*- attended In a ■ many club ! COMPILII HAIR Last Friday evening the in.* tn , At lirfgbm All qualkfied candi im e'm hei s i..o^sitde ( )n M em orial F e - k a p t that r» why 'mo*o peoj'U |k a * ' r»«f K>e^o bers of the Coun- ii’pre .eid .it -the d ate^ fnr. th is D egiee will be no . Day M *< >21 ' Ha • M *• CYO for the regular Friday m h’ tifii d b>' nfad as to the tim e and a*e j>»apao«g tk#

    place t.i meet, but your reimndei STYLING IMCLUDLD I n d h u i \ \V<11 mi Ld M i tn have shrimp saute for their spa yvill h-'lp. It i in tru d ed tJiaL tiili I' 5 d>wtde^d. t^at »• a-.|v<«d to iK« asv.aviH a»a'y • • 'A \ • m ade the Hud. ghetti al'in,: w ith .i r.ni Utb • »f 7 a m in i gala affair so ph a • Slipcovers i a-a moniHa. Stop «n\ ; have your Travelling Cards up M»*niorial I)av ad ban. Vess You i help, Hjrothw' has KK. 2 0 1 11 231 PARK AVKNCr; Rl'I IIKKll.iKI). S J AND LOAN ASSOCIATION to your luck < mi tht i n j day hi* h ii l.ideed placed thr Council much ii mn W l t«..f M.llaM.I KIMIVV V | Getting baejs to the Meeting. i NI.HTH ARIJNIiTI.Ni N J will be en n< \t Wedni 1 i the Council . will march m lhe , the S» hy*ol Pled ••• and the tveart ' , • K I i " I that the Nomijpatins Committee purade n> town, cari.ving with i lelf thanki. to all wh'i assisted appointed by Grand Knight Fied | them theii n^w ly acquired ban I By next year the pledge will Ih* Costa.' w ill m ake it reooi t im-th* j net and flag All members <»f the ■i i.ne. if w e-can se< uK* the sam e proposed slate of »*'(¥*<■«■ * for th> ■foui 111 De-iree ate a ked to hi I fraternal «,oop« ration that you C ouncil foi the v« .o 1'f‘tT 'i'i A l.pn sent iji full dies* wdh awords ' hsive recen tly ►hown O ur can t u a llj it ' i ‘ ■ dt • o.l to I ht- tu n e a n d pHicc t.» a.-seinhle i ^ ratiilaiii.n - o. t-. th e Cum mit •ill he annniinced at o u r n ext j tee who worked' ■ hard to mai<' M ercury sets tlio pacv at B ro th ei to.* m ake a nom ination from the floor for any port in inerting. Uefieshments will fol, I n , ■ th e . Coun-.il. j i r. idl'd th a t t.h‘ : I iw for all who participate I Before closing, don t forget to By Lav,'s of th e Cbutv il <*'■' A spe< : il note from Chm m **> i ;

    "TtH h o n o i AtWAU ooaa («> tlie car that, in our (ifiimon. ■Ivtws the htgg«wd advaive it* at vlmg and iierftTmawe " T«lNY HtlUMAN ( liatnruin of the Board. lnlia Motor Spoadway W *ld,d ALUMINUM Combination x ...sets (lu; pace in size and style WINDOWS At Wholesole Pricaa! a *uu cfMrtM M a i l t fww. »»»'•> »h4 i * » * » ^ a i * I* f NClMlrtlO O.i .»•.«- w-4*«rt •••• .#•<>•«? k« •. •»» •...•kK4 t»N ».'**• i t m i c i ' m »m »•.*•< n.> aa a*? h» va* I '. w . w m t rAiMT' 0.»«*.»-•_ .--«»*• *Mi^a*a •••fUa»a ll*a1»>a •*» • •••* ra* **#^>*i §■<•* w aa t» i »«•*• a««>, CiraNiKC is n o c H o a t »•>»•• «u«* >•»*•* I 'Ml* n l H> »••»•«< loIkH • r t.«4W 0»4 m m »• «*••« • • a*«». i a . . i m si a t s » a * INriON aitlO ' a » » ‘ tvua • imi >N h«i in* a>Mi< »• •««.•* •«< kt.* *a«M. a fa** *•*< mm4 («*.-*.•« 4 a* »a# iMlWf

    EASY TERMS ' SPEC/M t sets a n»cor»e I'taai* '4 M rtn irv Ui [MM ll**1 Iridi t{e»l»a * laaae dranu.nrj« the fart tluit The Ik* M ia tl** tiifsap evaf faut tsrtw*^* vanrl 'tl»a.»*»a*f tao e a a r o a a a a •«< e M er* < r . »^ ta a. r i- * <■* 1 -a* *•''»* " T W O L I T f at h k ftf y n tff n m ii r v ’s w»»rt>i » fMPtwaem in »ta I h i* h m * IN *1/1. M rrrstry lartnga y-m tl . * Cambiaalion Scraaa I Slorm Daar ra-g-dar |«r*et»** !•*>** e*t^ h a in Ihr iftfiu a try _ rt*»re r**»fti arail ««*e»d*»rt m eve-rv f«tr»i4r4 M H f. !*•**» aaa<» »*>"• C i e f 1*** f»*M S rt ?nn | . • I «■*. aw.ta**f •*•!' **" tlaa im p’dAtti dmwiaiua * iMAfeo. herakaaa t^aia t 4a«* (>*«a* th e ^ arrtja— . otilv Mrrr-tirv >&• -t- t • • • 4 " • t m i * « ~ i M m * ■• ■•'' a JALOUSIE rr*T»i»tet*lv different etyling. a#Ur»-l a ‘ cU» ■ ar imu e V •* ...I inlw ' Vl' . — • »< -<*’ im a io i. — ' ' i «sH«r» v«a.« I '*•' DOORS & WINDOWS Smartly afyled, modern — and laeev*tfvl M E R C U R Y f o r ' 5 7 d r e a m cm design L O W , L O W P R IC E S AT... WINDOWS i i \\ \ I 4 >i i : i \ t . Buy At W holcsah Direct From Our Factory Showroom • 128 BELLEVILLE TURNPIKE '(ol Obaslaat St.) KEaray 24222 RIDGE MOTORS Inc. • orw ivut nicht th * t m t A t 424 Ridqa Rood (Rt. 17) Phone WEbster 9-4715 Lyndhunt. N J. THURSDAY, MAY 16. 1957 PAT.F FOURTEEN COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW !.*luor license for premises situated Mr. Nusbaum, a veteran of Mr and Mrs WilYner R. Deck- j together are further described . NOTICK T a u t / Municipal Clerk,-of L>r.dhur-t . *VVAVV^VW VS\V.VWAS\VW iA/W A\VW AW /W .V.\ ful lew*, Taice notice that Kdward Zakutynski New Jersey. ,i.;4/Cop- iand Avenue, Lyndhurst, many, many years in trust de­ er of‘Copeland avenue were din-i BEGINNING *>n th« *-a«tcrly side trading as Vatliey Brook Cafe' has Ralph Philip DeNisou New Jersey. partment work, capably present­ ner guests, on Sunday of their - a t the south- applied to th*- Board of Commissioner- 2?0 Chase Avenue Officer* and Trustees » est<>rlv . urnt-r ihe property h«re- of the Tqwmihip of Lyndhurst, New T vndH,,r«t.- N J *«al Vijfore Pollara. President. 4^2 e d his informative talk to Other son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and ronVe.yed, hn<}' nt tn*- northwem- Jersey, for a Plenary Itetall I'onsump- I-J.I.-1 Ma> !6-23. 1W Kingslawd A v Lyndhurst SACRED HEART CHURCH J organizations in other communi Mrs. Wiimer, R. Dccker, Jr.,, of erly torin r <■ number One Hun tioYi I.if .*nse for pr. frHse* situated at * armitie. <-.:iiidii-.«, > H 1 resident, .--■••I :.ribje< tions. if any. should l>e mad-i tradlne a- l-JK-lfU-o s T.vmi. ha- ar •stuyvesant' Avenue* Lyndhurs't. N. J. htindrii-d mi'I feet and flve iniir»‘*dlHtely In writing to Fred. O. Piled to the Board of c*orniiils«iOT»er Salvatore , Kerntra- Secretary, SI HOLY HAME HOTES lightening to all “Joe Averages'! ■ Miss Shirley. Hunt r, *daughter orithx . Municipal Clerk. -A l.vndhur^t. , of the Towrtship of I.yndbiirst. Nev N'ivhols Street, Newark, N. J j of Mr and M. s Albert Hunter ! line ot l.a ■i one Hundred anil New Jersey. Jersey for a Plenary Retail Consump VWMNW/MW^/AV^VVViVWJWiAW.VW.WAV' and al.«*» l» ing the Kdwnrd Zakutynski | tlrn Lleeftse for pieinisreij .situated .1 Frai^v Injjperato. Trustee, 2&S • i'h.ii t ? • : 4..5 Valley Bro< k Am- . ' rCingsland Averitne. l.jndriUist. . ■ of Willow avenue w.il appear in ■ i-r of land- r*nn- fwii .Hldge road. Lvndburst N* w Jer „ N .tale l>jiigarzo. 'I'lustec. ”>*s Paul Immediately following the 7:30 closed by those present. The elee- , r i- AndionifO and I.yhdhur«t. Nr. J . Magic Wheelers a leading red.* m ta e .'play “O u r HWrjrim. hy FWd FVa-ted »•-!<> I9i7 I 'Objections. If nnv. sbrnild **e m.td ' i A.M. Mass offered at Sacred j tion of the next slate of officers j T ow n " to 1> -p.v. - iiit'ji a t Morit t dal. .. mb. r 23rd. IH!*:*, Immediately in wrliini' to l ie** * Obj«- !lon«:. if !>-!->. h’ai d l.e - maae ! ■ along H.iitl center umwliiii'-lv let vvto l-'red t». Heart; last Sunday, the members wUptake place at our June meet- I lair St-it" Tea- iv ■”< College t o : I ‘.'j- ■ I NOtlCJE Taub. Muni* lp,it Cler.v «»f J^jndnurs, T’aub. Municipal Clerk, of Lyndhurat. ■r-7 r On.- Hundred and Take notice that Teresa Tnbolewskl of t ne Holy Name- Society pro ing. Hold Dinner j night, Saturday and Monday. which I* dis«. aJi>n« an . . I.'jjel | »e Witt tiad iijf a* Toby' e ,.-e .. ^ \TI TUVl \‘<) PACIKICi «e* Jerv. > . |.,yndhurst Starling* cceded to the school cafeteria for Dark horse prizes were won by tliudUt;' Thv- i n. liah eppU< d to the Hoard J Tii.led: May IC-23. 1!*'.7- James Gibbons, Sal Catina, -Pet­ , T he Magic Wheels Roller Skat . nd red , 1...... et I-. • 'ormriissloners ol the Township ! a & S i.'ldb. in'1.. their monthly meeting- Each bur«ERlOM COVRT OF of lot omnUer tine i,vr,d».iit—r. N e w Jersey. U r !M. t. NOTICE Salvatore r-.Pres . Biember was asked to bring his ty. Isoldi, and Tony Donato’s mg and Social Club held their , MEW JEHSEV ary Retail Consumption license r*.| j Taka not!. «* that L>'ndhur“t Sou SM.vatn-r • Ferrara, Se. r i< »!••• vve-ir-rlv ?.?.* i p- l.il.d AveliUv. d a u g h te r 01 daughters to the dau g h ter. annual installation dinner at th;- CHANCtRY (11 V I O N pr-mLses sltua’-d at .Marin A v linjr^ A & S t ’lub, Inc.. trading a BERGEN COjNfV I >/if Hundred 11u* I.'. ftdhurst. N-. w fer«. x i "lub. 11as applied to the -itourd < I. )ui(iu: s!. New Jersey meeting and lif.ht breakfast in Befofe the close of the meeting Royal Hawaiian Palms in Lynd DOCKET NO C-2^?2-65- i i'.llg t li* w • s I - < ii, ;■ i-tions. If MfiV. should l.e uiado Commissioner* of the Township <• honor of *he Month of Our Lady the Society presented our Pastor. hurst on Saturday night May 11 |. IM 1 N Ml irmned-atelv in wrtt:n« t>. Kr-d <> ndhurst. New Jersey, fur a C)u- .vi t:i a m i :i T.mh, NfftnlHpal t’lerk, of l.yndhurst, I and to symbolize Mother s Day. Fev. Fr. Bernard Moore, With a The new officers for the coming j Hundred Fort \ The hall was packed to capa 1 gift to help defray the costs of year are John Wagstaff, presi city' with the fafhers and theii the new dishes and silverware dent, Rita Carroll, vice presi ' daughters as Well as members ot that were recently purchased, dent; Mildred Ames, rerordui j i-.;: '.easterly f-orii'-r- «» H u n d r e d a n d 'I b l n th»* Rosary Society and Ladies' This was made possible through Secretary. Minifred Blackburn i W .-stei v u Ii.i k :l. . Auxiliary <>'. the Lyndhurst- K y o u r efforts- in m ak in g thi.-. year':-, treasurer. Ruth McGinnis, cut j .■ of C annual Communion Breakfast tlie ie:ponding secretary; Kenneth ; 1 The immediate order of busi- ! success that it was Congiatula Brinkerho'.f, sergeant at arm tion to you all. Installnif, otlicer v.as John Black ness diseu'.-ed was th e forth .-om V/EL,NuSUfc nig Quaiterl;. Federation meeting burp. in B ert en Cous-.*y. I* w ill be held O at-on(.fii els- are John • :r. M onday evening. M ay 20. a! Episcopal Women B ia k n u .n ; resid en t, Pt-t«-i 'l i t the Church oi the As.-umjiiioM in mont, v.ce pre:..dent; Blaiuh1 Pa ram us.- All who Wish to at Give Offerings Mai-.ialJ. re>i :din,; - retary • lend are asked ' > be in front of b :ta W ajcf dr. treasure: . GilueV, - the Parish Hall promptly at 7:3U The Woman’s Auxiliary of S’ K »t/. c 1.1 responding ser relai > , . p.m. Transportation w ill’be pro­ Thomas’ Episcopal Church held ! Hu-Ii Ames, sergeant at arm. Dr. I. Dansky vided for- all w ho do n o t hyve their United Thank Offering ser- j '1 lit; Magic Wheel Roller Skat ‘J cai s. Please make every effort To yices on Sunday moaning at the in", and Socad Club * celebrate I • OPTOMETRIST attend and show the spirit that Church, when offering boxes it-, 20th a n n iv e rsary p arty at t:ie K v i-. E x a m i n e d has carried Sacred Heart this far. were collected by Mrs- Frank and Hackensac k Arejia in, April. The ].i ’ It has been announced, that Mrs. George Plarre at the 9:00 skating and social, events of Jh<- [ Opposite Town Hall there’will be a -Mass offered for' a’.m. service and by Mrs. William club are for members from the < iur 11 il I. the Grandmother of our. Model' E. Vallery, president, and Mis age of IH years and up..-’ ! U'ulMll-i 4or> KEARNY AYE. '.atr.r. Hey. Fr. Edward Majduk at John C. Garde at the 11 . a.m a rn. on M ejnorial D ay May 30. service. ' . KEARNY All the members of the Society A skit. “Follow Through” was SCOUT NEWS are asked to attend 'and should presented at the first service by 15 Year Old Beauty! Phone KE. 2-0026 be’ able I i a 'hr i a lutjonal Mrs. Bernard Blohm, Mi. How holiday. a:tl I'jotson, Mrs. Herbert Muljei tl.<- lion it• ol ( ’l.a . ie v; r! liJlJie . of BETTER YHAN NEW? (>n June 1 <-cm.ng the mei/i and Mrs Larry Shannon and at' 2-14 Lay n i;;ston a K IH1I 1 llUIIIl an. bers of the Society aie eoidi.ally the second services by Mr: Wal­ . ; - , ' : Ju t ma -ter J ohn CONCHA SPECIALS incited to attend tht--9 a in. Ma.-.s ter Riehar. Mrs. Harry Starkey. I’m . fit GENUINE STONE SIDING ait S- out - ija . te r tor the deceased Catholic War Mrs. William Purchase and'Mi Ko. it.ek. A s :: t; Lyndhuisl. Co.y one family, 5 roam., j 1 leasm Ila i r y I ,<'UK. buat 8 years. LivirtQ roo n<, d i n e t t e , Now YOl ran have all the heaiity of natural quarried Veterans. This i> to be the Ma' •. William Fritz. Al / lam and kitchen ond first floor. 2 spacious i f'r Memorial Day. but'has been M rs. H e rb e rt M uller is U ntted . Reco rdin ; Seriretary Will bedroom*; and tde bath on second rdoiie, on your hom e'at a co^t eniu||aralile to many ^iiii: th. Kd Mii/yii.-e and C ornejiur- floor. Attached garage Plot 50 x 100 postponed until June I •Thank Offering chairman. rear schools nd buses. Priced right i . "imitation” concrete sidings! T ony M atola ha.s announced , On Saturday the several or* '■ DeCIraaf. at 117.900. thal this year's annual Holy There are 2r llir difjrrvnt'f Our representative will he. |deasetl Name Show, will recreate the j combining with the Auxiliary in p lorers in tlu* tro o p . T hey w ill tjongs of the last 50 years or so*.holding a strawberry festival and take part in the Camporee Iti be to show you samples of V eneerite* in durable, beautiful Ltid will be appropriately listed .spring sale. held m the local Riverside Park Concha Real F 'V » sandstone varieties. (live your house a touch of quiet 54-i f E R N A V E . L Y N D H U R S T as "Looking Thru the Years”, j The Rev. C. Wesley Shike, -rec- ; tin May 24, 25 ,26 elegance with \eiH*erite% im/dern horizontal styling. ■The show will be a review and toK will speak at a social meet .Parents of Scouts in Troop 88 (,K. 8-0309 rehearsals are going strong each'; 10g ()f the Auxiliary u, be held and Cub Pack 888/will hold a Open Eves, until 9.00 & Sunday tf GENERAL CONTRACTOR Tuesday and Thursday eVenings next Tuesday evening in the dance this Saturday night in the I at th e CYO Parish Hall- There will be an op*; Polish-A.iiernan Citizens Club on j T W O FAM ILY ROOFING - SIDING' - SHEET META I. - ROOMS ADDED At present there ait a fc.v New Je: sey avenue, 'lhe l^ergen portunity to ask questions on KITCHENS DONE OVER - GAR AGES PATIOS spots left in the actual review County lloy Scout kite derby will j | Tiv* large i»oo«n*- an^ bath on first church mattei- Six spacious rooms on second Sep but the greatest need is now for he held this Saturday alter,noon ; 1 arate heating systems Three c.ir .o’, those stron;:. .arm men that will it River jde Paik, here ; rage Excellent location. Cl* ‘n and | neat throughout. Move light ni. make up the -sta; ■■ < iew , I! any­ George T. Cantrelh, in::. Len Nussbaum $20,900 one desires to ass st. please drop | iv m - morn vs it 11 L«J« liu* l.repl.uc. lu ll tliilinji room. oyer tu the CYO ' ':i .■evening aiid Dick Rosa is l il ORIENT W AY. LV.NDHl RST WE «) I8.'.8 ' sign upf.plea.se-". All profits from Kiwanis Speaker Miolern kilclien %s it'll liriiin lihar .;«ihI ni.ok. 2 hirj.M* 'R A N K P. NISI, R eelto r (92 BouifcvaicJ Hasbrouck Heights this, vyent* will be used to 'help Leonard H. Nusbaum, trust of Ceramic Winner liedrooin-. Minlerntile l i . i f l i , Kiiollv pine Rumpus wipe out our schuol pledge. Let s AT 8-2676 ficei of the National Community j Richard Rosa was awarded sec­ Koom wit'll full ibitli iri Hi- fni-emt nt. r.om litionnl g.et beh in d th i one now and be Bank addressed the. Ruthertoid \ gin,, ordering ' those ticket: from ond. plact' m the Fifth Annual Air (»as I real. I'M. I 8 ! I I'I Itleallncation. X'kin*^ Kiwanis Club tin Tuesday, May A REAL HOME SAVINO SPECIALS!! Kdciie O’Brien immediately. Nation.-wide Hlastern Ce rami'- Makt lent to «-et* llii- lionie n«»vv Listings Wanted! If you want tn s 11 ,,t..*t us multiole 14, at a luneheon meeting hekl at Sliow held at Convention Hall in ;,PI" ’1 he nfinnnatiug • 'V-nnuttee. un the Mew China Inn Rutherford | • See this '.perfect one family list your home. Expose vjour property to the nn-atest numbc-f tier the hand <1 Past President A.-.hi11y Park May -t through '• The topic- of Mr. 'Nusbaums hiune now . It hu.s e n tra n c e hftll of buyers." A quick sale is the inevitable result. Fled Costa read off.-the proposed H’ entry in the Hand Modeling! in the talk was “Estate Planning for SOIiENSEN with bluest closet, large living, We have an all ca -h buyer who neea.s a home ^.Jat.- fo rth e 1957 58 officers 3t Class was the second bird house"! room formal dining room with immediate vicinity of Hidge Road, Lyudliurst Call us now. Mr. Joe Average" Progressive- j made by him in school This w;is | the dose of the meeting. Their screened patio adjoining and ■i ly, he outlined the varying phases the, first time Richiar'd entered i Iv!. \f (o'! \ I Vst Ki ll! selections were as follciws: pres­ fof financial foundations, obstacles science kitchen on 1st floor- ident, Anthony Natiello; vice, the contest • . Three extra large, cro:is ven­ Rentals | encountered, basic principals to • .m l \ i ;uie . I > inllinr-1. Y I Offi'-e space in a beautiful new president, Michael Carpino; sec- R'chard entered the first bud tilated bedroom s on 2nd fl:>or. i b{* heeded, disability, illness, le . c !. • nt Jcx-ation. $110 ,‘retary. Eugene Knchdqerffer; house he made m the Lyndhurst j \\ I I-- < (>-2(l2n Knotty pine recreation room Five large 'rooms and garage m gal liability, and other pertertent Bird lltVuse Contest; sponsored by J p er m onth. itreaaurer, Paul Gerrow; eorres- subjects to trusts concerning "Mr. in basement Forced air gas pondmg secretary, James Km- l.yndhur.'t Kiwanis Club on! -heat, attached garage and (JO x Joe Average.' *' April 24 and received honorable | taid; marshal, Charles Adamcj; ' The review of his interesting, 100 lan d scap ed lo t OlTc red at SALES imd assistant ‘ marshall. Ben Li m ention < program proved that trdsts are LOW SUMMER PRICES! $22,500.01). A real hom e w ith RriLDINC. PLOTS velli. AH nominations were sec­ | no logger* the exclusive .tool of excellent terms. Choice corner plot in Caristadt 50 X 100, near new Lindbergh onded, and being that no other Mi and Mrt. Robert Mitchell the very wealthy individual The met ilaiij’htei s.- Pairlena an d K ath- BUY NOW AND SAVE! School Make offer now. i.ominations were made 'from th* average estates and particularly I leer, ot Freeman street, and Mr O’CONNOR AGENCY .flour, the nominations were 1 the lower income families ec‘i RUTHERFORD- Lovely* four and h-df -room cotiagp. in one ' and Mrs. John Tita and son, Jo 600 Rdg. Rd., No Arl.. KE. 2-7000 I tainly derive , many valuable Premium Quality Coal of the best residential sections. Two‘bedrooms,-tile bath. One I sepfi, of Valiev*'Brook avenue, j benefits from the use of trust de Guaranteed Satisfaction ear gat ag . S13.900 | w ith M r an d Mrs. G erald U rcui- pai tments anti estate planners of LYNUfil’RST- Five room bungalow Two bedrooms. One car Day fered by '-many financial institu j oh and children, Eugene and 5 & 6 R O O M S M r or STOM $fl. n.N BUCK Will: \ I SI7. t o n - garage. 'Automatic heat tions. | Shai on of l>elawanna» spent Sun­ $13,500 day at Asbury Park where they |‘i: \ COM S1 ■>. ri is STOKER HICK 8I6.‘ton Two. family with 5 large Night An upsurge in the use of these WOOD-HIDGE Beautiful 4 room bumqlow 2 .bedrooms, tile i had a special family Mother’s, rooms on 1st floor. Six rooms facilities, during the last lew Kopper's Koke $26.95 bath All large modern rooms One car garage Make offer. Sunday years, have Been evidi’nced by! Day dm wr On Saturday the lo- pn 2nd floor O il h eat EaVl> thr jnany younger |»«|>lr «i»k- l'e«i «»ou*.-. utluudi-tl a butpriii- NONE 111.Hi:U AT ANY I’UICE occupancy ef both .apartments.. HASBROUCK. 11 EIGHTS—JLoy*4y-,wx loom hojne with durage TELEVISION Int: this valuable infurpialiun Iur l.irthda> i arty ter Mi- U r c u i o l i Must be sold to settle estate Finest residential section. Close public and parcxhiaj SERVICE their own benefit and use 1 m her home in Delawanna. » m w i i Offered at $1^,500.00. school.< Automatic heat. A ^ Jo see it todav O’CONNOR AGENCY LYNDHURST—Excellent six room h«>nu Lai.* [lot m con­ Best Kquipped Service venient setc’ion Automatic heat. Low taxes Ideal for'growing Laboratory in this Area MORRIS DEMEL 600 Rdg. Rd.. No. Arl KE 2 7000 BOOKKEEPING- TAXES family, insulated. This may be had bv a veteran wiHt as little I. 3 2132 IIARRISON as $1500 cash. AsJk about it now. * Call (.15 ESSEX STRI- l r REASONABLE TERMS KEarny 2-3060 O N E FAM ILY CARI STADT—OoQd two family, ten room 'home • Needs work. Part-time Bookkeeping For Small Firms Ideal-for someone who has time and is handy with tool • You Now! Bricjt front Extra larj-e. liv­ i an get ,i bargain onlv wmhi j. Louis Lempert. ing rOom with log burning For Ouirk Reliable INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE CORP. fireplace, formal dining room, lar^t* rtiod«rn kitchen with SAVINO AGENCY ‘ Service On All Makes. I.l West (ioverncur s\vfiiin', KutlierCorH, N. I reakfast nook. 3 large bed­ J'll IMDrfi: ROAD CIS. 8-3121 I YNDIIl’RST GEneva 8-5082 Industrial Waste Removal rooms and modern -Bathroom ARLINGTON Basement recreation, copper S alrsm en : Anthony l>eDonato - Frank Carbone - John Savino plumbing. 22*> volt* service, TELEVISION 2111 \\ ASI1IM, TON AY KMT, steam oil heat. Many extras. $16.500 00. Term s. •.WLWWYWW.WWWWWWWUVWtVWVW.Vb SERVICE M il I V. N. J . 728 KEARNY AVE. O’CONNOR AGENCY POLITO FOR BEST BUYS 600 Rdg. Rd . No Arl K* 2 7000 ARLINGTON VIOLA BROTHERS. INC NUKcy 2-8080 New Two-Famk'y He m o 180 WASHINGTON AVENUE. NU1.KY. N J Gibb‘s Beauties ST MICHAEL’S PARISH Well kept ont (imily home, dost Rutherford. to public and parochial schools, just ofl Ridge Road Contain? RANCH BUNGALOW living rooib. dining room, kitchen and lo»?d porch on Phone NUtley 2-7000 Age 6 Vestibule, living room *«th ftr« place, hitcher., bath, tilri i»v- first floor three bedrooms and bath on second. I^ir^e open Belter Driveways tcry, S large bedrooms. rad.ant attic Gas heat. Nice yard. 150’ de* p f «-.w copper plumbing h*#». hot water m irv eatras >n clud-ng lawn »p nhler System, low Taxes only $164 Owner anxmus to sell, a king $15,700 Asphalt Blacktop t.»«•» Exceptionally well kept * .4 000 COZY Bl'NGALOW—Ideal for a couple, with plenty of room COMPLETE LINE OF A R E A L B U Y to Rrow Seven-year-old frame bungalow . un tain# living 1’ VlfklNt. H U ' i I Hits VND CEMENT WORK Long room. kitchen breakfast ro o m . 2 me* s»« bedrooms, file room, two bedrooms, kite hen-dinette, tile bath with stall I’rnper Planning. ( ,,rrerl Kinimlatlon and All MalerlaU b»tr detached gar »g* lot 5>0 x 100 shower Expansion attic for addr.iona: rosju Lavatory and BUILDING MATERIALS T a h *s $l!9. gas good, lccation-. riu» I'flirirnl anil I raineil Men. Kesull In a PerCeet Krlve. alum num screens and stdrm sash, laundry in basement 1’car attai.h*-d garage 1 heat C yclone U t TKV TO M.VKI TIIHI KtTTER THAN THE rompietely ■ nsulated very tHan, fence around property.• awning covered j.jt,;0 . i.-t 50 x 100, n e e ■ u c i u e c c . . i :.mo ______^______u . l/CC D llJint Insulation WOOL and BOARD H IM A M I” IUI I ri!|-VT FROM THE REST tax es $,2J»i liesi sec tion G ood buy ht 1.1 T 'AMV tl.M ISr MIXERS IUR HIKE ’ | Lyndhurst T W O F A M IL Y NEW TWO FAMILY-^-Now under construction B^a-.iliful 2 SERVICE SHEET ROCK - - - ROCK LATH F and in rftom ipartmewta. •>! • Won’t you come up and see NUtley 2-8977-8842 steam hr>t 3 car. garage n»jr a-l family home. Ideal location, best residential section Five conveniences, good cond-iidn loa rooin> and Uie bath on Hot floor'F.mf. idoiwi- aadJLjje bath the nice now home of Ditty la m . »i*.000 Dee9 See our Ditty Dees at on M-cjond H ot w ater h e a t, a tta c h ed t‘iir;n i hard**bod‘-floors. VIOLA CONTRACTING CO. LYNDHURST ’ family hc-usa f -raS-. !»,i lilt-in oven * work, day or night they never f« co r * rooms an< ;iun porch Second ■ floor ! r.itvi i t i t «a-a<’'- r 0r»»*'>, 1 f e a tu rt s Buy now at $26,900 shirk to do the very best for *nt to all buses One block .from you, so come and see what Route I I'I S «tn Averiui » .» CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TQ INSPECT they can do. Flintcoke Asphalt Roof Shingles We Have Many M off u »t noa Louis Viola Co. In The South Bergen A rm * . P l u s Addressing • Miiueo - New Rant h *» t Levels In Dumont Joseph R. Polito Agency, Inc. Agriculture Lime-Driveway Stone ih \shim , n»\ a \ i m t, si ntv ' j Offaet - Direct MaiJ GIBB S AGENCY 304 RIDGE ROAD tV SD H lR ST N. J Auto - Typing Imitation Tile Board / Hard and Soft Coal Cinders 1 RIDGE RD LYNDHURST Gfcne^a 8-816 4 2S2 BELLEVILLE PIKE WEbster Open Week Dav* 9A M t-~ 9 P M K E A R N Y Ogon Oalfy. I» M . Istw r^v A tua Weekends Until 5 p m. > NU. 2 80801 KEarny 2 9080 VWVVVVWSVVWWVWSVVWAWNVAWAVWW T H l RSnV Y . M \Y 16. 10',- COMMFRCIU IFVPFI? A SOtTTt lURI’.FN RFV1FT p\*;r FirTFFN R F^ ^ S ELL-B U Y ■ TRADE • HIRE • SE^VITP LOSTand FOUND • SERVICE • T T HELP W ANTED ♦ EM PLOYM E!

    \%%W.V.V.W\V.%W.-.W AVW W MVVW MW W VV j vVVWVVWMMNVVVVWUMSViVkWAVWVMVVVAW, Auto Glass Insurance ACTOMOTn i JI NK Ilf Al IN ' o%ti » i m.Acm J. *I**CMUHU ,W .V.V.W \m V.W .V.V.' A-AVWA\WAWVWA\W *1 “** wa-iliWf **•.. ««n- it k ■ »* v i , . . ia . WEbiler 9.91 *3 s *■ n ■<* c % >»■«» : ■ a* • c *.-*»« • * • GEO. ZIMMERMANN » '*»-* S»t* .’>«%•’« «*»1 • v> a tu © » * a » *.* *%#e Bergen County G lass THREE PAPERS «»'• Ca’u 'IMI I Ml* * '• At*, * *»$•• O* INSl'RANCF. W« * * « AU TO SAr ETY GLASS INSIALLED t o n M i l • ' I t FURNITURE TOPS in all its phases (•lass lo r livery Purpose I n n l\|» » tn M» t36 Rivernde Aw*. Lyndhurst N i). REAI. ESTATE !**.' i »***•.. - •.*. »«*% T i m b e r of Muttigi* i m m t ONE PRICE 70 Ye*r» of Dependable &e>v>C« Mii HKKtouck St Carlstadt. N J Our Cl unified!*. tIi<* nx>M *i«i«ly rein) nt South £ C a r p e n t e r s Has : WEbster 0- It A t O N A t l t >»■ **• I I V^J^.W AV.V.V.V.’.V/.W NiKht: CiEneva I 2itf!) « Btrjten. appear in I he I oHitnen iul I.« a«ler. l lie North ^ » »»M" ♦ •» *«'«**< ■ MOUt Arlington leader ton I Ihe I «#Jer l rw whieh j * t *' *«» k .%v.w.v%w%w.www A . TURIELLO & SON w k »rr lH.iiphl l.i o*rr T.fKHI I.ul y m S *• XwSl V*8lf3S!S&>'"** J', ' VW'.' .? V " “T CARPENTERS * BI II.IIERS Junk D ealers |i.iy only nnr |inrr. ^ „ '* * S 't H . . . . . £ , ; • ’ ' 61 *, «t «l Repairs ami Alterations v w w w v Ma v w w a n v Dormers and Oarages Custom limit Homes. MILTON Al PART Four Lines, 1 W eek $1.00 ■: H M Al H I SAt.KS On Your Property Healer in I ! M sr- &f AHN \ N ROOKING AMI slUINIi ' Strap Iron Me•««* OMft t • - H GEney* 8*366$ o»*i«r*wg • v . - (V I | A . . I . » 1 »' *•* *■»* »'•* ««•»»► *V« *.._*•*#a- t «V.WAWWAS%WWWV I HI M M S> S« IIOOI >e«" *'»•>: »-* f*AP#im> A\WV.%V.WAWAVAW ; A LEADER CLASSIFIED § ■ • Landscaping N !■■ r . r .«| .« • • • #.-■ 4 , i B . % k ' v ' N P « v d | * • . J i • *S »** ««'■•■ »t •» I «» • »*»» eo-4 •» fc,- * i .W AW MW AW .W W W , 2» - i '-t. f *’ S ■»< • iu-hi «.n«> Kt * tiki A*H' Vt I'tRI iN»( MAN I Wishing Well Ccramic I Lawn Maintenance IS A PRODUCER! %5 .>■ I. . « M.nk i Studio | Vv w v v w w s %v w w v .v a %s *a v .,.v .v .v.vw vw s\ • Lanscap ing 1*1 slM HPK\ It » ASVW .VW bNW AVNSV.V.V W .V .,.V%NV.WAV.*.V.V.%% Hiirton Hn Painting and SLIPCOVERS III I JI72 .VAVSWA%N%%%%%\SS\%W ,m w /,v.vA v.% w w .v; D e c o r a t i n g ,v.% wyswwyvAww.w T>. a.i.1 iv.on* < h.’u m l yo«r hoiiie I . . . . » .«f f*f ♦-<* , try un ( .' SJ.|»»m,s , i |)i a {**’«. and , • <» .’w» »• » I Chiropractors tL u a u u n n u d i r y , M«««> iSMi I kl I , - 4 i *•'* -t-* v .s s w .\\ v M w .s v a v a % W . L E V E S E N : R» .1 Sj-:< .i ts- .» ..tf S h • eft* r.N k mA i '-Mi**, w*#>.• ik I »• I • ’ “*•« • •• * *** WWWVAWWVyWUNVW C.'V.TS, . : >1 : -I ou V . ..« Sal. . in’ » mow I'AOai iNa PAPIH MANUlNO 6 Men* *)?«*«•».•».* •?>*»• ■ ***•'*' •• WE PICK I P St l)ELr\TF.R Fainter & Decorator : e ,.#* r..e*i » »»•«»... *<•. H. S. W atter, D.C. $t,»,00 I -.t CU5 tarns 'ii Winitovj W \ I.Mill h i V lU.f. M .. I.IABII 1NSI RAM I j prOhlcnih . , ii; A N M i . . 1 *•' ^ *■ TI’tSDAYS & Till RSHAVS TY IUDGk. I Ik*/ |“»«*C« ‘ iiiroprarlor » * I ... M *»• Hi-Ill A M .'.'.O **»«W» ; KE. 2-0089 KE. 3-1938 KVRKK ri N1FK • ‘iAP.r * N »*v 0<% r C all J G-' rtf. lo « . >>»,»« .SO H ' INCt P**» ».t* NAN Of ARI INUION , 118 Ridue Kd. No Arlington Kt i I - • ’ . tf Av* (|i| ai • «»» <* ; AWWJWWWWAWftWiV M H T Ai lington Professional Bid*. Kl’i. 2-HIH I .mv.\wvw.wAwww ViV'k< . * 1 . r v iii owAin AW .V.\S%W y%W.V.W W j R efrigerator (»►* 4 »*■ « »>«*<»• | ,svywivywvy%wwsvw .v T r u c k s - " t Gfc • % Hi ' O ■' .1^--*' D i i v e w a y s S e r v i c e W .V.S*A\VbSV.V.SW W ...... *a w»r*M« «|« t» M o v i n g ANC\ Nf VS HOOH'NO t.,.,.* . » I • '* f»» III** lt! * ...... /WWVWVAV/.W.V.WV ■ AW W VW . W W A V A W lhstir *» 7 7‘HI A'mi *.. . ■ o ' • ■■ I * I • • I ** «u »«nte««. U li.M 'M 1*1 «* !•'.•. I I > •' ♦ »*« »?*» ON Al l MAKKS rr HU ."W I - 2 » * 1 * ■ ••• t| t » 1 i;AHKII I I HHOIIIKKS ■ FRANK S GARAGE T. J. N aulty t;i.N I|{\| MOIORS TKI I K> s v\x s — io o i.s KEAPNY SAI I s AND Sl3tV.lt I IXVIN MOllRH MOVING V4NS 2f>8 Park \v.-mi.- ( u t T o w m a i i n i m . 2til Ridge Koad PrecUlon Sharpeoed and Ul.lltflMl)il*ll » *>>» 1 >•'»: Im I -#» •( Repaired tin* L>i»dli«nt.' N J M i|ii* Fvit.ii.. . H—>a a H *«><•««<•* Rtill)t‘rfor<|. V J. DU'-MDMOIO m » i.inic r ••W^VWWWAWAW .V.VAVNW.W.VAW.VW/ It,,.* M>(> *• W h..>•••** »'r« r* f n.««e n**« l fn*Hw'(l U. K>ar.%4 tv »irk i* N«.t-e» Electricians W I lisler ‘>-6^22 T. V. Service tt«ft«ve • .nr* I * >» * er I • •« v. .A v.w v.\w .v.m v i VWWVWWVW%W.'.%VA% WAS%%\S%W%VAV.WA%% III I I' tt ANTIII V RReligious e l i g i A rticles JOHNS NO’ i l »« . JO« art#*11 \ \l < i pMBO I ’ ♦»*' 1 *f »•' t«lr»«l Kre«* I->litri.(li> * l l.il H.-iles WVWAVVVWftWMVW. «»*» I I I ( TRIC IAN Radio - TV Service Krsidenti i.i Industrial U iring , K E 2 8 4 7 9 The M iracle Shop : 12R Ailiri^tpn Blvd. *'• L Modi-rn Methods 1>> i . i H 'U :'n Dom Rosa North At lington, N .J T’roft'.s.sional Movers Kelijeiolif \rlirlr» A l.ift- J o hn Bo v \Nno KEarny % 557!) * Full Lrnr nr Single Piere 114 R iD ot RD LYNDHURST io*» * haNe A sen r f v n d h o r .l M oving . • H i : . 3 (Ml i n \l|r » ilmitl »» Hort't Mian Thai l a t e . U u H I M V W « t kJ> l»«|*' |o L.tls*- .m il W W W W W M W /AW W .' S,M,U I . ''.r.'V^lr^n,e —Sfn Te A re,it t« 11o h « i nt i r R o o f i n g KOOM | t N|.»|t n s f s # I n w I S l| K A i l S MUMMVMW.4WVW I *l!l 1 ' RIl’XIMs House-Power Tillies li*»|id 'Pr.ee 'A l l FOR A I'R1.1 TITE BUTT ROOFING .III HI Rt.l N I \| |, I SUM M l ON \ MW M i l l II % *! IM . I ON \ m i ^ w i k k and SID IN G CO. i*m. >.*i4«ai K I .11 IIS l i .V i Z M iro's Lakeside t • .1 Mliving And Truekinie S | |{ \ !( I TO DA ^ S|»eri.tiit i l i n g in AVAWAWAV.'.WW OMOMNf. I f l M W ; •< H U DKW AK Alninintiin Sitlm g T y p e w r i t e r a Nn f e.i fc v! ^ Tel. WM.I. r tlVtf ta*«t*m--*k, w*r GE 3 4505 * NOEL o m v c . N n r I fc A n m ^ jl nr» • III Ridge Road ESHM A r CHStfUULL / QIV»N I S e r v i c e I sndhorst. N J VWWiW^V.VA W A,A,.‘.‘ ft. C hasarsson I all Kl ain> ‘J I I »'* n n t u i < i a s n VW/.WAVAWAWAWA WARING W I L D W O O D s|u>vesant Av . I tuilhur^ M usic instructions BY THE St A AWAVWWVWMWMW ar.i % *.ri U niiir l inns Artn I i nm are r> «* p»- Diamond 2 S34I DEE OF KEARNY j WIRINt. . RI PAIIllNt. j l.».fnn9 e^.RADIO »"d. 'l i l t Krnnnlclina > %iri ot %•» v t %i.i%4 * i DESIRABLE POSITION MAINTENANt I to* l> p e M t Mer* AddlnC M - i M n f * •UN* lie Hit* nil* k i !W I , Pmmpt. Reliable Servire V a ith in Mi M l |M I« \ I-Ml N I Mupll;«»* I ti / II I I r M t N T M i I IHtil Reasonable Rates 3 YEARS TO PAY - A l l M a r t S , „ A I ..I • , ' ». «•#.«« * f lit G ood opportunities for beqtnnen All U urk I .tjjr.iiilr. il n — . . . . r »e a# *. I *• * • * » I .» « * M | «* » GEneva 8-7241 A.f|*> t'tisirii til '*«»/• < « r * r r .».•« *•*».. • » * • «■** |»m >«lt*ei\ i*« .■ * !»•# •. .M»» «. 1-. . 4 • «■»—» II, •»«., » R riiinl - Hefiairt .1 a t . m a . i .. ■■■ » • and advanced personnel.. Please Z4 l lm ir A n s M e rin e S e r v iie H i l l E-STiMATF.S Iw* iM tU ^a At* • • r - a ; ■ -.f z;.:. R i m ,i : r o a d I tad* W Heie S% TIS| %< TI«*N t ru t a-.Hi.j£ ' * 1 '4»*| *♦«•*»*»> <•> •»! *»•*«* O 'W I.VNDHl RST, s J (.II IS til AKANTKEli reply to Leader B oi 13S, giving ex­ . IMtoiif- \X Kinkier ‘M I6II W E. 9-5523 W . , W A V * W J V . V A ‘. V A V or Wn,*irr perience, if any, and salary de* A dequate W iring W ashing M achine MWAWAVWAW.V.f.-A* John Calabrese a i i o m o i . i « iitu ,***!1 • Have Ihr nrt. I no Amp. ? !• Volt Q j | B u m e T S S e r v i c e s i r e d . Me« irlc Nervlee liwtalied By m r T H.h if k vvw m w wwwtfW M ' *"■ • • * VAWWVWWVWWW HHINC.I I R4MIIM •VtI.; K nl|*l .» I ■ — And It You Own A North Jersey I’bonr KKarnv 2-Vi27 j Hrrw-M 41« Electrical Contractors f'OPGE HOTPOINT * • ' i •«'.! ! f (•eneral Sheet Metal Vtmk * 14 C GEneva 8-8142 W eltx Fuel Oil or WHIRLPOOL BUICK WANTS YOU!! LYVIIH I KST, V J K E 2 0 3 7 6 W.j'.fier a^d Npe'i ..w .. STENOGRA PHFP oil in im .io • f i F t t i n Free Estimates FAST, ECONOMICAL *. r m i i i m to • * 1 MUi.SII'SIl . I *' ...MM I III I V\f> Complete Automatic Oil ___ M l.HT OR IIAY____ » r r * t te m { III M'fr .11)11 A|t4IVvt4>> \ U t t — , ----- Heating InsUllatm m — - SERV4Cf "* ’ ~ ” I lb««il r.w.-»»»«» |Ua «• * t» S—I r ■ 4 H "'ill A *.W /A V HhampMed tn Our Own riant t ut «if IU* minibff *n Mil r » IM I I I M*.l I Hr** It ftejf *«tii mwhltt* • (»l«llt I lt« . Ill'll . . CARPET ,.»■ . . .1 ■ * »^ . « . « ™ . . . . + - j PAINTING fit **f»rei*J S e rtirr lo r t MH» >* M» * k ’ •• • ."fca.“ ♦*-. : ■■.**. ‘ • . m H m i i n i ' i i -k i LINOLEUM K»rrif K tii R 'X W «*rt tM. • *l«at>;( |. » t IE • • *- E. Denxin Rrpnirtng Par king. Storage DRIVE ' , «lt t !>«M » « I . 4 ««*!«•* .*• W A L L C O V E R INC* * . t * * ^ V-A BERGEN AUTO * ' »gi R>4X»I* * T i l e s lntrrtr*r f'mntiris II S HOI 11 M K Itll.lt I WITH U Kir AS I W( • Slli > • lli\M ,i IN ; IMI M • -n'- N J I.YMlilt R'T HIHIH /'r?;** r mg nnA Mural* ■C leaning Kur* l»r ’■ T«wr« < i n l « M ) ( OM IIIX. • k l.rm 245T"*| CARE ■o ftooot ** R t>o« no fn««red frwm PWhnp t* Hrliter p a g e -s ix t e e n COMMERCIAL LEADER A SO U tll BERGEN REVIEW T ill BSDAY. M XX 16. I'C.T 13TH BIRTHDAY Donna Lee Summers, of Lynd­ Willette Santa celebrated he: hurst, Mr and Mrs. Harpld Sun - 13th birthday on Saturday. May intia of Roselle, Mi:.' ^r>d M» ^ Commercial leader WELCOME HOME, ISAAK WALTON' j 14. On Friday she had «a party, ! Donald Summers of North Caki AND THE SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW i Guests attending xvere , Phylis well, and John Hallen, of Tap-' 1921 » Mariano, Judy Givaii, Bebe Ca pan, New York. . . Established ! puto, Carol Fuchs, Pamela Thorn. Official Newspaper of The Township' of Lvndhurst T H * r Y WHAT SO U HAvrs T o £ M o w r o a . , ‘ John Sonta, Eddie Cbudzinski. O v er 50 boys of C ub Puck 8'?, ," s& o% ?!/'.& If I Carol Gintilli, Frank Matuia. Al Sacred Heart Church, went to tlie Published every Thursday by Tlie t!ommerci»d l.eader Printing Company Tec? G isszyj.fjwik» V ltL L ,-— AFTER SPCWOMff ■ M H TU hl DOLLARS Am’ H INCTy C*NTf j an Schroder, Bobbie Moores. Vic- .Bronx Zoo for the day o.n Tues at 2.i 1 Rid^e Hoad, I.vndhurst, N. J. Telephone CEneva 8-8700-8701 A ?2P,*«' TwtLvt juj' a half fob * R eel , am> j tor Paternostro, Edward Straeb, day, by chartered buttes. They ttvtM tiiM s*v*wTv Five For FiSHWtf B oars, AwHkH*-™**/ ! and Earl Hanley. were accompanied by tthe Rev. E d i to r John Saving tttHTV FWS FOR A TACKU. g OK, Am’ FWB StHTY F N * FOR. A j Edward Majduk and their den Husihrss )tfrr. IlnNESi J. DarinetT Advertising i\1gr. SAMUEL C. PlERSON Miss Marilyn Gilmore, daught­ mothers, Mrs Albeit Patterson, \ CMAMglS %MlRT, Am* S o l a n ’A QuARTtS FOR PR y CL]£S A n ’ er of Mr. and Mis. Alfred C. Gil­ Mrs George teraffam, Mrs. Wil­ Entered a* second ela.-- matter April 7. I‘>.‘58 al the Post Office of Rutherford, N. J., 3 T *out Plies, ah’ fn r fifty fob. t«iat b o ttle o ^ RED eye'* more, 209 Post avenue, has re­ liam Santo, Mrs. Sidney Jensen. under ilie Act <>f M arch 3, 1879 r TWAt You an* HtNBY-wnA-ri-M,s-nAM£. C u z ilid — seems lb Me | turned from a three weeks va 1 Mrs. Alfred Intindola, Mrs. Ray­ I NUT TIMfc -tou VCARU FOR RSH , Vou’O IIT T U S o TO TUB. cation trip to Hawaii, making mond Puleo, Mrs. Andrew Guir most of the trip by plane. She land,and Mrs. John ColisuFdo. Subscription $2..">0 Per Year Seven Cents Per Copy ''•u^rM arket An',lvr sowG FROZ&J FIH T5 OF FtOUMPE«.l was accompanied by Miss Claire I \ ndhur-t Y I . M . n 16. I T . ■ m i l Engle of Short Hills. .

    I he motoring public Mcenis to be the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sum j RELATIVES IN On The Waterfront E § ! mers, of Kearny street, eelebrat f ALLENTOWN? sucker in the whole deal. They pay higher South Beriren elhci.d*- will Im- guest* oil i ed their 11th wedding annivers Vimi them by phone. A l a v e - f o r g a s o lin e , m u s t p a y to lls to .. Of- «•«»iir-*- il .»!-«* i l l u - i i a I.e. llo* Welcome home, Alvin K . and Mr-. r o le t h e I * \ i- p lax u t* ; u i ili* lil« -I l!i* p o r l Italpli. I lie couple, lonj^-tinn*, popular res­ and -the li\e* of all of u-. idents of South Uerj'eii, moved to Florida The tourists will -*•' I In- entrance.- <>l 111«* gs.vi | C, A X a couple of years ago. Now they are living new third lithe al I rneoln I unm l. the P \ in l.yndhurst. piers in Hoboken. ihr I* \ pier- hi Rrorklyn and the P \ dcxclcpm* nt ii’i Port Newark.. I hey found Florida everything they ex­ to modernize your bathroom In all. il will I" an i mprc>v i v e picture. pected. A wonderful state with soim* mighty • pieer law-. Ilepuhlieaus. they found them- iw te fse?'- the AMERiCAN-c^taodawI way I tin Max ih. third It.li.--will Im n p e n .-d . • ‘elves registered as Dduoerats. Hut the na- ; 11 will * •nliilmJ* un. nii'ii I .re i li.i \ Ini I h • • Tell us. Lion Bob Knapp, any To nighj fs th* nij.;.h*- A* Lynd 11w finest use ol .ill ol II-. live- were frieinllx. llie w eather j list - woii- ne on the road down from tht? and , get betimd Lion Cheney.» | for as little at cuuntry today to keep you away h u rst Rec reatio n th e ‘C h allen g e j money can buyl None of llo -*' Ihi!*; ~ will tin* ‘P \ allow; d e r l n l . a month trom lunch? Or were you and Bowling Mutch between the j Many ilylet S8.49 lo he forgot teu a- il *pced- I he. 11< ■ Jour- W hat I hey missed were their neighbor'1 ! ^ ^ R o a rj Iaon Fl.lmer o ut to g eth er? blrndfolded Lions members and plus installation I ist* on their wax, ami friends and tin ir children and grand- Hey fellas, w e alj ow e Barn#-> *.he Biiftd B'uwlerf; -of*'the- Light ta choose from Fusaro a real vote of thanks for i hihlreii • brigade cornes off tonight to the very g(K)d w ork he did in close the seu>on The re- will be i Com* In or coll for FREE •stlmalol So tin y are back, two of the earth's finest winning the $50 a. Plate Dinnei a m arv ello u s. fna»/ h by si>me real No New Taxes By C‘»nrad Biej;e.r tf fsons.. a welcome* par! of any coim nunily. md raffling the Mercury and tin lop notch bowlers preceding the The Republicans and thf- Democrat- are Iaon President Ralph Wei Television set. For the benefit of big contest All [ rc'jceeds will be I had to beat the bell to get th. lined up aide- by side in opposition lo in­ I In- Ralph story, of course, gives all of inyone who thought he was used to cover Bowling: Expenses I “LET GEORGE DO IT” boys to the meeting, ,it xvas-s«>.; . barging too much, let me sav of the Light Brigade for next1 11s pause. There are many who dream in LF.ORLK F! WOKRT/ & SdN* f come and sales taxes. hot, the ice cold sassaparillu «>V. that there were ,enough people year. This is a real moral .booster j llieir heart of hearts that tlu'y want, at some Tlie leaders of nei|her partv feel lhat lhe Mein Host Joe seemed to be< k ; interested in the good work done for these -unfortunate people, so 420 KINGSLAND AN KM P.. LYNDIU RS I N J. better,,but Lion Ralph is a ^ i solution to llo - - lax problem lies in opposi­ stage of llieir lives, to retire to'som e oh- by the Lions for Blind, that ou: get out'and visit this match, ohly -(lire place where they can dawdle and sjstent cuss and he won out. general.fund for Blind charitable cbsts you a quarter, dig it up and tion to wale* and incr-uic la\e<. Ii 111 llicx Does our soloist Lion Harr work was increased by over help. •. WEbster 9-1593 know 11 toy are on an unpopular side of tin- dream over, llieir lives.- where they can es­ (The flying pants piesser) Fein $1000.00. Good Boy Baint v. Everybody <*ut (<> this meeting cape tin- pressures which become so eon- man know when there is n- Lion Conventionaire Hurry today, election Of officers, it is f|iiestion it llu 5 advocate new lax* . oirthday to be celebrated? Thf. . -taut lhe longer we Iiv« . Hanson no longer kicks about important that you back your of New Jersey p t- 1>x each xear- hecati*< '* are the, only meetings he ini'- <•• visitors picking loidy Luck since ficers, pick the ones who are will­ dee- mil spread around lo rnonicipalitic'* a*> There is an inclination to sneer al the and we miss hlv Darling v < 4 visitor pulled his name out oj ing to gixe generously of their p n p p White Walls are growing old" solo, after th> the box. We always' told you tim e tc. fu itlie i L i'inism No a b ­ much aid as do ollnr -1 a I« -. O ur eo|ilriliu- xxarmth and depth of old associations. The H appy B irth d a y Song by tin Harry, visitors are honest, they se n t'* - K • it Al Jucc^bs Will be 1 l ' - L L Rain Check tioiis to school-. Ii i-pilaI and -im ilar insl-i- fading shingle on a neighbor's h/msr sceim gang. huye to be, they're outnumbered, lutioiis are much smaller ih in llo- -axerap . insignificant. Lin- warm greeting of llie bar­ ’j'h e fam ily influence, ah H.at Lion hector Cassella's Goo.l the thui^. it seems Lion H... . Crusade is going alon^ swell. New I. r « x p i- le ,1-m Im cause ,1 -i- bel when vou pass his shop seems uiiim- F'u’sat'o, suffers from this, exery I Buttons have been passed out on portam . I In- nods you .exchange as you w alk CAR WASH p h o n s 11IT fund- from llie nii.lor vehich1 night he must- look at Mickey j visits to Hackensack, Kearny BACK AND NERVE ’ taxes. 1| is estimatiNl ale.ut. S'iO.OOti.OOO is . jo n g th e f a m i l i a r slr«*«‘t.s s e e m s a u to m a ti c . Mouse, and the Mmiseketteers Chinatown. Closter, Miami Beach MONDAY Song has preyed on h mpid > I and Naples Italy Lions Cl\ibs anil AILMENTS TREATED diverted .from hifjhxxax lum l-'exerv xear«. Rut these suddenly fall into Iln«ir true such a n e x te n t that h. ..M-.te a I they all promised to visit other 9 9 c tliru W e d o n 't t h i n k I In'- p i c t u r e i a> d a r k a> per-pedive when the shingles next door are Song (?) to’be Sung at ".ii ‘iieak- | Lions Clubs to pass oij th e good T ill KSDAY mg up of, the meetm. jiid be- j Dr. L. Ackerman il is painted. ’Sure we dixcrl In^hxxax fund-. on tin house ol a stranger; when the barber will button and log. neve rije if it wasn’t . i n-uk i H ey Boys, N. J M ultiple Dis­ < hiropractic Physician Hut that is oiilx bccauve of the era/.x linam I- a stranger; when the folks you pass on ing up tinK- for the hik Imi^ a n y ’ ; tricts of. Lions International'. Fri. $].25; Sat., Sun. & Hoi. $1.50 i 11^ sy-tem xxe h.ax'c in !Ncx\-; Jer-ev. the street are stranger*. way the whole townrw> iitl hreak i Convention will be held at th.- 214 R ID G E KOAI) up. Keep trying Baifi. • Haddon Hall, Atlantic City on Kl’TIIKRFORn, N. J. Kasl Hutlierferd. Kulln-rloid and l .iid- I In-i e is a wonder ami a joy about liv ing RAIN TODAY — UK WASH FREE TOMORROW Is it true Joe Pierro. fiat .Andy J u n e 7, b and IM.h be dow n. •At the "former location of the hurst must p diec lloi te V |lu we- p'-l a i:> a -mall conmmiiiiy that cannot Im* e s ti m ­ Aamut has a message aintt d o;i Chairman Ht* tor Cassella say .- late I >r ( i lai penny back from iln -tale lo In-Ip |*.i\ our ated in tin- lax hill. I here is a community the screen of the tel. vision set biy p a rlo r in H uddon H all l«u ■ NUTLEY Automatic CAR WASH you won that Laons iM-*-tin>‘. ar-- By A|ipointrnent OnU ■COpH? W e il I u p l I- t h e p d ie iu u o t f lo i ll e Hospitality rooln has been ol spir-it lhat can be found nowhere else. every Thursday? It must be, you acquired, you don't have to be a P h o n e : 4, l .m -v a 8 - 2 4 0 4 130 Washington Ave. NU.., 2-9626 Nutley 3 a highway problem. Ii eertainU i We of the small communities, who hav» have been there txvu . - .u . win delegate , or alternate to come •N ol lollji'*a.(SO 1 fOX e r u o r M e x 'n e r S p o k e b e ­ been fortunate enough, to grow up and re­ ning, »omeVhing tmet n nuncl yyu. down and have fun Our Boys K eep u p y o u r attendan « Jo«-. are rooting for Lion Cheney >»t fore lhe \exx York Stall I hainber of ( :»in- main within, their confines, have received even if the set goes ..irthe blink the PaSsaic Lions for Di. lakcu Irom hi{'hwax lated in dollars and cents. o rr u ccA6(/c ^ S H i r n funds for various stale juscs. And it might not he auiisn to point out Well, some ol llial ' million »oe- hark .1 this lime that llie weekly newspaper, the .. to school districj- iu lh»- form ol increased ines-eiiger which conics to.you week after rlate school aid. l-n-t that ri-jthl f , x.eek. with news that the big dailies over­ t n a s n i If niunicipalilie- inn .-I us»- iln ir locallx look and pass by is an integral part of the paid police deparlm ciil- lo polic«i stale hitil»-‘ community spirit. See Our Specials ways whx slum Id ii I lhe -lale be forced lo I In-re was a time when il was fell the ■ • O N pay Milne of lhe « »-t / weekly -had breathed its last. art* ‘lioxxin^ In r* I;.• w the '•late iirftt* lodax lhe feeling is the Weekly is likely • Gloves a IK does pax nniuicjpalilie- back l<>r tin- lo survive where other nwdia fail. The- Work the towns must do nu lhe hifihwyx*. wceklx is lhe homl between lhe peoples of ® Hats Nobodx .seem- t : rcco*;ni/e that fact. ^ »-l il lhe communitx : il is the everlasting spirit. ♦ Bats is a* Irue a- true. I In- warmth dial llie arrival of a weekly To sav. Iiolh'parii»-s are against iie-w laxe- pi oxides, is the warmth of a neighbor's ® Shoes i- tiutrue. Il iil, puli- are responsible !«>r peeling, lhat is whx the Ralphs are glad and VcceHMirien new taxes nearly cxcrx xear. Higher cm- to Im back in I vndhurst and South Bergen. a retie ami ^.o.nlme tax* are Nl. \V I \ VI'S \m l hv golly, we're glad to havC'thein • wlielher the politiiife- nlmil it or not. hack again! ^ when you lell hrr you’ve opened an iusured Mrs Phillip Cnpf- ad n 1: of 551 Mr am)i Mrs. Johi> B. S<\rr.\l> ; F ra te rn ity C h ap ter No 129. O r I d s, Second uvcnut la; 1 week saw of Rldg e road, are the porents ol <1er of the Eastern Sttir, at Adon avings account at Boiling Springs Saving. & \ 7/ Johnson Mi. and Mis Hany Schryyci o.t a daug ht. t. Donna Mane, born ii am Temple, in Second avenue, Deerftt*ld, Ma - ..11 by plane for «.n Mai; 3 ut S-t Hurnabas llm tomorrow evening the Tie Tie Loan! Outboard Europe, where 1 h ry ,'.‘ill x 1 s 11 hei .Ipital, fNewark They -have two Company will give a demonstra­ son, Lt Nu.ru4<-> Cat > pad (in a aukI I o th er 1I.Michtei Kai en a»u| .1-. Motors their: daughter. Mr Cappadonu ; anne tion, uf novel gift wrapping and She II In* pleased ami mi will you knowing your and then infant ■ c Philip.. Cap i tymg. Mis Doris Nixon is wor­ raining* *re earning |,igt, dividend* ium! are imured padonu, at D reux i i .Jly, e DUE. j A ftei tin- business' meeting of thy matron. I npainted mg their month in ' - u p |o $ I lUNHi Scnryvers will al- i visit Ger many, Switzerlinid and llcdl.ind PRAM 69° P H H I M t *